TUS BUI ML Baow la InterUe, rata m M mM Friday, fat Hh rtetaf tomporetaro. XFATLU LAtLL M rear ee. Sad mI MM t stats . VoLCX1II.No.27. TEN PAGES TODAY RALEIGH. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27. 1921. TEN PAGES TODAY. PRICD-FIVE CENTS SENATE EXCUSES THE TARDINESS OF VOTE MESSEfi GER ... Colonel Cox and Others Late in . Getting Returns. In Won't Jlave To Pay Fine TrVAR DEPARTMENT NOT-" . . ABLE TO FURNISH DATA UUf ation Over Valno of Lands i v Purchased Tor Camp Braf f ' : Sit .Leaves Armonat AraH. ' L able. Tor Payment la Doubt . Tayettevtlle . Peoplo Want : . Colonel Bowley Retained i . Th News ui Obeerver Bureau IDS District Natloaal Beak Bldf, . by JOI L. BAXIX , ; . (By BpW.UM"WW : Washington, Jaa. Mv Messenger to . th leetoral college from those tte -WaUch-itUed to et eertlfjcttipn of their. let" to tu: attoitTbr vWrftrt litir cltyr 'HW HotUy7 at required by law, yia rellvd of Stabil ity for the 91,000 fine thd tetute rixee, ALLIED COUNCIL TAKES UP REPARATION PROBLEM Statu of Former Xuisian States Alio Considered at Private Conferences Pari, Jam. I By tt Associated Proa) Th ssemhere .of tte supreme aaoil.apat Hoot of tt y la private oavtraetlea dloeuaelag Kpwtlliu ' Th two Mottmgi tf th eouuell wer devoted to hearing ttt UUaiil of tt Preach mlalster of laaae, If. Doumer oa rtparatloai Bad la oo Midori f tt tatu of fofatof R- alaa ttatee.' It waa decided thia afteraooa that Latvia aad Esttoala shall bo recognised o sovereign elalee. Action retard lag littuaia aad Georgia woo deferred pond ias further information. It lo expected that Georgia's repreoeatative will bo hoard during tt proooat ooefertBe of too council, but ixe. decision wiia re gard to Lithuaaia aiay bo dehryed aatil tho molt of too League of r alio as plebiscite la tho Vila region la kuowa. Premier Uoyd OoorLl aad Froaidoat afillaraad bad octaaioa at bjach to dla- inao at ooaio taacth tho report oa ropa- ratloao audo by M. Doaaiar. laatodi- toly oftor adjoarawiOBt of tho aftor aooa aeuloa Uoyd Oeorvo aad K. Jaa- par aad Coloaol Thoaaji, roopoetlToly, forolfa BlaUtor aadlaaaeo aiiaUUr of Bolsiuai, woat la to eoaforoaeo la Vr. rerarqiH tno atiao ouDjoei. IUpx(tioW( wiU'afaiB ' coaio boforo tho oooaeil tomorrow olonf with uo aiUUary oiportf poftToi , - 4laria REPUBLICANS TRY TO DRIVE THROUGH -TARIFF. MEASURE Democrats Deny Intention To Filibuster But Insist On Full Discussion PENROSE MAKES EFFORT TO FIX DATE FOR VOTE Senators Underwood and Sim mons Block Move To Vote On Xeasnr Next Tuesday and Old Guard Senators 7oroe Seoevs of Senate Un til Today ' I oav avvwi a W oawaiwoi waa owaoj raw IlibaTlEMesX"' Boaato. today. I et boforo Uo oooaeil U that Uo allioo ' Tho raoolatloa waa utroaoeoa ay ahould ataad upoa tho treaty of Vor- Beaator Smoot, of VUh, aad waa paaood aalllea ao far a reparatioai art. eoa- hr nnaalmoni roto. It wiU probaniy ooraoo. ran tho Hooat without oppooitioa. Utah1! nraaoBfer waa oao of thoao who f niled to (et U on time, Tho othen were tlo araMBgra from North Caro lina, ll'rymad, Oregon, Kerada and Iadiaoa. Of eon roe, tho reoolotion ap plies ealy to theoo partleolar eaaea. - Ja a letter received today from Bla bop Jamea Caaaoa Jr, of tho Method Ut ICDiaooDaU Choreh. Booth, Beaator Otot- asaa waa aaked to make aa addreaa at Waahlagtoa, Jaa. SC. Bopablioaa aad Demoeratio Boaato leader met la head-oa eolllaioa today whoa Uo former atarted ' a drlre to pat through Uo Fordaey emergeaey tariff bill Bepablieaa aaggeatioBS of a Demo eratio Slibaotor braaght oa tho elaeh. IJoAao..Unjtowpd.f AUtopmn, Pemoeiata ' 'dewyiaf wigbrovity " that SIlbaeteriBg waa la progrea or ooa- tamplatod- .Th PoaMcxaiiIloa4M-Xr-J BURN NEGRO AT STAKE FOR KILLING FARMER Before) Torch Applied Ylotim Confesses and XapUottes Two Other Vefroes WUaoa, Ark, Jaa. H. Iteary towry, aocra. aUogod lUrer of a T. Craig. MuatMlpui eoaat; piaster, aad Cralg'i daaghtor, Mr. U 0. Biehanlaoa. who were ohot to death at Uo Craig plaa- tatloa booao oa Ohrlatmai - oW, waa baraed at Uo otak early toatght by a mob aoar Hodeaa, a abort dletoaoo from Uo aeeao of tho doablo kilUog. Boforo U torch waa applied Lowtt 1a aaiit to haro aoaiioma, ImplkaUag two ouer aegrooa. Offloera Weight wore teanhiag for Uew aogToeo aad Uai arrest la exported wiUia a few boara, Lowry waa broaght aeroea U btit alaaippl river lata Arkaaaae by a group of mea who earlier ia Uo day tafcea him from the ofleero at Bardie, Mia., who