rrr u te he News and tllk V LA til EM . - KMtk CsraUao- Fill hmi what warae. Satardarl Baa. day W4r. erver i VOL CXIII.NO. 29. TEN PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C SATURDAY MORNING. JANUARY 29. 1921. TEN PAGES TODAY PRICE! FIVE CENTS I ITJtYfF I iff. I at . taarwaj Mm m4 atJ f . BEGINPRUNING ON MONEY ALLOTTED FOR HARBORS WORK . ,..' X ....... .... .... Republican Committee On Ap- - proprialioni cuis , Amount . To Almost Half Sum PROVIDE LUMP SUM TO CARRY ON IMPROVEMENTS Latest Proposition, HoweYqr, Does Not Interfere With k Earlier Appropriations For .stivers ud Harbors: Con. gressman Hoey Thinks Well of General Assemwy Th Newt and Obntwi Bureau, S03 Dietriet Natioaal Beak Bldg. Br JOE U BAKES. (By Special Leased Wlr.) Washlngtoa, Jaa. M--Tb bbbbbI river ead.harbor appropriation Wit. TWO HIM HOLD VP CAIHICB AND GST AWAT WITH SIM. Tuh Fla-, Jaa. U. Tw mea MM ap Caakle E. F. Sail lb, at th American Beltway Btproaw Cum. any 'a ala oaUa at Ua ante ata Itoa hot that afteraeea a Wat i4S 'clack Mt S away with a third aaan, coafodorato, la aa aalaia alto. They rarity of with thorn Ill.TN la cosh wt Iwa ata at Back, go. watrktaOsa, wK they welted frees tka aafa aad desk la tka cashier' ease. 1 i'' ArntODX.UUom?e)iltta,.wa only .wreck of what ,U " approved b'iwta TARIFF BILL HITS ROCKS IN SENATE Chances of Measure Coming To Vote This Session Grad ually Growing Less Washington, Jaa. X8. Coaaidtratioa of tka Forda.y emrgaey tariff bill u delayed la tit Seaata agaia today ad aaw rock appeared la ita path. Witk fillburtering openly charged, leaders of bothrtidea. declared tkat tka ekaacaa of tka aiaMiir coming to a at ia this session vara a-radnalrr ieut.ia'i "scheduled 'fat tomorrow' ut it ia plaaaed aow to' torn to th TENTATIVE PLAN ONREPARATIONS PROBLEM REACHED Proposed 'Scheme Provides Tor Payments of Annuities For Period of 42 Years AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL EXPORTS FROM GERMANY Solution By Committee of Ex pert Follows Widening Breach Between England and France; Belgian Delega ' tion Oiven Credit For Iron ing Oit The Differences f Parte, Jam. IsWTb aaaalaa tka committee af esparto af tka ' allid Mprowat caaacil aadad at o'clock tkla aneraiag, after having reached a caaaplcta ague, tseatt aa tka aytem af aaaaal pay. aaakltiaa ata "Grmvwf)t -rr4 ... r WOULD BRING NEW RAILROAD SYSTEM TO CL CITY Bond Issue of 5800,000 Pro posed By Chamber of Com merce Fpr Purpose NEW LINE WOULD LINK RALEIGH WITH NORTHEAST Extension of Montgomery Lum ber Company's Bailroad Line From RoleiriHe To Raleigh, And The Construction of Terminal Facilities In Ral eigh Involved In Proposition UNDISGUISED CHALLENGE TO OLD LINE LEADERSHIP IN GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE Notleo fcaa bca publiahrd by tha Ra leigh Chamber of Commereo.that a bill drawa op by that orjranlaallon will bo introduced la tht General Aaaembly proridinr for tht treat loa of a ipeeial boad and tai dlttriet ia Wak county Governor Morrison's Opening Message to General Assembly At approved by th ,',tu fin Ulatioa ia diaplated, adroeatet of tka a few dayt aro, tka bUl etrrijd appro prUtiaai toUllnf about 25)00,00 At reported by the Approprlatlona Commit tee todar. It Mrriet appropriationt of $lt,00fi00, witk aoeompaayiaf loadry elril -appropriatioaa (eoatianiar eoa traeU) for JM.7tW, Baklnf a total of 12,78a,700 awPropriated. Tkia it ealy a little mora tkaa half tka appropria tioat approved by tka Birert aid Har- biU admit it wiU be diffiealt to ft it for eoatideratioa afnla. Aabarat Cbarxea rillkaator. The eoatideratioa cirea tka 'tariff at today'a aeeaioa eonaitted of a apeocb ny beaator jubc, democrat, dub, oa Buaaiaa trtde, wbick occupied almott tkt entire afternooa and aontaiaad only oeeaaioaal refereneea to tariff -matter tad brief etetanfet ' eoneerntng tha meaainc of Senator Penroee'e elotare bore Committee. w'"" h.J petitloa wbiek wat eirealatod yotterday. Preaa). A eolation of Cmlee'th. bI rr".dpt Tb. ope. ekarr. of lliba.t.ri.