BAKER MORRIS MAY GET POSTOFFICE Conoressman Brlnson With draws His Support of More head City Editor . The N'ewi M! Obtrw Hureaa, Dl'Mrt National Haak Ballding T . .Jf . ! POWELL. , Hy Special Laacd wlrO Weeiitirrtna, Jaa S.Thr eelefcrafid Morekoad City purtuAc ;ointairt M' ge. an th booHe' teday after laterailttral flaring In fh ewa kIirhi fo the bettor part of two year and Baker alnrria, eeldier rendi'late, - will L aa4. if DMwtni 4 UwmJ H t confirmed. -la hia (rat ttaUmaut of the caee Congreaeaiaa Brlneea mad haewa to ny en nurpoee ta withdraw hie tup' pert of Eohert T. Wade, Mrwhad Cilv editor, ia favor of Oia eoldier with the Oiplaaatloa that the Krpuhllraae date aerved notice oa both him and Senator Bimmoae that Wada will not ba eou 1 rat ad. Tha rata Irat fame to potille-henr-lagt la tha early part of Heptembrr, IMS, although it had guine.l attention eome time bafnra than. Around the evidence ubmitte4 to a. Senate " ' mlttee at that time waa built aa at tack apoa Pnetmaai.r General Rurlreoa Which gained popular famr at it h Dcm aetata and party liara aplit. LOCAL AMERICAN LEGION POST REDUCES ITS DUES At the Brat meeting thia year of the Raleigh Poet of tha America Legion laat night tha annual Juea were' reduced .vlMM.-iTfcalimA.W Hi ..monjMy.l aarvaiuaij TTI 'nnn WW - ffW IS WWV V eurt Boom, owing to , the Boa avails L-Ciltly w pf ... hj Chamber of Commerce ' " Aaaaaably Room, the former roeetin piece, ll waa reported that the rerenV Jy aeeured alub room at the Y. M. C. kaa bewa made available for the uae of . ' Member. loejetime la February the Poet will - - tag a tableau, almllnr-lo that which kaa be a given at Haliabury, Ureenaboro ,BBd Otker pulnta in lha Btata. . Proml Beat eltlaeaa f the city will be aked I parte la tka tableau, which I reported aa a arream. At Haliabury one r tne parti wai take tty United Btatei feaator Let B. Uvermnn. Commander A. II. Corey aad Adiu lajU & Jokaaoa ere inatalied lint Hlght KENNEDY FUNERAL i CONDUCTED YESTERDAY .The faa'araltpf Mr, Oeerg To Kaa , aedjr, ef thia' eity.-wej held yeeurdav -. afternoog Xrom tha Baptiit Tabernacle, t-a-o--hfr-hf ta had beta a, marober.Ue died Bunday avaa lag it f o'elock, of apvplesy, after twe , jreara' Jllneaa., Ha waa 70 year eld. ativa of railing Creek, ia Wayne t eouaty, and wag a eon of Ray. Thomae ; cvaanedy, a Widely kaowa Quaker mini tar ia kia day.. Mr. Kennedy had for airaoit BO year beea a Maeoa, flrat la a Wayne lodie and her in Iliram lode He had lived ia Wake aounty for ever . 40 yea re, at flrat aa tha farm, and thee for noma SO yea re ia tha aerrle ef the but. Ha married Uiaa Ada Jordan, f Balelgh, ana aha and four children aad thraa graadehildfan hurvlva him. ' ' At tha funeral aerviet tha axaraiaet ware ondueted by Bar. Pr. Weatoa Iiraaets Tha honorary pallbsarera ware Chief Juatice Walter Clark, Aaaoeiata Juttica W. A. Hoke, Secretary of But , J. Bryaa Orimai, Star Treaaurar Lacy, Themai Hanr Ilrigga aad led A. "QldawTh aeUva pallbearexi ware Col. Albert U Cot and Meaara. A. II. Ar- - - rlngton, Gavin Cortch, Qeorge 8. Jut tiaa, Claranea Bewail and Sheriff Bryant ! lUrrlaon. Tha body waa interred in ; v- Oak wood eemetery. r. RAILROADS MUST AWAIT N FINAL AUDIT OP ACCOUNTS . Waabington, Jan. 8. The rallroadi of tha eountry muat await a final audit by ' tha Intarttate Commerce Commlaalon before reculving any portion of tha ' $400,000,000 appropriated by Coagreaa . aa a guaranty for operating eipenaea . far tha ais montha- after return to pri--L--- te-oatro!t hif