NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. G, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1.920L " ' SAYS SHIP. REPAIR BILiSVERE'GRAFF Travelina Auditor of Shipping Board Tells of txtrava pance In Repairs New York, How. tBv-Teettmcuy that tea per ant of the 97,000,000 Shipping Board repair bllli ia the 8outh Atlantis district fti ''graft tn giva her to day to th Walsh eongression commit tee examining Into shipping board af fair. The allegation wu mad by CharlM Baaxahf, traveling auditor of th board ont of New York. It wa eon tained ia a letter writtea by the witaes to the general comptroller of the board last July, read here today by Chairmia Walsh and identified by tie witness. Mean by whieh th alleged "graft" was made possible, the witness testified included laek of inspections, rails re to caeca repair worn, overcnargee ier ma teria and labor and unnecessary re pair. He tiled a instance of a repair engineer who, he said, had at in a pilot boat aad approved repair' bill, amounting to "thousaads of dollar,' without ever looking at the work. Me declared inspectors had been told that "costs" were eon of their business and that there waa a spirit of make, father than cut down rspair work. Two of th former Oerman ship were wrought into the inquiry for the first time by Baaiahf. lie asserted be bad feeea instructed to cheek up bill for the reconditioning of the former Ger man User Hamburg, sew the New Bo ebelle. This ship waa sold oa a charter purchase contract to the Baltic Steam ship Corporation. The sale price, he andorstood, was aproiimately (085,000 and the Shipping Board had advanced for the reconditioning of the ship about $400,000. The hill of repair for this hip, he added, waa about 1,500,0'H), the cost of recoBdiUonrnVrh iaJ'Trns aonld net erplala without the coa- - tract of sal which h did not bar with aim. Th eoatraet for the reconditioning, he eaid. wa awarded to th Horgaa Xnarlneerina Compaay. of Jersey City He also testified the steamer Mercury, formerly the Barbaroaea, wa takea to th same yard for reconditioning, but after 1175,000 had been expended won waa (topped because of lack of fund. Wooden ship construction contract promulgated by the Emergency fleet Ctnrporatioa in the early day of Its rgaaizatloa were gone Into by Ead Johnson, who waa district officer of the ieet. Johnson generally condemned the wooden chip idea aad said a resigned beeaoe ke eould not conform to it. Bale of mrpta material aow tt age aboat (l)00)00 asoathly, George V. Watt, manager ef th Eastern divis ion of th sale aad warehouse section, testified. The payroll of the division it aboat SOO.OOO a year. Watt eaid. lt th present rati of sale continued, H would require about eighty month to loe out the property. Bobert Laggrea, bead ef the department, who had previously testified, was recalled and said be planned to cleaa the entire matter up fa one year by making salea of ntir projects. a It wa said by member of the com mittee that B. W. Boiling, treasure ; Lester Bisler, former , (ecretam aad Alonso Tweedale, aoW. general omp troller of th Bblpping Board, would appear before the committee tomorrow. Mc. Boiling is eipected to make a formal ttatement Jo Make Members of Congress Work On Sabbath (Ceatlnned frem Peg One) responsibls for th America rlander. Th matter ha bee taken ap through th offlee of Senator 81m moaa Milk Kltchla to Marty. Mills Kitehin, eldest son of Bepr eatatlv Claud Kltchla, will be mar ried tomorrow evening to Miss Jane Busheng, ef Charlcetowa, W. Va. Th affair will b very quiet, th eertmoay to take plac at th horn of Be. James 8. Montgomery, pastor of th Calvary Methodist church, ef Washington. The bride-elect Is from a well known West Virginia family and ha ben ia Washington taking post graduate music work following her graduation