The New Obs I'. WATr'rtnrrr -I THE U'LilMK ! I'asettWd Selarday fallowed kr raia aae- elt Sal a rag night aad Saaday. , erver i VOL. CX1II. NO. a. EIGHT PACES TODAY RALEIGH. N. C SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 8. 1921. EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRCE: FIVE CENTS asf fas! t)S I Aamr nina, W I e . , . I 1 E HEAD STANDS GOOD CHANCE FOR UMI IMUk I VII llflG t PLACE North Carolina Republican ...Uadcr GeU Earc! Harding's ?Kltchen Cabinet" HAYS AND DAUGHERTY TO PUSH HIS CANDIDACY Jfewspaper Scribei Fiffnre Tan. nessee Out of Bnhninf Be eanse of Tf Recognition of State In ' Hit Cabinet; Presidentelect Expected To Look This Way . The News aad Orieerver Burma. et)S District Nstional Bask Bldg. Brit row ELL ' (By Special Leased Wire) -' Waaaiartoa.-Js. 7,81st maker la ' - WahiaoB bee persead'ed during -ib-tiUm dar of thw I ear mat when Senator Hard lag goes South ke will entry with klia a strong inelina- tender jrwuiiit.j(OTaT?Tw-To onn " " T ARREST OWNER OF YACHT ON WHITE SLAVE CHARGE J. . 0. Boyette, Said To Be Prominent Baltimore Man, Arretted la New Bern Nsw Bora, Jaa. 7j-J. C Boyette, white, aka ia said te ba a premlaeat basin af Battiaiora, kid, waa placed aader arrest lata tkla after boob ra ektrgs or Violating lh hUaa art Ha wat Ukca before Ha Vailed State commissioner for preliminary heaif 1b.. but waived examination aid "- bond for kla appears see la tka am f Boyette, who aailed lata part a few weeks ago aboard Palatial cruiser yarkt, boariag tk tilla ef "Marioa" aad wBo kaa beta anekorod kera aiaea teat time, ia rkarfed witk kaviag vio lated the "White Hlav- law by trass porting Marthx Haaaea, a eemety yoaag womaa, wko claims Baltimoa aa ker koae, from oaa Stat ta aaother for imoral purposes The defendant -la toe eaaa appear to b about 43 year of age. aremiae-ly kaa kad plenty af mosey aiae arriv lag ia New Bera aad haa mad a Bom ber af aequaiataaeea. 1 -AUtt,tikt' 'A'.ilraMtYr,lii, probability that tka South would ognracd ia tin Best President' official family, aad. right recently e,uite a bit - - baa haa said about Mr. Morehead. Lake a seo-w, th aiota that kaa bee aaid . , about Morehead the lee kaa been heard - about ckaacea of Marios Butler. Tkif ' correspondent baa baea shown, witkia the past tea day, peraonil letter from - Will Hay anad Harry M. Dougherty to J. friend of Air. Morekead. and they dir- . fee- murk from the stereotyped ae - kaewledgment ef . Brrements. Mr. ' liaya aay that Morrhcnd ia "one of mf . veiT'elose friend." and eiolaina that j, -hewin -Brjt,-MT- Harding to fir th moat aeriou eentiderstion to hi same. IaaghDty Pledges Sapport : 'Mr. Daughorty haa said that ao loog a lila voice may carry to the epurt he will talk for Mr. Morehead, and -that mean a lot, political observer think here. Mr. Daugherty ia right bow the busiest man eoaneeted with the inebra urn rce- i - - -ww DOWNWARD TREND V, (MY DEFENDED BYTW0SEHAT0RS Emergency Tariff Bill Side -tracked While.. Democrats . Speak For Government ------ i i i ia a , - WITNESS ATTACKS PLANS FOR PRICE REDUCTIONS Senator Thomas Thinks Oon- anmer Has Some Bights and That Government Tone, tioned In Own Interest; Wood - Admits Besentment Afainst Hifh Prices ., - w Waahiagtoa, D. C'JaS. f. Comalder- tioa "o th Fordaey Emergency Tariff Bill was sida-traeked'-for a time today by tka Seaate Flua? Coamltte wkile is member .defeaded effort of tk fAveraateat t forea dowa iivirg roars. Tk departar from tke program earn wkra a wltare charged th goyerament MLHU idtddv cnrMT Lini orun JONDS LEGALLY IN ELECTION. HE SAYS 4k ' Former Supreme Court Justice . Charles. Evans .Hughes , Oe fends Michigan Senator ARGUES gIS FRIENDS HAD RIGHT TO SPEND In Arg-nment Before Supreme Court, Solicitor Oeneral Prierson Shows That Con victed Senator Met In Kew Tork and Agreed To Spend $50,000 or More TOBACCO GROWERS POSTPDN E FINAL' Waakiagtoa, Tan. 7- CoavlctloB. of Seaator Tramaa H. Newberry of Mick-' igaa aad sliteea others of eonapirlng to violat th corrupt practice was. doaoaaced a a "groaa perrersioa. of juetiee by cyaatel for th Seaator aad waa apkeld by th gorernment aa a aalotary leasoa to Uioee who would par aIaio"r jeoafrowtinc .the. oTiJtrr..UaA.L?J.Ji Wort. : DECISION Kentucky Growers at Mass .Meeting Vote , To , Cut. Out ' 1921 Crop Entirely THEIR ACTION ENDORSED AT LATER CONFERENCE a All Barley Tobaeco Warehouses Asked To