is t uk via nit itarU' Cecwlln Tele Friday end sWsrdajr ahrb rials liHtilil - eirvr 1 Be news mm TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENT3 VOL OOI. NO. 28. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. " RALEIGH, N. G. FRIDAY MORNING. JANUARY 28. 1921. asm ess. ATTACKS COTTON LLS FOR T. iHuL IU.I President of United Textile Worker Tells .Committee About Worty Carolina TwiWMILLS RESTORE ff SJXTYJHOUR WEEK Hotwithiundinf Hifheat Pro. taction Accorded Any Indus. . tryy ' Employe! . (Vet Lowest War tb, John Golden Asserts ; dumn Clark Tor Probe of Campbell Contest Tha Nswe aad Obeerrrr Bureau, W3 District National Beak Bldf. By JOR L. BAKER i (By Special Leased Win) Waehlngtoa, Jsa. tlW. W. Cannon, of Concord, the big eottoa mill man, ia . the . ton -hear inn . before TAKING DUCTiON - ir4j, today, whea John, Uotaea, preet . a... ta- t'ited. Textile ,-WockeM, tnM h committee that ths reading p( . - . . , ... J... I . ed him to make aomsaobservaiioas on the textile industry Jn North Carolina. m " Golden laid ha Una just m nf several daya i that Kt.t. ..and that withia the last two - - weeks upwards of 20 eottoa mills there , bsd restored the 80 hoar a week work ing barfs, tad that upwards of too tenant. f mill houses had beea served with Bot:.'c of evietwa unless wey sc mmtmA h nmw hour schedules. Mr. Golden aaid that withia thre weeks, Mr. Caanoa had ut stages at his mill in ner Hit. n.-nt reducing them SO rw cam .an loiiowuz wn -' week, with another 10 per eeat tioa. Csnnou had joiaed wita wiaer mill mea in urging tha ways sad anaaas committee. -to give the riaanfaeturera protection if they wera ta eonUauo to ... ran tha taills and keep wages whera they are now. ' Tj Flrht Wan Redectieau ! Ooldea. ursed upon tha eommlttes ; that if they granted tha maaufaeturers tha protection against loreiga cum petltloa they ara .ekiag, ttey iwralra i tha maaafaetnrera to gia gaaraatees ' that the wage and working eoaditioas of tha Bull workers shall aot Da lowar- . "It la straag that they ladoatry - uh a. a-l tka kiihest proteetioa ' : aeeardeia any- ladustry j ader tariff ' . rmtmm hill iiav tha lowest watM Ha woTkera," said M 6oWe who daelkre that tfie-wprMW wera going a kep wages wkera they ara ow.'rf "' following Qoklea's ta4mnt about ' waaa raductUi at tha Caanoa mill, - eprwntatlT Hnll, Democrat, aaktd Goidaa if ha knew what diTldeada that mill paid last year. -Mr uoiden ata . aot know cxaetly, but promised to up' ply tha lafor: intioa ; later. Soma of tha Southern etttoa mills bow redaelag "wages ara understood' to bbto deeiaraa v nearly t 100 per eeat atotk and cash ' . hridendn lat year. Rtuart v W. Cramer and Winston ' Adams, of Charlotte, wera hare attend Mr. Cramer was s mamoar ei ui cot . Inn mannfaetnrers aommlttea which laid before tha House committee a brief today rgiag reatoratioa at a una - achsdal Tirtuslly the same as that eon tained in tha oil Payne-Aldrich bilL ' ' Clarke Aaka Far Proaa. MThea BepresentatiTa Fees, of Ohio, chairman nd his aaaoeiatea oa ua jse puVritan Congressional eommittea ad , raneed funds to ". Ike Campbell to praseeuta his eontest for tha Cangrea- eioaal teat of Tanner Bob" Doaghtoa, of the Eighth North1 Carolina CoBgtes- ' aioaal district, they shied a stone into BhorBct'A-aest-mt kasatartaArlkc hornets bussing about their ears. . As a result of this aetion, "Champ Clark, tha minor: floor leader, rn trodueed tha following resolution in ta House t iayi - A - iWheraaa it ia epetted 4a tha pablie ' areas that a political orgaainatioo cam posed of members of tha present Hons of BepreeeBtativea and members-elect "" of the Hoasa of BepreseataUroa of the 67tk Coagrasa hare aduraeed moaeys for tha purpose of enabling persons desiring to contest tha election ef tboet holding eertiaeatea or. auction se fnc Wiauharess.Ttg "Wharaaa ia any aaea contest. Vert of tha C7ta Coagresa will alt as iadra in detarmiaiag the1 meriU sf same, therefore be it, . "BtaolTod that the ' committoa on alaetloB - Preeideat, Vice President and BepresenUtiroa in CoBgreas, er any aab-eammittee thereof to be deaigaated by their chairman, are aatherised aad directed to iatastigate aad report to the