( wat Otrmk. reparatioa. ra , Committee, tne oi earneo p- . - ..... .kM rv....t ..k. k bora tad etc trad. tBr"' tarlnrr ' arr owiimt -. raeBOBn. ccsaEKt today (Satarday) to eaderaa tko . aiieeaaeat, draw aa laatractlaBa far tka Bra . U reprraeatatWea aad fli peaaltiea far defaalta ky Ceraaaay. ' Prwiaier Briaad declared aa k crme from tao meeuag early tkla moraine tkat tka eeafereaee af the Sapreme Ceancll waald aat break ap wltkoat kavlaf reached a deS alia decialoa- Paria, Jan. ti. (By tke Aatoeiated tke problem of wat tentatively Jaadintlhe Montfomery Lambar Cil??1' Qorernor Morrlaoa la bit metaagt to tke Qenerat Aaaembly Midi To tka membert of the" General At temblyt Having railed yoar attentloa to tke larger problemt of the State la my I a augural Addreie aad arged your attea Uoa to them in a manaer which I be Here the people bare aathoriaed me at their tpokeamaa to do. r now deaire your iadulgenrw for1 tome further aad mora particular roeommesdatioaa upoa ona of the tubjeett dlaeAted ia my la augural Addreaa, of which I gart notice oa that oeeaaion. I refer to the tubjeet of taxatioa for tha tupport of the Btate Qorexnmont. f belter I kara been neculiarlr an- thoriaed to ipeak for the people of the btate upoa tbit moat important tub jeet, and I therefore apeak witk ton- tire diagraee aad thame, but what a wia ataieamaaahip and a great aad progreaaire fiTlllintloa tuggrat at wlae aad, without waate, aeeeaaary to accom plih the 'noble purpoae aimed at through tkeae inatitutlont. We do aot want to more aad kara our being a a crippled, weak and halting Btate, but we want to aland up like a mighty giant of rogreaa and go forward la the upbuilding of our Htate and the glorid ealioa af our God. . Tka man who hiiperti "do alow, we haven't got tke money"; "Tka people won't etaad for any fooliahneea,' 'it aaleep and doet not reallae lhat North Carolina ia de- termined to make our gorernment atrong for tke protectfoa tad upbuildiag of our people. v. Hard Serf need Blgkwaya. We muat aot oaky take care af tkeae BRINGS FIGHT FOR PLANS INTO OPEI ncnt pjf Jh people j OugfTrt ierrantt Of the peot," wd muet build a rax Disregard Budget 'Commission and Use State's Credit ' ' " Without Stint SWEEPING ORIGINALITY LEAVES MEMBERS DAZED - Abandon AQ Property Tax For State Pnrposes, BTame Two New Commissions and Give Executive Power To Dismiss . at Will; Presages Bitter -Fight, Opinion of Members 1 Ooreraor Cuk,tMtt :Htruo..iaktA 4 t;. e-n "n,.i.m. i fM. h. Rt.t Coital t8Drina- Tlooe. I P'eieiy re..e o ioo eou...ir. a-a money la building mud roadt. . ... . . . . i. 1 towna anil eitiea thia aonre af tazatkon : I Tk. Jk 4 tl.., naanviuo ana aormr juouni ana nnima ; - - - ; . t ,7 , .T" ... ' I 1 , v.. ,k. i. . . .w- out w ougm to icyj Bumcirnt huudi, i program thtll be carried tnrough, aadl" " ' ' other than ad valorem, to discharge the! tuy know that tkey are amply able to delivery of kit first meaaage, ke called uigu uunes oi m. great ana frnrvm.ww ds , tr thev can get their PUbllel'or a wow tyeiem or raiaiien, aaaea half aeeaioa yeeterday when, appear- the county directly with the'protperooa aortbenatern teetion of the Btate. Jli maiUrvof. extending the lumber company 'a line to Raleigh baa been dii eaaeed for aeveral rear, it being re garded aa a meant of eventually bring ing the Atlantic Coatt Line Bailroad to Baleigh, of making the State Capital directly accessible to tka northeastern eeetioa of tka State and of developing tke important and productive territory 8tate and to administer our fTtate gov ernment in rigid economy, though In unquestioned efficiency. Prolonged dis cussion and eonajderatloa of the sub ject baa resulted in a filed judgment by the people, of this State that td valorem taxatioa. for State purposes ia the moat difficult of all tax to levy and eervantt to enact the legislation aeces- tary. jr iiey aid aot treat tbree things done, why did they elect me Ooeraor of North Carolina! For I advocated the whole program ia tke primariea and ia tka general election,! that State institutions be nbrldlrd from tha Budget Coramiatioa't report, demanded a Htate arntem of hard tar faced roadt, tnggeeted the creation of two new department! to take aver certain functions of the I orporetsoa . involved. The Chamber of Commerce J collect in equity and justice tad that it from Swain to Pasquotank. How eaa Commission, aad recommended gtrber-,- we ran ine money wnn wnicn 10 payinatortai power to remove at wmeaou proprUtione totaling approximately S185.000 for continuing work new in progress on rivera aad harbor la east ern North Carolina, with those river nd harbor to therein appropriation! f something mora thaa $3,000,000 rec ommended for dredging along tb At lantic coast. - Jaatead of adopting recommendationl for tb appropriation! of given sum lor mtde by Senator Athnrtt. Democrat, I resehed