i rUK WEA THEM Ketth Caratlaart MwJti d Tet-asy, mas ewtOti eetd wet. ' f Me 11 e ws': ana VOL. CXIII. NO. 17. EIGHT PACES TODAY RALE1CH. N. C. MONDAY MORNING. JANUARY J 7. 1921 EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRICE: FIVE CENTS 01b WATCH LABEL r'nB? jrwwi fNfnl nr bsfars ens) eia MM tBl MM. , ' FORDNEY TARIFF BILL DOOMED FOR MARINE WHOSE TITLE TO HAREM IS DOUBTED ENTIRE FAMILY OF r DEFEAT IN SENATE v So Loaded With Amendments and "Riders' That Repub licans Have Little flope SENATOR SMOOT SAYS"" ITS DUE TO BE BEATEN .Destined To Go Down aa An- . -other of Unfulfilled From. ises of the Republican Con. frtii; Hearing! B f o r Homo Committee Oa Tariff larf elyatfe'r of Torm fil" -r..-4. -.-- r Tbs Ktw tad Observer Bureau, -- - ees District National Bin Bldf. By JOI U BAKBR. (Br SeUl Leased Wire.) Washington, Jan. 16. At least 'two - tmpcmtrl matters will b considered la Coarreaa this wek. Ia tb Senate, the Inm ia ana Congressional mmm a -K.W.' m,y' - llraa'TT&ir-la'tfWSri word to aall it op Tuesday B'fsw dajra ug ha would do. Th Fordaiy tariff bill appear just now to ba ' doomed to defeat. It hss beea ao loaded dowa with amsadment ad "riderr'A that tka Republican laid era who hare been apoaaorint it ara about ready to concede ita defeat, Th bill wm voted out by the Senate finance eommittee Saturday, aad will bo re ported to the Senate Moaday. Tha bill will bo reported "ia the foi ft la to bo defeated," aaid Beaator 8 moot, of Utah, a member of the flaaaee ooBimittee, Saturday sight, adding that 'about everything anybody asked (or to putJa, -Jo doubt iome or we umendments tacked oa were offered la good faith, bat a lot of them were luai oa with the hope that they wtrold help to o overload tho bill that it would . be unable to master enough vote to get through. Republican advocate of the bill are entirely dissatisfied witn tne work thenat annate committee haa been doing oa tho bill, nevertheless will make every effort they eaa muster to get it passed. . Jlaotfcw UaiaUlkd If tho bill ahould fail, it will bo Jut another Republican promiao unfulfilled, For nearly two year a"ow, President Wilson, has boea asking tbst the ann ineaunliciea. resulting chiefly from altered conditio na because of tho war, bo corrected, bat although tho K pub lic ne have aow boea ia pewef la Con . grea nearly two years, Bot wnta the 'Fordney UU wm introduced a iui eee iiea waa any effort mad to correct tbeao tors iuequalitieo aad injustice, aad sow that effort appear about to prove abortive. Not that the Jroraaey bill would do very much ia a corrective way rather would it aervo to inereaee the number of inequalities and iaeon. aiateaeiea ia tho tariff law but that party at least would bo ia position to take eredit to itself for having done eomething.-for having at least tried. Originally advertised as a sort of re lief measure, chiefly for the farmers, tho bill he beer so amended aad naaea -to thai It aut only nun'l acno-thgvflrr mini interests, but it will make eondi tioas even worse thaa they already are fer-ether lateroetii aad it won't" aatwfy Ihe country at all. FIVE KILLED BY UNKNOWN PERSON Bighams Long Prominent In South Carolina Social and Political Life SHOOTINGS OCCURRED SATURDAY AFTERNOON No Witneee Apparently Left Be hind To Oire Any Acoonnt of .. . Tragedy; . Brother of Cdor Bifham and Hie family 0it DriTinr at tho Time; Jury Holdina; An Inqneet, Pampliro, 8. C, Jan. 10. Discovery today of the bodira of two other men bera of the Bigham family revealed that the entire family, living about feur -e ilea from -Tamli, wee wtrel- out some time Saturday afternoon, a HIGHWAY MEASURE TO GET UNDER WAY BYMIDDLFOFWEEK t, ." want the harem (Mrs. McUIaia saya ao top); hut b wants the throa "T1'- Ti Mariae-Whea the-latter did the ruler"of tha ..l.u.l a goenTtara back In 1900 sday, a ho said WBile om dut u th, philippiwd Bcceatlv Ihe-old Sultan died nd it w.. liaeovered that he. had left M harem, throns, etc, to-hU adopted soa, who aaa long ainee