I The News and Observe - I watch tjkitrj- I ; TllS'ft LATUM - Unsettled ..Wsn4 a si Tharsea , prafeblg .tesal rela, aide Ttamaay. VOL CXIIk.NO. 12. TWELVE PACES TODAY. , RALEIGH. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1 2. 1 92 1 . TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICE! FIVE CENTS h flfc ba4 usual gas I LONG TREK BACK TO CIVILIZATION ENDS -WITH A FIST FIGHT . Dramatic Climax To Thrilling ;Adventures of Three Naval Balloonists In North v , . EME7GE FROM BUSH ON . FRIENDLY TERMS AFTER ,. LOOKING DEATH IN FACE Lieutenant Farrell TakesEx- Tception To' Letter Written ; By Lieutenant Hintoa and Sends Officer Sprawling Over Table; Leave Cabin Separ. "alely To Take Special Train " Waitinf for Them ; Secretary - - Daniel S endi Congratnla. '4 tions To Three-Naval Avia ' tore, .Who Write Kew Chap. em-! I AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT IN ' CONDITION OF BANKRUPTCY Laaaast, Jaa. II The iMtltl government bos- uimkH to the talnlt that U U at the end ef Ur rearcee aad ae teagor la la aailloa I catlaae. Bearding tee a report which ha reached eaVrisfl Gersaaa eaartera, say a a L-a4a Timn dispatch I rata Berlla. The (VTcraaMUt aae declared Ha iateatioa la retire Jaaaary II aa4 plaee taa - oesBiaiatTBtissB - f the rM m I rv im Ik. fc mAm m f f k. mm lieaa commWaiea, Ua dispatch adds, ft LIMIT ALL NAVIES 11 OF O LD DANIELS 1MM11TEE LITTLE CEREMONY WILL BE OBSERVED AT INAUGURATION International. Agreement Sug-! Joint Congressional Committee CAMERON MORRISON WILL BE INAUGURATED AS GOVERNOR IN THE AUDITORIUM AT NOON: SIMMS LEAVES gested As Only Practicable Means of Doing It- WOULD HAVE HARDING CALL WORLD CONFERENCE Decides Dn Utmost Sim- plidty At Exercises HARDING TO TAKE OATH IN THE SENATE CHAMBER WILL BE INAUGURATED GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA HERE TODAY Preaident Wilson Hoped To Re.! New . President Will Deliver v TO VISIT RALEIGH Back To -Attend Final Hear 'Inanfaral Address" In Pres. enoe of Members of Gong-ren and Not More Than Thou sand Others, .If Present Plans Hold i I -JaaUasev OmVeav "iWHi -songi . . r k... TVrr ' " V care Same Result Through Establishment of Leafue of Nations; "Naval Holiday" Declared To Be Half Way Measure By Naval Secretary Wartlnfloa.Jaa 11, Tha prewnl tima aa dratriH at ripa for a naVa aral toasrd lirailatioa of 'tral anna aianu by intaraaHoMl tgtfrmrBt by fOwr.tar TUiii.1. a . . ., A - I no jiinii ronKrfHninnni innuifnrai IiartBirnt ia intinony todajr before pommittra mprtiac today Jo rontlilrr bta i iiiw mavmi ffatra -aaaraiittva, ,-.Uavae4iMa4af .itr. Uiiag tr lhH - - II. Preaidtat tlft tha oath of oflirr M'aUinf ton, Jan Hardinf will taka next March -with rrremoalea approxi mutiny ia aimplirity liAe which at fended th Indurlioo Into'offlre of Jef ntoa. ramti to irruwt over imemenu Alleged to haire. been nd;by the latter ia a letter to hit wife. Whea they emerfed from the bmh at 80 'elnek after a it daya journey from the Huchon'a Bay Company post at Mooae Faetory, near hrrc they dea " eeadc!" Deeember 14, the three areo . aaata, hound in a, tie of friendship ' through their facing of death together, . apparent l v were inseparable. They Caa' to ,Blowa ' - " An hour later. Lieutenant Farrell tat in the parlor of the log cabin borne of H. P. Williamaon, elerk in tha Hudson' j. Bay ompany atore here, relating the itory of the party' adrenturea to tiewa paper men. During tha eonrenation Lieutenant Farrell was ihowa eopiea of hewa dia patehea, among them a letter alleged to fcava been aent by Tlintoa to his wife and published In a New York news- paper, VhMh said, In psrt: -."Mr. Farrell fell from exhaujtion aererol time. Wasted u to cut hwlgin. It isn t ponsible yet to forecast I .he 1918 three-year naval building pro- throat and take bis body for fowl and I j,t when the bill will get to the cram until aa international agreement . ((By Special Leased Wire.) Washington, Jan. II. Beaatinr Sim mons It ft tonight for Raleigh to be pretest tomorrow at the inaugu ratios as Governor of his long" .time (lose personal and pojteal friend, Cameroa Morrison. The Senator wil remata but one day in North Carolina, how ever, as he will hurry bark to Wash ington. Jo lie in on the Snnl work of tha Henate flnanec committee on the F6rdnry y so called emergency tariff wn.