The I Karth FmHhi Cfeady and Catda TktrWwi frUar area. erv 1 ehly anla, .V 1 t VOL CX1II. NO. 15. TWELVE PACES TODftY. RALEIGH. N. C THURSDAY MORNING. JArTUARV-13. I92t. v TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICEi flVE CENTS , ; ' " . " ?. WA rva LA&ZL , : YO ? aa M fMHt MytMMll gas II I Mm ayMa ( MM obs ) TAR HEEL GROWERS -JOIN VIRGINIA IN -CAiiiaoeiizfl Three Hundred Representative! from 20 Counties Endorse . raj i wanceiing nan CAtirnRMIA I AWYFR I ItV eaaa war v w, c a Mil ww w mm m . S OUTLINES MOVEMENT Dr. J. T. Joyner In Earnest Ap. : Deal ' Galls Ob Southern I S. --raraert - To Tret Thorn . selves From Economic SerrL . . tnde; 3T. -G. Association ...- Wants To Curtafl Acreage Three huadred tobacco r.p-1 t ntaatiag tweaty'eouaHoe I Nortk Carolina aaaaimoasty joined Virginia I 4(fmw . yesterday ...ia . eadosaiag WAR GOVERNOR AND HIS WIFE -r ACKNOWLEDGE MILITARY SALUTE ORIENTALS TO BE J -. at .....fc , m wo w.i' -awe- liae ef the Califnmia plea of eqra-lt-widoji 4rytjri m - .J. t, i . I ciatioa oa the Pacific coast. Tht North ICaroliaa Topeee Grower' Associatioa ' weat oa record aa favoring a redue- I oa lata year or w i-j per eeni. Tba headquarters of, tha proposed ' marketing assoctuflon will b ia Bal- igk, and it ia proposed to Include . North and Booth Carolina anV Virginl "' growers ,1a th association. Tht agree ' meat, aa outlined by Mr. Sapiro, who has tern employed ai counsel for the ptopored tri-8tats association, is to be ' eome - effective for a period of tire; J-" V tigaed by fifty per teat of th planters of tha three States. Mereaaauiag e uanpinf, DEPORTED UNLESS FOUND ELIGIBLE CAMERON MORRISON BECOMES NORTH-CAROLINA'S GOVERNOR , AND. PROCLAIMS HIS POLICY Nation-wide Round-Up of Chi-. nese anos Japanese Here, JMWM CredgntlalsJ MAJORITY SUPPED IN BY COMING AS SEAMEN Mexicans Illegally Ia Country Will allso Bo Sounded Up "Tor Deportation, Saya Chief Deport in - Aent of Immifra. tlon Serrlce; Staff of Officers To Tour Sotfth Soon STATE'S NEW GOVERNOR AND THE NEW MISTRESS OF THE EXECUTIVE IANSION 1 " : 4 I ' ; . , . - .. . . ' . .. FImU by Kill Ooveraor sad Mrs. Thomas Walter Blekett oaasa aa tha. item nf tha Th7pow7tV7 T it. there U ,0 th to tAAsa. nm Mrth that MB IphO -,v" ' " tha tobaeeo indmtrr from becoming stabnised aad prosperous ia a twelre Both. derUred Attorney Sapiro, who esplaiasd ealioraia plan of eomaiodlty aurketinr aa beiag simply "merrkaadis iag instead of dumping." - . Ia arging eo-opemtiT marketing by growers, ' Mr. Sapiro- 'declared there Kantil m. iaYWMiiinii tn antamaixa r.ay other interest , aad ha initad the Then He COmeS Smilingly TO way Morrison Doffs "Bee Giim" Before Greeting Committee f. aaaiatanea of bankers, bosi -4 trotherha "iniy'bar tntenestcd - bat iasiated thaf tha proposed araoel- J atioa must be composed exclasWely ief Vv growers. , - Following Vr. 8ap!ro1 address, oa ataUoa af W. 0. UaaaiQg, of WUlUms ' toa, tha gathering aaaimoaly . aa Dr. Jayaer Grwwa Elaajaaat. ' Tr. James Tadkia Joyaer. af l , Oraar. who waa elaeted presldeaf of " tha Nortk Carolia Tobaooa Growsrs Aaaoc union, was girsn a great otshod 'V when ha declared that ha was a "dirt fanaer," bat that about aU h had gottoa eat ef farming sins ha began " being aaa waa "dirt." Dr-Joyner, who was reeentlymade ehairman of the or- gaaisatioa commit tea for tha Inter etate Tobaeeo Growers' Aaaoeiatioa, disaSes mwdy"-TrWinded Senators