' --.) NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEICHN. CMONP AY MORNING. JANUARY 7 192 T. GREAT VflERES T. If! CHINA RELIEF Academy of. Muslo Packed at Mass Meeting Held In In terest of Movement EDITOR OF CHRISTIAN HERALD MAIN SPEAKER .Jtr Oralm Patterson of flew York Outlines Distressed Condition; Dtclaxas 20,000,. 000 Peopla Will Di Unless Immediate Help ia Furnished By This Country IIORIIRYOF EN El RAL GORGAS TO HAVE AGENCIES The Latin American Nations Through Representatives Join In Service ""Interest 1 the movement for tht T Hef of the famlaa ia Chiaa u m leacvd veaterday t aa attendance tpoa th mass meeting at the Acatdaauy tf hfueie. which Used Iba rapacity of lb bailJing. Tl balcony and galleries were tiki Its eaUred people tad Major T. II. tkiridgs, wh introduced to priaielpal speaker, Graham I'attaraoa, editor of . - ah Chrlaitiaa 11 raid, attributed their Essence to a daair la give reeogaiion tha work which ia bang dona for Ualr rare by tha Chriatiaa llerald. 'Twenty aalUtnu of tha forty ve mil Ilea people llvlsg ia tha area io af fsetsd by tha fsmins will surely die . nsjeea halp ia furnished speedily by A marc' deelered Mr. Fattcrtoa, who .autUaejl the. distressed, condition" f .tb Chines la almpls aad direct faahioa. Fttenm declared thanmcjll; f-'wia Wp" tm Wrriiry --BA-Maty'- . aaaa tha Chinese are a fataliati pao Ida. d that assurance that help U1 La fonheomng will implant ia Ih.-m the 7 frame Washington, Jaa. H. Tha lalloaa of Itiu America throagh their diplomatic reprasentativte joiaed with tha United State, fraae aad Omit Britala to- aighf la paying tribute to Ike memory of lha late Major Gaaeral V ilium Craw ford irgs, former eurgeoa geaeral af he l'aitr.1 Kiste Army aad leader ia tka aucaessful Bflit against yellow fevar. Memorial Bert lees la hoaor of flea aral Gorgas, who died I ait July ia Lob do, wax h14 ia th l'aa Aaaariaaa hvildiae under Ika suspires of the Roathern Hoeiely of Waehingtoa, which thereby hnaored the memory nf a pro duct of lha HotUh. Tha Sakrs la eladed Hreretarire Baker, Daniela and lavn, M-ijor ticnerat Pater O. Harria, Ambassador Juasenrnd, of frattfe; Mijor Ueueral II. K. Bethtll, military it'arlje of tha Mritiah amlmuy; Am husndnr Terel, of 1'rrui Minister de (Yepedcf, of Cubaj hhnieter Elitaldc of Ecuador; Charge d'Affalre Lrfavre, of I'anama, aad Director (iracral Howe, of tha I'aa Anitrif an Lniua. Message aero read from lha preaidenta of a auuibi r f latin American governments. Adjutant Oeneral Harria praaided at tha meeting and before iatrndueing the other apeakrra traced lha lifa of Oen- enrl (lorgna, trowing how -intimately- it i had been connected with Xfllow feer. in liuj ha 4 erirtn ma neauurui Ameua Uayla froia bar home ia Mobile, Ala, to tha aearby military atatioa, where aha flrat met Lieotanatit Jotlah Gorgn, FORI MMIGRANTS lfBiirraBT,- -awn - - af ' that aianraara with aleapaix. Sara Ufa far Three Ceata a Day. taw vow ... a"" S,, i lag tood tor famine dialneU the nifbt I" af way ea'railroada and ia traniporttng . . aaaa ahipmentt without coat, declared Mr. Patteraoa. ' Thua every root rib tor ia are u red that atery duller he wirea will gire a dollar worth of re' lief aad ii baa beca found that a life can, ha eared tat three eoata a day in at aad of the original eeUuiate of fire aeata a day". deeUred tha aieaker. Aaaarting tat the bankrupt condition r ei Kuropeaa aatiuni rendered them JLeamtlaaa iav'halpTIx.