VOlI CXII, ' NOi 148. " C SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. RALEIGH,4 K C THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25. 1920 SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. ' PRICE: KlVE CENTS i I DEATH CAUSED BY E; SHE STATES Lou Lynn Tells Story of Killing ol GleruV Uppard'Iri v Burke County SOLICITOR HAS OTHER ' CORROBORATING EVIDENCE Woman Implicate! Threo of Ken "Arrested"' On Morder I Charge While Others Exon erated; To Exhnme Remains of l5ead Man To Clear Up Hooted Points In Evidence i niekory, New t. I etatemeBt j (ivi to Solkitor. Huffman, Chief of Poliee Leaf tad Joseph l Murphy late I today, Lo Lynn, n young white woman, flfeclared that Glenn Lippard mi killed fan the wood ef Burke county Saturday night by Cecil Hefner, Dock Hefner and Leae Young, with wham Lipprd quarrelled la a poker game. Solicitor Huffman. in reporting -tho Woman i tatement laid that ho had other evi rvioiw at three counties. Ion lynn, the seeona woman Arrested In tho eate, today waa Lob route to Hickory ia a motor truck ad wu preparing to enter aa automo bile tt Hefner' 'atawe, owned oy wo father. of. the. two boy, when Deputy Sheriff leard, of Burko eonuty, plaoed , her snaer arrest, mo ni .w, Minni l'oung. waa aot preoent at the hilling, it it etated. ImiU rar Missies- Check. ' Baxter Hilderbrand aad BUlio Tal lanl. the Lynn girl taid, were not preaent at tire killing. Tho woman ttory account for tho $200 (heck found ia a local barber ahop after the tragedy aad liaht Dock Hefner 1 i ap with ft.. - .f 'r I In tho meantime tho examining pky - okma und-etWe wea-to Alexander ' er-unty and exhumed tho remaiaa to ' learn more sbont the tine of tho bullet i that hilled Uppard. - The Solicitor I learned thit afternoon that Dock Hefner femght 60 eonta worth of cartridge! for i hi pistol Saturday-froor a local hard-'- V war otoro and it waa one of thea that ' I ast found In tho road Sunday atoning. , ' J - Tdw Of Meeting Moau -I Loa tyna ia her ttatomont oaid that ' ie mot ho foar me aear Araey't C'htper and toW them aho would be . along after awhile. 8ha walked t the - 1 place, where the (hooting occurred aad I 8BW ino rour ncn nnuiiRg uj um siw of a ftatk light end the mooa. loao .1 j Young aad Glenn LIppnrA were "cutting m Tuva ..I . p' " " - - whttkey. Cecil Hefner jumped .out of the ear and hit Uppatd aa tho right tide f the head and Young urged him to "pour it oa him, I'm with yon.' Bht walked on dowa throad and heard Ore pittol ahot but did not know Uppard, i who waa her eweetneart, naa ooen murdwedntBtrj-lnterr r Tito women wat tent to Morganton , tonight to be placed in tho Burko county ) Jait -for mrfehtcpinav Soiieitor Huffman i alto, returned homo after help'ne; to aolro en of the mott puzzling eaoea ia 1 this- Beetle ' AO, the eharnctera inToIred bore bad reputations, officers say. ' - PLANSl. FOR BARGE LINE JDMriHEjaississiPPi 8t Louit, Mot Kor. tlv Nineteen JKXJ-ton. tteel . barge and four tow boats will be in operation on tho Mi j ittippi river between St. Ixult and Sc. . . Paul,. by next tpring, it is announced . at tho ofllcet of the Government Barge t Lin here. ' DliiwoU coal probably. willbeearrM North, tho announcement tart and Minnesota iron ore oa southbound tripe I Twelve of, the barges recently were released by the builders ia Stillwater, Minn, aad Dubaqne, la and otre of ' tho towboats. baa beea Uo ached. Tho barge are S00 feet long, aad . whew lo-ded to capacity ' of -foet. ' draft. They drawoaly one foot whea ' empty. They hare double bottoms, - twenty -two eompartmenta, .tad art fitted with pipe lines aad steam pump tot receiving and discharging liquid ' ; eargoee each a all aad molntte. . TW are 41 feet wide and 10 feet deep. The war department, which has tap rVWa rer th terrice, ha tent wire " tots eutfita here . to bo oet p la St. " liouis, Memphis end New Orleans. ' 8!s twoboats plying between her and ' - Xcw- Orleaas wil .be ftted ap with pperatae for emergency purpose. CHINESE JOY WATER IS TOO MUCH FOR WHiTE MAN oVa rrtneise, : Nor. UVg K . Py," sUty-thooetnd aaart of it, was detiarod too aapabrtable aa tatexleaat .' - fir eay white maa, aad admitted at a rd'rtne for-Chinese here by gov- - mm cat order aad Chinatown waa re " utBtiy aappy today. - ' V. ' Th shipment had een held p for aevtrnl week a -aaspieien i riolated tho elgbteath amend meat antil aa ef- fetal rating -eoaki be obUIned from . - 'VaebligtB. . . -' i-'.