TV-1 lbs rus vuuilm ftl aad aflgfctly ! Mm. day, TMrfif aeotuled, Bti erate wxktM wtaaa. iie inlaws ami(Q erver lt t halwt its Wl Baa end atd Mm , VOL CXIII, NO. 24, . - EIGHT PACES TODAY; V . RALEIGH. N. C. MONDAY MORNING, JAh(UARY'24. 1921. : 'X1CHT PAGES TODAY 'RICE: FIVE CENTS y mm I IIFIED RYRFPIIR lf:ArJ VI IIL.I UVklU. IIIU 1 v- v i DBH TO I STATES Congressman From Eiohth1VIg- orously Denies Campbell i ". ; Charge of Slanoer , WADE NO STATEMENTS REFLECTING 01 HARDING No Intimidation of Voters U sorted Td St Democrats, 'Tanner Bob" Ajiert. in Keply To Charges, of Con testant; Snyi Kin Opponent Spent large Sums of Money KENTUCKY NIGHT RIDERS VISIT TOBACCO GROWERS leToi)! 'farmers Waned By jaanKei sib noi to sen ' ; ' " Or Want Tobacco ' LtJogtoa, K Jib. tlp-lCigkt rldtrt Saterday Bight visit bmin la Bath and rWmlag eon alia and warned them aot to haul ay mor. tobacco le atarket uttil price wer higher, aeeordlag t report retlvd hr toBlght, Th re port received fr Mow. at Btorllag, Car- 111 aad ritmlagabirg 'said that Xk (rowan w.r.(wara(t that their haras troo id be barsed aad taat tay weald be dlt with attar! aalte tky com- piiBt'T"' TV" Tka band, toaalaiiag ef twaaty-iv ar thirty math ad bmb, viaittd farater aef Bherboarnc, la fug county, , It mile rota IWItgaburg Bad Bethel, ia Bath county, mile from Carlial. Ia all. about afteea farmer were vla itod, altheagh tha aamee'efealylv T. B. Boberteea, wealthy farmer Mar Bethel, -wan called 1a kla door at lt:0 bVlock Saturday' "algtlTa"eordi(r' ta"a report' ' from '' Carlisle. ' ' Four ' men W3 District Natloaal Bank Bldg, By JOB L BAKE. T(By Spatial Latt'Wlr."V Washington, Jaw. 2J.-HprBteU H. U Dmirhtoa returatd to WaihiaxtoB ....i- l- nti of u.iail Im hi. led kin. that ka waa hot to kaal aav rengremioaal Beat tUA with kiai few I g0ra, tobaaea, acltber' vai ha to Mat 1t.1UtSmvyi k - fcl to. tobaera'raUlat " for . k krra ka lad hie attoraey. W hlmatlf. foraerOorrraor Blfketlfprcparrd the I Ika waraiaf waa aoeompaaled by CoacraNnaa'i Kpl"to the eoateit I threat of trioltae to biateelf aod hi BOtiea, a copy of whifh wae haaded I proprty' K M failed to obey, ta ut. cawpoeu ww TkoBUU ja. - Boyd Bd - Thlt eade tka flret ehapUr of the ooateat prorerdinss. The arst etep Will be to take arideaee, wkick J will V eonl ia the ' diatriet, fltrt Caaap Wll'i aide, for which 40 daji ia al lowed Bad thea by Doughtoa who will SUPREME COU C L HOLDS IMPORTANT MEET G PAR S Reiardcd In France a Second 4 ; C- Peace Treaty Meet . DISARMAWENT TO BE CONSIDERED AT OPENING fire, Oreatv Zoropeaa. Foweri Represented' at Conference; Oermaa Xeparation to Come " TTaa Twa VaAt4 V akt aMf4AfBi a W Y y daVV Wa I aeMMVU VI t v French Ministry Depends On Outcomes ; PreM.f Tha. Bteetiac c af , the 8a prene Cenaeil' which' will .' bepa to- or row moraine "at Vdoek ia'the (aaipD clock. o frA .Xpria at faraier yarned Btoreat war tkea tltit ed aad the waralaf repeated. The bead next ahowed Bp Bear Shorbonrne . la FUmlaf eoaary aad waraed two fane era aaaed Shiekla aad Toatlla. They also have 40 daya for tha eame par. lard kaowa to hat Tiaitod three ether - rote, after which the, eontciUnt will I farmer bat whea a oeeupaata coat Tf . ,e" . ao7 Tid'"effc.i" to the door they Uachd Bad Mid fhey Z ,:. STita-' aM war, -lookla. fo, a doctor. VU V;mu enouia acciae aot to prp. the eoateat. Bad there' war "romora that he may Jret drop