ii ifiie. News. North CironUi Local ahow". era Tuesday, Wednaaday clearing aad aoolsr . . '. . M f' Sn4" rn,t 7 Mfora tjplmlon ,n4 a rout SiImUs stasis assy. ' ' J VOL CXH. NO. 125, SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1 920. SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVEX CENTS DEMOCRATIC HOSTS WELL SWEEP STATE FdRPAR.TY HEW WOMAN VOTE WILraVELL LEAD ' Majority For Democrats Will Be In Excess o! 50,ooo, Ac cording To Warren v AMENDMENTS WILL CARRY DECLARES A, J. MAXWELL George Whit Sends Last CaB To Democratio Workers, Urffiag Them To Set That Votef Ar Counted" nd B ' On Lookout Tor Republican ; Trickery " 4 - : Between S.SS a. m. aad:lS p. . to la th rotor of Nojth Carolina win ' record their dote at tflemk) tot the BatioaaL Btata and. county government aad worn, for the fist tfaaa la the -a t. Aula "wtll Mf(UlimCf .,.auuirx a !" - : -" - r- tM' a vwiMs aoded, wflllw to Increase tha Dnnoemie - majority U tha State, tha talk of the woman vote, la strong Demoeratie eoua- tie going to tha Democrats aomtaaea, aad tha balk, ia strong Bcpubliean eoan- tie going to tha Bepublican nomUeee. Just how many womea w registered throughout tha Btata haa aot been da. tarmUed, but to Wak anty SJ00 . hare, pot their same a tha tegiatntioa books. '. Not many eouatiea will present hH" toU' t?!wl"tie. candidate at Bhelby kaa few ' the addiUoasl registrsUoa kaa beea sock nui aleetioa offieiala ta prepare t handle one Tote a adnata, throughout . the day. ia ardor to aeeommoaaia uie ' . Oainnaa Thomas TX Warren, af the Djmoeraic State Bxeentira Committa, raking a eonaerratiTe sntlaaata,. aays that tha Demoetatic majority will be ia axrM of 60,000. Others hare placed the ertimate as high aa 75.000, ia apita of " vroscato EepabUcaa eUimt tb.il the minority sntyJathe 8wt-wm rapture tVi'e oa:esioBal d'ttnetv acading Mer-ablieans to Coagreif ia tae Be Tenth, ltt'Jh ana Tenta oiss.-wa. -Aauuidmeato" W A Carry, - ... "Beporta reeeieed today Indieata that the amondiaeata ta ue oiaue Un will be carried by a good rote. declared Mr. A. J. lUxweil, of the Cor- poratioa Commiaston, last nigkt. ' ' Two amendmenta are snbmitted ta the Sotere of the State today to complete the work of roTataatioa. The arst amendment a to Article. V. aeeUoaa X, a a. m.mi a to limit rata of Btata aad - county taxes aad, amount at toll taxes, aad to anthoriae income tax. ' The second amendmeat to Article vl. sections S aad 4, it to cbaaga require- meat of twa years residence ia the Btata and paymenj of poU tax as qualim- oatloa for rotiasji A i - v . . Chairman George Whit jterday " wired Thomae J). WarreaTa telegram -roieing'ths confldenee of tha national ergaaiaatio that Cox aad BoosoTelt will , be elected. - ,' v, ' : . ' Whlte U OaUmlatic ' -"Please eonToy.to all our workers," the telegram read, "the request that rack of them see to it tnai iu oauois , arc counted aa east. Eepublican methods , thia year make tt possible they wiU seek to take adranUge of early re turns and H ia absolutely vital that you wait for complete returns. Pay we at teatioa to fake dispatcher purpling ' to emanate from this committee. It will Issue statements through reputable presa . associations aad newspapers only. Kindly keep me adrisem by '' phono aad telegraph returns. Bo vigi lant at the polls. We willf elect the next president aad TioarprhsideBt. Elect ioa officials todar are contcn- '. plating the aeeessity for explanations oa tha manner at Toting, hlaay af tke aew TotersH men aa well aa womea, expect to cast a rote djreetly for Cos. . They will hare that epportaaity, but it ' wUl "be CoL Albert I Cox, af Kortk Carolina, instead of Gorernor Cox, af Cklo. - Electioa affieUki wftl hara to '' explain the electoral VoVe aad point eat v ta tha Toters that ia easting the Dema era tie national ballot-headed by Albert L. Cox aa of the twa Electors at inrce. xner ouiiui vw w other Can, who Democrats are confident, will be the next President of the United 'tdatee. '" v. " J " National Ballot. , .,, : ' Tha Democratic national ballot fol lows:. ' ...v,,,,,,,. . Blectors at large:., Albast I Cox, ITT A 01 " T ' " ' FtMt District E. tv Btewert. ' geeoad District: J. Paul