- NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 16, 1920. TWO WORE FACING ELECTRIC CHAIR Robah Baity and Kohlcr Holts- claw Lose Fight For New Trial SUPREME COURT FINOS NO ERROR ON REVIEW Ba.it Convicted of Murdering Sheriff of Yadkin County While Holtsclaw Wat Sen. tenced For Shooting Down Eival For Young Woman's Affections Ho bah Bailor, Tsdlit comity, an.l Koaler Holtsclaw, Oatantia comity, white Birn unler sentence of death or tnorder In the Smt degree, Wt their fght for a new trial "hen the Supreme eoert f esterday handed down opinions fading bo error 1n Trie trial of the two aa. Baity wat coavieteii ia May of the murder of Hie riff J. E. Z:irb.iry of Tad It in eeenty, when the sheriff and another officer raided aa illieit distil Icry ofM nited l.y Hairy, while Holts- eJiw wst convicted in Julii of th uiur iter of John ti.ilirirl, hi rival for the ahVct iuns of alarjorie l.nckman. Betweya the awn anI the electric chair no" stands onl.r pontile inter ferenee hr the tlovrrrcr of the Htate I? ht uavAVrsWd that in each casn ap plication wilt he node to Governor Bickctt for commutation. "nenrer McNeill, alio as tried with Baitr for the tilling oT the sheriff was acquitted in Hupcrior court. According to the eriaVuee brought out in the trial, on the night of February 13, JKi. Iherifr Zaehary and a deputy, T A. Caudle, M out on a whiskey raid. The distillery van luraled on the right aide of a little branch. Aa they 'made their way to it, they were met hy n third nan who paaaed them, went out of the road a little pieee, then turned and followed, IT1 in It parallel with them ia the direction of the dlctillerj. When they Mopped, thia maa eame down to the branch and whistled several times. When twenty ynrds from the distil lery, the iheriff and Candle anw Mc Neill and Baity. The sheriff ap proaclwd then and taking hold of them hy the lapels of their eoata said: "Hold up. I've (rot you." Baity graMied the theriff by the shoulder with hia left hand and with hi right Bred a bullet through the of ieer'a heart. Jealaaty la Cause. Jealousy waa the motive established by the eonrt in tha eaae of Holtsclaw. ITottarUw shot Cnbriel in the head ts the latter was leaning on the hood of hia automobile. Ai the wounded man fell hack, Holtarlaw adraneed and Sred another shot, directly Into hi forehead. Either shot, it waa teatiflSed ia eourt, would have been fatal. ae Iwn .hnt. Ttnltsclaw ealtnlv tnonntnd his horse, which he hTifl ready saddled, and wwivitig hit plat o I toward Majorie lioekman,. a young woman who waa about 155 yard away, rode off exclaiming "r'are you well, Ma jorie!' He waa later arretttd in Ala baaaa. Kvidenee wat produced ia tht trial tending to akow that th shooting waa a remit of ill feeling toward Gabriel which waa on account of illicit relatioaa which Frailer had with majorie Leek man, with whom Holtsclaw waa infatu ate. Other Oiaaleaa. Opiaiona filed by tht eonrt yesterday follow: Bank of Darin r. Sprinkle, Davie, affirmed. State v. Baiiy, Yadkin, no error. State v. McFarlaad, Henderson, new trial. State t. Holdaclaw, Catawba, ao arrar. Btate t. Blarkwell, Headarton, ao END INVESTIGATION - OF INTRASTATE BATES Argument of Carriers and Mi' a M . e . -i aaaa state commissions xasea Under Advisement Waahlngtoa, Pee. 15. Invrstigatioa of tht refusal of the railway eonami ion for aerea (b)te to iacrease State railroad ratea'to hiwt rwreatlr aa thorized in Intrnstnte traffic eloaed to d.iy with the Interstate Com mere Com mission taking the evidence and argil menia anger advisement. The aeren Mates whose eaaes were preaeatd to the eommiasioa are. Ohio, lUTaois, Miehi ran, I'tah, Indiana, FlorLla and Ne braiika. During the heariiura. which lasted three davs, eounael for the raiUnada at tempted to ahowi tliat carriers were lea inK millions tbrouiih the existence of Mate ratea lower than those prevailing in interstate traffic. Thev also araued that nnfair discrimination existed aaiast competitive traffic, with aeigh boring Htatea and that interstate tar ifs authorized by, the Interstate Com merce Cemmisaion were being avoided by the re buying of ticketa withid Bute limit on the