House prior to the adjournment of tha present . : session of Congraas what fuada If any . hare been; proan IsedV given, loaned er la any way placed at tha disposal ef parsons who jiae la (nested a pnrpoas , the aleetion ef any person who received certificate ef election to -the House of BeprasaatatiTos ef the 67tk Coa greas, by each political eommittea com posed cf members of the present Eoase aad mempera elect ef the 7ta Congress. Said eommittea shall also ascertain aad rspsrt in eases where sid ranees have been made er promised to be made by war of loann, what on thority if aiy ksa bean er ia being required aad given aad what protniaea made by the ptopoaad. contestants for the rcpaymeat of same. Said aom mittee m antheriaed . to eead for per sona aad pep re. - to administer oat as aad to sit during the sessions ef the Hous. . Itepebllcams Te Bwry 1. . ' The resolution waa referred te the ralrs eommittea for a report. It may -taried there, beesmss tha maioe- Taembe'Jir f ttat contailtiee weaT be in any harry to rvjmrt it eat aaa allow disrmmiea on tae floor ef tha motives that inspired Dr. Fees, and (CenOaeed em Faga TraJ ' " I PRESIDENT-ELECT ! . .... , - , - n. ' -J. 'if-' - v. , '. i . '-' ..';.'...,'' K ' '' ' - ' ; .' . - " ; v.r x ; ... - ; ; ' - 't ' i . ; ' ' ' 'Ji - ' -' 1 4r- -' - -l . (r r I,:-. vrr. Kwinw kaater. of Baltimore j. and irM.ii.n.ilart Hard Inc. ttlotorraDhed at St. Aurustiae. Fla. Ths President-elect displayed quite a fondness for the chubby youngster. MOUSES DISARMAMENT PLAN Bi-Partizan Support For Idaho Senator's Plan Given During Senate Debate Washington. Jan. . 27. Bl partisan support for the nival disarmament movement was given .in the 8enate to day daring diseussioa of Senator Borah'a dlearmgnseat resolutions. . Senator Borah's plan for an official determinstioa of the future taloa . ef big skips la the American naval pro gram waa eadorsed'. by ." Senators Me Kellar. of.Tcancasee.'iand. King, ef Otah, Democrats, pkila 'Senator JSorah spoke at soma ienrth ia behalf-of kb) The disarmajnent fllseusjion wa-la-J rerjtyf4 in the Senate tariff debate, rate 'While tha Senate diseussioa was in nrecrew. the House aaval commitfcet i. etpontd indefinitely tar - hearing ef General Fcrsbinc : oaj ' disarmament, acheduled for tomorrow because of eon tinned illness of BeprrsonUtive Butler, of Eennsvlvania, committee cbairmaa. Senator Borah declared It the people ef the United States, Great , Britain and -Janaa-could give .voice to their opinions he felt confident they weiild ipeak for an agreement to- reduce naval building. . ua aaaea ne won m later, the ngf mUopi f rom , KHbagoot and ethers, for postponement until ntter the inauguration, ef the new adminis tratioa of action an his resolution looking to a naval disarmament between the three pewerev ' r " ' . "There arc twff waya to aeresi ai. armsmeit," Senator Uoran aeciarea. "One ta ' anooso -1 it. conscientiously. Another ia -that adopted by others ia tmhlifl.llfe who are willing to give lip serviea te disarmament but conjure np all conceivable -metnoas w secure dewy." v - ' Thn Tdnhe Senator said his . other resolution, ealliag en-th Senate Naval Committee for an opinion aa te whether tha American aaval building program could be suspended for six months until the value ef capital ships should be de termined waa designed to develop. "as definitely as can be known What wui bring Bt aa-affleieBt juvyJL t Many , hiah navy r efflcers, - uanaaor Rnran acid, believe that capital 'ships have lost their value because of tha de velopment ef submarine and aerial war fare, but were naable, he says to state their real opinions. In this connection he pleaded for what he described as the release oi ine rest uougns mi w ud aJicd that offlMBts migM bb able to.gira their real views to the gor Notice was served by the Senator that if tha aaval committee should aot' act oa Wareefllirtionof inquiry ha would introdaeo another resolution calling for a thorough .investigation of the. aaval program, ths relative value ef capital and all ether ships and types of naval armament. ' Rcnatnr Klnc also urred an xhaurt tveiavestigatton"l to- determine what anita .would snake a