late tonight by the committee Arizona- following colloquy betweea I of experts appointed yesterday ' by the Beaator Thomas, Democrat, Colorado, allied supreme council. ConJdenee waa aad Senator Pearote, relative to- ia- expressed that the council would ap- sinuations" f a filibuster. . The prove tha eommittee't plan tomorrow. Pennsylvania Senator assured Mr. The proposed scheme providet for the Thomaa that, ht had aot intended by ayment of annuities on a sliding scale circulating kit petitloa to inainuate that of from 1,000,000,000 to 3,00000)00 filibuster bad been organised. gold marks over a period of probably 43 Senator King then begaalhe epeeeh rears and alto twelve aad one-half per designated pieeet of work, tb Appro-oa Kuseian trad but wat Interrupted eeht ad valorem tax on uorman export Briationt Committe recommended a ny "senator Meuumoer, acpuonean, to inat nor ereauors wouia do paia, ac blanket ar lump turn appropriation, a. l Nortk Dakota, wko suggested that tb cording to Germany t prosperity, it will be left to the Secretary of War tariff wa th nbjet technically b- ' Follow Widealag Breach, aad tb army engineers, if th bill tball for tb Seaata. Tb latter mentioned Tk sudden ironing ont of differ- go through in that form, t determine I th refereneee mad to a filibuster and I ences came after two dayt of a eon wkare and how th money tball be tx-1 kO. AsbUrtt broke ia witk tk exela- tinually widening bretek that threat- manont ,Hl do aot intimate that there la a filibuster, I cjiirga it." Placate te Beat! Thereagkly. ' Th accusation, however,' failed - to interfere with Mr. Xing' apeeek aad for or tit four hour pe discussed Bus- recent ry took wp the mntter from the viewpoint of a eounty or community project, and a bill has beea drawa em bodying a proposition by wbick its framera believe the new line can be come a reality. Meeting the require ment of the law, the chamber hat pub lished notice -of the purpose of the bill and present plant .call for ita intro duction In the General Assembly tb latter part of next month. ' t Create Special Tas District. ia also, the most oxpentlvt to collect; that It is no longer necetstry for State purpose and that the counties .and town and special tax districts of tb Satte require all th revenue whloh eon b justly and constitutionally levied through ad valorem taxatioa upon the property of tht State. Tax Upoa Principal Property. Z do not deem it wit to occupy yanr time with arguments aad discutsion, be- eaus I feel sure that tht question ha Th objott of th , lcgifUtion 1 to I beea discussed for to long and with crest a special bond and tax district I tuck thoroughness that anything I eon Id Bended. However, improvement work aow in progress it not dependent oa th ap propriation! 'in tils bill alone, for th Appropriation Committee, in. its report a tb bill, showe that ther i bal ance of Si7 J 49,000 for thia work left from earlier approprlatlona. ' - '; ttoey S(rwa ie sapnas. ened to break op the conference, it being virtually suspended except for private conference. ' Official French circlet sir tb Belgian delegation credit for th meeaat ia reconciling tb British and French viewpoint. The project in, jt anal farm, when in Wake county, embracing the terri tory that would be directly affoeted and benefited by the extenaloa of the rail war Una. A bond issue aot exceeding SOOjOOO would be provided for construc tion of th 17 milet of rail liae. Ia tay would largely be repetition. We now know that ad valorem taxatioa it a tax upon the principal property of th people and that when levied by uni form rule infrequently - bean moat burdensomely and anjuttly upoa those tie. it rovarnmaaL Ita naool. ita trade! apprtrved by th feuprem aoaaeil. will aad lateraal eoadltloas aad tb pro-id auDnunea so uermnay xor aecepi event arrangements would be man lor ieMt ,ble to ply. A tax upon property tb aW una using cither the Be board eeaariiy reaches those who by reatoa or Norfolk BoBthera toralnalaia Ba- of jaflrmity, youth or teg lave lit lolgh. It i ertlmnted that eonatruetio tu stains; eapevelty aad although 7.T?7;!.l7!r:' Pwtin m property, aeed all th the Interest for the public improve ment aad tht current expeasee of the government? There it no difficulty about it if w will but get away from the idea that the only thing w eaa justly tax it the property of the weak ling and the widow, and realise that th modera tent of justice ia