Tlie News -affiid ::Qbseryer : - EIGHT PACES TODAY- - RALEIQi N. C MONDAY- MQTONC: JANUARYS T92K j : EICHTa PACES :TOD A YuL J' t VOL CXIII, NO.3. PRlCEt.nYE,.CEKr3 ' ' ' ' I Fair Meeday ! ptwhakly 1 aeedsyi with mild tempera. WATCU UDLL m t imi. Send sianci ve safer mHiMn and eewal taeeng em eaae, , ; i CIIPP 11$ E ViELD WHIP HAND -OVER OLD GUARD? i - -7 Return of Pennsylvania Sena tor Raises Lot of Specula .tion In Washington. ;, PARTY INSURREdTIOM - SEEMS TO BE IMMINENT Vote On Xsntrgtnej Tariff Bill -. Will furnish Teit of Strenrth as Penrose Has Decreed Itit Death; Preddent-elect Hard. - iiif Shows Signs of atttnninr r Thlnf svHiniseif , . 'Tfce News and" OtArtrnri, COS District NatL Bank BMg, , ' : . . powellV (By Special leased WlrO.' f POET-SOLDIER WHO ' -L-U.GAVELUP HIS F(GHT IF:'- Li eutu'j I a hrsrlvaa Waskiagtoa, Jan.. t-Why did United Baater Bole Penrose, f Peas- a l ' 1 1 A J .. . . ejirnaes, mTi u ir wa. -w TrWuklBfftoa frUe ekort eeesioa of V Congroaaf '. j.; ' ' JL..,Was It necessary for klm to. return tev ue La pilot in person " n am . ... .. P.Mktl..n fWf4 a H ..v F iw i. . . i . . a V i.. 1 V. '.:-! J , . Tkr M .totr jfepaDlteaa is .. Waskiagtoa who would bke-ea answer - 4 - Ik... MMUliaF !. A-Mll.a IN. depnadea, Bepablicaas - la Congress eomoowd ta editorial ' staff ta eouBtry'i aioat anaiorotw, tkaet, it r ' would offtf 'a ' kildoin9 prist for tk "7 tolutioa kf tali iwaalo. They y i) ' ' - . O I iiurt phrto of ab'rialevl'Aaaaaiio, lery loadtr of tk Finma lgioaair, who ty ap'aadar praunra At tk Itaiiaa - blekadr,"aMkiBV tHettirtr tko treat of JUpallo aettUaf U Adf Utla STATELAViVIAKERS TO TACKLE NUMBER rOPNBV PROBLEMS . - fax Reform and New Means' of ;i, Raisjno Revenues First in Jmportanct T m b i aBHti i RETRENCHMENT PLANS UNDER CONSIDERATION Budftt fUa and' Abolition, of lldedjau. Papanments and ' Other Matter Taclnr Lofla. laton of Fifteen Stated On . Ere of OonTnln of lait . maklnf BTJdlet wbriraartvTlf7rCcmaa aw maaai of ralaiaff rovaaaa will taka drat pkv for diaeaaaioa fa at katt IS flUt krUIatare bow about 'to opaa, fodjod by r porta froia eormpondciiti of Tk Aarwiated Trtm i f anrardtd kera from auiBy' 8tU tapitaTa. Setraackmaat. bad(t plaaa aad abo litioa of aaodlaai draartmania will ka axt ia Important la twelt or atora Retain Control -Over Only .Smalt Part ofiScJiool Taxes State, Tax Comrniaalon i Annual Report To Governor, 1 ReoTninctodiTI-rS In teTNof. CblledrAny of School Fur! Save Lnough for - Lquauxa tion' riirpoaea; Kecalt County Uoarda of Aaactaort To Review 1919-20 Valuation!; Out line of Proposed Machinery Act , t - HEAVY PROGRAM OF LEGISIATIVEIRK -BEFORE-CONGRESS -arptatt aaparatioa af to SUM froM all piapaity aaa aautpk tww -or tkrao atat IctU4 aad joalloetod aa aawooall' aalioa faad far publia arkaola, aad toe raeeJliaf of taa Board of ArTreieere to rrview tka Taluatioaa of proparty auda la 1919 1930, are racomaiaadtd ia U eaaual raport of the 8taU Ta Com iaaioa to QoTaraor iUrkelt, aaada pub ha yeetfrday.' . , , Viara Ur 8ui. tkrooak tka iaroaia tax Jaw, laheriuaee f raackiae aad otkar huh iRirn Bmcicaa mnN I or laa operatioa of all Btat iautitutiaaa, it if roeoaiBMaded Uat Uo attate Tea Coaj- talaaioa bo ao. loam aoaoaraad witk taa-joayiaaBd netioa at- tax. a rod property, bat Uat la tka lataretta of ajaualiaatioa, U atiU ratal oNa euper- aiaor .aatkoTity aver aawaamaatf - ia erde Uat valaea aaar k .naifona Ureafkeat tk Bute.' Tka, report la aa follows: "Slaee 1U1 tka mium it ih axaia (nn- afMial urM, otkar than tka aeararroprtr tmx. fcaa Wolop4 to aa aatawt Uat brouaht tka taa aa propwrty lor tka oao. of tka (Uu to t ha ir d k 1 n bci I n r In tka . Hie, ana wUh ' tka .adoploa at thprtTr'y ot aiHroxlmtJy aquaf aohool taewma taa tawaer otkar at at as, and iorm s( a arviMjavd. Jkwlai aUau euoma Tax Law recommend kr tka atiol Tax Aaoctation. In aanaraJ tcrma wa rmaianna tkah our atatuta fcouM follow In Ita tarma. aflaltlma an4 aamlalilratton, Ik rdarat Blat t. ana aracttca ao fa, na poaMbl. x it eaay ba Ixul eonfualna to tar-income tax aayara wno na to aoatarm' to and kcoma famlllarswltk iH aonarai