The Nev THE VEAWER Fair Satarday mm probably Unity l No change la the temperature . VOL. CXII. NO. 129. TEN PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 6. 1920; TEN PAGES TODAY PRICE: FIVE CENTS WATOIIALZL on v"awanf gManaV ttk ilWVll aavV to Mm sashillia sad mil tabs eaatt -. .7 A REPUBLICAN MOB SlOIS JACKSOH I Drives Out Democratic Attor ney and Brings Canvass ' To Halt BOARD ASKS GOVERNOR TO, SEND OVER TROOPS . Eepnbllcan Sheriff , Leaves County In Hands of Mob, and Governor Direct! . That. Bal lot Boxes Be Looked Tp and i ' Kept Until Sheriff Cornea Back To Perform His Duties The Board of Election ia Jackson county Appealed to the Governor yea terdsy for troop te protect them from .violence by a mob of JOO Republicans who tormed' th courthouse Thursday when the board met to eanTan the vote east ia Tuesday ' election, aad again threatened Tiolence yesterdsy when the board met for a second tint perform Jte duties. Ia response to the telegram the Gov ernor directed th sheriff to swear in sufficient deputies - to establish and malntaia order, or he would send troop to do it, and when he waa ad vised that the sheriff, J. J. Cole, Kepob- . j a -a a. 1 r - -i. rv.i . w i sheriff came back and did his duty. Trouble started Thursday whea the Democratic leadera ia the county re taincu J. W. Haynes, aa Aaheville at torney, to represent them before th canvassing board, and 33 Republican itormed the courthouse and drove the lawyer tit of town and stepped the canvass, lie left hastily by automobile and ' caught the tram several miles away, returning to Aaheville. The mob . declined to allow the eoaat to continue and the harassed and threatened mem bors of the board appealed to the Sheriff and then to. the Governor. Where I the Sheriff: Jackson ia a remote county and stronghold of Republicanism. The board' telegram did not reach th Governor until, yesterday morning, and yesterday afternoon . there : earn an other reiterating the call for troops. The Governor then advised th board to lock up the return and assured the sheriff by telegraph that if h did not .establish nd maintain .order he would send sufficient troop there to do the Job for him. Nothing ia known of th whereabout of th sheriff. He ita amtblieii.n?VT;'c':''r. " The light ia Jackson has been exceed ingly bitter this year, with the, result ", still in doubt Th election officials an appointed by th SUt Board sad it ' cersonael is Democrat! in majority. ELECIO BOARD 1 Certain leaders of th party wanted a lawyer , present to ' advise tnem- wneoi - they went to tduat th vote and do - elare the result, aad none of the faith being available nearer than Asheville. they sent for Mr. Haynea, according i to information reaching Raleigh. Three Hundred in Mob. "When ha appeared before th board a mob of. 300- Republican t ruined into h eourthous and drove him forth. They shook their lists ia his , faee, i threatened . him with violence add di ' ' reered his immediate return to ' Ash- 1 villa. He went and th board appealed ' to the Governor for protection. i. J. Mason, chairman of the board, signed the telegram ' to tb Governor, aad again signed th communication yee- terday. : . - : May Remove Sheriff.. - Th whereabout of the absconded ' Senublieaa sheriff could not be deter- mined yeaterdsy,- although tho Gover nor wa very snxioul to eommnnicaio with him. Telegrams directed to feint at Svlva. tha seat of government in that county, could not reach him and the. canvass of the vote in that dis ' turbed county awaits his return to ra sters order. Suggestions that he might ' be removed for dereliction - of duty - were mad her' yesterday. Ths canvassing board met again yes terday without th lawyer present, bat ther were still evidence of disorder that prompted th chairman to reiter ate his appeal to th Governor for help, whil that body discharge its - duties. It will not meet again anlil -? thr-sheriff-Teturn -and arrieot -tho instruetlona forwarded from the eseen tiv office here. It is net believed her that ft will be necessary to send ' - troon into th county to enable tho " " functions of - government to