Tie-News (Diss ..'Till ULAllllK Nenh Cawlla Pslr Tesaday tad arehsAly VrfiWir, m. S tarmlvt Wsdassaay. V errver MO. VOLCXIILflO. 18. TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18. 1921. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. f PRICEt FIVE CENTS I- i. CONGRESS LOIRS LIMIT FOR ARMY T0 175,000 MEN .Bath Houses Pass Almost Stair lar Resolutions Reducina The Size of Army 4 TO CEASE ENLISTMENTS v TO REACH THE MINIMUM x Etiolation Does Not fravent v. Soldiers From KeJtalistinf ; -Action Taken Afainst Advice of Secretary of War Baker J. and General Pershinj J Oiven To Committee ' - Weehiaftoa,' Jan, 17. Coirr voted tod tot limit the slxe of the regular Army to 173,000 enlisted men. Ths Senate by.a vote of 41 to S3 est side H 4wMoi -ef but week te redoes "T-"V' eota tl 'wovpYvn -rev erm.irim Joiat resolution or Boaator New, Kepuo- TWO DIVISIONS ORDERED TO SEARCH FOR SEAPLANE Lost Airship Wu rartkipatlnf la Oron flight from 8aa Dief o To Balboa V ' Aboard U. 8. S. Now Mtxiee. at Bm. Jss. 17 (By Radio to taa UmUuJ I'roM). Two aivtsloas of aeetroysrs tuthci to the Pacific.: nest were. ordered today to ooonh (or (ho naval seapraar If. C.O.' mxrrtad "to to loot off tbe calf of Nieeye. Coeta Blea.erb.e unship wee pertirtpettag la tao gesnp flight from &sa Dirgo to BalboarCaaal Boat, ' . -Tao destroys Mustard Is oUll staad- lag by tao N. C. 4 of tao aaao group, which mi forced dowa aad Partially wrecked yesterday off the Gulf of Nteoye. Tao N, C. rew is aboard Ue Mnaford. I The N. O.-e waa laat aeea within a abort dietaace off tho rulf of Nleoye.l AU .vailable craft were eearehlag for bar Bad the two - destroyer division! wars ordered refuelled aad aeat oat te The fate of bar crew ia aakaowa. DANGER CRISIS da. OFFICERS AVERT ; LYNCHING OF MAN v-Jeawsu -W mm o m mm m -aa w iiji OF PASSED, WING SAYS IN ADDRESS Head of Fedenl Restrve Sys- A - 1 1 til I m a. wm urgei neea or ureal i 'Facilities In Europe CONTINUANCE OF TRADE TO CONTINENT VITAL Short Time Bankers' Credit Impracticable Under Present Circumstances, Be Explains; Considers War finance Cor poration - Good Bat Thinks Other Agencies Weeded ' FINAL PLANS FOR SIMPLE CEREMONY OF INAUGURATION New York, Jaa. 17. Both long term credlto aad investments ia European securities are called for by the present ituatioa to aupplemeat' ordlaary bank kig tetlritlee In" effecting the economic louatriea. Governor Harding of tke I of a conference between tbe Presides President-elect Gives Approval To Building of Small PlatM form at Capitol" INAUGURAL ADDRESS WILL BE FROM EAST PORTICO jlardinf Continues Cabinet Con. ferenoes Preparatory To De pertnre Por Florida This Week; Governor Lowden Among- Visitors To Marion; Will Hays Issues Statement " licaa, India aa, direction; the Secretary I army ia ent to 176,000 n. The iouao tea atlautoa later adopted Joint rosolntioa apoDaored byChalr aaaa Kaba, of ita MiUUry Affaire Com-' aartteo, alao diroetiag the Secretary of War to oeaao ealiatmeata natil there v era aot more tkaa 175,000 ealiatod nei in the regular eatabliahnipnt. The . Uooae voto waa 85 to. 4, only Kcpre- '. bama aad CoadV Maryland, Demoerata, v I aouatrtea, QoTcraar Harding rds Gather at Wahaw To rcri RWrTe. botd.dd Is Hurried To Raleigh Marion, Ohio, Jaa. IT.-riaat pUai for thaj eiaiple ceremony oa tbe east portico of the capltol, hrk will atark tbe inauguration of Warrea O. Harding t rrriiJeat of the,TBlred: 8tala, were Little Sentiment For Larger House Manifested By Congress After Final Chcck-Up. Leaders Announce That Measure To Enlarge Lower House of Congress Will be Beaten De cisive ly; Sharp Fight Expected When It Comes Up loday. Waahiagtoa. Jaa. 17. Uaee were abarply drawa tonight for a Sgbt to moTTtrw to defeat tbo to apportloantent bill ahkb would lacreaae tbe menibcr hip of tbe 11 ue of rpreeeatatlTea fro m US U iw. After a Inal check a p, loadert an. Moaneed that tbo r eaeare ae reported 'would bo votod dowa deciaiyely and that a aubatitate plaa, holding aeata to tbe preorat total, would bo adopted by a big Majority. i There aoeaed little eeatinteat for h larger Houao. hlrnbere from Statee which wold looo repreecatativa aider the sbiftlag of twelve aeata froa elerea to eight Htatea, declared they would vote againet adding forty-eight repre aoatatieeo at a oot of appnaiaiafcpy tXfiiVfiOO a year whea there ia a crying demaad from all quarter for gorera mental