NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH. N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1920. ID E RER KILLS HIMSELF IN JAIL Charles E. Davis Commits Sui cide Out of Remorse For v ' Drunken Act FOUND HANGING TO BARS OF CELL BY UNDERSHIRT Prosperous New Light Farmer Take Own Life" A Soon As He It Freed From Surveil lance of Other Prisoners; i Shadrick, Other Uxoricide ltow Being Closely Watched , Within forty-tight hours after h kad fatally (hot bis wife in a period of 'druakea dementia, Charles E. Paris, prosperous farmer of New Light town ship, in Wake county, hanged himself by liii undershirt in hit cell in the Wake county jail yesterday oiorninjr. Davis, who m placeA in the jnil Monday morning, did not recover from hit itupor sufficiently to realize that kit wife was dead nntil late Tuesday afternoon. When informed of the trag edy by Jailor Jordan, Paris expressed great surprise and remorse. Within a few hours he attempted to hang him elf by hit suspenders, but this attempt Was frustrated by other prisoners. At the first moment he was free from the surveillance of the four mon de tailed by Jailer Jordan to furnish him snedicine and. natch him, he hitched hit undershirt to the bars of his eell at about the height of his waist, and, tying the garment around his neck, lowered his body until he was in an almost prone position. The body was fonnd by Charlie Patterson, a prisoner, at 3:15 TRINITY HOPES TO CARRY OFF HONORS Thirty-five Men Answer First Call For Practice In Bas ket Ball rinity College, Durham, N. C, Dee. 1. Trinity baa well-founded hopes of again carrying off State championship honors in basket ball this season. With Hathaway, Moore, and Richardson, of last year's champs, on the floor, Coach Egaa is now working out the material contesting for places on the varsity. Two weeks should see the formation of the squad. Thirty fire mea answered the first call for practice Monday afternoon. Di viding these mea into various squads, coach Egaa at once gave every contest ant a thorough workout, studying their fine points in the game. This system will be followed until fifteen of the best have been (elected to contest for places on the squad. With the varsity named, the first game willsprohably be played with the Durham T.'M. C. A. which thia year numbers several for mer university stars and college players. Hathaway, captain of last year's champs, is showing up well, altheugh he suffered a broken leg in a baseball gam during the summer. -His workout pointed to the fact that he would short ly be showing his old form at guard, which last year often held his opponent scoreless. Moore was there with the goods Mon day afternoon. As a member of last year's squad his work wss excellent. This year will witness bis further de velopment as a player. Of a powerful build, he is expected to be one of the mainstays of the varsity sooa to be selected. Richardson, the six-foot-two center from Union county, is again taking the ON GIVES DEFENSIVE STEPS ARE IDE PUBLIC oreaalr cenee in connection with DstrV death 8am P. Shadrick, a former inmate of the State Hospital for the Insane, who )n stint his own wife, at his home .. Wak Forest Mondav morning, is being closely watched to prevent a sim Ilsr occurrence. "l would do the tame thing if I bad err enough," was Shadrick a state nut vesterdav morning, but he after wards denied nnv intent to commit bii ii-i He. Davis' body will be removed to his home from a local nnderwaing esmD Lshment today and will be buried in the family burying ground this' after noon at 1 o'clock. HICKORY SELLS BONDS TO HOUSE IN CHICAGO Brownlow Jackson Has Inside Track For United States Marshal ' Hiekorv, Dee. 1. The city of Hickory old $30,000 worth of sewage disposal plant bonds at par and accrued interest fans night to a Chicago house and at , the same time announced the completion af the plant, which will give general -relief to all towns and cities along the Catawba river. The First Security Trust Company of Hickory was one of the five bidders, its offer being practi