-raUuB italad that Janaa. the only otfter nation in a Labor Congress Votes To Have Agencies in All Latin American Countries Maaieo City, Jaa. 11 (By the At oriated )?rei.) Immigration agrn eiee ia all Iatla Amerlcaa eon n trie fur the telleetloa and -dieaemlnatloa at in formation regarding libor eanSltloa will be rataMUhed under the termi of a reeolutlua adopted by the ran American federation of Labor Co agree here yeaterday. llegatee from the t'nitel Htato aad I'orto Biro oppoted tha idea, but were roted down in the nt dinded rote of the Congreaa. The raaaluUoji . lalroduead . by the Meileaa dalegatloa aallad for the p poiiitiranl of ipecial labor envoy in each Tan-American ronntry but the resolution eommltte reported It had amended the motion o that the feder ation' eietutive oflicera would be earned aa information gatherer, it be lug planned by thi mran to elimi nate the eipenee entailed by the rarry- iag out of tha original propoaal. When the aniemlrd motion waa aubmitted, aa animated debate began, during which Kurauel Uompera, pretident of the Con greaa, waa enmpelled frequently to ft plain United Htatea labor condition. Mr. uompera aeacrted tliat upward! of lfiQOflOO immigrant were received a the United Watt eack ytar, and that lStOOO,000 peraona in Kuropean eoantriea were ready to'aome to Amer ica, and aero . waiting for aliipa to VTAg -rtrctix. 'a ut r 'mwh ing, aaylna; that at present Ihere were mora than 2,000.000 unemployed people In the United BUitei. He reminded ORANGEREADYTO ere be et and aav4 from that acmirg the young girl wh aa hie nife ahared hi life and who a hi widow now mourn WEATHER STORMS Cotton Mills Running Full Time at Hillsboro and Grain Crop Seems To Be Good l Ulllaboro, Jaa. 11 While Orange County ha aot felt the affect of the fraaaeial depreealea like a great many lection V the low fxifi at Ubaceo and eottcm- and the hr trma e per How of the eottoa mill aad other Industrie ho had a depreuing effect. The Eao Cottoa MUla and lha Ball rue Mille are now oa full time operation. Thi far! together with Increaaee la the price of toiiaeeo la eavaing aa optlmiatia feeling among the people generally. IVrtuaataly tut faug it ia eplaav did graia eounty, the farmer ia almoat every inttaaee ralaing euffleleat food tuff and meat for their owo eoniump tiuu with quite a eurplua for tha mar ket. A lo large quantitiea of poultry and predate i old from the farm. For theee rcaaona oar farmtra are geaer ally In good ahape. It la bow thought that the graia trope will be greatly in ereaaed thi ytar aad the tobacco erop cut aim out to half. The two bank in HilUboro mad a moat eieellent allowing laat year and carried large amount to their lurplu after paying good diridenl. All In all it ia doubtful if any county in the State ia in better all-round ahape than Orange. , Tbi la a great lumber and timber taction and -the ivw price f lumber ha cnuaed many of tha aaw mill to cloae to fre - rtiWveYrvar ti nireai wltn to coming o) The contlnaed rainfall baa eaueed the road a of the eounty to become la a very POULTRY JUDGING TEAM LEAVES FOR NEW YORK SUU Coller Dlef ation Will Viiit HationaJ P oultry Exhibition The Btate College poultry judging team eompoaed of (. L. Booker, J. F Johaaoa and W. F. Armstrong, all mambera of the Juaior elaae, left lail Bight for New tork where oa Wedaca, diy aad Thnraday it will eompeU with aimllar aollega aad aalveraity team