NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH. N. C. MONDAY MORN1NQ, DECEMBER 13. 1920. Benson "Tells of Strength of U. S. Merchant Marine Will Rank Next To Great Brit ' ain tn Ocean-Going Ton nage in 1922, He says MERCHANT FLEET NOW TOTALS 3,404 VESSELS Chairman of Shipping Board Praises Workers in Govern, ment Shipyards Washington, Deo. 12. Willi com pi o tkta of the government shipbuilding crornm by 1033. tht United States probably will have it much ocean go Ing touMf all the .other countries combined, with the eseeption of Great Britain, Chairman Benion, of the Ship ping Board, declared la hit annual re port mad public today. At tht tad of the laat Steal year, the ehalraal said, American merchant ahipa, government and private owned numbered 1,404, of 16,818,212 dead weight tone, not including more than 1,000,000 tone of ehlpping on the Great Lakes. Trie net program of govern meat-owned ships, Admiral Benion aaid, contemplated C31S feearli of 13, 675,711 deadweight tone and at the last fecal year, 1,070 ahipa aggregating 11, 622,361 deadweight tone, had been com pleted. Daring the year 1,180 Sniahed eblps of 6,1711,823 deadweight torn ware de livered, eieeedlng all reeorde. They were built without overtime or other aide to rapid productioa, Admiral Ben eon said. Worker New Experts. "The ehipyard worker of the United States hat developed an rxpertneea whjch hie raised the efficiency of the various rrsft to1 a high plane and pro ductioa hai kept pace accordingly," Admiral Benaon aaid. The industry haa expanded 60,000 akilled mechanics to a force of 385,000" men available to the pririte ihlpyirdi, he added. 'The credit for the arrompliihment of the aime of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, ii therefore due to these men who have surpassed all previoua performance in the ihipbuilding of the world," he laid. American veueli are now telling in '.129 trparate services. They carried 44J5 per cent of the aation'a foreign com merce last year as compared with 0.7 per cent before the war, the report tald. Over Tboasaad Skips. ... The government fleet in operation Juae 30 consisted of 1,294 steel vessels plying to all quartern of the globe, in cluding 208 to Northern Europe and 130 to Southern Europe. In the Trans pacific aervlce there were 163 vessel! and in the South American 138. Forty-one direct service Unea have been established to Sooth and Central America from nine, porta on the Atlan tic coast, four on the Gfcilf and two en the Pacific coast, the report aaid. To cope with the formidable problem! j overseas, Admiral Ban ton laid the Euro pean organization of the Shipping Board with headquarters In London, waa estab lished in June, 191B. Prior to it creation board veteela in European porta bad been attended entirely by the agenti of the managing companion, the report aaid, who "either through In efficiency, indifference or' dishonesty, allowed American ahipa to be mil- ft! $oy-Fer?Ca $ II : I Naurn netfm cwm j II entire Stock THIS INCLU DES A ( 33A FURS COATS SUITS - ; - DRESSES "J WAISTS handled and subverted to delay aad ex- herbitaat charge." The new organization, through Ita con trol over movements, charter, cargoes, bunker, anppliec, repair and similar matter, the report explained, hit dueed the average turn around of board vessels from 25.4 days for Great Britain and IV days for the ecntiaeat in Sep tember, 1919, to 1.8 daya for Great Iiritaiu and 11.3 day for the continent in May, 1120. Coett also have beta ma teriallr reduced, Chairman Benion added. ill The board sold during the year 426 ships for a total of 27WH, includ ing 131 new steel cargo vessels, 34 new wooden ahipi and 33 former German cargo ships. Discussing the wooden fleet. Chairman Benion aaid the maximum number In operation waa 240 during April. In June there were 170 at work. Need Tanker Tonnage. Demand for tanker tonnage increased during the year. The chairman de elared the board'i thipt were in constant service, chiefly between Mexican aad American Gulf porta, and North Atlantic porta and American oil ttationa at St. Thoinaa, Virgin Iilandi, Brett and Bizerta. On the Pacific the lines ran between Ran Francisco and American foreign atationa at Honolulu. Manila and ShaghaL Government tank ateamers earried 3,641,362 tout of oil during the year. Nearly all lized German cargo craft have been aold or chartered with option to purehaae, while all but 11 of the German patseager ahlpt had beta du tosed of daring the year, the report slid. No deposition haa been made, however, Of the one Austrian venal, the Martha Washington. The chairman nrged that Congress provide machinery to adjudicate claims of other than enemy eititens against these iciaed veueli, in view ef the delay in thi