I trj T'f i. a itrr I run vLiiuat: North Caret! fi $Mmr sad peoboMy BaVy wth line N ews and eirver VOLCXIH.NO. 22. eight paces today RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 22. 1921. Eiarr paces today PRICE: FIVE CEXTS . 0W4 iiiii) islisilia s4 mM NORTH CAROLINA GETS GOOD SLICE "Fl ORHARBORVORK ! Annual Rivers and Harbor Bill , Carries $185,000 In Appro j priations For, State HALF MILLION DOLLARS J IN ADDITION AVAILABLE T f Ut WIH Bhar Alio la Appro. priatioa of Tar Xillioa Dollars for BaildiBf Drodf Tor Uii Aloaf Atlaatio Coaat; . OommitU Xxpocta TtvJtBport BIB Sooa . The News aad Observer Bar. 03 District National Beak Bid, By JOB U BAKER, (Br Special Leased Wire.) Wasklagtoa, Ju. II. Approprlatioas approximating $183,000 tot river aad harbor improvement work la North Caroliaa arc carried la the aaaaal .MIL... whiek that! touamM (rui n owssi'aax -firntw completed aid will report out la a few daya, la addition, there ie more thaa FORMER RECTOR ADMITS AIOINQ IN BIQ THEFT fltoltm XofUUrod Xafl YaIbob at $100,000 Toaad la Ony XjU'b Homo Moaat Voraou, I1U, J a. fl. Osy Kyis, forairr rertor of the Pre Mwthe- Mist charek ef Moeat Vera, arrested tod la MiiMlku with tko tkeft kere last Friday of tklrty-ce package ef regmtorad seail eeatslnlag $188,000 la cash, eWsased toaight ko wa Impll rated la Ua robbery, poi office teepee expended from Am rlir appronria tioa, la whleh Nertk Caroliaa will ahere, aa wall aa aa appropvlatioB of ova $3,000,000 tot dredge work for th Atlaatla eoast, part of wkiek will be dose oa tka Nortk Caroliaa eoast. Nortk Caroliaa itama approvad by tka riTr and karboro committee and writtea lato tka bUl ara " Meate Bar, $4,300: Pamlico aad Tar river, tSfiOOl Noaaa river $15,000 Swift Crook. $L000: Traat river, 1. TflO: Contentne Crack $1,800: Tot I waterway aoaBoeUar Cora 8onnd aad Beaufort barber $3,800; Eaat Braaek " Capo Fear river, $3,000; Black river. 8,000. Nob of tkoa Homo la far projects, bat all tka appropriation ar to eoitian work that la already , ander war. Previa Fee Fear Diadaaa. "-' la additioa to tka above approprir- tloaa, th engineers recommended aa appropriatioa of $695,000 for dredging tka Cap roar mar at aad bolow Wil mington, of which 9000,000 waa Intend ad to bo used la tha eoastruetsen or dradta aad tka other $90,000 for mala 'taaaaoa. Iaataad tha comaiHtoa will raeoauaaBd tka eonstraetioa of four aea-toiBlr drcdre for oa tka At , lantio aoaat. inoiadina tka Cap Fear rirar, aad witk tkair eoaatractioa, proriaiom of apodal drodf , or tka . Cap Vaar waa diaand amamaaary. Tha Mmmittco will raeoaiBioad aa ap- vropYUtkMi Of $3,000100 for tkoaa irtdgm, hat tka Item of $05,000 for tka jBaiatnaoa of drodgw at Capo Fau .wiH-atar U tkt bilk For tha lalaad wmtarway from Nor folk to Boaafort Inlet thcro U aa ap propriatloa of $30,000 for Buiatenaneo. Th aariBoar did Bot attbaiit a reeoia moadatioa tpj a further appropria tioa for tkia improTenBt baeaoaa thero i aa waoxpoctod balaaea from twit appropriatioaa for fkia work amonntina- to $352,000. The total ap propriationa "tarried la th bill aa ' Tirtnallr-completed by tka eomraitte "aad a" If will roeomBveaded th Eoaaa, ameuata t about $25X)000. year bill carried appropna- tioaa of only approximately $12,000, 000, hene tha eommittoa a raeom moadatlona thla year ara for mora tkaa doubl th amonnt Coacroat mad available for tkia work last year. Tkia is la Mb with tha committee' polity of OBJarginff" the aeop of tka work B tka rirera aad harbor, followiag a period of aoraral yaars wka cause of tka war appropriations ware keenly reduced - and oaly aueb work as waa absolutely necessary waa dona, BCW project being uadertakea, - NererthelpM, ra in the n bill, 'bo provision is made for new work. tka appropriation all be ins; to eontlnn present projects, aad aa eom pared witk estimates tka appropriation tka com mittee kae incorporated ia tka bill show a considerable reduction. , ' -orth Carolina Fare WU " Member of tka eommittoa kara been working night aad day on the bill for almost two week, ajfd kp to get it Into tha Houee In three or four days, aa that it may ba.' pushed tkroagk ba- lor adjournment on March 4. Bepra Appreiimatalr $100,000 waa rooorered at the Kylo homo ,whr it waa on coaled ia aa egg oraU aad about $75,' 000 aad $1,600. rotportiroly la tw garagea af which tka Be. Mr, Kyi ii part owner. Buepleion wa diret4 agaias ta former rector tai meraiag wha Lora Williamson. KrU's