proceed. Tho nearest military organization is in Haywood county, a next door neighbor to Jackson Th disturbance is about 0 mile southwest of Asheville, ' ' IREDELL YOUTH THROWN 77 FROM MIJLE AND KILLED Btatosville, Kov. S. A distressing ao Ment occurred about aoon today la Goorgs Church, on . of B. L. Church, .'was killed by einc thrown from a mule.. Th boy who was said to bo 13 years old, had been plowing in the fields aad was riding the mule towards th house when th animal . became frightened and ran away. The young ma was - thrown from tho mule, his feet etching in th trafa-caaias and Fwas Waggero? jout a half mile. Whea picked ap by a neighbor shortly afterwards a was dead. . t. ; RICHM0"ND MAY NOT BE -, IN VIRGINIA LEAGUE. ' V t ? t -'& , ". 1 Newport News, Va, - Nov, 8. Whea shown a published statement made by - tho owners of the Biehmoad Baseball stub of tho Virginia league, which says - in effect that Richmond will not bo rep presented at the meeting of the League director in Norfolk tomorrow night. George 8. Banes, President of tho Newport News elub, tonight said that so far as the other clubs ia ths league ar concerned, , this simply means that . Richmond's franchise 'in the eight-club ' irginia circuit will be forfeited - lo nofr sight, : . THEY BOTH VOTED STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET r At J SMtor Wimi G. Telegraphing Harding Petition To Make Him Secreta itary w -- - It teem that Marion Butler, former Senator, etc., is not to be dispatched on ambassadorial missions after all. Samp son Be publicans, aad there atr ' more of them 'to the square mil down in Sampson than ia any eouaty aoath. of Washington, have other .notions a bent what Mr. Butler ought to b put at-r Secretary of Agriculture, for example. Word comes from Sampson thst Re publicans in that quarter have already begun aa intensive campaign to nuke the one time Senator's calling to the cabinet of the sett a dmiaist ration as sured. Telegrama have been dispatched to Marion, Ohio, where the President elect ha hi habitation, calling atten tion to Butler's qualifications, both ag ricultural and political. It'a rarmer Batler. Farmer Butler farms, aad right ex tensively. Down ia Elliott and there abouts, he has a vast acreage of land upon which he practices agriealturo. He raises tobacco, cotton corn and such like things. Evan ia a county where fine farms aro numerous, his stsada outl among th rnrperlattv plantations. ' U works maayanalea and many lie pub lican negroes oa ato place. , Ho ,bm in, -very handsome house, which ia also oa his place. , la recent times th prospective cab net officer ha boon considerably exer cised over various matters having to do with agriculture, aad has x spoken lhis mind ia many meetings. Whea ' the cotton market became infected with pania ho came to Balelgb aad addressed a meeting of cotton farmers, assisted in naming some committees and passing some resolutions. , A little later the to bacco market went to th demaitioa bow-wows, and Farmer Butler was deep ly concerned aad moved, but not moved as far aa Raleigh where th eemneibj of tobaeco growers were la perturbed ses sion. ,.; '' " .. ..,-, . '' The 'Bsmpsoa Fox" can very likely qualify as a "real dirt farmer. : Politically, ho has been occupying the proper beach for com time, though ho progressed thither rather tardily. Hi ears wer more astutely attuned to the goings-on beneath the surface ia Chi cago than wer the ears of J, Motley MereheadV aad he hasteaod. to acclaim Harding whil the Charlotte wing of the party wa tiu Mandarins; for some body else. Merebead . eoatianed " his thundering aatU they were drowned in ths aeelamatwaa of iiardiag tha a iaee. .' . ... ,- It may bo assumed that Farmer But ler' particular affiliations will be pleasing to Mr. Harding, aad being a real farmer, and of correct connections, it would seem that he would bo entire ly qualified to ait around tho' cabinet chamber and assist th farmers, dirt. political aad othecwise, la their 'agra rian pursuits. Bat whether Harding will giv ear, to the' importuning of ine campsoa sonoDueaas m eaitreiy another