Prixxlc. t ,., i xhird District! J. I BarbsaU Feurth'District! B. T. Holden. ' i Fifth District: D. O. Brum mitt. ' Sixth: DistrirV Thomas h. Johaaon. Berenth District: B. U Burns. ' Eighth District: A. C. Hoaeyentt. ; Ninth District: T. A. Adams. i 1 Tenth Putrict: Felix E. Alley. State Candidatea. " ' ' The candidates of th State ticket . today, who will be eoted on. are: . For "United States Senator: Lea & Orermaa, Democrat, -A, E. Holt on, Be publiean. ' ' ' -i " ' For Gorernor I 1 Cameroa Morrison, Democrat; John P. Parker, Bepiibliean. For Lieutenant-GoTernor: , W. B. Cooper, Democrat ;.lrring B. Tucker, Bepoblieaa. ' i . For .Secretary of State: J. Bryan Crimes, Democrat; Browaiow Jackson, , Republican.- ' , Eor State AnifHar: Baxter Durhiim, ' Democrat; J. Ed. aicndenhall, Bepubli-"--esn. ... . - . For rVate TressTtrer: ' Ben jam! a B. Lacy, Democrat; J. J. Jeukias, Treas nrer. " For Superintendent of PuLlie Inst rue- TICKET nnnipn.i ni noro liiunijioui . Ill 1CKLBIBURG Greeted By Big Crowds Every- wnere In His Tour of The ' Ninth District " MRS. GARDNER PRESENTS, HIM TO SHELBY PEOPLE Wif a ei Lieutenant OoTernor Zatabliahei New Precedent r In Political HUtory of State; Nominee's 8peeck Ia Char. lotto . Jitter Climax To ; Strennoui CampaijH , By m. K. POWELL. (Staff Correspondent.) i Charlotte,, Nov.. L-"meroe Morrl- I sou great IAI for Democratic ne- i ia North Carolina ended im a blue I of (lory ia .kia kerne tewa -toaia-bt af ter a day replete ia dramatics bad been ntumw sx ana immu woo neara ue Demeeratie nvominee at are points In tha keatbieat counties . of th ninth and Jrom robo.it-Shelby down to liberty-famed CSurlotta the - materrifled warned ta rick demonatrationa of its democracy The bright partienlnr star of the day that furamhod aU the thrills el a quad rennial combat between auffragaaa was Mm. O, Max Gardaer, " whose really aaadaome introc action of the Demo eoanterparta for magnanimity in the politic; history of Ue old Norta (State. .it. Big ctwwaa a.erywnre. -.- Shelby draw the beat effort of Mr. Morrison daring the day aad furnish ed one of tha Sneat crowds of the campaign to bear it. . Not area the great record for cam- paigning established ia Chatham last week can hold a ehndla ta tha tour of today. . The elements all conspired to make tha whirl notable aad thevcliraax her grsad. Partisanship waa buoyant everywhere, tha electioa era interest of tha Toters was keen, tha day waa ideal ana Morrison, tha orator, waa ia plot accord with erery natural eondi- tiotnv. f'1-'-.-"?'' " CkuLp!acoat Shelby, hiaiorla King Mountain. , militant Oaatoaia aad the Charlotte of the signers, were tha main stopa of tha. gubernatorial party aa it made its way ever the district today aad the little; Tillage of McAdenrrille. be tween Charlotte aad Gaeonia, turned out aim oat to ita Toting strength to'hcar Juat a word from tha next gorernos. Among a party of rnendsj who ae eompaaied Mr. Morrisoa from here to Shelby thia moraing, where Ueriot t,Urx soa, .the nominees pro-primary man ager, and Henry Doekery, kia law part ner. Tke party lunched at Shelby and tha am of are peeeaea waa begua there at 'clock. Aa kour ia Shelby, fifteen minutes la Kings Mouataia, aa hoar ia Gaston ia, fifteen minutea at Me- AdensTills and nearly two koura ia tha spaeiooa auditorium here tonight makes the sum ' total of tuns spent ta apeak ing. - ' -, ... . , J OrathM Par Mrs. Gardaer. " Packed an inmmed'ta the point' that kit would hold ao mere, the Cleveland andienee of aesrly f tfteea i hundred shouted, stormed and . cheered aa Mr. Morrison entered the court room this evening. ' Sitting prominently ia the bar were Lieutenant O. Max - Gardner, who closed tha campaign at Hickory to night, Mrs.- Gardner, Judge, Jaa. U Webb. Sad Mrs. Webb aad msny warm friends of the Bhelby family. '- The greeting ' to the - Charlotte ' eaadidate waa assumnee aad oa its heel cam the announcement by Chairmen Mnll that Mrs. Gardner waa to "do the hon ors , of tha day. Perfect - paademoa iuxa of Boise caught a start from this complete surprise aad the ' Ehelbyite howled as enJy , belligerent partisans can howi , - ; . It was ' a atriiiag evatioB her ."fel low citiaea- gave to Mrs. Gardaer had ana that came from : th hearts or her people. She poie briefly aad Vary much to th ttoiat She was for Morri son ia the event her husband failed to get ia tha second primary but many people haew H as well as the nominee aad it did him good to hear tt. 