-The. News TUK WEA Til EX HUrth rroiiae ravtly eUady with biII4 iMiioilirt Tw day Bad Wodaasdar. r V01TGX1II. NO. 4. TEN PACES TODAY RALEIGH N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 4. 1921. TEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS 1 ana -ooserver 1-1 PARTY CAUCUSES FIND BIG PLACES -DEIER,f EDf ON I . ! t - Grier. For Speaker and Luns ford Long For President Pro Tern Is Slate TWO STIFF FIGHTS ON j - OVER HOUSE4 CLERKSHIPS SWaWn-BWSBnBB. Beadlnf Clerk DeLUnfer Is 6p- posed By Min Nancy WeL borne, and Finding Booth Goinr; Triaaiular Hurdle For ' Enrollinf Clerkship; Many Member! Arriving WANT INVESTIGATION OF WAGE REDUCTIONS Labor Leaders Brine Textile ' Situation To Attention of Confresamea " ' Tonight's uunm of both majority yd minority wings of the Hous ui beasts will Sad almost ry member of the J921 General Aasembly pretest, 4 eppareatly with their axled fairly wH -mad ap u to what -it golag o apj-ja when -thoy-get together t laj "lit groundwork of legislative organist tia te be effected tomorrow when tbe -K . I jimja" 1 aa awjsi "SI ' 1 v "y that brought taena li 7-,- bore two laya before th" : t tbe session, or it amy oar baea aa 1m ' " ptljlng -interest la what ia goiag to . happen that broug bt them in ao early . but.thty sr bare, aad with them art - aora prospective aad would-be. attend "'""aaU aad attaches than hate been aotad - , i la sem Legislatures. .., Exeept ia tba matter of selecting some'ef tha leaser legialstiv function ' : aria, tba meetings tonight wUTe ao , anuca, more thaa formal ratification of . ' ' a program that aearaa sbout ununi - woolly agreed apn n , firlcs-for Speaker of the Uouaa aad Loaf for President . - Pro Tempore of tba Haunts is beard " wherever two aiemters m together. There ia no division there, but when Ws-alagto, Jan. I. Tba itatkn la lki tcitUa. iaJuatry froaa . Lka . iab point at via waa broafliV Ike a It a tea of sjiaoiberf f Coafrose today by raprrMBlatieea of tba Aaarieaa Fads rntioa of Labor aad af rka Uaited Tettila Worker, bolk aaaaaaeed Ueir latenttoa "to paraeia IU tha ataaoat eaerrr a aampalga for Coagreaaioaal iarrsticattott" of the redaction f wife aad rloaiar plaata due, they derlarod, "ta tka arbitrary aad so near ted dfslfs of emnlavera. Tka aofeieaeo ltk manVra af Coniroaa followed diaroaaioa af tk tettila sitaaUoa by tUmaei Ooaipara, ad Prank Vlorriaa. president aad secretary of tka AnwrlVaa rederatioa af Labor,. aad President Ootdea' aad repraaeateuvoa of-iba Tettila Worker. SOLfWORN CONSIDER SUBJECT OF REDUCTION OF NAVAL PROGRAMS CLAIMED BY DEATH Well Known Head of Keeley . ' Institute at Greensboro Passes Away Senate Foreign Relations Com mittee Begins Its Hearings On Disarmament ATTENTION GIVEN TO RESOLUTION BY BORAH Secretary Daniels Reiterates -Opposition To Borah Seso. lution Lookinf To Agree ment Between United States Javfian and Ore at Britain To Out Naral Proframs CLAYTON ACT HELD TO APPLY TO LABOR IS: 10 OPINION Waskiagtoa, Jan. S. Tka geaersl subjnet af a rejjietjon ia world aaril eoastraetioa waa taksn ap today by tbe Hraate Foreign Belatioas eomniUtee at esooutlra kaarfag, wbjrh will ba eon tiauedWadaedat nd whieb may ran for oobm areeks. anoeiaaally, too 'eoaimlttoo . bad W fore It the Borah -reaolotioa asking Proaideat Wilsoa to iaitiate negotla IZftlZ kU death. DeS.Ua " fuaera. arr.. 'JL V.en,!te":"Lag"ri;,, 1M I Supreme ' Court Rules That Unions or Members Are Ac countable Under Law - - - - LOWER COURT DECREES . REVERSED BY DECISION Labor Leaders Decline To bom. ment On First Court Deois. ion On Labor's Bill of Bights':; Court, Dirided Six To Three On Opinion Bead By Justice frtney Wasbldgtoa, Jan. S. Labor onions or their members are aeeountable nnder tha aatl-trast laws wher they depart frm their "normal aad legitimate ob jects and angaga in aa aetnal aombina Uob or conspiracy ia restraint of trade," the Supreme court bald today In an opinion on which it divided' aix to threer Tha court teeersed lower court do- SENATE OVERRIDES PRESIDENT; WILSON'S VETO OF MEASURE TO REVIVE FINANCE CORPORATION k ... .. . r. : : v President's Veto Message ""Waskiagtoa, Jsa. S. rresldeat Wil son'a messag Telofng tha flronna reso lulioa to rer)ra the War Finance Cor poration follows: To tha Senate of the United flrates: "I am retnrnlng, without my signa ture, 8. J. Bos. 21!, joint resolution directing the War Finance Corporation to take certain action for the relief of the present depression in the agricul tural sections of tka country, and for other purposes." "Tlje joint resolution directs tha re tIts! of tbe activities of the Wsr finance Corporation. vThia corporation Is a governmental agency. Ita capital stock is owned entirely by the United Htates. It was created during kostili- ties for war purposes. The temporary powers which it is now proposed ta re vive wera conferred in March. 