TV T TUB WfXTIlE " XwrtB CutUu-fair Seats, Hn4iy prabeoly fain mod tat m wlads. mm ew. er-ver VOL. OC1II. NO. 16.. TWENTYEfGHT PACES TODAY RALEIGH, N. C SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 16. 1921 TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRICE: SEVEN CENTS t TV i ; ' ' . , I . VATTJl LAtt ' . I araai a, tead iwi SS si eas SS 1 ', WAR CORPORATION -READY TQ CARRY OUT ITSxFUHCTION Managing Director Angus W. McLean Issues Statement tx plajnipg All Details SECRETARY HOUSTON TO ; GIVE FULL CO-OPERATION Slue January 6 th Corporation Hat Seen Prepared To Con. tider Application! For Ad. . . ranees In Same Manner -v That It Considered Advances -! Prior To Its Suspension LORD MAYOR OF; CORK MUST LEA VET UNITED STATES The News and Observer Buresu 603 District National Bank Bldg, By JOE L. BAKER (By Special Leased Win) . Washington, Jaa. 13. Secretary of Secretory Angus Wt McLeaa, of North """Carolinir -who 4srsv' Mawiftng THrtc , for of War Finance Corporation, today v ' took cognisance of Intimation spread Jttr the country that tbo War finance anct letter toe eongretsionsi msnauta (or that corporation to function again. When Secretary Houston opposed the ' plan for the War Finance eorpqration to resume activities, some unfriendly critic of the administration spread the Impression that he and his associ ates in the Treasury Department might ot obey the instructions from Con- . green to resume making loans and In . other wai function as the corporation did during and immediately following " the war. 4 Through a letter to. Senator Bobln on, of Arkansas, made public today. Secretary Houston makes it clear that , the aorporation haa resumed its activi ties and that the law will be executed , in full faith, regardless of what any body may think about it, while as sistant Secretary McLean's statement ahows that the corporation haa been prepared to consider applications for advances ever since January 6. - McLean lasaea Statement.. . Mr. McLean's statement, given out : , at- irk la xu rjv , ' - . IJfcj .J' .. 1 Si I t lit ..-.r ... in . '.v " VJ-Ay-r l START IN SENATE Epidemic of Investigations Takes On Sweeping ' " V CTaracter GENERAL COMMITTEE FOR PROBING IS ASKED ? Senator BfcGoin Offers Besoiu. tion Calling For Irveitig-a. tion Into Number of Senate -Clerks and Employes With View .To Economy; com mittee Would Merely Beport DEFINITE STEPS TOWARD DISARMAMENT TAKEN House Tonign Affairs Commit. tee Reports Resolution Ask. . . -iflf for Conference Investigation waa the watch word In -the Senate yesterday, the only bills offered being resolutions to investigate everything from the office of the Got- Senator Swain, of Tyrrell, who had naKmnot4tt-:intrW6vtt"otio71uoa1 Joint resolution forlhs appointment GEDDES CALLED TO LOIONTOWIRI VITH HOME PICE MBsnwMsaaasSBaB 1 . I f raa ulant In mrnASM m nw. mwmt i. .ay tram 1 . i . ea lAisit VMAiitriAti Ta-im rnsn nrtAi n rniant I -mm--- - a st anaw sstai tmvm w i it iinnsii snv mm I- """ "v i- -vmkWMdIinBibentvm of tha Leatue . "ZV-V- I a an aalaw nmm tiaa n nwsMr .snrJ 1 a ax... - U'ifWa W' " 1 aT " " ' - TT -Jj stamf i&J:iaM-m ' day from New York for England. -; Washington, Jaa. 15. Definite steps looking towsrd disarmament were taken today by the House foreiga affairs com mittee which reported-a resolution so thorixing president Wilson to invite the nations. of the wor ld to send delegstee to an international convention to con sider ways and mparts' of bringing it about. Although all membsrs of the commit tee voted fur the proposal, Democrats otijoctej to its adoption at this time oa the ground .might embarrass the l'reaident. Tbcy contended it was a question which more properly ahoald bt considered by Preetdenr-elert Hard ing. Chairman Porter, n warm 'advo cate of the movement, inaiated, how