'My candidate and your eaadidate. for whom thonaaads of my sex are going to east .their first ballot, tomorrow, I present to yea the next Governor of North Carolina. was greeted, with roara f applause. He ww kappy to be thus introduced aad quirt ta assert that any feeling left by th primary fight bad beea completely wiped away by tha graciousnes af hia lata ep poaeat's wife. JDvuk Past BarUa lis Dead. No honor . can ever eome to Max Gardner or happiness to Mrs. Gardner," said Mr. Morrisoa after disclaiming aay impulse of the moment, "that trj.ll not (Continued Oa Page Two.) - ANoTHya good luck ours - . 8EST NEWS AND OBSEBVEB ' Oa the era of the Vatleaal eUe. Uoa, tha News sad Oheerrar re ceived from Mr. Stephea B..WU. llaasa, of Wallace, aa egg with a rerfect C, ta scribe an the small end. The err wee laid by a hen below rl n te Mr. Williams end Mr. A. S. J. WiHIams, of Bichmend, Va, who forwarded th egg to be pre aented to Secretary Daniels, declare that it is aa Indication of aacceea for Csvrrnor Cm at the polla today. Mr.' tfjhew iUlama la a brathcr of Mrs. G. i). ESlawerth, of Washing, tow, I). C , ' I OLUOLd DANIELS SPEAKS W TO BIGGEST CROWD E Secretary of- Navy Receives Great, Welcome From Wins ' ; ton-Salem People ' URGES TAX AMENDMENT ' AS AN ACT OF JUSJICE Great Ovation When He sousces That After Next March 'He's Cominf Back Home; Confident That North -. and '.West and Women of America Will Elect Cox : Wiasto'a-Saleai, Not. 1. Befora the largest crowd that haa avbr aaaembled ia Forsyth eonaty court house aad after hundreds kad beea turned - away for lack af room Joaephaa Daniels tonight stirred theDemocrata t this section ,e new heights 1 of fervor aad eathosiara. ,He was int rod need by-Hugh Chatham se.tne most.zamona ana bast aeioTed North Caroliaiaa esV hia geasration. . Wr. Daniels rcceiTcd the greatest. ova Ugri that has berlkk (ivea to a pnblie speaker ia WiastoulSalem- ia years. Tor, Marly twa hours hf keld his vast audi- eaea -af mea aad -women, the Jattar b time political meeting that veterans like to' talk , about ia the days of Vance and "Seme..- ' Coming Back Home to Stay. The ctfraax of- the applanse came whea Mr,. Daniels ia Closing announced that after March S, 1821, whether Hard ing or Cox ia President, "l am coming buck home. Sight year ia all toe long for aay Tar Heel to etay out of the State, and with a Demoeratie gorernor and with a Demoeratie administratioa in the State, I hope to.be one among yea to eonaeeruta his Ufa and service to the progress of thia great eld com. mon wealth? , - . . . - ". Mr.- Daniel . complimented what he termed "the glorioue adrninUtratioa of Governor Bukett. ; , - . : J? am happy to know," he mid, "that ia North Carolina tha people hare not gone off after atranga gods, that they trust the bridge that has carried them ever through all these yean, aad that they will tomorrow . with , a record breaking majority elect Cameron.- Mor rison Governor of the Btata, and re. tura Lee 8. Overman-to-' the United State Senate, where for all these year he has rendered each mighty semes." Mr. Daniel made a etronx artDeat also for the ratification ( the proposed, tai amendmenta to the. constitution. . Be said he trusted that tha people of North Carolina would aot longer be content with that iniquitous taxation system in. corpora ted ia tha daya of reeonrtme- tioa, and would .by aa overwhelming vote ratify tha amendmeat offered by tha general assembly. The 'DrUeirilOVrf the same amend meata," said Mr. Daniels, "is so sound that I can me ao reason why they should not har the aaanimeu support of the people.. Why quarrel over 4 tailsl Tha detail' of carrying out these -amendment will be in the hands of such fair-minded mea a North Caro linians always lead to tha Legislature and they, can be trusted ia the future as ia the vast to see that taxes are levied with fairness aad Justice to all, t ; Predicts Cox's Electioa, - . . -Mr. Daniel predicted that the ia dependent Bepublican of the North and West,' and tha wromea of America will elect Cox and Booeevelt, and will repudiate a Bepuhllcaa Congress, "that for tha last eighteen months ha had the courage of a lion in criticism and th courage of ' jack rabbit ia per formance. ' " (.