taxation tuggett less of the burden upon tht principal property of th people and more upoa annual income, profit and butineta, ' Th United State government for tome year hat beea levying and col lecting th largest tax bill ever levied and .collected on earth, and aot on I dollar of H it upon an ad valorem basis. It collected from North Carolina last year more thaa oae hundred aad elxty million of dollar, and every aoure of taxatioa used by tire United States government it available te th people of tkit puts. Of course, aa etate taxa tion, tom of it would k moat nawit aad I woald for oae-wiement adriat torn of tb taxatioa levied by the United State government, But w eeuld unl term. I a.,. i.. .1 . , " ' I uaiiea axaieo govvrnmrns, wus wsj ewuiu t lUnreuntntiva cx-Am Hoer. of the I naata awfcibHihmawt af a Mnaiuat I tnee aa aa arreement outeide af article I u.i k. .nnM .... k aannnnn I ... "'"'" Bov-enrning einssesi , uia,. ui atBer Nintk DUtriet, returned io Washlrigtoa repobUe, Hit titcutalon thereafter wat 233 of th pot) traty whkh ntruU mark; , S...0n.i. .,i ?. toneled by tb United Bute. Th j today from Baleigh, wher k went to Interrupted only wken Senator France, tke re park tion commission with th appear before th Stat rCorporation Bepablicaa, Marylaad, engaged with Usk Sxwig the amount of the indem- Commlmioa to resist tb applieatioa of hint ia . m debat ever actions of tk aity. Thaa another eoaf erenc will be th Southern Power Company foT an Soviet government. called to which th Germans will be increase in rates. Mr. Hoey visited th Whea tk Seaat reeested Senator iavited. Legislature wkil ia Baleigk, aad earn fang said tkat had mack more to Th committee of. expert! wat in tes- "back with the word that the Legislature say tomorrow and it' waa aaderttood tion at midnight eontiderhg the ques ts made ap of men or a niga averag i slso tkat several other were preparing I ttoa of shortening the period of pny - - St. ... I - W IIH, HUHU IU wUVJ I W www w.vveii piui, v uivHfliiw, I n,tid H..KU . k-. - V. ,---,1-. is on. for. th people of Baleigk and a Md h, Buu Mth i-C?2Ji !, idS! Pi"'r or deella. to do many tk.ng. th county to the amount necessary to I ,.,, .k fo? ar-fai-rlm additional taxatioi.- Th Ux vrhlch th. Zl,m0?.V? d citiei and c-th.l ill . -levy -upon th f lnt.lliir.nea and with th confidence I 4. . 1. i.--i. -1 1 ... I n tMrt wnf. tnr wliieli I .. k.4.1 ewuniies, 101 rf. lvy -pn meat f th Stat along a 1 tb line wai by tetderg t4 th, kat4)B. But it ia expected that the period of tion, and at th earn Urn th pretent "?. ' IVE '' . jrith which ijghae leislatfoa.,11,, 8f yiasay-atid I irtytw be adoptodXsMrt--f .4--Mtty Mi. Hoey it winding ap work In hit Th. vin ..a mnnm r tha Office, prepewatory to retiring oa March Uoaey measure which have om eves 4. when ke will return tb practice of I ,nn. tv. Trnu jaw la ooeipy, Aa amy order mad nubli at the I UADfllRlrS DSDTY DCArUCQ DaTatal Tianaatsnatit wr a m1UM Jtm i I 1 aVIltJ af I fill I I B wnartWw lawaltT vv aa Avaaa tiMVUt mwnmf a vw wan aw v Edward H. Hick from duty with th 'Fifth Field Artillery at Camp Bragg and directs him to proceed to Saa Fran citco, wber be will ambark for Manila for duty witk either the S4th or 25th as ' th whole agreement is outside the ni.nt . will mtmhm tha ink aW tn- I rmt mu.w4w KnnAm naiM k, a na I eOmlng mor IBd B10r eipettliv b- Oermanr-. . I cent, giring th county a retura of 1 e . 1 preper7 aotB mo fa Confereneet betweea small xroup of per cent Under suck a plaa th prop "- pec u peopie. proper committee of tha General embly ought to ascerUIa . what rev an North Carolina aeedt to pay tkt necessary interest upoa tb money which thou Id be borrowed to put oar educational and ehariubl institutions pen a sound and wis basis, and to build a system of.hMi-sure4 kiJi- way! in this SUte. .tnd thta Iftvy It. The ' money eaa be Touad without bp- pressloa or injustice to anybody. We can tax every bntlaest aad trade in without cause executive oflieert aot elected by the people. From approbatioa dh'at heralded tb meamge at tht greatest ' Stat paper tine North Carolina waa one . of the thirteea colonic, to oppositioa that Ihreatena doom to the ptogram th receptioa of the Governor 'a recommen dations ran the gamut of legislative feeling. Oa thing ia certain, th andlaguiae challenge to th conserva tive leedershlp, with indication! of generous tupport. presage a battl tkat may make the 1W21 tenloa memor able, - Both House! eaaaed th routine of ' their procedure ad assembled ia tk Hall of .th Home a few miautet be for noon yesterday. 