oeonemy. mapped ot today tbo program, jiadar Kbka. the bi U will.be called ap to permit meal Ticwe et length, rote m ike cou uouae ia big eaougH The bpubliean akere COU I lougn to thrl etpreea their ly a roll rail know that tbe it eta n da. tee ring eommittoo waa ri-ported aolidly agam at the la ereaar, aot aa a committee, but aa ia diridueJa. Boalhera Demoerata, it wae aid, ware'eipeeted to pppoeo tbo lower mg of total aa a body, a the blftieg af oeapr-rould leave their preeent nom bcr intact. I'ndor provitione of the bill, Houee leader expect to be, adopted, the la ercaarl will be aa fallowai CalitotBLw three) alichlgan, two) Ohio, two, and Connecticut, New .'erncy, North Caro liaa, Tezaa aad Waahiagton, one each. To make up thie- another without ehaagiv the 434 totai, Miaaouri would loae two aeata aad the following Hiatal one earki lndmaa, lora, Eannaa, Kea turky, Lxtaiiiaaa. klalae, ntintaaippi, NehraAa. .bade Ialaad. aad. VaxmoaL PARDON BOARD PROPOSED IN BILL BYSENAiVALKER Measure Would Submit Amehi ' . ment , To , Constitution .'To Voters of State WOULD UMIT CLEMENCY " ' TO UNANIMOUS VOTE Board Under Proposed Amend. . ment Would Consist of Gov ernor, Attorney General and , Secretary of State; New Bill.. Would Open Pension Bolls To AH Confederate Veterans TgfeaVTor'te MpSFKnaiBg and a tyMk an V eoideaf- ,w toWTVl.,J'ftff1 t"t A"-an, AU. .-Ur aMwannaenlha Hopl-jrwUdJ Jk-A vi.t vm Me n-T iw-N wrY-vatwnia -atMTt A lynching at Wamnw wai aarrowly averted lait sight whea following the arrest of Alfred Beaaet, negro, charged with tbe marder of Lewis. E. Barney merchant of Clinton, Saturday sight. officer were forced to. make quick aad CramtOD, Miehignn, Republican, t away from Warsaw with their ?ri- taading ont againat the reduction. The reaolutiona adopted by tbe two Bonera are almost identical in their p vlslona, - each ' providing that the : 173,000 limit ahall aot prevent the re onliitment of men who have served one r more oaliataieota ia tbe military aerrieo. T.ie language of the two aieav ' "urea, however, differs somewhat . aad either the Geuate or tbo House will acad ita resolution to conference for re-arrangement. Action by the Joint confer ence oommittoe of the two Houses ia expected to bo takea speedily aad the , jultant measur seat to the Preiidenv Tke-aetioa of the two Houses was takea against tbo reeommendstioas of war department, hesda aad deaoral aegro who shot dowa the Clintoa mer- oaeiv arely escaped partners at Bow dea statioa four miles from Warsaw, and finally early thia morning landed their maa safely la tbe Bute rriaofl. - It required a special order from Oovernor Cameron Morrison, 1 routed from bis slumbers, to get Beaaet ia the Priaoa entrance was refused until the was impossible for tbo Officers to get commitment papers,-and at the State Priaoa onraaea was refused until the Oovernor wss called .into authorise the admiaeion, It -was ia the search for a suspicious aegro at Wallace yeeterday that offi ears of thst towa discovered Beanett, who answered tbe deseriptioa of the 'eraMagr Bccreta . jtakor-ta apnr Vjng before Hhe Seaato Military Affairs. , pommittee advised against aa army ef haat,"so ; twrfeetrv fbst they took bim ia. wnea the prisoner was carried to i j .i i , f - .l ..A AAA 7, Tr' i nM, srowua gauir a many coming , lest thsa 50,000 men after the "pre, j, ,utomobilea-from Cliatoa Yndfthore m Messuy or economy tad bee. , j.die.tloBa that lynching would Keyed." v Genel JVrshing tyld tht lmmodUto , step, were ama ommittee that anurmy of iOOfiOi takea. H. King, ehlbf of police with 1 "'i:: H. Boyd, of CUatdafend T1 Jack- Tbe vote la tbe Senate nhowaaL that . m;. a., er at nine o'clock, J.rt as tbo v.."';. ,e""ltiB waa pulling out of the statioa, ea bad, changed about plaeiaa? their bbd- f.kti an. i.u . i 12 bekiad the 17S,0Qp flgure. No tea. I fa .Thm HrwJI o, traill th. o."T m, 3 "V T to isowsea statioa but the road """.T R''' r from that Doiat atoDned further our 1 suit. At Golds boro, . Us . offieen -left, the train with their prisoner thinking to place him ia tbe Jail there, but Sena tor Hirers Jokneoa bad wired skoal the. advice to bring him oa to Raleigh. "Ia addition the Goldsboro authorities had received instruction aot to accept him. believed President Wilson -would sign a resolution placing the. future annv ; .at 170,000 mea, but would aot ap prove a smaller number. - 1 r ; There waa