Tlhe News and. ., j-r , TUE WEATHER North Carolina Fair Wi4 day aed Tharsday. - . WATUI HELL erver - w Mm aaalratum aad sisal. vr. -vol; oairNo. 147. sixteen pages today., raleigh. n. c.; Wednesday morning, November 24, 1920. sixteen paces today. PRICE: FIVE CENTS i: 0b i - THROW CHEROKEE VOTE OUT Jackson Board of Canvassers Declare Democratic . County ' Officials Elected ONLY TWO REPUBLICANS - ARE DECLARED ELECTED After Completing Work In AshevEle, Board Will Form. . ally Declare Besult at Sylra . This Morning; Republican , Lawyers Make Plana To Con. test Decision In Coturta Ashcville, Nor. 3. Practically com pleting it work, although it will moct in' fiylva tomorrow morning -atiO 'clock, formally to deelar th remit L.tiitJt9a'. t Jackson county xmrd of eaaTaeser - at today' aea Bion her in the Buncombe courthouse Arcw out all vote east by Cheroke radians on the ground that -th-latter 1 tfTfc arQi'Jasi ' . s.intjtf n candidates via all the county offices except tha representatives in the Leg islature and oaa of tba tare, county commissioner. V- v Three more votes iff dispute because of a difference in the Jgurea of former tabulators' iy b deducted tomorrow front- soma of tha Democrati candi dates,, if -the Republican contention proves correct, bat this deduction would not affNt th substantial result, leav ing tb Democratic candidate for reg ister of deeds oaa vote ahead of bis Bcpublirun-rivsir '-Today's action also pats JaeJuoa eeaaty , into-the Demo eratm congressional column. Rcabllcaaa-T Centeet DccUo. Bepublicaa counsel hav mad nil plana for a contest la the eourte ea behalf Of tha Republican oouaty can didates, thai-eubetaniial contention being that tha canvassing bead baa no legal power to go behind tba returns to Tvetigote-" the - validity of indi vidual vote accepted ,ty tba precinct beard aad tlmt Indians ara not dis guaHoed as voters merely because they ar ladiaBa,:fc;.,,;tjj-.T-., . Tha bitter eontosi whieh began Jfo- vaMUr th ahea after tha first Bos nian Demoeratia Attorney J. w. Bayaes was foree4 by threats to Wto fiylva and to the board's sojourning at tnrwlR to rrent twts, fiaauy om- Dleaaaat eaiUcc todar. "There- a " reflection, ttrioa anybody," waa the re tnark made by the alert Budded Jte f publican reprcseatatlya- H. B. Queen, . in explftlniag why ha ptsteitsd tha ac tion of tha board at last , The matter of their being mora to tea In Bj-lva precinct bos than tha num ber af voter shown by the pollbook was taken p and Mr. fainter aader took -to- aanlala. that some pnt their . aw votea into tha boa and tha poll book keeper miht have missed : them. - , j The chair asked, "What ia tha neat asoret It; looks like a hard proposition ' to throw -oat a box because there ara aom. illegal roteo ia it, to - throw away soma 800 legal votea just bee on " there are m few -illegal votes.- Tha law "provides tba when you tad boa staffed and eaiinof "ieout for tha , surplus, throw it sway but I don't like to a. that."... Indian Veto eliminated. 1 Painter said he did aotaeolbov it alled ..a "stuffed" boa, to which the chair replied, 1 would aot t this time call it stuffed bos. I am Juat -Saying whs) the ' law provide is) the case of stuffed bos." The ehairntaa called op the motion ef Bylva last week that the Indian vote be eliminated, "Be cause ward ef -tha government," ex plained Moaa. Queen . said he thought he enrht to be allowed to introduce IAN OF BALLOT BOXES authorities oa this mutter of the In- diana heina: citisena. The chair aaid yes, but the underspending waa that the authoriUe should be later than 1900. Ha referred to Judge Boyd' deeisioa ia tit Hyatt case ia MOO that the In dians were not citizen ; (Hyatt had been indicted for refusing to register Indians.) "W had not bene bothered - with them sine then." No one knows, of. coarse,- what will - happen at Sylra tomorrow, but - tba worse is exrfeeted by many On both - aides. - The bitter . feeling that has ' existed between the parties sine the 'hoard first 'met, ia almost at flaming v point and it ia likely to break eut whea the flaal " aeaaioa ,, la held ' at 8ylva.'