ever, that it waa the desire to .have the resolution ready for Mr. Harding In svsat Mr, Wlleo did not act oa it. Representntive Brooks, Republican, Illinoia, author of the resolution, sa nounred that efforts would bo asde to cipedite its consideration by the House. There wax no indication i any move ment io get togeiner wun me Bcnarc whish has pending ' a resolution by senator uoran. KeDuliiiean. laano. Dro-l.j r- . . . .. - . Tiding. for WbW. mi-iihYt, mi BriTajirknor js-r ' "T uf' uiis psn, and a resolution by ,naor lWrJ-TWW PemowaTT:. Montana,. authosMiag thejqatetly-and withoet notice te even rresitlenl. to appoint a taemner or tat disarmament commission o Secretary of Labor Wllaoa yesterday cancelled thf parole of Donal CCallaghaa, of Ireland, who la shown in .he above photograph as ha appeared recently while addnssing the thousands who gathered to welcome kin, in New fork. The Lord Mayor haa tieen in Washington the past reek to testify before the committee of one hundred in ns in Ireland. restigating present conditio Liquor Traffic May Require Formation Of State Police Widespread Increase of Illicit Distilling Too Much For Federal Agents . DECLINE IN COSTS FORf OUR MONTHS tion Is Too Bis; For Limited I Force ; . LetrlWatiter' Aotion through the Treasury Department, is. - . , "The netivltiee ef the War Finance Corporation which nave been revived by the joint resolution passed by Con gress are embodied in section 21 of the -. war finance corporation net, which au thorises advances to America export ers to assist in the exportation of do- v mentis) products, to foreign countries, if , such ' exporters .sue unable . M obtain , f ends , upon reasonable . terms through kanklna- channels, or ttt American .banks ' making loan t American exporters for I OrganixaUom lit ( ttate the purpose of assisting ia ta experta u miryplement the forces of the Federal Prohibition Agent and county NEARLY 5,000 STILLS ARE DESTROYED DURING YEAR SnpeWisor 7f ' Prohibition Cost of Uvlng Drops Nearly 6 . rorces Admits That Sitna.1 Per Cent Since Last July; ReDort Savs lfn Tark. Jaw. IS Tho aoak of 11 May t Organiie State Con-Ji 4eereaaed M per cent In the four ttabnlary To Kelp tfcrt tion of domestie products. "At a meeting held January B.-tSEl, the board of direetort -or .uie . .war Fins nee Corporation unanimously adopt ed a resolution rescinding its former action embodied in n resolution of May lo. 1920. bv which the consideration of further applications for advances in aid of American exports nnder section CI of the net had been suspended. The resolution of January 0 effectively re rived, .the ,eorporation.iaJ.ccoraanv 'with Joint resolution passed by Con gress In so far aa it baa authority nn ier aeetioa El of the net to make ad vances for the purpose therein set forth. 8houl4 Give rill uetaiis. pffieerf ia, suppressing, the widespread manufacture of liquor in North Caro lina ia likely to be one of the ea-ly developments in the General Assembly. Federal authorities are ready to admit that the job has grown too big for the limited staff of 4d men nt work in the State, and the suggestion haa been made the Legislature to lend a hand. xenons ox w operations - of the 49 prohibition agents and of tbo sheriffs of 69 counties in the State during .tho year ending December 1, 1920) make tho total number of illicit distilleries r" I . 4 ftOA ..J k. -.u "Since January 5, thoeorpornUon " " A baa been prepared t consider uppli- prohibition lsw. -"-Wi-JS. ifilT. Two thlrdr of this number were terms of the law in he same manner . th ,ir,wi tkat it oonslderod ndvaneea prior to the JS?" . f ed 4BBt i,r i. nc.- i with this amazing total of destruction ausDenaion of its nctivities tn Jeoy. in , v..v .u ".'!.