Ttae News, aedl Olbs run wurut Naeta Careties Ceweratly felt Tt4if and Wednesday) a Mk shaagw la tmartaro. WATCQUtSL 9m jmmf saWwata fvtw aaV) erveir MB Mot RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY I. 1921. VOL CXIII.NO. 32. TWELVE PACES TODAY. TWELVE PACES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS BUSINESS REVIEW OF RESERVE BOARD E OPTI M I STIC Decided Turn To Better State of Affairs Ouring January - Reported By Board MARKED IMPROVEMENT IN BANKING CONDITIONS StiffeniBf of Cotton Frices Causes Mora Picking la South; Improvement Shown In Textile Industry In Car, Unas; Prices of Tobacco Se. ported Stffl Unsatisfactory ) New aid Obaerver Bureau, 603 District National Bank Buildlag. By JOt L. BAKtR. (By Special Leaned Wire.) -.. Washington, Jan. 8L A distinctly optimistic ton ia noticeable In U Refusing Pardon Five Times Aunt Sarali Wyckoff Goes Free After Fortv-Two Years In Prisoh For Crime She Didn't Com mit. Little Old Woman of Alexander County Dies and - Today Her Body Goes Back To Mountains lo lie buried Beside That of Her Husband; Who Was Slain Br BEN DIXON KacNEILL. Forty -t a year ego - there waa . a hanging la Alexander county. On Bob hteCerhle. aearo. amine ant Into eternity for the murder f Weoley WyehoiT, white. Barak Wyekoff, the wife of Wes ley Wyehoff and th mother of nil chil dren, ram to th Stat Priaaa to terra Ufa eeateuee for conspiring with th negro to kill her kuabaad. Ytrday her eatenee waa ended. Ha ia dead. And Barak Wyckoff had avr com- mittetl nardef, had sever known any thing about th killing of her hueband. Cirrumataatial evident had tied the knot arouid th aegro neck, nnd kad torn her from' her children nnd ehut her t in prieoa. Thlrty-nln year after th ncgr had been hang, nnd the woman had beeom No. 13(H in prtaoo, man conferred to th murder and died. Ceafesaiea Clear Bar. Hanging ever th edge of eternity, torn with thenar of death, the red ' ..1.1. "'J Kindly offieiali sold pink and blue them for her. Yesterday, when there cam to be made an .inventory of the thing, that aha had collected In her little room, ther wer found tbrre of three little apron, finished, nad another upon whlei aha had been working when the creep ing hand f age smothered out her energy. And letter, from people ahe had never eeen, postcards, trtnkrta of on aort and another, a Bible, and thro porketbookt. Her "money went moatly lata the thre little puree ne for pennies, an other for aiekela nnd dime, nnd a third for larger deaonrinntion of coin. Ther waa nlmoat a quart of it. And on depoeit ra the offiee there Waa other money, one had enough to bury her, little competence, built up, alow at a coral reef, through forty yeara aaving of th meagre money that come to a prieoner. Ho long aa ber eye xoufQ see ah waa eloe atudeat ef the .orripture. PRESIDENT WILSON REFUSES TO FREE SOCIAUSTLEADER Rejects Recommendation of r a a. , t af ueparimem or justice io Commute Debs' Sentence EXECUTIVE'S DECISION CAUSES NO SURPRISE Recommendation Asked That Sentence Be Commuted Ef fective On Lincoln's Birth, day; Socialist Party Head, quarters Comments On St- preme Court Decision Washington, Jaa. 81. Beeammeada- tioa by th Depart meat of Justice that th ten-year seVnee of Eugene V. Dob, long prominent; Socialiat leader and. now aerving a tea year sentence at Atlanta, On, far -violation) of th wnr- EXPECT CONGRESS TO MAKE VOLSTEAD ACT BULLET-PROOF Prohibition Leaders Want Flat Jail Sentence For First Of fepse of Selling WANT HOmIIrEW PUT ON BANNED UST ALSO Confiscation of Private Stocks Also Urged But Opposed By Many Dry Leaders ; Big Tight For Amendment To Start With New Session; Chairman Volstead Awaiting Word Waakington, Jaa. II. (By Th Asso ciated Pre.) Prohibition leader in Congr are hoping to tighten ap tho Volatead