r NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH, N. G. MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 15, 1920. EB ARRANGE fMTIOfWL FORESTRY PROGRAM Bill To Be Introduced In Con gress Calling For Better Fire Protection TWO-FOLD PROVISIONS OF FORESTRY MEASURE Bill Would '. Call for National - Appropriation Of At Leait Beyea Millions a Tear; In- elides Adequate forest Be. production va Wall Aa Pro dnetioa " Washington, ' Nor. 14-Whin Cob gnat ateta la December a bill will be Introduced lor a national rorest pro gram iaelading batter nretyproteetion for the foreett. "Tall itep, following aa arrtcaiant by all the tnduatriei in W retted, mark! tht tint aaited movt in thla direction Im thit country," says " Clarice Lathrop Paek, incident of the American Tonatry Aisortion, whlcn ' aanonneei tht outltaa of the features ta b embodied in tht proposed legisla tion. Tht plaa ealla for national ap tWDriatioaa of at leait tUfiOOfiOQ a year. The provision! of tht propoted neat art art two fold for coaildtrablt ea tcaeloa of. direct ftderal activity ia fortat ewaerablp aad produetioa, and for tht dtrtlopmeat with ftderal aid ad entourage meat of fyittmatie poll it. alet ta tht aevcnl foretttd atattt to brlag aboat adequate forest produetioa ad reproduction. . iV Provide Protection. Tht program provide! ipeelfleally, through co-operation bttwota tht gov- traiatnt, tbt ttattt and owatra of against fortat Bret, for ref oreatatloa of dtnadtd leads, for obtaining essential iaftmatioa ia regard to timber . aad timberlaada. for axteaaioa of tht Na tloaal foreste aad for other atepi ta- atatial to eoatiaaoua fortat produetioa a laada chiefly suitable for thii pur poet. Tht following legislation la pro V poatdi Autherixiag tht Beeretary of Agrl taltare, after loneultlng appropriate total agtBeice, to apprcvt aa adequate polk for tack atate, covering art pro j teetioa, rtforeitatioa, tottiag aad n moving of timber eroe Not lesa thaa 1,000,000 ananally available for tua eo-eperatloa with atatea. A turvey of fortat resources, foreit production aad ferett requirement! of ( tht nation. Pnviiioa for atadiei aad taptrlatate , ia fortat rtprodottioa method, wood tUiaatioa, timber taata, wood preserva tioa, dartlo)atat of by-produete aad . ather atepi to bring about tht moat tf fcctlvt uat of tht aatloa s fortat n aoartca. Prevision for a ttady of fortat tnxa Uoa, to ateitt atatea ia devising tax lawa whleh will eaeounge tht eonaerva tioa aad growing of timber. - Alio of Method! of 'Insuring against forest locaie by fire. riant For Raplaatlag. " Proviaion for Mora rapid replanting ef tht taat a real of deauded laadf wlthla tht aatloaal f areata. Appropriatioa of S10.000.000 ' for art yean for tht purebaat of laada, waiea aaoaia ot added to tht aatloaal fortat lystem, whether or hot oa tht headwater of navigable itraami ai uch purehtaei art Bow limited. Authorising tha addltioa to national ftraata of laada aow ia other forma of govtrament ownership bat found ehelfly aoiublt for permanent fortat production. "Tht very great importance of thla program aad tht auggeetioa outlined taaaot be evereaUmattd," aald Mr. Park. "They aSett every tate la tht Valea aad tht botlatat iatereaU of , every State which ueaal that artry ataa who waata ta baild a horn, wht - wantt to get aloag, will be affected by thia important legislation. - 1 at happens thia aaited mora for a aatloaal forest policy " eoatinati Mr. - Peek, "cmee at aa opportune tint and Ite Importance to tha welfare of every trtlata eaaaot be overestimated. Tht ,plaa tlea ap with water power dertlop eat aad tht eoal aitaatloa. Whea we pat tht million of watte power to work, tha eoal aituatloa wlO beg