loruaea muuary lire. V r - - Union Labor to Take Up Attacks Being Made on Trade Unions Representatives of Over Hun dred National and Interna- Ltionaf UnionsTo Meet CONFERENCE CALLED TO MEET IN WASHINGTON American federation of Labor To formulate , Plan for Offensire Morepent Washington, Jajia-Bapreeeatahivee of the 109 National aad international union affiliated with the Amerieaa Fede' ration of Labor have beea called , to meet U Washingtou February 23, "for th purpose of eeaJidoriBg attack now beiag aude oa tho trad aaioa ntovo teat aeeordinj; ioaanowaeemeatta- day by rranlt "Morrison, oecreUry of tit federaOoa. Th call . foe tb meeting waa aeae wutby Samuel Oompera,-Fede- ratio prostdeat. , Secretary aforrisoa, said that the forthcoming -conferenee ''is one of sev eral eimllar gatherings that bare been called by the American Federation of Labor during it history He -..consider unasoal conditions." Ia explaining fur ther the intenCoa of organized labor to give attention to attacks oa trade CLINTON KILLING REMAINS MYSTERY If tho bill is defeated in the Senate, "These attacks include attempt ' to est Din a tne anti-unioa shop, wsge r duetions, anti-rtrike Jaws,. '.compulsory arbitration, labor injunctions, and publicity that would mold the public !,. will Mlu tha nn.tinn"nf whether o xcpt mos. uacawara aieps. the Beonblican will attempt to pa. . X behove labor will formulate a plan another "emergeBcy" act in the sew expote tuo pretense or men who are Conareaa. which Preaident-eleet Hard- P"1 "tereatod im cheap labor and a i. i. .n.i into. ': I eontinuanco of their rroBteenng policy .k.i. i.. -l. i.t mat. The trade nniea movement is alert to puwi aaa kct aijssof waw) f" - . II ter rock along a they are now natil force againri it and propoaea to actf1 tho new general tariff bill ia ready, vigorouaiy and courageoualy. Our op That will be a questioa for the Bepub- ponenU are mistaken if they imagine li.aa laaara in ha next Conarreaa to da- they have mad the alighteat progrcas termlne after Concrets ia convened, in alarming the worker pr ttatjheyl. -irina jorttterin boti nouses wiirMTin BttmDiy, accept a policy of . reac- aa lanra that the eaa reintrodue tne I uon. - ." Fordney bill aad shoot U through with Tho proposed conference will eoa - very littles delay, if they are ao minded, I aider the publicity and other.. method : nd la th meantime' eontinue with the I of our oppontnts and it is quit possible i general revision V the tariff laws, a mat laoor win uunen an oaensive ' , will be done anyway, and for which movement against those who , imagine , . purpose bearing are bow being eon- they-- control practically every aveau ducted by the way and mean commit- of publicity." ... s ' ,1-, . - Rnm Tim. Imtriiin - r . .1 '1 nr J!-4" W" tot " h?l'; THREE PRISONERS SHOT They will b continued up to the eve I IN AN EFFORT TO ESCAPE of th end of thia Coagreaa. While ther I r.. .j Coroner!$ Inquest Fails To Fur- ' nish Any Clue To Slayer of Lewis Ramey , Clintoa Jan... 1. The sJayet of Levis E. Barney has not been captnred. A yoang bloodhound waa aecured from Warsaw last alght. -Jt took up the ehas and followed it to the road eon- traetioa camp on th Dana Clintoa highway, about,' thro mDe from the scene of the murdst an4 Jlysr stopped. r Herring and Ashford, th. we young men,, who 'aw tb klHing, failed to identify' any of (he doxea : aegreea of the camp as th murderer, and it is thought. probably the gunman weat to the camp to -.throw suspicion In that direction. . - A large crowd attended the coroner's Inquest today in the courthouse when the camp - people were examined. One Uetta, -a colored man, who was met coming; from the direction of the. Mragedy 20 minute after the killing, issJKld in custody. He" says ha wna toning from a visit to a hajn beyond tbo scene, of the killing. .Contradiction of his alibi was discovered at the in quest 'today, but Ashford, th colored mB.who knowa Metts, say h ia not the man, The people are quiet, but If the right man