-,- ... ( 4leartngs.on this bill are now being brought to a close aad the Seaate finance committee will go jnta eteea national disarmameat eoafereaee witlTia two moathl after his inauguratipn." Mr. Harding aa president, tha .Secre tary pointed ova would bit complete authorisation to call such a conference nnder the provisions of tha 1910 naval appropriatioa act, Preaideat Prafairad Leaga. Secretary Davia told the committee that President Wilson had not. called such a conference because the Presi dent frit in view of tha short time be would remain ia office such action would embarrass the incoming administration. Mr. Wilson did nut use the powers granted him in the 1919 act at tha sloae of the World War Mr. Davis added, because he thongjit the partici patioa by the United Htatea ia the League of Nations would bring about tiva session by Thursday or Friday.! the desired result. when voting on tha various amend- L1'; mittee wn urged by Mr. kuW ZV T ii, vuiaiuv rcrt-munies a( inc Qkpitol be dispensed with. The new President under the plans formulated by the committee would thus taka tha oath of oflice la the small, and almost semi-private chamber of the Senate immediately after the sweating in of Calvin Coolidge aa" vice preaideat of the United (Rates and then would deliver his inaugural ad dress within the hearing only of mem bers of the Senate and House, the jus tices of the Hupreme Court and not more than 1,000 persons able to crowd into tha restricted gallery space. The committee at tha conclusion of Its session submitted its plans fpr the. approval (if Mr. Harding through a telegram sent by Senator Knox, of Pennsylvania, the committee chairman, aa follows: "The joint committee on inauguration have received your telegram . trans mitted through ma as chairman, dated menU which have been onVwd will be- woA 0B th UBeompieted portion of Janu"ry 10 lw21' .Indenting your de ?! fV"deii.him-K.,bUi Ignite floor where, of cou decided to stick" and die together. II rae, it Is sure jf some kind was readied. He assert- jf k. It ... .1. L I 1 . to.aaeouatci iuthci dalaya,ailheraal fttim-thr iwwer,-thrt7atted aa telling just when it will coma to a I Htatea should build "the 'greatest navy - juntos men came u room, m naai voie, u icever uocs, Deeausa mere m ua worla. ' told Forrell'he should not continue his is still talk of 'filibuster, not only from Amor lea Naeda Larrsat Navy. talk to newspaper men aa he-had dia- Democratic, bat irom Republican mem- Asked by Chairman Butler if Great patches from the Secretary f the Navy bora,', . ... Brila1 geographic situatioa did not lorouiainr any or wra nn'i. ra official -report "had bteii -filed. Senator Bimmoaa aaid oday it was I entitle Jhat nation to command of tha I .rrnf ;ne.e tmr iha. atsm setae-sha tmrt J aaaa, Mr. DanieU stated that ha did I t-f Ue-Veas es ire for extreme simplicity in the in aogural ceremonies on the fourth of March and that the same shall be con ducted practically . without expense. Tile , cjwiunitt e . Jia Hisulre4 you suggestion in tha spirit in which it was made, and has deeided, subject to your spproval, that the inaugural ceremonies shall take place in tha Senate chamber, which involves "n disturbance of the arrangement incident to the inaugura HV expense except sueh at incidental twrtr veto, tha