a to right itaelf. Water power dtrelopmaat aad reforttutloa ahould go hand la hand. Wt art at tht door of great eommer elal feral optnent. Let at opea that datr.' Moeiing Held. ;r Tit ateetlag whielrdeelddapoa aatioaai foreat policy waa attended by Jtha Foley, representing the Aseoeia tUa of Wood taing Iaduatrleai Char lea Latarop Pak aad P. 8. Bagtdalt ef tha Amtrlraa Foroatry AaaoeiatiOB, El bert H. Baker af tht aereland Plata . - bailer and B. F. Wtetea, reprtteaUag tht Aaericaa Ktwtpaper Pobliahtra - Aaaoektloa; Otorgt W. 8iason, Jr D. A. Croaker. W. E. Eackell, . 8. Ktl leg aad C. H. Woreatier of tht Aater. leaa Paper aad Palp Aaaodatloai Col. WUliana B. Greeley, the United Btatea ' Farattert X. W. aieCaUtagh of tht Chamber af Coram area af the United Matoii Oeerge I. Loag, Natioaal Lom btr Jaaaafaetartra Aatotlatioat E. F. . Parry, National Wholesale Lumber Dealert Aalbeiatloat E. T. Allea, West am Foraatry aad Oonatrratioa Aaio v' aiattaa. . . " " The Weather Baltigb, N. C. Nov. 14, lf80, Ntrth Caaollaa- Bain M a a d a y, Tntaday clearing aad colder lacreex ing aortheait win da. , TEMJPEBATUHB , ' " Higheet tempcratnro , 49 Lowtat ttmptrataro , 'st Mean temperatan 88 Deficiency for tha day 11 Average daily defieieacy tinea Jaa. wary 1st 0.7 P&i.Uli'iTAnON (ia iaohea) ... Amouat for tha M koara aadiag at a p.m. M Total for tht ateBth to date ...... jOO I'encieney for tha meath ,'.1.23 1fjfimrj tinea Jan. let .U liL'lilDlTZ T lam Urn ipm J f bulb , 0 45 44 ' t bulb M St M ' ' M 44 41 ONE DAY INSTITUTE COVERS FIELD WELL Messrs. Gates And Evans Ac quaint Raleighites . With Christian Endeavor Trusting in the Lord Jcsua for Itrength I prsmiM to strive to do whatever He would have me to do," thia aentenee, from the Christian Ea deavor platform, said E. P. Unlet, gen tral secretory of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, speaking last night in the Dixie One Day Institute for Christian Endeavor Workers at tbt first Presbyterian church, hat meant more -la tbt lives of the young people tf America during tbt last third of a eentury thaa any other. Graphle portrays la of tht far-flung erk of tht aoelety la all parte of tht world waa given both by means of atereoptleoa picture! and lecturea that left no doubt In tht minds tf hearers is to tht splendid work that hai beta done and it being doat to get the younger generation intonated aad at work in tbt various activities of eighty- six denomination! throughout tht world. Following a brief dlseuaaion of Chris tian Endeavor work by C. F. Evans, Southern secretary of tha United So ciety of Christian Endeavor, Mr. Gates in rapid art fasbioa aketehtd, with tht help of eolored illdee, tha power that the organisation hat beeomt with its present membership of four million. He told of a dlscussloa by tht papers tf the tonntry when a tonvtntlon of Christian Endoarorera ta Atlantie City In 191 1 had tha ttmtrlty to tuggeat a aatoonlett. nation ia 19S0. He dii- elnimed any Intention of laying that tht society put prohibition oa tha map, but waa euro that tht praytri ind work of four million young people had beta la In ret factor la bringing about a di dry 3? He declared that tht thnrches needed more folki ta testify and leas to find fault ia aanoanelng that ant or his toplcg way from John, ''At my fathar lent ma avta so i lead you. tie re lated having Sunday diantri with many church people aad the naual convtraa tion of eritlclim of tha preacher, tha rhnrch and tht eholr. 