were briagiag him from El Paeo, Texaa, where ho waa arreated loot rriday. At Birbardioa't laadtag tho party waa met by the mob, which bad beoa awaiting Uelr arrival daring tho aftoraooa. It waa plaaaed to take the aegro baek to Uo Craig plaatatloa aoar Nodoaa. bat later It waa decided to stop oa Uo looeo a mile from Uo Craig home where, M waa otated, Lowry waa ehalaed to a log. Aakod if he wasted to mry aayUiag before paaiahmeat waa ia flietod, the aegro i eaid to have aaked for food, which waa broaght him, aad to bia wife aad ahlldroa. They were rammoaed. - "- Bo had. It ia reported, refnaod to aoa feta op to'tbit time, WELFARE AGENCIES LOOKING TO STATE .SAYS DR. KNIGHT Superintendent Boston Institu tion Speaks To Social Serv ice Conferenct WELFARE DEPARTMENT . RECEIVES ENDORSEMENT Social Service Conference Will Adjourn Today After BusL boss Session, at Noon When Eection of Officers Is Held; State Institutions WiU Be Heard Today DR. MANNING ELECTEO BISHO? OF NEW YORK Sector of Trinity Church Sao. ceeds The Late Bishop ' Charles Sumner Burch SOCIETY DIVORCEES TO WED IN NEW YORK CITY Mrs. Cathleen Vanderbilt and Sidney Jones Oolford Get Marriage - License ffew York, Job. 86. Mra. Cithleoa charged Uat tho Bepablieaaa did aot export Uo bin to jaa aad ooaght to I place Uo blame oa Demoeratio oppoa- eata. Demoeratio Leader TJadorwood added Uat Uo meaearo area If paaoed would bo vetoed by Presideat Will boeaaoa ho aaid It waa "repognaat to Demoeratio tariff priaeiplea. Bo die- e (aimed having roeeived aay direct ia formatioa from Uo Proaideat, bow over. ' Bewahlleaaa Force tirim Beaator Poarooe, of PeaBeylvaaia, la charge of Uo bill, presented a propoeal for a vote aozt Taeoday bat it woat dowa aader ebjoetioaa from Mr. Ua- BoeaaM of Ita effect apoa other State makiag oat state-wide program. for child welfare for Uo flrst time, ia atitutioaa aad ageade of Uo entire aatioa are looking toward U aetloa of North Corollas aad Uo proooat see- i of Uo legielatarc. Dr. Frederick R ITalrhf. aiinerlalaxleiit of the New aigut aeciaroe ja aa aodjceao seioro us aoeoad Bight aeaaioa of Uo North Caro tin. PnBfitrfiaee tor Raela ftervlaa. New Tork, Jaa. t.-Xev. Dr. Wa. T. Maaalag, rooter of Trlalty ekareh, wai elootod biehep of Ua FroteeUat Eploeo pal Dioooeo of New Tork, at a ooBvea- tioa called bero today to okoooe a sas osooor to Uo late Biahop ("barjes Bam. aor Barcb. The f holco waa made oa Uo Ulrd UUot . The. voto was Dr. Manalng, clerics) 12, lay IS; Sev. Dr. Charles 1 SUttery, rector of Grace Chareh, New Torh, eler leU 100. Uy ; Biahop Nat scale! 8. Themaa of the Missloaary Diocoao' of Wyoming, alerieal S, lay t Bev. Dr. Percy Stick Bey Grant, rector of Uo Chareh of tho Aeeeaetoa, New Tork, clerical 1, Uy I X. Following Bev. Dr. Meaning's election Rot. Eraeet M. Btirrot of bt. Thorn. eharch, New Tork, moved If to be made aaaalmoaa, which was doao by aeclama tioa. Dr. Mass lag tfioa waa oetortod to tho speaker's platform by Bev. Btirree aad Bev. Dr. George B. Vaa DoWator, aad introduced to Uo ooavoatioa. CLAIM BLOCKADE ST ooafeeaioa. it is aaid. Ui pi tec ting two other aegrooa. Tho body was baraed to a crisp; ABSOLV B ESCI OF GETTING MONEY Congressional Committee. Sat isfied That Charaes Against Him Are Untrue t Waablngtoa, Jaa. M. With Us ap proval of Chairman Walsh, members of Uo Bouse committee iaveetigatiBg Ua ehipplng booed, dee Is rod ia a state- -f..C'n.". 7. :.i7... ta..U v.n w aa effort to charge Uo DamocraU wiU meat today Uat they "were satwied- nauuicv. ."p ; - " I i.ii.. k. v;ii laftar haarina- all lha avldeaea aad ex- Mr. Colfordgavo Uo samal Aftw kMn of Mtti Tui scuff- amlnlng-tho doeameats Uat Uo charge Uaf ia tors pe rood with some actual dia-1 that Charles M. Benwao reeoivoa money ananlaa of Uo bill', tariff aehedulee. I from Uo rovers men t for bis personal -... - . u. m. a dmiui, ' ' . . aaul tomorrow lastoaa ox aajoarameBi, nw w prvna imu,t LrttaiStf thf FiSHr ttazi Woda lalaad by Clara Z-Tkkh opersto. to W U. WU Uat it was sot tr..- EduesTioB Tfrom iT dayman's i iewpoiatr. W. K. Celford, who charged aeglort to boforo Uo Boaato to oo.siderstioa ixm- Tho sUtomoat aa laaaod by Bepra- ffffirVuT- pTido.