CHARLOTTE SPECIAL GOT - TO TOWN, AN, HOUR EARLY XJtUs--TOrr-ffemrMorrIson 8t!cEs To Hr.;Daady is Powers Would Welcome Call Through Lon d7 of inaii- From United States fural Ceremonies: Brilliant ..' T TT- . , i. . . - - Washington, Jan. 12-Aa America Parade Precedes Governor call for iu' im. maul ah ffatfjti and QorernorJQect Vast a ailnnta, Jim, nntil I ean get rid of" tfila'bee Turn," was tha greeting Cameron Morrison extended to Senator . with tha elooneni error that made him 1.:??!" aommittwhen th. ahkiA that bind then, to aconimi. Lffift secrituav . - v , plishiii hig1 to hsl with a handker- rP" statesmen apd soldiers wail a . Tha meeting yaaterdaV represented r?Z, v"" :n"r "'V1 ""aer Imemh-e k. w.. enee would be watoated by the Great Powers -of Europe and would disc lose ''tha next Germany" should any nation refute to agree ta-disarm, General Taa ker H. Bliss declared today before the House naral committee. The General gare to tha committee (ha.imprcaaioaa ha nad gained through diacnssiona'of tha subject with Earo- a Bar-1 f ageaTk I i a 1 New Jork- Jsa. 11 A matiaa-wUa roaad ap af aU Oriental iaelliglbUe will be laaaahed Jaaaary S3. This aa oaaeeeseat" waa ada lata today at Ellis Wad bj-.Ja BmtJLfhi pern iwrnuiii 1 -t:'iLVtii-WSnwlmi: iwat.tha P'partmfnt of ary 23 vita a stanT ef deporting for a tonr of tha Booth .and Waat seeking "amaay Chinese sad Japanese ia tha njnlted "States who hara aa law ful right to ' be here," Mr. Russell added. -Tha majority of tha Orientals earn aa aeamea aad took adraatage .of their eaamea'e cards to aome ashore apoa arrital ef their aeosels at Caitad States porta, tleserttng the - ahlpa aad smuggling taemselTea into aeetloaa 'of tha eoaatry remote from their land ing places, tha deporting agent added. Sweeping orders for such a round op kare beea isased at Watkingtoa aad a special force ia to be assigned to tha work, Mr. Busssell aaid. - 4- Mexicaaa iliegally in tha eoaatry will De-aronaded ap for deportation by tha Kline force, which will be aader orders 4a hunt for them along tha border, ha saia, auaiag inat urianuis win oe aa ported from San Francisee and Mali caaa at border pKiata. Mr. Jtuasell waa at Ellis IsUnd, com pleting arrangemeata for tha da'Dorta- tioa of Ladwig C A. K. Martaaa, Rna- aiaa Soviet aaroy la tha Uaitad 8Utaa TOf INTZSTtCATS KILtlNC OF AMERICAN BT JAPANESI Tha fatal shootina at Vladivostok yesterday of Lieut W. H. La den, of tha Jamaica riaia District of Boston, aa officer of tha American Cruises Al bany, by a Japaaeea aaatry waa repott ed eeday-te) tha Staa Perartmsat b America Coaaal MaeGawaa, whe added that tha Jarmaaae aoasnl tim kaA called and express sd hi "profaad r-J ' I" H iasugursL address, GoTsmoe I - lagrnsu saw. xae report of I'ansui lUcUowan gara 'I'v nvr - ; j fit?'. f Jm. . j . aT mm "" F - - f v 1 .- OTHER OmCIALS GO THROUGH FORMS Ceremonies Held In Severe Simpli !ty ' In City Aijdito- rium at Noon : 4. 4 -- i . f f t7 Photo ST KUiaatoa. tOVERNOR..CAMWlON. MORBIBAN -AND- MIS A WEETA" Inaligural Address Outlines Program Of :Adminisiriation s.