Benublieana eAaliL of I Meat lisus." writisg false reports referring to th I coome. pass it, although their Seaats I "and hat AUska, Hawaii, Guam and Yon rat. voa have beea .taUting I rota iw- lba Kenl If it is mIjiI. t k.ik. t k.ll. yedrself,- Farrell snapped back indlr J aroald bo . on Of bill. By a strh-tl -tha Ualtad Stntea has the longest W,M ?0, " '""' aatotlyi: Ht Ihea aeeusea Jiintoit - or party vote, tha Bepublicana eoald, of I coast Uafc" said the Naval Hceretarv.l ,nluI rrflrr- PRE9IDKNT-ELKCT STILL AT SEA OVER CABINET OFFICERS Mnrion, O., Jan. 11. President-elect Harding's cabinet selections now hinge upon so many . uncertain elements that some of his confidants believe he may postpono tha announcement of all liiit one appointment until just before in auguration. The one place regarded ss most like ly to be ecrntclyd off the doubtful list in the" near future is that of Secretary of State for which Charles Ernns Hughes, of New York still, Is snidkto be uppermost in Mr. Harding's mind. It is understood, however, thrtt no definite ord has reacfrerl here that Mr. Hughes will accept, and sothnt appointment too, mar be delayed. Still Collecting Opinions. Regarding a If .he o flier portfolios. m tho cnbinet the President-elect still ia. collecting ' opinions and is ac ceiling all sorts of cipnwl. Two of the appointments which be is Said to have seriously considered nnnciuncmg early ihe new year, those of Fecretary letter. I majority is only two. However, parry Hlatoai Kaocked Barewllng - jinei ,re iur, t0 diarejfarded in a Hinton replied that tha letter had few instances. For instance, the Demo. -keen published without his eonsent. but eratie Senators from Louisiaaa and that its contents evidently had been ex-1 Texas are likely to support, the bill, aggerated. Farrell then went into an-1 chiefly because of the sugar and wool other room to apologize to Mrs. Wil-1 clauses. On the other hand, some of Uamson for his language. While he was the Republicans appesr to be as strong- gone, it is said Hinton declared his re-lly opposed to the bill as any of the Democrats, and up until the time Sen ator PenroM had a change of heart, it was doutWd that the Republicans urging tha -bill had a chance to get it Jhrough. Why Pearoao Changed Heart. There are several stories afloat as to just why Senator Tenrose, who is SI per cent at the Kepubiican party n mark about exagerration was made on ' ly for Farrell's beaefit. .Farrell returned. More words passed between the officers. Then Farrell took off bis coat and struck Hinton on the ' jaw. Hinton was sent- sprawling over a table. At this juncture newspaper 'man and others in tha .room stepped r between the men. The men left the cabinsenarately J Congress, had his wonderful and sud and wenjt to a special train-wsiring on den tB,nge 0f heart about the bill he ' """" " -y?"""" I had sneeringly called a 'pop gun VSBPII-VAVWI , OSI omjm tha Philippines to protect as weB as a moral obligation in South America, un der the Monroe Doctrine. - We are, en titled to the largest navy in the world if there la ao international agree ment." The peuding Borah resolution pro posing a 50 per cent reduction in naval programs for the next five years on tha part of the ' United States, Great Britain and Japan was brought into the discussion by Representative Britten, tepuDiiran, or Illinois, and the Naval Secretary voiced his opposition to the Borah (proposal on the grounds tlfat it would leave, this country- second in naval strength and did not ,tai. jnl consideration armed jana forces. Ch im a n . JJttr a s k ed Mr. Daniels to present to the committee tomorrow data showing the naval construction , M. ... 1 I a.. -i " 1 ' " V . .." -, -:;;'. " wj mi aaaawassj llipy IIJ 'tTTrT" sTaVXV'J'Wa.y aXM I" 'jt . m . . v. t tits' i N.i :7 .,.: v n f " w , sj . . . -' - .. "' U j. , .i, .