t NEWS' AND OBSERVERS RALEIGH. ' N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 24,-1 $20 mm MANY REGISTER TO VOTB Chairman Lea Estimates Total WW Approximate 3,000 BELIEVES MOST OFTHEM WILL VOTE IN NOVEMBER County Candidates arid Others - Will Have Strenuous Cam, ' paifi. la County from Now v Until Election Day; tint Three Day of Week Will Be Buy Oner , Approximately this thoussad woman have registered Is Wak bounty for tit November ofeetioa, according to the estimate of Coaaty Dmoeratle Chair maa Ed Hugh Lee, who belle vee that the overwhelming majority - of tat women regi.tr.ate will vote, and vote the '. emoerati ticket. - Th Raleigh and Wake County wool' wke have taken tha lead in, ton- viaeiag their skeptical eisters ia tha eeaaty of their duty to regirter and re Ureal- rrarxuimlila .tot thU r , ,' showing, it b believed, aad their eoft- --" cistent effort la th aid of the party . 1b aiva credit for it. From bow until the day of. the elee l'n, tha Demoerati campaign in tha ,'T:" etwiary wH ha Vigorous." The ; wounty ,; candidates aad othera are" taking; the ataata aad do day will pass 'without aoaaa hard blows - in behalf of Cox, . Roosevelt and tha .State and eonnty . ! . .,. v .- " " votara of Panther Brrack aad Bt. ... Mary's Uwaahipa at the Turners School bouse yesterday afternoon at S:30 o'clock whea, with W. H. Penny, candidate for regteter of dead, acting aa chairman, tha entire Hit of candl- e date (poke. . After aaakiaf hia aaaoaaeeatante la . fw words, Mr. Penny presented Mr. O Bryant Harrison, candidate for sheriff who contented himself with Johnson Taking Harding A t iHisWprd Regarding League, California Senator Says Nomi nee Has Declared He Is Against Any League ACCEPTS DECLARATION . AS BEING CONCLUSIVE Saya He la Not In Afreemejit .With Those Who Bay Hard, ing Will Ent-r League New York. Oct. 23. Senator Hiram Johnson, in a etatement, issued tonight at headquarters of the Republican na tional committee,' declared - then, eaa ba no agreement onon tha league is sue, batwan himaelt aad eopportere of Senator Harding, who - aay th Ke- puDiieon candidate will take th Unit ed Htatee into tha League of Kationi. . "There la avatudled effort la toma di rection to make it appear that there la unity of purpose bit wee a thot who believe aa I do concerning tha League af Nation and thoa who ' wish with, or wit boat reservations, to enter the league," tha statement said, "Mr. Harding fcaa said, tt" elected. ha will not take till country, into tha league, that I ha turned hi hack npon it and seek not interpretation, but rejection 4f.it. . ' . '....-,. r oeuvven n naraina "Hem tantiemes supporting Mr. Harding aay that, notwithiitandlng thia plain . declaration, ha will take tha United Btate intj th learn. Between than gentlemen and men of my belief thar eaa ba ao unity of purpose, bo agreement upon tha league issue. I ataad with- Senator Harding. I accept tl tonetuatfe hi eraptatio declaration. Hlr word npon the Issue, not th words 'tjeaator-jomndfi -aecntrer raarrhfrw vary normal man and every normal woman desires to .promote peace aad prevent war, ne aaa could in Jmtiee to th nation anbacrtb to a contract POLICE UMABLE TO FIND DURHAM IN S. N. Garrard Came To State Fair and Fails To Return To His Home (By JAMES ROBINSON.) Durham, Oct. 23. Police .are ad mittodly atalled in their effort to clear up tha mystery surrounding the di appearance of 8. H. Garrard, of Bot boro street and alesman-eollector for the- Bass Grocery eompany, In this city, wh has - not been " aeea sine lata Wednesday afternoon. -Tha disappearance of Mr. Garrard, who is wall known in the city, was re ported to the police yesterday morn ing by hia wife. Pihgent efforts were made yesterday and last night by the offioers to get a tangible clue upon which to continue their search. r As it atands th police have only mere skelton of circumstances and facts so tne story goes told by his wife to the police, left home Wednesday norning to attend the Btate fair in Raleigh. Ha was in hi anal good health and ia splendid spirits. It was hll intention at that tia to return hem Wednesday sight. He did not return Wednesday night nor ha he bees heard f rem aiac Wednesday aft ernoon when lie had .hi Ford antomo- JSJeBaireiLat a garage in. Italeigh th same ear that was repaired ia the Raleigh, garage. It was left in front of a Mr.