at th Cincinnati eollag of music. Yean Mr. Batch i a 1 special conn eel ia th offlc of th Bolicltor ef th lateraai Beva Department He waa formerly special assistant attorney gsaerat aad ia eharg f prosecution ia Chicago aad ether western altiea aadr th Lsvn Act. After a abort trip, th etapla will mk their horn Mr at reiaetoae eoan. 1 Zeb Y. Taylor, of the Booth ra Pab m TJUUtle Compaay, f Charlotte, ia kr today, a I OoL B. T. frl, presldeat of th Wachovia Banking ht Stop I -J Unalmly Bensiv ia aad Tnwt Compaay, ef Winston-Salem. Thy ar (topping at th Balsigh. Oflscer Cmmlelad. , Offlesr from North Carolina earn miaaioaed in th regular army andr th re-organisation act war aaaoaaeed toalght by th War Department a follow: Major Dariu Cleveland Absher, 108 O ranger - aveau, Kins ton, Medioal v Corpfc, - Tint lienteaaat BarrUoa Mortoa sHewart, Uaited Bute PablU Bealth tkrviee, hocpiUl, Oteen, Medical Corp , nrt LluUnant Btaaler Baakla Bay. maa, UniUd State Public Health errie Boopital, 45, Biltmore, N. O, Deatal Corps. . Second lieateaaat William Thorn Johaaoa, B. O. T. C. bavidsoa Col !(, Davidson, Infantry. Paal Plttenger, formerly of Balelgh, ow of Atlanta, waa ommlload - a Irst lietaaat f infantry. T, H. Bl hu beea appointed fourth ela postmaster at Beelsboro, Pam . , lice county, aadiag Geerge Q, Briar oa, resigned, ' . ., .-. , LANOIS WILL ATTEND ' 1921 OPENING CONTEST - - j . , .' Kw. York,' Nov. t9-Jadg . K. M. laadm, aW k4 f orgiaiied baseball baa accepted aa invitation to attend th opening gsme f th 1021 teasoa of the New York Oiant. Today h will be th gnest f honor of th New York cUpUr of th Baseball . Writr of America at th unveiling f a msmorial tablet ia honor of Charie Eddia Grant, of th Giants, wh waa killed ia th Utf! of th Argona.. . . SCENE FROM FAMOUS HOLD ME NUMBER , - . IN VDARDANELLA" COMING HERE SATURDAY i Two Wake County Farmers Wives Shot Down In Homes (Centiaaed fro Pag Owe) . mast hare returned to the dm of drugs after leering here.' he added. Charli Davi for . twenty, I ve years aad bay "alway considered him a straight,' koaest eitiaaa ; I aever heard of hi being drunk before laid John M. Brewer of th Citixen Beak of Wak forest last aight. Mrs. Bhadrlck was shot while atoopr lag ever the kitchen tov la her aeok room aboat 7- o'clock yesterday mora ing. According so evidente produced t th Inquest, th , fatal won ad was fired with th maasl of th shot gun leveled directly at her head which was shattered ia fragment. On porflsia of th skull dropped, or wa placed, in th ovca of th eook stov. while Bother portion wa wrapped ia a piece of paper aad laid oa th tabl; (till another portloa adhered to th body "A hatful of her brain wer lying oa th Boor, giving the most gruesome spectacle I have ever sec a said th coroner. Daughter I By WHswea, Th only witnese of thw shooting wa three-year old Nellie Shadrlek. A 8 Met a year-old son, Jesse, waa la th yard whe a th shot wa fired. Thsr la nly one other child, Mrs. Will Bhaw, of Franklinton. Mr. Shaw who ia em ployed at a cotton mill ia franklin- ton,- went' to Wnke Forest yesterday and iuok charge f the body. Accord lng to Shadriok staUmeat,' h at udling his baby, ia th room with th manirled eorpee of hi wife, for an hour and a half nntlf th arrival of Deputy Bheriff U V. dwarda, who ar reted him. After hi commitment to Jail, Shad rick talked freely to visitor. H de nied having taken any aareotlea tine his rolease from the aayrom. ,H x preeaed sorrow at hi wife's daaiki but seemed incapable of real remorse and gar ao rational eiplaaatioa of hia ae tin. Re spoke Of improper relatione witk another man, but hi statements la this respect were vague and sontradie tory. Sheriff Edward Utd that he mad no refrae to aaethor maa un til aeveral hour after th tragedy. Ac cording to Jailor Jordan, Bhadrlck waa th victim ef a aumber of hallucina tions when aa inmate of th Jail be fore being transferred to tb Stat Hos pital last July. Mrs. Davie Shot la Bed. hfra. Davis waa aW wMU I nJ ylsaterdav morning at o'clock. Mr. n I UM)T..I, MtiV . .11 .LIU tne youngest lea than three year eld wore occupying a room oa the ground floor rurntshed With two bed. Davi is said to hav removed th smaller child to hi own bed where the other one wa already sleeping before skoot lng his wife, five wounds wer foaad ia th worn an' skull and whnDr. 