-4n.-u.;ifcka. j . CAMERON MORR1SOM ( ANDIS C0NTR0LS TOBACCO GROWERS BASEBal WORLD PEET IN VIRGINS ' ? .--V -a --.- " ' - 1- GOVERNOR-ELECT T0t ARRIVE HERE AT 1 00 Inaugural Ceremonies and At tending Event rost-Brit-- liant In History THREE MASSED BANDS ; TO LEAD PROCESSION : Governor Bickett Will Receive ; Last Oabernatorlal iTibutej as He Joins Party at Kxeou tive Mansion; Inanfural Be- . Kntf flsrsmAsvTiuilAl f y ... .y. ciai inn arnrsa at vase aHauost. lSiat A. M-Wasaeaj of Cavarwo. oieet'a party conducted to Taawsr agh Hotel by Wsati'i Kacaptloai rassmittM. llilS A. M-Covmar-alact ... eartosl U th Eaacatlva Maaaiaw to be Maed by Gawsrswr BlcheU aad State Officers. ' 11 US A. M-Iaaagaral Party rsaclMa Cfty AadlUrlaas. I- MIaaagaral Cerasaaay ho a. i S:SS P. M L.ngnral staveptiosl at Execatlvs Maaason. lt:S P. M-laaagaral Ball bo glaa at City Aadltortaaa. UlcceptancdHof Minor Leagues Dnngs urganizea rieiu un der Jurisdiction Chicago, Ills, Jan. 11. Organized baseball in flic United States -today virtually was brought under the con trol of Federsl Judge K. M. Landis far at least seven years when the drafting eommitlco of tho Nation nl 'AWo'c'iS I ioh of Minor leagues officially voted ap proval of the uew National agrcemonl, already accepted , by tint two mnjwr leagues committees, Which creates the office of a baseball commissioner with snpreme powers and vltir j ns tho first incumbent. - All that reniflifis to put tho ..agree ment into effort is the official approval of the various leagues representatives ns a whole which probably will be giCva tomorrow TneH)pertfTarttttf Weed Unanimously Endorsed " By State Meeting - Lynchburg, Va., Jan. 11. Co ojtfra- tive markets in Virginia wor uiiaui niously approved by tobacco growers of the Ktato iu sessiuu here today, repre- sorrrntives. being prjjcnt fnwn ill parts I morning on of the tol arco belt. 'According to the plan, lis outlined by Aaron Bapiro, of Ban Francisco, counsel for the Virginia Tobacco Growers' Co-Opfrative market ifsvjfl'WRW'tPH, tho. fariaM,-rs?.agra..to pool their tobaciT fur a five year icriod during wl.icii 4t is to be sold co-operatively- throughout . existing warehouse facilities. niDuiiir. tint tti tniA mtnTW nrAliaKlv I wtjk nrnWlMl himmihi 1... . . i.iniinn tim, yt 1 is that Kepublicans of both the House I ureat Hritain. crossed la regard to me writing 01 1 and gpaate. aeeina- in hla waeaBeeted Thlaka Hardino- ShraM Ael. lettera for publication Farrell aaid. opposiUoJ to the bill, a b?eak ia party An International agreement "with all, '..-j. wroie S I solidarity, pleafled with him to retract or practically air, the nations whreh commissioner , of contracts of New York I .- '.j :v v: l1-;ii .l ...-w. . ;..cny.:. write bshed He added i a it that it was WoXViT Pub-T liked it or aot. Indeed, there is a tho only alteraaUvo to the building' by ,ie, that Bent, was n tM-vTrcArr And retiwy of Aa..J Mil It lava ssta sa i i-aTiai in sne fAiAiia illti-1 tuBi DriiiroriniDvi ma jucvusm-1 umum. uiiv us. ukvjt- poweriui i tie held torjav ufjr siou vauirinaa niu iiavi. v& inn i mw-isa w wi4hu iaii iunfrcs man .t friend and evideatkr had done as r" " "V.T. , "71 S.V . C .. " i"V. h. W?erted. He id hi thought H .- t7-N ' ton and Kloor wrote tnew letters unaer -V. j T . t v" 'l Th k, the same agreement Th--balloonists- j til tomorrow afternoon as guests of W. B. Way, divisionsl - superintendent of the Canadian National Railway, whose urivate ear has been ' placed at their disposal. after ha had announced that he was ! The Naval Secretary, who .appeared ainst. tha i Dress ure to bear anoa him to srivo the I with, its eoaaideratioa . of tho- aubjeet measure his support that he was Saally I of diaarmament, discussed ar unworthy won over ana Issued last week tne cele-oi uaacasawB . a inira. proposal zor aa b rated sUtement which announced tha Amerieaa navy leas than equal (to the change in his attitude and gava Ba- most powerful sea power in thf world - M .1 rnaiiSllBa IT . 