The News Oil I . virrrt tJknrr. I ' I lit- 11 4 111 w sua ot-ss cth CereUae Tartly eWejdy erver 1 freed Mior MMir w4 Tseaday. VDLCX11I.N0. 31. eight paces today RALEIGH. N. C. MONDAY MORNING. JANUARY 31. 1921. EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRlCEt FIVE CENTS eje' afcnVeV Cannons' (ptsM'es'wkt Mot ml sac MM ae 0 M DEMOCRATS PUN FOR REBUILDING PARTY MACHINERY Expect To Maintain Live Head- quarten in wasmngion T, At Early Date WHITE RAISING MONEY ' TO PAY OFF DEFICIT Meeting of Chieftains Boob To Select Hew Chairman; Be publican "Xoraalcj" Wot Proving Popular; Old Ouard Drank With Confidence Be came of Large Majority Lighted Cigar Stub Believed To Have Caused Big Hotel Fire Elevn Persons Burned To Death and Four Others Thought To Have Been Fatally Injured In Conflagration In Hobo ken, N. J.; Blaze Started In Guest's Room OUTLINE TERMS 10 ER NY IN NOT E Tke News aad Obwrw Bar, 80S District Vatioaal Beak Bldg, l; JOI U ( . (By Special LmmJ WirV) " Washington, Jsa. 30. Plana fo tat remaking of th NsrJea Democratic party ao far aa lha re orgaBlaatlpn ia concerned ara now belag laid. li to " . ker that the complete -ToTfnisar ' .artefcrtameTr -wte; I taee It ia virtually aasurea um ia new chainnaa will be aalaetad at 1M meet ing ef tha ehleftsine to be bed soon. Headquarters will -be rs-opejned ia W&ehingto, although New Yofb kaa Ua tnoaaore among the Demoeiatia jeed era. Tha next two years wUIJbe streno oas for tha incoming Bepublicaa regime. The Demoerata do pot propeee to lt a aingla bat fo by. They have 1021 aa tha National goal, while strenuous battle will ba waged, to re nin control of tha Hoot ia 1923. " HoheVea,K. 1., "Jan. SO. Eleven far' seas were buraed to death early today ia (re which destroyed the Hotel Colo a ial here, four other were badly baraed tad takta to hospital wkrre it waa reported tonight that thry prob ably weald aot recover. A etreaai of peraoaa waa at the mor gue today try lag to identify the bodire of the victims. Thry art with only artial eweeeas, however, although po- r aaid jewelry aad olhrr articles oa tha charred bod in would probably h-sd ta discovery by relatives of all those buraed. Tha regiatar waa buraed ta a crisp, aad there was ao means of learalag tha uan af tha victims uatil they Oaa womaa ia tha hospital had aot I the drapery. beea lJeafined lo night" but'Mhe 1o' msa there were found to be Joaiah Rider, of Jerary City aad Richard lierhaea, a diahwa.her, who tired at the hulrt. Dirrheon. it "mi aaid at the hoapital, had loot hie reaeoa. Braard M. MrKrecly, director ef Tablie He My ia lloboht-a, haa ordrred two laveeligatione; one by the police iato the Baaaer ia.whirh the hotel wae being conducted aad the other by the (re deportment to determine how the Are atartcd. Aerordiag to a etateaieat by Oeorge j (irw. tha eight clerk, the tre etarted iu a gueet a room bat the mn wae i-al at tha time. It la believed the . i i - i : l - j : HB ncerette (tub where it later art Are to HANDED DELEGATE COMMITTEES WILL HAVE MAJOR WORK WILSON PREPARES V a f,-arJ a Hiav A'" "i1 Va. ha aawaWiarali ! ake wa3 , a mV. lecting pata On Paris Peace Conference Waahiagtoa, Jaa. SO. (By the Af aoeiated Proee.) Preaideat Wll.on to having collected and arranged for ready reference all papera and docu ment ia hia poaacaaion relating to the work of tha Paria peace eonferen with view to the preparation of y book oa tha peaea negoUntioaa. - Tha Preeident ia making these prep- t . GKEENVILS. I. I, MEDICAL Ot'KlCEB KILLED Norfolk, Va Jaa. SX LtoaL C. I. Taylor, a naval anedlcal ameer, wna Mt ad Jaetutly. tilled toalght hy Qualified German Delegates To Be Invitee? To Attend Lon don Conference UNANIMOUS APPROVAL OF LATEST AGREEMENT Germane Warned That further Delaye Not Likely To Be Tol erated; forty-One Annuities Equal To Twelve Per Cent of German Export Each Half Year. Parle, Jan. SO. The document aignrd by the buprcme council of the alllei laft night by which the rcparationi acJ diaarmamrnt decUiona of tha alliea will be conveyed to -Germany, waa de livered todar to Charlca Ihrrgmann, Oermin undw aecretary of elate for the treaaury and head of the Oormaa koa, .at ia-Iba7raV Uarc.r4ra If t maUauitlal ked'ebfcDJffntUl.