no party diviaiom la the r Senate oa the question aad the final .votes were takea after aa all day bat- j. no over tao question or army aire. This debate waa enlivened bvn l..h h. . twoen fonators PheUa, J)emoerst, CaH- their aortobelo ia the form of sb Jonh, sad WUliama, Dsmwrst, hiiaaiei sence of proper papers . for. admission aippi ovsr tbo quest.oa of jBsneso ag- Into the ptafe Prisoa. -By-eo-operaUoB , Ti" u' wrong- of tbe Kaleigh police they got ia touch f "aw'.'In 2f ?,clf c.f"U, ""d Governor forrison and through J0 WlUtam deelsrod that Jtpsjl had him commitment was secured.' aether power nor dealre-o fight this . chief of-Poliee utated early this wh. mimj HupMBWU- Xornja, regarding Japaaese faeetioas. Hoferrinn; to a suggestion by Bona tor Phelan that disposition of the Island of Tap with its. cable communications waa ; a delicato problem remaining for adjustment, Senator Williams declared that it was aot a qucetloa which would involve America in war. "Three-fourths -of the ijenatort don't morning that while Bennett denies vig orously any knowledge of tke crime, he snswers perfectly the description of the man who killed Lewis Baaaey. , - c '. There wore no doubts in the minds of the three), mea who accompanied -the negro - to Raleigh ' that, at least, there would have been , a lynching had the negro remained in. Warsaw. . asoetiag of the New Tork State bankers' .nAoeiatioa. k Epesklng oa "worklar back to nor mal," Governor Harding asserted that whatever' danger of crisis there may bare beea k passed tad that a bright future is ahead tOy4evattalned through hard aad Intelligent work. Productioa must continue if the country it to pros per, the Governor said, but surplus production must (be disposed of by sale to foreign countries, y Voder present conditions, ho continued, many coua tries eaanot psy for goods ia the nsusl maaaer aad -"it ia noeoasary 4hst we should devise aew means of financing our foreign trade." Continuance of trade with Europe Is vital, Uoveraor Harding declared and the maintenance of "tbe trade relation ships of other countries with Europe Is scarcely less Important. "Otherwise thsre will be a constant tendency," the Governor eiplahrM, toward uie aecumuiaiioa nere ok goous, frlnclraJly raw. mstcriala, from . those countries which havs beea ia the habit of selling to Europe but which, on count of Europe's inability to pay aad their own Inability to extead credit are shipping to the United States is order Jo soil for aash. r . . Jtcf erring 'to the unsettled" exchange iltustlomhs jaldht "iaihe. Braaaat ! - . J I. ' I V ! . cuvumsuiiivcw wouiQi urn wmiu peet to flnanro oar wporti to Europe by means - of short-tims bankers credits." The wsr Inane corporation has been revived, he added, "and sub ject to the act creating it, if ia authorial rd to extend credits in export trans actions, bat it .ia-evident that new hgeneles . must bo resorted to ia order to furnish . Europewith long time credit which is so esseiHial for her ro- habilitatioa and for her eontinuanee a potential buyer in the worlds margeta. . - .-7 r tell ag and grounds Mr. Woods 'came to Marion to Mr. Harding Tormally that the inaugural committee had acquiesced to his pro posals that the east Steps of the eapitol be made the scene of the event rather than tho Senate chamber. Be sought tbe President-cleat's consent to nlaa ffir ih aretina of a small nlat- form oa tha eaat steps from which the I PcflflSy I Vaflia inaugural anareaa win do ocuverva. ii was' agreed that the platform would be built but it would-be merely a small affair designed o assist the President elect in making himself hoards Mr. Harding today cowtiaaed'hle cabi net eonfereneee preparatory to his de parture for Florida, but whether he waa able to reach a conclusion In regard to eeversl pressing questions could not be learned. Among the visitors wers Frank O. Lowden, former governor' of Illinois, who ii reported to be supporting Charles G. Dawes, of Chicago, for Secretary of the Treasury ; Will H. Hays, chairmen of tbe Bcpublieaa National committee, spoken of for Postmaster General, and Charles P. Hilles, of Now fork, mea- tioncd for the Secretaryship of the treasury''' ' ' Neil her Mr. Lowden nor Mr. ilUIes would comment on their conferences with the President-fleet but Mr. Hays took pains to deay reseat reports that a differeac of opinion s cabinet selec tions sxistsd b