I NEWS AND 0ISERVEIVRALE1GH, N. C SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 16, 192F. WRVIARIFF BILL 1TI LYAMENDED As Approved By Senate Com mittce Includes Practically -rT"" All Farm Products Walilegtoa, Jan. 15. The Fordaej teaergeaey Uriff bill broadeaej la la siude practically ail aria iirwlaeia la It aad of the limited number of lae mtut wtl.M it ssnri Is iionasr was ppm4 ' . today by lb beaate fluaace comiaittcej ' which vuted to retxirt it to tht HeiiMe Monday tterea amendments wen added to the bill la toJuy'i sesaiua nakiaf a total af taa bteh lae beea tarkeJ on bf the committee. No prerisiuat cf the """rilliit hlfl,-tiowerr, art trmtntS and , rata oa Ihe-anajor products, earned njr ,. . taa House bill, werrl aft iaUrt. Oppoaeiita of tht bill Ja tbe eoi aulttee joined wit ti tha author of aoteadineata and fontd tha acceptance of moot of them, di-aplte opposition f root tha bill's defenders. Thera aw eeeeeU (, H wee aatd the the Democrats ia tba committee, with the , eseeptloa of Hcuatore Nugent of Idaho ad Jones of New Maxim, atood against reporting tha bill. Tha amejndmente . . .. Snail wart midt a pari oMbt meat are. Thara no attempt to change the , life of the bill'i provision! and little debet todk place relatira to whether )a asontba would be a lUlBriently long leriod for application of the law. 8n eral Republican Kenatora, ia abtielpar tioa of argument on, thia phaaa of tha r thai too the permanent tariff bjlJBow SOCIETY Mrs. C. C I ass baa raturaed from Hamlar where eka illanilMI Ike Itinera of liMBuaa ttuodjr. tha Utile eva ot Mr aae) aire, Harmoaa Mawlar. whirfe wae 11.14 Teuratay eftarnoua. rnenda ot Mr. J. K. Kiddle will re grel la leera tkat he la quite III at bia aaeae ua Uleawov eraaue. la Hesse mi Mlae I.lltl. JJ.aa Kara Uulxt ealertalaed y.el.reay atliranva at the home of her uar.nla oa North I'ereoa eireal In i.unor of little Mlaa Aagelia alurneoa. Iug liter or Uovernur taiatroa MoT' riaoa. Ani'ini the Invited guaate were ovrnor alvrrtevn aad Cul. laarlee aw Jfctae. . . www MUe NukH fcatvelalaie. Blisa a.liaai.Li llugnes entertained i.t her hum 04 Hlllauuro etreet Balur iiwy 10 hunor of Mia Alice ulerach. wtaoee marriage 10 Mr. l-outa r. 1 enrich of Waaulngtoa takes laoa In rrWuary The party waa In the oa- lure of aa anaouncament of the forth- aat 4 jauu-raasau . Stmm ameata were git.a pink ribbuna that etreun.d away to hidden plaice mat developed the lol- lving Biinowmoinent; Alice to 1-oula. r ebruary Second Alias ttuihee' gueats ware Misses Alio lilerevh. Ilob.i la Crewe, Hutll Hba.la, ailiaaoeth Rllgure. LKiuiaa Hall, Mmrluo i't kll, Aaatua Knox, laabcl liowen, Mllitrrd Hrlaae. Madae lier nard, Julia I'lraell, kalherine Hua, Thompaon. stfAma attnoket and ITab ilrown. Wareaw. Waraaw. Jan. li The Mlaalonary Hoolety of Hie Motoudlst church enterjainad by Mra. (.'harlea Carroll, whin ii tieia ita rtauiar mwuiiiiy m-ci- 11a; at h-r home on Tueadey afternoon. bualneaa aeaelon waa held at which he neroee of tbe offlcera for the year were read. Theae are: I'realdnt. Mra. h:uaue fcarsall; vice-prealdenl. Mra. .11. . lie'U. anuetary.