-It-alao waa-isBhodw Waad modiatrfy toatorrww to Ua aachiaio ef toatattvo Steele, .Democrat, PoMy- Tk- 'ba that Mrs. VaaderbUt eetalaed bar dai other asaal routiae bosUeaa. aaais, after diseaasUa wiU the eUCI Wtokea avo by the govrkmeBt for arom -a tba grousd of deeertloa. I The move to held the tariff msare ebe who brd the teotimoBy la limp Bragg, aeaf FayetterUle, - thai Tba ltcvaaa ebtalasd "fodar before Ua Boaato, forcing opponent Nevr JorkaaX WaehiagteB, rslatiag te Wmf Denartment M aoaDJS to say SI WIS I uumwi u m w .. wi. mmuym riiw w hu h tvi, vuvwwi - ' t!M how wineh at 1W nHirilul sddIS. I DlSBBCu to M martiSd,' lit If. Ol- ,, . . . . , , hti.i, r--" : aoww ewier mmmivn iron. r. um- i ?ifcWis.,inJerS Nsllsoa VanderbUt, who obtoiaed a dl-d.rwood aad Beaator Bimmoas, of iSJSll -rc. from Bc.in.ld C. Va.derb.lt la na.""--' ZZZrUl' t that eharch. 1910, and Sidney Joaos Colford, Jr, of """'"S tt.do to Li!Lf.rt -rd tWi- ?. Av.., today obtained a marri- 5& d tf ceX. ,U 000.000 tor odaeatioBar wort Ja that Us lfacipd balding. 2T- d U. otlTaZ rt caurca ana imsi "1 -...,. .... . . I ,!. p...... ... vi.mmaJ . tki. Ia M IB nan. f liiuiruuh we uoKum v. " - - '- Waahingtoa. Biahop Caaaoa ia chair- aad Mrs. kaaa of Uo Chrsttua saucanoa a( jj oommittoo of Ua church. Be aaked n . . u i .ire. ' f&i1!! aJk Mr. Colford. also Dromiaeat ia Uo ooaaioa of Ua bill's tariff aehedulee, from Uo govorameat for bis personal 4 prUtiftaef U2S,000 mad for the par fori told tho clerk. e did not kaw. aaaas of that camp alto will hart to be Mr VaaderbUt who was married la Basd, This statement wa made IB a April, 1903, begaa divoreo proceedings , letter Beaator Overmsa roeeived today la Newport, B. L,ia August 1919. Aa ' from Gtaoral H. M. Lord, ctvlef of U interlueutttry decree of divorce -was finance' dMeloa of the War Depart- graatod her Uo following Ootober aa snent. ' I the groaad Of deaoruoa, ana Mcamo Litintioa leaktaav.to. tho ettlemeat Innal sis months later. She waa give a af tho claims of Uo owners wf Us land custody af their daughter, CaUleoB, taken aver by the government is ow the 15 years old.- Mrs. Colford- also, la Us Federal court at BaleighJDuring obtained eostody of her two. minor recent hearings- mi ore uo senate ap- aaugntors. propriatioas eommttteo rjenator Uvsr - ataa aikeo General toM as to -tn . ral funds for tha pnrehaso of Uat prop- arty. Uessrsl Lord Investigated uo mas ter and replied to Senator Overmaa in HARDING PLAYS GOLF AT FLORIDA RESORT JLACE lis issuaBea lm kuai..l dnrinr adav'a nartiaaa I adraaea of Us fall report ad tte Sonl- elaahes, from Beaator Pearoso Ut helmltteo oa Ut roaoJU sf its Uvatti- inteaded to proas toe bill . Whoa asv I gaiioa waa naauai. ous. vnsns sx- able to soeuro M agreement for vot-f plained that it bad beoa deeided fto ing text Tuesday Beaator Pearoso asked break away from long established rules for eo-o pe ration from Ua Democrats i aa me grounds or xatraoaf m one a t4 u.rl dnml . metlna hv. Feb-1 Justly accused. raary IS. N Whea Uo nasi report oa Uo whole Deay Filikoater Plaaaed. Inquiry Is sabmittod to Congress Itwas - Beaator Underwood and other Demo- jahl tho eammlttoa won Id reiterate la erata protested against the effort to Xx mora formal form its belief Uat Ua a voto Bert Taesday, considering tnaticnargo waa wiuous juawicauoB. dobato bad boea bogua oaly yesterday. It was explained by Mr. BtseU Uat Beaator Pearoae't proposal, Mr. TJader- Uera might have been some improprlty aight it the First Presbytoriaa ehureb sumption of Trade Heard Be fore Senate Committee Waahingtoa, Jaa. teV Argumeata for and against reaamptloa of trade With Soviet Buaaia were received today by tha Senate foreign rflations committee, which also heard charges Uat Us Bute Department actually was maintaining a blockade against that country although technically Bone was supposed to exist. Hpokeemea for organised workers ia many lines of industry appeared to support -Has) resolution of Senator France, Bepublieaa of Maryland, which would enable Aiuerieaa Xrma to accept gold of Uo old imperial, Buasiaa gov orameat which is being offered by Ue Soviet authorities ia payment for for eign goods. They said resumption of tho wafer..- tart ,?