7 " 1m v m m Pel tsdtf Wednesday steady u iimIiMi awd. oral iBitlr. ews: -mm eirver VOL CXIII, NO. 25. V . V TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25. 1921. .TWELVE PACES TODAY. PP.ICE1 FIVE NT3 The. N ' WATVU LAtZL ea roe to, A raw.! f e - mm- ed ea,, , . , r NORTH CAROUfJA EL.ECMAL VOTE HOT YET REPORTED - Colonel Albert Cox Subject To fjne of Thousand Dollar, 1 ,; Washington Heart : FAILURE TO ARRIVE ; CAUSES SPECUUTIQN V amuaumamaa- m ... Can't Collect XHeaffo and Up . To Alton j General To So. ' Here Elm From Has; Vice ' lhresideat Marshall, Bow. ' 1 ever, Not Worrytnf About It " " tad Hin Out T COLONEL COX BITS TRAIL"' WITH ELECTORAL VOTES mw-wmnna. -V Kot having as alrplan heady, Colonel Albert Cos, North Carolina' measenrer to convey twelve eteetoral . - M...L.I.. t.. Y. kf 1.4- .11 k. fanttal ha traia Ha lfl lut Bid ' V I nla-ht mad expect to b hand la ' I fli.atv aa? HM- WOiir TT.THi.Bt af WHUlfUl eorreaponaenia . ueuara k ia abjct because el failure to ba a band last nlgbt. Colonel Cos aa tielpates aa difiWtty either ia get ting th vote coasted or absolving fclfaeelf fret payment of tba tat. Whether or not bo will be ablo to collect tbo Mileage, which the law si Iowa meassBger to the electoral col lege, ia a subject to' whieh be baa giver aa thought. - COTKKNMK.VT1KIZU FARMS O.K WMICa ILLICIT STILLS . WIU found bv orriciRS UamvUW, Ky, Jen. S4The sow. atamsat tottodueod aa tanannl wri.fl. la BcwhJMUea. tow emtotw. ateat , today . whea tt tad. two faraw aa vale UUcit whiskey etUm wore foaadT On- to, Kalein eeaaey eoaotale of M acrao aad tba aibaa, la Bluil aoaaty, awatalao M aaa Tbo awaeffa amay , t.ii.ai taaer aeaaerty aaea aafatoat ml e.aeliliai bkk aablMttoa oatoreinaa aaV oera aald aawaatad to 1140. won CONFER ON RATES New England Lines Ask For Greater Division: ol Freight . .Charges West of Hudson Waakiagtaa,' Jaa. tt PaeaitHat of elevoa of tka large railroad. the Eaat aiet la eoaforeaeo bore today at the reeaeaVaf CaainaM Clark, of tbo lateratatt Caaaaerea Coaiadulea, W ettle. r It were, ei. of eeart tke ea- Kw Sag load earfiora to a greater alTtioa of freight ratea iatetrhaaged lVk iraak.. Uaeaa-eat' oba ataaaaai .iMiit .oura or eoafereaeea ; eoatia- alag tkrougbout tbo day aad late tbo alght broagirt aa aaaaiaaoM deeialoa from tba eleeea reaideata, aad B. af. Boblaaol, prealdeat af tba AaMrieaa Snort Liae Railroad Awotiatioa. who aiet with th.m, bat it waa id that the exeeutWea with twe exeepttoai were agacod that the .New Zaglaad roaJa byUta iateroated ia peadiag legiaia WRITE VOLSTEAD ACT If 4T0 STATE -STATUTE BOOKS Measure To Repeal State Uq- r uor 'jvti and Localize National Measure EVERETT, OF DURHAM, " " HAS STATE ROAD LAW MBtthowt, of Meekleabttrrn . Would Ktptal ' Wbolo of Protest Xoad Law aad Bo (la Orwr Afala; Hlckg Wanti OoBitltatloaiLlAme.Bdiaent XaiilBf Memberg' Py n- LagUlatiTO Boodgatee were opeaed iraea tbo Heafta aTaed,lrt alght, tad tkero poortd U rough a, atroan' af aMaaarea raagiag from tbo Cook bill, repeeliafc 8tale liquor leg iamtioa aad Parkia ; a revkba f tbtH.t tMk' lag law.) a propoMd aateadmcat to the (DnHil laarraWhitr: Vb Tr 'f Mem eurht ooiUre per darl aal.a poaal to repeal eatirely the whole book of Nertk Carolina read lawa. Added to thia aomewhat formidable tUt of bllli, there were more tbaa a acoro of local meararea, aad a' pro viaioa com lag faom RprcaaatatiTO (ilorer regulating the operatioaa of 'lob- BILL REGULATING LIVESTOCK GOES THROUGH SENATE Long Fought Measure . Passes . Upper House of Congress By Margin of 13 Votes SUPPORTERS HOPEFUL OF ITS FINAL ADOPTION Prorldos For Federal Commio- sioa of Three Mea To Hart Jaiifdlctioa Orer The Lire. slock Zndastrj; All Perioasi Xnafed la Orowisf Stock As Basuieis Exempted Waahlagtoa, Jaa. M. By a maiuTof Ibirteea ate, tba Beaate late today paaaed tbo long fought bill for Federal regttlatloa of the jurat packer aad other agaaeiee of the lireetock iadaetry. The vote wa 46 to 33 aad tbo lefw- nbatitatlag Uerefor tbo Volatead law; I .URiml, Jb v.rtJkrj'!T olIW a aoado, aew-goeee tba-H OIL EXPLOSION IN I! MEMPHIS KILLS TEN AND iURES MANY Spontaneous Combustion At tributed As Cause of An Un usual Catastrophe PROPERTY DAMAGE OF . IS ESTIMATE CLEARS UP MYSTERY, OF CHILD WITH WILD MAN Jatkeoa, afie Jaa. M. MiaalaaippI aatbariUaa who bare aeo attempt tag ta aac.rer ut amtary or aibort rar rai, lllirOW aiia.