partasr in th garaga butiaeaa, informed the iapp tors that Kyia had beea ditslayUf. hug amoaats af money in tha last week. PeatoAee laspoctan eapromod th belief that the $-.T,000 ia aegotiable tecurltiea wkiek also wer atolea, ksd beea baraed to destroy poasibl clue. Tha Br. Mr. Byl ia about 43 yart old aad came ker seren years sgo from Keyesport. Ills. Ms was rector of tko Fro hletkodist ckarek for thre year and for four year kas beea la rule xur arniicaaieai, ui ponauice i aftsraooB, HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS HARDING LEAVES III II HDD CO DLUllin IUIlIL0 ULIIIMU 4UIGTI0N Only Conditional Offers For Cabinet Places, It I steamed Authoritatively ELIHU ROOT SLATED TO HOLD STATE PORTFOLIO Obarles Xraai Hnf hti May B. oomo Attora7 Ooaaral With A. W. Holloa, of Plttabarf a, At Soorotarj of Traaaury; OhioBfo Man 8ohdaIod For GoTtrnor of 7drai Keienrt On Board Proaideat-oloct Harding Traia, Jan. tly PresldeaValwt Hard ing put kls carea out of mind toaight a k aeared riorid aad told hi com panion oa hi raratioa Jaunt that h proposed to forget entirely for th next two wecki the important deeiaioas STREET CARS FIRED ON ' IN MUSKOGEE OKU. Meehagea, Okla, Jaa. Jl. T yde Fark atroet ears, rnaalag est tko Ua oa wklca a nana waa killed by a asetormsa loot night, ksd keea Bred oo at $ o'eUtk to. - ffc. TwMty miwa4ea lea pollea wore oomking tko cily'foc'a negra' wko Bred aaea a whM wamaa, Tko woenaa was not lajared. AU day members of tko pdleo fare kso bean called to koadaaar. tor. Throe oftaor armed whk i . rtlea, art' riding all atreot ears la ' tie outskirts of las city. Felka kesdaasrters toalgkt re. eetred word that aegteea llrtag la lit newtkora aortloa of tko city, ksd keld a aarrat meeslag at which prepared were made to dyaamiU tko Hyde Fsrk csr drlrea by Metormsa Una. Fire akota kac keoa drod at an. . atkor of tka Ufim Fark cars, all abata aksstaring wladewa aad aae lag tkroagk the csrOaly a few pas. eeafera were aboard aad aae waa hart. Tko car crew retarmed tko Br. BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY KICKS 0 when he auring ine worked oa cor- LOOK IN ON LEGISLATURE Headorioa Elrh School aad S7Bolda School at Wiastoa. Salem Oomo Two score embryo eitiseas, the ma jority of them from the Hendersoa High Bekoel, sad tka rest from the Beyaolda Brkool. at Winstoa Salem came dowa yesterday to look in on th General Assembly. Both house wer oa the verge of adjourning for the day when the delegation got hhere aad maybe they didat aeo eaough to write book about, but they saw something of th machinery of legislation. Colonel Olds, of course, took theml under his wing, aad showed them eights eaough to put the Ueacral Assembly away in th background. Ha brought them on the floor of the Senate where Senator IfeCoin who kails from Hen derson. introduced hi neighbors' children the "beat, coming from the pen town in JMortn uarouna. ina Wiastoa-fialem children liked not this, claiming for their own Tillage both sine aad Quality above all alas. Tha Henderson students came across tka country and thoa from Wlnaton Sales ' on tha morning train. Colonel Olds ah owed them aU there ia to see in SaJeiffc. or that part It that can ba seen in ons day. Tkoaa rrom Uaa derson waroi " . . Virginia Barnce, Tkelm Huat, Mar- paret Hight, Catherine Hight, Ityra Higkt, Claudia Bailey. Jeauetto 8trauc. Lacy Kimball, Lucy Kittrell, Elixabbteh Boos, Aanta Leigk (Puekett, Bach el kfustiaa, Charlotte Woodleaf, Vaahti Woodloaf, Annie Seller, Lillian Evans, Lillian Oholson, Mary Watkias, Mildred Upton, lowaaa Daniel, Myrtle Wkit more, Nellinc Perry, Helen Fowler, C Cheatham. Benjamin Hicks, George Bote, Dol Hines, Charles Brewer, Hart' well Bant, Vane Bolllns, Andrew Finck, . Gilbert O'Neill, studente and Misses CUudia -Huutef - and -Mildred Sherrill aad Prof G. a Davidioa. From the Beynolda ackool came the following. Mary Beyaolda, Ella Cannon HilL Bebeeea Hopkins, Bowman Gray, Jr, Gordon Gray, Alex Hollowey, Bobert Henning. Whitwell - Vavis, with Miss Minnie Lou Kelley, teaeher. . Bepre sentativa Cox.' of Forsyth, conducted tko Twin City party through th Capitol. ranking minority member of tka com mittee, gave" special attention to tie North Carolina, project and i eela that taking the bill as n whole, Nortk Caro liaa projects fared very well, redne " tione ia appropriations Ineoi pointed by the aommittea as compared witk the estimates for tka work that were made being smaller