NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH. N, C. MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25. 1920. CUBA WILL ELECT W Little Talk of Revolution In- : dulgcd In On the Island . This Year I I III! II - ' - . t '( Bavaaa, Oet Si. r tho Associated P ju.) Tk. Cuban .presidential em- patgn aeartng the end with littlt Ulk thie year of revolution. A leader of revolution, Geo. Miguel Gome, I former president, la th liberal nomt' am. Oa .the ticket wit him ia Miguel Arango,' A' former eonsmutlve and a oogar millionaire. The Gone attempt to overthrew tW government of, Pred dent Menoeol, who la aerving hi second tern, brought many twists ;and changes ia Cuhsa politic, ana today tha aid party Jlne-np I ehattereo. ' I la plaee of the eae rtroag Coaterra tive party there U tha eealitloa or-notional league, comprising membere at tha conservative and -popular wing. The coalition nominee It Dr? Alfred Saras, candidate for viee-prceidetit ua " der Cornea in 331-2, and supported by Gome as tha Liberal candidate1 for $midert four yeart later. Tba ! preeidenttnj-eandlilate is Francisco Ca rillo, fe former conservative '. The election, to be held Monday, No vember 1, will be the' lint under the law framed by Major General Enoch '. Crowder, tha American war-time Pro- voet Marshal General. It ia designed ta . prevent fraud. Geo. Crowder's main tijtot woe to'1 itflp' ballot-box stuffing and voting on And men's names. While hot aide are claiming victory . , Gwerel Gme'.fAltowc,doingUe moat shouting. The General la out In ' Ui proviaece campaigning, being : ; stopped aeeaaionally ia his travels by - tha dynamiting of bridges oveiv wljieh ' . . Ae was expected tt Dae. "unV7asiKr . ;;r5igan;jitryii;rrmav.: eQdfore ar , ... held 4a veadineM for any emergency, ad the polls will be guarded by troops ' leetloa day. Gomes managers declared today they could be defeated only by fraud, already they are obtaining evi . deaee, they said, to pro re conspiracy to defraud their candidate - NINTH DISTRICT BECOMES AROUSED ' (Continue rram lago One.) t proportion ta her nominal vote, hat dona just si well anOfie percentage listed . a . Democratic is even greater. Tha women are interested in the League of Nations and not much else matter. The Republican National committee has tent mach money in the Ninth. They have heea moat hopeful of this district and until two weeks ago they had more reaaoa to hope for It. But tha Dem ocracy wasn't aroused then. 1 In Meck lenburg it doesn't get aroused nntil tha week twfore tha fight and when it does art started it, never lets up .until tD count it made. Cameroa Morrinon's friends are do- termlaedthnt Mecklenburg Isn't going ta break ha lines anywhere and Cox, Mar rtaoa and Bulwinkle are a li going to ran together. Aeutenese of . thi race question in the district haa moved wotnea to register who heretofore bed declared themselves oat of the campaign - thla year. What ecratehlng la done will te an small compared with the total vote --aa . to maker-vit impossible ta - account for any defections. Big It lilies Par Morrison. ' Cleveland, Onston nnd Mecklenburg will conclude tha campaign with great rallies for Cameron Morrison. Aa Gard ner, esma to Charlotte, and" offered ta ' am oka the pipe of peaec, so Morriaoa will go ta Cleveland to bury the hatchet. Tha day writ long be remembered In the district if all the plana shaping now are carried out. Mr. Morriaoa will make his Jaet speech in his home town a week from Monday night. The campaign this week will wind up at Troy, in Montgomery county, and tha Democratic candidate will come to Charlotte to rest for the strenuous day following when be goes ta Bhalby it tha morning, Gastonia ia tha afternoon and back here at night. - Lieut. Gov. O. Mat Gardner, with omethltig mora than .fifty somas de livered se far, left hen tonight fot , Washingftoa, where he speaks tomorrow night and oa the same trsia with him gooa Cpagreaaasaa Clyde Hoey te wake - p Peatacraey ia Orange - NEW HANOVER RESIDENTS THREATEN A LYNCHING Wilmington, Oct. Ci-With reaidenU