-.W0'4 L lZSJZftLiZ. LINNET PLAYED A MIGHTY POOR GAME OF PARTY POLITICS Threats Bring Down Wrath of Majority Upon Republican r Legislation DEMOCRATS WILL CAUCUS -TONIGHT TO TALK IT OVER Sentiment Af ainst Republicans Solidified By Attack Upoa. Heal Bill and Cry of Eotten Election Xaws; Westers , . Democrats , For . Zxtemina. tion of Minority , .1 s. nuen is uo opinion 01 esand their pIaioa. asaylan.4 , """ efy' will boT borne .ut mWrnm? afflrmiag allegiajiee to tba welfare legiaUUoa eaacted ia 1917 aad 1919, giving ita uaqualifiod endorsement to Ue Bute Department of Public Welfare aad asking for tho department aa ia ereaaed appropriatioa from Ua legisla ture ia order to make affective tho total State program. Ia additioa ia authorised tho executive board to proceed with the formatioa of a Stats Council of Social Ageaeiea to bring about a elooer eorre latioa of Uo activities of Bute Depart' meat of Public Welfare, churches aad volunteer agencies, institutions of higher learning supported by the State, aad private aad deaomiaational insti tutions of higher learning.' Tha confer ences expressed its appreeiatioa of Uo hospitality of Ue Kaleelgh .WomaV Club and found in that hospitality Ua ideal of service typified ia tho Stats Conference. The eessioa of Mlaority Chairmaa Fraak Liaaey played exeoediagly poor polities Taee-' day aight whea he burled threats at the majority delegatioa ia the Geaeral Aaoembly 'of whst dire things weald come to paaa if the Democrats didat do thus aad so. desired by ytao Be. .. publicaaa. Such ia Uo opihioa af themselves, -ITike Srmed whoa Ua majority caucuses to u im wssocrnra pass ine roaisinetua; bill. aad do aot paaa a "fair aad koaeet eloetioa law," served ao purpose, aet Uo face of thiaga, except to solidify seatiment among the Democrats to reia ' la the burgeoning ambitions of tho Bo pablieaas, pass Ue Neal bill, shot dowm tight oa allowing any more Australia., ballot bills to pass aad geaerally tot that Ue majority has raised tho wUto flafj 1 SoaaterIjBderwood added uat o would agree to a voto alter a wecx tba following letter roeeived today: "In I Loni; Vilit AshOTO of President. or tea days' diseumion. - eoanectioa with your question during tha reecBt hearings before tha appro priations ommHtet of Uo Senate rela tive to Us oondition of funds for Us purehsss af real estate ia conneetiea with Camp Bragg, N. Ci I bog to ad 1 visa ia response to your .inquiry Uat tba funds are still available for Us pur ' dom of completing Us real estate pro- - eurement at Camp Bragg, if it is finally authorised. The aet of Congress of Feb- . appropriatioa. r 112800 f or the WI..A )!.. 11... UOC Aeiaji vs uiaw. sasuug, , , V, The Coast, Beaator Hftrriaoa. Democrat, of Miss issippi, characterised Us filibustering suggestion aa utterly without louada tion" bat Senator MeCnmber, Bepub lieaa af North Dakota, said he bad "a mere euepieioa'' Uat a Xlibostcr was planned aad Beaator Kenyoa, Ko pnblieaa, of Iowa, added Uat "appar ently a filibuster would prevent pas- sago of Ua bilL ia SB Utterance of -this kind from the chairman af aa iavostigatiag oommittoo ia ad ranee of aa official finding bat Uat there was argeat demaad for aa expression at this time ia view of Mr. Schwabs public service. , -Xadieationa of Uo committee's feel lags oa Ua subject was given, by Representative Footer, BepubEean, Ohio, while -Mr. Schwab was oa Us stead ia New Tork yesterday. Both as B member of Uo committee aad as a eitixoa, Mr. Foster said he wasted to express ' bis appreeiatioa of Mr. Schwab's work and the inestimable ser- li a a .. . a. a ' ' purchase of real estate at Camp Bragg. - Tha construction division or us quar- eMja,. mhjmT'i a? f !m . la tinalil SA t. determine at this tima how muth will bo necessary to complete the purihaee f of Uis camp as Ue ataounte 'involved are still ia litigatioa.' . -v Anhdale PosUfflee CoaUaaod '. . - Proteata- lodged . witi. Us postoffiee deiartmcnt by Senator Bimmohsi aad " , Vi Z depart immediately for Miami, postoffieo at Arebdale, "'p -1 . T -sniimK ' Carolina delegation- wer. advised todayrt ATTEND TARIFF CONGRESS lor ue on ice vq am coauaiira. - Arebdale is aas of Ue oldest postof fieea ia Uat eountys having been ot- -- tablishsd more thaa a eentury ago. .Let-. . tore from patrons of Ue office toSeaa- . r.i .. . ..4 i.k.l sor DUiBiM lUHt Aeprwa,BuuTV anue soa uaieaio. vans a cuaooauBspaxo would cause txaay of thorn lnsonvea ioaee, aad ita retention was urged for. "this reason, aa wall aa for tha sentimen tal reason that it is one of Ue eldest communities ia Ua eounty. Many years ago, HSBU, rename was nvai a n-aJ .of Boaton. viaitara to tho ooa- ""Ji T grass. . J. P. fiillapa, Atlaate, waa ehair- High Poiat's commercial development mt tv. JTm to meet -'Fort Pierce.' Fla- Jaa. 26Vr-Prerident- eleet Harding cruising dowa Uo Flori da coast la the hoc so boat yietoria cams ashore