Tlie News. Mm erver JlertJ. Caf-lias-.r.rtlr etewdy amd tuM TkoUy 4 rJn - O POp Alfi 1 A) Oa Man MlfMii 4 m4J iMttttf tteoto 999i voLcxmrNcx2o.. twelve faces today. RALEIGH. N. G, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20. 1921 TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRlCEi FIVE CENTS , 1 . CONGRESS VOTES DOVN EFFORT FOR J DEPARTMENTS SETTLE UP ROW OVER Q CALLAuHAnl Secretarr ef Labor Yields Trt- ritjr 0?erv FBaiporta To 8Uta DepartmeBt IREOrSIZE North Carolina Gains One New Mentoer Urnler Reiippof- tionment Act IJA- SMALL ONLY TAR HEEL TO VOTE FOR INCREASE , , , i Sentiment la North Carolina Delegation favors Confresa- . maiuaLLarro For Kxl Two - Years; Tinkfcam Meets - - 8troaf lepsblioaa Opposi. - tioa To Hla resolution ' This Nw ial Observer Bareoa ' ena District National Bask Bid. Br JOB U BARER (By Special 14 Wire) 1 ue 11 Washington, ftm. 19. PassagS ir"r"" Jjrx V" - bill today with th Harbour emeu . fixing the number ef member of tka - Hoaaa at 4.15, as at prrMBt, aieaaa tkat 'North Carolina will hart oaa additional ronrresaman. or k total of eleven, after to any wbetker tka State shsll be re districted o as to kave elevea Instead . af taa Coagre-eional district, or tkat tka -eleventh ronrreasmsn skull o cueesa " from, tka Btata at htrte. Tka gcaera) lmpreaaio among North CeroliniaBS here, especially among member ef tka Kortk Carolina dele- Etiow to tkat tka bfUUtin wDl not ve sufflejeot vtia la a kick to affect a re-ditrietln.a tkii session, aad tkat , - at least for tka Brat two yean under : tka enlarged repseseatatlom, it will ba - necessary ta hav a eongresemaa-Bt. large. If tka 8tate were .to ba irailUrtoB,' Jam. It. wrfcdfcrHo mf tka Stat Denertmset la af aUaaa srrlvlng la tkia country miUel a psae port la recognised ay eepanmsni ef La bar la a fosmal stats meat aaat to day by Secretary Wllseo to tka Cklef af tka Immigration Baraaa. It was HiMiMi. kewever. tkat tka datlaioa af Beeretary Wlktea tkat Donald OOsl Wkaa, Lard My f Ork, aaaM ba aUovad a ra aktf) an a roratga vaaaai brreaaoa af tka rallag ttat aa area- clad tka atatat at " n' kad aot baoa roMiaded. ' Tka Labor Saaratary Mtot ta taa Immla-ratiea Bawaa aald tkat tka da- rlaioa tkat 0OaUaakaa ba permitted ta kp akould ba "eoaamaalcattd at Ua earliea paaaibla momaaL Larlier ia Ua day It kad baaa aaaeaaooa uat taa Labor Bacraury kad writUa to O'Cal kgkaa'a aoaBaal dlrartiag tkat tka Lord U.rer ba aurraaularad "proanptlV' ta tka lamlgratiaa lptoc at Norfolk. Lord Mayor O'Caimgaaa aa aaroM ia Ika anatady af kia aaoaaoL Jadga Lavloaa af Norfolk, aaoa aftar ka ar rirad at Norfolk from Cork aa a atova era and aritkoat a pamport. Ba kt 7' k."a. UrIIUf aly dalalU aatio.k for fa HARDING UfiABLS -TO ANNOUNCE ANY :CABINEI1,!EflER J. BAILEY IS Oil 'BILL "OFFERED TO GRANDMASTER r MASONS OPSTATE President-elect Not Disposed To Commit Himself To Any One ot Places CONSIDERS SITUATION ' TO BE ENTIRELY NORMAL Expected To Namo Two or Thrte Placti Ia Adraaea Bnt Tiada It Difficult To 8eL tlo On Appointee; Will Prob. ably Walt Until Jnit Befor Iaanfuratioa Succeeds Dr. L C Braswcll InLSenator Vaner, Chairman of MarioarO., Jaa. It. Tka Uek of at- Uetiag cabinet baa baaa found aa diflealt by fraaldent-aUtt Harding tkat ke kaa glraa up kia plaa af mk Election Held Last Night GRANO LODGE WILL? ADJOURN SESSION TODAY Oxford prphanaf Sinfinf Claaa Oiras Concert la Ma. aoaio Tempi Ia Afteraooa; Oraad Lodge WiU Attand Hew Bern Lode Celebration la January, 1922 . COHON GRADES TO ' UL IIHLOIIUniLU Wide Differentials In Prices! Cause Tar Heel .Lawmakers To Take Notice, Tka Nei and Obaarrar Baraaa,, eoi Dialriet National Baak Bldg, By JOB L. BAKKB." (By Bpaeial Laaaad Wira-f ' WaaklagtoB, Jaa. 1. 