P l J "4-t4! ... T T '(Ed, ' c' Obs I " VATfn ittirr. I It.". 1 Tti ULiTUC . Rale fllsed by. tlaerlag Hni, salAar ea tka,aea4i TifKir . , U 11 erver ews vol Ctfiii. no, io. eight paces today RALEIGH. N. C. MbNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 10. 192h EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRICE: FIVE CENTS rue n katoft 'aaptrsuaa a4 eaafct ths MM I i TAR HEEL SOLONS rKEEP WEATHER EYE .LEGISLATORS RUMOR OF EFFOR TO tf SET FREIGHT CHARGES TO PORTS Generally Conceded That Siegcl; Revision of Rates To South At- r-neappDrucmmcnr diii riiii. -f lanuc wtuia ce rtuinous io Become a Law x. Commercial Future CONGRESSMEN-AT-LARGE I EXISTING RATES PLACED SUITS SENATOR OVERMAN 1 IN OPERATION LAST YEAR Secretary Dan ids Opposes Repeal Of Primary faiv . ... . DefecU In It Should Be Remedied "You Don't Barn Down Houee To Get Rid of the Rata." He Say Putt Power In "Hand, of People Where It Belongs Needed Especi ally Mow That Women Vote For'they Would Be At, Dfc- r' advantage In Conventions. """ Congressman Bfritoa Silent On 8jbject Bat Confreitmln Small Wonld Keep Siatna Quo; Butler Succeed la. Re. Tiring Hia Little Boom; Nary Complimented TktuNtwt and OIcrvr Bureau. " 403 Vitrei National Dank Building. By . t L BAKER . ' (By HeeiaJ Lrsard Win.)' , Waahiagtua, Jaa. 9. Aseumtag thr.t the Hiegel reapportionment bill, und.-r whick North Caroline wilt get two d ditienal (rati la the lower hoax of Can s,-ili faasaad iU. fretmUy wH Coof ties - la Northern Porta During World Wan Mad Re , adjustment Neces&ary; En. mored British Interests Be hind More To Change Exist. ing Kates To Southern-Cities The News and Obaerver Bureau, 03 District National 'Bank JJIdg. . By JOE L. BkTR." """ , (Bjr Special . ImmI Wjre.) . -Washington, Jaa. 9. Tfcer ia rumor In circulation ia Waahiogtoa to tat effect that a eoararud effort will bs m ' h e. i mm A at a artaeaata ii... .i.i H.i.u av4WB,Hej avtj( (inn vw fwtaiiMi Nfw aad Okarvr Bureau, 60S Dialr4 National Baak Bld( Waaklnfloa, Jaa. Atktd what kt thoaght about tka aucsoatiiia iacorpor- at4 la a bill iatroduerd id Uta Icfia titarV for tka abolition of tka primary law. Secretary of, the Narr Daoitli aald: araa aorrjr but aot aurpriaed to leara tkat tkore waa ecma moTemaat oa foot ia Norti Carolina to aboliak tka rlmary aad to(0 back to the eld euBTeatioa lyateau I regretud, tow tor, that tka atur kad be a. raiaed, for ia ay jddiaiaji tka primary aya Uw, wkkk kaa aoirbMa adoptod by practically arery Hlate ia ike Uaioa and la tnrftrporated ia tka ebaatitutioa of aome fHatra, ia aa perataaeat a part of our political ay atom aa if it were apart of tka Coaatitutioa irlelf. "I do aot tfcink tkat aay f wa wkn, yeart ago, aeeing the fatal defect ajft atiararriageai of tka old. eoaeeahoa irtll nnuW, tkcre it muok interefl "T me preaiurnt or onoi Uie great aaiong Tar Hech at the National Capi tal ia the poaitioa tkat tke Hlatc lr lature will take with rrfrreneo to rcdia trirttBg the State,, I.. The Ncaa aad Obarrvrr'a rrpreMata- tlre tpproaehed at-Tcral A Ilia incmhort i Enatern trnak linea. Not only-would the npwurd reviaioa of f rcigbt ratrV to Soutk A'tlantik aad Gulf porta be ruinout to tlio eomaer Ifial future of theae porta, but it. would be heavily detrimental to ahippera la of the Vtata-(telnratiog here; tw get thtr like-wet kad middl - eef, The exlating freigkt ratVa' to South Atlantic anj CliiK porta wer placed ia effect by the Railroad Adminiatratlo ia ' December, 1U19, aad 'for the I rat tin In halt a century they put Sooth Atlantic and Gulf porta oa an equal footing with North Aflnntie porta. Tbey quickly reaulted ia tue npbuililing of k number of Southeta; porta, bringing them into a commercial prominence they had not enjoyed sluco the War-between the-Htntea. Among the eitiea benefitted by - tkia equalizing of freigkt ratea, putting them 'oa a tytsia where ' they might compete with North Atlantic borta aaaahipping pointa, have been Wilmjagtoa. Ckarleatoa, Sara n nab, Brunewicl nd Jarkaonrille, n the South - Atlaatie coaat, and New Or leans, OaUeston, Mobil and Peaaa cola. oa tka Qulf coast. Another great itJoaat ottKloa time iaa't juat ripe tor the State to be I cepting poaaibly the few poets oa the restricted In the faifaat aad most CrjNortk Atlantic seaboard, was that this tiows toward rcUistricting, nrticula.fiy . lo learn whvtlurr they In for the Job . g doa by this LegMatdta, wr the arit ter being deferred and tke two