n Nrtk Carolina Fair tasaday, W4mi4i steady, Saedersle mm server m :.T.v. ;.:- VOL CXIII. NO. II. TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1 1. I92I. TWELVE PAGES TOPAY. PRlCEi FIVE CENTS Ob I ' it J Trn i a irr I sihnlia aa a Mta ". MOVETDABOUSH " STATE ARCHITECT STARTS IN HOUSE , II ' .YpunoesL.. House Member Springs a Surprise On Eider . , . . Statesmen Monday ; RETURN BUILDING TO COMPETITIVE BASIS .Heeded Architectural Plant . Wtdd.L 8t Advertised Tor and All Architects Given An ,' Opportunity To Submit Bida ; Dissatisfaction Expressed Orer Present Situation The youngest member pf tb Hodm, ' Bepreesntatlv M. B, Glover, of Nash, " took the elder legislators unaware yes terday afteraooa when he offered bill designed primarily to aboliah Ika office - "of But Arejajteet, nud return the work "doae modes lis direction to the com petitivs basis ia force bsfers tha office ef BUta Architect was created by Jhs. Geaeral Assembly of 1919. HARDING ASKS THAT INAUGURAL CEREMONY PLAN BE. .ABANDONED Marlon, 0.. Jan. 10. In the interest of national thrift. President-elect Hard ing tonight requested officials arranging for his inaugura tion to abandon all plana for an inaugural cremony.- The President-elect made lis decision after conference with severs! of his party leaders, to whom he express ed vigorously his repugnance to any show of extravagance. The need for National econ omy and thrift is - one of which he has spoken many times publicly, and the criti cism in Congress over pro posed appropriations for the inauguration have made a deep impression' on his mind. Just how far Mr. Hard ing's action actually will cur tail' the ' ceremonies ls"un-" certain. ' It .is taken for granted that at least the in augural, ball, which .disap peared from inaugural festivities at Woodrow Wil son instance in 1913, will" ABANDON PLANS TO HAVE BIG AT SPREAD INAUGURATION Announcement of elect's Decision President' Comes After 'Appropriation CONGRESS PROVIDES FOR FUND OF FIFTY THOUSAND Republican Leaders Expected - To Take Steps To Have Bill Reconsidered and Killed ; Disbanding of Committees On Preparations Expected - rTo Begin at One- COPIES OFJABLES GIVEN TO BRITISH Ji FOR SURVEILLANCE Washlogtoa, Jaa. 10, Abandonment immediately of all plaaa -foe a celebrsv- tioa ia connection with Hia iaaagaratioa of President -elect Ilarding araa an nounced tonight by E. Bv McLean, ehalr- maa of the Waahingtoa Inaugural com mittee, ia accordance with tha desir of Mr. Harding. Mr. McLean apoa receiving tha re quest of the President-elect for abaa- Carttorr Tens rjf turveUIanc of American Cable Messages ""-in England ' mSB-SnBWaM-alBnBB DISTURBED CONDITIONS CAUSED BRITISH ORDER Charges That State Depart ment Extended Cable Con. trovers With Western Union To Involve Cuban Government Flatly Denied By Under Secretary Davie that sJJ--Vi.eir.4vrwfcnc lsB v 7&r-r" . - . , . ji washmeton. but J have all aloag I -a o.,,. it at tut I . - known how. President elect I '-" - ... . - .... ail in lea inereioc provuioa w tinea a tha Building Commission eon . template the erection of new buildings, or tha Improvement or old ones, weir iateat aha II be advertised ia three daily newspapers, aad arehiteeta invited to ' : submit plans. ' .3 J. A. Halter, who established himself a an architect ia Raleigh some vet re : ago baa; hctd the office of State Arehi teet, aiace the place was created, giv ing a part af hia time to tha State's work for a salary of 5,000 jfcr year. Opposition to the office is based, it ia aaderstood partly upon fact- that the holder reeeivea a higher salary thaa ether 8tate officers, and devotes only a part of hia time to the work. Development Promisee:. ' Developments in connection with tha measure are expected to be interesting, . aad its sponsor dee lares " that he baa every intentioa bf making a stiff fight " for its passage. Ha declares that he has .t guree J hand that will yros atartliag -,---- peee4eo4 the-to4--w hear tMy SALARY BILL IS CUT BY COMMITTEE All Hope of Full Measure df Re lief Planned, Is Shattered By Day's Events Events yesterday shattered all hope I list Constitutional State Offifrs will receive the full measures of relief that baa been urged for them and left a question as to aay