basis of State rate arhe Jules. WILLYS-OVERLAND CO PASSES ITS DIVIDEND New ork, Dec. IS, Directors of the ri illys Overland Company today an nounced their regular quarlerlv divi dead of J 3 4 per cent on preferred store, wnulit paused.. In explnnntiun of the omission, of the dividend, the directors iisucd a statement explaining that while the. preferred stuck dividend for the en tire year has been famed by a wide margin directors "consider it to the uhimato ndvnntagn of the company to conserve cash resources until normal conditions again prevail in the indus trial and financial world." The Amalgamated leather Com ponies, Inc., also announced it had passed ita quarterly dividend of 1 3-4 per cent nn preferred atock, due Jan uary l. The company has paid juar- irny uivinouas on mm issue for year. one Stewart, Mitchell, re- BurVeaea versed. Diaoa v. Horae, Henderson, no error Patriek-klosteller Co. v. linker k Co. et at., Catawba, plaintiff's appeal er ror! defaatdaat'a appeal modified and affirmed? Flack v. Flack, Henderson, affirmed. Power Co. v Manufacturing Co., Buneombe, reversed. Hemphill v. Caither, Buncombe, new trial. 1 Haaaia v. Hennia, Buncpmbe, no error. FURMAN 1921 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE IS ANNOUNCED AD of The Oames Exeept One To Be Played at Borne ; Caro lina Possibility Greenville, B. C, Nee. 15. Fnrman University today announced Ha foot ball athedule for next sesjion as fol lower September S3, Krakine. rOetober 1, Newberry. October , t'aiversity of (ieorgia. October 15, Oeorgia Tech. October IS, Clemson. October t. Tentative. Katreaaber 5, Citadel. Kevember It, Booth Carolina Uni versity. November 19, Wofford. . hamkaglviae Day, Davidson. Tttraan'i only game away from Greenville will be with Oeorgia Tech, la Atlaata. For the ope a date, Far ansa if negotiating with the Uaiver tty of Tennesaee, and University of Horth Carolina. WUliaat U Lovell agala will eoaeh the team next year, end Harrell, "ftpeedy" ftpeer, of Winston Salem, H. C, win be phyaieal dreetor. IKTAIO TANNUTO CONCXRM BUILDINO Jk LARGE ADDITION Aakeville, Dee. U The Brevard Taa niag Company, at Pisgah Forest, Traasylvania eouaty, it areetlng a large hew build ia, which will eost thouaaadt - of dollars, the new etraetere wUl be re etorica ia height, tha grenad oor f which wiU be ue4 for a battery oia hoUert aad furaaeea.aad the apper toriaa trill ' henna ao4e af the aaoet anadera jaaeilaery (or Ue eitractioa af asaaiag extract from eheataat wood had berk. "-. y:V-;;. " Pertah Prleet KOted.4 ' :';''."'"' ' Load oa. Dee. 13 The Bishop af Cork, gays tke Central News, ha re esived a telegram atatiag thai Caaoa aligner. Pariah priest tX Dunmaaway, county Cork, waa aiot dead by armed end v!;onned anea at J;30 eVlpck this . :rftoon, ' , . . , !. VANADIUM CORPORATION PASSES ITS DIVIDEND Now York, Dee. 15. The Vanadium Corporation of Amtriea today cut ita quarterly dividend to $1 a share as ugaiust the previous rate of tl.50 for three months. In explaining their action. Vanadium dlrectort atatcd that the company t earn utgi ere in excess of reular dividend requirements, but became of the prea etit state of business it was deemed d viinble to conserve cash resources. The announcement of the dividend reduc tion followed suspension of dividenda by several other companies todays re sulting In an increasingly bearish (enti ment in the atock market. LEECH LEADING POINT SCORER IN THE SOUTH a . - i Lexington. Va.. Dee. 15. It Jimmy Leech, captain and half-back of the undefeated Virginia Military Institute football team, it i claimed that Insti tution poaeess-! the loading individual point scorer in the South and possibly in the entire eeantry during the past aeeapn.' Ia the nine grimes of the "flying ca dets" ll30 schedule, Leech ran ap grand total of Jllu points, scoring itfi touchdown, kicking 48 goals. He aiao ia touchdowns and two field goals. He credited with having made a total of 1,723 yards in line plunge and end runs and with having burled forward asses for an aggregate of 448 yard. COST OF INAUGURATING A PRESIDENT GOES UP Washington, Dee. 15. An lncreasa of from CO to 100 per cent in the eost of Inaugurating a President was mad-j today at aa initial meeting of the joint Congressional committee ia charge of President-elect Harding' inauguration. Construction oa the usual mammoth reviewing stand oa the Capitol plana and engraving of official invitations waa anthoraed by t'.e com mittee, beaded by Senator Knox, Ke- puhliran, Pennaylvania, and Repre sentative Cannon, Republican, Illinois. EXPRESS AGENT HELD FOR MAKING FALSE ENTRJES nigh Point, Dec. 15. 