JuatSc MeCuy, ef tha Diatriet of Columbia Supreme' court ruled today. . . PRKNCH GIRL HMt'OGLED - ASHORE AT NORFOLK, VA, Korfolk, Va Jaa. 8. Admitting that ; fit waa gmuggled aahore from aa Amerieaa freighter in a row boat after j being eoaeenled ia the hold during the '. trip from Bordeaux to Norfolk, Amelle Arnaud, a French girl ef IS, la being "'" """ kali 1y thh police whllelhe de'parimeat 'of commerce and labor ruloc whether aha muat la deported. ("high grade tobaeoe. - illuilillliiiiiliiitliiiliiiMiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii PICTURES i:-:z -FOR WEDDING GIFTS ' - i . T j The grory ef the Eaat aad the per . fact almplidty ef Oriental deaigalng it repraaeated ia th Japaaaaa priau . that yo will gad at the Gift Bhop. Tk auaaia aad folor of the Call foraU eaaat i broeght U life Ja tka . Brae rcprodactioaa te be foead at tha Gift jShop, . . . . Tha art af tha groatmaatera iad oaproaaioa ia the MquiaiUly eolored Ate priat that yew win'lni at THE GIFT SHOP "BB Taaanl ' i lAir'Cat, ir.c. .iiiirimmrtmiim HOUSE TO DEBATE Oil DAM PROJECT Appropriation'For Wilson Dam, " In Alabama, Brln.s Much Talk By Members VYaehiua'toa, Jan. .I After Mailing throufb nearly a fourth of tha 171 ft Ida aundry civil bill,-ftrel uf tha fiftrta Mg arprop'iatina nraa- urra. ike iMigAt Ma kaiua or nm.iher wave of talk over an amend- meat frrovidmg glU.uW.Ot'O fr work a tha vyiimb Ueta, part or tin jiuerie Plionl nttrat plaat project ia Ata bam a. Tiara wet inaietenl - demand for loiv. ..(rguibcrt . mcmUvtt 4!ly daatriag lo epaak ia behalf of tha amendment, effrrcd by Keprrerntatit j llyruee. Tea aaaae a, raaklag Ieuocrt uf tha appropriation committer. It Anally waa agreed to limit delate to morrow to aa hour and a half. u- puMlcana, ready to aiake point of nli r agaiaat tha amendment with ev ry naauraaea that it would ba ei- Uilnxl. declined lo prraa it ao that r- rrbody eould iad then bring he quratioa gquarely to a ai. In taking Hp tha bill, Item by item, before rea thing tha dam qm-itlon, tha lluuee approved It with few change. Aa approprition of 7fl,UKi for tha ouaril of Natlfmal Ifenaa aa irirkrn out 43 ta t witk the reault that thia war-reeted agny will ha left without funda after aeit July rat. The e i patted fight aa lb Shipping floard item -fail down.' although the paragraph directing tha board to tell ita ahlpa and build no mora wx or- dored out oa the grounir kt wat e nrared by eilatlng, law. Oialrman CATCtf EASILY? Your Vitality It Low Raaitt 'anew Woak YOU NEED PEPTO-MANGAN Rich, Rexi Biood Will Strongtb. a You and Put You On Your Foot AbU To Roaiat Colds Your lyttem aornfklly healthy ihould tarcr . eatcA-.-eold. Your ..hody la ad-, jutted to take care of auddea ebaoge ia tha weather. It ia when you ara run dowa aad your vitality I low that your body eanaot diurt llaelf. Then you take cold. if you keep your blood la good eon- umvn, wi,m ptvat v (vt cu(ihkiwi you will ho etrong and your body will eaeUy adjuat itaeif to auddea change. Yau win throw off tha cold germ that go flying Into the air whoa omo with a aold eneeaee, -.