The News aiid Obs I tPA Tl'tl I A nrt. . I erver 1 TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICE! FIVE CENTS TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C WEDNESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 26. 1921. mr ptptHa mnvem4 wswvl At Mm msh.aan aad eeaat a a emote MM ; 1 POVERTY OF STATE HAY BE I'l SPIRIT BUT HOT m PURSE Dr. L C Branson Speaks Be- ' -- r fore Social Service Conference ORGANIZATION H0LDS1TS MEETING AT WOMAN'S CLUB Hlfht Session at Which Dr. Branson and Prof. E. 0. . Liaiemaa Are Speakers Tol- ' Jowa Group Confcreso la Aftiraooa; loaifht MeetiBf ia First Friiibyteriaa Church Psoel who epeud flfty ajllioas Fear ea maanfartured tobacco aad " twelve mlllieae ea publie eehools, forty aevoa millieaa oa meter ears M six millions churches, ttirty-Bve mil 4na imi'L u seven mil- lima 8UU eaterpriaee, tweuty-fivel aalf ...asillieBO -,.ooiagav may" w poverty-etrkeea ia splri. bat tkey -art aot in p,, hnWii eft:. tVivereity st North (Walls, but ais-nt toU the first gn f nr:fc-T -iiLi.i af that emaiaa - jL. AJ If we will aot mead these i .t.fnl rsiU Matikit," Dr. Bra a . .liUd. wa staad eoavieted w-stsn self iadul-e..i aad careless eoaecra about tte vital things dili ririlisatloa." , Prof. L. C. Lindemaa, af Greeaebero, was the tber opeaker at Ue opeauag anaioa cf tte ' coafaraaca at the - Womea 's Club baildiag but night. Thie aseaion followed group coafereaees k)d at taa elab ia Ua afteraooo begia- win at 1:30 o'clock. Tba group meeV ' ' Ins included Associated Charities . fWM.riM aad Board Member. Ia . teresUd Citlsena, lad by Mr. W. E. Stanley, Durham; Burn! Commoniiy Workers, Bed Croaa Bearetariea, Homo DoBUMrtraUoa Aetata ate. lea oy ut. -Carl C. Itlor.- W. Raleirtt bdnstrUl Coamoaity .Workers, iacladiag Pablie,' - HeaJtk Naraea aad T. M. U. A. aaa JH W. r A. Iadaitrial SoeretarWai Trafl- , lora Aid Bceretarira aad their irKid. led by Mra.-C E. Hadaoa, Oraaboroi ' r Ika Anwiatioa of VoOBtT . Baperiateadeata fh meraifer of ' Coaaty Boards or i-bduo wairaro, i by Mr. Ckildrvar brf Boardi . " aad Woakeia ia ChUd-eo&iBc lain in tioat, Wd by Supt M-Xufealer, Thai . feWlaa- OaoaavaSaaforaBea. Tba aiaf aeaaT veaeeT fritrite raJ ataaiaa-. follcarod by tba addroai f tba Bmideati Twa aoloa by Mr. " Waadeea W. Tabbar, of Peoeo Ia tituta. aad tko aaaopaeaaiaBt of oom v aaittcea broajrM tho projrrant dowa to , Ua addrw of .Prof. C . UademaaB, t of Ua 8fte CoUega for Wobwb, bo apoko M'vBeereatioa aad 8oeiaI Prof- Mrtiademaaa traatod reercatioa aa tba beat atathod by wbieb Ua twaatleU eea'rary coo Id auka adaptatioa froaa tR iateUoetoal, iadoatrial aad polUieal iraToloUoM of Ua laat eaatary. Ua .jaoat tffeetlra meaaa by vbiek maa i." . . . . i m . - i&v I i' Bllgnr aajBB auaaeu w . u- jBriBl .rder 1"wkib Ua waekina aaa sack imimrtaat part. i - "Play waat oat of work kea Ua a- - abiaa osaia la." aaid I'm feasor J-lado- waaa. Tke qaestioa ia wbeUar will cobsbbm Ua asaehiaa or wkeUer tho aurbiaa wiU eoasama as. Pbysi. ' alogieaUy, va ba aot learn od bow to - adjust ourselres to ua aew aioaea aaa nostarea iaaovatea Dy tae aueoiaa, 1 rycholorrally, throogk tba aaaebiaa Ua workmaa loaea Ua iaatiaet aad prida of workmanship." It ia tkroogh blav.Uat Ueaa ban dies ds of Ua aaa china system msy ba moat affectively Mantled. Professor Lindemsna aaid. Tbrou A olay Ua ... whole . mental 7 " equipmeat beeomaa mora affecUva. The soeisi Tirtaes must become orgsnieaily part af oar pbyaiea, aearal aad - BDiritual Ufa. Tea ' eaat eaek retbka ' h word af moath. yea mast get it ia year ataadea. ' Professor liademaam . waat oa to illoitraU Uia by ahowing thst nlav foatera Ue aaalrtiea of loy ' alty aad fairness aad Ua rest of sUe - important aoosi rtrraes. - "Wall Barer get a eociery Daaea apoa Christian ethics aatil oUiea are iaeer norated ia oar maaclea, aad that 'ia what nla doea. be said. ' - The apeakee roeeireA apoeol appmaae Wbea bo took a good impassioned fling at Uo mosiea. Ha dida't erea waat Ueat ocaaored. Ea didat waat Uem at alL . AMreaUy, Ue oabjeet waa Tory aear Ue bearta of Ue eoafereaee, be- esnse as boob as ha meauoaoa , xai aadieace begaa to ait p aad taka par' tiealar aotice. ; - Dtatrseta Flctaro Bkowa. - ! distrust Ue morality of Uo mo- ina- Dicta ra people." aaid fiores lindemsna, I bao ae eoandaaee at all that they know how to teach ethics to Uo yoang of Uo day. The aaesiag ptctora may be Informs tire, bat tt eaa Barer ae eaBcaneaai. Aad