. - .."V -i--. -..-i .;: RETAILERS ORGANIZE TO r - MEET CRISIS IN TRADE (few Tork, Vov. S3w BeperaentaUves of more thaa 100 retailers af cloth- lag, dry goods, ahoe and - millaery throughout tha. country organised the council af national retail associations her today' in aa effort to meet the ' -eriais la the retail trade due to steadi ly falliag price. , " ' Tha orgaalsatioB meeting was held - behind eloa door, but it waa leaned that the newly formed aouaeil ia com- posed ef representatve of tha ' Na tional Betail Dry Good Assoeiatlon, the Natoaal Amociatioa - of Betail Clothiers, the National Garment Betail ' ra, tb National fihoa Betailore Asao ciatioa af th. V sited Bute - and the . Betail M'H'aers Assoeistloa af Amer- ' '..yimwxos planning to ' - V T QUIT POLITICS BJTTIETXT Paris, . Nov. tZjV oncer premier , .Veniselos af Greeee, is despondent - aver his defeat at the polls ea Novem ber 14, and retire- permanently - from polities, la any event, he will await definite lr t!0 powers of their -ui' towsrl reeee, sv'.d Bophotks Vi,:,,, ) of th former premier, i i t H -i (:-:- gt j;k-e tl-;t j II BUTLER CANDIDACY Former District Attorney J. 0. Carr Would Disown Party Responsibility" THINKS SAMPSON .MAN UNFIT FOR THE CABINET Would Tse Position' Aa Secre tary of Agriculture To Turn Worth Carolina Over To "Re publicans, Wilmington Law. yer Believes; Opposition Wot '.'...Partisan.. - v, . The Kcwa and Obacrver Bureaa, 003 District KaUoBal-Bank BIdg4 , V By K. E. POWELL. (By Special Leaaod Wire.) Washingtoa, B. O, Nov. 13. J. O. Carr, former "TTnitoJ " Btaiee " A Horsey t Wilmington, deelarad today that tha demoeraey of Korth Caroliaa as an orgaaiaatioa 'ahoald ' disowa any re- spoBsrbiliry for the mdonemeat of ex Senator aSa,i-f.. ing. "I hv lit. Carr aaid. "who does aot eondema the endorsement by-Democrat of But ler for seeretary of agriculture. I think that this opponition ia not purely ea partisan ground bat if based ea But ler's record as stated" by Governor Biekett" "la my fnflgment" "he eontinoed, "Butler wQuid.ase tha posUio af ee rotary of agrieultur- and th powera of that office lust t h used th Par mer Alliance ia 1894 , toUUrer the State af North Carolina, to th Be pub lican aad ' I think - the Democratic organization shoald condemn any re sponsibility for making; th eaderee- meat," - . Pew Joia Satiaeul Curd. Th striking slowness with which tha National Gosrd m leiflg o rgaaiaed la the rarioos atates of : tha- anioa ha caused, wide comment here - ia army circle, nd " lis 'general explanation for the failure "is a cob sequence of th backwash that follow ia th wake of very war. ., t. ' :: -..-.,; - -Optimism for the futur is displayed by most of thai army mea here- who are considered authorities aa national guard matter.. Oa v January Met, National Guard officer wilt om to Washington as chief of the mJHtia Jess llcl. Carte, thT present chief. Th- wrpres prriioa was pmeeJ la th earmy, -rterganiaatloa set ef Jon 4th this year that the millti bureaa thief must be a National Guard officer, ' n amis ted., hy . tha. President oa the -recommesdatioa ' of ' the gov ernors af the aeveral states. - Th BTesent strength sf th National Guard for North Carolina shows 18 Un officer aad Ml enlisted mea in com- pari soa wtth --a -aathoriaed unlisted strength of juea oa paper. The Dgure show that North Carolina ha 13 per cent of. th strength author ised; V S,..,,.; ; .... ',, .; - Wyoming leads th entire union ia proportion of reorRsnijoed units of th National Guard. . That . SUtft hss Z7 lin (Beers aad S13 mea ia her present strength, which Compare with SOd i allowed aader authoriaad strength. 97 per cent of authorisation. Colonel Fitzhngh . Lsa' imaigtrade; well known antberKy-em aaray auttsrs, says it ia almost a waste of time to at. tempt to recruit, from amohg the re turned aervle mea. -They hav bee a to war. Thev have reached tha goal all mea entering military Berries long to atuia aad they are through, for the Urn being , at least. Youacer mea those bow coming f military age, ar th material from which to reconstruct the machine, Thejr will enlist. Aad much ea be don with .them lr traia- iBg." j-,.