f the WrigbUvUle Beach acctioa Uraatcalng him with ly ash lag If caught, -Joha Alleai - aegra, eJinrged with murderous assault oa N. 8. Veftle, aged grocer of Villa View, ia being bunted tonight la the gwamp of New Baaover sounty,-wherc he ai thought - to bo hldlagr--- ;, ' ShariS Jacksoa, who, with posse, la pursuing Allen, haa been informed that. If he arrests tha fugitive "ail that will be accessary will bo to bring bog." Jlllea . ia - accused of robbing Veille of $85 ia his grocery store last night after boating him over the bead with a bottle. Tha maa bunt haa cob tusaed slar, but AUea haa evaded, his pursuers. Veillo Is in a local hospital hero ia a serious eosdition. . KIXSTOlf ROTART CLUB 1 ? RECEIVES ITS CHARTER. Kinston, Oct. Fifty &o tartans from 'Wilson, New Bern, Greenville and Goldeboro attended the prosentatioa of its charter to tha elub hero Friday tight Charleo T. Perrin, of Spartaaburg, de livered the charter. See. W. Marshal) Craig welcomed the visiting delegations. Ernest V. Webb presided la the absence of Dr. W. T. Parrott, the president Otherc made talks during a cupper Served the cut-of-towa Botsrisnc. The baby club of the district wss ctatod to bo la thriving-Condition. Bongs were sung and the Rotary 'eutups" Indulged in coniiesl prsnkfc" ' The supper Jind ceremonies were ctsged ta the rooms of the Kiaoca Club. . - AEROMARIXK PAETT TO ; ' ' : MAKE ATOP AT SOCTHPOBT Norfolk, Va, Oct ti The party of (n'.cils of the AeromarinaWest Indies A.fmvi, Int.ea route from New York to Ilsvsas, arrived ia Norfolk thla af t at 1 o'clock, bnring complctel ' a first lop ef their jtiurney la four i". They will-leave tomorrow i ? st 11 o'clock, and expect to y ' i.uti.port, for luach. , Act of Mercy to Blind Man Brings Henderson Young Man to Death Returning Home From Church j Service, Joseph T. watkins Run Over 8y Auto DRIVER N0fBLAMED FOR UNFORTUNATE OCCURRENC Dictated Well Known Tor It ' , forts la Prisoa Evangelism . .. In This Stat Bendercoa. Oet Ei-At a result of an automobile accident Uts Bturday aigfat, Mr. Joseph T. watkins, of this eitv was fatally Injured and died at the Barak Elisabeth hospital, where ha was taken immediately after the aeel dent, within a couple of hoar from fracture of the skull. Mr. watkiaa had heea present at the tvaageliem service, being coadopted at the Chrtstiaa church and wac escort ing a blind msa to his homo at the tun of the accident. Witnesses of the accident ttat that bo had stepped from the side walk, at the Intersection Charles and Rowland streets, lata the path of the coming automobile. Toe automobile waa a pabue convey anc driven by a white nta aamel Bobblac who hat a reputation among the police a a safe driver and one who ha never been 'Called for speeding or reckless! driving. Ho waa Immediately arrcnted but released antil Sundav moraiag when ho waa placed aader bond. The arcideat wac witnessed by Rev. Victor Ughtboarac, who M eon ducting the evangelistic acrricoc from whieh Mr. Watkins was coming, tad he state thct the lunldant wac entirely unavoidable. It waa upon b! IB forming the police headquarters that Mr. Bobblac wag released. Mr. Watklna waa SS year of ago. a graduate of DavidsoO college end Union Theological -Beminary la Richmond Ik. UMIAMIIUA MRS&a. tly - among' those - Interested in prison evangelism. Be leavoc a boat of friends who will remember him ac one who always had faith ta the maa who aas down and for his untiring efforts to help him up. He m curvtved by bit parents, Mr. and lira. J. D. Watkins, of this city, and eight sister and brother. Funeral services will Ac conducted at the Presbyterian church, of this city ct 11 o clock Monday morning. WOMAN'S W. C. T. U. . HOLDING CONVENTION i Elisabeth Oitj Extendi OorrUal Welcome To the State , Organiiatlon Elisabeth City, Oct IA The SSth snnual mcetlhg of the North Carolina W. C. T. U. convened hero Baturday and will continue through Tuesday. Rev. David Bcpbara, of Richmond, Va, preached the convention scrmoa this morning and Mrs. Eliaabeth A. Perkins, of Aaa Arbor, Mich, delivered the