- kU wUt bad two year-old baby girl, who otnyed lata lb village of Lai last Friday with g etraaga atory er life la the wild along the Leaf ri.r, today reeelred a Ut.at.at from Him Floyd Mabry, M creee worker, watch m7 eleor the y ary, Mia Mabry declared that the baby tbo abild af the ooaple aad alto aa- aorta Uit both Paraoaa aad bia wife bad reported ta - her weekly. The ooaple oa arrieiag at Laa aald tkey bad Bred oa root, fraiU aad gam ia tb rirtr ' bottom for lorn year. Pareoa aaid, be eaaght the nan la a bear trap S3 yeara ago. Bhe explained ta loo of aa eye by aayiag Sow of Teaemeat Houses AlOBf Entire Block SpllaU " bad boea aeraUbod oat by a wild . . . j eat H gar hi age a 70 aad ah aaid ran auu vvtopaaw sioem the wa 80 yar f age. To Street or Oaufht Under Timbers; Fire FollowlBf In Wake Completes Destructioa MemphU. Teaa, Jaa. 14. Tea aegrerje dekd, approiimately a (core Injured, tome probably fatally, aad praperty damago ertlmited at 1200,000, made ap IV. V... t.ll to.i.kt a. a.ntnala. - - " - a -- w I toadlB f ron g lpk' ta?; fa i(J4 jl the Cohjar Boea Compaay la North mt ia mln ran a t kab wMm.R 1 - at a CaagMM. -A -opm ial-rpdttof Mampkia.akkb. tot go W-&f tlhg Will Extended Hearing.; Is , Begun . - y . l siuuv Miim a eioc ox uiai awau-i rw- . Tbb aatberitir are laroatigatiag Ua. Mabry'a. tUtemanU aad. ia. the moaallme the trio are beiag' eared for at tba Ceaaty poor'boaao at EUierUle. POWER CO. SEEKS MI HATES Fl DURTEEN PLACED' INJTATE. PRISON FOR SAFEKEEPING Quiet - Prevails" In " Warrenton and Norlina After Sabbath oL Excitement t -- CORONER'S JURY MAKES QUICK INVESTIGATION f Beturas Verdict That Two He.' ' rroes .Came To Death at Hands of Persons Unknown; 1 Home Ouard Troops. Patrol L 8 treats of Warren Capital; : Expect Ho Xore Violence r' Tb Nw and Olfcerrer Bureaa 03 Diatriet Natioaal Bank Bldg. By JOB L BAKER (By Special Leneed Wire), moat obtoia additia- ! rercMne er lo forced into bankruptcy. Tbo eieeatiTo ace expected ta eoa Uau their coatereaeea tomorrow, aad teaigbt it wa iadkated that tker were protpecU Cat th brg 'Kaatera roada through their exotativj weald reach aa agreement that would relieve the lateratato Commerea Commioaioa' af tua. Moat of tke membera were bak from . tkeir week-ead trip bom, aad 103 of tb US accredited member af tb Houm aaawend to tbeir'aame oa tke roll eIJJ9eker, Gri-rwiA bae ia kia neat aad preaided orer th forty miaate aemioa. - ' , ' RepoJ BUto Waahlngtoa, Jaa. tiKerti f Care- th, tank .0 oetUiag Uo aoatroreny lack tnr but m6if Demoerata aupported the bUI, while a majority of the Ba- pnblieaa oppoaed it. Th party Ilk- ap wa 19 KepuDMcaa and Z9 Deoio- crata for paaaag, with S3 Bpablieaa aad lv Democrat, agaiait. .1' Faadameatal Feataro ttetaiaod. 'All fundamental feature ef tb leg' ialatioa aa preaeated by the agrievlture committee ae a (abatitifte for tb ori gl ial Krayoa-Kemlrick bill wr retained by tbo Beaate. Tbo bill r federal "riTeitock eommiaaioa thro membera appoiated by the Fred' daat to hare Jariidietioa orer tbo lire- atoek ladnatry. Thia eommiaaioa would hare power to iatue order, collect aad lug and (beck tbo atlr north end of tbeelty. Of th Injured two ar whit perooaa, L. C. Beott, luporiatendeat of the Beet plaat, aad 1 C Wilder, track auper iatendent. Both were badly borned, but phyaleJan atated tonlgbt tby will reeorer. Colyar ' Beeae, preaideat of th' oil ompaay. attributed . the oxploeioa to would create poataaoon combuatioa, d ua to ta eoa. yagurdv U appeared that tke bear nmiaaioa of I Pl, rom u I lng may be etnu ant -orer aereril ear waea ta metaiua cap waa ramoroa 1 . 1 11, , ,1. ... .iwB' Three k.nr of argument and te.U mony befora th State . Corporation Commbiioi. yeeterday hardly atartad tbe keariag oa tba netiUoa of the Boatkern Pkwer Cempr.ay for aa la eraaa ia rat, rf power to it eoa amor ia North Carolina, aad whoa tb Cammialoa adjoura.) at o'clock m . . . a. - , I power to an, oraoro, kuki aau The Codk bUl, loealiaiaf the VoH at. iBform.tioa, karo aeeoM to ' '. Una a meuaager bearing tke electoral I voto of -that -State to be eaat ia th ; electoral college for Ooreraor Cos for Frealdent and Franklia D. Boaerelt iJrr Vice JPrealdent kad aot reached Weak- tngtoa at o'clock tonight. If th mee cnger ioti aot arrive by midnight, be V aabjeet flao af 1,000. - . Kot only North Carolina' rote, but i thaV-of Maryland Haiif aingp ind "th . record la the aSie of - Vie Prealdeat - iUnhali ahc ra that a eertifleatioa of . the rot