--'---. f tit Ka Ibj a eold car tedkhie ' 1 taid I b fopama- among Chineoe. It ll . eredhed .- with . wonderful earot ameag thorn for aCmonta from tore . : threat t ih bht.-' -. ' i', WANT ANOTHER JUOGE i -" 7 TIT0 TRY DIVORCE SUIT ' Chmwo City,' Keveds. Ko. fX r anal to that a Jorist ether thsn J4t rr.sk T. Uiagsa be oalUd to " try the tat ef ,adaa action to 4ie:hdrverefiaBted Wary Pick - . ford. w htr. Poag'a rsirUaka, . tVm O'sa IS on re, ws died by Leoa . 04 B. rowfer, attorney p-swral la the v dstlt court at kind's, Kerads, so. die.' lira. IVrbank o-f U.-ore se f.. ,a j'-'ifo . ' lnfja BLIND ORGAN 'GRINDER TELLS SHOOTING STORY Declares" He la Innocent of Mnrderl&f Blsf Wife Dnring Trial at Macon Maeoa, GevNev. Befeee a, Jury in Superior Court tonight, C 0- Crea aoar bliad orga grinder, told the story of tb shooting on Jus 17, -U which hie wife, Ernie, whom he married la 1913, met' death. "I am M-iaaeaeat of the eharge ef order aa any of yon, laid the bliad man. . . .".. He then recited laeldeato ia hia married Ufa where otfierr had taught to break no hit home, h"aid. Ho claimed to have appealed to th polie to protect hia home. Then ho brought .their 4-yoar-old girl, Evalia, into the ease. 1 had beea telling aowtpapera oa tho treet," he aid, "and Evnlln earn running to mo oa that Sunday eftemooa and taid: Old Dna and Charlie-4re forced their way into mama's room and are trying to blather" .v. Creatoa told of rnahing back to hia apartment and of ordmag tho mea away. He taid tbey stood oa tho street below earaiag him, aad it wsa thea, ho taid, that ho drew hit pistol aad ttarted to thoot through tho window. -I wanted to rwa them away,1 he continued. "When X had finished, firing my little girl mid: 'Mama has fallea out of tho window.' " - Other witaemee oaid that Creaaoe'a wife" waa aitting Jm. the second ttory window aad that aho fell to the paro ment with the firvr shot, " Althoaeh It had been planned to a- for th elosiug arfmmeats on both tide. Tho-aeo-wilr-ge to- the Jury about boob tomorrow. Senator Fletcher Says Much Work ' Before " Shipping Board Needs Attention Washington, - Nov. - M. Senator rietsber, of Florida, ranking Demo crat! member of th 6ent eoaaeree oommittee, ia a . statement today de clared that recent appointments by President ; Wllsoa ' to the Shipping Board shonld W eoa Armed without de lay,; as mack depend s what wat done by th bear In the) i thro months. Th etttemeat follow the roeonf aa Boaaeemeat by Chairman Jones, f the romuittee, that -h -woald-eppos toa Srmatioa at th eetnlag leosioa. "I think Senator rieteber . taid, Mlt would be.try;nfortujist f ti thsm ap aatil aezt Vlareh. At present ther are only two member ef th Shipping Board sad there Ja ajremca dous lot of work t be done. - To eay that w should drag slong Batll next Vbreh with - aly - two members . seenn to m to b sbsurd. ' "Now is the critical Urn ia th history of ovr -Merchant aiarin aad a great deal. is going ie. depend a what ia done, neglected or emitted la the next threes months. As -far aa I know th appointee ate. JUL ftpabl Brea,-th aeleetieBer were wisely-sud and they should 6 T confirmed. ? "I feel emito-eortaia thatUaar are Interest at work which has always beta opposed to government ' build ing, owning-oroperetlng-shipor-I am very much fraid,hat there are sin. later l-fiuenee at work to the dvanv age ef themselves, -wves If x-means a loss of aa adequnt marine, American owaed and American -operated, for tho benefit of America Infoitry and com merce. One of th first step ia to dlaered t as far as possible th Ship ping Board anT every eihef govera meatal agency eoaateted .with ship ping, v -7 Ihe keenest watchfulaeas aad most di' rent eorta or this-oill bo noecssary to thwart their .purpose. Hence we need a full board is full operation aad every member etHr an diligent." HAFJES KNITTIUG MILLS v - ACQUIRES A NEW LINE Winstoa Salem, Nov. M The P. 8. Hanea Kniting Comrmny, whieh operate tho largest still la th world for anna faetur ef heavy knit anion suit for men and boys, anaonneet today It baa added to it Knee the - prodnetioa of high! grade nslnfwk. athletic anioa salt for ntqles. The new garment ia already being placed on the market. -h- - Tbe. tobacco. Warehtttet closed this afteraooa antil next Monday. Sales this week hve bee th largett ef the tea eon aad th block eaaetd a reduction ia price. W """-' ' - Thomas M. Poo, aged SS,? who was gassed ia rraaee daring th European war ddied at a hospital kef today. Be had been ia .bad -health sine he wa dlacBATged from oervke. ' .