NEWS AND OBSERVER RALEIGH, N., C. ) ' THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1920. HOLD Tl ii KOUSANDDOLLARS On Account of Defendant's Family Judge Connor Tem pers Punishment Five distinct et of merty, the Aol notable of which wi "the Mtitene im poeod apoaT. E. Holding, Jr., Wake Forest druggist, eonvWted of receiving goods stolen from Interstate commerce, knowing thorn to hava beea etolwa, marked the concluding session of the Fait term of the United Stale. District Conrt which adjourned yesterday after twentr-seven ronsrcutlve ronrt dsiya. The defendant H flned .$1,000 and sorts and placed under a bond of 1, 000 for hit appeoranee at the May term of the court to receive any further judgment that "any be imposed at that time. - Judge Connor yesterday made no ref erence to A. J. Honoyeutt, who was eent to the federal penitentiary at At i Iaat. following a conviotiou for the name, offense, but und . much stronger evidence. However, he prefaced his aeatenee by stating that he first thought it would be ImpoMible for him to take the eourae he waa about to tea ia regard to the eiaeatt bar. . "The aeatenee I am aWiit to tin pree ia capable of being miauaderatood by the one moat Veply interested; but I hope he will go out with a, deep and abiding arose of th grave and8 grievous ia he baa ronunitti'd," ttuted Judge Ooanor. "The treat g .eminent for which I am privileged to apeak ought to give tome ronsilrrttion to the great service that ha een rendered the country by members of the defendunte family; and the punishment ought to be modified ia view of the fact that It will bring suffering to hose, some , of whom have passed the allnted span of three score and t ', who ought not to. be railed upon to mffor more than ia . aeeeaaary to the. nds of justice," tbo cftjrt added. fainting to the fat that defendant baa the greater part of his life ahead Judge Connor expressed the hope that hi- Srst art will be to repay thoae who pay his fine. "Km conscience should r be free aad liif ajghta should be Steeples until this la done, the court (tared. While passing sentence upon Hold tag. Judge Connor took occasion to compliment the rffleers of the Depart aseat of Jnatieeupoa having invest! gated the ear robbery eases "diligently sealously, faithfully and In the prope Spirit aad manner. Another out' ef the final acta of the wart was aa order remitting the fine f $500 imposed upon L. V. Graves aleag with a aeatenee of two years ia the penitentiary at Atlanta, Graves aonfeeeVd.te the theft of 22.00a, pre tically all of which waa recovered, from the peatoftfAe at Henderson, where be wae employed. Judge Conaor slse remitted (100 of the $UO fine which had been imposed pea Joua U Adams, of Angler, Adams was one of the three dofeadaata against whom a number of eitiiena e - 1,ui;"commnnity testified during the ' progreaa of the court The preseaee of trie eigilaaee committee raa the costs ap to tha atuaual figure of $130, and Use reduction ef tha flae grew out of the large costs. . B. D. TV heeler, whs haa recently snared from Franklin county to iiocky jMouai, waa aatneer recipient ef mercy. Wheeler bad a great deal ef trouble ia. aw old tense which resulted ia hia re- eeiving a a-itenee ef six Months on ta reads, and the arrest of June J. Laaesurter, wealthy banker aad farmer ' erf., the eeanty, aa well as Rid Collins a d Titua Porsey, twe ef Wheeler swiganera. Jadge Conner yvwrerday re named tha jail ae-tenr, tautening heeler to stay aa far from at Hie that am troatd set be abb to report any. 