-. '' -' r After hs'ving canvassed many of th doubtful etate. he erpreesed the con vietioa that the. people of th country are tired of do-nothing Cocgrses and will oa tomorrow elect a do-something Congress. The people of the country. he declared, bav at. last realised that a Bepabbeaa House aad Bepublieaa Senate by their failure to paw a sin gla measure of reconstruction to' re- lieve the people of war taxes and to restore peace to the world by ratifica tion of ther Magna of Nations are re sponsible for the clump ia business and drop la cotton aad ether farm product of the. last two months. .:; , , la his- speech of introduction, Mr'. Chatham "predicted a ' vastly increased majority- for th .Demoeratie ticket ia rorsythe county; ' Maay Seised Wkk Weariness. Th text of the Secretary' address ia part fonowi,--vA'.,vw..-,T7-. ,: "There is present-dar aDolieatioa af th spirit that prevailed in Greece of weariness of lofty Ideals and aobl achievement oa th part af those Who prefer the plain to th heights. Aa Aria tides, everywhere area ia hi own city called The Juat waa lea vine the voting booth having east his ballot for tha glory that was Greece he was ap proached by aa uneducated eitixea. who, , aot recognizing the great mna whose aid ha sought, with th request to aid ia th preparation of hi ballot. W ita hia usual courtesy Aristider com plied, and the voter handed the oyster shell apoa which with shsrp stylus th voters indicated their preference for tndidatc and policy. - -., ' ""How do yon wish to" vote t asked AristiJes, ready to prepare the ballot for the stranger. ; ". "I wish to vote agamft Aristidea, Tha Just, aad all hia policies,' waa th reply givea with feeling. , ' . , "Without movement - to indicate his identity, taking the stylus and begin ning to write the ballot of condemna tion of himself, Aristidea quietly asked: "May 1 inquire why yon are so .de termined tov defeat Aristlde and de stroy his policies t' (. - '".' 'And tlio'-toter answered In sob- stancei 'I do aot know Arittides, aad know less about hi policies,- but I have grown tired, of always hearing him called The Jut, and i,wish aa ar- CAMPAIGN J ing present lit Urge numbers, with eloclelnring , that his success Would b a WITH 'LEAGUE WmNOm mOMIN AS CHIEF ISSUE VOTERS OF NATION - , . WILL RENDER THEIR VERDICT TODA Y GOVERNOR COX PREDICTS HIS . , VICTORY IN ELECTION TODAY Democratic Nominee Summar izes Arguments For League, . , The, Chief Issue ' - HAS FAITH IN GOOD JUDGMENT OF PEOPLE Appeals Tor Victory Tor Him. self As . Leader of; League 7 Cans and Hot As Party ,J EepreientatiTe . Toledo, O. Not. X Gorernor Cox, the Democratic Presidential candidate, closed his campaign hero tonight as he began. i three months ago with a plea that tha aleetioa tomorrow decide In f aror of America's entry into the League of Katioaa. He predicted hia electioa at the polls tomorrow wsa-a certainty, de- era! thousand, heard hia speeches and i he closed hia last Plea for the league hi word wer that iff acceptance by y Aa United States .meant -peae. oa earth, good will to man." ' - The governor ' risit to this Hy a to keep faith with a political supersti tion, hi party follower her asserting hia only defeat at tha poll waa whea h did aot close .hi campaign her W electioa ar. ; '- Kef erring, to his political career and th local superstition, tha governor mid, I finish tha campaign here tonight, aad I expect to win tomorrow." .Cox Makes Final Appeal. Ths Governor brought hia campaign tf a close lust one hour and a half be fore the beginning of election day. The song ef the angel at Bethlehem that ha used a the eloUng word ot hie cam paign, be aid, would be sung again by the angels whea this country entered the League of Nateona. ' la summarizing hi- argument for th League, the Governor joiaed with them an attack oa Senator Harding, de claring aa one know