Remain Closed . Bankers, Growers . and Warehousemen Will Be Ee- UNABLE TO STOP AUTO TO AVOID HITTING TREE Two-Travelinf Salesmen Badly Injured When Newly Cut Tree Stops Machine 1 A Ooldaboro, Jaa. T. While fcrtftni oa tk aoamtry road ynteday betweea Koow Hill aad Ooldaboro, O. JT. C. lill aad B. P. Carr, traveling aalrsmea, kad a Barrow aseap from death. Botk mea hav be a brought 1 their home ia OotdsBBTw arad era- fcadry rnftrred, "" Mr. Pail wu driving a f ord eonpe, about Sftoea er twenty milea aa hour aad some woodcutter were felllag a big piae tre just far eaough ia the wood ao that th eeeupaat of th ear could aot ae what wa going oa. Tk tree, about two feet through, fell directly across tha road ia few feet f th ear. Mr. Dail used all of the Until Jan. 17; Conference of ..k r:!!.::;.0,!0 Iks fallea tre. Mr.. Carr wu tkrowa tkroogh the wiadakleld, breaklBg kia rigkt arm abov tka elbow aad Mr. Dail was tkrowa agalnit V ; (teeriag wheel, breaking a rib. Jieiingtoa, Ky., Jaa. 7. flail action ly tstkera, grower aad warehcuaem on tko aituatioa growing out of foli ar jof tobaeed; buy.eza to jay. satisfae-. tory price to grower la . th JbuUy tobacco district wa poatftojiel,-today until January 13. Tha meeting of the iiitereata started here tki morning' aad WOMAN'S COUi ASSEMBLY RIG 1 E UNTIL MONDAY in President's sdvlaory board, and the kout 1 0 BM thiB' M" eipeetlng 7alogan of every JoB hunter Ts to soetT" baughertyt first Another voice that will apeak for Mr. Morehead i that of former ' Senator Week, who ia also oxpected to be of . fered a portfolio. 4 Mr. Morehead was Southern manager for Mr. Weeks at the Bepublleaa con vention four years ago which noml , ted tha ilNfated Charles E. Hughe. , ,- if tk Tar Heel ' doleratioa pays a - forirmK visit rw Senator HrdingwhHe , ka is ia thrfiouth they will press North .Carolina's alalm stroog. Repubtieah assort that the South should b rocog- kiacd w th CabiBrt, aad they.dismii ' th uggetIoa that Tennessee ought to got tha nine plum because both Tift 'and Boosavelt recognized Tennessee ia their omaeta. - - - - ' J. O. Carr, of Wilmington ; Charles L. - Abernethy, of New Bern; and F. Hnntoi (Jreaeh, of Now York, aro ia Washing' - ton. ' Creech ia oa ri way to Harnett -. County. - . Jaa Baker la Waakiagtoa Jo . Ii. Baker, formerly- manatring editor of th Asheville Citizen aad later Associate Director of Publicity of the Pemoeratio National Committee, has been appointed Washington corre . spondent for Th News and Observer to . aueeeed B. E. Powell, who haa resigned , and witl return, to Baleigh to be th SUt capital representative of the . Charlotte Observer, the . Wilmington , ' Star and, Ashevill Citizen. Mr, Baker haa just returned to Waeh- lagtoa after a few weeka spent ia North Carolina sine the close of the political '- campaign. " During kia connection witk th NatianaTXftinW"hr.TcUtIy"W aisted in several special eonjrrenional campaigns, notably that. In tha Ninth District, when Clyde K. Hoey wa el- S . ed to Congress over John M. Morehead. KepobUcan, . to, aueeeed Judge Z. V. Webb.- -- - ' i "r--: MariM, Ohla, Jaa, 7. The plaa of Republican leaders ia Cong re as to limit th peace time strength of tke srmy to 190,000 mew was givea approval today by President-elect Harding li i ferene with Bepreseirtatire Kaha ef California, chairman o the House mui tary committee. -1 . -. "Senator Harding w ia complete ae cord with our policy," aaid Mr. Kaha, after a long talk wjth tbd President elect. "H is deeply concerned about reduction of the tardea now retting oa tue shoulders of tax payer aad ha be lieve much can Be aaved by reducing tha army strength to 175,000 as boob aa possible, and thea working it down to 150,000 aa a continuing maximum. . ! am sura Senator Harding doaajiot believe th millennium ka cbme, WILSON COUNTY FARMER -AND MINISTER IS DEAD - yflUonr Jiirr.