- Starling' home on East An TRUSTEES! FOR v CABLES NEW PLAN ia advance of precise knowledge of its aenmt terma. "We did this," ha added, "ia the psychological reflei from the great war, with .the covenant of the league, and before Its provision were, knows or it obligation" understood, embraced ning us ssnouseemeat. Mr. I B. hysterically Its purported perpoie." Braasflald, eaadidate for tha Senate, "Before na ta the one plsn.'' b said, i: followed with a speech oa ravaluatloa "the one association. When that 1 bur- , aad other Stat aad eoaaty issue. Mr. led beyond redemption by Mr. Hard George W. Mumford, candidate for th lng"e election, aa it 1 certain to be ' legislature, attacked the record of the from Mr. Harding' words, then, at our - Jtesabltoaa party, sad -Mr, X--A- OoalMisix...yjiiiajr eiamlwe-gwith the s aey, also a candidate for the lowar I serupulou care fqurrdaniriBgt s- ansae, closed with 4 telling addsssa Mr. Ooaney spoks -at leagth oa the 1' tagae ef Natioaa and othsr aational ..lasneajiBd received annek applana. ' Mrs. Desk Speaks. " 1 Mrs. Ckarles A. Doak and Mr. Clyde ' A. Dosglass spoke , Friday Bight at , ood win's School house la Swift Creek TewBship. . ( ' -, ( i quite agree thst woman's pise W la the heme and it is right thai the 'w w . v. w mvmw uu aeeirv mi psvieex United States May Insist Upon ' bucnaPian For Disposition of German Cables' Waahington, Oct. 3. (By The Asso ciated Press. 60 ui form of Interna tional trusteeship of tha seiaed German cable may ba insisted spoa by the United States ia th event 1.0 equitable uiairiDuaon oz the cables is agreed upon by the delegate t, th Interna tional ittmmonlcationi Conxerenee la aessioa hare. Bines diapositioa of - tha flerman cables among th live powers ieauire unanimous eoaaeat, offlciala said today 11 was posaiDi mat ao agreement other ican aa international form of operation mignt posaiDly b reached. This. how. ever, baa not aa yet beta prop-ted by American commissioners, -and It vaa stated that it. would sot be unless it developed that no other agreement was, possible. One of "the American d elan tea to the Conference confirmed report that the vnueu 01a tea, while sot disposed to question Japsn's title to tha Ilanl of Tap" under a mandate awarded her by th peace conference, wot' I movt certainly insist upon the aafeeuardinir f the rlghte of all astfoas to imports nt c.iDis communications centering ahaiil the island. For thl purpoas. th UaiS, ted State ia propoing the establish ment of certain International leading right which would giv all nations tha earns privileges to aarestricted sable service Via Yao aa that antnvaa t Japan as tha mandatory power, Concerning the traru-Atiantii aahln. officials said tha United, ajutee had aot renounced allelalm te these. Ba- from Africa to Brazit, th Amoricaa government will aeek with respect to the two former German cables mnm gler avenue Thursday night .by three I aeia oy mranee and Great Britala at yeuag aaea. Member of Mr. Burling least th sams privilege enjoyed be. family told th polk yesterday that fore the, war. . . the three anea drove up in the ear end Previoua to the eeiAire of those alighted. One of the mem came a short cable by rrase and Oreat Britaia. V iru, in nouse ana Maes per-1 rontu 1 eirgrapn ana Viable Cora IwKlSE Carolinians Rallying Splendidly in support or uox-rioose-' velt Fund :. The final ape pel for eoitributlons te the Coa-BooMvelt I"ud ia meetlag with a fiae re spoaa according t Chairmaa J. M. Bronghtoa, who reports .ever fif teen bo ndred dollar to- eontributione received withia the . last two days. A full list of th contributor appears be low, ana is aaainoa to these, a telegrsa waa received yesterday statins that th Democrats of Wldoa had aubecribed us more aad were forwarding cash ir' cheek. Chairman Broughtoa haa made a De- ial appeal to the Ssmotrato ef Raleigh In which h calls stteatioa to the fast thst Raleigh kas ao far faliea (oaaider ably behind th other larger town of th Btate, with on axceptioa. The es caption ia Wilmington, where Drastic ally as iateaytt has been ahowa aad only a raw small contributions mad. Tha Lesgae of Nations eaatinuea to be the chief sentiment ia th mlada of contributors. Several contributor