modern navy. He cited that the present building program wis adopted ive years age, before the United States snterea me .war ana -Before 'the change wre wrought., by tte submarine and ndded that it should be settled whether the United States should proceed with, big chip construction in view ef ths change in" na ml' warfare. Senator Oerry, Democrat, Khade Island, int cTmptrd ta obscrrt the in 1918, dor img the war, Secretary, Daniels reeom meaded aa increased naval building program. . Benator avmg lapura uw Secretary ' ' Dcaicla recommendations were not approved by the American people and weald be "repudiated" if re art f - SL.l newed. : - T... : - '- Heavy Saow la Sevaanak. Ruuk. Ga Jsn. S7- Ssvaaash wss visited by a. very decide ssowrali todays It began shortly before a e eiooa snd ia a short time was falling ia srrh aonntities as to attract marked at- tcatien.-. ;" '--".'.' . lexington, Ky. Jam. t7. M.a 0War, the champion thorouirhbred. arrived, here today la a special railroad car from Gl.a Kiddle Farm, Berlin, Mi, to beLn his career aa a Cm." "' i ENJOYING VACATION ?I - SI - ---X, ' J -13' and New York, with her baby, Ewing. California Senator Assured (That Senators Can Present Views Oa New Treaty , 'WashiagtoB, Jan. 17. Assurances that tha State Department would aot give its approval to tie proposed new treaty between the United States aad Japan until opportunity had iboen afforded members of the Senate and others in terested to place before the department their .arguments, were given Senator PheUn, of California, today by Secre tary Colby.'- - 1 . -i , . .Senator Phalan called at tha State De partment to ciplaia information oa th report submitted by Roland St .Morris, American ambaassdor'ta Japan: with e sneer to his negotiations with Baron Shldeaara, the' Jspaasse 'ambeasedor here. Secretary Colby explained to tha California Bcaator that he had aot as yes resa tne repors. Senator Phelaa after hit eoafaraM Vaid that Secretary .Colby alsa had surad him that no hasty action was con templated. Senator Phelaa added that he insisted a full opportunity had aot been given to Senators Interested in us Japanese question to express thsir opia ions, although he. and Senator John son, of California, had discussed It a few times with Ambassador Morris but prior to the drafting of the ra port. . . .rAaibjissMefTaohafa ;.ai9"M the State Department during the day, but it was explaiaed.that his visit had to do only with an effort that had been made to subpoena certain seamen of sfj Japanese ship recently at Norma, laey were wanted as witnesses ia a ease of allered violatioa of tha prohibition law, and Ambassador Bhidehara told the de partment the ship was now nader way te Honolulu, lie also lnxormea tne ae partmcnt that be had received m fur ther information from his government relative to tha Jjengdoa incident. LOSES TWO YEAR FIGHT - AGAINST EXTRADITION Enirlishman - Chased - All 'The Way From Bombay, India, UoJTewrUaasr-U.SJsir r New Orleans: tau Jan. S7. Two years fight' against axtraditipa to Bom bay. India, to face charges ef "Cheat in Parses Jewelers there out of part payment on costly Jewels,' was lost in United States ih.triet Court acre to- dsr bv Charles Glenn Collins, son of the fouader of the Seotch Publish mi Honss of , Collins, and a World War veteran, when . Judge Foster ruled against the arguments ;of his counsel. - Arthur Fuller, senior police inspec tor of the British noUea at. Bombay, ar rested Collins In . Now uncana - two ycara ago, following', him : from 'India throuxh-Camb Voleartier. Canada, to New. York and thence here. - While ia the House of "Detention here Collins escaped to a-British vessel ia the har bor but was . captured several hoars later. Collins waa senior military in structor at Cam Voloartier. Collins,; a graduate or Baaoaarst Military Academy la England, served with" .distinction ia thc ;British regu lar army ia-the Boer, war, where he was eited for gallantry and won his commission aa" the .youngest major ia the British ' army, - He served in the World War at -Jintw erp aad Oallpoll aad was later -wounded on the wssiera front. ''' ' .