, V 1 NEWS AND OBSERVER! RALEIGH, N. a; SUNDAY. MORKlNG. DECEMBER 3, 1920: v 2 Capper Bill to V Gambling Would Levy Tax of 10 Per Cent On "Future" Trading In Grain and Cotton PROVIDES PENALTIES FOR VIOLATING BILL Ueum To Be Introduced la Both Howei of Congress Darin; Next Week Wtshingten, be. 4,-Nntor Oap faC of Kaaeet. today mtdt pebim hit proposed bill te top gambling t food staffs afl totton. . A tax ef tea pat cent, designed ( 'be prohibitive, ea "fohiref trading ia fraia aad otta, except by actual owim ef a limit alas of trader! under federal Rcease, ta tkt baeie far fo of the Capper kill which U to ba introduced U th Senate uext week , by the author Bad ta the Housa by Representative Tinener, Republican, . Kaaaai. Tko tta par ceat tax would apply to options and tha measure ' would affert frai" prodoetf aa well is , aaw grain. ' "Tha bUl will atop gambling ia ' wteat, torn, eottea os-d ether farm products," said Seaattor Capper. "It will eliminate tha wheat pit and thi ' black hoard, It will put. eat ef bust awa tha tkeuoaea of wire hsuaoa and bucket stops by making it impoaaibla far ganrWere aal tpcwJatara, ta deal mm beard of trad. Preserve tha -Hedgt. Tha Mil nndertakca ta enserti the legitimate 'hedge' ami este out aU ' gambling aad manipulation. , raratert, Sealer and. ataawfaeturert biini or eelUm: train at eottaa for I'analtica af 4fty par otat of the proposed feeVral tax, a- Ins of llO.mtO aid one year's Imprisonment for vio- lafron of the biH prwrtneas ara m- aalaorsted ! tha Capper bilU Balltrt mt trraln, grasia produeta and eottoa who at the time of sale would ba owner of the "actual' physical prop arty" and traders reguksrty eagmged- ia growing, dealing in or manufacturing and rogiatercd. with the iatarnal reve nue bureau, would be exempt from tha tea pel cent tat. Hue trader, kew aver, would ba limited fat their dealings . te three tiaaee their aarual tranaas , tiona during the praeediag year, and would be required te report all deal ' inga to, tba internal revenue bureau. MUlleae Aaa Leal. ' ta a etaaeaeat eutltaiiag bta am, Bemator Copper declared that only : abewt east per eaat af "fatara" trading t m i and cotton waa tsst nuv. . scilliani at dollars were lest by-farm- ara, aa wtll aa aperalstera, la tha reeent aear rsid of the grnla anarhrta, Senior Iran hibH ilerWree. asaertiaa that tan samara at well aa prodaetft wre tha ' vietttas. " , , "Tha Chleatro Board of Trade, aa aow eonducted,' anid Benatei uipper, n ' th. wnrla'a wreatest nsabling iastitu ' tiota. ' Mere wheat waa aold. ia Chicago iNc'.ta meatk ef Oetoixw than was rai - mA 1. Ik. Mtire Cnitvd BUtea this . Thi var' corn erea waa aold " rowrtesa tinwa la Ckicags before kuahel'af aan had reacued the mar keta. Only about eaa per cent of tha ' trading doaa la futarea ia a bona fide transaction for actual aenvery Caaae af U Prlcaa, There ia net the slihtest doubt that the tiaantlc ram made by the beara aa , tha Board ef Trade waa the chief cause of tha recent -dianstroua slump ia tha p liars af farm products. Beeaase a ' lot of market nmbtera find it aoa veniant ta bat ea tha daily quotations, ' the farmer haa been forced ta sell his " hogs and cattle at a ksaa while meat ' stilt eeiliac at war prices, ia again made tha goat. Tha faraitr already baa lost mora than a billloa dallara by tha bear rata. Brokare and commia ' ale keaaee kuva cleaned ap aver forty millions in aaargiat and commissions alone. Tha samba who play the mar : he have teat mare tana ana hundred aailliea dollara ia the last ainety days in ee witting oa aettoai and wheat. -I fiad all grain aad eottoa dealera. - aalllera aad apiaaen raeogaiae the evils -ef tka nretsnt ay stem and art analoai to stoi aamblina: in food prod oeta They wjli heartily support this . meaaere tortlaee tha btttiaeta oa . lagitiamta baaia. I ant also assared af , Ua