convention addrecc tonight Mon day will bo devoted to diseustioa of committee reports aad, reading of re ports oy ttembere. The president's ennual address Will ho made Monday afternooa by Mr. T. A. Qoodno. Child welfare wiU be dis cussed Monday night The visitor were tendered a reception last Saturday Bight SAYS SHIPPING BOARD WANTS OIL AQUEDUCT Mexico City, Oct 84. Charges that the united State Shipping Board 1 indirectly interested ia aa applieatloa acw Deiore Tie department of pctre brum for aa oil aqueduct eoneeceioa across the Isthmos of Ten ua tepee, aad thai it purpose ic to secure ready oil supply for the America Pacific fleet arc published today by the news paper Excelsior. Ia an article de scribed ai Ik "Voice of alarm calling upoa the Hcneaa government to be ware, the aewspaper assert that the company sinking the application while ostensibly Mexican ia its makeup, baa reprecentatlvee of the Shipping Board aa member. WIDOW OF OFFICER " CONTRIBUTES TO FUND r Mr. Whartoa J. Green, of Fayette- fill, widow of-OoL Whartoa i. Green, a distinguished Confederate officer and later rcprcceatative ia Congress, sends five dollars for the Cot-Booaevelt Fund. She ia eepccially interested la . the League of Nations. Newe aad Ohocrvo read. Previously reported llSo.od air, wnanea 4. urcca, rayene vine .00 Charleo B. lone, Raleigh...... 1.00 M. G., Balelgh. .......... , 1.00 Carl P. Duke, Baleigh ......... 1.00 DugbiAUaff Co Baloigb LOO Tola! .l,59o.M o c j o DR. B. W. SPILLMAN TELLS OF BAPTIST FOUNDATION Bev. Dr. B. W. Splilmaa, prccldcat ef the Baptist State Conventioa of North Carolina, and Judge Gilbert T. 8tephensou, of Wlnctoa-Salcm, apokc to the Baptist ministers aad laymen of the city yesterday aftoracoa oa the work of the Baptist Foundation, aa or ganlnatioa decigacd to promote gifts by will or otherwise to objects fostered by the Baptist Btoto Coavoatioa of North Carolina. The epeaklng was held ia the First Baptist church aad was weu at tended.' . . .. ,. . , TO USE OLD WARSHIP V FOR EXPLOSIVE TESTS Washington. Oct'Si. Explosive tests win do maae ui wecc wiu tns aid battleship Indiana la lower Chesapeake Bay by placing boat be ta varioae part of the ship to demonstrate their dsstrue tivc effect, bad they boca dropped from tae atr. .'..!:...-?., Already airplanes firing over the In dian have deaaonatrated the practlea- cuuy or anting a target of that cue from a height of A009 to tm feet but the bomb ased were dummic aad the test was merely one of accuracy. - Mends of Mrs. B. T. Breekwdl Will be interested to know that aha has suf ficieatly recovered from a recent op eration at Bet hospital to be able to return to her. home at 123 South Me Dowell etreet i . BICKETT APPEALS F( Governor Speaks To Elizabeth City Audience That Packs and Jams Courthouse . Elizabeth City, Oet Speaking be fore aa audioaee that iUod and packed end overflowed the courthouse of Pae- nuotaak ccaaty Friday night Governor biekett made a maaterfal defense of revaluation, afged the ratuicatioa of the ;neome tax amendment to the State (oicstitatioa aad la tha taoet eloquent peroratioa beard la Pasquotank for a decade pronounced the Covenant of the League of Natlonc aa honest effort to keep the faith witt tboa who died la Franca and the oaly document ta. his tory penned to lead a war-weary world la to lbs pauia of peace There waa a tumult ef applause when toward the close of his speech the Gov ernor as Id! "I have epokea for nearly two hour without a word ia defease of Wood row Wilson. .Ha needs none at my hands. One thousand years from tonight hie feehicvemeau will be told whea the pack that have badgered and beset the woaaded lion have beea is far forgotten as the melancholy honed that oa last night bayed the mooa." "I wee net la faver of wemaa nf f rage," the Governor weat : oa, "but I have got eaough grajr annttor Inside and outside my head aot to ataad oh a track had try to stop aa approaching express train by argument An h known but that ta overruling Provl- dene has hroneht won the kingdom for thie boarf Though I wac not cut