1 " . Psr - ," , C -..,-... , ', tin: KU 111 Lit Nork Carolina Cloudy lUtar. , -i eady wttw pr- tela. ' . . , 4 Wpe) tr-rt' 9 t ct--, , EIGHT PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH.' R C. SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY"!,' 1921, EIGHT PACES TODAY PRICE: FIVE a I VOL; CXIII. NO. I. CAMPBELL .-FILES' S CHARGES AGAINST " R,L D0UGHT01 iflepublican Candidate For Con verts Kesons i o me v Usual BuncomDfi . ALLEGATIONS ARE VAGUE AND .VERY. VERY GENERAL Attack Absentee Votetf Law and Blames It Tor Hit De ft at: At Lenrth and In Great L Onantity - Attorneys .Gene Bolton and J. J. Britt Zxpa. mate 4- i.Th Nwt aa Obrvr Buret, . ' CO) DUtrlet Ntt. Beak BMf, , Br (. K. POWELL, v- -' ' (By Special Lcatod Wlra.) Washington, Dec, SI. Bringing witk aim a -voluminous aad ptignadous look' tar dpeumeat of aom tw or ar or typewritten pages, 'Parmer Bob" Ddbghtoa came Ufkjfrem IfB"', rly thia moralag aed forthwitb mad nratwrations ta flla aaawaaa to th ehara -o Iwod aai irregularities ta VIGOROUS DEBATE IJ CONGRESS OVER ALABAMA PROJECT Rood of Talk Over Proposed T'vTert'Miinpn . Dollar : ' , ' vr;Xppr6priatlon . REPUBLICANS" BITTERtT . . ATTACK NITRATE PLANT Tennessee Congressman Pleads For PnnrTs To Complete) WiL ion Dam, r7hlch, He Baye, Win -St Vital Cof Xa KacWn- ; ; ery of War; Would tfreatly Benefit Farmers . - ? Waahiagtoa, Da.' Sl-Tba aid jaar closed la tk Houm toalght with a food of talk ea the ap aad dowai afXaaete Shoala, s . . '.,' N J Working through ta the at tka Nw Year discuadag ft 10,DOO,0OO ap pnoprintioa tor aomplatioa at tha Wil aoa data part .af. tha govaTaaMatt klg ar-titna aitrato croMt. tha Saaaa ad- ioaraed with tinea aharnly draw for . faah.-kt JtUaoW- 4-a-4eaalBa- tioa aa tha part af Bapnbllua -appoa-tag farther aid not to yield, area la tha faea af rf af aectiaauna. AH --dar" lanr the deal vrojaet bltterbraMekfI aadiaittw?- Gphiemptnpncc Imposed On Adjutant General Of Army Refuses To Product Certain ' Draft Recordr Ae Ordered. Uy Court; freeident Wilaon Promised In Proclamation ,They Should Never Be Made ,WantuagWa, Dre. -IL A' -eoateaipt MBtaea of tea. eaja . ia iail waa 4 puood today aa aUJarOeaeral f eter & Herri, adjutant gaaeral af the Anar. by. Ju(tlca,iiddaa.sL. tkiDiUit Sa. preaa Coart for hie rtruul ta produce, eertaia'teeordi ia coaaeetloa with tha Cbloetrta Borriea Art arhifh r aonght ia Ohio divorce praoaodiaia, , , Am appeal f roo tha raHag af tka eoart that attck jroeorda ahoald be pro- daced area lataiediateiy aotod y eoea eel for Otaeral Ilerrle aad tha aoateaipt eeateaea aateiantlealry -waa aaipeaded Beading diepoaitioa af tha apeaL Ua eral HarrU aald he bad kla "field aqula aiaflt" ready aad "a prepared ta aerv e.t tha aeateaea If -eaary, but addil that ka did not (Xpert ta ka to ga to jail. . i .:,.L' . . . t Jaetiee Wddoat Untariag tha order adjadging" tha Oeaeral ta eoataaipt di rected that tnoald ha decide ta produce the reeerdf bought before tha i pi ration ofhe tea dan ha waa to be teleaeed. The WalcpertneBt, . however, ia to ataho a teat of iho autua of dran re- torda, 'jT' v - : j Tin TawTd WbitV Juti aiJJbaa or Aered kewatat ta piudjra Wl kf tidavit made by Aire. hUry R. Waltk la behalf of her hatband. Henry H. Waleh Ufow. JVaiohV -oofoA- board.- Webh ii auiag kia wife far diverea and kla ooan eel obtained aa order for tka prodae. tioa af tka affidavit ia eoaaeetiea with tka proceediaga. Oeaeral. Harria ooatended that Preat deat Wileea ia tha order premulgatiag tha aeleetivo aerrieo aet promiaed that eertaln la formation la eeanectioa with the qaoatioaairea would a ever ka Made p lie aad that among thia information wta the phyaleal ooaditioa of the men eiamiaed aiaMera relating .to depea daata aad additioaal autter af affida vHi that anight bo' Sled- la view af thia, tha Oeaeral contend ed that ka waa estopped front' making tha infqVmaUon vtiblia not aaly by tha law itaelf. bat alao by the Jreaideat'a order which constituted a noral proaa laa" to the wive aad other relatlvee of men called to rerviee that infonaation fariaahed by then would bo kept from tl.a pabliev . u,u.s . ' - lTtrW im poa tko little U:. Heel auteamaa ar, taa auia.