were found there! would be trouble. Barney wa burjed at the Joaiah'Baggett plaee in upper part of the country thia afternoon. He waa taken from aa orphanage by th late MnBaggett' ndTWTfd.T'',""T""" Messrs. Ira and E. B. Baggett Cam down thi' morning and' took charae of , funeral ; arrangement. ' Barney's birthplace is not known nor anything of surviving relatives if any. He waa a good "man. He, had never fully re covered from an. injury received from aa explosion of , a boiler at a' sawmill last' jmmmeT.V";""' "r"" " : . . . .. . I' '. ii,.Al.:. styled the Ii 8. Bighsm, 64 years of age, ahot through the head and her Senator Varser and Repre sentative Doughton Slated To Lead Fight APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCE ACTS LATER first Two Daya of Week Like ly To See Some Disposition of lavestifatioae and Aboli tion ; Dearth of Lefielation Section': Ontttandint; feat. ore Thui far It appear about to be Road Week in th General Atnembly. The riark son Highway bill will likely get a atw an befer the middle ef tk wark arrtves.- aad very Hkety it -will -be ham home, nsr well; her dsughter, I ,gi,.tioI1( it wpu Mr. Marions Black, Bo, was found I lying in a pool of blood la her. room on the second floor of the home with s ballet hjle in he head; Mrs. Blaek'al adopted son, nine years of agr, e Varser Dnughtoa Bill. We-J Its presentation to tha Igiilsture, and with sentiment prsrtiraHy na- PREMIER BRIAND FORMS A NEW FRENCH CABINET former f rime Minister Ayistide Briaad Succeeds in His Undertaking - i'afM, lam. M, Hr tae Aasocmted I'rrss.) Ariti.!e Hrisud, formerly rrrara prime mini. ter, uecelrd tu Jay la the tail uadrrtakra by him yet tcrday to form a rabiart ia surrestion to the Ministry of premier Lrygues, whleh resigned lait Wrdaetday Besides the premiership, M. Briand takes tks misirtry of farriga affairs La taartkaai beeemee mntrvwr nf war aad i'aul Ioumrr, miaiater of flnaae. Hhortly before o'clock tonight M. Briaad presented the official cabinet liat to I'resMfeat, Millerand. The ministry is made up aa follows: Premier sad Minister of Foreign Af fairs, A rut id Briaad. . Minister of JiuMm; M. naaay.- Interior, 1'ierrs Marrsud. Wsr, Louis Marthou. liariaf, Uabrtrl tiuisthsu. Fiaaaee, l'aul loumer. Public Iastrnetion, Victor Berard. Agriculture. Kdmpad Lrfebvre Prey. Comsaeree, Luriea Dior. Ibor, Daniel Virent. reasiona, Andre Magiaot. Publie Works, Yvee m Trequer. liberated Regiosni Lai Lovcheur. Du mmmm 53 MILLION LESS FOR 58 MILLION T MOEOF DBACCO Final Figures On 1920 Tobacco Crop Show Gain in Production ENTIRE COUNTRY GETS QUARTER BILLION LESS Bnt at That North Carolina jT armers Get Better rioes 'Than the Country's Arerafe';" State Produces fourth of ITatioa's Tobacco ; W i 1 a o n Again Leads World in Sales id a,T.r th.t iEt f f tnTT "OfiTsBi FST"1" nay be eipectaJ. f -SSfc.l1 11. 1 1 W ,Tou.,y low found near the back of the house, his forehead having been pierced by a bullet at close range: Mrs. Black's other adopted aon, five, years of age, evidently tried to escape from hia as sailant for be was found near a fence Isfrative purposes. early, ratification may be eipeeted Divorced as it is from the ordinary provisions of ths Revenue and Ma ehlnery art, and the Appropriations Bill, the road measure will not of ae eessity have to wait until these matters have been worked out before it eaa be passed. The road bill earries ita own sources of supply, and depends little upoaxthe rrgulsr inrome collected I I- aited State bearing the names of ny the mate and expeaded lor admia- ' resiaeai nusnn, m. ti. Tart, l sr President Wilson . and Other Prominent Men Oppose Anti Semitic Propaganda Beaaiagton, Vt- Jan. 18. A protect agaiaat anti Hemitie firopagsnda in the Roatiae Bill Later Oa. These two other Measure, having o da with providing tha machinery. assessing aad collecting taxes, aad the distribution of the income among the various departments which are main tained by the State are yet f the t nrmt tfa attmavaaai anrl will