- ':- His father-wae head, ef the great Seotch Publishing House ef Collins. One -brother, Sir Geoffrey Collins, ia a member ' -of - ParliamenL'' -Another brother served on the commission for the autonomy ef Iadia. - Unrest in India among' natives ana the alleged inability of the British oa account of this unrest to girs him a fair trial was eae of Collins conten tions i ifctoiar extradition. - Coliina, it ia explained, . poaohnoed from Oaneshl . Ial -. aad . Pohoomnl Brothers, Parsoe jewelers in Bombay, Jewels paying part in cash aad the balance-ia drafts which were returned from his London bankers dishonored. He ia now at liberty 'under 110,000 bond and will take his fight to ths rii.Ui t .lcs u Drums Court. ' . NO HASTY ACTION REGARDING APAN litis ATTACKS THE INIQUITIES OF WHEAMARIFF North Carolina Senator Shows That This Country Can Conv pete With Canada SENATE DEBATE RUNS FAR AFIELD DURING DAY Utah Senator Aiki If It Would Wot Be Proper for Oovern. ment To Proride Pensions ' 7or Unemployed; Louisiana Senator Wants The 8ufsi Industry Protected Wsshlngton, Jsn. 17. The Fordney smergeaey tariff bill was theoretically before the Senate today but was dis cussed only in a speerh by Senstor Simmons, Democrat, of North Carolina, aad la a brief debate oa sugar Items. Speeches wera so far sfleld at oae time sitTSlre !!rs-;i-V. North UaaoU. -d addiftaad.ivJikta w-javne to battleships'; jnd asked wby the Uriff f TiilT? t.w .w. t. . publican, of Jdaho, spoke at length on the general subject of disarmament into which other Senatora were drawa la debate. Senator Walsh, Democrat of Montana, discussed the- landlord tenant laws of tha District ef Columbia and Senator Bansdell, Democrat, of Louisiana, entered aa emphatic deaial to published statements which, hs de clared, sought to link ths liOUisians Senators with big sugsr interests. Blmmeas Deaeaacee Measure. Tariff debate, however, waa not with out Minted argument Benator. Sim moaa speech of more thaa two hours was directed at what he termed the Iniquities of the proposed legislation. Ha charred that Conrrrss would be ex secdina its bower in enacting such legis lation, and asserted that Its provisions were 'confiscatory ia that they would eomtwl consumers to par tribute. The North Carolina Benator also took Senator MeOumber to task for kla at titude aa wheat protection. He argued that Mr. McCumber was supporting lecialation which not ealy would in erease tha prle of bread aad cereals. but would place tha United States ia a poaitioa to saffer retallattoa at ths hands of Canada, from which Mr. Mc Cumber has said tha "dangerous wheat importations comet - Ceaatry Can Bxaert Wheat. ' Denying the statements -at Mr. 'Me- Gumbar that Canadtaa prices were lower ihirn those 4a the-CaHed--States, Xlr. Ximinout s qaotcfl.eiBeuu tatiitiej to show that prices Baa variee. uiue between' Minneapolis and Winnipeg, This eoaatm tha Senator added, la en an exporting basis aad therefore tha slight " difference between the prices would have no effect. K rv. ( Timrnaol. ha aoa tinned. 'It does aot matter whether the Canadian wheat goes direct to liver pool er comes through the Ualted States and is milled here. The tariff pro posals will aot stop that, aad if they do it meaaa we will have to pay more for mf hra.d and our flour. I Senator. King, J)emeerat,.-f Utah, asked dartar t ho- tfiacnseio waeuer tc weald not be proper for tne govern ment to Htake care ef the uuemployea with a pension if it were going to take tmrm nt- the wheat farmer and the Louisiana sugar grower." He declared that Conarress should never estaDusn sueh a precedent aad asserted thst the loaaea of other lines OI were equally as important waam snrar rrewcw. Mention of Louisiana sugar brought from Senator Bansdell ths declaration that if the Congress could do anything to relieve the agriculture industry, it ous:ht to do so. Hs said he did not believe "present "conditions would MSt forever aad the iarmcrs soouia oe uura over the emergency, Tha dflbata then turned into an open fnmm oa etmr. and Senator Penrose, shairf of -the finance fJamnunee, fol lowed yesterday's tactics in, asking a rceem. thus keeping the bill before the Benate aa unnmsnna business. Jnst nrior to the reetes. Benator