aupport of tha farm arganlaations. Tka aommiaaion housea, orotera, cuca ' at ahops aad market apeeulatora gea ( emllyt wiU fiyht it. ' kUMINATB ITraURAIfCCI rUTUU OF GRAIN MAKKBT . Chksfo, Dec 4. The bill prepared by Senator Capper for tha regulatioa ' af graia aTchaatet "would lead to. tha entire elimiaatiea ar th insurance foatart of the grain market," Leslie F. Gates, preaideat mt tha Cbieag Board of Trade, detlnred today. Th 1 result, h amid, woald ba vaek a wid 1 ening margin bstweea producer - aad tonauner, as mtrehandiaint handlers wonld fled necessary to eevsr addi . ttoanl risk of awaetahlps which tkey : wonld astoma. - r Wanti America To Lead The ; World As Maritime Country (Ceatlaaod from Page 0aa4 -ana oantry, at parpen and ana t flaeT i !'i f i Thousand Bad tha etreat through -Vhieh tb Benatot paaaed, after ka had , fcspent tba afteraooa ia . Portsmouth -anapoeting the N try yard, Uclading take ball of th npet dreadnaagat JiMoktk Carolina aow under construction, and kid been tht goeat of hoaar at a . reoeptioa ia tha homo of Bear Admiral Guy H. Barrage, omtnnndaat ' ' 1 v AtVUhey motored through Ua Wavy ddak many Uonsaadt af blue laclam way standing a retreat en th falorkwaf their ahipa aad they temaiaed w TRAINING PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS JlftJftT NOW-ls Ik boat time ta .eeid that yoria ,bgl' at one tha ttial trtiaU' U a oa i toaak with big business. Tedajt ia koldln ant iMtMfd adrantates, taaonnted apportaaltie te trained, ambition youag people. eWetrer prepared te train yea aad to plae yoa where, yoa will aoaat for ateat awrrrrr Stop All in Foodstuffs at atUatioa until tba Fraaideat-tlaet had pasted. let hia talk at tha training station Mr. Harding declared hh heart eeldom had been ao warmed aa by tha privi lege of reviewing tueh a body of young Americas manhood. Trieeie ta Bleelackem. "I hare felt just a little special re joicing," ha continued, "ta know that yo all are here at volunteers ia tha service of your country. , Tha greatest thing la life ia irrriee and tha greatest achievement ia Ufa ia tha highest eer rice one can giro. How fortunate it if that oar aivnitatioa haa been develop ed ta a point where yea are more than (fined la defend yoar eaantry; yon ara trained alto ta live for your coun try. "Tha Nary ia tha first line of Ameri tan defease.' No nation can hapa ta ba eminent la commerce ia thaaa times without a naval institution adequate ta protect Its righta. I want a natioa righteous la ita purpose, rightaoua la ita commerce, and then everlastingly determined to defend ita aomraeree and ita righta. "I eaa only apeak ta you today aa .a private ritfxen but I have in my heart tha pride af a private citizen of Ameri ca In tuck a representation of Amort eaa manhood. When it Is mine to coma into responsibility 1 want to have year confidence. I know you will have mine. I hope yoo will continue in yoar devotion and service to your country, bat at the same time I hope yoo will newer have ta fire a gun la defense of yoar country." Inflaonee af Bellgloa. When Senator Harding reached tba Tabernacle the audience was singing religious ay mas and ha asked for one mere Nfnro ha Derail hia speech. Then ha uaioT a tribute to tie influence of religion, declaring that if be did not where there waa a God to aid mankind ir'Bnuiuti dent if 1 did have your help,' Tie continued. "I want a united nation and I want somehow to appeal fcr that Understanding that will have the people ef tire old Confederacy uadentand that that only a memory 'I cannot talk ta you today about pabRe policie and proposal because there ia yet a proper and respected ad ministration in power and I'd be the Inst man ia Amer-ca to give offense to the rmident or hi friend by eaeum ing retponstbihtiea before my time. So I can only ear that I want ta knew you and want yon to know me becans