- 1 TM aratioaa. it waa learned today, kaa e- Tha hnge Republican gronnd awell re-1 ept4 tha volunteered aerrieaa of Bay ovea any uapiinooo. 01 a whkihh i ritaanara Baaer, wno waa aimcnea 10 Honate for 102! Baey Raising Deficit. An active aad influential member of the Democratic Rational committee - in -authority for -the atatement that Chairmen George White ia bow buiy ing hlmielf about tha tank of fund ing the deficit of approximately 1200. 000 In which tha party argaaiiatioo found itself at the end of tha National eanrpaiga, and aa aooa ai thia ia dona nnd matter ow being worked out shape themse lvri to that the orgaaixa tion can ba turned over to officer! wko will work together in harmony aad with tba Idea, of prty aueeesa rather than -oeraonal prefermnt, 43iairmaai .White will reaign. . . - Peraonally. Chairman Ttfhlte wbul be entirely wjlUa to Uy down the job tha American peace commission. Mr. Baker during tha paat two weeki haa apwnt several hours each day at the White House putting into shape all available data, on the peace eoafer eacea in the President's possession. While it ia not believed that the Preeident eoatemplatee beginning the actual work of writing or dictating the proposed book, during the few remain ing weeki cf hi term of 'office, it U naderatood that ka kaa ia mind the in tba head. While naval aatkoritisa refaae ta rive oat aay Information or details, A la learned that Lieutenant Taylor waa ante Ing what la known aa the East camp, where valasels war ass, tartal la closely gasrded, when be passed the sentry. He la sapaaaed to have had a apodal pass which weaM five him aeeeaa to all parta ef the roaerraUoa. , Lirateaant Taylor waa !8 years old. He to aaid I. it astlvo af Greenville, N. C, aad a specialist en oaw aad throat disease. glasa aad struck Uealeaaat Taylor II The letter of transmittal, which dated January 29, reads: "HirrThe allied conference which met in Paris, from tha 24th to the rvth of Jaauary, 19.1, has taken, the follow Ing decision": " Aa regards the disarmament of Germany, the allied governmenta hsv approved the conclusions formulated in the note attached hereto. "2 At regards the question of repara tion tha allied governments have nnanimously approved the proposal for mulated in that document, also attached hereto. The alliM governments hnve on former occasions and again today in consenting to fresh delay in the mat tcr of disarmament, had due regard to the difficulties that surround the Ger nan government in the execution of the obligation which have resulted from tha treaty of Versailles, They have formed the hope that the German gov ernment will not place the allies, who confirm their previous decision, under the necessity of envisaging tha grave LEGISLATIVE WEEK Beginning Today With Deter ' mined Assault Upon The . Revaluation Act THURSDAY SET FOR ROAD ENTHUSIASTS TO HAVE SAY Agriculture Committee Will Afain Consider Eradication and Stock Law, Health Has fight of Osteopaths For Rec ognition, and Architect In vestigation To Continue A determined assault on the revalu ation art before the joint finance com mitteea of the House and Henate will open the legislative week this afternoon at S o'clock, and with succeeding days, other legislative committees will have battle waged before them, eulminatiag Thursdsy afternoon when the joint committee on roads will hold an open eslon, with the whole Htate iavited PROGRESSIVE ROAD POLICY DEMANDED BY STATE CENTERS Strong Endorsement Of Governor Morrison's Proposal For .. , State System" Of Hard-Surfaced Roads Division Of Sentiment On Whether It Shall Be Maintained By State Or By Counties. 7 EVERYWHERE EMPHATIC DEMAND FOR THE LEGISLATURE TO SHOW PROGRESSIVE SPIRIT Survey Of Population Centers Shows Sentiment Uncrystal- ued On Question Of How Hard Surfaced Roads Are To Be Obtained But Hearty Approval In Many Quarters Of Bond Issue Look To General Assembly To Thresh Out Details From the mountains to the sea come strong endorsement! of Governor' Morrison's proposal for a state system of hard surfaced roads. . Division of sentiment appears on t.he question of whether it shall be maintained by the State or by the coun ties with strong approval of both plans. Everywhere there is emphatic demand that the General Assembly provide for a progressive road building: policy and. a WMuartN The -flebatvM .wr.rr-.