addi tional eongrcMmen tke Sbite will draw be elected trom the State at Urge unt'l ' such trra sj a redisricting of the 8tae skal! be accomplished. - Overman Farwra PrapeajlUaa . Bopreaentnti Brins n, who ia a member of the llouae ccdaua committee, aad. wl)o i aUe ia tka fight againet iaereaaiag tka Home membership, Je clined to tale a poaitloa wit Tef create to redisricting, holding that the matter its oak for the Btato Laegislature alo w and be did not wiab to obtrado his views on that body.' , ' r - t)yflatt-TficHlica to tavor the Moa of havinj the (rational eon groaamea com from th Stat at largii. ccptabla manner, he bdicvea, aad ia cr- , der to avoid-thape1",''1'' aavrag a Mtliarietiag meaaars f,'i through "t tkat woaid mat b-U--jrsrf;" every kody;hii would tathr . . 4efr V longer. rV . ; ... ." J JicpreaeaUtiva -Bmall ii alao liKHnjd ' to favor, tke idea- of eongrcaa.aea-at- large at least for-the time being. Ha ' dislikes tke idea of distarbiag tfa .r - Tangcmajit of the present districts, aad alaa fancies the idea of having a maai ; or twe u th Houa who wUl be raspoa ' sible to the people of tfa whole put " ond not be guided in nrstteisi of legisla tion by what h may thtak suits t a - poople of a single diatriet. laeidentai'y, - l - Mr. Smalt is beiug suggested as a pea-' ! iibl eongreasmaa-at-large, should that - plan -b jdopted. :. : ." .; . ' ; Beaakllcana Nat riaa4 ' Ndturally Korth CaroIiaarBpabUeau In Washington do not take kindly to th Idea of th State electing eon great mea at large. Tbey want tka But redtv tricted and hop that under th new "alignments, they will be abla to tptur - an or 4vy of the eongressmen. . : , . former Senator Marion Butler said this afternoon that if tke Bepnblieaa ' party ia North Carolina could gat a fair ; deal ia th radistrjeting efMi otat, : foar i'aaa. have the dintricts remain as tkej are and elect the anditionat eongrama " from' th Stat at large' was, of conns, a for a primary is aot that it alwsya works well or thst U gives results that are satisfactory. Ths fuadameatal roa aoa wky this method' of aomiaatiag candidates ha bee adoptfd by kvary HUta ia th Ub.oij ia that it puta it ia the power or u people, waerever taey at really lntertd aad aroused, to eoatrol aomiaatiha ia tkeir party. Ex- perieac ha taught aa that wher you have a primary or a eoaventioa system for aoalaattng caadtdatea, if tke peo plear iadiffareat aa to wis ia aomi aJftd, the. mea who take tha.daapaat interest ia politic will control th oa veatioa or will control the action of th. prims r lea. This ia ao valid argu msat agaiaat th primary law. .Tk primary argues ia fa nor of fuller par- licipatioa ia party goverameat by tbs voters. No law caa eoatpel aa indiffer ent voter to voU ia the primary er at tend a convention. In in old d7 ' cosventioas it cftea happened that ia a POPULAR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT SHOWS a . . LARGE -INCREASES Harding vRuns . Seven . Million Aheag of Cox, Omclal Tab ulatlons Show SEVEN CANbl DATES GET A TOTAL OF 26,769,708 President Wilson Beat Hohe In 1916 Boction Only Half Million Votej; lugene Debs Almost Doubles the Socialist Vote; Prohibition Ballot . - Show a Decrease HARDING RESIGNS HIS -SEAT AS U. S. SENATOR President-elect Carries Oat An. nouaoed Purpose To Turn Job Orer To Willis that it ia Perfect. The North Carolina primary law is sTcfectlv ia many specta and I thiak should be amaded, but yo do net barn down a houa to get rid of th rats We should not repeal th primary -law because it has not operated as well as its advocates ex pected, or has succeeded better thaa it oppoaenta dreamed; Instead of thinking about repealing this system, the wisest beads in tfc Jegylstur should take counsel of oae another a to kow th objection ta-tke aeasur could be best removed. 'We are in danger, if we frwii atUption'upon th shortcomings oftha DtUsent admittedlr imperfect law. 'of supposiag that the primary system ia wrong rather taan to aireex nor erm eism if the ' iU-opcration. Paadanaeatal ReaSea for Primary. 