lt. -' -Aamita Eiwr la Bawaa. . , ' Ia hU reply to Dr. Campbell' BOr tSee, Hr. Doushfoa mSkea eompleta denial aad thea deal with tha diCereat allcgitioni la tha order ia which they were made, preeeBtuif itawtBtnta m completely refute thcm,aad make eouater-ehargM, Wtaeb of the character eoatalaed i Dr. ' Campbell charge. .Itt brief, Mr. Doughtoa sot only daaiae the truth -ef tha charge-, Pr. Camp bell make, bot charge Campbell aad hi frienda sad aopporter with doing laaay. at tha tlAnga they eomplala fit. Ia 1h bcctaBiag of hU atatemeat, Mr. DonghtoB admit that there wat aa error la . tobnlating to He county return, where Camptell PROJT, CUNTOH Sampson Officers Believe Will Hopkins Man wanted tflr.v - KiirinrticrcJntrTr I i,-t--;.r .'j iv. ;:?., iZc ? : 'CIlBtoB, Jbb. 13,WU1 Hopkln, b- SIX BURNED TO -DEATH BY KEROSENE EXPLOSION - Waaklagtoa Caort Boaao. ' Okie. : Jaa. XI. BHa aaambeia af tka family af Jeataa Adkiaa, Uriac 14 aula ank af bata, wat batwed to -talk early Ule m trait wta Ira dtatroyod tkolr baaaa. Adklaa waa fatally baraed. - - Ta Br fallowod tka ttyl lea kf B caal atota la ta wklek Adklaa ard ktttetaa oat ka aaala la aa eCart to atart M aaltMy. Tha wead art! Hra. JaaMa, Mt ' Craea 'Adklaa, it Lama Adklaa, 111 Naaml Bath Adklaa, 4 rraoda Adklaa. tMb Wake Baaaott, TB. imU af Mra, Adklaa. Shattly afto t a'ctack Ula atara lag Mr. Adklaa areoe to beat water J a rkia tkraa . wotkald .daesatat ' who waa UL. Immediately aa pear. lag'ketaetae late the atart fraai a twa gtllea eaa, ta baralagt ell ' waa tkrewa to all porta ef tka ma by the eaplaalea. Mra. Adklaa aad be baay wk eecaplod a bed la eaa carver ef the reeaa ware be- : aiodlatoly aatwleaed la Same. Tka thraa yeaaga cklldrea aad Mr. Baaaett eeraaled a atagto rttm lag free, the, baraiag balldlag. rellad la the mad aad tkta 'rta a -rHrtf "aH- to ' aeigkWe taimij EMaatlag tka cellar ef klai-hlrt all - e ble etothlar wa baraedj ai tkla By thatme adgkhera arrived at the dwafjagilt waa a mat af eateldorldjf mkera. Adklaa wa kreagkt to k kaaaltal kere wkere DOUGHTON WILL OFFER CLAR SOI MEASUREJONIGHT AND JAILER OVERPOWERED No Further Dflay Contemplated in Reconciling Differences - ' Concerning Bill . ii in a a i SPLIT OVER PROGRAM REGARDED AS HOPELESS Leaders' in Eons and Senate Cbnyinced That State Con. traction and State Mainte nance Is Only Feasible Plan; fourth Week Will Bee Speed, inf Up of Machinery NEGROS TAKEN FROM JAIL AFTER SHERIFF HELD UP Home Guard At Warrenton Called Out By Governor Morri son But Too Late To Prevent Determined Set Of Men From Taking Prisoners From Jail At Warrenton Early Today. - ,. . . v.. EIGHT. WOUNDED AT NORLINA EARLY SUNDAY. MORNING IN CLASH BETWEEN RACES kla death la memeatarlly eapactod. poacftoaftreaet ware held, ia regarded la franc ta eeoad in impertoaea oily to tha delibaiatioa from which cam ia the treaty -ef Veraaille. The durauoa of tha Btw mlabtry af ArUtld Briaad, it 1 getertlly tadtntood, will depoad upoa.thi meeUng aad'th rttalte the PremUt will be able to bring from the chamber if depatie. The gtatral feel ing ever tke altuatloa if cptimiitic - The rreaeh people bar beta great ly reaarared' dorlag tha peat few day by the tone ef tka Brititk praa ad leaai- eonfident that the allie will be tbl Harare folly, 'not only upon thelf)tA On Packer Bill Scheduled feature ef the nocture, complete bar meaeure to eeur the diaarmamcat of jft pnrnp) I