--.l.--.t-.s. . ( Placed Oa Strang Basts. . ' Gradual step ia : legislatiia 4 ha brought th- National . Goad- en tha strongest foundation which that or. ganixatioa hae experienced "siac tb foundug efthe govorcmcBt. important among th eonstruetiv measures f re s Federal recognition for National Guard anlta whea ejuajified; dual ostlv to the Pederal aad Stat govcrnmenM: officer to be aeleeted from deairr ed classes; pay of all officers and "ted mea of oiraaixa- tioa that have received Federal roo- oguitioa system of Courts-martial sp- plieaua to . th National "Guard, in suring th maintenance of dmeipline; complete equipment ef National Guard units by tha War. Department use of regular army personnel to assist ia th lastructioa of th National Guard orgaaisationa. ' ' . .t Although tha t rare ia South era states ar disappointing b eompariaon with tho plana for reorgnslxatioa, re ports to th militia bureau' Stat that a stiaatilatioB af interest Is being at- if ested. . i. : r James Nelloa, a Piaeharw aegro, ie the moat reeeut ef a long string of vie tim tr fall ia tha national ejphnl for the age old aad time worn poeketbook trick. R Wat June 1500, he nrd the metropolitan police. v -r According to the story h told deto tivea, h waa walking near Ue TJnioa statioa whea tw Washingtoa negro approached Una aad, la a confidential tone, informed aim that they bad foaad a poeketbook with a larg sua af money, James could share ia th speDs, th eity aegree told him, If h eald put up $500 a aceurity. H put ap but hi trouMes nry be gan. . Whea it dawned oa him that he had beea flim-flammed, h Bot'Sed th police. Detoetiv Springraaa, lijtcniag Intently to James' storr, observed a bulging hip pocket J.iniee waa telling hla tftie of woe. C'l,--"r Us, tioa developed tlie fart t' t J e wt arryinf a pistol wi.out ai-y 'eeL.l perwiinina fat doing so. A eee-r ws ' !ecf f !, tiit h 1 1 t) f 1 f - WOULD REPUDIATE NDORSEMENTS OF lf.J. T..1 A. . kKu I. I not eea a single Democraf I -- .... 1 ' n Photoffravh shows n embers af right, Senator Da rid I. Walsh) Jaaaea f Washington, aeting ehaimraa, OFFICERS SEEK TO I! Two Women Believed TO Have Been Implicated In Burke County Homicide bearing oa th murder ef Glenn. Iip pard, whoa body waa round - ia - th wood ia Burke county Sunday after noon, Solicitor Huffman aad Hickory dicers followed lead today that they aid would .bring developmeuta of a positive naUr ia th next It hoar. Th officers today war trying to lo cate a pistol possessed, it waa believed, by en of the flv mea, jailed at Mor gan ton, and to traeina a well defined report that soms womea were mixed ap ia th affair. It ia believed that two womea were oat with some asenvaad that whoa alt th facta arc hnewa, the ease will be clearer. ' Solicitor Huffman aaid toaigSt that ha would retara to Hickory- tsmstrsw aad devote tha daw aa the ease. - A.-A. Whiteaer, local lawyer, re4ala ed by all ftva mea ia Uorgaataa il, ntatad this a ft an Don ..thai hia clients eaald easily pro that-they' had aoth- ing to do with the killing, - and a thought this fact would be established later. . No data . for the ; preliminary hearias has beea ac aa aatd. Stone of liquor aetivttiea ia which Gleaa lippard Sgured-wer giva to tha officers daring th hearing her aad eaoof tha tonela- believed to M eoant fo tha two hundred dolls eheek givea taUppard by O. B. King, ef Charlott. Oa Monday Ight; Nieea bar IS, offlear were; told, Gleam-dip. MTd ixrpersoaated a revease agaat ad held ap aa aoro drtvea by Loag Hefar sad occupied by Carl ippard, a aoa f Bud lippard, Prry gailoa of liquor aad tha car wer taken When the oeeupaaU beat it to th hushes. it ia alleswd. It ia thought that Bud Ltapard, a aatoriou Uoehader," -who waa recently pardoaed by- Governor Bickett, waa after Gleaa JJppsrd ia Irdail eouaty last week to male aim pay for th