-..r-;-.: i RIDDICK S FRIENDS COME TO SUPPOR T naderstood that he haa M mind the lp 0-1 j C--.,,-,-. nf DnarH situation which will be created if Ger beginning of work upon it enortry -r www. v.-., v. w um meet VI IIU31CC5, ndJ nCcUU Ul obligations. Nrt Pfttitinn Ta Romnua "Qualified delegate f the German ,, I ing la- London at tha and of Tebrunry allcga. almnal..frUnd ml Dr. -i,i,-4.M-t"r rnr.HTt.--wifese..V W. C. Biddiek and hi administration I meats. . after his retirement to private life It is knows that Mr. Baker kaa only ndertakea the task ef arranging the material and that hi duties do not iaclnde. ia. aajrwaxah literary., hi SBSniB. - rrieade mt ike President are aadar t thia-tima, except that he does aot I stood t ohava nrred apes him for aome want to hand erer a deficit to hi auo-1 time past the desirability cf recording cesaor, reeling um wouia no do i froas the viewpoint el aa omclai Amer quite fair to aak the new chairman to I icaa rjartieiDSjit in event ef ouch moan- take over the job with each s liability I mental ia do its nee aa took place in hanging: over him. As eoon aa arraeige-1 Paris daring the poaeo negotiation. menu tile affair of the eollege' oame stoat- iy to bis rapport yesterdsy following new atoriea ia the New and Obaerver and other State paper to the effect that movement ia on foot among tha stn dent and others to retire Dr. Biddiek be made to finance this def-1 They have pointed eat that one who I . ., T- . . V, ieit, Mr. White will be ready to step played such a major role a ke and " P"" "POB "" uovernor aside. Who the wew chairman wiU I whose decisions Uter became the sub-1"- -nu uaranor hi accept me presi- be is a matter that will-aolve itself, Wt bf enek violent controversy bothldeney. but win unaounieaiy tie a maa wne iia tne unites mates ana BDroaa eouiai Lieutenant Governor Gardner kaa el . will be able to devote a very large not 'afford to lose the opportunity oflfe4(iy aUted that be replied to over ran oz an time to tne party s inter- 1 setting oeiore me wpno me snouvesi Vrf tn Mm ifB TT,V to the -etsr: -r- I behind the many diapnted deciaiona, ail offlce with emphatie no. C W. Gold v Doasocrsta Wat Drseoaragod. T Involve Shantung, Flame, Densig, thaof Greensboro, secretary of the board Democratic leaders, far from being I ngio-r ranco-ami " . ana member of the executive commit discouraged a to th future because of the overwlwlming defeat the party - sustain d ia the election last fall, are - ejulet "chipper" aad predict that there will be a marked change ia the senti ' meat af the country before the Coa . : gresalonai election of 1922. Bumbling of dissatisfaction at the course Be publieaa leaden are marking; oat are already beginning to be beard, they . ' say, and after President Harding as sume offic and the O. O. P, ia in fall v controi,' these rambling are likely to grow into roar that will be beard from coast to eoeat. That tha G. O. P. stand patters have - - learaedl no lesson from tba chastisement their party received at the . band of the electorate of the country in 1910 Basaiaar teer-decmred - by ioag? distaiiee " telf- OfBeiala -cJoaa ta the President bare aaid recently that whatever -the Preai deat might write after hi retirement from the -White Hons would aot be auto biographical ia form, aa the Presi dent' "preference haa always been toward history a a form of literary exvressioa. One version of the areata which took place at Paria from an official Amer ican viewpoint, already1 ia ia course of publication. Announcement waa made several weeka ago that former Secre tary of State Lansing, on of the Amer ican commissioners, sad prepared a U .t.r.1. Immn f uvml Im. .v..T.