1st aa astral Sta a sn na.a "- . I Ll! . M J.SL . hJM.tl.aa it im m mrmM sac WL. A!. Jr.Ass4nwai Itsiai Jlftr HasVt I IHI P11C31H PrpPqiieniJ PI IM BiriMIB lllgl. w- . m..,V W . WKUVWHV. I . . ...... . . . . ' ..1 k k. BAn 1 Jt 1 Mayor Winiam Hale Thompson, of Chicago, who hps been quoted as vig orously opposing the sugperted appoint jnentfCnjleA-OkJlaa-es, of that city as secretary -os tnij Treasury was one of those who f tnlked cabinet -with Mr. Harding during the day. After wards, Mr. Thompson would mention nA namea and said the cabinet. talk had been more or less, eenernl. com e "to" Marlon prTmarny - to tendef what aid be eould to " the President elect. Ho aaid" there had7 Teen enlv passing mention of the' Illinoia politi es! situation which be hnd been storm JpSftr, aad that ho' had assured Mr. Harding that local factional differ lrty will make only one atop, Toronto, tha bill through, Hays, Bra-., ana wW.u o nBlp.ca .eeaea. . . l . ... . ' . v . J I i- I . Ib wreMBtiBV his views ts thm Com. i where flier win no gaesis siuji mvu. - ,v..v. - . , ,- - --- - . - - Church and the Botary eliib of Toronto to Senator Penrose that since tho Bo- Mr. Daniels took ecas.on to at luacheon. They wUl srrlva ia Toron- publican party, la H, Chicago platform, J " takk.;1 Tlv" about a o'eloairTharsady afternoon, promised the country tariff revisioa dWeleet.aiB4 ahonld ha Lieotenant Farrell aaid tonight that which promise tha Demoerate also mads '. '."BM.J naval matters. . .... l it,- i, . .1 . L. w . ; v r 1 1 .v . in IS SdtlM fmk tsi ram Af si trrrmm. ' there WIS a great aeat or -quioonng- i ana was ws ioniser uur waa ul .1.7 "... II. "-V"? I ences wonld not be nermitted to affect Ttai"WtTiJlit agree, om at tMs Hartmg, iramedrntcly fhT. w-V- T..5li?2 - iag tbe three days they were lost ia the tima by way of heaping tfat promise, P0 laasraraMoa, inwite taa aa- . j w' vl.... I. ii ,k. k:h . .:i u v.. ' I tioas of tin? world to meet with renrw i Oak Hsvs Licked Tha . profess (impotence to keep-their party "tires tha United Statea in a PI - f He elaimf d he was i better. physical pledges aad would lose to tha G. O. P. I di"m""t .aferane. Authority for ' -tiai-tt:?zBKM-ir....mx.., - -- -t, -m .j .v 1 ancn . aciioa was given py ins naval rades, aad atl-ight ha wonld liaoa th pleaaed to believe tha people lodged ?p,LroprS1,,OB.arl '.1:161Vt. Tfi ciposed sid4f Hintoa to keep lim I that J?arty, aa shovra. "by tha oa)ormoas w?I!i'irjl ' President rarm. . - . I majonnea givea. tt at u XHovemrjor j . . 7 V -Aa a matter of faet, FarreU said, ,iJti0- wofTld ba impossible fr h conference it to make before ' his torn of T eoald bava licked both of them, aad Whether this atorr ia either wholly or I WMwtiM u a it l this room"'. I. t zu a : ,vi. i. ---j I omce expiree.' Farrell aaid he held ao gmdgoltfc,., -0Jh. at l ' asraiast Kloor. who daring tha daya ii the bosh, he aaid, had remarked that; ' ha did not want to die. as ha1 had nod r nineh to live td,-r Tha Mrty raft Moose Factory Dee: SS, iastcad of Deeember 17, as they had iatraded. .' .Duriag tha first throe daya trawl- - Hag dewathe atisaiaabi ail three offl- - ears rods on the sleds because they atltl v-. were fatigued from their earlier experi- eaee, Farrell said. . . -, - Who they felt felly restored he eon "tiaBed, they took tarss 'ia mashing ' along with the- ladiaaa. They had beea "7 .initiated "tale tha' eereta' o tie"saow . .7 shoe while at liooee Factory aad got along fairly wall, bet we're rather "ased ap" when tima cam to make Camp, ,i ' Caagat la Ssww ' Stona They were caught ia a, aaow storm (Coatiassrsl a Page Two) .