we're going to work together! aad God help ing ua we re going to preserve repr tentative popular government. Aatoeracy EaaeeHal. "I do not apeak In aritlelsm f any party or any persoaallty. I believed very much la an essential aatoeracy for th winning of the war,but aow that tt'e over, I want tba restoration ef normal government "Among other things 1 want ta see America tha greatest maritime nation on the face of the earth. I, have i Drefouad conviction that If our Amer tea had been possessed of a great mer chant marine at an auxiliary of national defense our right never would he been affronted by the Central powers. r'A lot of old hide-bonna Democrats and a lot of miaerable old mug' wurnp Republican have been utterly blind to tha idea af tha American na tion giving a thsught to aa tdsquste merchaat maria. If tba LePolletta aea- umnt act reprctentt tb eonecisno of the Americas people, and I be lieve it doe, then the American gov ernment ought to ttep la and share the burden it Impose. Aa To Props gaadlsta. I want te call attention that tha chief propagandiata againat tubtldlee for American htp were the agent of the lumburg-Amerisan ' aad North German Uoyd Bteamthint lines. I dent know whether their apposition waa inspired by aellah mptitioa or wbeahtr' it waa du to a far-reach-lng design of the ruling class of th Central ICmpirea.'. Sometime aspiring monarch! think of tkeae things, and I believe th ruler af Germany wst look ing forward to world domination. What I want for America it that the tea millioa tone of ehipping we buldded la haste during tha war ahall b turn' ed'aver ta private management under government encouragement. And I waftt above all that we ahall preserve en thing more. We mnat preserve th majesty of government and of law, and these rest oa tha constitution. Aad I want the citltena of Virginia te Join the eitiaeas of Ohio, aad th itiaena of Maiae to Joia tha eitixeas af Oaliforala, la one concord of Amer iean anioa and eoaaeeraUon to th ser vice ef oar eommaa eonatry, WALTER REID HIGHS VIRGINIA CHAMPIONS Newport Newa, Va Dee. 4. Walter Betel High Behool, ef Newport Newa, became champion of Virginia today by defeating tha Boaaoka High School, If to 7. Th nrtt and fourth period be- finged te Boaaoka, ia th last ftw minutes of play the team scoring their touehdowa an two saaeeativs forward paasea. Newport Newa made a touch down ia the eeeoad quarter oa long gains through tha line and another in tha third whea a punt was blocked aad recovered behind Boaaoke' goal. UrCSES TO BONOR DRAFTS ON NORTH DAKOTA BANK Biamarck, N. D Dec. 4. Announce ment wet made today tket the Bank ef North Dakota bad refuted to honor two draft from th treasure ra of Logan tan eaortoa aonatiea lor reads deposit ed in th baak by thot counties, de claring the, drafta were "illegally rawa aad without authority ef law." In is acuoa la la aeeordaaea with tba raaolatioa adopted yesterday by the Btate Iaduttrial Commission, restrict ing withdrawal to esses where money esuauy m toonirao (or - aarreat ex pease aad aoocher aoaompaayiag the eraixa so anon.' -. .' ea. ui-iiifli t cjuniaiwr. 1 r . j - -m vuur aot fesl that f wouIdT1 ' tily BARBECUE IS USED AS OBJECT LESSON Stat College Students Roast fig and Gain Instruc tion Thereby Tha Beaiar Swine Praduetioa Claae, of Bute College, threugtf,tbe eourtaey of Professor B. H. Suffner, who fur nished tha porker, gave aa object lea ana barbecue yeeterday owing. Tha barbeeaa ia a part af the regular course in twin production and tba following iiwtroetion was gives i BuVhariag and dressing j killing, stick lng, and aeeJdlag; and . proper methods af earing;, storing and ajar st ing meats. Mr. Peterkin, in a spike tail eoat, played the role of Governor Biekett la ela-traeteristia atyle. After aa in troduction by Mr. Lane who imper sonated'. Dr. Biddiok with the charac