8. P. Benner, former express agent in High Point, was liven a isreliimuary hearing litre last night on a charge of making false and fictitious entries in hia aeoifnt. He was bound over to Federal eourt on i bond of $1,000. A special agent test! Bed that betweent 4,0(0 and 15,000 had heen entered on the books fictitiously However, ao charge of a shortag has been mad. DAMACI CAUSED BY FIRE INI COM WAS FIFTEEN MILLIONS Waahlngtoa, Dee. 15. The naming of Cork resulted In damage ef 115,- 000,000 and threw 100,000 person oat of employment, the state depadtiaeat wat advised ia a cablegram received today from the Amerieaa consul at Queenetowa. Urges Mothers of Nation To Help In Training Children "(Ceatiaacw From Page One.) the opportaaity to lift up the poorer, and the le fortnaate t a higher level. "The mother wke indefatigabiy seeks to train her owe children rightly will be performing this service, aot only for her ewn children but for those from other htfaiei aet te riekly blessed with the iter thine of life. I aoafett to no great satisfaction la th good fortune of those families, which whea they become efficiently wll to da, like to tnk their children away from the puflie achoahj aad givt them the .doubt ful advantage ef more exclusive educa tional process. I Hkeihe democracy of ftie community sen nor aad iadeed I would like te two a greater measure of it enforced in the public ehoU by the elimination af those evidence of extra vagance in drews and social indulgent which make for the develoDmeat of something like easts within ear democ racy. Part r Teacher. ''On the side of tht teacher, aad tha responsible authorities back of her. there must be tht same ready disposi- ni.n to to operate with the home and the mother. Our public school system leaves to the home end ita inflaenee the k-reut duty ef instilling into the ehild hse fundamental concepts ef religion, f:ilth ahich are to asseatial ia shaping tht character or Individual citizens and, therefore, of tht nation. That duty re mains to be performed at th hearth- aide, and will always be peculiarly a pn rointlveie' the mother. I could wish, indeed, that our nation might have revival or religious spirit along these nu. There never was a time when ho world atood in more need than it! Iih-s now, of the consolations and reas nraiHCt winch only a firm religious faith can hare. It is a tun af uncer tainty, er weakened faith lit the effici ency of Institutions, of industrial y terns, of economic hypothesis, of dictum nd doRnin. Whatever our realm, let not our engrossment with thee things which are concerned merely with mat ter and mind distract ut from proper nttention to thost which are of tha spirit and the soul, "it has been demonstrated te astonish ing and alarmlag certainty that a large proportion of sehoot children and even of adults suffer from ander nourish ment. I'erhap in the case of most adults the fault is of the individual rather than society. With children, how ever, it is otherwiae. If (ociety ha per mitted the development ef a system under which their itixens of tomorrow st.fTer reul privation today, then the obligation is upon society to right that wrong, tn insure soma measure of jus tice to the children, who are not re sponsible for being here. "I am not of thea who believe legislation can find panaceas for all ills, but on tho other hand I am not of those who foar to undertake, through legialatisn, the formulation of new pro grams, i Befers te BetTraga. "I Irmly believe that ear country, long with other that clauu a abate the world' leadership, has lately achieved one,, Victory ia behalf ef better understanding and aior latcIU gent grsjp of these problem. 