-T lt.7.4.1 temef 4he matter, he had failed to portantchaptera with decision, made . d f Term ef Agreement - The reparations not bears the title an agreement between the allied power for tba icttlement or certain question relating to aseeution of the treaty of Versailles. The 'note resds : "Article 1 For the purpose of satisfy ing thk obligations imposed upon her by articlea 231 and 232 of the treaty of Versailles. Germany sban, irrespective of tha restitution she U to make under article 238 and of any other obligation under the treaty, pay : 1 Fixed annuities payable half yearly in equal parts as follow: (a) Two annuitie of .2,000,000.000 gold marks from May 1, 1921,-to Way 4, 1923 phone yesterday aftornooa that no petl-1 b) three annuitie of 3,000,000,000 gold man zrom aiay i, ivo 10 may 1, iw-o; tion for tha removal ef President Bid dick was presented at tha recent meet ing of the Hoard of trnatees in Bal- eigh, or area hinted at At that steel ing, Thursday), when the board consid ered the needs of the institution for the next year and prepared a budget there waa sot even an intimation of disaffection. Mr. Gold stated that he bad been bombarded with telephone -calls con eerning the matter nil day and although be bad endeavored to get at the bot (e) three annuities of 4,000,000,000 gold mark from May 1, J926 to May 1, 1929; (d) three annuitie of 5,000,000,000 gold marka from May 1, 1929, to May 1, 1932; (e) thirty-one annuitie of 0,000, 000,000 gold mark from May 1, 1932 to May 1, 19C3. "2 Forty-one annuitie running from May 1, 1921, equal in amount to 12 per cont ad valorem of German exports, payable in gold two. month after the close of escb half year. Can Pay Ia Advance, .InJ order to i insure complete fulfill mont of paragraph above Germany will give to- the reparation commission lawmakers get back from their next week-end trips home. Full hearing consuming most of tho time this work will prepare the way to active work oa the floor of the assembly nrxt week, and (lie 1CJ1 Legislature will hsre entered the home stretch toward ths esrly day of March and adjournment. Calendar af Hearlaga. The committee calendar for tba week reada: Mondoy, 3 p. m. Heariag oa revalue tion act before joint finajice committee in hall of the Henate. DEMAND FOR ROADS COMES FROM ALL PARTS OF NORTH CAROLINA committee will agaia eradication, plua State-wide stock law; 3 p. m., joint health committee wllj hear protests of osteopaths and others againat medical practices art; 8 p. m. joint propositions and grievance com mittee will hear proposal to reduce warehouse fees and other matters. Wednesday, 2 p. m. Investigating eommiasioa will continue hearing againat State architect; S p. m., joint committee on insurance will consider tho lieLaney and the Young workmen eompnesation nets. Thursday, 3 p. m. Joint roads com mittee will open discussion to entire State en proposed road legislation. These four days ef feeariaga cover practically all the important legielatioa mtm lunulas asnn tbw vjeaerat bly. Minor ommittote ee a tarn plate ses sions between times to consider each matters aa have been referred to them, but ae particular fight is anticipated before any of them, except possibly aa unannounced hearing before the elections committee4 of the Clement bill to provide privacy ia Toting. Efforts will be made to have the State officers' salary bill considered, aad some recom mendation msde on the Lambeth bill to provide the sh'ort ballot, but it ia prob able that both these matters will bang over until after the bearing rush has ttcn passed. Bailey aad Maxwell Agala. Either of the seven major hearings scheduled for the week promise in- toyet,.anl token coUetiTeJyfcibeywill of the GeneraT Aeeembly. "Today! hear several of the principal towns of the State by the News and Observer's correspondents made yesterday shows sentiment as yet uncrystallized on the question of how the hard surfaced roads are to be obtained but there is very little specific criticism of the program of the Good Roads Association. Expressions of opinions by the correspondents lean de cisively to the view expressed by thi Governor that the workr of constructing hard surfaced roads on a large scale should be started at bnce. Building of dirt roads