he New mj4 ULillltt PsHly sleecr aaa1 warmer, with preaakir Sa. day. Mead ay Islr Sad eeldef. erver m VOL CXIII. NO. 30. TWENTY-DC IT PACES TODAY RALEIGH, N. C SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1921. TWENTY-EIGHT PACES TODAY ' PRICE: SEVEN CENTS s . ' jwkw 1 mo Olbs I . rjtv'fi i Ann. I , . . w. paaea, Sta miasl l re aa) aad eve I . OFFER PRESIDENCY OF STATE COLLEGE TO 0. MAX GARDNER . Proposal Comet To lite Lieu tenant Governor To Head Institution "PRESIDENT riddick has . NO INTENTION TO RESIGN Capital Gossip Baa It That An. anal Meeting? of Trustees Will Eetlrt Dr. Kiddick and Nam Hi Sneoessor; 'Mr, - Oardner Will Decline Honor If Officially Tendered ii tetirement ..Dr. Wallace C. Rid dle, prosidsat ef the Nortk Cnrolla College ef Agriculture tad Eagtaeer lngaad the eloetloa ef O. Mas Card mar to rueeeed aim whea the aaaaal meeting ef tka Board ef Trustee aext JrtWomf wnjlofflelaj elretee" about Postmaster For Fifty-Two Years With Perfect Record Behind Him Weehtaftoe, Jaa. tt Swore at tk r4. DeaartanoBt la Waaklaetaa haw that la at Wast cava Tar ! stmal who m atajr ea tiva fee, refardUoa ( waotao Uva RepahlJcea or Psmssrnll Mr la la ft. BJ la B. D. Spring, Ml It at MU Creak, la Be if art . ty. Be haa beta bonding t Ika auU ta Ptroa af Utat aaVa alaaa Jaaaery M, IMS, Sfty-tw yoara ea laat Tesaeay aad there Ma aerer Mam mark agalaat Hav Bay psetsMts deartBat ' oMclete. Tkla rasscd a( aaallaaaaa eerviee la hwiii. by aaa other aaataiaaaar la tk oeatry. la la B. J. Baa, af ClaaayllU, Lcklgh eeaaty, Feeae, who wae appelated November 11, IMS, Bad therefore haute Sprtagoru reeord by Hula awn thaa thraa goer. Caatala aariarar, aa ba la kaava, waa kara Marck 1. 1IM at Caaa May, K. aad waa a aaafariag aua la bla aarly 4aya. aarrlag la taa V. B. Navy dariag tka War Batwaaa Ika SUtaa. Wltk bla fatkar aad alttor krataar ba aaav to Baatb Craab la 1844 aa4 aafag4 aaataaafalty la tka aaw aiUI aad atora baalaaaa aaUl INT vaaa ka aad kla bratkar ratlratL - Ba aaiaaa4a nataiaaWr aadar Oraat'a adatlalatratlaa aa4 baa baaa aataaaaUy attaadlag to tka affair af tka afltoa rm ataca. Ba aav aaa aa aaalauat bat 'ahraya aaabaa aat tka raaarta biaawlf. Tka aatsry tka trat yaar ba waa la aBaa waa 1T bat h baa aaw twwa ap to araaad ISM a yaar. Ia tka 4a ra wkaa Caatala Barlaflar trat aarrad aa paataaater, N waa caataaaary far avaa faartk alaaa aaatnatira to ka ckaagad wltk aack ckaaca la taa aaUtleal wlad. Caatala arlagar, kawarar, aaaaaftd to c ' I" CAPT. B. a IPBIMGBB FULL AGREEMENT OH INDEMNITY BY SUPREME COUNCi L Under Arrangements Just Com pleted Germany Must Dis arm By July First EVERYBODY SATISFIED WITH RESULTS OBTAINED Allied Council Adjourne To Meet Afain In London Vert Month; Trench Premier Ex. preaaea Pleaanre Ore Solid front Shown; Will Share In Oermanj'a Prosperity tha atoraaiaBt to ratira Dr. Kiddick, bat it ia aa lonfar aa epca aaerat tkat .Mabara of tka Board of Traateat ara - ready to aeqaleaaa la bla ratiraaieat, - - aad avartaraa kara beea ma4a to Mr. Gardner to aecapt tka poat aa bead af tha iaatttvtioa af whick ka u aa . aid m nut. Whilt admlttlaf wlthoot roaerratioa that ka had been approached witk tha qoeation aa ta kla witUnraeaa to aeeapt tha prfiidentr of 8Uta Collece, Mr. Gardner waa aot diapoaed to eoaslder . tha potrutial offer aerionily. Ha aaid tkat ka appreciated tha honor, but that - h did aot feel that be eon Id aieaaur ap to the ffreat alma of the inatitatloa: Dr. Blddkk Nat ' Iafaraacd. - Dr. Riddick waa anrpriaed whea the T natter waa brought to bla " attentiea laat klRht. Ha aaid tlfkt ha had heard ' nothing of it, aad placed little credence la tha report. Ha haa ao preeeat ia 'tentloa of retirement from tka preal- deney of the intitution nor could ba , . beliere ' that Mr. Oardner, whoaa toU broke tha tie ia hia favor aa tha 3rd - ballot whea ka waa eheeea pr aaid ant. would consider tha onee. Boa weeki ago, Mr. Gardner waa told by a delegatloa of atadeata of BUta College that 'petition were oeuig cir , rulated among tha atudeat body aaking ' tha Board of Trniteea ta' same him . pranideaV ba aaid' yeatorday, -bar -that 1 antU .hd waa approached witk definite troDaal 8atarday Korniag, ka had aat .,r - . conaideM conaiderod tt M aerloaa. Virion renorta of diaa ectloa a wont tha etndeat body kara gained circula tion, and Dr. Biddlek made aa denial r" of the fact that hia admlnietrati'oa bad aererai timea beea aoafrontod witk 41 nV : aaltiea kriaing Ml af their djaeatUfae - - tion. Ia ao f ar aa it known, witk tha ' asaentlaa af aaea the board lnreiU- gated atadeat aomplaiata, aa omoiai eognlaanca of theae matUii hw been .tokea by the board. : V - . 