1 I Vana of Wak forest reachad th horn, a few hour after th sheoUng, brain wer ooaing out of tat top ef her head. Th physleiaa at eae pr6naa4 a cos hopeless, aad declared that a re moval to a hospital would tatail Ma les suffering. Only two mpt cart ridge war foaad ia th revolver with which the (hooting wa do, but Allea Davis, the 21 year old bob t th vic tim, declared that h heard thre (hots and thi tatmat ia bernt out by Dr. Venn's examination. It 1 bollsv d by Dr. Vaaa that two ballet peased entirely through th (kull aad that th third lodged thr. Mrs. Davi wa ileeping apoa a bols ter, whWa oatias two powder (tains, whil powder mark ar vislbl around one of ta wound. It to believed that the thot inflicting thi wound, which entered Just below th ao, waa th first fired aad that th wemaa tah used tb bolster aa a shield. v The three ldr children, the oa Allea aad two daughter, agtd aighteea aad vnteen, wsr sleeping oa th ee oad floor. All three wer alarmed by th first (hot aad fled from th house. Th oa jumped from th roof at the front porch, but hi alitor, attempting to Jump from th other aad. fell and sprained both of her ask. Th young er daughter ra dowa th atalr aad to her, it i said, Davi called "Coma, I hav doa horrible thlng:. As far ai a be learaed. thi la tht only statement h ha mad iae th trim, When'Deputy 8hrtC 1. 8. Bailey aad Mr. O'Nsel, wh wr ummoad by th older tbildren, reached the how, Usy had t break da tha doot. Davie was fouad U th bed with hia twa email ehildrea, aadresaed aad ia a aUt f ttapor. . ; -;v ..- All effort to reviv himT from th stuper after a reached th Jail failed until about da e'eloek wksa k began t roue. Xrea thsa a wa la a wild wa azamiawd bV Cltr P&valeua. Joha McK aad Couatr ,. Phvslelam Z. M. 'Cavlnsee, both f wkem a ... i V J f ... i 1 J t y '-i 1 -'I Irned th earlier diagaoaia a Dr. Vent that h wa affring only from the sfftcts of .wftishay. Uis MarletU DtU, th oldr daugh t restated 'that her father had drank a ga'Uoa and a half of whiakey since Friday night. REmiCTNBUCrTt'AGE Mr. Strickland Saji It 1 ' Maob Harder Thinf TaMtn It Appear T the Editor: Just a few word anent the reduction of cotton aad tobaee acrsage. After all the pro and con and threahing of old straw oa any subject that comes up, it eem that there is always one or more factors that aever occur to the average mind of all th discusser and "eusscrs" who ar not give to the thorough aaalysi of any given subject. Aad oa that one factor, that one stud, the building (tend or falls fenerally fall. Many individoal farmers would be mor than glad to reduce their money erop, aad make their own "hog and hominy. -They are mot buying Bal timore at fweaty-flv cents per pound baeaae they love or tike It, but (imply becanse they ar forced to it. "What forcef" you ask. Fore of elrcom stajir. On among many, but by ao mean th leant, is this: One can not possibly gef supplies "o time" t make other than a money erop. "Bow many acres of cotton, tobacco and eora ar yon going to plant t" asks the supply mer chant, "four tn cotton, four in to baee, aad airteea la eora," replica Mr. Moaey-CropBedaeer. "You can hav gaaao for cotton and tobacco, but year eora will have to depead on moth er clay." Now there yen ar. What will yea do about itt live oa the wind