relief at all At a Joint meeting of the committees oa Salaries and Fees of tha two Houses the inereatea recommended ,ljy the Be nate-Committee .were reduced from Hjmtv an Jndicist- offlfers are diseloaed ia debate if tha matter I were eliminated from the provisions without friends, aor is the office, aad Neither House acted on the measure asouad thiameasure may develop one yesterday and some discussioa arose f tha, most interesting . ' features of imdog members aa to whether tha offl- the seasioh. cera affected will benefit if passage of Otherwise. eeterda's aessloa of tha bill be delayed until Wednesday the Bouse' was without ontstaading la-J morning, prior to the inauguration of tha onieers. Asaiataat Attorney General t rank Nash declined yesterday to toaks Waskiagtaa, Jsa. 10. Charges Ue-Britiak goeevaaeat oaertiaee reilla nee. ever Ameriraa cable basi official aa well ae private, paaaiBg through tha British I airs aad that the Bute Departaneat had axteaded ita eon- troversy with the Western Union Tele- eranh aaJ r1U Cauui.l krlM la 1. ' aad Neweoaab CarlUsT, pvees deat of the Western Csiea. eondaeted a eroaa table argument aver the Cnbaa IIIAUGURATIONVILL BE MOST NOTABLE IN STATE HISTORY r Elaborate" Angcmenti f Com puted For Morrison's thduction v THREE GREAT BANDS TO LEAD PROCESSION Kaised Instruments Will Ben. der Farewell " ' "Oeneral's March" For Oovernor Bick ett With Trumpdt Fanfare and Greet New Oorernor; Cannon To F.re Salute- Harding with respect to the 'expenditures of large sums of money at this time. ..'Because of Mr. Harding's feeling I allegation when Mr. Davie flatly denied waa always ia doubt about the inaugural ,t ch.ir... Kejiogg ended tha boar- Senator Harding'a frieada aad advisers! l f etioni-t Mr. Csrlt- aa to no maHe how mnrk tfcr Verret the t.BgInfe praettccs, Clarence . terest, Bcpreaentatlva pardea offered a aaeaanra to repeal the discount given for the early payment of taxea, and. to diaeoBtinns . the penalties attached to delayed payments. The (natter- has not loss to Washington, will be with him ia this matter. Aanouneement of the President-elect's decision, eame only a few hoars after Congress through action of the House completed enactment of a bill appro priating $50,000 for expeases Incident to the inauguration. Aa the measure has passed both . Houses of Congress, Just what course Congressional leaders will take in respect to it waa ia doubt tonight. In the usual course of pro cedure tha bill would go to the White House tomorrow, but the auggestioa was made tonight that fiepuhlieaa leaders ia either the Senate or House might move to reconsider- the-vote of- their- body and thereby withdraw the tilt Disbanding of committees appoiated by Chairman MeLeaa, membership en which include hundreds of persons not only in Washington but elsewhere ia ex pected to begin immediately. Upwards of 1200,000 bad been pledged by Wash ington eitlxens and busiaeee men toward tha expense of. the iaangural oelebra- tion. ,. .'r-i ' i yesieruay w aaaas l nnpAinniT miutiiiiipa formal ruling an the matter without mtilUCrt I UUiH I mutd further iavestigation, but stated that he is of the opinion that If tha set is eould bean diacassed generally, ' but some ratified, before the office ra actually qual- oppositioa is expected -to crop out be fore it cornea, to its final vote in tne House. Na other bills of mora than local import were offered. The House waa convened with prayer by Be v. Wes ton Bruner, v. JJ, pastor or tne Taoer acle Baptist church and adjorned after a 25 minute aessioa to eonvene today. at ! o'clock. Mara Commlttoea Named. lieuteaant-Covirnor Gardner yes terday innouceed elev m standing com- sltteea ia additioa to the fifteen pre- IMPROVEMENT IN HEALTi Able To Work Two Honrs Daily Without Fatigue; Grayson Issues Statement ify tomorrow, the . increases become operative at onee. "Under the Constitution a 8tate Offi cer holds office until his successor qual ifies and ouvSupreme Court has -held that the law disregarding fractions of days is purely fiction in order tb gala beaeflieial results and that fractions pf days can be regarded where the in terest of parties are materially affect ed" said Mr.'Nash. -',': Commlttoea Divided. ' " The only serious