'Andrew Hintoa. a negro with an aged wetter, aaid a be 10 yeara old. was aba releaaed from jail at the reeueat of Deputy Marshal J. P. 8tell. "With sst disparagement te lay other efneera, I want ta aay that Mr. Htell baa made a aery vataahl ffler aad we are very to lose him," aaid Judge Connor, re ferring to the feet that the marshnl baa aeepte a position s deputy sheriff of Wake county. Mr. Ctell ahm ia.t.t.J mm WILL RUN NEW BERN FOUNDRY t Plant Will Be Under Their Con trol and They Will Get All Profits New Bern, Dee. 22. The New Bern Iron Works and Snpply Co. of this city is now operstington a biiis hither to "unknown in the industrial world, tha outcome of which Is problematical. The management has turned the -shops over to the men and whatever profit is left out of the receipta of these shops after overhead exnehses are taken out nnd cost of raw materials as used each week deducted, the residue is divided up on a proportionate seals, according to fhe salary scale, which has been ia effect This rutin was effective beginning Nonusy or tins week as it. was aa aa rWstandiug with Mr. E. L Willie, the manager and the men the publie had not been informed of the condition of operution due to Mr. Willis' absence out of town. Mr. Willis rcturnoxl last nigitt and stated that the management of the plant was still in the hands of the owners but that they were not ex peeling to run at a loas and bad put in is mas lr it inould occur upon the anotudcra of the employees. The butt neas can be conducted on its nresent basis without a ehnnee of loea to the rtoekholdere but if the anicauit of bus! ness ia alack or co-operation lwtwern workers ia not productive ef results in an increased net income t"ths plant the proportionate pert to be distributed to lue men will bo cut down. lie stated that two weeks ago tha management found that the -plunt was running as a toss ana that a salarv cut was absolutely necessary. A cut was immediately put into effect .reduc ing the salariei of all shop mea bv 10 per ceut, which was the Cams of a day's lay off by the msn, who returned to work after on day's absence. Thsv uiu uvv use me moa or the cut but ens JOY i t URNS TO ASHES Battling Against Tuberculosis, Boy Dies When Governor Pardons Him Xbe wires that reach aeroas the Bine Kidge mountains sang merrily on Tata day aa they chanted a message of joy to the motner of a lad who -had for stfven years done penance In the State I'rison for homicide, a aong of merry of pardon to gladden the waitln mother-heart. Her boy was comlag back, and joyfully the father set out to accompany the Ind home. The mother waited for him there, no donbt buay with the things that a mother would be doing for her boy who wes coming home, The train ran heavily last night as It rushed through the rain across hills Pint rnonfH toward the Blue Bulge, an the sound of its whistle Was the shriek of -death. The' father had eorne, an was carrying bark his boy. He would be home this morning, but when he greots the glad, waiting mother, there II be ne light of joy in hia eyes There will be no answering gleam from her eyes. Both will be wet and blind with tears. The boy died twe hours before the father got here. For the gifts that the father promised tha lad, there will be burial robes and a casket. The things that the filed mother had mad against his earning will turn eshee. O the threshold of overwhelming joy crowning and rewarding seven years of waiting, the alchemy of fate haa tnrned joy to ashea. CBrlstmaa ia .tragedy. ' Keren-years ago Homer Clark wae lad not far past hia middle teena. He killed aomebody. The record haa beea forgotten, and none who now are la authority at the prison remember the story. There waa a sentence of 80 years. Jst Christmas the Governor found that they Would havj rouble in brought the aging father and mothe iaat tie -eltaat- was aaM4 pay the -7 -" " no ww any M y nay," replied the court. Walter Bethea. Dan Rctt mA l,.k. t, three fcJelma aegreee who were eaAekted Monday despite air tiarht AUBia, were yesterday eatenced te four iwoaine m jeu each. LYNCH WINNER IN BOXING CONTEST (Continued ftaaa Page OaeJ Ua wind at the bell. Herma.". 'Ud tteaad Klevsak. m. u " ,on for half i"wth They exehana-M left of th. round ' , Twelve. ill;,r"' . 'elve work waa saeel- where he aovered aa. Iach Jelbed ll'Ai.. hookid hlarlsrat iii."'