In In Pnatft . Jmoay U aaid to prerBll among the Germany but apo. tt ge.l .line of -WJJ ."JJ""318 ?00.M ' reparat. - , ' - t This Afternoon , . ;, .t. JmnUiinm There wa ' r cordil. eoafcreac ofl Waahlngton, Jaa. B-A rot U the Mor1,riOB d Clarkaoa tkeoriej Be waa ampleyed v aa a farm lakerer. CONGRESS PLANS - - WEEK OFiCTIVJTY ehsnge, but retaiaiag the But taree, will be iatrodueed la tha Hone af -BcoTwentBtfTM -toatght br "BPr- Further eoafereaeet held daring the day yttterdty. It 1 andcrttood brought th leader la both the Hoot and the Be Bate to the ceacluiiom that further delay ia the hop oi tmoothing out dif- fereaeea of opinion criaing out of ttat Qoeitioa of road legialatioa waa we- UmA. But eW.fator of th CUrktoa bill remaitr to ie agreed wpoa, that of levying aa ad Valorem tax for tha tup port of th road kuuding program. mmaterial difforcBee of opinion are fitiU outatanding, but upon th priaeipil Five White Men Wounded When Score of Blacks Said to - Have Laid In Wait For Clerk In Norlina Store-Troubl J Started Week Ago Over Sale OfjSome Apples. Warrenton JJan. 24. Two of the IS nesroes held in'Jail '" here for taking part in the race riot at Norlina early verter- MrtttttS&it' were Uteri froin the county' jail here at rd'clbck - thiamorning and lynched by a mob of abavt 75 masked 'IheiiTTr: lag, the town is auiet, and the mob dispersed. . The jailor, John Green, was overpowered by the mob the -keys to the jail taken from him, and tha mob entered, found the two negroes -they wanted and carried them away. It was nearly an hour before the crowd around the jail knew definitely , that either of the negroes had been taken away. : t Coming into town from his home 1n the country, Sheriff R. E. Davis was stopped by a crowd of masked men not far from the jail, after they had fired upon him. They explained -that they were guarding the jail and that they suspected that, he was one of the attackers. At that very, moment, the Sheriff declares, the mob was within the jail, n . Very little disorder accompanied the lynching. The mem bers of the mob are believed to have come from the. viHnltv of Norlina, where the trouble started. Citizens of the town 1 were on the streets;1 but apparently took no Dirt in tha Ivnrh. ing. The Home Guard Company, under the command of Capt. Tasker Polk, waa being called out at the order of Governor ' Morrison at the time of the lynching. - ' The- two negroes lynched. Plummer Bullock, and k if rA . WilliamAV were tha alleired leaders m the trouble"- Noriin a The crowd seemed to want no others. Thev were carried nut on the road leading to Norlina, and shot to death. Early this Wvif ttTBritUh dcSo; dv fniltd to bring twea David Lloyd George, the Britlih I uuumi! activity la Coagr. r . - , Ithtm togcUcr. With th acntiment of Pr.mir. and Earl Canon, of Kdl-1 . After about 10 raara tha aeiUtloa apparca majoruy ox me nouac aaa :m- ul, w l v-.u. .v" . r&rizxx -7 ri downddiTdVuh'buire itof. tu n7ce rtr.-gth.nrf thl , ragdUUo. tha flE- -rfek - thai. eu jnd, ut ueh dif- ; The mob tlraveled in automobiles, coming from all directions impraemon that to work of tka aonaeil Uf Udurtry Bad other phaaa of Uva- fercBee a hold antoag the member be M y,ey entered the town, ' Preceding the mob, several can 1 high rate of speed.'' The mob'lefc' f ormationr The shooting was heard AWJtv aa MTtrlfno , s .. . - it ia iwdpBraUo-. will ' 'ow,B, b bm rtiu mutt Wh" the mob first demanded the keys of the jailer, he re- Clinton. 