tkaa for tka country a -.: a whole. . :';-( Visitint in WaabJnrton this week on : their way to New Tork were a party at nam rrnneiaeo people wne are pieae : antly- remembered by delegate aad visitor from Nortk Carolina to the Dcmocratie - Natwnal . Con ration mat June. Ia tka party are J. J. Tynan, president oi the Union iron works, a part of the Bethlehem Steel "Works; hia daughters, Itiatee Joeephrae aad Margotf kls bob, J. J. Tynan, Jr., and . Arnold E. Footer, vie-preaidnt of th eoa-paay. Mr. Trnan waa koet to visit or from Nortk Caroliaa on several an ' joyable aecasiona, aad did mack ia mak ing their visit to Baa Fraacise pleas ant. '.; Joeepk aUWnder las beea appointed postmaster 'at Taala, . IV a zoartk clans offloe. ; , The estate of Miss Vaaaie Bdolpk Hetk, .founder of th Southern, Belirf Society, wkiek aociety k made rmu nary legatee la ker ' wilL wkiek aa jart ; beea Bled 'for -probate bore, ia valued, t $40,009. JThTs money ' will eventually go to tko relief aociety.' Mia ITeih, who waa a, dsughter af Geaeml K.mdolpb Hrth; of TirgUla, wa 'well known ia North Carolina. Her death ereurred kere January 10. . - Tar Hoofcr- la Wasttngmm llr. and Mrs. N. C Hiaea, of lU- (Coatlaued sm Fag Two) ENKINS GIVES UP ALL INTENTION OF CONTEST Aiheville, Jan. 21-With the time limit expired, all chance f th contest proposed by L. L. Jenkins defeated Be- publican candidate (or Uongreas, agaiast Congroamnaa Zebuloa ' Weaver, kave beea riven an. -While Mr. Jenkins still maintains that -there wer irrega laritiee In the election, he . evidently did not believe it strong enough to actu ally go Into the contest. He kaa let ble zrienda kere know that be will be la the raee again two years from new aad is already laying plana for that campaign. JUP.Y-AWAF. TO DURHAM YOUNG WOMAN -Thirhsm, Jan. 21--A Jury r Superior court ker tonight rendered a vardiet for .,$2100 U favor of Miss Nellie Brock a if year old kigk school girl. suiag the Five Folate Automobile eom pany aad the Carolina Fewer aad Light Company for injuries sustained when Ber arm was permanently aamagea as a result of th exploaioa of a vulcanis ing plant. The . Automobile company waa mad primarily liable. Marion, he rested aad Sported himself ss aa ordinary tourist during the day' trip southward aeroa Kentucky and Tennemee. His privst ear, attacked to a regular passenger train, attracted unusual atteation at only one or two station along the way. Beacboa Florida Today. Arriving at St.4 Auguatin abort ly before boob tomorrow Mr. Harding expects to get into hia vacation clothe st ones and after a gam of golf to go aboard tha houseboat selected si his horn during the fiahing expedition that will occupy bis first two weeks in the South. Mr. Harding apirlta roo apprecia bly at th prospect of his reipite aad at Oakdale, Tenn where there waa a de lay of fifteea minute, to change engine, he got out and entertained grinning andieae of railway switch' men by walking a rail witk the spry- nes of a fifteen year-old. Despite bis effort to get away from his worries, however, .(peculation about the cabinet situatioa increased rather than' diminished among thoa about him oa bis trip South. At the same time Indications multiplied that the whole problem still is ia flux and that final deeiaioa on every one of tha ten cab inet place must be reached during Mr. Harding r stay in Florida. Only OadHtoaal OBera. It was said authoritatively that'enelr tender ef cabinet place a th President-elect has made are conditional, aad that many clement ef the itua tloa remain to be harmonised before- there can be actual selection. The latest suggestion beard among those close to-Mr. Harding ia that Charles Evan Hughes, generally regarded aa a leading possibility, for Secretary of Stat might be offered the Attorney Generalship instead, and that the Stat portfolio might be given to Elihu Boot, whose friends are understood to be bringing strong pressure to bear In his behalf. ' " ' 1 , In,, tie fame quarters. baa'-Wen proposed that Cbarlee u. JJawes of Chicago, arged prominently for Sec retary of the Treasury, be given the poaition of governor , of the. Federal Beserve - board, leaving the treasury post for A. W. Mellon, of Pittsburg, So far a Mr. Harding bimself is con cerned, however, be ia maintaining ilenee and is putting the whole ques tion over for decision after ha return! to St. Augustine from bis ' fishing trip. ' HARDING THINKS Mh mm v L. M BLB IIB.II