-Eldr" Thotnaa Tth "ion, on of th oldest and most tub stantial citiaena of thi aoanty died thi :-moTiniigv'arai'liOTnne kia Slat year. Ha haa been' sick only .sine Friday, when a dull sent him to hi bed. H developed pneumonia, and - tha end cam today surrounded by nearly every member of hi larg aad devoted family.. Elder Felton waa bora la thi county anl near where h kai resided all of ' hi, life. H erved through the Civil War a -volunteer entering th cav . airy aervia when quite young aad mad a reputation iot Bravery tnai lew mea ittti.ofld, lie Tke eenrereBee at -which Mr. Hard ing also indicated hi detir for a well organised reserve force, waa one of aeries he is holding With eongressionsl leader ia charge of military aad naval legislation. Soon he is to see Chairman Butler of the House naval, committee, to urge retrenchment in tkat arm. ef the servic and to shape- a oontinutag policy lor naval armament. Although tha army, occupied the Prealdent-etoet a major attention today. many other questions were talked over by him in the enurse ef a busy string of conference. One visitor wko at traeted r.irticular attention was-A. W Mellon of Pittsburg, publicly endorsed by Senator Penroae of Pennaylvaaia for Secretary of the Treasury. He had long conference with Senator Harding at which ha aaid general financial cob ditiona were discussed. The QualHIeatioBS of Sherman P. Houston of Missouri for Secretary ef Agriculture were srged upon the Presi dejat-eleet by delegation from that State. They brought a formidable' hf- ray of endorsement by BepublTcaa leaders, farm organization aad live stock mea of Missouri. Again tonight Mr. Harding "walked tke burning sands of the Masonic Order, receiving initiation into the Mystic Shrine at Columbus, where on Wednesday be was made a thirty-second degree Mason., MINISTER CHARGED WITH pointed eirkangee took place, Notwithstanding waraingt by Acting Chairman MrCumber and 8eaafor Smoot, Bepublcaa, Utah, that the committee must bring speedy setioa oa th bill to prevent furtjier losses for the farmer. Senator Thomas, Colorado, and Jones, Of New Mexico, Democrats, indulged ia a spirited ergomeat with CoL Joha P. Wood, of Philadelphia who appeared ia behalf' of the wont manufacturer. She Oa Otkor Fellow's Fee -Colonel Wood' assertion tkst tke gov ernment, and particularly the Depart ment of Justice, had been "unwise". In promulgating a campaign against high prices, met with th rejoinder by Sea ator Thsma that present condition were simply those of "one man beiftg willing o another lose moneyt-but very aaxioux not to loee any himself. Senator Jones asked the witness whether hi charge of unwisdom eould not also b applied to th Calder com Charles Z. Hughe, former justice of tk"eourt, whe kesded eounsei for tk defease, asserted tkat oaly through a ''grotesque construction ef tke law had tke government been abf to present say case to ths jury. He quoted th government brief as show ing thst it waa admitted that ao re striction waa placed by law- oa tffe expenditures of a political committeein behalf of any candidate, nor on -the amonnt such committee might raise for a campaign, aad further that no at-, tempt waa made by the government to show, that Senator Newberry had him self contributed In excess of the legal limitation ef $3,750. Ths entire basis of the government's cans, Mr. Hughes told the- court, was that "thta legal commit' tee having legally raised a legal sum of money for a legal purpose, became an illegal conspiracy because it can didate waa aware thst more than 13,750 it i i In, fK.I ff-k Athtitrrv'nifrt OCrUIIS UI'DUt I nUUCl Ul II ' i ap iioi arrvi i associate I 'Grower from 35 of th 68 borley to- . ,a viv.iv SEEKS TO CENSOR ! MOVIES IN STATE Coalition of Representatives ol .women's Orruiizations. Com bine For Legislation PROPOSE TO BACK UP VARIOUS MEASURES But Morie Censorshin BQ li Mtter of Tlrst Importance and With Opposition of Ex hibitors Promises To Brlnf On Extensiro Fiht In Gen. eral Assembly Formed by a coalition ef represent tire f foar ef th largest aad moot influential organization oVwomea ia I . thi Bute, .th North .CJia.JUia. Jntivo Council of Womaa was ia. an. , ion yesterday morning and afternoon, ' when ita members, under th chairman- k ship- of Mrs. C C. Hook, ef Ckarlotte. - ducusaed public welfare measures, chief mitteo iawin4Hg koueiag and te tke I traa befng- BTpendcd . rness skould fcave purged iU owa ranks, for Senator ia 1918, called a conference i Hs expressed the belief tnat the eon-1 in. new iotk oi raui xi. jjjus m w aumar had soma riahta after all. and I treit, afterward hia eampaign managei that tka wovernment kad functioned inland Frederick Cod of New Terk, for- the interest of "a vsst majority of thjlmer superintendent of Detroit schools. people' when it nought to bring down f At thjs conference uie question ot tne the price of commodities. I campaign' cost arose and, Mr. Frier-1 . To