ant kst1w th house lying in an obscure spot t to h floor of ,h. H(mie ef g. surrounded by tushes, with a wound . f . . - nulhlv th. in the back yr.rd with a bullet wtrynd in hia head. He died 'about 8 o'clock J (his morning. Tne Tody "of the other! member of the fsmily, U S. Bigham, I 40 years of age, aon of Mrs. U 8. Big- ha, waa found today about 11 o'clock in the woods about one-half mile from in hi right temple. His hind waa bold ing a revolver, in which there were two bullets. Aa inquest i being held but the re port of tk Jary- haa wot been-received. The- family had long been prominent in this section of the Stare, the father having been a member of both branches of the South Carolina General Assembly and at one time wa a candidate for Congress. ate before next week, or possibly the week after. The Appropriation Bill is being drawn by Attorney General James 8 dinal O'Connell, aad 116 other widely known men. and women of Christinn faith, wa made publie hers tonight by J oil a Epsrg J. Socialist nrilci. It ex. horta particularly those who are "mold- era of publia opinion th clergy and misters of all Christian churches, publieiata, teachers, editors and states mento atrike r this un-American and un Christian agitation." TV regret exceedingly, the protest id. "the publication of a number oaJ books, pamphlet and newspaper articles designed to roster distrust and suspicion Manning, with, th report of tho 8U4I of out ieltow,ita -of -i an- eestry and faith-distrust aad suspicion of their loyalty and their patriotism, A atw aad dangeroua spirit, it a sorted, I being injected into the Na. tional political Kfe by theae publira tiona, challenging aad menacing .Amer ieaa sitisensblp and Amerieaa democ racy. . Me aad women of Jewish SaitaJ it declared should ao bo required aion to -fight thi oviL but that U ia in very spseial sens th data- of eitlseai Budget Commission for its basis. The Revenue aad Machinery act has not got that far along as yet, but at the proper time, the State Tax Commission, with the finance and Appropriation Committe head of both House' and f n n;i,.m t.rnit,. ha Bennt win, save on la ream maa aad hia family, consisting ot his T0f tomorrow wm Uaoly tea wifa -aad two-Thilirrm, had Wntty "" measarss moved- to South Carolina from GflorgU propoMd for theinvesU- ... . I MtlAN m hAlilnsi aae laltiat A r Aiapanw and were occupying rooms - wbo ... kot iawl k. .actrr and la tha horn.. Th. war. ont drivtns- partment. Th Senat baa ob it band T" .r' fr. lrae,uT ,H n ana aaama In liava wltnaasad th" Inqniry WtO tho conduct or tft hooting. B. B. Bigham, returning Arcnuecta anairsr-anu me aouso ahmit 3 nV nek ia tha afrarnnnn. wall mcaur to ooiin mtl aiwfinr. the first on tho scene and with tho a- Bot h matter ars expected to be iatanea nf a nnl mail carrier, carried brought to a head tomorrow. Both sr th. knnv nf Mrs Riffham Intn tha hnna. now resting on the knees of commit tcea, nnu is is unurrscvou idii rrturia are about ready. , Legislation Scarce. The outstanding- feature of the Gen eral Assembly thus far i the fact that WARDING WORKS faith.' To Mr. Bpargo request for his sp proval of tho protest. President Wil eon wrote: "I hsve your letter of December- 22 and I am heartily in sympathy with the protest against the anti 8emitie movement. I big that you will add my name to the signatures. President -elect Hardin, in a letter made publia by lfr. Spargo declared hia ex Holds Long Conference With Harry Daughterly and To . See Will Hays Today Marlon, O., Jan. 18. Although Presl- upon in 11 days, dent-etoet Harding will hold only a few On no day haa the auribr-r of new more conferences Tieror he : leave I Mils exceeded a dozen, and riday and Marion lor ni rjoutnern - vaeauon trip, Saturday, when there Is usually a flood his callers will include som or tne loading figurei in hi party. tie began the ween today witn a long ioitfuiMtroanrm of Columbus, generally regarded as a i.