bora . today to play golf aad took lunch at a Fort Pierce hotel It -was his longest visit to land siaee Hiring Uo brief diaeumioa aa tte I vieo ha had rendered the country dur- ho left St. AugusUBe b has delayed merita or tna jegiaiauoa Dcnntor xiar- a , . Uo Victoria so Uat aha probably win riwi cbart4 tbat tne was Broker -:Committc mmbcw ww cMiBviaeod not complete her run' to Miami before la Ue wool schedules by whieh most by Ue testimony" saM Representative Saturday, j . ,..,, ? imported wool would be charged a CoaaaUy, Democrat, Texas,. who, witt Tha Proaideat-tleet made two rounds tariff of M per coat instead Of Uo 15 Chairmaa Walsh and P"" of the Bias-bole golf course hre aad per coat rata ia the bill. This, Ua Stools aad Foster heard it, "that Mr. hia boots boat did not get away from Miasissippi Senator declared, 'would bo Schwab did aot race re a dollar from her dock aatil S aVloek ttta aftornooB. effected by a provision placing Ua Ua United States shipping board aa She anchored tonight about SO miles to higher rata aa wools which are sorted. tompeasatioB or at axpenae mhUe the Booth of Fort Pierce and will reach ' . Weald Italoo Sugar Prleea. frviag u director geaeral af tho West Palm Beach about boob tomorrow. Tha . proposed sugar tariff- alao was Emergency Fleet corporatioBi and that Mr. Harding plans to lunch privately I diacaased by fewaator iiamsoa wao os-i bo piv n mv I'ww " stared that, -oVespite Kepatinrsa cajngiaewienem rpteei sfry?! paiga pledges to reduce the eon m pj uw cuupping soaro. v, m m.,- living. Uo proposed sugar tariff of Atlanta, Ga, Jan. M. Calvin Cool- id re. Vice. President elect aad- MrC Coolidge- arrived hero toaight among heat of U tariff on OobaasuKar aad Both Beaa-. Uat much 4a Ua coat to consumers. Senators 8moot, Bepubliean, of Utah, aad BaBsdell,T)emoerat, of itoaialaaa, conceded Uat tte angar prices would DO increased la tBis couatry,' to tne ex- thc vanguard of Ua delegates aad visitors to Ua southern tariff congress whieh will bo Opened hero, tomorrow. ,' Thooaanda of spectators 'braved a moist saow aad rain to about Uelr welcome to Mr. aad Mrs. Coolidge who war accompanied by Mr. aad Mrs. Fraak W. Stearaa and Captain J. 3. haa placed it ia the raaka af Ut bust - ling cities . af North Cs rolls a, while Arebdale is still Us. euiet charming Tillage it waa in Ua aldea days. , 6am Leffers has beoa appointed post- master at Gloacestcr, Carteret souaty. Two resale A. Nelsoa, restgaed. . , Norms a 8hepard, of WilmingteB, haa been. deairaaU to toko Ua West Point entrance examination. Tha examlnatioa wUl be held March 1. . Ia his apperBBea before Ue-Eoaae ways aad means oommittoo today to argue aa la crease la the tariffs oa iav portatioaa of cotton produeta, Nelaoa Kershaw, represeatiBff the Turkish tow- l Industry to tt. Vaited PUtee, rsal to Ue committee a letter from 1. W. - Caaaoa, Uo Concord, N. C masafae rarer urging that Uo duty h fired at 45 per seat ad valor Bk The Cader wood law rate is 23 per rest. Mr. Caa bob eaid ia his letter Uat Japaaase ex porter! were flooding the- Amerleaa osarhetyaaA that km eoacarrod hsartOy la the auggeetioaa made ia Mr. Ksr- (CoskfBwed Oa Pag Fowr tha Vieo Proaideat-olet which iaeludsd Clark Howell, Democratic Natioaal com nUttoeaua from Georgia, army officers stationed here aad local business mea. also aa Ua domes tie crop. tors, however, argued Uat tte raise was a t esse try to aid American sugar pro-J dueers whom Beaator rJmoot said, ware being forced to sell Uelr product at two cents a poand below produeuoa ooeta. Se Bator Simmoaa expressed tte belief tbat Ue propooed tariff imme diately would rtusa Ua pries oz tjaoaa sugar to S oenta, as. compared witt Ue p reseat prtca or aioo,t.ja seats. ' Plaeo Xettw la State Pitosa. Kaahvillo,- Teas. Jan. 26V Matttew Eoastoa. IXu youa. aegro charged with a murder of Ive year old rraax uaiiy, im tho suburbs of Menrphla, 1-tn the State peBiUat jry acre Xor aarc xeep- NO ONE HURT SERIOUSLY WHEN TRAINS COLLIDE "3 ui rived tm xtaaavtue wxiafaim aarry o- oay. New Bora. Jxa. 2t Norfolk 801 pa see agar traiaa, Xoa. 46 aad 1SS, eol- lided aoad-oa at Bishop a Crosav Bear hara. nl 10:4S this ataralar. rasnltias in the- alight iajary of aas. traiamea. The Cathraa, member at Ua houoe af rep- ' Baeatir Cathraa Klected Jadge. Columbia, & G,Jaa. . Thomas P. passengers received a had ahaktag Bp,! rweewtotivca - from Greenville, ' aad bat none wore