i'. i T ..i f. THE WEATHER Norht Carolina! Partly claedy Thursday Frlasy fair ' aad somewhat warmer. efver ew Mm . " ' av aT VOir CXII. 'NO. 162. ; - SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. RALEIGH, K G. THURSDAY. MORNING, DECEMBER, 9, 1920. SIXTEEN PAGES TOD A Y. PRICE: FIVE CENTS m iw peawtw fc4 laaiaal, tf m Win nHnilM Ml tVtM Mahf stoats ster. J - I . ' i f par 4 r: 'fi LIIJIIEY WAIITSJO BE THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY HIMSELF Parker and Newell' Also' As- pired, But They Come Down at His Behest r LINNEY-BUTLER COMBINE , FOR DISPENSING SPOILS - Speculations ,; As . To , Probable. Lineup of Republican Pitt. ronage Slate BomiwhaT up , "set By Announcement That V Linney- Wants Job;' He and ' Sutler Bunting Deer " - Word eomet down fromsthe moun tains that Frank Jinney, eight years 'chairman of the State Bcpublieanexeea-j five committee tad tojnctima candi date for gubernatorial honors on that ticket, hai flipped hit bat la the ring at aapirant for the United Statet Dis trict Attornspthin for the western dis trict. . ,V - t J Comet also hard oafbe heels of this erneiouslv allow Master Jinney aa an iliannted and unanimoue Held when he eomet up to the political trough to be fed some time early, next .junrca. The se)f sacrificing ones are hs X Parker: recent aspirant for tha GovsV- 'norsbip .of the State," and the other, Jaka Newell, reeent candidate; for Con- s-ress from the Ninth district. JBOio these sentlemen had made tentative ap plication for the job, but, are unwilling to stand in the way of "the leader of the Republican hosts when he wants something. ' Morehead Left Oat The Linncy announcement is not quite in line with speculation that have been bruited about aa to the probable divisions to be made ia the spoilt of tlm recent eanmaurn. uiaef was gea rally supposed to be after the job of eolleotor of Internal . revenue, and tome of the lesser brethren were slated for the leaser jobs, Such, aa ji now ap iM.ra Iiinnpr in after.'. And it would appear that the Iinney- w. .1 1 . ! 7 Ml .11 . 4U. A'.m Xiuiier coiBDiniuoi wiu uitw. wi um- tribution of favor in the ,8tate for the naxt four rears instead of Mr. More- head. The job isiot yet hit, but the fact that Parker and Aeweu naro -tided the sniaute he eUTered , fcis . dictum would indicate that he hat the titration tolerably well U hand, and with hit Sampson teanty eolleagat, should b able to-run things to the satisfaction or himself ana : ait eoi - The reeent flurry Orcr the appoint ment of Butler to tha cabinet as minister of farming hat apparently aubeided, and ha stands about where he stood before it all happened, slated for some diplomatie mission. The hurried seehjag of endorsements by anybody who would sign on the dotted line hat turned the Butler cabinet amoitioa in to somewhat of a joke, and it is gen erally trailed et whenever it, it men- ' tiaiid at alL What disposition wDl be made of the anndrv other omeet to bt reappertionod after March 4th has not been disclosed, nor does it appear which of tht candi date! who sacrificed themselres unuer tha SemoeratiA kralanehov last month are U be rewarded for their taerifieal devotion; to thelrv party. Parker It denied tha thing that he wasted, Newell ia denied tha tarn place and for tut tamo reason. -; :. - -. Pnun New Ilate. ' It appears unlikely that they will go atirely unrewarded and aome of the lesser job will no doubt be bestowed npo them. There ia the marshalship of the west, and aho of the east pro Tided tha Daka of Bruaswies wiu eon tent to get out of the jray . without be ing shored. Tht eastern district at torneyship will go to somebody, -the nllMinnhin of tha Dort -of Wilming ton, and tht Cblleetorship of 'Jateraal Bevenne. - Abo somapoirtofflees, pro Tided Harding rescind 'Wilton t civil service order. . - - . . Mr. Iinney has retired to a swamp In tha eastern section of the State for a few day a of chasing deer, aad perhaps meditation npoa tsa - proper aajon wisnt of things, that will'aasut when n.nllm . Inautrarated. ' Kwnor 'la these rrta has it that Butler to also after the asms doer aa ia being chased by: Mr. Iinney, and when taerttop for breath, it may be that they-wilT discuss other things thta tha weather, tht pre valent prices of tobacco and cotton, etc. aad wbea they emerge xrom ine swamp tha new -. dispensatioa may become clearer. VlRGIKIA FOOTBALL - : -SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED ' nwlottesvins. Va- Beei b?