'Jaa. h-i oopauu, do- i 7 i Till 7 1 i. " " ,UIM k . i.n- k i " u.a ucuiuucu vus Jkeya vi Vila jailer, ne re- hton Bdmito tht there wa WW. i--C. dmruMd. xne qnetuoM Devww- vu. of u preMat nmi6M. la tobnlating th Bowaa reitod lav Goldtbor - kit night ; aad I ajllr and th tJtod ftoteawUl Other Important mattor xpected The leaders of the meat out of tha aatomobil JJeena I With guns, and Produced them at once. 2 8 'S&fiS SI Xm?!T. SeleC,ted the tW0 ned car- u Indudavtoriir legialntioa. lnternntional I " ."T1; 1 1 w l - N - LTJi In Race Outbreak At fl . tm rwk.i. r.ri nin I Many raver Tan. ' , , - . . ', noryna uepot early Sunday Mominir broueht .here thta afternoon.- tiveul"e e.SO "tTcwu fl leom to the fore in Concrete thit week l,mA AJnS initaad of the 4JS15 I .nlimlnar trltl htfara Vimf -flnil I th. COnlerenCO Will lt BOOU B WCCB. I l-.l-J t,Ttf Wl.l.tlnB. tntriitlnlll ti.' Atf kntlr.a -aa ht n.niM I Baareaeatatlvea at Caaforaace. how that thia waa omtod aad that lef bead to await th action 6f the I , r,pre,f?t ..T? fi i,?!!T"f: . . . w r. t. .. ' tl . I i irv.i.-. I.- 1 . I at ttna eouneu wm,oa: urwtt oniai I n... r m Dm th. .tteatio. of the alecUan offlecr. e iind 11 ar virtually atifid thatl 2dltoBi F114 fc1 :-Bi,r. S"7 luriff bill now unnihed. butln" 4"ed tk-aou f,,"a of thit couuty.- i HopTtltu , , th. right but IJSSSl. MTXZS 1 ZJZtZh- . i N IaUmldttloa Beatrto To. one wora ,mnig w. w I ZTU- n...... n.. Wrf..- : Bppropriation own in pre-," .v. ;-.t: -,7t'Zn.iZlMi tkraa BMroca. wet, watrnttit -it; .a i.i i. -..j. v Don... I noM handt nil been aearttTet nor rTT-.. r.r r"4i arayiipa , vl u.. " ' I Vw " . V - ' ..i I eltirt and MaJol that any , retorted friend. tk candidate nitted to the action of th. Btato BepubiieaB con- T-;. T JSV"-rr JS'TH I ttr aad Maroulaa Delia PorelU ly , quarter t a million dollar.. By I two- perhep fatally, in a race riot year period, It it I which broke out at th railroad ttatioa mention, wklcb delard .gainat negro T7U wOIn VJSm M ta. tioB. of th. pur- Belgium: Jap . i ira rLim uauum auw titnivwe w v - . - at i iiuhm. faun m w State, Bad euotet the follewing from ? foreigm relation, ommitto an .nevmn. nkam aflVS 19- I Tamil Mil ami I Z . " " . t BmJVH evai r r - -- r sLanaiag, in Ash county, In which he I ; Evidence Anaeara Cesvladac. The evidence teema to' be quite com. Pella Jor,olla. - n JT. tT .i T.,i.T.' Ti IT. road biU, nojomorrow may bring forth ', 7 ' ' r Theuny Wnlrtw fn jfC. Kverctt, of Durham , Tb. wounded men are. B. L. Trailer, M. Van eTrv"" tompl.tccf meaaur. white j Lloyd' TraUof, whiter H. A. f .0. wiU GreVt r, "'rt th. MorJl ? ""."y; wUU- -"h.jwhit , Jmnant'Viteaunt lahii. Ajnlmaaidov ta I laitiation. rranee. . I Britain aad . gav. hi. .pproval ef ttfm;Z?r,iM U held 1. th.ou. -valeo;-! Much debato 1. lpaH'TOT Hu.t.r,-;.tt4 Bobert Jft PI DU DAlCaflB DB7MTWItfcVaa aaaaa, - a i i, AA. a 'A . - a I VilCah AUVUI VL LUI X DrTJJfcTB DlXlCtl Ifl I a'ivyt wafcac, m ivt BUil BIKwr I waaUailaw annul ltim nloHt fna A'a4tae JBOH. alSrrn. i. . " .. JnciniU41uaiaefe A " w s wv -w " - I UnnHW - Tf nfAcm. that laan k.A ' 1 . ' . Vn V baaneawB. n "''T aana aaaMiwaii -ww nyv wa- v tf amafl! Btsr llkn AaWimnilMU ' I . . .m r women ' Mflifdtoicd fit I rr"T": , . s'KT'' T T Tli Mtarmtioii iaawtiaB will MnJdBded TnetrdAwwitk GmmiI Permhinerl w ' T.