- .H.tW. for' loans, an- ua " promoi zks r;-M : " . on oaice. EZrZXZr. fin.ncmno.di: dented tk. m.nufwhrring' eapV mbnttr'i'rinV'Tase JTrx1TovemBr: and tbo declbxo mas brought about by irono la the) a-reni nrieee of ijitm bet of. Important food and slothing ar ticles so great as to offset eonsurreut Inareoaea in many other items, tho KO' tion Industrial Conference Board re ported today. This four months' decrease, kowever, left tho cost of living higher than- in July,-191, Immediately before the war, by tho following percentages: Cloth ing 128, fuel and light 100 food S3 J sundries S3 and shelter 60. - In its eighth report on living costs, the board let a ray nf-hope shine on its assertion by atahng that, merchan dise denier seemed te-expeet further drop in prices early in 1921, Tho decline Of 0.0 per cent in living expeneee from last July, said, by the board to bo tho peak of high prices. to November followed a steady rise which began in 1S14, It waa explained, exeept for three per cent drop in the four months period in 1918-191S imme diately niter tho artnutiee, The average prieo of food dropped . . n . ... . . . tion officers realise that the have "VX " T' oetwJ,e". .Ju.,y the m.nnfi.hrr5 ' ..,.- Ma wovemoer, mo report sua, oui me muffs- pttoo-e potatoes drorped 83 -tfany-thomTpOTe . I per sent and that of sogar 01 per ranees and full tnxormauon to onao.e .1-;-- eenfc xno sworago prloe of eggs rose r-- thi- eorpOMtioa to "d loirmino whether -J7!JT? m1raaMOsA Tbrorxn-ohrtbiBr pHeei ,-thopHeat Sirn4eT-tli tr r,LrZi trom Ju to November -wasover Uw aTo can meet to terms and eondi. SSTu'L 14 per eent. but average prices of many tiona. In so far as neeessary the North Carobna leads the world in the IteBi fell mor thu thiaT Cotton yarn - eorporation I will give personal bearings m"nf.h,r of . tmU "? goods dropped W to 42 per eeut. Hosi- - to p-ospoetlvo borrowers; These desir- rhibitioB smendment bad - served ery, men's shirts, women's blouses, mua- k Ing formation may communicate with to Wise the prieo A liquot and to Un underwear and axon's eoats fell luf :..- j;t. . h. ,rrr.. tho -quality. Tho Utter half Of to tS mr etat. Shaan. Baaw'a and worn. ition. whoso .ens- intto Treasury l.:. those of the first per eent ardi arivi... ft, tevt m Mr. Houston's letter to L Ih,riB" tho year. uVu.U- l .m,fc U naw.ral liqnor were seised half By about 15 1 derwear and hata decreased lets than 80 per cent, loves scarce lyy changed nt wH-- r---fvT. -Other items Increased but not enough to offset m deeiinONXn food Sa4 Wh. ing. Aeeording to figurer furnished by eoal dealers in 60 oitles the aver' . 857 ga lions of by the f Federal t .v. . .. .. nnnms. agents, and half that amount by the ... ... mmt nrth.seixed and destroyed 1S05 f ermentera, 1 151 jllowi- . tr . 21J53 galjons o a'prdis ieiv 4,46 gh ago priew of Boat MnUnued to aavanee ! lo,, withont sayUg, I think, thatT"n of molasees, 870 pounds of sagaf, I between. July nnd November in svery the law an embodied in tbo rooont tono- M i,w.rjm or. oeer, j . eiry exrrpi Lsiwrenee, M)weu ana taaetivmes of tho War Finaneo Cor- mplassea was - destroyed. , and the tonv N. and Novr Tork City where Dontion -rill be extended In fuU-fniU tnls of tho stills sold. Horses and bitaminous coal dropped somewhat. I. Sf?., tw l ented. Aa I na- ssbrtd . and sold-T at aactlo. same plaess tho amago cost ot Y.ZAa .v. 5.W. .a .Hminlatva numbered 4. SBtomobiles 91. Tho to. ' ! ot "OM ' . .7 1. . t , . Mn tal value of Us Trotrty Selxed and 1 w,Uli tB Po d shouH .doed U nothing to do t "r tor ? with tho oxeeuOon of a mensnro,- .rj".." wootroyed " ! Wooet'of bodvins- that wolier .which has become was valued-at 1412,947. Tsxes and Pen-1 ?"erV?. 