1919. to assist, if accessary, in tbe &nancing e( ejporta, . Tha general -powers' wf tt corporation expire aix'months after the termination of the war and tha spec is 1 largely aelf siilBetent,' or' Is agala" pro viding horse K. with supplies from dis tant countries which, witk tka opening up of shipping sine, the armistice, hare once more found their place In tbe markets of tha world. Rardea On CavaramoBL "It ia highly probable that lha most Immediate and conspicuous effect of (he resumptioa of the eorporatlna'e activi ties would be aa effort on tha part 'of exporter to shift the Saaaeing of their operations from ordinary cotunerel.fl channels to tha. government. This would bo unfortunate. It would continue the gqvernment as aa aetiva factor ia ordi nary basinets eperatioas. If activities of any considerable magnitude resulted tbey would necessitate th irapoiilioa of additional taxes or further borrow ing, either, through the War Pinaav Corporation or by the treaaury. Ia either mas- new burdens wtmld ha laid lipoa'all the' people. Purine. borrowing. wJd in all likelihood tap tae vory sources wkich might otherwise be avail- lejftr nxlvate oitrrfttloji ox which the House Totake Up Measure To: day. With Leaders Confident of Simitar Action By -. . ThatBody. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE V OUTLINES REASONS FOR r DISAPPROVING MEASURE Declares It "Would Exert B Beneflcial Influence On The Situation" and "Would Saise False Hopes Among -The Very People Who Would . Expect Moit, aad Would Bo Hurtful To The Natural and: Orderly Processes of (Buii- , ness and finance"; SenaU -' Passes Besolution.Orer Veto . Almost - Immediately UU : Beceipt of 'President's Mes- " safe ; TVentyJour BepubU. u it eoaea to clerks of on sort and an other, there is division that may take tka. ejiueni-BOme' eonaiderable tint to thresh oat .. . ." . , . tko Woman la Tba Fight. Bead and akonldert above the gen' crai rna of contentions over elerkships ia that reeeotly dovsioped between Miss -tcaeyM.Welt)ofBy, of "Wllkesboro, and David P. ' Peiluiger. They both ' have designj uponbeing reading alark in the House of Bepreseotatives, and -nntil late last -night, hoithar had My CtinuuandlJig adsnnUfa ever the Other Second to this. -race ia tha triangular burdle for enrollinf clerk ia tba House. F. B Upbbs Ellis Gardner aad Otis ?. BhelL Ure aouU with but tha single thought of . being ehosoa enrolling clerk. i- ? I ' Over ia the Senate, where the cur. -rent of legislation Hows more calmly v there i but little .talk of contest, a C. Bronghton ia back, ready to bcjrini nerving his eteentl, term aa -reading clerk ia tha Senate, and with Bo oppoai ' tloa oa tha horicon as yet. No changes whatever arc anticipated ia tba Senate's clerical staff, none until it comes down - to the pagea, and there will ba aim oat a aew deal all roa d, vrtta JMvid Cox, "or tUlelgV irUe role of cHlef page. . David Gaster, the Cumberland conn . ty warhorse, who has been sergeant-at-arms ia the Senate for so many yean that nobody - remembera when be wasn't, got back: .yesterday, haleand hearty and -ready! for another SO-days period of the same. Former Bepresen tativo Burkhead is. out. running for the sain job across tha rotunda, aad being aa -ex-Confederate, and, thoroughly fa ' miliar witk the workings of the Legis lature, he is said to be a favorite or the place. ; - . Beadrkka Minority' Under. ments have not bee, made, 'bat it expected that bs;wlll be baried af Ox ford. Colonel Osborn who would bar been alxty-flve years of age next month, was born ' at Oxford, February SI, 1830, tbe son of Daniel 8. and atartha Davis Osbornl Be was educated ia th local aaheolo aad UM-Horaer Military School located than nt Oxford. Be entered the tobacco husine at Durham In 1874 nnd ouirkly forged to the .front In 1892 he removed to Greensboro and be ta, Jatermtned nnon Benreaentativa John y Hendricks, of Marshall, Madison county, as standard bearer for tha sea sion. - He will be pat up for the speak , V- ership. Htj