injured. . Tho etnas af the accident his aet boea determiaed. Both traint are said to have beta maaiac at full speed. who., Ua oellio-i ioa acearred. The" impact waaaed the eagiaa oa Uo aerthbeaad train to turn ssmpletcly ever, slightly iajurisg Eagi aoer Oroea. Tho oagiae oa Uo soath- boBl:trti remained tprljM et the track. Traffic oa the liae was. tied. ap for about li hoars aa a result af the wreck. speaker of tte house was elected today by the Booth Care an leaislataro oa tha thirl ballot to oaeeeed Ua lata Aa ststaat Jaatieo R R HydTkk, c. the tufroms Mart af U. State. ' r , Bedac Wsrilag Farce - Tampa, rhv, Jan. 26v Notieca have bees posted in tho Atiaatie Coast Line railroad loops here t1 at Port Tampa aanoaneing that oa February 1, a 20 per cent redaction wiU. be made ia Ue working forces. . u . i geaey fleet eorporattoa as a - pan f. the-cost af-sblpt Wilt for. w United States as intimated." era! aearinn here next week, but Iti was said Uo voucher incidewt, certainly so far as it reUtod to Mr Sehwab, ing scjsioa was devoted to a diaeossioa of programs of recreation. Tha eorre- oa resolatioas for action. Tho corre lation of social agenslee was Ue topis for Ua afternoon. ' BegiaBlag at 9:80 Uis morning, the conference will hoar -brief meosaires from State - laatltutlpBa, and at ooh will resolve into a bueineea eessioa whea offloers wUl bf eJeeted.. T Thirty mlnatoa later the. new axeabiva board will asset aaA U aeaferonea will be over, -. - - - .;'' Xaut Bigbtl eemio. of the Coaftr aea with Preaident H O. Branson, pra tidinf. was opened try prayer by Uf Bev. W. Mea White, followed V a soio ay Kiss ntitaoi i - us vol so faculty of MerediU. Dr. Knight waa introduced by Mrs. Clarence A. John" son, director of the 'Child v Welfare DWislon of tho Stats Board of Charities tad Pablis Welfare. - Looklag to North Caraliaa. Throughout Uo aatioa," said Dr. Eaight, ia his address, "movamoata for child relief are looking to North Caro lina and the present testioa of Ut legir laturs witt BBuaual interest.. This it true aot oaly of the South, but of Ue North and East aa well. The Child Welfare League of America, consisting lioving Ue preeent industrial depres sion whieh has thrown mora Una three million persons oat of work. Tory lag Ononis Ispreaaed. Joha Bpargo of New Tork, wka hat written , extensively oa Buasiaa rendi tions, expressed Ua opposite opinion. In a formal statemeat which was ad mitted to tha record.. ha declared that renewal at trade -might easily prove Us ? ,r ' moaaa af bringng about Us aoUapte "??.5!??-Wi!?" 21 tte" M of aot eatirs economic system as vast rraiils would have to" bo txtendeX to tightea legislative lines to tho aad Uat tbs Republicans get little. Stop Minority Bllkv Two speeilt things, aad corns gen-" eralitiee, will bo takea ap ia eaucuc tonight. First Ue Neal bill, rearraag ing Ue SehatorUl districts iq such manner as will redoes tbs miaoritr; delegatioa ia Ue Bennte from 11 to 0. and, secondly, the pinlnga of tha BeJ publicans to adopt Us Australia a baJ' lot la whatever counties may be rep; resented by them. Aad geaerally Ua matter of allowing all local bills offers by Us Republics as to paaa will be diet cussed. i Geography eaters right largely tat Ua eonsiderafioa. Eastern Democrats, coming from counties where Uera are . bat few Republicans, regard them very . largely as a tteory, aad weetera Demo crats, coming from eoantiet prose ta ' a mm Ska SaaiVir DocltrUt Uat LeBtae tad Vroisly' pieaopouaed Ruuiag-y trade, Senator Brandtgtt, Xstmblieaa of Canaeetieat, asked hew it would bo possible to work tat plans for trade with Russia without dealing with them. Beaator France plie4 that "British stetoamsB have woi a toBditwiu sometimes a serious ecm- dltloav -Waattraert who have to battla with thsm biennially are VUling to ga trmmw mm no roaa icaas to vara ex termination, while easterners would be mild and allow ttent soma Jatltads and torn voice la State eeueolla. ,, .. . Bastora Pemoerate MUder. Bach was Ua state of affairs wh Fraak IAnney got hit. Xepublioaaa to ed out a plan for tho possession of the fthr Tueoday aight aad expounded trkolo of BttsslaB trade. ' aad Uat he bo- lieved Amerleaa etateamea had ability equal to that of the British. Charge Uat U Stat Department maintained aa actual blockade against Soviet Buaaia were ' pressatod to Ue oommittoo by Mra. Harriett Staatoa Blateh aad Miss Luey Brunham of Uo Amerleaa