'l.u.1" TWO DEPAllIEHfS, STILL SQUABBLING Labor Secretary Ignores De portation Order ot The Sec retary of State CANCELS' THE PAROLE OF IRISH LORD MAYOR up with resolution which would author las the committee to investigate the efficiency and competency of nny and all State - officers, within their dis tretion, while Benator McCoin, of Vance, offered a Senate resolution for the appointment of n committee to investigate Senate expenditures. Senator Swain prcsaed for tho inv mediate -consideration, but objection waa made by Senator Galiert, of Kuth erford, who stated hs was in sympathy with tho purpose of tho resolution but wished to protect absent Senafwa. Tho resolution waa referred to the Committee oa Claims, of which Senator Swain ia chairman. . Carrying oat his program that "Char ity ought to begin at home" Senator McCoin's resolution calls for the ap pointment of n committee of three Sen store to investigate the number of clerks, committee clerks, doorkeepers, laborers, stenographers, pages, - etc.. employed by the Senate, determine nowmnny of them .are necessary, and report to tho Presiding Officer. The committee would be permanent under tbo title of tho "Committee on Cleri eat Assistance1 nnd would pass upon AbroadtfajpaTli T order immediate laresufa, - "iioa of WHon Rifting f " Secretary Wilson OrantS O'CaL nil requests made for clerical help i las-ban Prrniaainn T fta. or. other employes., ThoreaoIutioB. does v ttf BB rermisMoa. to no tofriBrt po, tb mtirM of Ship , On t : Vessel . Sound tbo lieutenant Governor to make and Mr.Mi Tt.ta m I ssaisse appoianneniat ui xunesion wvwvuwv vbth avi.l k. . ...1. I- vostignto and report to that officer. BmDtoyas Cat Mere. -' ' Senator MaCoin declared that th( resolution was prompted by tho report or tho Budget Commission which shows that at the last sessiofc Seaaton drew 12,000, while elerks and other em ployes received1 in excess of S18,00o. Senator Long, of Alamance, declared that the ebsrgs that clerks daava dons nothing as yet -is unfair because the Senate baa gvien tbsm nothing to do. The bill was referred to tho Committee on Salaries and Fees. Discarding a suggestion that the ex ample of the House, bo followed and an adjournment be taken until eight o clock Monday night, the Senste ad journed until Monday afternoon at two o'clock, in pursuance .to the order adopted Friday. . The Invocation was pronounced yes terday by Pr. J. A. Ellis, of the Pullen Memorial Baptist Church. House Session Is Brief. The House started nowhere yester day and got no further than the in troduction of a few bills and an agroo-. merit to meet kgain Mbhday night at 7s30. It was Saturday, and. barely a quorum of "its membership. : remained , iu ins cii long enougn io msxe a ses sion possible, moat of them being gone nomo for the week end.., " Chairman Parham, of the Rules eom mittee, brought in a susvestion of in Newport I change in the existing Isws of vroeed ia inv ooay, wnicn, ooiiea aowa to Its essentials, provides that there shall be rio Tidra " attached to any Washington, Jan. 15. -Ignoring tho State Dpartmeat's - order-of deporta tion, Secretary of Labpr Wilson today granted Lord Mayor 0'Callaghan of Cork, wha arrived ia . Newport News lsat week without a pasiport, permis sion to land as a "seaman." Aeeording to the rules of tbo Bt retary of Isibor,;-the Lord MsjyorT permitted to land "for tho purposo ef re-shipping on board any vessel-bound for any foreign' port or plaes, unless the Secretary of State directs that he be kept on bia vessel. Surprised at the failure of tho Secre tary of labor to recognixe tho formal ruling of the State Department order ing deportation of O'Cnllaghnn for attempting to enter tho United States ithout a passport, acting Secretary of State . Davis tonight announced that bo. .would-oxdar- an immedia to in vestigation of the ruling of the Depart ment of Lbor-by the soleiitor for the Stata DepartmsBt. Until ansm1nln is roeeived from the solicitor, Secretary Davis said hs would