1 refer to th besowal upon womea et fall participation in th privilege and obligation of chiaenahip. With her participation larger and influence la the world of affairs, 1 think we shall e stall and her Iner spiritual laatiasts at length leading maaklad ta higher plane of reiigica, of humanists) ane caaebling spirituality. "UealUiful mothers amid It dition for maternity, ktalthfaL abuad tatty nourished ehildraa amid It con dition for development mentally aad physieslly all mad eertai by th geaeratioa of today ia it aoaeera fet tomorrow will guarantee a sitiaenship from th toil oi America which will b the eaaraate of Amerieaa aaaurity tad th Amerieaa fulfillment. After Long Wait Jury Declares Holding Guilty (Ceatlaaed From Page One.) aot present ia was th witness, but court room. Equally positive tvideaee was intro- daeed by th thr aide. Dr. U, Bay. president of the wake County Medical Society and Honeycutt a fam ily physician gava the defendant aa excellent character aad Daniel Allta and W. H. McElwee, of Balelgh, and Hiekmaa Allen, of rieuee, three af th twenty witneese who had previously tettifled that Hoaeyeutt bora a good character were recalled and apoke high ly ef the defendant'e integrity aad as serted he ia aa influence for food his community. Haneycntt Worth A heat ITI.Me. JJr. MiClwee, who was associated with Houeyrutt in business for tix yesrs, stated that he estimated the value of the defendant a estate at twecn 7o,00(J and ,0JOP aa estimate considerably below the genera impres sion in regard to the matter. Mr. Aydlette stated he had aothin, to add to the evidence, but both Col. Albert L. Cos and W. B. Jones, eoun sel for the defense, made pleas for mercy, asserting that a fine would best serve the ende of justiee, and permit the defendant to care for his family suoting the proverb, "He who hastes to riehee shall not be innocent. Judg Connor declared that Hoaeyeutt had been the vietim of a modern eraae and declared that he might be willing to overlook one offense, but that th evi dence revealed systematic robberies. "This evideuce (hows that he waa the originator and head ef the whale cos piracy and I think that oa thia evil denee the defendant eould have been convicted aa a partieep eriminis to the actual stealing," the eourt declared. Judge Connor declared that Honey curt had entangled the Pearc boys, sons of a dead neighbor, and "brought suffering on other people of the county with whose misfortune everyone mast sympathize. Herbert Peerea Arrested. While Judge Connor was delivering the eentenee upon Honeyeutt, a tele gram waa received ia tha eonrt room, which ituled that Herbert Pearee, one Active Middle Age May Beat Youth Medical Science proves blood rich in iron to be a secret of great strength, energy and endurance. FORMER KITCHIN OPPONENT IS DEAD AT HOOKERTON Kinston, Dec. 15. William D. Dixon, who opposed Claude Kitehtn for the Second District seat in Congress at the recent elections, died at his home st Bookerten at 8:80 thit afternoon. He was a prominent merchant and Re publican leader. He is survived by hi wire ami thre children. He waa 50 year old. CANTON VOTES BlO BOND ISSUE FOR MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT. Asheville, Dee. 15. By a large ma jority th eltiaent of Canton, ef th most progressive town ia all west ern North Carolina, have voted a bond issue of 150.000 t be ased for munici pal improvement. Of tha snm 185,000 wui do usee in ue eonttruetioa of a modern high school and ether nosey will be expended oa streets, sewers aad other civic improvements. Out af the DO votee east ia th election ealy M votea against tn Bona tesutj, this being conclusive evidenc ef the public plrit dneea of the eltixent at that towa. Laaa fat Chataaeeio aad Ohio. ' waahiagtoa, Dee. 15, Approval am rvea by tha lateretat Cotosaare Commlseioa today for a loan af , 75000 te th Chaaspeak Ohio Bail way Company, to' be applied to tht aurebasa or equipment, eonaWtlnf of 25 freight aad switching locomotives and IcOoO ateel coal ear. Th railroad will laaae taOOOQ af th eost of the equipment. FIVE . PAbSJENUKB VOSLD, 18111 1 Stolen from ia front of htaeoalc Tempi