Womea I Emergeaey Com. mitteo. They declared Uat the depart ment bad preveated thou orxanixati from sending clothing and foodstuffs to needy Bussisa children andttat ships af...?. .J'l bfW .d btc. preveated from directly interested la ehildrea ia Uit eountry aad Canada are giving Ua North Carolina situation, ao far as pubiie welfare it concerned, special attention, boeaaoa of the affect the aetioa of tha present legislator will, have apoa States makiag oat, a State program for Us dart time. "Tha Commonwealth Fund . of Mas- saehasettt, - who sbbubI ineome ap proximates oa million dollars, is pro posing to appropriate 1330)00 annually to tt child welfare movements having permanent aad wide eignifleanee. Dr. Knight announced North Carolina has already benefited from this fund, aad the speaker, who is treasurer oh the fund, stated Uat part of hi baalaata ia Raleigh it to give such asaistaaee at he auy in assisting pubiie sentiment ia the matter of child welfare- It ia tt fervent hop of many eat going to Russia. Finally, Uty aaid, tha ecramittee had boea forced to send it supplies to the' Amerleaa - Frieads Society ia England lor transportation to Jtussis. 14 Dor representatives Before the eom- partisaa scriptures.. He mad th west, era Democrats sevea times madder thaa they have boea lately, aad he made th sastera Democrats mad eaough ta ttead np aad fight for anything tteir brethren from th hill eountry want. He appear' to hav saeeoeded admir ably ia killing off any hop , th Re,.-. pablieaas; may-hava bad of concessional ia th way vof Seaatorial dittriete. Australian ballot and sundry other pat schemes they hav boea nursing aloof sine th beginning of th oettioa. - Majority May Use Power, v How far th power of th majority will be applied to the minority aad how seriously its threats aad its thai- . lenges .will bo takea remain to be do-. veloped ia Ue eaueul' toaight. Th temper of the average member has been mittoa included E. C. Davison, secretary aroumwl. end tha innresalna vrnwa that of the International Aeeeciatioa'of Ma- i0methin is la store for Ua minorirr ehlnistet Joseph Beloeabcrg, represent' ing the Amalgamated Clotting Work vn i.i.awTuva .nil., aimviujr xiraij, president of U Broth erhood of Fire men aad Oilers. Mr. Davisoa said the Russiaas needed, 15,000 locomotive snd that tt oonstruetloB of these U Uit country would give employment to maay railroad workers whs hav beoa laid off. Mr. Seloatberg declared Uat 150,000,. 000 Ttostians wsrs Badly la seed of clothing, shoes aad many ether thing tbat the tupplying of Ueat from Amr YOUNG STATESVILLE MAN HELD ON ASSAULT CHARGE Btatetviile, Jaa. L Th pnllml nary trial of Stoke-Bell, charged witt arimiaai a.aawi.. m .m.i mm m m.yvmt resulted ia ' young Bell s bwiac re manded to Jail without bail to' await trial at tte next term of Iredell B poriot Court, which eoBveae Moadty, January tl. Tha hearing, waa before Mayer Bristol la th eoarthoaae ia th preeoBee of a large aamber or people. Th axaJa witoee for tt Bteto wa a lT-year-old -arphaa- gtirl- wha- told i of driakiag a aoft drlnB aad WhUXey wlta youBg Bell, af ridiac ia aa automobile oat to Uo suburbs of towa aad at ha iag assaulted by hint wkQa in a ttupe- Sed eoaditioB. Tho cersaa Mreroa a tottimoay. . .. . . . -v.' - 7r MAKKXD mrPOTEMtXT ur s WIUO!a CONDITION, COX BATS Waahlnrton. Jan. to There haa beoa a "very marked rtsiirV for the botrev iat Preoideata Wilson s aoadiuan tine laV-aamr, forme Gevernee . Jamo H. Cot of Ohio doelared today-after a 40 minutes vieit with the Presideat at U White. Hoaao. The executive, Mr. hCoa eaid, was "heavier tad mora robust ia ovsry way" thaa he wa aa th oe- easiea of the former Governor' call last sammer ooea altar he had boea aomUated a4he Demooratte presideat- iai oaaviulata. ... . , 4 that that it not altogether pleating to them. Of th liaaey threat to go to a Bo- pMbueaa Congress after relief . nobody -taket it aeriously. Nobody thinks Uat aay Congress will go back to carpet baggsry which lingered oa the books aatil Cleveland was" flirt Inaugurated. Nor is criticism of Mr. lAnaey's r sitioa confined to 'tbe majority parity. Maay minority member added their ' opinion to that of maay Democrat yes terday. The eaaea wa a personally eondueted affair, they aay, and moat of. them went there nnkiowing and aa- cbawTted arte ttrgweral pa epsaa4. intent- of tt meeting. They- think fr, JmJ-.m--m-f ""Mm SJk and to ao purpose at all, save to stig la aranM aanaa tKa MnmnttA, Af . sio of ortt CwoliBa,? he aonUnned,rit ... . . . . . , .