take no action toward directing that O Callaghan bo kept on the vosasl upon which bo ' arrived News. ' In granting O'Callaghan - vermis sioa to e-ship -an -vetsel bound British Ambassador Slips Out of Washington Without Notice To Friends NEW ADMINISTRATION TO BE DISCUSSED FULLY. froject To Treo Amttean Ships In Panama Canal frw'ni Tolls and Haval Policies of Two Countries Will Be taken Up; Emergency Tariff Bin Also To Be Considered Wsshlngtoa, . Jaa, 1. Bersltvd ts London for the aannonced purpose of consulting with. Premier Lloyd Oeorge CARPENTERS PLAN TO WORK DIRECT L Twenty Per Cent Wage Redu tion Brings Decision To Cut Out The Contractors abroad. Secretary Wilson -further dl-1 bills, and th&t 6nce a nieee of leirfi rneted that the parole granted the Lord I lation has been rejected by tho House, .-T-yor. uy- rnw immigration autnpnties i sssu not again appear, tacked on to , ,,, rnx.thur hr Tie xunrn-lar ' bodying that policy which has become Jaw."- . ' - --- ' : "The .War Finaneo . Corporation is now organised. It is ready to reeeive .nnllMiiAM mnS fA tfUmaida them In aovdaWv with tha law. TortunaUlv I values nnd penalties imposed - the eerperatka dooo r need reorgnn-l rioUtors takonv by tbo-oounty auihor iaation. -There m oornaa 'of thoMtloa. Tbo cost of administration of board aire &j in oxiatonoo, ready to) theBta& waa loos than tnut haiaaaaa. The aarnamtioa la I VMXXXL leaving the Federal Oovwrn- " in position to-function nnd m ready et profit for tbo year'a work nt any time U oonaider nppentions.', ' " 8tato of tlflHJSS. . , "It msy bo well to call your nt- .TraMmittinr air anneal report to X, ..tini la thm Mwam that are affaetad 8- Brame, supervising stent of tbo pro- by the recent resolution Of Congreoa. I kibition-foreea, H. O. Ouiley, chief sf They are net out ia section t, ef the uae saa pew-1 -r, "V.V . :. alties asseeaed against violators to-1 wnmaernDjy; MSesnasi was new n tas tailed 1.153.H8L ,;; - A Mllfioa pollar ProSt, Tbeoo values , do not include 'tbo war Inaaoo corporation net.' To will ,soto that under, this sestioa, the -or-" poration Io empowered to makr soV vanoes upon . suck terms not Inconsist ent with the pro visions of. tbo section so- it may jrrsoeria V peris d wot exceeding Svo years from - tho res pee tire date of ouch advances. Coalned To Expecting.. -"The section proTideo that tho ra(e sf latorest -on -say advaaco shall not be' leas than oat per cent nor aaaim H exeeas of tho rata of diaeooat for 1 days commercial paper prevailing at the time of such advenes ' nt tho (Continued am Fago Two) . coat of ewaJ.'altbough n number of im portant raio mereaos were noted, in Boston tbo dncroase bowoon July and November was 23.7 per cent: la Jersey City, Newark, Cnmden, Patersoa, Tren ton, Bayoano, Elixabeth aad Hoboken, N. J fl.T per cent; ia. Boehester aad Albany. N. Y, 30.4 por oontf ia Dallas sad fork Worta, Texas, 60 por sent; no.ehango withtn.thla period was re portad frosn many of tbo largest cities. "Tho average cost of electricity for domestio aae oTeeroaood la Boston,' Mil waste aad Racine, -Wnv.' Looisvillo aad rjammerviile. Mass. : ' Reat Inn nana ,nill.,l tewiriifii 7:r,TT i v T . l n-i out ware loos sensatiowal than la pre- Iths North that a Carolina division declares itivo estbmsts would show tilletfe ia too. State during tbo post year. Ho sees a little hope in the foot that tbo monshiner is not as flagrant tn bis defiance of ht law as he was a year ago.