this declaration Colonel Wood re-1 son said, dewberry was torn n wouia aad at the close of the war earn home with stout heart and brave hand te repair the1 wait) of war. -How well he did thi i demonstrated at kia home. - one of the laeat farm Jn Wilson eoonty. .. -'--.v - i Elder Felton was aside front' th fact that he was a most kenorabl man aad exemplary dtiken,, a ' minister of th ' Gospel. Tor aMong number ef year k has neen a member . ef kai ptor ' of a Primitive Baptist ehareb at Whit Oak Meeting House near Saratoga. Of nine children which were born te th union wit 'hi wife wke ka preceded him to their met long home, he leave five livnig. three boy aad two girls. Tkey are Messrs. w, u rel tea, T. B. Ftltwn, M. J. Fslton, and r Misen Martha and Nom rrtton.-" " ' TT1CZ NAMED FOB Xtwf " KXPOKT BANKINO CtBPOEATION New Orleass, It Jsa. B. AV weeht, premdrat et the ziiDeraui nana - and Trust Compeny of New OVeane wit aeleeted wresidest ef th Federal International Banking Company .it the re&nlxation meetrnf f tk eorporaiio here tonight. T- J. Csidwell, preaidoBl ef th Fort Worth Kstionsl Bank, Wax cUcted rtca-prideir, end Hayaes Me ri il, formerly ef Atlanta, wa elect- i secretary. - - . . I ' Peterson, N. J- JaiL 7-A federal warrant for the arrest of Bar. Cor nelius Daniel, charged with violating tha Mann White Slave act, will be served upon him tomorrow moraine. United State Marshal Albert Ettelaoa annouBeed here tonight. . Tha warrant crew out of the allered elopement of Densel and Mise -TristaJ Haunenburg, a eboir singer, to Bunalo and other place In Hew xorlt otate. Mia Hannenburg - inatituted a euit for S25XK) aawinst th minister .a few days ago for breach' " otfomis of marriage, t . MORRISON IN TARB0R6 r . FOR WEEK-END VISI Seaate itself, ''for many members have been active in agitating for a price de cline." Mr. Wood replied -that he waa unfamiliar with the Calder committee' work, but he knew the accusations of Senators many times hsd materially affected price. 'My objections," continued th wit s', "are principally against the nreth- oda used by the government end par, tienlarly by Attorney General Palmer. Mr. Palmer tad bis staff, iastead ef seeking u( and prosecuting peeifle -cases of prndtnering, have dealt in gen eralities. It kaa resulted ia discredit attaching to all af business." - CeBBaaaer Haa Bights Senator Thomas declared that Mr. Palmer course 'waa the oaly way to an- cover spocifle ease, aad added that busi- baeoe growing counties of Kentucky together with representative f In dinana aad Ohio growers at a meeting prior 10 me conierence wiut uanavra and warehouse men voted to refuse plsot tobacco ia 1021 aad to hold ths 1920 crop. . Their action waa tentatively endorsed at the later confefenc. new development of the aituation today wa receipt -of a telegram from Con gressmaa Csntiell sailing a mass meet ing in Lexington January 11, -at which ke aaid that he would outline e plan which h believed would prove a aolu turn. All tobacco market which closed eisst Tuesday when th general movement for closing the warehouse (tarted, to day were asked by the eonferee here to remain elosed until January 17, Market tiiTopen, were atked to elose and a committee wis appointed te call on official of the Louisville market to ask them to elose until satisfactory "MrV Noberry and the other- defend. I arrangement could be made. ant,' Mr. Hughe aaid, 'Tiav suffered -..,., . .nnn ... a grievous wrong through processes of I DANVILLE ADOPTS PLAN eoSict- toto eonrt 9 I TO REDUCE TrJE ACREAGE Apart from the direct attack oa the conviction a illegal and ansustsiaed the evidence, the defense attempt ed te- shew ths eonrt that th corrupt practices act itself aa far a it attempted to limit eampaiga expenditure for legal objects, was unconstitutional. Solicitor General- Frierson, present ing the govcrnmtnt'i eaae, took issue with tk tkeory. presented by th de fense as to what constituted a viola. tioa of the corrupt practice act. Sen- Dan vUle, Va- Jan. '7. At a well-at tended meeting of the Danville .Tobacco Association in thi city today a r eo lation, offered by H. I Beatwrtat urging A 60 per cent edrtailmeat ef to baeco acreage in t: Old Bright belts of Virginia and North Carolina for 1921, was adopted. Season for th recommended curtailment were set forth in a preamble citing tne low price f the 1920 crop as compared with th ator