where- Harding stands5' oa the League issue.' Goreraor Cox alw-4amc4- that.tha.Jtapablieaa campaign leader had nought to win rote by erery mean.! Senator Hard, inc'a election, the Gorernor 1 added, would be a "mixed mandate ' regarding whether thi eosntry should Joia the League. ,-: . : '-; . ' k.hv tnita ia America, th Got- n'm BMnrted in this connection, "will rote tomorrow for Warrea G. Harding. ' , Th3t--xcmaTk caused a few hearer to leave tha hall, with whom th crowd made merry as th departing voter moved toward the exit. .' The Cover or aim declared that whea he started th campaign he promised to "step a fast heat" and h added that he' '"finished with greater speed than ever. The Gorernor also renewed hi attack oa Senator Harding tin th league issue. declaring that the Bepublieaa candidate was 'wiggling and wobbling," and that th Senator's election meant "coniro. vertrrand confusion'" ' - Jir: The Gorernor aad kia party arrived hereby special trala early ia the even, in from Davton. and left-oa his re urn Journey immediately fter his speech. Tomorrow he wUl rest at Day ton, aolng to tb polls with Mrs. Cox to vote during the dy. aad tha at night will go to his -newspaper office to watch the returns, bringing ia the wArilieC af the. elaetionu - -1, ' 6a hia way her from Dayton, the Governor and hi t party stopped at Dessaler for a rear-platform speech, k forerunner of hi argument here - to- Haa .Faith Ia People. - f - T hare always kad faith in the good judgmeat and patriotism of tha Ameri ca people, ' mid the Uovsrnor, -ana aa analysis af th past toll a that ia all of our history whenever a moral iseji haa beea presented it haa beea met-with the approval of the America electorate. If there ever was a cam paiga baaed entirely spen a great moral issue, thia is th campaign, because the thing to be decided is whether the civilization of the world halMia itself togctne in a eoncenea purpos to pro- rent tb tragedies eg war. , . "I hop we will hare good news to morrow night. When I say good news, I do not speak rf a Demoeratie victory. I sneak for a victory for humanity which will be victory for humanity world-wide, haring a .significance that touches ' every mas, woman and child ta tha civilised power aa th earth." The Governor had ao special address prepared for the meeting here, but ia it ha reviewed aad summriied th va rious arguments hs had mad ia his K ram-continental tour ( Thia long- cam r ., Cieu Maay .Maaaaxea. - - Many anesmgea were received today by th candidate, eomine from various part of th country. None was mad public, but tt was said that they pre- Ulieted tha Governor's victory. . The weather forecast for tb country wss mid , by members of th Governor's party to be cheerful news, predicting InelemeVt weather ia ' several sections when it was regarded that thi would affect the Bepslilieau . vote more se riously than that of 'the Democrats, particularly . la the mountain sections of noma border states. - - Big Crowd Present. - The Gorernof ran afoul of bad weoth. rr here, but the big Coliseum waa filled and riany hundred stood in the aisles and exits. .. Congressman Sherwood ef this city, one of the veteran members of the House ef Bepresentatires, introduced Governor Cox ss "Th next President." Election Returns Tonight The News and Observer will give the" election returns tonight on a screen '.on" the Wright Hotel Building across the street from the News and Observer office. As fast as the information comes in by wire from all parts of the na tion and the State it wjll be flashed on the screen. All are invited. , y, , v ' In order that conditions, may be as favorable aj possible for the compiling of the; returns, the editorial rooms and business office of the News and Observer will be elqsed ex cept to employes -trad telegraph messengers.