peace treaties. Describing the activities ot the board' department of investigation, Jhe chair man reported that 1tween April, 11(18, and June, 1920, there have been f.,800 separate investigations conducted over the country. Operations have been co ordinated, he added, with those of the Department of Juatice, the naval and Military Intelligence 8ervicea aad other agenclea of the government in which there waa joint interest. Business Section of Cork Swept By Disastrous Blaze (Contlaasd From Page One.) Press.) A dispatch received here from Cork aaya ttiit the fire hose waa cut, rendering useless the effort of the fire men. Two acres aoon became a furaaea. The front walls of houses were blowa out with bombs. The great block be tween Maylor atreet and Fiah it root till waa burning Sunday afternoon. LORD MAYOR OF CORK ISSUES CALL FOR SELF Belfast. Dec. 12. The Lord Mayer of Cork haa telegraphed the Lord Mayor Of Dublin, stating Hint the Ire bri gade, at Cork waa nnabli to eopc with the outbreak, and begging for help. It is possible that a Dublin fire bri gade will be lent by special train. BELFAST STORY OF FIRE; SPECIAL TRAIN TO RESCUE Belfast, Dec. IS. A wore of Srea had burned themselves out la Cork by 4 BOYLAN-PEARCE COMPANY Are Offering Their OFF 4. o'clock thi afternoon aad the lremeo wire in possession of the rums. At :30 o'clock thi evening a special train left Dublin lor Cork, carrying Captain Myers, chief. ef the DnbUn Brigade, aad a motor engine with crew. A deputation of the citizen of Cork, aeyt a diapatch received here, including the Protectant tfixhop -and the town elerk, waited on the officer command ing the Cork troopc and requested him to take Measures to prevent a recur rence of the appalling damage to prop crty. He promised to tend out special military patrols. The destroyed City Hill in Onrk w only excelled in pant of site by Bel faat'e great civil building. Thia waa the third time it had been set oa Are, the firemen being driven out at the point ef revolver. The great hall, letting 3p0f) aad having a tne organ, ahared the fate of the municipal premises. No confirmation has been received here of the ahootinc of the Delancy brother!, but it ii officially atated tlint one man waa killed aad II were wound ed in the ambuih which resulted in the reprisals. The faot that no aeriout casoaltiea ware caused by the bomb ia explained by the statement that pre liminary warning waa given to all oe cupenti of building to leave prior to the attack. FOUR ARMORED CARS JOIN FORCES OF POET first Break ia Kefular Italian Army; War With D'An nnntio is Probable Triest, Dec. 12. (By the Attnciated Prest.) The firat break in the regular Italian army occurred Saturday when four armored can atarted from Cdine, three ef which tncceeded ia reaching the Palace of Gabrietle d Annunsio ia Flame. The. fourth ear waa prevented from reaching ita destination by a aentinel, who threw under Ita wheel obstacjei which cut the tire. The crew of the ear, however, escaped and managed to reach Flume oa foot. General Caviglia, the Italian 'com mander, on Saturday went to Abbaxla. Intria, knowa at "the Nice of Italy, where he conferred with eommandera who are opposing the force ef d'An nunilo. It is ttated that, owing to ' the 1m aiovible position of d'Anaunxio, the government intenda to tend an ultima tum to aim containing the threat of a offensive action. It ii reported, however, that d'Aanonxio would welcome any military demoaitratiea. The defection from the army and the recent joining of the poet'i force of Naval craft, it it believed here, will haatea decisive action. There were wild aceaes la Fiume Saturday when member of the auto nomous parties, who are d' Annunzio t iwora enemies, were beaten by Legion aries ia rearitai for their having adopt ed resolution! eoidemning the poet The eld national council hat adopted a resolution declaring that ita mem- ben will remain true ,to d Annua- slo. Mr. Comeon "Do you mean to tell me you got only a dollar lixty for that 72-lini poem of yourtt" Mr. Freemcter ''Ah, yet I I know It't worth Tartly more, lut I ahould dislike eery much to b tutpeeted of profiteering.