liquor atolea from hia-oea nil tnrn over the ear. - t Gleaa Lippard, it ia believed here, old the aooaa to Kiag. Mad Upward, who attended hi brother' - funoraL admitted that he chased Gieaa a Fri day, but aaid he had aa tu ten tioa af harmlne? him. Bud aaid ha waa ia Charlotte Saturday Bight ... wha Via brother waa hilled.... i OPPOSES. CONFIRMATION OF ALL APPOINTMENTS Senator Jones Says Appoint. stents To Shippinf Board i ; Win Be Opposed ; 7shiactoa. Nov. S. Annouoeement that h woald ppoo coaarmatioA af all appoiatmaata to tb Shipping Board made recently by rreatdeat wilsoa was made todsv bv Senator Jones. f Witt Ista, chairman at th Senate Coeulcre committee, 1 ahall da all la my power to pro- Teat their confirmation ho al4VWhea tha ahippiag bill waa passed it waa any hop and deeir that the President would appoint th board immediately and start ita Important work; ' Instead sf doing that, th President waited four or St moat until arte lectio, aad appointed some mew who ara inexperi enced aad Befit, although aom af th appointee ara good men. v '---. "Under tna circumstance I uiaa President Harding should hav a free hand la aaming th board and (or ta direction ef It poMew-aad X (hall d all ia bit newer ta prevent eoatroatioa ef tha appointee aamsd by Presidaat Wilaaa. ; -;- ' i la addition to th Shipping Board aomiaatioBB, many ether appoiatmeat President Wilaoa probably will M held up, aeeordiag to Bepublieaa Senate leader, who ara r eta ruing her for th seeaioa next month. - Sons xprssssd doubt that any nomination .would gat throuca th eenat. ' Th praeuce at ro fusing coafirmatioa t appoiatmaata by retiring President has been general la tha past by both pertiea, it was aUtad. PLEBISCITE U CHEECE ? - POSTPONED TO DEC. 5 --. - -. . i 1 - . Pari, Nov. S3-4!oafirmstion ef ya port that tha pisbiecit la Greer to deid aa U the retnra af Ex King Coaataatia ta the throae had beea postpoasd to December eta, had Bean received by taa Irene roeaiga aaoa, it wa aaneeraeed today. The veto waa U hav beea taken aader tat arigiaal arraageaMat an 8uaday next,, Nevaas- ber ia, - - f ' .- - itc::at m akkested rc ; KCNNING MOONSHIP'S ITTIX Taihpa, fla- Nov. 23-lir. tna Eeafy wa arrested at aooa t"ry for running, a 'meoashiao ." Fee r-aca wse near the heart n t..e ccy CLEAR UP MURDER ros;ie the number ei" If li'.t. "tit s't h'"!--fl f ef r- "i i a f i i ' .! f r sc.1 INVESTIGATING CONDITIONS i ' . Copyright tTadersrood and Uaderwoad th Amerieaa Commissloa aoleetM to iarastisto conditions la Ireland. Left to H. Matmr, of Poaaiylvajtiat Jaa Addaas, of Chicago ( Br. frederi Howe. Holtiagaworth Wood, ef New lork. Western Union Head Says Au thority Was. Granted By Conoress and War Dept. KKVOKED PEKMI8SION Waahlagtaa, Nov. zt-SscrUry Baker aaadaaeed taaignt that ha had revoked pet-asisstoa (-ranted - tb Wastera fjaima Teicgraph Compaay last May to lay certain cask at Blacayae Bap, Miami, Fla. Tha penult waa Bseacd by the district agtaeer st Jaekasavllla, Flv, aad Mr. Baker dirwetsd Ha withdrawal by telesraph tonight. Mr. Baker aaade no ewplaaatioa ad hie acttaa. Be merory asthort 1 threash Ida aevretary tka atatenseat that the penult had bee sncradeeV Tha aaaaaassmsnt Sallawed, hww. ever, th stssemint ia New York ta Bight by Nearcoenb Carltaa, president of tha Wsateva Ualaa Casaiaaay, taut hnr semaaay had aot aeilp ctgMa granted by act f CBgisi hmt bocU pamlaaasa ef taa War Bw Bsrtmeat to da eertaia cable work ha the vMaity af Miami .with which flaa- Navy tVtwUtmi haa few rnontha arbitrarily hrterfered" at ta eaast af the Stat Peasrtmead. New Ttrk, Nov. S3. Neweomb Carl- ton, president - of tb Wester TJnioa Telegraph Company, declared tonight that t, i. MiMM.t kn M,,nl .ii W .. j try-wffeT "n rt'oHatr ta Jjy Blew ta ail navigible water ia the United States, and specific permit from UK Seeretary ef War. tttr. Carl ton Baadtthia assertion la a formal statement which h issued la eesneetiou with hia company 't applies tion in' tha eourta af tha District of Columbia for an. injunction ta tartrate