- -v i . litlCAIEF!il1IEGR0ESlLD0fl";' , t . W ...A . I ----a -fa-tf Amv a. ttlAlmtlall g'-nvaj ajk. M mm. Aim BMAaaa.eia.1 W wmm III I ini IIIIIIll I ' IIIll Im llll.lllll I1I1I II 1 ' - 1 -w,.VvwW .V,T -1 Jnj ' aweww. r..M.w VT&M, CAII PASS mm E OVER WILSON VETO, SIMMONS STATES; Necessary Two-Thirds Majority f A 1 I . fan. t rirB0xn nouses o ncvivu 'W'i Corporation -. SElAfOR PENROSE PUTS r ; TABOO QH TARIFF BILL .? letnrn of Bepnfclicaa Boss Pnts ; QnUtus On Proposed. 8oL dlers' Bonus Lefislation For The Pre sent ; His Return -Lessens Fears of Democrats Orer. Finance Bill 0J Dlftriet Natioaal Bank Bldg. "'Tko Ntwe and Obacrrer Bureaa, I; 1.1 POWELL. (By Bpocial Leaned Wlra. Waahiagtoa, Dee. v There ara eaoaak Boutkera aad . Western Be ton aapportiaf tka Qroaaa Norrla lutioa-to revive tko War rinaree Cor- oratka 4-paa'Hfr waf'tlto -o- of President Wileoa la the event the tot ter follow tko educe of Bccretary Houston aad returaa ' it to Conrren Ithoat' kit irnature, Bcnator Bin- CARDINAL tlSBOXg CKADVALLT , HiMLi.Mi aixnor amnoumcxs aUlllaMCw,- Dec SI A a , actal kaltetla lvea eat temlfM by Btafcop a B. Ceerifea, jrevealed that the last aacraaMaM of the eharrh na bee adatlaawered to Cardinal Cla hens who ha aeriewaly III at the beane of Baker. T.'SarWer, Ualea HU1. "1 kelMla by Blohep Caerlgaa) Onld the eaadltlan of -Hnv Bmlaeaoa today haa aeea leas favorable Jfca 4 a way tame daring his niaeaa. He baa wanlvod t met aacrnaneata aad ne rave rend panmts .are reaasalsd t atza. IhaU m nH -OaaTeo piaiar for bla Bmiaeare'a apeedy retevary at ha ana. deatb." - ' - . . " 1. Cbarlaa O'Deaovaa, the Car. dlaal'e physlrlaa. aaaawaced that the poeteta bad tw) falaUng aaelH thia aaaralag. -1 r ' OTII "if hu L ISSUE $360t000 IN MUNICIPAL BONDS Commissioners Vote Quarter Million For Public Works and ; S1 15,000 For Deficit : ; , -,. Eipcaditaro of approiimatcly qujr te f a milKon- dvlInrVbf th'd 'ttepari m ont af PaWle .Work la atkorlsed by erdlnrCeea whlck nnaaimoualy panned tkeir rirat eeeetaw attha meeting of We ARRVA -1 -here ro-diaiiKwitloB-to try thai mm in taa newtpapcr. wx. iiwiixn i naid to Aa newaDanrmea. "bot. whea " - . m a - A a the light la tnraed oa ana au ibw iarn 4aaeaieV I- hnv a, fear- aa to a nlets rindiration. He roecived the formal notice from- J. Campbell, through Attoracya JOeae Helton aad former Oofreewnaa Jam J, Britt at bU4m In Lanral Bptiag oa Cbrintma Day. U thia bclligereat cempoeltion of Holtoa aad Britt th evil or Democratia poUtieiana for age ar painted blaek. with tb bellieo broihc of the Bepublieaa lawyer and tha ina of election official of North Carolina are as aearlet. . y Matblag Nw fa Cbargoa, , -But,-iir damning'thlaira - Dcmoerattt Woaar. Helton and Britt hnra looied nnoa tbemselvc the "anathema of militant near 'onranlcatioa ..in th South aad rained ia th mind af Be' publican Irtrdera -wbo haro "bee later ealed ia th CnmpbeU Doughtoa aqaab hhi tlirouch former Oeaator llarioa Batler th ajnawtianfof 'afhother- -Hr BolitieaJbf ndiit to rnrnlsii sua with mnnfv tar eonilurtinr the contest f8oNfafJ DA Blme6arT)."'Tesraidr no (lieik hav been ent to Dr. qamprjcll. Th.-re f renltr utrthing ,T)fW; la th iuuch of naaauit Hptut thvelWion law of tb State-filed by th Camp- fbell lawyerT av th etiaraoterieti languago of nolton. ' JM document, ia thia reapee,- la aa efferveeeent eon. tribution and range from the dee la ra tion that "tb steadfast end uniform rjoliejr of tko Bepublieaa : party, la to eoaasel colored voten no toko-onrl active part whatever in politic.' to the Jem qneationabt deeUfation that Dem ocrat in th recent campaign neeea CampbfU of l'ongini for tha day when h might walk into North Carolina ochool room and lay banda oa whit aad black pnpil (Ida by each' , Th ladletmeaU Llaed Fa. J . " '" Brirtlrmtnime4 upT "kcrd " arbTn eharrea: t- ; ' first j Tbat the. Devocrata tried to arona "taeo antaganism in the recent enmpaign, when th Bcpablican State, congrwsiaaal nnd : diatrict-oonvontion had goaO on record a .oppoamg ;ns participation of thentcrro in politics. - v- Beconu, rnal HO vcmoerniw -eiee. toon of Senator Harding abont the bal lot boxe a -election day b owing the PresideBt elect in the gronp of n bunch of ncgroea . who bad beea elected to office in Dhitw ud (b) That th Demo eratia peakera and JDemocraH pre circulated-thi slander. -,; ' . Third. That all tha registrar in tb district,' ''being friehd) partisan nd adhereatf of