- tioa-took up the greater part of the -"" day. s -"" -''' '"..' , Opening tha meeting of the tobaeeo f growers ia the City JUditorlam yeatar- day morning, Dr. Joyner had declared ; that It waa no, time for apeech-making, Tbut Yellowing tha clear aad succinct - exDianatioa yesterday afternoon of .the - - omrttr-waaftatiiir n Callf atatt, got ' most sympathetica hearing,, the : veteran educator dealsred , that it i nothing short of a tragedy that while JMtfca, Ont, Jan. 11-The three! been reached he I TV-u Lz'"m, I derhr srovernment. but after the tumatt 'diirfnj, one American Nl-U.M Mri.rJ,. t .. rand ahouting of our primaries aad chief.. - ' v- ' J - J memoer oi tha bupjtme - War Council Tha Senator .had Anally "cancht no pars oi we r T"7:r:' L.i lZJ jZ ' " agreement Had. day. is . , . , i irjjr'rrb ?r;i would not MdiMM i " . ' as .ar- a. .1 - I urn, , a fiaa, a fnvnvnnr-fl IBMm -n W . 11 star n n . I . . . Uhed making hie toilet, and with lU"T,LJlp-rr:: aaeietancn of twe- newspaper ,wtol1nSte7 SU -I-Uar; 5 ZStST JSJiS. Elding progrU : In'th- eoil XIJLL taraarvuv aau iviTeii iuo rtvoiuinaLioM oa tht lid el ft Try. heavy leather ht JaASLBiC-lCatmV. i)Um -(4haV 4Mfr r ' ,j - i vv iiv svigavAjra Baivai reniriJi oi ins i a j . , l' Haat T- J?Fli Fl. toighty foolish " h. tdrn-lV tn h LZurJS 11 m !fJW otenrroughl ind. i, mented witk some awaa las 4 tim 4nmM t 1 . ' . . . . .j . i .. " -:r - i am -hi crtn Awa hat if.-. dAkaaas. aM.M a tht. IdVinf la hue a I tBeel flsflt h lOOKCd thoroUfFlilV sit Bomi I WitiV the dtomnlAtiorg. nf tha nrawajmnf g.ra. I " . "r vJtw i.:.. tt. .a. ad 4ha aaanar llilaf rKA'"i kar" Ha nnf U Iam41 I thnrifnfl Maatmatlne nt lla thaaa aa.l'"v,v,a' ' 1. 1 UlCal SSI A1U hUW ytica- V4 - yivwajM --- . w - . w. aaw a-saaaj asaa- a rj. . a a4aHaatm - a " of .their farms, when they buy .back away when tha committee arrVed, and tiona, ttia American, capital ship power rT.VJ''. tk. tt,. raia. t th. ahana of met tbem with botVhanda extended. I would be aa great aa that 6f Great Brit-1 p,p V Lioutaaaaa Kloor, waa " "I warmly thank tho General Asscm blys the City of BaTeigb, tha City of Charlotte, .their gracious committees, and all frieade participating in arrang ing for oor inaagara'ioa. It a all SO hadsemely aad geaerealy planned that I act both gratefuIVaad dclghted. "1 also desire to express my deep appreeiatioa to all the people of tha State, of both races nd of both po ii&!gt'patiear'ftr-the iiiauy acUand ezpteaaionsi of goo wut eoming to ms from avarr aoetion af tha State since TO . OTerajrrougnt .Minds I mr eleetioa aa you a Governor. Under t B. . . I omj American aysiem - or xree , ana From LOU Period Xt Hard.. Itumultnana Dartr aomiaaUona and alee- Sbips, -Aviators 8avS- Jjions w hsve the most intense ad m"m' J aaarani i ayaj aa m wiovsawua hdiu WuJ detaila af .tha affair and tha SUta Department, it was aaaounoed baa ra- ajueatad amore complete report. Admiral Glaavea. eommaader af tha American Asiatie fleet, ia hnrrriwt from Shanghai to Vladivostok to in- vsstigaU tha killing af Lieut Lana don, tha Navy'-department Jater na aouneed. ( . , BALLOONISTS. PATCH UP i ALL TH5IR DIFFERENCES Due 'her la 'the world, where there is or- hera yesterday, from, , Moose Factory, f i"a W,0ui,B ' !7 "riB,"',e near whether deeded DeeemberM llSS"" !l "f i!.: ''.T left toiight for Cochran, on tba satt f!0 of Jiseorand. action, the bound Canadian- National Express. TV, . Iz """A -11 . tv. t... , (yield to the choice of -fhe mnJontv aection, the committee received from ..a Hinton7hortl afW ihw lrK,Jt aa6at nnlted, generaua and whole I Secretary Daniels a full atatemeat aa tl..aLS 1 loyaltyand support. ttrwlatirraavat trrtgOi- .T:tba :Wwmi .viwrr -BneflTnatftatt-r ""-fhat. . . . . . -t