! sTlove. Lynch awung two rtsrhte ta fir. head. Tkey were epar ftag at tha aell. Lynch e reaad. Vfr S ""'" and sent teft and rlaht to face, without a return JB,rf aother ea the jaw, H.r" ia ellnehaa. Lynch hooked hia rlait Herman kept Ktjajaajag fswrtsHa .T.1e" fVf ' rlht t the bead " ieft boik ea h. bok ra the ear. Me ket jab bin hia left,, the only rvturnVfAm . Ied rirrmt. They ameek hunts for the i a sapped a tirht left te the Jee. Thsy excaanred lefte te theTfacau l'sd but Herman won Id ate co la. l-nch put left to Ue wtad aad a llaht r-t to the . TH.. k. i. "J.T . r i it to the head aad brought the clove t to the ribe. lnch"hoohJd"to! i-' e to the head and they r, lHw; "leee anla p when tha eraag ended bout. Lyack'a round, obtaining work elsewhere. Until iaat Friday matters atoffl, the mea iu uie shops working on a re duced erale of wage, but tht office lores ami retaining their previous amp utated salary pay. After a abort ex plAMlioa to the mea that another eut waa tue only course to prevent a loss to ins stockholders and considerable in dications of non acceptance of thie eut, wr. niuia assert the mea if they would consent to take aay toss that might occur and be reapoaeible for tha re ccljits of the shop. That all receipts aiier me aeaucuon or overhead ei peniei and cost of raw materials uaed each week would be deducted and the residue divided according te she rosi tiou on each man's salary at the time, That the management: would put all responsibility ef a loss ia runnina upon them and would be running at a ao profit, no gain basis. The management intimated that the proposal waa made to the mea because they saw trouble ahead if there waa not some kind of aa appca) to them. tae ssutry scaie win have to eorne down along with the profits of the bus iness, says Wr. Willie, aad aa appeal waa neeneaary te to roe tail trouble. A direct appeal to labor to shoulder the responsibility ef the amount of profits unuiinca weesiy would be an anneal i ins co-operative of the men among inen-teivos and would allow them to ! iiBmi(mt it thev did ant ha. lieve that the management waa losing ..i no, ii iioy tnoiight tho manage ment waa nafair in insiatlmr on a new eut in wages they would be given a way te prove their ability to prevent I I I ITU CD Kmc tfll I xiftl rt : this eut and to wove iheie " nt.nltj if lut, nvLU that waa a pneaihility and a iroha- 'iniy. it la tits nrat ease of the hud la eperatioa anywhere, l no men linve comciete alinn en a trol. . Develnpneata at the end of tlie weet whoa the aetoant earned br each man will be figured will show success of the project. Capital gets ae profit waaiaosvar. something to hope for when be re diifed the sentence from SO to 10 yean, Thif year he pardoned him. Just last Tuesday. Somewhat more than a 'year ago, the boy became a sufferer from tuherca losis. The groat-hearted superinten dent of the prison relieved him from all work, aad in so far aa the facilities of the pneon allowed him, did every thing to arrest the march of the die. eaae. The boy grbtr worse. Tuesday Superintendent Collie went te the) Gov erner with a request that the boy be allowed to go home. He had made game fight ia priaon, with the odds against him. The Governor did not hesitate. the boy was overwhelmed whoa he learned that he waa no longer a aria. oner, But be waa afraid that he could set make the trip hoove alone. It is a long ways to Swanaanoa, acreaa the Ridge in Buncombe county. Tha father ia well to do, and Mr. (Jollte aad tha boy telegraphed him to eorne. The ant traia coming toward Baleigh brought the fit her, He reached the city last night al 7:ra, n'he boy died yesterday after' noon, nia strength waa far gone, hit heart bad had too mack. Tha lor of going back home, and at Christmas, with the dragging weight ef dlaaaee waa too much. Hie heart broka tinder the attain and he died anddenly, paee fully, unknowing that he was thrust lag out npwn tha great adventure ts wait for the dawning ef the Great Chrietmaa, -. XMAS ENTERTAINMENT The Holy Trinity Lutheran church SundaX school will give Chriatmss program Chrietmaa evening December 25 at 7 p. an., to which the publie ia cordially invited. There are twenty-aU