.lews lbs , WE U UTItl fcaeth' UfvilM-ftif Wedees dsv sad prabaBly Thereat, Mi leesaaratara. , v .,.- v . erver m V9LCXIII.NOrl9. -TWELVE PACES TODAY. -RALEJCH N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY-1 9,-1 92 L -TWELVE PACES TODAY. manvEXENTs T ST KITCHIN PLANS TO CONTINUE MEMBER . - i Democrats Want Ranking Dem ocratic Member-To Aid In Wt.OhHiph Tariff . .SUFFER JiEAVY LOSSES IN THE LAST CAMPAIGN BepnblicaM WorUsx For Hlfh- - iiiTirur u it hi ui Dnt ocrats Tear It Will Amount r Almost To Trad Imbarj o; Merchant Maria Alio En. - - dinf erd HIGH OFFICERS GRAND LODGE OF, NORTH CAROLINA I- 1 ' ' fi. i. ii Hi III II .1 I I ; i ?' ! - ' I 'f t J j v DR. J. C BRASWKLL. Craad Vaster; HOUSE OPPOSED TO niBTuro iiiPorAor Defeat of Siegel Reappor tionment BnL . ; - 1 1 'The New aad Obwmr Bureau, 603 District National Baak Bldg.. Br JOB L. BAKER. (Br Special Heated Wire.) Washihgton, Jan. IS. -Indications t aigbt point to Us defeat of the Biegel re-apportionment "billyaader which the membership of tha House would ba l eraaaed front 433 to 483, .when it eome to Tata which 'will probably b lata tomorrow afternoon. Leader in both psrtles in the Roans who are opposing the increase pre dieted freely- tenight that . the . bill would be defeated "by a ' anbttantinl majority and tha appbHas which earns from both aide! of the floor this aft ernoon when Speakers were attacking tha 8legel bill would indicate thai the leaders know what they We talking about when they ''make these ' predle- rtions. . r There hetrbeen sharp, switch In described their axrjerfenere in detail to ts attituds of. tha House, as 1 whole, I day before the soar) ef inquiry ia toward the Siegel bill since it was I rest Ign ting the affair under orders from farorably spwt4 4it by ths Ceiwas 8crUryiof U liavy Danism. tommitte more than a wek ago. I 'Newtpepsr aeeouaU hare reflected Hearing From Polk At Home. I on tha actions of your two companions," -wow Jority ef Democrats- hare been Msjaat the proposed increase, but we msjor. it of Jtopablleaaa .1. - " . - . .... t - L-m haaHna rom horn." and tha falka I fickUg Us Wortii with sare, lieutei back horn 4ot bsUs the laersaa i w Kloor paid high praiaa to tha per Th News aad Observer Bureau, -003 District National Baak Bldg . tT JOB U BAIEB. v (By Spaeiaj Leased Wire.) ' WaahUgton. Jan. lt,-Bepreseatatlv Claude Kitekia has isesaaidared, and will not retire front tha Ways aad hi rant . float not laa aow to da aa at Uia se-r .In. Anrirw tha inarlal aaaalaa which! eereral weeks ago, it waa eaaeuneed that Mr XJtehin would retire front the ' . ' Wars aad UcMs committee, of which ' he is the ranking Demoeratie member, ; ' and devote himself after the end of this aesaioB eielusirely to his duties as ' ' Minority floor leader, the place be held while Champ Clark t-aa Bpeaker, aad - to which he will again be named by the nninarity In tha asit CVngress. of which ' . dark will not be member. A the time the' ahnouneement was made tist Kttehia would sirs np his ommitte work, it waa feared that his health would not alkft him to'de that work aad handle the Job of floor leaflet. But Mr, Kitehilr has so fully recovered ' from th. psrtial steok of paralysis he v nutttlned Isst- summer that he feels -, that he is sgaia physically flt, and has listened to tha urging of' his Demo " erstle eollesguea that be remain oa the 'Ways and Means committee, tha most, . iannerteat cor mittes in Congress, from which they insist be caaaot now be . spared, t Daaaaeratie wCasaaUleaw. Beary. v Demoeratie "casualties in that com Biittae were heary ia the recent flovea br' flolitieat twtHe, d twa af - the - ablest Demos- its, Henry T. Balney, of - Illinois, and Cordell Hun, af Tennessee,- will rot be la the Birty-serenth Cougress. They are jtow . second ad Shlrd taiikiiit DemoerstS am the aont. ' mittes, and because af the loan-af thess twa gentleaisa, Demeersu fsasrauy . . 