'Tha eloie peraonal and political - frlendihip of Dr. Biddick and Mr. , Gardner make ' tha propoatl to awap ona for tha other aurprtiing to Dota, leea deadlock between Dr. Riddick and , the lata Deaa Btaeey, of tha umrer aitT Mr.- Gardner.' who waa ttaa member - of tha Board af Trniteea, broke the tie la Dr. Biddiek'a favor, --- M Traataaa CoaUafc Tour year late Dr. Biddick repaid tka debt when Mr. uaraner oeeamo . candidaU for tka Demoerotie nomlna : tioa for Governor. Dr Biddick anp - ported kim actively, aad without reaer vation, ad among tha atadeat body, JUr. uaraner waa very, iuju. ,.w - ' vote taken daring the progreee of the campalrn showed aa overwhelming . rentiment for Mr. Gardner, and dnrfpg tha Demoeratia State aoaveatioav-ata- denta headed by tha aoilega bana, tiMid m' demonitratioa before Mr. Gardner Hotel Mr. Gardner' chief nnonant. Caaaroa Morriien. wha : now Governor, wal alio a gueet at tha ; hotel. . ' - ' w Tour aaw member of the Board of Troitee will be appointed py uovar ; norKorriaoa ta ftU expired tarma ba fnra tha annnal meeting la May. The " Board ia campoaed of 16 member. Only -ii.t f tha member" of the Board , which alerted Dr.- Biddick are atill "?w.tl''!r4 bT. yLv'-PP. -v). Ia juh tfmmMt pt jh .river Md J J !om,, b.HI, which at the ."r I W P..4 k. v..h U.-. ,. . . 7.". - a ,IV"' """"" rf,v' Y I ... ..t ... . mm ,nm ,rr - aeiia. aoea 1 loaaeco ar III .... r , iwhw vi .u. ..u. ..... i fii m..h,. Thli bMma kurni r,... t.ki. ...I . K ParU, Jaa. . (By The AaeoeUted Pre.) Fall agreeaeat aa reparatloa. Oarmaa disarmament and all other im portant qnestioat before it, wa reached by tha Supreme Council af the allies whea it adjourned at 8:40 thla evening, Caatala Bartaaer la a man of malar haklta. kaa'ran Manlly aweuar mti.&AijnrW-l? wffe aad aaa aaa wha la at ken. v Bla aMee; brother, wh waa partner wttk klm la baalaea far forty ream, Ta atlll living bare, kavtag rearkid tka ripe ago at M yeara. After tka beaiaalag a Mr. WUaaa'a Adalalstratloa. wkea all feartk daaa paatmaatera were to ba 'roapaelatod aaaor the Civil Serriea. Captalm airlager a. Ball led aader the Clrtl Berslee ralaa aa well aa aevaral ataera, Tka Paatauater Gaaaral had aetkerlty to apaalat aayoaa af the I rat three wha ejaalieed, aad wkea ha learned af tka aery ieaileat raaard aad Mg service af Caatala tpriager, he detormlaed to reappalat kins, regard baaa af pelltlca. ' Wkea Caatala (pHagec caate to North Carolina he aaa a Bepahlicaa. It m geaerally aadorateod tkat ko ka arwaya rated for the Bepahlicaa caadi. data for Freeldeat, aad at tka aaau tisna far tka Demacratla ticket la SUto aad eooaty nutters. It may bo noted that ba haa alwaya aapported Cea gramma a Jeka H. SmalL .He haa alwaya lived modestly aad almply, aad yet cwmfertablr aad haa alwaya beea loyal to hia aeausaaity, hia eeaatry aad hi adopted State. PROPOSE R 1 BALLOT IN BILLS GIVEN SEIIATE aaBBmaBBmammmaaaHW " One Measure Calls For Submis sion of Constitutional Amend ment To Voters of State . OTHER REFERS TO OFFICES CREATED ?Y STATUTES Becommendatioa For Short Ballot la On of Laat Made By Gorernor Bickett Before Retirement and Waa Kin braced Alio In Hia Inavfural Addreaa Poor Tears Ago Governor Bickett' parting recom endatioa for a short ballot are em bodied la two eoapaaloB bUla Intro duced ia tha Seaate yeeterday by Sena tor J. Walter Lambeth, of David soa. The bflls provide for the appointment by tha governor of all heads of Mepart 'Sr. BITTER ATTACK ON OLD GUARD SCHEME TO CONTROL MONEY Republican Steering Commit tee Wrecks The Rivers and Harbors Bill SMALL FILES MINORITY. REPORT ON MEASURE North Carolina Oonrreaiman Declare. Xew Method Worae Than Ciariam of Cannon's Day; Lttle Hope of Belief