aumbers an th program with thirteen of th recita tions appropriate to th holiday sea aon. The scripture lesson will be read RUMPUS IN GARAGE !Mr; twN:ll!.p!2?,.irlu he v l tendent of the Huaday school. I WIL- , 1 1 Alia program louowai Hymn No. 14 ia the eommoai ser vice book. Scripture laaeon by John Neaae. Prayer by the superintendent of tha Sunday school. Duet. "Chrlatmae end the Ever- freena." by Misses alary Nease and ill la Urovenstrln. Recitation, "Welcome," by L. M. Par kcr, Jr. I'Htiogue, -tbo name or tne i.nriat vtr John PAYS FINE FOR RAISING Orimet Gowpet Ooutleted City Court of Diior. rly Conduct Child," by Mary Loulae Parker, a-inia Ludwig, Kdward put Boat aad Catherine Pullen, e, -Kortlv J the Babe anio by Virginia Ma itrimea t'owper.'Jr., convicted in el court yeaterday f disorderly eonduct, i-... oi fiu ana costs. The origi nal charce against Mr. Cnwner w. uriving sin auteraomie while intoiicated but on this charge be waa fodnd nnt STHIIiy. According to the evidence of two garage tnechaaics, Mr. Cowner. when eld over the nhona that hl bile waa aat ready, informed th speaker ne waa muitae uowa to "a eaw eut k. akop." Whea he arrived employees had called ia Ogieer J, A. Thempeon, who loroaue i. owjxr to drive the automobile from the. garage. Mr. Cowner then eureed. declared ao nolleemaa would t.n hi . - - i nwiiaunn, mm want to do, aad drove the ear to Clarlne Pullea the street with the officer en the run-1 Hecltstlon, "The Other Children," by ning board. The defendant waa ren. "i.fl "r".v"."',n: . .. . i . . l oviu na tui'ruB, in, Manser l.u I v, w. n. oawyer, wno entered 1 laby." aolor by Dorothea Parker, a plea of guilty oa the disorderly eon-1 ohoruB by tht Dund-ty Mhool .children. duct charge but argued that he was onlv J?1LUon'. MJ'n Christmas J)ay," by WATER CAUSE OP BURNING OF HQS E Hole and choru was Hieepinar, ' solo by viral m laun. chorus by tne Sunday echoa onuaren. Reolut Ion. "The Chrlst-Chlld." Bllen Klutts. Kec tat on. "The FIrat Chrlatmaa." by Wilbur Pullen. RecRatlon. Star-Beama," . by Vlr alnia May Wilaon. Bona:. "811ent Niht. Holv Nlht " bv t . r i- . : - onra, jr, ana jacn aionsDanRa. Recitation, "No Boom In the Inn," by levnnieaiiy gnury, ir is tr at all. tit driving an automobile while Intoiicated. ne was round sot gailty of th original loainmeni. Hidney finch, young ncs-ro. nUad guilty to stealing a pair of trousers irom iae a Bargain House sad was sen tenced to four months ea the Wake county reads. Trial I af Q. Glen, , whit ehauffsu and William Holloway, charged with an asrsy brought a ia dispute ever fares, was continued until today to allow Dr. Lawreac t he aummoaed te tostifv as te whetktr Glenn's head waa cut with a knife or a bottle. Jamea Tucker, driver of on of th Edith Itandnlnh Recitation. ' Chrietmaa Cheer." a Aleandar Ooodman. Carel, "Aaway In the Manger," by the sunaay acnooi eaiiaren. Dlaloaue. "Chrietmaa Choices." Dor. otbea Parker, leader, Thomas Boot, Jed Bionenanae ana aea tonseanne. Recitation. "Th Angel' aong," by , Recitation. "What M diva bv Can. ran aioaenauRf, T. Recitation. "The Mesaage of Christ maa." by Anarba UroVenataln. Soto. 'Kul S-lnlda nf RXhl.kam by Kdlth Randolph, . Reoltattan, "The FIrat Chrietmaa." by Mlaa Mua tfnwav. ReeltatToa. Vi?.,!..-,!,.; the Uf," by Mts Julia OrOveneteln. , Duet. "Olorr to Qod." by Mlaa Aimer Marlon aad afro. W. T. Boet. Humnw-nsmtUto. ViLX. -..a ! a.! w 'l T? 'CrlM Btory.- " .vt fui ,m i wr ii"v m n i cons ior careless aad reek less driving. Richard Hlitn, negro, eosyictsd ef a I'd aaaault ea Anai Osborn,' aegro girl, waa aa $10 and coats.. ' PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT TO HAVE CHRISTMAS TREE All employes and each .member ef aa ling mill of th D Foal Powder Com- "Ploy S family will ha ramemhand I mm at Bavlla Villa.. u Uu.u aa k a , . ,7. . 