6a aurty aaa- diatrirted la tima for aoauaaUoBa ta I tMt, an eomlag from eottoa prodacar ?J"rjJVZ2J:' tka ld. differ. foline Wltkoat Indicating tka riaet natara af tka coat plica Uona bt k aaeoun tar ad, tka President-elect aald taaigbt tkat after aeTtral -weaka of ronaiderition:, aeU ia reaara ta any ana of Ufa cab- IT. inat plaeee aatil k aa ready ta maka laal aaleetioaa'for all f tham. Ha ad ded tkat ka eouaidend bfardlffiealtloi only aarmal autaifaatatioaa of pr- aoaal aaa factional eroee-eo rrenri, aald wltk a aatila tkat tka aMua waa aot bacpiag kia aaka algkta. Ba .dld aat predict vaea ka mlgM 00 m 4 ta declaioa, ' bnti kia attitude generally waa accepted kera aa ladleat lag tkat aa defl.Ua aelectloaa will ba announced antil J art prior- to kia la- aagwratioB. fjaamldafa BitaatlM IfotmaL' -"I kad tkoagbt originally- Mr. Bard lag aald.' la diacotalng Informally tka cabiaet proklem, "to mama twa or tkraa RADICALLY REVISE REVALUATION-ACT Finance Committee. Intro duces Sweeping Measure ADMINISTRATION LEFT ENTIRELY TQ-COUNTIES Sale rnnction of Taa Commie, aioa , Would Bo To jTuniiaa aVorma; Actual Appraiaament - Would Be Made By Townebip oarda, f object Tb Soriew By County Board Sweeping aad draatia rerialon af tka Bavalaatia Act, Uaugk adbarlag' to Xt prlMila af "aaeeaameat af property at lta trne vahia ia money," ia pra rided la bin introduced la tka Bcaata Teeterdjr by Beaator L.' H. Taraer. Tka Varaar bill makaa tka admlnla- rtratloa af tka rariaioa entirely loeal. Tka Board or Comatundfiaera ef earn a)ty ia aatkariaad ta appoint a. aoaaty flND TWO BUNDBBD CASES wbibkbt in cab or rauiT -DatraM. Mirk, Jaa. IS-Alur vaiUag tkraa daya fat a claimant to aaaar far a aklpment af graaJ fralt fraea Mtaaal. I la, Fedoral Batata fceea aadap eaaterated meeo Una aaaea af vktekey aewraaled tar taw naalinminl.Tka Baaaa m avaa-.Ud Ul lUfaa.JraM.Caba, tka atrora aald. NEAL PROPOSES TO FORFEIT MONEY UP " FOR FISTIC BOUT Promoter! of Dempsey-Carpen- tier Boxing Match Deny Its Being Called Off ..New York. Jaa, IB. Tka' forfait moneys at boia principals ana promn- ten iaoled la tka Dempey-Carpentler keavytrelgkt ekampioaekip boat set for July f-.vera diraatiy ar indirectly ae- roaaMTfor kera today. As result, it BDDaars that none af tka terms tf tka eaatraet signed aa November S, 1930, kava baaa violated and ao far an ea. ba foraieea at tkia time, tkera ia ao groaad far tka report tkat tka matck rill not, ba bald. ef tka legislature, and it is contended ntlala ia the prieea ef tka grades f tabinet plaeea In advance, la order ta bere tkat tkera iaat time for tkat to , be dona fairly and equitably.' I ' . Only one member ef tke .Nortk Caro ' linn delogatioB, Bepreaeatative Joka Bm.ll, of tke-Ftrat district, ka will "retira Marak 4, voted sgaiaat tke Bar- tour amendment, all the others .vi crease. One of. the number, JJnnsoa, of 4he Third district, waa active ia directifig the flght tkat (aally resulted la tka Uefcet of the proposed tBereaaa I - cotton lower thaa middling tkat em bers af Congress froca tka eottoa pro. flaelaa: sections have started Investiga tions from wkkk tby kope ta perfect Irgislatioa tkat wiU Barrow tteae dif fereBtiala aad bring tke growers bet ter jrriee for the, lowfradee ef eot Ion, and at the same . time Increase tbs demand for tkem. Beaator Simmons, of Kortk Carolina, has had tke matter up . wit Beaator permit tka parties aamed to take op informally the work tkat f tkeirs. But I kava found It aoi diffi cult to fit ia aa administrative organiia tlen, that I am Bot ydispeeed to make definite tenders aad kava mem accept aatil I myself ..kava maderp torn plate' organiiation.' "i . -; ' Tkera ia ma aerobian es ef bay marknd drive eitker for ar' against, either la support or la opposition to Individusls. Here is the matumt earreBt af both 1.. . ,itiH. (li.t mirwHMnfflvlDiit Boutk CaroUaa, aaa aa sooa i am ia ui namra rarrens ex aou u'r. AJock iVUm!SSSa& fcW B-ith. th. rthsr South Car- UoUtieml , aad ; per,B.I reeo-enda- mmti that ha inrrmj would Tie or- 1 eilBB Deaacor, nwm i ""' I - f -' "nJ7r"' k? V "V ?T! ?l. .r. I fro h heme; M -ni b, ..Ded Uf persowj InflWduU ' mad ttion.l mpidly, and rhere was no surprise at lata eoaferenae, aut at which mayeema fike adcpt1sir ttiff Bsrbonf mrar5niBntja-bill--nmeB!iiig tka -rtto irtarps trut. nim . Knt the matoritw f I act. under which eotton la ow graded. early three to ne for the amendment jThe only statement Senator Simmane was sufriaiBfly. large,: Tk vote wa weaJdToaekssfa w yst waa that r Ike I. Bailey Owen, of Henderson, ta tka aew Oraad Master ef Ue 'Oraad Lodge ef Nortk Carollaa.. Be was elected la th aeaaioB of tke Oraad Lodge la tke Uaeonla Tempts last might aad along wltk other newlr elected officers will 4J MUtfei Wis o&hf; nff x -trfe' adJoarnmeBt ef the body, - Other officers elected were i . . James Hwebb. Pt WUsbar, .Peputy Oratd MMteri Hubert M. Poteat. WU lKard ot .mrraWrt of from three to ? -Zl Wi: """ m i wiamavs venaiw