ha aot arrired.by mail. The meaaenger for- Oregon 'V tali, Nevada aad, Indiaaa har. aot arrived either, . to at Uart they are jo th mnila, oe ' Vie Breoideat; Manhall baa boea ad " iaed. ' -y - i r ' The Horth Carolina meaaengef I CoL ' Albert J Cox, the-Vice Freaideaf of- Ootkav hr-rd naoiMcially, bat Colonel Vox haa not jrat tar hie appoaraneaaad thereore 1 aubjeet to the flu. Whether the penalty .will be invoked la a Butter which 1 u j Wore tt aad on which heariwg were reamed today. im oxoenuve were aaid to mre atead act, waa drawn by Aasiataat At toraey -General Frank Kaaa, aad ia da eigaed to eliminate all emflictietween the Volatead act aad th proviouaiy Seat aot only tkeir ewa, line bat illleaaeted State law regulating tke liquor niiraana Inmil, Maaa. ,r. h n la ,lHfl. faaiat. Af anthn.it hataraaa Aaaoeiatioa of Hallway Executive. Thai BUto aad Federal eourta aad tbo cob- deeiaioa ia tba coatrovAray aa to the diviaioa of freight ratea at tba Rndaoa river, jt alao waa aaid, will affect prat' tjeally-overyrailrugd of aajr aue U the oouatry. : , 4 . 4 At tke eon fereuoe. today ahntio waa, eaia.to agva aeon givea -to the recent -atatemeat -of- Howard -EHtott, former .preeideatof "thaTiew 5 Haven, that ahould th ItVw EnrUnl 'earrlert fail to htaia additional revenue aad forced into bank ratpcy,-tne-edtire fuaiea arlaing oat af different law ia reapoaaibl for. the drawiag of- th aeeaure. -The eroIaaonhe"CeoknTJr rowed almoat wholly from the Tolatead net. with added aeetioa repealiag eoa Bictiaff pravieioaa ia th 8tato law. Liquor i delabd oa th B-half of one per .teat baaia,-it ia forbiddea for aayi per to hava .iiauor. ji hi bobmb1 aiem aaaopt a. lUoaaod phamaeiat oa a' recognised auaiarer of the gMpar-wb' packer' book and have general tuper viaioa Over packers, itock yarda, eom miaaioa mea aad aimilar ageneiea. M view af the liveetoek eommiaaioa' or der would bo provided by the bill which alao preaenbe rule for eoaduet of the pacbing bualn aad tipulationj against monopoly, unrair iraae prae tieea, engaging ia anrelated iadoatrle and ether alrailar acta, Voluatary licensing of packer ale Is provided,- aa attempt by Heaator PoaerenevM Democrat, . of. Ohio, to ia aotaaet with. ' th atmotpher. Th taak ear, whieh eoataiaed S,000 gallons of easing head . gnaoliae, produced by the absorption proeeaa, wa shipped hero from Kelleyville, Okla- Mr. Boea stated, aad waa loaded ia a low tem perature. Waea tb cap waa removed, according to thia theory, the vapor came ia contact with much higher atmospheric conditio a her aad th oxploeioa fol lowed. ' . faaorta Ta Deatermlae Caaae, r1.1, h l'rUfW aat oeretary-treasureri E. B. JSueher, Bcaidre offlclali aad attoraevs for tke Soutbora Fewer Compay aad wltaeaao who will teaUfy (er the coaeera, the court room wa Crowded yesterday with attorney aad rpreaeatativea of a has dred ar more aoMon mill, muaicipalitic ad other asert of Boatkera Power CoJipaay earreat, llr. ;. B. Puke, of Near Tork. prest dcat af tke Boatkera Prwer Compaa, aat among tka oflleil ef tke company. aiong win rr . o. ijoe, vwo-presiaeai an Uf -tBgltuv C Marshall, elimiaate thia feature having boea, de feated today, 3 to . - h -Only two- important, amendment were adopted ty the ' Beaata . before pasaiirg th blJL . One byBeaator Warts- reread ftruct-r. .f th f V Ntitie, .0 .v ' J. X ff'. JrffJT ST! r". f ke operatiow of tk. bfu.aia.oaSk h, mnr- raw in npnnm rf "? I bora aad mule market would aace would ara. the tw xuUvet M prescribe Uduor. d th. iorbl4dTn4 JiXi ftoai propoled d.ral with tha Kew England road, botttlaame benaltlee for violation are pro- United Btntes bureaa of exploaiva and expert from the refinery from, whieh ih ear wa shipped will arrive tomor row to definitely determine tha cause oi the bleat, " Vv" . ' Whca the axplocioa .let' fd, tow af fraaj tenement house, along ma jntir hloek-wcre splintered, and. the oeeu- C ant were blewa ta the etreet or eaaght ndcr falling timber. Xot tf those 'Killed,' outright k were '.; badly auv trvumiij aawtit urn assvueictt m anUiccr I s. v.. --- r ... - - r- A for the law aiBeer of the government, I that Vreeideat ,Loree, af I aeribed a hold" la th Volstead-act, ' thkttoraey Genwtl, to determla. ? war. aad Bttdaoa, wa adv.r fl?"' ,. Everett. Bead 'Bllkr ' . " .' a" li. i .r . I tS rrUtiu MIMU ta tkt.H.a tfta Vamitt Mail lifll-ara. it. aa thkttoraey Gen-Til, to determla. -iwr aa Uttdaoa, waa advn , l Vlea Praaldant Hat Waned. ftlag any eoncessiOns U th-New , , ; Under th aUtuU, hreo eopie af the ' carriers. Mr. Lore waa aaid .:vtt of ,he elector of oaeh Btot shall ta-hav,eM.that bia-road oeeupUd a . be wad... One of thaw shnll be at to P010"" "m that, of t the th Vie President, by mail aad another ."fiot Etera iinea. . . . j....: -tK 3VWrr:. INDEPENDENT. PRODUCERS court Judge of the district ia which th a .