'feel that the party would be seriooily hart If still another member wbe has ' tha adraatagi gst"d from many years ef .serrlee, should retire. ,- " At beet the minority win be hearfly outnumbered ia the aext Congress, ant , . Demosrats la the House hare insisted , to ilt. Kitehla that if he is physiaally able to, do to, he mutt remain oa wi ' committee aad aiTS his party and eoaja ' try the benefit ot his very ip!est fsmil. larlty with term ana retenua nmnere. , ' llr. Eitchia has heeded these urgings, and told The flews aad uoserver eorre - - spondent today that he would remain , ia committee at - least through the special essioisrwfiich"p . smiiaavxac n .ii:.c,,l; v-", Ta Benert E:rh Tariff. ' (' A general rerisioa of ie tariff law V1H be undertakes Dy uongreii as soon as tha special sessiea b convened. The' W ars aad Mean, committee has already beea engaged for .aearlv two weeks, - and ;!tlng hearings on which tha new Jaw will be be sea. From what - ' 'h&e already developed at these ' hear- . ings, it is spparent that the BepuDii eanji on that eomeiittee ate going to report to th next Congress a ' tariff law ) whoae duties A Ul' be far higher thaa any the country aai ever known. Democrats feer that it wili smouat al t most ta a trade emf argo, and will re . eult ia I. retaliatory : duties by ether countries that will very seriously ear tail America's foreign trade aad seri ously affect the merehint murine, buut ap. during the war at a cost -of nun dreds of millions - of dollar.. They, therefore want Kitehla to stay oa the job , : and and them Jn trying w prevent sueh v duties being levied as will bring about these disastrous results, feeling -that it ' is a time when every good Pemoefat should be tt the. fighting line. 3ir. Eahtff -was Capitol Hill to ' flay for the first time, since his return . last week f com a twa week's vseatloa la North Carolina aad . declared that he- was feeling flue. -rr v Wa-t fay ForWlta. - BepreSenrtatiTS Paa- has intradacsd hUi in tha House which, in subttsnee, p.-e rides lor th gorera- .ent to pay wit. s esses who- appear against the goreta ment in eondemnstios procvedlags the . sama as it pay those whe appear for the r goveraaieat, ' Senator - Orermaa , ' viU introduce a similar bill ia tha - Senate. ' "Ike hill it tha direct result af soa- demnatioa . -eceedinga brought by the government to get mad, for Camp Bragg, near FtTettorUle. Ia many ia- stsaess, tha prices flsed aader these proceedings- ere not regarded by th " owners as just and the eases were taken to-court for settlement. Cuder sxitt j lag law the government pays only tha .witnesses who appear for it, area if it loses ths ease Nunsen u protests from the laadVowaers 'about .Camp Bragg htveeome ta Mr. Orermaa aad .Mr. ' Foa with i ia result that they will seek ' t gsia relief through a -bill something like 'hat which Mr. Poa introiaead. Mr. Foa 'a bill provide that the proceeding in goverameat saasa af this kind shall - be Mt-eoaformlty with th 8ut proce- dirra ia matwi r oawsj - j---r" --- .It ia doubtful tart they wOl b able ' to get the bill through at this aessiaa, because of the congestion of legislation end the threatened ti-aa ia-the 8ea- - ata by I aaoa el the. flght aver, tha . ... rnrdney enae-eafy tariff bill. If aot, ' they will risg it r- aarlf ia ths aext - . - ' - j(Oaatjiai am- Page Twe) v. w. wnxaox, Craad Iscretsry. - B. K. LACT, Craafl Treaaarer, BCOBi DKOWJT WBK!t DAM BBKAKB NEAB MEXICAN TOWN Mextea City, Jsa. lis A erare af BMwsaa are haewa ta bare bswa drwwaed aad thirty ta have beva in. r I linJ this ifltTHU wh.a iha dam mlaJng tewas la Mestra, brake aad FORMER PREACHER DIRECT ISSUE IS TAKEN WITH PLAN Woltz-Carpenter .Bill Would ' Make Appropriation Not ' Recommended EYERETT WANTS AU DATA ' IN HANDS OF COMMISSION McSwain, of ClaTeland, Tirti Another Broadald RtTtJua. tioa Aot, Caliinr Tor Kaw Board Kriw of Appraiial Ia Each County; 8nat Kamet InTeitigatlnr Board y r- . I Tha first direct Issue with the re port ef the Stat Budget Commlaaioa had its beginnings simultaneously ia ths House and ia ths Beasts yestsrdsy whsa a measure wss latroduced to p-J propria ta aiou.ouu tor permanent Im pvovemeate aad $37,800 for the annual maintenance of the Orthopedic Hospital seatea ue measurs ia ins eenste ana Bepressntetivs Wolts ia ths House. GREENSBORO VOTKJ MIU.IOV DOIXAM FOR MOKE aCatOOLt, Graaasaare, Jan. 1L reeaebea taday pamad aaataar mllastaae aa ha match af praaraaa ah a vatara aa. tbertsad a ml I Ilea Ullar