clash between the ionsbr announced. The Committee on I Senate and tha House Committees yes- ' Election Laws waa reannouneed with l terday was oa tha question of whether alight changes. It ia expected that the I Supreme Court and Superior - Court ramnininar twenty committees will ? be Judges should be included ia the bill. announced today, though there navel A, roll call found all. members of the self might have gottea "stale" in his assessment or tne executives condi tion. It so happened, he aaid, that oa the occasion of Dr. Dereum'a visit tha j President had one of the best ."days sine. his illness. Washington, Jan. 10. President Wil son ia bow able to work two hours daily without fatigue Bear Admiral Csrr T. Oravson. his physician, aaid today in discussing the President's health. Ho added, however, that the President was not yet ready for- a full daya work. J Commenting; further on tha visit to tha -White House yesterday of Dr. Francis X. Dereum, of Philadelphia, JDr. O ray so a said he had called in the spe cialist because he feared that-he him- Mackay, bead of the Postal Telegraph Cable Cesapaayv another witneaa, teM te committee that Eaglish seeret aerriee aathorities were obtaiaiag copies af all eabl messages. Mr. Carlton aeveral tiasea reluctance to diarus the aabjeet of English snrveillaae because "it woald make trouble," but at but yielded. Cart teas Taatimeay. Tea'daya after meeaages bar been traaamitted," Mr. Carlton oxpHninod, "our eopiee of them are tamed over to the British secret service, which keep them for n few hours, aad then retarna .i v .... . - A - J . l. . America official dispatches, .iika. the duuarchea to all other eeaatrtee to and from England, are iacladed, bat I have reason to believe that aa examination ia made of them. I have been ansa red that tha official mess ages are not avea inspected, but they are in the physical possession of the aathatitiea while other messages are being lanmoetea. The orders for the snrveillaae worn iasaed, Mr. Cults explained, beeaaea of disturbed conditions in Great Britain aad Europe. Be indicated that ether European countries took mefw complete control over Amerieaa eabl passing through their territory thaa did England., Heated Argument. . Mr. Davis - aad President Carlton argued with considerable heat aver the State Department's opposition to the Western Union's attempted eoanoetioa with the Briish cable system ia Brasil via.- the Barbados cabin. Mr, Carlton declared the State Department had "made threats to the Cuban govern ment to prevent the eoaneetio going through that island, aad that Preaident Meaoeal now had before him the qnea- Three ma beads with an aggregate strength-f mere tfcaa"1se pieces, and a aeapaay of baglero from the Seven teenth Artillery of Camp Bragg, will herald the coating of Cameron Morrison, goveraor-eleet. f iKartV Ce.-olina, as he ride to the City Aaditorium to take the eath that wiU latest him. with the beva rhnaea. - i NAVAL BALLOONISTS TO FINISH FIRST LEO TODAY Three Iriators Withii Day's Journey of Civilisation, Ke port States Mattlee, Oat- Jaa. lOThe three American aaval ballooaists, who are "masklag" their way back to eivlllsa tlOT'froMt'Moos Tietory, Oril 'waere they fouad shelter after one of the most thrilling adventures la ks an' aals of the Ameriraa Navy, will arrive here tomorrow afternoon. They are sa ramped tonight st Skunk Island. I day's jouraey from MattirJ.v laformatloa to this effect was re eelved . here late tonight from Earl Trowes one of the guides sent out in advance by newspaper men awaiting thir arrival.' The three officers sre reported to be ia good physical eosdi- tioa. s COTTON MILLS IN MECKLENBURG OPEN eflrrt.r.eW Awm VvkWW efaVh VirrlirVinerr M Camp Bragg, aad aa a speeial eompli ment to hie intereet in the State Guard, a company of militiamen. la the ear with him will be the retiring governor, Thomas Walter Birkett, aad between them hia little daughter, Miss Angeles Mocrnon. oflaal survey of the plaaa for this oadrraajal cerehtony was made by the Joint . legislative and local committees yesterday aneraooa, every detail of the day'a program again gone over rare fnlly, checked aad teeheeked, and , at the ' end of the scssioa. It was jiro neaneed complete. Although