etwee a him and Harry If. Dauiberty, af Columbus, regarded as U HWy jwciuloat -waMbO. fat wf -Attot- uey General in the Harding eablaet. Mr. Hsrs made it plain that bo wiansd it understood that there remalSed eem nlete harmony among the group of men who managed the Republican earn- na i am. "I came to Marlon at tne request ox Mr. Harding to go over several im portant, matters with him," said Mr. rars. "I am not nere seeking puoue office nor am I hero to adjust any alter cations over cabinet appointments, for aa far as I know there are none. tRalc4ghTtJMomc- incorporates onaer ui r.ugo aci sr. already ia 7 operation, under Federal supervision, Governor' Harding said, aad should their operations prove suc cessful the-furmetioa of others is to be expected.' - WILL USE CATAPULTS TO HURLELANES INTO IK Navy Department Also Endear orinj: To Bnild Collapsible Mmm MASONSOF SOUTH, HE STATES ASSEMBLE TONIGHT B'i i , offiecra e Introductions of bills for the sstab- ' lishmeat of a Board of Pardons and opening the penaioa rolls to all Confede rate Veterane and -debars over a local bill, permit tint Ifhe, 'aala. aImsWimI,.. Wtvs Ve "ic n V-uroe w-.--- . . w . i. . 1 1 i i. t i.i... ..a uiilnl yrorraiji er iea IB me oonaie, to tha constitution creating' a ' State Board of Pardons to cousBtsTof . tha Governor, the Secretary of (Mats and the Attorney General. CndeOhe pro- amendment, pardoaa, reprieves mutations could be granted oaly -v LHJUIII. IIa UlfllLU flIIIU I UI11UII I 7 unanimoua decision or tbe threw constituting the board: aad tha heard would bo reuuireM to submit a Rerjresentative Grand Lodoe Ooens Annual Would Include Primaries Un der. Federal Statute- The News aad Observer Burma, CM District Natlpaat Bank Bldg, By JOB L. BAEESL (By SpscUl Leased Wire.) Waahiagtoa, Jan. 17. Under a bill introduced in the House today by Rep resentative Kelly, of Pennsylvania, the peaaltiea provided ia the Federal crim inal code for violatieo of the Federal laws ia elections ia which 8c asters aad Representatives ia Congress are elected would be esteaded to primaries at which candidates for' aoaiinations for such offices are named. Tha bill is aa ameadmeat to Beetioa 1 of "tbo erlm iaal code, and reads: "If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threatea' or Jail mate any citissa ia the free exercise r enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by ths eoaatitutkra of the United States, iaeladtag the right to vote nni ee kavw bio -voto aoaaWd at aa primary or gcaeral oleetioa Where Representatives ia Congress or United Stats Beaators are shosea, or boeauss of his having exere hsed the asms, or if two or mora ' pwraoaa go ia disguise aa the highway or oa the premises of another, with 'intent to Session In Masonic Tem ple at 7:30 P. M. Dr. J. C Brsswcll, Oiand Master of Maaoai eeNorth Carolina, will cadi ths Grand Lodge of North Carolina to order ia Masonic Temple tonight at T:30, aad from present indications, attendance upoa ths sessions of ths body will sur pass kit previous years. Ths first Bight's aessloa will be givoa over to tho report of officers and the announcement of committees. Report of the Grand Secretary shows Masonry flourishing ia North Carolina with a notable lacreaae la membership aad ia receipts duriag ths past year. .The Board, of Custodians, --and -iba Oraad Lecturers war ia session in the Maaouls Temple yesterday and will be in session today until' one o'clock .th'.s afternoon. Pcient for tho meeting yeeterday wre John S. Csmerou, and Leon Cash, of tie Board of Cuetodiantt J.' Edwsrds,' Grand Lecture rr gad Rer. t. W. Patton. J. L. Nelson. Bay, ft. RowH: had Bf. W. Q Vieker, assistant uraa Lawtarers. Dr. Braawelr arrived In Jtalelgh yes ierdsy sad other Grand Officers of tbe Grand Lodge will bt la the city early today, report at eaeh session of ths legislature) -giving full details of all cases upon ' which it had acted favorably. Senator Walkcr'a bill provides that the proposed amendment shall be sub. tnitted to the voters of the Ststs at tho next general election. The Senator -stated yesterday that while he believed the Ooveraor should be rcKeved of tlhs '. full responsibility of granting pardons thst bs thought the chief executive should be a member of ths board aad hs felt thst ths function could be exer-X eised more efficiently tad economically by preaent Statu officers than by-a' special board. Giro All Vetera as PeasUas. Senator Solomon Oallert, of Rutherv ford, yesterday Introduced his pet mehe-, ure, a bill providing that all Confederate -Veterans and, aa -widows sfystsraaB. shall bs eligible to receive pensions. The present law disbars all veterans owning property valued for taxation at 1 mors than $500 aad, all widows who married later thsa January 1, 73,v cantor Gallert stated that estlmstea prepared by-Chief Justice Walter-Clark and'CoL W. P. Wood, former Stnte ltoihsn.