Bill! 1111 II II I HAVING AN AUDIT Admiral Benson Decided To Have Audit If He Had To rnmandeer" Yards CORPORATION REFUSED . ADMISSION TO AUDITORS Didn't Object To Audit Bat Dida't Liko Firm SlcUd Bj Ooremment; Charlts M. 8chab Makes Kmphatio Daial of Eacelrinf Monaj from Oortranoat Kw Tork. Jan. II The WaUk eaenmitUo laveasleatlng Bkl)p4ag Beard affair waa Informed late te at that the ItM.eee Item alled to have beea charged ap a peiaaa. al of Ckartea M. Bch)ak, f tko Bethlehem Be Com- a aal ckarged t th Ski. tU -Vievra'wrflwvy. WOULD DESTROY EXPORTS OF COAL PRODUCER SAYS Coonial for tig .OorporaMoa Claimi Oaldtr Bifl Would Abiolotelj Spall Bala Wsakisgtea, Jaa. II. JWsl ruction of tk.aH-t-tra4 4 Ik Untied BUI, bo"Tnt snt tuui)iUiot""Wwd ll from oaact-aat f th Caldar oal regulation kill, Balfh Crwaeoan art for lie t'oaaolidalo Coal Compaay, of the larger producer f bitam- iaoaa, aaeerted today at bearing ea th measure before th Senate Manufactur er Committeew A eriraa produrer. Mr. Craw aaid, eoald not guarantee delireriea ia om- pelltloa with Hrititk miaee I tea the bill proposes, authority were give the rreeideal and th Federal Trad Com mission te declare aa mrgacy la the induatry 4a time ef peace, aad divert coal hipma a to meet it. He sited a eoBtract for 73000 taaa ef oal to be ivered abroad which, kia eom pany, a aaid, had held up pending a deeiaioa on the bill- Ueorg U. Cuahlng, msaagiag director of th Americas wholesale coal aoia tioa, aaked the committee fur "three weeka delay in eonaideratloa ef the bill ia order that Ita prepooals might be digested by ths trad h repre sented. "That would mean no chance of oa TICK BILL MAKES ITS BOW BEFORE THE LOWER HOUS E Johnstone, of Pender, Offers Measure For Statewide Eradication BILL HAS TEETH IN -1. it to make it Work' Miaimara of Two Toara Za Prieon For Any Who Ixapodo Work of Eradlcatioa- By, Blowing- Up Dippinf Vati; Senate Panel Taylor AntL Lyaehlaf Meaaaro Entirely without any preliminary ver bal barrage, er drum fire, the loud heralded offensive againat tha cattle tick wa atarted la th Legialaur yea erday morning when Johnaton ef Fen der, by rrqurat, introduced a meaaure providing for the extermlaatioa of tha creature. All he had to my about H was that h deaired it to go te the Governor of Federal Reserve Board Speaks To Winston Salem Business Men Winatoaalem, Jan. 1. Gov. W. P, O. Harding, of the Federal Reaerv Board, ia his address af a luncheon In his honor at ths Zinsindorf Hotel at aoon today by the Chamber of Com mere snd a brief talk at a dinner given this evening by Col. F. H. Fries at the Twin City Club, made a floe lmpres toe. Colonel Fries, president of th Wachovia Bank and Truat Company, d elared that the message of Governor Harding brought to the busineaa men of tkia community waa both instructive and convincing. Governor Harding apoke optimistic ally a to the future, declaring that the developments of the paat thirty days must convince those who bare pos sessed doubts heretofore that all danger of a great financial or money panic ha been pasted, asd that busineaa generally H safety ever the meek erftieal and try ing stsg or ths readjustment period. "Heretofore," he said, ''following periods of artificial expansion the re action that have ' come have usually beea sharp and sudden, accompanied by xeansy panics. Nothing of the sort has occurred la the present raadjust maat period. While many prediction wer made that aa old fashioned panic wag; Inevitable, I sever once doubted the ability ef the Federal Beserve Sys tem to prevent any such, condition. TOO decline ia pries was neeea- aarily disastroni te those producers who kad gone keavily into debt, witk the ex pectation that the level of prices which existed a year ago would be sustained or even advanced, and in many indi vidual eases great losses will be Buf fered, but so far e the community aa a whole ia concerned, there ia aa ques tion of (olveney. Un working out the situation, it is necessary that ihoae wko have extend ed, credits ,bould exercise . patience. moderation aad forbearance. In ease where debtors show themaelvee to be worthy of confidence and are willing meet reasonable requirements. I have observed no disposition on the part of the bank to force eollec tion by foreclosure or other drastic means except ai a last retort. - There are aignt everywhere of a revival business lit the spring," declared Gov ernor Harding. WHITAKERS MAN L-ADS IN