Held, Howerer, As Commit tee AH Powerful The New aad Obaerver Bareen, SO) District Nalloaal Rank Bldf. By JOB LIAKII. (By Rporial Leased Wire.) Waaklagtoa, Jaa. . It waa the Bepnblieaa steering committee of the Hoase that wrecked the river and har bor appropriationa bill aa written by Growing Wrve of Discontent Over New System Breaks - Out With Fury DIPLOMATIC MEASURE PUNCTURED TO PIECES No General Attempt To Wreck Bin But Membera Simply Seek To Register Violent Objection To Manner of Its Framing; Representative Small Draws Applause -- ---- Waabington, Jaa. K. A growing . wave of dtaeoatent ever the new y. tern of framing big appropriation mea. area broke la the Houas today with aa- etneeled fury. The upshot of k all waa the virtual riddling af the eight million dollar dip- Remarkable Tribute To 'Fifth District Congressman On : His 800i Birthday ; The New aad jObearver Bureau, ,' 7 90i Diatrtct Rational Baak.Bldg. y a, -- - By70B L. BAkEB (By Special Lteatd Wire) committee. Under these arrangements Germany must disarm by July 1, dis banding all her civic guard lot pro vided for ia the Versailles treaty. Germany will bo called apoa to pay la forty-two annuities on a sliding scale 229,000,000,000 gold mark. Her ei porta will, ia addition, bear aa export duty of twelve per cent that will go to the allies. Oa the baai of hurt year' ex port, thi would give tha alliee 000,000 gold marks, or twelve per eent of whatever money in which tha ei porta are paid for. Thus', it 1 esti mated, the drat payment made by Ger many will be 3,250,000,000 gold marka, tha export tax being paid entirely in cash. It ia pointed oat that, beside being a tare method of collection of the repara tions, ft will act as a protective tariff ia eountrle that are neighbors of Germany which ar likley to be flooded with fotxi made ia Germany at a ear low coat of Miami, ria-, Jan W rroiident-OJoet I production boaauaa of U reiauveiy low Harding eompletcd hi nailed ia making peace aa it wa ia I to appoint tha BecreUry of State, the making war.' Count Sforra, tka Italian I Auditor, the Treasurer, the Snporlntead- the coafereaee had resulted to the aat ltoraey General shall be lodged la the MmBU,tL' m.!.. - In....... tr... ,k. . u.ut I A week or mi V. .T.IUW U W . .. V V.. W...HV.. V B UU ,H. VJ. L . ...... A protocol was signed approving the ment the officers named would be ap- reparatioaa scheme a agreed by tht pointed by aad with the advice and special committee ' appointed oy the consent of the Senate aad would be re- rouneil to eoaslder tha subject, and also movable by the Governor for ineota- tfce report a the disarmament of Ger- petaney or miacoadurt In office. Th many as presented by the military i bill provtaee in wnen me ameno- I eunmtttea ncaeia anau do H. Bneail. of NoHh Carolina, ranking Democrat oa the river and harbor President-elect Leaves Late Today , For Fishing Trip , j Among The. Keys ! house best trB!s kct Tate, of the tSSJy'ta .1 ..j ,:.onspient1y eaa be offered la foreign fTr JTTh. it today and ling- J Um price, ta forelga " Lf.Z ment marked' Tor Short Ballot' aad "Against Short Ballot. The other bill provide by legislative enactment for the appointment by the Governor under the same condition of the statutory officer of Commissioner of Agriculture, Commissioner of Labor aad Printing, Insurance Commissioner and Corporation Commissioaer. Under th term af the bills, the change would become effective Jan uary 14, 123, when tha tense af the D re sent officers expire. No ether bllla of importance were in troduced yesterday- aad, aader a pro viona agreement, only routine matter aad local leg is la tioa were eoaalderod . It was announced that Senator Bokia son. Bepublleaa, of Ashe, hnr row home and will aot return natu Thurs day of next week aad it waa tacitly agreed to defer eouideratios. of the bill ir the- aboliliaa of the-affiea af Treasurer la Ash eooaty antil hia rwld la. the Miaaiasippi valley, ho aaa turn. The bill wa returned to the I direct that each be doae and. work ales fb form af a men-1 where ia tha eoaatry would automati- ouse,. refusinr to eon-1 ealrr atep. - srv aar . U the Senate amendment whiea I , Three member cf. 4ke