advocate of cuffragu for wemea ler wmrj mmn w, ..chit ai aomn that the wemoa are faf the thing for which their boy fought -ad thnt by their help Jamce U. Cox will he the next Prccldcat of the United BUtsc" Governor Biekett was hoard through rat hie eddreec with aadlvidcd at teatioa. the audience, many of the; steading aad more sitting la awkward aad cramped positions, following him through the hear ef details aad figures that be brought oet of the oubject of rcvaiaatioa without) a eig of Im patience i but aa he passed from State to National issues aad a hi voice, somewhat anakv In the baHaatae. na- gaa to swell to its wonted volume la the stately periods of hi peroratioa. his nearer were caught oa a tide of feel ing that swept them into traacporte of patriotic rerver, ana when the speaker had concluded many evee wore wet An Increasing arowi ha turned cut to hear Uovernor Biekett every time ke bae come to Elisabeth, City. The speaking Friday night waa advertised to begin at S o'clock and before that time every teat la the courthouse was taken and ea the stroke of the hour whea the Governor, after latroduetioi by County Chairman P. G. Sawrsr. be ta to apeak standing room was at a premium Thoaa who came late found tfah hleovc at the head of the atairway leading- ap to the eoartrooaa crowded and weat away wlthoat bearing the speech. Probably a fourth ef the aumber present were women aad aa lafaat 'a cry just before the speaker bogaa hie ad dress aonaded a note thai will probably be leoa atraago ta political gatherings hereafter in, the United States ef America. MINERS AND BRITISH OFFICIALS NEGOTIATE Premier Lloyd George avsd Cab inet Members Bold Three Boors Conference London. Oct M. (Br the Aaaoeiatsd Pre.) Premier Lloyd George, aebU act members and reprecentatlvee of the striking coal miners conferred for three hear, today. After the ainerc dele gatoe bad departed, the cabinet mem' bet continued la eecatoa with Mr. Lloyd Ooerge, rraab Bedgeev ea Icav tag with other reDreseatativod of the miaera, aald the diacuscloaa would be continued. After the meeting with the gcvera meat loaders, the miner executive body went Into eoafeOneet which last ed until di30 p. sa, aad then adjourn. oa nnui tomorrow arternooa. The ceavoraatloa with Mr. Lloyd' George aad the other mombete of the govern ment will be resumed. Hope Beamed to prevail that there would bo a eettlemettt of the oool strike a a result of the veaewal of the direct negotiations between the miners and the government -Meanwhile, neither side haa disclosed the aatara of these aegotiation but accordinar to uneflV cial report Mr. Uoyd George onggect- come acw fomui . would aatisfr the govwrameat thnt If t two chillings advene ta ; wageo was ooaooded It would bo accompanied by a increased oetput ' THRICE TOWED IN FOR REPAIRS AT WILMINGTON Wllmlagioa, Oct M-Thrieo toavd la from oca la a disabled condition aad twice released from libels aggrogatiag t38,000, Ua tug J. W. Scott, owacd by Cubaa ougar planter, agaia ia ia port la a diaabled ooadltioa. The tag was picked up at eon by the Uallory Liasr Saa Mcrooe wbUo ia a inking conditio oeveral naoathe ago. After boiaar towed bore., a, libel for 20,000 waa paid by the owner. . Puttlag to lea agaia the Beott'e eagineo broke dowk'aad oh waa towed hook to port the Wilmington Iroa Work hatot libell ing her for gltpoo for repaira. Thia actio waa alee eetUod aad the tug etartod Friday for Cuba, but broke down agaia off the mouth of the Cape Biver aad waa towaed back by a gaeoliao launch the waa taking ta Cuba, where the ewaer, Mareeliaa Garcia, wait her arrival. - decree te AUoad MeoUng. '."' Mrs. Walter Bortoa left met tight to cttend the meeting of the Carol lass 8tats Coioa of the Grand Intoraatioaal Auxiliary' to the Brotherhood of Loco motive Eagiaecra, ef which, eho te presl deat ..