simple, the inauguration promises to be oae of the most impresaiv in the history of the Bute. ' Tare S aerial Train. A special train, bearing the Governor- elect, his little daughter aad membera of hia household, together with 200 eltl seaa of Charlotte, aad the Oasis Temple Band f nieces under the direction of B. U Keesler. State College Cadet with their bead f 30 pieces, a dctAeh- meat or artillerymen from the Fifth Regimeat, and the Seventh Artillery Band aad buglers, ' will augment the local committee and thousands of erti sens who will -meet the party at the station. A little later a second special train win arrive' from Bocklngham, the boyhood heme of the amcrner-elect. IMrcatieaa .from the Woman's Gen. era! somnutto will ansort the women mem bars f tha Governor-elect party to the Tarborough hotel t await the hear of the eereeny. . II :15 Mr. Morrison: accompanied by the legislative and local committee, heads nndjnili- tary, will -proceed tor the; executive aaaaaioa where he wilV be ioined bv Geverwer Birkett aad-the members of the State administration, who, with Mr. Marrben will assume the -oath , of of Ice at noon. The bands and the buglers will form in close ranks before the mansion, with the buglers stationed in front, and as the -retiring Governor comes down tha steps of the mansion) to Join the party, the Daglere will aonad tne uenerar 8alate, aad aa the procession moves Eight Large Mills Resume Ope rations; Large Inaugurate Delegation i pinyes aTn oa us payrous. in ) - -v.w B.,u wy mills Ineluda th. n..Hi,k H.ki. repeal, ana iney eeei CONGRESSMEN N.C. OPPOSE REPEAL OF II PRIMARY IN STATE Senator ' Overman Expresses Himself Strongly In Favor - of The Primary OTHER MEMBERS ALSO OPPOSED TO NEAL BJLL eaassmssnssnBBBaBBan , Junior Senator Would 5ot Ap. . prore Repeal Without a Maa. date From Th Voters of The State; Simmons Withholds Statement For Present; Other Members "Views Nswa and Observer Bsreaa, ' era-District Kal. Baak BWgV By JOB U BAKER - (By Hpecia! Leased Wire) . t Washington. Jaa. 10. Members ef the North Carolina, delegatioa ia Congreea . are, as. a rule, strongly opposed to the repeal of the state primary law, aa pre posed Cy stepreaeatstive Neat, of M-' it IWMMPT. UM. Af bBB will system sna me tigdisid rar system. ,bly use their influence to wreveat ear The Highland Park mill at Concord such setion by the party. Probably mart also returned work. The managements o(- tk No,'B Carolina Democrats in . at both ... nl.. ,,., , . WsshingtoB enterUia like views. As a u JT i! T a. ,or T" "r1 "epaWleaM t tha aaUoa. an iadelnite period. The mills bsvs .1 capital. lhy iltoa't seem to ear vrv much what the legislature key do about been closed sbout two months. Chsrlotte ministers plan to organize a Christian Citisens Welfare League, the purpose being to unite the moral forces of the city in behalf of law and order and justice, to see that the Lord's Day is properly observed, that the prohibition, laws are enforced and to. properly deal with tha social evil Recommendations were submitted at a ministers' meeting today by Rev. J. R, Crigler, of the Lutheran church, presi dent of the Ministerial Association. W. Banks Dove, Secretary of State of Mouth Carolina) H. L. Stevens and it, as their party ia the state never peye any attention to the primary anyway, -since it ia the' Bepublieaa custom te select eandidatea at conventions and then have them file ia the primary:, without opposition. Among the members of the C. legation approaehed on tne proposed repeal of the law was Senator Overman, who ex pressed his opposition, certainly with- . . out a referendum. He favors ths pri- ;. msry principle, to begin with, Ami f wishes. that' there might be a amend ment to amks both parties come under r. g. Esstman, of Columbia, 8. C, are ,h, pw He aaid that he certainly does not approve having the law repealed f revoking the lice alr-dy jr. ' . iE2! been rumors that Lieutenant-Governor-1 Senate Committee in favor of including elect Coooer is not wholly satisfied with! th judges except. Senator Benrhan seme of the appointments agreed upon I Cameron of Durham. The House com- by the outgoing and the incoming Lieu- tensnt.GoveTnora. - The chairmanships of th commit tee announced yesterday, are distrilv uted as follows r Insu ranee, J. Elmer mltte voted ths other way by a vote of nine to three, Bepresentatlves Bowie, E vj retteL of Durham,., and.. Dawsop standing fof the Judges. The difference was adjusted by ths appointment of a tioa granted for binding ef the ' Barbados cable ia cube. -The State Deimrtmeat has done aoth ing ef the kind," Mr. 