Hpen- eer, Bepubliean, of Missouri, introduced another amendment to afford protection of two cents a pound on sunflower, sesd and ta cents a srallon on oil from sun- ilowtr n- ; During the day riensrw Penrose circulated a petition to invoke the cloture rule and limit Senators to one hoar's debater oWen on the jill, but 'the movement had aot developed tonight. rtva KXCROES CARRIED TO ' LITTLE BOCK FOB BArEaxsriNU MamDbis. . Tsnn. Jaa. ,Z1. Five wru. who have beea held ia the Crit teadea county, Ark, jail at Marion for several days oa (barges ef assisting ia the escape -of Henry Lowry, negro farmer, who waa Lamed to death by a mob at Nodeaarfrhv last aight, were brought to Memphis late today aad will be taken to Little Bock for safekeeping in the morning. - ' f - Sheriff William Fish, who was In charge of ths negroes, aaid that feeling against them waa very high ia Crittea dea aad MimlsajDDieounties aad added I that aaeffort -to lyneh them weald probably have beea made tea tght, ac cordiag to reports he received. X BIU Bine Law. ''--';'' 4 Xaahvitle. Tean- Jan. STThe State Seaate today by a vote ef 23 to S killed the so-called Cooper Sen day bine taw bill which prohibited Saaday news papers and trains as well as Suaday amassmsata. , ,' XTEEia WCHXB OW-- - RECORDED IN STATESTILIJI St si ear tile. Jan. 1T Aoceffilar te 11 )acat-watacr abcervef r who aaa4o aecaraU maasaiemewls smew mssanr sd l( tach te ea level which la dnset recorded fcere with erne escepsJaa ta U yearn.' In Febraary, IWI etxtoea Baches sececded here wss ta, D0UGHTON-CONN0R ROAD BILL STARTS J State Construction and Main tenance. With 50 Million Bond Issue PROPERTY TAX IS NOT MENTIONED IN MEASURE Honse Passes' Bill Xelierinf Penalties On Delayed Tax Settlements After Two Hour Debate; Neal Proposes To " Double Confederate Pen sions Proridlng for the eonstrurtioa aad maintenance by tha State of a "State system of hsrd surface aad other de pendable types of road, approiimate lr flJSOO miles in learth. built aad maintained by the State," the Doughtoa Connor road bill came to the House yesterday morning after two weeks I proponents la botnHouse and Benate. I """l-- faad to be paid, out of Fifty taimoB dollars to be raised, by and sinking paid, out of the general fuad, to which the automobile license fuad will 'be diverted for two years, the abaeace of a property tax, and the axtwnaioa of the present Highway com miacioa to nine members, -aeh repre senting a defined highway dutrlct, are the essential features or the bill, Tske Beada Immediately With the passage ef the biU, the State would immediately take over the contemplated mileage, with the general outline of the roada indicated oa attched map. and begla the work building and maintaining them. The authorised issle of bonds would made by the Ooveraor as the require ments of the Highway Commies loa de manded. For the first two yesrs, It estimated that oaly a part ef the auto mobile fund will bs required for main tenance purposes, and the remaiader will be turned over to the general State fuad to take eara of the initial le ans of bonds. The first public hearings on ths bill will probably be held before ths Joint roads eommlttece ; of the House and Senate during the coming week. One thousand copies ef the measure were ordered printed for ' dlstributioa, aad whea these are ia the heads ef the members ef the General Aaaembly, and the interested public, ths prepoaeata of the measure, believe the committee win be ' taadf te : begin hearings. Definite action, en expectec to ne reached before the middle ef Feb- rearjc, : -: Introduction Delayed Tha Introduction of the bill came eight days after it was expected to be offer ed in the House. The delay waa oeca- slui cd by differences ef opia Ion arising as to the extent ef the road building nroaram. and proponents of ths mea sure' in the House and Seaate, were" ef the opinion that it would be better to iron out difficulties and present a mea sure upoa which a larger a amber were agreed. The House was preparing to adioura a few minutes after the Itoughton-Coa BorWn bad been offered yealerUay morning, btit KepreaentaUre Townaend arose to ask for ths consideration of the Varser Senate bill removing the penalty for -'the non-payment - of taxes, a two hour debate was precipitated, resulting finally in the adoption of aa amend ment relieving the - penalties for the current year,, but leaving the statute untouched aa to succeeding or preeea ing years. Calamity Breaks in It was the first time that calamity bad beea heard ia full try in the House since it came into eessioa three weeks sgo.