.Obs I EMTYVI 9 AP-T. I 1 1 Wy epaa " a m v MS Oa. Osad faeiaal M sa aw4 inM , Kerth Cadi P all 'sad 'r Prtasy. Sttdr eUas wKk alM Inimn, VOL OCnCNO. 7. j . TWELVE PACE3 TODAY -W-v: RALDClj N.'CniIDAY MORNING, JUARV 7, 1921. TWELVE PACES TODAY. " " PRlCEi FIVE CENTS II I iM 0 SIEGEL BILL GETS COI.IIITEE OKAYj ESTATE GAIHSWO MM MMa h - Congress' Will Increase Mem bership of House Elected Undft- New Census INTEREST NOW SHIFTS ;.. TO NORTH CAROpNA Freseat Sessioa of Legislature - Jfnst EUutr Bediitricrstate - . ' or Frorldo " For .Two Coa gresiratiuatLarge; Director - ' ; of .' Census t Bam L. Bog eft Boosted For Place . ... v v -. -.. ; t. Tke Newt tad Observer Bar. . 601 District National Beak fildf. -.Br ..U. POWELL (By Special Leaned Wirt) , 1 Washington, Jan. tw Agri'meat, l tka hmm aomasitsee af tht Htaa) te . day ta re pert amt faroanWy tfaa Biegel kill increasing 'the membership to 44J ' J prepared fat tba legislature, aew la tre sloa is Balsigk. tke toab of radietrlctlng - tha Plata r. paaaiambt buck aad my- .-iag tba foonestina tar skerry Mna . lil ever tka Job of "eongrcssmaa-M- wnw r?. tka, ina tka West. " TnietniB t-v new Organ at clayton PUTS TOSSUU- MUSIC Choir la Despair Because, of Its Slfb Notes Beit Baaier After Disco Ydry ,' fraak L, Btoatea ef Oeergta , woald appreciate and rkym aa tkia an, at told by Mt. 1U H. rf5ep,PM -est tka esses aad se'e at Clayton veetariLav 1 i - Tka 4pa nu at tka -m Baptl4 ckartk at ClajrM kaa Mi kaaa wm Ug aJI fat aoaa tljaa. " Tkare -w aaaMtkiag kwkiaf Ut ka arl kaaa. At aaa hata It arnaad aa U tka auUJtl Uatraaiaat ka4 ka tak4 la eckiaaa MW- tka akala aHii.lMaiu u Uaaa klak ( par4 fortfc. tke aurto4 aar. ( TkaMa aat la tka a A kaara caald aiao I a- ta aai.) B la arata kU4ar t ram tka factory aa aaat aa to taolos tM atraatoat. Aa4 aftar fmilmr aavaral koara aaasUaf attr tke affair, kajoltaa tka Btottiooii la aaa 1 W HP waa tm a bif, fat poaaaai, ttlifkUff alat tada. Ak4 Hml tiaytoa paovie aa ad 'aoaaaat 41aaor yoatara. MINORITY CAUCUS V .-OKEHS'lREHEAD Gives Him Unanimous Endorse ment For a Place In Hard-. CALDER SAYSTvYO ;COAL:BYBUREAUS Bureau, of Mines Got Fuel For $4.70 a Ton While War De--' partment Pays S7 ; r SENATE COMMITTEE mCOOTUEHEARINGS Senator lenyon Grows Saroat tlo Xa Ezamiaatloa of Wit. aeiif Wio TeUa of Boyiaf r Coal , For Oorernment On CommleiioB , BatU; Ho i tempted Unfair AdTaataf PENROSE FALLS IM PRICES PAID FOR t LINE FOR TARIFF- FRIGHTENED FIND ' EMERGENCY BILL -STRENGTH IN BANK "Supportecs of Fordney ' Meas ure Given tncouragemeni By The Announcement DEMOCRATS-HOPEFUL V OF SECURING DEFEAT f eaBiaaaBBaaaaBaaaaaai - Senate Committee Kzpeota To Conclude ".Hearinft Xarlj , Hext Weei; Home Commit. te.e . Hears Score of W1V ' aelaes On Bejlsioa of Free- 'Cat Underwood Tariff Act " V" 1 i. i o.iur-. " w. - "iKhai I'AIAII V .1 1L . 1 -I 1 M -I. 1 . VI L f LI- . rV. tba fioutk kaa baea tiaa Iota M air but Uttla coaifort. uni aftar-a tot kad haaa Ukaa oa tka biU to kold tka mtm " ' briklp aa it bow ia aad a eomproaiiaa - -'offariag to lacyaaaa tka-4raprtaataUoa .! MO. ' ,:.-f lataraat SblfU To SUU. ' Bcpreaealatifa Sam Briaaoa, af Nortk Ciroliaa. who baa takca a eaatplenoaa part la all tha kaariaga kofora 4ka -. ittca, voted ia favor of teatriatlaa; tka" mratbartkiB to tka preaeat aiM of tka Hovaa- aad a aaeoad tiaia to laeraaaf oalr to 480. Ba did aot toU acaiaat tka ' 8ut bill wkaa K waa-apparaat tkat tba ommtttoa iatoaded to report tkia uaabiy. Job a Motley Uorekaad. Ckaf- lotta aaoitaliat and politietaa. will aa tnoabar of tba cabinet after Marek a. Vot a voice araa raiaad la protaat. aor aa tkaro a ayllabla of oaoatioa mrkaa tka aiatter "waa laid before1 tka eaaAa but aiakt la tka eoart room of tba Corporatioa OamaiiaaioB, aad tka reanla tioa brought ia by a aoatmittea ap poiatad to coaatde r tka aiattar reeaiTad tha fait Tot of koU Heaatort aad BipraaaatatiTea. -i Ob ataaiber did want to kaow what particular Jab tba aaaeaa bad la ailad for Mr. kforekead, bat tka aeatieicaAof tka aieoting waa agaiaat aartiealariaaj ttoii. and tha Teoiieljrtio wmt for Waaklactoa. Jaa.' OV-Tka Baaata ooa aUtaa iaqalriag lata tka llgk aort ofJ aaal kt year waa iaformad at raatuap- af lt kaariaga today tkat while tha Burets af Miaoa wat kayiag aoal at 14.70. a tea tkroogb aa arraagoaiaat Hkr- tka- Katioaal- Coal aWxrarioa wkieb . roeatrod ao fees, tka War Den partaiaat waa boring coal at ar I7J a -tea tkroagk