th Secre tary af tha Navy from interfering with it -phrmr to extend it talesrsph Una I trom.MUmi, 11a- to Miami seaeh. laat Apnl," hs said, th Westera TTbIob" Telegraph Company eoameneed the .aoaatructioa ef wire along th causeway ver Biaeayn Bay, which aep arate Miami from Miami Beach. There ar two drawbridges ia tha cauaeway, aad following preeedare and in order to avoid interruption to Barisatioa, a short aable. ia laid ea tha bottom af tho bay at each af this drawbridgea. -The Westera TJnioa haa general an theritwuider aa act of Coagrtt ta lay cable la all navkabl waters la th Waited States. Ia addition t thi aa- thority-it ho Ida a rpeeifi permit for thhf work from th Sseretary f War, Th purpose ef tb sonatruetioa waa ta tm prove tha aoaaeeuoa from Miami ta Key Wmt, - th preseat aoaneetioa being an unsatisfactory temporary as- fair to meet tha requirements af gov ernment dredcinc operatioas. - Kotwithatanding th naquotuoned rirht af th telearanh aompany to prove Ba system, further endorsed by th approval af the War Department, th Navy Department ha for moults arbitrarily interfered with th prograaa of tb work by fore af arm aad stated that if tha cable waa laid they, th Navy Departmeat, would immedi ately eut it. V ar informed that this aetioa was taksa at Ah request of th BUt Department, although th Stat Departmant haa aa Jurisdietioa Wkatever ever tha exwmioa et tne teWraph (ystean. --.j -Wa hav made diligent laquiry dar ing th last eight months fa an ssdeavo ta aseertaia what b)eeUon taer wa ta or proceeding with thi work and although w hav mad repeated rjns aatraaee ta tha Stat Department, w hav beea met aaly with th repeated aromm f that department that they woald at an atraightea ant th mat ter, Wa ar as completely la th dark today a w .war sight aioath ago, except that wa now know that tt power af tha armed-force: f th .Uaited State has been aatd t prevent th law. ful aarryiag eut af work which wag au thorised by aa act ef Congress. "It a because af thi action Oat we ar Sow seeking th protect of tha court In aa effort t woartata whether autocratic methoda eaa be nsed ta pre vent tha needed axUaaUa af telegraph service t meet tha demand of U pablia,'.-.; ' - 't y -c' MAKES NO COMMENT ON . 1 ACTION OF SECkXTAHT AJlek. Kaw Tork. Nov.- 23 When Informed touleht taat. Secretary of War Baker had revoked peranlaaioa rot Vryiag tabic at iieaJra Bap. Miami Fla graatad tha Waatera TJnioa Tslerraph Compaay, Keweomb Carltoa, prssuitnt, refused to eon meat aa tba action. Asked if hia 'company would ftiah any mov In tha matte.' air. Carlton repiiedl . - l hv BotUry ta my tonight.-' ( - laeveaea f (so f Bread. ' Oicden, Vtah, 'o. f3. Th largvrt baking eompnny ia Cplea todny aa aounred that !T cc'..s st enre th lis ef it loeve ef t r 1 wo' i be increas- e-t per tent, ! t fru fnaif; CITES AUTHORITY FOR LAYING CABLE IRELAND r 3 LI II Negro Causes Arrest of Two White Men Together With $15,000 In Cash Sfaaw..Hw?Mdj.ifJ. Conway, at Conway, on -of tb alas baaka ef Northampton county, was entered lut night by yeggmen, th af blown epea by high explosiv ad cash, bond aad other valuable to th amount af fifteen thousand dollars carried away. Th burglary waa aot illi.-nrered until thi morning, late ia the day a colored maa who had beea down on the Meherrin river Bear Severe hunting; reported he saw two mea ia the woods, who told him ta teS th ptopl that "there war na squirrels ia the weeds." . --- , 'Immediately, a aumber. af Sever psepi armd themeelvue and west ia search af tha stranger They wer found . ia a raviaa ea- tha river aad captured together with the money aad the valuablea tahca from the bank. . Tha robbers had twa seiteaaee, ix E slots, pTsriaions and explosives. They iv beea placed la the county Jail at Jaekaoa. They ar about 40 year Aid aad nun-eoatmanieativ. . FRENCH OPPOSED TO i CONSTANTINO RETURN Premier Leytmes alnnoonees -Intention of Government To Pari, Nov. S3. Premier Lsrgue when he appeared tamght in th Cham be ef Deputiea la th Vatican debate. anaounecd th