f aad make eora without commer cial fortiliserf It eaa't be done; the day la pact, especially the former. "Organise, organize," you aay. Or gaadaa nobtisg No 8tate, church, in stitution, organisation or what-not, ever amounts to more than the member composing ueh a State, etc. Put that ia your pipe and nook H. If you pat nothing into a pot and boil and boU till dooms-day yoa will aot tak out th much-desired "hog and hominy." Bavent we had farmers' or gaaizatiea galore f We've bad the Grange, the Alliance, the Union, and God only knows what, but tha name alone re mala to tell the tale of failure. Oh, the futility of it all! Aren't 99 pet eeat of the farmer tenant t And a to th question of any of th so called farmer being real farmer, th landlord all to of ton, ud to aay, is ant a good a farmer as his "poor trash tenant. And (oppose the poor teaaat Join aay of th many farmer's organisations t He ia a non entity. Just so mack , flotsam. Water may float him, bat when it la a question of fl nanoaa, whr is th landlord brother f th aUlaaeef B'a xiL Why, the laadlard will not evea held kia w part of th produce in crier that th poor teaaat may obtain mor tn his part. He will aw advance th tenant money at ia per cent, or vn ton per sent, t buy hi year'e upplle, but hw will let him go 'keels vr head" ia debt by buyiag supplies at time price witk tea per cent added, and than pat a tan to twenty ptr scat dis co nt la hi awn pocket. Mr. Editor, thi is not a wail, bat stubborn facta that th poor tenants hav to tadur, aad that th landlord nrht reeogalx aad remedy sooner or later, or mor "poor-trash will hi. them to ottoa mill aad other puhllr wwra nam laaoiorde lean that thrv ar thair "brother' keener." r- t V vid better living conditio for kit 1 - M ..... . irugwwi, tC "CH; . , fact that h ll to pry tax ; leemocyaary trt!tatkt - The very word "teaaat" I from thi TO CURE BABY'S COLD OVERNIGHT "Bby Eaa," thm Pawfctd Laxatnrej, Cut Short Stable' Colda mad PrjwBU Com. v plkatioatv " ( ' manasnasssnaw Ke medlain it effective la cld aad paamodl croup aatU Ue Urn ia auJi thoreghly aetiv. Baby lato," lax tiTa, tlcalT eleaaaM the tataatiaal tract, nllme oaUpatioa tad biUo w aad puta th litU yttsm In eo. dltloa t threw ff tha garaa, bringing quick relief, enabling keby t reet Well tad th cold is goa by morning. "Baby Eass. a Mrfeeted laocatlva aad orreetir by baby epecialiau for motoor as wtta hr ehildrta U alio th best remedy for stemaek aad bowel complaint of lafaata aad ehildrea. At your drurgurt- la 0e and 5c aUea Adw, . 4 !- ''it - word tenere, to hold. But how Jiang doe he holdt On year at most, coma times he has to turn loose ia August in. order to keep eoul and' body to gether. Th law hna cut taC five-year lease down to three yean, aad soma landlord will not lease at all. Caa TFelfaxc work." God know there 1 plenty of room for it right her at home. Give us more "home mission funds" aad let poor China Town look out for it own 'liraten" while we make proselyte at hem instead ef - "com passing land and " tomak another "child of hell." , J. ij' STBICKLANDV Boat 2, Zebulon.j 0 Small Speaker at Exercises Opening Waterway Project A I (Caatiaoed from Page One) - the twelve million dollar 'appropriated by Congress last year for river and harbor and made the latter look like thirty eents. -The exercises st the Chamber of Commerce were presided over by Mayor Albert Roper, and the only speakers were tbe two distinguished visitors. Barton Myers, former presi dent of the chamber, presided at the exercises dt Went BrMgc ' -Old Canal Gene. One hundred years ago to the year the Dismal Swamp, toll aanul bvtweoa Norfolk and Elizabeth City wa opened and Mr. Myors referred to the fact that the new canal would put this out of busineea. Goorgo Washiagton, Pat rick Henry aad other distinguished