Prefaaeor Lindemsna pre ow Jed to fi bie rery apeciao rosea as for strong objectaoa to Uio partiealar fern of reercatioa. ,aa he elaima Uat Ua morio ia "aa UhnmSB maehina" to which Ua era eaaaot -Adapt itaeif; Uat ia Uo movie there ia o oppertaaity for social datereoareej Uat tt cant possibly bo oaed odsestioasUy, aad ia airhry aaageraaary aimmrretat -klf we go far oaoagb with the -saoTioa," be aaid. "wa will degenerate iate a, myopic, paroiiaa rasa or jciry tm." - t '- ' "If Iwe oaald get for all Ue people .Ue kiad af rsermti Uat ia phyicsUy eaergisiBg. Uat wiU auke oa meatally alert, aad giro oa ioy. we'd kaeo eaeagh erexoow.ef tpiritaal dyaamica to raa the tweatiaU eaatary." aaid. Prof aaaae Lmdemaaa ia claaiag. - - '-" ? bw omarittetirv0mld;'rt " Committee ea reaoiatioa Mra. B. H. f-n.Sa, Mra. C C. Book. Mr. E. C lideasaaa. Committee ea aamiaitioaa Mas (Csait!d mm Pago Two) : JWjo Telephoned The Scribes Would Like to Know . j Since Thomaa Riley Martr.aH Wm 'AJviaexT That North Carolina Meseenjer Hid Arrived With Electoral Vote. He didn't Quibble Over Mileage; Raleigh Man Deposits Vote, Draws Check and Quickly Steals Away. The Newt aad Obarrtar areai 60) DUtriet KaUoaal Bask Bldg. By JOI U BAEKS (By gpetlal Uaied Wire) WeshlneioB. Jaa. 13. "Who " tele- pboaod Vice Praaldeat Marshall f weald aerse for Ue title fit a myitary Uat Waahlactoa aewipaper eorreapoa. daaU base vaialy triad today to tolve. - It isrolre the preseaee ef Vol Al bert L. Cos. North Carolina messenger to the electoral college, ia Baleigh dur iag the rat half of Moaday night, aad a teleDhoae message to Vice Praaldeat jest alfht by some oae who represented himself to be Coloael Cos. At any rata, Coloael Cos arrived ia Waahinatoa early Uia morning wiU the eertiteato ef North Carolina'! electoral vote, aad it waa duly accepted aad re corded for James MIddletoa Co aad Fraaklla Detaae Roosevelt, aad Colonel Cox is aaid to have received a voucher ta cover nil mileage, despite hie failure to arrive ia Waehingtoa by midaight mlT'tUAw6.glt Bot -Ve-PTeeWewt btmball -tt a thart table sort ef gentlemia aad eo long ,Ua, ypti. eawa ,Jto Aa, jaaaa .dis poaed to quibble ever Ue matter of a few minutes or hears or Us mileage Ue-dtemata betweea re M T Besides, somebody telephoned ths hlmaalf to ba Colonel Col. and advia lag Ua Vies President that be carried the Tar Heel .electoral vote. Juat to be d vised that Ue messenger was 'in be fore midBigbt Moaday was all Ue Vice President required so whea be reached hie office at Ua Capitol this morning snd found the North Carolina eertifl eato Uere, be went ad further into the Survey By Department of La bor Shows Three and Half Million Fewer Workers Waahlngtoa, Jan. 23. The number of persons employed ia. laduatry ia Uia country Uo a ret of thii month aum bered 8,474,6 eu' than the aumber mployed a year ago,, the Pepartmeat of - Xabor'S amployment aarvko as ooaaeed Uday.w -he beam af Ue-wTtt aatioa-wide report Jnat eempietM oy atiMinl etalf f isrestirsters. -'" Director ohn B. Peosmore aid this flgaro did aot aeeessarily rapreseat the aumber of person! actually anemployed, as it was "quite posaibls' Uat soma ef Ue workers had found employment ia agricultural or other pursuits aot core red by the survey. Oa the ether haad. some officials do lieve . Ue army of unemployed- poe- siblr wis larger Una Ue ilgures given, as ao effort was made to aseertaia ue reduxtioa ia the number of persooi employed ia pursuita other Una those elaased aader Ue bead of ."mechanical laduatry.--' " - Complied From Maay Boarcea. Tho amployment service's figures rep- reseated a reduction ef 36.9 pe cent ia Ue aumber or workers empioyea la industry as compared witb January a year ago, aad it was announced Uat they were baaed ."oa the consensus of figures from neutral bodies, State labor departments, Bute ' oommiaaioners or manufactures. Bute aad municipal em ployment services, workmen's eompea mitiaa bureaus. emDloreei' ' and em' ployers orgaaiaatiolu and other loureei competent to lurnun aucuoniauTa ia formation. - Mieburaa led Ue States ia propor tlonal reduetioa with 88 per cent, and Ohio aad Iadiaa followed with a duetioa ia employment of 60 pet cent Next cume Illinois with 44 per cent, Connecticut with 43 per cent, Massa ehnsetts with AS par eenU Wisconsin wiU 8S per cent. New York with 8 per cent, aa New Jersey with S8 per eont. .rerecntnges Tor tae omer states were "aot' giveaw "i,r lis largest