Hendricks has teen in the ' - General Assembly intermittently sines 1891, snd is7 about tho finest ' looking - Bepublieaa ia either nousa. He grew mighty tall ia the mountains of) Madi son. and broad at the same time. He !rinrTrleamnWpe ' bis leadership, the minority members will unlikely ever lose theiratanners. ' Nobodv has been but forward, to on- - nose Lonsford yong for the Preaidept ,jTOTaiinwiCTUTpT'Ow tn'"- jacpuiicair which prospered greatly ander hi pro- rreuivs adminiatratiaa af ita affair. Ho -waa highly esteemed not it in Dur ham and - Greensboro nnd 'the people of the latter place ahowed their re gard for him by electing him mayor. Ha served ia this eapaelty from 1891 to 1893. LlCoIonrt Osbora was Tix:Mtty" ia politics aad when the' Democrats went into power in 1912 President Wilsoa appointed him Commissioned of Inter nal Ke venue.. H held tbls position for four years rom jiv so x ivu, ois- eharginc tker dattcar-wf th wttb distingniahod ability, la fsek-establika- lng a bs standard of efficiency ia the I - .V uuroau. -"Atrthrhno of Wr" death Colonel Oabora was president of the ' Keeley Institute aad ths Cunningham Brick Works, ils bad beea Interested at one time- or another ia other business en terprises -and bis fine judgment was regarded as a valuable asset in any on dertaking- Ho waa a member -of .the fresbytertaa enarch. He married Misa -Elizabeth Carolina Cunningham, of Greensboro, November 1, 1894. His wife survives him. There are no ebJldrea. Death Lamented la Washington. (By Special Leased Wire.) Washington, Jan. 3. Administration officials from the Wbite House on down the' line' expressed the, deepeat regret today at the news from Greensboro of the death of Colonel W. H. Osborn, who wss the first Commissioner of Internal Bevenue appointed under Pres ident WUson. Colonel On bora was a personal friend of President Wilson as well as friend of cabinet officer. Senators aad mem bers of Congress. The announcement of bis death brought genuine sorrow to many close friends in Washing too.' ; . "Colonel On born was oas of the most popular and able officials identified with the Wilsoa administration,' Secretary Daaiels said tonight KENTUCKY BURLEY SELLS FOR $0 PER CENT LOWER Wholesale Rejection T of Bids Feature Opening; of Lex. I . inrton Market ticket Thera are only nino members .ia tha Scn&te. But back to mo vetunger-weiDorae Hgbt-the last has not beea heard of it and th caucus will very likely g : . . 1 A. 1 .( . k . ILL. ' into Session maiglll Wliaous nyuun ' being definitely settled. Miss Welborne .. got her early yesterday, and put ia a i bnsv day. This morning, abj will be ' joined-ia. her fight by. BepresenUtiv ' Exnm Clement fnc first woman ever to ' bo leeted to a seat ia the Legislature '. in North Carolina, iliss Welborne ka developed ao ineonsiderablo atrengtk - since aba launched her campaign, and . there ia nobodv willing to assert den aitely that she won't get what she is after, albeit there is aa undenlsile pre ladies in some -quarters agaiart the ; move. - ..' ' . . Ia the trianguUr'taeeror the enroll ins alerk, Mr. Shell ia claiming aa ad raatate that does not appear on the - face of some considerable opposition - that has sprung ap among', the mem- 1 bers who art here. Both bis opponents, Gardner and Hobbs, have acquire .1 con : ' siderabJa strength wntfng th 90-odd Demoeratia members, aad the questioc" will mott likely, be fought out la caucus. It is Tndrer-eHttagir festui I of tbe ancmbershiD . ana ved . inn ' far " tkat they are such llrangera,...Not.U r ccnt seasiou haSo , there tieea ao many aew faces. Of last year's fifty Senators, there -are but two return lag, sad of the ISO Bepresentativea, there appear not -to bo asoro thaa a aeor who have beea hero " witkia recent years. It will take a week or ao bo f r the Leg ialatur settle down . to S weU-arqnunted basis. Borah, whe waa aaid to hare argued that those countries would follow the lead of ths Uaited Slates, Great Britain and Japan aad that if they became a party to the negotiations, a reduction of armies aa well aa navies would enter into the discussion. Ureal Britain, tbe Senator was re ported to have aaid, eotild, be expected to arge reductloa of the F rears, army If h should consent' to'redueijg her navy. Admiral Cooats Witness. Admiral Coonte, Chief of Naval Op erations, and Bis aides were the only witness -osamiaodi today. Commltto members said thera would be called. b-t that -there had beea ao auggestioa that Secretary Daniels tie invited to ap pear. While the commit'. e waa in ses sion, the Naval Secretary, ia -bis daily conference with newspaper correspond ents, reiterated .' ia opposition to the Borah resolution aad also took oceasioa to any that so fsr as he had beea ad vised .President" Wilson bad taken "no steps 'looking to a disarmament confer ence among the world powers as has authority under tbe Naval Act of 1911. Admiral Coenta. Seaaors said, tic poeod too Borak resolution: or any other Slam based oa a percentage reduction l building, arguing that tteh a reduc tion would fail to brrog about any ?