-, i.i.i;. Amwm k... .i.... disapproval of anti Semitism but paasaand las than 100 hills beca I PMKd dcsJr .. tojvold J!atin .A presented. -Thi situation ia entirely f-" j ;'" . 7. iL v without nreeedent ia th. historv of the SeereUry of 'State Colby sent hi i..ui.i.... w... . ,k. M approval by cable from South America half" h,.r of th. flrsl d.r'a seasfon' saw Otber 'whw signed Wer-eertary or im hill, .f.rt.rf In tho Hnn.. alone, and War Baker, Secretary of Agriculture nearly half that m.ny in the Senate. Me"'liB. former Secretariea of State In the .pccUl session, called mainly -T S!!':"1 for the cons.dcration of taxation, over "-f "-' " " ' ' 500 measure wer presented and pasaed ro,r " " 1 W. Wickerham. Several college president! snd ehurch men are oa tho list. ' AMERICAN WOMAN HELD : QN SWINDLING CHARGE Under Pretext of , Orp;anixinp- a.d me... committee, lt will aot .be rly today wh.rr 22 of at- tirrfHirnht change in the personnel of tha way "atM of th municipal farm were, ahot neeeetaiT to have further bearing, and Itemptee to cscsm, from . dartnitpry JM, tne new eommtne will taie na mior-i mu-u nr.. ii ui ia jnen, joaa maUon gained at Jh bearing now be- noinrocs, slmiu, uaianoma, aad Alvia ing "ondtrted-whkh will b priirtod-i- CannoWi of Oklahoma Oty, Okla are la and writ .U bill. a ospiul aa th result of injuries, Bearings Matter of For The men said the plana for a escape Aa a matter ef fset. the hearing bad been Completed tw. day ago. Th area't going to taflueaeo th eommit-1 bar oa a window were cawed and the 'tee majority vary maeh any way. Chair man Fordney will do most of th "writ- ing oa th new bill, aad ba bait go- -ing to. be in financed a great deal by , what bo hears at the hearings. Hi miad ' ;.;'. is already snad np' to writ a tariff - . law ia tha next Congress who rate - will b Just as high a b eaa make them, and get away with it, aad that' : what ' hr will do. Ther isn't a doubt that tha tha ifnaavaaa. atitafT 'through the nstrnmeatality of Chair--V bub rordneyv will erect a tariff wall - aroaad the econtry that will auk tb eld PayaelAldrieb tariff look. like a - piker. Ita rate are going U be a good deal higher, even, thaa thoee' contained in th Dingley act. which act aawth highest duty rate th eon a try haa ever kacsaa. Host of the auaefactarer who mea 'hsd climbed out on a roof pre pantory. to (tiding down oa sheet tie j together when discovered by th guards. '. Un-or Jiothroeka injuries .waa ' the result ef a Jump to th grooad' which was fifty feet' below the rootyll .was snot in tne Dacx nd arms -with back shot.'' . Caaaea - suffered daageroos ': in juries In th -abdomen and leg, accord lag to a statement from. Us hospital. WILMINGTON ASKS FOR MAINTEHANtEjOF. RATE vVUsttlngtoB.'JaB. l--Th ;Wilsiing ton Chamber -of . Commerce . recea try adopted reaolutions'askiag'a stalaaeal el the attitude ef the executives of the railroads ef the South toward the ro- rave been before the Fordney commit-1 ported effort- ef. Eastera .Trunk lines 4ea an. to thia tlais' have naked ntaa I to have- eaaeeJIed 1be' eowirrtrtiva- r- -tbat are anywhere front 1C to 1,000 pert -pertfrelghr rales granted 8onta"-JkU rent higher than these contained u iiaaua pons ny-tse railroad adniiaw- Ih Peys AMriah- Uwr jdiosa-lhf trstion knd the spssiaJ asd aad " ryappatheti " they have had fTora tprrd by the iatcs commerce Chairman Fordney and hi BepnblicaB I rommiasioa, aad htl Sowth AtUntie and protectionist, en the eommittee. ther I Pft eommefclal bodies were eall- wili get 'moat everything they ask. A 14 n to take simibr action. It I - fellsw.wh cam before th eommittee elared that tt t both tb ssorsl aad A Mfc. ejtbst vs4ikU4a tj54-.sJ m i"ty jill ftysOiara. tnU- t en Uon ef -th Underwood low. rate I y systeau to defend these eompeta get "ittle sympathy from the eomntit-J tiv tntee whereby Sonthern ports are - - ' . - , I placed em parity witk KorU atlaatk ivoamanssa m rage ivsj , . jorla. rT. " prospective cabinet member, and to morrow will see Will H. Hays, th Re publican National chairman, and for mer