peroouiag n nnwuv is speeite ladustries, 6 per cent, oc curred ia Ue automobile aad aeceesory iadostry, aad this was taken to account largely ftr the sear TeaucTioa ia am- ploymeBt ia Michigan. This industry, Ue emDloyment aerriee anaouBcement said, employed a boot per seat ox ue total workers la an inausrry ta las country a year ago. - I Seeead laCTank ia tne reduetioa or employeee waa tho buUdlag-tradee, With approximately 63 per eent. Laat Jaa aary about II per eeat ef the total industrial workers was employed la this iadostry.' " ' t A reduetioa of S&a per seat was aoted ia Ue textile aad , related ladaatriee. SS per eeat ia leather aad its products aad, SS per eeat ia lumber aad boose furniture. The tedaetiou ia metals aad prod acta, machinery, eleetrio goods aad fouadry prodoeta was 80J par eeat ; ia packing aad food products. It per eeat. aad ia clay, glass, eemeoc. aaa oteao prodoeta, 1 per eeat. ' . arveyo ia in cmes. Barreya made ia 18S ettiea, Ue oa olormeat aerriee . aaid, ah owed Uai Bamerieally Uo greatest reduetioa was New York, where Z34J4 were re ported diaehargod. Chicago bad a re- action or osimut rauaaeipaia, raw Detroit, 180,000 j aevelaad, UXI Boa taw, 15,000. Newark. 41JX)ft CSadar aati,' Zi,000; 1 Milwsukee, UM0; Bt. Loaie, -A5; Bajtiare, XMS; Kmm- aaa. City, SOjMO: Pltmborgh, 1300; fWa Traaelaeo, 13,000, and. PorUaad, Ore 1000. : ' . i, , The -total -reduction ta Ur Bout era tatee inelnd.lCeatufikywao -only ameag all Ue Soatbera eitiea, with T 600. Atlanta bad. fOfl; Birmingham, 4.000; Jaokaea villa, tiZS; Memphis, 3,100; Dallaa, fiO0', New Orleans, 4V BIG REDUCTION IN yIDUSTRIAL WORK Vice President? matter. Bat Ua ajyitery aa to bo telepboaed him remains unsolved. Washiagtoa correspondents ef North Carollaa Bewtpapera tried la vaia U locate Coloael - Cox today, saving Iearac4 that be arrived la the city carle thia moraiag aad bad deposited hia eertiteate at the Vice Presidents office. But Uey failed to Sad any trace of him at the offices ef members of the North Carollaa delegatloa where they la quired or at Ua hotels. Thia aftcraooa it was reported Uat be hid returned to North Carolina oa a day trala and therefore kid beea la tba city only two or Urea hoars.' " " Tkia doubtleea doeos Ua Incident, for North Carolina's vote waa received aad recorded, anless somebody should pur ine the inquiry of who telepboaed the Vlea Prealdeat lait Bight represent ing himielf to be Colonel Cot whea thnt gentleman waa aaid to be ia Raleigh. All the votes got ia, Maryland's beiag brought in under ruilf orders lait Lnlght. Fortoaately ftft Jh tWwafrWrr'BS't-o tW-1 l meesenfer tnrtoa wtreb'eTeanretl of the lito atioa laat sight, and Uat ha would be subject, to A ilae cf. UX)ft,unea Jk got the vote ia by midnight, ue -Deal n for Wa.ehlBrtgn forthwith, .but-esmej,,,,-. Ttrtm-JaTC.if.-TTarThrTtebuK -oWf fcrVsfcfrVnVal vaij m uuu that the package wis aot certified. It wis accepted by the Vies Prealdent'a secretary, but with a reiervatioa. 'The vote will probably be accepted, but as Secretary Thiitlewiita told the meisea ger whea ha arrived with the paekige improperly addressed aad lacking cent flcitlon, ha eouldnt tell whether it ton Uiaed the Maryland electoral vote or something else, a prescription for medi cine. Attorney General Says New York Attorney 'Simply Serv- r ing His Old Clients' Washington, Jaa. 85. Attorney Gen eral Palmer tonight charged Samuel Untermyer. -New York attorney, with acting "ia the German interest" aad "with aamnlr nervine- bis eld clients' ia kit recent erittaisms of Mr-Palmer! eondoet. of the offleas of aliea property eaewdiaa and Attorney -General. ' ' " The Attorney General preesnUd his eharges la a formal statement , with quotations from a report takea from Captain Boy-Ed, former Naval attach of the Oermaa Embassy here, upon kit capture by the. British , ia Paleatiae, aad from the diary of Heinrieh r. Albert, former Chief Privy Councillor of Us German Embury. The report of Captain Boy-Ed as made publio by Mr, Palmer referred to Mr. Untermyer as "the unpaid judicial, and legal political adviser of the German Embassy". while Dr. Albert Tin hia diary is quoted ai describing-a "meeting brought about for busimsae reasons at Mr. Unter- rhyrg eitate at Greytone alone; U Budaon river. bnternyer of the baseless rumors and falsa Charges which Us friends Of Uer maay insistently eireulaU about Ue work of the aliea property emtodian," Mr. Palmer said, "would