CoL D. B. Wcata, preti daat af tka aaaoctatSoaj aa a eoaiia aioa kaaia, VTha atatoiaat ooaaatalaf tka aa raageaeat af tka Bar eat of VUaar waa Jty CJjwaaa C3a.WajrV Ft, weatar waa tritiryiag a 4trirR h akanaaif W W MVJtoS ef Aibrua Th. latter oaid 4 1MI akaaed abd oyitrrrca u taa department TOA taaa of -ccal at allgktly aboee 17 a toa fur wbH-b ka baa reeetyea coat. aiiaaloM aarrenticc $31.000.' ' Bit aoa- tract, bemadded, woaUkara allowed klm'i to pnrehaee r7Sn0 toaa aad eara ad ditional eoaaiatiana of I101M0 bat ba ditioaal aocaabaioaj of 1101,000 bat he falliaf aiarket.. Pralaea Coadect of WUaaML ' Seaator Edge, Bepablieaa. New Jer- aey, told too- witacaa taai aia aeaaon "kai oooa vary fal to tk oToraaieat, mock better. thaA pou eoatract re- Cjaired." Waaklactoa. Jaa. ti flappoHera af Ike Tarda? eajargeaey tariff were.gle ea eaeoarageaieBt today by tka a a itoaBceaieat of Cbalrataa Penrose af Ik Re us to Fiaaaeo Oommitteo tkat ka woaM aaa ble inflaenee to obtaia po- ago- OT too - ouj. mo- a-oaaaymaia eVaator. la a formal Hatemeat. laaaod after bia committee opened beariaira aa tba measure, assured kit Bepablieaa, kellaaajnea that ka woald Jolt Uem' la pushing the tofUlarioa throort at tarn asaiaa but declared foinndidrtioa of tha rstaa carried by tka bin at i PV1 the Hooae. ' ' eMU'rrMUI X&C iVWiac-j; .itarfWa tka affl'II laitio'f la anituae at a poutitai more. -wnue Demoe ratio Beaatora, numbered among the epponanta, aswrtod the atatemeat waa Isanod aa pLy to Bopublieae Beaatora oa the committee who kad de manded tkat Mr. Penrose aay, ia effect. whether ka would stand with them or agaiaat them... v .. Demecraai Btlll Conddeat ..... i Demoeratio eppoaeate of the bill pointed oat tkat key,- with tba aid of Seaator Pea rose, kad eueceeded ia get ting OPft hearlngi aad expressed eonfl dene that tka story of "tke other aide" would carry sufficient weight to make paatae difficult If poeeible at alL They TOBACCO II GROWERS Gofdcn Stream of Money Rusncd To Lexington Institu r Won When Run Starts FOR FOUR HOURS MONEY' " r"P0URS"ACR0SS COUNTERS Hundred Thousand a Dollars Za Cold Caib ShlfTped; .' From . Claciaarti aad Business Men r Increase " Their; Deposits Many Fold; Many County Mass Meeting Held - GOVERNQH BIGICETT SAyS GOODBYE TO ' GENERAL ASSEMBLY LYNCHING TARGET- TOR SENATE BILL Lexlagtoa, Kyajaa. C A four koar ran oa Leiiagtoa baak, together' with tka starting af a grand Jury la realign Hot of ramera that . oaased ' the raa. aad newt tkat Oorernor Edwla P. Mor row .aad aadr..aoaaldanU4oa . a Mr las of oarereaoea to bring about tke act- tloawat of the tobaeeo sitaatioa wore too chief developments la the Cent ml Keataeky tobaeeo district today. County aaasa m soilage af growers wka forced . dosing of meet tobaeeo market! la tka Brate - aarty tits week wkea they refused ia accept nrtcrt oft ure Aimed To Promote "Ad- ministration of Justice PROVIDES FOR EASY REMOVAL OF TRIAL Senatorial District Committee la Created With Promise of Lively Time Ia Bedlstrictinf State Under" Prerislon of Statutes; McCola Denies Leadership of insurrection The- irst Seaate aublla bill of the session, introduced yesterday ky Sena tor W. T. Taylor, af Wayae, aeeki to "promote tke f'ue admlautratioa of Jus ties aad Ireaea tka crime af lynching. ' l .Tka bill proTldot that wheaereT. mud Jura, xataraa a irsa till ckaraipg a' xV"i!n -pWMihg 'Stdktr'tUa- Uw't Simplicity 'and Brevity .Hark Final Words of Executive To ' ttegislature Which Will See His Administra- ; - tion Go Out : Jaterest la the reappoiataieat prompt I wanLfor anything tkat waa aTmtls, If shifted this afternoon to Nortk Care- I blanfat anduraement by tka 150D00 Be ' lias, where the eoloas are. la aesaioa. I publicans who voted la. the Norember I September 25 and 17. aeeea can of aoal It ia thought eertaia hero that aoaso ao-1 eleetioa. - V , ,- : ' -- I were eold by the Watklna Coal Com- a imaaiiSBlsj uiiucait mx yuiuia et ator-Kewyea, Bepablieaa, sowwjl ddd that "tliey ioDed to anurvso brourkt bp apeeifle iteatt u uoioaei Waata asles aehrdu-le aader wkiek tioa will be takea before tke orstioa oada-la the matter of rearranging the congressIoBaf districts aad political ia terestrighl bow ia centered oa the pro- ' gram af the law-makers at fealcigk. . . Director Rogers To Treot A' aew name came to tke front today . ; la' connect ioa witb the cbangea whieh the reapportioament will bring about, 'v . aad It is that