th aaid Bobert Lv Dough- wn, iiunint.,1 ' w i v mm wwwww -Va. tti l!otkiltfV :n : watjjk t- Dnnfth iton'i favw. and (2) That a bona to LhooM canvas waa made ion Demo Jeratla roter but not for the registra- tioa of 'the aupporter of Campbell Blame Iredell Baeruv - rourth That the Sheriff -IredeB county refused to make a list of the - W.l mmiJ tk.i SIAl . V llor the inspeotion jot! Campbell fad bk maaager. in thi trub-diyiuonv or tno complaint, .Campbell' lawyar aet rertn the name of 300 altered unqualified (voter in iredeu, uu in Kowan. are ia Lath and K in Caldwell, f " .Fifth. Thi Tib-diviaion et forth jtb came of S.OoO voter who east ab- teate balli t" which Campbell declare Iwere illegal i aat Sixth. Tbat tha Bfata Board of Iee- Ition redaeed th Campbell -rot by MOO ia Bowaa oounfcr. Thia ia admitted y fJoagaton -and explained in kia state tacit'.. - - Seventh! That 'tha' eertiflraten of as. . t. 1 l Bantsa eaters la stvani nreeincTS were ot preserved and forwarded to Ka reign n required by law. . - - Ehzhth. That there wa intimidatioa atf Bcpablican voter and jamming of . jMffnjt lines to keep back voter who mere supporting Campbell in favor of - Iouchtoa anntiortera. ' . I And for ail the tkinga ka says. ,BaclBdiBgt v--9.- , y. I "That "becatise of tko foregoing ne gation kerela anade Lad ef other and farther proof of trrcgularitia In amid election, resulting in t he enhaaef meat lef the ot af the said c mtectea, H. L jvonghtoa, and to. the detriment af th tvnte ef tha Hid eoites e-t, J. J. Camp V:i, tb eon tea tan t, J. L Campbell, re jf-ert fully aubmit that for th re-viiri hji-eia given and other which will b .'Juced la th oonne of th henrinrt ft rein provided bv lav, h w, on th '!! 1 , -v if November, A, D 1?20, W t',c i to scat ia th li iii e of Alabama aettleateot, inte-wfttch- de clared, ther bad beea dumped with toeklcM regard for th futur enough money to areet-balf "of the pnbli ouuainga in waaningron. --BYeaoiili' The. Other Tha other aide of th pktar wal presented .. by BcpresenUtiT Oarrett Democrat, of Tennessee, himself m 4 bef of " thlnretlgtingbody,- wk pleaded for fuads with which U ahead with eeastraetioa of tho 'dam named for the Presideat. aad which h irdrted . would bo a riul eog la tk American machinery of war. Th ebarg by Mr. Garrett that tk people of the Senth ooald e ia th oppodtioa to th meat re ne gvoana except oeetionalmai wa Vigorously ds nled by Chiarmaa Qraham, who aaid dam lika that aow being eeatraetd ia th Tennessee river never hid been built in the history of th world am fprobably never would. irrom by th -proposal advanced Southern, representative that tho Hons put into tb sundry civil bill tb gio, nQi,airkkca-snb.ly commit tea. the ta jumped from th dam itself t nitrate plant two aujea away lavoiv- iaglhovwi'icv. f the.roxariimeix-.4a eeleetinar Iasclft5hl a a site aud buildinsr there a Project cos ting ua- w seer -of 100,000,0(. - . r -V1U1 Aaaet Ia War." sir. Oarrstt deelsred t hat vt -atop work how on tho aadertaking. 3V per rent complete as for which 17,000,600, had beea expended, not .only . wowid bring great Ion to th government", bat would b "th bsight.of folly, when nitrate establishments , naked aavJha m vita asset ia urn ot war. Jar. ...l.-irn; oa the- other hand, contended il.at -Wongres "should not . g deeper into th hole . nhtil it bad .decided oa a definite policy a to ditpoaal of tko nlant.. There waa' deciaea oppoaiuoa. rrom som ouarter to a bill aow pending which wonld convert the Alabar.: vDlant I inter fertiliser Taetorics, xaember pro fessing to ae tb spectre of. gorora' aipnt ownerahip. - - . Representative Baakhead, Democrat, bf Alabama, declared experts bad) stated that MOael Shsala could be scees- fullr oDerated aa a csmmorcial nlant. Completion of the dam, h argnad, waa accessary as part of tha nitrate plant machinery, big nongh to aerro Amort can farmer' tryina.for ebe-De orod act needed lot th yield of bonnnrul cropfc- . : v. . v, i.m-..