not eaa zor any reply if his recent activities bad not lomewhat obscured ia Us public mind his ewlier connections which auk his motives plain. Be desires to undo a significant part of the war's achievemeat. Bo wu vigorouily op posed to the government policy ai laid dowa by the Congress aad carried ottt-by-tbw exeeativetitt regard to enemy owaed property. He refers to enemy owned concerns la this country as properties of these unfortunate peo ple whose, sad plight hs always sought to alleviate." CNTIRMTIB DENIES CHARGE - AND GETS UGLY AGAIN Hew York. Jan. 25 Denying that ha ever acted as counsel for Ue Gennaa Embassy, aad mainUinlag be bad aever bad any banians, social or profenioual relations with Captain Boy-Ed, Samuel Untermyer tonight issued ths iollowiag statement ta reply to Attorney uenerai Palmer's charges: - j . ' I have Just beea ' Shown, at Q o'clock tonight, Mr J Palmer's lying aad eft-refuted -etatement concerning any sllea-cd activities before our eoaqtry on' tared U war. They hare beea again and again publicly exploded aad ae oae kaows tt better Una be does. I insisted ea appearing before the Overman com mittee aad diaproriag them at that time. I Uea demonstrated! ' i One Tl .t I bad aver at any time acted as coaassl for Ue German - Em bassy or for aay one connected with H aad bad nevaz received a dollar of Ueir moaey, aad that I bad repeatedly , re fBoed to accept retaiaers from Uem whoa Ue most emiaeat lawyers la tho seen try were aoseptiag Uem, as Uey aad i had tae right to ds. ' Two That I never met Boy-Ed bwt ieo ia my life, aever bad aay baai- aoeial or professional , j reJaUoas (Coatiaaei oa Page KiaeJ . 1 GASOLINE DROPS DOWN TWO CENTS IN INDIANA Chiangs, Jaa. Si. A reduction ef S eenta a galloa ia Ua price of gaealiao was aa sou need hero today by Ue BUB dard Oil Company of Indiaas, as a ro snlt of decreases in Ue price of erode eiL -'At - aerriee stations, the pries dropped. -to- ST'ecntsP awd'frem tank wagons from tl eenta. to. ii-tenta. K.roacse was cot from 111 J U 15 X eenta a gaUem. "If crude oil eontiaaea to go dowa. raaoliae aad kerosene will naturally go dowa -with said W. M. Barton, SERVING GERMANS PALMER DECLARES president ef the sompany. REPUBLICANS WILL APPEAL TO CAESAR' ON ELECTION LAWS Frank Linncy Serves Notice That Minority Looks To Con gress For Help DECLARES REPUBLICANS WANT. AN H0NESr UW Will ISsek SeriTal of Oorrapt Practices Act That Died With Induction of First Cleveland Administration; Incidentally Canons Talks Schools, Semination Faiiiag lo secure Ue passage of what they term aa "hoaeat aad fair- eiectioa law at the baada of Ua General As aembly, the minority party ia the State will appeal to the ' Fedenal Congress about to eoaveae ia Washington, AuuiaM to kaea -s-aw t reglitratioa books, aad a repeal ef the semoiy, ana railing uai, way are ( after Ue Federal statute that died wiU the induction of the Srtt Cleveland ad mlniatdation, governing, corrupt prae tlcea ia the elections where Federal offi cer! were being chosen. With Mr. Lianey aad John J. Parker, recently defeated minority candidnte for the governorship, here to expound Ue principles of Ueir party to them, the minority delegation in the General As sembly turned out 100 per eent stroag last aight to bear what Ueir leaders had to aay to them. Their leaders Ulked roads, education, revaluation aad taxatioa, deaouaerd Ue Neal bill to redistric the Bute, end asked for a chance to elect a candidate at Ue polls. Harmony aad Patty. There was harmony aad unity of applause, and a seaeral pervaaioa of evident good feeling among Ue mem ben of Uo esueus. Mr. Lianey com mented noon Ue fact Uat dissension bad beea suppre cd, wounds nriaing out of Us split eight years ago bad beea healed aad Ua eyes ef 30,000 Hepab lieans ia the State definitely turned to ward eventual triumph over Ua P renew majority. He took advaaeed grouad all along tho route of his hours speech, and UO eaoeus followed attea wHh Tia oreut aaaa-eiappiBg. inero were resolutions passed. The Bepublioana i waat roadi. barf our faced roods, aad a hand red millioa ol- tin worth f Uem - built witk a bead msae aad paid for by tarn that .