but night. Motor number IMA3. State Urease 1W813. Notify J. W. Moert, 714 WestJene Btreet, Balelgh. fn You may be a better man at GO than the bunky tripling of 25 If you take of yourseii ana utr iuuk jmajwu r ii .i sm nua uwni In aa account of a severe mountain climbin test, a New Tort new ape per ataice that 20 percent of thoaa who acootapiished tha feat wore 44 years and ovar. Priaa-fightera. wrestler and etliletaeave learned the vat of taltail ptala coarse ifoodain their training as such a diet help supply their blood with iron. THERE ARB 3fl,f00,000,000.f00 RED BLOOD CORPUSCLES W TOUR BLOOD AND EACH 6wi iAUSt HAVS IKON. , Nature eat plenty ef Iron la the hesfcs a graias aad lb ata aa4 prnf rnt veactaMae ao4 (rails ts en rick rwir bloed, Imt mattmrm tnetlMds sf aaoaery all tsnse thiacs awar-asnee the aswana IncnaM la rsMwt mu. (TaatMar-iratUrvatieaerthe Mooa. with alt Its atw4aat Ills. Whea is wt na Mtl work wltboot Win all famed eat t nlshtt wsn Mr4itwUMatlaaswiwiiC4rswhaTtsaua erase Uts ssvek anil raar race took eel aad Orawa, aw aa wait aatil row gw all te uteres and cwiUsM in a sssts af aarvows arastmtksa. mr Mtl I is twwr wsakimd os4itiaa ra tract mm tarioas isnaa, bt eonawlt yawr jhsailf B4irtcHa en have biaatake a seeci SM ef rar ! aad saeablo4 cb" f rear vd hkwid ewaaseles. ear t the Irow stvvofrw blood riwrsiirWrwtdinc Bint with alt Its attewaaat his. wsrarssms lswliBUrad la tae awrsla! wlssa yea yswraaW vrvaa. trritakle aad easilv aawi when r ea aa tomrw aa rar ear's wor Issa esatalalag aralW asm nsisaslsa yassr Oailr Nsat ead taao ataaaie treat. Oka Naxatsd Iran wtU IBM aw a while aad ss haw mack rear osoClClcm tmrass. Thanaands of amele feeva saissWeglr la trsasi their atreaaih. rangy end esatamae b twa weeks tisae by tblaeiaapssetBafissrat. Sat la staking Uiis Ssst ke swre that Ike Hwa tmm ssk is .sum iraa u4 swiaMtmllic Iraa Or talsMrai iraa whka sarast osMllr teaa. Oraaate irra It rlke the Iraa In fear blsw aad like the Iraa la esiaart sratik aa aaekta, whits sarasllle iraa ia I raw rawtas It craws rnaa tN) Be boa af straw aetata aa assail earas af Ina. Orcaale Ipsa mar fee ha4 trim ywwr draseist Baswrtk Baste at HUXATBOiaoM. Tear sseney will fee rtfaaoaw fev the at Ktarart If wa 4a aet fhaata BeraKtly awUt hetarr raswits. AlaUdrwitissa i-': .:liTT. ..tji Out asauiH 'vioawavta- avwaaee yna wood tski. av vm aaaow- Ttiaaatiaask It was bo'n an9 raised in a swamp or near tidewater, therefore it "defies the elemenUMrain and rot, mouturc and decay. They have no bad effect on this tttT-latlini wood E THE WOOD ETEnilALT Use Cypress for exterior trim ridge polea, roofs, tidings, 'sills, frames and doors, and for Interior trim, too. Always specify "All Heart" Cybress. "He who looks before he leapt, builds of Cypress and builds for keeps." Send for Vol. 12 of the famous Cypress Pocket Library FREE. - GYPS laa ra'taaouim snrt rjarArrwvNT- ha woo, n., Scutiern Cjpress aacfaareiv9 iissn. Ut , Perdida BaUdlag, Now iOrleaaa, La, er A ITS HaaH Natloaal Baak Bids, Jaeluteavtlte, rW TMS CVraASS AASQCUTIQirS toMSTuiLT MfirrT ' ' if in orjuaT, wsrrs vs. r.rN- .' aaayiaa vtarwavew-, , ZTJl. ' artwa "atmawntaaaaauum. , TS". of ear brother ahder lndictmeat, had heoa apprehended by federal agtati at Maaasota, Fla. This arrest leave WJ laea Stephen son, a negro, th ealy one ef tea defendants at large. Tha ease against Vance Pearee, -ether brother, who 1 a farmer of Neusc, and who it reported to have tt teanpted to commit euieid aftef hit a r rest, at eaatinntd for th term. ' Fetaaa Caasust Ttetlfy. Judge Connor yesterday ruled ' felon cannot be allowed to testify. Priestly Pearee, Cecil Faare and th two ne tro. Tern Avery end Ten Williams, wilt probably aet be placed oa trial until after they have been used at wrtaestea ia ether ease. Jim Law son, another a eg re who ha aot bee a used a a witaeet, wlll probably be sen tenced at thit term of eourt. BtUt nethr aegro and lather Pearee, older brother of four af th mea aader lndretment-, save been im plicated la tht robberies by various witnesses, but hftv aot yet treea in dicted. No Opposition To Electing Aus tria a League Member (Ceatlaaed