'A mat maa one truly said thkt th only remedy for th vils of dem ocracy wa more democracy. Likewise th only remedy for th vil f th primary law Is a better inw oeiwr - ministered, vl courae, ww u L" MMfl -rW ri2-y.5fcJW.'TrT New Ick. Jaa IaUrestlag com pariaant'tf rh popalaf vbta for Prel dent ia 1W0 aad 1014 are mad posslbl byoffleial flgurea f varioas Stat leetioa eaavasaiag boards, compiled by Th Associated Pre aad mtii pub. Ke here today. They show a total pop. larval at kWJajua for tk- awdtdaa thought that when th exjmary was in-1 returns from TennssaU aloaa are aa- ttituiea every oooy wouiu ia vn '-lorneiSL tka nominations, bat because they have not don so it has baea a great disap- DOlntmaat and a measurable lack of ausccss of th primary has baea that the people eouad aot be aroused. V.rwM RmtmIIm. ThtSlifferene between th convention Harding' plurality ver Cox was T, 001, 7S3. Fours yea re ago Preaideat Wilson's plurality over Charlea Evan Hughe's waa 601,383. New York 8tat gsv Harding vota of 1,988,411, hi largest retura ia aay aa sXate, as com pared with 780,744 for Cox. Ohio, th and th primary i this, 'and here Is th Stat of both th Republican aad Demo erut of -the whole matter; it I com-1 (rati candidates, gar Harding 1.1 82, naratirere aasr for A few men.to control 022 aad Cox 780,037. UtiBOl gava tfaei conventions; it is impossible for a few respectively, 1,420,480 and S34.3M aad n,mm to enwttol Drrmarie if th People Peanaylvania 1,218,213 aad 00303. ar alert aad vigilant and resolv to Th 1920 vote for Eugene V. Deb, carry eut their will. . They can do it socialist candidate, waa 146 while eaaier ia a primary tkan in a coavention ia. 1916 Benaoa rolled ap a rot of 87, because in a convention th tuV was 011. Th socialist party voU ia Nw renerallr ta elect delegates nninstruet- Vork (Mat -was 203414a aia ef 167, v. i a : j a. rfB.d Uarioa, O, Jaa Pridat-elet nrllag tealgnad .today., aa .-Jaiud 8tu Beaat! freax Ohio, forwarding hi Uttar f reaigaatiea t Columbut fae aetiMr4 h awty ected Be pablleaa goversor, Harry L. Davie, wk saaamessSee tomsrraw. Tka mart wa iafaeeordaae with tkt Preaideat elect's aaaouueed arpeaf t giv ap hi Benat seat aa soon as a skaag ia th Stat adminlstratioa would dnlt . tt ajrpoiatmut of a Republican auecewor. Oovarnoc -elect Davis has Indicated tkat Trank B. Willis, sleeted Seastor for th term beginning, next March, would be named t fill' tke vaeaacy.- rollowiag th wiske af Mr. Willis, sir. Harding made January IS th f feetiv date of k rejignalio. By giv. ing ap his Senatorial m then, the Presidentelect will be permitted to de vote th last six weeks befor hi In auguration wholly ta. tka prapaxatioa for tke dutie ef th adminietratioa. That th iaauguratioa oeremoale a Uarck 4 may iseluds "a remohy aaiqna ia kiatory f uch affair was iadieated today wkes (V became kaewa that air. Bardiag kaa apyrovea a piaa t kax akl. tks niBBibars .of tha.elea. Oia iraiJh W VRM kfeefUfd, gestsd at first that all Bepubllcaa elec tors b invited, ahd later modifled th plaa to include an invltatioa to Republieaas aad Democrat alike. Such a meeting would have ao formal aor legal aigniflcane sine th actual seating af ballot a by th elector takes place tomorrow ia the various Stat caplUla. ' ' INAUGURATE NEW E X E D U T I V E AND i PAW QAI ADirC 1 I1VU UllblllllLU -X . .. Two Matters Will Be Chief Con- - , cern of General $$emly : This Week RECEIVE BUDGET REPORT. CANVASS VOTE TUESDAY Indications That Salary Bill . ,-Vftll Bo Passed, With Pay Piled at $5,000; Agroement Beached To. Sidetrack PrL mary Bepeal Bill and Ignore Suffrage, It Is Said naaRSBjuto iiorrisoa sad do some thiag wffh tfcts salary businees," w gen-' ' rally the answer that anybody bets for aa Inquiry addressed to a member . of th (icaersV Assambly eonaaralag -tke things they have ia mind to da dur- ' 1. t 1 a( V laa ar ivariaii mr rvai navin ninar rn is- .aV..Am. " " ' " - a ' - -Tt.- - wha- aag-l ,t..t. mt t,.u 1 " LABAN JENKINS IN SELECT SOCIETY ed a t ehoie - of candidate. Th coavention Bad to be held in a hall at a wivea ulaea. at a glvea time. Oftet there was no hall or place big enough and th attempt to secure a vote of all (Continued aa Paga Sis.) to4ay. Salaries for eoastitntlonal afflem will uost likely be settled tomorrow, on way or sn other, nor Is there any member willing' to apeak z cathedra ta what disposition is going ta b mad of th question of raising salaries. Apparently, based upoa ; ineoaeluaiv straw bslloting about th hotel . lobbies, -th chanee favot soma increased pay for the Stat officers, probably aot mora thaa $3,000 per year instead of th ' present 13,500 allowed them, Th basis of tomorrow's voting will very likely be fixed this afternoon when1' the salaries and fee committees ef both . kouse meet Jointly to consider th Wright bill offered th opening day by nepraacniaiiv wrignt ar uunrora. in tVA ---- iota ..i - iiafii.... loie Deb poUed only 28 vote in South ReCetlt Republican Candidate bul provides for salaries of S8.000, but Carolina and 38 in Idas wkila ia Vr-I Blnn UimleAma U'iedinA. 