receives little Qon- siderarfon at the hands of the correspondents. -r- ' For Small Cammlasloa Winatoa-Salem, Jan. 10. Business men here who have atudied the subject are with Governor Morrison la advocat ing a fifty million dollar bond issue for building principally liard eur faced roads ia North Carolina, but sentiment i apparently againat his plaa for com bined State and eounty maintenance. We favor each eounty a keeping up its owa roads, ' aaid Chairman A. & Bases, of the highway aommittee of the Chamber of Commerce, this after noon. Mc.Hanee aad others : who bare vea the matter careful consideration alee eoatead that Ira State highway aommiaaioners (preaeat membership) taxed, for them under Morrison' plum to give us all a die at ones and ao . start some place wast and get east tea year latlr. We want a State-wide eye tern and bond issue big enough to put it through. We are everlastingly tired of paying for tbr-other kind. Few ef as are abla to buy a new automobile' ' every seaaoa and that's what one has 1 to do to keep going on our roads as it ia. Assectstlon Program ' Favored, Bocky Mount, Jaa. 80. While the question of good road is one ef para mountjnteiasftjurg. there appear to be very little concern a to what method of procedure is followed ia the eon- tructloa program. The burden of could haadle the proposed fifty million I sentiment seems to rest with the pro- proposition jnt aa wen as aine mem-1 gram ouerea oy the Aorta Carolina bera, the aumber suggested. "A email commission is better thaa on toe large," aaid Mr. Hanee, who adjled that Forsyth will advocate that J. K. Nor fleet, the present member of State Highway Commission, be retained under tha new road building program, oe Good Boad Association, although very ' nine general opposition to uoveraor Morrison's- progressive view has . been expressed. Probably the best war of gauging opinion here is offered by the attitude or the local JUwanis Club, which heard ah address from one of the "loving that ao bjtter or more capable I State association's officials shortly af- maa can be fouad for duties to be performed. Bead Issbs Favored. Morganton. Jan. SO. Sentiment in Burke county seems to . be ia hearty accord with Governor Morrison' bard oner about tne most important wees Lsurfaoed roads program, tae margin every facility for verifying the amount of tha German' : exports aad for the aatn Kl shsnanv at V vS an ain rkJl nil nauaaaa. a 1A, La. Tk , wj-anamsawa sj va w Article ' S Tk Qeffaan government the electorate of the country la win oy " " yr waa inclined to charaeterite the report ad agala U 1912, 1914 Sad 1916, is "'.Jk J'f.L-S'! nbrication. out of the whole ei eariy saowa ny xaeir. annouaeea act y I cloth, termination to write a tariff law whose, office. , ,' I v ... jm v. a.ii n. ..(- i " I wai "T'.L "r r'." ' Tuort rat iil r rn lai- ia ia emae toueh with etudeat actieitie. K, AUTOMOBILE COLLISION Vx K. ttft r ?SZ t it. The rate. wiU be A a kik a. ".'' - - T tb.. aSSi'LL! wmJT aWCat tfie date! tpeeifled la Artfcl. Chairman Fordaey, of the Way and Oreeav.He, 8. fl. , Jaa.3p-Threo men Gardner, atleast, one of whick waJ p,,,,, j of tt, pi,ient ,rrlulB9 Meana committee? and his fellow leetaatly kUtod and another evidence .at the rarborough hotel Sojur' The monnt,f these note, ah.ll -.1 vi.u J... .;-. v. seriously injured when, the automobile day night, were ia fact a collection k- .t..i.- t M,W.r h. t,.i thIJemoerat. are r iayingraad -whea j hk, t5fr riaiB w, ?V'notr7 f Ptoa ia-J iurni p,y,bi, der paragraph. J mlnda of mi theyrY wfittoitfaada; to Q Uvinga. they, are bound to do, the 2 " a a graMromuug s. w-UWa! Mmmission With ajiewjo greai maaseaaof the people, the coa- f'T, tJS-f their -demand, efter a meetihf or ttrff.eiiiM powers sumers. are sura to be beard from., I 7" V - " wj-ivw. u m was aieq wniCB l0 demand, the ehare to be at . uu T r- c a . I tne ear: it. b.- otneaiana. eu: A. J. I yesteraay tnat toe netitiona now ksn t.;k..j .i..