UWCyVM VI UC a lyvaugram, s aMVflaU Wardea) Beajamia B. Lacy, Baleigk, aaaeaaments skall ba atade by tow. Oraad Treasurer i W. W. Willaoa. Ba-lakip boards ef appraise re ef tkraa mem leig., uraha Deereury; Beverly & bers sack, appointed by Ue county Boysiar, uxrora, vireeior aueoaie I board. Orphanage,- W. F. Bandolph, AakerUle, The biU provides that the township . . s-boobj. ureensooro, 4, r. nism, beards shall hold hearings aad shall New Bern, Directors ef Masoaie aad I take into consideration tke sale value Eastsrm Star Horns; Benry A. Orady, I property aad lta profit bearing ""lo". epraBiuTe uw ue rnno quaUtiea aad ah ail equalise Ua aasese Lodge ta Mnaonie Ssrviee AssoeiaUoB. M,t value ef all property ia Ua towa iaat might ua uraaa Lodge, heartily Tka fiadlngs ef Ue township endorsed movement for tke erection are made reriewatts ty Ue ef a kospital at tka Oxford Orphanage aouaty beard, aad Ue Bute Tom Com. as b cost or aiuujuv, io oe .sea sx-1 misnion rotates powsr to make eouaU elusively for Orphanage purpeeea. uaioaa between Ua Several eeunties. After am eloquent appeal by Paat Oraad I Ta Befaad Taxes. master Beverly & Borates, e-f Oxford, The bOl provides for a eash refund eubecrlptioaa ware takea and Ue Wa- of all Uxaa collected apoa a valnatloa sons present, repreeenung aoout a per 1 . exsees ef that which aball be de feat ef the constituency of tke arderkermiaed mmder tka nrovUIona af Ue la the CUte, subscribed approximately I bill. v Asother revUlJn lm 1924 ta be f 1000. y I fallowed by aubstqueat revltiona aack The hospital will be kaowa aa tke four yeara ia called for. lm aeaformlty "WUliam JBieka Memorial HoepltaL"! with Ue BriaciDle of Ua. bill which 1 memory tnav first emperintendent enlar fo "present valuea.Thw bill ar ua urpaanage. - . m referred to Ua rl nance Commute. On motioa ef Paat Oraad Master The Taraer bill fouad Ha way into Boyster, seconded by Past Oraad Mas- the hopper along' with 15 otkera, the ters Norfleet and Oattia, tka Oraad erop exceeding the eomblnci offering REDISTRICT STATE in mmw Re-Alignment WiL! Reduce Mi nority Membership From Eleven To Six BREAK UP DISTRICTS TWO" WITH-filQ MINORITY VOTE Republlcang Propariaf To Offer Bitter Resistaace To Meat, ore; Bennett Mores Tov Abol ish Offlco of Asslstaat Attor. ney ' OoneraJ f Bhaw Wants r Woman Justice of Tfc Paaoe Radical re-aligntent ef the SUte ' Senatorial districts whlck reduces tie , n.mber ef Bepablicaas la the Beata from tke present eleven ta a probable fire la the 1W3 General Assembly it' nIM la l N..I t,ttt Utruln.t ta . oiauicu that save been senaing up ue , IBS to 77. Bepabltcane Tinkle Hainan. . ' V "Tihkling", Tlnkkam, of ' MasnaehB lavestigatiea ks hag r muds' mp. to this eppoaition. k U all narmal aad. does aot keew msr gwake Vlfhta. i thinking all tka time af tet- tlhg mm erganixatiom best fitted to serve the country. , I am a partisan..'! be "ere tm party orernmenx.-- i aot go- Lodge ordered that Ua Jewels, working I at any two preceding days. I -tools, eUerpmrspbernalia aad mamea.1 - Warknaea'a Comeeneatlen. toes from r ranee which went I lm to the Oran Lodge by Army A-be mejaaeA k mrmaaabwm eaaa deposited In the North. Carolina Ball of Elarory.' Tka Oraad '.edge also or dered Past Master's jewels presented to the two jnea who served aa Masters f Ubof Is the. State, prftrjdee for aom. of Army Lodge A, Sergeant Joseph hem lm tke contract, stated tkat tke Amer ican Surety Company, of tkia city, kad fcaeuod a bend fern. Promoter Tex Bleb' ard't there ef the tlOtVW forfeit fond Cmtfed Trtftjaiiyv' ef Baltimore, issued a similar bond -or Wra. A. Brady, while Charlee B. Coch ran, the English promoter, gave aheek for kia one-third responsibility "as ks waa leaving Immediately after the alga Ing ef tke contract for -England aad did mot kava time to arrange for Ue Issuance ef a surety bond. Eacb ef Ue principals tkreogk their managers were obliged by Ue terms ef the contract to, place m forfeit 'fund ef $50,000 lm the kands ef Ue koldlag trust eompaay oa ar before iaat Novem ber JO. Ia Ue ease of Dempsef, his manager, Jack Kenras, arraaged with Ua Fidelity aad Deposit Company ef Baltimore, for such a bond. Carpentier, Ue French boxer, placed a sum equirsl eut to 1. ,000 with the Paria firm ef Morgaa flarjes with instructions to forward it ta New York. According to aable