- will touch every elemeat ef wealth la Ue State ia proportion to ita ability to bear taxes. They waat schools, wita so eeaw of every dollar of school tax going into Ue school house aad little as possible into admiaie- tratioa. They waat Ue . revalue tioa act wiped out of existence forever, bat above all other things Uey waat the "iniquitous" Neal bill laid away la lavender and a Just election law. Mr. Parker spoke flrst, after Chairman Bryant bad asked J. Colemaa. Kameey, mountaineer Benator, to auto tae rea sons of the eajieus, aad be said roads. taxes, schools, and elections, mr. rara er was ia bis usual agreeable and pleaa- aat form, saying aotbing to offend any body, save once when ba let slip s word that bs took back aad asked to be deleted from Ue reports. He want ed school of Ue better sort, roads of tho better sort, taxatioa of Ue better sort aad eiectioa laws Uat would give the Bepublieanx, 230,000 strong against 328,000 Democrats, a ehaaee so get aa officer elected. Not Afraid of Neal Bill. He was sure that there was ao seri ous danger of Ue Demoerato Uniting Ue Neal bUl down Ue, throata of Ue minority, didn't believe Uey were har boring aay such intention. He wanted the Bevaluatioa aet takea away aad buried. He wasted roads aad schools. Mr. Parker was rouadly cheered at de cent intervals, aad particularly whea fbe declared Uat Bepublieaaiam ; stood for decency, order, honesty and emeieacy In. the administration of government for Ue good of Ue many.; The chairman's mannerisms of speak- Ins; are rery different from Usee of lbs eloquent' Uaioa county eaBdidete, more la Ue direct faahiou ef the mountains. Ha ridded himself of a few pleasantries and semi pleasantries as be worked, his way Urougb Ue preamble or am speeen, declaring ia paasiag that be was still golag to school, aad learning quite a lot of evenings after sapper whea be dowa la the boedm of his rsmuy sad perused Ue Greensboro Moralng Kewe. Paronueueaiiy no oeeiareo u he bad aever yet brought himself to Ue point where bo could road Ue Newo aad Observer ta Ue presence of his wife aad ehudrea. , There wa n.t Boroar of merrimeat. He recounted recent deals ratione of himself aad bio party platform, claiming (CeatUaed eaPage Nine) r CHABCES AGATNgT DOOUNG , . DISMISSED IN NEW YOBK Xew York. Jaaw- -Cbargaa sgsismt-membere of the district at lorooyw oCsco ta New York eamoty, ladadlBg Joka -T. Dealing, aa as. skdawt district aUoraey tho Kiac aaarde Sa wrasse Coart Jsattea - Weeaa hero today by tao an i aorei nary grane forw. ' V -' - - i ' Dwsflag was ehargW whh dact k eaat eHt kl tbratlM , fee jUa J(r,.Xe: tioa of Uo emsauag of Mra. Maodo . Ktogw ew-wrlEj-omT-vBo; X. C, aa Asrast . HIT. Caetosr B. Maana, Mrs. Blag's h Balaam) aeV vtear, who waa trjed for bar arardor and aeastttew, kraaght islmat DeaMag aa SALARY INCREASE MAY HE EXTENDED TO OTHEROFFIGERS Long, of Alamance, Introduces Bill To Relieve Depart ment Heads , INCREASE PR5P0SED IS $1,000 FOB EACH OFFICER Companion Bill Also Presented Would Anthoriie State Board of Health To Increase Salary of Secretary To $5, 000 Annually; Would Put All State Officers On Parity A bill to ertead the Increases ia salary givea the See eoaetitatioaal beads ef departmeata to other Bute officers waa introduced la the Beaate yeaterday by Senator J. Elmer Long, ef Alamance. eV '""7" ' A . ,; Jnatiree ef Ue SapTeme Court maximum travel allowaare Coart Jndgee la redaced to SliM. The bill gives each of Ue officers affected a flat iacrease of tfO0 a year, Ue asms amount allowed the Buperia Undent of Public Instruction, the Sec retary ef Bute, the Treasurer and the Attoraey General ia the bill already peaeed. Ia the other bill, the Auditor was givea aa increase of 1,900 eo as to place his salary ea a parity with other State Officers. Seaator Long . also Introduced a compaaioa bill which aatheriaee the State Board of Health to pay ita Sec retary a salary of 500 a year, aad providing that Uo officer shall re ceive ao other emoluments. This bill carries virtually ao iacrease as the office aew receives fees ia connection with its work for the Bsreoa of Vital Statistics whieb smoant to epproxi matoly tlr00 a year. The Seaator from Alamaaca offered only Ue salary brim yesterday hart aa ouaeed hia Iateatioa to l-troooee .tithe Senate durlaf halo.lng hours aa early date other measures providing for free tuitioa far aH students at the IThirarslty of North Carollaa aad for a Statavwide aback law. The oaly other bill of Bute-wide import iatraoed yesterday eras, offer ed bresaator Meadeahall. of tinU- iaed. aad arovides Uat gates or an tasMtioTgoaea skall ' bo at all grads eroeainca af every, railroad in Ue State whieb operates more tralaa a day. The measure farther provides that watebmsa shall bs stationed during Ue dsy time at all grade eroesinge ia to waa of mors than 1,000 population. Tho above provisions ef Uo law would aot become effective ander Ue bill until March 1. 