-trraaurar... Mra. K llutler: rerordlnc a'trretary. Misa :unlc Weal, jiuperlntendent of pub- Inly and prog r ma, Mr. Charlea Car roll, superintendent of youner people'a aeni 01 juniors. ir. M iv. Moore; u- IfJEY FOR RELIff REAL INV E SUNT From Material Standpoint, Good Will of Suffering Coun tries Worthwhile (from North Carolina Ifaadiiuartera, European Itellet i'ounrll, Aberdeen I llr serin the lleee of theae J.jot i ehlldrea not only will we he fulfllline eharllable duty, but we will earnlnaj the everlaatlna gratitude of playing k chkrttahla duty1, bufwa wtH be dlaplaylng real AsnerKanlam and palriotiem of the hlaheat unler II rarnlg the everlaatlna gratitude f Iheee children we will do more to pro mole a spirit ef amity, frlaaitahlp aad peace between their countries and America than all the International grrementa that oould pneelbly be I'ureiy from tna atanapoint or a Busi ness nruDoaltloa It la dlstlnotly to our adtantaas aa a aatloa to save the Uvea of theee ehlldrea. Among theee millions of children a ho are nailing on ua for food aad mining and medical attention In order that they may not perish are tha busi es men of aJurope In the aeit genera tion, le It uitreaaoaable to eappoae 1 bat If we aave thele Uvea we wiu ob tain their laatlng good will? From a cold-blooded standpoint. Isn't their good will very much worth while We In America ronalder "good will" aa a tangible asset to any Itual- a Ktery hualneae. worthy of the native. In America constantly strlvea to icrlt the good will of Its patrona and ... obtain the good will of Ita proapec ih cuatomera. Will not tha good wilt I theae mllllona of children scattered through ftlght Knropean countries be : tanglbtV, valuable and almost price Jus aaael .to tha Corelga -. trade , of Beit bji4 aeceeedlag A ex r Ira la tha aHaretleaaf If thalr good will la deelrehU. la what rauld we hope to aeewre li anyihlag litre (he ease degree that we would utitala It bf taking advaatage ei thta opportually ta eats the Uvea el hose heloleaa ehlldrea We are aaked ta alee III eee.sM with ikii-k m aave tha llse of Iheee 1 lee. aa rhildren. If their load will U vnrth having at all. eertaialy II ta eheap at that prase. nrder that aa Individual charlt able duty an ay be perforated, la erdei to help Ineure eoretal gad peaoeful re lationa aiteeaa Iheee elaht JCureaeaB oountrlea Bad America, and la order build up and etreagthea the foreign trade of America, will yea pot Bend your eoatrtbutloB without farther de lay to Mr. Henry A. I' age, ohalrmaa. Aterdeea, N. Cf l arvloualy aohalwledged. Ml.lll T: reli.f work ere la Avery eoanty aheough .Mr. rraak A. itdrooadaon. iei. II A. seiners, aaoeaeTiua. C c hanford. Mockevuie. lie; joao W-rtL JarTereon. ill: Mr. aao aire 4. . floraer. Oaford. Ilet womea of the Mr, klanhurg Council of Defease. Char lotte. I( ? He from each of tha fol lowing: John . Koyater. rieaaereea; Miea lrroa Ayrea. mwiaaa, N-mnMrtaAn hi ina . ar. r . w I wlnn Wtrrealeif Mtt, '.'ai'rieOT aimone. naieigai iae --,,-----chapter. D. A. It, lUlelgh; Aberdeen Chanel Sunday aehool. Moke eoantyi ilatlia. nuiaooro; a. ' somen, raew of the fol- Eerp, Bfouat Thomaavlllai Ir. L. P. t-aatle. M 'rom each lowing: Mlea Cora Airy; Mra J. M. rulioev, Alfonso Mltchal. Faquar Bprlngai J. K. Baaaumg. t UQuay Springs; l-enny tet; tributlona Children 01 uray "'. Ashe county. Mi a friend, e lamps. Ie. Young Meaa C'laea ir -church. Charlotte. IHi Iurlnburg Methodist Sunday aehool. lilt: Lateral Hill J'resbytsrlan hunday aehool, hear .(inkiir, nea at! Loulsburg M. K. Sondar aehool. Il; Baatera) ftar of Charlotte (additional) through Mra. W. . tigburn, chairman. le; first Pree byterlen church. Waahlngtoa, Mlea Lil lian J Halle, Beaufort J--1', '.' man. Ill IT; People of UUeeilla through Mlsa Margaret Bailey. Ill.ll: ArehlkeM MeOe key Clrwls. Charlotte, ei Triaity aedey aeaewl, aseUeM Keeh. li Meaeerv Kawey Page, A bar deea, 111 frtejats. Hrwedway. lid; H. K. alrr a at. Wlaetoa-aaleoa. I lei Mra Ndle M Patrick, Beutkaea piaee, lit; Mr. aaa Mra. Htfeeea i.lera. wu nintloa. IS; lira. M - KeeBce. Hal algh, lit: Oedfrey Cheshire, Maleigh, it, fVomea a Missionary hoc late. Moaal Ollesd. II le, Mrs. A. A. Aras atreng, Oaeloata. It; Mrs