from eighteea Plate la ft. National Poultry Judging Coateat at the Medieoa Square Gardea Poultry Bhow. Dr. Ii. r Kaapp iceompinlfd the tem- The winter trip t wit f tn) arrge Nortbera ahewe ia aa aaaual aSair keenly aatlelpatad by the atndeate ia poultry hiMbaadry. Tha team ia e- loctad ia opea eompetlHoa, aad the ei peaaaa of eueeeaaful eaBdidatee are paid by the depart!. While away from the college, the party Jar Ul rlalt tha gorernmoui poultry olaat at waahiagtoa, aad will alto peed tome time in impacting and tudying the method of tome of the Urge commercial poultry concern ia New Tork. The college ha entered two bird the New York thow. A Oofdea Wyandotte hen, aaid by expert to be the beat hea of bar elaaa la the United Htatea, hi bee a aent up en requeet. The other entry ia a White Faced Black 8panih cockerel, alio a priie winner la the ahowa of thia aeetioa. Both bird 'cre bred and. raUed by the collegt poultry department aad they are ttrictly noma proaucta. HARNETT PLAN! TO HAVI COUNTY DEMONSTRATION AGENT Dunn. Jan. Id Is Una with ita af- i row luriu aa a rui eiwcm iswhk, K.cretrr Baker paid tribute to the mrk oftlenetal Gorga In eradicating rellow fever from tne iiiaama Lanai zone, aecjtnng ino lurmcr ourrua vic eral made tha building of tha Panama canal poaaible, aad aaved ita eonitrue tioa from being marred by having along It bank the grave of ten of thou sand of vlctluie to the petllence of the jungle, which for agca had'impoied the aentenc of death upon thoee who aought to join the two ocean. . . if i 1. 1 a ii - uenerat itaineu, ipeaaing lor me taken the inveitigu In every phaao and would aooa publish Important finding on the lubjaet After the Congreja had remained ia aeaaion until long after the appointed hour for eloaing, Mr. Gnmpera tailed for a rote and the original 'Vexlcaa reaolutloa waa adopted; DUNN P0ST0FFICE STILL CONTINUES TO GO AHEAD Dunn, January It. Receipt from tho tale of postage ia the Dunn poatomee during the year 1920 totalled $15,099.70, according to flgurfle Jut made pt?ya by PAatmABtiir Knmn T. I-M Thi la eom- paUioa t ait the work being done tountry in which General 1 Oorga died, 4 with 13,71.03 for 1919, 1230.ll by the UaiUd SUtee, bat responded declared that hla i the glory of the for J18 Md $UfiSi.i0 tat 1917. - .. .. . I . K n t Ik. A mm .n.a r" -mil "thill . ... i . . htc, ... ... in aepreaiioa 01 mo met inrea Panama is hia memorial and hi monu-1 m0Btnl 0f yemr wemed to hare had meat." -: I little effect udob the tale of itamp. nn 1 n-riir-n mion a at a ti receipta being a,042.02 againit 3, Un. L.U I ntn DUUnnniMni I for the quarter Immediately pre PORT BOOSTERS TO MEET IN CAPITAL twin breeding and truck producing aeetioa, the Dunn Chamber of ' Com merce will tend a big delegation to t Ttif nrn.ffnfinl I C.J Jt : 1 1 N'l. . . I ii,n nt Immfirratlna I n...v- .v i. I oeiera a a South Atlantic and Gulf Port Representatives To Attend Important Meeting The New and Obarrver Bureau, 6u3 Dlatrlet Natioaal Bank Bldg, By JOI U BAKER. (Br tjpeelal leaned Wire.) - WaahhgteB( Jaw. 11 The eon ferei.ee af einaaviaiaiuaa.euT ahippera and j1a er eammerelal tatareeta of the Houth Atlantic, Uulf and Miaaiaeippl valley atatet called to iatlit apea the eoa tinuaaee of equal eiporl freight rate to all Atlantic aad Uulf porta wtu be held here WedareJay aad Thnraday It ia predicted that the repreaeatativea of Approslmatrif Zi itatrt U1 aitrnl They