iii ,74 VKUtlUt Peril )r ckiarfy Ilk hsedtr. la Wa,aler Saadar ul Monday. WATCH LULL Ml fMT sssas, Saaa rWMas) l' ear Mm nvkiiMr aa4 ti wh ts r ews 'a erver... r .fib. 2. TW VOL CX1H TWENTY-EIGHT PACES TODAY"'", RALEHCH,N.X7 SUNDAY MORNlNGr JANUARY. 2. 1921. V TWENTY-DGHT PAGES TODAY PRICE: SEVEN CENTS 11 NOTABLES TO SPEAK BILLS SECURED BY J WOMAN CHARGED WITH ' I Murder of" j: l hamon J SA1DTOBESLATED FOR CABINET POSTS i iiU 0THIN6 DEFINITE GILLIAM GRISSOM SO FAR REGARD! 'SLATED TO SECURE -COLLECTOR'S JOB Secrtlary To" Republican SUtc '. Executive Committee To ... Pull Choice Plum . n BEFORE FARMERS s IN MEETINGS HERE SHOW A DECREASE WAR; OBLIGATIONS C1ME1ER Understood Harding Hal Jtfo Finally v Decided - On - Any . m enaer or cabinet ; -r HUGHES FaVflRITF FAR I - W . BBSS v SECREf ART PF STATE Dawta ' Week, Will I Hays, Daiif bertj . and Herbert Hoover All Looked Upoa As likely " Memberi of Hard. . .laf'f. Official Family; Lillian u Kuiiefl Visits Hardlnf Home - Marina, ft, J. L Ahhoogk Piwl- dent eWt Warding kai aboat fcads ep bis mini aa several of the mat im portant apporatmeats to bit cabinet, it waf Indicated today that ha bad not yet committed, himself to definite decision la 'regard to any of th tea ptacco la lila official family. During ; fba past few daya'.he bss.reiewd-thc - oatiro acid of available ia coafrrMM with hts closest political advisers, aad although ibe diaeaasibna kara led to further shlffln; i v--" . . . -'f - .- ,"'1 r. - i .?? : -! '. f! -j! I 1 I' ll . If ji . 1 . -uii 5 if r,i vr riiw Mrs. Clara SaiiU ' Haatoa. wbo tur- nndorod to too AUtintfUica roMBtlr a a-ckife sturUoi ia oaa4iAa, Uli lh death of -Jaid.J. Ilwutan, SepnbU- eaa -National CommHtaetnaq ... from PklaLoma. bfra. bjamcm 'aa pbottf- LHiNEY AND TUCKEr DRAW AT lUrNcTSHlrS J. D. Parker, of Smlthfleld, picked To Buoceed United :, Statea If arsbrl Oeorf e H ' Bellamj , While - Brownlow Jackeoa 1$ I Get Tbe West. ' era Martbalinip Newi aad.Obaerrar Bureau, ' 03 DUtrlct Katloaal Bank Balldia, " ' 9t t.' . POWIIX. Waahlntioa, J. . Baaed apoa la- fovtaatioa ftraiahad by.laadbacSepnl) Ueaaa h .bate viaea ila Waahlartoa tba part two weekf aad otbera wko bare bcea intsnieitad in- tha Htata An rinr iho bofidara, Ihla oot roapoadent Is en abled to nraeeat axelniivelv tha - fol lowing alato of appolna.lo Federal Secretary WcrctJiUv-Manning and Sapiro In Auditorium v January 12 and 13 r atxmr or lentntirriv I -...-A iviw-..in. .LI"' ri .i...t a .... . . - 1 TT , m : J'..,..,i-.lirfti!flTtit-OT T - . vaarica ovaaa Miugaem, 01 ivaw iora-1 " rJ vT V" vi i" ?- 1 ' : : a'TJ it. li mm ift -ti --v.v-rrW - . ' . ,1;' eontinnes tha In oat talked of aaa for Fcretary of - Stats', aad 'Joha.-. Q. Dawea, of Ittinoloi ttll-io-a faTOrite : . ..f fot Beerttary ortha'Treaaniy, altkoosk foe kWe- lakter-Charlea ;-Hille, -of r New York, aad Jeha W. Weeks -of ' XIaaaachraetta, atill are atdatioaad mibi!itK-a. ilr. Weeks, howerer, nore reuerallr regarded -aa --a- lik - BearetotyTlflftS'Kary. - , . : other ATatfarUaa. - ' Others who keep to tbo front ia eabi net speeulafloa ara Harry M.Daugh' arty, of Ohio, anott frequeatly aien tioaod for Attorney Oaaeral; Will IL ,J Uaya, of ladiaaa, diaeaaaed for Poet- a aiter General or Secretary of tba Ia terior; llirvj Wallaeo, of Iowa, pat L Says "All IsJVciriAmonoSyra- patmzers r-or in sn Cause In, This CountryvH rataiy of the Keoablicaa Btata eceew tlo , eoaaailtteo, will N aoManaeaJod tw aweeeed i. W. BallsjraV Collector alf Internal Rareaao. f Irrta B. Taeker. of Whlterltla; will bo roeoaiaiaadedV to aweeeed X. F.' Ayd Utt, af EUutxth CHy, ao Uatted Statoa Attorney for the Eastern District of Mottfc Carolina. - Fraak rsesarawadod Jacksoa Darha iroilaa. , f ,t'lO o'clock Wedncday aiorn- .1te"i- i!ei',C.lIlS J""" 12 ori-iH or woe MSM Stonewall buaiaaaa, tho aU of rspreaenUtioa araaai aa United BUtea Attaew v.. ' . .t ey for tha Wsntera DUtr of North Carolina.