PINEHURST SHOOTING New Tork, Jaa. 21 Admiral Be "deteradiaed .to eommaadrer the yarda ef the Bcttlchcm htpbnltdtng corpora tioa," if it were aeeeeeary to adjust th disput over th audit af it books, Marti J. Gillea. today informed Ua Walah rnngresaional committee. Silica was a former special aasiataat to th chairman. Th Bethlehem eoaeera. Gillea aaid, did aot object to the audit but to the employment of tha firm of Parley, Mora aad Company ia connection with the nam. Th auditing firm' employ I, he added, kad beea refused admiaeioa to th eorperatifta'i yard after th aa dit'waa ordered. At a conference to bring about aa adjustment of "the diffi culty, Gillea aaid it wa Beeceaary to bring preeaur to boar. 'Gillea declared that th voucher for $300,000 which the preceding witaea, CoL E. H. Abadie, former comptroller general of the (hipping- board, bad brought into the testimoay waa discuss- actmeat Ui sessiaa, that' ill," Senator Chalrmsa L.ll"e announcea inui , ... ---,. .r Ik. i . : -. r . -. . s was DTDhablr the purpose - ... - .1 . no ii 1 1 ii mm toe. n The bill has tetth in it. It do aot partir, but that th eommitte would proceed to a deeiaioa immeataicy mere- after. REPUBLICANS TO BLOCK DEMOCRATS Senators Decide at Secret Con ference To Hold Up Confir mations of Appointees Washington, Jaa. Elv Dipping their bruahea into the .probability that the BeDoblleaa majority ia ths Senate would refuse to confirm most of the ed at the conference. The voucher CoL 20,000 Bomiaation made by President Ahadle aaid ha had been Informed bv Wilaon. soma administration official the aaditor, Perley Morse, wa for the painted today a picture of a creaking October, 1918, personal expense of government machine floundering aloag Charles M Schwab, eaairtnan of the I for a time after March 4 with $ Jot pf board of directors of the .Bethlehem Steel eorporatioa. and a former direc tor general of the Emergency Fleet Cor- Dorauon. UiUcn testified the item was - charged to profit and lose by the Bethlehem Shipping corporation," aad era charged ia amr way t th Shipping I imnortaat cogs miaaing. Failure of the Bcpublieaa senators at a secret eoafereaee today to reach any deeiaioa ae to th aominatloa et the canvas. Bepubllesa loader were not inclined to take the picture seriously kowarer. ' ' - - t The finest low of the nominations oe Board or the Navy. The wit nose added I ennjed mack ef the htm of th Bpub- k ksd beea iafo ruled ar eoaferearwa I licaa eoafereaee. The official announce witk the auditor that ther was "aoth-1 Bnt said ae deeiaioa waa reached, bat lag wrong witk thnt item . He declared I some of those attending the meeting furher it waa "regrettable that any-1 uid nrivatelv that there had beea a thing ahould aria which would ia the I -ttnit ' aereement for the Bepubliean least impugn, the motives ef men wko had risen to positions of responsibility in their country." SCHWAB MAKES KMPHATIC DENIAL OP ABAD1E9T CHARGE New Tork. Jaa. Kl Charlee M. Schwab appeared before the Walsh coa- grosaional committee this morning and denied testimony given yesterday by Colonel E. H. Abadie, former eomptrol- BAD WKATHEB'FBETKNTS TBI CONTINUATION OF AJB JOTJKNKT. Dee Medaea, Iowa. Jaa. 1L Weather condition tkia morning wer unfavor able for the start ef Mrs. H. H. Wheeler aad Mrs. Draper Smitk their airplane trip to Washington te deliver Nebraska's electoral rote. It Wha planned t start , the alt iouraey aa aooa as eoaditioaa permltt. BKCKBTABT COLBT SAILS FBOM TKINIDAD FOB HAMPTON BO ADS Port of Spain, Trinidad, Jaa. BOv Tha Caited bUtee kettleekip Florida, bearing Secretary af State Colby aad his party boss from their roeeat visit t South America, sailed today for Hmpoa Beada, where she ia expeetod to arrtv January Za.- . - . . bU. ValM V-Mklt - n "New Sera; Jma --;itrw fruits took La decided drop kere when a war arrived ar from rtorida, cwataraing wraage aad grapefruit, wkiek were ptU ea aaic at the car by th career. Orange were retailing e frwmt BlM $lJOa peek ark lie grapefruit sold for 11.23 a dosea. They er erlliag for TS a peek aad dosea respectively,-- . - , - - - Finehurst, January 81.- Rowland Pittmaa of Whitakers, the Southern doubles ensmploB, led the Nortk Caro lina delegatloa aad finished among the money winkers. - Pittmaa, broke 91 from the 19-yard line. Score of the Nortk Carolina contestants! 