4U u betu"' thaa tkat thou WUjw liMfVIatVIIV ill itj- ton Residence for Home eanitabie rata adjttstment eerred t licve file caagwtioa that had previauiry listed ia tha North Atlantia porta a i fptK't of the BaffanHi at pratticaiiy all of "the country's faceiga emaerea tk roe gh them. ' ' x . -. Made, Natiaaary By War,. Tkia . congestion, it will be recalled. for a 'rime even threatened .merlcaM. vMr program. But'wnii ice suuroaa Administration's order, was ia effect a vrgr meats re, it at th same tim was dictated by fairness nnd for th firat tim ia half a century gave aunufae- turqra ia a territory 'producing more than 00-per cent of the country a mauu- feturd products, thotftion of routing mejr gvou7 iuruun w (b,v " j . might, aelect anywhera from Mail to Galveaton. 5 V !.. 1 But the Eaatera railroads which had virtually- had . ."strangle kold" aa th country' foreign commerce destined for trsni-Atlantier countries, were aot satis fied with this order, sad their executives lodged a vigorous protest with Walker D. Hines. then director general of rail roads. Vt. Hines promptly disallowed. ta protest oc xnese execuuvea, ana u a tetter ta Daniel Willnrd, preaident-ef tka Baltimore and Ohio utd then chair- UNIONiEVY-MADE-r REVIEWS LEAGUE FOR COAL-STRIKE ; PROGRAM FOR YEAR r. t - .r - , i - Miners Plan To Carry To Finish : Fight . In West Virginia . and Alabama Secretary of International Body Issues, Report on First 'Year's Achievements moat the- partv filed ao nomiaatioa. Ur Aaron Watkiaa, aominee of the Prokibitionists, polled a total vot ef 187,470, a decrease of Z3flM from th party rot of 1918. Out of a total of mors thaa half a millioa vote cart ia North Carolina tha "dry candidal rccorrcd SrVttoorgis. gsr him . Greater Nw York, including Nw f or)t,. Broax, Kings, Queens aad Bichmond eouyitiea, with, a total rote af 178,788, polled 1.B80 dry-ballots. r'. v-, r Tha total rata Boiled .bv Parln Chriatensen, Farmer-Lai bar aomUea. was -ThcNews aad Observer Bureau, 809 Distrlct-Nstloaal Bank Bldg. By JOB tm BAKER. Washlagtan. Jan. 9. Although it U beiag generally aorated throughout th Tenth North Carolina district that Hoa. lb I Jenkinar wha "was decisively da-1 sand or so dollars will be pared off before th joiat committee get through with it today. Contrary to th general belief, , the, bill is not a "six day" measure, but one-that can b put through when ever the members s- . J A- 4- J. ' Alslmm I ArlMBMm mk ofh coram) ti 6 of railroad preai XZT 4VU. Sw.arma leaatms AaaaaSAta . f th. dita weuid kjl 8ep.hU- S, roTd. .? V"' Uav io gaoo'-rrrwiBda io objaetioa oa partisan suggestion and that if it wort ,.J U .1.. ..!. t equivalent to a gerrymander: , - Should tha Democrat take adwantag ' " of. this apportaaity to add two North Carolina aiembers ta their already solid 1 -delegntion ta th ower Houa, ihey ' :, would only ba following ' th xaapl already net by at least- twa strdngly Bepubliea SUtea, Uliaoja aad Pen sylvania. Th former ow haa two repre- S'J'iitaafi"ai,f m'-aaa'-'lHniityivnali' has tkre. Of aoors now th Dem hav jojss much, ehancl to air) as , of thee plasea ia ths sUteti as th - Republican would hav ia North Caro- Una-v . r-.T - .. -.v . . - Tha booth 'for former Senator Mario r Butler of -North CaroUna far th port folio ef SecreUry, of Agriculture, ta th Harding cabinet, is being revived. This . ' boom wa seriously deflated ' a ? ftw , "weeks aga wken th impreaaioa baesm . rather general tkat Senator ' Harding i foior ia i jkr ilsnrysjiMaJnatj for thia plunv It devslopad that Mr. Wsllsca was so Setiv la snceuragiag this belief tkat ka ia aaid ta hav - aroused a snild form of reeeatmtnt in' tha President-elect's eeaaaa, aad added to that th bjetioa waa registered : against Mr, Wallses, ah i editor of a fsrm paper, that h was aot a "drrt far- mer. In oonseqaenca, Mr. Wallace's the basis of mileage, aa th diatanca ta hanhiliasi jrteTiyTraFycunaiuBisliTy' greater thaa ta &tmk AUaati aad 0alf part.", Mr. tline preecdea tarn eon elusion with the statement 'that th basis-sf rata to South Atlantie and Gulf-ports, against which th Eastern mad were protesting, was tn same a i effect between' central freight assa- eiatioa territory and NcvrTorkv Bostoa, Portlnnd, . Ms ins, Moatretl. . St.