-..: ASHEVILLE BANKER MAY t MOVETO WASHir.GTO:. Asheville, Dee. Sl I 1 Jenkins, de feated for Congress in the Kevsmbet election . by ' Congreasmaa ' Zebuloa Weaver, haa purchased a homo easting 100,000 ia Washington and will make that eit hat futur - borne, according to a rumor 'steaching Aihevule. Mr- Jenkin aa never fornwUy Mated that b would ' not enter ' a contest againat AIr. . WaaverT althswa-h hi Be- pnblicaa friend kM Insist that k will BOX. . . - ' .,- t; . - i WIKt Or GIGANTIC PLANE POUND OFP. FLORIDA COAST Jacksonville, ITa- Dec. 31 Accord lag to. information reaching ker into today from Melboum, Pla-, en th east coast, the wreck of a giaat aeaplaa No. F-5-U 3iz; lie ia tho ocean five mile off the. North Baeeb of MT- bonrn.; . ', The wreck wa diseovsred . at noon br Dndler A. Johnson aad - Edward Campbell. There waa aa trace) of JH eeenpant of tho snaehiaa. It ht not bowb how long th wreck bad beea th wtten i It is 'stated that -only tka pot ngia eaa be salvaged : aad ia .this connection, prompt action It acecssaryt Th owner of tho craft ar vnkaowa bare. : - - POKECAST UNSETTLED WEATHER FOB SOCTHIBM STATES Wsshington, Dee. 31. Weatber pre diction for the week begiaaiag Mon day a Ml Middle Atlantic State, South Atlsntie and East Gulf State: Ua-. settled Dad ruins at the begianing ef the week, followed by generally fair- Normal temperature. . TWENTT-PIVE PERSONS bll.ll ! El RING EOLIDATS ' 4 V-t th AMAcisted r,.ri(-.ti were k;!!ed I in Ire!.' 1 K - . - ', c r 2 ' ' Burke As Being Accessory -Aftef .The Fact Rob Norfolk Southern Train, y. Witnesses Say . , Morgan toa, -Dee. Sl.Carol Eehard eomct iat tb limelight In today development' 1 the" tippnrdvaj) aider ens tad beoomMtk -Tifth teaa" im- rpUcated' ia the tragi " affairr Xchard ia barg4 witk belag aa aeeoosary af ter tb. fact and it at understood that other charge msy b brought agajast ' New. BeraDeo- JlCalvla Bodmaa of Beaufort eooatyj and Nathaa Hsle, of Norfolk, Va, negroes, ar ia tk Cravsa aonn ty Jsil - tonight, charged witk'aae' of the most sesaational traia bold-ap la tk klstory of thia part of tbo Btat. It 1 aaid by official of tk company that tho bold-ap waa appar klm whea ho face trial for tha part I eatIyl taj drubt!s for U parpXM of a U alleged to av xaaea a.ra roc-1 yobbery. bery vtA areata following Glena Lip pard'r mnrdar. .:" V-,' Echard' arrest today ' followod aa additioaal atatement kaad tkla mord tag by Baxter Hlldebrand wk sent for Solicitor Huffman to com agai lb tk Jail to give' him vfnrtkcr informa tioa. Hildcbrand and Loa Tonag who Tk alleged kold-np eocnrred at 1:50 tbj morning a Norfolk- entbefg' 'pfca eager traia No. IS wa crossiag th bridg ever the Nona -river a nev con necting New Bern aad Brldgetoa. Bod- aian and Hal, who bad pot- aboard th "bliad baggag at aom point on tho local yard, are said t hav ellmbed over the tender- gnd jeonfrontcd En- also-talked -ajratt todayay now "Ihatl ginwr Clareao Smith, pad kia colored tw aiirWioTutrtrToTlousi .Mn.M w am. Immlwtm nimrmAmA with Carol -Echard - Arrested In I SensatIonafrEffort"1ladBToi telegram arging 4ea to keen behind the Mil uatil it 1 passed veto or ao veto, - The President U-cxpeeted to re tara tka bill today or tomorrow. Th expressions of Senator Boies Pear oa tko emergency tariff b'gbv lation - pending in tk Seaale lessen tha fear avong Democrat that tb Bep9.blicana.will.koi4 np the reviving iwaolntioa ta tb hop that Bonthrra Democrat will be forced to fall la Jin with tb Westeraer aad support tk tariff W1L - - ' . Senator Paaroe ka denominated tk tariff bill aow before Con (tress as both MU1 fouaded" and '"motional.- Hla retura to Waabingtou last aigbt aa aaaoaaecmcat of tariff vie we today foreshadows th death of emergency tariff aad bonus legislation Unless m anting of tk Finane com mittee, of which Senator Hiuimoa Is ranking -Democrat, celled,, to consider tkla Uriff bill interfere, th senior Hen ator, . Natonal Commtteemaa McTjcsb Secretary Daniels, Prank A. Hamptnjj, Mdngrher-Kdrtb Ckroirntan In th Cap ital plan to go ta Baleigk a week freni next Wedaesday for tha inauguration of Ooreraer-eiee MorrisrTn. iw-' ' -vT PENROSE SIONALIXES BETHRM ,i ':' ; ; BP GITINC.OUT lNtERPtCW: asliIna-ton,De. SL Senator Pen rote. of. Pennsylvania, prominent Ke- pbblieaa , leader, today signalised, hri retura to Washington and to public ; affairs, legislative and political, by giro lag aa interview, discussing 'tariff and ether governmental affairs, receiving a few Senators, posing for motion ie tare and preparing for- aetiv work In Congress beginning next week. Illnm baa. : kept th Pcnnrylvania Senator from Washington for a