'Bowland Pittmaa 1 yards, Whitakers, 91; W, P. MeCraw, 18, Tarbore, Mt Joha M. Uorekead, 19, Charlotte, 89 1 Wm. James Eaaoa, 17, Tarboro, 89; H. A. Moraoa, ft r!h..1.M. ST. J - IT TVr.fc.ll 1 Q Wll. mington, 8S: XT. G. Underwood 18, Wil mingvuii, ii', W. Tr Utiia, 0, Charlott 87. BELGIAN BONDS OFFERED FOR SALE IN AMERICA New Tork. Jaa; tl-Formal aaaoaaee- meat of the $30flOOfiOO Kingdom! of Bel gium, tO-year, B per cent external loon was made today by J. r. Morgan Co, lag aa managers of a banking syndicate whick negotiated the toaa aad which will offer th bonds through a country wide wuhernptioa la which the leading laaaeial institution will participate, Th bond will be issued, at par aad will bear date of February 1, 1921. They will aot be redeemable as -a whole be fore February L 1931,, bat a slaking fund win be created sufficient te par- is f lwojooo f bond aanusity at ! price aot exceeding 107). babaeriptiona for the bond wm te opened mext Moadar aad it is nader- stood, that a large part of tko whole has beea tentatively taxes by aubeeriber tarooga oanks ta this city, Boston. fhi adelpaia Bad Chicago,- ' '- Mr. Bockefellcr'h gift ts tka larg eat aerasaat ewntribattea to the $18, M,) (aadT being ralaed by th Earopoaa relief coaadl, Mr. Hoover stated. He added aboat one-half af the emeaat already kaa beea oak., 1",wtbcfc?"--' STATE AND TRINITY WILL PLAY AT DURHAM TONIGHT OoHef4 - .51- Triaity . .. ... .v. BUILDING CONTBACTOBJ AND i UNION LA BOB BOSSES INDICTED . TJNDEB ANTI-TBCfT LAWS J ' eamasaaaaafaaaam ' tMat tVt-Jmm: TL Ta Ted. (at grajtd iaryr tnto tkas aWsawa, retanod 48 ladlctatMts aadr the Bhemaas aatt-traat f seV raarxtag vistaclaa by la kmiMiag trad cam- tractor end Bale Jakat hsaaai. ,lt waa alleged skat tbsy aajrsd a kao ap ta art) f kaUdlag ata. terlsm la th Chkaaw dteCHct ONE GIFT OF MILLION FOR NEEDY IN EUROPE jrwTork.Jaa Jl-Joha D. Rckfller, Jr, nan of th Stand ard Oil Magnate, has contributed ll.,M to the relief of starving Earopoaa children. Tkia aawoaac. moat waa made tonight by Herbert Hoover at tka coaclaaloa af a dla. nor give t Mr. BockofcUer Bible meets State ia the second game ef the basketball Season iaAagier - Duke gymnasium ker tomorrow night at 8 ..1a.1p A C. ,m- I. 41.. dope en the It would appear Xrom th perform ance of the two teams against tha Dni kas the edge oa State. Trinity defeated the South Carolinian by a aeor ef 40 to 12, while Bute only woa from the Palmetto team by a score ef BS to 84, few Bight later. Estimation of team ability la this manner t eery aareliable, however, aad Coaek Egaa kaa beea putting Ua looser through their beet during ta pest few dsys. The same are wniea atartec- ta ee oa against the . University of Soatk Carolina ie expeeUd to begia agaiast Stat. Bicbardsoa - at center, Simpson sad Moore, forwards, .and Crute aad Hstkaway, guards. , . " : LORD MATOB DUE TO , BEACH NORFOLK TONIGHT Norfolk. Ta- Jaa. L Doaal CCal- mgksa. Lord Mayor of Cork, will aot ar- ri-v H-fimw .uiu hbwiiw augnt or" early" rtandcirning, Judr Je senk T. Lawleae his eeensel, stated'to- aight Mr. O'Cailarhaa ' reported t kave started south from New Tork, but 1r expected t remain Ir Washing--ton toaight. He will be surrendered rmmlgratioa officials . ea Mo a day. according te preecat FUaa, I lor,' of the United State Shipping Board to th effect that Mr. Schwab" person al expeaae for Oeober 1918, amounting I u la esplaiaed that they will nutomat- to lmaju were enarcga to in onip-1 iiiy t out' ot Job under ine law tacit agreement for the Bepubliean member! of committee to take the Bominatioas coming under their Juris diction, study condition in the excel tire departments and then determine whether failure to keep the Democratic appoint in ofAe after March 4 would result in any embarraemncnt or uooe departments. A young regiment of offlclala bow in Washington are holding onice by vir tue of recess appointments. Should the Senate Tall (0 act on their BOmlaitrOB before this Congress quit oa March 3 ping Board, Mr. Schwab declared the tatmnt were "sbsolutely, unqualifiedly aad ma liciously falae" snd thst he personally paid all kia owa expenses during kls tana. of offices as director general of the Emergency Fleet Corporation. Mr. Schwab said that although be was Btera, federal judges, marshal, f supposed to receive a dollar a year aal-1 .. attorney, reaistsrs of land offi a a a a. 11 a ik.a - ' . . and th like over the country wno are ary, be did not even collect tnat ana for his travel from ship yard to ship yard, while at the bead of the fleet cor