- . . ; . v Constance Talmage ia "Good Befer- caeec" muporba, Monday aad Tuesday, adv. - - ) REVA UAI COHFERENGE WILL CONCLUDE TODAY Bishop DarilnatofT' Preaches Following Annual "Love ' v Feast" Service , Salisbury, Oct ft People ' from towa and eodatryslde a bundrd miles sway eamc to Salisbury today for the big day of the Westera North Caroliaa Methodist conference. The .New First Methodist church, commodious as it ic, was to email for eve half the people wbo were there to hear Bishop Darling ton at the 11 o'clock eervioa. The "Love Feast." with Pr. Da At' kiaa, the eldest active member ef the conference In point of oerviee, presid ing, waa held at 0:30 o clock. The oartaking of the aimple elements, token of brotherly love, wac followed by a testimony meeting that continued fantu jcisnop Darlington took charge. The Bishop, although closing most strenuous week was ia good form had bis sermoa was one of power. Be spoke oa "Faith tad Obedience, the price of personal and aattonaJ eaivation for time and eternity." He pleaded for the development of mee of God that would " deliver God'e message without fear 'or favor among men. The eermoa was followed by the or daining of seven young men aa deaeoaa At S o'clock a memorial acrVlcc waa held for Ave ministers and a number of wires of minister who have died dating the past year. This service waa la charge of Dr. Lea Atkins and a number of beautiful tribute were paid the deed. The ordination of twelve elders followed thla service. Taniaht Dr. H. C. Morrison preached. Tomorrow morning -the conference will moot to bear and dtscusi several important board report aad to hear P" PPWeaw reed, thie being 1- "J 01 an tnaual I COB' fereae. I piTT' i'lfiJ,mmmt'inhfin4'- MA&iteWIIMTtCH Director of Athletics Ikyg Thre Men On Team Inelif. lble Under Soles PitUburg, Oct Charles 8. Miller, uireeior or Ainieue of the University oi ruisourg, tonight gave out a state ment that no further football games with Georgia Tech would bo scheduled. Be explained that thia decision doe aot eoastltuts severance of athletic relatione with that institution na tha contract between both colleges expired Saturday whea PitUburg defeated the eoumern team, 111 to I. tie added, however, that the dcclaioa regarding the future waa aetnatad hv what he construed as a violation of the contract provision by the Georgia team at the game Caturday insisting ipoa permitting three mea who bad played more thaa four years to take part la me came, aaa eiso oooauao the usual eligibility rules adhered to by all first class colleges are aot obaerved hv Georgia Tech. Ta rulec provide that every player must be a candidate for degree and be a resident of the college ror oa year pnor to joining the team. The. mea against whoaa nburlna at Saturday'! game objectloai was made aaia air. miner, are liaeher, Tackle; Flowers, captain, and halfback, and J oh a Htaton, end. several dan before the rams. itr. Miller tald, he had asked for a eon- fereaco with the Georgia athletia direc tor. Thie conference was delayed ta a tew minute before the gam rmiuraay. At thie conference, Mr. Miller added, Georgia refused to go oa the field If these mea were excluded aad rather thaa disappoint the urge number of spectators whe had already resembled, the game was played. At the conclusion of the game, Mr. Miller Mid, he aotifled the Georgia managers that ae future Contract would be ea tered late. GIOKGlA FARMER DIES AS Result OF WOUND, Cordelo. G Oet 14. Minor W. Wood, oS, prominent farmer, died ia hospital her today from a pistol wound ac a result of shooting affray that occurred hi the borne of his brother, Bryant A. Wood, IS, near here Friday. Ia a dying statement to the sheriff. Minor Wood charged that hie brother shot him whea he went to the letter's home to get his little on, to whom Bryant aaa become attached. Mr. Dr. U A. Rockwell la City. Mrs. Dr. Loula A. Rockwell, of Win. etoa-Salem " and AshevDlc, passed through tho city yesterday earoute front Blehmoad, Va- to Winston Bnlem. While here Mr. Rockwell ia company with Colonel Fred Olds, visitea tn nan or History and m the rcllee of her son Kiffln Rockwell, World War aviator and the first North Carolinian to give bit life ia the war. Her surviving son, ' Paul Boekwell, is low ia Fraacc and spent the cummer ia the Ugh Alpe where hie health waa kreatly benefitted. With bin wife who waa Mademoiselle Lcyguea, duagh tot of Premier Leyguee, he expect to visit the State soon, this being the first trip of hie wif : to thie conatry ," ; Balciffb,N. 0, Oct ti, 1020. : North Ca roll na-Inerca sine eloudi- nose Moaday with thewore a Weet pdi tioai Taeeday showers, - cooler ia Wert. - . TBMPKBATTJBB , " Highest temperature 71 Lowest tamperature 49 Meaa temperature ........... ....... M Execce for the day ............... Average dally deficiency oiaee Jaa-. ary let ,. 