- i . . ' w ,w COTTOBTANU TOBACCO FARMERS BOTH MEET . t WUl Work Out BTttem or Mar. ketinf Cotton and fobacco And' Speakers 'Are Selected With Consideration of Inti. mate Knowledge Foueiaed Along Lines of Marketing E. T. Mtredith, Secretary of AgrieuV tare, Bkabard L Vaaaing, former gov eraor of South Carolina, and Aaron Sapiro, of Cnliforaia, expert la- oo op tatiro marketing, i will addreai meetiagt of oottoa and tobacco growera of North Carol Ua la ' tha ally - aaditorioo - here, Jaauary 1J and-13.. Ibs.Nwtb OroUna ekau. i .in Wtdaoaday. January 12, and the Korth Carolina Diruion of the American Cot- WhMs taTWrrf wffatrtw.t'iotta proper and effleieat method of market mg their producU. Atteadaneo apoa . i. Cbarlea E. Hughes, who ia bring aerioualy eonnidored by President elect Uo aeihs aro SflL l)mltealo in i HralBg f geeretsry Of Btate; S. Harrr-M.- PangbertT, Htrdlng'a preonten menbenhir of tha o asaocutiona tioa eamDaiarh manascr. who may' become Atturner Uenerai: JL.-W.ill H. Ilava. for. ia . addition to larmeri aot SXIUV I cUajrajaa-of the Hi-pbllraa Nstioaiil tmTnitfee, 'wSo may lie Poatmaater ated with the two bodies banking aaJ I General ; 4. Herbert Hoorrr, former Food Administrator, wbo ia being considers! commercial inraroata ara eipecica aa pciaa auasr poeretary or Lauior or HctreTsry or tae interior. largely-" repreeented. -Tha tobacco growers' Meeting win Holdings cf PaperDroir From"" Nearly $1,500,000,000 To ; . SJ, 141, 00000 . ANNUAL REVIEVV OrfHE " T" FEDERAL, RESERVE BOARD Gold Beserve Shows i --Little Change As Compared With. Last Tear; Paid In Capital . of Reserve Banks 'Increases . from 97.4 To 99.8 ler Cent; Credit Policy Changes V ' WaahlngtonM Jan. 1-lTolding j -a ., paper secured by goreranteat "war ob-' ligations declined from, nearly ;, 1X),-.' . , 000,000 at the opening of tho, year to -1,141,000,000 oa DeeembeV SI, aald the annaal review iaaued tonlgdt by tho Federal Beaerrs ; Board. "At . tha end " ' of thufymr," tfidded,-"dut:af al6tal " of 8,719.1 millions of discounted bilU . ' abiut 42 per eeat was composed bY . rafter aernred hr Vmit,! Rtat. ;6edrt'. C25 DENY ARRIVAL 0 F New York, Jan. l.y. Muriel Mat- Swlner, wldlowof IboJata Lord Mayof af Cork,; sailed away front -America forward for Secretary Of Agrienlturo,! lodar earrrins' to Eamnns Tui V1V. . . . . n i : r I ' whnao name frcqaeatljr baa beea coupled ' E ' " wUh tho portfolio f labor, Jnt who bal "aH rll among the has bcea regarded ia tho light of races t iraiantlzra .with .bis eanss la; this derelopaieats aa a aaoro likelr ehoieo conntrjr. "", ,. ' . U . fnmn.an.a This hPMirl li tin Hi . VIu Reimrdlnr tho Seeretaryahlp of Vif,lJd' " ujr kretary HwalJ -rAiteciilatioirns taatf tivnd.' Dnring tho past few days, A. T. aia rcaiar- had Unded laiEria U di- Uert, of Kentocky.haa beoa tnentloaed reet tao. Irish. Jlght of, dndeps.ndeHee',' rnapiciotily for th -plmie, tu"rery. after spending JftOeh; jnoqtlii M tbi thing ka indirntod that JUr. Harding ooaiitr7..v,: Jc,L .-.-vV''-V : is tnT twm- a deeialoa -oa ' tfie point. fiuraral hiinlred t'i .ai-niiattliiarfll Like Mr Weeks, lowevff, Jlr.' Hurt ia euircualet Mrs. .niKjuy. as hd en considered by many aa eertaia to hava tertj tba pier to ga on-board the atasm. . iome position ia tlia eabiaet. VrrT'C Wp . Handle State, bearing , aloft Ths President lect is said toi fee aa- the .Uieo itrjppe' banners of Ireland's , iirely andee.ded .la regarAto teeretary "Bepublie.: Kow York'a -"Fighting ships of ths interior and l oaatiaerea Siaty-Nath"" regiment band' serenaded which may at tiled the last moment i her and ths srod .sang Irish alia.- . - ty ; men promiaently eoaaidored t for I Nine little' girls eostumed, ingren ether cabinet oosts. bat diaplaeod ia I eraasa and whito. escorted Mrs. Mas- , the final allotment of the'portfolioa of 8wine.ap tht'tang plank and idto her bigher rank. There baa beta tome wi I ateamer auita, ira grant wire rosea 'sent . of George Sutherland, of-Utaafor by jnany admirers. - ; .