diapatcb from Paris tkis amount pnlgm -rill find maay candidates ap. waa depoaited November 82, aad lm a peaUng to voters across the eeunty line atateaaent from Cochran la London It to whom they ar? ent' strangers. The was expUlaed that Ue money had bill went to Ue Committee em Benate- mever- beam traasf erred te, Uia eeaatry rial, T) 1st rlrta , . , m, , . awing ta the refusal ef Ua Pre nek gov. Bitter opposition . la expected from erament to permit It ta leave r ranee, the minority membership In tka Hones, Ail those involved lm Ua match, haw- sad ania whea tka bill comes to Ue ever, eonalder Ua posting of Ue for-- Senate for concurrence. Itepresentn- lett of Carpentier In France as being I tlve Cowlea denouaeed the- measure aa within Ua terms ef the son tract. There a outrage; aad .declared tkat- If their publican Senators are broken up and at lacked Jo. stroni .njocrtU.jtWrtiej: .'. : ldjacent.-- ' - , V7".'." : : mtnm glow aj ran fiiwrty-'te falls ia ths Sampson souaty district, Row CO posed of Sampson, Jokaatoa, -Harnett aad Lee, where the mormtl Krpublleaa majority ef 2.800 Jm Samp." son has overcome the Democratic ma .' J rltrea ia the other three eouaties, but by very smell majorities. Tka majority U 1020 waa 16 totes, aad in 191s only nine votes. Bsmpsom is in a mew dis trict with New Hanover, Harnett wltk" . . Wake ia a new district, Johnston with Wayne, (ad Lee wltk Chatham, eta. Busaea District "Busted." Except ia rockribbed Democratic or Re pub lies a districts, where there ap pears little likelihood of shifts tkat would materially affect tke party rep resentation la tke Senate, few districts ' kia left untouched, a. Ike 1921 cam- turned ' Beaator J T DellrffeTedW work- "lr teekmieml mdvaatage fighfc sgiiast it waa lost lm the Lrgia. to and tbme 4tofto br lae.ltoie ..p- ." SA? fwL R'V " ''L ,'AB": pointed by tka hue demerai Assembly. rr Znn.HnnZt tUk.,Vi.i iiy mrmoern were ee,uwiy The Dly bill, which Is understood K ffll2HV .feS I . "bbery" to mieet with the approrarmf argimixed lrttlu sit from CoIoboI rnUHet, thjlt H ehnrgsd the msnsure perpe- srs t moor iM.mi rS0"0-; aeted aa eemfidsatlal hdriaer mad inter H. pamaaUam Jg prater during th. Frenek boxer. Visit ml- 60 per eeat af the weekly wage mad !. thiM -.ft.. Colonel Mallet stated t rates. Bepreaeatative' Skew ; KeUata. Otherwise tke Bonne was la its aor- uai suggesis to ms va. -.yv- i - - - i nuicneii, ei Wilmington, ana Uol. AI- ou per cent ox trne wer.iy wage ana , th, rnlonel U.iut atatud I . .. . - --- sibly it may b.wlto te M amend U. " : bn bert U Cox, of Bmteigk. Boys-Ue. tea a eommiasiom ef three cwmbers I ! J 7rir.H f L Urt I Pr. tain-ryi.tage yesterday -or, -Titixung", Tlnxnam, or moaascnu-1 sioiy n may o. wise iv so amano I " L .V.i . 7 7." I oert l vox, or JtaMigm, Ueneral xtoys- ereatee a eo-amia-ion or laree cwtmoers .v. . v-j arrired from. Euro na hut . f"""' "a- , tta, inretertU foe ef Ue South. Bred eottom future, act te Parent- go,, ebligation, withoot- aonaJderatio. t .'amy Lodge A had to be appointed by Ua Owrjor, ZrL tit w wiU lta atteatlom esatered mtaetly .k.. hi .anu I ....i !... -.r.U- ta for Ue beat-service of-the -country." I i.v.j iTi.ya. .U.n .ia .. .....I .k atnm .""l T Vr5".'" I around local lerinlatioa. The day. motking hiore U.a blank. H.brougfct I th. eottom -.4atrtlafc ..;'. .-JfK- thg-iilvwal dementey of Msaonry.l each and siall b pforlded with a clerk U-J cmrpemtieV kad'ls Tao rar ntinVat- did A pme. wHhooi i start ing gataloa wsterday. the at .mialarr Of WOBw r. ' . J ed hat he had any idea ef wiUdrawiag ,ow ,"u" " !1 dearer to agaim hare the law ofaupply f.""JtoJ " ,'" .At, the morning i ir. aa amendment to the Bieoel bill which dlrectej that -any State deaying Md demand eompletely; pTe-ail, tolJtJ- tl W'Ai S iSjf 1 lOnnt Lodgs . aeesptedtfce, loritatioa or abridging: tke right of eitixema to Ua prir t(. the war. ' ' ;J8?7- .Z f ltJl. th fcwdrao mud mft-ehth vote shaii, tuve tkoir lepresemtaUom ta- . wide BiBereatiala Prevail. . j J.t.. lZl . A ftmalversary of St. John'a No. a at Nw It wa. eited tkat am a reeemt give. ---- , J Wawl IlliOtttl I uw jwh j i5'iTW in jwKTijr diie.ed accordingly. ' m f jiot at 11 to II ee.ta, atriet low middling was quoted at a price SJ1 eenta mmder the middling pricef low mwaung wu ft r,r&n by Lo no-worth, ef Ohio. B- publican. Both Demoerata nd Be wh'io.ns Joined lm 'BTgulmg for- Us roiut of order, eomspieuons la Ur de- . tod , Drie. 4M cents lower thaa bate against" :ther(' Bmendmeat Pemg i aiddlimg and eottom elmsssd aa atriet Garrett, of Temneaeeej Lonarorth of a prdiny Waa priced at seats Ohio! Towner,! ef Iowa rekd MondoH I tham mlddllmk Om the same dayr Ue quotationa ahowed, yellow v. nm . . a t - I ' nW bum. inra.Kai, i I rm th. tut. nther- bills thrown into tne manner im-1 ....s .v.. .t.. u ... . r , eluded m propotol by Ben.tor Brown, ..... w,t, BnlM .ched Lei- 0eB,w T ""JT M? '"fZ, , of Peader, that th.9t.te .hall doB, wmbtt of English sportsmen. 