wiamiv. . aaakat Lacal Bonr. "Tka . niplatloB ' of tke policy of retainer all iUIi revenue without any taw oa properly, and of laavlna all of IB property tax to tka eountlea aad clltee. almnlUlea tke tax problem at leaat to the extent or removing con flict of Intereet between ttlale and eountlea. Buefc aaeletanca aa may he' alien ny trte met -tn-faturo tn the vaiuina or raumea unoa. putrno utin tie, capital atork ot oorporatlona, aad In -the equal valuing of other property, will be la th nature of a dlelntereeted aervlce tor tke local ooBimunltlea, or with no other Intereat tbaa that of aivtne effect to the Important conetl tutloaaL reaulrement . of .. a junlform wiua of Luina 'Vrocxrty la ajl tke. oountira, ana ot protecting aaatnat in juatkxa In the oolleateor and dlatrlbu tlon of ' tba equal liing publlo 'atfhool -The state la wall committee to tka rDlING DECEMBERS Tariff Revision To Be Import ant Matter This Week In -: House and Senate PENRoFe RETlffiNSTO P CONSIDER TARIFF BILL Senate Forelirn Belatlom Com. mittte'To.Take Up Interna tional Disarmament at Spa, cial Setaion Today; Farmer Belief Measure Up for Die. ' position Thitr-Week WahlftoBT,.sa.r-Cpa:rei tomor row will start ita New Tears work witk - a. formidable program tot the fifty two, warklof day remalaing be fore sine die adjonranuat. Marth t. CoBgeetioa, as amal, ! oa th Beaate aide, Honae activity beia eoaeentrated oa eompletioa of tka annual appropria te billa,.witk (he sundry elvil budget oadrr debate aad tka poitoffie bill 6a the waltle llrf FURTHER DECLINE 1 MEW Unemployment Grovvi as" Busi ness1 Readjustment in tha - Nation Continues -r- mimjf REviEvror FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD aawaxaBPiaaBBmwa .- Decline in 'Prices Marked la Africnltnral Prodncts, Tex. tiles, Hides, Leather and Iron aLd Steel; Banklns; Power WeD Maintained ; Con ditions in Southern States WaafclBgtoa, Jaa. 1, rurtkfT do- sliae ia priees, eonplod witk taereaasl aaamploymeat, aeeompaaAd tke eoaa try'i eontloued profreaa ' ia baaiaaaa readjuitreieat during Xreoember. ae- sordine; to Ue" monthly review af fa- erel boaiBoea aad Dnaaelal aaadiUaaa istaed toalfbt by 6e - Federal Beaerve Board. . i- " Th price declae duriog tka taaatk l. tuv ther-dare- ao4 -"aan " A... k. ! l. 3 4L. dying for Italy. Bis cjfUaee to Ji luuinn boTerBBieBi waa , a , soarea much trouble for atany monthx. ' , ttpyrikCi:adar ?d UaderaoatU I was placed at I f per aeat by tke mZST.rrST..jrL&.4W'W-tr f-- .nr-M - rr' i r r i n ri- TfT H -fffsr r-rft Hi i 1 maixr iii.a. , Wy m ,, iTTrnri-ll iTTr,arfiii t nai a a, a -, . n. T.aj. . ,i. r , m mi w.n i.I'L.'.....:i".iIJi.k. 1 . - ' ' ' xWJJ-l - ' : , . ''j.. '. -7: . - . - . atsa.rJ-tT-r rn T-iV fBimi-asi ir-bti si-nf aTT imw nifJllUIIUUI I WTfJT ffil' rl-H WW POBJCf Ol rilllBt Btal at I loal fkOHIUlM. 1 9 FORMFR IMPFRIAI P wiiiiiMit litis fsaaadl VII er . CHANCELLOR DEAD Dr. .Von Bethmann-HoHwea; prominent r-iaure Dur na "WarrDTes at'Feflin ; But be ia kera aad. as they say back , borne, ka is kera witk bells oa. If any "oaa aojrpeets tnat a reiona wave ia . Philadelphia ia retpoasibla for kia re -; tora. ta tke capital of tka greatest na- t tioa ia the world, aaek a persoa. ought -ta kaa-aaetkea-aess. haf nra -being i put oa record. To as aid sua "eoma to lay kis weary bona amon ys" a little trouble ia tke Qaaker City is I Berlin, Jaa. 8. Dr. "Jkeobald yoa nothing ta eompxre wiU a revolatioa BeUmaaa . Hollweg , former Oerana inaide tke Bepablieaa party aa tka are in,,,;.! ekaaeellor, died but sight M t1 .-V i : p-i 1 1 snor a brief Uhiess oa kis eaUta at " 1 Itbirf 1. 