-r".-l.---ri- . .- . i- ) . - 1 wmen limited to in minimum requirements, eaiieor secondary boyeoH. Tbis was described by the court ss "a eombina, tioa not merely to refrain from dealing With eomplaintant or to advise by peace ful mesne to persunde eomplaintant' eus tomcrs. to refrsia (primarry boycott) bnt to exercise coercive pressure upon such customers, actual and prospective, ia order to cause .them to withhold or withdraw partonaga from eomplaintant through fear of loaf or eWmag to them selves sBould tbey- desl with it." . Doclla to Comment Labor leaders of prominence de clined to comment oa the decision of the court, which ialhe first to be given on " wial" President Gompers. of ""Ihe Amoricsn Federation of Labor, has de scribed as "Labor's bilf of rights." At the headquarters of the International Association of Machinists it wss said that all the officers were out of town. Immunity from prosecution wss clsim d for Section tion of one year would have expired "In May, 1920, in flew of the fset that export trade had not been inter rupted, but had greatly expanded, and that' exports were being '" privntrtly Una need in large volume, th War Finance Corporation, at tha request of tbe Secretary of tbe Treasury snd wtu snd that tha government should not b esiled'ispon further to finsneo private business at public expense. To tc (x tent that Europe ia able to furnish ad ditional securities, private financial in stitutions here will doubtless find means of giving the neeessar' accommodations. Way Haa Been Opened. - Washington, Jan. lVsto by Prssl- " dent Wilsoa todsy oCtho farmers rV ' lief bill to revive the War Finance ' Corporation was followed almost im medistely by a vote of M to 8 la the -Seaate to make- th bill law despite t sxocutive diaapprovaL Tha Hoaas will . . take ap th aaeaaara tomorrow aad pre-. . diction were general thai it would da i plicate the Soaate's aetioa-aad- tka.- place the bill oa the atatete book. Proaideat Wllaoa, ia a leagthy vote . 'Tha wav haa been onrn for tdded my approval, -suspended the Snaking -of I legitimate -efforta- t promote" foreign advances. .1 trsde. Financial ageaeiea Jn aid of ex- Net a Wise Meaeure. I ports, privately A aneed. have already "This resolution wss passed by ths I been planned to operate under the act I message, declared ho withheld his ' an-. Congress apparently ia view of the I approved December U, 1919, authorix-1 proyal of the bill because the War ) recent sudden aad considersbie Ian in ing ths organisation of banking cor-1 rinnnee Uorporntloa prlees, especially of agricultural com- po rations to do foreign .banking buai moditi; WTtn--tho- thought thst- oomo assa.nT-TOTpoTlttOB"hf "DeeM-6f-European countries to which certain ganized ia tbe South ar.d a second of products were eustomsrily shipped be- larger scope is ia' course of develop, fore the war might again be enabled to wient These agencies jwy be expected resume their importations. ' and that to act aa promptly and aa liberally and Inrsrer maases of domestio exports tolhrlnfully aa Bound buaine.s condition I snd orderly processes of business aad Europeaa countries generally might be I will permit Through reliance oa such I finance." r ' impoo credit Bars ens. The legislatioa, the President :lso saiiU-would- r nit in-addiUoaat-eeedt-burdena, aad the government, ho- con tended, should not bo 'called npvn fax ras a war credit I agency, not desirable or needed ia peaeo J time Us said ThaT'tt "wouId exert ao beneficial influene pn the eituatioa would raise false hopes aaioag tha very people who wo Id expect most, sad would bo hurtful to the . natural the agenta of the unloa under stimulated, with ths resulting nhsnee- enterprises, rather thaa through govern Six of tha Clayton Act which meB' of domestic prices. 