-.B.. ai. . a .a" ( Fninatot.t!!f ,BWIjaoeaieiU I The ; ftatut require --that if ee PR0MISE.T0.be GOOD, ;Tk Everett road - bill' wa th only (Jiee of road -oonttrucition legijlatioa offered at, the eessloa. Mr; Sverett would, have th county as tb eoaatrae tioa unit for tha Btato aystem of roads, tka ebuaty faraishing one fourth of the money required aad tb State, with federal aasiataBce, three-fourths. Ad- minist ratio -wouW be through the Cea trat aighaay I vialoa. -4-- ExemaU Uveetock Crowora. -Another amendment, by Senator Pit- I mat, Democrat, Kmda,-would exempt all' persons who chief busineaa . I livestock growiag or. production . of griealtaral , product from the bill pre cision, Th author declared that the legislatioa ahouid -Bot extend to email stock grower wko operate tkeir ewa feeding yarda. I Uther amendmenta adopted lneiu.dea auditor 1 C. X. Berkkolder, geaeral man agdr 1 X. V.' Ta. li N. JL Cock, Wj 8. O'B. BabUaoB.iJr J.'C, MeOowoa, aad C. T. oaaiier,. flttoraey. AU aave Mr. Duk are from Charlotte Bewraaantiaf ortaa - tallla at Plod meat Worth Caretiaa opposing th ia- treana were! Jadg J, C. Birr, Baleigh; EV ft. Parker,' Orkaam $ Clyde Beey, fihtlby) :A.' I Brook, GreeaaboroM B. 0 Mar.m..OMt.a, A. O. jpU, -r rraeu.n, "puc. Oasloalah J. ' U Crewell, Coaeord -T. kad flremea reached ih seen the I a -.-- m. n. 0.11. tUMbraad alteya ! th.- vielaltj- w.r. , -T'T'T? : - " ' 1 it rarai ant a m imhu timnar, . m i i . - torn and twisted household good, with the dead .aad injured caught ia. th tangled msse of wreckage. -' . : r On Flood ttreuiki. . Aadrew McKlnlcy, the negro, who was Frafctmlaarr Fight Tahea Tima. 'Tb hearing -wa called for 10 o'clock Monday moralng. but at that time yee- Itorday tho'proeeedtag were continued until S o'clock la the afternoon. Th,n . ai. . 1 , 1 v iinnano mwwa muv. 1. Wareeatoa, Jaa. It. All effort to - apprehoad member of the mob, whieh - hut alght brok lata tba .Warrea ' oouBty jail, removed two uegree aad . ."' -k-aaKMB UWii TSwT recarrcBee of violeaeo. - The Bine negroe left la the jail .. . . by-fhe" blob' were today"' hurried f ywboee Tr-vW wvr- -owrrfMrr - kfriWWr" made aad the prisoner also rushed to Baleigh. Foar otker negroe for whom warraat ar held have eocaped. Th Warreatoa Home Guard, . ordered out , by Governor Morrison last Bight, ha boea aader arm all day aad th Hsn- , droa Homo Oaard ha alao beea ia : readiaeea to reapoad to any call that might be made apoa H. Mayor J. U B orchard, or Norliaa, the. seat of the ' trouble, ha procured rifle from Hea- deraoa aad hat deputised thirty eit- ' ixea of the community to act ia the ease of aa omergeapy.' However, Be further outbreak la re- gardVd here as probable. All ef th aeg roes,' evea remotely auapeeted of eoBBeetioB with the riot early Buaday moraiag ar goae aad there i a apv pareat indleatioa oa th part of any ether aegroe ' to attempt to avenge : the work of th mob. . ' The eoroaer a Jury which held aa lu- queat this moraiag at the eeeae of th tragedy, about midway ' betweea herb ad Norliaa, five mile away.' ookkJr. returned the expected . verdict of death at th haada of ankaowar per- 4 eoa. Tke .negro Jailer , Joka Greea, h aarreadered hi key to th mob, ' waa placed Bpoa th aUnd and atated '. ha aaw aely Sv men, bob of whom" ha had aver area before. All ' other Witaeaaeo teatified to Bko inability ) to identify any membera of the mob. . Solleitof MWottO Oa Croaad. ... , i. ; J ( BoJieiror OarUfd E. Midretto , ar- ' rrfd her thia tafteraooa, . from 1 hi hem la Jackaoa .aad aasuarea control of the v oituatloB.. After , a sonfersace with eitixea here he aaaouneoL his intentiow to defer aa invostigntioa af the lyaching until ' local feeling haa subeided.