matter. Ther ar State thst Aid landslidiag that most be rewarded in th distribu tion of cabinet offices. S orth Carolina la th greatest of th Southern farming state, but th farmer oat in Indiana pent a busy day at tho polls test Tues day aad it may bo that thety will desire one of their own breed of agriculture ists ia Washington. Butler may ga to th cabinet, aad again, he may be seat oma ambaasadoring. liybe to stossia. Ho aaa a nice beard . which would At into tha geaeral landscape ia that aarassed eoantry. - REPUBLICAN CINCH THE OKLAHOMA ELECTION Oklahoma City, OkltL Nov." S. aaa- tor Harding earned Oklahoma by mora thaa tOJOW and J. W. Harreld, Republi cs a candidate for Senator,, haa been elected over his Demos ratio oppoaoat, Scott fenii, by mors thaa 25,000 -oa the faeo of returns f approximately 2,400 of th 2SS5 preeineto tn U Stat. compiled today.., Oklahoma returns are Bepublieaa congressmen, erne of them a woman, aad three Democratic repre sentatives, th cam tabulation , shows whil in 09 of th Tl conntie of the State, th Bepublieaa seaadidtte. Cor- corpo ration commissioner was leadiag by more thaa 1,000 majority. Available returns also indicate a Republican ma jority ia ths Hons and a strong sni- nority ia th State Senate. Special Maaa Fee MacBwtswy. Newport News, Vs- Itev. C t'rieads of Irish freedom aad the Ancient Order of Bibernisns hero snnouneed tonight that a special mass will bo held ia St Vincent de Paul's Cstholie Church here next Sunday morning at 7:30 o'clock for tho soul of the late Terence Mae- Bwiney, Lord Mayor of Cork. I V v - - 4 Vff ; - - .' V ' ia.i.--W--. j.l. i rfA - SAMPSONiANS WANT BUTLER IN CABINET f z t Mn4lng. iM Mr, Huili at tk tUlag HARDING SECURES 404 VOTES; GOYi COX 127 Stat Alabama. Ariaoaa . Arkansas Colorado Harding; Con 1 t t - 11 California 4 . J Indiana II Iowa Kansas Kentucky .... Louisiana .... Maine Maryland Maasaehusetta Michinan .... Minnesota ... IS IS It I '.'.'.'.'.I IS ... J . , . If 11 It Mississippi . .. . Missouri ....... Montana , . Nebraska ...... Nevada New Hampshire Kr Jersey . . . New Mexico . . New Tors; North Carolina North Dakota , . Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania .. Rhode Island Booth Carolina South Dakota . Tennessee Texas Utah .......... Vermont ....... wirarinia 1 14 m .. it a at 9 .. 24 I I T 0) .. 31 IS " 1 4 " It wasltlnarton ........ 7 West Vlralnla ...... t Wisconsin ........- II ' WreaoJas" ; , a i total, 40. A" JAILOR IN JAIL DEFEATS MAN WHO SENT HIM THERE Conducting Campaign , From Prison, Kentucky Kan Wins a Judgeship Titteburg, Ky, Nov. 5. Probably tho moot unusual outcome of Tuesday's eleetioa ia Kentucky was th victory of Fes Whitaier, jailor of Whltesburg, aver Stephen Combs, Jr, in tha rae for county judge, Whitaker bad boon asnteneed to hi own jail for a term of six months by Judge Comb oa th charge of attacking county officers, la eluding th sheriff. . After being placed ia the jail of which ho was tho leaal keener. Whit aker escaped, was reeaptnrsd and again oenteaeed for jail breaking. Following oao 01 the most exciting campaigns xnown so too mountain or Kentucky, naitaxer. though in iaiL woa over Jndgo Comb by mere thaa a thousand majority. Governor Morrow thro times refused to pardon Whiuker. NON-PARTISAN LEAGUE IN NORTH DAKOTA WINNER Chicago, Hi, Nov. B. Governor Lyna i. Frawicr, Bcpnbliean, has bee a re elected in North Dakota with Non-Parti- Ieagus ialorsement. aoeerdinsr to advice received hero teaight. Fraxier had been reported mnnini behind his Demoeratio oppoaant cine eleetioa day, out wa swing was toward him today by upwards ' of a thousand veto over O Connor, who defeat was conceded by th Fargo Forum, bis chief news paper supporter., -. . kv. John .iSaer, non-partisan member of CongTeaa, was defeated by O. B. Burt- , Bepublieaa. according to th lat est BgureoW"- !' S-; . ' Caadidates indorsed by the Non Partiaam. League ia. Uinnesota, war , all defeated, th Noa-Partisanvoto show, ina; a falling 'off from tho Juno pri marios. -. i' "'- ' ' : Vj,:, ' GOVERNOR-ELECT MAKES FIRST PUBLIC SPEECH Charlotte, Nov.' 6. Governor-elect Cameroa Iforrisoa mado bis first public speech sine ths. night before tho elec tion, at Bteet-Creek today.