1 - ' Beanett, and to far hss ires of Wyoming,, the Rcpablieaa floor leader. 'Tinkham - could muster to kia awa support enljb Madden and .Jiason, of Illinois, motorlous for tkeir nntipa thy for-Hhe South and Fish, of New iork, am exutersnt youtk. -The Democratic-.Kepubllcaa er&ia-nf directed at Tinkbam resolutiom waa Tift1thiulbblnftmbtnTtimruchHila--a eurk ia tke water. Garrett. MjcdeU and Towner skowed Uat Tinkkama resolu tion uot only innocuous, but aillyf tljfi as it was draws, 4t -wa. antkicg more than a recital of apart of Ue Fourteeatk ameadment te Ua comaita- tiin, l"rk .ays that kny StaM denying mama a Democrat H one of Ue. tea plaeea la- kia nfileial eircJe. -.. . Te Take Two Weeka Vacation ' ' Mr. Harding mow kaa laid 'aside the wkola business ' of Unking a cabinet amd ha does mot expect to revert to It agaim until the end ef his two weeks' 1. T . . - .ona ITk. ..I.W. 7,a '11 - wicuL- I . m-m . J I QUO, ' UUMIVVT OK AUgllSB STiOITSmen,r . . ',' Mitmir mm Ua . heels I SUMO JPPgortt OtUe atoorue I -).. ..s . i w.n. ..A I progressea no rurrner man ute tbs sesaion of ths Grand Lodge here. I Export Finance CorporaUon. . I Beckett, offered to warer even money I Jdiciry eomB-i"ee. ; umeer. and delegates who will go di-l Nemator .oaea, oi bageeomoo, pre-iom CarpeBtier to defeat Dempsey wke. rectiy to nw iierm ror tna ceremonies. I sentea a out msatsg ii nweanini uey men tm the rtag," -- One of Ue outstanding feature, ef If or .ny person, marrica or mmmamea. reaturee of I ror any person, marrica or mmmnmea.1 i , . - ' 1 the meeting yestard.y wa. tKk approval knowing kimaelf or herself to be af- OXFORD VOTES S75.000 NCCUrs7l VJ UI UreintJ AXKIKO XUr INe I laKIa WIUI , m wwamauamwauaw vvuviveM ftUbiahmiii of branch of tbo Aeoeia I dboaM to eobabit. uwruiiy or ibu 1 tings middling WM quoted nt S.6S off Ua middling price j middling,' stained, I was Quoted at 5.60 eenta off and bin. I stained middling at 6-60 eenta off. Before Ue war. Beaator Simmons I konsshoT s trim whiV iJnrLtnM,. '"itr U"i."ity ef Northl fully, with another person, and Uereby . ; ,-. Uurlnburg, who was Ue leader of . rt.nj.lta -e.... m m orgaMsmnom tor m study oil wen. tors BBBmm--asjaw-ni-T- ' wfcMM0V ong. the I Joint apmuora af ; whieh re- , - - 'flr worn.. tothe Btate to meaapy ui. BepressLtativs Shaw, ef Scotlend, emevof tke - bitterest er ths bitter enders .gainst suffrsge, surprised the House when he got up to offer a me.s- ' I .l. ..a., .a T . 1 - FOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL mZZ of Lsurinburg, who was Ue leader of the for the a- t J. alt-. a .( w l 1 .. 1 I wT VA- Fi'orrdTto mEZ S5S W r!L-?iS tka InannraHn. . ffa win ..i. I urnna - master v. . viatt, ot ine I rail stop oexore re-m ....ul khnm nnd hu Icneeuou. differeaUal. averaged dT here, however, arriving on 0r- Virginta, spoke yeater- crossing. The measure waJ Im- !lT-s!aS-e?5-v ma!!ra!mtrZl I AatLm Mt.2 .t... ..k iika . 1 These mrieea armja Jew .ma. to liardry I Waahingtoa.. . -. --r--r . 1 ''?',! i nese pricea are no jow m so juiuty pay th. grower for picking mis eottom. said Senator Simmons. ,. The nriess. of course, are? aot fixed by Ue government, but Department ef Agrieultara graders classify the eottoa, and .the department then , usee the Price. Uat prevail on ten oinerentl 'Toa of the birthday of Oeorgelef Loeomotlva Kngifceen. Also by " request of hbor amioms.' t for BddJtioB.1 school buildings. ThU !.. nrovided the asmeiiiBt lm Ism mAAiHm am mK fWt anea. I . . w siHsvwais - mar am muiitMvai asm epwawv ami' thorised aome time ago, .' Tka larger part of Uia aum will be Used lm srect Ing and eqatpplnr m high school buildr tng'mt the aite em William. bore street reeeatry purenaaed fotv u.t purpose. the right of hs,itlMni to rote shall important eottom market, each day, I paper, however, accepting Ue chairman-1 41 mevvo ito teweeeatntiom ia Com4V nd I ship of Ue board of directors with Us l dused acordingly,The Tinkhjuu amend-1 to Its daily bulletin, publishes ' Ueae I understanding that kia duties are tojjj, Presidentelect Hardinr resia-ned to-1 wmahlmgtov Hnsom. ... . aij. :a . .1. xr a: rw I : . 