sf Ham I Borers, dlroo " . tor of the eentua, who- la ambltioua to represent tka State aa eoagaeaamaa-ae' Jairo front the Western DletrieU ffieada . y ' of Director Bogern knee already launch, ed for him., a eanVpalga tftrt promiaea . to-be mere earaeatly waged aa tha pri- - asariea of lflS get warm. Mr. Bogera managed. Benator Simmons' campaign - - against former Goeeraor Kltchut ia - 191S. aad it la unnecessary to aay tkat he will bo supported by tba ae called or- - ganrzatioa in tba State. ( ,: , '.i , Another aamo, also, tkat 'ct k 8!m mpna mat, W. W. Neal, af Marlon, kaa ' beca bnsught prominently to tke front . in connection with tke reapportionment, -aad it i aaid kere by hie. friends tkat he will be a candidate if it ia deter ; mined te -select the two mew members from the Sttite-at-large. 4 -t-v ' v . ,TOrer ia the Eastern part of the 8tate there is .anothci atory with muck do- -,. pending oa the condition of Congreaa . oiamKitchtf Bia frieada are anzioua for him, in the event there art to bo two fongressmen-at-iarge, . to, .surrender -, - the Second Jistriet to a youhger mat and accept the bigger job where ke can bo la tke House aad f unction aa a party leader without that handicap of ' district detail work. v vr BmaU Alm Wantt Jok. - ,. There are otiiera, too, who wish to i ' rejreseBt the Eastern . District at ha copgressmaB - at - large Congressman t John Slaait, ofTagnnigion, who win be aaeceeded kere oa Marek 4 by HI lett Ward, would like to be a tea- gressmaa-at-large, and a aumber of kia frieada he beca aoundHnvout k boom for him. . Much mention .aaa been made f Colonel John Iangstdn, of Goldaboro, but thara'aeema to be tmoag the poli ticians an' imprcaaioB .hal he doesa't : i waat the Job. O, Tha Increase ia , the House, fore' shallowed in thcTiegel lyi, is, s muek ;, aa for and Ma Bepreaentatiy JohuA. Headrieks presented tke mama of Mr. Morekoad to tke caaeae la a caw brief ecateaeea la wkiek ke mentioned the eerrieo tkat Mr. Moretesd kaa rendered tke party ia the State, and a ' clowina- .tribute to kit qualilleatipaa tot cabinet konoia aad du ties. A committee composed of Sea store Cox aad Beinhardt and BepreacB tatiyea Clark, Grant and Headriekl withdraw to dram bp the resolution. -While the committee' was at work. Irria B. Tar ken; minority candidate lor lieutcaaat-goeenior, and mentioned aa the party's selection as Halted Slates Dia triet Attorney to aueoeod B. T. Ay d lett, talked briefly of the ttatejf the party ia Nortk Carolina. Mr.. Tucker waa ia - genial mood aad took occasion to banter tha Demoe rata of the'" Stated a littia about tha receat election. . Ckaaidcrablt merriment was evoked wkea ke declared tkat a. map aent out by the Health Department showing ia black tba area afflicted with, mosquitoes looked exactly like a aup eent out by the literary Digest ehewug"The Demo cratic areas 01 taa country. ' He wonder ed if there waa any connection between hrpsquitoes and Democrats. : " ' FARMER FOUND DEAD WITH MONEY ON PERSON! Mystery. 'Snrrp paay, PennsylTsnla, to tha War De part meat for SD.23 a taa. That tompeay reported to tkt oai association nt ahi tkat ita Beptember BJlniog sostt we: W1..4 L m .1.1. H . .MHtl- Senator Kenyoa demanded. rWko got itf Istt ft ia your opinion mora than a fate aieJtt- ,....: ',. -Vy v. . ' -"TaUsal Wantt answered tkat kit ft- Ytoe-.mecuaa-' ti to. ;1redu. wkother r aot tobaeeo shall bo pUatod la 1921 dd to attorned to derlse mesne of rketlng the 193S trotf at a enUafac tor' Btlee. . ' . . - Geldaa Btraaaa Kolla Ia Tkt 'Bank of Commerce, af Lexing ton waa tka -object af tko raa today. Burners tkat the aaak kad loaaed aa muck money oa tobiyco tbnt It oould aok pay depositors, were alleged ta kave beta resaoaaible. "' The ramort reacked tkt tart af tkt baak tffklala last aigkt H-wat aaid, gad Cashier 8 tile asked tkat a clear ing kouM -tommittot eismint tkt books. Thie aommittot baaed a meat today tkat tka baak waa thorough tolTtat. Mr. BtUa topplemeated this witk tba atatement tkat aU of tkt bank t parmr waa fatly secured. - These itstemeats, together witk keavy deposUa by business men aad transfers of fifgt sums of eaab from other la- stilutiont to tka tkretiteaed bank, ap- mnay amenamenu to US presem .mil that tkt House would reject it la con ference, thereby defeating any tariff legislation until the extra eetaion. -, While the Senate committee waa hold ing Ita initial keartnge aad wklle