-- -:- ; - . -. - , x i Agoats Ar Helpleaa -"We sre sot abls to tne earo of the oompUnta that are made to oar... de partment . Mr. QnUey say a.. "Tho rural population-' in North Carolina Io infest- with- viobators sf tbo. prohibKioa htwa aad in some cemmoaiHes U is very serious la some ecmnsuaitios it is are without leaders nnd the oosnssnni- (CsotUaam Oa Face TweJ coding periods aad for the irst time In many.mwstbs ieereasso were reported. Tho isdasrriai cities of ' Detroit, Lan sing and Flint, Mica, Akroa, Ohio, ssd EUksrt, lad, reported a faUlng off in rents up te 10 per sent ia some oases. Tho largest advances ia rents noted men : in. Saexaaseato, CsX, and Bemag-haav-Wasbingtoa, where tho rise was somewhere between II and 4fr per coot "Tho avorncn soot of all sundries aose slightly between Jury Bad November. BaU increases allowed traetioa eom-PS-nies ia important oonura suck . as ICaati4 aa n. Vtal - ' 1 dared promptly .i. t tajilosii, ini was paroled. any other bill. The retort waa.sdooted. --ivmr--'im- i ' 1 1 .' lM;-.i1ti.l.-l "'ft.-'"-f. 'l1fl . , vr. mm wv,i Auunuaj will V9 iuc UCBlllUJlg OI real whose,., custody hs I work in tho House, nnd the tntroduetion -lat ain liuraiitjiit -mmm f T.i.l.Mn. r" Judge Lawless said tonight that be By tacit consent, nothing was isken bad no intention of surrendering I up yesterday, and the session MondaV vfl a . . a a a . . , aTaw. . " ummgnsn- nsni sis - tosnmony ,nafl nignt will .probably bo lightly attended been' concluded before the commission and nothing) of importance is expected from the Committee of One Hundred to tnra up. The House met st 10:00 investigating Irish conditioes before o'cJoek and sdjourned at 10:25. ' whom ho appeared this week. It wat ' for-thopnrposo of tostifyinf before RESIDENTS OF ILLINOIS .''sTrlt unWta'tTid TOWN GIVEN HELL DOPE RECOVER LOOT TAKEN zi?Z.&Tw FROM DALLAS POSTOFFICE nn tho infentsl regions today, whoa Oiaiaiar' Wllhme mama Vnllaa i luJ Une Of - Party or SIX Bandits advaneo aboets on a "haadbook and Xffled Wheu Antomobflo i.. Orertnrni Dallas Tax- Jan. 15:-Beports of tbo recovery of nearly $250 JOOO ia Lib erty bonds snd earreney and the acci dental death of one of tbo bandits to night marked tas police investigation guide to Helt" based ss what ho termed Helligfams hs said he had recently re- seivea. Tvory ainner is going to bo punished wun .an. ever -dose' of bis own sin. Vollvn- declared. . A tobacco smoker will bo locked op in a den full of to baeeo smoks. ' A chower of tho Sithy wood will bo. immersed to his seek is into the robbery last sight f the nub- ! toU,f J0-" A drinker will - ajat a-aJJ A ..IMal Blfl OWm nil ear TO n DCal 1 10 an U pejswuiCBj wiuim at ei run. a boj cmacmalm OX I . . j , 7. or - loot Ukca,by .tho.m.aaWme, h4- wot ori4-1,. oritk-Ao-rmrand K. - - -, ; - ... . .ivinitr. - v-. i oeen anrrmiDia ana ianx .ax us- naaa i remained at liberty. ' W. Kerivner. one of tbo band Who I was injured when tha bandit oar ever- tnTBOd on. a rood near Jart... Worth. -X. BRIAND ASKED TP FORM .. --NEW FRENCH CABINET three hew re after the robbery was oosa- Paris, Jan. loWBy the Associated mitted, led Celiac officers U a eaeho I Preea.) Ariatida Brisad. former ore- eight miles sorth of fort Worth" lata aier. agreed this freaing to attempt the runners biwjwi ia UDerty-ai jomitiol sf a cabinet in oaeeeosioa and SoottTin comncy wak 'found in tn tho Loygaos ministry, which resigned two registered mail seeks, according toi Wedaosday, io ioeai,poiico. .1 Baoal raret. was was naked yostorday Serivner who was pinked aademoath I to head a now ntiaistry of f ranee ini no wroeaea nuvonwouo, was nrrcstod eaeeasstoa to the oas which reeirned rort Worth Boliee and brought hero oa Wedneodrr. annfucd before Presi- early today.' Saboequently be mod dot Millsrabd todar and doaliaod'to somjoloto ooaf esmoa, poiico said, . 'form Uo aabinoW .