apeet fy thai their sift ahall be used for th purpose of disseminating the truth about the league aad other isaues. nFor the spreading ef the truth" aay a oao Ra- Icigh nsmnersiLjiLjpaJUiiB tioa. Chair aaa a Brouohtoa arses all who expect to male contribution te tend ia remittances at once ia order that he eaa forward the aoatributioaa te th National Treasurer ia tima to be. effec tive. Cheek should be anads payable to OoaBooeevelt Caapalga Faad sad mailed to Chaimas J. M. Broughtoa, Raleigh. Tha following i th list of eoatribntion reiTd by Chairmaa A Corner for Kiddies By NELL BATTLE LEWIS This is a very small Corner, I'll have te admit 1 sort ef a two by twice Cor aer, iaa't it, or maybe aot evea a big u that. I guess it s so imall that loU of you woa't find It In sorry about that but it really isn't any fault, aad here's tk reason. Toa kaew Thursday, when there were such lot aad lot of folks in town, corns te the lair and all, why me and the Artist Elf were out ao a aot to Is any triefa, and we had a great time of It. ril aay it was as O. . day, that i. except th very nd, aad guS what' happened I Why, the Artist Elf waa riding along oa Bay shoulder and w were talking about different things that , wha, before we knew it, we were is a awful Jans ef folk, and. th aest thing I knew, there waan't any nice Uttls Artist Elf sitting ea my shoulder, making fanny remarke. Somebody had kaoeked kirn off, I guess, and he just disappeared entirely. Aad I haven't a hia since. Aad so, e sourse there wasa't aay. body te draw the picture for the Cor ner this week, and what is the aee ef haviag a earner without picture I 80 you see. -' ': '' I hop aobody ha steeped eav tk Elf, k Is to little. But tb,B, h is ao lively that I gust he eaa get eat ef the way all right. I bet he's having let of adventures, wherever he I. Where do yea suppose be' goat Maybe h hopped ea a big red ballooa that go away frost some little bey or girl aad ' went sailing up ia th Iky semtwher. Tow eah aejer tell about aa elf. . But I'm Bot worrying about hiaa at all. Ill just let hist aloe, aad A11 some home, all right, I aaow they al ways do tlves, J mesa. Only when he doee some, I'm going to make him -draw, just about twiee a many -picture a usual, te pay back- for taking a holiday without me. Aad I hope he'll soma back in time for a te get out a ripping good Conor nxt Sunday, be- eauaa Bait Snadaw will fa Hallraa an. - Cox Speaks To Great Crowd In Madison Squar.e Garden (Coittlaaed from Page One) sons sitting on th parch to watch the ear, which he said bad. run out of gas. He its ted that he was coming up town to get a fresh supply of gasoline. Th three ma deserted the ear, and it is reported boarded a train at th local union itatida a few hours afterwards. ikn- tunamHtmwik'. - Vlrtrlvus Rovslar. RalelatbT .....It w. w. wt aon. Ralalah W. A. Brwln, W. Durham J. W. Beat Jr. Waraaw ........ W. H Ma.wklna. Hubert Chae, J. McLaod, Candor........ ft. r. Tuttle, Edenton E. K. Hunt. Sr.. Mockavill .... J. B. MeAHIiter, Mt Plsaaaat.. B. K. Hapar. Lexington r. Q. J.acocks, Elisabeth City.. A. K. Powell, WhltevUle W. U. Henrv. Brevard J. U. Judd Jr. Cardenas W. D. Temnlatan. Moaraairllla . . no. j. vvooQaro, vviiaon tlons for ptomotlng peace and prevenj- mg war, PAGE PUTS GINGER N THE CAMPAIGN psny enjoyed a long-term contract for service over the lines front New York to Germany. -Amnican efforts ara . peeted, therefore, to be directed toward i Wokaoa. Rocklnaham restoration. If poasikle, of the same e! ' jroVBen7 CurHtWi: rights permitted by that contract. I H. L. Perry, Handeraon IC. B. Cheatham. Uandaraoa Aside from the., facts aud corrob- VALTER MURPHY WIN 2"5! rative information the notice have I . AuriuuM.uJL...i I Jamea A. Bell. ChartoUe'I ' nothing urjoa"ihiiOo act. That Mr.T UVCfl Ml It" MURrHT I WPOSTTifn?" Oarrard did not int.ntlooslly . leave , . W.Vnra.UoIJ Durham myeterloualv i th belief of Franklin folks Bat TTa r.nA I Mr. J. H. Fltshuch. uarvaburs Mr. Oarrard aad her visw 1 ahared I .AA ' 7 lii - ?yfH,J'Jxur-'- UT, WW. JL. TICK. Dfims Jno. W. Oaatretl, Selma einut Beima . .. . . . ,,. I r. J. rtoiiana. aeima . j w ..... ua a apeeca I1KO I M. K. wall. Belma who waat te im press upon you th condi tion ia which I find business ef all kinds everywhere I go, ef. th deeha in