: , TUX VHTtlLR . Mik Caratta aad coat ee Tha.aesy. Friday fair wtth ltag lwUt - Vol cxhi. No. 6. ATLANTIC FLEET 1 Forty-eight Vessels Under Com- f . me ael mana-i-AJmiraivon k teave Virgirja Capes -TO'JOIN PACIFIC FLEET; - f-nn UMUTCD nalCIIUfDC ft. M- .BaaaiBfBwa-aB SAILS SO IITlil fADn urn. mm LONG ourney J falter Drill In Panama Bay it A Combined Fleeta Will .Visit f . 7 West Coast of South Amor. ) ' I.. . Twn4 Rnr4n Atlutti) lb) W .. - m Fleet To S'Jp Back Throuffi Tha Panama Canal . " "" Washington Ju. o.-&reeaed by destroyer, th Atlantic fleet waa eteem- ' . , lag eoaward from tba Yirgiato Capee Joalght tf meet it sister armada from ' ' iu s.in. ia ta wsv ta fa water of J rami ma Bay. Ovdi the battleship Psbb--rsfrhruw flow th four -eiarred-flag "of Admiral H B. Wilson. ..aymsmaader-ta. Jilef of tba United State weet, who aiiraaatmaad tha eanbiacd force Our- -inr tb-maauvTBd bttt jrreetiee i Ma mn iurr jtsaiim rT.-". 1.L ai..r-t ib. Aarlitwlaa aWaa oaauBi'e'iU - tr aa tte lont .eraia. Aha4 ef them, aaal ia adrasra t tnwt tba faelfla urufj out - fleet alnaei, tba air fva tba At--JantU) bad nlaced aouUward ta Joia ia tha rraat war game. latanailT Amy af Bblaa. - Wlik tba PenaiTlraoia. eight dread a'.nahta mada id Admiral W1Iob' Miia. a tha teader Black Hawk akapharded algata deatrayara throw ahead and abeam to aereea w manmeat of tha ajipT of tha line. Aareni trailed the miaa puawr oaa rraatiato flyiac the flag af tb om 'maader t the aalaa tor: - Twa mlnj brer and two mia aweeper rolled -almia ! her wate. ftahor--!-- -1. kl. alnfi at th r yvrvwr vt.MM . - . IF . . Aboard tha fleet war thauaaiid of cfunr laeciea aesuaea w aea - ' am eaaal for the tint tim when tba . ihipa go tbroagb to Joi" Admiral Hugh - Ttodmaa Paeifle , fleet oa tha Patifle It rtli.P.-ta',.flat mobilisation f th fnll "tiaad flit (trcngth of th nArptla' Paeifle fleet created after the Armlatka eadad ho - tilltie with GertnaBy and eel the major - flKhtiagtrnft ftaa from '-wartime wia- "".ion ' Elaborate WlBI for th - ' K.wm Wm aiade. -tatolrtliK tt 1a m t. afldcratood, om practical tea- ocia use of th aignala for yarp 01 aai " MaaeuTari aompleted, th.eembind liaet will tut aonUrward dowa tba wees ,eoaft Of Sooth Ameriaa, earrywg w ' the peopt7of that eoaat Their , rt aign a a muuera v - aeetloa will eall at Callao, the other at Valparamo before th aqnadreBa rejoja , and rrtura to Panama. Bay or.wit r "j drill. ..--.- - ; ; Toward a-rrlnf tie Atlantic flee will V alio back through tha - Canal into IU .. owo oeean bonad-fof ita pd tim b at Quantanamo, Cuba, fot' morordrllla '"""nS'poliabJng ap t gtm erewr tt eomea North again 4o Attanti - , port.' - v -' ' f ; Tha,laifl et will arnia to-lt prlag'inannTer and fleet targe prae , ilea off, tjtaV CaliforBia-.aoaatr. 'ijji , -RECOMMENDS ADMISSION . . OF LORD MAYOR OF; CORK Chief Inipector JUt'-Chargo of " Norfolk Jmmifc-T atlo! StaT ; tioa Issues Order e ;.crfejkVaJaa.'t!fiommend ' lion that Daniel uiHagBDB, nttyor af Cork, be admitted tp tha United BUte wai mde thi arternoon s by E. B aehamaket. Chief Inipector ja aharga af the Immigration Dhtriet em- bracing Norfolk and Newport f apertoi L. B. Parker, thee effie.ial or- demtg OCallaghaa deport la nbordi . nate t Inapector fichumaker who baa " fi!d-e Bjp-wilb:tba buien.f - jnigration, requeitjiig permiMion MT ".' opea th ea.,.' ' ... - V Lord Mayor O'Callaghaa- fannot b tlaased an pBdeairbla immigrantJn- only Jaw hehMJrlplta 199 3ehumaker declared,, m that, regarding passportx, and Inspector Schamaker in a telephone communication with . the State Department baa requested tbnt the . passport regulation J)e waived A- ruling . ka expected In tha morning. t - - . Judge Joseph T. Lawleaa prominent locally 1b affairs pertaining toHhe Irish cbbm. went to Newport Newa thia aftet, noon o- represent Lord Mayer O CaJ Inghsa from the United States, immed iately notified th Washington immi gration authorities of his action by tclepbaB. If th hansau rafnaaa ta V--jnit Inspector Bchumaker to reopen th eaaaaad supports Inspector . Parker, p'Callaghaa eanappaal to tha Depart ment "Of Commerce and Labor, and bail m be nranted for bis SDPasraTre at any tim the cabinet offieera might d-" signate..' , Peter MaeSwianey will" remain, ia Newport Newa pending, the. outcome ef tb appeal. . ' ; ' ; '" S WILMINGTON RAILROAD WANTS TO SECURE LOAN Washingtoa. Jan. 5 The WUmlng tna, Bruaawkk aad Bouthern Bailroed Company today applied t the Inter . atate Cummsse Caauoimioaiur a loaa of fJOOKX).'