From Pag One.) der the international opium onventn, regulating ttwffl in th drug wa taken up by th assembly at this morning's session. Th committee which had been in vestigating th subject recommended that th soeretsriat of the league eolleet information from tha Interested coun tries and that th subject be furtbtr investigated by an advisory committee including representative from the coun tries especially eonetrned Holland. Oreal Britain, Fraaee, India, Japan, China, 81am aad Portugal. (Under the interntional opium con vention signed In 1912, the United States being among the signatories, vsrious duties devolved upon the Dutch govern ment. Among the proviso was on that th contracting power should com municate with one another regarding various facts connected with tha sub ject through th Dutch minister of foreign affairs. The ratification ma chinery alto was placed ia the hands of the Netherlands foreign office.) The committee report mentioned the difficulty resulting from the absence if the United Bute ead Germany from th league and suggested that if these goreremrhta eould not forward their information to the league they might ecatinne to eommuaieate with Holland on th nbjeca. Chin' Efforts. During the dlwuseion Dr. Wellington Koo, of the Chinese delegation, roviewed I he -efforts made by C hina during more than a century to suppress tha oplnm habit. He recognised, he said, the grest d-bt cf gratitude China owed the United states for America s aid ia this work He was particularly pleased, he said, that the committee had decided the United Statea should be especially in vited to (end a representative to asset with the advisory, fonvmitteo." The committee miggettTont were adopted by th assembly, aad the ub ject of the "whit alavt", traffic wat takee np. - ; K. . Whit Slave Trafficf Th proposition regarding this traffic are that the ceuatrie which tduered to th l"Urn,Ual aoaveotion of IrV be nvited to send delegate to 'another international conference to b held be fore tl next assembly ; also that the cuaasei appoint a eomsmte to latesti gate the litpot-tntioa of womea an! ebil dreai ia Alia Miner. ' Th discussion of this question brought to th platform for' h first tint en of the womea substitute dele- antes. Mil. Ucjini Torthammer, of hUenmnrk, She wat received with warm tpplausc. ' Mil. Forthnmmer mad a strong ap peal for prompt action on behalf of tha women Who had been deported dur ing th war aad sine it conclusion. She urged the assembly to (end Invest! gatori to Asia Minor aad appealed tn th delegate individually to prevail npoa their several governments to strengthen their legislation to suppress the traffic ia womea and children. s) H M MTU Ends Stubborn Coughi ; In a I lurry T Tv swat ssTeHlvt eaa, this eld X hvrtM-made rrmedr baa M Mead. X ssaaslr aad raraetty acaran 4. YouU Beyer know hew quickly a bad couch can be conquered, until you try this famous old home-msde remedy. Anyone who bat coughed aU day and all night, will ssr that tha immediate relict mix takes but a moment te prepare, and really there it nothing better foronghs. Into a pint bottle, put 21. oimees of Finn) then add pin in granulated sugar ay nip to make a full pint. Or you can use els rilled molasses, Jioney, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way. the full pint aavss about two thirds of the money usually spent for cough preparations, and give yoa a mora positive, effective remedy. It keeps per feet It, aad taste pleasant children Bkc il . . You caa feel this tske hold instantly, eoottiing and healing the membranes I an ue air natsaee. Jt nromntiv loosens dry, tight cough, and soon yoa will notice the phlegm inear alt ususlly disspn Baby Coughs sraatt l salia sal srith a rseacdy that eea- Plao a M sBua st enee talna aa awiaut. Uvaj saiaaa t te take. Ask your aruas M S OI? thin out and then together. A dav'a us will break ud an ordinary throat or rhest cold, and it ia also aolendid for bronchitis. Croup, hoarseness, aad bron chial asthma. Fires ia a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, the most reliable remedy for throat and ebest ailments. To (void disapaoiatmsat, ask