8hort recette In each chamber had preceded the hour of noon, act for the appearance of th Executive. Neither had don mor thaa th introduction of a few minor loevt niMiur, lad tb clearing of th ea eadar of sack bills a bad aem front tb eommittees. Th Goveraor't tag ovorakadowed tk aeaaioaa, ; ; ' Aasotably Cheara Covomor.. ' ' Th Hoat gallery begaa tiling whea tb aemioa wuj convened at 11 o'clock. tke lobby of th chamber wat fairly , well tiled by the noon hoar, aad laborer brought chain far th 8ena. tor aad placed them ia th aisles, 8 peak r Grier and Ueuteasmt Cover nor Cooper at together at the Speak" er'i deakC l.Jn. NutUll, and Mite Ida Morrison, tisteft of th Governor, oci 7 copied ehairt at the left - of th speaker's-'diasv1 ejeounry' bond, would boar S per eeBtfJ' ' A"'".".?! Nortk Carolina and .lattify tke trades as tkey entered tk chamber. - interest, wkile .tke lumber oompany'i J' j 1 8J- " It buriaeme. W. eaa Ux income; Accompanied by a joint . Field Artillery, depending apoa assign' meat apoa hit arrival. . Two Postmaatora Named. Two North Carolina postmasters war ' appointed today. Kufut C Hateell was . appoiated postmaster at Archdale, Baa dolpk county, vice . Jess W. Blair, re tigned, and Curtis W. Stoke at New ton., Davidson county, ueeeding James , F. Stokes, resigned. Both - tr fourth elss office. . Charles A. Craig wat aamed acting postmaater at. Saw Mill. Tb Shuford National Baak, of New - tonr N. C, has mad applieatioa to th . Comptroller of tb Currency for author " " Ity to increase u capital ttoek from teofloo to siooioo. C E. Hope, secretary of tb SUtet viUe Chamber of Common, and Char let H. Turner, also from SUtee- : -of th housing conference of the United Sutet Chamber of Commerce - Tar Heel Organisation Completed. The North Carolina Society of Wash- . ington is about to get lata th swing of activity for tha winter and spring. Presidentelect Will Oo To Fish. ing Ground Td Southwest For Few Days - Miami, Fla., Jan. 28. Th house-boat Victoria, oa which President-elect Hard ing it cruising down the Florida coast, tied nap " tonight- at-Fort-Lauderdale, about 30 miles above Miami, and Is ex pected to complete her southward. voy age to tbi port tomorrow. Miami i th uthermost point 'ta 'h Victoria schedule, but after result if aa agreeemnt" were ntK reach ed. Tb general opinion aeemed to be I that, thould failure result, M. Doumer, I French minister of finance, would be I held respontible for raiting obstructions I to a tettlement of the reparationt quet-1 tioa and Sad it necessary to resign. I Persons close to Premier Briand ex pressed th belief that if M. Briand were aaable to conciliate the French view with that of th British he would aad eftiet and eountiea of the Stat larger revenue. - Stat Caa Bala Enoaxk Serena. Bat beesute we ro about to adopt ; new system of taxatioa under wbick ad w eaa tax annual profits 1 wo eaa levy f ranchita aad lnheriUnce Ux ete.. Our difficulty in finding revenue through just taxation it aothing Ilk so great a it it to find public men with tle eonrtge to go forward aad levy it. No Need For Extra Taxation. We eaa construct a system of high- ways la North Carolina without in creasing the taxatioa now paid one dol lar by limply adopting the modera con eeptioa of progressive government; borrow th money, and use th auto- nMtie.llt -mt. mA alia kWkK.Kl mm -Organixation has just beea completed, ak here about soon tomorrow to put a - iwiiwii 1 her distinguished guestt ashor for a appoiniaient 01 aa aaviaory eommutCC, I pn, e( golf. ( - - --'i ,.AA!l.fe,l5. SSI - Ptcpority of denaany. a follows: Member- at larg., Mr. Josephu pi,ed her for th President-elect aad panitls, of. Baleigh j, Mr. A.. W. Me- hi party, bat aftr eonsulutioa with Imn, of Lumbertoaj T. M. Robertson, him official of th local reception com- of Randolph; Mrs. H. E C. Bryaat, of mittee. announced that hi visit would Charlotte t B. H. McNeill, f WUkee- be celebrated enly by a display of fUgt - beroj Mrs. J. 8. Tomliasoa, of Bute- aad other patriot emblems. It aow vilie. By congressional dittriets, tb is xpeetodVtkat tomorrow' call here membert of tke committo art: First,! will b mor or lea perfunctory, bat .. .. . . I 7 - . rr- ,T. ... ,. mi osi rnr-iri nnnicrit aeiegaies went oa mia anersooa in 1 anion