. The eottpany aays -they d th mmrf t" wiwt outstanding C Srpitione with banks which rafua ta . citend. f4rther credit and f" the po' 't- js of new rpipment. "The Wi 1 ; -for tern of ffteesl years aad 1 e aecured by frrt mort?"r Ttrtosd cperstf rwtweea W il- '.A 8:-f port, 5. C, a dj- The mT?AC5 TODAYS IttlXIGa N. C. PENROSE HELPS TO v BLOCK TARIFF BIU Tb Vaaa a -raaarrto with tha lemi(!rt. oa 8raater Slav noa'a motloa t: ardor bearing befora tba gBBarflaWa-aaitla Ua fmerifrnrT-lafi V bifl.. blcl airana - - r - - - aeu, ia-rhairmaa at tb eommitte. Mm l REFUSES TO TALK Meanwhile Friends : of Irish p-'. J f a. a:..'. rreeuom uonupue Mcuve in v:. His Behalf: - Newport aSewa, Va, Jan. 5. ConUnu tag the alienee he haa malatalned ainea hie arrival here aa a towaway on the steamihia, Wett Caanpn, Daniel ' J. O'CallagluB, Lord Mayor of Cark, etUl refuaed tonight to nuke any etatemeat for pnblieatioa nntil hi ktatna baa bean, determined. - ' Meanwhile friend of ha Jrieh eana I through oat the Eait hare not beta -! Kactir and lnnumeabla telecrama were received today from N I Tor ' jiad other center of IrtB Impnlatlna- Ce Ing alt aasUtiinre possible to the Lord liayer and Petet J. MntSiflbir.icr of tba late Tereaee AiaeHwiBey. - v. Both- MaeSwiney H O'Callagliaa, haweTer. Jit itt remain confident that tha State Department ''will - allow the Lord Mayor Anally to-entor the United State for hi arowed purpose-of testi fying before the Couimitte .of' Oa Hundred aT Waihiagton. Throughout the day the. two Irish Be publicans war kept busy at their hotel greeting , friends1 who called to. effet welcome and auiitanee. Tenignt a re eentioBt waa "tendered tha two br th Society of Priends of Irish Freedom and auxiliary - organisations. During th reception Lord Mayor, O'Calaghan talked rrceur 'wu nta visitor, acpear- ing or the .first tima .aineav.aw arril her to tar cast aside aH worry, r rc Quentlyt -during, ehata -witk.- his callers rbie boyish, face, lighted ith happy smiler aad. once ' or twice be laughed . 1 - 1 ? 1 f ? A. 1. - . Y-t-L .1. neinuj wnup anuni viva uk Mtjam wii swept aside .all thoughts of care. . Mr. MaeSwiney answering kis eager questioners, reiterated atatementa si ready published - incident im th. 4- stnietlon 'of Cork and the. ip xoc a stowawaya. ., "T' - - Members of the- West UaanonY crew when.1' qtteationed - today aaacamoualy agreed . with statements of Mr. Mao- Ewittejlitt" land.J Somi of th'me asserting that they werrTlenbianf ofisS"reM aims when th Wast Cannon started her maiden voyage tq Cork, declared themselves favorable to Biaa rem oper ations In-thai eoantry.-" CAMP MEADE ASSIGNED v . TO THIRD-CORPS AREA Camp - tee;4ia,Wffli SalvareLT War "De; moot ' Announces , " Washinrton. Jan. 5.-4th War De partment's 'decision, to abaadoB' Camp Lee, . which: became ( known ; today, lol- -lowed tha aelaetiea of -Camp - ateads, (Maryland,, aathe," thjrd tom are camp, - me .Otenwrr .camp, no was ft without a function, aad tt was decided to salvage th buildUtM im medistely," leaving ' tha " disposition of the teat estat'&DidiBg o ts am tioa of '.Congress. , No indication a to movement of troop from Camp Lee was given. , ' ! T ' 5- No formal statenfeBt was issaed. by the War Department vegavding is -da eisiaa to abolish -be-Vlrginin camp.' A delegation of Petersburg eitisens, a eompanied by snembefs f tb Virginia eengrcssional aVlegafin called en Bao rtary of War .Baker recently to nrge that Camp Leo be retained aa a eorne training , area., Secretary Baker aaid at that time that consideration was baiag given the aubjeet ef saentioaa for these arena. " ' ' Camp Ls 1 one of the original great eeBtonmeata at whieh, the .American verseaa ' army. ' Was trained. Troop from Virginia, Wit Virginia and West era Pennsylvnnia were among . the whipped into, shape there. NOKPOLk POLrCEJfAlf SESVtl ' v-.