'Tht problem, he laid, li not M much of reaching those outside of the church bat of keeping those inaide tealoui and enthusiastic. He. declared that tht biggest and broadest program found la tht church ia tht program which the Christian Endeavor Society offera. - , Tha Dixie One Day Inatltute com maattd in tbt noutn at iticnmona ana front then weat to Lynchbiirgr-Boan oka and other cities. Prom hart the institute will to to Wilmington and from Wilmington into South Carolina and polnta further Bouth. Four Reasons Why Tennessee Went To Republicans (Centlnaed From Page'oae.) i l , ; e J. .im .. , , Bute taxea and tha eontrot of admin Utratioa' U ia tht hande ef tht Gov ernor. Wert Boberti td hv been ra-alected. tht ' voter! feared thia .tax nrosmm - and they. . of course , had warm avrettathy from the Kepobllenns I who-wen pledged to repeat the Bob a yearlerta lawa at one ton swoop. Tenweaeana: therefore do not 'on cede that thay have nirokea fartu" with the reat of the South. Local eon ditioni they blame for a temporary loss of prestige, in Democratic councils but they assert with much force that two vean from now the Htnte will be gla to redeem herself and that four vean from now she will again be found in tht Democratic Column by the niaual large majority.- , , Jenklna Fllea EiaeaM Account. Tht campaign txpenao account of L. L. Jenklna, defeated Candidate for Congresa in tbt Tenth dlitHct. has been tiled with tht clerk of tht House of Bcpresentatlvei, and ia iuit 9150 nnder the S,T5 allowed by law for thla pnrpoie. Jenklna aayi hi aptnt 3,600, af which 11,000 waa contributed br friends. 1 . Only the. nanal Itcma of advertlaing, travellnr expenses, nottagt aad forth an taeladed. Thert ia nt record of any distribution of organs in the district. Tht Republicans are claiming that Weaver's election Will bo eonteated whea tha new Congrtta ia crgahiaad, Benreaentatlvt Claud! ' Kitchia does not aaticlnatt aay tonteit. The Bo publican majority is to large that tht Q. O. P. doeant and Jonkiai, tvea if he ia from tha South. Tht Demo rat thinki Weaver and Dough ton an both aafi Tront lnr aiTita. fbeclallsta V. F. Culltn. David Ly maa and M. F. Sloan, of tht Public Health Harriet, hava taut been signed to the Ifth dlatrlct, inelnding North Caroliaa, aad will report ta the aext few dayi for aa Inspection of tht tnbireuloaia hoapitaU at Siitmora and Oteta. Annoaaotmant li made from tht Dt partmiat of Agriealtan that Paaquo tank county has beta released from tht tattle tick qaaraatlao. To Can a Cold la One Day Take Grove! LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE Ubliu. Tht geanlic bean tht tignatun af X. W. Grove. J0e (Adv.) NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD CO. Annoanea ' Winter Excursion u Fare, ',' , . ,. '-' via" Norfolk Southarn Railroad Tt attractlvt rtcorta la Alabama, irlaona, Cuba, Florida, Georgia, -UnWana, MinUilppV Ktw Mta let, Ktrtk and BottU Carolina.' Final limit May V iSZL. Stop vara ptrmlUtl ta ma 1-trip ' ; tkaW;-?;::,. -j i,; t Fee fall partlcalara nail oa ot T LEAGUE PROCEDURE Rules Are Subject To Formal Adoption By Assembly,' Which Opens Today Parii, Nov. 3. Rules of procedure to govern the sessions of tht Brat as aembly of tht Leamie of Nation! at Genera, beginning November 15, have been drafted aad submitted to mem here. They are, of coarse, eubject to formal adoptioa by tha Aaaembly and may be changed by a majority vote. Tha League will -be oat of tht few parliamentary, bod ira moat of whose deelsioni will he taken only by natal morn volt. t Tht proposed rules comprise 85 arti cle!. They deal rather with the gen eral prineiplea of procedure than with detailt of accepted practice. A president, four vice president! elected annually, and a secretary-gee tral eoaatilHtt a Oeneral Committee, charged with executive and lupervla- ory duties. French and English will be tht offi cial language! and