bead Uhi ler achaaU Oat af a tattl ef I til vagiatrsats. Mil rated far Ike IL-agslaat. .ahlia-aat horna aad thsrvhy vated awgalivcljr. That mesas Ihst eraeals ef Graaaa. bare will be adeaaaUly srarldrd elth mad.ra cearealeaera la every dciall sad slaa faar ar are arw aaltdlaee. Esaaadltaraa will aaver a peried ef years, earn ta be spent by Baard af Rdaealiea. Mayer ataf erd faagM baas aatll last. Can. treveray had reached lla height befara tedar'a rata. Nat a single waaaaa voted against the laeee waa preeeated herself at the Balls. Omelets drclsram stats wars re. saaaalhle far the heavy aBraaatlve rata. Total aemeer af wamea' votes exceeded tetal aamker man's ay aa. praalmatsly aae handred. One anaath age Callfard taaty voted I2.e.e read bead latsa. Oatclsls af lbs mavameaL bsve received - telegrams from aver the Slate ceagratalatlag Ihem aa tart tea. II MAaaaattaiiM. j. a laaae. I II I n H 111 1 1 I I 1 1 I II 1 1 1 .temVlnaa atlU I.I I IW'I I.I 1 1 li I s 1 1 I II I I UU llllll UlllUiillUil MASONS OF ST ITE MEET IN ANNUAL in m STEPS . ney i-ans id teep uryant i ,k, Bodget commissioa ubuuta lion To consoiiddTU .Air ierd.r firth Reports of Offters at First Ses sion Clears Way For Trans-' action of Business , GRAND MASTZR VIRGINIA IS GUEST OF HONOR Maaona Aatembllnf From ' AH Parts of North Carolina Ar Oratiflad at flonrishiaf Con. dition of Order In Stat; Ox ford Sing-inr Olaaa' Oiyes Concert Today TELLS ABOUT ALL EXCEPT THE FIGHT Norris Out of Pen I Biehmoad, Ta, Jsa. 18. Bryaat Al lea Norris, 37, former Primitive Baptist preacher, of Haraett eoosTi N. C, waa eoavicted here late today .of at eating aa automobile belongiag to Dr. Carring ton Williams. Richmond physiciaa. April Commanding Officer of Naval k 1920, aad was gives a term of Balloonists Recounts Cana- Ke,rf tha 8ut pi'y. The . AiSr, 7vruel.iu.ti 1" Hebroa Cross Bosda, Borksway.'N. Y, Jsa. 18. Carefully avoiding a ay mention of the flat light betweea Lieutenants Hintoa and' Far reH which brought to a surprising denouement their recent balloon flight into Canadian Jrilderaeas aad tramp back, to eivilisatioB, lieatenaat Louis A. Kloor, JTr, who eommaaded the party, aear Clio, 8. V early lawainne after Xorrls had bcea broaght from Saa FranFiseo to ataad trial at Clio for the theft 6f a ear belonging to Mr. J. H. Pate, which was stolen April 24, 1920. Giving bead before the date for trial there, Norris regained possession of th Richmond automobile which bad bees attached to eovsr damages dona to the Clio machine oa trip from Clia to this city where the latter ear waa fold. Tha day following his recovery af there learn od that it had beea stoles here. Meanwhile, . Norris had set oat its renori and transmitted it to tha General Aasembly, although the diree tors ef th Institatioa hsd appeared before the Commission with requests for spproxlmstely ths amount that ths meaaure would appropriate. Tha Commiaeioa' report stated that another such hospital waa being erected for crippled v children, where they would receive free treatment. General Fight Expected. The Wolta-Carpeater bill, together with tha Everett resolution calling up on the Commissioa for all of ths avail able data upon which it based the reoommeadatioBS la lta report, are de elared by members to be the beginning of whet msy develop into a general attack upon the findings of the Com mission. Mr. Everett i said yesterday that he fell thst the Obneral Assembly should aot Ba asked to appropriate money blindly, but ahouli have all the available information ia hand. General discontent is spreading la tha Legislature aver the report of . ihe Commissioa, particularly among 'the friend of the educational institutions heads of the Commissioa thsn, had beea ashed for. How far the issue will ba w . . . , , I .1. .. 1 .1 , i . . IT 1 r rom no DCgiamng. , me Jarge nia- -a r. . -.t-.