-WABRAT ON BIS f ROTFES. Norfolk, Va, Jaa. 5. Detective per geaat M. I). Moore this aheraooa served a warraat an his brother,- John Q. Moore, n former policeman, charginf k'-n with marde-f. - Th nrtest la the tfth eew section with the death ef Hsdi Saatki, a Japanaae teamsa, belred th vV;iai ef a gsng vngsged ia a Tike rid tot liirnor, representing theBiselves ta be r-ruLJ-.tion IT11'' . . ' ljt-' ' 1 f L 1. ..vCiad--a-:.:-!Jl .,,r, . ..a--M Vtod mwm still . n ews mm - l - - ----- r-- OFFICIAL DATA ON COAL PRICES WILL JE GIVEN. PUBLIC Senate Reconstruction; Com- mittee. Will Give Results . of H Us Prtfie Sjtap 'j TRADE COMMlisiOl' TO PUBUSH ITS STATISTICS " BaamaaaMaai r S1H lfow Under friparation Will Mk OoDootlon of Fif nrti Mandatory Upon Ftd. oral Body; Would Bo Em. poworod ' Tb r Demand, Ac oouuts From Operator! WatMaftoi, Jai. Coapleta publie Ity af eiBclal coal aoat data ta b aollwted Ureaih tb dral Trada bBmlatUa ai a naaaa of Wplag dowa bar(a ta tba aoawmtr-lrfll b pr- aarad by. tba BeaaU raoaaatmetioa eoJJuiar al tb mult at it laTeatica tioaa iate tb coal aituaLiaa it.waa aaid tody by Cbainaaa Caldar. ' Wbila a eamplrt atraamfat aa t ta form -.of tha aieaanra-baa-vt baaa r.ebd.. tb aomatttte. ww'.iro X tMWat WirtNkV'ra -Tnt'dVi i . - . . Idutloib U tb 8aata aarly aaal wart." It kas bn decided to make th aol leciieB af the stshstics mandatory npoa tha eommisaioa. which would be am poWrrtd t dents ad tha aeeoanta from the coal operator, teat their aecaraey. aad compile tka Malta py aistrcu xor tka atudv af eaaxnaers. "The eommitte') ' InvcciigWUan waa continued today wife, LieutsaMit Calonal J. O. aBrney, army offleae. 1 eharg of the War . Department proearement dirisicn. xplalning- th diffleoJtia which eonfrented the army in aeenaing l-SOCJOOO ton for ita sup pry last year. These difficulties, be aaid finaUt eansed the aeetatary af war t order iuppha benght f-tr wre'VMM ' fl pa nvarket, though prire ts ap to il a ton anl dffleit of $lfiWfl i nirtermarr ppfopriatieae might be oaosed. ' - ..' ' ' Tb gverage pfiee of a1 bought on the market daring September' and Oc tober. Colonel Barney asid ,ws a lit- Itle oyer which was leas, he declared, than any otner conmuaei pata at ina tlma? Tfce ascretary r was; "kid de cided against a policy 'of aommsndeer lnrrt added, Jbeeau' ka -feared H would (aerea thjprieete the public REFRIGERATOR CAR CASE - BEFCHE COMMERCE BODY ITaabingtoh, Jan. SrUte r W peckers refrigerator cars for ahip nant of .commodities other taa perisn ablaa waa srrusd today before the In taratata Cotameree Commlasion, Kepr aenUtivea if other shipper and whole sale grocer asking taauaaea of an ar do' prohibiting tb pmetie and' attor Beys for the packers requesting. oontin Banc tt tb present reguuuoaa.' . f Suck nse of .refrigerator car i com; binod .'with lower rates and priority 1 aervke, Clifford Thorn, of Chicage, MnreaentiBB th wholeaale grocers aad wwatera shinpers. ceataaded, would ul- timatly kring-about altnattoa) wnaro a small number or mea in aireciing bond of the packing companies eou,ld at willt fore cost Bp or dowa, through atlflingJof all competition ta the wholesale rroeery business. : '. i -yutorneyi for th. packer . countered MrTaoyaeV ergnmeat by pointing out that nnder a' decree taaaed by tb Dis trict ef Columbia Supreme conrt with tb eompanic' eenseat the packer aeon would eeaae ta deal ta many X tne ar ttclea handled- by wholaatla goeer. vnCAMSHIP COLLIDES -WITH CAK ff f fcOATflfJE WrTOSl"' HASBOB Korean, of the Qu'ekre Stoamahip line, and a ear -float collided lata today off the Statu ta of Liberty shortly after th atea&Jer bad put, eat neat her dock for West Indian pert. Several' tug anoV polieevboata hurried to the scene. The Koroaa earn to aaenor oa -tae island . -for - aa. - axaaunalioa of . a bale four net above th water-line- to d termine whether sh wiU b abl to m her Toyage j ' SENATOR HARDING GOES Prldent-e4ect - Becelves Ybt -; PegroesV ef t Scottish itito Freomaaoary Columbas. O. Jai- a4mideit-eleet Harding fceeam thirty -second degree Mason toaieht a the ead