fopliah," ha com- United Antes to ' ba no mld-wa, -be- Sta. xVVfS ZT2i?; i doubt, in big. .iad. teen that of Great Britain and Japai-. MatrnW .h. 2 Si V of joarnalistie, Mr- Bi. figurei Indict,' howev,,.' Sat -Vk M?T "iV CROWDS CHEER INCOMING ' GOVERNOR AND STAFF. Followinf Oath Administered ,B7Jndfe Clark; Ooyernor " Morrison Crg-es Support of Schools nd Stat - Institu. strucuon State Hifhwajs Cajperoa Marrlsoa took tha oath ef If iiwrnwi. yenaraay aaa Derorw aa . ' aasemblaga of legislators and sitiseaa of ' . th Bute that crowded tba. big hall . eaaaeiated tha program that, daring tha Beat four years, ha will sack ta write into tha life af tha ptata. " Iaaognral eeresaoalae of .everest sJm plieity iadaeted Mr. MerrUVa aad tha State ofdcala who were sleeted with hint Into their respective offleea. Senator . J. L, Dclner of Meekleabnrg, chair. " man of the lagialativa Jaangural eem mittee, presented the offleer.-e)et fo ... the adminJ.tratioa of the aath by ties ' elate. Juatiea Piatt D., Walker, earep ": Govaraor Morriaoa, who waa preeeated , . by retirina Goveradr Bickett, and who took tho oath at th. kaada af Chief Ju.-, tiea Walter Clark of the North CufOljaa Baprame Court. , ' Marrlaaa'a InaagaraL Asking for tha baaiahmeat ef dia cord aad difference and for eoaaidere Hob and co-operation of ail tha people . ; . of the State ia a program for tho next four years, Govaraor Morriaoa ia kia insugursl address threw down ia chal lenge to lawlessnesa, plead for greater care for the defective, tfie unfortunate K " aad tha deliaquent, and made a power ful plea, for health aad education.- . C . "Our. present weakness grows out o? . , our strength," ha aaid, la tha diaeaaaloa . -of lehoola. "We have attained auekv gloriona retqlti that oat equipment aad . organiaatloa ia laaiequats." . Ha naked for greater funport for the - eomtnon aehooli which have already flood ad tha higher Jastitatioaa, aad than for' - - , adequate provisions ay which the cel lagea'may take care af the pablia achool output--" , Tha Governor's proposals 'thug " far had been received with applause, bat it waa nothing to tba outburst fhiek followed the enunciation of his road program, a system of good roads, hard j snrfseed for tha main highways, which ehoald not depart from local self-gov- armnsnt in construction nad malntea- 1 1 ' l with mercy,- is inexorable, and that in our practice .) of mercy - Justifica tion of lawlesanesa cannot bt found. The Legislatiro , Department ' of our government must arevida ample eourts af justice, and suuielent police jowr to enforce tha law ia ttia State, wita tnch majesty and thoroughdesa that tha criminal in the darkest eoracra of tba SUte will know that our State ia oaa of law and order, and that . ha wha donee tba law, either by stealth or I aaee than practicality ana naeeaaity may kvflrvmvM tuiwar. will rub hm fn .nf. I seauire. flltsmjoOfcJ : Badd Wltho.t Dalay. . something to smoka md "chaw"! they . mast pay tha price died by someone i "Tdera ia but and" way out,"! da- elafed DC Joyner. "and that ia to .orta t:m ".1I ... I ain ' tint w!tW tiim ... Tmm4 you," ha aaid to'Senator DeUtatay, andfil"Uy reduced. . " tha aama to the olhefa of fa commit-1 ; -Tha House committe eoneruded tea as they ' crowded 'into the ' narrow aislewsy in the compartment ear. He Ajtow -Hnif i-aiytMatveB reaoy, dui rove aiL mings, aad ue aommitfeavmada arrangemeata .fori the