year but today be Indicated plan to rcmra aetiv par ticination ia natioaal affair. ' ' ' The emergency tariff bill, paswd rs eeaily by tlw- Hewse; -rVBStor FVh'rtise' told newipipermen,. will bo taken np early next 'Week, posaibly f Monday by the Senate finance committee, of which ha i chairman. Th Senator, added that he did not regard th .jneaur "with any . amount pf enthuiiasnu" . Oe blao said .that soldier' bo nut legisTa- riea .waa - -intimately Involved- with general national finance and 'indicated that .he favored consideration of aom sort of compenaation legislation at th; extra csia of Congress to meet aooa after Marck r M'vy . Prtsident-cleet Harding' cabinet:' e- loeUons, Senator Faros said, wera a personal autter lor Heaator- Harding. Tka Pennsylvania leader aaid" that he bad "no ideas" la that raflpeet and had takes little interest in reports Trom Mariba regarding inUmational - ques tion i ta Ut Oeld Jo agrees, tb Sena tor Mia, would Tolas tn way and wonldnot taJt a program from "any secretary, af atate. no mater , who he may b.'' '.".'. , j. , , f Senator Penrose, who has a suit of a dozen rwmsjn, -a fashionable aulMirbaB- hotel, also-conferred wiUT Ji is they purpov to loava nothing qnteid that will help to dear ... up tha antir Th general pinloa .1 that tkel version ef tb way tk murder aces rrtd aa rlstd by thfm to Solicitor Huffman tko-other, night i probably trn in. its esscatial detail and if Baxter la tell-Imr-theltrntk is. what be aaid .today tha' story ' of tk ' robbery afterward baa beea breaght oat aad Cecil Hefner, who . 1 aaid not ta bar beea presest whoa the winner waa com m it ted, come ia th Carol Echard aom aetor ia th after event. Baxter ay that a b was parkiag kia ear ia front oLo afe between IS and; 1 Velock oa th' aigbt of tka murder, Cecil Hefner cams to him and. said 1. "M aad Dock and Carol Eehard went 'and got what -waa-oa aad told Hiklebrand . he eon Id hnv part f lt,Tb latter refused a- cording to kia sissy, aad Cecil told him he had better keep qui abont very thing. ; '...s.-t'v. S Hildcbrand aaid he tbongrat ao one heard what wa .aaid but when. Ixine firom with Weapon, .'ordering th former to' bring-' tho ' traia ta a atop, Eaglneerf mith r,"-"",'-Ttis"T-ninIiiii- me-Uiatciy tho BcMcue ar a.LA't hav ordered klnv t aUrt p and go aa ta tho other end of th bridge, . bringing the traia to a top there. Thi b rv fnse; to do. - j t ' la tho xaeaaiim on' of th man ' la tha baggage ear, notlng-that tbo traia had (topped, opened 'th door of tho nd facing th tender, peered over aad taw what wta Taappeniagr' Ho lost n tima in rnahlng back- aad ' informing tha passengers. N. B. Erans,. a ravens offieor'wkoi bom i at Klnston, wa aboard, aad, baring two pistole in hi pioaaotiioa hastened to the 14 f th ma aa th loeomotlr. ,H succeeded la crawling aver th coal la the, tender without attracting th arte t tioa of th nagroe. aad -after cowingcrhosT-witk kia weapon ordered them, to throw np their hand ' which they did- at- sue and were taken under arrest and car ried to 'Washington, : North Carol ia. where they remained until thia af Ur- Tear-g waa questioned i tal point noos when they wore brought back ta later today he told of hoaring tko-ooa- tbllty. , . , ' ' - . , . ; . venation between Cecil aad Hildcbrand. Polie her ay that tbey hav never tt wilt- b -reealled ' that Toung and sees th two negro, aad believe that cbrand were companion tbat Bight. I they r fugitive from Justie. D . . l m-l - mmmlm, . . IHIM WW-- V. RUMS - " , m. m . m m m m mm m -. . immediateryifter tb murder wf tb INDICT CO Afc COMPANIES rido to East Hid CraValStor P Ford b"idg.aad . . mtm V 'mm W -nw jxoiw I - , m I back to Upaprd' sar., tr,1e A-. yl.vrnii . ham to Had oat If possible U th fanv 1 . m , Iry bad beard of th tri ors wa after this . according to what each, of them kas told today -that they went again to Drum Cafe aad met with Cecil Hefner thes f sets being estaWished by ayidane introduved ia tb trial. Two Fennsrlranla Con. cerna violate Law,., New York, Dee.' , 31y Th PsdcraJ graad jury today returned indictment a. ..;. I charging the Haddock Miaisg Co. of . . . T --- . ,mmmrm,m. T mm k Vm Rlimh tchard, (toiiwtor rwamaa aa. a ate rr"7--7. - "r(rr tierie Co. of Seraatea, Pa., and tkeir exelusiv sale .ageat in this city with t)rMtjrW"M ttaaalo'efmittie' site of anthracitfc! vpUtloa of l colleague Senator Knox, -of PeaniVl the Lever et , ' J, I'J '. kot had Juat-retutnedroiB-a - lieary aiesxer, or jicszer ana vom-1 coal erenew with Presidsat-aleet Ha pany, -wholesale denier, exclusive ales I Jng at Marion. r t . . . 