of a twelve hour laitiation eeremony here partiei pated ia by ranking' officials of the. or der from all parte of the Uaitod Statea. Starting as a Msster Ma sea, tss rrea alna degree at a ceatiaaoaa aittiag ar ranged particularly for his aceammodv. tioa. Ha wa th third ehoeea Chief ExecnUv to travel through the. higher degnteeof Mssoary befor tb Seiote UeV eoasistory, Jame A. GaraeU aad Wniianr MeKialey. having been given thai thirty -saeoBd degt er. At the aanemstoB el u eeremony Mr. Harding waa proosntad with a Ma son i ring given by the thirty-second degree Maeoae of Mirioa,, hi home town, who Lad occupied posts ef hone ta the initiation, lie amy return here Friday to reeciv menrbership ia tb Myvti nria. . ; . ' ' With Mrc girding -th freuKJest- elect motored here from Marioa thi morn in g, his oaly eosfereaca betpr laaviag beeae being with fred -Cphsm, of Chieago, treasarer f the BepnbHoaa Kationsi omieev- Hewill g at by -motor tomorrow marniag. -. - -It become knewa hero tonight 'that ia cont "lirg h1 eotfereaeea at Marivn Mr. l'ir , nf w: 1 snake .-my and "vy t; r f .' . sid fireparednesa ' la F r ( if tSe priacpsl aubjeet U it t.. i aJi hia -,ira ' THURSDAY MOUNINC. JANUARY 6, 1921. " TWELVE PACES .TODAY. rcxKKAL or cou osaoax KLo at outtaroaD ioms. - Daraaav iaa. fc-WHh aaaM tkaa tae aata, lara a waaaa ataaiaaatad tb baif aaaatal Irala I raa Cniabiaa la attaiaaa, j tba taal faMral aarriaaa far Calaaal WUUaai btu Oakarm. of Cwaaba vara aaartad taia afuraaaa at 'clack ta tba riaaaqrtartaa cbarcai a Oafacd. . PROTECT PUBLIC SENATORS DEMlliD Bills Introduced To Restrain Gouging' By Hotels and Cafes at Inaugural Waablngton. Jaa. aWUeaaarea pro posing protection for lnaajnral crowds la Waahiagtoa March 4 front gouging hotel keeper, reetaaraat proprietor and laadlorda as wU as front the light uagered geatry were Introduced today ia tb Sonata and their author gav a otic that theySroald be preeaed for paaaage. The measaree War offered a the Beast was adopting a reaolation. appro priating 130,000 baild- sa -iaaagural ataad at th Capitol and to defray other expeasae there ia onectMn with th Induction of - Preeidaat-eUet Bardiag inra affiea. An attemne to cut . the an- snnwitvyii (b?3er erwiuawsMeefsr .1 t . , - a m. 1 l?i)iSy waarn - -.iV..fv,-s, '-Mim' gueU morf than th rata charged da ta laae anaatk and tb wreeeat month Ha told th Senate that Cosgreas would provide polie protection for tb crowd from pickpocket aad asked if aay pro tection wa to be given from "the bigger robbera. -c-Scaator Joaes,' iepubUesa, Wsshlng tan. effered a bill which- would anther- ixe tha commissioners of the District of Colombia to reculat charges for mala aad lederian from February 21 to March 10, and persons violating the reculat ions would be liable to flnee of from 100 to l.OOO and prison sea teaaaa af six months. -rUaa af the, total Inaugural mmtt toe got into the Senate diseuaaloa dur In debar oa th rpene naeasur. Soaatpr Lenroot, Be publican, Wiacoa la. tatd it waa his otilaion that the In auguration should ead at tha Capitol whea the Fraident-leec toon owe. -I noticed ia the aewspapcti th other day," he aaid, "the auggeetioa that dance might b given the Capitol plana while the Inaugural ball waa riven la one of the government (-building hre."TTie"mrggetie pi'- ntly waa that tke tnauguraiJuui araw be attanded by she armtoeraey wbil tb asaatrf Cafitol r Senator Kaez. Bepublieaa, Peaaryl vanla, aaid he anew ef ae aueh plaa aad Senator "rfw, Bepubllean, Indiana, who eoaflTrred last alght with Itfward ' . , m ..:!. l. 0. atCJuaa( CBBiaasui n w " -anonral eonunitte. told the Bent.that r . j . . . - i he knew or no pas w -aqgural ball ia a government building. VttlTTS ALIENS TO DrrvAMiiicnu DL LAMIi! Senate Committee Impressed ' .a af i . By Testimony or, immigra tion Commissioner Wallls W.ah'tataa. Jan. 5-Tastitnony by commissioner Wallis of tb EUia Uland Immigration station, that Europe was -literally moving to the United Statea" ad that a "flood of aliens waa ImmU it atUI left aeuiDera oi .tna naw Immigration Committee douDtrui to hiU nrobibitioa; immigvatioa .for one year. BeveraJ merabera