- r.. rraneliwev Hla takaa nana aeama vrtlliaw t. nMmhv. " sw (waa yom gaow at in personal -,-""7. J Z.r.ir a. a.T w i u " i.l-- ta tha time ef I "l.rTr. . "!j t..'v I TTrZl",.'' .'uT- w:TT ba Township Schools High Point, Jan. 18. For tha flnyt tims ia tha history. of North Csroliaa voters decided ia a special eleetloa hers today to consolidate the schools of the townships and June beads In aa am on at not to exceed 000,000 for the erection and equipment of a central high school Out of a registratloa of 2 WW the total vote east for the' bonds was 1,308, giving a majority of 103. Much anti-bond aeatiment waa ia evidence and at o'dlock this afternoon proponents of the pwsags of ths issus needed 230 votes tol insure victory. At thst hour the spleadid ergaaiastiea of bond workers became visible1 when all were tardy in voting for better schools were rounded up and carried to the polia in auto aioDiiea. Opponents of the P300.000 issus to build, and equip a central high school building seemed content to remain away from the poHs. which met eon ttituted a direst vote agaiast tha issue. The real retina 414 not begla aatH after S o'clock this afternoon. Men aad women favoring better schools lost na time ia seeing that the number needed conduct of tha party from teasing -thebaic, etatian antil yawr, tar. f .... v . .... .. I this mschin front a man jsame is accessary. At any rater a lot f Re publican member who were eoaatea an to vote- to sustain- the committee ma jority give signs tonight . at having reversed themselresand erery p radio tioa -from leader aad from the ob servers -in th press gallery tonight ia that th bill wiu fail. ;r ' On of tha North. Carolina member, Representative Brinson,. was active ' in tha light sgaitst th Siegel bill today. A a member of the Census Committee, Mrv Brissoa slimed the minority report and today aided Representative Larsea, Df-Georgia, ta the Bgl.t dl-cted against the bill, from 'the. Demoeratie side;: In " hit tpeech. Mr. Brinsoa oted out that the House .already unwieldy, and thiprorxsed addition would make it more cumbersome, slto thst a' larger mtmberthiD tends to prevent nrtibera tion in the' eonsideration of legislation. There Is. alsov Mr. Brinsoa argued, aa element af cost that should be consider ed. The annual cost to the government frem th addition of 43 members, he inted out, would b more than a mil- lihn dollars, this covering-salaries, clerk hike, mileage, stationery account, etc. InWdition, office aswomfortable and at eonrenient as those furnished the Bra sent congressmen would have to be pro vided,, and a, conservative ettlmste of the cost of a new building to provide these orrises, be- said, n four mljlioa dollar, "ti this the time for such outlay of funds r he asked. "If there ia need of enlarged membership, is that need to argent that this burden should be put upon the country now, ia the midst of financial depression, when the butinem of the country is feeling the effect of the tremendous loss -.sustained by th farmer f In normal times, . I think tha Increaie would be uVwise. At this time, I fl thM it wot!4 Jiw US sinjrntaTly unresponslvto- the solemn- dsmaads'of this serious hour..W ".;v" :''::: North Carolina will gain one new ember u the membership or the 11 out sonal conduct tof his eompaaiena natil they, -reached Mattiee, where tha alter eatida occurred. "That's all I hare to any, as aeeiared, . but , the court re minded him 'kit story ' bad ' aot. yet brought the airmen -back to Backs Ifa Meatien af right. make victory passible; bad east their V liU-aY UlBwiai JUPI ass . . " ' ahl. ia sum ' altemther aaanimoaa "."'I'l " ;"' ..x v. ..'i n., i.Zm u 1 ... ,v. i ins eanrrsr mga sekeot wui a erset triZzntttmTZZZZZ Mrrs ar; .r rr m i- High Psiat, but th uc.u- h . it.. t. svi. I.. I . a " . T "w " ne aciion laaea so nlt.f Two Biehmoad detective broaght him back on the aeeosd trln seroas , ths continent to fee trial here. Charlss L. Guy, attorney of Dunn, N. C de fending him today, pleaded with the jury to let him go back to nia.wirc other tewnthlp high' schools Htat. ia this A aecoad broadsid waa fired Into th Be valuation Act .in th House yester day when- Representative McSwata I ZT&ZSZ o?V ..r SSS H,S KNOWLEDGE OF MORSE of property appraiser in each'. taking! a member from eaek township In the SAVES LIFE OF CLERK Thea he mentioned that Uentenant I tBd "' fllrl in .Harnett county snd I eouaty, 'charged with the duty of re- j LMlud In Bank Vanlt, Arthur Hintoa had left the private, car in which tha two ef them were aeated shortly after