8lnaina Clsea Ceneert. ri&-cov.du Ua actlr. direcOo. he hma-mxeieUsd Orphsmag. jcestordsy torm-o- gave a for. .By toBtrtetor. or sny -eouaty or aigh &JTmltk.V. - . .i... .... .ka :...(.t LiDeeial aoncert lm Masonie kali eonrpll-1 munlcioalHy to .mploy any foreigaerl , . V!l ," , 1 ew iwui J aT wa wi.i aa WUiVVt e - ..... ..... t - . ... . . - u a. a- is I . aUltT. IIUK UCIriBineTU IllTTUannW WHB I ' . a - policy of tke -Marion, DaUy-Btar. He .tary n ue urana Lodge, xae om any pupiia worm im wonm wroiinm. 4 fo, schools, eulmlaatKgl P , ' VTSsn did mot eevw toBBe-tiom ' witk 'ft, ktU erow el for th oeea.iom mad Th. bill abo kto,lt mhadatoryjhat shUl elect twe SeB-tor v bill passes, sod - there ia ao ODDositioa to It. " ' ' Pimm ef New State. Following is the i te of Senatorial , district, provided in the Nenl billt " First District Candej, Chow-Ti," Currituck, Dare, Oates, Hertford, Pas qaotmok, Perquimans and Tyrrell, shall -sleet two Senators. v . ..,,,. - Second Utriet Beaufort, Carteret, ' t a ' n i: .j iw.i. paper, however, aecepting Ue ehairm.m. the mngimg bf Ua youB folk. wa. a i-reference lm weh employmemt be given I r- , nu Lou Pote,, Third Dlstrlet-Bertio and bulletlm of th average price Uas-rra- vailed dumjrii m given day at thm lia portant market. But th trouble about this, iris argued. Is Uat th average crower accent, these price muen as ment was simply a recital of t'lis. Mot Original Kesolattouw ' ' The amendment 'Tinkbam offered to - day -wa net fcis original jesolntioii-mim-ed t reduetioa of SouUerm repre sentation. That resolution directs a. . InvMtintlou Into elections ia Ue States - to deterajio If any body has teem d- gorermment pricdrimd quit ftp, - mied th right to vote,; aad . of course I members of Congress from Ue eottoa "i intended -ttFh.voxhe' tavartgmtiotis belt eontend, - buyer, take advantage made im Ue SooU to show tnat;Megroea cf growers by telling them that these . aren't allowed to vote. That resolution ars priee that ar fixed by U gov- is .fill with the rule committee, whence ernmemt and at which' Uey -must Tinkham will hire to get t reported cell. ' . . T - -Si , if he i. to get ny .ction.tin It. Be - Wewld Btom Trie P.kUcatUa. 1 appears as determined aa ever to press I Senator Simmon, ssaid tkat - ha was prieea. Tflia i. sot pries dxing,but a I be more or less perfunctory while be mere reflection. U rough government i ia to wntt nous. revelation to aome of the Masons who I to eitiaeaa of North CaroMm.. ad hot heard the organixntlou Tfcentry.t - Senator Yaraer offered -eneMier Uh, ORIGIN OF BIG BLAZE H WORCESTER MYSTERY Thi conductor wa of whelmed Witl J drawm by th State Department of Ag- invitatioms, at the close ef Ue concert, Irieulture, which prrridearror ce-opara-by maay who were sger , toraBftiB. betweem Stare aad Federal am- fnr annr.rta in their own towns for tke I thnritlaa la aoOeellaC aarlcultural sta- terbHmtmreni'1!11'.''' 'jw''" Itlatkw wmm'- mmlsos ttaw Ue needed nsW - ...... ... m . ; i . . I . . . . it . . i. .... t.M . i 1 " idltie Miss rjnrna ninsem reenug nnu i rorasauoa nonis om gatavcw "j h assemble)! lfaaonn brlllatarsL - ' ipeech Monday might . i r. iviti. t nM.M.. .r w.t. .. Tk. I ion, shall elect one, Senator. humor amd jtm appeal to U beetTla H"f hamam- aature. it was deUvered In t DUtsriet-F-", Nash mad Dr. Potrat's inimitable style and had Wlltom, shall .elect two Senators. , sat effect- oa tka, result ofUe elee l . ""tm wjriex rut, aaau eieet aum ret - I Hi - t ' -r- I .laalaa- Snnlr Mia a MilllAn anil TTalf TinTIa vw Wn41i l"." ."i.t e.-ii..i-ar. ji'TKjt-"'a-i I - - " i:.iw. r..