frankly expreee- ed doub, wnetner any aaeasurea s"p or restrict immigration .would d acted at this aeseioa of eoagress. TV. .nnittu BhTioail WSK 1 nicaeUr with Commissioner Wallia' iatamaata aa to tba need for inspection of aliena-before . leaving .Europe ana foz-mor rigid xamination after their arrrval at American porta. The Commis sioner reetjnunsBdea parwetiTarry tnat faeilitlea bo established OTerseaa lor oek iaimaetioBB and- declared that M net cent of the immigrants arriving on-. r-tHiwtat-rKB-wi anii-tx tney tha boi Aaiariean offlciata. A nroper system ef exnmlnatioa in Earope aad npoa amvai Mr. Wsllis" aaid would prevent aa Im minent flood ef these, deceased in body land mind. " ' - ' 1 ' "Fortunately" no added, tne steam ships ef the world can bring enlv 100, 000 a year to tb United State. It i ia tka llmitid traa snorts tioa facilities and' increased examiaationa that we will get the beat protection''. : , Th eommanrioaer declared reports ef th public health aervieo indicated taat ruiara KuroDS todsv -lS la the grip of tear fddmica--typbwa,' typhoid, dysea- terv aad tubertoais.- Tbe.wa aa an- derminod the health of trioee countries their aaaimnta ar 'daagerooa to the publie health af the United State", he added. -. """ , . ' ' Cbairmaa Colt of the committee, BiK- ad whether it would be , haras ai" it eongreea poet posed changing preeeat laws lor ai moat as. "It weald not be mora harmful thaa at p reseat", Mr. Wallia replied. But I weofcf prefer a defisite atensar sriving aa more laspeetora, living quarter and increased facilitiea evcraeas . : .- j) . aUXLWAT IABOB BOAEO .1 j. riXISBES N. .A W. MgARISfi. - ChitaM.' Janj flv That i'aHed State BaJway I aba Heard War eompJeted; hearing in, the eoatrwversy aetween Brotbetheadaf gilrd.,Triaina pioyes of th Norfolk and Western and tha railroad. The ok ir af the fcward, aaid. will not b aaneoaeed fvt a week or tea d7. ' Pear eases en th same road, submitted by tv Order oi Kailwsy Coaduetar U . . heard to morrow mornm. . in i IMLU HLLL n TV in i pes ADMIRAL 111 NAVY AD0PTS7 RUSSIAN 'CHILDREN AS 01 South " Carolinian Given Per mission To Take Them To His Washington" Home " I BACHELOR TOUCHED BY j SUrrtnlNBJN tUKUr't Former American 'Eifh Com 'missioner at Sebastopol Be. v tarns Homo With Cbarres; V Be4olred Oirt Fit Thou, sand Bond For Safe Keeping of Each of Them Waahiagtoa, Jaa. 6. Hamng ebtalaed from the Labor Departmsat aa order for temporary admission to the Ualted Statea ef the scvea Bussiaa children he haa teatatively adopted, Bear Admiral Newton Ay MeCully, former American histb commissioner at BebaaUipoL left tonight foy Nw, TBrk.tojret1bo chlldfl drea, aow at EUia island, ana ormg, them to bis Washington home. The Admiral said be wjuld dsiwait immedi ately the tVKM bond required" In the V 'Admiral MeCurty plan To keep th children at hi bom her until their risrht to remaiB in th United State baa been fully mtabliihod by hearings b. fore Labor Department officials. After ward he will take them tv his boyhood home la Aaadersoa. & C to Introduce thasa to hi mother, who will aasum temporary eharg pf the children while th officer is refurnlshrag aad remodel ing bit Washingtoa homj for their per manent residence. ,, , . Ashed if It wss his intention formally to adopt the children, Admiral MeCully aaid that each wa hi Intsntlon if there ara na leaal bar. He bed attended, ha said, to U legal matter, la Russia eonaeeted-nr" "he1l" given enitody of th children., la twa eases It was necessary to ob taia the consent of on parest, tb offi ear aaid, but no difficulty wa eneoun tared because of the terrible eondl .1... I. ka nwlna in whieh the ehil Iraa wera livins- and th desire of . namntn . ta aMaia for their chit drea. a new ehance ia life la the Ualted Mataa' . . These children are but iaolated'eaae among hundred! and thousdnda ef ahnl Ur oues,- aaid Admiral MeCully.! I did Mrfntl select the eeven, but Wharf I aama-awar I Oeciaea tnai should da aomething aad 1 toes tn rat I came to, although in several eases I bad met the children previously andhad become attaebed to them. There were three others I wanted to bring, but one wa