prices, of the loss to agriculture, of The depresBatr1"1ridtlt ry, and tfr the- very present potential decrease ia th seed for labor. "W should Bob bow have to ba deal ing with a question of etir entrance into the League. Thl matter should have been disposed ef month and months ago. But for the partisan plot, Amer ica would sow be riding ea a'fnll tide f prosperity to whkh aha ia entitled and which ought to b her', for years b ao re-establishmeht of ttabuit: vt lof business soadition until a deciaion ia made and made right; and this de cision will be made at the earliest day I'm I PHibI ra7 election and inaugura See I ilea aa your Preaident. ' io.ee I Refers te Conspiracy I o Ths baas eonaplracy hatched ia th M( Uaited States Senate to defeat the cause X I I of world peaee ha created a condition y-YT 1 . in oe 1 xrom waicu we wiu ao kwm. iwi eel fcieo see If. 1. tie (. 'Ill a Better Speech, and He Old by th police and friend of tha fara ily. It' ia also stated -poaitivsly , by friead ef Mr. Oarrard that he was not a maa who would become Intozi- " .V1 1 .... . . under the iafluenee of whisky. Ia feet 1"" ""uw Murpny wno was th length of kia tay la looked upoa frf four. "a7 sT. a propotltiou by police te prove that such has not u' received some few unwilling takers been th case. Th missing maa haa ?T" ? reio 10' Hagweods (tore it," Mrs.' Doak told her audience Tof a I Tiiami nauirlcnn Ronnhlirancl bee married a good many years and county yesterday when for hundred or more aaea aad women, A ...7." ..,.7. . T. m 7T' I hu a wife and thr children. H hi "V BP?r Waiter Murphy waa bU vote for Co aad tha Leagu of Na- VVIln WlinnOlQing lax BOOKS I at aU times ahowa the greatest possible deliver a speech. Th bet war Drfvo. B W. IT Holland. U D V.ll II , n. a. winstoa, oeims .......... Ueo. W. Evana, Belma .. J. . wisgs, Bma ............ JVT. r. Wood ard. Beams, ........ M. Beuay. Belnaa R. Lee, Belma -' I oath, and Z make th prediction" defl B.UVI . . . . . 1 : le.e I aiie7 ana m nu presence vai anuw, withia a year, we aav enterea .xat League of Nations of th world, there will be the most serious depression the country ha ever witnessed. Amariea has become a great aatioa by virtus of kw-wndrf uV rssouMesuOerjtrad with th ether astionk of th earth. J JJlRnt trad is disappearing." i ieetariBg uu tne lawgu aeeoa America and that America i helples witheat it," th Governor discussed trade balaacee and aald that America' sow is tlXW.OOO.OOO and that interest ea European loan sdds 900,000,000 .i .01 ttoae mesa a vote against war and .. therefore ' a ,vrry atroag move f hesne protoctioa for to date th League aa drafted: by Mr. WUtoa ia th beet ' preventive of war that w have. Mr. Dooglaas followed with a die From Sheriff M. J. Cameroa. Helaa J. emita,-aeima .,, Dr. I. W. May bar. Salma . Mrs. L yr. atayeabsrg, Belma fas. . tJiivar. senna Leilngtoo, Oct. 23. Revaluatioa has I Droved to be the means of attrring th IJbunty camps Iga ia Savidsoa to a heat esaslou of the eeoaomie soadition of ,h mod impossible twe weeks ago. th eosatry. Rather it may be said that Robert N. Both speaker were vary cordially pea charge la a epeech her Thors reeeived aad were gives liberal tp- Aay bight that the Bepubllesa county plans by the large crowd of both mea offlciala had (ought; to withheld in aad wemaa voters., This .was Mrs. formatloa from th tarpayeri by de OeeV first experience ea'the stump layhif making eut th tax books for aad from 'report ef those who heard the sheriff, is th mora, direct and fra her the aaaidea effort eould hardly mediate cause of putting pep wher pep have bees better,' was lacking. MowUbbs This Weak. The county official, aU of whom are Monday, October S3, Solicitor Hsr- Republieane, are up ia arm against bert X. Norria, B. C. Beck with, and Mr. ftga's statement sad declare that earn ef the eonaty eandidatea will it is uatrue. . Chairman Sigmoa, who wpau a tsew nm . is us voi era 01 1 u also register or deed aad charged Va m h. a. b evea.. I . . . . . . epewing one aad the - W. Whitley, aelma .......... ., h Bs.Vbltlar, Baima . u 1 H. I. Johnson: Belma 31 speaker waa I R. L Rr Jm 1' devoHoa to hi home, and according to !"