Governor Frank' O. Lowden, of Illinois, who wa one of the three big candidate for th presidential nomina tion at th Chicago- convention. , Mr. Hays-i also- ejpeeted to reeelv appointment to the-cabinet and Mr. Lowden' nam haa need associated In gossip here with "ssveral high posi tioas underth coining administration.. .... .. Ths -President-erect 1 known to J?e fusion that th former Governor on ter th ' government service in some eapseity,. and bft.bat. been.. mentioned most frequently as: a -likely choice for one of th more important ambassador' of minor local legislation, there was barely a trickle. Most member have nothing lornllyvto oflcr. ami the nnmhw of Statewide bill i going to bo rela tively maii. The paasag of so many SeTefal Members of Alabama lan BSWSUsial matiaajita sinf tha I MILITIAMEN CONFESSES TO AIDING IN LYNCHING : Duty, free Licenses" l m n.;...:-. i!.i:,.,-.J ship. ' BerMarJsn. le.-'Aa American womaa The exact date for Mr. Harding' d and two alleged .-, aeenmpfaee in a partur for hi vaestioa ia Florida fa swindling operation have been arretted I apt been d!Vulged here, but" it ia here.- Th woman s maiden nam U I knnwn that ha will La within tha said iy in police to have been; Virginia I rext few day.' pi hesdqusrtcrs do-FairfaaV- They' assert that she married eJined tonlirht to' affirm, or danv tha a -German named MolL who died a year announcement mad 1a Mia ma, Florida, ago. .asr.-.aiOU tf declared . to have I that ha wanld start Bonth next Thar. eomev to .'Germany sine year ago aad Idsv. It ia aaderstood, however,. thst he ea tauu. urn na resided here. I will not go immediately to Misia. but in woman una ner aeeOmDUce. ae. I that hia house boat trio will ban-in at eoraiag i in ponce, nader th pretext fa point further north, of, organizing a food rlUef bareaujwith I Mrs. Harding, who 'bad planned to u aia or American runds. -a Tear are I leav Marioa la advaaea ef tha Freai ueeeeded in obtairring duty free import dent-elect aad to apead om time ia licenses for. more, than 100 carload ef Washiagtoa and. New York (bopping, foodstuffs. "Of the urmlie - thirty has decided to seetDone kef departure earioadsian.decUred to- have already antU next week. She will re first to catered Ucnnsay- had traasf erred, to I Washingtos, where she wiU remaia private apeenlator. v t .v . I several day, lad the after ber visit it u alleged ' further, br tha noU-el to New Tort, will tola the Tseatioa that the wtjsma.indueed man hih f. I nartT ia Florida. She nrobahlv will aot Bcua or um customs administratie to I reach there, however, until the tw believe that th bad aalintited cum of L weeks' boas boat trip ia ever, atoBey which hsd been placed s her ssal nf S AleBi nisi am,- 'WM7SSAw nu CASBIEB Cockraas. G J a. 16. Thirteen criminal case agaiaat TJ H, Fatrlek, Baak BrdnCT. Dee. 13-A Vialrat n!a4or ik. tirt tnn'iln.k. tk. naid to be -the .wrt,for 70 years, has session of Bleckley eenaty ' Superior --wrcv m new rjowtn . waiea. wnmtifanrt thin week. Pitrick fa i mJ i. harrest frnm JOjOOOiKJO imnnda tn 15 i k.v. anannnilad laat Uaran b.n. a. 000 000 penads, the Minister ef Agrtenl-J aneged shortage of-approxlautely Uo" ! are Utec Tk mftiUler tfese'rXbche1 53. Of th thlrfeea cases chargiag hiss t rara a a tras-ia srbntntar Itr the I arith nmbanlement alevan . mnant wheat gro-wtrt. -who hsd every rsaaea I tins certificate aad tw cever draft Xert TfOvrrv jmlut thran vaaralna twn Uneon banks.'