1922, bat Ue bill contains a proviiloa ea acting Into Uo statutes the ruling of Ue Supremo Court that failure of the operative of a locomotive to sound Us whistle on approaching a crooning aoa- stitut nefligewce- and : makhrg ' idea failure a misdemeanor, pnnishabls by a Sao aot to exceed $5,000. This pre vlaioa would become effective oa the ratiSeatioB of Us bill. The Meadeahall biU was oent to tho Committee oa Bailroads whieb baa aot yet reported out tho Nash bill re quiring all motor ears to come to a full stop before eromlag a railroad grade crossing. The Senate adjourned at II. -38 until eleven o'clock today aad Uo commit tees oa Finance aad Judicial Districts ?et immediately after adjournment, he Committee oa Finance reported out favorably a number of local bills aad Uo bill permitting Begisters of Deeds' to charge regular fees for cer tificates of liens" which they were re quired by 'the ' Cotton Warehouse Act to furnish free. Oppositioo ' to Us Win borne retire ment bill for Judges developed ia the. Committee oa Judicial : Districts, but Us bill was reported favorably after several ameadmenU had been adopted. The bUl as approved by Us committee provides Justices of the Supremo Coart aad Superior Court Judges who have served - M yo'0 avUe "0bth beaches aad bavo reached tae age ot vu may retire ea three fourths -pay as Emerreaey Jndgee ef Us Superior Coart. TJader tho bjll, aueh eawrgeaey mdaea would bo debarred from ea- snring la Us ae31voraeilce of Tsw, The bill the ooatains a proruioa uat aay Judge baring served Us required IS years bat aot having 'reached the reejuired ago- may retire, -if ia the opiaioa of Uo Ue governor no a become incapacitated for his duties. Seaator 'Bargwya, af Northampton, aad Seaator Dnnlap voted agaiast Uo mcdiea ta report favorably aad Ue former aaaoaaeed bin iateatioa to carry the fight t Us floor of the Sen ate. . v . ;. - - . . oaso aUaaasa Brief.- !' . Mora ttaa half Us 40 miaatee eoa asod by. tho House - yesterday was devoted to debate over US re eem mittiac af a measure to allow Ue Su preme court to pay its reporter as much ao $2,500 per year: The biU came back from eoanmittee with a favorable re port, but It got stalled when BepYeeen tatire Oakkel waated to kaow if he didat get oaoagb , "euUide emo tu ts so supplement Uo salary paid by Ue ooart. ' . Ifobody was Toady rwfra aa answer to Uo qawstioo, . -bat Bepreaeataave Walter Mnrphy, apaaklag for Ue eom mittoa aa Bamrioa aad Feeev was of the ofMaien--Ua4 Uw repertet got aothing iBdireetry. Be waated tae aui paaaea, v&f theis s rose"" toe ' Bias y 11 quesamrvai'T aad the bill was seat baeJt to U com mittee for farther poaderimj. The first of what is mid to he a flood of 'Blue Laws- trickled ta sbeat Us (Cswrlnaid em Pago Two) r I' KNACKS MAY SUPPLANT BABBIT GUMS IN UNION Meetree, Jan. iC-N. W. Tbarpe, the Uvea aear bora, baa dlaeovered 1 aew way of trapolag rabbtta, Be .natal led roseatly a bow feraaee saich Is 00 Inviting Uat tt weeks aach bettor than the aeaal rabbit ram. II m declared. Mr. Tarpe m patting In Ue. far. aaco bad a other Idea la mlad thaa ataxias hia borne more eam'ertable. It bad beea worhlag fine aatU oae sold- moraiag this Week. " One of tho yooagateia la the fam. fly wee dUpotched to lavoatlgale, laugiae the boy 'a aarprtae whea be feaad a fall gtewa rabbH ia oae at Ue feraaee ploea, Slraager still It waa alive whea ex. Iracted from Ue aahee alUeogh lie far waa badly searched, whea it Jampod s gainst the grate bars. LIBERAL SLICE OF, North Carolina Due To Receive Two and Half Million Dol lars Under New Bill 'th'ews' it oTtftiec'rverlB n reau, "J - mt District National Bank Bldg.. By JOE. L. BAKER. , (By Special Leased "Wire") House pnbtss roads committee Uia morning. The bill carries an aprropriatloa ef 100,000,000 for Federal aid for Ua various states la 1922. Apportionment Is made on three basis, population of the various states, their srea and their mileage of poat roads. Under the 1920 census, North Carolina's share of the $10000,000 would be 12,350,000, but If Ue 1920 census Ilgures ars .used, the quota will bs several thousand dollars greater, by reason of Us large popula tion gala North Carolina showed ia two. 1 Bepresentatlve Donghton. of Us Eighth