-.f -. Midwinter Jgteeple Cmiae, flat-raeea, I sarneaa races. I'laratuit textay ZM Adv the loyalty of the Jllinoia .Bepublicana to the administration. Appointment of a Secretary of Ag ure was discussed by the Presi dent-elect with Oir)e - Rarrett. Georgia, 'lresKl en f ftfIBe Farmers' I to Uaion aad said to -be a supporter of Heary Wallace, ef Iowa, for the place, Mr. Barrett also gave advice regarding as agrleuRuras policy. . - . ... Dfacena Prapaaed Aaasrlarloa. With Ir. Jacob Ooflld 8charmaan, former (president of Cornell. University ahla aaasraitnde. foe it was anflcient ta 1 "osior so sss my aavies-a i lormer (presiarni or Cornell, university .gt1it.df pHlnrTSlkeaT-evir ;r length s.d wmee.ta.K.lrticalliftwhehay, - - ww aw srvwnse aaf wnHUEBCw (-JUS. SI. WVUI1 piUVt OI prlf oaee a member of the League f Na- ties! value was expressed by Dr. Uoaa I beUevs some plea should be Seharmaaa whii aaid he believed ae one adopted mi once to seen re aa agree' had so eenvrtty interpreted the aeplr- meat for reduction of armaments. ,ttoa of the Amwrieaa people as had rosj'fill have the authority a eaU tt, Preeidoatleet v iT!"f!:" .v.T."' . 1" Another ealjer today was 8. B. Creag w eavaavai am usssj ewisVIaaBSf Wk. J - (CewUasMd Oe Page Twai) Exorcti com received from hoasd to rar, UP - . - WILSON BANK'S VAULTS ' Wilswa. Jasu lly A big tow- aaek soau: Irg T.See la ceia waa raw ceaUy sWsMsdted ha beak here by 8.' C. lVewbera, vUlxs kna ss. peiwted ay the cwert ea gwarsH Iag"f( Haary "rrla, 'a s Wlfse rocmlasw . wita j ia - aaid be the aiaaat aad waarthUat tsttawa mt Use tsrwsu l rsKsat the saris of many years aad waa tafcea freaa a aafe ia has haass so be traaafsiiesV f reealred aswsral daya far tbe beak esasiloyae tm ra the eeia asssatest at it waa ia all aorta mt dsassalaatlaaa, rawgiag rosa peaaloe to taw aWIIar HUe 5XJf1f J!1?"- ''iJhto. mVSri 4tKlLt&ig iiaC w. and ot all eouatrirs max be safely from the greet- bardeas of war araUoaa. US tin that eoafitrcnca "a' tbMa worM "agreessaaY let there- bsTae' eessetioa-ta oildia the ahipe aa thdriied by' Congrses,"'. JUaral H4itay Not Poeeibsa. ' has beea meatioaed eftea wt a noMible am liaesaaot to Mcriee ender the eesning adss'asstaatiost..tsw O get broaght frees the boWcTTB eaeouraging ptc'tare St Mezieaa affains, declaring President Qbrrgoa aeemed ia a fair way to ea Cameron. Jtforrtson, private eitisen, will become Cameroa Morrison, Cover, nor of the State of North Carolina' to day, receiving the investiture from the hands of Walter Clark, Chief Justice ol tbe Supreme court of the State,- at aoon ia the City Auditorium. The inaugural eeremoniea and tho events that go before aad follow after the administration of the oath promise ts be tho moat notable in the history, Tlf The" StAte, combining the DomD and circumstances of American army "with the simple dignity of the eiril proces sion of goveramrat. I'ortenta of storm were ia the air last aigfat, aad tela today, may eat do"JL,yie throngs that give promise of ecupsMf th.e crowds of former o,Qtd rennial lnaugarals. bat Already . the city is packed with visitors, aad tke line of march of the proeeealoa today as the inaugural party moves toward the Executive Maakioa aad the Audi torium will be densely peopled. Breakfast at Cary' The Governor-elect will arrive la Waie county shortly after dawa this morning on a special train, brineina with him, his household aad three hun dred eitixens of Charlotte. The traia will he parked at Cary at a. m. aad breakfast served ia a dining ear carried with the train. At S.30 tbe party will be joined by the Inaugural Committee, from th ' General Assembly."" ' " " At 10 o'clock the tnxin will move to ward the capital, reaching the Uniba Htation a few minutes before 10:30.VA delegation of prominent Baleigh women