1 ... agent for tne two.com paaies, wa namsa 1 Xhs principal evidence of Senator ia aotb indict meat. -S i -t I Fenro'j long illaeea noted fo-lsv Iby Tba indictment charged Ui Haddock I visitors ws a loss 1 a wchrht.Tfie Sena. Cumpaay ,wHh tolling at? Siafair and Itor is bl..Jo-. walk, bt-1ias -thr nraonbla-' prices ttfiuo - ton 01 M a rolling chair. H Mid today that meat from Uriah Try, an Cast Hickory tares man to whom Eehard paid nfew iya after fharmttrdcr a bill of J73.n0 of, long ataadinc, remarkiaa aa k did so f Com -easy, go easy.' '. It is sis stated by thee Wh heard tha trial that H. B. Shnford testified la mMias Tlnek and fWlt Refnev and "snether man- about Ui30 that Satur day night coming rom tha direetioa in whiek 4he bod - jof xaptardlWlUI , rouaa.nexi nay. '!-,.-. 1 1 j.: l.i.k ..1 UaW.1i u h. m ik. Mribr wti ehirfi-i pn7 1 k MrM . fM I .. n.M , a...mi ... maUI V BVI UarB a. W an , smaawan w 1 vin HVICiail 1 1IIW 4 Will J (14 to $19. a toa,' wha a "roaaonabl I ki borei suit bar been arranged for or if would have been about SsUS -a ee purposes. - - i v ehargiag perjury ia the -ess of priacrpsl witnease nr the 'defeat la U roeeiit trial. A bear ing or these aad ' for Eehard and Hildcbrand will " held cerrly 'next week. Hildcbrand : alotcd agaia today that he will waive xaminatioa aad abid by th Judgment' of th eoart, BIISTRIAL ORDEBED IV TRIAL"' -' - OF fiillO MUNICIPAL' Jl'DGE. Cleeland. Ohio, Dee. II. The jury in tk can of 'William H. MrOannon, chief justice or the muntcipsi aourr,- aw rrral for eeoad degree murder ef Harold C Kagy en Msy , ss nnabl to arree oa verdict at 5:43 o clock tonight abd its dhwhstged' byCWnunow Pleas Judge Maarir Beraoa. Th Jury received the ease at S:15 p. as. oa Wedaesday aad bad beea dca t'.okrd rae sine.. ton." 'Tho van Storeh Company t have aotd 19J500 taa lag. the) Mm period at price ranging from A13 to S15 a ton. whea a "proper and raoablaharg would hav ea "from. S8.33 f-,8.rJS a ton. y i. .urged MIKE. BUREAU DIRECTOB ot etaldaf. f. RFCfftL'?? Hl PnClTinM t PCLLMAN COMPANT REFUSES RESIGNS HIS POSITION Ws.Tiingtoa, Dee, 31- Frederirk O. Corfreil, director aft the .bureau - miaves .preoented h i renleasHoa ' to I rreaideat Wilsa today through 80c re- BclfaKt, bf re). Twer. or ilied frm weca Iee-v 1 Chriatmas..))" th f.,t. ... FBOTOCrt. f-v- rci Ti-b f J. EVACLAIi t r FICME Triers : . UriTr' the 'Anse- datsd. I ' t The protocol efftct n art . t of li r" n is t -m -. t - rtoot. t 4'Ats ., d hi ! 1 1-I I :-3w . tt V . -r i Bavaaaah, tPs.,'Do. SL Befaaat ol th Pullman False Car Company t permit th parking: of . it r .here during th proposed imperial eoaren tioa Noble of th Myatte fibrin next maimer, may lose Eavannab'thia con venttoa. ' ' The eity had reeumed'ttaf severnl tfi-'an4- vintor could b. aeeoaim t I in pjk4 elefing ear aad btt I. .1 the caa b obtained it as sot likely fcTiannab would le able to care for -Hi vtitors. Aflvii-n recfired by proir.mcr.t fc-hriner i to th effect thit tns ru:'maa Compsiiv, becane ef a Director Cottrell before earning baroaa a auiataat director is Septem ber, 1919, resided ia -esk!ad, Cal. , r-ccrc-tary Payaa ia presenting tha resignation reeem mended that' H. Po- ter Daia, ' also of - California,., b ' ap pointed to the vacancy. . -v 1 to ba peat for enlargement t of thel . . . . . 1. , ,w water supply system aa vj sm oara n aeauirina all of th priratrly owned eyarrm i -ttnrtityrTaWlirj systems, which it operated Ja Bloom bury, i aaid to'yield it owner a aa aual retara of 20 per ecatjoa tho invest ment. Tha remainder of tb amount will be nied in -the eonstruetion of now liner at il the purchasebof eqnipmi'nt The appvonriation for curb aad cut tor ia considered -ufuciBt.. to take rc or the- nedr and 4e'Tegarded' a aeeesssry protection to the street . of tho elty. , -r- - Tho street eonsTfurtma equipment, to ba purchased is to be used in repair work. The equipment will include a por tall rock, eruaher and a ateam. roller. It 1 also cknaed to establish a ahop tia