- Members from the east spoke viaorouslv sralnst aay endeavor to eon tinue the present system of penalties. and would hear nothing of the proposal of the f Isaacs committee to move up the time of the beginning ef penalties from February . 1, to April . L. They nnaanotsV re'nwjsnfy they not H. The Senate had passed tae varser bill which relieved all peaaltiea. The House Finance Committee prepared substitute, movina uo the time for the operation ef penalties. Brown ef Pitt, offered -aa amendment removing tae Dcnaltiea for the year, and Bowie ef getter. Debate rocked around tha two amendments . antil BepresentaUve Doagfaton suggested that n go back te the committee to eee what could be done about it. - J '-' rDeaahtea Ends Debate Tha Easterners, with BepresentaUve Matthews for their chief spokesmaa, wanted immediate action en the matter, but the House had grewa so confused ever he issues that it was beginning to call for question on air. vougnioni motion. The ettuatton. was ' clarified whea Mr. Bowie withdrew hie amend meat. Mr. Doughtoa declared that his withdrawal removed the necessity for recommitment to committee, and ea the vote, ths Brown amendment wft adopted with virtual naaaimity, and the House adjourned at 1:20 to meet this morning at 11 o clock. Two other bills ef Statewide import- got- started la tha House daring ths session. Mr. JJurpsy eirerea. ay re. quest, a measure permitting osteopaths the orvlleges ef physicians aa sar- a-eoaa 1b nubile hospitals, npea eo nip li ases With ecrtaia regulations, aad Mr. Naal introduced a U preMag lor doubling the pension ef - Confederate Teteraaa and their widows, y ,i j Seaato Spaeda Cp.--J - Bpeedjng np the wheels of legUUtive machiaery, the Senwysflfcrday pam.C t bills oa their-daal reedingi State-wide H measures passed iaeluded the so-called "par deeraaee bill," the measure ameaditir the Mediral Practice. Act aallHslill -saaklsg it saJmwfal t gire false firs alarms, ail ef Which were passed without debate. , : ' The Benate also passed the Hoese rcselatiea UviUag Mra. . . George W. Ceedseed ea Page Twa) OuRNEY HOUSE TKLPINO Pl'PPT ON CAII OF 1CB HOLDS IT BOAT New Tech. Jaa. 17. A yelpiag nappy oa a cake ef Ire fleallag dewa the Baeaoa river todsy halted the Fort Lea ferry beat Edgewater la sniatatreesa while a rearae waa 'effsevedv"-"J" '"".' , , . " After Captala Jamea Baraaalgaa maaoaverod has craft along ssde Ike cake. First Mala Gerard Barry, de. meaded a Udder Sang ever the salt The ladder brake, Barry plaaged late the stream sad re appeared with the pappy la his ..Haalad ah re. Barep late the engine ream with has aew pel, which he promptly nasaed "leleto.- ' Kentucky Governor Calls For Grand Jury Investigations in Each County Frankfort, Ky Jan. f7. Oorernor Edwin P. Marrow today offered rewards of 'esth persoa night riding Fleming and Bath--sonaUea, ttirIt''makC grand !.7e gatioaa of reporta that beads ef armed mea iatimidated tobacco farmers last Saturday sight, and Instructed the State adjutant general to have four troops of cavalry la readiaesa for .im mediate actioa. "I lfltead to aad will use evaey" power of tha State to save the hoaor of the State aad to prevent midnight outrages upoa ita citiasas" said ths Ooveraor la the course, of a statement. "Every dollar, ia too State Treasury, he continued, "aad every soldier at my command ia pledged to the prevention of Bight riding with its outrages aad latimidatlona. Ths troops are ' atatloaed at Louis ville, Loadoa, Manchester aad Louisa. They are supplied with horses and equipment for field duty. Ob the heels cf the announcement came word from circuit court judge' Henry B. P. B. Prewitt that he would eoaveae a special Bath eouaty greed jury at Owlngsvills tomorrow aad that Judge C. D. Newell