will conduct the women coming orTihe specinl train to the Tarborough Hotel , where they will ba entertained until the hour of the ceremony arrivea. March te Maaeioa The line of march will lead along The njrecment waa signed by 264 of the toluiri'n umH'AN a.nilile.l snjl will The minor leaguers, today founll ihe I become effective when planters repre majors ready to concede their demands. I sonting 50 per cent of tho crop bare Expreaainf themselves s?s satisfied with I si(fued il. A mewtiiig-pf North Carolina Judge Landis ns baseball mnnmissioner. I lrroners n 1 11 )in lVIl' nf Wnloiirli Thnn the minor leaguers wereil6ubtfiil as to I day and of the Routu Carolina growers I Marti" Street to Fayettville, turning w hether a man agreeable ta them would I at Florence Fridnv. I there to the Capitol, aronnd. the Capitol be ehoscr when Judge Landis' term ex I It was emlirned ht- Mr Rm' I Hcjuare; to New Bern' Avenue into tiw4y-feiit thisrnat-w-riiiii lilv .servl htr-nrnmnrrmf tn n-.- I Blouuiatreet aatiil - tled 1.V the proposition from the majors deal -with theCBrlailineitf. of future that tlio miiidrs sign the agreement for riis. ''Year after year;" said Mr. 8a- only seven years the tenn of Judge piro, "the farmer, has gone along with Landi' contract. At the end of that an impossible marketing system and it time, if new commissioner is chosen takes a year like this has beea to make either a man who meets .with the ap- him re.-ilixe the need of a change: The prorni op me minors jiust pp. cnoarn orA nrcsent systwiu is rntri-n; the ?.v. 7 they may withdraw from the agree ment.. .. . - .'The advisory board provided in the agreement -to ' settle baseball disputes will contain two minor league represen tatives under the new agreement, tire &tbe&mM)mjf In? tits -proaidojii :u4atmem-t&r-g.-axeaI-. otun.a8TOBManu,c,,ine mcricsi! I ciQt, ptao. leagues. Wtieu this board is unable to ure tire only ones who get a profit." Governor Weatworehtnd Davis, , ad dressing the' meeting, declared ' that farms in Virginia can' it be made prof itable until , the prpe methods of dis tribution are put" into operation, and the-osdn reached. Turning into the Mansion line will pause before the Maasioa , where Governor Biekctt will Joia ttjr' Inaugural Party. 'M ' To the Charlotte Oasis Bhrinend .. will be. given tha honor of cscorHaav ih Ooetnor-elecf from the tniaHs) the Executive Mansion. They wiiiead the way. AtrtUa,Mnsion tby Artillery Band, ' Buglers, State CoQiege eadsts end the College 'Band 3rtl be massed in front, of the Mansifk, awaiting the arrival of the Ooverdr-elect aad tfti eomlhg of TJoVe'rnickeifc' I tha settle go be j PITV 'TIS, 'TIS TRUE fore Judge Landis as baseball .com m Li stener and hi tfeleii( - willrbe Too; minor league rcprescntalives will J be fleeted tomorrow. v The minor' league representatives at their meeting today, viited to restore tlu dfsft, but made retentions to tbe restoration which docs not make it com- nuliorv . - The Faeifle Coast League wa-s t oiir as he comes dear- the steps o! mansion, uorerao Bichett will recaive the lastjUibutawto the office , daring Jiia wiU!! render the" Gf neral's Salute, and the j. bands swing off into the aiareh to tha late GQWNS,JG0. ill DISCARD inn.UcVy. the ,ixtw igleW - V 'l li i li rrt n n .1 'i n 1 1 I t, nr . v . . t'ive and mairnifieent aowns. ordered I Auditorium, they will take on the I weeks ago by women tor -the inaugural witn Ua "Ueaernl's Marca.' Keturaing, . ball, soon may ber- dumped upon tbe the proceasioa will follow its first route, barirnin. counters of Washington, ' continuing to the Auditorium along . , Prrsident-eirrAvlHardiog's Wish to. Fayetfceville. street. The streets) will be have the fesfMrtirs eliminated sorely cleared Jif traffic daring the hoar.