0.1 PRECIPITATION (la laches) Amount for the ft bokrb ending ' Ot S p. fll. ,,,,.'.,,a..,..a.A.x.- 0 nw vr ioi anu iv aij Deficiency for the-month telcieney since Jan. 1st ........ tn HUMIDITY , r-.1 . .'. fiaea Ualm Dry bulb 61 9 - iff Wsl bulb ..... 60 00 68 Rel: humidity .......... tj 68 ' B PBE8SUBB (Reduced to 8ea LcvcL) ... SOil' 0 p. m. ... I a. 0JJ To Prevent ChKIa Take GROVE'S TASTEUS CUTLL TO 10 to destroy the Malarial Germs tho Bioodr aad thua Prevent Chills. The Weather r. n" k I... .... i - . F U. S. ELECTIONS Marked ' Contrast Between Modern Methods and Old Ways of Naming President Wuhlngtoa," Oct SeTrem 'the time the tret voter register hie choice for president oa Ksvcmber ft, ta Cast port, Ms4 easternmost oommualty ia the United States, nUl tome tlxtcea bout Inter whea election judge elooo their booths la Osetto Washlngtoa, the presldcatlal suffrage eommnnlty farthtct west -the heariect battle of ballot ever witnessed will be la prog rose," says a bulletin af the National Geographic Society, issued from its Washlngtoa, D, 0 headquarters. Tit battle will aot be meda greater thaa those of 1011 aad 1111 by any la crease la the area over which it will be fought, eontiauec the bullstla, "for nrison and Naw Mexico, easting, their ballot for president for the first time ia 191S, completed the roster of the states ia the united States proper end signalled the extension ef the Presidential suffrage ta every political unit between the two oceano aad the Caeediae and Msxicaa border! except the District of Columbia. Th battle will be almost doubled ia magnitude, however, by the extepetoa ef outrage to women ia th nntoy lute which did aot peraWt theat o Jtot la pre vious election.) - The FeFlang Ballot Bat, Th!t greatest ef election straggle will take piece ia an area ef approx imately 1 ,000,000 square miles, under condition varying from tho frosty weather ef the Canadiea boundary aad the not improbable enow storms of tho highet eommunitiea of th Bock Ugjs of nrtweetorw' border, Bal lot boxes emblems'of Amerleaa sov ereignty will be set ap la the h carta of great cltiec, in village, in way side school house, oa isolated islanda, ia pocket of the great woods; far up among rough peaka and below the level ef the seat ia maay caeca ia commu nities which lie behind great natural barriers that cut them off physically from ether eettlemeate. Aad yet be cause of tho telephone and telegraph wires that extend into aearly every eommuaity aad wirelee eommtialea tjo that supplements them, most American citizen, unless the contest is unusually close, will learn the results from the fsr-fluag battle at their break fact table aext morning. Indeed, impa tient follower of the return will prob ably know before midnight, rending re ports a they are Hashed on screens be fore aewspopor offices ia Counties eitiee aad towns. "It was far different paradoxical as it may eecm at first eight, during the arlv Presidential ciecuone ia waica popular voting figured, ia spite of the fact that practically all voter wer east of the Mississippi rivet and most of them ia the Btoto along the Atlantic seaboard. Lacking electrical meaa of eonununioatloa aad railroads, aad hav ing bat poo highway and vehicles, the- country waa oftca la ifaerasse of the candidate elected for week after tha election. The contrast eaaaot be earried back te elections whea the Val id State wee confined te it original thirteen member along the arrow etrlB ef coast country,, for in those davs th voter aad the eampalg. mah