! loat, for Tt' hi employers, ha been equally faith- "na JiurpBy ar fill ta hia arnrk Ur. a.rr.,A ,nM I Same. tmliea that har fcuahanil h.A I Eour years ago th former Mmn a I... .i,v.,t I over in Franklin and hnw nil t. .lW. I C. II Pariik. a.ias her as- to th time he expected to re " indicated in the fact that they still 2 crAifeMoiftJiJIia " tura home. "h. b,t. shout him. He mad. Tgood f yf. wlfu?.:y,:: u ease Be was delayed h has in the oast invariablv talenhnnad. written tenaeni tJolll of th State Priaoa want IV T"" or wired. On this occasion, no word ...41.. kt. 1 1 im.. ltn nnmu)'. i. v. I c. Allen, Selma, amu.ua .nmiivuii, lu, wiaNmf i - Mwiauvn, ir. . fltalllng, Belma mr waicu ne woraeo given a iiniar vvv " rwa am si ooin nisees I w. tt. a;rown. Belma again veatardaw whan ha ..J an..l 1 J. 1...., nAm. - , o. . . . . Id ' .v.uu. vuuw wi toe ouie rnaon want if ti, eampaignlng over there. Hs spoke at W. B. Crumptoi. Beinaa":::;:; Laurel at 11 0 clock and west oa over I w- iL P.M "" ... smn, Btallln . UmUt IM Wrlat. aflltVI. .a..KX.l ) Vat aArBBNat,af I! I A U19 alttaDUtaH LW WVji. U mmmb) oil "makes aa the maater of th rest of the world. lathe leagu w .eould organist th business ef reeoastruetioa oa a basla of mutual 'eoafideac. Europe 1 I baakruDt. sPDeallag to a to tak a re- !flvrshlp ever it affaire." I J. .11.. .UV ... - V. 0 I ssaeaaltv ef securing aa undertaking ?! I which will make aur the adoption of XI I th Veraaillee treaty," the Governor on ic I tinned, "is made atronger by th ap- ! I preeiatiOB that th country is facing, S-VVI . ... a .1 . .1. . i I- tiotitB, aa industrial erUis-a Hi which H!we must meet irrespective of party aad 1-TT I th k. v ..u,.,t. .Kill, tha Inetead, the situation has grows worn and worse. Demsad for farm product haa fallen off aad ia all sections ef the country which I have visited, : utter staguatioa is apparent iar th agricultu ral eommnaitiee. Many auBUfaet&rera havs bees eompclltd, ie cartafl ever, atlpns by reasoa of laek.of orders.4 Ovatlow For Caadldaia. Aa ovation Was giva Goveraor Cox v peateiw ia tke gardes. Twelve thousand seats were provided and all . were Blled. Score ef other peetstor were stead ing. Th auditorium was ttraaf front th rafter with flags aad banting, bv tweea which hfung picture of the can. didate. Larger lithograph ef th gov. ernor and hi running mate alee ,were used. Of th box war placard read ing: "Bfeep faith with eur dead, aad erauer a6Ubie,wMru-ifi Stat erginlxatioa officer, formdt r vie men, both whit ad colored, and many visitors from ether States. Oa his way to the Oardea .the geveraoa viewed a patriotic spectacle at a. large theatre. He wa cheered by many wke recognised him ia the ssmi-darkaess el the theater but made fee addresa. President Wilson seat th goveraof a telegram regretting his inability i be present. Duriag the demonstratios greeting the eandidste Mr. Cos wss assorted dows to ths center aisle, aad to the speaker's stand. Th governor took her by tfael hand and the applause wa gives a fresh! spurt. From th - balconies spectator rained -a shower ef ecrape of paper.1 After, tm aemonstrauoa jutd-are.-. eceded for ten minute th governor signalled for silence. The bead played aad with a visa Lb large throng sane "The Star Spaagled Baaaer ths gov. ernor tnea proceeded with hi address.' While waiting for tk esndidat.- th crowd beard addresses by.Bsbbi Btechea S. Wise, James M. Cnrley, former aiayes ef Bostoa, aad lfattaa L. Straus. , j "I must say that this ynng aviato a modest hap." "How is that f" "He doesst evea exaggerate the aumber ef cigarettes he amok ia tk course of : day to keep ki aervM taut.'V-Birmlag hem Age-Herald. .. , fllllll!ll!lltllllllllllll!llllli;illl!l!l! IliMMhhillMMltlM his Wheraahnnta On thi. unrim ha I back there a train. kas mad no report to the company.' Hr. Murphy, a just home from Okie The report circulated yesterday aft- ud Indiana where he delivered tome rnooa to th effect that aa unknown Democratic rrpeeehe at the requtet of man giving ate nam aa "Hall", had I nanonai uommittee. He Mi I with the best executive sbilitr th Version of Mr. Garrard's care to keeo "d the folka arc looking forward to IE- W.B. Johnson, Salma .M.. .tt I country affords.1 persona directly interested awar of four yeara from bow when be may b Br! tv L rVSiimii'l' ia!sl Prosperity aad th Leagu. hi. ak....v...k. n .u! ... : t.