- .):;.. , L I -a u.l .. ,u Red-blooded men, women and ehll- dra aat well. They .lava plenty of knergy. They go along with a amllg bacauaa they feel right Try Pepto-Mangan, the ausceeaful tonic- It ia a wonderful blood builder. Taka it for awhil tiU you feel right Pepto-Maagaa la widely and heartily endoraed by phyiielaaa. It la affoetiy and ay to take. It la prepared la both liquid aad tablet form. Tha medicinal prepertiea ara tha aama. Bold at aay drug (tore. But ba ur you got tha genuine Fepto-Mangan (lude i. Aak for It by name, aad be cur the full aama, "Oude'a Pepto Mangan," ia on tha package. (Adv.) Circular Saws, Himmeringt Repairing And Fitting Mill Supplies Boiler Tubes u Raleigh Iron . Worl$ RALEIGH, O. L. (INCORPORATED) Emphatic Reductions 1a1b SU of suits, coats, dresses, skirts, waists, fxjSjsetc suits Our entire lint of SUITS that-o!d at $59.95, $69.95, $79.95 op to $249.95.' Filial xnodekBom button trimmed, other handgomely braided; also man. tall ortd tnodela beautifully lined -with fancy satins and I "Sals prices $19.50; $35.00 $49.50 $69.50 $75.00 "" - NEWS AND OBSERVER. RA1X1GRN. C. TUESDAY MORNTNGjANUAKY 4. 1921, kwtauae it aa drelred lo go t aay Iragtk to eoaipel vaar,t " d Caaaraaa already kad dlreelra It waa eipUlne.1 later Ikal the Houae aetUa ia ellw.inatteg the paragrapk would k-a the Hhlpplng Board with out fuada after July I, eiept fi't 0.',( for ailarire ef eoaiaiiaatanen mtiil fur eiperiara ef the loard la the Itiatrui of Columbia aad of aa laeea tigatiua 'f fofriga diaenmiaatioa agalmt Aeterleaw araaela awd etrtjf pera. TV board originally a.ked for ah ap nrnnriatina af IU?JUXmu. Inetead of I lu wing thia aaiouat the appropriattonr e.. mm litre Inaerted a paragraph la the tnadry mil bill wutlwaUiag Lb board t uae fanda aa hand Jaiy I. ' twHrttal fl?iiuI.J r9L,Blj tm-ti year from oprrallia of ahii aad ut te eireed iS.O'W.OCiO darirad Iroot the aale ef ahlpa aad auipmeat. By atrlking out thia ragraph. It waa einlalned. tna llouae irrt ina aoaru without authority even o aaa fund Utfxiud iiom aoiragiug . uf iU equip ment for operating ainenaaa. It waa predieted that aa appropriatloa for the board would I Inaerted la tna dim ha It raeebea the Banal. Peterabarg relkrwaaaa CaaaailU ialelde. Peteraburg, Va Jaa. I. firing kia retoWer into hie mouth, rred Vkkert 3.1, aoaaty patrolman at llnpeell, Va., rnmailtteit wieiae tonigni ai i o'elork after having atumpted three Imea to alioot K. W. Martin, Bight patrolman faf Waat Hopewell aad wounding him ia Ike thigh. Viekera had been drinking heavily recently. Te Care a Cold la Oaa Day Take drove. LAXATIVE BKOMU QUI M.VK toblrti. The genuine bear the igaature of E, W. Grove. SOa. Adv. WA.S'Tfcitf-A IPTftliT Cl.AM . MLaT rutlar. una who la caoable ami uulrli aad kaoara koec eut . aad wait m ally, trade. Jo apt .apply T. Huae.1- If vou ran not nil lillt. T, rutt. 131 B Wllmlnalon kl 7t Dra. Tuckctr A Spnc lAAatA yvu ta7dhcTrit Efird' Raleigh'. Busiest Department Store Sells It For Less N. C tiif h Crada t - ' HOPKINS TSBSBFr -: j r T m ar w -v m . .. ... . . a. . r ji ,.t jc i MYSTERY OF SHOOTING OF EASTMAN CLEA.RED UP FrohibttioB Aful AHaftd To Ht Admitted Shootlnf; FriaoBeT Zops y.w Yark, Jam I.-Bark weak from the high tide la New Yerk'a erlme we trrvtrd aiere eaeltemraf la polite partntent rlrelee today than Ika few outbreak! of violence ia tha laat ;i ho re. The myaury which kad raveloped the killing oa ta eawaikg aft CkrUt- maa of "Monk" Kaeteaaa, gaaglter Bohaa, a prohibiuoa aaferoewieal ageal aurreadered aad, H ta alleged, admitted hooting' the Monk, wko bad hie eiti icnihip riglita retaraed after valiant ear arrtlre. Bohaa deaeribed the killing aa tak ing place after a diaking party at tkr lllue Bird Cafe, fullowlag threat" on hia life end "vile language" by hjnt man, police aaid. Ilarv Hitaliareer. wko kad bean ar raated In connective wita the koldlag ap aad robbing- ef the flrat Rational Bank of Milltowa, N. on