Newbery. according to Mr. Frier- preceding year, attributing thia to th son, being desirous of entering the rae plied that there had boon a "warranted require the expenditure of "130,000 or I . reduced. overstocked European situation, tka ad' verse foreign exchange conditions, (nd that likelihood of a still further redue, tipn in prices unlcs tke ,ero soon - to be-planted ia materially curtailed. To baeca a-rowera are urged to devote the surplus aereage to th grtiwihg of foifi and forage crop whereby the cost of living and tobacco production may be esentment againat th high price," aad said that the government eampaiga had been "successful" to tha point tkat all prices have goae dowa nnd to the ex tent that hundreds of thousands of men have been thrown out of work,? ' NAVAL BALLOONISTS IN President Warren, ef "the Virginia and North Carolina Tobacco Grower' Association, wa present and approved the suggested curtailment of the 1921 crop, expressing the view that a smaller cut would not meet the exigencies of the situation. He expressed the belief more. -Having agreed te enter tne race on the express condition that this sum would be expended -the govern ment held that he, Cody and King, had entered a conspiracy to defeat th pro visions of th statute. Mr. Frierson sdded that mora -than 176,000 waa shown to have been spent I that the grower would adopt th aug- Rail PI IftHT WMPM milNn by the report filed by the campaign man-1 gestion of the Danville Tobacco Asso- ,toBM a ..iiteia . hi lml,wl I . , . . , , - v ,W UIJ MUM av. -' I C1SI1UH W U1CB 1 WHMtJ V VJVII) moneys spent in behalf of Helme, a dealers, exporter and warehousemen, candidate ne the nomination of-the t y r n T , Democratic party. Deposits and with' drawala from baaks made tha eampaiga aggregated $200,000, the prosecution- asserted. Neither the House aer the Senste dis tinguished itself by action yesterday, and-both session were very brief. A quarter of aa kour was takea np la hj pridt d .h.rrmaa of the Legie- 1 1 !iV it. u.t!.a A 0 la.a ak. I J .1 . . . . . . . body witk the granting of leaves of ab sence to members whe contemplate go lag horn for tleweek -end. Both House wilf convene at 10 o'clock thia morning, motlr for the Durpoo of bringing no break fn the "legislative Day," sixty of which are counted aa the. limit of th Agreement wu arranged in each House' to bring nothing of State-wide importance before the sessions today, snd ths re assembling ef the two bodies Monday afternoon will moat likely mark the real beginning of the work of the 1921 session. None of the larger mesa urea are ehdnlcd for introduction un til after th induction of the new ad- ministiatlon next Wednesday? -The House- will probably- reach ) the eolary bill Tuesday morning, ' No committee will be announced in the House or 'in the Senate until Mon day, according to fhe opinion of leader In th twe branches, aitd until thi is done,-no progrsss'ean be made except by the suspension of the rale and th plaeiAr ef measure upon its, immedi ate passage.- Tea local meaedra ei thi character were psiaed by the House yse- terday. Senate esslea Brier After a aession of twenty minutes, the Senate yesterday took a virtual re cess until . Monday afternoon nt two o'clock and mad the bill increasing the salaries of constitutional officers a apo dal order for thst hour. ' The increase bill, which waa lathered dcessa3.efrksacM t .&a3t .-aaxshCc4C ' 1 moTies wnjeav-Jha . tinwejU will-wrj,.4 m?, "ttto 'is viur' jr-Tn wpmwa ana th eonnter efforts of th exhibitor in the Stat promise on. of the meet interesting of coming Legislative battles. The North Carolina Legislative Council of Wemen ia composed ef tke lative committee of tke following -wr rsauauoaai north Carolina League ef Womoa Voter, North Carolina' Fed era tioa of Women's Clubs, Nortk Care lina Federatioa of Buaineaa aad Pre femlonal Women's Clubs, aad tke W. C. T. V. In tke Council the SUte Fed eration of Women's Clubs ia represent ed by Mra.e.-C. Hoohlts luesldealT"" who is ekairmaa of ths Conneil aad Mrs, T. Palmer Jermaa, chairman ef legislation, tha Business aad Prefee ional Women, by Mil Elsie Riddick. Raleigh, 'president, and Mrs. Clarence A. Johnson, ehsirmaa of legislation ; the North .Carolina League of Women Voters by Miss Gertrude Weil, Golds- boroy. president, and Mrs. Jr Wr Bailey, Baleigh. 