the"ciJelotfor tha repair of all ef the Wty' maebincry. ' - . V" The interest rate.and other dqtail of Ihel imu bvai)e:'yet boea doter mined. Slaeo the bdnd were first re- commeaded by Com imi - " Bray aesv eral week age, nonwrV Squiriea have beea receirejjffom b ,oue ia all parts -rtlis country. TALCmCSOWLEDGtrOF EXPLOSjON ISISCBEDITEO Prisoner Implicates Man; As 000 ia devoted, to funfftar bonds, to Mct tbo estimated deficit ia the budget for tbe naral year ending May SI, 1931. Tho other . ardiaaneea call for S,000 for atreet constrnetioa eouapment: A1S, 090- for-"he construction --of "burbs'tn J gutter; S8SM0 foy tha aalargement of th water (apply yrtemi aad 1100MO for th eonstructioa of aawor.. Th ordinances, which are expected to ps their treoad aad final reading today; aro draw under tho term ef th Municipal Finane Aet The aet. require publication of the - ordinance eaeh week for foar sucecsslv ; weeks. Tha ordinance lieoom ericctlv thirty day after th first publication,' unljM ia th meantime a petition it filed for It submission to the voters. In th evnt of ueh a petition, which require th signatures of one-third of th quoli fied voter of th city, aa deetioa must be hold to determine whether or sot th bond shall b issued. "According- to a statement prepared yesterday by City Clerk W. I Powell, adoption ot tho fir ordinance - will placaihtgroMiadoldsdasao s 4boefry f at $i6iiS with tb set iadebtcd. 1 acsa 1 ;Ci2W0.4.r The aet indebted aev will be 3JS7 per cent of a:rd valuation' ofliroperty-itf-tbg jitJi. -Tic but audit of the city finance placed a elutMMt wpo'n mwnieipai owned prop erty of aiJ02.lWJ.73. Thi showing com- frare qniu favorably with thai of other due of bka sut. j . A - All off. tbo expenditure for public work bar been . arard ;-br Commis sioner John B. Bray aa touud buaiaess mess ure a. Mr. Bray exTImatc that th urn of tlOOKXl made available for the ennstructii.a of sowe.-s w,ll be surfidcnt to lay ,3200 feet- of new lines aad teach all of the 100 families aot aow Approximately one-ball f tha S85KW LTwiddy ordered him to halt and ti e L OF LEADER AT DIQ;. .m .J..Jm.l '.1" " 1 '1 . t - - Announcement -Made In f , : York of Landing of Ui ' ya!crjnjreland . thorough search made op American stea:.:l; 8e(nretary of Irish "Pretiier,t" Befnses To Cte Any Panic nlars; Went .Orer On "Irii'i ' Presidential YachC He Ex. plains; Many Call To Extend Confratnlations Dublin, Dec. 8L (By Tba AswHiate.l Pre.) Inquiry tonight ; elicited the sUtement ' that neither' ; the ' Dublin Castl offislala. any )h ,Bapspers of. Dublla kaow aaythlsg eoaccraiag tb arrival of Eameaa De Vaier.' ! Tk" America steamer Pentia arrire i .at. the North. Wa4-iy-4n- th' rirrf Liffey today tod wa boarded by aruu I ' aDiiiicrs. a niarptne gun waa placed oa bo id aad a mured car along the quay trained Abel guaa wn- tha -whip, -which " , IS MADE IN NEW. YORK. 'New York, Dee. Sl.-Announcemrnt waa mad here toMhy by Harry Buland, secretary t Do Valernthnt the ln-U presideat". bad aryiyed in. Ireland. . In making th announcement Boland de clared it would b treason for him' to dlaeloa bow bia chief reft thia country, but intimated -that br 'tailed from a United -Bitten pert. 1. - - "I am aot only gratifled but proud of the arrival of my president, anid Boland. 'It wa ao easy task for him to vd the watchful aemir of Ire land. I cannot go into detail of his voyage for obvious reasons." ,. .'"Just My thnt be went over oa tl Irish presidential yacht," ba added. Whea aew of the arrjral in Ireland of D Valera became gencrnlly knonn, hundred of th cause of Irlk Inde pendence railed at headquarter of the American ComaniasUn .for- Irish Indo Pendence td offer conaratulatiun. At th asm tim a crowd of several tbou saad person gathered ia front jof C'ily ' Hall nnd eheesrd '-Mra. ,.Mnricl.:Miic- . Bwiney," widow or Ue4te Lord Mayor of Cork, wk wss officially granted the freedom of th rtty by Mayor J'ji.m a ardrr.. '. . .. '' -- . - - ELIZABETH OFFICER HELD r, " Olf CHARGE QF. StlKVl.