teristic buttoning os? hia vest and with spectacles in hand, he repeated tha governor address of November 7th entitled "A Fall SV-kehoase, Best Protection for North Carolina Farm era." - Mr. A. M. Williams gave aa interest ing history af tha first barbecued pig, which barmen ed by accident ia tha burtiing of a Chinese homa. Mr. Hewitt the read an interesting paper which was followed by ahort talk by Mr. Holmes, Professor Butfner, Deaa Wil liams, and- Mr. Shay, ia ehargs of swine ertemsion work la North Caro lina. The program waa concluded by an original comic ptem describing tha commotion among tha juga at tha pea aa aeoa by Mr. Miller oa tba morning of tha barbecue. Government Reorgaalaatloa. Washington, D. C Dec. 4 . An nouncement was made today by Senator Jones, Republican, Washington, that he would support the movsment tfor heorgaaiiation of government depart- effecting economies sad efficiency, nil commission pention or other rtorganixatloa federal bureaus. NOTICE. Th Stat Board of Chiropody Ex amlnsrt will hold a meeting la Bal eigh. N. C December 0th, for tb pa dos of examining applicaat te prae tioe ehlrapody la th Stat of North Carolina. Ptate Board of Chirnnody Esamlnera, By. I C. WEATHERS, Secretary. -ad. Cured His Piles New U rears Old Bat Work At Trade ef Blacksmith and Fes la Yeaager Bine Pile Are Cons. The oMeet notlve blacksmith Miehigaa ia still poundlnc bis anvil Ii tha town of Homer thanks to my In teraal met'iml 'or t-entlna; pll"S. Mr. J sett) Lyaa, Homer, Mich. t I with that you could hear him tell of hie enwir axaerieneae with elnt- mente, aal vat, dilators,-sto atfore he iriea sir meinoa. nart is n letter juat raceiveo xrom aim: Mr. S. It. Paea. Marshall. Mich. Dear Bin I want you to know what rour treatment haa done for me. 1 had suffersd with pllss for many rears and used suppoaltorlta and all ktnda of treatments, but never got relief until -i trie yeura.. Ana aow completely- eared. Although I am II yeara aid, and the oldeat active black smith In Mlehlaan. 1 feel yeara founger ainct the puss nave left me, Will' auralr recommend it to all I know Who suffer tha way. Ton can ute my I hone letter anr way you wish and I hope It will lead othera to try tala wonderful remedy. a-mM ,M fKmi nit aC . 1 Ii., A people eufTtrtng with piles 'who have asver yet trrta ins one eensioie way of treating thsm. Don't he cut. Don't wests "Money en rooush salves, ointments, diiatore, etc-, but asnd today for a Free Trial of my Internal method for the kealinar of Plies. No matter whether your ease Is of lona; Standing or reosnt development whether It Is oeoaalonal or psrma- nsnt you should asnd for this free trial treatment. No matter where roe live ao mat tar what your aera or ooeupatlon If yea are trouble wttn pile, my mem od will relieve you promptly. Tata liberal offer of free treatment la too Important for yoa to asgleet single day. Write new. Sana no mon ey. Simply mall ta eoupon but this now- -xvj-i a x . PREI PIL1 BEMEDT 9D Pav Bid. ManfeftU, Ulell. jV1i vond frM trikU oC jroiur Ulhod to; w ao e Mk tyo oennt m MMI a ttejt o-a4b aeavaeef a aaea wo edw jr fwllll ltat0nMMWtMttae High Grad Peaclla Eagraved la GoU AXxasorr mm rv--,-. . With TOUR ar aey ether RAMI Penella for 45c Peactta fee aoa. Ia holly or loral bos. We faraUh bet tor ptneile thaa any ether oase. ' Or dera filed In U hours. Quantity erdera fret Bank aad Bualaeea Beast at .'i- . whelesala rriees. v ".-5 UNION PENCIL CO, las, 4$f Broad way. New Terk City, Dept. A. P. TOO aw aw hate. u avxtnax, w aw ) lm U tUTAlKO, wut. rWas W all ana amar tauot twu aasawL roe awri eaa,. auxifiie .muwd la . ifii.A.ti1,v.v - .1 "'1 SaT17S&M lS.