uecemiior 0, jumped to freedom taday after fllimsr and aawlag hia' way eat of kia cell wiadow. Nineteen other prieonera tried to follow kiia, hut a lone guard etopped them with a diaplay of hia revolver. Whilk aeventy one pullcemen were feeing ahaige of delinquency la P'T formiinee of duty " at Brooklyn head quartrra, another blue root laloret through aa huey a day aa he could re member. Patrolman Kidwia before aooa In Memoriam Throw out the life line, Throw out (lie life tine. We eakauated every effort but to aa avail, therefor we gave up heart brok eaand aad. They made him a grave too cold and lmfht 'v nrxm orld. a Ood traniplaatcd world where pala and death 1 aa more "If he wai ao aooa to be done, For what waa ba begua." Freddie Darden. Jr died oa Novam ber tJrd, at about t a clock, P. M., aged 10 aioatha aad (1 daya. Be waa a per fart model of humanity phyiiaally, ei aeedlngly bright and good. If hia going will draw eraadaddy to him, he will aot have lived for naught. Cauaa af loath, Broaahial Pneumonia. " OBANDAODY DARDEN 666 b a Prtacription for Colda, Fever and La Grippe ' It' tha moat epeedy remedy we know, preventing Pneumonia- Ad. "Mile Prom High TtUm", SHEFFIELD SILVERWARE Uenulna Shefflald Bilrer add" to tha attraclir. aeaa af hoapltallty aud t th aama time five that wonderful peraoho! touch of naefulneci that only Silverware ef Merit render. Sheffield SiWer Bread Tray priced aa low ae. .,.......-..... Watch, flock and Jewelry Repairing. tinnmiuiMTO . - , - Vr - - I . , -.. . aaT- data from the tame exaeriment, Purina formula produce (above bodily miinfenancej.'a followk: lSrlaaj SermUh Fa4 INaraan Chkh i Chwd- CmaUaod Ratiaei , Tbeae Purina feed not only of white and yolks but ffioro Dote thr IVirina Chic kaa Civawder cIcbmbu to balaac ay th olkHaaking; graia ratioav i ut-a way at anakti - aen my a BewvUy. laeteaa of th yolk hingborhd by th hen'i lyiteaH Purina Chicken Chowder nuka th -white t empUH th tfj aa4 they are hid. Thu we v jeaa abolutIy fmiant... r mom egfi'vt"' i: monctf bade - ttr!aa Chkh Chawder il fed with rwriim Scratch Peed wdiroctwd. Y riak. - c r JOB P. WYATT Iff aCa.-at- P POttTET SUrrUXS -tM had easdled hia all hooter twiev aad arrewted alagle kaaaWd k'e alleged tU p men. CARDINAL GIBBONS SAID TO BE. MUCH IMPROVED Baltimore. 114 Jaa. I -far the tret lima aiaea lrember If, aken ke waa atrirkea la B1. Joaepk'a eharrk, Cardl aal Olbboaa elcpt tonight la tka plain little roam la lie reaUfeare wker a kaa lived aad worked for maay year. He waa remavad te kia home today by aatomabil from the Robert T. Bo river home, la L'aloa Milla. Apparently ae a. very aliglitly from the fatigue f aha fallacy, . -. Tka wiadow of the rdjaal room a era dark XaaigUL.aJuL.U- v JtrWf I by member of kia k-eahJld thai he aaa alaeplag aa praaafally ae a ckUd. la hia krarl, the prieata of tka ear. bl prrlate'a official family aaid, aaa a reeling el great giaaaeee to o aoma agaia . ' ,kl To. Maaago Brwm. bt. Louli, Jan. I. I. A. full, of Cbivelaad, will be Ik W manager f the Bt. Loot Americana. Thia aa Boaaeement waa made today try UoD Uulnn. halnae manager ef the llrowna. Be Slender Trw m aa-a. an 0 a rea el wae w-aea eetoeatea pal waiekiT HeaaaMageciaamara. kia Si wlih aalia. eoM. gfV ikrreid, a Win the at i Sw5 VX ae ea awad ik aaaae. kale, erliahte. rawa.' Vy oraeM. A4 aa ywar eaMhUiiy a4 wkwm. aa all wbalraew pern. B oTwaetiyral to VtI,"ai J awt 'Tee J aaa wmaawaiaaei n etee. Aeaeot a eakaOtwaa. Oe mall IM a far aaa: ar www lar Brae areeaaea. Telm