- Boa ton Globe. To Care a Cold la One Day Take Orove'l LAXATIVE BBOMO QUININE tablets. The genuine bear the sigaatur of E. W... Grove. SOv (Adv.) "9 ' LL DEPARTMENTS ON Can You Realize the UJis jf -sAiiti STATIONERY GLOVES TOYS . DOLLS TRUNKS -SHOP EARLY IN THE MORNING OLD GASES TO BE EK Judge Kerr Begins Last' Term of Court Here; Will Make Effort to Clear Docket The December criminal term of Wake loanty Superior Court will convene to day- will seventy rases oa the docket The teem will conclude Judge John H. Kerr a eix raonthi service in thia judicial district and every 'effort be made to elean up the docket. - Three important eaiel which have been continued for tevenl tefrmi for varioua reasons are scheduled for trial tbit week. All of the defendant! ire white men and each of them livet or has lived in Raleigh. Claude Scott will be tried . on the charge of an assault upon Howell Cobb, proprietor of the Raleigh Hotel. The eaic whs continued oacc oa account of Scott's sickness and later because of hie detention by uull ford County authorities. Charles Evans, charged with an as tault upon his wife laat September, at which time the waa badly cut by a knife, aad who It alleged to have later attempted te take hit owa life will alto be placid upon trial. At the time of hia arrest,- Evana stated both a taulta were committed by unknown negroet. Trial haa been delayed be cause of the inability of Mrs. Evans to attend court. Loui ZapantU, charged with having committed perjury in an application for a marriage lieense mid more than two yeara ago ia also, expected to be brought before the bar of the court. Trial of thi ease haa been delayed be cause the defeadant wat not In cuttody. Another important case oa the docket la that against Frank R. Higgles, an other Raleigk white man. who it charged with an attempted criminal as sault apon Miss Irene Chamblee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Chamb lee. A converaatlon ia whloh Mallle Tay lor, a white man of Neuse township, ii alleged to have slendered lady has given rite to tlx criminal actioni. Tay lor u charged with lander, assault, carrying a concealed weapon and ob structing tht highway aid it named as prosecuting wltnest in two additional assault eaaei. The docket iaeludet tht appealt of seven defeadant eonvleted in lower courts for automobile speeding. BAGGETT SAYS POWER , COMPANY CA NBE SAVED Norfolk, Vs., Dec. 12.-J. R. Baggctt, of Lillington, N. C, recently appoint ed temporary reeeiver for the Cumber land Railway and Power Company, which operate! a number of public utilities la North Carolina, today it- tued a statement at tht company'! executive officii here to tht effect that if reorganisation plans are earried out, no Ion will be suitaincd by either the security holders or creditors of the company. He expreaaei confidence, after a cur sory investigation of the company's financial potition, that proper co-operation on the part of officers, directors and bondholders will result in placing the company! properties on a paying baait. Burying beitlit have a habit of dig ging a gfsvo beneath small - dead vertebrates. TIO MI 3 6i Mercliaiidise v At Value - Ybu Are Receiving From Our. 33H on tne f ollowing uoods Beside j Every Article in Our Store? 1 1 RAT EXTERMINATION .. CAMPAIGN UNDER WAY Work Being Done By Commer. rial Concern With Co-Op. oration of Health Officer An letive campaign for the extern!' ration of rati employing methods thtt have recently been Died eueeeaafully ia Durham, Greensboro and a number of Virginia eitiea, ia how under way in Raleigh. The Municipal Building, the City Market and number of .Wholesale store and ether establishment were baited Friday tad Saturday aad re suits are' expected today. The local campaign i quasi official, having the active co-operation of the Wake County Department of Health. Dr. E. P. Long, superintendent of the department, ha prepared printed in tructioat which will be distributed throughout the homes in the city. The campaign haa been Indorsed by- Mayor Kldridge, the Chamber Of Commerce, the womaa'a Club aad the Retail Mer ehants Astocistion. The work of baiting it being done by representative of the Barium Chemical Co., ef Baltimore, Md., aad rlarlom Carbonate, prepared by that eovipany, la being uaed. ia the baiting. In the campaign conducted in Nor folk, V 3M.0Ci; rata were hilled in three weekt. LEAGUE ASSEMBLY TO ATTEMPT SPEEDY WORK Two Sessions Daily This Week To Clear Up the Major Questions Geneva, Dec 12. (By The Associated Press.) The fifth week of the assem bly of the League ef Nations ia ex pected to begin with a big bunt of peed in an effort to clear up tht business and permit ef the delegate! getting away before next Sunday. The debates on almost every ques tion hsve been drawn out beyond an ticipation, but, with the approaching two seisiont each day it ia hoped that time will be found for all the dele gates to deliver the speechee, which have been tucked away ia their pockets. Every effort to shortea debate by limiting the number of s pen ken oa eack subject hn met with item resis tance. The international eourt will be the first big question of the week. The committee having eharge of this ques tion finally hat reached an agreement oa ita report, but at past experience hss proved on other questions, an agreement does not generally indicate an