-.UtSIKH1 Hantana DENOUNCE ff FORT TO INCREASE RATE It Attorneys and Manufacturers Protest Against Raise of Southern Power Co. ' ' - ' Oreenaboro, Complete da nusciatioa af the proposed increased rates of th Southera Power Co.. fea tured a, general, meeting- of about fifty atsonsey and representatives of more than eaa hundred sntnafarturers of the State, who have eontrada with the Southern Power Company, at th O. Henry hotel today. The session fol lowed a meeting of the executive com mittee af tha Cotton Bpianr' Asso ciation. f B. N. Con called the meeting to or der. Mr. Con was then chosen per manent ' chairman of the organisation and Ben Lawaea, ef Burlington, pes msnear secretary. E. Bi Parker at Burlington, stated th object of tb meeting "following which a -diecuasien waa held to ascertain the sentiment of member.' The president expressed tb sentiment af tha aieetiag ia rsaola turns which in substance follows First That a committee consisting of J. Crawford Biggt, af Batetgh, B. K. King, of Oreenaboro, and E. 8. Parker, of (graham, be appointed to have charge of outlining th defease te be made to the application of the South ern Fewer Company to lnereaae rate and abrogate contracts. Second It waa decided to employ ex- SHETLAND PONY SALE At our annual round np sale at our barat on December 7th, 1:30 P. M, Greensboro, N. C, we Will sell twenty four, one and two year old colt. Ths o the pony aatil Christmas. Come and buy tha hild a pony and have thi off yaur mind aad conscience. Dr. JElliott aayi a boy or girl eaa get more fun, physical development, ana ruddy health to thai square inch out of a Shetland oonv than anr oth er wajr, and more real unalloyed hap piness than be or she Is apt to got out of a fortune In later life. A Shetland pony is inexpensive to sep. ine little it would eonsumt would never be misted. Shoald th child outgrow th pony a purchaser it easily found. However, a pony rarely ever paste oat of a family, as it be come a well loved member and re main ao, though ht may attain tb agt or thirty ar forty, which ponies often do. Give yoar child a real mintatnrs horse, one that will last them aU tht yeara of their childhood, nil their lives with happy memories, develop their judgment, sense ef ears aad owaerahlp at well et prove a source ef endless helpful amusement, always ealeable and never second eaaa. u yon had a mil. lioa dollar to pend la giving rour child health and happiness you ceuld not invest it us any way that would eeompliah the abject Petter than pony. GREENSBORO NURSERIES & STOCK FARMS 'Greeneaere, N. Q JOBN A. TOUlf 0 A SONS, Owner, M a aMM awu tnaraj m taalWIVftawgijWtM U -vea...TOJu Make your pporrunnr wat tu cruia T -x " -w" 'vi- ir..a-i.jr.tv.umaa itnWlt,tt't .tlir'. 1 lk.lR ;:'-V.Uk ,wWv;.:r.-TiM xHnt!nlt la eri r1FyWwuFwal&pn - nil The Christmas Store With the Christmas Cheer Never before have we had such a Variety of (rifts to offer as we now have,' Those who have priced our gifts have been surprised at our most reasonable prices and at the assortments we are presenting. All this combined fives yoa a complete Christmas store for your shopping. An Exhibition of Real Christmas Toys At V Popular Prices ' Really, our Toy Department is the talk of the town. It has brought forth many ' exclamations of the lowest prices that had , been seen before. The prices ara very low.; .We did not consider the tost when we marked them, but put them on sale to go. Here are many of the values we are offering- these are marked at interesting low prices: Children'! Desks, Dolls and Doll Carriages, VelocU , pedes, Hobby Horses, Rocky Horses, Automobiles, Airplanes, Sleds, Duck-a-Doos' and we could mention a thousand more things if we: had ths space. Come in. Monday and see -for yourself what we are doing for you in the way of prices. 8 SrS The Sweetest Gift Ever ; a.Victrola R omllBdrden The porta ta appraise tha property audit tha beaks and aeeonnte of the Southern Power Company. Third A reqaoat will beenade by aa authorized committee to have other State tori sum era to loin in with this organisation aad fight the proposed in creased tatee. " RECEIVER NAMED FOR ' YOUNG LUMBERTON BANK LambertoB, Dec 4.