1 am ia full ment intervention, msjr w expect to 13 tb thut th "labor of a human sympathy with svery sound proposal to sure a return, to atablo- hiisiassa-jeia. lor Section 2d of tha same statute. nr wod offset ths evUI which government interfereaeo with business. expense.' rxererrtng to wwiespre- ; oourta wora neeifieally sostrsinod .would result, or that tt nam or target I have syrnpathlxed with this view, and dornaad fotjabolUhmsnt of war age- . - n granting injunctions suck as that advantages canaot bo seen rod' without bsliev that M is applicable to foreign aa4 removal, of govemmental in- ,- which appKcatioa was made. resort to governmental intervention, trad as well as to. donrsstie business. 'roBbsaiaeos, tho Jseat being is not sn article or commodity I promote foreign trade along sound busi. I tions. For marry mo iths there has been I r.t " r. .i . j.j I nesa lines. I am not convinced that ths I a demand thai, war aa-ar-eiee should ha during ths course of ths litigation that I method proposed is wise, that 4ho bene- abolUbsd and-that thero should be lshhte fiaanea jprrvate business at pub under Section SO, of tha same statute! " w0"1 off,e the avili which I government interfereaeo with basiaose. 1 sxpensa." Beferrlng to widespread- ; ths rora trtW vli !.h nnMnn!nl Pitney Beads Opinion. ' I On the. contrary, I apprehend that ths J I an f ths opinion that bow, ' more '- bsd "sympathy" with thi Wow T...IU. p A m.. I .nmntlnn nf tha aarAoratioa'a activl-1 than two -rears after thn mrml-tien (he I aad added that "the BBtioa Shduld equalization of aaval power beeanso of I cf tt, eourt, said: I ties st this time would exert no bene-(nation should resums its usual busifiess I " ita """l kusineas msthods." ' ths different six of the programs off . o.tin. b-.j1 t. , s.i.i inHn.c on the sirustlon in which I methods and return tn Um rliM I ITpoa resding of the veto aasssago the different rations. I .,. ri.ii i-,n.,,. ' i. ,k;. :-t I imnrnvement ia soust. would raise the initiative, intelligence and ability M the Senate, Senator TJadsrwood. of sioa is for whst it does not authorise false hopes smong ths very people who of its business leaders aad flaaneiai ia-1 Alabama, Demoerstls lesdsr, argsd Hs - sad for the limit it sets to ths irn-1 would expect most, and would do nun-1 stitunons. munity conferred. Tbe section assumes I ful to the natural and orderly processes I No Immediate Sol a tloa. the normal otjects of a labor orrani-1 of business and finance. I "We shall not witness aa immediate cation to be legitimate, and declares I Largo government credits were ex-1 satisfactory adjustmsnt of domestic and tbst nothing in the anti-trust laws shall I tended during the wsr to certain i.uJ-0-1 international trade relations. The bur- be construed to forbid the existence 1 pssn governments nssociated with us in dens of wsr are not lifted when the tut AiutHim. n mnt n,a..l..(i... I ik. .tvnaro-1 These eessed several I flflhtina-- eonaea. On thlnv mA shAnt I to forbid their members" from lawfully months after the arnsistic, except for war is that it leaves behind It a legacy Mnring the war aad that he felt eoal carrying out their . legitimate objects. I eommitmonts alreafly made. They of economic ilia and of Buffering from den ' admiaistratioa of tha pro- should -AOS. now. oe ..resumed, eraer ui-1 wuico jnere no aseape. venditions, I "TT """ "i rectly or indirectly. The recent Bros-1 however, are Improving both here and I drm 0 Tssury.,, com nosed" of experts I abroad. The difference, with whioh I Oa tha Senate roll-call, 20 Democrats front, many European countries snd from I are bow. confronted are of small eoaseJ '"er" J"'" Bcpublksns ia, ovor- other nations, usen sxpressea in utin-1 quence in comparison wita urose wnioh I - -"- ion that further Credits should not De I we? isve met and overcome.' Fuller res accorded directly by governments. . 