law. They are planning new legislation to provide ft flat Jail sentence for th grit CHARGE PROFITEERING TO FIVE COAL CORPORATIONS Clovelaad. Ohm, Jaa. 11-riv ewal eempaaleo aid twelve f their claw war Indicted by Ik Fed. ral grand Jury lata today far vle 'latlag th Lvr art. It la charged they made pros' t ranging frm tl . to IS per ton oa coal. Th aamea f the Mkted fel low i . CagJUrhy CaaJ Cesvpaar lee C Geff, HareM L. Gag, Jaaaaa L. Deegaa aad Betram ). Taylor. L'nlon Cm! tliaiif J. M. Ickee, W. K. Crawford aad Ceorga W. Federal Clay Prodacta Company Crg J. Markley and CH. Sawyer. Clenvlll Coal Cempaay William H. Evane aad Byraa H Evan. George J. Markley Coal Com paay Geergo J. Markley. m (CANS ASK L FOR CLOTURE RULE EQUALIZATION IS GENERAL OPINION . 0N.REVALUAIH1. " mma a aaa ' Ten Per Cent Umitatfon""ls: Exceeded By $900,000, ' Doughton Says , . CHIEF OPPOSITION ASKS FOR MORE TIME TO SPEAK Joint finance Committee aires Partners' Union and vCoHec .' tor Bailey Until Next Tues. , day To Pile Case; Act Will Work, If Inequalities Arts " Smoothed Out, Many Belie Equalisation and aot repeal ia wktA , will happea to the Bevaluatloa act, , if th opinion voiced by "the full joint Finaaea Committee yesterday aft . ernooa indrira the arntiment of th ; General Amemly. "Don't kill it, but doctor it," a (Senator klcKinn eiprc' ed it, and' with viriatioaa a to method eared , whether Barak Wyckoff knew or not. Th little children that ah had left in the borne back in th kill of Alei married, kad had forgot ten their mother locked ia prim, had died. Ther waa bob left who had aver known bar. of her own blood A daughter-in-law, widowed, heard th i orTriuunraii our . , , , . . .r " I to Kalelnh from tka back hill, of Ami gmiung ita nlaIemen ana er, . . - . ,h)(r wr Uft 0M wbe - ipm towara a oener ami or auair. i . o.i. wkne k - Whil tk Dopartmant of tabor 8g ure show a total of approximately If 00.000 nnemolored ia tha country, at a of piaU .her., hVdw. n'p. kad". hav boea unemployed, orAr.- L, ehiIdreVof own, iiona aava uvea rvauuvv wuior is hjwh or ia part Banking condition hav been mate rially improved, tb report ear, and ..." - . - - . I aa uauautvi auieavr. wawwnvua thla is ia part due, It avara, to a atoaouer OBfefgioB tnd i, tiBe wrot,. But and more rapid movement or agrwui- fort hld blotu4 bnt mory tnral product to market liquidation from mlnA of twihted old or paper acta oy njemoea oana. aaa aieo womjl. g),, didnt eaM. contributed. Of tb agricultural cotton ri.a Gavaraor Pardea Bar. aituation, th riport says: nT Governors had pardoned Barak - Cottaa Sitaatloa. Wyekoff, but tk cataclysm that aent "Tk los of th year found a coa- fcer to pruB Bad torn ap j th root aioenioio amount o 1 .very tie that bound her to tb worm . .. j i ' picnaa in aisinn no. 11 ymitmtj, out i outaid th grim gates of tb prison, it ia n-enerally believed that moat of th I rl. ..-hara . a-n. anna ta wel- ; unpicked crop will b aaved. Bom low Mmt k,f ,,,,,0,,, and ia priaoa they grade eottoa has beea left aagathercd w,ra gooi to Ber, aad kind. Shut sway - in district Nov S (Biehmoad), but due ln B Uttl, cei twisted aad bent with to and a alight atiffea- rkaamatiam, bedridden, kindly thing lng ia price, mor conos oaa oen i found kr, and ah waa content picked during th last two week. lit-1 Today th twisted, ahriveled littl tl cotton wa aoM la that district dur- k- .ill back to tha hilla of Alex ing December, due to the unaatlafaetory Under to be laid by hand that ah prices but around th opening of th I Bvr kaw beside th bone of her new year price anowed aa apwara i kuabaad for whoa death aha ha uf tendency.. Much talk, of reduced et-1 fared, ao ariveuIy, - Ia tha delirium r both for cotton- Dd obeel, I that aam -i haunt tha last -days f -ginaee la district No. S (Biehmoad). - : I ker aarvitade, k cam back ta fcer, h . Th oeaaaa baraaa repona aoaaamp. i talked with 4taa, Bd they wore young tiofe of oottoa by U mUl of tk aoua- together agsia. It was than tkat ah try ia th period Iron Angus i Miwaatcd to go back ta Alexander, Otkw Voaambe' Si to M ipoii vaias, bb times, ho waa a blurred dream, compared with tfitopW bales for tk Warden Basbo wa good to tk littl corresponding period a rear ago. Only old lady. High oa the top floor of the SHJSOV balsa war consumed ia Da- woman's building la th prison, looking camber, 1920, aa compared wna oiipvu i out over a pleasant garden, he had bale ia December, 1919, aad 332,000 1 mad ker a pUe' to live A room to balee during th preceding month. A I herself with beat aad lights aad a . alight advance ia price occurred alter I bath. All of material comfort tkat he the opening of th new year, but wa I eould bring waa brought And ther followed by decline. , TLe total cotton I was Naaey Curley, aa old woman of ezporte daring December were laafli I tn nui who had murdered her grand bale' aa compared with 635,323 bale ia I child, to watch over ber. Tkey lived XVOVemncr na, oOjOOi nun ui wcm' i lopuw very aappiiy. j ' ... - . I Tl - .1 1.11 1- - 1 1 M 'mm . ; Textile imprevemeai. wiunuuia un uoiu ox oaraa Ther ha been some improvement Wyekoff 23 yeara ago, , and aine thea In the eottoa textile industry of New ah bad aot walked. In bed, and ia a EngUad daring tth put month, espa- UM1 wheel chair, ah apeut ber yeara, eiallr ia the market for yarn, for knitting, ehroehtlngrcwing. She ape- wkleh ther baa beea aa increased d-1 eialised la littl apron of white cloth, xuand and a reaultant inereaa ia price. I bottad around with cunningly done laee, 'TJuring the third week in January wr-ibrry thtfW A matkr er dwrnr to- tier tMayeitit: When the door ahut behind her, she seemed to fasve left off all of rebellion (hat may hav been in ber soul. She accepted bcr 'fate, complained not at all. Bar Family Coa. Of ber wa blood ther is none left to mourn the death of Barah Wyekoff. The children whom ah left when aho became a prisoner she never' saw again. They are dead. The grandchildren have never known her, nor aha them. But of thoae who sorrowed at bar going there were many, and moved with am maM.I ttmnn Ik. n.Ali Hi I tnit U il . F I - ucr.....u vu. .rniuen u .,!, to the arch aad aeliure clause, ruaal to lntr4P In th caae oa thl" . " " i " - ground that Debs had sought to baadirap I nak o' sweeping thepreaon law th government through oppoaition to 1 under which a proa buying liquor the selective aerrice act during th war, u puB(.hed qua11y with the per and that the granting of elemeaey In ... ., thm cno mia-ht induce aimilar tactie l0 "g a th part of other in th event of Confiscation of every drop of liquor nroihtr nr. keld by eitlxens, regsrdlcss as to wha The ease was reviewed by a rpeeial or bow it waa acquired, is also being l.n.-rd now taking up all convictions Thla would lcgalU scuur of under the espionage act and their find- kell pr'ato eellara, or a ' "r "nu vu ".iu r : :?7i z " ?zz ..t.t-. H.nn.i nht.n th.t asha v I1M N.K.a, M 1.. .1. war .., a. I IIIaTal rat FDIllirapU I)T n I UlTIIaTT (WWfBB- I - -r etc a ay ariiajg viu ..aut j vui icj w uv nau " I . t . attended her, win bowed down vUh ml Palmer. Tt flndi art der. 'r' h" fc!d?.7.!0 dr? sorrow yesterday when U- kAilw m.J -.m iHf wui as w ouw bhu eMy uu biivus w I ar - as i , , , . . , . . . . . , . movln tha la.t trace of-tha 23 year. 11. 