-i n.,ir , K ... . in it v , . -... ' t: "i a. nanfiL TVllliamalOB 1.S in nugis emiinneia . . Albert Sidney Orady. lit. Olive R- K- Lee, Laurlnbur John Bprunt Hill. Durham 3. Misa Sailie L Whltaoa, Aaha vllle . W. C. Coker. Chanel Hill aa "Mail" . Bad I anonai committee. Ha haa a Called O. W. Beck'a atnra over tha I better SDSech this rear than nvar. finil. Baekkora Tawsahln. Th (peaking k with teak ins? ont th ta tiakata. I telepftose and had informed Mr. Becking particular inspiration in GoTsrnorlO. T. NeaL Reldavllle ....LI" ,t!4., l , I vehemently denle that there kas bee a I B'. Garr' la Kalsigh uu- Cos sod the Bevaluatioa act end income Kwre" lii'Rse.'ch'.VYotu" ' ' av, taw aww usj aaa Bear, oaa n-lanr aelav axeant what via nna.ni,l.hl. I ui reiura some witnis I auirnutuenia. jar. vouie aia Mat Muaaau aaa rerey j. ynvc aa otser After wvaluaUoa- had about been awn7 ewaaijiases wui speas a aoiiy ompltd kere applleaUoa wa made "V- .''.-', for permlsaioa to reduce the vsluaUoa '5. iL t,if?,hLntB,t farm sands by W per ecat Ther Twv xhotLha, i .tTsn " -me delay bcforHhl. wa. Bn- Zv.t MJI el eh.'.!i.J IS "ouneod, bow mere than U weeks ago. rlw?.l M " n KPhllr" offleUU claim that they ' atttef hlur 'm. Sirnm. and emU o1 Mt wM th era or Vary township ia the Cary aehool I .1" T . "r. " audltorlaaw .- . Iw " sownanipa containing "aroee, wreenvuia D. 8. Smith, Oreenvllle Chaa. Cobb, QreenvlUe R. JL. Own. laiAi, 12. iH MoWhorter. JL a few daya, has not been verified, fo- night when he got back that he bad He said that both Mr. Beck and Mrs. rarely teen auch enthusiasm a thBo- Oarrard say they bare heard, ef ao aa orator atirred up among his audi- Buck telenhona maaaaaa. tnra. Ha annaalaA n. rliM,l..l ,k. Aot Wishing to rive ahdiii alirm I Women few of -Whom tiait veslatmA I l----naaJ C' i- friend Of th miaaine man hnn.il IsiMnrs slirkk arullnlla a wriVf.'...!,J uri.aie anarcuipg parties i uursaiy. i man in mat aeeuon naa registered. Mr. They returned Tburedav night empty-1 Murphy will apeak in Wilkes county uaaueu. i.t waa aeciaea to immediste-1 Aionaay. . v v " mauar over to the police, 4. Oolda- ....... I. i I f. P. Harria Wise Colllna. Wlaa I John Cole. WTia .. I C W. Col. Wlaa . C C't-erklaaca. Wise i.ee I "Ranublieaa Vjallticl&na ara tailing I.GCj . ni. .1... V . . ...mi... ... site 1 he improved by tha election ef the tl.tl I reactionary candidate. If h is elected, ... so ngecuoa wx-uie league viu ss ai-v; j oj lured ( with thai rejection, disarmament 1 will be im possible; military aad aaval j . competltioa between the aatiou willj l.'ti ktve te eontinuet International credit f oe taBBot be restored: export will eon H! Unue te faU off ia volume, sad th. world will be Indeed fortunate if tt if at vlelted with a gigantic fnanelal panic, 4a, its-every .quarter. . Ss that would be much nearer to tke truth to tar that th war te avoid business de resaioa ia te cuter he League ef .Ne Tea eaa depend ea as for freapt motor ami la aay msrgeaty. ; lie I 11 lit i.ee i.ee i That attaae we wiQ repair, yeur meter a ouiekly , a werkaita wh kaew kow eaa de tk job wH, , h . . . t iaeorporatad town. Another reasoa Ul V V.l. ..J tk. -.k. . raadidatea will (peak at :S0 p. tZ, 'w delay waa that it wa aot pos- . Wedaeeday. October T, to th voter ptaefore' f to ealculato vf Bartoa s Creek Township at Bay- -U aixty-two other countlei had leaf BeheoL - P1" order. This ha arrived and a W. B. Jonee aad tl A. Douglass will havs bee mad eut,. i . speak at T:S0 ea the-same aiht to ST,' ",a3r " ars new aa- : th votere of Neue Towashlp, at th tjlnlng the amount of their taxes " Fall ef Neat Seheolhouec ... aad tke great proportion of rcduetloB At Wakaloa, Wednesday sight " at eompared te last year kav sheered T:S0 a. aa, Congreaamaa K. W. Pea I" aemovrate as ha aothiag els ia aaa eoaaty caadidatee will speakv l!ee I tlona. And then, whea Europe is again Baieish Doiic. who wV .ntTi.5 TurniAwn nc lAnnscu ia additioV to th. rrf"riheiei ".:7 ..3sjr; r. -.rT;r Mr. Osrrard ia musing havs aot located RPftKTPR IM DllJrnMBclr0u,? h" relTd from Q. B. 81- badly, U rdr to recover from th wast any information concerning hi where- nfcUIOl tn IN OUnUUMOC lcrs, chaimaa, a cashier's check for of year of war, America will have a about. It was losrnsd that he had hi v' g500, ontributsd by citisen ef ra ef prosperity th Ukcef which wo SI mat TisxA 1-A- W.J. J . Ate. . TJaavV11.a aflfa.. M ekwaap,.