-"Thr occa sion waa a big fair tha township was holding. .Tho attendance wss r record breaking ea aeeoaat af th Governor- elect being present. t , . - -s Th official return or Aieeklenbarg oeanty in th reeest oteetioa .are as follows: hforrison )U14; Parker Seo, TaylQr, Socialist,' U; Overman 1142, Holton JSo, Glivs, Socialist, It anememwawonsenmsjsaaewosm.1 isn si 1 m - . Jf'.v . ChxisUaa Endeavor Meeting. - Burlington. Nov. S Preparations have hsea completed for tho -annual coavoatoa of the Korthwestera Dis trict of Christian Endeavor which con vene toxaorrow afternoon at loa Col lege, ia tho college auditorium, nt 1 o'cieck, and will hold .session Satur day evening, Sunday mora in r and Sunday afteraeoa, Tho program con sists of swvera -addressee by leading Christian Endeavor workers f this Rtata aad F. P. Wilson, of South Caro lina, a Beld secretary ifor North Caro lina and Tirglaia, ,: ,.. -.. ; r..;.r Tree M r 1 -asanmav - Wamils pUct at Marias, Okla ELECTION-DISPUTE Yancey County Men -Quarrel I : Over" Disappearance of Asheville, Nov. 6. Officers from Yan cey county, assisted by pthers from nearby counties, at today searching th mountain for Halter Buckner, son of former Sheriff Buckner, of Madltoa county,, who is wanted in Taneey a charge of killing Jo Wayecatter at Wilsoa's store in .Taacey . last night, following aa argumeat over tho elec tion of Tuesday. This is ths only trag edy that has been reported from all Western North Carolina as a result of tho election. According to tho information receiv ed here, Wsyeeaster -was Democrstis registrar for Cane River township, In Yaneey county, and Buekner was a Re publican clerk. On election day. Ways caster is said to have walked late th polls and laid ea tho desk a copy of all voter ia th county who bad paid their- poll taxes, that qualifying them selves to take part in th leetioa. During th day tho list wss misplseed sad it was iaf erred that Buckaer had been guilty of. this net. . Tho matter passed off, liowever iatil fast night, wham?; Vayooaates walked into Wilson's store an Bull Creek and found Busk aer. sitting thsra, Buckaer J said to fcivs approached Wayeeaster -a the . latter eatsred th tore and -asked if h had found th maa wh had stolen ths list. Wayeeas ter, in reply, stated f "I bar not bee looking for him." Buekner ia then said to havs charged that Wsyeeaster aim' self destroyed the list. Wsyeeaster de clared this a "lis" aad Buckner drew his gun and fired the bullet in Way caster's heart; He fell dead. Buekner scaped and is believed to be hiding ia tho mountains, tie is said to be well dressed young man, aged 29, and to have received part Of hi ednea tioa ia th publie schools of Kaox vUlo, where he ic wu kaowa by large number of people. ' ONE KILLED AND SEVERAL INJURED IN TRAIN WRECK Marion Traveling - Salesman Dead and Tour Others Be. riously Hurt ------ Asheville. Nov. 6.-WM (Happy) Dodson, traveling salesman, formerly employed by. A. Blanton at. Marion was instantly killed aad Mrs. Justice, wife of Dr. Justice of Marion. J. W, Pies, of Marion ; Conductor Goodin, of Pensaeola, North Carolina, and Barter- intendent Burkebolder, of Pensaeola (N. C.;, wer seriously injured thii tf tarnoon at 1:40 o'clock when a passes ger train oa tb Blaegjdountain Kail way was wracked near Micavilis. . Th two eoaehe of ths train went over a seven foot trestle near th tows,' and in addition to those b)eationed six or eight other people, including th brakeman wer slightly injured.' It is ono of tho worst -wreck that hat oc curred on tho railway ia several years. Tha Black Moan tain Btilwsy runs from Kona in Mitchell county to -Eskato, ia xaaeey, a distsneo of 28 -miles, Kon being tb connecting point with th a C. and O. -y ;-c"- TENNESSEE ELECTION IS OLOSE IN TWO DISTRICTS Naah ville," Tena-'.Nov. 5. Be ports from tho Eighth Tennessee district to day aro that Lon A. Scott, Bepublieaa, claim election to Congress by 900, while Gordon Browning.. Democrat, claim eleetioa by 600. It will require th official canvass . next Monday te decide. : ''('., y , -.,, , . Further returns 'compiled ' by Th Nashvills Tennessecnn": today appeared to point to the defeat ef Congressman Cordell Bull, '-of the-Fourth -district, bv a majority of approxlmarely . 