-Tb TJnR' iMrtr hrtuiffcaront orujre rout. juwswxnrarm - Ttrtity of TirginJa footbay tenoaoio for 1921 -was anaoaneed -today, at fol- t''i lows, with ont on data: flenbsmber Si. Davidson tt Charlottea- viUe; October 1, WUliam tad Mary at ?' .Charlottes-rills j October 8, University of Bichmond at Charlottesville Oeto- , ber 13, Virginia .Military lnsotuto- as Lexington J October 22, Johns-Hopkins - at Charlottetville. October , Priaeo ; ton at Priaeetoas November 6, Georgia at Athens; November. IZ,;. open I Thanksgiving Day," North Caroliaa at Chapel Hill. i ' ' . f , RUtLINGTOM MAKKET 18 , - FLOODED WITH TOBACCO. Burlington, 'Dee. eV-The. Burlington tobaeeo market hat been flooded with Ubaeeo aanng ins pass wo. mm oia rest break of tha season occurred here Monday morninj. All of the ware hoaset were filled io overflowing with the weed and the streets fronting each of tha warehouses were to congested ' ktat traffic was almost' stopped. The prices pAtvailing, oa ttio locftJ market linve- held no remarkably, well darytg Dm pact few days- There ha beon a t' lit dfoline on the lower grades of t !"j, bit t!ie If!'"' gr-..'"e have '(fi l:r''or fh-m i -v.ioii. '-. .MRS. MACSWINEY, ' ' 1 , ; , '", - V :t - : - ' h " x ' ' U . -w-e , , . V V , ' t J :!v - .,A. group of -prominent people welcoming Mrs. MacSwiney in New Tork. The photo shows members of the reception iiniiiL ui in LLnii . ;rn,v ", "r r iiluul i ui uiquiiu IUI I I af nu I , IH I k all.llai U Hill a VV I III . 3 iEIr iM BESTARTUNG Thirty-two nominations For tPaj ' " a , kosioince . Appomxmenis . Accompany.lt. LUMBERTON MAN WILL : BE CONFIRMED IS BELIEFJ . "Ml JL ' m " V But Kay Be pifferent Story To Write About Fate of Post. - office. Aspirants; Will Be Pressure Prom IT. C-Repub licans To Prevent Democrats . From Sharing In Spoils The News aad Obaerrer Buroaa 003 District NatT Bank Bldg. By B-'K. POWKLL (By tt&WVtim "WifsT" v Waahingtoa, Dee. Presideat Wil aon today tent So tho Senate ior-eon-Snaatien tht nanit of Angus Wilton McLean, of tcaibevtoa, to bo Aasistaat Secretary of the Treasury and thirty- foar new postomco appoiiueea la the State. Ha . alto teat tha asmes of twenty North Carolinians reappointed to pottoffieh jobs for eonflrmition.' Mr. McLean win,- it it "generally thought, bo eoafirmed withoot any op position from th Bepublicani in the genate. Ho has been nil along a part ef the treasury staff and hit new berth. without Additional salary.' is much la tha aasfiro of an. appreciation for kit fiat servieot at head ' of the war finance corporation aineo Eugcna L. Merer retired. : '. Of the postofBce nomination!,' theje may be another story. In tht bsteKof mora than two thoasand aenjt for eoni flrmation today art. appointments for vacancies in' Qreensboro, Winston Salem, WUkesboro, KUnatoa, Clayton, Elxia, i(adin and other choice pmms over the State. The . reappointments art au. lor small offices. : Wade Net lacladed. The name of Robert T. Wsde, now swung rnuuim a wnmu not included ia the list aad nothing can be learned at to tha developments in uus paracumr ease. . rinmuui Morehead City rosideata have teveral dart insieted that Mr. Wade hat hand edin hiev resignation at the request of both Senator rjunmons aad Beprt SeBiative Brinson and ihat A. B. Mor ris, tht aoldier candidate, would , be appointed., - r r - Nothing to knewa. of "Wade's reslg nation nttho' aOet of -Congressman Brinson or. at ' the office of Senator 8inmona. - Tho - oostoffice, department alsoia not' disposed ,to talk about tho waaewuuavcaseju tish srro a-iew day ago by-Morria aad Morehead Citv frieads of his developed the. rac- gestioa that ' tha Amorieaa Lcgioa has tarred