. when th. of devasUUag drejiht, j,. ' bealj bad depoeita, for $1500. ,. measure at th tpecisl session, and the general apathy toward local bond issues, which ia the breeding' plaee of local logialatlon, eem generally responsiui- for the doarth of grist for th grinding. But without these things, the session has lost no whit of interest. There is the Statewide: stock' law Coming, moving picture censorship, th primary repeal) which- is qot yet dead, marriage lawa Tobacco farmer la North Carolina' raised 58 million mor pouads oilobss- co in lir20 thaa they raised ia ISIS aad got 63 million dollar less money for It, according To' the sessoa's report from Werrlft issued yeslerdsy. From a tolal . -aereair 6S2,noO acre they gathered jn,ii,(siu ponndvor tobacco aad sold -ta, vm f -j-t- v.. ! v .ii.ii... tanners condition, despit- dlsas- ires, thsa is the averse . innseco grower -throughout the eoantry. -Price per pound haa averaged a little higher on Tr Heel markets than it ha averaged elsewhere, except the relative ly unimportant state of Wisconsin.""" Kentucky stannds or perhaps lie would ' b morV nearly th word, at th bothn of the list with sn average of IS ecat as sgainst North Carolina' 234 per pound. From IS To IS Ceata. The sesaon's end a year ago earrloj an average price per pound ot 51.63 eenta for a total of 895 million poundi. This juaut the Govovameat-- estimate; -placet the yield at 3W million, and; the average price for all markets in tha . State has fallen 25 cents per pound. The Crop Beporting Service suggests curtailment of acreage as th remedy for th disaster of low prices. Th unhappy aticcy of tha North Pa. olina growers travail is duplicated ia every state where tobacco ia rrown fn 1930. A great crop of inferior quality b boea raised, and th price tat tuwT National Guard Company . Under Arrest Birmingham, Ala, Jan. 10. A mem ber of company M haa mad com pie to confession at the pert he took in I Fvauar SpHnsa th lynching of wuuanv BJr at Ja-1 per last Thursdsy morning, according I GrmvUia . ...... MA. t m.. 1.1. ,nni..l. I U I , , , , . . . . . , , , . . . , .V U ..,. . tVUl.HL I ....... K.U Dill, ana tne dim io booiisb iub neiinix T...ii. u ... n w:ik:.. i vrstigntion of th cse. Other members I UV""1 Senate. All of these measure hsve interesting possibilities, and th Gen ertrAsijmrty"h mw;yrtefuB It 1 a mer infant, thus far. NORTH DUBLIN GUARDED BY SOLDIERS AND POLICE Dublin. Jan. 14 Ths whol aeetien of North Dublin wsa cordoned by sol disrs aad nolle last Bight aad today. Th street railway service alone the North auay wa suspended. Th center of the cordoned district include Church street and the plaee where tire soldiers were ambushed recently and nortn King tret, th seen of fierce fighting la tha Easter Bebellion. - , .7 A total area la aurrouBded. aad th biggest raid Dublia has yet experienced has beea Bnder way. Oaly the military have been eagaged iasid th cordon and it is believed every bona will be systematical searched, th raid last' lag several days. Hundred ef soldiers are taking part aad field kitchen nr providing them with food. BUSINESS MEN INSIST, ACREAGE REDUCTION " ' amsBBBBBBBtn.nawa , i Mace a. Ga. Jsa. 18. Committee ef bn sines me a are at work ia praetk-nry n mfim dirtfict la XHorgi, it be came kaowa here today, .btalaiag signa ture t pledge card t reduce tot to acreage ea. third thi year.' At the earn time baak are . insisting, H to ndcrstaod.Ut farms rs atea hrewidavc their jeeedaU by fifty per ceat to eb- tsia fuKher credit. Thi is eeamiBg th sal of teats cotton. More lha a mil. lioa bate f eottoa are reported held Georgia farm, or ia wnrehsSse. . ' 1 of. tMcSam 4tabmn,wef Me.y5 Judge wuKinsoa. . Four non-commissioned -officers and t tnree pnvaie or company si, Aiaoama NaUeaal Guard, were held ia th Jet faraoa county Jail her tonight in eon. section with the lynching of William Baird at Jasper, last Thursday morn lnsT. ( Arrest of U soldiers followed testi mony before Judge Horses C. Wilkin soa, special investigator, by a private In be company. Neither the nstars ot th soldier s tatemBt aor hi identity wa. revealed. Every member of com oaay M wa .closely questioned by the UJtigatrag affleore today, well as a nnmber of eivilianj wbo reside ia tba neighborhood where-tb lynching oc curred. . . roarcavill bled down to below the product jg cost, entire country tnere wer 1.8P4,. OtM acre of tobacco planted, wifh aa versge yield of 7B8 pound to th acre, or a total of 1,808,064,000 pound, sell. Ing at aa average of 21 ceat per pound. Tho total valu of th crop