-; . Secretary of Interior but asaao of bit t : The widow of Terrenes v.McSwiney cln'ui frianda aaT ha ia 'more likelr to I Irha starred biiwaelf tnIeath' la' Ttrir. -"roeerrw- apaeo"os4ho soproaid bench. I tia prison, London, earns to tbo United .. . rootfjeo Action. .. , j?atet several weeaa ago to testify fte It is anderstood that no potitive ae-r fort-the Committee of One Hundred lioa bat beea takaa ia regard taythe I inveatljrating affaira ia Ireland. Today appointment or a eecretary (0 ueiShe said ; tha ezpreaaioa of tympathy President, but the general oeitet is ui ahe had reeeWed in America has esrri ""'11'. ' " ':tl- - - -A - 'TOtit S - . . - . . . ., m at. ine pUHlHM wilt. ; v uvuikd Christina, who baa beea Mi. Hardint . ..I...J .1.- liririoi J , iui:v h.,.wihuwi wviiaw. imam,. , . r-r- ' w 'r Vsrloua others hso beeni- mentioned,! In a farewell messare, ahe called apoa' - tmt all xno laaieanonaero naro point- America ' 'apeedDy to relieve -tho do- - td to Mr.- Chriatian't, retention. '.i yaatatioa of Ireland and help it to atand Tho Prealdont-eleet 'spent moat of Uy your aide, a; free and independent isow leara y si an ues,Buv I astioa.r v -. i . . - - tbt afteraooa ht took a long- wnJk and p She pictured "Ireland" utn !retim - calleTa-ti)nirxf1iis-atimata:riadi :ot such trnelty aad erimo that -even Ales f. Moore, of Pittsbarg, ; and Uta : tormenttrt condemn. themselves aa Mn. Moore, who .fortneriyv waa. uiitaai ,hey , ,trike, 'whero ,ao home la -safe Eussell, were goeata l aoonday ditiaer from tiio ' Srt Ifraad and raviaker, T an . mo. uaimiii - t no persoB it saro oi nit nro irom- oay ins Mr. Hardint wens to o not her New I (a How ll tui. kwn h mrrk. -ta . Year's feast at tha homo' of Georgs .B. j w,ik 1b jj,, path of liberty twlilch "Jhe j Chiiatiaa. , .- rj United Btatet ftrat made" -w fA - -V. D. Farmer, of SmtthSeM. Twill bo raeommoadod, for CaiUd Statos Mar shal. Eastera District, to aaceosd. Cot ts go M. BeUaaty, or Wllmlagtoa. Brownlow Jackasa, of Headersoarllla. will bo roeammoaded for United Statea Marshal, Weatera District. ta sacesod Charlss A- Webb, of Ashevllle.. , : B. W. Ward, of . Kaleirh. will be named postmaster for tho Capital City U succeed Bart X. GsUiaav DaasatraUs laeamoent. being, aws delegate for every one hun dred aiemusrs in eaea county, word sf . welcome aad -of groetiug will bo heard from tho outgoing and. tho in coming governora, to bo followed, by a round table conference. vj The Cillforala Plaa. T At tho recent meeting held in Rich mond reeommehdatiooa were'mada look ing to ths organization in North Caro lina of a tobacco growera marketing astoeiatioa modelled somewhat along I ths Uaos of tho .California organiza,. IRISH ui V lnrOinrilT Some Sinn Feiners, However, Think De Valera Is Hiding In 'Native Country Dublin, Jan. I. Leading Bin Fciien and aon-rnnient offlpera alik ikon tiona. Aaron 8a niro. who ia the attor-1 t-f,i.in . . iu , .t - - siataiJkijKs2ssjrBrs!rsesiT-lB ri ..it.-.: - . r"TT' mtMwm npprafM uj uig i arse. I v - u. ixaoiDBa m. iawra.iiej aiwit uisAnt una -Big Three" ia the Kepubllcaa L . mosi . auecemnu oi xacse, ana old mot smvo ob board the steamer PARTY CAUCUSES CALLED TUESDA House and Senate Will Begin To Get Under Way With Organization-1 it rrtr? r.rn a veto C-V ; -TRUE PEACE IN !TAl,Y : j .' j 1 " ".-' !..-' .... Borne. Jaa. tr-Nsw Teart day wat , eelfbrated with the naoal oiBcial ears moniet todny nd. aiyho raityKit sible considering tbs shadow of the issideats atfiagysthlch stilHs- inr ever the-nation.. ' Kieg.YkhrJmmannel ' received all ,. th dignitaries, af: the stats for NW Vear'a greeting, including the weaken - Of th collar of the ordeforthi Aa ' n Hnsiata. The chief iople of eon ver sa tioa vraa the hapTiy prospect. that 1921 would be a year of true peaew for Italy, allowing tho country to settle down la SHORTAGE OF HOUSES J,T.UIMBERTpri.ACUTE Lonibertonj Jan. Iwr'Jhe,falllng"olf i business hat not relieved, rho heat: iut -rapaaitiai Ijunhertaa a'hiio some faw in uetinr into t country tbsis 4 s-CTyiBg dS mend for residences hero and u it probable that torn will have to tea vs town feeth lack of a alaeo to live.