- DEK0CRATIC MAJORITY?? INSsaWAS-60,297 Colombia, 8. tJ, Nov. liTh Bess oerati taajority ia th tleetioa of Nov ember t, la South Carolina, waa 60,297, according to th State Board f Can rasiers, whWh met today aad detiarod the-resale "-.-..' . ' Th Domoerktie - electors "'roeelvod KfiCJt votes. Jwo . oats of Hepublieaa olecrot ' rseeired - tlO .votes,, whll tweatybrhl" SeeUllsr tote were cast. Two eeateata, wrought by defeated Ke pnbPaa asBdidate. for. Congress, L.' A. Ilswkine la th Seventh district and T. St. Mark Saporta U th Tirst dis trict, were not considered by the board s thoy had sot prsvlowly presented to eoaaty bonrd ss swulrtd. .Then was n 'opposition ts Doraoeioti candidate fr tftate silice in th election. " ..Bey Jeffersoa Hotsl. Virhmond, Vs, Kov. tt-Coloael Charles H. Consolvo, of Norfolk uad fUlitmeee, ks s---'4 a eontralUng intemt Is tht lr ertos Hotel lre. -"-V te sst '.!' Informs, 'oa ; it j i ;. ' TpBSged WAR ON BUILDING TRUST RESULTS 111 NEW IHOICIEfffS Testimony Links Wrought Iron and Steel Industries With "Alleged Trust BUILDERS LOSE OUT IN LEGAL SKIRMISHES Sobert P. Brindell, So-called Zing of The Alleged Bnfld ing Tmit Named In Two New Indictments Charging Extortion; Mnst 'fnrniah Books For The Committee New York, Nov. I. New TorkfgSrsr fars against th alleged "Bnilding Trust todsy brought forth thro new Indictments charging extortion, aa well as testimony linking the wrought Iroa and wrought steel industries te th long btt of other producer of eonttration mtterial which nr alleged unlawfully to hold price uniform throughout th country. While th allied force of aa extra ordinary grand Jury aad the Joint 1. occurred in two court) and the city's independent inquiry Into it million! oi dollars la contract wa postponed antil Monday. Twie daring th dsy th Joint com mittee was diverted from it investiga tion to def efid -iteelf againrt ontlaugJa)t ia the courts. The committee ws vic torious la both occasions. Bares Safer Defeat Decisive defeat marked tho efforts of th Builders' Material Bureau ia both the Supreme aad Appelate court to re strain th committee from, getting bold pf it book and from examining it tteaographer, Elizabeth O'Dea. Two in junction were secured by coastal for the bureau, but wer quickly vacated, and later in the day aa application for a stsy wss denied. Then eounss) for th bureaa agreed te prodae the books aad papers ander the sabpoeB, and t bars aa effieer of tho bursa n head to testify.. Mia O'Dea already had ben adjudged in contempt by th eemmttle for foiling to answer a summons, y Brindell la Indictments, .; Robert P. Brindell, presideat of th Building Trade Council and nUeged "King', of boilding trade workmen la the metropolis, 'wa named Jatw ef today 'a Jndietmeets, both ehargiaf $ tortion.'.Th ether Jndltftmrnt, also charging eztortios, wa' agaiatt Brin dell' r'shif ef staff Betsr SUdt miller, a member of the Building Trade CooneiL Stadtmiller 'a bail wet fixed at tlOOXKJ. Brindell, already aader 100r 0000 bail oa previous Indictment oa ehargiag cstortioa and the, other at tempted extortion wss Bet required te furnish additional bail, but H wa in timated h might b called en. fo. do. to Priday. , " Charge gainst Brindell alleged that h forced Looi J. Cohen, building contractor, to pay him $900 aader threat of stopping work oa a conttrnetroa Job hut July. Stadtmiller' was accused, of extorting $lflO0 from th Garden City Wrecking Companp by threatening - te put th firm out of business ia ease of refusal. . Wreaght Steel Meaoaoly. Testimony that three-fourth of. ib wrought steel trad ia America ia con trolled by three powerful corporations, maintaining prices aoJly absolutely aiform and that two groat manufac turing concern domlnat th entire wrought iron buaine with similar off set touched tho peak ef interest ia the evidene which th day brought forth. Prevoutly the committee had board wltnemc say that national associstiona regulation distribution and prieet throughout th United 8ttea ia Jime stoas, marble, tand and ether build ing matsrials. Th testimony regsrding . eonditlott in tho wrought iron and steel market came from John G. Cornell, Jr., a Jobber and exporter,' who also declared dealer' quotation ia New Tork ar aaaally ideatieal and that "ther was a -time whea price wer fixed "at laacheoaa attended by a "club" pom posed f th : fCoaUaaod Oa Pago TwoJ LARGER PRODUCTION -; ; OF TURPENTINE SHOWN Ontpnt of Turpentine Placed at . 