1.. nehlad ta aa that I Sohenflnow, Bear Berlla. -:xi the retumj of ' tke 0. O. P.. boss, to ia a tragie 1 Among the latest prominent - actlri tlcx of Dr. ob Betkmaan Hollweg ia iaternational -affairs and general, life was bis testimony'' loat Vaar air a 'wit. nets , before .National . JUsembly . oon ur 11 k .1 iu. ij-. l. A MM. i t &.nuiJiive ai. nie uwo nw s event ia .the pelitieal bistory of the ' 1 " ' ljnitad Stntea. Awd it ia not nakiad. I .? f by Bepublicaa atandarda of kindness ' aa exemplified la Ua aasanlto of Wood- n7 Wilana. ta aaw Uat . Balca Pen 'enu-n.tnr.eJ ta . Weahinirton kfeanaa I mittoea invextigatinff MIDOnBibilttV for tka Bopubliaaa'. party af tka Uaited I the, war. Bis teatimoay brongkt oat . Btatea refnsecLto go to hii aick room taat ae aas originally opposed Ua sab tv. Phtii.inM. .nA reMlva'araara. - f marine warfare and had tenrd warn - Tberafore, say Ua obamersr-iJfW to aadereatimata lAweriea's .Faaroaa ia back ia Waabingtoa nd w-i. ,. , tomorroF. kis' kealtk permittingr be . ." oat fMooa atteraneea will retara to kia seat ia tke Senate Un tk war wa. Uat eoaeerniae a , -i.k.. K .thmttb. th. raiurJon inalde rse! f lPr " regarding - tke . kia party ar ta prepare, as graeefully as posaible, to make kis exit amid Ue benediction ef oaa time follower wka ttw aeek 4oxaka from Mm .Ue power .f rivalling Uat keld by eiUer Quay or UarkHaana ia tha "good old days.V . ' Senate leaders " of Ua Bepublieai ' party kara been preparing all daring Ua abort easaioa to,brfag about ovr ' Urov ! f : Penrose.. . Preeideat-aleet Hardiag ia a well wisber to this move ment beeanee be knows that Ua po lllijitVtTmnmr writing 'ff-Ue -tntotrie jfHi eel t aottAded before, ka ea ataad on kia enry at ones bogaa r barangUe wbicb wa, bottom dad '-beeom ngoronaly buted .about twenty mlnutea.. ila jaid BcLf-asaertive, aa ' amblUon Uat ba the ateo taken br .hi mairata rov- , been ineraaaiagly patent since the aa-erDmeI1t. VM terrible to a degree.' Jdat aouneemeai ar ta result ox toe n-1 tor a word neutrality' a word which ' ' veinber aleeuon. v , Teat af Btreagtk Oa Tariff. ' , Tke. test "Si stieagU will aoBta writk ia a few days wkea Benator Paawee ' " takes kia aeat at tha kead of tka eonv- mittee oa flnaaea. "H ka decreed taat " " there shall be friirttetiaaT at tha short sesaioh of .Ungreu Deeans treaty guaranteeing tha neutrality of iseigiata. . - " - - .This treaty waa" ao ekaraaterixetl by voa ceinmana-noiiwee annng aa ta- I terview which tka fhea Chancellor bad with Sir Edward Goathen. Ue Britiek ambassador to Germanyi Speaking witk great - irritation, -v the', ckaneellor ex prened his .inability -to aaderstand Great Britain's attitade wifk regard to I eermaay s attaea on Belgium. I "I found the ekaneallb verW mnck I agitated,', said Sir Kdward afttrward; ia.war time baa ao oftea beea diare- garded juot if or 'a . scrip -of 1 paper elreat Britain waa .going to make war pa a ' kindred naMoa which .""deiired Bottling more than friend witk Sir Edward replied in effect that he aderstood Ue ehaneellorl inability to the emergency proposal M Ua Hon J comprehend Ue'Britiak action, but Uat l. OamatianaL" Ukawiaahe aaada- irreat Britain attacked importance -to creed Uat there ahaU bno-bonu leg. j Ue vcrap of., paper" because, it bore ialatioa at Ua afcortesaibn. Hia see. aer sigaaiure, aa wcii as xnat or..uer- end itt';aommaBd,.SBator Beed Bdoot, mw. :-:,'-V' ;ytt' of UUk, aayr the eoAntty need the '-Wur Hroops haT etcnpW Xam;' esaaraencr tariff and Benator Jim Wat- br'7 5d, on ; Aagust i, 1914, ll mu u anuiwy w uwruiiOKl, aw, mm, another Panroae lientenaat. liiirnlns btlvMi two hstirea. - The aituatioa ia Waahingtoa, jurt TrZwZa Pe'areT.; an' ejBhh,. funk, -wkick been kariat in klnma- Binla kera "ald fatal -f,.. we -anew, aowerer.. taat-jrraneatarax ready, to invade Belgium.' France eodt3 wait; we eould hot, as France eoald tempUted.ia abi leaa Uaa ive-8Utet ??!eV ?' UJ,1.I, Clif.r.ta,T,.ie.t. New T.rk. Ohio L.1t.? ar".tr "frnlW aad Sou Ik Imtotar-while aaU-blea Lawi I rerenn for tka eountiaa aad mnnlel. rwlTT be fbkatt trrtraa w en the iroon f tttt-. - the . 41.. i ;!-. . xr. rr .: I w on it xair eetim w"i ' ; " ' 4t th. exlattna- revenue - law nwd PeBBtyhraniS, BvaflT DskeU aad Ver-1 withont tke eatenaiow Of tke income fmoat, Beviaioa af BUt o..Utl.on. will be wrVwe'naU relta7t!iiL.' aadestakea.. la. -the ..P oaaaylraaia- aa. 1 Proximatelytlixea. aa4 una-baU julJ enaehlT. which MlMUl lnnm. ..J I ''OB doHara. 