arriving at Mattiee to de liver ta -lieutenant Fprrell Secretary Daniela' order agaiast granting inter views. :l i . HHintoa"said Is would tell Farrell and in doing so hs hsd to gote the Hndsoa'f Bay Company store, after which ha returned to the room we were occupying in the private ear," lieuten ant Kloor aaiC. n It waa while Hintouwaa gone oa th!s mission that the fight occurred, but the witness mad aa meatus or it. - ' "Conduct of Uenteaaata Hintoa and Farrell, oa our' return roa Mattiee to this station," be continued, "was ia no wsy 'questionsblc." - . i Concsudiug his testimony, lieutenant Kloor turned to the -ress tab Is and smiled at a doxen newspaper men,. who were amusing themselves by discussing his apparent evasion ef tk -question on thw aeruuauts' -conduct. Hs ma then excused, by the court. During the weeks they spent in ice bearded fsrssts, at Moos Fsstory and ia trudging through the snow back -to civilisation, lieutenant Kloor said each of the mea "made sacrifice after sacrifice." He did aot think there "was any one particular . hero,":::i i -; Had FaeaV Far Tkraa Meals. ba aivea a ehanea to sin aa more. Per. bapa. ' suraested the lawyer, he might evea take ap the cross sgain. Norris admitted under examinatioa pa the stand that h had preached the gospel for six years. H blamed his downfall oa -win and woman. .,..-4-.,. . vising the assessments of tha Bevaluv Hon act. The intent , of ths McSwain bill It I similar to th reeomuiendatlon of the State Tax Cominimion ia.it report to th General Assembly, recommending that the local Board of Assessors be I Brenner Sends Messag To Night Watchman Philadelphia, Pa.. Jan. 18. locked for nearly six hour in a hermetically Sealed concrete and tenl ranlt ta ht. called back Into service tor the purpose city treasurer's office last night. nCMDCCV llin PA DDCMTICD i " oac into service lor the purpose city treasursr's office last night, a U t Mrot T Al UAHrtli I Itn I 0f MTistng the valuations of 1910. knowledge of the Morse telegraph code NUI iU nAVfc Intin PUUI Mcowain Miteve msi, in many i prouiwy saved th life f Arthur Bra Failure of Principals To De posit Forfeiti CHt en Afl ' The Beason 1 New York, Jan. 18 Announcement that th heavyweight championship bout betweea Jack Dempsey, title) holder, and Georges Carpentier, Europeaa cham pion, for which . the normous purse of 1500,000 had been offered, has-been definitely declared off was made tonight by the Nsw lfork Times. counties th utef ulness pf the old board has passed, and that prejudice arising agsipet K . them would be too . . i . i . . . . . great a aaaaicnp ser saiinrsciory re adjustment or values. His bill is as follows:. "Seetioa 1. That Chapter one. Pub- lie Laws, Extra Session one thousand nine hundred and twenty, be and th asm is hereby amended by. striking out section nine of the said act and inserting in lieu thereof a new section a follows t . LTBeionJLJtbi Failurs of the principals to depoiit forfeit moneys, as waa provided for ia contracts signed by the promoters, ths boxers and their managers, was glrea as tha reason for the cancellation. Under the term of the contract for the, bout, . the promotera-Cbirlee s B. Cochran, of Emeland, William A, Brady and Tex Bickard collectively, agreed missioners in each county-shall appoint one person ia each township who with the board of county commissioner shall feonstitut a board of Undr-an-praisers to revise, investigate and, pass upon the Valuation of all real.estat listed for taxation. That during th meatus of April, Aity ana June of any yeT any person, firm or aorporatlon ner. aaalitant city treasurer, it became knowa today. A mouse, locked ia bt the same, time, falteS to survive, aid r ...." wuen orenner waa rescaea us do ay was found. urenner entered the vault, a room IS. feet souara and 20 feet hiah. fir minutes before Closing time yesterdsy, hunting for a warrant. While he waa there, the big steal doors swung shut. He shouted for help without attracting notice. - The lights went out automatically as balcony ia the rear. .. He felt his .way down stairs, pulled opea every drawer had piled the -books aa tha floor to get ihe ma:Jmum amount cf air possible ana thea slept Tor