sub-eommit- prmlta the present Treaurer, wha It a 1 1, Dam peer, af Row Terk, and Davis ore ago th New aad Observer rorrespondeat got from th rivers aad harbor committee the North Carolina item aa recommended by that committee after hearing the estimate and rrcommeadatltthi mtdt by tha army engineer. Thee were printed, also the statement that the bill carried oa the whole apTtropria tioaa approximating 25,000,000 but whea the bill wae reported to the Hoase Friday, H waa fouad that the appropriationa had bora cut te a lit tie less tkaa ,13,000,000, aad instead of specified sums being recommended for designated work, a recommended by the. army engineer, th committee recommended a lamp aunt aprrroprm Hon, tha money to be expended during 1922, wherever the Secretary of War aad tka army eagiaeera shall direct. Coald Show Favoritism. If it ehonld kappea that the' sw Secretary of War what ta show favor Itiam to the Kortk Atlantis coast, ar the South Atlantis coast la harbor im-1 orovemeat work, for laataneo. theriS will ba ao way te prevent him doing so, If K should .bappea that fee do- idea all tha meaey should be expand' Imi .... .1, .4 .v. 1....- - - . - - - - -. . - r I nnnn. r ' - , f v , . . , 1 r. aa I. ......1 I maul aa li..! Ka..b ' ... 'Z 4 ' I ' 'il.l 7" 1 if . .T. I KatbL. -a - . II"7-i.. Jli wmxm nm wu wuxm. - I NorU CeWoJinm. DwnocrsU. vortttd for 4mm iuaw axakarma aaarvem jeawvaa, - aweyawi. place will be filled are W. E. Daniel, a brother-in-law of Dr. Blddlek, H.-L. Kt.Bi.' A. M. Dixoa aaa w. n. am- ts. 'Mine, twelve ember of th ""Board ere W. BV WUliamron, Dr. Clar-j eaea Pee. W, B. Boaaal, X. a. .vaaa, T. T. Thoraera I CUrVB. B, Wo land, M. B. 8tieklyr a W. Gold, B. 8. Boyd, U. J. wuiubs, sis ji linger, v - '' "-;.-' FJltriGLtI.Q OF GOODS TO ; AMERICA IS INCREASING New York. Ja. tS-SmnggliBeV of ends late tka United Btate t fcflag - carried oa to a greater axteat tkaa ever before, declared a etatement to day from the collector of custom for the port ef New Tork, . Brtoa B. Newtoa. Customs officials seised $1 000 pO0 worth af commodities last year, mneh af which waa foaad to be amug . , gird, ha aaid. - ; , r " ' ' "l ' Oollajloa between w ef atoans ahlp and professional amugglera her k iitmified th eviL whieh haa be- eome ao widespread that th collector ksd little hope ef dealing aatutaetonry ' with the ei tuition antil some aew -thod af collecting' import taxes is p-t into operation. " -" ' ' ' Prohibitioa also wa "blamid by Co locto Newtoa a a contributing aaa. .. 1 haoo aseearnli' vadinr thw -dry) liws, he aaid, hT taclfaie to- breadea the eeepe ef their activities aad at tenrpt to murtlj aaythlng tkey think ay evade inspector. -. rouble Headers January Harness aad flxie lat cc, rineharst. Wedae 4 . adv. -xl v-J. w.j '.i o "wy 'rrzr i aaa and Dmocrato Vled.trUh . a., Ufa. Haxdta. 'ada th. W, ,??"t XT'.' . . ' m - - W --w a BfTitj aa, , UIUU aVVaa.UIW Vat wMV fviraia- aaathef to extend fslleltation and pay I St August!,' set him ashor It mM- tiona plan, from the Traneh point, of artemooa at th pier of on of th I ,iaar. i that it associate th aUio , la atiaml beach, hotel; and after a roach-1 the' benefit of Germany' prorpcrity, eoa aaa a gam or goir ka ehaagaa to piece en point of order. ' whieh elimlaated fund intended for conduct of Amerieaa business abroad. - There was a6 general attempt te wreck the bill. Member simply o(h: to Register violent opposition te the malrner ef lie framing, not all ef the member were willing o go that-far, for- mewy-of these whr objected strea-'-aously to some of it provisions were aawiUiag to seise npoa teclnieat ' grounds for it destruction. On mem ber, however, attacked Item after item and they went out as without authority of law. , - Serves A a Wsralag The attack served aa a warnlnV f what may be expeetcd next week whea the House, begin consideration af tha army and the naval appropriation bllla. I gave , loader cause for serious thought a to whether the sifpply me. . arc could be put threurh before tha close of, the sessioa on march 8. Heretofore the diplomatie bill haa beea prepared by the foreiaa affair Mmmittee, ia intimate touch with aeeda aad reejairemeirte erf th acrvie. Tha : r same rule applied to other committee, but under the new system th ranking ' Bepahlicaa aad Democratic member ef the foreign affair committee,, for example, were transferred to a'oa committee ef tribute to Major Charles SC. Btedmaa, the Sth N. C. District Congreasman, ea th occasion of hia SOth birthday anni veraary. A da tribnto to Major Bted maa waa made by Bepreseatatire Bank- head, af Alabama, selected by the Demo crat to give voice to their felicitations. Bankhead ia a aoa ef to late SBaterli..i l!"