- . a UeVfAw. lhalai u .i al. fit, a . a wmw way etLiajroooB mi i Acuuiuoaas Vaaarffoa wiia Xai I . z? w"iuf aot ret pms. Halmtavk amek-saaM A la., at.. a V. a.il a-- I ' - I vatrmffaa' TTiiViat , ttfl iVsA a I We kav motor te rat -u well a te eetV-e that yea may aav power sJmest immediately. . j1 a Raleigh garage. Alto that hs told th garagemaa that k was very anxious t get home Wednesday night. Whea he paid th repair bill, it wa ataUd. he .displayed quit a roll of money. There l no definite idea as t how much fort To Secure Befistra tion of NegToes W. H -Marker .. . ssrsaa POLICIES OF JAPANESE GOVERNMENT CONDEMNED Athevifl. Oct, S3. It is -estimated meaty he h.d ia hi possaloa: - For ht.21n boM? om that ... H 1. .. t.. ' .. .. . l0f th 8.500 women IS BuBanmha araa. W1CVU1, f0T ; a. :,. ,. i:rT":in. r. cart m iirm smpioying nun.-Ul eollee-l" r" -'.'""" "v fr. I j. c Curtla i v- i.1 n ... ., . ! ........ a. jacsunnea tartar i. .at iai.:;".: ."..Ta.'. " l-th. t.t of any count. In th. SteuM rneWllllami" V"" womea the cam pain. r last night A. E Holtoa apoke tt the I tion rarely run to more than 300. It f" fire.-itjta believed, ours aouse ana jsepuDuesa county of ficial throngb. their poketmea took oe- CasiOB tO denflBBCa tha atatamaat I Miaa.1.. WT.....).. Bl. .1. bv Mr. Pira. Chn rmaa ai... I u. ...a v" . i.. i..j-lterd In large numbers, ever V.. rt-. ar- .V.I ' J" - " . -- - I oao, w,r.c wu, J....vj-,i. a aft,awwv, vavaaw wa, aa .aaa previonaiv ILaian a una m,m.ki.s.. I nmeisla nf aha ei.. a. k.1Im.. .v.. u. I w.. Mar mi, imnu l.u.i...a . v..-" t. - - . , - ....... ..... . n, .v,. i... i ,. m.m,w.9 ,..,, aaHawM uai as osiisvea tit. yge, acted U I aa either met with foul play or it in- demaiag the domes ti sad foreign good faith ia making the charge but I ndverteuty detained, polklee af th gevsrament were adopt, had aeea grossly mlalnformad. I PoUe last sight were to some extcat ed at the eonveaUoa her today ef f Another hljk light of th eamialn la I wedded te the opiniosi that Mr. Oarrard . , . -: - , I . . . . E ... . . ... have-tegis- ouv la ww mem oar ax ue Bsaasltui oppow-1 th reglslratloa of womea voters. Two I et with foul play at th handa of th at was declared th tttmeet I weeks ago the Berjuhlleana nnv,.j. I three roans- men who drove hie , tn tioa party, anxiety i felt by th people of Japea 1 1 MeKlBooa, Jr iworria .........,..... Trouble haa been expricBCd wlthlsL Ra..a"'''"""" ..... , .1 .a .i ll i ii--C' ,. ' .vB.w .vihm auaaj aeciiooa DI toe f- iwwi ... a. ,.. a eity, and ia eaa precinct, the drst, ia y a "wVIm whleb It is estimated the majority ef 51 . Johnaia:::" the aegre womea f the'eity Jivven l.Vh?!':;.';;:,:;;t: uanurea irioa 10 register In oae dav.IV u S.a..V ' Deaolta tha nnnauat atiif a. I n . n.T,." .1. i.LVv. s- s. .i,':r,r" .nwM, uv.s.Bi. uts ovaa wa I r'"J"" " VAi I ajnIte-tl. Nat MI...S i'e I Blame for busiaesa recesaioa which, i !! I the Goveraor said, began - coincident lreelsitk the aad-leagas plot of the Seas oa t.oe I torlaX- Oligarchy' .cannot be placed ........A........ .lM,iM ,. k. nveaant . aAmlniatratinn. I.' "Bet for ike partisaa ousplr th e caadidat said, "ttabilisatioa of Eore- ii paaa Snaaoea and industry would by ; this tlm hsv reached that poiat where ' It would hsv been postibl aad eaa..- t in 'or them te procur aeceesary credit br t ee mesas f tk iavcetmcat msfket, .That l-t the markets ef Eur op would kav beet 'VV I enaai 'ta the ftrviH and tha amal te I maanf attarers throughout the country. McKay McKlnno lac rviiiiam H. jr. Carter ....... For bw meter, ad . aietera motor NBslr-paea USB. '"' ' i-'"' y W aav aa expert at year serviee, f WeUlcer Elebtric Co. IN W. Martha It. . BALEIGI, X, 4 miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiii 1 ad the lead ea 'he Democrat, They I tbl eit- They beleve that be wa a aruLLaam mmn wr nr inatw war a aaan .& v ivstin aa auBntrnvniisii. rtni ir rn - . . m b w w m. . . am.