gavarament lateatioa t ham a 'warning to Greece against th return af former Kiag Ceaetantia. Th debet waa not finished, aad waa adjoamed aatil Thursday, and it is understood that th Premier will aot m to London until a settlement is reached respecting Franc' representa tioa at the Vatican. hf. Lavfue. in ashing for a postpone ment of further interpellations to that ha min-ht b free ta set, (aidi ia Greece' foreign affair, bat, after war which imperilled civilisation, U power put at ita head a overeiga who showed marked and constant ho tilitw toward tha allies aad had beea the aecomnlic af eur enemies, that newer easkt ta be warned that ah eaa- not longer hava our co-opersuoa box ei th aam feeling from a as formerly. -"Further thaa that, th treaties gW us th right aa a protecting power t proffer well founded advice upon we gravity ef aa act which might give Germany oeeasioa ta intervene -directly or indirectly la ertentai anairs, Tha aremler aaid b wisnsa to con aider n definite course ia the matter and complete accord with Great Britain WANT TO RE-ESTABLISH BOARDS OF ADJUSTMENT Beads of Font Brotherhoods To Make Appeal To Rail way Labor Board Cleveland. Now. 3. Heado of all of th big railway transportation brotaer heeda axneet ta be la Chicago aest Monday ta max a dual appeal to th Bailway Labor Board M ro-osiaoiiaa aatloaal hoards' of adjustment. It WM tsted here tonight by official f thee brotherhoods that they will ga ta Chi- in th event af th tuiare r rODraeentatiTeo ef the brotherhood aw la Chieaaa ta eat th labor board te re-eetsblith these boards af adjust- sat. which existed during th xderu antral at th railway systems. Adjustmsnt beard number ana, tw aad tana were terminated at th ud f tha federal ontrol sad their ex istence, th brotherhood effielaJa staU, ar aeaary for th ' ettlemeat - f griavaaee tha arie front tim to Urn, - v . - ., v - s Th four bit brotherhoods, backed ap by twclva thr railway labor r gaaisatioB sr seeking to hav na tional eommiaaiona - created to adjust difieulUee between employer aad rail way werksr ef all s lessee similar ta th three beards' af adjustment la af fect aa th railway yteae aader fed eral eeatxsl. . ..- - - - - -s. SATS COOITTST WHX ' ' BXGKKT BLBCTION OVTCOMB '' amBBBBBBBBBW " - ' Dallaa, Texaa, Nov. It Th aaatry wBt Bva.Sa seavot what K haa daa .ta thV cen eUctleew Themaa B. XuarahaTm Preaideat f the Valted Statea, declared la aa seeVwae at tha TermlBal Bailroad ttatioai Ula afteraewa. It - at th greatest Injastke af a ceatary, aad will bring aa at tha world 'a great et f rw ta-. a aatjaasly. gvavO t"f t aLf !!' ' i. . ; .: JOT CONVAY BANK CAPTURE TWO ME MOB TAKES NEGRO FROM COURT ROOM AND LYNCHES HIM Crowd Breaks Down Court , House Doors and Secures Prisoner During Trial MEMBER OF MOB SHOT DURING THE AFFRAY Entrance To Court : Boom Forced Despite Efforts of Court Officials and Others To Prevent Violence In Mis sissippi Town; Charged With Assaulting Woman Tylertown, Miss, Nov.' S3. Harry Jacobs, negro, while being tried for hi llf for aa assault oa a whit woman here today waa taken from tha court room and lynched by a mob. Members of tha mnh. who had 'barred front th court room daring th progress er the trial, gained aeeesa to the court room by breaking down two doors. After fore ins- aa entrance ta the that utAdrvM mrmm mmlwal m mm 1...A . . ,-.r. a--w'"-w--r '-VPs; um am , uioccs tnronga the main atreet of tha town, after which tb rope waa tied to the axle ef an automobile, which drag ged him to Magee"? ' Creek bridge, where th lifel body was swung ta the limb of a tree and riddled with bullets. 