accommodation ef all, th. irieadr who tear .that Angeli t'staya through' it.' , dont want her oal arljeUng aso iatwwajk Jket' te- tiaeeo, aieag- rnirutgwnt me insteaa tha praacnt aapaaxaza piaa. . ... - Dr.. Jorner declared that reductloB f acreage for tha present year ia abse-J had come with him to tba ceremony. -- luteJr'eaary Thin -ateowavT,i broke In.' a - frovided aaly a temporary expedieat f or from the next rompirtmenr theji little remedying tba present situation una net daughter of the Governor-crowded aad considered entirely apart. froni thai pushed her way. t,- her daddy'a 'Oiit- other proposition, i ' s. - V V t: atratcbrd fims. "Jim, I want, yea to . new omenta Electa, Tha nomiaating eiwHV eomposad , if Dr. K. T. White, Oxfo'rdrejarenea r Humphrey, Kiartoa, aad A. E.. Bobert- ; ion, Goldfsboro, made-tha following ra yrrtf emceia whawera duty elected: ' . President, Dr. .J. T. Joyner,- La Grange; t'ee-president, W. B. Daniel, Henderson; secretary aad traaaureri - txaentiva committee, IV L- Carr, Wil on, -W. r.Bartoaof Bids villa; W. F. Bhaltoa, 8 peed ; Clareaea Poa and B. W. Kilgora, of Raleigh. The report af tha executive commit tee - recommendlir a .curtailment in " seraaga of at least S3 1-i per cant waa then takaa up aad after Considerable ' liscusska teh meeting went oa recprd k .at tha night eessioa aa favoring hii peraeataga. , . -- '.- I Tho two moramaab 'it waa explaia ed, are entirely aeparate. Tho saarkat ing agree eat does aot become ef f ectire aalesa Iffy per east af the . growers ia the' threa aUtss sign a dad aita ngraament before tha drat af nrt year ta markst their .tabaeeo ta roars a- eectTs! wjgnijit5rn. ' ' ' M. ailsoav af Eeyavflla, Va, wka . h vicw-preaideat af tha latervtate Te " Hreea- growers -WrjoeiaffoavW.H. 'WIT liama, of Chase City, Va, chalrmaa af t-He arHcnltnra cammittee ,jpf tha Tlr- f aim u,vr, amciiuu mail, a. v. i .e)toa, ef Charlotte' Courthouse, Ta, porarily its disarmament hearing pend. ing, discussion by the members of its iuiure figraro, j)uvbi ay examine iaer witneaseaHhrter-. Chanrmaaf - Butter; wh recently - returned front a eonfersare with ' Preeideat-eleet -Harding,' saia that "witbla a very faw moatha den- Tha Senate foreign relation aommit tea also concluded today, its bearing-an pending disarms meat resolutiona. Sena- tof Borah, Bepublicaa, Idaho, a member prepared, ha aaid. at tha direetiaa ef Hinton and rarrell, who had 'mended ditlereaeea. The threa- fHcare ware together la tha Drirata offiea V H. W. Way,-divisional auaerinteadeat We do this aot alone, because of our "devotion ' to : the baaie -principles of ofderly demoerntiegovernment, that tha minority should anbmit to tha ma jority, bat because we realize that the nueaiintia .' Iavalv in tha nrimaviaa aid elections, about which wo differ be atrengthened aad madd adequate to while -important, are af far less im A ou obB Papose. , nnrfiu. h.. t,m rnat wini.. mA I "Die instatutioua ; and. organisations peliciea of goverament about which w wlIh Ba acjip for noble aarea. "an -which ara never involieaM purioao -are wen-VdesTElied' for -the fer for his selfish ceney and rights laaUtntioaa for UebfJafertaaate. We mast take humane care of aU oar defective, and unfortunate people, whose defocta and misfortunes are of a' character' that they cannot care -for themselves or be' adequately eared for by the private efforts; of loved ones. In order to accomplish -this God-like pur pose, the institutions and organizations it up by the State for the erre oi our defective aad unfortunate, -people, must be made adequate for the treatment, I care aad Iraining of these helpleaa aad defective ones within our bordeta in manner worthy of a people 'who lor( things. (' ' . - . ki.A tha d.tinnnil.1 MmU a4 hn.a . our State must be eared for and train- power; 'ought to make them do ao and ed as the eonsoienct of a Christian an nnprogressiva eonnty- to eiviluation demands. Our institution Ba P ! tba reat of tha Htata for thia aacred and patriot! work must ' aiarcn oi progress lartwgu ,v . oj lug mmumw neuwU) avw. tho high way a should Da malaxaiaed. Tiista main hiahwars, he aaid.-ahould be eoastraeted by the State without delay, leaving the smaller roada to tha eountie. . Ha waa . opposed to a - piece-meal system. .The injustice of it and tba uncertainty convinced him of Ita ',' ' wrong. i "It is nnwise, he added, to start meross the State with aroad under a . plan that may result la oar 'building and wearing, out one end of tha high, way -befora tho other ia eonstraeted." Governor Morrison expressed hia own view that the eountie through, which thets highway run, should be "forced by the sovereign power af tha State tP Tay poaaon: of th flU tote ing; that when they, are unwilling to do- ao, the Btax with ita unquestioned ia our elections. mt t. n...;.- v..:...i b.ii I wa ar u complete aceora 'in worth waanu aoeameat waa dnawa. j nMt.. , naeal, but we aUow great work to be done, bul we have dis covered that the work ta be done is ao rnwoh greater -thaa we hBaw-thgwe The. whMe program, -ha propoeed. should be carried eat . ea the -aeajnel credit ef .the State and eolntiea, with out one cent-of taxes at present ex cent for the nsvment of interest am IU Bf U.f 'tlu.MkimlttM nnkfUI LU it Of my I nMlvtaal f n unlliliumi Ullu a reach. ' Bha-mnst be with me." . ; her , arm through that of her . father. Nar did aha,- Ia tha ess that bora tha Governor-elect ta th . Executive Man sion where they wers joined by, Out erner Bickett, in tha asarck'to- the nadir forinm. the rostrum where th induction ceremony was consummated, aad alt the' reviewing staad! where tba Governor re tfc. a .u. Q.J. . ri.iiu. j... .u waa alwaya within a few feet of him. Sr . DAKIZLfl OkDKM mirarw nm 1 aartelvea to became excite aad di- " 00 mrger wora man aeretetore. . . - v . i . . . i . . . i a u . L u..i,b. r . . -- I.NOIIIBr rna mmt tnavnwn VMM smr tba leas . important ane-1 ""--a"--- """" p", " Waahiajrtoa. Saau. It. aatajw- tioaa abaut which aa differ, and fa9 L - v"e: aiaat throw around -tha. borne iela saaounard toaigtit that a aourt of J "f apoa plana and methods to land life of our peorlle an enlightened inqnry would b eoaveaed at a Jtaek-l 'oaa preventive medi- away, K.J aUtion apon the arrival) lt Ior a-iew yearn we 1 cine, ana maxe eeaseieaa war upoa there of Laaateaanta Hinton, Farr.U I "vald give anited effort to havihg aell I sickaeaa, aaffering 'and -death inr this eadJUoor ta iaauira lata all tha air. I and genereusly dona those things which I States ! . Oar ' greal V Department of aamstancea of the ballooa flight whiei j Chrhrtiaaa and patriot .want don, ! Health : mast be generoualy aoariahed carried tha N three ameer from Bock-1 refraia from .aagrys dyisioa aad I and equipped for thia human service. away ta taa SS area ai Hadaoa Bav ' lanvruai- aucwron irw uiw wa 1 iamh caoaot vm anacan-nruiiy vjw . . . . . . ... - 1 ., , 1 . . jtit I - J . 