will torn here to atteaa meer- In-g of the South Atlantle Htatea Aa- aoeaatioa ad the Miaaiaaippi Valley Aa- aoeiatloa aad while thee organization ill meet tepamtely, It ia eipected that they will act jointly apoa the queatloa of etport freight rate, new foreign trade route aad other matter of mutual eoaeera. The temper of the memberahtp of the two orgaauatloaa waa rerealed laat week la atatemanla' by Matthew Bale, of Boitoa an4 WathUgtoa, preatdent of tha- Mouth AUaatie iaUe Aaaaeia tion. aad H. H. Merrick, of Chicago. jireaident of the Miaaiaaippi Valley Ai eoclatioB, ta ahich ithry made known their unalterable oppotitioa to a re ported plan of the eaetera railroad to wniaai. -the export rate new ia effect ' nd which give tht South Atlaatie opportunitiei porta. tinuaaee were Martin J. Olllen. formerly to Cbalraaaaa Pay a a and tWaaea af tha Hhipplag Board, declared to be la Tie- laUoa af the totter aad apiril af tha . merchant marina act la regarel ta tha eaublUhmeat of aew trade routaa aa der tha aoperriaioa af Ue Hhlpplng Board, hlao ia epctd to drvlop al the meetiage- " " VOLUNTEIt WOIEEB TWITa) ' Tt'UENTI AT TBIXITY Trinity College, Durham, Jaa. 11 . Puintiag out that the roluateer mora meat offer telj for aerriee ia almoat every lie af endeavor aad la many countries Mite Ilelaa Hardy, Beeretory1 of the Volunteer Movement lor ue rVuthara Methodiet Ckureh, af Naah rlila. Taaaw - -FiUajr-avfUiaoo-a ad-.. . -' dreed the roluateer bead bare. The eletea tudeat. who TBm.wwe tht hare pledged J.air Uvea to thia work upon aoanpetioa af their college aoarar. It ia ettimated that there la aa aver age throughout the Ualted Bute of five echoo! traa adty for M8 day. . tha exigeneie of Ue ganerouily ta ariaia, Caaaa KeaUaa Need. Tt ia impoaaibla for u to realiae the condltioa of tbeaa people, where even under normal eireumtaneee 850,000 j900 of the 4(W,0000 inbabifante aeyer get what we coutider a full meal," he ataled. Mr. Pattoraoa began hia addreea with a glowing tribute to the work which baa boea done ia North Carolina for Chlneee Belief under the direetioa of Profaaaor C. U. Ueck of HUto College. "Profee aor Ueck baa biased the 'way for the whole country, and we ara depending apoa North Carolina, tha flrat btate to conduct tha campaign, to eet tha pace" ha declared. Mueie waa furaiahed yeaterday by the Bute College Band aad a male Quartette. , Mr. Patteraoa a Lao apoke laat evening at tha aim Preebytenaa Church. Fordaey Tariff Bill Doomed For Df at In Senate BEGINS PRACTICE HERE With theae figure Poatmaater Lee made public, aa order, Immediately of fee tire, authorizing trainmen af At laatie Coaat Line traia No. 83, doe her ia tho early morning, to accept pouch mail from the Oreenaboro to Goldaboro Southern Railway early morning train at Belma foa thie.poatou.ee. Thia will Physician Will Limit Hla Prac tice To Treatment of Bet. piratorr Diseasea Dr. Lather T. Buchman Jr., baa Juat opened an of flea orer the Wake .Drug , . . I caw Bwiamai avvaa aaaB . irueruwv . aaaaw rr Store and wlt limit, am prattle to bring aewapapera aad other raall from reaMMtorT'diaeaaea. .