1 ".. -- -; - 1 - 'wummw un, wnicat win aaiumi Sanaa fkam iim tia aneevered at th Mitchell Priatln Idamaow am Mttatad to ahnal atn nun ompany' pUat this afternoon at 1 1 Th fore of tha ciploiloa was fU 'slock. Ia addition ta tha wlfia 1 .11 .... .v. r w.n a. . ia. . ' I vv Ml laciDwiai Taiiy, ib tfMa ' ' , I WW rv-wr. wivy fvff um inira bt ai sxaa aan lninw inn nsr r m mnl Neaaa. Oftertorv anthem. "atathtaham'a in. ey tae onom , latribatioa of treats. rd a Prayer. ' xoogy hnd beaadletloa. rOUt tfCN KILLED IJf Art EXPLOSION AT SCBAKTO craatoa. Pa le. ia-rour a war killed aad twe injured la aa plosloa today la tha pressing aad pack Leadon feat a aemad ; of iaa.m.i. A sea Ilea will ea aesuloa attach a Much Interest In Phenomenon Developed In Tests Of Fire Hose Boston, Dec 82. So mueh publie Interest hat been aroused by th phen omenon developed in test of fir hose here when flsmet brokt through cotton coating of the hose through which water was being forced at high pres sure, that the Fire Commissioner, John 8. Murphy, has been receiving re quests for information from all over the country. Ignition of a fir hose while water was being pumped through it though no fire was near, is something new to thoae who eoatider the firs fighting business as a science. Te determino the cause of this peculiar incident and ascertain how to avoid It, the Boston firs) department will undertake a series of teats and experiments, Professor Augustus H. Gill, of the Massachusetts Institute ef Tseh Oology at the request ef Commissioner Murphy etamined the bouse burned and without making a chemical analyais, reported his belief that the hose was ignited from excessive friction caused by vi bration between two cotton jackets Tha hoee wss of the new standard two-and one hslf iaeh ' rubber lined double cotton- jacket type, made ac cording to the specifications of the Boston fire department, which conform with these of the National Board of Fire Underwriters A 750 gallon pumping engine waa be ing tested under th direetioa of ea. finer of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and officials of th Boston Are department. For four hour th engine had drawn water from the Charles Biver basin when th order for the high pressure test was given. Two Unci of hose were used, one from each side of the engiate and each about 300 feet long. Morse gntee were filaeed between the first and second ength of each line and the gates were choked down to about one-third capacity, the gates on the engine out lets being similarly reduced. About is minute after tb engine was started with a pump pressure of SR0 pounds, smoke came from th hose about a foot from the coupling at the engine connection. Investigation showed that the home was very hot and in a moment flame hurst through the outer covering. Within a minute th aame thing happened to the hoee oa th other side of the engine. It was decided by the ehiefa and experts that the choking down of the gatee had resulted ia a tremendous amount of water being forced through a small opening. The water In passing through th ngin gat Instead of filling th hose at the coupling waa forced In ai an angle, striking one aide of the hoes with a fins (harp paint, with sufficient force to generate heat. This point of water, together with the friction caused by the two cotton jackets rubbing sgainst each other ap parently eaueed th name. The Ore did not Injurs the rubber lining, which was not even charred, the flames working tatirely In the eot toa mixture. This vis scorched for several inebes around the burned hole. The conditions ander which the en- ifte was working when the hose iatnit- ed were eId te be each as would never Occur while a fir was being fought aad for that reeaea (Tie fir fighters haw only a keen academt tntereet rather thaa serious thoughts of their hose burning during a Ire nnlesa It eomes in contact with flaraee r sparks. , ,, 1ANY STORES BURNED IN BIG BLAZE AT WAGRAM Laurlnburg, Dee. It. Thirteen build ing and Z30 bales of eotten wer bora ed at Wseram early yesterday la. the business district, lnclndisg th Aber sen Koekflah depot. Store buildings. telephone exchange, poatoffie. restan rant ana a email grist Until The fire was dlseovsred in th war