interpreter! will glvt lummariei in other language! for spcakera. Meetings will be public except wheo tht Assembly dtcldct otherwise. ' Unanimity li required for decisions except' whea the Covenant or treatle specify otherwise and except for mat ter! of procedure for which a majority sufflcee. Voting will be by ballot, white for "ayt" and blut for "ao." Work by committee ii ipeeineaiiy outlined. Every, subject to be consid ered by tht Assembly must bt consid ered and reported upon by a secon dary body before tha Assembly may act Anally, The frequency with wbien toe League thall meet haa been left blank for aetioa at Oentva. Special Assam I "Henrosentativea" ia the title given delegate! to the League. Three of these may ait for each member-nation and the three need not alwayi be tha aamt it each session. A delegation also may choose come person to ipeik for it, under certain restrictions. WHEN ALL COLD WEATHER RECORDS WERE BROKEN Aboskie Man in Preparing; to Write Bit Will Uneartha Ancient History Ahoskle. Ntfr. 14. A rfrther interest ing piece of news ia contained in the following article, Which appeared in tht Elizabeth Pioneer 33 ycari ago. The original clipping war Blade by Mr. John O. Sawyer, of Uatce county and read! as follows i - "Pertinent to tht recent continued cold weather, a statement takea from an old acrap book of an elderly lady might famish interesting reading mat ter for the weather man and farmer. It reads as follows: 'January and Feb ruary, 1810, were warm and ipnng like. March wai cold aad atormy. vnreuuioa hid eotten well along ia April ' When real winter set in. Bnow and aleet fell oa 17 different daya in May. In June then wai cither front or anow on every day but three. July waa told and frosty AugUit wai worse. Ice formed nearly aa inch in thickaeii aad killed every" green thing In the United States. In the spring of 1817 corn which hint been kept over from 1815 sold for from 5 tt $10 per bashtl, the buy era purcbaa- ing r0r seed, in June, 1939, mow reii to the depth of a foot nt Jimeatown, Va., nd wai piled nigh up in huge drirte in most of tbt Northern Btatea. There wit mow la many parti of Iowa and nilnoii on May 11, 1878, and lata aa May 28, 1882." Mr.. Sawyer, a country merchant of Gatet county, unearthed thia bit of aewi len week, whea no waa making ready to write his lait will aad testament, handing tt to Mr. J. I. Cnwford of thla lty, with tht request that It bt pub lished, apropoa the warm weather pre vailing during tha Ant tea daya of No vember. Mr, Sawyer alao stated that he wai printers' devil In tht office of tht old Pioneer, ia thi daya preceding tht Civil War, ht being a veteran of that war. At the time ho waa eagaced . la hit dutlea ia the Pioneer office, it waa owned and published by Mr. Starke, who later removed to Norfolk, and en gaged in the aewepaper basinets. "Charming evening wonderful talker, your wife I could listen to her all night," "I frequently . do. Brown- iag'c . aVaVTOCUaVj T.T.SPtNCB. D. O-i M. D. D. O. DRS. TUCKER fc S PENCE trarlaL enmiwa m Uam Oaisisi a thi Kr. Bm. ant Tfcrott trrici MAtoaio timpui i ..,. ras- .HCara swii no .wt WET, atormy aroatbar. aot powra, aaJflUa, aad tbe boaryeold U oa. Dr. Kloc'a New IlnooYary breaka it ap qukkly. aad iJoaaaatly. , Bead ateaaed p, eongh raliovwd aad yoa foal bettor. At year dnggieta, cOa and SLIO a bottle. Bowels Ber ri22 for Heb J Dr.' King't PiUa will bring yon the aarmnoaa of regular. Borrml bowek nod liver functioning. Keep lectin fit aad ready for work or nlav. hlilJ and comforUlilt to take but ahravn reliable, fcama old price, 25 Cesta. DRAF RULES MBBBwmMaaaMUBBannnaBBaBamal Bad Golds IK JO GATHER AT DENVER NOV. 20 Want Complete