M. BetL Ra leigh, III Mlea raaaie La WbUlay. R. P. U w, Charlotte, l Csatrlhutleaa seal etlreet to Euro. peaa Relief Coasell, New lark City: pTBSbs-tertsa ehereh, HllasBeeheeerak lit II; ioutkera plsea Olrl aoouta. through Holes Rugflee. I II I II. D. rigat. worth Carolina Stale College, eat Raleigh, lit: Mrs. J. Hlack. Mstlsews, lit) Oare K. Nova, Mas. Ireet, lt: Eighth Orade Heenminawsy sarough miss Meaa. M. Tatea. it, total n.na.M, Jslls Ankar, Margaret Aaglia, ViBla, Alias, May Irwla, Bees Hub) sad Maria Dr easier are ameag the ataay Caaa4Uaa wit hart wea sueeesa ise Aassrlesa aeags. - . .. DECLINE IN COSTS FOR FOUR. MONTHS t Cos li seed frees Peas Oss Philadelphia- Ctaciaiati, V Orleaat. Pwrtlavad. Oregea, aad Kocheater, N. V- aad aeaalUr plaoea. Praetlcally ao deeresaea is earfarea were resoned. Oe easlSBalle, aeeepapere advaaeed their prieee. Caarch aad ergs alaat 10a badgels were ta crossed. Notable de ereaees wars reported la tht coat ef furniture, heuee faraishlagv gad np-ptkra.' Liquor Traffic May Require Formation of State Police ' fTatlaaeeT Trsea rg tre ties thai savt eapable leaden art araid ha laka a aUad for fear of eer- ioaa dsuge, ssais beiag afraid that they weald be killed aad albert that their property would be destroyed. latest lsere as ssses way prseide4 ts orgaaJe th prohibjtiea ftrres of North Ca retina lata more tfficsasl serklag ergemaatioa tba laar-sidiag (illaeaa af this Hiate sifl ItM saafl- -deaee ia the officers: we art helpless, Orgaaiutiea af a erstraUasd pel lea force by the fttatt, aaedrled after the well kaowa IVaaaylvgaia Ceaetabulary ay stew, baa bees dieeuseed, aot saly to wage war upoa the siakera of liquor bat fol the policing- of tba 8tate'i gee. orally. The eoaaty aait af polUa ad mlaiet ratios ia boeoaalag aatiqated, aa ese Beeeabet aipreaaea it, aad to M-. atrkted to properly eaforce tha law. Local iaflutaoea art also mofal4 , aa'aa Important factor ia combatting tht manufacture of Hqser. Isttaassi . have brca riled af which the eoaaty af- finm -hart bees alow take- astisa ea, ajrainst kaowa violstora beeaaaa af their politirat tariueace, aaa ia otaera where the distiller uses intlmldatioa to krp dowh'opposttloa to tba traffla. It la believed that a eentraliwd fores should be very much leaa aeaaltlvt to eesditlesa ol this sort. . e . . . VlltlJilllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllillllllUlM I "Just a Uttle Difrerent" "Just a Little Better axd means eommittet woold be whip ped Into shape before tht einiration Ftoee 1111 1 waa present aa a guest. Aa slated by hire. Claud Ileal, the hostess jape nerort the eipiratlon I slated by hire. laudn Heat, the hostess tlieir It automatically re-I Wilson entertained -with a en o'clock f ter would - - pealed. Actios of tht Senate committee accepting today an amendment to tli tariff bill which would provide pro tecMon for long staple cotton down to 1 11 Inches ia length, it was explain ad tonight, meant elaeare of long Staple coll uti would be accorded p lection, Lplnuil lung staple cotto woald thereby Ik aeciflcally Included meaaing the vUition of thousand of halea of rolton annually to pro taction. Amendments accepted today included s Hugar, S2.M per hundred pounds n til tbt retail prices reaches 10 cents t pound. Proxea meats ef all kinds, 3 aentt pound, all other meats 25 per rent ad "valorem. ' '. Applet, 20 eenti a box, cherries seats a pound. Tobacco. Sumatra wrappers and fill art, I2.S5 per pound, stemmed Sumatra 13.00 ear pound Butter and cheest and their tubetl tatet 8 eenta a pound Instead of I rents, provided In is amendment adopt td yesterday. Tbt length of long staple eotton oa