room ef the depot and it I thought that th depot wa robbed and set on fire, on account of th time and lock tion of the origin. The followins- sustained loaaea: the A. 8. railroad depot, extrtets n! rreight with zs bales of cotton nn- der bills ot lading, and two empty box cars. W. Q. Buie, IS bales ef cotton, cov cred by insurance, mpty store, post' erne ana fixture a. n w trMi-M i i stock, about ,000 with 04.000 lur- anee. Beotland Hardware company building and stock, $26,000 with 900 Insurance. Press Covington, general stock 17,000, wun ,uuu insurance. Naslf, a Syrian merchant depart ment store tmtfKO, with ez.ixx) intur ance. B. T. Thrower, building aad grocery stock with only small iaauraaee, loss bout n&n. Three stars rooms owned by McKay Bhaw, practically covered by insur ance. The telephone exchange, owned cy h. tl. iftiniap. with small Inauranoe. Two email buildings owned by Jsmes fields, of iaturiaburg. Estimated loss about IZBjfJOO with 10,000 insurance. . Ta Car a Cold la One Dav Tsk Qrvs' LAXATIVE BBC-MO QUININE tablet. Th geaaia bear the aigaatur f K. W, Qreve, SOes-e (Adg - - , r i Then there ar mr briefs ad finally it may gat to tha floor of tha Bouse. Nearly tww year waa consumed in the Weaver-Brlrt controversy of four years ago. Th chance at that it will take iaat ae long to air the Doughton Camp bell squabblt and the chance also are that the Kepublieana are going to get rood ror propaganda out ef the hear ings and with their thanks to Doctor Ike for hia saerifie ef time send him bark to Albemarle, sadder but jriaer about the waye of politician! who study the game ae earnestly as boot leavers watch th ruling of the internal reve nue department. Diaaer for Morrison. Aumintetratioa heavyweight a a som of th Congressional "lame ducks' were guest last sight at stag dinner given by Assistant Secretary ef the Treasury A. Wiltoa MeLeaa for Gov ernor-sleet Cameran Morrison. Th dinner waa given at the McLean home, 1523 Bhode Ialand avenue aad covers were laid for twelve. Among thoee who were present were. Attorney ueneral A. Mitchell Palmer; Joseph P, Tumulty, private secretary to tb Presi dent; Senator J. Tom Beflin, of Ala- H O i " ii Will Doctor Ike Will Contest Stat of E-iqhth District (Continued fret Sag Oa.) Dr. rea,'ebalrmaa af th soenailHce, aas agreea to tmaae it. rreeedar fat Co teat. Th procedur allow thirty dsvt at .a i a . a . . w - uampoeu ta mae out a tenant eom plaint alleging that fraad has beea sommltted ia tha tleetioa a4 specify ing ahaxges. Coagresamsn Doughtoa tbea haf thirty days la which to file aa nswr. - ; m w)ia th complaint aad aaawer oa to th Clerk ef tho Has ha otdera tha takiag of tvideaee befor a emls sloner, some notary agreeabla to both partiee. .Tkea begins tha tog battle which wring tha evident before the ebrrft aad after a letg tim to tho at tention f th Speaker of tho Room of Bepreoeatativre. It ia tbea c fared la aa of tha tleetlak oemmlttoea and thU committee usually take "its wa tweet Have You Overlooked Someone? If there la one whom you should remember, but overlooked-' Hot Arm Gifts Possessing eaelaeiveaeee aad ia. dlvldaalltyi roi MEN Rasort Raaor Beta Safety Kaaors Razor Straps Wiaving Sets -, Phavlng tiirrors Fare Lotions,- Etc. Cigars snd Cigarette! FQB WOMEN Perfumes Toilet Waters Combination Sets Vanity cJeta Candy Ivory Set Toilet Beta Manicure Bets J. C. BRANTLEY DRUGGIST i I Temple bama; Senator alark Smith, of Arf tona. whit ka just boon appelated ty the President . to tbo International boundary rommlasiea a the successor of th late Governor R. B. Glenn, af North Carolina; John Bkelton Williams, comptroller cf th currency, and Frank A. Hampton, private secretary to United States Senator T. It. Bimmons. Mr. Morrison has been in Washing ton tor several day iritk klf Dttttl daughter at tho guests of Mr. aad Mrs. MeLeaa. He left tonight for Chwlott aad will yeaiain at homo until k goo down to Balsigk to be inaugurated and take eharg ei - the Geveraor' aftleo. The Arabia laagusgd developed and cam into