Bea atort were attempting to assets tkt f feet of Banator Penrose's statement, tke Honse Ways and Means Committee heard I paroB(ly ksd. th ffet Bf quieting the more taaa twenty witnesses oa rs nerves or tat ingnrenea oeposiiors or of .the 'present .Underwood tariff -set, fort doling tlmt this afteraooa when ThtyHouat committee took up Schedule wUkdrawala ajankeaed toasiderably. One A, and the witnesses discussed from ordered' Ita correpondeat la Cltv tpehntenl ainndiMrinta OUestions ot klgk' to frrnt eiOOjOae la ansk to snonsUitr ended iaaUing the eoal Import dutleaoackemleala. palnU aadltt- B(Ulk ,f Coajmarot at tact, it waa at tkt market twite Traaillng, Bat eald eUe wkiek ere wmm mmon we. .Brtt .tattd, - - r. - V i : ; " the vntV indicated wat "morr that 1 drrialon of the Uaderwood taw.: - . iXn fifc ' -f Commerce la l.ZrTJ, JrmM. . Hearlaft before tke House eommlttet tl.-cUil statement at -December W evw -amti . iwa. 4. J . 4d. rut- aSaif wliak RswfBm I ...K . 1 a w m eknti Skrk am I 1Q, KM Mill IM wOffltniHf OB att eommitttf plaat to tomplete ' At of 'k2.49.6ieNoet f,,M1 ApportioamtBtt becomes .rgeacy Uriff early atxt k,Mt hl M fluonntod totalled S2 J51.- we wam.irtet oa .WBareemoBai i it 81. ' l realise Us aot -year bnilneas, tmt it -asifht be . the Attorney General V Senator Keayoa jjtorted. h i Colonel Wents denied ia reply to 'a question by Chairman CaldeVitkat the coal associatioB' direators kd dia- eaaaed prieet at meetings. ' i , Interstate Commeret uomnussioa pri ority order, wagoa mines, and tka pol- Icy of , tke . assoeuuoa were : Mracaea apoa. y - . -, " - :- . You.koid we tneoey wai xne eoni bualBcaa it a private concern, with hvk Consrass and the public has ao eoBeern," Senator Kenyoa asked, "but doat you think that the lack of eoal, with high price is a factor ia making discontent! . -r r ' - .', Vet." but - not more so" than wth tfffitwt o peeeenie la cbbt, Bf-iUw deleadaat,, provided the dofetdant oobh esata la writing. Tka bill alao gives tkt greed jusy of kha'touaty to wkiet tka ease ahall be tranafsrred juriadie tioa for tkt 'Bjorpoaa of passing vjoa any! farther i edict meat 'that may be draw by tha aolicltor. Tkt bill ia tba outcome of aa at tempted h-aching at Ooldaboro last montk, when a mob Bought to track four aegroea oa trial for murder. One member of ihe Blob was woutded and greater bloodshed at oaly aartowly avertco!. k'iTbetfjvi t that if Judge W.i A. Dtvia, wka waa holding the eatrtadTioseawtiw ia Seaator Taylor'l bill, all disorder might kave been avoided. Seaator Taylor has aoaeulted witk a -aumber of Judges aad lawyers regard lag, kia bill a d H Las beea warmly approved by all of them. - Make Ckaagaa la Coaualtteea. x One addltloa to -tka ttaading eom mltteea of -tha Seaator ths -eossoiids-tioa of two others aad tkt change ia Is i aaait of a fourth, were recom mended la a r-pcrt 'from the Bules committee . which waa anjaainumaly adopted yoetarday. .; Tkt Bern aommi tea ia oat oa Seaatorial Diatricta. Tke Committee oa Flak and Fisheries and that c-v Shell lh ware consolidated tad tkt namt ef th eomarittee t Mn ;tu4 f s7.ms TiJJs 3 PAID TO THE MEN WHO - ' SERVED STATE IN WAR Recommends Nothing To 0n- era! Aembly , That Wlfl Overlap ' Into Znoomlnf Ad ministration ;v Appeal For Eifker i Salaries For State OfBcers,, and Asks Consider. atioa of Eeport of Legisla. , tiro Commissioas; Final Words of Farewell Brine ' "Tears" TVljes of Many Wk5 .' . Packed Hall cf Sepreseatju tires To Hear Last llessafi V . . .. . Oavtrter T. W. Blekett aaid goodbye - to tkt people of Nertk CareUna yes- , terday. ....v. - ' )jou of,a liyMsseuj) rj?. ti , 11 1 A- ,1 Si f mt,Mi- trT a of kit ad- work aa the rmcrgeaey ti week-N' t Condifioat la thtygrliltural ludoe-j trr. described aa deplorable aad' for1 wjiieb, k remedy wat declared to exist ia tba Fordney bill, were portrayed .la tke testimony before tko Senate com mittee by r.J. Hageabtrth, president nt thm National .Growers' Association I George M. Thurmond, aecVttary of tkt Texas Bheep aad Goat Banert Aasocia- raul. AUA to. Iaroatigatlaa of tke rua by the graad Jury, waa ordered late todsy. ; Marketa Bemalaed Ctosod. . Diapatehea from . Louiaville today stated tkat Goyeraor Morrow kad eader eoaaideratioa the question, of - calling eoaf ereneet to bring about a settlement of tko tobacco aituatloa. Tkt'Govtnioy issued a atatomeat saying tkat tka quea- tlon had keen brought before bim la- tioa i aad W. F. Schillings. 