Revision Of A! Tax Laws Pertaining To Mining Industry )..v-TOTrt,ii hi.. Denver, Colo, Nov. 14. Complete revision of all tix laws pertaining to the mining induatry, a "clearing ef tha atmosphere" between capital aad labor, aad a general review of the gold problem are among tht subject slated for aetioa at the 23rd annual eoaveatloa of tha American Mining Congrtta beginning hart tomorrow and to continue until November 2W Eieeaaivt taxation which hi! all but kUled the iaduitry " said aa of fieial aaaoaaeement iaaaed at. head quartera, here, "will bt chief amoag the mattera diaruned. "The allied tax committee of the congress, which mtt recently in New York, wilt bring a report to the Con ventioa recommending complete re vision of all cxiating tax lawa, both national and local. "1 addition It la generally reeoa nized among mining mtn there must bt a geaeral clearing of tha atmoe- phtrt to ehow when tht natonable line ia between capital aad labor. Legialatioa whleh would require la corporation ef labor anion to make contract binding and eaforeeable" will bt prcpoaed and diseaaeed, it waa officially atatea. InviUtiona have been Mat to 17.000 mining operator throughout the country. Tht speaking program in clude! addreasei by Governor! Emmet D. Boyle, of Nevada aad Heary J. Al len, of Kansas. ' Governor John J. Cornwall, of W. Va whose actions have bean eloeely followed by m ing mta la coaneetioa with the Srwir Invited and offlclala congress expect him to accept. Eight general diviaiona of work will bo undertaken by, the convention ac cording to tht program. They an: Induitrial, legislation, itandardiaa tion, taxation, tht gold problem, in eluding furtheranet of a movement to pnvtnt greater depletion of tht ni tion't monetary gold reserve. Dot a tion eonferenee, and schools of mines and metallurgy. Each general division ia under su pervision of a special committee, and eonfenneea will be held daily during the Art day ef tha convention. "Reconstruction of the Monetary Syatem of the Nation" will be the topic of an addreae by Representative Louie T. McFadden, of Pennsylvania, father of the gold excise tax bill.. LACK OF FUEL FELT BY RESIDENTS OF N. Y. New Tork, Nov. 14. The iret real cold snap of winter sent ahivera through thousands of New York apart ment dwellers today, who were Buffer ing because of-the lack of heat due to tht acuta eoal shortage. Unable 10 get promise of fuel and with colder weather in eight they flock ed to dealen in oil, gas aad electric keotera and toon theaa heating appara tus wero at a premium. Uoaditiona due to the coal ehortam wen described aa "woeful" and danrer- oua to tha- publio health by Commis sioner of Health Copelaad. 203 Fayetteville WMBER E Rev. A. M. Huffman Preached Before Raleigh Post In Lutheran Church li( preaching fit aaaaal aermoa be fore the membera of tha Raleigh Poet tf tht American Lrgioa, . Rev. A. M. Hitman, pastor of Holy Trinity Luth eran Charea, when the service wen held last evening, stressed the true caning of American citizenship. Tak ing aa hit theme, "Our Comrades, Oar MUoa, uor Service, Our God," he brongbt oat the polattbat although the service rendered oa the battle ground waa superb yet it was ao great cr than the aerviea that ex-eerviee mca an called upoa to reader aa true American citixena. He recalled the oayi of comradeship aad many incident! connected with the service ovrrseu, paid tribute to the faithful Bed Croaa .Buret who went through tha horrors of war aad ia a great many instances made the su preme eaeriAee even as did tht aoldier at tha batttefront and emphasized the rm porta net tf the Bed Croaa service throughout the period ef the war. Ar mistice Dayia a day that