cally the same as that of the Chicago qncern. The question of putting Jitney drivers Under bond also wss discussed atthe meeting and it is likely that the board will require a bill of character as well as bond on the part of eh applicant. Two of the three mea held in Morgan ton jail on the dharg of murder hold driven' licenses. Brownlow Jackson of Henderson, ac cording to word reaonmg here is being groomed for United States marshal of the western district to succeed Chap. A. Webb and it is said that Mr. Jackson, who for years has been prominent in Re publican party circles, has the inside track. Catawba county Republican! - vera hopeful that Sheriff John A. Iseu hewer might land the job and they will work for him, in spite of the fact that ward has come that Mr. Jackson has the andoraemrnt of political chiefs. The , postofflce vacancy is also receiving some ' consideration, but Postmsster Bagby'e term has three years to run yet, and sinless he is ousted, which is not prob able, interest in it will not become acute . nntil after the next congressional elec tion. 1 Interest in bard surface roads and streets has become acute since the heavy rain of the past few days have made the highways hard to travel, and busi ness mea end farmers in this section will be willing to stand for almost nay reasonable taxes in order to build good roads. Traffic from the mountains. Which kat been heavy, was practically uspeaded thia week, snow beyond Blow ing Rock and sleet and mud thia aids the popular summer resort just about stopping sll vehicles. Many bushels of apples and potatoes will corns down in covered wagons later in the. winter. GREENSBORO MAN HURT BY TRAIN HITTING FORD ' Greensboro, Dec 1, T. J. McAdoo, elty building inspector and electrician, .about 00 year of age, was severely, though perhaps not seriously, injured about the head this morning about 10 'clock, negro chauffeur wsa badly bruised aad taw car whiek Mr. McAdoo was driving was completely demolished when passenger train No. 15, which op orates boieseu Raleigh and Greensboro , daily, track kia Ford coupe at the , crossing Just above Sergeant's Alley, throwing the oeeupaate a considerable distaaee aad breaking tbe ear in in numerable pieces. - Both of the. injured men were bur riedly taken to local hospitals. After aa examination Wr. McAdoo was p re nounced by attendant physicians as resting well and; it is believed that the injuries will not prove of .serious or fatal character. The negro chauffeur was also reported aa doing well. SEIZE WHISKEY ABOARD ; VESSEL AT MOBILE, ALA. Mobile, Ala, Dae. L a force ef cus toms officers tor sway the side of a structure ia the fire room of the fruit steamer Norma.' erriviag here today from Tela, Honduras, . and seised Sv eases of whiskey. Nine members of Dm fire room- force werej arrested and eharged with violation of tb national prohibition net. .-.s- Tbe liquor was not on the ahip's rankest. ,i. ready for the approaching games. Neat, who as a sub last year, gave In dications of developing into one of the best guards in tbe state, is certain to get in some good work. With these men as a foundation, and several farmer high school stars trying for berths on the squsd, all indications point to n scrapping five from Trinity. Kkin Ferrell. Uyp Martin and Brick Starling, members of last-year's champ team and three of the best players in the state, will be missed after their long season of work on the Trinity squad, but with the material offering, their place can be filled. Ferrell and Martin last year complet ed their courses at the Law School here, and are now practicing their profession. Starling, whose long goal from cen ter won the state championship from State in the final game, was elected eaptain of this year s team but later withdrew from school to accept a poal tlon. This necessitates the election of a captain to take his place at once upon the formation of tbe varsity. Oh. That's Different. "Esther, what did you do with mama's waist, dearie V "Oo, mama, I frowed it in the waist basket." "In the waste: basket you naughty ehild." "Yestom. "Papa's waste basket ia his study t" "No mama, the waist basket whst the wash lady carries the waista home in. Florida Times-Union. WARNS AGAINST FAKE AUTOMOBILE DEALERS G. E. Wells Givoa List of Au thorised Distributors of "Liberty" Cars People in and around Raleigh who are interested1 in automobile are being warned of misleading advertising method. Mr. Guy E. Wells, president of ths High Point Motor Company, of High Point, who is the distributor of the well-known Liberty Six automobile for thia vicinity, has made the announce ment that a former dealer in Raleigh has beea advertising at fairs and through various mediums as Liberty distributor for North Carolina and Virginia. , Mr. Wells accordingly has regiatered protest to the Newa and Observer and wishes to let the public know that he is ths official Liberty distributor. xte has just received a notice from ths Liberty Motor Car Company, of Detroit which gives him the following official list of distributors in North Carolina and Virginia: Charlotte, N. C. High Point, N. C. Lynchburg, Va. " Norfolk, Va. The notice received from the factory at Detroit also carries the encouraging newt that following the recent down- ward price re-adjustment of liberty cars, there has been a considerable stimulus of aales of the popular six. The prices of the ear which have beea guaranteed nntil next July are at follows: Touring (S pass.) Roadster (3 pass.) Speedster (4 pass.) Oonpe (4 pass.) Sedan (5 pass.) 11,70540 1,795.00 1,885.00 325-00 2,850.00 ...!Tdv. PATTEI $1,000 FOR RELIEF Roanoke Rapids Man Makes "Largest Gift Yet To Child Feeding Fund (From North Carolina Headquarters, American Relief Administration, Aber deen, N. C.) Contributions amounting to 41,465.22 were received yesterday by Henry A. Page, North Carolina Chairman, Amer ican Relief Commission, Aberdeen, N. C. This brings the total amount con tributed ia North Carolina during No vember to $5,002.41. Contributions have increased notice ably during the past few -days, but if North' Carolina is to do ker full part there must be considerably greater In creases daily. In order to prevent the death of an appalling number of these innocent, helpless children la Europe Mr. Hoover, through tbe American Re lief Association Child Feeding Fnnd, ia asking America to give 23,000,000 with which to purchase food and cloth ing. There are more than one hnndred million people in the United States. North Carolina has a population of two aad a half million. Based on pop ularraa North Carolina's share of this 23,000,000 is two snd one-half pr cent, or 575,000. There has been, of course, a considerable amount donated by North Carolinians through the Lit erary Digest which is conducting a most magnificent campaign in behalf of this fund, but to date North Caro linians have contributed, through ths North Csrolina headquarters of. this fnnd, only a little more than 5,000 of the hal( a million dollars which ac cording to population, is -their shsre of the amount required. Surely North Carolina is not willing to fsll so fsr short. Unless, however, Vrtrth Parnlintama Imm.ji:.(.l. France and Belgium Register Copies of Correspondence With League New York, Dee, 1. Franca and Bel gium, according to information just re ceived by . tbe League of Nations Newt Bureau, have . registered with the League Secretariat at Geneva copies of official correspondence revealing ' the nature of the recent-agreement entered into by these countries for mutual de fense against Germany. They refer to this understanding as "a series of mili tary measures to meet the eventuality of a new German aggression against Belgium and France." They state that they made this com munication in order to conform to the provisions of Article XVIII. of the Covenant. In the letters exchanged the agreement is described as follows: "The understanding in question Is purely defensive and has reference ex clusively to the case of an unprovoked aggression. Its object is to reinforce the guarantees of peace and security re sulting from