1 ia tka Colorado id Hew Bampakire ThVrTT TlanV VZT" w lgiilatwrra,. who seeaioas.opea next eknnot at thia time mVk a very eloae Vedaeaday. - V . ' - approximation of tkorproapecttv yield a,mTL.. Mil. e-au. of the extewl: toeonao tax. hat witk x .ve whb w, n rntvm wanr maSjaPBl lWiraktl aakaka In BB Ok an . . law Bwallahl eaaaioa ar action la Cobb ecti cut. D Or-1 eema to aa reasoaablv aafa to aaauma warerowaJ,ajylTanB, BlouUDakjiuJ '0' witkuut cejdin.Ah..a:jBoa-l-m-. It a fair eetlmate ttart a. aad Montana. . . . i ---. , latbor.legislatioB, taeludiag in at leaat I tax anon) oaa iastaaes U quctttoa of iaduatxial eoarts, will bo - pat bed ia. CaHf oral. Connecticut sad Iewa. ; I' - ' rurjlie-weizare dui save ttrong apoa stars ia Arkansas, tTeaaeeticat, Colorado, IMUware. Mew Xorx, Vesaa. West Virl giaia, Wyoming and Oklahoma.' Call- TdrnlararUl take ttffTba dbekHoB of com' L abatiag radieanaai. :..'' re III n'lmaiaiamanla In aaa araduatlna fraot one to two and air ild yreie aa addltloi dollar., in making (hi attnhate' wc f per of ewa aad ona-balf to two million Cent on net Incama. tkla rreie aa additional revenue are aaakming a muck entailer volume of laoome will bo produced In th year of 111 than ia tk year of lit. ' "Tke Kit income from properly, or ao mack of It aa waa received prler io-tntf adoption of the Amdir.nt, an not1 be taxed, and Ue - practical it aewrarTO ber to wiat the now lnoomw tax law nnnl tt k. in come for the calendar year beglnalng Janaary tat. 111. Kavenna from thl Pablia improwementa- will ; ba .advo- ".w,u " ""'?.wJta. U eatad da at le.avalewa Btataa-CU IWMSTm 2. tSh TJor'm.T ietr.; torniav Colorado. ICxaxax. KiaaoakL Nal to auaaeat aVetalla of u ineoaaa xax (of the Vadaral Iaooma Tax Act. tha ODR VIUII il Mb WeattVirgiala, North Paliota aad Okla homa. Tkot inclad a $7Mr0OOl0OO ir rlgatioa projert und 8,000-aiile pnbli higkway. Programs of i ecoaomy, ia rolriag tk eoaaolidaHoa ' or aboli- Uoa af State departmaata and bndget systems will ba eonsldsred; among many of ua S Btatas. aotabl by Arkansas, Colorado. Delawarc,- Indiana, Kanaaa. kfaiae, aiiekigaa, Uieaonri. Nevada, New ilextfco, Ohio and Oklahoma. , . Legislators of 'Wiaeowia aad -Texas will wrestle witk radical 'taxatioa meaa- urei. In Wisconaia.' Ua legistatara of flpal Famitw a Maiartrrn whlah anane hm. tha fit.t. airkim v"twil of marketing aaa-propoaed.a . tax oa unused, land, in effect a atacla tax. The State Tax Commiasioa baa also reeom-1 Newton, Jaa, 2. The bodies'of Psrry distributed bark to the eountlea, upon an equal . baala. for Mi payment of three moutha of teacnVra aalarte. la all public choela. A email part, of It la act aalde for diatrihutioa excluelve. ly to tka weaker eountlea aa aa Equal estna -"ruttd.--from a atarrdpoltit cf tax adramiatratlon. It would aeem to the almpler policy for tha State., to levy, collect and dlatrlhute only ae muck of thl aa I actually need ae aa Kqualtaing fund, and Inaofar aw It ie dlatributed back equally to an coon tie, leave It to be levied aad-dlaburaed Thie would leave a ftUU Meel Tax, Iftnanna eammiHe. eetnr. . ... t . .ii ..... 1 . ' ""i r lectd from property remainln tke V BB,t; t0nrn,w '.Tf'" ,b eountlea "where collected except th I sen, and wiU mean ben of bis com. thirteen eenta pnlle oekaet tan eevledlaiUWOy beala aeaaidaaatiea ol Uoamee- ?y"" "m,"'." ""r, " aeaey tariff hill naaaed recent r br the Hons. Hearings' oa general tariff re riaioa plaaaed duriag Ue extra see lea after Marrk 4 will' begia Thar, day before the Hoaea ways aad mean eommittee aad eowtinw iadeAaitely. Diaamunwat Somiaa. Tbe Senate foreiga relatioaa com mittee wiU bold a special aemiqA to morrow t. consider international dis armament. It will take ap the. resolu tion of Benator, Borah, BepnblUaa, of Idaho,, proposing- a waeeit -npon the' President to Initiate - aegotialioaa wiU Great Britain. and Japan toward aa agreement for a nfty per cent cut in aaval buildings for a- term af yeara. Ths aom mittee will eonilder a reso Intioa by Ssaato Walah. Democrat, of wMh a violence totally unexpected I -,. . t: within repent months, -haa affected the Montana, propoainf tjat Us President value oxVceal aetata to an extent that I be asked to appoint-an Amerieaa rsp wlll ta anma eaaea renulre re-adiuat I eeeentatlva