- Uu Midyett ; expect to re- tpra to Jaeksoa tomorrow ; aad will com hero later to eoaduet' aa investi gation la aa effort . to identify mem bere or the mob. ' i ' The experience fa aomething sow la the history ef Warraaton, one af the - r a r-J m M frl . a- - I . a la 1. .1 , a. , . a a oeveral huadred JoeL: througluaha.aiU ' SI"'! yVJ.H-JfH Ha k.iia t.....j ia-j i.MiLt i MKiaiiiBVi ivureu vouoi wr m wvm-1 xowu nu hoc rieoTina rrom u ibocl iHrwnuam W vvm' .a haNaaaln MnMk Hannh Inn IrtahA I IM UBUir UUiBeu mnii uaeja . uiniMSW 1 . . - r. t I . CoiioB,, operatia, ''' T. t ZuSTSnSl MeKlnle, wi quotod a. wyiag.thrt, -,2Z' "6,tt .."to? T r: iirtack-pmlMio.".hould be ope. tol when, ks rtmorod th.p, ga. oae bv Senator Borah. BcDubllean. Idaho. IU Paaniv nat. AmhIah Tat Am I."" "a J . ruocate or a rjtata 11 aot ia ho hnntisi - ' - ".1 - ' . 1 ' -"' 1 ii.i.ink niai; .hnnu ha ,Ma of the Vice Preaideat by the fourth 'WaClM ' Fields ; Bead JTO1 I Dr ot-.whieb.ia to be bmo4 'irtt mblieraad-aA'ameadnaoat V Sa Monday In January. lollowina .tha ,aJeyl-----raa .z 'i ;":'1 " "CommlarioBaJj.;; ........ . Itn Pama- 'btrntoarattaObla. Heel.r-1 PU of black- mok which ignited and tioa, th Secretory of State thai! b ad-1 ' MW' VF- f f I tFaada for th eoatruetloa worl tt,t nDoli enactment of the bUl all Wploded, ' Almoat aimultaaeoaely pool wised and hoahaU forthwith", dia- ; -I -v. - " ' i TS!? T 'V! f"y oupervUioB of the Federal Trade eoa- 01 the grouad eaughtSro aad a patch a messenger to the office of the -wartilagtoa, Jaji. , Itrnnty Ivante I bd iaroes, vrtth aa exteaded autome- migilo 0Ter tht jiveatoek , induetry toaoad ! occurred Oeo report illstrttt judge to obtain th copy of the "- ibuoj-jhw. i " p "- a a. m nu 1 ,i,ould be terminated and transferred to I w" lu"v CIll"IC c a enisu in ai- artiilete filed with that officer, .v. ot tb railroad eorporatioa .which Property tax for SUto-Widerpurpoiet. I th-sii.Minek M1,u.i0- -- :ri tempt to remove tha cap from th ear, Mark Thistlewaite. eeretarv to-Viee. ftro1 the bulk of prodoctloa la the! County taiee would: be levied locally. I TritnAm f tha hill raecf-d la with-1 Tbi however, haa not beea verified. . President Mnrahall, was reached over '". todi' bn! P9" 8Jtc BJublo distrilratioa of rsaU would .boW virtually all other revisions I Mr.. Bscs utod that U investigation ; the telephone at hie home at o'clock 1 omm1"6 fM.erB ho Calder, coal bo prescribed ia tbo act.' The Everett proposod.Md alo defeated a motioa to proved any theory other than that . 1 . . . . . . . I .Aavlarlnn kfll m llltam..! ialaa:aa I Kill .araa itan h tka TkkaM L. .. .. ....... I tka avnlnalnM araa aknaaH k .u.t... lonigni ana sua insi me messengers 1 rr? r""- - f iro-commi. ue Diu to the agriculture) frem North Carolina and Mnrytend had Qttit. FiHingaee to Uk step jto meet aeatUva after considerable iavectiga- leommitte. Aa ameadment bv Senator I ou" oombuatlon. Besides tb - damage Ud that'th meesengen f"1""0" bW .,U!tm" bW w drawa by the Durham repre- noit tt4 biU the grleultur rolinaand Maryland had w'"i5"efi Mi otcp jo meet t eonsiderable iavectiga- committee. Aa ameadment by Senator ad, that hi 11. showed a 1 justified on"r ."""P iu- ? repreaeBtr what h beheve Hitchcock, Democrat, Nebraska, propoe- bea entere.,td how r record of the aathraeite Indue- to ; be -th paeralBtlmenljMLth tut paekere give a week' aotieo tf - r ot arrived, an Bfft akaeV klil k.t Hha mail-ta , whVh lrW.. - r try-tt that it Iib -attempted ta die-1 OeaierO: Assembly Vorth Caroliaa aad MarylaBd had beea nwie -oai equtubiy amoag aaers,- . . . :- ; mbcm tb boo. - , - v 70 to S. ? "The author aald it'waf da received.. ; " , -.' th stotemea as read by W. J. Themp- 'The Mecklenburg representative whslginaj to atabilixe the arket. - It 1 fcoaslbl trmt they are ia 'the om wpreeatatlvw aasoetettoa of lo . , 4 - aj bui whether ;they shall, ae- w 'iKTOf - 4 1.J?Z?X TWELVE MILLION BALES aepiea n iney arrive arier miamgnif yt.va i mmowi-. v-m w and shIl, bo counted l. to be determ-laariaa th war or aftertha statemsnt I the first thiag to do ia to alear the field 1.. k. ,ka :tk tk. ,k.,- I aaid aa anaeh aa tha lurmial aAat 'nf I antirelv af law aad nroeead frnm'th. athat rastibaa, ajba-' fffflfilete I projaatleakT Ubot. aad freight, t j c J grouad ' up. U making proviaion forGOTeroment geport Shows Zx- wna. .wouiodaLpoaoa.xo.aav.-aat-- m-jiv.i -a. Nan.rlw Two Muliona .a im. ,tH Ka -.