-irT-iJ "m.I . -HT c-b,W.m jmcotq m ui uenaersoa - rnaanii ar . riaaxn mm a in .nra in. lumnnni ran a . - I miraii I uhiiis utw suauiifr . emu viuvi lowed to ote. I If they uew"(MiT work? with' the ' H adaon ivin I tt Mort Billed expert I at th- &aat witaeaa. Chairman Butler I Legiilatloa at tke beginning 'of the I tt0P "here pkyaieiaa stated to will be tka DemocraU' fault." ..-.-2 ..-lk. .i.k ui.i.' v. I who met' tk Germane at Bruatelt. in I ha indicated that . aa definite lcriila-1 .7Uk -..w. . k. k i. I niaht thtt TniWi t.nAUm t. .i.vtt: -T, T- n i...... w.aww.vmni UkiA .1. ...i... ii I .1 ' 1 m 4.. j.-.., A. I """ - 1 - - - - . 'aiy. w reported in, the pre of tat I fWB,. Honkint tonld tVl B-il l.v.r darned far Dr. CamD-la . .1 1. 1 . ball and wa iJin with other Pehel,u,r7fc. ..: I annual lnitklmtntt of SjQOOJXW.OOO . of I etnUr atteaUoa : on ita ha tl i... rvn... . j.ii Tini-.l1' BJclgk where littl hop ia nte made by th contestant throughout th I turned atronrlr toward him. lrtmor. I na ? ' j1!8 "t""""1" I faking Mnp,JAe anjiBaL, axrirultnrallSclMiol. Bemarcand. and ori Btto in-1 'movtryTT: Bobert' Hot. Wpig--j -c-thrdMB uperlhtendent,' at 8li- W 1),.n?4 T" Vt I bdrt tomorrow; while eommittae I stitutlon : here for pretting their ap- j tlightly hurt, 1 ia jail and Claud Jones wno met'ta uermana at aruettu, m na tnoieatM taat ne aefinit legitla- fourth wek of the tottion, but the week igh tht TraUor coadition Ja erltl-L ,hiT,,21.rIfmm."i toP13"ti1Uard. wui be a busy wek with other mttton. el. Jerom. Huntor, th negW mo.tC final definition ef the total of Of,- ingjiaminhrtrntion toko office ; , Tk. Joint Appropriation, commrttoe Mrioutlv hurt i la r An Hiatal P J r3" '-"r.1 V:W . will tern... ft. kearing. to-.rrow night. .Tlil J l'nK J bury, reported liter In tha week thtt ,ounei1 "'rf P?1! ? c11 l frime the 7 remaining money met lure. I petit for tnbr money, Hopkins had made appijpatlo. for work I "VPA ""k to tth 4" I 'T Flalak Immlgratle. Hearing. The Banking nf Cn . C"-1with. th Hudaoa fore but bad been .r',0,, the Germnnnmbador. Hearing of the Bennto immigration toe hn th pn eUari BaWaatraa im riwn". bnrr. mrvirtMl liln Ii tha vh I vniuwiij win cvaaraw ih Dull tnt 7 remaininw moaew mattnraa. I noli tnr mhra ainnev. . , . ! i 1 1. .a n. t . . .bs.. . nnl.t. J.nlil of the ui u'li.. l.j a. -u-lTi" . I annwer which It will maka to. tha dee-1 h- ..".. ir , 1' - 1.1 F Ji. "a" pom mnaer guara. ... , T ju.bim. an v -w w- -w a uuu.iub uau aiiaiuBi uuuraunii- inr wnri - . i t a aw . ar imh nunnnni m auamiBH annjana'iBnr. naw nm naiiiw muii uurraurv uumuiiir . -i tartloa br Dr. CampbcU thtt he, Coa-Vl-tth tha Hn. f.M v. v.llaration of the. German ambaaaador, I n tk. fUaaia tn.iTnVi. I t... k. . ia.raaia bill an fl' ' '- "torto Over Apple Sal. -H.M.. TtAnahtoa. wraa 'retnonaible for I mAiuiI : Wk H..-.M 1.1 1 Wilhclm kltTSr Va UtUfbenrta. to hi. I u.. .v. T .l. v:n l..I...ij.u Uk k-.l. .U TIit firntfr tMi 'Mnmlnn- nn... thireoUtionf nyC4rtea4BeeM naaoia tolTirtttally all imnigraato for a year U eetiona ef th But to tpir. I bad fllng between groups of thr ra d , at u jtepuuiK " "A. 1 " nopin ana on - iactij- - " " " I ar to d eonetnaea naaday when lm-l nooert . rtge, reprftmigtn ciicai -ku Wmtitr iliM'TM dent. Mr. Doughtoa j. th Bther hVad stimulated the cu.h toJWaraiwlajd th figh) !'o.X-rtaL? ' T?? ti 4n bhv-eply- ttat ht