192S. and that his sentence, ia case of bootleg trad and that it on t b long tenantry of that little room under the good behavior, would expir oa Decern- before .1 eh liquor will be used up. roof of th prison. Every woman ia ber 28, 1925. Th reeommeadatloa is u" fV bill, which would tha ward waa tearful. understood to hav uggeted that Deba Prmit Federal Commlaaionerl to- try a.j k. .nr .f R.nk hill hMtK mJnnmtl iui.l..l b hi. I minor uquor caae ia paaaea, a proosu Wikff. Man tiava In tha v.r rnnflnement linn. June 15. ISIS. - I Smondment to tUC UW Would take Care that befell during her iacareeratioa. ' ef thia. Tederal court docket are now Her number, ia the long, nad crial SOCIALIST PABTT ISSUES badly congested with Volstead lola- liat of prisoners who hav beea ea- STvVTIMKMT ON CASIS. tioae aad government offleiala kave re- tared there waa 1.T04 whea ahe waa eom- Chieago, 111- Jaa. SI. The Socialist I !" change or proeecdure aeees- itted ia 1879. Yesterday, a her body I party, through it national oitraniaatiaa I was being carried away there entered a I la Chicago, iued a statement today Tb bi fi"ht ,0 JBadmaat wm new nrisoner. To him waa aaaia-ned tha ... rr..u nt wtMa ta toH with the opening of the aew ess- number 17465. That many have coma, pardon Eugtn V. Deb, and th 8u- tK APri, ording to dry leader, aad most of them hav gone, aine ah prrme court decisioa ia th Brger Tbr "Jr ther kav enough vote la th cam. ofae. Houae aow to put through any added It ia a long list . Among them th -The Supreme eourt la rrfcng a aw restrietioBa they might dcaire, bat that laaoeent, tb guUty, aa, Must bappea so t.i for Viator Bercrv. i. Loui Saa tbew la,ot enoagh time left . loag a law are adminieter by tb i.wi ainuTV VaJLZI 1 kUaawhila, Chair.aa Volatead. f tU fallibl had of msa. tjixteen. thow-I:.d t.- t.- Joba! Tackar: nrmed tairy oommtttae, oa whose sand hav paae.d withU the gate aad wh(lt lB Socialiat party baa maintained J ""'ff'? u t,ui revising Ifteea thouaaad and snore bare abased Li... 4k. v.. k. a.. swi.u.raJtd tighteniag-np, ia awaiting worj out again during the forty -two year. I m.i.i. TIi. .. ...i i. .. I from proklbltlon, enforcement officer - J .i .L. . . 1 L .I..,." . I " I . , ... . mu-xk wo wu aiutj mmw in, liuie wo,-1 .,MMnk.M . L-..:. ..a hmniiL. w bhhoh xor maaina iov law wa. I WFV. D.1.11... .1 .Lm. 1 VII V UVU UVn W1U mDOUlUUlU 111 Clever DetacUve Work. -. . .7.. Tk. 1.. ZZ. i. a, 7: I broakiag up the outlaw traffic. iimm una urumeu am ox .to una, . , , t. I .vbill"hL SS? terh.?U7-ir wi-Jp.:'- TEX RICKARD TO PROMOTE eounty to answer the charge of "7" rw.i. "w .. " " Vl I DIU MUMI DT niMdtLT r. Bepreaenutiv. J. T. Lianey, .r. k. sl,:BJM-T " Vote Wednesday On Question of Limiting Debate On Ford ney Tariff Measure pcaa W -.rda.3h.iici1!ai BBaHan.-:' !. , ,'."VJ 'yO m.rinu.iMLff KLll iiul.. .1. J. t.lOU mono. ander Z" CI rf' T".'' JT"k..' I and official of the Socialist party. h..i.. vi. .ft... ,.11 . i. iri.. .1.1 "la otner word, ta Boeuuut - Iclar that th prosecutioa of the flr against bar waa circumstantial, but ah "B' tof'th" wlth 'roMntl1OB- 'of cam Very iearly " to being banged." Ooa f Eaawr-Pebe aad etbea ' eapteaage 1 .L. j T v i i I ..... mrnrm nntitiA.1 trial ana that the r." cou',, :'i Tii.t..i New York. Jan. i.-,t Bickd iii not auinu xor aeeing a woman Banged, I ""'"a ri . ,r' v. a . : and he stood out for a reeommcadatioa POitlom to th dominant BoUUeal party promote the DemplseV-Carpcntier bout of clemency. I and for ao other offense, I 'or the heavyweight championship of Makes Announcement Follow. ing Conference With Other Promoters of Bout Wealcy Wyekoff wa abot ia th dark, (Ceatlaaed ea Faga Three) v there waa a alight increase ia quoted price.! Ia Korth and South Carolina - eigne Of recovery were much more ia evidence, some of the textile mills having resumed operations on approx imately full time, Ia a majority of the Southern mills wag reduction averag- ing abont 23 per ccnOavt . beeom ,ef ' feetiya. ' . -J . Tebaee Ceadltieaa. 