a -While, with bis face as near trie bottom af the door aa possible oa the assumption that a slight amount of air might get through tt that point. When he woke his hsnd The Mf im xttesAwW subJeVto texafean in Jeonta Tha Grand Ledge ef Masoas of North Carolina opened lie aannsl sessiea ia Raleigh last eight at 7 JO aad after - Ihe re porta of officer aad the aaaounee yneat of the eommi;taea, cleared tha pray for the t nonaction of the balk of the busiars ef the Gsaad Lodge The Masons assembling from ail part of the Hist met ia gratitude Last th year during which mem bership was increased by" tWeatyx"" hundred aad receipts by more Jhaa V0. ReceipU for th year were So.' 939M agaiast the 1919 receipts of SS - .' 81.57. Ia ths 449 lodges la the State there are aow 32,825 member agslaat ' ths totsl ef 30,123 on June 30, . t - ; One of the distinguished gnswts pres. ent lent night was Grand Master Wil liam W. Gait, of tha Graad Lodge of Virgiaia. ' Thia afternoon at t:30 Ihe tinging elsts of the Oxford Orphsaage will J give a concert complimentary to tha -Mrand Lodge and all Master Mssoaa ire iarifed to attead." " 7"' Craetiaga Pram Tlrglala. ' ' " Grand Master Willum W. Gait, ef Virginia, was presented to the Graad Lodge and conveyed the greetings oC . the grand body over whjch he preside. "North Carolina is, so dot to VirN ' ginia that yon caaaet tell a North Care. ' linian from a irgiaiaa; aa inxisible line ee pa rates ths two States, but no line visible or invisible separates 'ftorth ' Csrolins Mssoaa fro . those of Vir- ' ginla," he aaid. Paat Graad Master PraaeU D. Wia. " a ton respondad to the greeting from ' the sitter State aad ia a amorous vela challenged the atatemaat af Grand Mas. . tor Gait hat Nortr Caraliaa is a . daughter bf Vlfglbla. - The Stat ee Virgiaia settled Itself la North Csro--, Una territory aad called itself bv a North Caroliaa name," asserted Judge ' Winston. , , ;., . , v. Grand Master Braswell, Grand Secre tary Willson and Grand Treasurer Lacy' presented reports of the res pec tire setivities during the past year, each of them stressing jbe growth of the order.. . .. Grand Master Jsraswell closed hi re port by expressing his appreciation af the courtesies thst have beea extended him during his admiaiatratioa. "A aa earnest cf my futurs I ask you to ac cept the aolemd pledge that whea Ma sonry call I can have but one answer i Herehejsajd. a . The report of th directors of the Ox. provide three meals' for tha three mei, he said. They carried' no tballoos log and. the only maps were charts of -the states af New York, "New Jersey, Con necticut and Pennsylvsaja r After explaining that "it would have been as easy as falling;' off a log" for guarantee of good faith. This sum was to be deposited ia. thai Central Union Trust Co., her on or before "November 0 last. Tb? managers of "the re spective boxers agreed to deposit SSO,- 000 each. tion. and who flies with ths board-af land appraiser a sworn statement that said property is apoa the . tax books assetaed ' for taxation' ' at Jia' amount in excess -of Jts true' value ia money, Shall hare the right U, pet itloa said n.1. h.t r.t Vfr. Tneh. board to have ssras re-assessed and it remiinj IKl amtr35a TW 8ff r wfflf the pasty to avc landed -3 VFeUaTK. f raa f or . Sa533--liad" tee8 mad f W'tt gainaa additional member if the mem berthip ii axed as the majority report recommends, 483. 1 dVaot feel that '.hi addition of thia ana new member to thi delegation of my State should influence irir vote whea-along with that one 47 other name a re added to the rait, aad this Tory great' erpease- -put -apoa th governments 4 " : ? 