8t To Death of McKagy Wiff. rina xfear Goldiboro Goldaboro, Jaa. ft.-. With quite a tarn of money and other valuabiea aa kia peraoa, tke dead- body of McKagy Wig gins, a well anowa farmer- of Fork lands Shootilir food ' clothing and other industries of aZv... W(. tkt kind," Col. Wenla said, "for wkiek HCJUgy WlgT- JM Mliey of regnlatioa la being d- policy o regulation Tkt committee -seaclons will aot he I resumed for .several days. ..!:,. RATE HEARING CALLED TO CONSIDER INCREASES be included in tht bill. . Ht proposed that tht committee tx a rate between ail and tea eeatt a pound on butter and between aevea eeatt and flfteca tenta a pouaa oa eneese. LIVELY SENATE DEBATE ia a Sold aear Whitley' oa tkt South ern railway, about" eight, miloa from Goldaboro, witk two pistol shot wouuds over kit heart. . No weapon waa found aear tkt scene and local police) aay they believe tka man was murdered. Tke sigue show that die had beea shot oa tko railroad aad kad run torn diataaea ia' tkt 4elde- fore falling. . TS- ' '--,-.--k-' Tht artmaa on on -oolirnloe' manses. anything alaeif to Veep Missouri j ger tmiu kound for Hsleigh chanced un,e, ouiiee " a"--j to aeo wo Dody or wiggina ed in population eeordineT to Cio last census figures, rrona , kaina represents " tion. ,TUeBaW6u "Z wouldtnavjt " taleaJ'meinbcnip . ' away front .these States : and given increased -...representation to California and Jfortk ' Carolina, among ether States. . ' Ia tk meeting of the Censoi romm! '1 ee this morning ' Befresentative ' Tink V ham of Masaachusctta presented a aews ' paper elippiag ia which tkt Democratic ' tioverner-eloet of Oeorgia, Mr.' Hard- wick, wat rspreseated as Baying tkat ke " favored the enfranchisement of all the "7wmte women' er (feorgi but" the nigra women should he disfranchised: accord ing to tke same rule aa diafrtackiaea the negro man. ; - FHaa Campbell's Brief. ' -. Mr. Br i aeoa then; ia order to show that the Republicans of North Carohs were tecking to place themaeJvae ia thai asms attitude, produced aad had placed - ia the record a part of tht brief el Mr. . J. L Campbell. Sled ia kia contest for the aeat la Congreaa now fceld by Hob.. Jiobert L Donghtoa. . ;. Tha atatement, of Mr. Campbell it as followat - :. '' 'That at the Sute convention of tke Iepubliraa party latke aaid Statt of xortk Carouaa,. aad its Boverai con- greuioaal conventions, at well as its various county aad miaor correntiona, t e express and declared policy or the ""' . 1 f ry ia -Kottk eetiinn,'tn relatioa " to c. ' red voters. la aaid State, waa that, otwuhitaadiag colored voters are na- i!rrtha eonstitutioa aad lawt af said f ale, vt-a povwinf the1-const ft e t r,U a:, 1 s-i'utory -qualJ! cations, to f ,t: (hi-re' fuLoea tie provuioa g"v f ";rr r i Scationa for electors), h (til 1 q fi to vote, to d jeo-rrsgs vet- Ike Bold and wired back to Goldsboro ofSeera to in vest ia-ste the matt er. It is said that VV iggint had purchased a bomt ia thie city aad-datoaded meviag Aort today with hit Sve ekUdfea. - The police hera atatt tkat lgfiae aad his wife kad : aot lhred -together foe aoma time., aad that the former kad iasisted oa' retaining the -posaet- aioa af kia ehildrea. Tkt last timt Wig ging waa aeea alive wat about, S o'clock last aigkt wkea kt went to tkt home ot a neighbor aear Goldsboro aad household furniture . to Goldaboro. Coroner Baker ia investigating. ' , - - BULLETS, SAYS THE JURY. nnnr -civo nuvoini a at , v - nurt, an i o rn i vuia '.: i ... r . ' V Tarbottoa, Ga Jaa. e. The body of Sam William a. a aegra, wnt found tied to a tret and riddled wfJa. bol lets near here today. A eoreaer'a jury held that tke negro eama to km destk from gun-shot wounda. Dr. Caraoa, however, held tkat tha aegra kad beea ekoked to deetk by being tightly tied to the tree, before - ke was shot. Nt arrexta have beca made. ' AMttlCA.VS WIN TIXXTS ' CBAlnTIQASH VP IX JiW tUXASO (Cce''isr4 ew Fr T -J V' Anellsoi N. X- Jaa. 6. Arsrricrsl won tko New Zealaad Tsanta chsmp.oa-J ship- In both r.nrvi aad doahlea to day. . WHiiam T. Tiidea, of Philadl TU. defeated Ojrtia.' WalMB .M, Ka.-i.bBra, also an Amerioa ia tKe slnrlea, whie T..J asd Vi i'!' m M. J.-hnrttfB f Pn Frsnrjwo, c featH Normsa IT- h" ' t as! Cersid f. Fstlersoii, the Au- , A tlaatie Coast Lino Petitions tnterstale CommiMioa To ' .' , Sslso Charges' . Thl Nasra and Observer-Bureau. ."."ani Tti.trlet flatinnal Bank Blde MfLfcruffau.'''