-. i. ....,u... -ik TteMarmoas aujottty ia.Jn. Bi.W"?" &Rj$!Xt I S:2?S??5 h them. pubUeaa National . ticket last faO - -Article s tiermany snail be at n- m tmn to hava haaa taa bis? far tha I " ' , I -wy are noi sow ia mZ. th. hMafleuuine thof. Tha kaowa eitixens of Central. I the. college, hare been affixed. ii. 0, P. leaders are construing it to mean that they can ma . they like, aad they will go the limit la J&fJlUMUIIr 'XX UUU.I LIJJUI III I IX -the matter ef high tariff rate that are , . . .. r-----i''f 'A ing on the revaluation act will bring neonle to Baltigh from every section of th State, and its development are being watched with considerable . interest. Collector J. W. Bailey will probably lead the fight against the prtsent system, and Tax; Commissioner A. J. Maxwell will probably lead the defense. Contrary to the general impression, the Varser Senate bill will not be con sidered directly at the hearing today, but the general subject of the State tax system will be discussed.. It appears tbaat the present sentiment of the Ueu oral Assembly is tor let -th Varaer bill lie atill in. committee, aad incorporate whatever action ia taken ia tha general Bevenue and Machinery act, which aow in progress of preparatioa by the committee of which Senator Varser and Representative Doughton are the heada. Ticks aad Stock Law More of bitterness will probably be generated at the Agriculture Commit- tee's hearing tomorrow afternoon when the tick and the stock law are brought up again. Both are aore spots ia the minds of many lawmakers, aad enti- pjfejtomeajsfcanaaimoue either. Th initial bearing oa eradica tion was prsstisally anil lied. latt. veel when the opponeate of eradication led the hearing into a parliamentary tangle from which it aerer quite extricated it- i. ... fOSaXi floB Chamber of Commerce haa grvea erdoreement to hard-aurfaeed road aad favora State control and maintenaaae ef tha enlarged! tor the Chief Executive had first out lined hia views. The organisation, com posed of representative eitiaens of the city, was moat favorably impressed with in association . program aad although a free for all discussion followed tho address, pnactically no, opposition to, the. proposed program wa. developed. . bound to be felt ja the eoat of the Beeeaeaaries of life to tha everyday eea saaer. The G. O. P. rode to - victory last Kovember oa a geaeral ware of dis content that would not .be denied at anything but beating down tho party VrExplosimiAbd(M Ship Snuffs Oiit the Fire i JaeksoavUle, , Fla-. Jaa. 10. The Italian' tteamer Nettuao, " Captaia O. that waa la. Everybody, it aeeaaa, had I Borsiai, en route, from' Pert Arthur, a greocb, a desire to kick aomebody, Texaa, to Briadieot Italy, waa towed iato of whether he was to klame or aot. And I '""c",w er "'a smrw a oca. bo did. The -Democrats kappeaod ta I Captaia Borsiai attributes tke aarra- K. . ami thev ware kicked. Ob thia tioa of hia ship to a miracle the ex 'war of diaeoateat aad oa the streagtk pioeioa of ber fael oU tanks, which f toe- great " promisee . they mads, I "tersily sauffed out the tire after it promisee they most hare kaewm they fd aacbeeked for tweaty hours. couldas keep, tao .pabueaaa see-1 - wna-i-aw i turn wntjuie aeeded to winning a Oemeadoaa vi I room from a banting feed pipe when tory. . But they are already begiaang ' "row was- rour aays oas zrom to lad ewt that there ia a differwataa be-1 Port Arthur from whiek she cleared oa tweasi being lat.aad beariaTraTHaetJ 1 it a cargo .of gaeoliae bUity. aad being "eat" and baring ae I roeJ oil. . At that time she was off respoaaibility or aay thing ether thaa aa iar liwatioa le -critieiae. They are Sadiag thaf Urisi is a- difference ia antic iing the foUow-whe-ta try lag to do eometaiag aad doing the thiag itself. With Harding' ia the White Bouse (Ccmtlaacd On Pago Two the Florida coast to he vicinity f isermpda " i m . . m w la a few momenta, the S'ettuno was a- eeetbisur iaferao-amidships- and- Capv taia Beraini stated that it did not eeem poesible for her to remaia afloat but a abort time. - , , featcd Aa kja - badTy damaftl cabin erty at any time to make paympnta in advance on account of the flxcdportlon of the sum owing. -"Advance Mvments thall be applied la the reduction Tr tba fixed annuities provided for ia the first paragraph of Article 1. 