moo held ctxk in the company and it ha been inf uso sinee. However, the new canal will put it out of business because- of being toll free. The army engineer rejected it a a part of th inland waterways because of th neces sity of lock to maintain "th minimum depth of ten feet, whil the new route it at tea levels Invigoratioh and satisfacton ihevetycitpof POSTUM make it tie ideal ' drink for tliose wbo want to live weU and sleep well. This IsOeiier Ths3. Laxsiives Owe Nit TaaM Keck ttlght fee A Weak J , niu wen ces iswr weaaiipsuec mmm Msfc esntaat Peeing Uaasss " i.' -WjW Try lb. IW (VJgestlott and- aaslmflaiUori (Maa poorly nourished body aad lew vitality. Poor Umlnatlon means dotted bowels, fennentetloa, putrU factlea and the formation of polsonouc Bases which are absorbed by the Mood aad earned throuch tb body. Th racutt le weakness, beadachea, , ;dhalnsc. coated tongue, Inactive liver, sumui a(aeaa, toec oi energy, nerr- ouaness, poor appetite, impoverlsheel . bleed,) , sallow somplesion, plmpiea, skia anal exte uma ssrlou m OrdlMrw fentlni. mwm nag hu . tharuce salts, ells, csJobmI and the slke-may relieve for st few hour, but real, laatlnc beneOt caw Only eemc threufh us of medicine that tones . up .aid atreagthena th dlfoallve aa , weB aa th ellmuiaUve organa (W a tie box of Naturae Slsmstfy IfNR TableU) and take one tablet hci -nlaht foe s week. Belief wUI follow the Very first doee, but few days . will elaoee before you f eel aad rall,J the fullest . benefit. W'hea you get, eireUhUned out and feel Just riant ' erala you need not take medicine every iayaa eeeaalonal KB Tablet , wit theai keen, reus sretara la good ewndltlea n you Will always feel ywwr best Remember, keeping well Is nil neummr, seeping weu is ' and cheaper than eettlnr Well. J 4 at lire's RemeCy (Nt Tblt) are a, auarawtaed aad feenai mended by yeuc druggtat, . . (. i lO f"TA' t f':;r; !!i is i : 4 ' i , . , A, Instant CABLE MATTER TO BE INVESTIGATED Committett To Probe Contrp- , versy Between Western J Union and State Dept. - ' Washington, . Nov. ' The whole qusstoa of sable landinp In th United States, including th pveaeat eoatroveray between the Westers Union Telegraph company and th State Department, la to b investigated by a senate committee, it waa an aoaaeed today by Senator Kellogg, Bs publieaa, Minnesota. Senator Kellogg aald th inqnry would be held, in connection witk hi pending bill proposing to empowar th Stat Department oflieer also will be connections ia thi country. He added that he already kad requested New. comb Carlton, president of tha Waste era Talon, and other cable companies to have rep rosea tatve at th hearing. State department officers also will be invited to attend. A request for th hearlncs kaa bean made, by the department, Senator Kel logg disclosed, and it is expected that ther will be a complete airing of the aafuml'of th State Department to permit tb Western TJnoa to land at Miami, fla, a cable from Barbados which would eoaaeet there with a British cabs 11b to th east eoaet ef South America. i Senator Kallogg's bill, iatrodaeed at th last session ef Cosgress aad re ferred to the Senate Interstate Com merce Committee, would empower the Stale Pepartmcat to grant sr refuse permission .for cable landing. It also would prowid a license system and would give th departmeat broad dis eretloa in determlnng whether a eable lanaiug waa in ue interest of the United Btate. Th measure also would authorize the president to use force in preventing any leading' prohibited by I PARRISH CAPTAIN OF V. P. I. 1921 ELEVEN Blaeksburg, Va., Nov. 29. George Parish, of Bristol, Va., star left ead of tke Virginia Poly football team, was today elected captain of tbe 1921 eleven. Bobebrt Shttlts of Lynchburg, Va waa elected manager. The following men were awarded the coveted