your drugritt for "t ounce ef Plnex with directions aad doa't accept anything else. Guaranteed to give abaolnte satis faction or mcaey rvdntniad. Th Pines Co, Ft, Wsyaa. tad. A SUGGESTION The abundant health giving properties of immediate and permanent relief from eczema I prescribe Resinol It you' lnt to txPrtmmt, try mm el tboc things you talk about But if yoa really want that achinf shopped and your skin healed. I adtri yon Ho get a Jar of Resinol ntmnt, and a cake ol Realnol .Soap. W doctor have been prescribing that treatment ever since iron were a mall bay. no w raw what H will do. It to coolinf, eoothlne, easy and cr notnkal to use, tnd rarely tall to OveN come ecxema and similar snectioos. istbr taeay tar Ksaawl are as needful to A adults as to children. iS Mile, rorthamfcer, using xceUsBt English, wsa eaUuiatieally apptaunit especially when she pleaded for ' the 20,000 Arraeaiaa womea till in eep tivity. When tli "whit lave" reeolations came to a vote' they wor unanimously sdopted by the assembly. L 3 Ellisberg's 18 Eaat Hargett St. . Christmas Gifts Can be bought at marvelous savings during our Christmas Sale Our store is literally packed with Christ mas merchandise of all sorts Fin Furs Handsome Dresses Kid Qlovea Children's Fur Sets Ivory Set Comb and Brush Sets Children's Coats Children's Cap Bootees Mittens Velvet Baf s Vanity Cases Knitted Sets Silk Waists Jersey Petticoats La Vallierea and Pin Baby Dolls Handkerchief And if it is a " Coat, Suit, Dress, Skirt or Hat you wish to buy, you sure ly can save on any pur chase you will make ON THE BUSY CORNER Circular Saws, Hammering, Repairing And Fitting Mill Supplies . Boiler Tubes Raleigh Iron Works RALEIGH. N.C T BIG MORTGAGE SALE " , OF HORSES AlD MULES Saturday, December 18, 1920 One hundred head; together with a lot of personal property, including cows, hogs, buggies wagons, harness, billy goats, Shetland ponies, etc. ; automobiles of ten differ ent makes a Saxon, an Overland, a Dodge, 2 Ford trucks, a Ford runabout, a Frank lin, a Hanson, a Comet and others. Ws have had consigned to us for this sale four registered big-bone Poland China hogs, Gilts bred to High Bob that cost $900'. Come to this sale. It is an opportunity never before offered. Everything sold for cash ; an opportunity to buy things cheap. Your dollars will marry or double if yon -will invest them in this sale. Id talking to time merchants and horsemen reminds me xt David Crockett. He had his time, but you all know what became of him. "Re-' member the Alamo." . . ' - . , - We had a very successful sale hers last Saturday. Sold, over $5,000 worth' of stocky etc., for cash. Everybody has paid up and grot their foods and said '.'delighted" ana left their hats in the ting for tha next sale, which comes off next Saturday. We had 'a large crowd, but too many "'dummy looking'.' fellows who reminded me of an old friend of mine by the name of Mitt Evens. He was S grest friend of the Confederate nurse, Abbie House, both of whom wers very famous characters in Franklin County. Matt used to' come to Louiaburg every day. My old friend. Judge Cooke, asked him why he eame to town every day. and he said, "For the same reason country" dogs come to town," and Judge Cooke said, ? Well, Matt, why dp they come?" 'I gosh, Charlie, they come to see and be seen." .6 V' ;JC ':f So I guess a lot of fellows came to o4r sale for the same reason, as they did not bid' er say anything, but stood around looking wise, in the way, of course. tf yoa have any horses, males, cows, hogs or any personal property. Including auto-' mobiles, yoa want to cash in, bring them to us aad we will sell them, charging yoa J0 If ws sell nothing If we don't. ; ; Remember, everything sold Is guaranteed as represented at time:of sale or your money is refunded. . You take no chances. A We look after the buyer as well as the ' seller and apply the "Golden Rule. 'VhM M t "V Attend this sale, tell your neighbors about It and stick up the circulars I am sending : ' you by maiL Drop. us a card if you are coming. . v , . ' ... . " , DIXIE MULE CP MP A NY- i,

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