..f,.T.VV" ; Witt the party, af frbad, fce a auimra f Oimia enitoma waa ad- hi plan to permit him to remain for ded aa fourth oa tha list ef pVnaltie tha week-end there. H waa quartered adopted by the council. The other for the night ia a winter eottag ont- three arai- ErtoMloa of th area of ing Biseayae Bay, aad . Will not start oeeurmUomi occupation, of the Bnhr ror tna ahing fronnda antil late to-1 i.t.it; fne.i m dmItmG9rmnj to the league af nations. was th laat of th "Confederate Briga diers" la tha Senate aad who died laat eompanled him along the coast the rresident-eleet took - luncheon at a I The proposal to svpply pentltie te The Senate adjourned at 11 iSS nntil I ealock' Monday alght. 7 i Hoaaa Si sal in Perf aactary Only perfunctory business ef making a legislative day with , the passage of a few local bill, aad the introduction of a few mora of aimilar importance de veloped daring the half hour aeaaioa of the Hen yesterday morning, and at 10:30 adjournment waa taken antil 8 e clock tomorrow night. local tick bill got tka approval of th House, t Pasquotank eouaty continue SJESira Z ". Played ,. If o. th. Miami Beach oldest member t the House, 1" '"Cl'J CL.J. "TIZZl j . third the reparationa and, other agreements I it faith in local determinatloa, aad ia. waa presented by . Premier Uoyd witn ta concurrence ox the senate, to 0 sore's. - . . I vote about ttck and ao feneec the Srst - - M a l According to the term of the ar- pr. aurua county a reprcMBta- ax tae neuw, j it . j I wub . .. 1 ,- . . .. . ' " . r . : -Uncle Joe" 'aaaoa. who it U, and IT? JO" ',"7" WJ T.a rangepient the annuities aad export " proviaee atoea On.nl Sh.rwaf' Ohio, whn. It? WM ami-annually. Di-1 fT-,?? townahipa and withhold being hia aeniora. Following Bepresentativ Bankbead t speech, the entire membership stood a aa expression of esteem for Major tjted man, and business waa suspended for several minute while members from both aide crowded around to ehak haada with tl a Major. A aimilar demonstration followed ia the Demo cratic cloak room wher former Gov eraor Cex, of Ohio, who waa visitor there thia afternoon, war among those privately aa the gnost of former Gover aor Wlnfleld T. Dnrbia, of Indiana, aad Trod Upham, ef Chicago.- treasurer of th Bepnblieaa National committee. No Olfleial BoccpUoa. Plan for' aa official reception were abandoned at Mr. Harding request, but a reception committee headed-by rrank B. Schntra, of th Miami Herald, mat th Victoria and escorted hir ap u Day., crowd gatbarod at th cause way draw to cheer the President-elect, ...... . ... n..mBta wiTI ba I vuisra. eight per cent for the first two year, tlx per eent the third and fourth yeara. and Ave per cent thereafter. Ger many i f orbiddea to establish ror- PACIFIC NAVAL BASE FIXED AT ALAMEDA, CAL two week almoet day aad aightr go ing ver report of tke army engiaeer aad making wff recommendation for the continuation of work daring 1921 They made ap a report and submitted it to the river aad krabora committee. Tke latter approved it, and thaa th partisan steering committee took hand. Thia committee arbitrarily or dered the appropYiatloa cut mora than fifty per cent, erfrom. 