Hew She Did It With Mode Remedy. He Mra. E. TT. Boot, a wall-known red dent of Ruchanan County, Iowa, who darkened her gray hair, made tha fol lowttag rtat j nti "Any lady, or gentleman can darken their gray ot faded nklr, aaa maa it aoft and cluaay with thia almple rem edy, which they can mis at ho'ma. To half a Dint of water add 1 ounce cf bay rum. one email box of Baibo Co pound and 1-4 ounce of glyee las. Th IngreillraU-CaJt ba vuKhad at any drug a to re at very IRtle coat. Apply to the hair every other day until 'the gray hair ia darkened infflaiently. It dooa aot color the aealp, I not greaay and doea not - rub off. it will make a gray-haired peraoa look twenty yeai younger." (Adv.) T.W.Dobbin COMPANY formarly Dobbin lerralL SAJLEIQH'S TASO 00006 . BTU SB. Ws Have Beffun Our JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Selling Woolen Dress Goods, Woolen Knit Underwear, Blankets and Bed Comforts "at 1-3 OFF Big Bargains , We Sail far Caah and Mark Oar Coode at Caah Prleaa, Tka feed element that mako wkiUt eggr are enurtfr dinerent frwa) the that m$xyiiJ. waaa aeni aren't led both the wu$ and yU making aiemcnu, uiey ia i lay. Mistouri Experijnent Sutioa tettt prove that 100 Ib. of wheat, corn, oat, barley and kaBfr corn make waaaiaranii, eeaieeorewet g veyawea w wawat aiaaw aa lean aajiwna v " to awe ie feewa aa(. Iea' kaaai ear m atartaewaa aeylha JSTi.S -- aak lae baa at Roajlla) 3w'X -CiX,' ' .vT.;d: . , v"-" 7 i a a, dolrTg-awajaManiviev' j,ig&&&&UJt.2m li 1.4. - m aa-ae-w raatu . i I.A ,wtra 1 r kraMiiiM anoatita anai kij?iv . i 1 aae1 mm ww a i j . , ,1 - r-'-- r -I ''a. I aa" (above bodily maintenance) an sveraire f 224 yolks to 154 white. Based on UtSt wiikaa" white S47.4S ylka 181.0ft yolk 42iM yolka vf Tiptl whit make s. practically tqiial number of beta than prdwtry icedg. contain th naceeaary wJiiteoemiag rj."u:u I a-fM V1 ft ee A SONS CO. FAWI aLtCHXMIT g fca. I MU.!Jii il Pa' i a an ao Senate Overrides President Wilson's Veto of Measure To Revise Finance Corporation atlaeel Pram "Pag Oaa.) aa aaewtiea Ut waat Balr Wll Haat ala waald have voted to over-ride aka vela. Beaatar Pat Hantaan, of Muaiaalppi, waa IN f the alroagaat akampioaa af thai reeelutloa. The prevaillag aeatlmewt aajeag the floaaa me-mbera from North Carolina ia ia favor of Piag Ik reaolatio ever the veto. All tkeae member wh weV kere whew the rowlatioa waa ortglaairy ap voted ia favor af It although Xleaar. kTttrhlw,- BaaaH - aad Bowiaaoa were aot recorded. Mr. Kitehia M h matter Ootiag agaiaat tka PYeai. deatUI vet woold have iaflaeaoa with klaa. Gcmfort Jfonr Sjdn WilhCuticnraSoap inj FraVtiraiit Talcum COUGHED SO HARD HE WAS READY TO DIE But ht recovered quickly nd gained & poundi in 5 week. -Laat taciBr I caught a heavy old. wfcloB left mo wllk deap-avated eoua-h. I courBed ao hard It would tart lie lud. I thouabt I wa a oner, antil I tried Wllka Kmulalon. I need bottle-oltoweiker. My. cough ta Rune, aad 1-laav gained Bin pouada i rlvw weeka. - If aayaa doiaU IC hat. them write me." Chaa. J. Walter. JtJ Ho. Ilth BU Ptttaburah. Pa. When hundred uiwa buadreda or paopje tell yo of uat each recovery, iuat auch gaina In weight, it muat Ih, el iatai. a r. ahape to aaalmtlate food. Ae builder ef nook and etranath. Milk Emuleioa la alronaly rwaommended to thoee whom aloknea haa weakaaed. and ta a powerful aid In reelatlna; aji! repair ing tha elfectn of a aat Inn diaeaaea. Chronlo etomacfe trouble and conatlpa tloa are promptly relieved. It pro ducea remarkable reaulta la colda, eouiha and bronchial aat h ma. - Thia I th only aelid emulalon made, aad ao palatable that It ta eatea with a apooa Ilka lo cream. -Truly won derful for weak, alokly children. No matter Jiow aavere your eaae, you ar urged to try Mllka Emulalon under thia nuarantoe Tak els bottlea home with you. ua It according tot di rect lone and if nut eatlefled with tha Twrotta.