-. Oreensboro, Jaa. 15, Carpenters, bricklayers, painters snd members other building crafts aafllilated with ths Central Labor Union of Greensboro, carried the wage reduction war into the enemies' territory today, bringing their heavy artillery into aetioa, when they announced that they would "cut out the contractor" and. 4inl directly wiln tLol publie by going into the building bust iers for themselves. Workmen, receiving notice today from tho Builders' Associates that the 20 per cent reduction in wages will stand, despite efrorta at arbitration, on the part of the union men,' intend to reduce tho contractors ineonsss, gross aad act, to 1W por cent, thoy announced. JDeeiaioa of building trade workers to sVnto the building business thesn- srlvev discussed quietly ever atue era ployor announced that wages must reduced to oefeeat was msao sfter i. A. Hunt, aroaidsat of tho Central Labor Vfciiia, rrveived the answer of th builders' association to- their sequent not to out a daeb as 20 por cent. Tho -reply was brief a ul to the point, su notified U On tml Lsbor Usiea that the builders aanocintion decided-at meeting last night to learo tho SO per eent "cut just aa it ia. The builders aft counting on tho support of Ufe ' major ity of. the people. They said. Ths claim of popular support waa only reason, given lor refusal tfrcee-froiw the 20 rier eent wage reduction position, hey have refused to arbitrate, and we will hot deal with them. We will deal with' people directly, declared labor union official this afternoon. That means, if workmen carry out their puna, that the building business ia Greens boro will be carried on by workmen for themselves. "No middleman a profit, they say and they believe that they, can build as cheaply for tho public aa con tractors can and that ths division of profits will leave them a bigger wage than the present system with a tut of iu per eent. . Last Baturday tho Central Labor Union notified the buion' aociajjon that they were willing to accept a duction of S per cent in wages but not willing to take -aut nf 90 ner eenft de termined upon by the builders associa tion a few weeks ago. The workmen requested an answer and received it today. It follow: . , "To Oreensboro Central Labor TJnioa : Gentlemen, Ths Builders' Association of Greensboro decided at theif regular meeting loot night to leave tsvo SO per cent cut just ss it 'Was, as that seems to havs th enprnvalVifJhe mnforitw ; 'of rtne pcopic. DR. HUBERT P0TEAT TO GIVE AN ORGAN RECITAL -Clayton. Jaa: 15. On Sunday ovenrng January 18, nt 7:30 o'clock, there will be tho formal initiatory of tie new pipe organ at tho Clayton Baptist enures. The reeital will bo given by Dr. Ho bert Potent ef Wake Forest, who seeds no introduction to a. North Carolina audieneo. for his - wonderful aansieal genius ka brought him amaay times bo- tore tae people ox a is nan. Dr. Potest eomos as a master ox tae pipe osgaa and tho people of the Baptist church have for weoka boea antietpating tho symphonies of master knado apoa their handsome new instrument. Aa sf' feriug will bo taken nnd all above ex peases will go on organ fond. Tbo pub lic io invited. ... Ho waa accompanied only by H. V. Tennant. his private secretary, who came with him to Washington when he assumed hia ambassadorlat office loss tha a eight months ago. Lady Geddeo remaiaed here with the children, tha bearing out the embassy statement that according to present intenlon, the am hassador will rat am to Wasblagtea next month. To Get Homo OSes Views. There io- aaderatood to bo a Bumbo of subjecU wlieh will require earnest diseussioa when the ambesMdor roaches London, aad K ia said to be regarded aa oasontial that Sir Aurklahd bo given tha beneflt of tho fo licet diselosaxs of- tho views of tho home offleiala baforo bo undertake to oaUblisk formal osa munieatioaa with tho incoming admia iatraiioa ia hia country. 