1 1 toration ' awaits the adoption of eon do not believe that tbey should bs se-1 structivs measures of large cods- corded indirectly. Iquence; the secure establishment of a "Exports of domeStie prodirets nave i just peace tn too world; the cessation I not doelined since the armistice, un oi ngnting everywlasre, the more eou- piote resumption In Europe of the nor- Tho committee was fold by ths Ad miral that the American :.uiiding pro gram w.a the largest angVtho Japanese second, bnt .that even -'itJi the comple tion of the Japanese program Japan's navy wonid have only alout half ths strength of th America-, navy. Great Britain's building program is compara tively amall, the Senators were said- to have been told,-nnd unless it is in creased before 1924 the American navy would about equal tne British. - immediate consideration, for which unanimous consent was secured by . Chairman Gronaa, of the agrienltaro committee, which reported the bill. I Senator Underwood followed witk tha only addreas made, declaring that financial distress bow was greater thaa DANIELS OPPOSES PLAN " 7 . OUTLINED IN RESOLUTION Washington,' Jan. & Secretary Dan iels said today that so far as hs had beea advised President Wilsoa' wss not considering the calling of a world dis armament conference. Beiterating his opposition to ths Bo rah resolution looking to a reduction of naval building by Great. Britain, Japan and the United States,' the Naval Sec retary aaid "such a' move .would amount -Lexington, Ky Jan. 8. Bids approxi niately 60- per cent lower than were made for the same type df leaf last year, wholesale rejection . of the bids by the growers, a threatened split la" tie ranks- of the - newly - formed ' Barley Tobacco Growers' Association, aad ths beginning of operaUona of the Burley Tobacco Marketing Company were' out standing developments of the -opening day of the anaaal sales Season ia ths Lexington loose leaf market, the largest ia th world. .- . The co-operative compaay will be in corporated tomorrow. Temporary sus pension of sales aad a cut out of the 1921 crop loomed -as-possibilities tonight. Sentiment among tha thousands af far- era who gathered aero to attend the opening day of sales seemed, it waa said at offices of th-growe-a. association", to b almost nnsntmowsiy ta favor of a complete boycott of theburley crop aext year. - - - - A crowd - estimated at Wroan-10,000 to ISiWO atteaded th opening sale. Growers frtm Indiana, Ohio, Wast Yir- ginia, Tennessee, Virginia, Connecticut, North Carolina aad . .auaseflri , were a as oar those present .- -j-s - A total Of 41209 pounds of tobseeo was -Sold today at aa average of S20.il a koBdred. The sales averaged for the sea sob last year was to a hundred and o opening day Inst year tho aver age was $54 a hundred. . A total of 123,000 pouads, 24 per seat of tho tobacco offered, waa takea off th breaks after growers had rejected tk bids. ' Annual lorg distanea Mid. Winter Flat Baee. . Piacliarst. tomorrow Z:iS a-tAdv. , - . But there . is oothinaia. the section to exempt such, aa organization or ita member from, secountabiljty where it or they depart from its legitimate ob jects 'and engage ia aa actual combi nation or conspiracy ia restraint of trsde. And by no-fair or permissible construction can it be taken as authorising--any activity otherwise unlaw. fu. , - - As to Section , it. With respect to Sectidn Twenty, the the' enntrnry. they, have greatly in conrt'n oninion was enuallv exnlicit I .... rl Tram' an as-a-res-ate value be- VA11 of its provisions are subject to! fore the wsr of less -than 2 f 2 billions a general Qualification respectine- ths I nf dollar, snd of about six billions f hostiUties. tney rose ttlfr to moTg thtotS?i this fisrore will prob- employees, or between - employees snd I ably be exceeded for the last calendar employees or between employees, in-1 mw. For -tha first eleven months of volving or growing out of a dispute eon- last calender V" exported more cerning terms or conditions of employ- than S700,000j)00 and this figure will ment. probably be exceeded for the last eal- Pk.u I. 1. .1 4. j.. - v.. k. S , .l..n 'months 1-2 Dlllioi aoiuirs wuriu v uu- nerchandUe. . . kaxaraa K A as SB lsirtA1w T)r!1 Wo , . , ' w complainant's customers or pros- financed. The difficulty ia tha way of thought that Great Britain, la Inaiatine I . : j . .L I , um oa tho asastery of the seas, menaces the r, eonatralnina- eomnlaiuant ta yield hi. ao much in tha luck -of financial rjuitedBtatos, but Greet Bntaia eoald the matter in dispute.- ability here as in Edrope's lack of WA1I affard u nfar' u mmr. t a I - ..