1 i jr; . rr . . .1 las aaazi ai lncrauy, ata aaaieU aaid. I i'-"i, ..,,,.... ..u.. . ,u partiralaa attsatisa to tha af " taraHaa -aawld-hajhffjJera aUte.iiiaaaatlip it-mmtj- taat . -1 aaana law anaageat vw wppan - w-1 every pracviea -aora snail oe maae or racy im at aaura una. , 1 uuvuga orgnnja ; aeairn r opaius ana th. .xtentf th. radaetici ha baliad. i , 73 XlSE . skmvuKT raises ax nquifw, ta. Dec-1 .w- v.a. --- 1 ,r p' -"-v y-.w- fatanr aaid. will ba thaf nhraWl la.. I aiRer-aboat, aad beg e'er, deep eensid-lment naa aeeomplubed wonders, with "- TAKE OATH ON PORTICQ LteV., ant of tha pabJieatiea by tha latter to hia wife aad pabUahad muat ell be atrengthened and eouipped automobile, gasoline, but aot an gea ta da lara-er work than -kanttanra. . . ral property. -S' ' Urgea new Tax Byatam, proposal for aegotiatioa looking- ta aa aaraemaat-bataatM fka TTaibui Rial Miaa Stamaa Br. . r- I n,i iMtaia j t... j Tm not leave yoq a min i tioaaf fatasa naval eaatratlL.a wJm - Tm-not toinc . to .leave yon a m!n-1 tins of futB i ute, daddy declared, the "Utile Miatrtasl be favorablv Vnorted ta amended form. I Prtea aJ newspapers ' aad af the, Mansion, rea-hlng v-to nasal Both th veriooVof tt arreement aad I ayndieatea af 'letter grant U the WaahinsVoa. .--Jin. 'act Harding's surrestier that U in augural ceremonies be bald oa the east Capitol, where praeti- . I AaVam aoaA.a anV.aI-L.1 ' W B. a.t! - -mmm9 W- . 1 ara . g wrm l anam , Bavaaani nuau geraDBraiufai a. una lbb awacrai aaa avu raniowu. - - m lvoiidvti x wm g 7 , I.D Sa cannla mt tha Rtala ia tha a. I nmaa ta AeMi.dajM .f aar aalkrht. I Ptity from auaioa rrwwiar I " . . . 1 r . - 7 ' . . " . -m-- i - . m uH iH.. r aaBouafeaeat of aome great aaa noble I eaea people . wnen ; i arge laereaaea I i nnaaa mtr aatav wnieai anava -nar i menna war uu a-raax oecanaaai an m.w tiaaaa 11 an at . J m a It waa a colorful iaajrawatioB. mora . ?-"..? " -o-aaor- recent laaagaraai than any that ha. ever beeal ri'V "T"" eolorful thaa any made ia the Capitol kef or. With, the Govaraor "'eamr a bead of 0 pieces from tha Oaai Temple af tha 8 brine, garmented la tha reepeadeet gold aad green hibiflnrtau of their order: from Camp Bragg, tha 60 pieea ergaaixstioa Xrom tho Sevaateeath licld Artillery and a oavpanyf beglea with Trfaea alnoaa, and the- regiment af aadeta waa accented today by senator xvnoz, of Peanayivaaia, halr nma af tha Joint eoari seat oaa! aommit- ta. The Seaator aaid ha waa ooafldeat the anggestioa woold b approved by v aaauaittea. - . .. , . INTERNATTOI.AL EXCHANGE -;F0frFRElt.HT-T0 CANADA; p aa petty division, aa ffooa men aad wemea deair doae, and about kick they differ oaiy aa ta the aseth- - M- a aJ..laJ aa. ' ILJa aa, a aakaa- " Ml awaaa a aa a a I U DaMgaal V0w) aBAAJBS.mrat V UMWi OlCd W X.UJUU rU aeeampliahmeht - v GREENSBORO PHYSICIAN . Greeaabere, Jan. 11 Dr. J. T. Kiava appeal ta all the people af the State aged SO yaara, praminaat pkysieiaa of to aalte U a great apirit of Chnatia Greensboro for eaaay yearn aad kaawa aoaeord aad patrietia ea-oparatioa to Ihraaghoul.tha fltata aa avmaa -ad-aa- write- te the-Hf--ef ear- eeptkaaal moojrai abiiity, died Uial prog'm I hm-ahoat to DggeaV-4tt m maraiag at a local hospital af blood I sae Ihava foand iatha hearts ef the pieos after aa tUneea af-stg day. good