ago had hot come into their own. The chooein of -. president wa a party. less, eampelgnlee aad oo far as most of the "men ta the street' were con cerned voteless affair. Legislatures tared voters from the hotter of cast ing ballot by appointing elector! and the latter those a President, Tennessee Started Nominating Covea tWUOi "Westerners might assert that th ex tension f the vote to their States pop nlarlced the government . At any rate, a the course of statehood bae token it war westward voter bate come more aad mors into closet managment ef llcir government, and their various ac tivities have left geographical miie stones along the rotd. T saa setts originated th flret move ment toward the rx-puler choice of standard bearer who should etaad be fore the Country as a" candidate, This first impulse which btought about nom looting conventions, competing parties tad asm patent much a we know them today etarted at a mas meeting of eitiaca at the little towa of Marys villa ia lata. 8peechmaking tripe were rat mad ia th campaign of 1840, aad what wee considered the big 'owing round the circle' ef Stephen Douglas CROUP AliD ViHOOPhlG COUGH Roquiro Prompt TrMtmcat With Chanay't Expectorant Which Stops tho Croup mad Eatofi Up thoWhoop At Onct ChenwVfi Expoctorant Famout for pat two fenarationt, as m Sura Raliof for all Form of Cough, Coldt and Throat . Trouble. .Try it Now To day: Youraalf. . Croup most freqneatly devolopc at night with-inflamatioa of the throet wiU dreadful cough aad tpittlag ef mucous. Mother ahould alway bo pre pared te give it prompt ttteatioa by giving the child Cheney' Expectorant. Thie medicine allay the tymptemt and blee the ehild to rest easy aad an ally result ia a permanent cure. Whooping cough It a preleaged end leoa fhtal malady. Before tho whoop ing . cough actually begin, there are from four te forteea day of aa ordi nary, severe cough. ; Thie to the time to give the child Cheney1 Expectorant, and - thus prevent r- the- mere - acrlou symptoms, aa whooplna eounh.. whaa fully developed, ia a stubborn ailment out even tnea insacy t expectorant will cose up the whoop aad effectually relieve, at well ae fortify the child against throat and lung trouble, which often follow thie discs Get a bottle of Cheney1! Expectorant today from your nearest drug store, and bo pre pared, for yo never eaa toil whea y may need it-Adv. , THE GEOGRAPHY 0 la 1800 covered only a part cf the emntiy cost of the Missumppl. At that, the trip was much more of aa undertaking tha th transcontinental campaigning tottre of today. The expanding geography of the United Statee be played ita part to the election -ef Pretidcnts in more way thaa oa, Mtaaepri and ita com promise left it impress early. The Mexican wsr and the winning of Texao elected Zacharv Taylor. South Caro lina, Florida, : Louisiana - aad Oregon wore the ecattercd pewne ia tho great est aad moat dangerous politico game that ha ever beea played ta America the Bayee-Tildea contest of 1878. which gave the Presidency to the former. -"Nearly every careeedlng Freelde' titl eampalga since the establishment ef the Union has ceea vote counted from bow Statee. The first elf Presi dents were elected by vote entirely from oast of the Mississippi. With the edmlaoioa of Lou'sian ia ISIS voters living west of the great fiver ft formed the rly westera boundary of the country ccct their first vote ror Prccldcat Growth of tho country during the 'aext few year took place la the Groat Lake region and it wss not antil 1821 whea Missouri wac ad mitted that a State lylng-tnttrely to the west of ' the Mississippi joined la choosing a Chief, Executive. at rage Llahs Ocea to Ocean. "The anncxttloa of feiec ia 1845 carried the - territory ef the United State ia which partlelpatloa eould be had ia Presldcatlal election much far ther west thaa it had ever extended be fore, aad la the elcctloa of 1848 voters Uv.g ae far weet as the 108th meridian had the right to cast btllota. Texas was the westernmost State for oaly a brief period. Ia 1880 California waa admitted to ttatohood, the