the Covenant of the League of Nations. "it is recognized as a matter of course that the two States retain undi minished their rights of sovereignty in respect to" the imposition of military burdens upon their respective countries and in regard to determining in each ease whether the eventuality contem plated by the present understanding has in fact arisen." The Treaty Registration Section of the League Secretariat has announced that under the lection ct the Covenant requiring treaty registration fifty-five international agreements have thus far been received and registered by the League. They include, among others, fifteen from Great Britain, eleven from Franca and nine from Germany. Tbe worv - rsignea wuu ooviei -nussia, iivia anu other States not in the League. work To Insure North Carolina doing her and scores of North Carolinians, as full part in this worthy cause, scores equally well blessed with this world's goods, must follow the lead of Mr. Sam V. Pstterson, that generous-hearted cotton manufacturer of Roanoke Rapids, who contributes today 1,000. There must be fifty or a hundred men in ths Mate who are able to match his con tribution and. who would like to have the satisfaction of saying, when spring is here, "I was responsible for saving the lives of 100 children last winter." Hundreds of North Carolinians must ma'tch the splendid example of Mr. W. A. Erwin, another generous-hearted cotton manufacturer of Durham, who gave 500, and thousands upon thou sand must contribute 250, 100, 50 and 25 in order to prevent North Carolina falling far short of her share in thia work of saving human lives. There are 10,000 people In North Caro lina more able to give 10 than the young lady who writes from Charlotte as follows: "I am enclosing money order for the poor little 'innocents' of whom you have spoken in the Char lotte papers. I wish it were 500 times ss much, and it would be but for the fact that I am only aa humble, clerk la a department store, supporting a widowed mother. If I only had tbe time I would canvass thia eity for that great cause. I am sure that our good people only need to have it brought more closely to them to respond more lib erally. But I can at least influence, or try to, those who are nearest me, and thia I will do." How many of these precious child Uvea do you want to have the satisfac tion and privilege of saving f For the death of how many of these innocent children do you care to assume the responsibility! Bend all .remittances to Henry a. Page, chairman, Aberdeen, N. C, who will mail you a receipt, as wen as ac knowledge your contribution through tha newsoaDers. Contributions received by Henry a, Pago, North Carolina Chairman, to the American Relief Administration iniia Feeding Fund. , ....... Previously acknowledged ... .f 1,117.11 lum Pattaraon. Roanoke Kaplds i.uvv.uu Mrs. A. W. r. Andrews. Raleigh JO.OO Dp. and Mrs. . K. nines, Ttnnkv liount Lad lea Auxiliary Circle No. I Clarkton presoyienan Church. Clarkton W. T. Parker, High Point ... I'urkcr Paper A Twine Co.. Hlah Point Ct"" S. Wallace. Morehead City " Mid .1. CI Seymour. Aberdeen Kri W. Bvnum. Rocfclnerham Urren lathe Church. Richmond County Miss Bailie Parham. Raleigh Mr. E. Alma Gregory South ern Pines T. C. Kruearer. Charlotte.... R. H. Lewis. Jr, Oxford. Mrs. J. Walker Griffith. Ch ar ietta Mr. and Mr. R. L. Davis. Ral eigh 1M Fred U. Barbae. HI ah Point .. w. j. Tonne. Raleigh loos J. McL. Jonas, Charlotte.... 10.00 Daniel Johnson. Favetteville. 10.00 Robert Lacy. Ralelah 10. DO Ctlls Ritchie, Richfield t.00 V. W. Purvlanc. Charlotte... i.Ot A Friend.- Franklinton 1.00 Uaslsr Theeburn W. Merrill. Pinehurat 1.00 lira. P. A. BprullL Littleton.. 1.00 A. T. Shaw, Ralela-h 1 00 'A Farmer's Dauahtar. Wllann 4.11 Mlas Marr Vincent Charlotte , 1.00 Mrs. W. M. Oraaorv. Ana-iar. 1.00 Dorothy Oreaory, Angler .... 