ta witk H. 4t...m.. I wiaw-lr--ahra i nfinV enmmTlteT nl,. T. or KT..1 atancee of thia oharaoter win be more .." o TA- t-- . - r . generally found In the , bright tobaooo Senator Hftekaeek, of -Nebraska, and, cotton landa In the eaatera eoun- ranking DemocMi on tka eommittee, ties, where land valuea were ao great. wni ... .fbi'M Bn,tor Walsk an. which hee bean aublect to tha enont I ir. dieDOeed to favor Bsaator Walsb's violent donation by tha alumw-ta tkkl pUa. bat tkv not indicated koetility that oould even nave the appearance ofwurnianing a neinaa incentive for undervaluation of property in the eoantlee to avoid payment- of Stat Uxeav- j ..... .... - . ..f -Real icetate waiwea. The .proceaa of deflation, that came SMASH-UP BURIE .IV Thousands ' Atterfd Funeral al Family at New Lutheran Church d repeal of U personal pt6perty4 DeaL'ara M Ura' P-.Th.llw offset. to Ue income tax aa a meana to I xni i t. , ' " raise all needed fundi. Tha Texas aaxa. x-erry Wialhturc. MeV meate J.nn.rr : 11.1 Dee', W Mi 'fj nt'TJM. will consider Ue eonservatioa of aatnral I daughter bf Elbert Deal, ag 11 'yearn. resource ia conaeetioa wwn taxation whtt wore killed in Charlotta vaetM.. Ail,-. Q-. - I '""'.-.T h. n..fia I.-1 "-'" ww "roogua to loia en dlana, Iowa. Maine, MiaaonrL New tti- niorainf and taken, ta tka horn of Hampshire, NeTdtWeWlrk, New Met-1 rerry ueai, where a snort funeral aer- ico, Ohio, Teanesaea. Verment, Montana I vice waa held thia a f tar... ' - and Oklahoma w. I Thonaands of t riend . and aelative f z i ' , ' t l-s wetime were at Ua depwa.wkea Xopeal or revision 4f State primary I the train arrived- The intarmeat t.h tastara jlatd, oe?HPy puc time" of the lawmaker of Illinois, In-1 Kreinhoder of Conmrr. ..a n dlana, Mhuoari, Nebraska, New Tork.J Ertong, pastor, assisted by Ber. O. W, New Mexico, Nortk Carolina, Tennessee, Kreinhoder, of Conover -and Bev, Geo. Six State legislature, at least, Ull , Tke crowd at the bnrUI wen, said have before tbem billa providing for a I have been tha larreat aaan at trieter regnlxtion of automobiles and I service of thia kind ia Ue conatr. - - increased license "fees, namely, Dela-f t Mr. aad Mrs. Perry Deal ar eurvired ware, 'Maine, Haasachusetts, Nevada,) by six ehadrea and Elbert Deal leaves Montana and Okiabom. - -.-H airafcildtett tk$ eldeat beiag 9 year of xoar - Btaies, voioraao, rinnaa, ason- age. Hanoi la the Oair anrrivina member taaa,-aa wuconain, wUt oisenas pro-ia the antomobile party. She ia ia posals -for eo-operatioa, marketing and serious condition la 'a Charlotte koe- aig f et ; faraers ana : two- legislatures, pjtaU ; .v. . .a ..hif.. ar rmi;tutPrtest af ther luemboarg and Bal- 7 -Tr.r.". "ir: ST,.;: gir goveramenU. W shall try to . iT .k d Lu " -T- ji. e. Jlor or Germany Irom July 14,-1809, , ntit to be tke Bepublicaa oaadidato for Jn, M m, H ,ded ja r'e"Jf!i V'JL". tk-.a-e. by'Dr. 0rWiMi.eUr.n .."-r"" 'X. rrirt appoiatee of Ufa 'jformey kaiser. It lf HlUVfUUSt Urvil exsaniA Viva a - , , , oa aatv . . '-f ' Mora irgalficaat, if aaa 1 to believe .-. '4n -ovfto'reB P.naevlvanlaae erha are featilihv wiik tb political aitbatioa Jut at present. ia th split between Senator. Pearoae and Joseph B. Grandr, president of ike fiate lanoiacturers' Asaociatioa af Pennsylvaaiv aometimee referred to aa tlie "Penrose gold bag." , ' Can. rear Case Back? The atariea are Ue livesV kiad" -of F.issip la wa- ongtoa twlay. . aepuo- said 'Uat ' .Voa, Bethmana-Hollwcg forced ont of office U touch (h effort of , th militarism, . headed by Hindenbnra aad Lodeadorlt, largely aersas of bib scrap of paper' stats meat aad Jiia admissioa Uattbs Ger maa 'iavBsio of Belgiam wa janjuat. The former Uhaaeellor.Bad oa. several occasions ' issued ' statements blamin' Ue mUitarHkj for Uo war, these "ap pearing ia 1H an4 1817, while, iltvthe two yeara , previous be had frso.nently declared' that Eaglasd aloaa ,was r ncana are aaxea at toe .poaaioiuue aaa i .poasible. . - - - v Democrats are startled la consequence Dr. voa BeUataaa-Eollweg wa bora of Ue potential happening af the aext ia 1836, Ue sob of .MatUiaa A. won ninety days. Senator Penrose hss born BeUmaaa-Hollweg, profeaeor . af "civil la'iphing at Boever as a eablaet po- utw at Bosna graadoa af a member iiii.ity , and it apperj .that all Mr. of Ue Jewisk banking 'family of. Voa Hoover baa to flo to get la Ua next I athnunn of i rank fort. White Home family i to iga oa a r . . 