ia-.es oa an aiiracur invesimeni 1 . . ' MIAMI UN IH tlK tnUlit tB effort to dear ap th tangle in th aspect for th coontyr - ."f Te' but th Popl from ituatioa whieh had arisen. Th Bpeeial tax diatrict that would be socai government ootain mor oeae- tf.k a..i.tu. r. bi, I Miiul Wu tnllnm Ralaivh tnwaihln I St thaa ia th past, and mors thaa it Speculation was rife throughout the that portioa of Nona Biver township I received in any -ther country la. the day at to what ultimately would be the f lying aad being to tk aat of the Ba-1 jroria, 11 it, tnererore, necessary, an- icign ana was r orest main roaa vm 1 " " cimru me prog Miilbrook and Wyatt; that portioa of 0' our people, to allow the towns St. Matthew' township lying to the went of Neute river and north of the Miiburni road; and -that portion ef Wake Forest township lying and being to tha east of Smith's creek and to tht north aad east of Neut river from the valorem taxatioa will be released to mouth ot Smith' creek tk tke corner tb counties and the town and cities, of Neus river, St. Matthew's and Wakt w mutt not conclude that the SUte Forest township. will b enable t raise by constitutional The aotico issued by the. chamber, aad just taxation all th revenue which th. tArritAnr. .? ta Is ... .1 ... . revlmHo. ofth.onUr.FTo.che.bJnit. "?!!. th. intution. UbliAed. for the "J kJ ".IIH Lett ia th aftoocB-tllteTBttvo4 l.u!iw.mu s 1 ear ana maintenance of 1U an fortunate I ''X"h7ZYl" il t. propositus wn submitted to the pnchl "'MtTomery lumber Cmany rail-j,B4 defective people te rapport its ia- it ". -I.!.' f.l- dslegatea, providing for fixed annuities Jf '" J Pf"t "'" ttitntioBt for , higher-JearaiBg and to '.LlJ '.I th. pSXTZIT !f ti' ... m f - " , , IWaka Foreat tnwuhln. Vaka rnuatv I .n . .1-3:..! . . .5 - . I ClUllvely to tb Btat MM Of th taout twtaaget i ta lower xndiaa nver nuitiet figured oa Germany ! foreign 7 ' fTI.v eommonweattk. Wo caa Ui tke people .imL ..! 7 th .Vietoria gocinto trouble avral Li. r oa tk Norfolk Boutfcera Bailway witk-Lr th. Bt.i. .. -1. .iTi.r..t I titi " eoanUe.-. Th Ineom -?XmL- wi r.-i- 1 -n iT-i-tvi-i. r - - - 1 1 T " " T-iT 1 1 I IW4 I nH laVCTarai KV BTKak BaTatta. AtiiIaM I -' . . - . nmra who ibo Bmioju oDi.rucvioni ox i ., ThiJ Dlam WaVtv afffffttM to tir uitia-1 " -""v. v. uuuuu1 faction to th. French viewpoint that, ? ld:e.,r. to a point on , th Sea- owiag to th impoealbility of determia- "T!'" -" ." V"VI 7 ; d eitjr. ' ' A. C Io.RiM Iits Spring Bopo. : At tb pretent time th Atlantic Coast Line BsJlrbad operate a branch line from Bocky Mount to . Nashville to 8ptng Hop. ' Th Montgomery Lum iCommittt sent to conduct him to the Hall ef th House, Oovraor Morrison nteredl a quarter of aa hour past noon, and. mounted the platform. Tht asseta. blaga stood aad cheered a h entered, and -'agaia applsudcd him whea ho tamed from shaking bands with Speak er Urier and Mr. Cooper to begin, hi address. Ht wa ia eieelleat yoie ' aad read clearly, aad with fore. , Clear Cat Docameat. : No executive message, witbia the memory of hny present member of tb . a short atop kera Mr, Harding will traaaf er t I rf port th eireumiUneet to tht Chamber a fatter boat for a trip to a fishing I of Deputies and then announce the mobil tax . ta . pay . th . Interest, and General Assembly, -bas-eea BKro reane mai maintenance ana upseep u not a aew burden, but will be a smaller on thaa Is aow born bykeep ing ap th aiud boles of the Bute called roads. W ought aot to wast on dol lar of this money building or keeping ap dirt roadt ia tb Btate j our rev ground to th touthwest. H will to mala there ia virtual aeclusion for sev eral day before beginning hi retnra emit to St. AuguatU. Ja her sailing today through th tor- th channel aad oae had to wait for mor thaa aa hour while a big dredge backed out . of her wayln -on of th narrows. With her arrival at Fort Lauderdale, however, her trouiilea' were Ibk mow what fiimiiv'i aitnatina will I BMiC ' be in the futurer ao wt Vf Fraace ".'i.1' claim 'Ohemld'b-baBdoerV-jBdT thia pha th French aad other creditors of Germany would be paid 4t minimum consisting of fixed annuities aad aa ad ditional sum proportioBate to th eeoaor lad valorem taxatioa as with it, but with greater Justiej to all classes. Ther lis absolutely ao reatoa why wt thould aot rait, through taxatioa all tb. money t necessary to psy th interest apoa a Imffl.