'Dathi said, aad President Carlton promptly broke in to characterise this statement as dipli ey." . .;.'; . ... FRATRICIDE OCCURS IN -MONROE SECTION March, in tribute te Goveraor Bickett. Two K fawverwra Cemlag. Biding together ia the forward auto mobile the Goveraor end Governor-elect wiU be followed in order by the eoun cil of state aad heads ef statutory d partmcnts, and with former Governors Locke Craig sad William waltoa Kir chin following. - Secretary of the Navy Jeeephaa Daniels and Seaator F. M ona will occupy aa automobile just .after the eoaatitutioaal officers. Both Senators Cameron and Bams and Rep resentative Doughton and Dawson. The conferees unanimously recommended I Long, of AlamaBs-Insane Asylums, J eonfevnc - sommittee composed' of Leon B. BranSeld, ef Wahet casweii Training School, N. W. Outlaw, Pitt! GsmC Laws, L. M. Blue, Scotland) In- . atitatioaa For The Deaf, C. E. Carpen ter, Scotland; Institutions . For Th Blind, Wr B. Walker, Bocklngham i t- Immigration, ti -Wi-rrHam,-Wilson; rul. n1,LM l Rhall Fl.h: Tjittmr UonrvtM4r iHawoee, Lr 8, Var- SpaakeraowaaMtpwc aer, Bobesoa; Federal Eolations, Paul 'Z?Jli wtonutujiuu Ja-Zdfeembeletit rtARtriiTrDDRESS' ROCKT MTs MERCHANTS Jtanton BanCm Held. For Jtfll-j fefmefrgwrners, the aecreUry aad inf On Brother and For y .pr p-ce. e. . Woundinf JLnother 1 Preceding the iaaogoral party into - 1 the -auditorium, th three bends will Banecm I be np their station ia the dres eir Bocky Mount, Jan. 10 Announce ment was .made today by officials .of the Bocky Mount Merchants Asaoel msi oniy me ave owe omeers do in ation that J. faul Leonar(li or tstates-1. uam i.m io K.M. eluded In the bill. The only ether vills,. secretary of the Bute MerchanU'l .wM .JT i..,..tt. kiiui hia hrth.r I cle and play while the party enters . I a t . . .,, 3 . . 1 , t 1 . I . -1 . ' 11 : .1 ' ;,, associauoa, wm auursia us local -1 Charlie iMueeau at the formcra heme 1 a.,.pvvniMt.wr'vr..J"zei---"i soclatioa at It rcgnlar monthly meet-1 1- in ibtnn wivht. I present th governor-elect, snd the oath record rot was oa the . amount of the- increase. Senator Varaer '-waa re corded in the negative as were former ing Tuesday evening. arrt s address has ant heea given, Another brother. Gaston. BaWav. was atra-k Am ihm faM, mnA nminfu 1 lr VMil- " "led H u ring ths flrhL Kaaaon aumnder. SatanUy night. I present the governor-elect, Snd the oat LBiaMn)mlj Clark. Associate ralterwflradmInTster Jest ice Stacy tb WWhrrifTietlc aheotint aad ia now la-hijlthen deliver hie inaugural address. Bills. C E. Carnenter Seotlaad. I ot increase-, of $730, but I renefita to be derived therefrom.' The (,,,. ' : , ,lWhen the new governor reaches - Bills, Cr E. Carpenter, Seotlaad. - - . , The Committee en Finano ia ths vv snly one of hf toportnntsonimittes named yesterday. Both ef tha Judle ... isry. committees ai., those of Proposi ' '." tioaa.aad Grievancrs and Pohlic Health are among .those as yt-unannounced. 7 -',.;. Senate Committee. . Th full list ef committees named s 1 the Senate yesterday follow: - Inaaranc Long of Alamance, chair man; Meadenhall, Nash, MeOoia, Csr- rim&Ti !enfc&amjK OfitisrF"- HartselL Swain, Gallert, Hargett, Bargwyn ef Northampioa, Dclaney, Same, Ostea, Erwin, Dewar, Joacs. laeane Aaytaane Bramfield, ehair- maai Taylor, Dunlap, Scott, 8wain. Burgwyn of Northampton, Joaes, Me - Goagan, MeKiane, Cameron, 8ama, Gal ( lert, Eria, Kinilaad, Pattoa, Byrd. j- r. , .W Tnl.l.. " - 1 " chairmaa; Erwin, GrifSa, Burgwyn ef Northampton. Jones, BsmiltoB, Taylor, McGougsn, Dunlap, .. t Briahardb - - Case Law Bloc, ehairmaa; Hargett, ' Scott, Carpenter, Griffin, William, Brown, - Kinalaadt Hamilton, Byrd Bumgamer. -" "' ' -V , IaatttathNMi Far The Bwaf Carpea- ter, chairaua: Blue, Dan lap, Burgwyn .f Narthamptea, Bamiltoa, Tar lor. BrovravBraeld.fashf -Gallert, Kanipe, Patterson.. . laatitwU For