-eha amsongo wt the bUI would increase tha number of pension er from 10.000 to 10.000. . ' ' Immediately afte.r adjournment,' ths oommittee oa pensions met sad reported the bill favorably by k unsnlmens vote. Ssnatpr Klnslsnd, chairman of the com-. -mit tee, waa directed to ask that ths bill bs mads a special order, to be taken tf ARWNCS INCOCN1TO GO TO CLEVELAND FOB VISIT. - . The snnouncrmeat waa msde yester- hinder or prevent ,his free exercise of I day that tha Oxford Orphsnsge Singing aay tight or privilegS so secured, I Class will givs a coaeert ia the Masoa.e I no Immediately after the exiiiratioB af they shall bo fined not to oxeeed $10,000 I Temple Wednesday afternooB at X.Wttbe morning hour oa Wednesday, Jla- aad snail do eoanned aot to exeees I eompumeninry to too ursna uoage. to tea years, aad shall bs disqualified I this, all Moste- Masons re invited, from holding nay place of trust tiader I' OffJefte Of the. Grand Lodge are: the federal sovernmeM." ' 1 James C. Braswell, Grand Master, Whit g At hVtatt. tfcersf"i BftU wcrt)eput- ra Tha hill was referred to ths indicia Master, Henderson: Jan. H.- Webb, Be- Uleveland, O, Jan. IT. Traveling In somnimer, where iU author hopes to "'w Grand Wardea, Hlllsberot Hubert kked for immediate consideration . of ii Tl IJ . -1 4 I . ' .. r I VT tn... Anil Viu Wafc. I . . .... .... ... . . uary 19, Robert E. Lee's birthday. Dlscaas Bead Issue BUI. ' ., Declaring that tho city of GoldiBoro is no being forced to borrow money hfTintriiTcrestTwK' eonlTderibly"lB ex- or o per cenr, ctenator xsyior A . cognito, President-elect Harding slipped t aa early besring'oa it. into Cleveland today oa personal ousi-i When ths bill was first introduced nesS and succeeded in' making hi way I thsM first imnrsaaiaw that was MineJ about the downtown section for several by .itni who heard it read wss that hours unreeognixca ry sireet crowas. it was another gun pointed ia ths M. Potest, Junior Grand Wardea, Wake I Forest: Benjamin B. Lacy, Grand T.eaanrer. Raleigh i WUliam W. Will- bob, Orsnd Secretary, "ilclght Rev. I Joha 8. Wood, Grand Chaplain, Spea- Accompanied by Mrs. Harding, the direcUoaof tho South, beea use of her . U"eld- A?ocU'f n a. t -a. f' ..... w I fiMHrl llianlnin ITnajlhArifffi Nate J know where Tap is. said Senator Wil -lejsa. ye- weSf goiug-tu y.ip tar-a . big army, aad yap against she Jspaneee - and yap against an army of S130j000." Called up unexpectedly, the Kaha ! resomtioB u the .House, provoked son Washington, Ja17SNavaT air wlnnsa. instead -of-Hakia off'- frowJ Mr tmAMrtr Harding -reached land Tate in ue nxteraeoa ana TWINS STILL.L00KIN . FOR A PLACE TO PLAY th. decks pf ships whut tt , wui bs " ' , .. I hurled' froa jnUpults-lf experiments Winston-Salem. Jan. 17-WhereV to I . . ' K.il I. . . i-.: ...t..iox MS.nsvr urpsnsresi prove succcii.- slderable-partisan debate in which Repub I MB'tinsT tho -Wton-8slem Uss- fuL le Hons Kaval Commlttes was lleaot ehaiged Secretary Bakes had vio- l ball Bssociction. Prince Albert , Psrk I told.today.br Captain T. T. Craven, di lated the will of Congress ia rnnninx! wlr eo-d last fall to tie B. J. Reynolds I rector sfsniaval aviation. Tests ara bo- i no total army strength above the figure owaeco vompaay, wnicn nas .arranged ing maae, nereaia, we nnsnmgion for which appropriations had beea '' those ( its atMotio inclined negro Navy Yard where it is planned soon to msdo. There was little opposition to ths employes to -use his sunuscr. .