BetKe' on ' Cbngreesmsn aria- ton that- Morris most bo- givea. the ap pointaenL This eaaaot be verified. roruuer uracea. i - ' Por the three-chief J offices ' invrthe State which have betniVaeantiroeeaOy tha President .has tuuacd Thomas Marnhy. Niion -L. ' Crnnf ord and . Rob ert B. baan at Greeasbors,. Winstoa- Baiem and . Kiaston. reepOctirely..' Ap- poiatmCatt ' aa ,aetiag Postmasters, pending their formal . nominatioB, aavt previonaly been made, ' Murphy sao- eejida A. W. Wavlaad Cooke Bt-OrMna- boro, Craaford succeeds K. B. ,Uailo- way at Winstoa-Stieni na Siu n ceedt W. JJ. 1jsJ1oibs at suaston. Tht other .new appoint meats, are: Black .Moantain, Jnlina A. Heillg, Tie W. C HaJL deceased: Clarkton, John K. Clark, viee,0O. H- Carrie, to aigned; Eliza be thtowa, B. fcV White, Jr., vice . T.' MeCulloagb, JrT' resigned ; Lsarlaburf," sV U. MeKensie, Jr, vice G. H. BnssolL. resigned: sOUvt, John Ik Smith, Tie B. ,A. Summerlin, resigned; Bieh equare, James T. Jrut reQe, vice C G. Conner, resigned; An drews, Pearl V.. J'arker, vice -,W". B. Walker, resigned; Badin, T. W Belt, Ties J. A. McBaV deceased; Beaufort, Kym6ad beaUey, vice B. B. Ar- ingtea resigned; Benaoa Jaliaa Good win, vice I K. Htevena, resitrsed; Clay- toa, Elwood B. "Kelly, vice N.' K. Pool, resigned; CrrstweU, Alfred N. Alexan der, v ire E. 8. Wood ley, declined; Duke, relix M. McKay, vice K. C. Yarbero, . resigned ; tlkin, French W. Graham, vice J. K.'jHall," resigned'; Leaksville, James H. Birhsrdmn, vice W H. Iaae, resiened ; Bosemsrv, Wil -ned M Wft To). . WIDOW OF IRISH President . Declines To Send Delegates To DiMnss . Disarmament ' v Washington, Doe. 8, President Wilson today deeliaed the invitation of the Lea rue at Natlona to tend delegates to tske part U tha disenssioa of tht dis annament commission. The JPresiilent informed tht League of Nations tobnefl that inasmuch aa thai Carted Statet waa met a member of the league ha did not feel Juttifled in-appointing a commission ""to take tvtn a do facto participation." " Tht United States, 'however, the President declares, it ia sympsthy with any plan for. world disarmament. . The1 reply of tha President to tha in vitation of the league eonneil was trans mitted today through ; the State De partment to Paul Hyniana, president of the council. It follows: ' 7 have i the honor .to" acknowledge reetipi of poor eablagram of Po eember 1 inviting the government of tht United Btatcs to nam represtnta tivaf to ait with the military, naval and air .commissions ef the league la a consultative capacity during tht dis enssioa by -the commission on tho re daction of armaments, tha considera tion of which it to be undertaken by it forthwith at the request and oa be ball of tha eonneil. The goverameat of the united Statet is most sympathetic with any sin cere effort to evolve a constructive plaa for disarmament which ia accessary for tha economic rehabilitation, peace and stability of tha world. Tho President ofthe United States ia deeply interested In thia onaatiaa .aad ia .most desirous co-operating to this tnd, but as the government of the United, Ktates ia not a member of tho league ht. does not feel Justified la appointing a commit ioa to takt even a dt facto participa tion ia the deliberations of the eonneil or of tho commission acting oa behalf ef tha council ia tha execution of pro visions In tht covenant of tht League of Nations." " BRITAIN D0ESNT-WANT ANY JRISH INVESTIGATION Declines To Vise Passports Is sued By State Department ' : . To Committee Washington. DeeC 8. -Tht- special eommittee of six which tha commission tf the) Committee of One Hundred aovr hplding hearingt hero oa tht Irish question had hoped 'ta - toad to Eng land aad. Ireland to gathor(Srst-haad information will- not . bo , permitted to visit Great Britain. ' William MacDonald, Secretary of, the Commission, was informed in a. letter teat today by B. L Craigie,' flrjt Sec retary i ef the British Embassy, "-that "tht proposed visit to British territory is not agreoabla to hit Wajeity's gov ernment." tnd that 'therefore, tha Enf