'For' this purpose annitie .hall be discounted at the rate, of 8 per cent natil May 1, 1923; t per cent j . . i xrom amy s, -iw , um, id . . r m loo. 4. . - . , ... - i per cent xrvn tumj , Avtu h Oh afteraooa the Nettuno wso -1 dGermsay shall aot direct resting easily at anchor ia the nm b,.k..w-.. ... n wapxaia oerauu painted a vixia picture I i... ... tt-. .uv.. , . M j jt .. as I aaw . vwia svassw reaa-aaveaej sue lr e -orror. mrougn waica a aaa MeiprOTj the reps rat ioa r commission. perwonne. uvea (dunng. wj this prevision applie to the govera twenty bours the -tre raged .cheeked mtnt t Gerai,. Empire, to the ui aip; waiwwing aeipicssjy t ia toytinntiA of Ocrmaa' states, to tha ,T? ' " . . I Ibmn nnivinelal and mnniciaal an- It waa also a aterr of eouraae and I thnrif sail ta anr comttaniea nr wm. eevotioa to duty sack as mea are eel- Idcrtaiinrs nnder control of aaid ger dom called upoa to perform. The crew I eraments or authorities. f , fought with dosperatioa to keen the I Mast' Provide Aml . SecnrHv. res from tho gasoline stored ia' th - "Article 5 Ia pursuance of Artiole hold of tke Teseal. The flght, bewcrcr, of the -treaty of VsimiUcs, all the appeared hopeless, aecerdiag "to - the seaets and rerenaes of the Empire and caputs. frsrtirsllv everv Hfo' boatl.f the Girau states aha 11 be asolie- aboard Chi SettuBi bsd eillw been able to iarar ceapkte eaecation by carried 'away or amashed by the' (erri- Germany, of Ue - prorlsiona ' of the hie buffeting the tanker austajaed emr- p revest arrangement iae -the-hoars ef the S re., twisted, and .. -Ths nroeeeds ef the German' mart- wrecked her engiaoroora, "T,i time and 1 - "l..i...i:.rJ and; tracked bar steel decks aad side particular tke proceeds of all import plates. The fact that the crew had bo snd export duties aad ef any tax sub life boots ia which to learl the bora- sidiary thereto stiall rosstitsU special ing wssel added to the horror of the r-. ' - . , itustipa, t (Cesttaajd oej rW Three) , Plaa Peoalar Ia Beaafert. Washiagton, . Jaa. ' 30. If Governor all mala highways connecting county I Morrison 'a proposal for" a bond issue of seats and principal cities la reeolutioas eouwuw were put to a rots ia oeaa- adopted by HtCDt meeting of board Oil woniu carry py a uaciuev On. the una afternoon the Joint Health Committee will begin its bear ing oa the Medical Practises act, wbjeh excludes from, the practise of medieiae and , surgery osteopaths, ehiropractere, chiropodists, aad ether curative- profes sions. A determined effort la being made, to . allow osteopath. to practise goneral medicine aad surgery, aad they will be before the eommittee ia lull force. Propositions aad Grievances, always a fruitful source of friction, aas acaed ulrd a bearing Tuesday sight to bear the Mcuee bill reducing the percent age charged by tobacco warehouses from l-s per ceat to 1.1-3 per seat op gross salee. The bill 1 being fought by Ue warehousemen. At the same time, the eommittee will hear .proposal to abol ish local welfare officers,- and Bepre eeatative Glover is going to demaad that hie anti lobbynit bill bo acted a pea, The iaveatintiea of tho office of the State architect will. eater Bpoa ita sec ond week Wednesday afternoon la tke Supreme eoart building, aad arraaa tke erraare in the eDitas- the Iaearaaee Cuuiiulllece eill oeaeaer satioa act. Seither "bin has Very rosy prospects of favorable action,' it is g- out of conimittce--imd tefth XTeaeral Aaaembly do its will witk them. 4 -. Asm neatly atonaa Tharsday.will likely bo the big day .