-lTt li.t vi I fif Msiae.' fcaid tha-taxatioa amviaioa. Hia bilL aloag wiU Mr. Everett', weatl HB" 01 XteariJ TWO flUlUOBS President Marshall was at a dinner at th Calder bill which-would tnk ap Committee oa Boads. Further th Spanish embassy; He left luctruc-ito W per eeat of brokerage tra ekarked road leglUUoa v is xpeeted at tki tioas with SMretary Thiatlewaito to ra-ln ol slcs. wheal tney rise above act "? oo-alo). ceivo th certificates Jf the me-engere exiame -weald Baake H "tke mtt Bepr-a-aaUTe Uaaey offered a BiBaS ' aralvtMl with ttmAfnni nM.krht. hut atarjeadoua aid to nrofitMra. avav- ..l ar to revia tha Coaatitutioa by ehnna after that, hoar hi right to receurej vised," ,y? c. Va lf the pay of member of tbo Geaeral them Is disputed and is . matter thaiI-"Aa coal maa, Jv ao object loa,"J Awtm"V worn foar to eight dollar per Hahed by the Cpmmlssioa tke petiUoa should go pvr . until condition aow oa a move toward nornuU become more tabilised.: . -,v. ;y .i -, .. ! ,Tbe Commlasio dealed the motioa aad thpa came the readiag of answer aad argument betweea E. 8. Parher for tb respondeat aad W. a. U B, Jtobin- oa for tb petitioners concerning pro- eedureBd evidence. a I W..B. Ie, vie president atfd ehlei engineer of the Southern Bbwer Com- the immediate .vieinltv vriadow Poay. wa Srst wttaeas BBOY h was still glasses within a radius of several black -djrct examination, under the qnes- . a . w x a , ... I eiaawktaalw Um HaK aAa eaahataa Olaaa mik-a. bW sad wriees 'for livcatosk waa loot ' anaiioreo oy uo ceneumion wniea I , . r IiT , omm ana F. xor, uveswex waa 10-1,1 . - a.ie a iia , 1 misaioa adjourned to meet thia moraiag the acene. Two sheds at the Dlant af me uoiyar Keeee pirH- were lifted bodily from their fouadatioaa. - - Fira arkl.k CalhlaraJ a .ka COTTON REPORTED GINNED tt. xploiea eamptetorTho work f aeetrueuoa. " ' 7 Th fiarae war checked, however, be. I fOT they spread beyond the eplintered wrrxange. Orer Last Tear MAY BEAT VIRGINIA LAW at tea o'clock. Mr. Lee. tortifylng that he Vegaa hU ; eevvlcee with the Southera Power Com paay Ja 1905 whea the oeaeent waa r gaaiaed, said that he had pleased aad kad auperi n tended . tk' conJtruetioa of 11 the hydro electric planta .. of the company la North Uarouaa.. Mr. Lea testified that th Soutbora Power Company leasee aad operate a will have to ba determinedwhen, tha I he aoid. "bat. sa -a eitiaea I'm teJlina-1 oT. waea ta MglaaiBg af th see-1 halo. af im .l.n . time comes, v . .'yo what tt, wUl do," ; -. ; 1M.tJ htm oaeideTaplq aeat-l Biai?t r,in. j. u -test , - caa-x uev aiii.saw.' traner aoms , aiscomon, tae commit-1 "w VnHw.n w pmpoaat w ia-iyear amounted t' 10,307,120 bates, la ' On. thine la' certain, if tha n.aw. I ttm adnnted a ai.tin. bv fbmarar Hoarf.l croa th pay af member, but eominc I .lni.e 111 srx annm kalaa u mi k.i ger arrive after tonight they will not I Democrat, Misvonri. cxteneHng tha i la- J r-1" tbwBtcpabiieaua camp, whea they j f Amerieaa Egjrptiaa aad 61J bale of ce aoie ta c.-aua xuiraga ana -wn tiu 1 quiry to tax la laooraoasiaeratioa ana 1 kuij srmuiss ia-1 yea island. - - be aubjeet to th atatutery fin of IV their influenee oa coal prod action cost.! ereaa fof SUte officer early ia the I ; Ginning by State thk weart j;aainaaa lauroiieue . summonoa Dot hi ---, aurpnauiB , 1 Alewim m,(B7j Arizona 87p7t Ar operator aad aakm tvpreacatativc tol ; :.NT Beaklag Uw Btart. - n':-iaaaa 1-0HJ52. CaUfornia ; 6323 appear tomorrow. - r - k. I aotae omatittaa oa lioeria 1836, Georgia lAorj55Sj Louia- - --- - y-K- 1 una wop., ausuasippi Hi2W, Mis- waea ox. aeruora loirodaeea . TJHIsoaH 8133, North Caroliaa . 801,746V '"v laruklahoma 1JBS0JUO. Boath Caroliaa 1 .Waahlngtoa, Jaa. l4.-rCofioa glnaed prior to January IS aqWdinted to. 13, 016,43 bale, exclusive of lintere and including )4,B2 ronnd bales, T3,tl I Slckel, formerly Proprietor af a eleaa bslesief American Egyptian aad L66 I InS and preaaing'establishmeat ia thia See .member of the mob indicted, but It . is doubted if videne sufficieat to -convict eaa be. secured. i Judge Kerr Burprieed. . Judge John H. Kerr, presiding Judge of thia diatriet, who haa beea St hi home hero (faring all of the trouble haa. kept la close touch with tha aituatioa. but. has left the actual work of laves tlgatioa ta Attorneys Tanker Polk aad W. B. WUliam whom a appointed to represent the State antil the arrival f Solicitor MMyette, Judge Kctt today eipresaed great aurprise fend Indigna tion at th oecurrene aad atated that! it could have beea easily prevented if ay warning whatever had beea givea 4 by th eitiaea of Norlina. Tb judge ' . . (tated that it had boea represented to him that the sentiment of the eomniua ity would be entirsly appeased by th appreheaaioa af