V werrj Monday evening. - V . v7 K ,. fW BaTi deiHb) conditioaVM be found thenVU the bUl,-aad A BlwoBd Cox, of High hBtdy, according to Chief ef Felice ditpeood, he ould : prove that the U FeaiUvoly Identify BepUna. " ef hipping which remsw to U torndl Eroo. , . ,,..". e- - Poict. will b here to fight it. The con-8. F rieming. of KorUn. riiunmer him. Thirteen, however, wer arreitcd,-, wi4-ijB(mind toTJiil fit default of 1 bonds, after preliminary hearing before Juttic f th Peae J. C. Handy, of ' Norlina, thia after nooa. ' hlr. B. B." Williams and Mr. Tasker Polk, of War. ronton, appeared for, tk Bute. While th situation - appear quiet her tonight, there were rumors that an effort might be' nude by negroes of Warranto four mile from here, to ; liberate member of their Ttee in Jail." faeilng waa high this morning, among u wnue people or th eommuaity, but haa apparently almd dowa tonit-ht . Mr. Polk thia afternoon made a talk t - th assembly gathered for th prelimi. nary hearing, in which he eottnicled law' and order. -' APPEAL TO COVEBNOB MOBBISOX TO BEND TKOOPS TO WABKKNTOX frieaili and lupoortcr of th eonteitantl riMnUtdthTOTioutthr70t'it "Oi Ithi." ' meet vicion. false and tlanderou r-1 white, i.nrtt la recard to th publi Bad private I taw : tl f . - . - . 1 a it . 1 7 U . 1 I a ' l,fm af .'InB-i rffnmlalnl - OX Ut UBItfaiiAUrmfl.r A SIB A Tarn ftAaihvalv lnatfaviria.f I uaj wiiuivaNv va , uiviiwuif let I a- l. T.l M V btetea, that they "eought to IntimiditaJ Hopkto. aa'lke alay, asy tog , that he "pptiiJ'ei fo! ? todefl"lU.r Un radiating from tuV th voter cy repon.Bg win u "';ik Psrt in mine ever sine -.7" "777 I Tha 8enato eommittee plan to eon- The chief witaene aninat Honkintl ever to vtoUie ndtoatJh -1. aterhoon were . Bertoa Eorrinc.l ?" ef Ue ocenpatlon of U iihine-l -..j- i k.. i.t Ih. eemmittear tometime durinc the I J. P. B aUiUBg. Ul . IifleBT . lAJUM. I vv r--v- MMMlmn em-wm-w?;aa auk.aattanan I i.lff AlfJtBal B UnB J W11 1 D TO Dal D IT KBaVtB I tlPUden a . X I . . . ' Ut,. ....mi. an a !. - wtl-Kt... a. t I "-vat, rwajiattww . kBiuui whutviwj I ' " " . ' . I A ii. li.Iaw. b hat -.i.- j- - .n-'-. . tMtarrn InltM IB. fainia I wvww wa -? I - aegro, weat into 'the More of William, a merchant, ef ISorUat, nought y buy ten cent worth of trum 0iaay 1 nuior, eierc. i ne pofecd dmititfaetion with his Welfare Work Hearing ' i I pureaaa tad Wanted hia maer beck ' mmmi, ... P.nnA.lllAII, I Tk.' ...aaM Vki. mWmmtmA ....- . p..M..t ahaaUltk. v;ni. . n.-.- .ix v. .ulthe mtitntioa f eeaueetrated Oermaaf . . . . ""." I a n-i m .-- uj .j. K ,v- a vcrautf -. - . . Mw - -..., h wuiw . . . . . . rnda neannn caia ween an tna caidar 1 ,.ui . . wV.w . .- v. uu . . .riiu canni be elected the boy. would". coMcripted not 'potiUtaly identify him, but jhdgd R'b.!f! T" coal tegulaS. bill.Srttb the pmptct auadry nteanir. for the Traitor, it it id, .ad threatened him. and .verjea. kl ta -t. be of th. . form d 1 ll?Sir..r: Tt5t? ZZmltZ XJSZ&l Wrtf.r. officer, in - According to th. chief of poUee. th. war ana ma u mirouw we wayor. xAinean, wae nae oeeai , v ;, "! I aa effort to a Junean. who naa beta I "-"I.- .1.. --i. Cf any axldir, hi. body would at nc h.ld in Jail tine Monday a a poambl uctJ. .SrLtl .JSSSI M tBte awjlBmn.- .TV-"l" pluni, avidtnee eb-1 '?J . 