(CeatiaaW Oa Pago Two) ' governor of that body. Burke Bopre sentative were urged to give favorable e.natde ration to a State system of hard surfaced roada with etntrol aad main tenance under State board; likewise the Linville Valley Farmers' Association, in the remote' mountainous section, ha gone on record as favoring bard sur faced road . under State . control, ex pressing a willingness t psy the price. General publie opinion as gathered from discussions with farmers and business men ia without doubt for a .bond issue for bard-surfaced system of msia high ways. majority. The people here are heartily ia accord with the plan he has outlined aad agree with him In his utterances relative to wasting money in the main tenance of dirt roods. ' Beaufort eounty, after having thrown away iOOfiOO ia the ' attempt to build dirt roads without any ' visible result, recognises that aard-sur- k faced roads alone are practical. . Aa evi- denee of this, the eounty last year voted a million dollar , bond iesue for hard surfaced roads. . Considerable com mendatory comment has been heard here concerning the Governor's attitude to ward road-building-. -, ' , Gailford Favors Morrison Plan Greensboro, Jan. 30. Sentiment ' Tha Sentiment At Wilson.. e in I Wilson. Jan. 30 Sentiment rea-ard- Guilford eounty overwhelmingly favors I log Governor Morrison 'a proposed Sfty-- Governor Morrisons proposed system I million dollar, pond issue lor hard . of hard surfaced roada.- City and J surfaced road seems -to be divided, eounty officials bad awaited witk 'keen Automobile' owners favor, the issue at anticipation tie Goveraor'e message, I any eost. . . s -"i '. ciggy his 4aa rlaHva; io.. stcj ;. yon-owners aw xnrt-oppoaed, provid:.., . road system. The eounty commission ing ao extra tax ia Imposed oa them. -aatpsaliBedly fi1"TTC ! proposal. I claiming that their already heavy' Since Guilford voted recently 2,0M0 1 burden" occasion bf-"tmlustloB,-hr" for good roada the matter of hard-sur-1 more thaa they are able to pay. They face roada haa beea the chief topic of I are of the opinion that the) Legislature interest, CitteeniM r hoping the Gen-l-hould - eonsider--tbe equalisitn; of era! Aaaembly wiU go oa record ialtaxea before considering anything that favor of Governor Morrison's hard-1 will toad to levying mora but, if auto - surface roads system for state eonaen-1 mobiliats want the improvement they sua opinion here ie for. the General I should be willing to pay the score, a Assembly to "go to the limit'' in mat-1 the pleasure is all theirs. However, all agree that hard surfaced roads arc cheapest ia the loaf run. tcr of tion. hard-surface roads and eduea- t Charlotte Practically Vaaais Charlotte. Jan. 30. Chariot, being the pioneer center for hard -surfaced higft- Dtvleed la FayettoviUe. Fayetteville, Jan. 30A survey of the seatimeat herein, regard to Governor war, presents practically aa ansnimous I Morrison's tironoeed fifty millioa dollar array of approval for Uoveraor Morn-1 bond lasue for hard-sarfseed . roads sea's Precram of 8tatoread eonatrue-1 shows that there are la Fayetteville a tioa. Col. T. L. Kirkpatriek, preaideat I eoaaiderablo nnmber of peraoaa .who ef the Wilmhigtea-Charlotte-AsheTUle I sre heartily in favor -of the propoeW Hiahwav Associatioa. aad the Citixeaa I tioa.' a lane aumber who are Strang for Highway -Association of .Aorta csronna,! had-aurfaced reada, but bare not studied says'tkat the -Goveraor'a Idea -is the I tho plan sufficiently to form a definite only Hill ana progressive step xer iw i odIbIob. . whlia a rood aired majority Sdnunistratioa xo use sa rau-oiuHiina-1 oppose a any million noiwr eonu, .ia- Hia sxpressien la tae seaumea or uiai sua. . As for. the rural aenumeat mew city and ceaaty. Mack favorable cosa-l.ka are well. infermed oa opiaioa ia. meat aa the Govarnor'a program as bev I the: onnty deals re that bo boaissue- tag acarei an the etroeta ana gatocnag i womia carry , in Camberiaaei eeuary at Places. Ot uuuiotte. , r . - ..i this time. 4 r ' ' BUtwaur Fee Mssrlesa Phw. hrmaabetaVJaaJ.If put. to a iDiffa ila L'aiee. l - - i. lAlaul wood roads vote of tke tkoaghtfal, progressive, ee-fT mMm.ta art aack pleased wiU Oov- fer a,5000a -bead issue. 'would aaaaiaaeasty. carry. Oar people are tired of fonadariag la the madj They want reada. . Tbey. kae-w the root of good roads aad they are willing to be (raox-Morrises's. eobatiUn4. for tfty million dollar bead iaroe for Mmiink hard surface highways al though many ef them disagree witk kie plaa for eeuary asaiateaanew. xnrecieia (Ceatiaaed ea rage Two). n

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