should be set aside throughout tha world and in celebration of ita significance in world history many ehurchee thnughout the United Btatea observed it thia year with a patriotic aerviea the Suaday following November 14. With the singing of "America aad "The Star Spaagled Baener" the American thrilla with pride for although our country la one of the youngest it li the most glorkrai, liberty-loving natioa of the world wtih Hi remarkable record oz achievement. Mr. HuVmaa who nerved aa chaplain overseas for about fifteen . months is I . the American Legion. Hia meiatgt to the ex-eerviee mea at their annual service Wai a strong appeal to continue their acrviee to their eountry aa true American citizens. Tht call to armi is no longer neceeaary but the call to civic aerviea ia just aa traperati the call for true American citizens, patriotic aad God-fearing. The aigaiB eanee of the American Bag nd ror courage, white for purity and blue .for loyalty on these qualities that go into the making of an American citi sea. Quito a aumber of the membera of the Americas Legion attended tht service and with the visitors aad mom- bera of tha Lutheran congregation the church waa welt filled. A beautiful solo by Miaa Ellea Durham, an anthem by the choir and "America nad other hymat by the congregation completed tht ivening't program. Tha ottering will go to the Associated Ckarltue. Promiaent officiala of the Raleigh Post indicated their intcutlon of mak ing the aaaaal church eervloe a perma nent featun to take place the Sunday following Armlatiet Day. Wrtckt-Bteacera. Fair Bluff. Nov. 14. A weddinaT of Interact took place' at , tha homo of the brlde'c mother. Mrs, Catharlnt A. Rogera of Fair Bluff, On tha morning of November It. The contracting- par. tlee were Mlae Don Roger and Mr. Qeorce A. Wright of Garner. Rev. H. O Haddock performed the ceremony. They boarded the 11:11 train arolnf North oa ther bridal toar, forajtttlna aa far aa (HMaible trivial, vexlngf aad perplexlBS thinga of life. iOALSERVIC FOR LOCAL LEGfON Wilson Brotlieirs5 98c A All Wool, Wool Mixed and " Drawer.. These garments at $2.50 each. We have secured a big lot at and they will "feel the knife Very Special at 98c Street, f1 Both Phones 203 RDimoe Ofi W PRAIRIE Narrow Gauge 'Special' Breaks Down And Also Foils Plans For Moving Point Isabel, Texas, Nov. lA-Failiag in an adventaroua attempt to quit storm -swept Poiat Isabel aad spend hia vacation ia more comfortable quer ten ia Browasville, P real dent-elect Harding retarnod ben "tonight after being marooned for fear hoaura an uninhabited etretch of Texaa prairie aad decided to postpone kit moving until tomorrow. ' ' il The Milan to reach Brownsville wai due to a breakdjwa of the narrow gauge gasotlBO propelled Juo uraarae Kailway train on which the rreaMeat. elect end hie party had etarted away caily in tht afternoon. After being informed that automobile traffic be tween the place waa impoeaible be cause of the itorm that diarapted the party's vacation plana they returned at 7 o'clock ia the evening without having been more thaa two miles away from tha point. Another attempt to move to Jbrowna- vlllc will be made tomorrow morning but it ia ancertaia whether Mr. Hard ing will choose the railway or the lading rain-soaked trail taat leaa into town through the moBOtonoui ex paaae of eaetui aad meecjulta. Late tonight then wen sotni indieatloni that tht poeaibilitles of n paaaage by motor wen improving but. the special train waa held lor hia use u he should want it. DAUGHTERS TO ELECT VICE-PRESIDENT TODAY committee of the Grand Divuion; Unhed Dauahtera of Jtbt Confedeney. which closed tha aessiona of the 27th aannal convention here