- Very few rsllnces have boen erected here during the lart two years, hat it thought that a baildng noom will arnae onrmg no woxa JCJir The ticw year brougm very lew. Mat Tht injunction granted at the; instance earnest tothO worn oi rcstoraiion ana i or cmzena orowianii ajiu jiiiorusviiie ' t- revival af in duatry. 7 ji - J townships to restrain Sheriff .B. E. Lewis from collecting taxes 4a taeso townatnps has beea diaaolved and the action aia missed. Conasel for both plaistiffa and defeadanta agreed to this, sctjon. j.TJis injunction was brought aeveral weeks ago aad tsi collections ia these towa Ships had bosa held ap aineo tiat time. LETTER TO PRESIDENT . DELIVERED BY TLANE; WashlngtoBi Jaa- t A Jetter fro'm ' ivor Broeninr. of Baltimore, was de- ...... a. - . . . immiim wva yrni ,un, 11.11111, l ere by airplsastor President 'Wiht There Were 14 bales of eottoa gia sua st tba White pooso jaco xoaay ia j, Mne 8ut, Kohevin- from tbo eonntloa wita taa inangnrasioa oi a erop ,f 1930 prior to December 113, u wc k"e campaign to bo deUedto tho eonipjTed aritb 60,397 oales .to ths tarns borhood of that eity. 't , 4, b,rt yar rj,l7r mora balea thit . -It U to bo a period, of .dedication fmT than UsU- It ia thought the Robe sr l epnseeratioa ta boy ' eonaer ration v,a rrc8 ju total aaooad 75X balea. 1 developinent,- xae tewer aaia. 1 unfB 0f tho crop ia atill ia the hands T)fii accept my' aiaeoro wfh' fori f tbo growers. j , ; Saddletrea towaahip, Bobesoa" county, voted dowa a S30XsJ road bond Luuw yesterday, ths vote being 18 for the ia-tao-aad 1QO against. This was-ths sea- sad township out of a total of 21 tk.it hava held read bonif eleHioas to vote tba issis dowa, 1, ' t ',-rr a acw lesror nesun, nappisess ana f rosperity the Mayor added. ' x. Jl' rrUTZFX twOPHT BACKS ; AT DETROIT THIS TEAB patty of Notik Carolina "bat tmaaidered Jwn Htained at attorney for I Pontiff fartM"New York and telephonic i lengta and Approved thit alafP.I wo organization committee or ne in-1 inquiry sV.aSerat- iriah. wts Taiiedt Therauhav bea oraial-aBa-infoTiaal I lowtaf oboyirswerarAja to fovoal that the "President; of thef coni,.renefvilt.-Aaatai aaioch auu aspiaia an auu tae pisa ar opo-i inan repubrc u mads hit adtry into isuigsm tat Biarsnea of tlmwbna aad IJaiina. t 4m.-, .lireland. . l ,- f, r , . hear drirea la mountainous Wataunl .-The meeting Thursday of ths eottoal ' Soma Bina "rcrt eredfnho atata. to Mpporf."offlclar vigita", that harsTS rowers- will b, Ja point of fact, the meat pf Harry Bolaad, aeerelary to De eeeufred between , John' M.Morshaad. I annual convention of the North Cara-IVaLtra ia tha tfnitm! Rtntca. that TV a WBimiff xrvrn 8. t jacker, af Uiaa iivialant the- AnWrtean ottoa I VsIerA hat Unded oa Iriah toil, saying ,n iwaviira. aaa otata unajraaa' Ldnner. 1 JUenelatioa. . it will amn with a word I tiaat hit would not hava mniln urt 1D omnipotent tClumVlrasS- . I nV nlmnl - fMM Otirsnnr -kfnrriMB STiitei Whether? Mr. Morshead gett in the Harding csblact or 'aot be ia with tho advieo aad -content of '- Chairman Lin ney and Mr, Tueker, going to dispense tho pie, . Former Senator Mnrioa But lef la going - tax be flaTtened " onl ar til he eon Id bo aahwed overseas for ambassadorial duty in a tlx foot plsta llaat eartoa.; . , ' Aad tha at earn rwiler of ' welcome - from Gtveraor ilorrieoa I afitement antess it waa true. Tho recommendation, of tba Soythernl , It ia ttatod that there would be no cotton uonierence, neia in alempnia, 1 neea ro arrest ue vaiera oa tao old Decemfcet 7 and fl, having to di with I charge against-him, that of having toch important matters at reduction of I escaped from jatl as ha eoald be taken acreage, credits and advances, divtraifl- linto custody under the restoration of cation and warehousing and elaaeifica-1 "der in Ireland act. ' Tho ground for tioa of cotton, will bs esnsidsred. I the detention of Arthur. Griffith, founder TW TirtiBeipeT ' nfatter of business, I of the Binn rem organization, snd ITof. however, will bo tha working out of Mono iaeirii. presmenx or tno bmi IIT. T, -2 u ion n PtaM better faeUitata tha mdrketing Fein Volnateersu tho dasirs fit the U-! j.1 L KePubl'en" on, ' of the ttapl. Ths eo-operatlva plus govoramont to aseertaiajhe respoaaibil n.L Itfc' p ' i'!1' eidnt wUli toaaidered la all its phases. Mr. lT for the alleged employment of Be- psraae oovrn Pennsylvania 'avanns hv. 1 m .u n.hn... i,,,,i. n mi.n,ina ..iiM-eouBa.,iBMia1i.jf.ww..1ftw.v'H'i--'''w'"'t'i. '..!.... lifJi'.i ... ... . - I ? Cottoa Brno Parker'a AHnyiriJi JUl-hai. j.J.LM"-iUWk- ' . 