- This rale ex cepts no one and-Jt is respectfully requested that the public, co-operate in securing its enforcement ,1 -, . ' HARDING TO GET WHITE IN APPEAL I IVL 1 UmiO H I IIUII1LI U HLrUDL UH NO G. 0. P. Nominee Puts Cares of Campaign Behind Him; Con- ' -r fident of Outcome, ; Marion, Ohio, Nov. lv Putting i th stress aad worries of hi campalga be hiad him, Senator Harding awaited calmly tonight th decision of hia' fellow-countrymen oa hi candidacy for th nation' highest office. " . . He made a - predietioa .of tha oat come, but hi quiet demeanor aad smil ing face, carried every outward sign ef mtiafaetioa aad confidence. - -, ' ; , : I eaa only' say," h replied to a re quest for hi opiaion," "that we hav mad the best aght we knew how to make, aad await th result with com. plaeeacyr V Surrounded by hi family and par eaal friendsr ha :pn -eHctloaHre at home.-' It wat aa rnlnf . vary differ ent from meat of those he has experi cneed.sinee hi aominatloa.. ' Throughout th day he let Aowa from th strain ef th campaign, declined to eoaeera himself .f ith th routine of Jala besdquarters aad ipeat most of' his time ehstticg of everything bat politics with friend and neighbor who ia torn aim. , .'.V i . . . T. Veto Karlr -Tadar. Tomorrow he expect to rot early ta th forenoon and then motor te a golf course forty mile away to tramp over the links while th story af th ballots is telling Itself throughout th nation. lie will be -back at bom la time to near th aarliett returns. - Virtually th only attention girea to politic by th nominee during today waa in "telephon conferences with Will H Hays; the Bepoblieaa actional chair man, and Harry M. Dougherty, who was hia pre-aonrentioa manager. Mr. May K New, York aad Mr. Daugherty in Columbus gav - their detailed " report of tb outlook, which h described aa da eidedly oneouraging. .,' '" From Indiana, New Jersey. IHiaoi and New Yprk, battleground of jaore than ordiaary interest throughout the hejunpaign, the eaadidate said hia infor mation was specially: graarytng. m added that ha also had received com heartening reports Of senatorial races. feature af tha electioa ia which he has taken particular eoneern.-' , ' 1 Although he ha spent moot of th last month oa th stump, Mr. Hardine; Sa ished the campaign ia robust eoaditioa phyaieayy.- - ' i r ' Made 111 8 seeches. Ta all ainee hia nomination ia Jane tha Senator ha mad 181 speeches. By far the greatest aumber ef them were delivered from tha rear platform at kia train during, kia travsls ovsr sixteen State. Thirty-three wer delivered from th front porch aad; thirty -lx-at ether place ia Ohio. " ' ' He ha spoken la Iadlaaa, West Vir ginia, Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois, Okla homa, w York, Tenneseee, Minnesota, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, Wls- eonsia and Maryland. . ' -- . Mrs. Harding, who has beea at his id during every speech, daring the last trip, which ended Saturday night ia Columbus, took a heavy cold, aad today she remained ia bed until aesrly aooa. It was aaid her illnem was aot at all alarmiAf. ' ' - ' " ' - - Win Take Vacatiea, , - Aftar election dsy there win Tea a vacation for th Senator aad hi wife. but detailed plana for it hav not ret beea announced. ' rTf The voting booth where the Bene tor aad Mrs. Hardlajr wiU seat their ballets tomorrow it ia a small gang aboat block from their kooi. Th precinct haa. been aomlnally Democratic ' This year tne pouueai sign in uai jnrur ular section sr not eenvineing, now erer, for the precinct a ' rcretrattoa showed a greater aumber of womea ant voter than there are mea. -- At hia home ia the arening he am receive the returns by th Associated Press, whose leaied wire ha beea estab lished daring th campaign at presl headquarters, a few step away from th Hnrding front porch. In the circle gathered with the Senator during the evening will be his father and sisters, Mr. Harding and Mr. Daugherty. Local committees have made elab- erate preparation to-eerenade him as the returns coma in and to celebrate Chairman Urges Vote For.World v Peace and Not Party. New - York, Nov, L43eorge White, chairman 'of the. Demoeratie National Committee, tonight addressed a "final appeal to th Bepublieaa Toters, urg ing theaC when" they eater the polls tot marrow, to ask .themselvea thi cmea-tionr-' ' r- -" ; . ' - "Haa the Bepublieaa party more claim oa ma thaa tha peace of the world! Shall X permit tke mistakes of party leaders to sac rifle th League of Na tions r . --!.' V ;- ' -To this queetioa,' aaid Mr: White, "there