- trv 1 a . i.e. I . . . - - . " ' " I m rlB Wa, Btatt mmm aaaaaa aaa. AA. aa. B . . L. Bel. Da tDllliral - . . .. r . ofw vnta tiaaaa la the eouatry precincts rerieter- f10 14 rrect no traces of crime kaa p " n:7; ". "77. J Csiut, tkwCaliforala attuatlea, becamM th, ,d Wklle the Democrtu h4 BiTilow o. It i kaowa that the three uXtJ0 "jJ T LSI! -.: cabinet was soaducUag the aagotia-1 headWav. Tha but . .tTI maa Whs ara believed to kav. "V8 J"-. tteM tt fort- 115- M"i?V tioa. ia a. uaaatiafactory maaaer. . , , hi see. tW.Titnourla. of the oae. wh. .Bed Mi tJair-. u . . - aa. ...... ..Mi.i..i . . , ... . --- . " hhw, iawnii a i mi, a. . f.... . ' S- K.l. f.V.. k... 1 I " .. ...... Tk resolutlcss farther demanded I DemomHa k. I ear. acted uniiein1v at not wninn ara. general rexorm lata aausa rorsiga I elate and before the books elota ttw I uo Thursday night. Th. nalia K. M.KIllMM.. . I .v- , . . , ... . ----- v . ..TT . m.t. . - . er aZnoted hw t6 to " ,a.7" ier attempted I the womea ars tnkine an ti I W. "k. VAfllAm lea h. I J"'VJVBts- VUs WH OUCm JTr BlAatL. 101 I Aav .A a - !.,. ... ...v . - . r "vu"1' I al wa aot aennmm.t.d. tT.n ..!. liT" wrganuaxioB, ia iisc vs BaJSJaiavm m.lMl BkXItA aaBW W B - ' - - - r - i WBlflfl SI SB Wi aheVatm ruua. uat ge beyoad that flgura. is t cct. .7 th -ui " ' kT.. of registered doe CATTLE TO BRAZIL VBACW-vWrT former lepubli. IF" .1 toraeyteBerai of the State, 1 ffT weat. , , v . wiU-ypte the Bepubblieaa tickt. with I w'n!' ;." HaetV":!!!!!!!" . ... - y. - v . i ur n i .if ............. tC f? ftlWa . a thlj tS CB I V:- ai'Mn ........ 2 iei i-v,sj, aw ,aiuMuvs ox wevriomi i us rerutratinn will ',- k.. t. I w wmu m wairn to seau nova at tneii- .l. . . , . - ... - ' l J. el tram. corditioM by a. u,tmt ef the t- would "aot be eurprteto, fi ta. kumb.; h"0" atek w a h.ndeme tioTbte' th J it h-ahb. ' naaeial admia 1st ration and tSa. Imna. I a .V 2? ... . T I timeniee. "lmt waa nsTaaaA a sis Ta. I P1" POSaia mat 11 SaS beta able I " V. Rowa ..... diate laaugTrraUoa ef atirersal uf- ;fftfc : : ; ,--v.i Anrriiene.r. I Zeb vji iti.it ouuuu MkuiniiHt. : I eaa attorney general of tha Etata. . TO MEET NOVEMBER 6 22 ? eiianext .1 ; r . , , I -! a ymny im so (TrSna Gra.Mbore, Oct t3Th. .-a. .f S. ths North Carolina College for ffoaua r!J? wTrf lh B, are te come together taTiislal -al H- " . d wiU ba ing at the eolleg. ow th. after-o. ,d .TA S,,"1??11? i?",Ulf . PrtT 11 M.miifHim ssa parts of. Coaaeetient. Bis service, will thus aot be available ta aaa U the Bute duriaj the tloalng week ef ... tee .. - c.o is S.')r.a i.el i eel HI tei ax ata I evening el Baturday, Novenber 6. At this meetlag qaestiona relative te the futnre growtb sad development ef the i ii.rntioa will be considered aad f jBins. will V enabled to e and '.ra t rat-hand ths pressing need ef a fieeent. Thi meeting ef alumna --js ever th state was S'.'meted Sad at a Beetla of the Qnllferd 7 rrnck the past week. Newport New. Va Oct. 23-Offlmn I .. . ' ea, nrtsa un. of Paa.A-rici Cattls Exchange aad .It ! -f fr WT Tradinf Compaay. with hsadouartera 2 ffld"Iiu lua wiU If. P. Wiuiama ."..".rCTt; J i. Ss. P.ulo,r.r in Sr. tt"! f f ! N.wi waiting to wea their first .hip- denied bv th. Docu Th. Jk!! if HcL ie i fojtejed the aegr. vetea every way Hf?:Z-Z '3 BBa1BBaaaa-v I . ' Osteopaths Orgsalxe Assodatioa. ,, r; I a vet. u. ur. piormaa uVkl't:!!! M3 fc0- Olover, ef Waahlngtoa, was ehoeea HVeful (wv7.. Z' k .v, . I r.t president ef the Mid-Atlantic r,.'pV,u' A .LtWas vrith Osteopathic Aiaoeiation. which wa. t. oirger orotnari 'H-ni j.. .. I . . . r . . l r-- . s nous, n nw I sir- Mit. th. towel In th watw snd h.V rted S WBin tU . k. I .... .. f orio l of several hundred osteopath from Vic I eaaaa - pk. .1 j Robeson Cla NntlilaA Lumbarton, Oct. 83-Only n Sob eson county gin haa received notice to cloe. dowa ao far. , The notice wa potted oa th gia home of th Fair- " uai i. Tetal v...., ....... sa.aa ..v...tlt.t a Tsyior, of Crasboro, te the ms wetter than I wa Wbra.Vp! f" ---.J Chow, . ...ia- Piuip joxt ear with a Klaxon Warninff SiirnaJ . i tee Caanaltiaa ta Waat .Tokio, Oct, si-fipeciai dispatshe. and driv with feelinj .. "is, aianenuria, sooay report I ' 800 eaaualtie. ia killed aad iniorei in I T". a solliaioa of trsine sa ths Chines east. 0 ,ilety. era rsuway near Harbin. Tke victim I r a - Si ... 11 X matter what type of stole Car, Track at Motoreyel yea, may lav, w aav a fclaxoa wkiea wi eait year aeedf exactly. At attraetiv. Motor Service Co-, OF RAlXIpII, Id. ' il hoy fi:::ii, r-jr. , m aw aaa Aal KUaTuaa -xUiTQaa. " reports war r"f rtia r.