- - - l - I ' .rt-. etmtm -aarar ottjimnt tr lor sucat rnnn FMPL0YES WANT TO tw. ..ernes and the services which an agreement would-leave her wiU af.,'. w-,,e-.n I .h rendera have act yet reached mat, courses of industry, the return .of Her people to sounder fiscal snd bank- Democratic Oawosltloa. Supporting tho President's opposition ' were two Democrats Senators Gerry of Rhode Island, aad Thomas, of Cole rado, and threo -Bepublicano Elkin and Sutherland, of West Virginia, aad Keyes, of New Hsmpshirs. Senators Glass, Democrat, of Virginia, aad Edge, Bcpnbliean, of New Jersey, voted . ... . , vssviat uuaiiuMMVH injsiurjviwiia U1V OI UUlioS UU Vi to nothing less than Mother al Unec, B,tnr- th ,nd par. the ho toJbM.UQprijm tH tics affected, 4ho eourt ssld. Hit iortho Wendaf naval alatco of power of the world, to bo a cass betweea an employer and 040,000,000, and this ing policies, and ths breaking don .aaist over-riding thi veto, but with witnm fier borders of harmful restrie-1 arew tneir votes on seeouni 01 saving lions. - - ---- -t patrsr- fteiutur fen ruse, of reansyt- 'The remainder of the nations could reasonably bs expected to form an- en tente, said Mr. Daniels, "and tha we would soon have a condition identi cal to tbst whu$ caused the world war." that which caused ths world war.1: "WOODROW WttSON, "The. White House."' vania; a Bepublieaa leader, was paired but announced that bo would have voted to eustain the veto. - Tbe President's message also was read in the Bouse. Bepreseatative - fendants or Jths, organization they rep- of last ea about reducing or Umltiag it. Navy rwnt ,n ttithtT threat, or put- thaa 7 1! until it U second to no natioa In the tnMiB u DriD, ,bout strike, r i ces'- mestis m WEST VIRGINIA CAPITOL DESTROYED BY FLAMES MoadeU, of Wyoming, PBubUean ' - si il. . I laamJaka. m ss ,. Jl I.e.. tL.k 1 .U On; Laborer Killed and . SeveJ be taken up tomorrow Hit tha opening 01 tba JUouse, but without say definite srrangements for a vote. Advocates of era! Firemen Injured When .Boof CaveaJn- the bill, -Iraweverv expressed eoafidenes that ths Hooe also would vote to oa . Charlestoa, West Virginia, Jsn. S. I set the bill despite the veto. The Bouss The espitol building of Weit Virginia was destroyed ty nr late today. One Injured snd several other, firs fighters passed tho bill by a vote of .212 to 61. or much more ths a the aaeessary twe- w J? T !L2!.t RffikT TUTIR AIITnnnRII CtjIrJie renders hsve act yet reached s bnrt hsn a siM!tioa of tha roof,.iinder were steading, eavsd in. - Z:"!' ,Z K 4 wr.si. . eommoditios taksa froat nat pn, -The speetaeulif nsturs of the fire lrTr:i- 1 : WV " " ' w t"1 abiUty to furnish for saai-iwaa enhanced when muer ammunition . Mtutwev yiuu .WIJ vw BUS. SBCaiH any danger to the, Uaited States, but it exists aad if these - three nstions should agree to limit naval building to day the BritiaT navy would bo much superior to ours while the tmrirtne4 Japanese and British Bsvies would ever- shadow the,AmerieaB sea forces." RALEIGH BOY MAKING ; n iriUT s wu 1 s w wn ink's.w iht. Z , , , , - r le b usecf by them temporarily Lieut. Andrew CrinWw Hen. M"" Ut 'or their own use. cular - Asking- Fermission To use Plant Detroit Mkh. Jan. S. Officials of th Ford Motor Company had takes aolof credits is the abseace ia borrowing I official notice tonia-ht of a baadbill I eoantries of sutnelent securities ror ni- i circulated Sunday by a number of ths Inmate repayments.'' Until this obstacle I concern's smoloyes aaklnr that tha I ia removed At is difficult to see bowl company permit the workers to as ths I materially larger exports to Europe are votes were east Ty Kepublicaas. - Critrclsea HBBBtaBSi Before ths President' message reach-; ed th SenatS today, Senator Harrison, " Democrat, of Mississippi, a leading ad- tionsl expOrta seenritios : wh Ich bsi- stored on the third-floor of the buUding I vacate of the legialation, criticised Bee- .ia -.1 la ,W. I 1 1 . . 1 ... rr , j .1.. .... es nsvB .win mi I ('iwcu. i iowij iwunv.f , , vif JLa , we Ing Unrestricted. Ths experts of the, I Within four hours ster the fire was Treesary head, neeor'ding to aewspapsr . . . . C M. . I . ... - . .... K I . . . . . . ..... Itrusscis eoniereneo reponea uat 1 niseovcred tn errSLol bnildina-. enatain 1 reports, ana novuea rreauteatiai disv of the chief obstael.es to the granting I iBg the governor's office, state depart-1 approval of the bill withoat Indies tiag monrs snd v-nrieeis. . records." wss I ca iuhuinb waeajsr. Houston was nothina- but a nm-nfinotin, before Cuwressioral committ. State officials- mad ao -attempt tof Seaator Edge issued a statemsat ta esOmste.ths loss, but they said thatBSkl doeUring that ths President's ik. " .wli.i. 1 srsumeata asainat th bill mmrm 0 CANALV20NEI-Por