8omc matters which are even aow receiving close St tention by the British authorities H ia understood probably will be made tha subject of express and deSaito last rue, tioas from ths foreign office ia Loa, den, Among these ia tha nreieet ta fraa Americas chips la ths Panama Canst irosa-ioua. The Britiak goveramsnt had bcliovod this snattor iaally, aa4 deSsttely disposed of ia tbo sorry day ex uo wusoa Aamutiatrstioa, out Bom that the Bepublieaa sartr amtfonai ad tk atUraneeo of Presideat-elecl Harding have indicated a rurDooo ts iws now, ths effort to secure suck privilege for Amsriean shlpa. it is regarded as possible that tho British aovorameat win fool called upoa to pfotoat against any such invasion of what h,' baa re- gsfded . as , "aolemsly pledged trsaty rigkta. -.-. - . To Diemas TariaT Bllt Tho pending emerreaer tariff bilL especially in it probable effect . on Canada it is also . understood will bo moBgother oabjscte takes sp,;for3." aa th probable attitad of th Hard ng administration toward the nroDOsed termination of a scare of commercial treaties. Another subject for nsrotistion la tho immediate future ia the re funding or eonvoraion of th British .war debt to America. Lord Chalmers, who. waa about to com to Washington to arrange this with the treasury department here, ha postponed hi visit ia view ef Am. ha ass dor Geddes' absenes from Wash ington, feeling is neeessary, It is said. te bsve the amhaeaador at his aid when vhr negotiation are undertaken. rinsTly, H is believed to bo JrobWe tnitTJiO British premier withe to. ae-i W1EKLT WKATHBR PORBCAST - POB THE SOUTHIKN STATXS Washington, Jan- 15- Weather pre dictions fotUlurWook begiaaias Mi day are: T ' Middle Atlantis 8tates: Unsettled aad toenfik snows first ; part 'wf the week. and generally -fair aad . oonsiderably colder weather thereafter.. 1 Booth Atlantic and Xaat Gulf Ststso Loeal rsias'first part of tbo week ad genkrally fair aad colder thereafter, Beloved High' PeB Wemaa Diss Hiak Psiat, Jsa. 12w roiiowiac aa illness ef. several mentha, Ma-VMary Hay worth, wife of H. O. Haywortk, died lost Bight at ber homo ia this city. Mrs, Haywortk waa S yoar t ago. having been bora la Bailonia, Ireland 0a December 15, 1873. Coming to America more tkaa f) years are at was su cried ia New Tork oa October SO, 101. ter-H. O. Haywwrtk. Tbcy atoved to Higk Point U 1M7, oustsr limself by eonsulutiosrwith tho - ambassador with th exact srat of pt)b lie opinion in America regarding naval programs aad also nsmrdias tha Irish question. ' . QUESTION Or NATAL POLICIES TO BE TAKEN CP WITH GEDDES LoadoB, Jan. 1 The ouestion of the nnwal policies of tko United State sad Great Britain will bo one of the ' rJrrsetpal -- aabject . discussed at .th,' forthcoming confereneos hero between aador to (he Halted etatoc. tha prime minister, David Lloyd George aad JEarl Cnrxoni th foreiga secretary. It was stated in authoritative quarters today. , CLINTON MERCHANT SHOT DEAD IN HIS OWN STORE; Unknown Enters Plce and JUL - ter MaMnf Pnrchase Kills The Proprietor Clinton, Jaa, 15. L. E. Bynorr a 'i - merchant, ben, was shot dead tonight by aa unknown negro who tutored bia store ia the edge ' of : town obout 10 o'clock. Bertus- Herring, a. white man, - nnd a. nogro wore in tko store st hhs - time of the shooting. EnUring tto place witk hia sop pstlod dewa over kkrfaeo, the Bogro . asked for same - article, tbo pries of whiek was 10 coats. Whea,th negro hsnded aver a fasr- - tor, the BBorcknnt ramod ta not tbo - ssaaded. Turning arcaad, Kxyner saw " tbo black, aua roach far kis pocist. As he started ta rcaek for is own gun, Uo negro ahot kirn, dead wiU a ballet Uroogk -od .raa oa, - tko tear, i ''V. '-" .. '"'. Bayner faraserty worked at. saw mill aeas bars, but remtryeTnec! a in tews. Hs was eboat SO years old 'and kas no relatives kers, -The shsriff baa goao to Warsaw to fet bloothenada. ; ' ' . ' ; . . Aaaaal Janasry Plat - Kite. f- ' Parse. Piaehant. Wtdsooy, at S.U P. M. (adv4 -v - ,

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