first State separated by territories from the great group of contiguous State. Presi dential auffrage hod at lact reached the Pacific coast " Nine' year later tfregon, touching California oa the borth was annexed, and ia 1864 Nevada waa admit ted aad with the other, two long- con stituted aa island of statehood ia the :s-mmmifmmim.wn-. tied the main body of State eloscr to the little western group, but it was not until 1800 whoa Wyoming and Idaho, following la tho footsteps of the Dakota and Montana the proceeding year, entered the union, that tho gap wa. bridged. ( . "Although modern facilities, coupled with tho usual tendency of most Statee to vote decisively for one party or an other make the result ef a Pre :i detttial election apparent almeot before the but polling places are closed, re- Itoscoeltoffy Al emtaN MICMOSCXJ at -' 4 IbROUNDUP ALM O Thurtday and Friday Bed -Time or rbucicle -saxji- Breakfast -Time (Yoii can have your entire home warm any time of day or night. No matter how sudden the "Norther comes down youcan, have; heat in a jilry with an . IHTERiMIOHIL onEP.iRD.HErrc-n V f It is tho most responsive type of heating tp-, . paratus made, and espedklly well adapted " for sudden changes of temperature " Burns any fuel. More V economical; for tho ' comfort it affords than - stoves or fireplaces. - . , Easily installed under ' anv house. Heats the whole house through ' rrxf - ft s riiiv o n rl nne register. - V Lanjlcy Sales Company Bhtiltomrs tot ta. K.C sad A C MSwasUmtHCraetbar,N.C, . Otftty ttniw BOrc, Co. LwMwt Vt. , a. c. rumMt Cum Vfc rt.K. SaSC - atcmtai.Va. ' M. MiCnMtCl Chwlw R C. IIiiihiImIMi i V WHaiM M C wiMnSwrtrc. . UtttPMrt.n.c V- ..' M'Wlr - tmmmtmtt M O, HM, S.r. turns opaietlme come ia from varioog pert of he country ia suck a way tha some rather close election have kept th country guessing for day. Thug ia 1916 there oeomod little doubt af midnight on election day that the Be. ' publicum jominec for 'fceaidcat ' wa elected. , The teomo waa ooea te dot pend oa California aad for .more than twenty-four hoar th roealt oeemed to hang ea the vet cae ta a email moUtt od eommanity la the foot-hill of th Sierras- 'While t hcadred millioa ryeo were directed toward it, thit email act. tkmcnt assumed sa unprecedented im portoncc Aad it la aot at ell Imnrolx abU, if aot ia the p.esent eampalga thet la thoee ef Uo future, that some ether bit of territory, how onkaowa to fame, will suddenly find Itself la tho glare of the spot light the annroi meditated arbiter ef ita country's noli. leal future." BLADEN WOMAN REGISTERS ' , AT ACS OF IM TEARS. Wilmington, Oet SAv-Balpk Borinsr. registrar of Ellaabotbtowa, Blades county, reported today that the last ' woman who wae roriaterad thara Mrs. Margaret Bataelaoa, who gave her ago oc 108. 8b affiliated a a Democrat nnd said she would vote the straight ticket Constaaee Talmage la "Good Refer. taecc" Superb. Monday aad Tued. dv.' SOUND ADVICE ABOUT EATING Alabama, Ladj Says W Impos On Nature by Otereatiag, Bat Thedford's Black-Drsught WO - Makr- Yob " Feel Bettor r wt-.v-j JTBIUS AOCK,, nmmmtXj&ygg ana neignoorc, Mrs. Mary Manning, of thie place, cay i I aever have tad sever expect to fiad A better medlelac thaa Thedford'c Black-Draught Whom rve bad a cold tad needed a laxative, 1 need Buck-Draught I Bae it for tour stomach, headache tnd indigestion, 'aad ' It dooo the work. 1 believe most ill wo have are" caused from inactive liver. We m pose oa nature by over-eating aad then the liver doa't act We get buy aad ae aocovat It is hard for a to do oar work, aad we'd got real sick if we dldt't take tomethlng. The boot remedy I have found yet is Black-Draught tt doeaat leave you constipated, and X feel better after taking a round of it" Made from purely vegetable ingrci dienta, Black-Draught act la a. aatu' 1 ral way, aad ia fre from the bad after-effect of so maay mineral drug. Oet a package today. Bo tare thai it boare the wori "Thodf ord'a." . a . - - Thodford' 1 The Only goaulnd' Blaek-Dranght liver modlelnOv A8V. -70' -mm ' 3 C-s- -TVs m