471,031 Caeks; Prodno . ; - ilea ;ef EejlaV'' X ' WMhlngtoa, Nov. t. Larger produe Hon of tarpentln and rssia this year at compared with last year, is reported by tho - Bureaa of Chemistry, f th Denartment f igricuKsrs, ... r-v ; The emtpat ef tarpentln le plscsd t 471.0JI osak eomptred with tofiOO last year, and ef rosin, IJStflM roaad barrels, of approximately SO0 poaadt each, compared .with 1,237,000 barrslt last year. These figurse d not taslud wood turpeatise, wood - reel aad rosla reclaimed from still wests, which asaally amonat to about 10 per eeat ef production. The- totals . com bine th aeraal statistie sf production to Augast 1 aad prod seers' estimates of prodnetioa for th remainder ef th sessoB. ;. Th prodaetr, , th . report ttates, seem te hav bee svsr-eoassrvs-Uve ia their estimates aad It la possible total . wrodnetioa . will be ooasewhat Urge than aleBltd, 1 Th report, follow! . j . '' Oa bead at till April l. mO Tur pentine, t,763 esaks - eompered with it,0M .last year) renin.. 7,43 bands compared with 130,039 last year. i Prodnetioa to August 1 Turpentlas, 7,153 rosla. f)tfil't. ."- Eatimated production - remainder f aeaaoB TurpcnUne, S33A76I rosla, UVfi-.i. t ',. .' -t Stock ae?I fy elilef eoasumlnr In dustrie Aurf 1-Turpeatlnt, itiM) eomnnred with SQ Inst yeavi resl, 1i.0;ijO compared with 182,00(1 last HARDING EXTENDS I TO SENATOR SIMMONS Washington Hears That Senior Senator May Be Invited To Confab AROUSES SPECULATION REGARDING ATTITUDE President-Elect Paces Difficult Task Am Ee Attempts To Xeooncile Conflicting Views On League Covenant; Out come of Conference Awaited With Interest SIMMONS HAS KECBITED NO INVITATION TO CONPEBENCB i Now Bora. Nov. IL Blaster Bias, mono stated Unlght that he had awt rcoetved aa lavtutlea te attead th Hardtag eoaferoBce aad la the ab sence ef details aa to where and whoa thl woaleT be held aad Jaot what weald he discussed he eoald not asy wbother or net be weald 5iS5r?isxar-ysri ma umtnet National Bank Bidg., BT B. S. POWEXIi (By Bpecial Leased Wire) Washington, Nov. 84v Rumor that Senator P. M. Bimmoaa would receive I invitation froEPreidcnt-eleet Bar ding to go to Marioa and disc no with th "leadiag minds of th eoantry the matter of th peace treaty aad league covenant have aroused considerable tpecalatioa ia Washington, , Prissds of Senator Simmon weald net be th least surprised if he ohcmld decline th Harding invitation, if ex tended. .Be ha all along been regarded ss a friend of th treaty and as as Ha foe. Rtnator Shielfa aad Seed, tw sf ths Democrats asked te Marie would be Strang "bed fellows far him sd Senator Pomerene played eif the reservatioa qnit a bit hlmseif darlag th erappUg. BsraJasr Diaacast TeeB - Admiaitt ration Pcmecrat ar later ested ia th forthcoming meeting of Mr, Hardiag with "ths leading miad f the country." It I set violating any confidence to say 'they are - watching With a eavag pleasure th initial at tempts of the pretideat-elect to reoen cile th warring clsmcBta that combined to give aa an prosed en ted Bepublicaa victor- ia th eleetion. ; . . . Prior to this oonference. Senator Borah, wider of th . irroeoncilablel troop, i expected to issue a statement toying Jutt what thl wing of th party will demand of Mr. Harding. A boat the earn tim Mr. Boot plans to' leav New Tork for Marioa aad give oat a statement saying what "hia wing" ex pects. Such is Just a fragmentary idea ef -what-will fall apoa th Bardiag thoolder M day before he take the oath of ofBe. Tbe- ewteome of thl eoafcrcae it going to foreshadow, it i strongly believed her, th type ef treaty advo--oaie-Mrr Hardiag will select for hi Secretary of Bute. If Mr. Boot and his frisnds ar winners at th Marioa con