tubercular fend I knew would not be admitted to, thi eountry. aa. another' eaae th mother gav ker' consent to-my adopting tb eblleVand at laat . moment wimurew -.v aad in tha third ease' th mother eon anted, saying she did-net care what bacame ef the siiiid, out ine iavuor r fuaed to part witk it. " . -i ii a. u. nritroii fMT IM IMA It CO AMONG LUMBER WORKERS anHTasbaro. i Jaa. S-Loflal lumber dealers have announced a wage reduc tion raneina? "from 10 to 10 per cent SkUled aad aaskilled Uborers are at faatad. Lumber Drlces have Siso an dersrona a aimilaf reduction. Decrease ia wage paid men who work la lumber yard is take a is teeordanne with re ceat action af Oreencbore Builder Av sociatioa and also because of fact that there haa been a marked decrease in the -trie af Jumber. aeeotdiog to the lnmbef-dealefs.-. Keductions will affect notice af a cut in good spirits and ap to tb present tiar but little ommat has beea heard oa it. ' . '"' Charwed.Wlth Staallaa PayrolL Miami. ITa- Jan. 6V H. J.' Myer and Merwla Ashemore, Charged with- -eteal-ing 72,000 of .tha pay-roll intended for at Norfolk, ar atilMseked ia the emn- ty jail hsr awaiUag-dUposUioa of the taso by Pederai authorities v , UNION LEADERS STAJtfD PATj AsboTin UBioWorkersS Be ' -"' ' -''Jn' --'. T A -. " Business Leaders A' ' AsheviUe, Jan. following the ereement eatarcd Into v by a aumber of local business aad professional mea kit alifct. wba v they atapped- epera- tlous" oa ' construction timated ' to reach ever million and half dollar, loeai vnioa labor lesdors tdday an noaneed that organized labor wool stand cat on hteir present wage seal and they have refssed to evea eonsidcr wropoeitioa to lower. the ecaie. Taev maintala that reduction , in ether. eJtlea, chewing that labor haa come down, will not bring their price dowa -a low aa the preeeat wnramg acsle ia Asheville. " . i ' Local tambermcw emphajtically , demy statements ef builder that local lum ber price ar not in accordance with similar, hinber la ether eitie, avea ta North Caroliaa. - . --.vl 1 ney atata tnat loent pneea bbtv swaa . . . . .... , . V- - T abreast' th market but that preepee tir builder ar not co-operating with thenv iagettiBg the prent.nsettld condition bark to aertnal by baying. . Th ita4ihaatde4.ta praeU- eaily rarslyt busuieas la eeaatrueUoa here aad haa created th wldeat urereai ft any movemeat -4haA- haa ceatly bn atartcit Tbe outcome 1 awsHed with the gveitaftt iitterast- by. builder, dcslera. and-labor and, H ia beiievod thit, a show-dowa will coma sathia a tf- short time, atberwiao AsheVilU's p .xwj 22l ouildiag' wrogram will eirver GENERAL GIVEN JAIL SENTENCE Bt COURT ml Major. General Peter C. Harris, who was sentenced by' Justice Siddoaa of tba District of Columbia (","" eourt'for eeatempt 'for refusal ta' obey an order to exhibit an nffldavit filed rith the War Department uader the aelectivo servirs act. Tha ease was appealed and ths sentence automstleally stayed. Tb action I brought to test th authority of tha court to force the use of draft act records aa evidence In eourta. Dr. -Ounlap Thompson, De spondent Over Life, Shoots Himself In Charlotte Charlotte, Jaa. 5. Dr. Dunlap Thorn p son. 42. Dhvslciaa-of Mofven, committed suicide In hia room at the Selwya hotel thia morning about 8:30 o'clock 'by shooting himself ia the right temple with a SS.tO calibre pistol. Despondency over his insbility to procure eertala drags, to the use of whieh ho wss addicted, is 'accepted u the ressos fur hi tskirir birnre. Dr. ThompsoaV body, lying with feet under the edge of th burean, hi head ia a pool of blood and the ptatol near hia right hand, was discovered by a negro maid. Dr. A. C. Neve. Federal narcotic agent with headquarter here, aaid Dr. Thompeoa cam to him Tuesday arter noon nnd In the presence of several narcotic 'Inspector who were here. Bought permission to us ill own forme as a physician to ebtaaia arcotfee let hia awn wssf. '... - ' ' " Thea- told hisa that be weald have t obtain hU iBerqJmi Asm i Xa . gia h ia ehvsiciaa. livino aer Wadesboro, and that he would b loUting tb law if he obtained the drugs.! any other thaa the