- . t . ....... .v. .... Dubb aa hour and half earlier than (Coatinaed free Pag One) tea majority, while the fellow who eomea ia and aak for a big iaereaie "irrliy .inrptrta the tymptthy of Chairman Fordeny and. hia Bepublieaa " aaacasiataa. Uanag a hearing the other day, a - anaaafaatnTer naked for rate ea i . porta competing with, hia awedueta of on aaaaroa per vent. - n ny aon t you aak for four bnadred per eeatf aked Bepreaeatattve Bainey, of Illiooia, Dem oerat. ""Our Bepublieaa friend wilt give I been : yoa aaything yoa ask for", and it ' lopkl ne if that ia about going to be - the aaaa. Tha K publican blame it all oa the war, af eourae, aa every eril that baa : happened ainee tha war broke out ha V Veew bltrmed. K--tr-rwrr-ToiiWoir-thit in ftxing the new tartw -..-tiatieei fherthf fjcreiiee ia labor and production costal here and abroad thould be conaidered. that tha differead between railroad rate ia thi country and ocean rate under which import ar brought in, ahould be equaliaed. and aoma of Dr. Buchanan, who waa for aereral year profeasor of bacteriology at Wake Foreat College, ha been aeeoeiatea lor the paet year mith , Dr. L Chandler Walker, of Boaten, hlaaa. While ia Boaton, Dr. Buchanan did poet-graduate work at Harvard in Aathma, Bay fever, bronehltia aad tubarcaloaia. HEAVY TOBACCO SALES REPORTED IN DANVILLE v. v. ia wtiti... ina tha deplorable condltioa of the road leading into Danville and tha hn- teajoaabla weather for. aclllug the mar-, ket wa well aupplied with tobacco laat week. -- ' ' . - A decidedly upward tendency ia pricea prarailed thraughaut tha entire week, and while the general -average it aot to large aa waa thowa ia tereral. report earlier ia tb ecaion.- price are probably quite aa high a they have in the erop, the decreaae being uiual. The Weather Balelgf. N. O- Jan, 16, 1021. North Carolina Monday aad Toee day fair; much colder; eold wave. TMPEBATUBB Higheit temperature 51 Loweat temperature ......29 Mean temperature 40 A range daily eseeia tinea Jatujat ..a, wi.A,. 3 . PRECIPITATION (In inch.) Amount for the' 24 hour eading at S p. m Total for the month to date f JS Ezeea for the month' .1 Exeeaa tlnee Janr-lat .2t I the couMy ie eauaing untold ineonren lenco to motorist aa well a the public generally. All of tha highway between HilUboro and the Durham county liae haa been completed except a few hun dred yard just at the outskirta of the town and by reaaoa of the freah grad ing aad nil on thia jart of the road It haa been impasable great deal of tha time certificate aad two cover draft "flfo ITaYnettTWie paoiaT m Mtn"g"o r (Wj lTaVne'ft county commissioner called to con- aider the matter of employing a whole time farm demonstration agent. Special Agent T. D. McLean wiH go with the Dunn delegation. Be want to locate an agent in thi eounty and hat Baked, tb eonamlaaioaeri to ap propriate at least $1,200 aa ana eounty' part of hia expense. There ia aome doubt, however, aa to ' Whether or not port their flrat oppbrtunitiea in fifty year to compete for export bnainas with New Tork and other North At lantic porta. . Ia conjunction with ineietence upon the continuance of the present rates, the organizations, it it aaaerted. will eland squarely behind Sajiator Jones of Washington and Admiral Benson in their advocacy of new foreiga trad route, specifically provided for the eonamiaaionera will lrrten to hia Sarah Fowler Adam of London J plea, the eounty being considerably I in the Merchant Marine act Oppe erete the hymn "Nearer, My God, to fin the hole and muck behind in taxi aitioa to the unrestricted aale of gov- Thee." I collections, I eminent owned thips, propoeed by The Fair L. SAMTJILS, Prop. 2U . Wllmlagtoa Street. Bell Phaae HfT Raleigh, N. C Special Sale TxUr Quality A splendid assortment of Bilk aad Woolea wear, aeatly made, at prices well worth teeing. $3.98 $5.45 $6.98 We Clothe aad She tht Family Ol- II I Materials 11 I a aja . .. . HUMIDITY occasioned by the large percentage of eommoa tobacco ehowinf up ia the offerings. It 1 generally believed that the farmer will market the . remainder of Dry bulb . Wet bulb ... Ret hamldity 8a.m. 12m. ,. 