promineaee later than th other Bern I tie languages. WHY NOT CUT THE "Spend Oat of Spendthrift"? A 5avings Account will put you on the right road and Systematic Savins will pave the way tb Independence Let us help you help yourself I r A Welcome Always Awaits You at the Citizens National Bank " Sorrie. witk Safety " ft G G G G G IK (INCORPORATED) Christrfias Gift Suggestions FOR THE LAST TWO SHOPPING DAYS W ar offering tha'Chritttnas Shoppora, at lata than half tha coat prica. All profita done away with for thU event A KAYSER'S SILK UNDERGARMENTS Knit Union SuiU, with Italian Silk Topi; value 3.98. Sale price ..... Kayser's Italian Silk VeeU; value $3.98. Sale price Kayger's Italian Silk VesU; values $2.75. Sale price Silk Camisoles, lace trimmed. Sale price Crepe de Chine and Satin Camisoles; worth $1.98. Sale price ' Satin and Crepe de Chine Teddies ; values S6.95. Sale price. Satin Bloomers, plain and lace trimmed; values up to $5.95. Sale prfce Crepe de Chine Gowns; worth $9.95. Sale price HOSIERY ,$2.98 1.98 150 $1.00 $2.98 $2.98 $5.95 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Baby MiOc Must Be Right -Use Powdered Milk Babr'a snlln anaat be pare arid have all tbo food elecnom nerseeary for babr'a iMalthiul growth. XlimrW er4 Whole Milk U Ideal for bone BUeatiflcation, Xllas is pare, rich snilk reduced to powder form with, out cooking. Nothing ts added. Nothing is changed. Nothing is ' saken oat but tho water.. Rap lac the wetar and vow have aulk again freeh ana owsst. HnerlakaibaliJ. ' POWDERED MILK Wwral of anloent taesl aahHriae and UwUog ahvei. eiaa. KBavfed bahi-eareWtiT! other aMIdrea or snare swudr ' If the drink Mas. V7 ftluaeesaselavwessraw ftltaa rewdered Whole Wilh (Mill ereana) end KHas r, una (a giaiaa. i all thai Kliaa le th Oeet aaMmy asufe (ha , Vtim Kits l sale t at Selected ttorea. There ta a store near pen. Writs fat list. . . . - ? . aesoU-Seeite Salea Ceryeeattaw, arts. Ckartatta. , One lot of Silk Hose, white, black and brown ; rn tv7 wnrth Q Sala nvioa !allf t " v wan r wo Bkaeav ivtl .eeese e "J W "esat 7 One lot of Silk Hose, -white, black, brown; aa G worth up to $2.00. Sale price.... plUU One lot of Silk Hose, white, black, brown; ( jr worth up to $2.59. Sale price pll U Ops lot of Silk Hose, white, black, brown ; (to f A worth up to ,$3.60. Sale price J) Jv This Lot af Hosiery ts the Triumph and Kayaer Make G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G, G G G G' G G G WAISTS One lot of Georgette Waists, beautiful designs; worth up to $19.95. Sale a Ar price . Oj.jD One lot oTricotine Blouses; worth up to &4 Atf $16.95. Sale price H7 One lot of Waists, Voiles, Organdies and Linene; worth up to $3.98. Sale M AA price . .v. M.UU r--e ' SUITSCOATaSDRESSES We are unloadiilg all of our Coats, Suits and Dresaee at unhoard-of aacrificed prices. Nothing reserved-, Every one in stock must go regardless of cost ' : Ope lot of Suits that sold up to $198,50. These Suits infelude-all of our.'Wghef grade ones, handsomely trimmed, beautifully lined, models and ttOT A A fabrics of the best trade. Sale price. . tPJJ.UU One lot of Coats oCour highest class ones that sold up to $150.00. The newest 'materials, newest styles j some fur trimmed, others of finest ttA CA Bolivia. Sale price .... . . ......... ; . . p4 JDU One lot of Dresses, the pick of our high grades, In Satins, Tricotinei, Serges, etc.; sold up to $74.95; beautiful in designs, plain draped and tOC ( A trimmed models. Sale price. , . . . ... ... $ilDUll One lot of' Suits of Velours, Tricotiaes and other material, sold up t $59.95. 405 AA Sale price . .'. .4 . . , . pZ0.UU Neckpieces and Chokers, .felts "of Mink, Kolinsky Fos, Fitch, Wolf and othera on sale at just half sell, teg price. .. t;v-,v;,i6, i:v;;;:vv...:w'..- , r r , (INCORPORATED) ' , . t, r2 Fayettevltfe Street. RaUi,lx, N. C i - v ' G G G G i) G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G. G G G G G G :G G G -G G, G G . G G G G , G G G G asVrsoa.' , , . - k utat tata.evet-tkt - i :.. r, Liw i r