regular way L, Dr. Thompson registered at the 8el 1 mt 1 . ir. r . wyn l uesuny ariernooa, am nau.aoi notified A. Q. Thompsonhi brofhejU uvmg ner. or nil presence in sne eiry. The funeral likely will be held at the old bom near Lumberton, ' Thursday, according to present plana. Dr. Thomp son marled U in Frances Gralbcr, of Anson county, who with three sons, sur vive him. Bealdea hia brother living in Charlotte, be U also survived by anoth er brother. Joseph -E. Thompson, of Wilmington. TWO COMMITTEES WORK ON TWO KINDS Ur TAnlrr Chairman Fordncjrt Announces IntentioB To Work Oyer Vtu , derwoodTariff B - Washington. Jan.JfiTlMi way.', waa cleared tonight for the unusual situa tion tomorrow. " two - eongressionnl commit fees, oao from each body hold ing aeariogs on two llnd ' of tariff, amenrener and permanent. The Sea" airihillwen rordney Emergency tariff bill de signed a relief measur for farm- era. The House ways and means com mittee will lUrt hearings on revielon of tha permanent tarlffT - ' Cbairmaa rordney, 'of the Way and Means eommitte . announced today he proposed to begin tomorrow with Schedule A ' (CbeaSifeals, ' Pninta ,and Oils) of the Underwood tariff act and holdlwaiugntlkuoslt-t wholer Ust . ae -vrbrked ewrv He ,aio annojmeed 'hi intention .to nave a tariir. bill reads' for iniroancuoa i tha extra session hich President-elect month' after his insunrstien, The. Senate, flnajiee committee Twill take testimony en the Ferdncy emerg ency measure, f. five daya,. starting tomorrow. , Chairman Penrose 'said hi fmut-. arnnM awslnda other matter! until th bill wa ready to report. FETZER WILL COACH - , ' UNI VEfiriTT TEAM Is Beieased.FTdm State CoQert Contract at His Own Bequest Tt 'ni Mliablw. reported in Balelgh last night that William Mc.K. Fetaer, athletic Director Of law .onn vasrouaa Stat College has accepted a aimiUr po sition at' the University of North Caro lina. Mr. Fetaer i waa j under contrast with State College for. the 'remainder af th nresent aeaaion' but has bees VeUaard. at bis TMrueat. aad fill assume hia dntiel at the University Lbmcdiataly, Plnaaeial considerations' are said to' V.a ha thm ' dMarminins? factor .B the change, jrhich is ol absorfing latareat to atadenta aad alumal of beta insula- tiona. Mr. reiser and kis brotner, auto- ert Fetaer." now "AthlctJ iDlrecler at Waodbavry J!oriBratorw ftAeel ia Virginia, ar rr ported to hare, signed a jointsoatrtet for aa aannal aslary of SI A . . . i - fo-a new aoaeb, .. Stata ColUsgt- Richard Crosier ier of -leigh naa 1 , rady aseumed charge of tba basketball team ssd it ia -likely a professional pliyer i.'J be eeeared for the baseball Jul rr? I r feat.iv.r. t.,.'-T,-r."jciia PHYSICIAN KILLS . . are ana - - .-f 'T ai'vevf a 'tr misT wan av flaya I w rr r. w -ixsx.r, MiJtUm 11 I 1-111 JWfe i - n.oaMr--atfni - WATtULAlZD aa sww sa bead hwil sv Mm easerstsaa as a! PRICE: FIVE CENTS FIRST HOUSE BILL PROPOSES REPEALS s 1 y. .' Neat's Measure Leads The List On Openina Day ftf Gcrr " eral Assembly"; .' , OTHilOUSESXONFlSllil CAUCUS NOMINATIONS Oath of Office Administered To Zneominf Senators and Bep.' resentatiTes By - Supreme " Court Justices; Meatnro, By ' . Wright To Make State Offl.' ; . cers' Salary $C,000 .1 Promptly upon the hour ef noon ye-, lerday the 1021 aeaeloa of th North ' Carolina Qeaeral Wtssembly waa called .' into being by tha fall of tha gav)s -wielded In the House by Principal Clerk Lasslter aad la the Seaate by Lieuten ant Governor Sardaer. Pray.ere wer ' offered. .fii divssw -jraidaaso -la eng 'ww lstlve deliberations, and both house passed to the ' adraiaistratloa, ef tha earhe of omc--io wiembera, th lecto -of officer and tha formal organinsrtloa--- - wv vvatreVrtayoaaTtrtTBrea the oath la th House, and of Aeaoeiate, . Justice Hoke, who performed a like function ta the ''eiesmtc, flaished whea th machinery of putting into effect , the will ef th eaucuce of thaprered ' ing night was act in motion, and Sea-. . ator LunSford Long waa named pteai ' dent pro tempore f the Senata by a vote ef 38 to 10, and Harry P. Grier speshrr of the House by a vote of W to 25. , Agnia the Supreme court justice wsr' called into service, aad tha aewly elscted presiding effUcra mere formally Inducted Into office. Agafa. the machla- , cry of carrying out eaneaa agreemeat " meved, aad within a half hoar nfter noon, both Houses were fully orgaaiaed, ' and aav for tha abaeaee of any eom-. ' mlttees, which have aot yet beeh aa- ' V Bounced, ready for tha transsetioa af a By r business that -any coca bafore it. The Senata adjourned. Hoaa Cos Ahead.