18,721,830, a the river and harbor committee, fi ned ly recommended, ; to 112,489330 a The steering committee si a purely parties eemmlttee. It pre tend to be nothing elie. It sit in dark room aad decree what legislation shall paa ' aad what aha 11 aot. It functions much la the same manner a the Speaker aaed to function . ia tha day of Czar ri4 In the House. Ia this eaa it overrode the recommendations of army engineer aad members of a House eommittee- who had, devoted sign credit without th approval .of I Congressional Committee Set. d"yt 1"hu atadying th th reparation commission. The UDrem eouncir decision were communicated to . Germany tonight.. Ia tha attempt to aid Austria it wa agreed that the alllss should fore go reparatloa, th cost of th army 1 ties Controversy Over Lo. cation of Bases - ' l needs or further work--not on new I project for not on new one wa ree- ommenden bat oa work, which waa al ready under way. to conaTatnlat Major BtoiSx ths fleet ef pleasure ernft lining Mparatioaa. tm cost or taa army definitely recommending Alameda irterDrcteaUtive PoVrmated " the hou.s boat a loud P""0" "a.f11"otn" V forata, a. a aite for the acw kfilor rltodirwixh hSiTVSi mtlea. , -v. ..... ;, . . i t -i Waa) debta to the allies la order to naval base aad for loeatioa of -.K'fT,lLf Oae af th.'Wto oall aao-payhi. ejntbto Aartria to more . e-Ily , obtoi. .ub.ldlwy w.t eimst nav.l b watch, for the purchase of which Demo crats and Bepublieaa eoatributed . a pen of more thaa S130.- la ki speecn. Jtepreseatauve Baak- head referred to Major Btedmaa' service la the Confederate army then added that -while the Major Jove aad ' j loyal torU.a Caloa a any man la Cag' respect to the Presidential party wa William Jsnninri Bryan, who has a dene hare. It i understood that Mr. Harding accepted aa invitation to call at the Bryaa home eome tima before he bide -goodbye to Southsra Florid. Washington, Jaa. 9 An agreement definitely recommending Alameda, Call- Pacific other baaea wu outaid aid. It wa Is decided to reached late today by a-sub-eommittee convene Ja.JhjB.nglghbQrhood.. of Trlcstlof th joint Congressional eommittee a conference of Austria aad adjoining I considering Pacific baaes. " ; coantriea for the purpoee of endeavor-! Controversy over locating the geaeral ing to 'Improve economic, commeretsn, i fleet base at Alameda waa aettied aad dnaneial anL political relation. Of. i tn up-eom.mitwe. tompietea JU r- greaa he ha sever eurrendered hia eoa- vmtioa of the Sixtio. Major Btedmaa waa plainly touched by the remarkable demonstration, and made ao effort to reply to Beakhead'k Daek or to th other felieiations. , SENATE CONFIRMS 5,000 , JUNIOR ARMY OFFICERS ThaVictaria want-lnto dry doah I tweca . the ewitral guropesn jtatc. I port for presentation to. the iull aom- a eooa aa aha had completed her Approval - waa givea te M. ijouca- mittee next-ionaay, , week' ran - from St. , AuxTietin. and ear' proposal for a gnoK)0,000 franc I The . iub-eommittee ' also confirmed whea Mr. Harding leave for hi fish-1 eorporxtioa 1 to assist Austrlaa ladoa- previou recommeadationa for loeaUoa ng trip tomorrow he will be aboard I trie, ia wblek the different govera-1 oa aviauoB oa, a nana rowt. . 1 . 1 I . ... . I -Z. .f-1 -vA I WlthiHIMI I a ik.,.M K.M . . Un . buk - Vawher-n'ir-Hi -m-a.fiiii.-4 ni- aamrntjHt- t,r vnfra-tirtrHlvi Pedro. Califernle. and destrorer and 1-watcrway- rrorn Horxoia: to Heanrort kextrnartM 'aa a analf U.A aki,al I ...Jt a tha Bnstrlaa smlMiarraHna I BvUtiOB bases at HB DUrO. Calif Oraia. I ? '' maiateaaae, tSOfiOO. Won Thaa Old Cxarism. - For a partisan committee to eome ia and ando the work oS Congressmen who were not inspired by political - mo tive, i "worse thaa the Czarista of Caanna'a day declared Bepmcatative small. ; -.. " Ia hi 'minority report, offered aa a abatitnte, Mr. Small brought in th bill as drawn by the eab-eommittee nd approved by the full rivers aad harbor committee, thea throwa into the aerap basket at tie oh'f-the steering eommittee, designating the amount to be expended ea various piece et fan' provemcat work. North Carolina items weret 30 milee to-the south, where he expect to remain ta complete aeelocioa for; at least two or three day. ; rmklag Arraaiemeato IaoaaiBlet. Detail of tha fishing expeditioa have BOfyet beea completed,. however, and I with, a view to suggesting economies gad improving the various ssrvice. , Manteo Bay, Scapperaong,. Pamlico, Tar. South, Bay, Neuse and Trent river. Fishing, Contentnea, Swift and Smiths GOES FAB TOWARD BEHOVING UNCERTAINTT. OFFICIALS STATS Washington, Jaa. Fixing of the Washington, Jaa. tS The Seaate late today