1.000. Judge Hull' manager refused tonight. however, to .concede defeat, declaring that 'full return will show him win- W. F. Clouse. th. Bepobueaa, can. didate, estimates his majority at' from 1.0OO to 1,500. - . . j .''' ..'-'' DCRHAM. i " i Durham. Knv 8 Official fioures compiled by the Durham county board of eaavassers yestsrdsy srteraooa from returns on-ths eleetioa Tuesday show unoffkial predictions 'and : oat mates auds Tuesday and 'Wednesday 'nights to be almost correct. , Th highest ma jority for ths county was l2t, and tho lowest between 600 and COO. The lowest came about through the unusually good showing mad by James B. Mason. one of the Bepublieaa candidate for county commissioner. : Mr. Mason ran head of hi ticket by about 400 vote. CAUSES ONE DEATH ONLY ONE REGRET M FOR DEMOCRATS IN ELECTION RESULT Illness of President Prevented Strong Presentation of ... League Ideal MOVE TO REORGANIZE NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY Flrit Work of Democratic Party Leaden Will Be To Watch Republican ' Disposi tion , of League Covenant ; Old Guard Element In Con trol of Congreti Th News aad Observer Bureau, . 603 District National Bask Bldr, ' .(By Bpscial Ceased Wire.) Washington, D. C4 Nov. 5. On of th great tragedies of politics is the outgoing of a defeated Admfniatra tlon, but there is little sadness in the clreles of the present Administration. There wss keea disappointment at the reanlt of the election, but with the clearing away ef the smoke of battle there is a vivid realizatioa that .moral victory wss oa tho side of those de feated by numbers only. "Truth crush - 7 n.". since tns election. This Admlnistraton will pas into history with only one keen regret, the President's lllnes. Everywhere smong Democrats it is felt thst last Tuesday would havs brought to ths lips of the world a very different itqry to tell bad Mr. Wilson only retained hi phy sical strength th last twelr month. Thar was ao ono to . tak bis plaee. H had launched upon th world an ideal that only ho could eary to real Isatioa in the heart ef mea ia so short a time, but as wss pointed out bril liantly in the foreiga press this morn, inf, the President has laid th founda tions of peace and federation of tho world that the hands of his immediate' successors esnnot destroy. The Repub licans can only change the names ef things' but not their 'heart and -mean int. Administration Democrats nnd their friends are saying tbwt ia view of what tho Demecratie party fought for and waa defeated, for it la idle for men like r7. J. Bryaa, Senator Walsh, of Massachusetts, tad Tom Watson and Torn ' Hsrdwfcjk. of Georgian far talk about, taking. Jt lata their hands and rotevming it, IMmoerati tie na tors wna are low in .Washington say thst th men Who sincerely and valiantly fought and went down to defeat for what tb party stands for' will be the men to reorganize th party if it seeds reor ganisation. ' .- - , It 1 man lik Underwood, Simmon. Glass and Hitchcock ia th Senate and Kitehin, Garner and Crisp in the House, who will shape th legislative policies of the party ' Th party machinery I in th hands ef such mo. The party baa -a Nstioaal 1 committee - and committee ha a chairman. . Then there is governor Cox who vigorously espoused nad presented tb idealism of the great leader of th nartv. Ho is th active leader of the party. .Defeat cannot deprive: him of this position snd bo will not likely yield it to another without desperate strug s-le. Th Democrat who hav been at out with th Administration appear to think now I tho time when th ministration is defeated to seise th ms eblnery and forgo a new Democratic party 1 but it takes now ideas to make a now party of an old party ana us 01a leaders her point out that tho only idea th mea who ar just now talking of reorganisation have ar negations. Bryan, Wetsoar Hardwlek. Walsh and Reed hav Simmy opposed the position of their party oa tho League. Adminis tration Democrats declare the place for insurgent is in th Republican psrty, , Mast Wsteh Renibllesa. ' Administration, and ia fact loyal Democrats generally, see the present aa a tim to take th defeat of tne party tor what- it really mean -and in tho meantime watch for ths mistakes the unwieldy Kepublicaa party.