bsssy' would not : vise the passports is sued "to members ef tha -eommittoa by me American eraxe juepanmenw HEAVY FALL OF SNOW Isi REPORTED AT ASHEVILLE 'i . - - i - l .1--. . Hug Drifts Piled Up On , The Mount aini Sarrounding t Asheville, Dee, 8c Ashrville today ex perienced tho heaviest' mow of the win ter, bat it has been impossible to meas ure it, 'owing to the, wet ground, which! canted .the snow to melt as rut as it felL The flakes were record-breakers la tisa aadtha snow fell for several aoors. " -1" :r; - - to - V 1 . Tha aatantabrs surrooadinr iheville. many, of which Jiavt beea covered with snow .for several weeks, today present the appesrssoo' ef the Alps with hugl sW drifts piled ap oa thorn. ' , ' ' Or Mount AlitchelL wklck is -t tht ishest PointCast of the Xockiee, snow storms 'have 1 been occurring for j a manta.' n ':':;'. ' I DmMos Capital Btork. V'.p ' WinstonAilem.. Dec, 8. The Vanols Company, a preeperone' local indastry, Increased -its - authorized capital stock from Svo kaadrod thousand to one million dollars; v " . V- , . " am- la Wlartoa-Sakaw ,. - Wlnnton-Salem,, Dee, 8. Tht ; first nowstorm-of the season visited this eetinn Jn this afternoon tnd tonight. Jt i vj a id- re tU-da'rain,"-,;!:' MARTYR; ARRIVES Investigation oi Affairs Cumberland Ry. and Power f . Co. Begins Today RECEIVER J. R. BAGGETT ; GOES TO NORFOLK, VA The Offices of Corporation Are , Moved When Stock Selling Plans of Organisation Ha. tare; Eeoeiver Not ( Hopeful ' of . Saving Much From Crash of Conoern jfiarOinp1' developments aahy. ' grow ont ef the investigation; o the- tffsirs of the CumbsrUnd Bail way, Power tad. Ugh Co, - which , begins) today hen Beceiver John B. Baggett LIlllBgton, roaehst Norfolk,' whlthet tht genersl offices of the.eorporatiol were moved several months ago when the stock' selling plant of tht. organi sation ware well along toward ma turity. . , No examination of tht. books hat as yst beea made ' by Mr. Baggett, but local investigation of ' tbs company's operations la several sections- of the State led him to make tho. statement last night that ha was not very hope ful of saving a great. deaWrem the wrecked company, which ,waa forced into the hahdt ef a receiver, last week when U faUes' to meet' the interest due on -outttanding bonds The Cumberland Bail way, Power and Light t-Compahy hsd v its ' -beginnings in the State in February, 119, when it , wit formed vith H. L. Jones is president to -dig np, the-disused street railway laid tomt years tfto ia Fay ttteville, and later covered over with street , improvements. At that time it contemplated an extension of the ex isting track to Csmp Bragg. Its original capital stock was 8200,000. Small rower runts. . In Mar of the cresset year the au thorited capital was swelled to one million dollars. Tht company branched out. going into' a docen. small towns and villages in -North .Carolina,' taking over the local power plants, and se enrinf . franchises for -interurban rail wart. Most of -the plants, it is nnder stood, wsre taken on lease, and a rental pttd for their use.' - -' .' -' N ( Two districts t were .covered hy the proposed electric railway linev The flrst extended from uiungton. ru quay Springs, Varina and irony BDrinirs. ' The. second -inelnded. Wen dell, Middlesex, Locamt, Kcnly,, Micro; Four Uaks, tnd . fine , Jevei. r emtu n lints ' were taken ever in . meat of these towns and' operated by,' the com pany. In , to -far. at Mr.: Baggett " eaa determine,-this was the' extent: of tht actnal work' done by the company, ex cept in Ftyetteville, where some move was made' toward' extending the "tracks. The ' offices of thei company . were meved'Outaidt the State, and an exten sive campaign, of -ttock telling', and bond -selling begun; , It i is 'estimated that more than half a' million "dollars has. beea' invested iby farmers and others in the bends mt tht totopany, aad along with ibe bonis, they, receiv ed blocks of stock- ia the corpora tioa. Interest wae defaulted in ' the beads last week,' ' tnd ' Lillington "eitiaeni skedforthe appointment of , a rt- eeiver. . r i t.:r: . Defaartod Iatoreet oa Bwnaa. Ia . Lilliagton. ' the comptny . hsd taken over a email electric light plant, towered by a j gasoline . engine tnd furnishing lights to the municipality tnd to private eiUxent. Tht planttwat being i operated. at less of 8200 per month by toe' town, ana ' me city fathers were glsd to get rid of It for a rental of 8190 per months and ita street light free. Some minor im provements were msds In the, plant by the lessee company," it is ttid. - ' . . How far the losses of the bond hold-ers-in 'tht corporation msy be protected easnot be known until Mr. Baggett ttket ever-the . hooks; jBumors-. bars beea curreat for -some, weeks' that the company hsd - considerable money oa deposit la Baltimore, banks but cheeks given on its North Carolina and' Nor folk bank during-the past few woeks art said 'to have ( been returned : un Honored ... ' . . ', :; ; . ? . ' Tht, securities Cf i-the Veoyoratiot tl' .(CorilM4 on rage Two)- ' 1 BODY ON FRIDAY Supporters ay That Senate Leaders Will Not Oppose A Measure In That Body , BILL FOR FARM RELIEF FLOOD UPPER HOUSE - to Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco Growers Ten Oonx- mittee They Are In Same Plight As Otber Agricultural Interests; Hears Germany Wants Extension of Credit Washington, Dee. 8. Proponents of legislation to revive the 'War Finance Qorporaftion and thereby afford relief to farmers confronted by falling prices plan to call uptheir measure in the Senate Friday and tsk for its immt diate passage. Senator Gronna, Republi can," North Dakota, 'in- charge ot the resolution gave this notice today in asking that the. Senate let the matter co ovr until the later date. consent or by majority vote, While fsrm relief legislation was be Int temporarily postponed in the Ben ate the flood of billttto ex-tend relief to tho farmers continued in the Hons. Amonir the various measures was a bill by Bepreientative, Strong, Bepubliean, Kansas, to direct theC committee en Banking and Currency to investigate what legislation would be necessary to permit the "proper financing" of farm- trt and ttock raisers. Credit for Cotton Para Representative Lee, Democrat, Geor gia, put la bill authorising the Fed eral reserve board to take action nec essary to extend liberal, credits to cot ton farmers while Representative Baer, Republican, North Dakota, re -Introduced his easare which would pro hibit wambling ia foodstuffs and spec ulation in stocks and bonds.' Kepre- sentative Caraway, Democrat, Arkaa ass. offered a bill to wevent'the- aale ef cotton and grain ia- future markets. Printins of teitlmow taken ia hear ings before the Agricultural commit--' tee was ordered rushed' to cpmptenen today so aa to be in the handt of BeaA store-when tht measure comet npv' The eommittee resumed Ha hear lag with a view to framing additional re lit' nseasnrtr and, was told by Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco grower that they were in the same plight at tht other agricultural interests. Other tobacco mea will be heard tomorrow and Friday the wool growers from tht West will present their difficulties, Credit For Germany, . W. W. Brancr, another witness who claimed to represent the ermsn gov ernment, urged thsrxtention of a bil- Jion dollar credit to Germany for pur chase of foodstuffs and raw materials from America. He said that under .the Versailles treaty Germany, ia arrec. meat with the Allies, could make suet a Credit a first mortgage and give H priority over 'all reparation claims. Conversations hare already been car ried oa between Germany and England, Italy and Belgium0 ith the purpose ef securing such permission Mr. Braaer said. Members of the eommittee, how. ever, told Mr.. Bjguer they did net be lieve.. Congress would rote such aa ex tension of credit to Germany aad he then suggested that it might be ar ranged through the War Finance Cor poration, COTTON EXCHANGE WANTS WAR FINANCE CORPORATION New Orleans, Dee. Sv Denying any Kdetira oa the psrt of the Southern cotton interests "to noia tne staple xor speculative