- Joka HiifT. Officiala interested ia th npbnllding 4t.tk Xmati&A .iliwaaarf'afaiaa;'pd tka development of au Auantio ana Gulf -pert, without' regard t aeetioa. nay la sigruoeant wat tn caatrmaa of a caiamittaa - appointed sort , ten jnonths aga'by a New Tork commercial organisation to promote action against a a equality -al rates ta au ausbus ana Galf aorta was Delos W. Caoka.assis- tant director of th British earned Vn- sard aia.- - . -. ' . Waald Divert Tfaffle. This committee, whick wns instrneted fopppeaJJijaietTnjiJtJiaMaT sasoaiausa aad the xntarstate vommare ysmnuasioa for aamceUatioa of. export freight rate ta South Atlantia aad Oalf porta, aa far a 1a known bar is still in- uiateaea, and there is a suspicion that the plaa ta attack th aziatlag rata, ss rrvetjed la th letter af th president af aa of tha trank lines, wa prompted by this committee headed by. thia BrlUsn n1 eiaLr - , ' ' Caaeellatioa of the , praasat axpert rat re, which aaw giv eqnal pprtanity ta aU AmeriesB AUaatia aad Galf porta, waald hava the affKt. it i dadaral hare; f diTertlag traffia that Boar goes ta pott of th Soath Atlas tie aad Qulf Htatea, aot just ta Nw Tork, whick hi reeaiviag th great soar ( tka Aarn- axport basiaeaa, but ta th Uaaa- . ekaacea are aaid ta have 'dwindled very anstarially, aad as hi stock fee down, . those wb sre boosting Butler ara plana- ed te believe tkat kis tock ia ascending. mmiaioaar af Agriealtare Qraham, of North Carolina, ea f th North Carolina Democrat wha.eadoracd But lr for a cabinet berth, m given credit ia Bepublicaa circles sere for organ in 4bv tka anwnnt inic atate Maai eioners to get tka claims af tk Soutk diaa portJef Montreal, 8ti: John .aad .. fcrforethe Pres' tuat-sleet. . ' . I UaJifax. - . r, . , Cm aama af InU L Th relief hj zpressed - kesa tkaf Anyway, tka South' claim for rs-wKea -.ke tmaiaen nus and'skirpcrs sf cognition with a-cabinet slaea are ba "" iag arged more auoagty than ever, wit t-vfceea aaea. ceentianad, A J. Bart, af Kentaeky, aad Joka Motley Morebead and Marion Batler, af Nartk CaroUaa Supporter af tka tw Tar Eeela are contending thst Bert's appointment would ra!y not be recognition ef th rVuth by 6cBate Harding; tkit Kea- turky ia aot ts be atnetly eUMed as a fxnkva wtrt ' tbera is aoth- i --a ft J - Centra: It eight asaceistioa terrtUry . at wall aa" thoa af atate farther west, taka U.Ua ajlact at a. rctnra ta t k aid ardcr they wil as as juidt a tk port i tie ef th South Athai tad Gulf tkt ta combat the effort f1 th eaatera trnak lie ffielata ta ran ed th preaeat rates. A reverir-i tka erport.ratta thst prrvaiiad pr. December, 11, IK is aertej i would seriously deter the derelermeBt . t - - (Ces' -ad wa rat Pari, Jan. 9-The seereUry of th Leara of Nation today issued an ofli- wiiUIMiimeat entitled "The Work Ae-lArkaaaM U .Mingo eounty, West.. VlrginU, th During the First Year of -mUm. Indianaoolia Ind- Jan. To carry 16 d finish tii strike of th Union Conl Miners in Alsbsma and United Mine Workers of America has sent letters to th four thousand loan union ia the country levying an as sessment of one dollar a month 'for two months or th sntlr membership num bering 853,000, according to ad an nounceent made tonight at th interna tional headquarters, her by Ellis Searle. editor of the Mine . Workers T.i.n,rr 1(1 1020. to Jannarv 10. 1921.' IH, vaptnita ntm.tinna Bet. I rkoridm tied ar discussed by th .league. It I M.ie. ntinna tint the . establishment of a I lUiaeie permanent international eoart ef !Ju- "'n r y lice ; sfjconu, ne ,wn ,wuiu-m , a.aHM in , tke lirflltation of armaments, ana third, the creation of aa international eommissloa te study the blockade as an 42,960 Totc and Macauley, aomin af th Bmgl Tax party, 0,747. rorx'UAB votb roa raKtiogvr. "is. Bantlcat, ' Cox. i Cake, 74. si.sis M.SM ni.u trs.tss IXm. 1U.2&4 , t,4 tl .ST4I JournaU Approximately 80,000 person eeonomii weapon. Th thr. fegoing in th two fields ar being wpported ere mentioned a measures "destuifl by the Jnternationsl union which, up to January 4, had expended f 1,345,000 our-of its treasury for this purpose. "The sufferings which the men, women1 sad children living in both these coal fields have undergone challenge th admiration at vry member of our urion," ,rea4a th letter sect to the local anions. "Ther have been thrown ouYof their homes: as vs been denied tka right of ftee saaetoblagc, hav been tn wrevent- war"- under: th heading "Effort at Political- Conciliation'' th document refers to th question of th Aland Islands, upoa which tha league eommlasioa will report within three weeks. .. i As measures - destined to remeay th eeonomi crisis, the report says, th ereatioa of aa economie nnd finan cial organization la accordance with taated toe Coagr by Eepreeentative Weaver at tha. November selection. ia- t3J,43 all east la eighteclt Bftaa. Cox Ita4 af -beiag discouraged by that do in ooeiaiMt-iAoor casniati, raeaivaa i rent, la already la th rueatng tor two tears, hence,. Mr. Jenkins is about to become a aear,Wakngtoaiaa. , The Washiagtoa papsrs of Saturday sfternooa - aad Ibis, morning printed laag three . aoluma photograph of a kihdsom dwelling Mr.. Jenkins has narhad ia Washington. Through a . Whingtor real artato dealer, Mr. Jea l!ni eUnf P"relaa&d the houa from a Mr. l,es l iiaaoeta xsr a ravers,1 xor a eonsiaera- tion f of approximately SIOOWO. Th house aontaini fourteen roams and, ac cording to th Washington Post's de- criptioa of it, "six baths with a built ia garsgs aad is beautifully furnished aad located." The .location- is in one ef the most fashionable sections of the ityf being at Connecticut Avenue, -J Street northwest, - wher Mr. Jenkins will b ia hsndshsling distanea of com af th foreign ambaasie and legation nnd others who mdv in the National capital' most exclusive circles. Ia the Post of th other morning, there was a somewhat extended refer ence to the possibility of Mr. Jenkins being elected te the Preeideney of th Continental Trust Company, of Wash ington, ia which he-is now a director. 17.1471 Ha. of course, atill continues his bsirk- ''"'J th,t.) at i,.,;lfe anil' aii far aa Louiaiaaa .., 6S 44.SSS 4i,e , l,4tS,4Se svt.tta . SC4.ST4 ' S4,1S IS.M los.sst nt.m 1S4.SM i!o,ni : H.SM so.sit mss 1S7.1U 4 44.17 tl U4.IV4 - 74,747 SI1.4M 14.11 U7.m 1S.S81 1U.4 1S.SI1 t.tii,Afcl.4T. i.tsa Utkie - Munaaote .... MiMiaaippi ... ktlMouri Monti na ...... Mehraaka Nevada ........ Niw Kamaahim Naw hrw .... hrw Maaiae.... Naw Yark .... North Carolina North Dakota . Ohio weaves w as.tsa . tJ.pis . ' , 1S4.U4 ,11,111 - .1414 t.HT 1BS,J - .r-T Sl.lM i I7S.UI V4? 744MS T IU.44 . - tl,47 1S.4S1 - 14l.4,,.104 11.444 as4t i.ese 711.14 14.1.-SCJ4t 10S.4S 744 ' tii.es UMoe . 1I.4S3 . S.SM . l.Ki M.1M ' M.S ' 144 4'l.Ml US.S47 81.141 - 17 44 44 4. I I,M8.'4II ' 7M.774 t,114 SI1.M4 SM.44T 444 . Ida 7tt 11 Hf B.1U ia us - eiftftfl l4t,kSi . . la I. i.i , -at,, .m.lullni rannarlvanu ... M'U SUDjectea to oruuii i mawwnt w (,. ... . I modal leUna ., - . a . . mmtA I nf a iMn.mif MAmmlMinfl VRtA for- I M. If- thugs, employed by tn coal operators) most in the league's work. Concerning Rout llaland .. ' VCarotina. s bafeota 17,4M '.Z'M k..a .Mil 1.1a nnna. Intereata. .n4 . ttiA nmurr ranni I DDnuniunu aawireii in, ioivik i M tiona wil lea aave dccb aiaoiisiieu ,vj i on, mu , uwnv i vu . i . n. 3 ..H.V.1 ,.ut. ...ItirlmV mm aflnH Tnl.TOHfll I TIIMUl . 1. ..... . ina ovaw..n nKiv"i" t.,ivji". m -ri - - 1 vii.i.. al. a.:.., 1,1, 4;e iVta:ttasilaine-omnMiatti..u .TaSe heroic actions aaU for our fuu sup-1 sponsibiUtia or opium ir me, control wat Viraiaia. at.as7 - . ns.7is ruggle thes prav mea I aad alao tn whit Slav irama; cause a i ies,ti4 I1S.7T 114.19 :.LUt (SS,I1I soiiet ! M.MS M.77 S4,SS M'.tl uort in tha struggle sad momea ar making agaiaat tk 6rees-ef corporste greed end corporate William Green, ittteraitioaal seere- tary-treaaarer ef the organ isatioa, aaid th assesameat would rate approxi mately aa million dollars, sit ef which weald be'aaed for tha'rUaf ef ta JOHNSON TO PUSH BILL FOR FEDERAL PRIMARY Declares j th Uaited SUtea, Braxil and ' Spain to accept mediation in ArmenU, sd efffed the-wrtlktloa ef more than a hundred thoufknar-war prisoners. Bcgardiag -axecotioa v ef tha peace treaty the league point out th mis- aiona acaomirliahi ' KiAdmlaistratioa ,ef the 8aar Vei; .lev.--' ' 8 DlreeUon of the affairs ox ins free Hy af Daaxig. -4leieetion of the German govera- ment's aoneloaion : and not asking Woaara a. 4H.74 . 