North Carolina district, a minority member of Ua-roads commit tee, has ass u ranees from the majority leaders that the bill will be expedited. The preeeat plaa is to call it up oa Us first calendar suspension day, which will be. Febmary-7, and rnih it through. Should Uere be a jam ia f Ue sessiou. oa there is certain to be, Uea it is Us plaa of Uose who are urging Uis extension of Federal aid to tack Ue bill oa to ens of Ihs annual departmeatal appropriation bills aad aot it through. It wu in this man' ner Uat the original Appropriation for Federal aid for roads wae made, aa ap propriation of 4200,000(000 to be ex pended during a period of three years being attached to ths annual poetofflee bill three or four years ago. Uadsr this appropriation, of which one-third waa sxpendsd annually, North Caro lina was appropriated ' altogether slightly more Una $9,000 flOO, so thst aa increase ia the road work is eoa templated la Ue present bill. Ia ad dltioa, Wsitsra North Carolina wiU get soma of Us ' benefits from aa appropriation . of 300,000 for forest road and trail construction. Borne or this money will bo expended in Ue aa- ftroaat- ferottrta Ua y&nOf of Ashs- viUe. PoUtlca Tabas a Haad. Of course, pelitfua bad to enter the ea us tioa, and because of polities ths appropriation is mads for only oae rear. Originally, aa appropriation was made for a period of three years. This enabled ths goad roads bureau of the agriculture department and the bureaus of Ue various states to look ahead. Instead of making ipeei flections for oaly Ue work to be dons ia obs year, it was possible to make plana Pa a three year schedule, - because it was kaowa bow much money would be availablr each year for tt ree years. Democrats on tho eommittss sought to make Uis appropriatioa for two years, that is 4100,000,000 for 1822 end a aim liar sum for 1923. This would enable engineers to look ahead " and - build roads ia 1922 wiU a view to their ex tension In 1923. But Ue Bepublicaa majority defeated the plaa. solely ;for ths season Uat- Woodrew- WillOU " H still President and. a Democrat' is Us bead of Us Department ef Agriculture with jurisdiction over the good 'roads bureau. Therefore, Ue Democrstio ad ministration might "re beea given credit for Uo good' roads coastructioa accomplished daring the two years s it baa for -that which has been dens daring Ue last tt ree years. 80 ths enrnwiittes voted only to approve an appropriatioa for oae. year aad wait until neat year to consider a 1923 ap propriation. - North Carollaa still has to her, credit 44.289,082 Jn of bar allotmeat from ths first 4200,000,000 of Federal aid money, but probably moat of - Uis has beea eoBtraeted for and will be paid out as fast as ths work is completed and approved by ths Secretary of Agrieul tare. Her portioB of that 42,000,000,000 was slightly more thaa 6000,000 aad witt aoarly 42,500,000 aha will receive If Uo annroDriatloa -aprroved today 1s mads, will make approximately 600.000 diverted to road work m uat State from Ue Federal treasury, s Tar Heels Ia Waehragtew, 1 - Mra. A. Haywood Webb, of . Mora. bead City, was hers today, having eome to Washington with bar daughter, Ella nbotb, who will .enter St. Margaret's sebooL . J. O. Barbrey. of' Hew Bern, was aaotber Tar Heel visiter at Ue Capital today. - - WlTtiiB Rintii beea aesigaated as acting ' poetmastef at Thurmond, N. C a foarU alaao efBee. t ..j.- Seerotary-oad Mres Danieis aava- sx- teaded iavitaUoaa to all , the members of the North Carolina Congressional daligatiaa aad .theis-miaeo fes a dfia. ner at the Daaiels heme oa tao erea- ing of 'February 15th. .. rTevel Pole Poay Steeple Chase, San- aiaff and Haraeos Bacoa, Piacharst to day,t:4S. ,. SOOD ROADS MONEY I . . . . . .1 A 1 ' - -" 1 - JL ...m. . "T- rr.T.vTr m.A ?. mi t.iu, ...rt goverameat ahipa. from K I bill report favorably by , the M 'tJ - SCHWAB OVERCOME BY HIS EMOTIONS ON WITNESS STAND Former Shipping Boanf Direc. ' tor General Bursts Into Tears at Hearing . -i AGAIN MAKES DENIAL OF IMPROPER CHARGES Tells of Oonrersatlon With Per ley Morse, Expert' Account aat, Who Audited Books ot JBhipplnf Board; Auditor Ea. -fused To Correct Testimonj Xefardinf Vouchers " "' New York, Jan. 25. Orereoms by his smotioai, Charles M. Schwab tem porarily broke dowa on the- wltsees stand during hia testimony hers today before the Walsh congressional aom . m It tee which la iBveatinstina' affairs af . tear Blled yee he denied ehargee of previous witnesses thnt $100,000 of a 4269100 voucher charged tp bis account la the home office of the Bethlehem ' . ' testimony regarding a hip eonatructioa matters during hii . term as director general of the Emergency Fleet Cor- porta Ion. At the eoncluilon of this ' testimony, his attention waa called ' by Bepresentatlve Israel M. Foster,,, to testimony that since making hia denial last Friday of ths charges, he. had conferred with Perley Mores, ef . Pariey Morse and Company, Us audi . ton, who-found ths alleged vooeher. 