28 4 23 70 12m. 8pjn 3 .19 40 47 Hale for tha preceding week amount ed to 4i)S,610 pounds, average (18.20, amount paid out U3.iUI6.38. "m".'" T"".?"18 th." tbf STUDENTS PLAN MEMORIAL ahould alaot equalise the exchange tatee. mn rmiiiTu nnnr-r-nenn I Pemocratie member . of the eom mil- rUK8UBE (Reduced to Sea Level.) tha croD as rartidl aa It can be tint into 30-25 8 p. m 80.07 . . - ; . - 1 1 -f atrtvlrtwi, ii - ar- CI..W. : K lt '. w' COUUIllon. I v.iipi.,i ui, BUBwr-vit., y. si! -tUitrtor the week amounted, to Ir-. 6-.409 pounds, average $23.89, amount paid out (120,617.94. Would your husband marry you again? Carrying It Too far. Florida Timea-Union. , Your wife i forever lowing and rip ping aad tearing and trimming and put ting flounce oa thing. lea, the even ruffles my temper. ' '- te eoatead that thia i net the time t . writ a permaaeat tariff taw) that it is aot poaaible to ascertain what wag aad labor condltioa are in Europe, ana tnat tf it, were, it wondl be of little good. beeaas they are eonsUally changing and that exchange ratea should aot be iderd at all. . ' "A tariff baaed apoa exchange differ ence ia aeonomleally impoaaible," aaid llTm Raiaay. "Tha propoaltioa ia aim ply btnag urged aa a method af still further lent easing the tariff a. "The claager of tha present aituatioa : aoaaista ia retaliatory tariffa, which are new beiag thraataaed by Argeattna aai - Canada, and will aooa be threatened by the aatioaa, aad which will be placed ' ia opetatoa tf tha Bpablieaa party it abl to cany oat Ua aaaouneed pre- gram. - The Demaerata, aa I aaderttand it, are willing to adjast la tariff if it aaa b dowa, Ik la her differ earaa ia pra ise tioa. It ia bapsjesible t toll at prea at what these are. Ia fact, tf a tariff " were baaad apoa labor diff crease, a reviaioa would lead to iat mediate reduc tion ; ' ') Ja aeatoaea, the Dem oe ratio poaitioa la that neither at heaaa asr ia eosnpet lag fat trad ceaatriaa hav eoa ditioaa beeoane atabl aaoagh for a gen eral tariff reviaioa that if the Bepab lkant follow oat their program of ' rsrtiag a high tariff wall arwaad the " coaatry, it Will lead ta retaliatory meaa--wrwa by scmatrle with which Ameriea. ia aww aajoytag lag trad, with the rsarelt that exports will fall aff, -prodae---taa ia thia eoaatrr will be alowed down aad haadreda sf ehi Jf the gteaTTr anenaaat Beet Asacrtra built ap daring the war will L idle ia the perta. T Cwr a CsM fa On Imir. . tT, e ' e rots s LAXATITff BROMO V.LNTXB Ubleta. Th reaaia heart traatar f C W. Or. 30tw ' - ... FOR TRINITY PROFESSOR Trinity Collece. Durham. Jab: 1(1. I Tribute to the memory of the late Dr. Jatne -J.