1 ""Conditions in ; th several tobacco Sections eontiue nnsalilfactory,,, aays ' tha report It ia atated that the best grades are selling at reasonably fair " price, while th inferior grade of which " the crop is largely competed, are bring ' ing unusually low figure. little to- "" baeco was sold ia dUtrict 170. S (Bleb- IRATE TAXPAYERS JAM COURTROOM Thousand Union County Citi zens indicted For Failure To List Their Property r Monroe, Jaa, Jl-Suparior ort for th trial of criminal ease convened WM-'ktWATjfkT'7iiM'-T "lbi. - - ... - . vw.w ... nm -- - ...M. WW.W . .... Bona), during lecemDer, ana many ex nn.. th markeU were closed a good part of " "1""1 tk month or anvil arter the holidays. -- wytwuuf mi. A general sentiment ia fayor of a re- kargiag the grand jury. - ; ftioB ia Uia tolrae- Semt.-tttmmJhm-l b'g'yy gf . tk. ently. exist in all'the soetioas. Much eounty hav there been so many ees talk if beard of raising bo burtey crop docket for a term of criminal court, ia 1921 in. district Wo. . -Uumerou iweaoa mw na more una one plana to eaforee a reduetioa of acreage I thousand Daioa eounty eitisena were i)are beea advanced in nistnei no. o. "u.ww 1j and farmer ia district No. ar agi- txs7-wrt yirdwaa filled aU . toting to bold last yara crop aad plant r Kg wltb irate group ef farmer, non this year. who bad driven through tough mud to . - - - ' - ', attend court tb answer to th charge, WFATHFR IDEAL FOR many of them baring tax receipts in ' ' HARDING, THC FISHERMAN aot only listed property but bad paid ':' . ' ". taxes early ta th aeasea aad before auami, ris, saa. sx x-erxen weauer eapia was served ea them for failer - xavorea jTremdeni-eiee xxaraug aaa bi i to list : raeatioB party today, ea their Ashing! Thoae who kav aot paid taxes but trip eouin 01 aiiami. j i whose aBatraet of returns are found la Throughout th day a tropical bub proper form are beiag permitted to pay ; . loosed aewa rrosa nneiouaea eue aaa taxes Sad g bom: If is expected that - tanned the face ef th fiahermea as a very mall pereeaUge of th total their yacht Shadow maaaverd about aumber will have t stand trial a th the Baraenda and aail fisk grounds off indictmeat Several doxea citiaeaa kave Coeoloba lalaad. Tbe sea was amootk, farther and more real eaus for bat a Uagnid breet played acres the rrievaae. f-'hadow'a deck, bis a ting the force efl Tk atlng .capacity ef tbe voart ,, the u aad completing a aataral art-(room k di sufficieat to accommodate tiag which migat bar. beea aaade to tbe thouaaad indictees aad wiAesaea order for fishiag. I aad many of them crowded arouad th The 8hadow ia expected to pat back bar aad stood la tb door. Jadge Bay tat saaami late tomorrow aa aaies ordered them to be seated er retire aad Mr. Harding change bia plans aad when a aumb failed to aomply wiU . yield to th t era put low er tae vocoiooe this order they were gnd 9ZJSQ each ' aU. a. k will start W4aday mr; 1 f , flI.t. r4 af aiart.- Br tk wfdri- tag oa ki retara txi to 8t Angnstin. Jod tk door locked aad tk sheriff to collect th fiaes. Oa man, whose idea trty -wmrd-aot- e- learned, -attempted to ait dowa after tb fiae bad beea - taVELCCT DON At tfCAIXAC bTAJt AS LOKD MATOK OF CORK - J"L!-r"' LP l-poerd to avoid payment aad be was Way T.i I DomalIlBghaa Lord . fi, at gaa l Wkaterer Mayor, (tord Mayor OtJaUaghsa to at t iB,0 i,.,, M ,f eonrt "I T'"'. - Towards th m othe amnrimows tb deas th aseeting' a peUee fore that tt la a plae to stead rr....a rrttt treated three of the alder- axoaad ia. mea and ecvra eoeaciUora, taking them ,i tSe Mrmki. - The prisoners Dixie TUt, January Sarnrs fjteeple ladalftd la good kumorrd soag ea tk ehse; good speeisities) fiaehurst, Wd wsy, . -Iaady (ad4-.. ' , . . VICTOR BERGER TO GET A NEW TRIAL th world, alone. He mad thia an dkbs rLBABEu at TUB noDneement Ute today after a eoa- 80PRKMB