1.00 M00RESVILLE TELEPHONE COMPANY WANTS A RAISE Petition Vigorously Opposed Is Hearing Before Commis sion Yesterday The Corporation Commission yester day heard the petition of the Moores vill Telephone Company If or permission to increase the charge for telephone service in the town of Mooresville from 3 to (3.25 per month, and a vigorous opposition to the granting of the in crease from Z. V. Turlington, represent ing tha town Of Mooresville. The pe titioners were represented by Harry P. Grier, pf StatesvilJe. Tbe petitioners asserted that they had lost money consistently for the past six months under the present rate, and that they have been unable to keep up ttielr plant, or to make necessary ad ditions to it. Mr. Turlington contend ed that tha company ' was under-capitalized, they having gone into business with only 3,000 paid in capital and that the only additions that have, been made to tbe capital stock were in the shape of stock dividends. Decision in the ease will be handed down later. GOVERNOR BICKETT GIVES PARTRIDGES TO WILSON 'Washington, Dee. 1. Governor Bickett, of North Carolina, and his son. called at the White Honse today to leave for President Wilson a num ber of partridges which they killed on a recent hunting trip. They were received by Secretary Tumulty. Evelyn Gregory, Angler .... 1.00 Haywood Uregpry, Angler ... 1.08 lues Gregory. Angler 100 Mlaa Louise Griffith, Charlotte . 1.00 CI. as. Holt Young. Raleigh.. 1.00 Banks Tounsr, Raleigh I. OS Mra. W. T. Joyner, Garysburg 1.00 jsra. narina uiaiock, Aber deen i.oo 10.00 14.00 15.00 11.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 14.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 SUFFERINGS ENDED AFTER SEVEN YEARS Mrs. Phillips' Rheumatism Was Gone One Month After She , Started On Teniae I a ve boon taking Tanlae oalv one month, bat already it has pat aa cad to case of rheumatism that had beea troubling me for seven veers." aaid Mr. Helen Phillips, t07 Durham street, lampa, aia. . I was all crippled up with mnecular rheumsttsm for so.' lone! I had little kopes of getting welt It was worst is my arms and legs aad at times I eould scarcely get around. My right akoalder also hurt terribly and it wsa all I eoald do to move my arm about. . I had gotten into a badly rna-dowa coadttloa aad felt weak aad worn ant all the time. Then I kad tha hitmena that left ms waakor than over. My appe tite tot eo poor that I. couldn't eat eaough to keep up my strength. ' " "I eaw Tanlas so highly recommended that I took it to build ma op, not kaving any idea it would kelp my rheumatism, bat it baa dona both. I am simply overjoyed at my wonderful improve ment and I just feci that I am almost starting Ufa over again. Tha rheumatic peine have all gone and I am aa active as I over waa. My appetite is Just splendid and everything X eat agrees with ara perfectly. That tired, weak feeling has left ma and I wow feel well and strong la svery way", "-.i ',,'! Tanlae m sold in Raleigh y T. W. Parker Drug Co. and Silver Drug Co, In Zebnloa by Eebuloa Drag Co., ia Kniffhtds by Knightdala Pharmacy, ia Garner by 0. B, Montague, ia Apex oy A.. V. riaaeom Pharmacy, . aad ia Laeaama Mr Lacama Drug Co. ' Total 15.001.41 NOTICE OF SALE 200,000 Ui.ion County, North Carolina Road and Bridge Bonds. Sealed bids will be received by the Hoard of County Commissioners of Union county at the countv courthouse. Monroe, N. C until December 20, 1920, wd. en iney win oe publicly opened for tha purpose at not lesa than par and accrued interest, of 4200.000 face amount of Road and Bridge Bonds of Union county, consisting of two hun dred .bonds of the denomination of 1,000 each, to be dated December 1, ivzu, to mature serially in annual in stallments as followss Five bonds on December 1 in each of the f ears 1B81 to 1930, inclusive; seven bonds oa De cember 1 in each of tha years 1931 to 1840, inclusive, and eight bond on De cember 1 in each of tha years 1941 to 1950, inclusive: bearing interest at ths rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on June 1 and December 1. Principal and . interest will be payable at Tha National Park Bank ia New York City, Bid! .may be addressed to the un deraigned clerk of the Board of County commissioner and must ,bc accom panied