.', (BytSpeeisl Leaned Wbe.) i Washingtea, Jany oV It- waaaaaoaat. tram the -Interstate ' Commerce Com mission today that a hearing will fee held ht Washington beginning Feb; ruarv Snd In the matter tht pro pooed inwn-ni irJiw r-mtv aa f r(rlrt-atet-rrMortr arottna.r- , Tht ease will tie heard o tht' petit ioa M tkt Atlantic Coast lint and other carrier for tha purpose of circumvent ing the legislative act ef the special aesaioa which holds tkt ptattngcr fares within tht state at- three can t per mile. . , ' Tht epialon, gnsrHy It that tht aama deeiaioa will result in thit ease ai in tht Brt Tori. i flllnoiajMsi wert tht eemmiasioa hat ordered the intra -stats rates raised-, to tka lesl of tht interstate rate. Chambers of aommcrcaof Nortk Car olina, through 'J. Howard i. jlskbaek,' Colonel Albert Get and other" lawyers will resist the raise bat It is expected tkat the commission ' will follow liae of precedents aad boost tka fares.' 1908 wkea tha "airht riders terrorised the Knlucky tobaeeo district dad that kt believed tkt aituatloa would pa ad justed ia good tlmt. ' - ' " hfarheta throughout tkt Burley tobaeeo district remained cloeed today ? . i ... .i . . . ,.. . . vn ins eswiiviva s at . w w OVl-BOLISH .HrpLIP PUliU amalltriot.- HooVei Criticized By Eeed and CONFLICT- OF AUTHORITY ii Fraised By Hitohcock OVER LORD MAYOR OF CORK O'Caflagliaa Withont Making " V 1 OoBsaltatioa c2 n Washington, Jan. aVHerbert Hoover'e administration of food relief enterprises In' Europe Wat criticised tad praised la tht Senate today during aw hour af de bite resulting from , receat charges of Senutdr Beed, Democrat, Missouri, that M Hoover kad used a portion ef Amer- a relief appropriations for maintea- taee afstne Polish trmy.t . f natorh Hitchfock, Democrat, N braaka, and Kellogg. Bepablieaa, Mia. Washingtoa, Jaa. C-CoaflMt between the departmenti ef State aad . Labor waa foreshadowed - today ever Saal decision as to tkt admissien of Donal JO'ChllaghaaLordMayor. of Cork, who was appraktnded - by Immigrarioa authoritier upou "kia arrival at New- trieta. ' wui nave uveiy Tiase. Tha committee created yesterday win probably hare a lively tlmt ef it. Tht sUtutea provide that tkt State ahall be redistrieted tkit year aad there it eoasiderable opposition to tkt way Ja which Ihe preaeat diatricta fnar ranged. The Senatora from the larger districts feel that a more equitable arrange nuant would be to have one Sea ator for taelT diatriet Instead of tht preaeat arrangement wkiek provides for fifty Senators witk oaly thirty-tight, autrteta. . cwnator HUniey Winoorae, cf Hertford, ia a ease ia polnC""After repreeenting bit tounty in tkt lowoV konao for 1b yeara kt finds hlmtalt la tht Senate with his eonatitueney aeattered among aevaa different coun ties, aomt af whieh are to far removed from each other at to have widely .di vergent Intercsta.. Hertford it in tke peculiar position ef being grouped with one act of eonatiea In a Judicial d.triet, with another set ia a aeaatorial district aad witk atill a third set la a Congrea tional district. i . Tkt only other ekaagt made in tke 1910 mica wad' to . confine the baa tgaiaat amoking to. theHoor of tht Sea ate, . thus conforming tko rules to a prnetie of long etaadlng. - . . After tkt aew rulea had beea adopt ed they wort read to tht Seaate by ocaaior ung, ar uaiirax, ens tr ma a of the committee, at tfle.reo.uest -af tke cnatrr MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION V ' CAUSES DEATH OF TWO -'- V'.. ' Fort Wayne, Ind, Jan. 6.--Twt per sona are dead and two ethers art in jured, oat probably fatally,, aa a re sult of a myvteraDUS erplneionwhsa de stroyed the komo of J. W. Sheffer. na- iienally known faney atock raiser at nbm-n;,,In., f miles nortk af -Fori fWayae, kt " aeloctr this ;evniflt.' Tht dead are: Leber Bheffer, fa, sad ElleB Paer; 1!, soa aa4 daughter tf Mr. tXton trrterire Firm Fails. ' ." New Tork, Jaa. a. lailnre f fc eottoa broker,-?e firm ef J. B, Thomp-. n and Cnn-f acy f Uverpo, wsv an- nonneei tody oa tl Coor a he New Thott Cottoa ZxtiiTii orasaa, man aeiioairi wpwoucna, sir i - - - - - . - nesota, defended thl former f ood , ad, port Now from Ireland as a atowaway mlnlstrutor- while " Senator ' Beed re-wjwou paasporx. in paroling O Cailaghaa pon kia awa reeognixance, tt was intteatsd, s oeen taken without tonsaltatioa witk tkt State Departmtnt, a the flrtt knowl- edge tf