-T. A. MoN'eill, Jr., af tiambertoo, haa been nppotnted receiver for th Farmer Saving Bank of LtmbertB aad the tsnk has been closed. Thit was a very yooag bank, hariag been ergnaiaed , a boat a year ago with n capital of l,70O. Cf B. Towntead is- president, J. H. Powers, vice-president, and C. W. Carter, eaahier. The bank bad never paid ex pen tea tinee 'it was organlxed, owing to tha fact that th deposits were so small that the Interest earned waa not sufficient to pay the operating ex pense's. Under these condition aad as tha depoaitr'amoaated at oaly abdht T KEEP YOU FIT I A MILD PN9ALI a mild and r:rpcir NTLAJCATI VK , E AT The PftUO dhuis crrcsfEsj No Fin er Stock o f Football Needs-- , in Norfolk than will be found at our store. Not only is the-stock complete, but it likewise embraces all the purchase. Agent for A. The Art of Home Decoration Haji Become a Profeitlon All beauty it achieved through, etrtaia coatrolllng lafhtaaeaa and to recognise and earry late effect that guiding principle require year of. otudy ia the. history of art, architecture aad color. The benefit af aueh traialag I am prtpared to furnish aaV client without sddltionaj coat to thtm. ' Schemea af dseoratiea daelgned and carried out Consultation at yoar horn bjs appolatmeat. ELIZABETH THOIVIPSON . lltii rayetteville St- " RALEIGH,, N. C V Store Full of Practical GifU tl8,000,h stockhelder eoneludell Oist it would be the port af wisdom to ll' auldate aad atop expenses. There hi ho Quaatioa that tb bask it perfectly Solvent and tha atockbold- ere and depeaWora will be paid ta tall. according ta th beat, information ob tainable. - - - r The three other baak here The Na tional Baak of Lamfaertea, Tba First National Bank and tha Piantera Bank k Trust Co. are all la' eneelleat adadi tioa with abuadaat aaaeta. . Amoag tha 141 auallfying etedsntt es re lied at Priaeetea University, then ar rwreseatativee of 79 diaterent Americas aad foreiga aaiveraitiee and cellegea. - r The r tsiuiena.-iaeaear rata- IA-; f aartrtlsaasMas-a -t Will aura ear ease ajs-i.ii J af darnffseSEala esrwiii MlaiitiiS, urimM 1 a asntilis aarr ef foot Vat ta a aaaia aa estraais aaMtr ef foot lurir la w 'ii i am. Kawee sale te u af tba Baiter Sbeofal Bta tie. O with ttsaiiM so ears af .halv aaila j as salt I ef ate, Bilaaouliaaa txiccnr ncsa isanobufp t G. Spauldiny - a a'Ti. I! COUNTIES Eastern North - i Carolina 1 Atty-ih-Fact Appointments Ctr.' nrtll ennatrldV anrxlira. WW V ,) VVlius na-Mk reT vl tions for appointment of one reliable person in each of the foAowiiur and will furnish III company, necessary sup plies and Power-of-Attor- ney to , execute Judicial Bonds, such as Adminls- :rBtors, Guardians and other Court Proceedings Bonds. - Also handle all forms of Public Official. Contract. Fidelity and Surety Bonds. Also Lis-, bility. Burglary. Plate- Glass, Accident, Health, Automobile Insurance, Renewal commission al lowed as long as appoint ment continues. Only men capable of In telligent handling,! Pow- erjf.t rtnmsv monrf ih. ply. Those familiar with' Court Proceedings and Bond requirements pre- lerrea. - Alattane BUdea Camden Caawoll Chowan Currituck Duplin Edgecomb CatM Halifax Joaee Naslt Northamptoi v Onalow Orange Pender Pcraoa Perquimans Sampaon Scotland Tyrrell x VVTUoti V , ; , 'p.' ' A million dollar American bonding company ap proved by Treasury De partment of U. 8. Govern ment and N. C. Insurance Department, - . o. - ? Address Manager 4M MASONIC TXMFLB ' V RALEICIi; N.C? II yeara' Xxptrieac Same inqajrles t'5'4i filcClenagiian I U a I'.i.' StS Ul'Jia- AM re ant Bjmpv. uaa av. WMt t tws Lacatlea. "AN ACCREDIIID BCstOOL" ";: .. ! it, . it &l.amteke,SlnteKllm VK.C Charlotte, R, C . -- rmaJ Wtxai