people of thia Bute, aad whKt ear government.. , - v. aai vnaaca ta saacauaa. , r hastunuk th. eammea teheols for the training end adueatioa ef our ehildrea as good aa- Any ia the world. W aught to glory La til -diflotfltiea evereeat aad - rroa-ma made "ia- thia sacred and patriotic work la the laat twenty yar bat we want to go- aa, aad - aver on, antil .tha preeioaa boy aad girts of ear State na-ve aa equal rhanca withvaav ia the wide-world for a modern aad ap-to-date education. I - A new system of taxattaa, Gora t" Morriaoa .advocated, -with Stat-aad' eoontr taxation eomt)letBlr acuaraed. i but discussed th teeommaadatloavgea.. eraJly eon fining himself to tlat epmioa : that no ad valorem tax should he. levied -for Stat purposes aad that thia form af taxatiod ahoald'ba. limited aoUly to, . local parpoaaa. ' J -' Coaeludrng, Govfor Mortiaoa ealled apea-ths people of -th State hia. r " ward in thi period of depreaaala witfa eoarag and determination', Thar waa -no ' note, ef peasin-iam la hi yromiseav -. "North Carolia la aae of the trnlr rich and great Bute ef the Uaioa,1 he aaid, "and nothing -saa keep prea- - soea retarning ta. aa ax ' ' ewa eowardiea aad pessimism : ' Oefernor had eeaaed aae . while away Tressed area ad to ahaka hia. band,- Kojlo- Margaret Ciarkaoa, daagnter of Mr. aad Mrs. Heriot CUrk-: r aaa af Charlotte prwaanted to the chief xaentlv am behalf of , tha womea af . Charlotte a - baadaeme bouquet of -Amarican Baaaty Bbaaa. - Orewiealaa Start. .-' .' - It waa promptlyoa the hoat of nooa fhafbaad muaU and a' aommattoa' at tha doors aaaoaaeed . to tha waiting - enditariem fnU af iwopla that th U aagnral , party had arrived.'' Color, flashed 'aa th Band of Oaaia Tempi., freat BUta CoUega with-their bead afl Ottawa. Ja,ai.tJaAaa.baea BO pieces. . . . ' tfeaad-totha xehaare pviblea af lav FBaeral aervtee wilt a held Thaadav I aaa heea djacloaed t ms br years Ofl ml m1 'arfiMu.! ia akaa. moraiag at 10 .'clock. A boat a week I Utimata 4eaeh with their heart throbs, j wtajy jinjpayauL jmll Bitrt b tt4.rot.dl ' , O, V, u f-i:pkl'Mf-"" by Ue . batUa-soarred - veteraaa. af tha I KB th aaditortam aiaiea, ia, oniiunj Military 6seera B Mora; there waa the eommaadlng ffl I ternatioaal railroad freight rates, la a ago Dr, itiaias4y x1"" aJl right thamb with a pair af foaavp which plan whereby shippers to th tjBited I stated. aaaaed a biaad. blaster, it at ear ef Camp Bragg, Brigadier General j fctatee ara to pay for th Canadian part A. J. Bow ley, with tha ranking officers I f the haul in Dominion foada ana the remainder ia American meaey, it ' Special raecaK Piaehartt aeeonat of Wiatet Coif Leaga ef Ad la)"Iafarme!i.-" "We nauat eafore tba tear agxlast erime ia ear But a with Gad like partiality aad juatiea. ' Wa must let tha rr-.miaai la ear. midst tiow tnat or- ganixed aoeirty iw thi State win make aa anarter With erim: that aar State's war oa nraoraaea ia this Stat.- heran leoataaia and feasaa, taking ap a pas twenty-add years ago aader the leader aitioa i tha Wast dram circle ae stip af Chariea B. Ayeaek, Charles D. the atag. Immediately afterward, Melvar. AlexanBer Graham, and other Gevaraer T. W. Btehett and Go vera, r- leadera af .ourradaeaAoaal-Ufa Th let Cascroa Morrisoa started dowaj , C"m4 an Psra TwaJ. saaedaa taiov-- - ' ragaTwaJt1 iUiaUjiai.., y iaa-aYa.od'. -.- ' -' - ... . - . ". V

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