1 "t awaat-t iMiiy-rriVni vr :.-.'f " . ; . DTNAMITB AROtKD A MLLK dntted line.' Beaator Philander C Kaex j tn i .:' rr har j loak in 4av-(ha rabinet crwninrr and thia does aot jlp. the aituatwa becauso the rewrnxlioa r Stnator- Kboc would aseaa Ue ap- . r-. nts-rst ef Crew to the Senate aad tl t!iifi f1 it Cw would suoceed to th ..boss ship of PeamrrivaBia poii. i;.- ( aa the. Jess WUlard -f tb SepiV li.B p?"T o5. backf ia what very seed oa Pare Twel Cniesttawa, Pa, Jaa. t ak Polaae. B atnbl keea, taday foaad a stick of dynsniite aad pat It tn bis kip packet- Later, ill work in in th atabte k waa kicked by a mile. The drnamita nploded- 1 . - - v aaw ae- wiroTing tae tahla. frdm Charlotte -when -their automobile will have before ' them interesting 'marital measures.': Ia Calif oraia, Ue waa a freight traia on Ue Act mf 19191'- desirned to Tllsee'a wlfelrerd ia..nkerlntia. killlav. Ihna mam. on1 an 'equality witk. a husband in Ue I bers of Ue party ootrlght and serionilvf ownership aaa aurpoaitioa or commnntty i injormg tbe others, oaa of whom dieA- before reaching Ua hospital.. . Tby had neea . to cnanotta to a nana rae funeral of Mia. fiartaell Deal, danglrr-la-law'of Mr. aad Mrs. Perry Deaf , Tka deplorable tragedm has earJsd a gloom aver Ua town. They were meBg snffragalUa most highly- reapectad clti .... i - Toklw Savewth ty. .'.; Toki. Nov, lfW(Correoadenea af Ue Assoc is ted Press.) Thef furrs ef the recent eeaaoa shew Uat ,Vtkio im the acTsnlk city of tha world KtU a popn- n'l ' v. ,rtrt . "nt- i--t . oropertrr which " waa defested. " win airaia eoma before tbe lawmakers. " ' West Virginia aisy make non-support of a wire y. a aotoana aa extraditable 61 feaaa, . W-js-s-. Saffrag Meaanree. Measure correlated witk . Hnll'eoma as 1a Connectieuf. . kUaaa- ehakctts - and Nevada.' .Sanrwaniaat!aw of State militia -will ha diecnaaad ia sevefal. States, including Dflawart and roor. mate expect to forward new pub lic .atiiity legUlatroa, aameiy.'Coaai cSU&'itrvZ We. Jkepatatlo. at keta? - - v V ,J- Osaka, Ua aeeoad aity f Japaa, is r Coaaaetieat, Illinois a oi' West Vlr- lJJh J!?.- ginia - will consider ' billa relating to sports and th aatabliakmeat of State boxin oommiationa. -- Dates fbr the coavening of. legislat- ares, aUer Usa those already given, are as follows t (Tomorrow) Khode Island, Idaho, Montana. Tennessee en Ohio: jaanary Uelawsre, Nebraska, forth aad South Dakota, hliaaeeeta aad Okla homa; January t. North Caroliaa, IU1- noia, Mtthrgaa,- Msia Vsrwioat ' apd Oonaectieatr January- H-titmth- etta, ItfdisnaJ January 9 New Jeraey; January 10 Arixona, CaliforBia, Ore goa," Moataaa, Washiagtoa, Arkaaaaa, Inwa j January 11 -Ksasss, New , Tort, New Mexico .and Wyoming;-January 13 wtaeonsia. West VtrgiBia; Jsaaary 15 South Carolina; - Jasusrt 17 Ne vada, Georeia; febmary J Hsw; February 17 Porta Sicet March 17 Alaska; April 4 1 lorida. ' . sluded Oeaka s pepulattosi ia 17961. WORLD WAS YrrtBAN KILLED, AUTOMOBUjr TURNS OVER, Wilson, Jan. X-rAroand U e'elaek Satardsy airht. iive mile west af 'this city, Csrlyie SwIbsob, wka served aa Ue f?xia border as, aer jrosnt of Comvany K. nnd later in fr SOU IH visfct, was inslairtly killed in aa- aatomebila a, eident . wheif. Ue radina rod. broke. The top of a kead was tora away by a wheel h?b aa Ua ear taraed oa Ha side. . wo others wcro in -th ear. Jamas Q. Wallace waa Urswa la a ditch ad rendered a a eon scions. K. P. Bais waa tossed in a fx to a field, both aiea getting off with alight bruise. . . , 'CCaatla'aed Oa Patw Tbar-. 