th suspected negroes. - ' He voiced the prevalllag aeatiment here ' that. member of the mob "should be'" punished, but that their detection will ' ' be a diffiealt matter. . . r . Faiulre to furnish nny resistaaee to the mob ia explained hero by the fact that Y 000, if Jh government .should , ear to aolleet tu - . w -. Whether the delayed Tte will be accepted and counted is a matter to b determined, but they probably will be, aa th' officials will be iaelined to bo lax,ia their ruling because all of the votea questioned (f put together would Sot change the result. Wr th elec- tioa, doae, howeyer, ther would b merry political .aad legal' war. BENRT FJRO CONTINUES TO - ?? caut In vote couimNG. Waahiagtoa, Jaa. tA At tha and f today's reeoaBt by the Senate commit tee of ballots cam la the IBIS Miehigaa M I eeaatorial. lctioa Eeary Ford had "V- "' r"?1 oui 1 608.752, Teaaeaao 177,792. Texaa I, "PP""1 f tk,"a ?M.tte , Virgiaia MiS.ajf other State w iawiMia aaa Wl l. I JLuvfta. corporation ceanitiaaiOB, aad tha. h j - least, the simstioais anlque and ia I act gala of t-344. Th reeoaat iaelud' the tooK of much speculation tonight 1 1474 precincts oat of 32, la the ;...-.ai.l"J..'.lL. ...... 5 8tat-' . 8enator Newberyy' plurality l.iSIUiili; SIAKU WILL . aboat 700. . BE USED AT INAUGURAL oldest south Carolina - COSriDIUTS OrFJCsTB DIES iadoraoa, 8. C Jaa, X CoL Jeoeph Nswtoa ' Brown. 89, raakiag sarviving of Beer af tha Ceafedcrata - army South Caroliaa, died at hi home here al was autharimaj ta nlaaa ,ka kin aat ,k. 1 1 fon llivnrj rr leeiPipn ce-mittmTd .pprkwi" AS ABLE-BODIED SEAMAN oraeroa. - .;- ! ,' t ; .. ..1 . . Tho.Hoase adjoaraed at t:0 to meetl Norfolk, V Jafc , fi. Hte status again this morning at 11 o'clock. I establlsbed by the Secretary- ef Labor Brief. , ha ta ritat uepartmat a that ef a thi moraingat S 'o'clock. Pete H ei mea Ia Jtew Toe. Washington, Jan. " St The sand first used at the iaauguratloB of Abraham Lincoln aad at every laauga- mtioa einee,- -except whea-f, William l.oward Tat became Preaideat, will be - r i -aa- March "4, "when-Tirrw C 1 Larding take th oath of office. -The - .rtiea -is tlw-eaee f- MT.Tvwaai''Jtevr-Tork, Jam: -Pete Hermaa,: I Tsuse the ceremony occurred ia tke I former baatamweight bexlag champion, i "ate enamoer because ei U weather, wa gefeated. Jimmy Wilde ia a 1b- . -e stand ia ia ths pomeeaiua ef doa bout o Jaanary.13, arrived, here T atsoa S. Clatk, of this city, eoa of today, from England, oa the German ii. ' architect af the Capitol building. Herman had Lttle to add to th e'!s . , . , . , report of i 1 victory over th Eaf,..h ru.o Per fteepV Chaao, Flat Bace. flyweight whom he stepped -4a U -ry liarse-s Event, Pine hurst, seventeenth round aft their twv.tr 1 .' ' ...... .,- .... wiv.irea t atcav- ' After a aaoaioa af tw.aty aintosJ ooamaa, Doaal O'Callaghaa, Lord Mayor mostly ceaaumea by traightaiag aat I or vors, ten acr lonignt for Xew conflict between committee mwjting I Terk, where h will attend tomorrow scheduled for today, the Senate ad- eight a meeting of the -committee ia joaraed last alght wHhoat th paaaage I charge f affairs af Irish relief. O'Cal- of aV-atagU tail, S.natee Oeiieet sasiy mghaa m at . hbartwr-immigtatrew lag oat hi aaaeuaeed perpees to abject I thoxitiec state, to aga oa any foreign to. ovorything wicb bad wot hewn W hawad -veaort fr-vA any port that he terre te a aommitteo. . ' I may or af the fivs Mils totredoeed test aicht are loeal ia character. The at he, I aoica waa ore'red by Senator Pualsp, propooea to trfxl h,H aeetlea of U tto Warrh.m. Act which requires re; iter t ir-t'.t ta f-mish wtthowt charge certiflraies ef 1. s and ether 1 ... 'v "-,.4 r - Tw.) BRfTTStf. AbTBASA0OK AXSiTTS. . LI UTEBPOOL FROM AMERICA VLIverpeol, Jan.. 4r fir aeektaad Ueddee, British ambaawador to th Uni ted Stales, who was called to Loadon tea day ago, landed her today at S o'clock, lie deeUae.i t receive paper eerreecandeata. number oC plant la North aad South a x a. .1. i a a py cTAViun iu cTaTcl""'"."-""? -W"" t winiuiu 111 iniE,itioa ot oatunate or ins vaiuatioa at th effort of the. local authorities war U m ' thaaa nl.aaa that tha ttnlHn.'rai .laahril I ... 