confirmed th aominatioaa of A.ai?'V U "y te rtay moat of the week, amount of Germaay'a reparations, a COBttrmatloBS were taa aret of tk I tja haa aa aneasvment ia St. Aanuliaa ' ewa. p.m, t. .m. preeeat seesioa and were made la open I r.brnary 7. aad th lenrtk ef kis rtsv aeasioa by aaaaimoua eoaacat. I tha Km .ill K. Tke aomiaatioaa were preaented by Senator Wadawerth, ef New Terk, chairman of the military aJrair eom mittee. A majority af tka officer af fected waa their eommiasioa oa tat battlefield af Freaee. ' V- RBW ENGLAND ENJOTINO ITS BFBING WBATHEB NOW Maaa : Jaa. St SpHag waa Hi tk air today. Saul key played marMea, baas hag game was aoam aa arreral aaad tata aad twe taa calimpsd 'surhsad. Ia tka wasda af rtysaeatfc 'cave trafllag ar. bataa, Noer" Kagtaatds - stay Saver, waa picked by etaoblarOev J TABaetlaa were lscM ea Xartlh m It wa tka Jaaaary . thaw, wttk Bttle to thaw. Weather barvea r porta af avow fall kavo yet to aoa hnadrcdtk af aa tack, eid iBkahiUata ar weaaing their swe ar to Snd precedent. . . th mods of travel he select for th retura trip. If be caooee to ge back ea the Victoria h probably will leave aot later thaa Tuesday. ' . Harry M. Dangherty. ef Columbnt. Mr Harding's close friend and adviser, aad Seaator A. B. Fall, af New Meziee, who were among the Victoria's company, will retura north tomorrow to attend to basin affair. Otherwise the persea ael of the vacation party will remaia intact aad will be augmented by the presence ef Mr. Up ham. wka toalcht aewpted aa iavitatiea to go along to tk fishing grounds.-' . - Ta Obpooo Waae SpriagSeld, 111- - JaaV Jahn- U Lewis pwaidoat ef tha -rJt-6rMril' Worker of America, who ia viaiting kis kerne hoe, declared today tbewrgsaixa tioa would oppose aay attempt te re dace miner's vam.' W feci1 be said. "oagea aow paid are email aad permit ml ef coal at a rroonabte price. Wage for both anthracite aad bitualn obs miners will continue ia effect aaUl klartk 31, i:.," . , ......... announced from Paria, Treasury affl dais taid tonight, abould go far to ward removing the uncertainty, fins- eial aad ecoaomie, ia Earope. If a eer tain iaeome caa be aaeured th allied aatioaa. effielaja aaid, the process af aawiadiag the tangle left by th war caa la their opinio proceed with good pnwpeeta ef aueees. Except indirectly, however, official aaid, the fixing of the amount ef rep- s rations would be wrtaout effeet npxa the liouidaUoa ef the 1000XX)i00 war loea to the aTliea by thi try.- Th moral effeet ef the eettlcmeat of tkla euBatioa, tkey- eoateaded. might to eome extent reonlt ta accele rating payment by the alliee ef their debta to thia country. r .- - The Caked State, th efflefs! ad .-tasraiirtcanyiaieB 'ti p- sltioa that aa achomo for liquidating th- allied-: lea -weal-- be - acceptable which will be payment to thi country eentingeBt upea Germany risiaillnr her reparation 'obligation. Th allied debt t the Calted Mat, they aaid. ia ,rparat aad dirtinet matte frvm any indemaity to be exacted from Crr maay. . . . 1 Beaafort aad Morchead City harbors, Beaufort Inlet waterway. from Pamlico (CaaUaaod Oa Fag Two) . WEEKLY FORECAST FOR THIS WEIk SHOWS RAIN -Waaklnrtow, Ja. -wCBther dictions for th week beginning Moa- day ar!. --- -. aT!JarrdttBBWe6at UBactUcd and eold weather witk occasion si mow aad raiaa. ' . . . . Boutk A tissue aad Eaat Golf Etatee CoBsiderable cleudiBeea, eeeasiosal-raJa and temperature below aormal. - -West Gulf State Normal tempera ture aad oecasieaal raiaa. - NEGRO KILLED WHEN HE TRIES TO MAKE ESCAPE Creeks and waterway connecting Swaa ., , . ... I Quarter Bay with Deep Bay, 123,000, uoiasooro, yaa. narsw viara, a agero, died ia a Goldstar koapitai early today from gun (hot wouada re ceived yestsrday whea he attempted te escape from poeee after being arrested ea a charge of atealing aa automobll aad ISS army revolver from Camp B Oahi death bod CUrk la aaid te have made a full eoafeoioa that he with three white msa ttol th. auto mobile And revolver.' ' Clarke waa optard ta Duplia aouaty and eeeaped yesterday from the jail ia KenaasvUlc H wa hnnted by a sheriffs posse aad captured late la the afternoon. It waa while attempting to escape from