by a certified check upoa an incorporated -bank or trust company, or a sum of money, for or ia amount equal to two per cent (2) of the face amount of .bonds bid for, to aaaro. the county against any loss resulting front the failure of tha bid der to eomply with the terms of his ota. Tk sueoessfuUbiddsr will bo fur nished with -the opinion of Messrs. Reed, Dougherty Hoyt of New York City, that tha bonds art valid .obliga tions of Union county. The bond will bo printed under the supervision of tha United States Mortgage- Trust Company of New Tork City, wlvieh will certify sto the genuineness of tha signatures aad seal oa tha bonds. ' The bonds are to bs issued trader a special act whiek authorise aa anllmitrd tax to pay. tha bonds. , .'- . The right ia reserved to reject any or all bids. . i By order of the Board of Commis sioner of .Union . county. .'t ; Dated November 29, Mtft'SyV .;;.,;vv:C.M;c. LOSiSC. & ' Clerk of tha Board of County Com '- : mUsioners, Monro, N. Ci -j, JOHN C. BIKES, Attorney, Monroe, N. CL Goldsboro Sale of Bonds Below Par Held Valid (Continued from Pago One) whiek will be formed to depress the pries of aueh bonds and it is in viola' lion of our usnry law and will inevit ably fore tha repeal af that statu which for so long a time has beea a protection to, our people; for who will lend money to a farmer, merchant, or any other legitimate business at six per cent if such towns ss Ooldsboro are al lowed to sell six per cent tax free bonds at from four to six per cent below par, which privileges will bo ex tended to other cities by special act and we may see tbe sale pries o muni cipal bonds brought down to a far lower figure still.'' Characterizing the Interpretation of the legislative act as "extremely un fortunate'' Associate Justice Brown adds in bis dissenting opinion that this leg islation."at one blow strikes dowa one of the most valuable amendment cvef made to our constitution. The decision is disastrous to the efforts of tha Gen eral , Assembly to maintain the credit of the cities, and town of the State by forbidding the sale of securities be low par." Other Opinions. Opinions filed by tb court yester day were. Pennington v. Town of Tarboro Edge combe, Affirmed. Starling at Nensom, Wilson, Affirmed. Kornegsy v. Goldsboro, Wayne, Af firmed. Allen Allen, Rockingham ; Modified and Affirmed. Chilton v. Smith, Stokes; No Error. State v. Ingram, Richmond ; No Error. Goode v. Hearne, Mecklenburg; Af firmed. Boyer v. Jarrell, Mecklenburg; Af firmed. ' Morris v. Pstterson, Randolph; Af firmed. Button A Bourbsnnaia 'v. Horton, Caldwell; Affirmed. Hill v. Dir Gen. Rowan; No Error. Shepherd v. Shepherd, Montgomery; Affirmed. Bank 6 Trust Co. v. Harris et al. Sturgill v. Kirby & Jones, Ashe ; Af -J finned. Fowler k Marion v. Apperso'n A Saun ders, Surry; Affirmed. Lee v, N. C. B. B. Co., Guilford ; Af -' firmed. ' Haley t. Currie, Moore; Affirmed. MeDopald v. Dowd and Alexander, Moore; Affirmed. SONG AND PIANO RECITALS BT ARTISTS AT OpORD COLLEGE Oxford, Dec. 1. The recital Saturday evening by Madam Praaeeska Kaspar Lawson in the college chapel was aa charming as Madam Lawson herself. The program included classical air and modern songs by American composers, closing with the air from Carnival of Venice. In this and in tha Swiss Echo Song as sung by Jenny Lind, Mme. Law son proved herself aa artist of of un usual merit. Her pur voice has been perfectly trained and easily met the do mands of these two difficult selections. Her perfect diction is especially to be commended. Miss Brueser aeeompain ed Mme. Lawson ia her usual skilful and sympathetic manner. November 23rd Oxford College kad the great privilege ef enjoying a piano recital given by the gifted pianiste, Madam Bird ice Blye. The artist was in excellent form and played with that inspiration, beautiful tone, coloring aad feeling which always eharaeteriiea her and all were charmed by her agreeable touch aad fine interpretations. She re ceived a rousing reception being recall ed for numerous encores which were very graciously given. The favorite number played wen: "Sckerao Op 39 Chopin, "Eaquias d Crime," Bert kieurex, and "Hark, Hark the Lark," Schubert-Lisxt. 