Untu BOW e,0,ed fo-nntory,t be made, even if Oxportera, insurance wss carried.' eoulA- naaBswerahle." By issuing Placed aad that it wss impossible to I " ssiporsuoa, oeaswr estimate their value. Some stats rec ords were saved by clerks, officials aad flrenvn. - , for N01 ber of Hary Seaplane Expo, dit)on To Panama rr 6sa Diego, Cal. Jan. t The seaplanes NC-6 and KC-4 wore reported by radio rumor that the Ford employ had do- formal request had been made to' the oompany for gaea actioa,. it was an nounced. - . i . - mstribuUoa or the bsndbills gav riss- to a aamber Of false rumors la Detroit today. The police ridiculed en anaided by. government finance, stand ready to do their part It is remarks Die that F.nrnna ia able ta nuke aa effec tive demand for as large a volume of ear roods as thi is making. It Is Satifying evidence of her recovery d progress towsrdl full produetioa aad sounder financial conditions, i No Direct Advance. "Under th.Uw, if the activities of th corporation were resumed, ao Hi- 1?' 2 fc57,h?1 Jf41 elared Soviet control aad had assamed Mexico, for Baadenea Bay, to join the I mMiiu r . nint Wk.. m rwi twelveFS-1. asapUaes that are flying I workorau tppenreeV st the T Hightsad rort advances could be made- topro to Balboa. Canal Zona. Tomorrow thef itrk pUtntthi morning to -receive their ducer aad,' If they ootrld 'be they foartaCSr aesplaaes are Scheduled to fly 1 nw h-ek. th. mart rnnm wnramA tlt I mli ant amaanliakj tbi abJecta' ia te Aespulec a distance of eM miles. I tbey were storming ths-plant But I view. They would not create demand Lieutenant Andrew Crinkley, of Ba.JeBV poiieeras, ,ws o duty J the for oortoduetsJVr. aeuld be suds nriKB.-wow i vn aTiaior auiii I Titaitv of the Tectory aad Uara wss I only to exporters sr to baace engaged I k ' T a 1 1" 1 TTTtT I tbw- poiw . auaouaceu. 1 vm uaancrg npuns w.u..)Mr.Ma ji iss. isiiiiss M-wrmti ay voaaml' t f - S-iccaa Of what sdycate of the -r" -ijtumora use in woveraor was to aeisoxae measure snasuw tiptra wrj gua oa January L., V.. - . tasked to aead Federal troops from Fort would probably' set-have the nffeet -77: ; Wayae, wetsv called sbeurd" by U I spparently wiost desired of ubstntilly Lieutenant Crinkle, te a eitiaed f I i. J . .aB.i.i. Liunuit tluaa il. uAhHsial ton- BahrigtiaBd has taksa a high stand I . " J modi tie. . Already. wHk the larger vol- naval aviatjea. . J . I W-rfcars Ketara tm Job. laate of asporta, which Europe b tab- It sr'D . be STstifvlaa for BaleiFh I Albany. XXu Jan. Sv Nia hnndred I imm tmrm mm mmm la MraWiala- W SB. people to ksoar that eae of 4S citiasBSIcar vforkers, employed at the West AH tioa -of taking a -smaller volume of one of the sviators aa this record I bony shop of the New Terk Ceatnl j ton f Oar ftriacipal agricultaral prod aking flight" Secretary Daniel aaid I railroad wk sreta laid off oa Dweaaa. I aeta. eh a- a..,. ka.Ki, ka. ev . , ssr u, rcuxava tm tvuv. . 'sauso she) benciX baa rsrorss PROPOSED SCHEDULE TO RAISE RATES.CANCELLED Edg aaid. would "adversely affect tbe present anaaeial aad- aeoaomta. sitna- Itioa without any direct resultant good I to lirodaccrs.". .;. . - . . (By 8peeial Leased Wire.) Washington, Jsa. I. The Interstate I HOUSB LEADERS CONFIDENT ' OF OVSEJtlDINO THE VETO " ' WW amsssj mwm XBy Leaned Wire.) ' .Wasbiaa-tosu Jaa LTTnaa. La.n Com mere Commiaaioa tonight kaaded were coafideat tonight that tho lower down a deeisioa cancelling prepooed braneb of Congress wonld follow the schedule raising lumboT tates en setioa af the Senate tomorrow and pass eeat per one hundred pounds from ths War Fiaaaee molutioa ever tk Eastera Caroliaa points ta Norfolk aad nti at PfMiJ.iL Portmnoutlu 1" ;;-,.iTk.snJoity. iw tttlhuf, sbmer Wooley and the schedulecsrig inally effective An gust SI, 1920, aus peaded September 1 aad September 28 and again natil Jaaaary SL era ordered cancelled by Jssusry 28. - r. W. Gwatkacy aad Hoary Thar beU ' rep reseated the carriers ia the bearings sskiag for the eoatiaaaaee of tho aekcdales, wkile th " oretestaBta were irprn-nted by J. Howard Fish-I boak and W. X BtrobaL aeedod. Tho votes of the North Carolina Senators ware la favor of over-riding tho veto, Seaator Ovor- asaa vetiag "ay aad - Seaator -Sim- - moaa having been paired that way. (Senator Jioies renrose, who baa a staadiag pair witk Senator Joha Sham Willisma, anneaneed that he weald, if permitted, bav voted "aye" and there , iCpatlneed ea Far Tw4