'chairman of legislation t .the .. , W. C. T. U., by Mia Adele Goodao, Greensboro, president, aad Mrs. Wil- , lisms of Guilford College chairman of legislation. ' ' J Th officer of the Council sre Mrs. C. C Hook, president, Miss Elsi Bid-' disk, Baleigh, first vice-president, Mis Gertrude Wail, Goldsboro, neeoad vice president, asd Mia Lillian Thompson, J Baleigh, executive secretary and trass- -nrer. ' ' - J , , Want Movie Coaserahte. Th mea sure te be' presented In which the Ceuacil ef Woma- i in terested ia a SUte Censorship of mov ing pictures by which a board may cat : out such parts in th pictures which may be' "saeriligioua, obscene, inde-.- cent and clearly immoral.'' Thia bill uw a T . SI...... . . li, , I rcrir xuirnur&i. X aim Dill r,5!!!wH-"5:'fA."e 'Ih eonaeii will back haa been only public measure Introduced yeiter Lday. Senator Burgwyn, who is opposed to the measnre, announced a pair with Senator McCnlloch, of Bladen, in th vent he la nnablt te return in time for the vote. , . A score ef request for leaves of ab sence caused Senstor McCoin, of Vanee, to enter a motion for an adjournment modelled on that of the State ef Penn sylvania, which is said to be .the best censorship bill in tha country. Only thre othro states beside Pennsylvania ve state censorship. Maryland. Ohio, and Kansas, but censorship measnre are pending ia thirty ether state. i The measure is to be presented in Their (fothitfg Torn To F and One Man In Underwear, . ' Letter States 'u 0... of' the legislative grind ia exec of k i . i - f Jfew Tork, Jan. 7-(By th Associat ed Frees.) Description ef tke desper ate plight of the three American Naval Ballooniata after, they had landed ia the' Hudson: Bay country December 14 MRS. HOOK TELLS PEACE GIRLS OF WOMEN'S PLANS Charlotte, - Jan. 7 -Governor-Elect Cameron Morrison left tonight " for Tarboro, where be Vill apend the week' end with W. A. Hart, a close personal friend. Tke trip if for th purpose of taking a brief rest from th strenuous life of tte last jrcwdaye which have He plans to return to Charlotte Monday aad mass elaal preparauona lor his de parture for th tnaugu ration Wednes day. - OFFICERS' WARD BURNS AT M'PHERSON HOSPITAL Atlanta, ' Ga Jan. aV The "of fleers' ward at the Fort MePkersoa GeleraJ Hospital was destroyed by tre early today, but all ' patients were removed witbont any ef them uiTering iajary. It waa stated. Tha- building wa n tvro-tory frame structure sboat 100 by U0 feet in di mensioa aad tk Same eeoM be aeei in Axlaarts, six miles away. Th cause ef the- Arm eould determined eaftv; today.. Pwf dsad ta-nntia Chicage, HL, Jan. 7-Grever C Bed ding, nelf-etyled Trjaee of Abyssinia which, witk seven , negroea,ia en trul charred witk marder ia eewaeetioa witk the death ef Ralph Boon, a sailor, aad uoyt, a cigar atora ewarr, duriag a disturbance ia the Sooth Side "black Sett" ;last fall, halW hi trial arrerai .timer today witk outbreaks ef temper, during whiek he repeatedly tkriateaed to "lickasroa ia tk reoau" i and (Tarted tkeir painful , way ' back t Briefly Outlines ProaTram of ie ItakntaaMnni a VAAaav FssIam enemaa w 4 T . . . ..... , . i reived here today in a letter from B.1 . 0. Women S Legisla. Thorpe, manager of Bevillon Freree, I ' tire Council ku. .. x. r. I 1: Tkeistte.r''w'an''aireeted" inspector ef the company ' for the June Bay district at Montreal and for warded to John M. Berillon ker Tha balloonist were in pitiable con dition when found - and r two of them had to-be taken', to tk' Hudson Bay post at Moose Factory oa s sled, th letter aaid, their clothing wst torn to pieeest and one ef the found- in his underwear, ' having, ripped np his trousers to bind ng his feet. WSIt-SCHOOLrSTtmEN ROBBED BY NEGRO IN CITY Boeky Mount. Jan.' 7 After having neon attacked from behind, half bund ed and gagged with saad aad kia haads tied behind him with kia own handker chief, Harvey Eases, eighteen-year-old eon jt Mr. aad Mrs. L J. Eason, had kia pockets rifled and fie taken free kia by aa unidentified aetro wke kalt- ed aim last night ahortiy after eight o'clock . he wit roinc down Edgeoombe 8treet, ta the heart of tbel city, ea nia way home after attending a ateettec f -the high school debating society at the I, M. CL. , soon n tit nm had beat a speedy retreat, yonag Eaeea made -hi way te ea af the knaaaa near Dy. where aia aaada were a a Tied and a ea II .scat to -th potiee- uVpettmelit. Officers sr- nvwa en inn scene in a saort time bar were nnabi to Irid aay trace ef the robber. . : CAUFORNIA tCTATX ACAINST - BTLIFICATIQN OF- STATX LAW Sacramento. CaL. Jan. ".Tke Cali fornia Seaaf adopted . 