- Lack of eommitte .machinery de terred not the Hows from the buslnes of legiilatioa. Speaker Grier kad no sooner declared the Hons ready foe the-4atrodetiea- f --Mlley- resorutlone ant aueh other matter aa Were ptwper , to corns before it tbaa half a cjosea . snisibsewsr no and ready with bill and vsolutioBS. W-W. Keel ralaed hi vole above the minor tumult ef new leglslatiea, and ralaed it,. high enough to get recognition flret. ' Aad the llrst measure, making good the member from McDowell promises, would wipe the statewide primary law e tha Vuvika. anil laava thias-a "la . nstata que ante" of the old eonveatloa I ' 1 m.. 1. Ill 1 -1 mmmAmA . MM. nays. - lis pui m wimiyij wwivwr vm vWing simply for the out-aad out re- peal of the whole eeetioa of the eon- - solidsted statute that brought the pri mary into being. Ther waa a little , laughter wbea the clerk read the title, mostly because of the evident istisfae- . tioa of the bill' father at getting it ia ahead of the wfcolo liatv'-":" Wright Salar BUI. t 'The member from Dare. Mr. Crisp, . had aot resumed hi et from th tim he flrst-eontended vocally with Mr. Need , over recognition from the ...f hair, H had a sheaf of bills in hia hand, and -dtapatehed one ef them. ; the clerks It turned out to be a bill to provide for annual riding of circuit by super- tar court justices. -Mr Wrlghtaf Oull. v ford,' next got th atteatioa ef th. . ne1y hlected -apeaker, and ent for- ' ward a measnr that fll be aaanl monsly eupperted an tha : lowe"r floors orthe capitot' ifof'TOv The measure would increase the pay af all State constitutional offieera from th present srsle af tSOO-per -mmr num to a flat 6000. Th offieera epeel. firsllr mentioned, in the document are Tha W re tarr-ad. State. State Treasurer. State Auditor, Attorney General, Super- .. . intendent of Publie Intrvotioa and : Commissioner of Agriculture. The mea sur went to the committee ea salaries ' and Foes. . . 1 ' 1 " - Rsaabneana Want Mr. Crisn had two other selections . tmm. mtm mmmi, .CKtll. ll WA of ChUtB went forward for farmal iatroduetloa, - stork law in Dare; nnd the aeeead for the relief of a fisb taspeetar Minority Leader H. a William had boea finger ing ft document -eld ia hia heads, aad ha uni it forward With th reqaest that it ba read and put sa ita inuaedin ate paaaage. It was read, aad.debata-4 broke toee that kept th Hone ia ax.,,.. sW antil S o'clock. ... v t .The Bepublieaa eeueas had ittl.ni for a r-arrangement of . th eating plana, giving the minority a block aft ' seat at en side of th. House, wher ther aU eould .be togetbbr,' grouped ; around their leaden The tsaelatsea as- cUred that the keeper of the eapitol had. without authority, aad arbitrarily -assigned minority member back -row. eats. Tha arrangement waa described aa highly naaatiafactoxr to th minor ity, sad very aafair. The roaolatioa previdedyfor immediate t-aeatiag. . Th irrepreesibl Crisp; wa. had aot yet rtsamed hia eeat, raisad hia voio , immediately la defenea of the reeola tioa,' declaring in .falsetto vehemence that aegregatioa ef the "BadieaW waa a thing greatly to be desired. Be waat od'it dotta right away. Walter Murphy toek the debate away from tha Member from Dare, speaking la fnvof 'of eegro gatioa aa mttr t falrncta aad jua Uc. Th debet became general. Ter mor CongTessmaa Charles - H- Cow Lea. who W a member of the House from ' WUkea. wasted it deaa, aad declared that the arbitrary oonsigament ef the minority 'membership to the- back seats . vnrm arm I f . ; - phat Wane Want T C Bowler f Ashe, proposed a eoaator resolution sending th matter to tba committee on Bales, aad thia waa CaaUaaad o P?j Twl.

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