th posse that he waa ahot TBIPLB ELOPBMENT IN ONE , FAkflLX BEEPS CUPID BUST three ..Athutte Oty. N. U Jan. triple elopement lavetviag membera of aaa heaeshsld, aaaa af whom knew af taa ether' latoa. tlaaa, wis dlaslsmtd today wttk the aaaoaaccmsat that -WHIUm M. Ckesa, retired New Terk maaafae taror, aad hal aaaghtm. Bdltfc aad E rely a, aad Bwrrted their respseUve aula wHaia twestty fear hoar. - Mia BdHk CkaoaBtartod tke ana. rimaalal race yeaterday ay aUaalag away fram hem, eeteaaibry for a afcapptoj trip She mewled- Behcet f fasniUi CroTta, Mr. CJuae aaietly left aoase to asarry Mr. EUxabeth Okerg. fefL Oa rotararng ksms they were greeted by McCkaea'a ath daaaa-- r, Evetya. waa aad husms tk bride tke day before at Greeawtcb. Caaaw f Doaald Biddfe, aUeat aaa af farmer Mayer William Bl. di. V- v lidated appropriatioa 99 memoer. , .... .e, , Thia method virtually aUmiaatad tha - shairmea ef th committee oo far a he wu aathoriaed to take -. any nersenal . part la a supply bill preparation. Tke Bepublleaa member - transferred b came, head ef the particular sub-committee ea appropriations, which tended to make kirn a mora powerful figure ea'the floor thaa hia formsr c halms a. . Jcaloua ef their old powers, aom chair men aad committeemen, it was aaid,' mad no attempt to conceal animosity or desire, to tak a whack at tha bili.. .' Small Draw Applaase The weak spot ia th new system, ao- : cording to thos opposing it, was (a ' th fact that many appropriation were authorised which had aot beea author- -lxed bcfor. and, -which were -opea to '.,. , paint of order ea -tk ground of aew legislation. There are ware by which - the item eliminated may be put back, cither by the Seaate, ia conference, or by special rule, giving them legislative leading. v. V Defending the aew policy, Ber resent- ativ "Monde!!, the Bepublieaa leader, declared it waa in tha interest of econ omy, and that 154 membera had freely surrendsred their former righta for the ' common good. BepreocBtativ Small, Democrat, e( North Carolina, member of the sub committee whieh reported the diploma-' tie bill, declared the system was wrong and insisted by- way of illuatration, that members of th military commit- . tee, who, for yeara had givea profound study to th seed of th War Depart- ( ' ment. more properly ahoald handl th army appropriation Mil. There wae applaase from both aide - of th chamber whea Mr. Small asserted ' that by thia method SS mea factually ' were dolnfr the work . that. 433 were elected to do. Clalme Improper Tactic . Attacking what he described k the ' effort to eripple ' a necessary govera- " ' ment Bervice througtt improper '-tBctiesrj---Eepresentaiive Maddea, Hepubtrcan," ox " Illinoia, called attention to ' what he charaetcrixed a aa odd proceeding; ' - "Although thia bill carries nearly en mlllioa dollar less thaa the diplomatie -' d?onulat bill passed a year ago: b . said, "there is opposition to - nearly every elaus. It earrie praetieallv the . same language used la aimilar bills ia the past, which met with approval., Aa appropriatioa of tUSOMO for Host allowances for diplomatic aad consular ' fller aad S25M0 for tha expeaao ef the United Btatee aaetioa ef tha later '. mericaa high commit tioa were striekca out ea point of order. Effort to have the bill passed today failed whea Bcpreaeatativ McCliati.- Demoerat, Oklahoma, demanded an other rote aa each of the amendment te the measure. The final veto arob. ably will eome Monday, i j r GOOD RECORDS RESTORED TO DEAD FRENCH SOLDIERS . Paris, Jam. t9. Ths good record f ' six Frcaeh aoldier ahot after a ran miry court-martial ta December, 191 were restored by the court ef appeals - -here ,r today aad charge that they I abandoned thir posts la the face af the -' enemy were auashed ia ' aa aetloa breurht '-against the gorBmntto re- M , 4h anemoiy et ue executed-,, . The court awarded life aanuitie e! SfJpOraneteich .to.t .wiipw ef Corporal Flock aad Private Gray, Pet telot, Qnlnanlt, Bluebird aad Daraatet . and aa annuity ef 1,000 franc to each ef their ekildrea natil they reack their ajoriry.. All tk award are retro- active to 1914.

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