-this shoot s-seaplaas fro a catapult t see - reduction? however. wh. jnt tn a' vnt. aecessitated owaera ' of Twins lookinr if ths plan is possible. . . - RELEASED FROM CUSTODY vnancnon. B. u van. a united . Sut Diatvioi Jidgo Hsmry-Af M. "Bmithtf today handed ? down aa opinion oa hiaanile. esaecluag the bond -of ths ateamahip Cicoa oa bokrd of which -several weeks ago contraband whistuy was confiscated by prohibition enforce ment cineera. - & r ; , Aa In the oasVof the steamship Saxon, Judge Smith holds that vessels should not bs held as pswns for ths good de portment of their officers - and crews I station damaged ' to ana ua ia am opinion tne law is aot intended to eauss eiriv of craft act ually engaged in legitimate eommeri proepects, but it nss not beea definitely fo' aew "method would, prove superior Kium .noincr viuicr one im oe so- i ' r " - v. , w , . . ... . I nt.- . J . . ip . ' iss navy is sussipusg nso io eon struet.eollspsiblo plaaet. ths eo mit too was informed, so they can be takes do and stored in "hoard daring bad weather -at sea. Aa appropriation 'of tSSJMOJKO has beea requested for naval aviaUoa owrtng the coming fiscal year. DuriuW that: time,, the oommittee was told,' ths navy's statioa at Hamptoa Sonde will .become the . most Important President-elect msde ths trip from Mar- Ion in an ordinary parlor ear attached to ' a regular train. So carefully had they laid their plan to escape attention that they got sway from the railway station , as quietly as ordinary travel ers, and tonight some of their closest friends' here hid not learned of their presence. failure to allow negroes to vote. But his bill permitting municipalities ia Wayne county thstavo already adver tised bonds for sale and rejected all i bids to sell those bonds at not less than ' 09 per cent of their par value. Seaatora Gallert and Sama objected., to ths bill oa the ground thst ths pro vision requiring a sals at par is tho oaly protection afforded municipalities from bond houses. Both Seaatois ex pressed tho fear that psssags of tha bill would make it impossibls for aay -!-!..,: . ..11 I.. v-.l- ... K.Hc U W-.TsyUr, Aslat. Grand Chaplain. ZuiMm rflood sgiurbills. rt'.ni I ' Ths bill wsi reerred to. JhS i.otn- Grand Chaplain, Chad bourn ; Rev. J i. tn ' . r . , l fyi l I when - Interrogated. ABepresenUtivs ? XT iZSl Kelly quleklr corrected this impression, Z J&,?-,??l.XS?i'. snd sxplsined that tho bill reads wln'SlT-'ZL.. flT f- . . .w Jf ' 5 Ashevillei Rev. Bunyaa McLrod. W j... -. V" -T I elate Orand Chaplain, Charlotte: Bev. asm emaujv y a aaum en I j sasrui gas ay a WW It-Viis- piss said Mr. "iCr "'"d- r" rtho.Fcidersl j alor-Graad lss, Roehinghsmr Lsoa were driven directly dowa towa in a closed secret service sutom obile. After a cir cuit of several shops snd offices they went to a hotel where they dined pri vately and remained overnight. They will leave for Marion early tomorrow forenoon, - c law, which aew safeguards general elections, around ths primary at which saadidatss for the- Senate and House ara chosen. -, i ' . Inspiration to amend the criminal code came to Mr. Kelly by roasoa of the fsiiure to obtain aoavietioa of Cash, 'Junior Grand Dsaeon, Winston Salem;. Joha -Jt. Cameron, Grand Mar shal, Klnston; John H. Anderson, Grand Sword Bearer, Fayettevillei B. C. Dunn. Grand Pursuivant, Enfield; J. F. Khem, Grand Steward, New Bern; R. T. uates, Ursnd Bteward, Henderson eured. Until .the park questions is set tled it eanaot be definitely : stated whether Wrnston-Salem will havs a club in the Pif dmont league this year." Jf thia matter 'is satisfactorily adjusted it seems -ta be a. foregone conclusion that Charles A. Claaey, will bs employed te manage thc921 club. ,' ; HARVARD TFAM CANCELS , ITS TRIP TO VIRGINIA , - Cambridge, Mam, Jan. 17 The Har vard's , varsity track team which had . planned a southern trip for tha spring eeesa will aot go below , the Masoa Dixoa lint at. a result - of action by University cT Virginia and tha Nsval Academy.- Te a communication from Major Fred W. Moors,- graduate saaa ager af athletics at Harvard aayiag that ths Crimson team ia eluded two hthlem ,f ae hloodjboth institatiaaa rsplied "that they consiuercd it best under ths rireumstaaees that track, meets eehad- tiled with Harvard ia April should not -ko held.--. . : -.- . -- . CbarchlU Made London, .Jan.