(U--r .ii in mrirmmmmi fi w. liar. Wll... IPac. U.IJ aiU . I uaiMI . - a '.gain as Dorothy im m musical -fair play I , The Senate exercised great caution In entitled, . MMidsummr .Eve." Likewise! the dispatch ef buaimeeS yesterdmy, ro oms of Property Goes Up Ia Smoke .Massactuaetta : Woreeeter, lamas.. Jam. 19-Ths origia of the Br Uat caused mors thaa UO0,. iww, . . .... a . . . t 'ai. i : sh fixured in in mumber of ether. aelee-1 reference of favorably reported Uons. - s , . it"' .. i lta other committees being U order f Tb children lm the elms appearing I ths day. The epeeial order of the day, Senator. Seventh ., District Craven, Duplin, Qreeutv Jone. and. Lenolr.sJbsJl elect , ) ;WHILt HUNTING DUCKS thai I elect two oenstors. NEW BERN MAN DROWNS VNw-sTmrJam. W.ohr-CsaeyTipi employe of a loeal iron wens eomrany. ioet hi life fua arteraeem wkiie im a here yesterday n Effl FUc.nnon,! the biU removing diaqnallficatiena efl duk hunting trfp Bp Trent river. Caeey Door, it will -jus aooiiiBf. tt. eottoa control net-at least to as well aa hie ameadment to U Biegell Ut ,f ttorfping Uhr daily priee xuu touny oyu. oUrtriet of thm eity today had mot btoa I MeGowan, Ague Pullem, Joha.Turaage, to reeelv pensions , was re-referred I had gone up Ue river-la a ekiff aad - I Dublicntlem. beeausa ef Ue mdvmatam. f sxe miemeu xm enae jox mew area: Am effort waa made today to defer . tiroenh it. uasempulou. buyer take i ' BUU ehd tt le skroudedl m. i - - - ' - . bti l mm . at rvt mat . , i eompasies, were held at U armories ton, Snowdi TmpleteB, Nellie Trlplettj la resdiBM for assistance to Ue ax-1 amd Bata waimmsv - haunted fitemea 'im ease .of mew fires final vote om Ue Siegel rempportiom- eottoa growers, However, th Senator ment bill, bnt that proved futile. Som. fc Bot (t, M far na t stop professor at Harvard University kad tt ,Teluwt flxina; the grade of writtea Bepresentativjs Siegel, ckairmaa tvao u. pr,ferril,e thst agent ef ef Ue census committee, that thecsneus tB. TVpartment ef Agriculture de Ui fipnree oa which the reapportionment u thV former plaa .of th New Terk cm wa oasea cenuaaea imacxBTnciea, totUtm wtnn ioixg it, . . . and that if these were sorrected, tier. yfut tsoM tourestimg Uenuelrea ta would be ek.ngee in UepporUoament ,itu,tio, tt.t prata itself aa eontained la the Siegel bUL Among h, .... m.i,u,. e. mine for eluea. . Tke flames started Im Ue Knowles building at Mais nd Ckstfcsm streets. and shortly . afterward , North-Foster street HV .UV,y 7.," fiTirU-"- frfnehlse, aoeordU tometiee J ethers, he Uought North Carolina would not gaia oae number, as she does aader the Siegel bill, also that Vermont would aot lose a member, and tkat New Tori ' would lose one. - Some ef tkr members vef Us eeasu. eommittee panaed to de- ' Piuva a in . - - . . , . . ... ,ni im the meantime'ksrether Bsrvurd for. tk. eommittee P' .ww ""' Fw the grower, hop to d ia to tad way to marrow Ue ' differentials between the reepeetiv lower, grades, a Uat better price will be maintained : em those Ngrndes aad aome profit will eomt te the grower for harvesting, tkem. determia whether Uia second fire waa started , by buraiag embers from Ue Bret, amd numerous witnesses were ex amined la the' hop. of learning how U. bias, im the Knowle building . bad Ninth District New -Hanover,- Ons low, ' Peader Bad Bampsea, skall sleet two Senators. ' --"' , t -i .. . m..k nial.. HI. aaa - U.M.I.i Neili Foot, .rah Himaom, Blanche j Comfederst reteran aad their widows d Doaald wUiisr kia broUer-fn taw, ColuBlbn, ,,4 CumrlaBd, shsU elect two Senators.''...' ' . A.-i.'.' Eleventh ( DutrlotBobeeoa. , shall sleet one Senator ..- -t Twelfth District Chatham, Hoke, Lse Moors mad BcotlaBd akaQ elect two SeBStora. .' . Tkirteertk - District Haraett- -. aad Wake. - elect two Senators. ., . Fourteenth . District Tsnce , mad Warren, shall elect one Benmtotw. FiftoeaU - Ciatriet Qranville amd Parson, shall elect om 8samtor. . Sixteenth District Alamtbee, Cas well, Darkam aad Orasge, kall slsct twa Senators. . . Beveateeata, District- -Okjfordmnd -7 Rockingham kall elect two Senators. Eighteenth Distrkt Ansoa, Montgem- VIRG'NIA LEAGUE WILL ' LET RICHMOND FRANCHISE after sharp debato tothf CommltU oa Apprepriatiene. ' . Tb bill came up ea m special order with unanimous flrvorabJ report from the Committee ea Pensions, but Beaa tor mfeCeia thought Uat aa nav appro priation, would be necessary , to carry -'Ifi-atlmi-'' Vat a-lSi". k-omdto dtapoto f tk. I J""'- ittee. Seaa re, was wkea about m mil front th sbors U boat began to sink. Willis maaaged to 1 find safety oa bnoy bat Caeey, aa oversea veteran amd formerly ef Oolds bero, sunk im ft few