ference, Mr. Boot i likely to be np pointed te th portfolio. If Borah aad Johnson win th initial stnggls. It is most likely that Senator Knsx will V appointed, considering, of sours, th dlsadvaatsg hs has inenrred through th support of William B. Hearst. - North CaroUaa Moeta North Carolinians turned eat la good pumben tonight for the aaaual mcetiag of th Tar Heel society aad th ball following at Banaehcr la Northwest Washington. Ia the receiving line to night wer Secretary aad Mr. Joeephns Daniels ; Angus W. MeLtaa, president sf th society'. Bad Mrs. MeLcaai Ed ward E. BriUon, vie president, Mrc Brittoa ; Congressmaa aad Mrs. Joha H. SmaU. th former sx Presideat sf th Society i Eugene P. Hartley, sesretary of th society, aad Mrs. Hartley J Capi tals Tsrry A. Lyon, brother ef Con gressmaa -elect Homer Lyea, aad .Mia VUribell Small aad a aamber ef ther. Th ball toaight wa th first ef a trio at function pmaaed for the winter..' Th postoffle departmeat laformed Major Btcdmaa today that W. M. Mo Csulcy had been appelated acting peet msster at Eloa College, Hi Bosalaa- . ,T (Csatlaaed oa Pago TeaJ JACKSON COUNTY BOARD HOLDS QUIETEST MEETING Announcement - of Appeal To .. . Courts Prerents People . , ; Jfroai Zzdtement . . - Adierm, Kov.' ttV-Tke ' Jaeksea soanty sasvasstBg board at aa U day tsssioa held at Sylva ; empleted ks work wl thoot changing the dosisiea reached tt U last board aessioa held la AshsvUl whea th Indiaa vet wa thrown out, all Democrat . declared lotted saeept two aad edjowraed. Bepert received' toaight frsea Sylva ar to the effect that tt tesoiea of tho board wa th qaieteet yet bald, with bat few people beiag prtteat at th eoerthoos when th final retams were decls red. '--'?"! --, ,'A pomiaeBt Bcpnblieaa from Byrva stated .'that th aaaoaaeoateat f th Bcpablleaa they wM appeal th esse to the -eert a AVabt ttatit msny f those wh had beta . mash excited ever th aoardV aetreat look at th matter ia a calmer XguCV Ashevill attorneys who hv Veea Interviewed n - ths subject, disarroe ts te ths board right t go b-h'-d the awora returns Of the. pree'l Pt of. fieiala, which grounds th IruTen rot wss threwa eut. Governor B'.ekett would not giv aa op'sion a M ar-s-tienlar matter daring hi vlnit here Uen th JwksoB county pistter was St i'lt h:Cet, ItlVITAll TO SEEK POVER TO . HELP IN SETTLING Hi '. I League Council Takes Action In Conformity With Inter vention Resolution TO ADDRESS TELEGRAM JO LEADING NATIONS United States Will Probably Be One of Powers Asked To At. - tempt Mediation Between Turkish Leader and Arm. nians; Tnree Applicants for Membership GuevaT Nov. (By The Assoeia ted Press.) Actioa it conformity with the resolution for Armenian iatervea tioa recently passed by ths assembly ef the Leagus of Nation was take today by th council of the lerue. The council decided to ask tho gen eral secretary of the Leagus to preps re aad submit a telegram to b cent to the noan to mnuih of tho Ta.nln' Nationalist leader, and the Armenians b sought. V. S. Ameag Powers. It I expected the United States twill be among the powers to whom the tele gram is seat concerning Intervention ia Armenia. It traatpired today that tho council oa Sunday invited Sweden, Norway aad Denmark to Join la tho VUaa expedi tion, tending ten -men each. Tho efforts of th eeaneil committees to keep their deliberations aader cover without offeadrng- too atnea th strong sentiment ha th Bsssmbty for abswhrte openness, ar provoking eeasidstable sommeaf ssd- maatmcnt. There even I talk among . the mors mdepoadent sslegsies of a revert agstsst what they ee eider aa effort on the part ef th oaaeQ secretariat te override the as sembly. - .y- RSYfTES PROIKCT POP. . INTtUNATlONAL ST APT Geaevs, Vow. 14 (By the Associated Ptsss)-P rejects for aa iatsraatioasl etaff, prepeeed try Leon Benrgeols, Of Prsne at' th YtraaUle eonfereae had rejected there; were reviewed her ystotUy ta a prelosged diaeatsioa rsrardiag th reductiaa ef rmament. M. Doogeois, first f all,, declared that th carrying out of th Versailles treaty most be ottered before disar m assent wa possible, Hs aeelared t)Mt ia rder to mats that treaty effective, cam military ergsnlaatioa inch as he had proposed at th peace conference waa resraired. Details f the disenssioa made knowa 1st bst Bight Udieated