1 f tl-n tnnrrin Th aprminhnant of 3. Tjrtpavk.r Bmithfield, at UaHed. Sutes - MAshal for tha Eastern' District, hte not been finally settled nrion and tha aMis Min. It true aboot the "aaleetion of Al W. Ward, of Baleish. for the nAki nfltiHi. nera are coatmseaeiea aad -ho thav ars and how they earns about, TiMb. A . . . . . T . . .iniuuncwiieai iuhi no wonia January ,13th, former Governor Bichard I. Manning of South Carolina, will ad dress the convention, - explaining ' tha plan r operation of .tha ao-cajled Cot tea Export V Corporation movement, which, ia an oofgrowth of, tho American CoUon Asaociatioa, and telling of the progress that has beea made. Governor Manning, himself fcther opera riona involving' the loss of the uvea -or. troop, snd it is laid this ht-include vu Vaiuia jewtht' alleged aoureo of tho funds. There would be, no difficulty in De Vglera remaining hidden brrcts long ts he chooses, at there are many persons who would not risk harboring the aver wad would ' give him it Hint if Xo rst will consult anepeet aHLfe.1 his intimates and thea nmke known bis presence arid await arrest, a farmer, - is presi- take the,Districr AttrtrnBvahln.ln h. dat 'of ,the Ameraean ProducU Ex- Eaat eliminated J.-D. Parker, Uba p. Prt and " Import Corporation, which, RflWCRAlMpiUT PI AWT " poaent of Ctumnnn R W t I thomrli srsaiiml Is Smith riamlina ia I UU CfllllVICia I TI-HIIIO eoaaideratkja.for tila place aad made fall, ia : already a going Wrn. U TO WORK "ON SHORT TIME aim 9 eonwsnaer with ' Ward; f or the I Witt mor man KJXBjm-,-ln wpBala!-TyT--r- " ' srarahalshlp. ' Ward agreed to- ttep ttock anbsribeds.ia tjiat State alone. I London.' Jan. I. In addition to other r"" """"I " . -.-"" 'Tr' ...v, r . ... .... -..-y 11 ii -. 1, a wanes n, or tu marxeta or Karopa to ths Boath's tuple I unemployed workers, ne eaomei pro- n- Ltu ,n rormea isatieaal 1 nat already begun, jrVUiough tha mova. I poses that tae governments own ;tn- Dtomnatteemaa, , did ,not waat the) meat U atill leas tha a three month old I duetrial estnblishmfaU'aliatl 1e plaesd P'aes Of JXlsUaaster I at ..Baleiark. Itl The flrt nhinmcnt waa mada from thnlOH ahart time to nrovide emDlovmrnt iaasateMlwrte ,, w BUH , Va. .-WUJU HIHIH alUBBt ITOl VI SJ tvBllBt- I V aet, MVHt"W W.H.W ail,rv. if this Is title. Parker will bo anWard-poamMter7"",lf" Mi mas....j:;:r ' ' --rr--,' I work propier this sill ivild-fiirttirT Mrs. Tnia. t ..Tha fnHnm ITvrsaTias rnrvtAMf I MheHawi lABa tt tka Sfl T jl I" fl Mk i fl t awft) Kl iflh - 1 ."J" Jln..?ottm,trhiP. - WardlmeBtjriH be ertended lata North Car-1 meats and absorb ma ay workers whH .I'S i,w, Jfbtk out I Uaav a 4ismjt- thr cottoi-irrowlnatalresa bsv beea ditniBsed South, and although not intended to I ' Tho government Is asking employer .r T, . " " wm oa proaented to Presidaat-eloet.Hatdiaf toon after aa tmtm DincO. Wltk ths ehlnooa favnrlnrf P..V.. . , .. a --.-... looBu. ana .nit Mar a7aS'!? throughout the country to eo-oper ,tivo' marketing pr gram - that I Uka aimilnr ncUon and Is appcnllng may bs adopted, will bs launched. It is 1 to tha trades anions to ro-operato in Oat C Alt tta Dsmoera'la. ..." .5.. BepubUeaaa.axpoet - thess' sp pointmentt ts iki..miJ..-j.... 'Mer- Griasom, Tnekef, Lin aey, Parker aad Jackson being ready to Uke office any tims after that data. They Will follow tho Kaith nMa..a J" Wilmington, ia the beginning pf the WillOB adminnttratiaa ...ill kill - Dc woe rata ben voyage on tho good 'ship Print Life s aooa aa their- aoamls. tions ara tigaaa. . . .. -.