Th Vila Walker Governor Doughton -thought they were quibbling ever too "small p, sirm.. Ths question arose as to- whether the Be publican members were - exprsssing their ewn views or tbose .of their party. Both insisted they, were speak ing for themselves alone and stated some ef their colleagues : were opposed to any increase. ,. Considersbls seatlmeat developed ia the committee , for a measure giving speaker is also expected te have come- thing to say about the present business cosditiont snd ths prospects for the future as h sees: them. r -3; i 1 - JAKE WELLS NEW HEAD OF THE RICHMOND CLUB the ' Bichmond, Vn- Jan. 1(L-Jak Wella, d Bytson, knocking bias down and at veteran baseball player and msnager tempting to choke him. Baasen anx ..a - k..-.it ... in valeded in -re trine la fraaa them mmd the pcSsMwr1 eersien ef th .affair enter doors ef the Anditorium, he will w . . . . 1 v r- .iaf IL T ,V was to th eaoct that on Batnrday I w rr-i-s " night Charlie and Gaston earn to his Pyd Oevcrnor and st mLarm ,i wanted to haw eaaoliM I the swsrJuaien ef the General s March, en credit. Kaasea refased to sett them Jd piece brewglit by Brigadier Gen-j . I n. A af Wk l ill M aad . they went 1 ff, aheetiag several I erai nowiey isosa ump oragg, wm arc ine gnneraaienai saiuie or iv guns. Governor Morrison- will then repair to the Tarborough hotrl balcony where ill- review the pausing ef the troop an: enacts. times at. ths store as' they left. Ia a I few minutes they returned nnd aasafelt- th queation did 'not rcaiti n vote. The sporernor's reeommendation' of aalaries of 5,000 fouad favor but there waa. he advocate of salaries of ' 6,000, ' the amount.': contained in the original bill.. .. - ,--- .; - .;--.'..", - :' Under the bill ' ah approved by the two committees . the ' officers affected will, receive the. following salaries s Superintendent of. Public Instruction, $5,000; Secretary of State. $4,300; Tm,nr. MJUal, ittlin unr " Oaaaral KiaaUadV Cox,-)4ooe. Auditor. UflOO. - ' - Senate Paaewa The Back. , Th substitute bill . waa favorably reported to the Senate, bat that body acted apoa th ad'vieavef Senator Harry W. Stnbbs, who spoke from the wisdom ef tS years experience and passed th back to the Hons. The veteran Seaa tor thought that aa th lower Ho H supposed to b Closer to the mass f the peeple tst hedy hld -ete first apoa the proposition. Be further opiaed soa, according to an announcement I " made today by W. B, Bradley, preaideat of the Virginia League. Wella is given th franchise forfeited by the former owners .and nine will tax ever reserved players. ..Verbal ngreements have been reached, by all parties, according to President Biadley and membesewjth franchise eemmittee ef the league have aequieseed to th arrangement. $100,000 FIRE AT BAILEY EARLY SUNDAY MORNING ' Bailey, Jan. 10-FUe la the Wslnem section ef Bailey-early Bandar morn ing destroyed 1 three stores.- a barber shop, postoffie uitl srarehonoe build ing, causing damsge rrtiaaated at tWflOO, partially aovcred by-insure s nee. ' " - . shortly Tha blase was discovered after- milaiskt and Defer -the- eonlfl Kai akaV tfc atnraa a.' V) W rmrrmmwf mr.mii, onm., w.a-, r mat bis saric sbouhi vm miivw-1 xiisseue sa boss, sad Hatiskey xtrota William, Barren, vaf, nniscr, uurg-i tne Beaato migkt M aparea u ne I ers. Scott's harhr ahao. tha nosiogie. siry or voting at nil. . On motion ef Senator-" Stabbs, th Senate's oary action after taking np the measure aader a special order at tars o'clock yesterday aftemooa was w,a f New Hsnevar, Hsmiltoa, Bram- f.Md, Carlta Duslsp, 6,-ntt, Coi. Sober . - . Immts-ratiwn Williams. ehairmsa; Ccett, Ostea, Griffis, Strain, Hargett, I tk Christina Furniture Company, and a wanhou ia the rear ef the poet office were destroyed. ' "v" (Oatiaxd a fag TwsJ (CMUaaed en Fag Two) ' Full eoun Steep! Chase, $123 parse. rwaaisg sad harness, Piackurat tosaor ' row. x adv. H struck Gaatan urns tha fae I K being emitted at tb auggecttoa of with the na barrel, and - then abet I Gwveraor-eUet Morrison, whose desire is Charlie at eloee rnaura. Death waa nn I that every function will be open for tieally Instantaneous. . . - - . erery eitiaea ef the Stare.' The reeep- Both Bansen aad Charlie, were asar I