- yew- money mill, be promptly refunded. Prlea 7o and Il.tO par bot tle. The Milk Emulalon Co,. Terra Haute, lad. 0old by druggist every where. Stored i aiuiir suiB to aiBveiiT win. in mraaa.- i aa II ..... RBI , At certain seasons of the year, nature mothers us ia generous lavishness; at other seasons she treats us "as outcts. " ' One great service rendered by Swift & Company to me coniuiner. is in taking some of the surplus of nature' 8 plenty and storing it against the season of noh-productiQa " This is a service based upon Bound common sense and meet a definite economic need. This enables you to obtain all the year round some foods which other wise would be so abundant in certain months that the entire supply could not be used, and sd scarcerat other times that prices would be prohibitive . i Swift & Company has equipped its plants and branch nouses with ; erating plants, and has a sufficient number of reerator cars to carry a suppy3eat foods to tiltiitomers.t Space in public tjold "storage ware- perishables i until- they are xieeQed. : i 11.1 We store only iehoughmeat, ; butter, poult7r eggs, and cheese to supply . our customers during" the : period of scarcity and not to specu late oh rising priceiOur- storage profits during the ; last eight years ' have averaged about one cent a . dozen on eggs, and less than a cent a pound on butter and poultry. ' Storage of food is a world necessity, ' . and we regard our part in this as an;. lmportant factor in our service in 4 ' supplying the nation with wholesome 'food. ft.' ; ::r V-'- -Swift BizOaTL "HaleThXocil Brancli Martin and S. West Sts. J. t. Ko).cra, Manager THINKS TANLAC ; IS UNEQUALLED Mlaaewrf Wcrmaai !e 0wcJTwd Bp Hmr Weaularfad IUcawmrr Sirnc Takiftf TbbIm. f ; "I am Jaat a rrioyed to got my health berk Uat I fed lk tall lag everybody aboot Tea la," aaid Vra. . Ell Big lar, af U Orchard BL, Cor- -" tkaga. Ma. flUi month ago I had a-oU - iaflaeaaa, which left m U a terriWy-, laa-duwa aeadiaiaa. I aaaae fait hnan gry aad tha BtU I forced aayaalf t oat aaemed lo do m mar harm tha a good. My aerva wore aa chattered that ' ami ad aleep waa not af tha qweeti ' aad I became aa weak I deat tklak . I mmld kave kept goiag mack loager tf i -wadal -Tai. H0 maay of mr friend had keen helped by Tanlaa I decided to try It and it'r remarkable haw it hag wailt ma ap ia juat a abort Uma. Mr appo tit U epleadld aow, my difoatio eeema perfect aad I have gained tan poaada ia wtlght My acrvae are) atroag aad ateady aad I aieep at night like . . . . . . . F M k b. -I I a baby, ir not oeiier. a wa a waiinra there aver waa at good madieiae made a Tanlae." ' Taalae la old U Raleigh by F. W. Parker Dm Comoanv aad Silver PrUg Cempanyt ia Zebuloa by Zebu Ion Drug Company) la Knlgbtnai oy avaigni; dale I'barmacyila Uaraar by O. B. Montague ia Apex by A. V. Baueom Pharmacy, and ia Loeama by Laeama Drug Company. Ade. -Thank YoiT Notea for Christnus gifts are a pleatv ure to write when you uae the cusuncave, stanonery For Contervttive Fo j American reaeterle Cempuv, Albany, K, T. M KvVf, a grf,-, ya,, fuumtff J Foods (J (1 r'.H At n n ii i M i mm 4i, v tnrin v r