which tha tariff wlli be. effective wat rt duced from 13 S inches to 1 18 inched, -the duty remaining at T eentt a pound . u the bill passed tht Mouse. Cattle and sheen to be need for breed 'Inf purpoaet wtrt eiempted from tht utr on Imported animait. Rice to bo need in mannfacture of 'eanned eoods w.t exempted from tht 'tariff of 2 cents a pound levied ia the Route bill. Attempts of tertral opponentt of tht bill to load it down With amendments dealing with txtraneoua tuhjectt wort ' -unsuree asful. Members of tht commitee, hnaraver. aald ther understood it wat " the plan' of tome Benatort to rtlntro .dues their amendment when the meet' urt wat trfVen u. Jn the Senate, Amona those which the commitete re futed to accept were tha bill recodify1 " mlttet draft bf tha prbl6k4 .new ia Mlgratioa laws. Tht bill will ba reported 'Ma tht form it It' to be defeated,' said Sen ator Smoot, Bepubliean,TJtaa. Ie Wonder. London Anrwers. v Tha old maa wat applying at the eye aoenltal for tomt ipectaeloa and the j doctor waa making a teat of hit eyes. A card was fixed oa tht wall a lit ' tit distance away from where the old ans -w uHUag - and the doc tor aaa klmi , " "Cfcff ba'iltnalmy maaf ' e-aal-ih. sW -aiaav "I aaa't." Tha doctor told him to go nearer. "Oat you road that, my man!" Agaia tha old maa replied, "No tlr.' Tha doctor angrily pulled him for ward till bia nost almott touched the placard. Well, s yon read H mowf " ' "No, er,', said tht old mn, sadly, rhakiBg hia head. - "Ton ass j tlr tret Isara't to readf dinner Thursday evening of laat week. Cuvere were laid for ten, and a tempt ing menu of four courace waa aerved. Tha guests Included Meedamea C. 1.. Holt, Loa Angeles, Cal , Wlll,Hryan and Daughter, Huth Npleer of Pnlk atnne; Miss Klls Williams, and Miss Mankle Noble. Mlaa tlla Williams gaa a delight ful dlni.cr party Friday evening In honor vf her brother, John Willi. mi and his brlda. who ware recently m...i , rl.d. tha lallar having baan Mlaa Kl Csry Whltaker of Florence, 8. C A number of friends of tha family present, and a aumptuoua repeal aerveu. To War Corporation Ready Carry Out Its Function (Coatlaaed from Pago One) Federal reserve bank of tht district ia which the border it located. "You will aoto from the act that tht advances mutt be made to a person. firm, or corporation or association I engaged in tht business of oxporting or to a banking company which makes advancea to such persona, or firm engaged i atht bnainest of exporting. The corporation cannot make loant to producers at such. It it further eon- temp late d that ia tht east of tha ex porter he shall bo unable to obtain funds upon reasonable terms through, banking ebannelt and that there ehaU have been a contract made la which a price it ttipulated. There it a further provision of law that any advance ahall be made upon the promissory aott or I notes or tbe borrower with full and adeqaate security ia each instance by I endorsement, guaranty or otherwise. 1 ..n X J V:, - -1) Every Suit and Overcoat a a S 5 -ci- In the House Sour Stomach Mi-0-N Puts th Stomach in! r in &hap in riv Minutes If your stomach it continually kick ing op a disturbance; if you feel the federal jawv tke-, recliiBistlpn ) cfarted i.d d lul immi 1 1f wr twleli mi bill, the Soldlert' boime, and the eom-iand ,, fofKj jnt0 tB9 mouth, then you neea mi u nm ntomach Tablets. Mi O Na Stomach Tablets girt In stant relief, of eourte, but they do more; they stop the poisonous gases. They ttop the exceaa fermentation of food and thoroughly clean, renovate and strengthen the stomach to that it baa readily digest food without artificial aid. Ml u si Btomseh Tablets are