taen. win ee neia as b:mi in in evening. ried. Gasten ia net saarried. - l-.c' -vvng U. . - Baaeon Baaeem ia beiag held without I The reeeiviag line at the Inaugural bail Beadian a preliminary hemriu. I reception Wednesday evening at 9:30 watch will Drsbablr ba held next oaa-k. I will stand la the following order I 1 1 - Governor Cameron Morrison, Miss SNOW 18 INCHES DEEP JAngel. Morris, Mi. Ida Morrison, . I J BV W k aa-aK II Wan . Ilnen A I "ATjROANOKE, VIRGINIA liH r-T .wmr Osvnaer aad Mrs. W. B. Cooper. here fft launch a stats-wide campaign tor. raising capital stock for ths Arasri- aaa. IJ riuliwt xport and Impevt. Com pany. The new company is south-wide snd is expected to "send abroad most of the 6,000,000 bales of surplus cotton and functioning afterward as s menni of direct exchange ef goods with Eu ropean nations. -. On th evs of departure for Balelgh to se a Charlotte maa inaugurated- as Governor of North Carolina, Charlotte ia all enthusiasm. Ths inaugural party has been added to by assay additional eitlxens or this and other .cities in this section, snd it is now estimated, that the Governor's special will tAke be tween two and three hundred people to Kaleigh. returned he passed given a continuous ovation, men and women halting him to express con gratulations anew and bid him k God speed, - The (love mors special leaves Char- without a mandate from ths voters fhemselvesr In brief, he thinks it is for the voters to ssy, snd that ths legists ture should go no further than submit r ths question to a vote. v Let Vetera Decide. The peopUs of North Carolina have now tried both . plaaa, th convention ang ths primary, and before aay easase ia mad in th method of mal ng nomi nations, th voters should bs allowed te,;' say which plaa they like best, h thinks. Bens tor Biamens preferred sot to make any statement es th matter t day, saying that ia view ef the fsct that bo expects te bs la Kaleigh Wednesday, When ns will probably discuss ths mat- . Gonor-elect "Morrison ir" to the eity tbui-morning. As turt h. felt that it would bs some i along the streets he wes wLmt iBdue,u t, M- t. .w. . wLat indelicate for him.' to make statement ia sdrance of those discus sions. He said, however, that ha had very definite views oa ths subject, which are probably jiretty well-known in North Carolina, and intimated that if 'tlLSl V. .JoW .ito where it appr- be ' Southern. The "Governor and his family will occupy special comport ments. Ths Shriners band will act aa musical escort. ed timely for hint to do so. bs" might - make a statement oa th matter While in Balelgh. Weaver Against RapeaL ' Representative Weaver, of the Ash. vilie district, who, as a member of the PRICELESS RECORDS OF CENSUS-BUREAU BURNED 8n tnm Buncombe county. n I was one oi ine auinors oi tn law wbea Fire In Dept. ofCommerce ' WM bttrodueed in. the legislature of , r. . ii is against repeal, us bellevee Bmldinff Oautes Disastrous that it should be amended to cover eer- . LOSS Of Records that have developed hum iu praeiicai operatioa, out is op nosed, to repeal, certainly without a id Iiks t tee Washington. Jsa, JKLrrPrtcelc . i - J a : T I "l "il J census rworas aaung oaca , ,,. -m Mt nnnm th.t W(,M Msl.'.dS ihe- Bcpubliean; fro defeating the -ted .. taken, were destroyed lrt f th- prinwr 4(,M b, tonight iu a nref unknown origin at ..maZ J 1 .i.T!. " 5 the DepartirentVor Commerce. ,The Un through the fare of aomi records also include figures from every I i. i. censua up to the prest at on. and of fi. Bepresentativ , Brinsoa ' said bs . cials ssid that it would be days befpre thought it would be "a bie mlsteka m evcann estimate ef ths damsgs could do awav with th nrtm.rv .is,nw tk. ghrrf.