111,421 - M.SM Mil I At say .rite, Mr. Jenkiis ia aot to be oeniea -aa Mieress ins w aauinakun, n. o 7m d4 fail to coaseat with a Conajressioaal .'ill teat. . But Wheu th. tim eome fog him e to make- tha aaee for Coagraa again, ...got it. may ba a. littla difficult- for hi to atltl mat th people gI jtn icniu uiairm - f nnderaUad that aria totally ana wnos- A Busy Day- Taanday. Tomorrow will be th busiest day that th General-Assembly has bad aa it hand sine the setsiqn wsl born 1st--noon last Wednesday. At aooa thera 1 a joint meeting ettb two houaes ta caaras the return from th Nveai. hf alfletlnna. and wkila the are maat. ig. together, tk report of the budget eommiaaioa will be placed. before them, with recommendationes a to eypro : priatloa te com nt ef tb eeseioa. Tk Hons will hav still to consider" th salary bill. - ' And Wednesdsy there will of court be a session, but brief. Th tnaia business of th dsy will ba the induc tion of n new Governor, end on Thurs day, most, likely the members will be' in need of rest from the ttrenuosities of th preceding dsy. Friday . and . Saturday hava nothing particular ia sight, and non 'of the big legislation, ia si pec ted to get under way entil ' neit eMonday , January 17 thV But afttr -thst ' Big Meanarc Next Week."'"""""" - There ar vast number ef thing te - b don, iteprescntativs Doughtoa will have hi biennial revcau Ad machin-, ery act. There i the Clarksoa-Barry , ' road bill, yet without , an announced sponsor on th floor, but full ready to be introduced and with a goodly fol lowing to pilot it through th mill; the1 appropriation bill, vthieh. will largely embody the -fi alings and reeommeada- . . tions of tb budget, .commission the which hav 'been prepared, and are 1 about to be offered. It 1 over the things that th Gen eral Assembly will ipsad the larger part of its time between aqw aad March .10, but there ar a host of minor item Cf Jegiilstipn, jmovia censorship, pri mariea, and what aot ta ba disposad of.enrjuah to keen th General As sembly exceedingly busy until the J't fall of tha presiding officers' gavels early Total . u.i4i,-,st -wmw t tn Tirc-tiaiMcii'ui mfhty- -f----f - rorwlar -vot., Hardlas ever Cex. tjei.Tt.' tiwinrfev ir,.iw, j patting a mi(a ession nav , more Total BaBMHr.vota, ajt aaaaueavat, aa.iri laj rnuRDE ! HIX Whr-K I thouaht. aad StUt mor worries coming . - . -, in yvnwiiww "I.,. tl- ' . - I Amaaitmaat; a th CaaUaaisak nr..vi--,.. -! tmm a Tha saAwt ,1 1 wamea want rnsurv i- dlsarmsment Vxptad.ta ba. Nomlr3 jSLa Matly U tl aUad. rf nrlow Stean have amiouarr kaaa pabllalMa. The total vota mt lino. avar fow yaeia - PHILADELPHIA fPECIAUST. VISITS THE WHITE HOUSI Calirornl Senator RTiTiatTielvelsm Has - , Hot Passed asret Waahinxton. Jaa. -Sena tor John son. Republican. California, issued a statement today forecasting- hi tntea trin ta push forward hi project for a Federal presldentUl primary law, but reeogaiaUg appositioa te be mat ia the . . .... - ."Prorreasivoism ha aot passed, certaia progreaaives hav" Beaator Johnson said. Th limelight progressive who were mere Interested ia office thaa ta poll another plebiscite ia Eupea-aad Mai- J Wartkrgtoni Jan. Dr. Iraaei . BZ.BSLJW-wtaiuaaim Hit Y u lltue ipn ta a eu ro logui, territories to Belgium. - I wh was tailed la fo eonsulUtlon dur- a The astabliahmant of a prmBDt tmr tha aarlv ataae af Pratideat WU- maadate commission te administer th aan'a illnaaa. visited tkt WhiU Houa ta- affairs of former German colonies. . day -for th first tim la tw months. " ... -i-iTail ..r. .Tl.iik th. rfa . .men as a sort of a a - m .1 .. s,v to. 1. ,. I r J ' " r ' I ' - --- . . - greas thia week. r T retcntsUv fleal, caa waaeo. aaa u-m ImtMtas ta th diseassioa revolving-l a fairly safe guess that th primary will around th general abjet of redaction atay Oik il is, at least for aaoth? tv-e of sea power aadoubtedly will be giva years. It is th infiueaee of th womna by committee meetiag. The aSlef ef ia politic that baa sar i th primary, theae meeting, according U indications 8b aanted to' bar, a try at aamiag tdnyrui ba thw aasaluei Tiiesdiry ar tin t paitjr caJtaiaaias, aaa tn pruoty HonravNsval affair committee at whick I asikt way for a novitiat vtrtsr to aave twretar Daniel kaa been asked te hia or kar-eay la chooeiag eaadi riva available rorernmeat iaformation I dates. a te the asvsl itreagth, praoeB ndJ Th alleged sgreemanf aot to Umpjr &Aeeeptee 0f tasponaibiUty for ,.d spent eome ttae with Best Admir.ti AZIiM. Ha nrntactloa nt aalnnritiM. . ' . 1 hmm r a.-.m-- Pn..M nar. I 1. ' I :. 1. 1 mAmMmmtmm M mIJIm. the protoetloB of mlnoritie r. . . r Cry T. Grayson; ths PresidJt pr-l - - T,ran reUfion commit- Ition ef th ssffraa ameadmant, it wis S Begistratioa af sixty -Bins treatiee In seeordsne with th stipulations ef the treaty ef Tcrsailks. TONAME'SUCCESSORTQ: SENATOR HARDJNG TODAY sons! pjiyalein." v It aba may coasidsr dlssrmameBt -a Mid bout the yarborough.