was likely to deliver a special charge to the Flemln eouaty grand Jury when It eonvenee .Monday at Flemtngsbnrgi ' The night riders were reported to have operated near Bethel ia Bath eouaty aad aear Sherbonrae ia Flem ing eoanty. In each ease, it waa aaid, mounted aaea called - tobaeeo farmers from their homes aad threatened them If they failed te heed warnings to cut ent tobaeee crop this year and hold ths hast crop for higher prices. OHIO FABMEr REPORTS THAT'- TOBACCO BARN WAS BURIED Gallipolia, Ohio, ' Jan. ST, Joseph Arriagton, a tobacco farmer living near this city reported today that his tobaeee barn, eoasaiaiag tea thousand .'pouads ef Hurley leaf tobaeee had Feea buraed last Bight by aa Incendiary. Authori ties believe ths fire was started by per sons opposed-to the sale ef the 1920 crop beeanea ef prevailing low prices. GRIP OF SNOW STORM BROKEN, BUREAU STATES Storm Eeported iAit KIfht As Beinf Central Off Xorth , Carolina Coast . Washington, Jan. 87. Belief . from the storm which for the past two days has beea sweepiag ap along the South Atlantic coast wss forecast tonight by the Westher Bureau. The stoma wss described as central tonight off tha North Carolina coast and moving northeastward. Fair weather aad slowly rising temperatures were following la Its wake, the Weather Bureau said, briacinsp relief te North and South Carolina aad southerir Vir ginia, which waa the most seriously affected, The Weather Bureau s prediction' to night for practically all ef tha South Atmntta Coast State, mi Fair Friday aad Saturday with slowly rising temper atarea. .The strong winds ef the last 36 hoars, the bureau aaid, -will grad- Bally diminish ia strength. The storm brought snow to North nnd Sooth Carolina aad southern Virginia, a mixture of rain aad snow te Georgia, and rain to Florida. The faU ia South rrnlin which reached a -depth, M nearly a foot ia some places, waa said to .havs beea the heaviest, ia three years. North Carolina received almost aa much snow as did Booth Carolina, snd southern Virginia was severed with blanket nf hiteneas:r!"'3"'--,r 1 fUaat arcnaananied the rala aad saow in soms sections, interferring with tele- rraDhie aad telephonic communication aad With transportation,. Former Kaiser Baa Birthday. Doom. Holland, Jan. 17. The former Ocrman Emperor observed - his sixty second birthday today. There waa no elaborate ceremony. His daughter the Dacheas ef Brunswick, aad two ef his oaa visited kirn. The condition ef the former Qermaa Empress is aaehaaged. GETS SEAT OF TROUSERS BUT NEGRO NEVER STOPt Oxford, Jaa. t7-Whea Depaty Ed Lyem aad hie, fellow sal cere .cieaed HMi eeapte ef negsa miiashlaira la the wssds aear Bethel chare earn nJgM this week with drawa gnwa they theaght they were prepared far any asnergrary hat enhasqeoat de telepaaeata mreved taeaa ta error. -"We Is gwiae away from kyar. ahawUd erne ef the atgrsaa. They aid, leaelag Ibslr hsaa end Depaty Lyem teak east after eae of eaeseed saeas, Jaat sa he easerod the briar patch, the officer. etambled. aacTla the fall caa(ht the aegre hy the eamt ef his paata ' The aecva smvwt saackeaea ass pace Wt Bwpwty Lywa smsrged frees ta actor patch wtta the aoa a the smahlaer'e "VrllcW la hi REWARD OFFERED FOR NIGHT RIDERS CAUCUS DECLARES OF Joint Commission Named Last Night To Work Out Some Plan of Action ... BOWIE FORCES MOTION TO EJECT SPECTATORS first Secret Canons To Be Held Within Memory of Any familiar With Doinfi ef General Assembly; Bowie Wants Help-On BiU To Abol- lsh Republican Treasurer REVISION ELECTION STATUTES After ejecting every Boa-member from the chamber laat night, ea mo tion ef Bepresentatlve Tarn Bowie, the . Democratic caucus sgreed to save the Bowie biU ta abolish the office ef eouaty treasurer, la his home county, which barely weathered a storm when Z, . to appoint a eommlaavon to redraft the ' tit.,. .ImIUU..A -.