ft wna ebtajned by aeting Secretary Devi of that - Department front news ps per mea. Ev ahould O'Callaghaa , now ,bt deported, it waa held at tht Stale Department that be fore that could be brought .about there wodld be'totkiag' to-prevekt bit eom- tiig to"WuKingrri, nad ' ScCotepltahiiig kit aaaonnced mission to the United 8tatea of testifying before the Com. mtssioa ef Oat Hundred la vesti gating Iriah aoaditioBe.' , ' : : .; Secretary tf Labor WOaon, it it ea deratood. kaa . virtually decided to eus- tsia tk appeal ef O'Callaghaa to the Deportment Leber from the decisioa ef tba beard of inquiry at Newport Newt escludlag ta Laid Mayor, ai though' the. ease lkaB0t.yet bora brought formally, to .hit attentioa and no deeiaioa will be kaaotared by kim until the record kas been received from immigration effleial at Newport Newt. .. - ' " SHIPS HAVB BIGHT TO ' v. ..TRAVEL BIAS. BB SATL ;-ChT)estB,. Ci Jan. . Ia reletujng tha tteeurskip-Sasea, -af k -Clinch id Nnvlrstioa Compann -waJca-waa -aeid after aeiare'of whiskey en -beard H, 1'irl'el fltatee DUtrlct Judge Heary A. If. Fmith, in kia opinion aay tkat "tke ancient and immemorial mxxiaa af tk lawns that skip wsrt msd to plougk the seas, and ahould b released aa far as poss.tle from tU deWatidh thst would prevent them from aeeompliak lrg tist maia tad primary psrpoee. . ' Mr. Hoover ahould be aWa Credit for K "Mammas the wkole world wonders nt," Senator Hitchcock declared la presenting mat ter to show that no .American relief supplies had been turned over to Ihe Pliskrmy. Americas army, officer, tht Senator aaid wars vigilant in their effort to keep, the auppliet for civilian tea. '- ' " ' -, : - Senator Beed declares that it. did aot matier whetheiTths tupplis wenf tolh EKsh eiviliaat r army. -' iTTheV wert givea to .her for the pur pose of bolstering herwp and ennbliag nr to carry en ner war," wt Missouri Senator declared, indicating that ke would apeak iatlr ia tht Seaate and preaeat farther fact, regarding tkt ti- nenditart ot icqroptaa reitex ruaaa. FOREIGN EXPORTER SEEKS TO SELL; GOODS DIRECTLY i r Durham, kn.7aV-Du.rham - it eonsid tring direct trade relatioat ' witk Caecko-81ovakia. Elimination of import er, jobber and - other middlameav aad of tremendous traaspnrtation over kead it contained ia a an ggeatiea -received by ktoDarkam Chamber of Cem- aseeca from-4aaa J., Scbinkal, export., tr ef Haida, Cxecko-SIovakia. - Schlnkel desires to Bend glass ware, Including ana qualities of .cut g!is into Purham, dentin dirent'y with holey.'.'.prs tsd rrtrt.iert of li.i c:'t. f tinsel dij t L-'ir fre-w.r b d through New Tork l.Trrtcrs bnt it r-.(kir.g B more d r-t routs to tb ton- a imer. Loesl Brr t ksv Bet yet acted SJOB ti fn- i. . 7" Tht rati r ywd - Baaaed the House resolution appropriating 41,800 for eipenditure by tkt joint Inaugural committee. Senator hLW Kaah wat yesterday Bad,ed t we t naugursj eonV. m ttae, by . Ue uten ant,- Go veraor Gard ner. Senators Delaney aad Burgwia, ox Mew Aaaover, aad already heea ap- poiaiea anon we eommittee. -McCola it Ism To Personal Pri Senator B. 8. McCola, of Vaaee,roee yesterday to a qnesttrn tf personal privilega. Senator- MeCoia objected to a aewtpeper re fere ace to kimeelf as the leader tf aa inrarroetioa aaoag B.nat.r. f- - rrr-mlttaa an.. poiatmeata. Tke Seaator aaid that ht kad aot beea a reader in tk "iasur reetioa" beeaute ho did hot believe in sack things aad toreauat kia ewaap p rfntment kad beca . greed apea by both tkt retiring and tkt Incoming Lieutenant Qoveraer. He stated that kt kad keard ef a eeafe.-eace. among a aamber of Senators, aomt tf whom kt, deaerfbed as hi closest frieada. after the conference wat aver, aad that ke merely went to Mr. Cooper, ia- formed' him of wkat wa taking pl.ior and ased kia Uflueae to bring peace. Us stated tkat while kt kad -aot joined ia tka protest ke felt that there was justification tit tk protesting Seaa- tort feeling as tkey did. Tkey teriDea n wtoie Incident at the "laet of aa'Bnderstanding rather than a mis- audci ataatfiiig. tory during the four yeara mlalstratioa, k railed to tkt atteatioa -tf tkt Gvaertl Assembly-tkt aeretaity tf raising the salaries tf Stat officers, g . revisioB of the value , placed oa property ia'1110, a vepelltioa of kit in- ' angural auggestioa that tk Stato akould j adopt tk abort ballot and allow the Ooveraor to aama ibis awa Council of -States and commended mndry-.