eaa be but. one' answer la the heart at th millient af patriotic' mea aad womea who make up th Bepubli eaa party, t la ." . ,v , r ''Aad yet th Bepublieaa party man ager- aad Senator Hnrding ar askiag voters to men fife world peace for par ty policies. . Senator Harding haa fi nally and def lately deckled to stand with kia manager and tha Senate lead era, rejecting th League, whatever res ervations are proposed and accepted, junking the treaty ef Versailles, tea deriag to . Germany a aeparat peace aad suwimoaicg another peace confer ence. . Tni m us inevitable , coarse which he most fallow einf he 1 stated that ha wllT aot ra-aubmit th treaty aad th covenant to the Senate. f Another ,Treetr Imaeasih!a. "Even if ht should be able to induce the forty -ena nation aow signatory to the treaty to tear it up and frame aa other tt would require at least twa ye re before another peace could .be ratified. Aad tt la generally admitted by such eminent international authori ties aa Messrs. Taft and Boot that what Senator Harding propose ia impossible. Therefore, wa ahall have tha treaty and the Leagu. destroyed, a aeparat peace with Germany and militarists ss free to prey oa human kind aa they were a 1914.- 'i-.,V.'xvr.-v "Bepoblieaa voters hav tha power to prevent this. They have th power to save their ewn party from th common fat aad general menses af war which th aleetioa af Senator Harding will saoanger. ' - , . . "It will he a greater victory for them if peaea ia insured thaa if Bepublican partisanship f snceemfuL W should aU consider it aa America and aot a Demoeratie victory. I appeal to them ta do it Aad I fed eeafideBt they . Telegram Pram Cox. -v v Tha following telegram from Gover ner Cox to his ruining mate, franklin D, Booeevelt, Democratic candidate for vice-president, wa made public at th sesdqnarters at the NaUoaal commit tee i "Yea have male a brilliant aad ef. feetive campalga. . I eoagratulat yon aa usii yon moat aeartiiy for tt. i good wishes for yea aad yours." , " , assssvens Keply. Mr. Boosevelt replied; : - "Many thanks tot roar telerram. It aa bee a privilege ta be your team mat ia this fight , for . honesty u and idea!. Yen have, coatriboted greatly to tha ever-living causa af Brorraasive Democracy Tha Roosevelt family aeads it warmest regards to all ef yoa aad aopea we amy aave a reuaioa aooa." THIEVES REMOVE SAFE : FROHj BOTTUNQ PLANT Carried It To Outskirts of Hew. port JTews and Take Cash ' ::' and Valuables . . -.' Ifewpert Kew. VI Kor. L Thlevm Isst night entered the plant of the lasgley Bottling Work here, removed a 100 peaad safs from th building, loaded it oa aa ntomobila -truck be longing to the bottling company aad carried tt to th outskirts of tb city, vhera the strong box waa blows ones tad about $500 la cash and a aumber of jraluabl papers removed. a Th safe waa discovered thia morn ing. ; ' v. -:,,:-.... In addition to that burglary, reports uf five ether establishment being loot ed last eight ia various parts of the city were submitted to police bead- quarter today. Local officer "declare 'hat it is the work ot aa, organized baad'ot thieves though to have shifted their aetivitie from Norfolk to New Democratic Them To Presidential Candidates of Two Major Parties Retire To Se- elusion To Await Elec tion Outcome. - weather forecast for today calls for rain over atlantic states Governor Cox and Chairman George White : Belterate Statements of Confldenee In Victory Tor ; Democrats, " While Eepnblicans- Make Similar Claims; Two Lead. , ing Presidential, Nominees To Seceivs Election Xesnlts In Different Ways, Harding r at " His Marion ; Home, and Cox In His Newspaper Of. . flcei; ; Debs To Watch Be. turns Behind " The Bars; Campaign Headquarters Are Unlet On Eve of Great EletL, v tionf " Seven Presidential : Nsw York, Nor, l-(By tha Ame- elated Prem.)