-r-- - 1 I so far aa the old timers sbout Capitol eaa remember, it was .ihe first time -that any Democratic caucus nf the Oca- ; eral Assembly has denied all spectators, -whatever ther party aiBliatioas, the privilege of watching the proceedings. Six years ago, a secret Caucus wss held, but newspaper mea were allowed to re' mala by courtesy upoa assurance that they would respect ths privacy ef the ' meeting. Nethlag Definite Determined. .. No defiaite method was determined . upoa as to saving ths Bowie abolition bill, but for the remaking of the elee -tioa laws, a committee ef three mea from the Upper House Seaators Btubbs, Oallert, and Varset, were aamed, nd -for the House, BepreeeBtativea Kverett ef Biehmoad, Murphy, Dawsoo, Neal j n : . j : .1. strnetloas to report to a further meet' ing of the caucus text week. Bed raft of ths slcctioa laws has beea " discussed by party leaders for some years back, aad laat Bight's caucus was to sound out the feelings of ths ma. jority ia this respect. Ths committee. is formed without instruction, and their findings will be laid before -a full caucus for discussion" before sny eon. , crcte program ia introduced late the General Assembly. The Bowie bill, which is said to have been the reason for ths ejection ef the s porta tort aad' newspaper men, was aaa , ef the first introduced at the present . session.' It provided for the abolition ... H the afflae of aonnty treasurer, a Bc pobiieaa, and turning It ever to the soaaty aherlff, who Is a ', Democrat, ehosea at the same election. - - . Coming ap ia tha SenaU- Wednesday, its Daaaare was definitely held np and yesterday morning it was amended to allow the treasurer to hold his office until the expiratioB of hie term of of fice Mr. Bowie, it is said, feels very ' , itch humiliated at this interference with a local measure, and appealed to the Democratic caueus to do something about it. Move will probably be made this morning to have It reconsiaerea in feline-to soBcur in -thr SBnato: amende ment The eatmeity of the lobbies, aad much ef the apace ia the galleries wsre filled a quarter of aa hour before tha gavel of the presiding officer, Senator Stubbs, called the session to order.. The roll waa called, a quorum declared present, aad the temporary organization waa mads permaacBt whea Representative Bowie made the "customary motion" ta exclude every person not a menfber. The motion waa eombattea. crisp, vi Data, moved to amend it to include Democrats ia good standing. Senator Brown, of Pender, said that as a rep-' reaentatlvO of the younger Democracy' of the State he was too proud of his party to de anything that required such carefully guarded secrecy. Bepxescnto. live Wolta aad others voiced use sen. timents, bat Bowie interposed, prov. testing against hurting anybody's leeI-" Ings, but insisting that ths room be cleared;' -I didat intend to kava any argument about It, Mr. Speaker, ks continued W . haee mattera here that must be dis cussed In secret IfVre have these others people here, the business ef the eancaa " 1 - T-" ' XI r Oim's amendment received a vociferous vote, but wss declared lost. ; MT.-BowU's motion to clear was put. fTho aves hsvs it aad the BergeaBt. at-Arms wUl git 'cm ont o here,'' said 8tfntor Btubba, the speetatorsrand the: newspaper men made for the door. Senstor Long's protest agilnvt the ex clusion of ' the prose waa voted down. With them went a considerable spriak line of members of both Honse and Senate, who declared openly en the out side that they would not sit ia a Democratic caueus under such auspices. THREE HUNDRED MILLION BUSHELS, WHEAT. ON HAND Wuhinrtoa. Jan. 27 Wheat stocks ea kaad ia the Uaitod States January 1. 10S1. totalled I20J0O0.00O buahela, ac cord ing to aa estimate made public to day by tb aepartmeni oi agricauui. The figure compared with 417,000,000 bushels a year ago. . . j The stock ea head this year was forty per coat ef the total amount ef wheat -available Jury 1, lttO. Deducting the average annual carry-ever of about TO, 000 ,000 bushels there remained avail able fot export aad do .nest la coasump tio. inAr . the six months f rom Jaau- ary I to July 1, 19VabMt 230,000,000 shcls. tha aaaanarf msnt said - WELL KNOWN- NEWSPAPER '. . ' MAN DIES IN ASHIV1LLB RIehmeadfi Va Jaa. ST-Charlea 0a aewspsper maa, who was a sob or tne lata Coloacl Charlee CB. Cowarlin, fey maay years president of the Rich mond Dispatch Company, died today in Aaheville, N, C, Hie body wUl te brought to Richmond for burial. ,