guar- anteea to tna tnaigeetioa, acuta or chronic, or money back Thia means that nervousness, Dizziness and bil- Icy and druggists everywhere tell Mm n Nn -fAdr ) ''ssssTsaaitjil sro inTslbi'rBlt,tm.'' Mars. . Miiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii In order that all of our eostomert : may benefit by ' the extremely low prices, " )btainineT 33 DISCOUNT On all of our good, we - are continuihtr Ltht dis . count through thia next - Week. :.. . T Jfotr-Il find MANY NECES SARY THINGS FOR .J.;.. BABY; MANXBEAUTK FUL ' THINGS FOR THE ..HOME. , - i THE GIFT SHOP Keeea IM Waessile Teeapto aUUICatKC, . . y K"rr"!i::H!mHiinimiiHiiiimi HEAR Schumann-Heink AUDITORIUM ' January 17 Anxi then come tdoMxisic Department and let us prove how faithfully the Victrola interprets this great Contralto's voice. You'll Want Two pr More of These Schu- - - ' " T mann-Hejnk Records. St -Lit a ' Think of It Fashion' Park t - - . . Clothes At These Prices ' in $40.00 Valued now ... $20.00 $45.0aValues now . ... $22.50 $50.00 Values now t.;. t3 ;t lit e s s ."eJ aQ t) f srf a 51 .$25.00 $55.00 Values now .$27.50 $60.00 Values ndw $65.00 Values' now' $70.00 Values now $75.00 Values now t i " $30.00 .$32.50 $35.00 $37.50 $80.00 Values now 1 4 .;. . .,.,.t.,. $40.00 a 33 13 OFF on all WINTER UNDIWEsW 7 a, KING & HOLDING II "Clothiers Haberdashers Hatters I mom II I tMmmoMmmt ii Eada Catarrii or taoory bock, fast it in.. Outfit tnciades taliaier. MauarBgpaxa. mm by " i awam mm wmmmmmM -'"TV Vc Ifcunderdothes In oroper tvte- yqashoaldqwcus We lasadsr tletaet la proper style, i rreta tha 8as ta tha ireaiag hosH they fees, tha, atteatioa af expart tmaaary folks. Ask at ta call for year wars, A.k Ua Dads abvat taa pbllts sttestiea wa pay ts ..Js4-swBV aaeV ' aewat seu. presipt iib'trj. " r. .-- y . tooK fob sctm eV Dtma Capital G.ty Sundry rVesaa U ' OSes, IWH W. alartia8t' - Waat. lajeiat tl." ' " 88416 Agnus Dei (Lamb . trf Gbd). 88548 Before) tht) Cruci- fix.. , 88336 Cry of Rachel 88892 Danny Boy. 88118 Hit Lullaby. ; 88139-1 und me. Bua (I iero invisible. 88547 LoreleL j,88oiMirion; 88280 Goodbye (Tostt), 88620 Old folks at ' homo.. j - 88187 Prophet Ah, mon fils. v 88095 Prophet e Prison Seen Part 2. 88417 Samson and Daia. 88I9I St Paul BuC the -7- - - fjord - b itdndfnh His own. t 88138 Stillo Nachtv 88550 Das Erkennen. 87094 A child's prayer. 87286Cradle. Spnf . : and by.' 87298 Onward C h r i at ian Soldier. 87288 Thy beaming eyes. " 87021 TVeue Uabe, 87295 When too boya; cone bono. 8712& When the roses bloom."' 1 87320 Th Homo Road., ' ' s ' ...... - S 87221. -The Rosary. - j --Conie Monday. Too Late, After She Sin.? Will Be JIusie Dipt RA1XIG1I, rt c Low Prices Reflecting the Trend of Greater Values. - jr Radically R ed u c d Prices to the Lowest Level of ihe Year. UnmecedentidPrice Have Been Made On the Remaining Superb Winter :: m. 11 TT'T T TO' LSttits, Coats, Dre sses, Furs, Middy Suits and Millinery HaV Taken Final Pluafa To Still Lower Our buyer hu been in the New York fashion centers for tha put tea days, and from the reports w. are nceivliur oar entrancln.T Sprinjr displays will soon b here in a bawitchinf array at incomparable low - trices.. . : , : ar SJ r With the elaborate preparations we are malcmf: for Sprlof's new arrivals our fall stocks must bo diaposted , early inspection Monday of the many -super-values offered.' .-' . . . . , , . .. .. , ! x. . - . Charming New V Spring HATS Depicting" the New Style tendencies for early Spring wear unusually c ti c creations in r - Flowered : iTnrluirin FeaUieredf HaU r Satin Turbans Satin and straw combine.- jyonstat-.,attracthrt,.low. pnees found only at Ellis'.