4 Tlakham Te TlnkU Again. . "TinkliBf" Tlnkham of Massachusetts threatens to tiakleH again tomorrow. - jmujea ueoaie aa ine xeapporuonment bill ia the House this afteraoosv Mr. Tlnkham . gave' notice that he would call ap his resolution bearing his' nam tomorrow, aad. offer it a aa amendmeat ta the Siegel bill. The rasolutioB. as is well knowB'by thLsviime, directs ah javestigaOea lata aleetioaa ta deter mine u aegToes are oeiag wreveaiea from voting in the Sowth. ' -v It Is ths talk an Capitol Hill that tare motives actuate Tiakkam ia press ing th resolution, one af them the eloquent fact that he baa a considerable a errs population in hie district aad. quit matt rally tike to get 'their votes. and the other-that ha ksa aever -for glvaeyl be Botfth for favoring s-nd adopt ing prokibitioa aad, 'through'' her Coa- hefptng to 1 write the prooi- brtiaa ameadmeat into the Federal eoa- Wketber.a aot It- U tbeaa motives that actuate tha gestlemaa from Jdassa- chasetta hs seeks te be a relentless foe . , a -' Osatiaaod aa Page TwJ " -evening, they left Lteutraant Kl said "-bey . failed to locate Wellt an a chart before going oa ward. . . When they; asked inhabitai.t 100 feet beliw tbem how far K waa te Albany, be added, tha only ieply was: -"How ahoald we kaowf . ' """, ' Uou've at ' Well on the map aow. you U kaew 'where it is th sxt hero. Francois Jtesehsmpt, aiannger- for Carpentier, ia mid .to have posted a check for 150.000 In France, but the money has never beea forwarded to this country.' No time extensions, it i said, hate beea granted the other pro moters and Dempsey,' '. ':'-.tl.'":: " Under tha terms of the agreement, Dempaeywsa to receive $300,000 aad aad, remembering that Charles Hoefc. wald. a night .watchman, also could telegraph, 1 pounded out in Morse: I am locked In." Will get help" earn the aaswer from Hockwald, who immediately telephoned a man wb9 knew the eoiubiaatioa 1 ffthat-'Ufti5-"':;tri-g' -f-5(SSfc?,--5pKS--w-Scft. tha bpardral appjaiscr .;tv: jhtiMd I .... n,.n iniron such applieatioas a may be filed 5UUII1 UAnUUNA DldnUr rr.trror made -mason at sights a . a a. 9 j. t.l I.' -. ' snip ia waica Bsia propeny is weswu 1 Columbia, 8..C- Jsa. W. With aine a ruu ttsteraent or isi changes maa 1 imb, Mrt mad uim af the ia the vamatioB of aaid property, glv- Maaoni fraternity, la South Caroliaa Ume,-. remarked. Rear 1miral KUae, OarpeaUer 1300,000 "win, lose or driw," bead af the court. Lieutanaat Hintoa mt aear Lieutenant Kloor throng-hoot his test imoay. He probably w.'U . quizzed tomorrow,' aad Licnteaaat FarreU also, if tha bitter re- eoveka aaffideaUy from a alight attack af toxtsiUtis. ' NORFOLK TO BRING JAPANE8R ' V ACROSS CONTINENT TO TESTIPT. Norfolk, Ta. Jan. 18. Witk tke help af - : Japaaeae ambassador Norfolk will brine; mere thaa a doxen Jspanss saa aae a across, th. coatiBeat ta testify against, six alleged ktembera ef a bead of harbor pirates vwbeee activities la boarding jforeiga . ahipa aad eeiting liquor while . Boaing aa aoveraamat agents have eaeswd suieial eomplaiaa te be madeto- Wathftrtoa. The city eoua ail today appropriated SSjDOO to nay the transportation expesses, hoping to fls th r-spoasiblhty f or the death "of a Japanese aeamaa. Unstmaa meraiag ea ute atea trader anast. Trrt In aachlastanee. .The contract provided for the match te be . held . either in March 1921, or between May 29, 1921 aad July 4, 1921. at a place to b desig nated by the. promoters. The contest we te be "not more ' thaa 15 rounds aad not less thaa 10 rounds." . ' , ' Whila the "failurs to sdbsre ta' th deposit stipulations .' af 1 the contract are .the alleged com palling sforees ;ia dicta ting aa abaadoameat of the beat, ether element-notably the -recent ac tion ef the National boxing sssoeiatioa, in adopting, a -maximum price f $15 per seat -for. a champtoasfiiff- eeateat, fro believed' to- have entered late the situation. .Neither Mr. Bickard aor Mr. Brady could sbe reached for a atate- twniglrc r-r - w.-"--" three Running Races, Two Harsem Bseea. Polo Pony -SpeciaJUca. Piaehurst Aeeelttad af Mardar Charge. - . Newport, Ky, Jaa. 18. Justus ,B. Murray toalgkt was acquitted by a jury as Campeeli -eirewit eourt her: bafere a. r a. i - - - at a t .a- M aZtFaZteFlS ali.radia,WtiUo-n, the first Vi?S?JZ e.V gUIllve ihe eperatioa f a aUiag ef btkexia. ing the nam f owner, description of the property aad tha original aad re vised valuation, ia 'each esss. As sooa aa possibls after having' passed apoa all af aaid . application they shall' alss report their findings to the 8Ute Tat Commissioa,' furnishing them with th total vsluatioa of . all real ' estate ia their county aad average value parser. That aaid Board of laad appraiser oi sny eouaty during the moath of April. Majr aad Jnne