1 Member of Mob She. Cleveland Strange, of Jayess, Visa, wa sccidently shot through th abdo men during th affray aad tonight ia said to bo -ia .a critical condition. Strang I aaid to hava been hitting tb aegto aver tba band with a pistol, holding it by tha barrel, whea tha pis tol was discharged, th load taking af fect ia th stomach. H waa taken to a hospital at McComb, Mime Harry Jacob, th negT lynched to day, waa a brother of Boa Jaeobaf wh wa lyashed by a mob , about twa week age for aa attack a tha hus band of tha woman attached by Harry Jacob a October 30. Bine hi arrest he had beea in Jail at Magnolia, Breok havea and Jackson, ta prevent mob Violent. , ' Special Court Term. special term ef court wa convened her this morning te try th ease with Judge D. M- MUter presiding. . A grand Jury .had been rgixed nad tha work af Mleetiag a petit jury am being started, whea tha mob. stopped. wa proeecaiwgv ay poaaamg -a ta door for admission", .with hoat af "Let as hav him! w must hav hiiat" 'Appeal war made by Jndg Millar, other court officials and th husband ef th womaa assaulted to permit th court M proceed in orderly manner, With shouts of "Come on, let's get him," th mob broke down tb door ta th ' court house, rushed np tha stair to tha witness room, where Ja- eoba was being held, aad dragged hi to tne streets After th body had beea hanged to tha tree it waa left there for aeveral hoar tad great crswda ef curious visited theyseen throughout th day. Everything t aglet in th town to night, the! "" having dispersed o a ancr toaiiyneuing. CONFUTED MOVEMENT H STOCK EXCHANGE Stocks Strong at Opening of . Sessio and Irregular at se; Features New Nov. tX -Stocks were troager almost to buoyancy at th live ly 'opening of today' session, heavy during the intermediate period aad Ir regular at tha close, with aalea of lv 100,000 shares. The-confusing move ments wer interrupted aa-tb (tract indicating that financial and gen eral aeoaomi conditions . Wsre In process ef further readjustment Tech nleslly tit market' po'sitio waa re- graded' U sounder than at any tins sine th almost steady reversal ar th current month. Mot stnble nnd reassuring features included tb clos ing eut f epeeuTativ eeounta and resultaat material naetioa af loan, . Evaporstlon af war profits and throw. lag aver th weeteaed margin hav been aeeomphnied rby change of con trol la many iadustrial eompunie. What Walt Street aU "the logic f vesta", ha mad th Morgnn- Dupont isterveta dominant factors in tba Ceaeral Motor Corpanition, the only riral af th Tilted States Steel Corpora tioa aa a "billion dollar con cern. : - . Commodity markets war lees un settled, but dowaward revision con tinued ia many liae f raw materiara. th rangiag from steel, iron end cop par to the geaaral metal market, sugar cotton ell, paper ana ninared ar ticle. ; , . ' i. SEIZED BAKCOTICS TO SB USED IN HOSPITALS New Tork. Kor. U---Mor than a million dollara worth af aareotie aooa will be avaiUbl for use ia hospitals th rau shout tha eouatrr aa th malt f Miaare by govsrnmeat aaoata here with! Bth pat two months, U waa aaaaOBeed today by . Prank I Boyd, supervise sf th prohibition enforce ment department. Tha drug, piiael pally nsorpain nna eoeaiae, will be seat ta Waahtagtoa, where they will be examined and ataa. dardiaed for medicinal nse. , : ..... PBX-WAB STBENCTH BEEt. ' . . POCKED INTO SXWEKS New Orlesaa. Nv. tX Beer of pr war atresrth to th auaatity ef 86,000 gallon with T,000 galleaa of cereal beverar diluted to prohibition strength went into ewer her today when th Consumers , Brewing Com pany, in proeeoe of liquidation, Si-ured it wa c .h;i.i.;.r..-:. .rr ior ' hw r to destroy tie p.-o ia. s l oppose m league coveijajjt; at this sesi;: Committeo On Organization zl Geneva Decide To Offer , . No Amendments j WANT UNITED STATES TO HAVE OPPORTUNITY. Awaiting Action of President- t Elect Harding's, Conference Before Making Any Changes; Send Letter of Thanks and Congratulations To Kit a Boot ' t'JS:"yy Geneva, Nov. IX-(Br th Associated Frees,) There will 1 a amendment to th eerenant of th l eague of Na Uob at thiraeasioa of the assembly if th dedsioa af committee aumber one hat n general orgaaixatioa which ha been coB&ideriag ' amendmeata ia approved in full session. Arthur J. Balfejir. chalnaaa of tha eemmittre, aggeste7tiB coauaittee meet- twaw.fVwnp IBV ITDFIlRr sf IsS lcrtia. I .HP i aaat may be improved. He pre-ncsed that the committee recommend tho ap pointment