-rcportt ef eommUaibn named to draft kg! latloa. t j . Tha ' finsl message wad devoted largely to the feelings f hi heart at . ke cornea to the last daya tf hit official .life aa Cpvcn.or of the State. - Toward - the end, when k kad paaaed tk few' ' recommendation ' tkat k made, and .. kad come to a aimple aad eloquent tribute to tko eigkty thousand Tar ' Heela wko went out into tkt red tldt of war, "wboae captain he aometima waa aad whose-comrade always," oca res waa there aa eyt aadimmed with tear . la all the throng that packed tha eham- . fcjr, even to the top , t eit ia tht uBlkria....V. - - ;,.':.; u- Coverae Is Older. ; :' . Tkt Govertor bad aged peasepiMy siaee the day fony years ago wkea kt first ttood before the Geaeral Aaeem bly to deliver kit m sag a the in - coming Governor.. Tkl iron fray of kit knlr kAtumed white altogether. Tea. -terday ha waa a little jrora with iUneas, coming from hit bed to tht capital to apeak a last word to the General As- -embly, hut hi , vole waa rtroay aad resoaaat, and every aentenee of-wL-niemg wa ' delivered with' outmost clarity and oratorical effect... With him fame to tkt chamber sit Blekett, who "kaa walked aad worked . beside" his, in all U years that ha ba beta ia public life. She eat a few feet hway, end not onee did her eye leave the faet of the Governor as k -spoke, Beside Iter waa tha Governor's sister, Mrs. Asheraft, aad Mrs. William' , Kearney Carr, who wat miatrtst of the .' Manaioa during tht administration ef ... , . Govsrnor Eliss Carr. ' The Goveraor , wore a black frock coat, with a whit vest and A da k knitted tit, . . The message wat a followts i" "Lady, aad Gen,tlamaa af tht Geaeral AssewiDiyi - r ' "It would be a riolatioa of tht prf " prietiea of thia occasioa for me to at- -tempt any diseusaioa of tha big prob ' lent that confront thia- General As sembly. Tkat ia at ones tht right and tht responsibility of tht Governor-elect. ,' I da aot propaie -ta ttviewaiy awa ad-- mlnltrntion What It writtta it writ ten, and will, in th fulnea af time. b fairly ppraiaed by the calm judg. mBt of history. The tola claim tkat ' I makt for myself and for tkt woman f wko kas walked and worked by my tldt ' it tkat in peace. and la, war we kave -dillgeatly endeavored to. Be our oe- o altioa a a lever to lift Ik State to higher levels, tad. tk a light to lead tkt people Into mora excellent ways. . ' -"Thife'sre afiw-wtbjeett ear inti. " mately eonasctsd with my adminlatra- t ' tion tkat a last word from, ma witk ref. . erenee to thesawpuld.seem tn be an. " , 'teJh' 'ordr.":v-r1r -.;-aea' - 1 tUak you wiU all agree tkat North Catolina ia too big and too- rich to ask -or allow men to work f 0 the Stato for lea than a living wage.- Tbt ttondard alary paid Stet officer, to t3fiX. We wUl aasame. that each aa afflcer kaa i wife aad tkre ehildrea. Certainly B woald he agsinat pakllpUcy toa cow rsgw him to havw fewer. "Sock an officer wonld.be fortuaate toaTdnind a comfortable koma ia""' tkt. city ef Jtaleigk for a rental of Tht Invorr.Uoa was nrenauaeed vaa- Teraay- try we Xer.-il IX. Kerth. of Balcigh. , . . . . - Beeaw Seaaiea Brief. Tkt -eession tf tht Boose yeetorday wae orief, witk aotkiag la tke way of aew legJ.'-jtioa to startle at to ot cite eommeat. Tk aesaioa waa opened CCaa Uaaed oa f sge Two) tlMQ a year. His bills for fuel, water, iiguta ana seiepnone wiu easily amount to fS&OO a moath. Be ought so be al lowed ens servant aad tht ' minimum sum for.wlieh a aerrant or be em ployed: U 7-50 VMt Tka head af a State 'department la called aa to pey at least S31a tii wr for tk support ,et re ligion and charity. H waaot look kia Beighbort or kimaolf ia the faea and pay ..let. '- HJa dr aad life lasu rases wiU rest him 3U0 a year.' To maintain u health of Kniself and family ke oagkt to be allowec) a tv week vaca tion, and t'jl. will cost at lean SOO.oa "He is B lucky man if kit nolitica.1 expenses. Inherent In the office, are aot mart than. 1C0 ..ysar Ta expenses . above; enameried.aaont to.fi0.fa year. Thi teavee to a State officer 910.00 a year witk vakiek 'to pay food, elotkiag, furaiture, doctors bu'.s, aad the edeeatioa of kia clihrdea. Euca a policy ia as aawia aa it is anjnst. "A State offiesr csnnst do eonstme- . tivs Winking, ke cannot give to tha people tke most and the best there- ie ia kim wkea every morning ke ia tor- - (Caarfinaed on Fare Six.) t (

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