-. SUaabath'Clty'r-CaTlWPolirw. of- leer tleorgvTwiddy was boiytd over to th March term of Superior court urn! r on thonsnd dollar bond-'in recorder court tbi morning on tho charge of murder. Officer Twiddy shot and killed Henry Spencer, colored, la a raid on th-ncgroet bom Christma ev niK!'t. which disclosed a "dill, babbling it rily oa tho bltehea tov8pncer win warn ae was an-u. scerro ruahed tbwarcl 'th fifflccr. reach ing behind nim, awoxaing to rne 01 Seer., reraloa. of tbg.aff.iar a. ItJtw... weapon. Spencer -hndaexved on t!r roads for earring, a concealed wenpon and bad beea tried-for manslatigliti r though be wa acquitted 'on the 1 that th ahooting was accidental. KsbwlnaT Abont Wall Street J Milwankee,-Wis- Dee. JljGiovannl Cotello, Itaiiaa- radical aad eieonvict, has beta named by Krw Langblad, orisoasr at Wsooua peaitentiary, having positivo-kaowledg f the Wall Street Crplosioa ia which more rkan .10. war killed nd many . Injured in September, Federal autboritiM . aa Henry A. Stroud. pcdal gcnt of the Drnartmont of Justice.' told tb Asso- datcd Pre the personally a . ait redited.th 'report, by LungWsd. be- tause the sriaoacr bad. made - many wdrd a totem en fa before and niter hi AMERICAN TEXSIS PLAVER - TRIL'HPU .IS'AUSTBALAFU . Anekland N-.Z. pe lrf-Amer'.. tenmis player "today "won" the fi" ' en p, the clasai trophy- of -.th Ivmi Tennit world, wkea 'WiUUm.T; TiUlen n, aadllliam Johnston' defnt. ' Norman JBrookea.-'-imd 'Gerald I pBttoraoBt of Ji Aoatralaaiaa team . M, oV0. and . ' - . " v '. Tildes and Joonstoa -wore . in riftory. -They walked quietly to t net. where they wera wet byiliro. and Patterson; who cpngrotnlated t! heartily, as .the throng hate had BPssed the stirring match ; cheered 1.- ," ' . . 1 t ' ; NO MORE SUNDAY FUNERALS ' ' , IN PENNSYLVANIA r TO PERMIT PARKING OF CARS, tary Payne af the Interior Department J-toarictioa in Milwaukee last uetoner. smingroinoi wnupen, .i,.., r:. .1. -.v. - - , Mortar ! r. f t f t pre r ? r 1? t' . : rf ewrs vm ( a e t ion n i t t conent to r- : Sitr tf then r-t t convention, f t it t " ' r. : .- i.t ef f e 1. - f st . FEXN. R. R. ANNOUNCES WORKING -ARRECMENT' WITH EMPLOYES Ptulndclpbia, Deo. SI. Tb Penasyh- rsnia Kailrond announced tonight that it ', fTaa "concluded 'a mutual working scrwmi t wirh the representative of i s eneine and traia service cmplnyM r- -ar.i.ng the settlement of future labor d ..-fences, which ".f lired ap ta la r t t v fc."h t.it i!.l, in tht ko !. f ef t e t.r." s'liicct, c'iminii'e any r ' . f.n t e V-"" Iran is warden of Hi Waapus peaitenUary. to day diacrditd tho"stry giTen loot by Eria Lang,llad naming a suspect ia tb recent Wall 8treet bomb explotloa. Be Mvpriners -were oftf givca to making awtemcattwrptoedly ta aid put ice ia order to gain syxspsthy. New York, Dee,. SI. Offlcmla of tke Depart meat of JnvHee . here Mid late today-that they were trjring to cheek ap iheatory of Erie LnnKhlad; prisoner at Wanpna, "Wis," that Giovanni Coa tello, lulian redicsli tad. kaowMge of the Wall Street Nimb diater. A num ber ef agent hd been detailed for the lnvrtign.-tion, thcy'said. bat. ao prog ress had licen reported- 1'- . .m. mm mmm-'l ,iUabBra..PatDee. itl.-S f": Snuday funeral wi r-a, held in f kersTrortrtf: a Wdv-cmenrTaaachcd 1. th McKeeaport ministerial vssoeiaih l approved by. resident Of , that tow Th ministers claim Buaday funcr ; compel a gTC-tt 'numbr'Bf periio to work who otherwise Would aot be r j-vfBtrd 'to: dtf atTThc- 'Bicliiatid ct i - tery near MoKeesportr haa acc;onrt the .niinider campsign, by , plac a baa en Sunday curiaw. i - . . COLUMBUS COUNTY MAN DIM' -i CHARGE CRIMINAL. ASS t . J5Cilniingoi,.-Dee, 31. - Jame Wirite, wanted kera on charge pf -' jnal asMult upon a U year old j !. giTf, wa bronslit here today froi C""r Oordw, CvlumlMis county, an-1 hel l out bail. He denies the charge ' ' t th bm tory of a aigbt auu ride1 that another mas. aad. woman well as a negro ehaaffonr hav to! I, 1 of whom bar denied that any a took ptoce. Creel 'a horn it said to i at Griftoa, Pitt eonaty. J . ;?.', i ;Ona Barns To Death. . Port "A'ortli, TcxawPce-r'!!.---'. r Russell," an exr? ' barad 14 death early fn ti.y ia a i which destre.i-ed Jhe. Muh-. a ! B of the 1. nd marks of 1'rrt and i.imi:-d etcrsi nenrt'r " en M.iu and Coiumi ree stress. 1 " was vtimntcl at SI.'jC.O'KJ. 1 Secretary Vieredilh Gle f 'W.iMngton. IW. ". Meredith of . li.c d. tr'' ' ' ca'ture,- hn ""secct"- ! ' ' -rnty f'r 1 - -' -tijh r .:e ' ' it T . I- ' New .-Veiir'a i n j 1. y 3 I . ives ef the 67:h Cc ' rf c' .' s ' r ' " . 1 : r : i I a rj - ..- is eon-p r- -s T-