poration, a asserted he never received any compnsation and did not want aay. Mr. Schwab admitted such a voucher as that charged by Colonel Abadie may These officials include all eevea mem ber of th Shipping Board, two mem ber! of the Interstate commerce torn mlsaion. three ehief official in th pat ent office aad five assistant aeeretariee of the treasury. . Then, too, there are a lot oi poai tea e in the same position. Some of the are elsiaed as emerereney cases and the Be- publican leader hava . indicated that where there le found to be aa emerg ency actios will be takea Confirmation of f resident Wilson a have beea paid to him but ImJ t NppointmenU by the Senate would carry Wf mm sjvi, A VI yaipv aaasaw.iai mej Abadie and no part of it waa charged to ship board construction. Hi acceptance of the position a head of the fleet eorporatioa, he told the eommitte was enly at-th urgent re quest of the ehalmaa of the board and Presiden Wilson. , Ia accepting the place, be declared, ke kad insisted that all matters eoffnect ed With his own hipbaiidihg eTOpis be bsndled by other member of the board. nWyorkchampionIs WINNER IN TRARSH00T Pinch urst, Jan. fl Frank D. Kelsey, of East Aurora, N. T, led a Tield of 137 guns ia the mid-winter handicap, the culminating aveat of the annual mid winter tournament at Pinehurst today. aad woa th coveted trophy. by break- versity ef Soatk Carolina that Trinity ing $8 from Ua 18 yard line. Mr. Ket- some of these official over into ine Bcpublieaa administration for term ranging from one year to yeare In cr eese of the four for which Mr.' Harding kaa been elected. - Senator Lodge, bf Massachusetts, the Republican leader, has announced that he doein t propose to have tie Democratic administration fill ap a lot ef bureau ..hlefshlp ia the armriandjsvy forthe 'incoming ad ministration and" "la" tkli Th! Iiai "the support of bis Bcpublieaa colleagues. ISHFVHl P ( AMDS ONE , OF .THE BIG, GUNS ANYWAt OoTernor Oal Ooolidca aad WifB Will Sojourn For Two Weeks In MonntaiaB -wr' still entrenched, but it compels them te.. move immediately to tho work of eradi- eaioa, building vat to dip th cattle ia,' Inspectors to sea that they are dipped, aad heavy penalties, ranging from two to tea years imprisonment for aay wh would hlnderth work. Th bill itself I fiv pagee long, with a two page prologue definig th tick, aad telling of the deatruetioa kat it kas wrought throughout the State and ef th amount of money that the State and Federal authoriUee are required to apend annually to keep these infected 21 counties under close quarantine. The document was drawn in the Department of Agriculture last August,, aad cornea to the law makers sponsored by the North Caroliaa Landowners Assoc ia. tioa. Oaly 81 Counties Left Eradication work carried oa by the State Department - of Agrleuttur ia -conjunction with the Federal authorities since 1900 hss driven the tick from the Piedmont aectioa of the State to the fringe of eountie bordering the Atlaa tie ocean. Counties bow under quaran ' tine are Columbus, Brunswick, Onslow,'" Carteret, Jones, Craven, Pamlico, Pitt, . Beaufort, Hyde, Dare, Tyrrell, Wash ington, Martin, Bertie, Chowan, HerU . ford, Perquimans, Gates, Camden, and Currituck. - - Nowhere la the bUl la ther aay rara tioa ef free range, -stock law, or any , other subject to complicate th eltoa tioa. It ia purely aa out-aad-out attack upon tko tick, regardiee of wkeker he be dwelling in free range country or . ia "stock law." Original plan were for kaviag Statewide stock law and then at tacking the tick, but here la toe muck opposition to the stock law, and propo , nent of eradication wer unwilling to assume the risk of baving the whole proposition killed. Coanty Te Do Work Briefly the law provide that net later than Jan. 1, 1922; every county then under cattle quarantine shall have . built sufficient dipping vats for all cat tle, appointed inspectors, bought chemi cals, and begunhe dipping of infectd esttle. All. expenses shall be boras by ths county, and the law administered by the sheriff, under the supervision ef - State and Federal inspectors, and Con tinued until the country ia pronounced clean of ticks. Anybody who blow up -vat, or otherwise impede th progress of eradication, Shall, upon conviction, ., be sent to prison for not less than two nor mora than tea years. ser who ie 88 rears of ago aad the deaa ef the tran shooters bore assembled. waa Freak Wrijrht s predecessor aa eh re al ekampioa of New Tork otate.. Wea Aaheville. Jaa. fl-Ashevillc kaa at last landed one ot the big guns, ia the ennouneement received- today that Governor Ceolidg will come bore for a two weeks vacation, beginning rebra arr 1st.. The Vie i-resiaem-eiees ther conditions were perfect witk ther- wired today that he had accepted the mometer ia the -early seveaUea end j Invitation extended him by the board ot. iihu wife. mwA z3 of tha amateur I ef trade .Mayor Robert aad - the neia orose ro or Doner. The long distance me gav a parties larly good aceenal of tml-. 