- , tt. can bo aaid with antaoritw far Near York, Jan. 1. AviaHon Country Club of Detroit hat hea awarded the r-Titr of holding . tho 19?l' raeet . aPiiliUeT .trophy, This anaounee t waa' made Tiers tonight by th , "i Club of America, which added - t the contest would be beld hn Labor Ijut year ths races were held oa i r lihi l ( Thanksgiving Day. .' :i:,t ti-'M is erpOcted. clnb sertrd, ' explaining that aa ! p'e ha beea . 1 ? :.e I rn'.t c'-ib. . p 1 1 . i "Liu, Send Ont 131 MJaaloaariea. ' Washingtpa,, Jan. !. The Berealh Da' Advelrttst denoroinatWa. sent out ia3'miaioaarics nernaa the. seat ia 1820. sail a report or Its foreign-mis iowery board msdspnuiie today. Oas third of the eufct er wr- aent to Chlaa aad to la i n. A! "! "." f--0 waa given ta ri ?ns jr I t members ef the if r" a - .r : eg to. the rcpoac ' , ' hoped, at the Raleigh, meeting as among tha activities of the.Amcrieaa Cottoa xorta Carolina among vfarmers, banker- and business men, ia ths movement Which, haa mads nek wonderful hca way. iv- ,-. -v. -1 , ,;. Mlerrdlth Witt Ctose MeeMng, Secretary or AgriculUira -Meredith bat been- in vited t9 eloss the two-day moeung mnm as aitdreas oa Tharsdar nisht. Ha ta -a forceful 1 amsat mA aam wa anuumiy lorn. ' . . " tha aUtcmeat, in this eonasctioa, that r.w, " message to deliver. The me suit rule will apply to tha.postmss-1 k,-mi " wlr r iav suiinign tsiaaiDar at Wilmiaat. . r.LV.u. I meeting have been Selected with res- Charlotte,- Aahevillt, Durham, Baleigh I tot the Intimsts kaawlodge o iss arm tests,' TarNKer tf tkll ,w owing ai- ReBubliaaaa will bo ta let tho Clvtl "'' "P" proWsma tha eotto". Service Contra lesion pick tha poetmaa-l tobacco growers Sow fees aad la ten for. tho leas imporUat places Twt I tlue P that Uieymay bo able f givt so "inveetioatioa.'' will ha tha sthaj(oma practseal adviro and aurreatioas of selection for the larger onea aad I toward tho solution of thess problems. an sxsmiaatlon for ths smaller offices. 1 wan ty reason ot their oratori- Crtsaom eta the Biggeat Slice. el pawers. j v , . Gilliam Grissnm, who has beea a loaa Tbe meetings hare bee imaged to time aeeiwUrv of tlie Repablietn Bute he beld at a tisno Vhea maay peopls oommitteo, w.:i draw the' aieest piece fiom all parrs of tho Btato will be is of pf rn the Korthj CaroliasrdistribB. Bleigk-1a ad1ttid r "to those', who "will tioa. Ilia Job pys ths best aahtry af eomr jrnelairy to artead ths' sessions, any la tho lot and it la looked aooa aa and will doubtless draw in anmhera the ehoies rederar plum. " - " that Will be is kerning with' tho ' im Hsf will bo the Jot of rehaildiag the portance ef tha oesaaioa ia its. bearist Ptstes revenoe t " - for tha tax ape- apoa tho oeoavemis welfare ef the O. eialists, maay of .-m, are aadeiHtbe korth Bute. , ' eivil service sad hU bo reUised ex- - 1 ' 1 eept ia esses wers, sa employs is Kidwiat.r Tlat . Kaes 1!5 Purse , r m Paelng." Trottirg and rpe.iaiiats Pine-j . (Cns!aa4 sa r? -A Te- kurst, Wtdnes.-y. (advj . - r 1 order- tJoa.. it "Warawr tho trade, flepres- bllsn vBelsttoas.I " V Bdeiutrest. Dee. Jl. Diplomatic re lations between Bnmania and Boigarli rs re-esUbiisbd' today when, tat Bulgarian mrnister, M. Ketkoff,' pro aented his' credential' to King Tcrdi aadv... T as-,'.". . : ; . fOVK KItLED WHEN TBAIN . STBIKES ACTOMOBILB EAE CHAELOTTB CITT LIMITS ' '' ' "". 't-'' . OassanasVaasstsV . , '" ' Charlotte,' Jan. IvMr. " aadt Mrs. P. A. DmI, Mr. K. M. Deal, M, and Mies Lows B.JU -Desk IV osa sad dasgMef wTBTlaVDear ft. JTewUs trere UKsd emtrlrht, aad Beena Deal, U year old slater af the two tattatl waa -eritacally 1 tajaewsr wnewr the car la which thsy were riding was atrnck by aa sncemlag freJgn ht ; this - asomlng at a grade etwaatag near tbe city limits. . The MrtyiWaw'ea' rVste tW their beans Ta Kewtoa after haviag at tended" are Friday ' Ue" f sacra! tC Mrs. BW DV 'wlte -sjf-n saoaK CMtractar aad iteaeVr aad sea of Mr. aad hTra. P. A. Deal, who were hilled hs the sectstesat- ---r r Tbere were at ryv wttasaeca, Tbe wstchmaa who ia kept .on daty at. the cTeaafog rcparts that he was net oa d!y st ths tlaae. - . , . I ' With tbe 1921 