-lent Utu ot 8UW bondt td msJt th permanent improvemenU aeeeessry at our institutions for th car. of the unfortunate aud defeetlvt of our SUte and Ux 1 rigbtly COOLIDGE SPENDS TWO from Spring Hop4 to . Koleevill Via But a. The lumber company ia aow knl.ll.. .-a 4 HOURS IN FEDERAL JAIL vie 7u Voai la 4dittoa u "Ving it 'for aaaling timber to ita Um vlaat Atlanta. Ga Jan. H Calvia Cool-1 at Spring Hope. The road has beea idg, Vice-Presldeat-elect, spent tw I extended from Spring Hop tO WlUli hour ia jail her today. He was the! two miles of BoleeviAe, or tboat 17 urr" "TTv r..T"a7?a ' "fa aad at oar institutions for higher leara- expenses of aa economically admiaiat rod State goverameat. . Badge Beport Showld Net Bridle. -There thould be ao. extravagane or I wast ia this Stat, cither ia tkt perma- aeat improvement mad at our SUte inttitationa. or iaUtho annnal cxpenaee ir tb fairett 6t"aJf VmriiWs levied. Ia my judgment It ought aot to be graduated. W would not graduate a tax if wa war levying aa ad valorem tax apoa th property from which the income it derived, and a giaduated Ux Upoa the ineofne derived from the prop erty iajutt a nnjust at it would bo if levied oa aa ad valorem basis. If it wa proposed ia North Carolina to levy a tax ef fifty cent oa th hundred dol lar of value oa th maa owning one hundred acre of land, and seventy-five cent apoa the one hundred dollar of valu on persons owning two hundred acres f load, and so en, it would thoek the. lefts ef justice ef our people and tot for on moment would it be toi leted; but when w levy it. apoa the Mif Mary Weston, Swaa Quarter t See- Miami buioer scb ttiU hop that be I ,r,e,t of Warden Zerbtt, af tk AUaata mile of BaleigY The 17-mU extension, ft their aaaiBteaaac, aad certainly I lmt9m.: w fcaT f0llowea , popalar J W V. H WBTtl a- . . V -. l m I , 1 1 a..L. ak . . . B f S-. X 1 . aBh .a. I.. - I OlaaBBBsm mtBawaW law BaJ ' SBa JBaBar w4 Vt aw aBaaB SawaB Ot 4 B 1 . and, John Wilbur Jeakiaa, Warreatoa;! will mak a longer atop a hi way back Third, Jdr. u. r., Taylor, jtogaottt rrom ait asaiag trip. - , ; Fourth, William H. Pace, Baleigk ; , '" Fifth, JameK.Mebaa Graham; Sixth BERGD0LL CLAIMS TO GET o?:3So.;Tgh"u: .PASSPOrJTS FROM CANADA W. W. Scott. SUUtville; Ninth, Mrs. Gilmer. Brenner, - Charlotte .Teata, Mrs. Bcbeeea 8. HarrieoB, FraakliB. -Tha officer! of the ocity ares Pres ident, Edw. E. Bnttoa, Baleigk viee presideata, first, Mrs. M. M. Moosley, . Windsor; second, Capt. Tarry A. Lyon, Elizabetbtowai .tkird, Jamee Lee Boat, Salisbury; foartb, Mr. Eogen F. Hart ley, Clintoaj fifth,. Col. Alexander Willisml, Chajrlott.' Th ' secreUry- treaaurer it Eugese F. Hartley. Lexiag ton. Berlia, Jaa. IS. Orovor (V Bergd'oll, American evader, and Isaa Stoekar, ki ekauffear claim to havo passport try means of wkick they ee- j eaped from the United State ia Jaly 1980, and resehed Germany byway f Eaglaad aad HoTlaBd,s eayi a dis- patek from Eberbaeh. Badea. today. Carl Naaf aad Fraak Zimmer. tke alleged 'Amoricaa detective "Who wt tempted tk kidnnpping of tk tw men, ar still b custody. V----,:. .Mil .-..i.lu x 1. m-.-.-A . Am. k. - I inerw aoeuia oe most xigia oooaomr iai.ii.- ..a - .- v.-i: . t j ... ... I . ... . . I ,K. . h 1 n ImtmmUnm mr ... . n. I - . . - . paaid ay airs, vooiidg ana woveraor Dull a, too wobm eompiet a rail route I tsung th tax. Dorsey, of Georgia, and Parker, of I from Baleigk to Bocky Mouat vUlBO V ,Bii?tio1 "I Income Bate Skoold Be Fixed. LoBiiitna. Th Belt Vie PT-.id.at did I BolesvUle, Spriag Hope aad Nathville, fTV7, L V ?. Z . .1 I ' bcHev oar income tax should bo a art talk to any or the prisoners, tt I Although aothing definite ha been I "- . V A wa mid later, bat limply atad the I made kaowa, tk ibllity ef th At rouads of th big prisoa. laati Coast lis aoqairiag th an tin Mr. aad Mr. Coolidg, her for, the road ia vat ef it cemplctioa ia aot .1 a : . m I . a . tweeping ia itt recommendations, mora clear cut ia ita definitions, , nor has any ever been heard with mor pre. foand atteatioa. Her and ther, h wat applauded, bat for th moat part th interest was too intent to brook interruptioa. The Governor . read, rapidly, and the 3,000 word message was through within hs4f an hour, and -the Executive returned to hi cham. ben. . ' ' Campaet ia form aad clear cut ia itt arrangement, th message dealt direct ly with .tb ph-a .of 4aa .