that th sentiment prevails la th commit tee 0 disarmament that it la impos sible to secure at present a general scrapping of war materials. Oa ths ether hand. Signer Sehanxer, aa Italian mom bar, pointed oet tho danger to th hmgaa- la th disappointment ef th masse if nothing saeald b doae. - Tata Apadcaata, Thar b some ameertalaty relative to th admieaioa f Luxemburg and Pia- btad to th league, bat ft is said that it la probable they may be invited to Join by a majority of the delegates. atoatenegros eleventh hour appliea tioa baa aot a yet beea discerned aad teatiment would appear 9 to indicate that Albaaia may aot be admitted. Notwithttanding th deeidoa ef com mutes aamber one, oa geaeral organ- izatioa, yesterday which ruled that there should be a amendments to the covenant of the league at this tessioa of th assembly, th Bwit delegation will -k th eammitte oa general ergaaixa- tioa to Consider a peopeeitioa to choose th zoar elective member or th eoonol fieia amsng different Stnte seeces slvely, with aly sac term expiring each year. The fhriat re presents tives, with th support of Bcsndinaviaa dele gutss, will ale ask th earn eemmittee (Cow tinned oa Page Pear.) FORD EMPLOYES TO GET BONUS CHECKS Cheeks Axgregnting More Than . $7,000,000 Vow Being Writ, ten; Extra. Bonus Detroit, Nov. tV Boa cheeks ag gregatiag mere thaa flflMflQQ far m ploye f th Perd Motor Compaay ar new Wag writtea aad their dmtrlba tioa will start Jsamuy 1 aext, aecord laf to anaeaaeeanoat this meralag by Bdad B. Terd. atemdeat f the Perd Matoy Compaay. ;, J':' Mr. pari aloe ' eaatl a forth ssmhtg xtra tare ereent ata meatht saaing Beeember Slst a Perd laveet meat eertiaeatce held by employee af U oempaay. Thia, Mr. Perd taid, it la addition to th gearaaseed six per- - H added that S -perceat ae aald Jalr SI. tatt. atakiag total ef 1 pereeat oa th certiacate for UOO. . .... j v .- Mr rrae sts tomcat waa made, k wa aaaeaaeod, to correct what be said wa aa arrsatsa report of tetti meay by SL R MarooJi, direeto at th Perd Uawatioaal Bepertmeat, before isdge AhKkuler, la Chicago yesterday rhw affect that tb recent rltdaetioa ia the arte f Peid car bad ratalto la-th bona te employ Uleg.frae tirslry eat eff. The .aUtsmeat that 100, mea af tho Detroit plast had curt work wUhla the htet N day wa correct It Wa aaiA at th aeeativ office f tb eempany bora, bat the mea had left velnntorily, and -' ln eresred prodnetioa of the temalaint emt l. rre had modem Beeeary to ARMENIA r MATTER STOP WORK OF LAYING W. U. CABLE AT MIAMI Karal Porces Interrupt Cable Oaag Trying To Connect Shore Cable Ends Miaml, Da., Nov. ft. Th; Wetrrn t'aion cable situation here developed todsy ia a rare between employes' of th Western Tnion Tdegrap', Company tnd the Ntvy foreei in Biw-Ayte Bay, tho.compsny's workmen attemptins; to connect the short endt of the cable and tho Navy to prevent them from doing so. Ths Western Union's men, fifteen in number, were placed undi-r guard and are rtill being held tonight. Early this morning the Wester Union's gang went to a barge where a eable has beea stored tines the Nary Department Interfered with its laying several months ago, under orders from New Tork, it ia said hers, to lay the cable Immediately. Submarine chaser 154, with a armed crew oa board, immediately left the muaieipal dock and drew up alongside tho barge ,oa which tho workmen had maded, aad took TmmeeioT and pre tested the men from leaving. An armed patrol of seamen from ehaner 154 remained on the bsrge to g-iard the cable and prevent itt being laid. When they arrived the workmen had the end of the cable in their hand bnt had not began spiking it to the cable bud ander the rausewsy connecting Miami with Miami Beach, whea the causeway waa ouut last year. Weetera Union employes say the men qb th barge are not under guard, but Former rrernier-Asquith and Sir Hamar Greenwood Prin cipals In Debate Loadea, Kv. ts. Debate apea receat disorder lav Ireland ttiapiid ts tes siwn of the Boas of Chammen today, priaeipal ta the diacasmesr being for mar fromioe Aoaohh aad. Si Baata Greeawood, eblef secretory for Ireland. It was aifflcatt, ald Mr. Asvnlth, to speak with reetraint f Sunday assst tinatioa la Dablia. "They were cruel, cold-blooded mas- ders, h eeatlaaed. "Aad can ssly bar beea the