aessjoa of ths General Ascmldy just around the corner waiting oaas4s day at aooa, tbe vanguard of tha mom' berahip of . both -fioaaes, ' and .n -few scattering-- eltiwnr "WbaHiave- In mind pBTeriag ahnHfKea lor arfWcCas clerks,, end other attaches ts legis lation, kavt alraadf begua to arrirs and tomorrow will sea them coming ia 'considerable nam hers. Tuesday night tha first csucuses will be held, the majority member! of tkt House meeting in the Hall Vf Bepre senUtivos, and the Democrats of - the Senate mooting, in the Senate for i re link n.iry discussion of the things that wil come up biter in the week, among and chief of .them being who shaU be Speaker oi ths House and Presi dent pro tern of tho Senate. Harmony-wil most likely hover over tha eaueuses, aineo nil the fight has been taken out of the selection of the Speaker and, tbe President Pro Tern by tire wtirenwitt of all eontendert save one for each office. Harry P. Crier, will be speaker, and, by the some token. Senator Laasford Long, of Hal' ifaz,.wiU succeed Lindsay Warren at second ta command, ii the Senate. Nothing ia known of thawlana of the negtigible number of Republicans in the General Assembly as to their ' caucus Ings, nor upon vrhom Ihey will confer I he relatively, empty honor of being nominated for the speakership. Their standing in the Legislature, numerically spanking, was not enhanced nt-the past general election, and thit year finds them with no more members ihafl-lbjey. bad two years ago. , ' Interest la Committees. - . With interest 'withdrawn ,from h speakership and from the, question of who? will piny vice , to Lieut -Gov. Coop er, peculation bat turned mostly upon the ppoislmeat ' of' 'eanwmlWee' ehalf c, sacoruniff ' review, thowt tittle cbance tt the end of the yenr at compared with tha'eoa ditlon IS montht earlier. Althongli eon lldcrnrle gold" "wat expotted'.to South America and te4he Orient eerlr f the-.-r: fer, If was 'explained, "gold shipments . from England in anticipation of ths maturity of the agio-French - .botdt ' on October IS were responsible' la a 7" measure for a subsequent recovery ot that on. December 3ft the.. amount wsaliu. only 3J milliona below ' the. total shown on January 2. f. Increases in capitalization ef exist. ing memlier banks and ' acceasiont of . . . new jjiembera were responsible in part ' for ta increaaa in the paid ia eaplut . of tbe Federal ' Reserve banks during ths year f roar t1 .4 " to 983 . millioas Thit corresponded to an increase of -aver U -milliona la capital aad tur" plut of member banks- 1, Chaagsa Ia Coadltloa: ' Changes ia the eonditioa of the Fed eral Benerve Banka during 1930, ao , cording ta the review, reflect to a large- - originated about the laak af 1019. "Profereatial nf oa paper secured , by- Liberty -boadt and Victory, notes, the -fevaw--eontintodr rwtre abwiyaie.t ' -by erne Besnrvt Jbaa'kf -and raised by. , others to a .level more nearly tpprox .. (mnting tht rstt level for ordinary commerolsl ptp, In the' ruse f paper, . teearsd by treasury oertlfleatei,' -tha , ratea adopted wers in most casea iden tical with the higher coupon ratel fixed 1 ; by tha Woverament, thua holding out ao indiajemeat to tht member bankt to carry thAs securities among their own. investments and use thorn as eoU lateral for loom at the Federal .Be- s Lserve banks, but rather-providing a ... stimulus o place thorn in the hands of ultima'o investors. The resjiltt '- are seen ia the gradual decrease ef ths amounts of war paper held during V ' the year by. the reserve hanks. From nearly 1.500 millions st ths - onenine ' of tbo year the holdings of paper at- cured by government war obligation! declined- to 1,141 milliont waDoeember " ---80. Of the. latter total 18S milUoa." i or ig. per aenU-Wjere, secured ly -tTea ury eertiflentee, eompared. irHh 4614 l millions, or over 31 per" cent, held a the opening of the year, thie de' wggayyffla,MiM tka'imwihlllryfi erenao corresponding In a general wat to tho reduction in the amount of eerJ . tlncatet helif by Ult menibet 'bs)hka, rl