1 1 , I. Measorlal At Tprea. - London, Nor. 12. Tk Belgian gov ernment baa agreed to leave tha famous Cloth Hall, the cathedral and the r im parts of ths Ypres la their , existing state nntil the British government de cide what kind ef a memorial to erect to the troops who fought there. This fact has been announced by Premier Lloyd George ia response to a suggestion in tbe House of Commons that the Cloth Hll be preserved as a memorial to the British soldiers who participated ia the historic defense of that eity. Stedman Opposed To National Law On Sabtath Work (Cantinacd from Pag 6a. Shaft horse power will be .90,000 esti mated and it will hav a Ped of 3.7 knots. At ths proper time, tk aaaouue meat from tha Secretary office aaid, a sponsor for the Raleigh will b named and details of the launching made pablicl Te Car a Cold la Oa Day Take Groves LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE tablets. Tha genuine bears the signature of E. W. Grove. . 30c. (Adv.) 666 will break a Cold, Fewer and Grippe quicker than anything we know, preventing pneu monia. Adv. Suality and the ason ' A NEW product has been pro a A. duced a q ILfl I ajiwf n, aid jLia'S UA.U -SdSU 1 llrrnlll in juy-iii i!i.rr w, quality product and one that is Giving satisfaction. After the Armistice, the high, rate of exchange prohibited the exportation of certain fine types of leaf tobacco. These types of tobacco have never previously been used in the manufacture of cigarettes selling in this country. We have bought this tobacco at a low price, and it is offered to you in -111'' (ONE.ELEVEN) ClO ARETTES anew product and one that is giving satisfaction. I ill Finally try them! t which means that If yon doat 1 Ilk "111" Citsmtea, yoncan set votf awaey tick irons Uw dealer. Be Sure that the Milk You Buy is Fresh Use Powdered Milk If you could rub a wiahing-laarp and hav milk aa fresh, a rich, as . pur a tb best country milk, wouldn't it seem a miracle? That ia virtually wriat you can do with Klim, S S. as shawls POWDERED MILK Kim ts MUk fresh milk wha . nothing but the water removed. You replace the water and Klim im madiatelybccraTiealaquidaulkatamir a pur and fresh as tb beatmilkyott ever tasted. , . - ; No matter whether yea want a spoonful or a gallon Klim is al ways ready for use in any quantity. Keep it in ha package right beside vour other staple. It is not affected if drought, rainy ssssons, summer -beat, or Jack Frost. Klim come ia tw form! KUm " Powdered JVhole Milk (Asocem) . ana suim a uwucica Slammed Milk (for all cooking purposes). : Prove to yourself that Klim is fresh, pur milk. Put it to practical use right in your own borne. Get a supply today. Klim is SB sal at Selected store. There is a- stor nest you. Writ a for list Merrell-Saals Sale Corporation, Branch Offlc CbarUtta, X, C. . Order Your Eureka For Christmas Now It's A Real Gift Millions of Women Testify That Their Eureka Vacuum Cleaner ; Is the Greatest Labor Saver In Their Homes The Eureka Yactram Geaner The Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaner takes out all dust, dirt and lint from every corner and crevice. It cleans the wails of the room, the carpet, under the bed. It gets underneath the tufted" places of upholstered furniture and mat tresses. There is not a spot it misses or does not get as clean as a pin. Volumes could be aaid about Its service, and how it lifts the bur dens of housekeeping. , Start today cleaning your house with a Eureka. . aXjs if Eureka Victories Grand Prize at Panama Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, ri in 1915. , ..!T7 Gold Medal and Grand Prix at Inter-European Hygientic Ex position, Brussels, Belgium, June 1920. -.. -. . , Grand Prize and Gold Medal at exposition Industry, MUan, Italy. July 1920. Highest Award Diploma and Gold Medal, at Ideal Borne Ex position, Amsterdam, Holland. July 1920. - - Thoae 2118 For Demonstration 119 East Davie Street 1 i