8. H. Shams n, of Salt Lake City, took second honor witk $7, from the 81 yard line.- Harver Dixoa. , Missouri . BUte ckampioB, led the rear treaeb eon tin -rent with M at 23 yarda aad waa tied for tkird place by C C. Fawewtte, of Wasklagtoa. whs shot from 0 yarda. A. Boaart. of Baadasky, Ohio, a 8S yard man. broke 85. Tko 87 eeatestaat wko broa PI er better aivtac so sseniea aggregating &A4Q. local aewapaper aad will be a guest witk Mrs. Coolidge and kia secretary at Grove Park Ina during that period. Unable tt eenrr Sana tor Harding, the local koaaUra went after the next beet sad have aow landed th Tic Presl dent-elect . v . - Mr. Coolidge k expected to leav Boetoa th first .' next week and te go to Atlanta for several 'dsys., He will remain la Askeville two week for eom nleta rest, he oaid. . It le aot ksowa where the Vie Preaideat-elect will g after ke'leavea this nty. Tsbacea Averages High Item -Bora... Jan.. !! Tka average a . kisUord -twto"'NWi''ewir--' a...... sei- l Q1I.I. Af.l. ford, automobile rseer. made a mile laTfar sine the reopening of the tobkee 6.01 eecoada today oa Dsytons beach, marker ker for the weed kas averaard eetting a aow roeerd for stock ear wf from 3.0 to 9XM -a- aaadred: higher tko ciaa ke groo."rnr aveat was au-1 tksr before TArtaturatTaa-iewmiwiBa' tkerised aad timed by representative I millioa pouads aot yet marketed, the of. the American Aateasobil Assort-1 warehouse ar urging th farmer etloa. .'; . . . 'to bxiag ia lwly, i Little oppositon waa placed ia the war of eradication in counties where stock law prevailed, but when the work ad vanced toward the ocean, where there is much open country where cattle grate - free, the work of herding the cattle to gether st regulsr intervals was - toe greet, and a fight began. In many eoun- ties, dipping vats were blown ap, and ' riolenee done inspectors. The work kad ' to be abandoned. Expect Hard Fight t Vigorous opposition await the doming of the measure to the floor ef .the .' House, although it is generally conceded that it will receive favorable action at the haada of the 'Agriculture commit tee Passsew of a similar measure was . blocked at the special session, and the same influences are already at work to c feat the bill brought ia yesterday by Mr." Johnstone."" ' .T11"" """!"'' .' -"T" Another day passed la the House without adventure, save for the tick bill. dosea er pieces of local legielarlaa - were offered, aad a few minor local - '. bill passed oa their third reading. Two cor Bepr'eaentatlTee ssked " for "leave ' of absence ever the week end, aad the House adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning with the understsndinr thst -Moaday'a lessloa would begla at 8 o'clock at aight. A bare quorum b left -ia the city for today's legislative ses sion. ' Stresses Week Is Prospect. After passing aa evea - dosea bills, a. including the Taylor anti-lyaeking measure,, the Senate yesterday paved A the way for a general exodus from the Capital la prepsratioa for the streaa- -a week that ia ia proepeet, - Adjournment jraa takea at 11:53 a a- ' til tea o'clock today aad aa order made that adjournment today be aa- til-eight 'leek -Moaday alghtn The ... usual "gentlemen ! ngreement lor - eonaideratloa of a bill except those ef local import oaly waa also made. Preaideat Pro' Temporo Long and Sea tor GsJlert pretested against ue "workiag at . aiglft" ba ws t tatoaV', i.-i jt ,' -. '. . Senator Taylors bill wkiek -was passed, aad scat U the Haase for cea earreae ymterday provide, thst 'S-. , parlor. Court Judge .may hav4 the power to remove a aew - rross -est V county " tt"iotker-befor vh -prt- or prisoner shall Barf beea er- reigned -aad without, their proseae ' la court, provided the Befndaat se - defeadaata eoaseat la writing. Is fl . .' .(Ce tinned Fag Twol ,

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