Mach mailer reduction are shown In tha rejervs barks' holdings of jpVper . ' secured by Liberty bonds;and Wietory . ; nrttct, tha Decembct 30 total,' SriO aiila : -Iteaa, being .only .70 million's lets tbha - the amount reported at the beginning v of the-yeTrrT)n the other band. hold-. I lugs of other discounteBaperwhick,., ot mo opening or the year, , totaled , 7o. milliont, show aa almost steady growth, being in excess ef 1JM0 mil. liont at the ead ef September, the nttnating between aboab l0O and 1.. flllO mllnna dimaa . ha . ! ha ' AoiUhaoi.ttt-jsa-ahass4f of no little manoeurering to be don during tMe few days ' next following Ins. , ojwning . of -the saaaioBr- PartieiH 1.1 riy ia mis so on ine ocnate tiae ef -the--epitoV-"wberey - aecoTdingT-to theT4'r0Ptiets, tome'tbing .may" develop between tbe retiring and ht daeomiag Ueatenant Gouhrnora. Poor ysart t$o there was a deadlock htfwtje-rlJnUgbtrtdgs and Oardaer over the personnel of seveTSl ; commilieei. IninTamorisl enrtnm has madait the riraetice for the ineominsr aad retiriaa Lieoteatae, Goveralort . to , put their heads -together' and peine - th mittee slates, but thai year Mr. TJaugh- triilgo wilttedL'Senahir. nolderricia- to krad fhe approprittionSTecimBultee and Mr. Gardner wanted - sSenator- Gray to hsve it.' Csmpromise waa reached, only .ftcr Mr. Gardner relented and award rd the - finanes . committee , to Senator Orty, -.'.. .,.,-.-;-.('. i'7- Dsartrielge-Cardaer SaUt..' " Kelfber Mr-. Cooper nor. MK Gardnev have Iteen la Baleigh since the Novess- her election, put it is rrrevamed hers that they, have .conferred " aa to aom mittee appointments, aad thit they will meet agnia. here, tomorrow to complete th'r.vf.ther .bnpoHstt' detaOfof retting Xm sa ., Sk. l.:.!.:. -.lit (., action ahnrtly after the session begins at, aooa Wcdnoaday. Mrs Cooper has announced a few committee heads,, bat aoae. ef ths. so-salled ?big eemmitiees" fctve been1-named, aad it Is preenmed lhaf they will not be . named. aniU Air. Cor.pf 'and Mr. Cardaer talk ever tbe matter tomorrow..' , , , , , Ths first eight days Of at he seaslos will -be -presided aver by Mr. Gardner, since the insngsrafiea ef Mr. Coeper will swt take psee astil" Wrilnewlsv Of acxf week, and ha will formally (Osatlaasd oa Psge TwsP . ' Z5SIJ!ulJ!iJJtLjf5U7 qf discounted bijls about..; 42 ber cent wat composed, of paper aeenred. bw , IFnfted Statet-war ohligatio os, against r Ji.per7eeBt of a total of 831.2 mil-fdttttwMnVw- year. . . ... . -. rZ "Retard lUrrowlagstr?:-!:l- J3. "Early ia theear the Federal Be- serve-banks raised, their discount ratea on commercial "faper," but the influence af the hta-the rstet is seen in reUrding tht progrea of borrowing rather than restricting ' them In fact, ' total Fed oral Reserve Rank holdiags of discount, ed bills. 2,2.11 J millioas at the begin. -aing of-the year, increased 'by over 300 . millions up to the end of '.April, and ' bynothexl?00mlJUo8t 'durlagitha - : next fbur moathe- The peak' -of 2.82D.S millioas was reached on Kevember a, while thel total' held oa Deeember 30. l f,719.1 millioas. It 487 million! larger thaa It tbe beginning of the year. Holding of bills purchased in - apes market show aa almost uninterrupted decline for. the period ander -review. Prom a total of 574.8 milliont at ths beginning of the year, a dceliee to 255.7 - ' millions on, December SO It shown, tht " deeresse of 318.S millions being dua irgcly ts the increased 'demand for this class of bills by . saving - banka, trust companies, also corporate and In ridasl investors, i No i r- ... changes are shown ia the amounts and classes af Cnifed Stntea bonils held. 41nctuatIorit ia lh holdings ci treaaaO certificates d-eHngthe year ara tsrge.tr- the- Twaott p. f the i!isnc 1 the aovernment from t.ouf t time of temporary certifies tee pviitling co.' ' tion of funds front deposit sry n 1- ffohC'The' largest f'xaret are ;.. n f - he four Frid.iTt following the q nrt - ly Income taj( d:its, when f-n "or sdvances to the g-wcrnment by t e r rtCoetSasad en Page Tw. )