agreement on the floor of the assem bly. Hope is expressed, however, that thit committee'! report will be disposed of tomorrow. TO HOLD HUSBAND FOR DEATH OF HIS WIFE Greenville, 8. C Dec. 12. Following the lnqueit today over tht body of Mrs. Tom Harrison, who died yesterday from pistol wounds received In a disturbsnee in her home early Friday morning, tho coroner's jury returned a verdiet in structing officer! to hold her husband for the killing. , Mrs. Monk;, Young who waa on tht first floor of tht home when the shoot ing occurred oa the second, and two policemen who airlved at the house shortly after h shots were fired were the only witnesses. Mr. Young's husband, who wag shot at the same time, is still in , serious condition at local Hospital, Off Of The Entire Stock r ... j.. 'v. ? ' EVERY "FLOOR IN OUR STORE ,.l FURNITURE 4 V RUG$ , DRAPERIES '. LAMPS -" ." SILKS POPULAR MANAGER TO RETURN TO RALEIGH, I S i i iww i mn wi -w lWt-: . J W?a ' I 11 'MI. PI v m ft ' m : x c .-: 1 T Col. Albert I Cox, President of the Raleigh Baseball Club, positively an nounced last night that Joe Ward, who managed the local team la the Pied mont League last season, will again be at the helm in 1921. Some confusion has arisen beeaasc of the fact that another man of the same name has been signed to manage the Martinsbarg, Penn. club in the Blue Bidge League. CoL Cox la it night received a letter from the other Joe Ward, explaining the matter. C0NSTANTINE READY TO LEAVE FOR GREECE Former Kinr and Household Start for Athens Tuesday; Planning: feeforas Luerene, Dec 12. (By the Asaoci- sted Press). Preparations hare been completed for the departure of former King Constantino, of Greece, and his family, for Venice next Tuesday on the first stag of their journey to Athens. The royal baggage, consisting of 220 trunks and boxes, wss started this morning. - Constantino and Queen Sophie, ac cording to member! of their household, are) expected to take a leading part ia urging reforms in Greece. Constant ine haa naked the Greek gov ernment to send missions to the United States, Great Britain aad France te place the Greek situation ia the right light before the world. It it not unlikely, according to Greek newipapermen here, that the American press will urge th' government to at tempt to float a loaa la tho United! (States. . 3314 .fU- y : J ,Wiae) amiwm mm' j HANDKERCHIEFS .FANCY GOODS. : UNDERWEAR - MILLINERY ipSS'IIHpSE PATIENT 3URNED IN BLAZE IN HOSPITAL Sergeant Alzin Messenger Miss in f After Tire in Walter Seed Hospital ' ' " Washington, Dec 12. One patient, Sergeaat Alzin, Messenger, formerly of the Seventh Ccast Artillery, is believ ed to have burned to death, and several other patients were injured, none seri ously, today ia a fire that destroyed Two' of the psyehopathie wards of Walter Reed Miltary hospital. The fire, which hoeoltal authorities believe waa started by one of the patienti with matches emuggled into his room, threatened for a time to spread to other wards including re vera I In which disabled world war veterans are patients, wss cheeked by the combined effort! of the hotpital and Washington fire departments. The two wards, oaumber 43, la which the violently insane are confined, and No. 44 ia which other psychopathic patients undergo treatment, contained approximately T5 patients. All with the exception of Sergeant Messenger were gotten out by nurses and member of the hospital fire de partment before the blaze gaiasd much headway. Checking of the list of patienta la the two wards revealed that Sergeant Messenger, who hsd -arrived at the hospital yesterday from the Panama Canal Zone, waa missing. The loss was estimated by hotpital authorities at little more than $25,000. An investigation of the origin of the fire was started late today by a special board of inquiry. - - Rheumatic Pains Quickly Eased By Penetrating Ham .lin'a Wizard (ML A aafe and effective preparation to relieve the -,. paina of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lame Back and Lumbago ia Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It penetrates quickly, drives out the soreaest, and limbers up the stiff aching joints and muscles. Wizard Oil Is a good dependable preparation to hsve ia the medicine chest for first aid when the doctor may be -far away. You will find almost daily uses for It in ease of sodden mishaps or accidents such a sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites and stings. Just ss reliable, too, for earache, tooth ache and croup. Always keep it ia the house. It roa are troubled with constipation or irk bodaclM tn Hamlin's Whuue Uvtr White. Jmt plaasant Uttie pink a Us at tranata for StoAse, mm I CONSTIPATION UPSET STOMACH. OFF Mm i I Li - - t 1IT1 . t V 'Oil