of n special committee ta consider proposed smeadmentt and re Port the aexf , meeting af the as-' ssmbly. . Th Staadinaviaa delegate ea the committee iaeiated apoa tb coaaidera. Uoa Immediately af amendments they ptepoaed but thev were aatMSI Tl. Houth Amerieaa delegate aerepted Mr. , . . " auaacatioa ail tna mure read ily, becauee they are of th ewMioa that any amendment f th ewveeaet ahouid awa iropattIoas that ar expected from th raited Flat en afW Imi.I.i. elect Hardtag'a ceauUtatiaa en th sub Jeet. They declared it would be en tirety eat af aider ta ravine th eevo aaat ia th abase of ese ef Ue most iw-rortant aatioB of tha world. The ommittC4 ea the iBterutieaal emrt decided te send a letter of thaake aad contra tb lions te h'liha Boot aad other deieaatc of Th Haaua eoufea. nee. This k aa far aa they hats gone u wisir worn, .-..i:-- tv . - ' . Antonio Uaueua, head of the Chikaa dolegatloa aad chairman af the commit ls aa sdmisaioa of new members, told TB Atrociated Prsn today that hi com- " mittee already wa bard at work and hoped t auk aa early report, Hew wf tba pplicatioa of V' aegra for membership in th Letttu of Batloa leaked eat today. Ka Uorma- tioa whatever wa given aa th ul,jeet try ta rieeretariat of the taanc. Thi leveath-howr applieatioa r-aewsaariiy win com np on th door ef tb aa- ssmbly before being referred te com mittee. , . SUBJECT OP BEVI8IOM AGAIN ' ' - BEPOBB LEACVB ASSEMBLY. Ocbcvs, Nor. KV-(By tha Aasocinted Pros.) Th subject af rcvisieu of tha eevaant af th League af Xatioea came sp agaia at today caste ef the ao sembly of the league. H. A. Van Karnsbeek, ef Holland, addreasiag tha delegate aa his resolution that a com- ' autte be charged with tba study af th rviia af Artiel XVIII em the regi- tratioa af treaties, held that tt artici wa aew aabjoet t three different inter pretation aa ta th legality at BnrctT tstered treatiea. Bs arged ravisloa of the article to make it meaning clearer. In tha corse of taia moraines aeeetoa Delegate Milieu af Aaatraiia asked Jhat Oermaay' protest against th leagu' si stood a I apportioning mandatee xor former Oermaa colonies, aubmitted re- ently, be Mid before the assembly be fore - beiag referred te a committee. Th qoeetioa went eve until tsmorrow. Debate aa the roiish-Lathaaaiaa eoa- diet. Which waa th reeteBed for a time oa a dessaad by Lord Bobert Cecil for full information, was avoided try sa ex planation front th chair that negotia tions ea th subject by th aouaeil wer till la progress. Lord Bobert !so de manded creater publicity for Us pro- eeediaga ef the council, and a premiiM wa mad an behalf af tha latter to amply. ' v . k reoolatieB In trod need by George Nieoll Barnes, af Great Britaia askinx tba eoaaeil ta explaia why it failed to inUrvene aad prevent hostilities ae- twsea Polaad aad Soviet Buia last summer went ever ta th a ext. seeeioB te be held Thursday. .r.. '.-,.'. , SCANDINAVIANS MAT .. ; - -: HELP POUCB TILNA Gaaevn. Nov. 13 Th council of the Lea sue of Nations ha decided ta ia- vite tha Seaadiaaviaa countries te par ticipate ia policing th plebiscite terri torie ef Vila te th esteat ef one haadred mea aaea. , , It la aaaeaaced front a eemi-euVJal sou re that it kt scarry certain that Bulgaria, Austria, Albania, PinUna aad Laxambourg will be admitted to tho leaau. Oa th thcr head it ie aaid that tha aommisaion decma it bet ter at present not to admit atete for merly forming a part af Burnt and which hav not yt neen emruu.y recognised. . . - .- . ', LOUISVILLE MAN FACES cwargeofeksezzle"e::t LaubviUe. Xr. Nov. 23 Geores I- Martia 1 Bader iadietmeat her cia' ed with ubaaling appraximatc ;. S2C0.000 of taa fnade of the GerwR Savinga Puud nnd Building Asset-., ' ef which h waa Meretary, aaa a 40,000 from attar hmatituHoae which he we aeeaarted. H was ' wide knewa aitinea af Latai:,. eajeved tha aenfideae f h fc world. Ha disappeared Juat pi -aa audit f hhj beck. ' Dallas. TX.: KV. XX : - meat wa mad late to y t ilarstoa that Martia bad w J m-.s ia enBeet:a w! h 1 no answer fc.".' ia t