-Th sevea Presidential ''' eandldetee of 1920 tonight kad Submitted their can to tb Jury aad awaited to morrow the verdict of the electorate. Th bustle of month ended tonight at v . aaUoBal headquarters, wher campaign , strategieta rested, their t ramming up complete. The eaadidate retired to e clusioa to receive the decision of the N mmrwn people. - v with the people rested the task ef rlns-in 4m tt.. : eurtala oa the actional drama ef electing . a leader for the next four year. senate Also Big restart. V- " Wltk the Toters rested also the duty of deciding which party ahould control -tha Senate - and which party ahould control the Hoaae af Bepresentatires. ' Wltk the electorate of many State reeted th duty of ehooaing governor and lagisUtor. t Prty leader wh weak after wsek had been directing tha dentin lee ef their candidate aad foeusiaf their attention or th League ef Nation, the chief issue ' of th campaign, palled down their desk ' tops, put aa taet oats aad wsnt horns. :' Hefor ttey left thoir hcadqaarter they, bad Maaned hut minute report from State vhairmen, but almost as , closely they had studied th report of th, government w author boreao. v . . .' W sat her Imrwrtamt Mstten, Th state of weather oaf electioa day waa considered most important,' for thia ' aloa would detaimlne th tura-eut of voter, particularly ia isolated settlors of the, country whet heavy rain would 2pet th best laid plana for transport. . ing TOter to the poll. . . Tber ar district witk atream which, whea flooded, cannot be crossed evea oa malepaek, and la eertaia state wher the contest is cloee, very ballot -play it part. '..... . r-v - , .a general, -this is what tha weather mna had to my of a Western disturb ance, which appeared today over Iowa, snd of the prospect tomorrow all over the couabryi ....-.:'. ;. . .. '.. '." , Weather Farecaat. v Th western disturbance will ad vene east-Bortheastwardj' and b at tended by unsettled weather and rain Tuesday, flection day. in the Atlantis States, the Upper. Ohio valley, aad th regioa of th Great Lake, with om probability of snow in Northern Mich igan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, The weather will be clearing and much , cooler during Tuesday la the Gulf . States, Tennessee, ths lowsr Ohio and central Mississippi ralleya. . "Pair, coal weather will prevail Turn day ever th plain State, th Bocky ' Mountain State aad all, far western Statos." " ' V ' , ' Wemsa'i Veto Big Factor. Witk addition ef womea to those wh ehooee tha electoral college, party lead. ; era, of coorse, expect a rote greatly' swollea ever that ef 1916. .. Should the skie open, the downpour could hardly ' discoursge enough voter to hold the total below that of four year ago. And the ballot counters ar aot expecting a smaller, but a muck larger task o large indeed that the count may pos sibly not be known until much later -thaa ia other Presidential year. ' . Senator Harding, of Ohio, standard bearer ot the Bepublieaa party, today -retired to hia horn ia Marion to await , the decision ot hi countrymen. To his ' party managers h left A detailed fore east af th vote, and from Chairman Hay, of tha Bepublieaa National Com. mittee, there was forthcoming tonight r reiteratloa ef confidence in a Bepublican victory. Mr. Hays, however issued no formal statement, announcing that he ehoae to remain "mute until the ballots kad beea counted. " , Cox Gteem Campaign. Governor Cox, also, Ohio's aatiy soa elected by the Demoeratie party as its choice tor the White Hon.- tonight delivered hi final campaign address ia Toledo and returned to hi horn in Daytoa. Conviction that he will be elected wa expressed in a final state ment today by Chairman White, of the Democratic National Committee. Senator Harding and Governor Cox, fellow ! newspaper proprietors, have j chosen different w?ys to receive cam paign reeults. With Mrsv Hnrding the Senator fc ill reee've at their home buj- , ietina compikd by The Associated) Press, ' keeping them-advised of . the latest totals. - - ' ' Governor Cx. oa the other hand, will , ,- receive election retarns at hia office ia th Dnyton Daily News, a member of, The Asocinted Press, where special telegraph Instrnmenfs, includirj; a re ceiver usnI in the Cleveland ciutrvRa of more tlia a qi'filer of a century a, hsve been set up. Chairsnen K. ys and (Continued Oa IV. ToJ l-or" I Ca f : ; Twe ) (Coattaaed Oa Pe Toe.) ' 3oatiad Ca Pag Two.) the event with a red Are pared. - . ' 1 port New. . ,

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