- tdwiTia., tration's program, taxation, expansioa - la support of th Stat institutions t with th eonstruetioa of a ayitem of kard surfaced kighwayt; the establithn ' meat of additional administrativ ma ehinery, and tb vetting of eohtrolling """ power in tho haada of th governor over th appointiv executive officer. Each was - discussed at length, . but . without th as f word aot necessary to th conveyance of tb speaker - tkoughta. ... i All taxes oa property thduld be left to the smtdler eivic anits, and U Bute left to depend": apoa - indirect ' sources of revenue, he declared. Tho income tax, the privilege 'tax, iaherV tane tad p refits taxes were poiated out a (oarceo of revenu aufficieatly productive to tbk care ; of tk cost ef aa efficioat aad eoaomi Btate ad- x ministration. ' - - ; Straight apoa th hoela ef th Gov. Soathera Tariff Coawreas, were guests I rearardod aa remot. at a receptioa later ia tho ay aad I .The completioa of tkla Hao would, cat were eatertaiaed toaigkt at tho Capital I tk distaae from Baleigh t Bocky City aub. Tomorrow night a Vice-1 Mount by rail tl ht U miles, and giv rresiaeBi-aiect wur sun mm saarsws ni u arst direct rowto t that city from a aerro cawrea. no win o lauoaueeo by-GvraVr Carsey, srk arranged the meeting at tke reqaest ef a oommlttee of aexToes. . - 1' ""' Tb Bextieeting.ot,th cicty-JtUir T r A"rIaa-JBflifit)t ., U Xotlwaa, Atlaata Gets Major Lsotwo rtaywr. tt State Capital At preseat it is a -sary to chaag oar at SeJma, Wibost or Weldoa to reack Bocky Moaat from B- leigk by rail. AJsa, traveler from Ba leigk eaaaot go to Spriag Hope ueoat of - Nortk Carolina would be through taxatioa for th next two years. Th progressiva. f tb SUte had Just woa a great victory. We were pledged t prirr. Wr had ameaded oar Btato CoBotitatioa apoa. the subject of tii"f , Wo had cleared away tb b- taclea aal mad ready to tak car of tkia State' aaferraaatr -aad t make oar institution for higher learning wonky ' f tk g la ' which w liv. What tho itptcoenUtlseoof this wew day ia Nortk Caralisa weaM de cob Id set be lag Hop aiill Itaey ili tak fnai Ik an ilk It I Srst-U Boaytte'rtl!0iln Tki preduec a feoling be beld B lb ere ing of- febniary XI. In addition to tka basinets meeting there will b a program f variouo fea tur. of vocal aad instromsBtal music, tCaatlnacd Oa Fag Two) according to . ditpatebe f rota thcue- copied area today, atat that a or ders for actio a against Bergdoll and Bteeher - wer iasued. - The inquiry into the incident is proceeding tb dispatches add. ' . - . rmn...MJ((Ml The root weald make it poo- " fear aad a danger of iajimtie,wbjeh t.. "-iwjaveaaJh CaeUlv, ia Nash i maaaged tho Syracaae (X.- T.) baseball team last year, ke beea obtained by th Atlsat Southern Association elab ia a trad for Barry Damraa, iafielder, it wa tAsoaaccd toaigbi. '- i" without going te Bocky Mowat finst" u Ta't, f tht Uttto, aot merely Aaotker dirwr aeeaaa ta th. i;..ltO giv to Oar tnstltatloa fot th an- of tk AUaatit Coast LU woald .1. I fortunate aad defactJve aad oar tasti- . , . I tattoo) for higher ioaratag what w ' (Coeitiaaed Oa Fago Two) Imast giv to save araolva from post; fixed rat above th extmpiioa and let j craor'i declaratioa for th abaadoamcat each maa pay according te his Income. I of th property tax for State parpoeo This is just, and if' thit principle island tb release to ooaaUeai citie aad adopted ther will aot be a murmur of towns of this score of revenue, cam oppositioa throughout North" Carolina hia tweeping demand for a a stinted sup. from th! worthy mea aad womea of port of tho State's ehariubl aad oda. th But aad business interest from cations! institutions and for 'tho eoa whooh so much of th income wiU, aad t true tioa. ef a system of hard surfaced ought to, come; but whea w depart highways. -' L '" from the principle Of uniformity in - Attacka Budget aVaovt. -rate of taxatioa, there it a priaelplc Tk Goveraor't attitude ca taxatioa te coatrpl as, and, tke body , levying waa generally knows, but no. oa waa .. tb tax empirically decide how maeh prepared for tb declaratioa that if roTTeweujTrosxrcr weep aaiu toe report ef the budget commissloa aad pledg Ut8tate'sjtrdik for xUnjMvxpaa-!- srv ef Stat institution. "Ka art of mea had aav rirht to aa- dollar aver ki cxemptioa ought to pay I tieipate what tho iaomo af North Car a oerUia amowaL.aad a maa with aa I lias would bo through taxatioa for the rrighlftl people of It rfe incomes. The nit with aa income ef five thousand - (Coatiaaod Oa Pag W) (OsotiBajad Pag Two)