- . . . . i ... -mat wnatover aetioa ia uaea urn yvari dn I tries. by U tegitlator, in all b a stepia I xtt. ITealy told . th committee ward mtfmm. " ...ji ..i.. .i h.j. J "Th comparative aaoeeot ttteadint Md ln Wew ,f tni ,k,rdahip labor wa .Wtter Btment a tha part f Uf) """ trnvmrnm a,w n ac--. SBBOriBg UtroagBOOt tQO COBBtry UO V. , - . . . chlldrea 1 a matter af pereeatege af rorernment't policy ahoald be to allow Tk Liaaey delireranee aoaaded b success,' Dr. Knight declared, 'diving immediate resumption of ttst trad.- te thMa hea they were all there to- inte tte subjeel matter of hU addresr. - informaUoB a to the meaas empToyed gether, bao a good campaigaepostbit No one system, h aaid, haa all tt by ether nation to trad with Russia bat 'whea ttey got off by themselve adraatagea aad bob of th diaadvaa- ... i.,M , tha enmmltata h tnn. ad got to turaing . it over ia Ueir tags bat eeientine data ia aot at haad I tu. Ma.iM h , indu ia hnaiMal miads they realised, that ha had gone on whieh to determla accurately Justly Boston who 'was presented to then1 don it, aad tha amicable relatioaa what method will bo moat tuecceafuL J eommitte by Senator Frnnec, and whose I thus far prevailing betweea the two la- From a careful study , af all U sys- temi, th speaker wa at tt opiaioa that tt ideal ryrttm eombiast tt vir tues of tt receiving horn for abort time car aad with a placiag out sys tem. Greatest poeaibl car ahoald be takea, he said, not to receive children in instirutioaa until every mean . of giving th child a fair flghtlng chance tiaatioa la Russia, witt hi r bar own relatives ha been I , , . r - STORM WARNINGS FOR ThTr rreadeT. aafal ' avaaalaarlM tmW allildaan ' Old I -' . i ' - eaoagh to receive it aot a much to do- ' Waahingtoa,. Jsa. 26VStorm . wara tormina feeble mladedaeet a to f arm lag -were ordered displayed aa tt nam waa withheld. , H waa eaid to told th eommitte that th tystem vplred th eadlng of good to eoun- trie eoBtiguout to Russia. tTpoa tht arrival of tha ahipmtnts, Soviet agent wtr aotifled aad after examaing th good aad paying for ttem ia gold they aeoompaaied the ahipmenta to their dea- rtieln th Leglslatur atood a mighty In chaaee of being disrupted. Toaight! caaeus will diacloooJust how far Ucy were right. ' . Y . . t DX. ALOKXMAN WILL KXPKBSKNT t VIRGINIA GOVERNOR IN XUKOrB Biehmoad, Va, Jaa. 3S. Goveraor Da via today delegated Dr. Edwia A. Atdermaa, prwsideat of Uo University of Virginia, ' to rep re seat him aa a member of the eommissioa ta go to England ia Us spring to present to Great Britaia a sopy if th Hoadoa statue ef 'Washington. Th Governor hat found tbat his official duties will for solutioB of problems of North Carolina aad Virginia eoasta, Ut I aot permit hia leaviag the State for the Kmmmwimm .. j aeational niaaausa and I weather bareaa aaaoaaced toaight. aamatiam. - ... Tit aietarnaao wBtca -wa ceaterea km tmw aadieal care essential to the I yesterday aver . Alabama, car of depeadeat children. Dr. Knight I ported tonight ever Soothera Georgia doeiarod that tt greatest ehange ia jmeviag BorUweatward. It ha beaa at Droeedar la Ue maay flelda at child 1 tended by heavy aaow la East Trnwee- - - . . .1 I . V . g- . 1 m.T . h. atadv aanaa-roeeat yaaraaaa.Deca nil" teereaaed stresa pat Bpon diagnosis: Any hnadred ooaaeeauv eases ri trio, Th statae ia Virgiaiat gift la roeogBitioa af the friendly relatioaa that exists la this State for Groat Britaia. - - - 1 - - - - - . TB1RTTJIX- riUWKO BBOWN .--V WBIN SCBOONSR WRECKXO - Maaila,-P. L,- - Jaa. - XuV Thirty-alx ,. Filipinoe, maetly wimea and ehildrea. West Central North Carolina Bad rata aad eaow ia Soath Tirgiala, the tatarin af Ua Carallaaa. North .1. . I ;...:.. Gaaiwia. Taaaeaaaa. Kaatockv and tte were drew Bed ia the wreekin f the Dr. Eaixbt aaid. weald ahow peaaibly'J eoater af Mieaimippi valley? i ttre masted ast-wia. achooaer Pili. SO rnoath breathers, nearly a haadred Thar ha boea a marked. faU Ta uaa. aiewa -aeaora aaa m-ip.y weald hav bad teeth. 23 per eeat would temperature la the wf etate hat pounded M piece ia a fanoaa etorm at baader weight, half of teem" would crtaf weartier ti predicted vr the Ue asouth of A txnir rrauoca , Moviia iot Hraacrrvw sua a riaa lain -a -. .- fCMtinowd oa Paaw Twal - I tempera tar Friday. ' laalvod her todayi . .. v m'j