purposes or- to force higher prices," the New Orleana Cotton Ex change direetora tt a meeting late today adopted an appeal to the Louutaat dele gation in Congress to seek reviv.il of 4ae Vwtr finance corporation "only to clear the obetnretiona ' clogging car L trade avenues. The appeal was tela graphed to members of the delegation at Washington. Co-operation of, all Southern cotton exchanges Ja tht movement' to revive the war Snanct corporation waa urged. We contend that justice and amity demtnd tbtt the national government which financed trade movements for for. sign nations during the war to the ex tent of many billions of dollars should aid in fostering and clearing the chan nels ef Americas trade saOleiently to enable at to tell to others aad to enable others to buy from nt the produce which is dogging our trade avenues, aaidVtht telegram. -.'.-'.. " REAR ADMIRAL M'GOWAN -SENDSJN RESIGNATION Waahinffton, Dee,'' 8. Bear Admiral Samuel 3. McOowaa hat resigned at psy-master - general and . chief ef the bureau of supplies aad accounts of tht navy and Ins--retired from active duty, it was Itarned today. Hit resignation hat beea accepted by President Wilson to takt effect Dee.1L. Tke admiral re tired under the 80 year clause affect ing bareau chiefs passed; by Congress last yetr. ? ' Admiral McQowtn has beea pay- matter geaeral of tha navy alaee July 1. 1914, a period ef service at chief of tht bureau 'of supplies ' aad, accounts only "exceeded twicer ia the history of the "service.-;- B was charged ' daring the wtr with the 'task of providing the aavr. with ' tutnllee of alt description and since the wtr tha' great surplus ot stocks has beef disposed tf under his direction. ' , , . , V . , AsTmiral McGowan. entered the navy 1894.. from South Carolina aad at tained the rank ef Bear Admiral ia 1910. He will probably be succeeded by Bear Admiral C. 1. Peoples, who will act as .chief . . ef . Bureau- . probably aatil ; March i . - . .... ' WILL CUI PRODUCTION V OF COTTON 50 PER CENT Curtailment of Acreage Agreed Upon In Conference Southern Farmers and Business Men , Memphis. Ten, Dec L-A Sfty per coat cat ia ewttoa pro4actioa ia . 1H aad cirtailsnoat la the -acreage planted la esttstai to eao4klr4 that of the total areav ta caHivattoa, was agreed asea at the tcreaaw rodac Hon coaftreace) here today of' Soataera tankers, aiercaaata aad farmers, tad t nuke the plan f fecUvo ssacklaery was set la saotioa 1 to reotrlct whorever accessary credits to ladtoielaal faraacra mer chants, facta rs or kanka aawllirag to agree te"th acreage redaction lean. Tha pi a, esabodied la the report of tbo acreago swdacstea 'cwmmlUeo waa adopted by a practically aaaa Imoaa vote of the eeaferwaco lato today. It iaclasloa the foraaatloa of aa orgaalsslioa la every tawashlp la the cettea atatos to aecare the tapport of tha wrowsrs, aad their adaoreace to ploas of rodaetiaa. . Orgaaisstioa ' work aleelsjod hy . tho baakert araawat, will swain Inu sacdlately aad aadsr tha provisions of tho plaa will be practically coss pleto by Jsaeary IS aest. ' ropean Statesmanship Geneva, Dee. 8, (By The Associated Press.) Tht liveliest commotion tht Assembly ef tha League of Nations has experienced Was provoked 'today by N. W. Eowsll, of Canada,- who expressed hla views regarding European ttatesf manahip la a way that startled diplo mats of tha old World. A hot debate arose over the recommendation of the committee, oa technical organisations that the assembly propose to the gov ernments tt set up nnder the auspices of the Jeague three aew organizations, fl nances, trsnsit and health, .with an nual conferences oa these subjects. Mr. Bowell objected oa the ground that it was Impossible for distant coun tries to tend their best mea abroad four timet a year to attend the assembly and the conferences, aad declared that the result would be to throw these organisn tiona under Earopean influence. The assembly, kt held, should occupy itself with these questions. Canada, at aay rata, he said, felt that they were questions that should not be allowed to fall