--',A-' -" Ti, baafht to hi eorrmttlHt It shnnlil k'' Tha blare orlnatcd in ths basement fmore stringent in Its rrrulationn ov-' f4of the Conwneree-huildiag and stringent - erirtrrg the vothif; gnJsTioulir TfiaiC regulations gov I alarms quickly brought every piece Oft rotlng ss between party candidates for apparatus in Howntow , Washington to e'neea''Snl-xwroittgfc;ttwcttty-lines of hoe completed the damage don U the records by pouring tons of water threagh. windowa Into vaults where ths records wers kept. . k During the fwo and S . half koar which -firemen-fought the blase three remen were overcome b. smoks aad taken to the hospital. Among them was Frank Newman, reeipient of the 120 brsrery medal. ? , T. J, FitsgeraU, chief clerk ef the Census Bureau, aaid that'the actual I re loss waa vary slight, but "the recordi Beanoke, Va- Jan. lOt-Oae of the retary ef Stat aad Mr. J. Brsrsn-J heaviest anewa to the history ef Bv Grime. State Aaditor Beater Durham aok has "ilea in tne last Is hears. aBd Utm Ellen Dwrhsm. Stat Tre? n has reecnea a eept r from 13 teH- .j R law-. Sunerintea IS Cache en n level Sad wa still railing dewt and Mrs. E. C Brooks, Attoraey DM witn evioewe x carry cesaanoa at I General-an Mrs. James S. V.nrior 'lock. Vekknlar traffic is practi-1 Secrrtarr mt the Kavy and Mrs Jese eaUy soipendcq t! St iet aas bmiH I k riL.W rhirfJatie - Walter ing ba collapsed aader the. weight f lnoefe-ew4 M rc Cmrk, Jtice a- -ow its reft - J4mt Leifsr; JVV KDiM. '-" "' New Orleans, Jan. loearpb Leiter. Jr, aged 14, soa ef. JosenhLtotaj. mililoaair Chicag aad Wsshiagto resident, was kliied today by the acri dental disrharg ef a shotgun while etarniag from a dock beat near the Lriier Camp at Chateaa Canard near Us mouth, si tit Vtiasiasippi rirer. W. JL HVhe. JBttie Thtf D Wslkev. JaUSce ..W. X A Hew. Jutiee W. P. cxy. ferrstpr la andTMr. LosnSA- Mshler, Commissi ! Pnrr and Mrs: U L. Sipimaa, Comnais ioBer W. Jl Graham aad Miss Huff. CaanmHo!enr and Mrs. ftaey Wade Cosawi :sfr sad Mr. W. T. Lee, Com isue-ner and Mrs. A. J. MaawcIL Cem- (CewUaweal 4 fsge Two) nominations . to bona Ada membera f the party. There are evils in tb pxt- -Mary, of courae, but they are not nearly as great as those exietina usdsr th nri- mary piaa,n llr, Brinson concluded. Stedmaa Agninst It. ... aiajor Stedmaa said ,,' a etreagly.,,. against thsjroposedjepsl and s- garded th primary plan of nominating ' as far superior to th eld convention idea. - .''. Bepresentetiv Small expressed ' similar opinion, but thought the present law. could be amended 'ia a spa that would improve it. IteeTroyeoTeouToT; aoTlaced of those had the entire wenlti tf the TJaited States at eur "dispose!. , There are. no duplicates." i OffieiaU Skid thst it was probably the most disastrous loss ef records the gov ernment tar? vet sustained. ' RfCHMOND NIGHT WATCHMAN - VICTIM OF BRUTAL ATTACK. Richmond, Va, Jaa. 10V John Hin son, aged M, a" watchman St ths -shad wharf, was found dead la his shsaty refterdsy. He bad been the victim of meet brutal ntnnter committed here ia years; being hit ia ths lead-msay times . wit. aa axe, beaten aboat the face 'with a billiareT ene aad stabbed a bent the body three times with kaifa. Jerdaa Sp4eerKa aegre, i aader arrest st a npecti V-.7I!-.W:- f-i-.jaestQ :Mtt.. Jan. 10.-Weerin araifold Jt- wanaxtr. .. - aTj. iV-fc. ' T"v'..T in bow ts 1n Wstsartuvetts is prohibited ia a ruling aSBonaeed today by th State boxing commission. The ruling was made at th request ef th Amer ica a Legion. The -commission aise re quested that besero refrain from mak ing religious signs la ths risg. approaehed, appears not te prefer the primary te the convention Dlaa. but area h fat apposed to repeal. He ea tertalna some rather atrag objeetione., to the primary idea, but feels that st would be a mielaks for the Democratic party 'to assume the responsibility for repeal. Oae reason why ks thinks re peat would tuf-nwia is ttsl it might be aoaatrned as a slap at the bow voters, ' the womea, who might reseat th idea f being deprived f the privilege ef voting in the party primary hard apa their enfraaehisement. Naturally, tb eld "mob convention" ia not best suited to th. womea as a place for participat ing tn party aomiaationa. C. McD. Csrr, of Durham, was her today en hia way to New York 8. B. MUler. private aserstavy to Rc- resentaUvs Doughton, ef th Eighth dis trict, :aa go jq to hi bom at Balcigh lor a few day t ettoad to seat s- new matters. . JUprceeatatirs Doughton is also si ill sat ef town, bat ia ex-' peered back Wednesday:' -Cadet ths auspices of lh Kational ' Learns ef Wssaen Voter, a onfere of State branch of the kague wi.l be held ia Atlaata Febraary S aad . i t GertnrJ WfU, sf UeldWa ia t h North Carolina Stais chairman -and ia axpeeteC to attend. ;