'today 2 te 0, resolution requestiBg; tke Natieaal government te agre te ae treaty witk Japan thst will nullify tke PUte's anti Hew land hi er thst wenid grant the right ef a-itiseaahip te Japeaesc r I Mrs. C C. Hook, of Charlotte, presi dent ef th Statr Federation -of Wom en Clubs, and chairman of the North New Senate Bill , Bills introduced into the,. Senate yes terdsy were: ' - 8. B. 7 by McGougsn: To authoria the commissioner of Cumberland tnty t Bproin Biswfrd of Agrlcnl- ture. T . f. B. 8 by Long, of Alamance: To the salaries of constitutional officers Of North-Carolina. iBt-Siw,jEWrs' itSimnt vim -otW- until Monday, bat Lieutenant Governor hi . State, according to member ef Gardner pointed out that such a proced- the onuaeil, is "not intended- to reform Ore would cause h loos of a legislative old sinners," but is largsly (or th day sad might entail embarrassment protections of young people. The Inter ia the aessloa. - Senator Osllert, of council members claim that they have Butherf ord.k-offarad . substitute mo- many movie men ia sympathy. "The .tion pledging; the Senate to confine it- censorship wil not reject a whole pie self to routine business nnd local legia- ture but will take out only th oRjee latioa today and placing the hour for tionable features, so as to eause aa lit convening Mondaa. at two o'clock. Tke tie financial loas a posslhls. The motion was adopted. -1- " object is lot to task th movie h re- The hdise play of a session is largely formatorr. b an im w tn u.M Tvmma so in n oust-, out uie oenate found time for its little joke in the drainage law la respect to Bobeson County. Senste Bill Paased -Tk- 1.11 1 3 1 Jl. vareiiB vw. v. i Hrnate yesterdsr: who -wa in Baleigh, fo-S esalon- of I -S. B. B Te amend the drainage law the Council, last Bight briefly outlined ' respect to Bobeson Counyt. to the atndeats at Peace Institute the work, which th Conneil hope te accom plish in backing nil sorts of progressive welfare legislation. the women ef the State should tand to gether ia an organised way for " the things which will make North Carolina better State in which te live.- , She told the girls, ef th- proposed MBaarahin Of -movinw niernrea. and tha support f Stat institutions for dslin-lia highway cbastmetion. New Hows BilU Bill introduced in the Hbuse yester day weret- . 7r-' H. B. 18 Burt: T validate a bond iasue of 1160 XK) .for the erection af a eonrt-house ia Montgomery County. for certain public property in the town of Haywood, Chatham County. . xi. B. KU Lemenek! Te validate eer taia boads ia North Carolina. H, B. 21 Connor: Besolution te Con rms asking continuance ef Federal aid quests aad defective which is tk ma jor part ef the legislative programs of th woman's eooacU. Bhe nrged them te interest themselve as futnre eitixeni ia these measnre so importaat te th well-being of North Carolina. , "The aaddeet thing ia to ae a many women whe don't do anything,' aaid Mrs. Hook ia closing. "Yet there are H. B. SfeCoffln : To validate certain act ef , H. F, Hollct, justice of tke peae. - '- . - H. B-'23 Holliday: To authorise eeentr eommissinners ef Bockingham te fcasue read bends. - - Hews Bills H. B. IS To' fix tim of, Superior Court la Wilaoa County. . -. . -H. B. 248. B. 5 Relative te re corder1 eoart in New Esaover, aUhy wke simply amaae themselves day ia and day eat, when there are se many ikl-M t s. I itifV k.t u k. esdy thin wnta xoward m goodl SEN AT0R.H ARQIJiLG.. WALKS ini sim Bu. a mm sum isas no girl Whe goee" eat "freni Peace Tastitut wiU etfasent to he an idler." - Vra. Hook k a grac too si's! Rrpl sad ekarmiag apeaker.. To- tke girl whe; kaew tk wide seope ef her wn activ itiea aad influence, eke must hare been argument?