-will make. Then sure mistakes will - 00 more 'to giv tb Democrat chart and compass thaa any reformation tbeyean effect by reorganisation among tnem' selves in defeat. Th first thing ths Democrats will wateh for U the course the .Republi cans will pursus. In making peacs nd what they will do with Mr. Harding's society of nation a a substitute for tha Versailles League. Democrats con fidently believ tho substitute for the Leagu will split tha ran kg of their op paaesta. Ia tha tad tb Democrat feel they will get a big nice ei toe Beirablicaa vote two and four year htaee oa th working oat of th League idea. Like mathematicians they have reached the 'conclusion that 'President Wilson's article X will be the only pro duct i the - morel aad political pro- cesses of tb next four years. To them it is as tlmpl1 at two and two make four. , l : Old Guard la Control . It bat been dseovered today, thst th newly elected men in both the Senate end House wil gtvt th Old Gaard a great predominant of power over the progressive element ia th Republican party. Harding's "normalcy" will, it Is declared,' be literally interpreted. Tb Americas Federation ef Labor may be deprived of th right to organ. ixe and ' strike, This , possibility . has eften boea hinted at by Bepublirwns la tb campaign, but Sannel Gompera expresses the opinion that labor ia the Itous will be strong enough to prevent the uecec of such a move. ' .7 . Ths good old times ' ar what the Republicans are after snd wherever they can they will kick the civil serv ice law into a cocked hat Their hua- ger is that of a shark sad th greed of the corporation thst hav backed .(CoaUnaed oa Fags Four.) NAVAL OFFICER KILLS HIMSELF, SAYS DISPATCH Governor of Samoa Wat De. apondent Over III Health, It la Thought Washington, Nov. 8. Commander Warren J. Terhune, naval governor of Samoa, shot and killed himself at nooa, November 3, said n dispatch received today at the navy department. Commander Terhune recently was ordered relieved from duty as com mandant at Samoa and Captain Waldo B. Kvana appointed to succeed him. No details regarding the suicide were given in the message, but naval officials here assumed that the officer took his life during a period of depressioa induced by ill health. He had been suffering from heart trouble. A naval court of inquiry is now .en rout to Hamoa to inquire into the ad ministration of ths island by Com mander Terhune. ' American tourists arriving at Hon olulu last August carried rets of agitation, among the natives against ths administration of Governor Ter hune. They said ths Governor's house hsd been stoned by a mob sad thst a petition asking for an investigation of the Governor's administration had been forwarded to Wsahington. GOVERNOR COX NOT IT nofoatoH fcmrlirfafA Dpr.larps READY TO RETRAC dl Hp-h AiPrr hTM whSvjb4 Columbus, O., Nov. 5-GoverBor Cox, Demoeratio candidate for tbs Presi dency, in hi first statement since the election tonight said that in spirit he wss ''as proud as whea the fight started" and that be would not retract a step nor yield a single jot In principle. Governor Cox's statement follows: ''For th first tim ia tea years, the Bepublieaa party is ia complete con trol of the legislative aad executive branches of the Nstionsl government, therefore, policy as to statute and ad ministration it with it It ia a teak ao longer of th eritie but the constructor. It it my hope aad Arm belief that the Democracy of the nation will not at tempt p"olitical sabotage. The eoantry ha seen quit enough of that "We are in the midst of aa emergency and the nation's every resource should ordinate in behalf of the things that art helpful. Ho long as government exists ths principle of Thomas Jeffer son will be the . center about which human' hope will gather. Talk of a new party ia absurd. On might aa well discuss tha destruction, of kaaaM,aaso- tioacf', , " - ti -'.i'r-"- "At entiat at it has bees to the welfars of tb eoastry in tho past, th treed of democracy it more needed now thaa ever because recast events hsve mads it I distinctly tie American .party. "Ia spirit I am as proud a whea th tight started. I would not retract step nor yield a singl jot in principle It wa a privilege to make the contest for tho right ia tho face of overwhelm. ing odd. There is a distinct differ ence between defeat nd surrender' The flag of democracy still flies a the symbol of thlngt mors eaduring , thsa tht passions and resentment iUat come with tha aftermath of war. COLONEL NEAL DIES AT HOME NEAR WASHINGTON Prominent Am Eailroad Bridge Contractor and In State ' . PoUtics .... - Washington. N. C Nov. 5-Col. R. SL Nasi, aged 04, oao of too best kaowa eitixena of Eastern North Carolina, died at bis homo at CreswslI Thurs day afternoon after having boea poor health for about six months. Ths funeral services- will bo bold at Scot land Neck Ssturdny. Colonel Nesl wss known ia all see tions of North Carolina. He waa the toa of Major , Neal. . famous Confed crate soldier, sad was a political power ia th Stat for several years. Ha was bora in Seotlsnd Neck aad spent prac tically all of; his llf in Esttera Caro lina. , For msny years he wss ia the bridge contracting - business. H built th bridge across Albemarl Sound, th longest railroad bridge ia tht county, and alto constructed the three bridges over tho Pamlico river at Washington, as wsll aa others ia various soetioas of the State. Very few men in fhit sec tion aaa a larger number of devoted friends. He was universally liked. Colonel Heal Is survived by two tunta, Mrs.- F. C Saunders, of Wash ington, and Mrs. F. H. Busbee, of Bal elgh;.. three, brothers, Isaac NeaL of Raleigh; Aleck Neal, of Biehmoad, aad Jobs B. Neal, of Columbus, O, and oat sister, Mrs. Uordoa ttaddell, of Caps Lbarlea, Va. BOY UNAVOIDABLY HURT BY WILSON AUTOMOBILIST Wilson,' Nov. 8.- A distressing sod dent happened about Sv miles tenth of Wilson Thursday night between S snd 0 o'clock. Mr. Hugh Griffin, of the 8harpsrmrg section, white coming to ward tnu city wna two ladies aad a gentleman,- ran over tho t-year-oM soa of Mr. Alphea Outltnd. Tho yeusg sterv with other boys, were playing be side the road aad yoang OuUand jump ed ia front of the . approaching . car with the result that one of hi legs was broken and bis body braised. It wai tn unsvoidable . aecideat Mr. GrHnsr ic not to blamt, it ia declared. . Condition Bad la Basal - Newport News, Va- Nov. 5. Cesdl- lions in Buasis under tba Bolahsviki regime ase worse at present than they have over been in th history of that country aad people aro dying there b.v the thousand according to statements made here tonight by Brnaki Burkow sy, former, Commandet 'of ' a Buasian submariuo and now chief engineer hoard th Russian vessel - Trsbisead, whkh put into port here today,..-.. .. . . HARDING BEGINS - Presldent-Elect Wants To Lay Ground Work For An Asso ciation of Nations CHAIRMAN WILL HAYS HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY Republican Campaign "Boss" Confers With "Ei Chief Begardinff future Policies; Senator Declines Wilson's Offer of Warship For His Trip To Panama Marion, Ohio, Nov, 5. PreeMent-eleet Harding already has begua fulfillment of his campaiga promise to consult the -nation's leading minds with regard to a new aasoeiatioa of nations, aad ho ' hopes thst by the tim of his inangura. tioa next March bo wtfl have laid ths ground work of a plain behind which the sentiment of the nation caa unite. A list of those, to bo consulted firrt has bees drawa up, aad iavitatioas ar going forward to several to come to Marion at tho conclusion ef the month's vacation trip which is to bo Started by the Presideat-elect tomorrow.' Both Re publicans aad Democrats ar to present t-ifrwEs5ww'.