work of mea wh hav lost all sens f humanity aad honor. The very gravity such trims a these I am afraid it a asmtak to say they ar decressinfmakee it all th mar Becsesary that tb executive sbsll be sblo to sneoonter them- with a front aad slsaa hands.'' ' . - Sir Hamar Orawood wa loudly cheered e rlsiag to aatwer Mr, QUith. , "The fait majority of the people or Ireland are aot ia favor of mnrder," ha aald. They want peace and they are getting pear a because the forces of the erowa ar breaking th terror." Sir Hamar declared ta vast majority of the Irian people were oa the best of term with the soldiers and th police. Th murder . yaag ia Ireland, a continued "issue a doeament knowa as tho Irish Be publics Bulletin and that murder gang sands th bulls tin to per sons la Eugtaad aad to aewspspsr fat England. Soma af them publish it. What aataae m ia that, th London liberal federation ha actually a ted th bul letin aad baaed sa it a charge sx re- prial so-called, aad eirsalatod wih oat asy eommeat excepting: Display thia prominently wherever yon ss.' Th right boaorabi gsnusmaa (Mr, Asouith) is president of that federa tion." Sir Hamar added. Sir Hamar noted that air. Atqusw naa referred to the comment of an American correspondent. We hav certain Bnowiedge," con tinned tho chief secretary, "that torn f thea cajoy th hospitality of the murder gang itself in Ireland. They end their newepeper matter to America to hurt Anglo-Amerieaa frieadahip aad do their beet to dsmsg the British emrjiro. I eoald nnme three paper that have printed tho moat notable falsehoods, bat thhkt eleetlsB la America ha beea aa adequate respoase. Thee wh tet ap to mak th Irish aucatioa an issa rsUsr taaa Angio-nnienenn friendship wer covered with defect," The erowa force, declared the chief seeretarp, wer dally growing more ef fective. It waa tra that mar ef them wer being murdered, bat that waa be cause they were asserting tb authority of th srswn. Extract from a docu ment h said bad beea recently captured vend to show that 700 had beea peat la rgaalatag th hoadqsrtsr staff ef th stepbueaa army sine jury. ?aia, ha aald. was th coaler ef the "marder gang" aad that It wa from this center that ia aom ease uw - per ssn i th poUeo aad mUitary had been paid. Specific instructions for ths maaa faetare of eertaia high sxplosivst bad heaa eUseavorwd. th chief secretary d- tored, aad tw earcfally detailed plant for th dvstractioa z a iarg power boa la Maackoator and f dock la Uverpeol bad beea foaad. Ia the Uv erpoei sss, be said, ameag th detail were testraetioa regsremg an tea as as aetata, iavolviaf tte ase of eight baa dred aeaade of gvligaito. Sir Hamar eeneludea ey claiming taat no eeoatry la th world has to seal arlta aaeb a aaanoaln of marder aad eatrag ac Eaglaad had to deal with U Irelatd, bat aald th government was succeeding ia tte effort to stamp It out. The Siaa Psia force had diatppotrod, he deoUrsd, xspt ta back room meet lag for propagnndal tt boycott bad beea brohoa, and Ma agly sister, intimi dation wss goiagj hsngsr-striklag had tnded and th Irish rspablicaa army waa being brokea ap. : " Ot Cettoa Mill Waee- - -.TJaloa, K CV, No. S4- Three large eettoa mill la this onnty which re cently eat wage tea per eenU htve aaaaaaeed saothsr. est sf fifteca per eeaV but will run fall tim, , It wa learasd today. . Bcveral ather muis hir reduced wags tea per ctat will eoa..ue e m thre day a week work ing ixU.2.i!e. 1 i Jcaj-s.. DISCUSS RECENT IRISH DISORDERS i PROPOSED SCHOOL LAWS PUZZLE THE Enable To Decide What Posi tion To Take and Will Meet at Later Date . . TO DIGEST ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST THEM Teachers' Assembly of" State Opens In Asherille With 868 Members In Attendance; Address By Dr. Prank Bch man, of General Education Board, New Torkr - AthevDle, Nov. Sf.WIIh " 865 leaeV era present, the fint sessioa of the thirly teVenth tnnnnl meeting ef the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly j opened here this afternoon. Only the I business ef starting the great esavea- J tloa to work waa undertaken, Supcrin- J ten dent 8. B. Underwood,-ef Greea- t ville, presiding at president. The ad- i drett by Dr. Trnnk Bachman, of ttk ' wrv mxmmnnmtimrwtmmmjkf man th feature of the first day of the con vention. Discuasiott of proposed State school laws, passsge of which would mean revolutionising tho county educational tytrem in North Carolina, thia aft ernoon took up the whole late esio of th North Carolina county orhool superintendents aad finally resulted in tn nnanuaoua vote to leave endorse ment or rejection of the proposal in the heads of the assoeiatioa to be definitely decided aits later date. T UecMe PeslUea Later.