- 17y VTinatoa Speaesr - Xharak Ul,- taawac-eBinistci, H irrs-' liably, although uaefficially, stated has s rted.tha post of secretary of stats for the colonics, ia sueeertioai vo TtiP rocnt.JXilBwr, who" 'rea4s port'-" f -4.Jeau,)r I,... i . Texas Coatora Beet reveal by. Firs. ' Houston, Texas, Jan. -l7V-The plant I aviatioa operating bass on ths Atlantis- of tha Texas Barral Company valued at I vstptaia uravea urged, that SltVUXKL maa . destrov tit hm - tTnlan I "considerable sum" be exoeaded on sa - estest ' tsti-1 woo Sole statioa at the Panama Canal ted 'between SS0JW0 and , llOOjDOO.l ew "protect the canal ode- ad Ifra. O. .V. Radaera.' waa. bursL I S-Wtely".. . ' - . VSt&r 'T.l GOMPERS RE-ELECTED AS Ft DERATION PRESIDENT ,'Mexif City,' Jaw. 17-Samtel Genu. pcra today .was re-elected president of the Fan-American Federstioa of Labor. His election followed a arse-hoar do bate in-which there wae a split among the delegations, tha Mexicans. Salra doreaas aad Guatemalans voting aniart ll. . . : . . . . . . . T w WMauwVHS vriBfjv ox US lutioa aomlaating Mr. Gem pcra. . SOUTH CAROLINA CEOWERhr .TO.JtEDUCK- SI t4 PI -CXXT norenee, a O, Jaa. 17 -A redaetioa ei l-s per eaat of the 1M1 tobaees crop, com nared -with that af logo was octcTwuaed wpoa' today by tho execu tive esmmitteo of tho South, Carolina " a sec gallon. Eaaetaeat of a oompu hwry tVing adrrashv is arxpestod UTfUrtUW nrtaU production. Beeordiat to tha secretary' of tha eammittoa. .A tele ssa was sen to F. D. Carr at WUaou. N.-f, telling ths North Caro baa Ajsociatioa ef Xhe actioa by this Uia. T- ..-.. NOTED BAND LEADER IN -TIB FOR TRAP SBOOTING .- HONORS -AT PINEBUR8T Plaahsrst, Jaa. ITv-Joha Phillip isasa, noted, haadanaater, aad Isaac C Aadwa. Bowth Eaatora caaltal- ist, who kavw Jointly Btt dad asset ox the impertoot trap - sfceotW teejrwaaMata hold ta thia eaajatry and Canada darisg th past years, at doing their beat to dews sacs) other at the mid -winter toarma teent at Piaeharst. Aadrrva had won S3 cigars fresa Seema aad the latter had warn U from Aadrowa. aa tho not Basalt f tbe lot daels ta which they the rwd of ltn. hmt bat wuwh oad msrf the aaaravjradayn JM targxtaJniho wO wiatw taejraaaaewt wurfced the. he- gtaalag af tho rubber, so so apeak aad Aadeewa drww flrat blood with m-breatusm awatsaa) 111 fas Ais leW A0eaTyaarttBeVft had tadalged o D0UGHT0N BEGINS! TO -PREPARE HIS ANSWER took pUco U a prim.ry aad aot ia a TiiSisu 47'dsfeadaata indicted at. Pittsburgtf villa;. W. D. Terry, Grand Tiler, Ba- beeauss Of dishonesty ia a eongves; leigh. i - . sional primary ia that tity last May. . . ... Because the iaeideata . tompbiqed oi CHARLOTTE WILL GREET- McnwirJentoorata Taosi Eighth District Gather In Salisbury 8aTburyf'"Jan,7: 17Ths"imattar"i frtlWrlftg' the charges ef I)r. Ikq Camp,- beii, or Morwooev taat uers were ir regularities ia the recent congressional campaign, ia. ths Eighth -district was takea up seriously her today by Con gressman B..L. Doughton, who came to Salisbury to spend some time la making a complete raavsss or ths tacts aad making aa overwhelming asswsr to th contest which ths Republican candidate ia preparing to wsgs for. a neat ia ths lower aooee la waahiagtoa. S -' The proper papers havs been filed, the candidate , receiving majority vote has beea properly notified aad tbo fight hi on. Mr. Doughton states ha will re gain hers loaa saouga to make a om elets allowing in his ae. There are Bias coiratiea ia- tho " district aad Dr. Campbell carried six of these. It is understood .la at thsCevublieaa eaadi- date claims irreguJariUeSs sapecially ia Staaly aad Rowaa. - , - . , . Ia additioa to ths attmeyi who ere seting ia behalf of Mr. Donghroa there ars harj fur tho hearing aad confers ace pollholdsrs, seeded ia giving informs- tioa accessary ta ths case. - Bo" ancWm stay eeFastbsn Team Louisvills, Ky, Jsa. 17-Bo" Ms- millia. Centra Collct foorball star, aa Bounced here today that ho hr consider- Hag-aw -t'cr-W Heed a Caattm, Oflio, radspoadeat football toast. He ladi es ted that while he had coma to ae" deeisioa he regarded- tho offer ad a suitable bridge between tho class of is collegiate sewrss aad a besiaoss, tbe-eer.--rr -- t-t Newberry Case Aa Example . It ia also puiated oat that tho New- berry ease, now pending before the Uaited Wssef enprem Court; is further proof pf ths necemity of throwing the aafegnard of tho federal erimiaal cods aroaad the primary. Ia his brief ta ths Bupreme eoort la behalf of Senator mitteo on judiciary No. S, whieh held a - eetihg immediately after the close of ths session and reported : the jbtll favorably by a voto of five to four. The fight upon the bill will probably be re newed upoa the floor by Senator Gallert or Senator DeLaney, chairman of ths committee. ' At the hearing before the committee, tho city of Goldsboro waa represented, by its attorney; Mr. Hoyt, of New V.V l..l,J ll,.Vnblnl RnvFRWnR PIM MORRISON iiuIImT$SMiM.mf "" r in... I which would provide -for-the-sale -of - Big UTOWa TO liurn, Ut WneB bond issues aggregating StlO.OUO u iden Ha Oomes To Welcome Via. ' itinf PbTaioiaas Charlotls. Job. 17w A delegation of I several hundred Charlotte mea and wo oa has beea named' by president T. ileal with a bill passed at ths-special sessioa and upheld by the Supreme Cowrt undet- whicb S320t ia bond wWM--oM;"i .