7" . ' I . . ta Karaed-thtt ther appealed . to- the I aaeomplico of HoDkina. religioaa fear -aad prejudieea of thai taind front Banry Metta, wh himelf people by charging taat nui.vea ii arrette on mcpieion latt Haadty, cratic. candidate far- Prcaident tkouldlauted that Hopkins had secured hi re- bt elected U rrotettaat ennreaea-woui 1 volTtr, twn-trthtt thot ateel bt destroyed -and the -whole cQunuy 1 bnUet. aad he-ldentilled .certain bul turned ever to the dominion of Bomaalu taken from Bopkink pocket ia ; athoU ckureke But, this eonteitt I Qoldsbore aa th very kind ef bullete doe Ml ntn iot an-ov w "ir 1 ntea in ui gun. - poneat to be rejected oa aceouat of the I , Bepklna Benwwa Can. ef cash advance by tk alliee on thai ,price ef coal, delivered.' . SATISFACTOHY PROGRESS Mine ii-t'rrnTiiiTinMC Toklo, Jaa.'1 23-Negotittian ' be tween --the Japanese end' United State I .1. 1 t. a.. 1 i n . n - Jk. mm h ! 'rawhead ltd bloody boaet' need by I Hockins rot the tun about S o'clock lihootirt br 1 teitrr at Vladivottok af f wnde and wpporter or xn eonwtiaiu 1 tvenlng of the killing. . Daaean I the Ajneritst NtYal Lieutenant taag-j to frighten the people from voting thj,.pt wh Hopkins tht aight and tnteedea ar progrettiiig -a-faetorily, ae-1 linoeracre- ticket, ha yt. - t I that hwa told by Hopkins that" he I cording .to a aemi-offiuai note ittuedl He Vtoltaee LatMtr I kad killed a maa. Be aaw Hopkin at I today. Xfc Dourhte. ' deniee. that -aisgUf mte k 8 o'dock Gtmifir ttirninir. lttj h Uert-riiJoonttU: i'fiMr 'efr friend er mrPOTter of rheontetnt I had tolj (hat Honk in wa th man aad I teurae t coneerninr tha matter to tha ef. a kept from voting by threat a. via-1 that kt ktd uted.DuBetn's gun. Bothft f t Lieutenant Laardoa -waa not. "ne or any other mean i imimiua-1 uanria aid Uett art held at witaataetiat ata to reported married to n Kue-I 4,0a, bet e tk atatr hand Mtwte thai j MJ. fbl aompi.e. ti kaving jtian, c'though be wbi enf -ge. . It.i1 "t .t real Int?Tiiaat;fins maae la if ait-fbeee- evidenee ttt.nrr men mal ra'ea tat ho tpevt tat boar, imami- j - ir-t were "by, the frieadt and "orf-1 away from tie store bes.Jt Berts Her-1 intny the thooting at tht j rtert er w eonieTani tna inn me 1 ring, ina Ahf rora t we Bight or thii.wDi oi nuesa xrieaat eeieorating r-Etestee it prrptred to prove that ia I murder. I the Butxiaa Chrwtniat. Among the tie preein-t ef eert-i:n conBtiet,! It it tbooght V. .at ae murder ni in-1 r31' ' t hit Kj.ii fiancee, Wkt. "it's he re fr -r...i ae! tpp-ltetiel but n l.tT r"-m to gt thele,nl" ' ' f-i'iJe -'er letrning. f ki j i Hi 1-cr ring that hej Hi tl I ,1 l"l . U'iiIHUri lim "4 1 1 1 to ..a w hunt k ta. FIFTY WEN DROWNED IN SINKING OF SUBMARINE Leaden, ' Jam. ', . StyBtyend the fact that It at ata cattbliabed that tht Britkm awkararta waa net . rammea. thr ta nethlag yet to ex. ptala.the caaae ef the dlttttec to' tke tabrntrtible eg LAaaTa d Uat Tbaraday.- Tkia waa the a rat Brlu , ktk naval diet iter etae Ue errnta. tke waa alraed. aad the wawat eaa. atarla artlecwe to tke ceaatry la aea thata.' ". 