Saturday, will meet here tomorrow morning for the narpoae of electing a second vice preai dent. Thia office wai left vacant-owing to tht failurt of Mra. Georgt T. Uun ninghim if Little Bock, Ark, who wai re-elected, to accept the omco. How To Keep Youiif And Guard Afainat ArVera- ature Breakdown A very large percentage of men and women of middle age break down ore mat u rely from apoplexy, nerve, heart or kidney troubles. The only way to avoid it ia to con serve vitality and strengthen vital tt ilitanet by keeping tha blood cor puscles properly balanced. If people in thia vicinity wno nave poor devitalized blood, an weak, run down, nervout and ailing could only realize the benefit to be derived from Vinol, our cod liver and iron atrength- creator and body-builder, druggist! folud aot bt abla to supply tha do mead. , Mrs. W. 3. Nixon layi; "I waa lick for months, had no appetite and no strength my doctor advised Vinol. It gave me a hearty appetite and rtttond my itrength after everything else had failed." Why doat yoa try Vinol (Adv.) MEA Garment Cotton Underthirt and are being sold ' in Raleigh " -r- a tremendous concession of Enrd'a price cutter.'- MANGUM AGAIN GOES TO ? THE MORRISVILLE ROAD Speed . CemptnOer Mangam again spent the Sabbath aftaraoon along tha Morriaville highway yesterday, and dur ing the afternoon ensnared eleven in fracton of the speed lawa who win ia duo eratoa bo called to aatwo befon Justice Owens for their miadeeda. Tha number if eeaaiderabiy 'rCdueed in com parison with last Suaday, it being too cold to bo oat, or moat people being at the Aaditorinm, or try kg t oget then. The list of nnfortuaaten ia aa follow! : E. B. Farrow, Balelga; W. H. Stirr, Wilkeiboro; A. L. Tyfcr, Bocky Moant; Mull Motor Co, Charlotte.. B. & Me Oee, Darham; T. S. Wray, Beidsville. J. . May, WeadeU; State -Highway Commiaeion, Durham ; J. Jm . Hatch, Goldabon; T. E. Ball, Carpenter F. W. Beevea, New Ton State license, New Fork. 'McCartney FUee Appeal Washington. Nov. 14. Harry S. Me- Cf rtney, aa Illinois attorney filed in the Supaeme Court today hia appeal from the decision of r the Supreme court of the District of Columbia . refusing a writ of mandamus upoa Secretary Colby to compel promulgation of the peace rcaohrtion adapted by Congrcoa May 1, 1920. Toe court of appcala ot tha dii trice affirmed the ceeialon last month, the United Btatea 6upnme Court having refafd to review tha can before the appellate court had acted. LAST 5 WORDS TELL THE STORY Cardui Aasitted Miaalaaippi Lady Recover Her Health. Other Treatment Had Been Without Reault Read Her Story. Erratta,Miaiv Describing reaulti from tie act of Cardui, Mra. W. L. White, of till place, aayit ''When only a girl I luff end a great deal with . . . MyN mother decided thca for ma to take Cardui. I took nine bottlet ia all and became . . . a strong, healthy girL "After my marriage, I , . . ao began to take Cardui. I waa tooa atnagcr, and passed tha dinger period all right. and my boy wai strong and healthy. "First of laat year I waa in a desperate condition. I . , . almost to death. Wa used medicines without reaulti. "I wai ao ton across tha bottom of my stomach, aad to weak. u - "For three month! 1 lay ia thli condition. "I told my huiband Cardal bad helped mo once, maybe it would again. Ha went and got it "I began to take" Cardui aad vary shortly X began to improve and get my itrength, J Tht . . . stopped; tht tor en eel left me. "My prevent health ii good." Adv. .i'w I mi 5 RaleiShy N C. i i (t Jaeed to tha Sea Laval) ' !.. fx. SUl p. m. ..... SOA ,1a.m. Eumet 6:0d p. an. PMlinAtiPiib write to year a ear sot agent.' .;j.w .:

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