1 ' if FliJfIE LEADER MOTS i:' j A a-"" TO STAY IN ITALY eiTcnsioa ox price -nixing to oluct a austrie. Th ' decline waa rertorted aa. moat marked ia agriealtnral prodaeta, tex ine, bi(,"1eaUer aad tree ana atoer products, while eoal, petrslewm, gwao lne, paper, brick aad eement remained largely- Banff ted. gome red actio wa ywere reached aa Ua apea market la Ua latter groan of eommoditles. Ue beard . said, bnt eon tract price a pea red to ba at tha nam level aa la sarBrr moaths. , Redaced Baalaea Activity. Reduced business activity, tha board' stated, ent operations ' in many Uaea Xrem - 4U per- cast to 73 per normal and brought accompanying aa. employmeat, Tka shrinkaga of demand, tha board reported, alsa was responsible for wars ant running a kigk'aa 23 par cent ia some lines. Banking power, aa Ua atkar kaad, wa wU . maiataiaad, Ue board as serted, normal credit aeeommodatiea being extended to legitimate business, the reserve rati - trowing stronger aad inter-reerre borrowing : ia part liquidated. With.Kqnidatioa of loens at tbe member bankn theglanlng, th board forecast batter aoaditiea. - - - - - Sigaa Of Impwveaseai ." ' TlmlnM. tm avhalaula . . A .,.hi. . to tan oj senator Borah. Open hear- luring line wa reported laacUve la incs by.a eommittee are not aontem-1 tha - Biebmond distrkt building loir plated Md aarly action- is axrtstad. r r.tlona u minimnm. aad naamotor. --T'-aa-rr-T-ar .. - . v-aai- - - -wr- a anniwtnj Ufa jpajjaj . . . ; . . ' W ba takes od tt3morrow by tht I .l. um.. t.- 1. a "i i At ua I wa auv trv.wa esrvu jseiat eve-fj-i star- Senato imm graUon eomUft. which wiU , y,, AtltnU but i be- T.r "TT.."iua iMfly keld, wblla farmers gea nrontoia , virwniiy ui unmiBTBiion 109 1 --..n , i .v- .--. -a . i. ton months. Jbpreaentativa JohMoa. ot, amMa u tht district are quiet. -- : uoat production aaa lnereaaed aad wxaaaw av-ai van mw axa aiiaiaiivu wvsa aais vv tm Reported. That D'Annunzio Ii . tends To Leave: Nativi .- uoumry: nume uuiexr i ' ' . . Trieste, hi. I (By Ue AsiacUtod .VTSeKI l?JV2TrX Tapt. Oabrlebi d'AaaniyVia will -4;.- -.- 1 tlrtWbea40f ;tti rSW 1 tha nn.llr tna'tlSr fAa.-'a fti-ia" - .. . ... t- I--t Tifear BelleT Meeenra., , i X-- r " -.-. " . . . vwww expected to be tke first witness and Bep- reaeatativ Hiegsl, Bepublican, . New fork, and' atker bpponenta-of tk bill lit till m heard at aa early date. I Th committee has a long list bf wit- but plaas to onclud ft kearj Iowr prices of pis iron kave aot nro- dneed any great amonat ef business. Throughout Ua eottoa bait raiai bava delayed picking to soma extent while ia some section fsrmers ar re ported to ba abandoning, tka eottoa because af Ur decline ia priea aad the- relative scarcity ef picker, togetkei witk The hlgK wage demanded- There medal for. valor,,' tbJ highest Itaiiaa j derorallorv and thevleave the country. I Delegates from tM Finns eouneil did ! their atmoat t iaJfuee General, Caviglia, I la - command , of Italian government trcpi In Dalwa. o allow U soldier to leaw linme at -the head of hia legioaairei' bat Ua general atren- aonsiy.refusei'C .-A "'r v- Kxrhaage l prisoners taken during Ue .fight m Jium began today, 163 regulars H$ng returned and 100 legion- airea beirig returned to Flame. Order ia beingalntaintd in tka aity ar ape- eial'-lroScerganird::brbrw 1 ta-formed rclea Jt derO-L go to Some, wkar ka wCfi pUee la the I to aid agrietiltaral interests is expected mult- ' v. h. kin. ll,&.l. .nsniai Uk waek. - The bill now ia before : ,Cat'- "anag Slaw. Li j...i- ... t.?.i..ji iv. 1 rrestoent nuson ana ir vsroea sn nonr-. ,1. ,m, ms nw . iLFL, , ,,.V. ! nlanned to nsss the measure detDlte sly alow, receipts showing a ekara rtent:a dia&nnrovsl. Advoeatea of Ue I and unseasonable falling off. In soma bill claim to 'kave Ue necessary two-1 sections it ia reported Uat sellers have thirds majority- ia 'Jot6 Senate andj complained that they ware nnable ta House, a . ' , . seU their eottoa at any priea amlaes it E.rl li.r.naitinn Is nlanned bv the 1 was or superior grade. However, eottoa ffenara ml the Presidential veto last farmers in many sections show a ten- week of Us bill to.snepend operatioa deacy to bold as much a posaible od af Uat portion of Ua Clayton anti- their crop off tha, market, ia Ue kop trust "raw restrictiaf in a measure rail-1 of aa advance In price. Many new cot road purchases ef materials from eon- ton storage warekouses bava been con cerns in which their officers ara in-f straeted. The low prleee realised -for terested. The bill ia lying on, the vice-leotton hav roaulted ia considerable at- president' desk and . Senator' 'La Foi-. tentlon being given to Ua reduction af latin. Hunubllcaa. WiSOPt"1. ana nrnnri ncM.nars.atiraagar aoma-piaaiasa jja. -..Tl:r:7.i?.. -isorom posimr a deereaaa of 1-3 and crop rota "'-'- . . ... - . ... - I. I ,la k.a t.M . i .