minute and kit body kaa aot been recovered. . His wif. who waa -Mis Viol .Willi f New Ber before Jket marriags, aurutvem him. He ks also survired by Tom Caaey. Nor folk Soatkerm agent at Ooldsbore, and bis r.riot U. St. toTTrxTmed I -oU. M.BesJm-1. CuV, of Gold- U-M atter ablaxe. Efforts were made tonieht U 7 Ir'sT.T-i JI .k eutliae its policy beor the- A.t l. v..v .Lu a a reeeireu vj --I . . .w. . ...Ina . . waara from Preeident Wllllsm -. B. "K.'T 1 suai.i .WTiitiii mi Bradley. Theleagwa wm ! maed to I ACETTLBNB CAB BXPLOSI0X ratify the aeiiem ota speeUl eommltte! fJrUmptm. y Norfelk, V, Jan. lSMrs. UoUis ha awardixut Ue framehito to J.k. Welm, 1 However. Beaatora Hartasll mad Wilaon, IA, wife ef Carey Wlleea. a l a .i... tka.,aa. .m. "ml awerteoi. uey cow nerer wmji-pmn 1 . rkaritna aa tka r..t.r tnietm suea Bosaway Derore aueevery. 1 . -.a-tho are declared I r wmiem migai eeprrre impov . Th total Iocs veil smbmated at tU- ,.it.A ti,. fraachlae keld bv Bern W. eriahed reterama of their Just dae M irraj AAA - J at AO ST AWh - I a--. ax " a . 1 11 . Wilson because of failure to Tost? tZfiOO gaaraate f ollowiag . a dleagreo gcullemaa srrear before th committee. but their plana went awry, for when the time earn for the Bouse t take up the bill again todRy, Ua demand for s Tote from botb sides ef the Bouse were so numerous that those wke proposed ' :,y were sooa aileneea. Br4I Aerepta Isrltstteaw- Corernor W. P. O. Harding of the I C"er"sd en rir Two) tweem SO aad 40 cents, a differential of Iwe, or three or even four cents be tweem, th grade was mot relatively Sttjm wrth inxnrance of SOO. UrnovflT w tvtsrra - . umtu ,-. ft- v.m w wm -... c a - m -v. vulva - ... a. . FIRED BT CITY' MAWACEB l nsent ver weekend playiag daies. norfelk, Va, Ja. ldWnapeetor Wil liam U' Strphesu, ebief f -cTefe-flTre, waa dismissed from t'-s police depart ment todity by order ef City Vensger 8 bore off Vingiuia, waa tastaatly killed I sry, Bandolpk'. nad Richmond, shall mm mneraoom w.e ame anemote Mi eien ivs otunn. crest, but with eetton at ley thaa Charles Aihbumer, because of "inabil fi nee n cents, fl.ircrennai i more wis. I ity to fikke- eadere at- ecmmamd saeav one. cent as toe large, im etner worns. btepheua Ua been uder - euweeusien it fat eempUlned tst the diffcrenti-.'j for two week e end ws vem pobH aire not narrewea tn jiwpnrtu te ins 1 tnai. deereaae ton. ' - ' ; ; Z.. . - - . 'd-cci. TWO rxMAjKru yry hold ri - EMPLOYES OF TETAt BAXkt Houston. Texas, Jam. J. Two ua masked mem this afUrseew held n tk Citixen. State bank, seised 4 bout S7400 J ewrrewcy mnd ei2eWrtm bends and eersped. tke expenat ef wealthy reteran and I,. ,.-. .. !,!. li 1. I XiBeteeaU District Darldsbn. Sua- oemaier wauers wiiani mm mm wna. to tk re .ft fere nee ea aasuraar of a fnH hearrinr. - - r.- . Th bill from t Basking aad Cur-1 ta trr. rency.' eommittee .designeOfm permtlt- - State baak to charge esckaage el eheeka" met m like fat Senator Tay lor kad read m circular letter ixm tke WOfLD PROVIDB IMPBrSONMIXf FOR THKO INC BASEBALL CAKES . Columbus, Okie. Jsn. 19. Imprion- Liberty-jTVderal Beerrr Bank eNRkksnend ts I t for trcT one to fire years aad a member beaks eoutafalng'i. epiaion Sa f $1000 for baseball player who eeeept bnbre ta tnrew Ber body w. harled fifteea I franoV Union, .hall elect tw Senators. feet, and parts of tS maewiue went! TwentleU - Diotrk-t C'barrus sad through wall of U heos sad tedged ( MecUenburg. "shall elett tee, Sematars. jwenry am lstrte mewaa, snail eleet oae 8emate.-- . . Twry-aeei-. d District - Fortrth, Fir effieen aad employee aad oae Irna lta attenev to Ua effad tkat the narrowed in j report u to ths I trial evidrnee agxian lis eharse-,r tw customers la ths baak at I Biopaa.d law kv mneonatitatiomal ta Uatlmnsee la provided ia a bill tatrodnred U Ue price ef anid-!,:r.g cot-1 1- rr sbl!ity aa a detective wn intro- time, wer hacked ia Ue rsult by th 4 r . - I ia Ue Okie Lexislatere today y Rep- " n fl . .am a. . em. . aum .. . . a. a a bamdit. -, . - - iveaunuea m ragw rrer rmtttrr Uxeea, l iiaaomiag wutf, shall elect one Senab-t. , Twenty third -. District Stoke ad Surry, aiiall Jeet eno Senator. ----. - Teentr-fosrtk District Durie, Wilkes end Yedtie aha'l eleet one 5 net or. , -Sistrict Catawba. Ire- (C-ml ai Ca Psge F1J . -

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