la placed at 31859,000. " " , , . re Qaartor Bllbnai A A year ago the entire country bad received for it crop a total ef 30B5W, 000, aad thi year it fall to a lltfl , more than 800 million dollarX A qnar. ter of a billion dollar has Uan t.v.. wy from the grower for more tohacce than be ever had before. It ia rerwirta that there nr (till large toek of high priced tobacco brought over from th 1919 crop, and reduction nf tha tnn - - for 1921 i auggeated aa th onlr rem. dy for tho condition in which grower find themselves. , Lowest, I December., December wa the worst, month- frma th standpont of price ih the entir season, according to th report. The average price paid in 199 markets In tha . State wa only SI 7.27 cent per hundred -pounds ss agaiast 53 cents for the same ' month a year ago. Mebane led tha State in priees for th month, paying -an average of 29 eenta. The next high est in order were! Boxboro. 27 Ana. . 27; Burlington. 22: Durham. 21. Wilson again led the Stat dnrin ' the season with 33 million pounda sold, with Winston-Salem second with 8 million. The next hit-hest in-order warn Greenville, 22 million; Kinston, 20 mil- uon;. Boexyj Mount,. 15 million and Farmvltlo and Oxford. 8 million aaeh. . The season record for 159 warehouse in the State follows: Saasons' 1st ' tl ' Sales. Print. Prfae. - 1.S71.T4T tST.l IU.4S I,w.i4 ri.tt (i.i I.87X.51I TT.Sf 1,T?t.4Nt J1.19 U.4 i 1.177.94 ..... . M78.H 1J.7I I St. II' , r M4S.SSS lit! 7.M ' tl.70 11 ..... t.tee.TS xe t - 115,7 r s.ns ts.tlr I.40t.7t lt.ll f l.SK ti.M7.SS4 17.11 IS. ', I Snt.K mJ7J - . -a,. ll.tt 4S.T - u.,.,..U,ll( .lUl. HM . , ....... f,4IO,6 J 1S.JS S.J ....... l.Mt.10 17.7 S7.U S67.SO I.S4 , S5.S3 Adsk Bnrlinstoa Cartha Durham Btkin ............. EnlMd Farm ill Fayatteyilla RaMsTille ... Rkhlaad .... 'stobnaanvllkt Koctr BVnont Roxboro . . . . saaford SmrthHaM ... 8osw Hilt I Sarin Hots . IStataavilka .... Stnaarill .... I Terbnvw t.lU.4J .M--r s.iH-.-T5.- ' 1 4.1 18.DJJ ... M.7 - HM, I,S2.S1 li t , 4.T -a.srt tt . ... ,l.7 . Jt.t 1 im 1.S8S.S 14 It . 48 l H.S4 M.I tt ' .....V 14.T? ' 4i.T 17.1 I4.S4 ' 17. 1 . StJIt . lies 11 44 M - ' ias . - 4.S04.4 l.f7.T I.US.214 1MS1.S8 4,414,42 1,S1,T1 4.144.S4S Kit, 441 " It. IS Wnlhw Warrvntan Warsaw ... WnshlnaSaB ,. WnU Will ianwtaa, ....... wisisn 1.751,484 444. 149 471.417 1.M4.S4 l.7.7 1.144,111 t.47,7S M17.7M 4.U4.SK -4.141,011 ' l.ltt.tHt NJMM ... SS.44S.S1 7.SM ... t.4444 14.17 ll.tt 11.14 li t : 11.4 11.41 t!.4 a.nf .; t.ra 17.1 1.1 1 . t.7 t.4 n.ti r.s ll.lt -44.7 ll.H 45 IS 17J4 ' 47 U 17.41 111 till U4 -44.M ' - nr ti . u J. MI.I m m mimm mi m -. . , St Augnstine. Fla.. Js. 18. Th I yacht Victoria, oa which Fsesideat-elect Harding will be th- guest ef Beaator Thomas 8, Frelinghuysen, ef New Jersey, ea a anils ia tropical water is lying ia th harbor here awaiting th ...SfMSMM SITjn M4 SOUTH CAROLINA CROWERS CONTRIBUTE TO RELIEF, New 'Terk. Jsa. 16. South Carolina rrrral f the Harding - party, Ta44tton. gwcrt Javeoffered -to .eon-. yacht was bre-ght through the inland tribute 2M.OOO worth of cotton to the wsUrway from Charleston, B. by America Jewnh relief .eommittee aa.l Captain Thema Dahlber. -who is-in LJ1nSLJ :nJ"r., maatL . ' -. i- I BP. wasuem gram ncn I tribute US assess! c ineir proauct. Tirwiaia Maw atewertad Killed. ' , I Thia aaaouBeemeat wa made here to. Bristol.-Va.-Teaa. Jan. lo. David 1 day .by Beary H. Boseafelt, Nationat (L rieinins. af Phinn. Va in rnnnrtad I director of the Jewish relief eommittee J to -barr beva Shot aad biUid yeterdy f wk"explarI thai the"6ouUera grew. by a yeang neplew whose name ht aot I ere aad adopted resolution expressing here. , Fleming brother. . I their deaire to help Us noverty-etnesen posed t hsve been sasrdored, was I eopls snathe Nnsr East 'bat eettiag oanti dead r beanoettw waea sra. I ran a iteir laanuuy t mass ous uona. Mystery earreeBds the tw kiUisgs. ' tioas and offering their product instead. . f ' - , - . -

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