- tXewd Mlhser EeeOawe rertfeU. London, Jan. trBr the AmocUtsd Tree-) Lord 'Milaer today resigned HOT SANDS OF SHRINE Columbus, O., Jan. 7-Wiih 130 ether candidate, President-elect Harding to day became a member ef the Mystic Hi rise. BeeaUia his having demon-Shrine;- Following' tke c remeairS Sen ster Harding presented tke Alsddia Temple bead, eon posed ef local Sarin era, wtik a eUrer aotaetv whisk v k piayd ia tu heme tewa hand aa a boy. M Mrtfsb aa secretary for the eel-1 Ha ana rln .bonhiB la Aladdia sales. Hi aeeeser haa not yet been I Country Club, a local ernniaatiea made anaonnced. - " Tap oi Ehriner only. . brief aeasion yesterday. Senator Elmer Long, of Alamance, offered a resolution naming Senator Swain "official ada- journer aad bell ringer." The Senator from Tyrrell, who began kia duties the opening day, had to be prompted by the enair yesterday, but anally yielded to tne apint or th joke. . , BODY OF DEAD SOLDIER ft . them still deeenthr amnains. Other rregteaatv Bllta. . "1. . Thk retention ef the primary , law with Jthe institution of some form of the Australian ballot will also receive the support of the Legislative Couaeil -of WoWa. The Council will give its -backing to all State-institntions for d- -linquents, and approvea adequais pre vision for colored mental defective. - . rt-will back the Mother's. Aid biU, and ' approve appropriation for"" forest ' i name uws. ana me eeiaoasnmeat of a Eden ton, Jan.' 7-By-wire from ths State game edmmissioa. Another im- Navy 'Department, Judge W. M. Bond waa notified this afternoon that the re al Bias of . Ms son, Lieut. Edward G. Bond, will arrive her at noon tomor row. Arrangement ' hav ' been- made by th famUy-to have th interment in the burial plot 1 Beaver Hill eem- ory tomorrow Hi oc.oc.. liieuieuan-. meetin, yesterday Bond volunteered and -went with th 1 , Jl. Eden ton - Company - ta portant part of ita legialative rroerm : is th raisins' of the age ef eonsent.' When the Shepherd-Towner Maternity bill hall have passed Congrea the Concil will aeek to obtalk from this State aa appropriation V meet the conditions ef th Federal bill. At Ua the' Council a-. wirn mi I j j v. , - ine Mexican AnTu -f .u. rrni.-.;. .., 1 ' li.' lAI, .111 1 HV, W IPIOt . . I -. . 1 V t , ..." , ' 'ft. W.."WU .'m.'riKA - Mw..wai -siwaiy ee- - " ,t" -TTv. neat ional urogram ef the State. - i anno varouna negimeni. uierwaroai 1t .j- . . , ke wa sent to F ranee witk Company L. 119th Infantry, 30th Division.'! Hs was later seat to training school at Langers, France, and was awarded commission and assigned to Company Mj, ,39th In fantry. 40th Division. ' During iis sol dier career he saw hard aervie ia the trenches and en th bsttle-fleld. H. was mortally wounded in battle in tk Ar gons ea October 10, 1918. He lived a month ia th hospital at Limoges, and died there November 10, 1918. His mother before her marriage waa 'It ia tke object of th Council not merely to advocate those " measure which may benefit women, but to stead : for all forward looking legislation aloes: the tines of geaeral pvblie welfare, . tnid Mr. Hook. v-- ' Tke kedqnrters of tk Nortk Car olina Legislative Council of Wemen are ' loeated at 107 Favetteville street. 'aad ' are in charge ef Miss Lillian ThowipBoa, expcutive aeeretary of the Conneil.' Exhlkiters Win Fight. Th effort to anaet moving j "crura Mis Laara Griffith ef Norfolk, Va. H eewsorship- in North Carolina will be wa educated at Baadolph-MacoB aad bitterly eppoaed by tke exhibitors ef the University of North Carolina, and the State. - The movie men have net reed last th UsiversityJ H wa f been Idle while th prelinainarie ef leg. V'' nae character aad attainment. The re-1 is latioa- have beea durnwsed, aad sl- read.Jhere.ia rgnix4.a.Bowerful. . ignmeat te .Sght Th meaanr. - A - meeting ef the. exhibitor will likely be held in Kak-ics- duHag th aext week te perfect tke plans of battle. - -It wss srrattgty intimated yesterday tkat Dad Wark Griffith, tk rereiraixed leader f the moring picture indastry te-th-Vnite Stasew, will earn lurn of ki remain to. the scenes eJLhi? boykoed . null east a- shadow . vsr the feeling of th community. v , - ; PITT COCXTT. MAN KILLED - BT LOG TRAIN NBAS ATDEN Kiawtoa. Jan. 7-The bdy ef Robert White, 52ha beea shipped t Hert ford. -f C fobrwrrkieeath-bere'tt rffurt Of accident in Pitt Coaaty.l lajgh to addme the General AeeemMy Beperte to the ewrener here, whe wael in regard t th eeaaerakia. Whea th witkept joriadietioB, aaid Wkite waa I matter was weadinr before tke Virginia (truck by-a backla W traia in tk I Assembly. Mr. Griffith-wa ivird t vicinity af Aydea. Wkite is reported to I sppear before a joint seasina ef tke re kave kewn prominent aad te kave a fam-1 linaae te diarwee tke os eat ion from tke Ily at Hertord. - ii. 'staadjMnijil ef the producer. - . v . - - - . - . . . .

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