-Jlot aa-aa mji. urajaua aaju w i iil7 I brought forward by pending reaorutioas t aonaidenable aumbar womea aaa preposiag disarmameat coafcreac. attacked to tr. Dereom's visit, H merely baine made, he aaid. In aeeerd aaa with tha agraemtat reached sevsnU j p.rj-rjMlS ACTltlTlt8.1? THB mnrn ago taw ta rauaaipnm spe cialist afaould etn a Washiagtoa eeea leBally for eeasaltatioa. -- Columbus. Ohio. Jan. S.i-Afthous'h eiee' havw wasted tbsir horrible part tha resignation of PTeaident eject Hrd-T0i HEFUN UNABLE TO forgottTB aad hav adeaord ta atone I log M United State Scaator had not! . rori V B fin a pi fll I C Pf bnn wn.a.w .,. BTJRtKT TOBACCO SECTION! latiagte.' Kv, Van. --Aetivitie mea. too.Xwaated North Csroliaa ta rat ify suffrage, sad esd kff th TJaitad' 8tat Supreme Court if that august body should do any-.ing to' apart the status of wamaa by decUnnj ratiflsa- boa ia Teaaesse. West Virgiaia by eat-regnUriag regularity. Bat pro-1 1,, received by Governor-elect Harry aaahriaed ia th is "rllhTtir; TrTnTr aceeptaaca-af the ra,!pmtio..d ap- n Heffi, f AaTabama, wiU ba Mttis aoeds7therato little palatmeut af 8eaator-lt WjllU to th. ,M u ttUfU r,Ily u b acid al leitiag arirUega-aa -te fearl aaeaney would be mong tk first act Chsrlotts Jsausry 17 a a der the suaplcee greaaivcism i yet carta af mulioas ReaetioB kt aa today. W wHn-WtH Mall priaxary, hat xpleitinaT rrrilaa from Doblia .nffjcial. Th attter eoa carted pavemaat araiast labor is th accompanimeaC-.f , . 4h aadeavor tfi ram all voter tke ncht f amiaatig tkair public aervsnrs T prevent tk eliminartion dff the 4ir4-t primary, aad tke deetraetioa er motifieatioa of that kick has addi 1 to tk com moa wel ar m wwrk akesd for ad this wor1! vill be don I; Dsvis , st hi hotel here toalgha it I wet sanooaead at bin. haadraarterf . tMt f fBT-SDeeial Leased Wirt.) Wsiuintton: ' Jan. ' fw Senator ef tk Be Gorernor fllowinxJiig Inatt-j gu ratios tomorrow. ef tt Americas Cotton A psociatina; Ths rally is piaaaed to launch a -dnva foe th Am erica a tx aa4 1 file wit boat, ad if ae cf 1 pTcrreativeism idUittMrstrrrtf ,.' FBCD Vt ARKANSAS- TOWN. Pin Bluff, Ark., Jsn. A eXaeV snent ef Ike l'iae lireff Macklaa-Gna CamDaay'ha keaa aeat to th see at xrogreniva, f a reported catbreak reteltiag f rnsvA I aouat af praasur af work at the eap ibr the rnnklfead anonr wkit-reideat at King- ttal, has beea compelled ta send re- a tha tnhaeea diatrtrt af Cedtral Ksa J Missouri aneoastitutional 'aad yoid. tacky wker most market ksv bM Somethiag af panic aiced apoa tha cloMd almost a weak because at failure le.rs wbcu certaia of the leaden af f buyers te affvr prices aatlafaetory tb women waa tea raiineanaav nta-e te growers, will be resumed . tomorrow It i said compromise that seems te doom with'a Jkiinm during tb aft era eoa Neat bill ta.lsaguieh ia committee Ba by CoagreemaB J. Campbell Caatrill tU tk essioa's dying ey. . to a mtia af tkos tnurseted U th ; A atarmUgly gloomy, peetr araa. barley arop. A " eoaf treat between Iraid tp. by some ef the womeaa-he i..:ni. ..v,.r M ul a. wanted, aad peri ape atill waat. North mitte eplataokby Wawn, baakar j rnraUaa to ratffy. th frra CoarV : ' . a. I l.tl SV akai aKkla atnaiaaaBB Bkta aaa9 tatl loe.1 rkoM aaa aaek ciaatat P - am Btrjca ASS ara-aurji reman aa- mwmu waiaaim- upar vanaaoaa i - , .;,,., port aal Import orp.raUoa. -Stfikterjoi' VU It kogead t markerai-f '' Jf Haflia, aa af the best ia formed maa ea cotton ia the cans try, was arged to deliver aa-eddre at the rally aad hoped to ba abla to aeeapt, bufea ea se ie sckadala. I Ued, Ark, SS mile outnvrt af here. I grets. I Ia a street fight twa" mea vera said t hare been rioue j vonMed. . rors'on, Former Gavamor Masajag, af irol-na, pre. deal af tke aa J tt tk chief speaker, - Arraat Blaa Fein Leadeir Belfaat. Jaa. I. Traerx at Derry to day urroaaded tk reudeaca f 3oe?k O'Dokarty, Sia Fein member ef par liament, sad arrested him. Ba vrill J lataraed. Tw previous rais aa kis hm were t rssuX' property, aad tkan the whole fabria ef tha aast elaetioa would b a pact. Tkera waaidat ba aa eftioer ia tha whole aa tioa, front township ceastabla t tha prasideacy wb could alaiav that ks hkd beea property ehoeea. It didat scar ar-T'r, bet fS prse tical cf kaf. j r- s ia Ul fct!s I'-' I : r ; -:

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