-. . .i-- ;.. . .; H .... After a sessioa lasting Jess than an hour ths Beasts adjourned to most to day at JI o'clock. ' : ' ' - N.wWrrChIrl lT HughrV Tenner U Kirkpatrlck. of the Chamber of dom- h Hoots at Nljht... . Assoc to Justice Dalies fhe nvilnt rtaH e moeif Governor Cameron Mor- Ths Houao eonflnedtself to a U-mln- tZJ'Z?? Z< I!!! ri-a; whsa- be .arrive, i. Charlott. et. . wsmio. last i,ht; ..got M bill. u rovn bu mm jaruaicuom wW I tt,: I .4 i d ia ei .uea. i.Mcua tonrii. .1 TtTkleC Xiw -i! -rttaT U eeaal.. with ths first uproariously .whea SeprsscataUv. . S primary at Which WCWberry WSS I ., ,.;nm k. r.,H U:..tt or Riehmond seat , forward a, "' f I .. . .. . n i. . . I . ; .1! . . i - d i. . . . soenom OX too -- Anrncil , voiiege as 1 reeoiuuoa myvm uw oimsnan ... Burgeons. Hsriot Clarksoa will be chair-1 Members Everett of Durham aad Bowie maa af tha delerjtioa. The. Charlotte I of Ashe, to wear their eveniag clothes Aatomotivc Trades Assneiatioa offi-(to all sittings Nf tbe. House, aad ad- eials have called oa tha eatire member-1 jouraed to harry away to ths Auditor ship of that organixatioa to gieet the turn aad, Madams Schamaaa-Heink. - -Governor.. : , " , . ., I Tho threw member. Included ia Mr. H. D. Weaver, travelling salesman I Everett's reaolatioa cams to th. hall missing from. boms her. sines M I dieses d In full eveaiag garb, having ia ber S. has beea located by Charlotte I mind ranrements later la ths eveaiag. police gores ta Houston, Tsxas, wnsre ae i Is held oa a bigamy charge. Tho first I wifs sf ths. alleged bigamist lives U I Atlanta, aad baa a nsarried daughter. The Charlott. .wife baa several 'child- aominated. As for Mr. Kelly's bill' being aimed at tha South, to punish that seetioa be cause aerroee ara not allowed to voto. snd aa a sort of "second effeamvs to tho effort ef TtnkEam, af Massachu setts, to. havs the Booth's reorese sta tioa ia Congress reduced beeanae the aegros. any not" voto. Mr. Kally said each sa idea mover- oeenrfed to hi Those whs thought he was "sheetiag'' at ua Bonn wsr. aadury aoarmed. Tar Heel Waata Job. . J. O. Aadsrsea, af Snow -HOI, Greeas eeaaty.'waa hero today aad called at the office of Beaatof 8immeas aad Ref rsseatative. Kitehia aad Brinaoa. Mr. Aadresea came heat ia the latoreet of lCharlotte i. t farks. a eampsoa eoaary ooy, wae is new la Fans ia a clerical we- siUow ia the American embassy. Parks Weaver will be brought tack ..to - eoaaulatos. sul i oao of . tho. Freaeh and Mr. Andersoa came Biembera at the Carebaa deVgatiew take the eler wpvoT-haw-with t Consular Bursaa. H.' B. Biller, vrtvato secretary' to Coagreaatnan Doughtaa. has returned from Btatesville, where he spent a week roc Air. Doaghtoa ' la tho Demgktei WRONG TOBACCO FIGURES ' -FOR OUJSBOEO ANNOUNCED eeJdsbora,: Jaa. IT-Ia publUkiag tobacco statistics ia thia mora tag's paper, you have made a mistake Which Waae deaBt a .typograpkieal error. 'According ' to' - a statemeat. from' tho secretary of tho Goldsboro tobacco beard of trade the a re rare for the JV20 tobacco trow has beea I1SJ9. Ooldaboro Chamber ef Commerce ' Tha rssnhitina follows t "Whereas, Tha epeaker Is aow drcssed to fit hie statioa, therefore be it re solved r. ' - That'h. bo requested to osmo to sack ssssiea of the Hoase, ia ths day timo or sight time, trrayed ia thess ha- -biiimeala- , .v.1-.. 1 : This resolution is introdneed la a ' rririt of pride sad feUow feeling , ...Bjmaker Gdtr 4 bie best toxoid, i,, straight face while ths clerjt read ths bill, but hs ha to forget dignity as1 Isffgh. wKk "ths msmbers whea their mirth srt swsy fveiw rhenl.- Pharr. ef Meexleaburg, ofsrtd 'an a' ehameat to iaeluds Messrs. Everett aad Bowie. The speaker taaouaeed tho foUowii-g aamwutteefi v .- i '? ( rmnmitlis SB PrepesitiEms sod Oris- ssees' hfgrphy, rhsirmaa;: TxiIct, sf K sTsm.lna.fi oa Pmo Thresi iCsmtUued Cx rrXj tX "".

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