- a 73&vZZLZ?ZZZSJL ta-lr.Moday::jsBMry lO.'lsUlls tobaoea ailnatum ha. ahaw," bat c&MifiMSi .-maauuuaa.a. i t,rCTriM--i3a-atwawwW"ai waf a rVerL a iourna st, ,who tried to pas I aeoata naTma ssir n -r-,,.....,.., aat lbrprooVd loyeriment of i,..-K.M b. . ..J..L.1 DBi.nsiior. rsisuHicr, , . ... . legiensires. All Ue poet'a shtps Willi ?' '''.i'a l! o 5 bsavk; jha'karbor of Fmwe tomorrow I . . tyw-"-- - aad will be takee to PrU. r Withla I If lirLf IIIODfltf CIICMT IM . a .... .... . I rn liljll I JVI . I1U LniLII' III t world. fermxteea Bunrths, -ill re-1 - main, 1 taraed Fiu poorer grades, apparently koldingf tteir best tobacco nntU aft.r" the holidays - in Ue hep of better prtcea Export deff nnd for leaf tobaee Ja jwrw gmalLa while maauJacturen atoeka are re- portnd h rge aad thsir parsbase kave fca .Xi'ted froar-ke'worldl ifltj- Of BerflOTlH Him tf.ctared goods wiU tk. Mo His iara-'ald, ; .the military aothori'.lre are oxer- eising closest surveillance aa tboea try Ug torvade th gnsrdv V ANOTHER ARREST IX THEFT ' CABS OCCURS AT MIAMI. Miami, Fla- Jaa. 1-As'ka olared Ua pisne in tka parlor ef a girl frtead le? ), the girl's father tetepboaed ta tbe polk aad tonight Hal W. T. Myers is iw-thw custody f federal authoritiee a eoaaeetioa witk Ue tT2fiOO theft from the U. B. 8. Satterlea at Norfolk last Monday- Myers, togetker WiU Mervia LskBrnr aad J. a. Qugley, arrested ere FridaywJLba takea to .Norfolk fires nrtnl ea charge of stealing gereTBin-Ttnidrv 1 Home Jaai-Ti Cardinal Oibbons eonditioa was' so far improv ed tadsy Uat kia pbTshisns ware an emiragedk-aad should Ua Improvement eantiaae they say they will : tomorrow consider tka JdviaablUty; af" removing suit Uat aome f adoriee are eloecd while - other ar rnaaing only aa part time. Tka decreased deauad most noticeable la U rasa of cigars, and the retailers' order sr faliing off tn eanaeqnenee. Textlta BltaaUsa. . AlUoagh a slight ia crease ia Ua bay- Ins af eottoa by New England mills bss occurred daring Ua last, vaonth, Bhriver, at Cnioa Mills, Carroll county, when strickea. . . . Th Cardinal's chief thought, if is said bykie frirada, it U get back ta kia home, from Which he aas beea absent for newsl ; weebei 7'iJ-- " Tke'-Cardinars pkysiciaaa say k is aot suffering from ayr organia trouble, REPCBLICAN PAPER WILL RESUME bat simply Ue weakening elferra ef his 2 PUBLICATION AT A&UKBOeta advanced age e years. His heart re Aihcbe rn, Jib. t-It hi bees stwlcdl tJOB-kg-oa-TrateT lkeTi -wet. that Ue Ashebore BuUetiB. a Sermblr- bat Was atroager tiay. 1 acre ass faa newspaper, will pscaata public- been ae recarrenea ef tha aiakiag' spells tioa aext week. The- psper suspended for tw days. Ia ti Cathedral aad pal'lieetioa aeeral asoata ago. It m all ckarekea to tka AixJr-diee spedsl ui th jt it wij, publish a aeaxi-weekiy I prayra wr affered today for ai ra- aewspape-. ; .... ......... eo-vary. , . v. . T , - . . him to kia home at US cathertral jporrhaaes have beea below nomal, white na wai TisniBg ais -xnena sod-ts-a. mUu lm tba Caroliaaa are -aid to kave beea out af tke market for some time." In view of the limited domes d aad Ue aiza af Ua crop it ia aot sur prising Uat priea decline hsr bewa ontlnndusly eeorded. Jfew England mills are eStimstrdUte hart been aperat- -lag at area lower capacity daring the middle at December .Uaa daring tbe previoae moatk, aad it ia stated that ta tiaatoa (onatyN. v-.- where .tha. fne yara iadaatry of -Ua ' Bkharond ' dis trirt is .largely eoaeentrated, Ua mUis have cteeed dowa CBtirtJy. , Higkfwag lewia aad high prvces ef bnildinf mareriala eoBtraaed to hamper (Ceatiaaed aa Pag Two)

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