- ' 4 ' omen 'and gave I Tbe bands anil precede the party Milnta-thaAudilariniB taugp Uwir The draft .reason n made fro.w Oetobcr 15 to Ootobev SO'apd; the draft prices were set as follor.s. .. - Class AA S5JXI; Clasw S4.OO0 .ri B 2&jQ; aass C )r500; Cl 1 tl.Ofrj. Tlie minor Icuguers also establislted i new scale of player. nd,-s.Ury limits a. foihrwvr prospective buyers would take up the I station ia tho right dress circle, eosr garweuts. with the ball cancelled, .was I tinning to play until the party ia seared, the question which gave dealers oat I Members of the State admiitistratieB, cmer, land of the Governor-elect's party from tlorixls, it was said, also Vpcctcd I Charlotte will occupy reserved seats ea the loss of hundreds of ordi aetaal i the atagA The members of the Geasral snd prospective. A? - Class AA, no salary limit. ClasaA, sahjo-timitr ofiH.'wX .Class B. salary limit of l2O0. 'and Class C salarv limit of SSXjO and Class D, aajary limit of S2,4do.- Tha club aiurrs dec' te rhmifr leagues ea the basis of tke last Federal cosmos Instead rf the school census, and acier tneToiiowg Kalt ijeazues wua zmia. i. ii.yrj BeflaUtioc f!l 'fe-i. . - - . .. J f - League with 130 1 le ,000 popula- f..a. Claaa C, - ' , . - j r " Lear--aJf.iyii ,i.,.ojuiLtion, uase .."-, CharBiaT . "aaVlT kTlidav' I Ubl thraght, the Roth- . ' I mrm arasinii. . ' oerweea taa - r-a,ta tuataa. - hmi i r- - Britaia aad. Japes, provided fas' ia the peadiag reeolatiaat iatradaeew try 8ea ator Bsnk, of Idaho, aa a "hsU way ataasare, Mr. Daaieli veiterated ha iUssstet aa Page Twee. The Mexiraa situatioa . ia - beiag chad , closely by Pres ideat-elert diag aad some of those re hit roa- 9d believe recrrn t!oa of ths .aew "xlcii go vers meat may be ou ed aia fi rst acta ae PfW.-st. . .-. CIIABLOTTE BANKER QriTS RAFTER SERVICE OT SS TKARj s.aariorte, Ma. n-vona 1. orr, ' f ifty -ysr -with First Katioaal PiVt, this city, resigned as cashifV VP y. Bobert C Johasoa'aoesareding kna.' Mr. Orr was teller, thea; ahiorrBea'B ser vice oader tlie -first arssudeel. K.. Z. IJUA4a. - . . .. i f -p r TRAFFIC REC.ULATKfNfi FOB THE IJfAtCURATION ' Csaisiulsarr f' ftslta Bafoty, Nmsci hsm act.:Slght swsfcred Uust daring the ssoaaa from lliSS aatll tae ewaciusioBsr lae laaagasal eere saoay all trasjsc ea Davie Streetbe tea,FajvaUU,a4. WUssdgw Will be aVaaVd. aad that f rasa II o'clock Jbd X.aclock. aa satamshilsa will ' allowed to, W parked ess etthM- alde of Parettevillc etrset be ;ltwaes Martia aod,Dvlr. ,aarsag ue aor waea tae uaaga , pieisaslaa sasnrea I t rasa tke Sxecaure Maaaioa.,11. s teaasatesl that saortata aad ye sleet rtaao arose Fayattevlllc aareeg .. fresa , tae CaattsMj U the AeditoriBaa. the sS recta thai ssaaad tae Capital KaoaR. New Rara aveaea aa fa "eoat a . Blaaat.' aad Btoaat afreet bctooa New Beta Avwanae aad East Laae atreeca. Assembly win occupy the forward neater ' bjthe areaa,- Lcgialative -employee Ja bchlad them, aad then the Confederate Veteraas from the Boldirs Home. The . -dreas circle aad the baleoalee will be : apeato the geaeral public. BtrkeU Preaeata Morrtaae. -" The iaaassarsl laroeatioa will be of fered by Bee. A. A. xdeGeeehy, D. D pastor- af the Seeead Preabyteriaa . arehrChartHte, of which Mn Met-- riaoa. aad Aia family are members. 8ea ator J. L. JeLaacy. fhairmaa -of the Legislative -eoauuttee, will preseat Gov- . era or Blckert, aad the Bute effleiaJa. Governor Biekett will thea preseat the OevwrRM-eleetv - aad the tttk 'ef-emeS' will be admiaiaterea to him by Chief Justice Clark. The oath will be ad saiaistered te ether officers by Associate . J satire Walker. After the saaagural addreaa, the baadd aad the buglers will lead the way frosa the aeditoriBBs, aad ae Coveraot Mor. risoa leaves the door h aill be greeted r " (CeaUaesat oat page Tweg

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