1. mi! an li. MaaJtmA . J :BihmoBd ya Jaa tev. R I f vrfa- Air I.t-U. who. it bad beea rcoortcd 'were TZZZ . Mr. ioblnaoa maiatained tbarso far I ixins- for the DurooM af fraaina- tha as the matters lavolved la the hearing nrgroe coafined to jail. Whea the mob fV '.i!?t!!i - Wl- "-ftJ4BtJI,,wt'''11 ' """" " rrippiinj4 iih the negre jailef - .r . . " "'" wuv ' w wmpaay anaaiir vm ism hwi preaeat,. vniex ar 0llco Ureca. USPtain ' a.ia niPnn, vtm wnen I esra, ana uai ueir vamc xs, uerciere, i Taaxer I'OIK 01 th Bom Quard. Bad dll at SaJ Waaaa I iaalj.l 1. -' . - IlL a. I . . a at . . . . V . ,X . I a. ' that tribunal decided it wa without aa lategrai pert of th value af th jurisdietioa tw pam on hit case iavblv- enUre eormera enuring lata the quee ing a test f the validity of th Vir- tloa of rate. Mr. Parker, for his lists prohibition law, may aot ha v to client, ataintained that th expense eerva tim here for violation of that of the lease could oaly bo justly, ia law, if k put Tip a fight against requi- eluded ia tba total for rat makiag par tition. Th offoase, being a miedemea- pbae. H objected to tk introduction nor, it ie act generally considered aa of th testimony, and took a exception cxtraaiUDl one,- However, of SickellVken the Commission allowed Ue art- were sueecoazul ia such a ngbt, his bead I dene. ' ' , --v S ex aau. tea time a amoanL. or thai fin imposed in Hustings' court would be forfeited. ' Bicker was given a term of aa month la Jail In -addition to the Bus. Th ease was tried nearly three year ago ad was srst appealed to the i Virginia Bupreme Court. - y . The valo of th North Caroliaa hold- lags of th Southern Power Compaay assessed for taxatioa, and th vain a specially swora poese being eagaged ia ataperaing two band af aearroea. Eight fir arms af varioue sorts were ' takea from tka negroes wk hsd gath ered at a negro reaUnraat aad la the basemeat af a negro church. Tha a- : groc ara aow believed to have gathered for the purpose -of' protecting the negroe in the jail sad are not believed ' to have cats ruined though ta of break ing late tk JahW.i- -. -y.. - ' Over in NorUna, the wonading of tha '. five whit mea caused higher feeling ' of tha South Carolina, prepertie esti-land report today that Bsdy Tray lor, arotaer ax the maa Whoa trnant wit Slammer Bullock, ana af the dead negroes, aver tha sal of ten cents worth of apples caused the riot, created serious apprehension that there might be aa other (racking. .-. '- Ezaoet All to Riiavafc " ''. -However, later ropcrta from the hoe- mated aa tha baste of the North Carolina! vaiuatioa. Mr. Leo aaid. ar SSSMS,. 0854V hut he estimated , th aatnal a.,L.I a.lna aC tka amriial ka. ka I ' ronco xtecoyar Two Asia. - I sasjOOOjOOOV- '- - Chieage, HU Jan. 74- Twe automo-l n,.ril nlutlo. af tha anno r. Dues, Dcuevea .ny us police ta Save 1 1 k. asDliBed.doea not include s53l. beea atolea were rseoverd from th Chi-1 tMjea. worth af materials and supplies; cage river leoay. -aeporu TB u pe-1 s293 JMO ea.b aa hand: 1300.000 addi-lnHal at.Hndarana whara Tr.U. Una that aa aatomabite containing four tioaal working capital) 6,257,000 gwUg ooafiaed statiag tht hi condition' had en aad tw women wa sa'pediag concern -value aad HiSjOOO billa re- improved, served to abet the feeHng. toward the river. Saturday alght. -teed eelrable. - - - - . . . The other four whit men are less trVo1t&TriKUiatmrtitat Th remae"fithTWwr cHously-hurC;-ai3 ar AJl.iWa or belief, that a tragedy Aad. eecarred.1 fempy foe- the-twvHw ntowtha eadhrvl recover, tat the reoorta ataUa that a No Uae of bodies was found. I Kevembor 30, he aaid, waa $3J47A3 I definite tarn ta Taylor' conditioa ia '" '-"' I ta ieome whC tha act Jaeeaae I not expected for everal lay.. - !" . r.rHf" ' ' waa lO0,0St.74. This, h aaid, gar Keport teaight for 8t..Arnee Eoe- TaTMlta. Kiil Jam. ZCu Jlaanlta . 1 . . mi, . . ' ... J . , M ... . . . . .. . . , . - : . . . - i irmi a a. t ptrnn.. t piiai la suieiga siie usk j.ron . eaairercTsy siregea x aave runea arer i Cnder ti prepeeed schedate, S aatd, I Huabrr.nhe m-erw wh was rivj tn salary waiea u tr-t tJv rroa revvaa woald hav beea 9-1 weanded, it also r 745.43 aad the net larmao 1.UC.7I; er an earning of 442 per eent.1 The year, r.rjn, he explained, waa thai meet profitable h had ersr haewa for I hydro-eleetne ooneeraa. Cigarert Lrfagu wa t pay her, Mias Leey Par j&astoa, ef Chicago, will re main ta Kantea, Mum Gaetea aaid to dv .ho does aot intend te shift her setiritiefi to Iowa, as reported last a'ght. ad ad. is sis resting com fo rta! ; I Robert Moea, another one of t e wcusi- Ied negroes aad believed to k.v. B byttaader, waa os of Ue r (Covins 1 n r T