-.o-- piste t or the present, at least any gea eral sssemblsg of hi adviser for round-table discussions. Confers With Will Bays. The names of those already Invited havs not been nude publie, bat it was ' said in aa aaaoaaeemeat from. the. Presideat-olast's . off is toaight : that "mea aad women aha hav iota ami., nent ia tha discussion, of oar zonlga . relations" made np tha list- ' .Z, Ths announcement followed a long conference between Senator Harding and Will H. Hay a. Neither revealed what subjects they bad discussed, but it was understood tho chairman's visit her was msds at Mr. Harding's reqaett, sad had to do both with tho campaiga just closed and with the policies to be shaped fox tha coming adminiatra- tioa. ... . , , , Th object of the Senator' trip It Point Isabel, Texaa, aad although he plans to occupy moot of hi tim thr hunting nnd fishing, another of his close campaign advisers, Harry M. Dasgherty, will aceompany him. r -DeellBea WUaaaa Offer. tC,i5j!"S, Today Mr. Barding declined aa offer of President. Wilson to provide him with a battleship for tho toysgs to th Faaama eaaal (oao which I u fot. low a twelve day' stay at Poiat las beL- la reepoaso to a telegram from Secretary Dan tela, conveying the Fretl. dsat's proposal, ' th Preakleateleet wired that h waa thankful bat already had closed aa agroomoat te make the trip oa a passenger steamer. . Thst tho plaa for the conference aa aa aasoeiatioa of nations already wa tekiag form wa revealed , tn thl sn nonneement from Mr. Barding'a office f "Senator Harding let it bo known to day that ha is sending out a aambsr .. of requests for personal aad very ia formal ooafcreneo with men and wo men who, hart .been, emiaent ia tha disc nation of' aur foreiga relations. These eonfereaeea will take place upon bis retura to Marion in December, and will be individual and personal, 'with tho main purpose of lea ra ing what pol. iey'may enlist united support "Senator Harding moans to avoid any unseemly anticipation, bat ho feels it wholly becoming to car aa exDraasloaV eatirely free- from campaign btac, aad -to get it at tho oarUest poatibl day. It i the first step toward th meet ing of minds of which Senate Harding so frequently spoke durinr the-cam paiga- Bo did not make publie aay ' list because it will not bo complete be fore hi vacation ends. Senator Harding further announced ' that no eonsideratiou would be give to a cabinet ' during his recreation period." Keeping Campaign r rem la. "- Official close to tho Preaidenttai recalled that in hi camrahrn tneaahe h promised-repeatedly that tha "meet ing of miads" would begia as soon ss' -poatibl after his eleetioa and that k also frequentlv declared tha numoaa af - his eensaltstions would be, not to sug gest, ssy pUt of hi owaut to aaer- . tela hew divergent views might be se brought into harmony as to pat a nnlted nation behind him ia his nego tiation! with other power. H alaax ha Indicated ia oamDaln speeches that irreconcilable oppose ate w sa xague or voraaiiies, aa wall at it ardent npportert, would be nnm bcred among thee to whose advice a ' would listea. Te th Senate be premis ed to giro a share of attention tioaatc to ite power la nerfeetitg treatiea ' ,i . . Although th Presideat-eleet hss sever asmed publicly any of those as will include ia his consultations, peea- latiot of a wholly aaautohritailM character bat revolved peraisteatly about a aumbor of coatpleaoat igure who might answer to th deotriptioa Mr. Harding hat mid down. Seme Seaawjted Coafereea. "f 8 far as th Senate itself ia ao. eeraed, this under-current of gossip earned freeueatly the aamaa ef such Bepublieaa Senate at Lodge, of Massachusetts, chairmaa of the Foreiga Belatienaommkte;JUox, of Peana1 vaala, a former BeereUry ef 8tate aad a treaty irroenneil lot - Johnson.' of Calif oraia, another irreeoncUable, aad Learoot of Wisecttla, a lead, of the r-serrauosista. 'Ja , the Demoeratio id there hat boea, mentioned aatong others, ' of Sc.iato- ; Vaderwoed of Alahsma, tht party leader:-Hitchcock. e'' :a, V U h ght for un rt. creed rstitcatioaj fiimmoas, - jf Itorth Carolina, aad '. Robinson, of, Arkansas. V- . ' Among tho outside ' the Senate, frequent speculative mention baa bee (Ceatlaesd a faga Foar