7 Admits Seeing Mama. Mr. Schwab admitted he had talked with Mr. Morse, stating that a Mr., Wlldmaa, whom hs had known several years, came to him with Ue state ment that Mr. Morse wss a maa of the highest repute. , "I listened Mo, Schwab addeif, "and said that if what you say is tree and what I assure you I eaa prove is true, that I received none of this money, shnnld not Mr. Morse bo will' ing to make a statement that hs has mads a mistake Mr. Wlldmaa said he thought he would do so." As a result of this conference a meeting between Mr. Schwab aad Mr., Morse was arranged later at the hotel St. Beglt and the witness said ho re-. posted to Morse what 1 be had mid -to Wlldmaa-that the tacts I had re lated ware trite and; .that"! waff now,' ' at Us end ef a long forty-yea busl- v nasi saner, aad that it, was s matter 1 ae iadeacrlbably deep la my heart to , be charged with something of thsti kind, that I bbped be would eor roetlt. . "r - ,..:-, Bafaead Bakwab's Beqaeat. "Hs weald not ds it," Mr, Schwab continued. "He said Uare were ei- ' planaUoas and reasons Hers, the steel man's .voice -became bulky and bis frame ikook with -suppressed sobs.; . . . 1. 4I hops yoa wlii exeuss s, Utr chairman, and arentlemen of Ua com. mtfteehe Started to wntinuo 'but" - and hers hia voice broke again. ' ' For a moment he endeavored to eoa-' trol himself but without success. Hs gavs up the attempt and from bis eyes great tears rolled, which ' hs wiped away with a handkerchief. 1 The committee room was filled with witnesses and spectators and it waa evident that hs had Ua sympathy of all Dy ths silenee thnt prevailed a silence v broken by BepresenUtiv Foster whs sstd: Foster Eipresoos Appreclatloa. I cannot help making thia reflection juat at Uis time. As a member of Uis committee, want 0 express oa the record my appreciation of Ue manner. Mr. Schwab, ia which yoa bavo Intra-j dueed evidence concerning this voucher. Aside from my membership oa this eonv mittee, I want to exprcas my apprecla-' tioa as aa Amaricaa eitisea for ' Ue services you have rendered oar country; in the recent war. . r. . ,-r "There is-no-junr,r Mr.- Foster eoa-- tinusd, 'to bs affected, or court to be influenced, but I aay Uat out of aa ap- prerii;!v-of U situafioa r feel that I am compelled to give expression to it." , ZThia statement was greeted by an- plause from those ia Ue room. "I thank you vary mud." Mr. Schwab c replied.' "That wad - Uo eubstanee of - my conversations with Mr. Morse. He had now regained control of him-, tcif-aad- la answer to' Us ehairmaa'a questioa said bs bad aever instituted any steps to hare aay audit stopped at : his shipyard or offices. Ho mid mat', ten ef this kind ware aever brought to Wi attention. " - .- , Ha agrrn thanked Ue Committee aad asked Uem to excuse him for hia die-.; play . of emotioa aad - arUing, walked ' from the room, passing sloae to where Mr. Morse sat among Ue spoctatora. , Took Fosltloa Belactaatly. .Mr. Schwab appeared before - Ue . committee agsia thia afternoon aad testified eoaeerning mstters that came directly under his otteatioa whUe diree-, tor'geastsl efthe emergency fleet eor po rati on, . "He declared it was witt re- T laetaaeo . and with Uo sndervtaadiag - Uat all matters having ta do with eoa trseta betweea tte fleet eorporatioa aad bis companies be bandied by otter 1- (Coatlaaod Oa Pago Two) f . - SAILOR'S TRAGIC DRAMA i BUNS FOUR ACTS flUJCjCLY-. ... ' 1 I, ... ' Jaeksoarilla, Fla, Jaa. 23 A hug, a kiss, sa arrest, a aae ra tae auto prison Ties la rapid Sucfeaaioa vreTe" tke developmaats- la Ue life ef Joha -MeKaasa. sailor, who today ia beaded . tfiwsrif. P-f "'"-a Ia Mr.l H) day ' --' seateaeo. It all happened oa a beach in Kireraide Park when tales ef sea eatraaeed a maid bat failed to direr. . U B. Harvey, detective, from Ue per inea ef hia doty. MrKeana waa , anable to pay tte f.flne imfosei. (Ceattlnood o PaM Two)