- ' AIL aigameat la favor aad opposed : to she proposed bur meaawhil will be printed- aad then placed la tte heads of Btemben ef the. assoeiatioa. Follow ing, digestiea of thea arsrumtnU, a I special meeting ef th eon sly school sperintendente will .be called aad a I definite ttand. voted 0. WhU a dell- ' aite . date ha been decided e foe th pesUl meeting, in all probability ( It win be called about a week befer i the aext tettiea of th legislature. . I . Th meeting today of th uperin- 1 teadeat wa th third aessioa. f th i MnnliM AthntlU V.U 4tn41- with th teach era' atseciatioa. th first meeting wa held Tustdny night tnd war given ever" te a. discussion ef the aehi-jj fcmdMt nmkmm. ... At 19ie moiwI niosv hald thia . marnlne at 9 : 311 f 'clock la th high eebeel -building, tcbool wperinteadent from ttery eoaaty la North Caroltaa were ia at tendance. Ther a re 100 eouatiea ia th State. Ten eoaaty superintendeato tub- m ... 4 1 4- W ,1.. M pcrvision of school aysteme hav dose ( mach for Improvement Of iadivtdusl , das work. S. L. Hawkins, director sf i vocational 'tducatioa for th Federal j Vocational Edaeatioa Board, followed l with aa addret on vocations! duc- Ilea ... i Fiv districts la all were represented ' tt th morning mcetiag aad delegates i were given power, to held future meet- , ings isolated from the general aaecting, st which their various officer will b elected. Election, however, ' will prob- i ably not be attempted until Friday, the last day sf th Teacher' Assembly la Abeville. ; - - ' Diacaao New School Law. 1 sV C. Brooks, af Raleigh, president of th county aaprlntendeatar called . the meeting to order. He thea intro duced Dr. Frank P. Bachmaa, general . edueatloa board, who explained the proposed' new North Carolina . chool -man, would giv the county , school . laws, i ! The law, a interpreted by Dr. Bach- J board more power, would further pro- ' vide protection for the teacher aad I weald mak it possible for e -ordinal- ' tag all county schools. Proviaue I mad that th county board would be made retpeniiblef or all schools in the ' State and that it duty would be te provid fund for all th schools. To morrow eight asperate cession f th ' assembly wiU b held. Meet Hav Ce-erdlaatlea, la order to provid for all th chil- drea. Dr. Bachmaa pointed eat, proper ' ee-erdiastioa of school! aader n ecu- ' tral school board, a provided la the prepeeed law, I Boeeasary. Th law would take ut aU tt va- . rSoB school powers, ceasolidat them and giv mere power, which, it i be- lisved, would result Ib a movement for better schools, quick growth aad auicker devclopmeat, - ' - v '.r All superlntcBdeat teemed to agree ' with Dr. Baekmaa that thee proposed changes ia the -school law ef th But . re aeeded, bat whea he settled down '. to axplsnatloB f th so-called election claaa la th proposed law, h drew op- ' positwa fir from aU rara af tb : aaditoriam. . - -. Weald Elect School Beerea. Th law. it eeema. would do away with the apooiatmeat ef school board member aad weald delegate an elec tion ef member lastted. Dr. Bachmaa declared that thl method would 4a away with tt called "political p!l, these appeiBtmeat following the shift la Stat emeial. m n Tl J1 . iateadeat from Davie, wss th first te gain tt fioor. H protested that a pop alar wot for elect iea ef a oouaty echcx l superintendent would make for par'y fear ef psrtiaaa schools. He expressed a fear f pr"e eckeol ytem devci. tag. H than ffered a resolution t: th assoeiatioa go record ss c posed to th eleetioB f msmbers 1 1 eoaaty tchool boards. 0. L Ceoa. aperiatendout fi-.e V tea, objected to paatsg af this r- lutioa, claiming that th achools - aow la politic aad that passage ef t new law would help to free thsm sf I problem,,- " "Ws must hav om provision v ' by the' people ee hare tom-'' ' do with the election f men v.: (Ceot'sel en l"i I ' 1 SUPERINTEND ENTS i