- Wolffj" for erenteea year bead bf tb department f biology here and a biologist bf national reputation, I will b paid by tb ereatfoa of a me-1 atortnt fund tei be ae4- la hla name ia providing the library with current periodicals oa tha (object formerly taught Jby fir. Wolfe, who died auddealy oa th ere of commencement lait year. The Biological Club launched th more mant. - Tha plaa waa piaeeatrd to th etadant ia their elate meeting and waa well received by them. It ia propoeed to rale about (2,000 by subscription I among th student body and alamai for th fuad. Thia amouat will b placed oa iatrt ana. tne proceed seed In subscribing for periodieala dValJng tetth biology. ANY In Our Store r I GrapeNuts AladyookixiFbod for bteakfaft - lunciior5uppcr Crisp granules cf . vbeal and malted . - .baVaSy Vafit atf - nut from special processing and ;; -" kbalan. ; '' m77)crT?6 J(czs6nw $29.75 Cat Youra TotJajr a a- "Voiu Sitiu Ma" "O For 3,000 yean iupreine Palm aad olir oils reer Clco- Glra'i totmeticf . They wet the ruriri at tha Oreek and Roman ' hatha. ' Th7wrthBUyiIawiejt beauty. Now mod era exports go verses ta ftt them, and bicad , them (or yesj in tbitacMatintway. - There nerer has been, and Beret will be, earthing to snatch theaa ; foe th ikia. - mistake. A healthy, rosjr, clear, rmooth kin must be a clean skin, first of all. - There it no need for Irritating soap.. Palmolive soothes and softens while it cleans. It ib based on palm and olive oils. - Force the lather into the pores by a gentle massage. Every touch Is balmy. Then all the foreign matter comes out in the ringing. ..-If your skin is vert dry, use cold cream beore and after washing. J 0 medicament rrh Otbfr aoapa coat five ' Thm ar soap which cost Sr rlsnes m araeh as PalaasJir. M"t , : facial aanaa are higher priced. Bwt , arsaaaaaaaTaiaal..ia ',,9r thaa paint aad iir a. . - . Thar m aothinf aa ttorariosja.. ' It leaclr harass w awak h foef ; that PBlaaadrra mils stifle ilhaKv ractansa work day aat aight ta Ripply th dam sad. TV . Vstly. siU see bought am ejaaatkie. Jteaoh, th a as alar lsw sat pric ssad the aaoet swpaW sU aoaa ia the veacld. Fortunate is the woman who can answer "yes." But many a woman, if she is honest with herself, is forced, to be in doubt after that she pays stricter attention to her personal attractions. A radiant skin, glowing and healthy, is more than a sigA'of youth.1 It u youth." And any woman can enjoy it 1 ....'iutyV basis i. . is pure, mild, soothing soap.- Nerer go to 'sleep without tJsmg"it,"'yomeo'.ihouId . never overlook this ail -important fact V The brTsit of beauty is a thoroughly deaa.-. Palmoliva U juat . aoothing, cleansing -skin. And the only way to it is soap. , , . SOap. Its blandness comes through blend There is no harm in cosmetics, or in Jg palm and olive oils. Nothing since . powder, rouge, if you frequently remove" the world began has proved to suitable them. Never leave them on overnight, for deliate compleadona. ; ., r The skin consists of countless glands All its beneficial effects come through and pores. They clog with oil, with dirt, ' gentle, thorough cleaning. There are no -with perspiration with refuse from medicameWs. No drugs xan do what within Ind without Nature docs when you aid her with this ,. The first requirementis to cleanse those -tcientific Falmolive cleansing." porea. And soap alone can do that Millions of women get. their envied ; A costly inisbke V'rt i ' . . "v eoap:".". -. t - - -' ;--? '-.'.':-"':. . Harsh, irritating soapa have led many .ju Mm4C-mfaMMlm U. S. A. Tin - women to tnut soap. That is t costly ; timtiiviCtmpmytfCsivJ. Limit. rrwM ot s VdTjme and effid?ncTnabI ua to sell ralmoliya for rf IJ M lOcf; VVV'.- MQ -v ; . - ' laasSLsanilB

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