late Snrepcaa cost rot Canadian Striata Bssnbi- Fifty thousand Canadian soldiers nnder tht sod in Prance and Flandere is tht pries Canada has paid for European atateamanihip, he cried to the astonishment of the entire assembly aad tht dismay ef some of the dele- sates. Arthur Balfour aad Mr. Fisher were plainly affected by the thrust from a British dominion; they remained mo tionlest in their teats through tht balance of the debate, with grave faces Lord Bobcat Cecil, representing South Africa in ithe assembly ia a gea tie way tofteaed tht blow by saying that he agreed 'with aaeb that Mr. Bowell had said but thought Mr. Bowell waa mis taken in supposing that tot -Organizations would fall eiadet, the control if Europe. . Be oould go .into a debaia as to whether "Europe hsd made its way ra the world." WHJsdrawe Reasataa. Several of tha delegates suggested to Mr. Bowell that his worda had created a diffareat imptessioa than he had ta tended. The Canadian delegate took tho floor again and said ssdid not i to attack European Statesmen, and, lather tbaa give offense, preferred to withdraw his words. Mr.. Bowell- was supported by Mr. Miller, of Australia, aad waa mild!y takea to task by Gabriels Hanotaux of France. Dr. Gastoa Da Cuaha, of Braxil. who. aaSl offered anv-ameadment united with, the ethers however, in agreeing to let , the questloa go aver until tomorrow. Ia the meantimt, en deavora will ba made to arrive at a eom- prpmtst, . - ...... . rniiR MfiRF np ai i PftFh I WWII anas trvantsanehsasi tfeaauaw - MEMBERS NOT ARRESTED Bench Warrants Are Isstied By , Judge Devin In Wayne ' , Connty Court V T .U. . r- V;- flnldabsm. Dee. 8. Bench t warrants for four additional alleged members of the mob which stormed tht Waynt county eonrthoase last Thursday night with tht intent to setae ana rynea Ave terrors being -tried for1 murder, were issued here today by Judge W. A. Devin. The' defends nU were re leased aader bonds est $1,000 each for their appearance tt the next Jterta of criminal court in Wilton teunty. . The men arrested here, too ay were David Biggaa, Jota Gibson, C H. Thompsne aad ' 0. H. langston. Tht latter wat aomlntted . by the aounty BeDubUeaat aa Candida be for sheriff la tht recent election. Hebon Futrelle, who was wounded st .ha led the attack an tha courthouse. Is being held and rurveillane by tha sheriff, nd a bench warrant wiu be served . upon sum at toon at ba aa be brought to eourt Futrellwas earned to. tht home et tisteri ''wear Ooldsbore ' after -. tha shooting Thursday, tight' aad later re moved to his home 12 miles out . It said tkit he has been removed from his home and it being kept la hiding, but a statement .from the thtriS tf the county indicates thst hit wherea bouts it, known aad tirat at it retag kept under eloee watch, t- . - i .-''. HESTER KK-ELECTED RECRETAKT UlTTWH ai.tiara earn NeW Orleans. Dec . lieary G. Hes ter, internationally know a as a cotton statistician ' aad whose f hruret are ac cepted tt official la exchanges through, out the world, late today wat elected secretary of the New Orleans Cotton Exehanta for tht fifty-first consecu tive time.' . . .. ; , LEAGUE ASSEMBLY ADVISES REVISION : ' OF NATIOfiAL TAXES E Secretary Houston f Recom mends Repeal of The' Ex- f , cess Profits Tax FOUR BILLION A YEAR BASIS OF CALCULATIONS w...4 w.j.m.t w. r IkObVlUlUCIlua XVUQiai. SM VH Gasoline and . Motor Cars ON G NERAL LINES ana, xkeaujuntiiiciit uk vviso. ration Income Levies; TJrgis-' .Bepeal of Tax On Soft Drinks and Beverages , Washington, Dec. 8. Immediate .re- . vision of the natioa't tax lawt oa the v baait of aa annual levy of four billions S of dollars for a. period of four years, . and including aa intreate of t per cent in tho taxes on incomes -up to 000, it urged, by Secretary Hoastoa ia hit annual report sent todsy to Cea CWss. ': , . ' - ; "Bovisioa: of taxes should be efftet ed.M Mm -Houston ' wrote . Contress. . There can aad should be a better than four biuions oi dQilart would be- . incompatible with safety arjd sound 8 nance. And the country should faes inv iBCfc