.....t.IO KiliTlllEII ErJ-i'dtic VVc!:om8 Given r.i!:!;?i l!aii and Col. JcMi D. Lansstbn rremoat, Oct 7. Tw atortalaing and Interesting Demotratia tpeeehti wf mad la Freatoat bH sight ky J. W. Baiity, of. Kaleigfcf aaJ OoL John IX Laft f Geld bora. Mr. Bailey motored lii It Fremont from Gold bars, wher. Tuesday e delivered aa addrtM at ti WayM Mast? fait ana wma girea a tr.aaoad.iM .ratio by aaadreds ia atteadaae. at tha Wayae treat i , . Tha aodieae that greeted the two paakera la Tra Bieat was differ. froai aadieaeet at pui eampaigns, then be ing about M asaay woraea preaent at tea aad tea wosae la thia seek, ef the woods in taaiag tT lively latetaat ia politic and tat. Orgaaizsd a ea.mpa.4-11 eommitte. to aea that arery womaa ia tha to a baa registered befose tha book, eloee. . During taa eearae af a la remarks lit. Bailey atated that sorae an bad itartad a raraot to the effect that he was at oata with th Democrat!, party aad wu leaning toward tha Republi eaat wbicb tha tpeaker brassed M ab solutely false, declaring that he waa going to do all ia nla power to kelp well tha Demoeratio Majority ia the November eleetioa. After the ipeaklng aumbw'of weaves declared they bad aot flvaa much thought to registering but after hearing Democracy discussed ia meh masterly term they felt it -waa their olcaia duty to enter late, tha eampaiga witk a Ti aad aetermlnatioa aad te Una mj ovary arailabla wemaa Tatar into tba fray. Carolina Women Hold Confer ence On Citizenship - - Caatlaad From Fag Oaa.) Ceaa, Greensboro, treasurer) MUl Clark Cox, High Point, ehairnua of Ansae. Ifouoit Cii Is The continued rains throughout the South are producing a great deal of Chills and Malaria Malaria often lies dormant in the system for some time before it develops into Chills. . : Take ' TogHqUqdg '(SMUII TmnBo . . ' -' . to destroy the malarial germs in the blood and thus prevent Chills. Price 75c. if ... eoutmittee; J.I.a Kelt Battle. Lewis, Raleigh eh.:rasa of publicity) Mr Palmer Jerasaa, eUirniaa leg illation ; Miae Nellie Bobersoa, Claoel Hill, ebairmsa of eduratioa. No Third Party HerratM ' The featnra af tha .veiling aeesiofl WW the address of Mrs, Mand Wood Park, of Boston, who during tha time that the 10th Amendment waa before Cougre. waa ia (harga of auffrs.'f headquarter, ia Washington, aad who ia aow chairman of tha National League f Womea Voters. .., - Chnning aad eloquent, Mrs. Park arged tha wemea who crowded tha fcaU to hear her, to joia tha political party ef their enolee, aad aatisfaetorily stilled whatever doabta may hare been lurk ing kera and that as to tba eventual 4--tUpmk cl tiia Leagu. of . u.ca Voters iuto a aeparata womaa'i party ' J mi'j ana empnaticaiiy aenying any - J am 1VI aaid bin. Park, alluding to the ratifle tura of tha suffrage amendment, "Uw other ia bma. asa t a a m t make tha most of uaaleaa aa roters m - too aerrieo of tba aatlna. Center' The Business"of this- Store' - . Service "Features: Telegraph Office, TvoCafet, Reat Roomg, Parcels Checked, Personal Service Bureau, Etc. X is Service! y I X)DAV. th prrijfrmlvt boua f busJneea knowi that I its $ucce is wrapped up b the prog-retd and clfart of tie community it serve. For Busineai is Service. And success means to rr, just as much as it does to ff. . Efficient merchandising, therefore,' is no less a matter of ideals than of ideas. , v, A store of high character, that expresses refinement and beauty both in its artistic structure and Its wares, k a seed that sows a greater appreciation of the beautiful. The use of higher gradj of goods, whether of wearing apparel or articles for one's home, is not only justified by its material reward, but it reflects certain personal Ideals which,1 likt good books, good schools, fine roads and beautiful home ar ait influence toward dvic pride and culture. ' ;' : Te tisit Richmond, and this store, la to really know the big way in which our ideals arc being developedr . Reduced to their simplest terms, however, they, consist of .nothing more not less than .... 1,. .j -. - , . To Render a delightfully eQclent service; To Offer only dependable merchandise; To Maintain right prices. , ' ' ' J '2 The Shoppint Center" ' 1 , Richmond, Va. ft PASTES and LIQUIDS for Black,Whltl5on,0x Blood and Dark Brown Slwes HK fr.P.Oi.kSIV eoWWOQlATIONS LTD., BturFALO, H.V. - f ' : 5 4 Every Garment in Our Stock -Now Offered- At a DisGotmit of 2M "All The New ArrivaU" Are Included In Thii Remarkable Sale SALE NOW GOING ON IN EACH Of Our "Three Conrenient ShoptRaleigh, Goldaboro and Wilmintjfon ". af f v--v 1 Corset Department CiLia . sfas Soaai stovad to ... CORSETS loaa4 1W. .j Caaakk Wemaa la . . . . , akW $4.00, $4X0 Hudson-Belli Co.' Big Sweater, Stock ( . Going at 1 - . Harvest Sale Prices Sweater for the entire family can be pur chased in our Harvest Sale at exceptional savings , . r ' iv. i . ' -i ' , ' ' Children's Coat Sweat ero i:Uw$1.29 BIG LINE TO SELECT FROM ' Big Line Children's Slip-Over Sweaters At Harvest Sale Prices . . - ' ' ..6,'..., $2.98 $3.95 $4.98 All Colors to Select" From BOYS' AND GIRLS' J V Heavy Wool . Goat Sweaters .-, ... . . .".. For School Wear . - $6.95 . 1 : . BABY KNIT SETS $4.98 up Big Specials in . Knit Gaps 25c 48c "' 98c 1 All Children's Sweaters and . . Capes on first floor, rear of , store.. ' v " ', LADIES' SWEATER DEPARTMENT Upstairs ; ' . s... . ' : ssssssMslsSssBSBMsWssssssssssssva Ladies' fj"-'f Wool Coat Sweaters sSSal $6.95 Colon: Maroon, Navy, Heather. Black and Gotten. Sizea36to44. Big Line Ladies' , Slip-Over Sweaters i- - $6.95 " $8.45 Colors: Rose, Purple, Turquoise, Copen, Black, Green, American Beauty. Hudson -Belt Co. Department Store Distributors of Reliable Merchandise 4