1 1 . AnnVtal Uaalry tato tbe die." atter I bdag held akeard the " ba.tlahi.Qa tUukrtk. hat it to daeacrwl whechtt aaytklar wiara .cwarcrara.' tha frta ef tha- K4 ever wilt he kaeva. Wrackar ha been feead near ta tpot where the ta kauri at wa taat atea. Tha a Oirial Uat ef thee aa beard the K-S hvteod UaicM enSrat the airtvitaa attlmate af tlx a aad SI maa a baard. rtoae eonatle, aad the geaeral law f-Trailora received word last airht that feeting th Welfare -work to -tka Stat I tk nerroe wtr orraaisiatr to maka tomorrow, inaieanon ar- uiat uiaar 1 goo i'mmmcT JMIloek'n 'threat. Bc bille may be deferred until later in th I tween 1 nnd S o'clock, oerhant a arara avtawa, ana iot way i wp avuiox negroes n gs therm at Ul rJea- aite rtiea altogtther. - , , I beard depot, Some of them with ehet- J Thanday is et for th eontianitio I " - '7 of th (fight - en the Stat Jkrehiteet. Chairman hutthewt, pr to tpatial la teigatlag ommitte from the Ho and Senate kaa aet Tkaraday afteraoea at o'clock for tka beginning ef -th hearinr.'and" tb drveloptneata, trj waited with eoatiderible isterett la- Baby Trttlot, brother of Btady, sp- proaehed Matthew itulloek, apparently th leader of th negroes, aad atked him- what the trouble waa nbont. While they were -talking, according to evidence brought, out ia tkepreiimiaary hearing uua arteraooa, werome auaier, BCgro vettineuc 4her But Xnatitutioaa,l-m.,H.ed Mp tmi gired t-Traitor from aotebly fiaaatoriaat, have been dropped; I, j,,, raagc. The white ma fell aad for th timi -being. . Hunter ahotUiat lwic a h Jay. an hit CORrC ItAYOR TO REACH r 1 Th (heating than becam geaeral aad NORFOLK DUR NQTHEDAT taa u-ehh, ,!. et . . , lewitcli cngiiie, H. A.. Baiaer, ear in- . . - - TV ' V .. O'Callaghaa, Lord Mayor of Cork will arrive pert tomorrow t,eaeer kit parol with hnmirratioB autheritiea, kit eoaneil,. JaAr Jwrk T. Lawiece - to (faced tonight. O'tn-rttn. wt cat today, but mitted tht baat on which et had Bttdt arratgemeata t itav Waatiingtca. tpmor. and It A, Inro, cr iavpew-, war abet, at they were about 'their work on the railroad yarda. , ' Matthew Balleck Eaeapea, . ' Matthew Bullock, at id to ktv been th leader ef the negooet, mtda hi cape, end the rotnd up made by a poete f whit wiea formed tlmrtlv after tht j abetting thit meraisg failed to locate held Iue ly. Governor Morrison wa advYsed ' rhortiyaftcr midaTgnf"ly lb" Mayo of Warrtnton that group ef meakeoV men hid begun to attemblc ln"Wfrfca-. ton where th negroes , impllctd U ' the rforfina ahooting are beinf; held. ad that fears of violence were enter. . Oovernor Morrison directed th Mayer t to rwetr ia tnlBclent- afficerr to-mtia'' tain order, and in the meantim. eoi- ferrad with Adjatont Otaeral Matte ia regard to what military brganisatloni would be held in readiness to send to Wsrrvnton,.' 4' . -.. - . ; . Th Mayor bflirved that it would be ' impoeaibl to get troop there in4im to prevent Violence,; If th intention 'of - th masked men wa violeat, but feared that, subtequeat trouble might nee. tlUte tht pretence of the militia t ' maintain order. , Either the Oxford m tha Benderton company will b ready foraenrlce. - ' , TWO SHIPS TO STABT ON " "u t. 1)' : MAIDEJf TklPS TODAT Norfolk, Vs. Jan. H Th Gold State, a 100 ton liner built nt View port Kewt for tk Pacific mail lis will anil from" Ham ptoa Bead to morrow oa ker trial trip. . A few hour later tha Wolverine 8tate af the asm rine,"will ttart !u maiden trip,' 1wud for Baa Frlaciaee, with a capacity cargo ' aad full ptieeBger litt. Th chip ar for far tail acmee. ; Wmaa Cahdidat far LeaaUtar Columbia, 8. Jaa. 3 Mixe Con e Barfield it one of air eatdijstet for tett la tht Houtt of fiernteatatire of th 8oiitk Carolina Leirlturt malt vacant by th death recently of vT. T. P. Sprott A special c'ioa iste te