of , any year shall area have tha right te raise tas value apoa aay real estate which they .shall believe te be apoa the tst books at a value lee thaa it, trs value ia money, bat before raising the value af aay property for taxation ,lhyha)l give the owner thereof tea dare aotiee af their ia tended act ieaaBdevsat him a hearlag before aaid board. That all ml aries sdareary expense laeurred by aaid board af appraiesrs iaresrigst lag aad reristng the vamation'af .real estate foe taxatiea ah all be paid by the respective eaoatlea." - 5- r . . Otherwise the asornlag aeaeioa of the House ws without ifsatara. Kepreaea. (Caatlaaad Oa rag TwavJ aad the graad master of Georgia assist ing, Samuel T.laahara, Grand Master, today convened aa "oceasionsl" lodge of "Ancient Free Masons ,1a Columbia aad mad the Bight Bev.. Winiam Guerry, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of South Caroliaa. "a Matoa at sight.' Tha ceremony, which extended over a period of six hours, was ths first f its kiad oa. record ia South CaroHaa. AVERAGE DECREASE OF 8 - , ,PER CENT IN PRICES ; ' ' .4- T -'- Wasklagtaav Jsa. ltAa avt age dsereaae of S par cewt. ta retail price af ti f sod articles ta Deee. ber aa cam aa red with' November ' wwaa iseted.ted. JIa aaUstlc eaavx piled -by the Later Dvaartataat. Ompared ta December. 1919, the "dacrasaa was IS pefaeat.""":: ".t'M - , The pradacts aad dstrssst werat -Oraagsa IT per seat; park chsaa It ,per -at; .aarar 1 pea aeat.1 bam IS par aaatt hetsa, batter aad -lard, 11 pa- eenU raaad steak, ftaar aad beasasa IS pereeet: ratstas tw crtsssd tl t vl raSsd eats' It -par eet,-aad marage eaga. Cream of Wheat aad macaraal 9 peg eeat. ford Orphaasgs waa read bv Paat Graad Vaster Beverly 8. Boyster. Tha report , stated that the. growth of the hospital has been so rapid that further sddi. Ion to the -plant are imperatively necessary. General Boyster Mated that a sanitary .dairy ia urgently required add called attention to the aeed of more adequate hospital facilities at the orphanage. - i The annual oration waa delivered by Job Tayloii Ph. D., of Boaaoke Rapids. Contrary to the annual custom, the name of the orator was kept a surprise to the member of the graad lodge ttntirewaB-preseated. "WBr"fntriiucB"tryGwn well as 'one of th ahiaing light of Maaonry ia ' North Carolina." Tha orator spoke apoa tltha symbolism of Masoaiy. Tha following past Graad Masters were la attendance upon tha session last night: John Cotton, Tarboro; Bev. . erly H Boystsy Oxford . Frsnris I). Widtton. Windsor: H. I. Clark. Scot-. li4iecksiWS,.XiddeIUi Charlotte - B. J. Noble, Selma; J. T. Alderman, HcBdenoal H. A. Grady, Clinton; W. K. Moore. DiUsboroj ,8. M. Uattin, HilJt- -bore; B.K. Baekett, North, Wilkesboro, V and A. B, Andrews Baleigh. , , Ofltcera ef Graad Lodge. Xb ;fficera, of th Grand .:. . Ladg. 1... are: Jamsa d feratwell. Grand Mastsr, . WhitirkeirirlJirBailcy ''! Owen, ; Deputy -Oraad Master, Hesdersoa; Jamae H. Webb, Senior Graad ' Warden,4. Hills boroi Hubert M. Potest, Jualor Graad Wardea, Wsjka Forest ; ' Benjamin B. Lacy. Graad Treasurer, Raleigh;-Wi). liam W. WUlsoa, Graad Secretary, Ba!- ' eight Bev. Joha a Wood. Graad Chsn laia, Spencsrj Bev. B. E. Btaafleld, Aasodata Graad Chaphvfa, Chadbourn; .: Rev. J. B. Turner, Aatoeiate Graad Chaplaia, Greenville; Bev. F. D. Pea a, Associate Grand Chaplaia, Wilmington t Rev. A. otnbbs, Assoc ixts lira a it Chaplaiat Astpvillt; Bev. Buhyan M Leod, AaociataGraad Chaplaia, Char. lot. Raw. N TUr. - Aaanai.t. Graad Chaplain, . Boaaoke Bapida; j. LeG. Ererett,' Senior-- Graad Desieoa, ' Rockingham ; Leoa Cash, Janior Grand Deaeoa. Wiastoa-Salem; Joha E. Cam- sros, Graad Marshal, Kinstoa; Joha' H. Aaderaoa, Graad Sword Bearer, PsyettSTille; B. C Daaa, Graad Pur saivaat. Enfield; J. F. Rheas, Graad . Steward, New Bern; R- M. Oatea, Grand . Steward, Hssvdersoa villa W. D. Terry. Graad Tiler, Raleigh. .' ,. .-, . . ItaaeUag UammlUaaa. Th steading eomatitteaa of tbs Graad Ledre ares - Jawisasad sa ea Walter Clark, R. B. - - Reyvter, F. V. Wiastoa, W. B. ilcKer, K, W. Tiatbertska, Jr. F. P. Hohnwt, tC-'httm-w.t.K; Us' w: h. bV.'M - Burgwya, f. ti Dehtney, B. C Du.aa.-' ' CaatUaad ea Page TwaJ, .