rrraon win unj - not In the future be relied v-upon. to ' yield the heeded revenue.'', . ; The Seeretary ef tke Treasury' tald -tht excess profile tax should ' be-'-re--.. pealed aad must, of coarse, be replaced.' ' , Be tahl ht believed it should be re- corporation, ptoflta tax.'' . Beduetioa of the higher groups of ' the income surtaxes aeeompaaied by increases ia tha - lower income auttax rates also la suggested by the secretary who asked that Congress "consider suck a general revision, with a reduction to ' a maximum rate lower than that eoa-k tained in tha present law, provided as. .' eeptable new taxes of equal yield eaa ' be feoad." The'ateretary said the plaia fact was , that tht present rates, which are at high at TO per eeat could not be eueeesaf ully tax the rich is to adopt rates that do x aot force investmsnt ia tax-exempt aseuritlas. - . ' i Mr. Hoostoa tuggertt a number' el sources et revenue which could be tap- ..J .,V. akU h niA to make up for ht lost of revenue oc casioned by the .changes in the tain which ha recommended. . ' Bepeal ef tht exeest profltt taxes, sliaunatioa of "certain of .the so-called . -luxury taxes, including the levy on soda -fountain and aimilar leverages, aad -readjustment of the rates in the higher - groups of income- tax, it prepoatd by the Treasury ehief T0! meet the losses brought about by- these proposed changes, Mr. Hoostoa recommends re - vised aad new taxes to yield about 2X)0,0OO,0OO aa follows i A tax ef 20 per cent oa eorporatioa profits, distributed or undistributed, in addition to application ef a higher sur tax rate to yield 8680,000,000. An additional tax ef 9, per cent oa corporation incomes to yield 8455,000,- 000. v- . i- '- .". "& . -,- .' Beadjustment of suttax rates ea ineomet to yield aa additional $330,. 000,000. . : . . - :-i.k- --.-:. Abolishment of, tha 2,000 exemption . allowed eorporitioat: ea : income to yield BBJK0. . . Aa increase from the present-a pel cent to S pr cent in the tax oa in- , comes of 13,000 er lest aad from S pet cent to 12 per it ia the tax en la- comet between $5,000 aad 810,000, the ' whole estimated to yield $150000 annually."' . ' ' V - A tax of 2 eenta a gallon ea gatouat " for motor ears aad all other purposes. to yield tOOflOOfiOO. ' A federal lieense tax of SO cents pel horsepower on the use of motor ttrs to yield 8100)00,000. s Aa additions,! sales tax on automo biles (other han trai.s aad wagons) aadaiotoreyelst and motor tar aeset torica to Tield 8100)00,000. .-.. A ID per cent additioaal Mx on the atrical admissions to yield mflOOpM , Ab additioaal tax of 83 per thousand. on cigarettes to yield $70,000,000. ' ' An additioaal tax of E5 cents pel thousand cn eigan to yieid $3,000,000. t An additional sax of 6 eeata pel pound en tobacee 'and tnuff to yield Aa additional tar i 8 per eeat en - candy to yield $20,000,000. t - An additional tax of. 7 per cent ta chewing gum -to yield 800000.. . An additional tax of 7 -per cent, el toilet soap and tpi'.et-sosp powders, to - yield $ifiWspao. : ' ;, ' ' - . A lQpcr cent tax en. tne.saia py inaanfacturers. prodncera or' Import en of perfumes, cosmetics and medicinal artklet la .1 ieu of - the present tax an tha eonsnmcr .to yield $10,000,000. - ' , Aa additional s per eeat tax oa Jew- . dry and precious metalate yield $2V 00000. . s An additional .tax of 5 per cent oa musical instruments . to . yield $13,- 000,000. ,- . i An-additional tax of . 8 per eeat ea - motion picture ' films to yield $i WeaU sVceaJastrBaitaxea. In. the readjustment of surtaxes Mr. Hoostoa proposes the, division of in comes into "saved"' or reinvested and . -spent. . Un the lormer class as wonia limit the highest tax to 20 per cent while the Income spent weald be tub Jected to- a tan- ranging as high as 50 , per -cent, y Under the, plan .proposed by the Secretary, beomea between $5, 000 aad $0,000 weald be taxed I per eent on the part saved and the tuna oa the part spent. The same ratio wit a a wraduated increase would spply to In comes up to 30 W0 where the maximum XCoatlaaed ea, Psge reor.l,