Tech monograms: Parrish, T. Tilson, Reah, Eardwick, Saunders, Sherertx, Crisp, Carpenter, Lybrook 8ulton, Schaefer, Wallace, Martin Bice and Manager Eppa Wimbish. To Bear Rat -Cases. Washington, Nov. 29. Argument in intra state railroad rate eases affecting Ohio, Illiaois), Michigan, Nebraska and Florida will be heard by the Interstate Commere Commission December IS. The question involved as ia previous case Is authority of tht Federal commission under the transportatio act to control intra-state rates under certain conditions. ' , : To Car a Cold la One Day ' Tskk Grove's LAXATIVE BROMO QUDflNE tablets. The geauine bean the signature of E. W. Cfrover- 30o (Adv.) t 1 C' .We're Samfidnsr 1 - '. Our Profits to givtj "you what 70a -' want good clothes at substantially lower cost' This store believes in jiv- inf value. Our customers are showing their appre ' elation of this now4 and we want you to get your thara of th ei e good values,.. " ... "COME AND SEE" ...V la'AH Wo Aak ' v vt- . On Everything C R. Boone "Good Quality Sp.llt ' What Boob Solla," J ' ' -..., fhMlrmsn and the ' nrnmuvf eioM I n will be in charge, of this sub-l J committee. Ml v-w mamwna,,. Jsaw (BhBx vwts STOPS ROBESON SHERIFFS FROlU COLLECTING TAXES -, , Judge Horton Itinei Sesirali- Inj Order ) . Charf e Gross Valuation Zrrori Lumbertoa, Nov. 29. Jsdge J. IJeyd Hortoa, at chambers, ia Baeford, N.' 0 today signed an order restraining th sheriff of Bobeeoa coaaty from collect ing taxes of any kind- ia Bowland aad Alfordivill -township in , Bobesoa county. It waa made to appear-to Jadgc Hortoa that groes errors, mistake mat inequalities were made in the valuation of property in that township, failure to comply witk the terms of th revalua tion act In many particular by th au thorities were alleged. Messrs. W. . Lyneh, of Bowland, aad McNeill and Hackett, attorneys, represent the taxpay ers, ef whom there arc a great many. T Care, a Cold In On Day Take Grove1 LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE tablet. Th gsanios bear th (ignatar f E. W. Grove. 30c. Mr. .4 Doe en automobile exceed the cpecd limit la keeping ap witk it running ex penseif ' . w m" T t 11 It la lit St nft1 "T .i n Tt U II iTlTTA:. ...... ..A 'n,le,aixt..l.'Je 4 T " "X t QHe - H Tifth Avenue Newlbrlt 111 Circular Saws. Hammering, Repairing - .. V ' And Fitting . Mill Supplies Boiler Rixleigli Iron Works RALEIGH, N. C -BotUWMerchandUa .V i; !i.V:ii;v!:i;!:'-u:' WM3 ; Another EtmUbco Children't Co&U -u- U ni nenaeniii Iaela4nif .Valourt, Ttlwui1 Cbtnehillt, Poirrt Twill fob offered in tklldnn aonareL - ' It 14 eUeJf lfe. APPOINTMENTS BY , M. P. CONFERENCE (Cwtlnd from Page Oae) WiWnt. W.- C. Kenaett, J. T. Dosler, W. P. Martia, DJk. Bighfill aad G. A. Cecil. Editor M. P. Herald, Greensboro, J. P. McCufloek. Ptineipak Tadkla - Colleg. W. T. Totaa. '. i Professor Westminster Theological Seminary, Wcatmiaster, Md C. E. For line. Loaned to Mimtoa of Good Samaritan, Asheville, J. a WllUam. loaned to Board of Horn Missions, Seattle, Wash., O. B. William. Loaned to Eloa College, Paul D. Ken aett. ' ' Secretary Denominational Board of Young people 'a Work, Baltimore, Mi., A. U. Dixon-. Meld Secretory N. C. Board Toung People's Work, Juanita Hammer. Left without appointment at hi own request, J. H. Stow. In Westminister Theological Semi nary, Westminister, M, J. C. Auman, E. A. Bingham, J. Miania, J. D. Hardy. , ' The Missouri titlark closely resemble the skylark of Eu roper Elevea wtzxm'wm ii ' I P v- t tr -(I PA arettes Tubes "Bottor Swrricej' of Lowexrliia- iv..t and Boys' 6'CoaU now rncoa Davttyna, mivrtoaT Butdia. Cloth- ' Bigfrt,yla vr . - 125.00 COATS 7 J. at .,U......,..)ilJO , fAJU) -X - UI.T5 COATS. J97 ami t ........... P6 1 :v.i .'''i'Jf t Si w 5 - I. t

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