COURT. DECISION.) fereaea with William A. Brady 4 which Atlanta. Oa Jaa. Si: Eugene V. I be agreed to take over the interests Debs, in th Federal priaoa here, ex-1 of both Brady and Charles B. Cock pressed great pleasure today oa receiv-1 rane, of London, England who ia ear nv tha news of th action of tb United iously ill. 8tatee Supreme' court ia reversing the The necessary legal papers will be lower eonrt in tbe ease of Victor L. draws up within th next few day and Bcrgcr, and four other Socialist lead- with the signing ef these Bieksrd will ers. I remain as sole promoter or th inter Samuel Caatle ton, Deba ; local , attor-j national contest for the premier tit;e ney, atated that vent wonia issue aiof pugilism. Under the aew agree SUOreme Court Holds JllrinP statement tomorrow commenting oa tha j BeBt he will become respoasible for th -Lj I ii-'i:i- j ? Preaidwt'a refusal to eommut hU owa ,Btir, amount of tha promoter' guar- Landis Ineligible To Conduct : 9 Trial of Socialists WaahlBgtoa. Jaa 81 Victor L. Ber- ger. Socialist editor of Milwaukee, aad four eo-defendanta who wer convicted aad sentenced to term ranging f rom ten to twenty years for yiolatioa of the wartime eapioaage act will b arivca hew trialii andef a decikioi today by th supreme Court. Dividing six to. thre, the court held! I aentene. RECOMMENDATIONS MADE sntee or forfeit which totals 100,000. There will be no change ia .the eon tract beteen the boxer and Blckard. FOR PACIFIC NAVAL BASES fc - -v ' I wa uvvviuuiaeuiwi a ssv uairfj Ul uv- Tho Congressional Committeflk11 till remain Saturday, July t, ina vuiigrnuvBa. w jt portion wise jjkvw - -j-- i ox us javmenoam eonimeni ments Alonj Coast may be named thsa MarcbX or Cuba as by Bickard not later '&K1LVU1 aaav a tabs "WashlBaB.-a-' tiona for exteasive aaval dsvelopmeat of the Pacific coast ware' pretested to the 8eaaie aad Houae today by th SIMMONS ENTERS DEFENSE FOR TAR HEEL GOVERNOR sawltni.t cAmmlttea annotated by Corrm I n m j Moaatala Undfcol jaieago, waaM BOTeni J L i t : M .- imous consent for a vot. February '13J V w i? V ' . . .k k " -j - . , 1 J- w- Bailey, were jTreaent at th begia- Bing of the bearing, but they waated . longer aotlc than frdm - Trldsy " to Monday t tin up th ppoallioa.,;"' and war given until next Tuesday afteraooa to prepare their ea. Pead- ' lng this public hearing, th committee declined to take final aetioa yesterday kfternoon, although it waa nrged by aeveral member. Bargwya FrieBdly Critic. Senator Bnrgwyn, perhapa tha most vigorous eritie of the Revaluation Act in the Senate, but still it friead, waa for aetioa without waitiag to as what Prealdeat Eton wa goiag to say. "We know what he is going to say, and what th distinguished gentlemaa with him ia going to any, and - I deal see any as la putting off eoniideratioa of ' this important nutter." The commit- tee bad already told Mr. Baiisy thrt be eould be beard Best Tuesday, aad . th aetioa stood. '' j Bepreseatativ Doughton aurpriaed the committee aad the attendaata npea ita hearing with tho announcement that in spite of the tea per ceat limitarioa imposed by th Oeneral Assembly, levies for public schools by boards of commissioner in ninety of th hundred, ' eowatie n the Stat exceeded the liiai- - r aitlea by SBOOjQOOt . . Mr. Donghtoa bated bla statement ea S tobulatioa of reports from thee ninety aoantie la th kaada of tk State Tax Comraiioa. These levies were mad presumably oa school budgets made p by the County Boards of Education. Seventy. aix of th ninety eountiea exceeded th ten Iter cent ineresse and twaaty-eiaht of these counties exceeded it by mere thsa ten thousaad dollar. It ia aotie sbl also that th most complaint of ax- cessiv taxes ia coming from tag payer ' ia the eountie where th increased taxes were levied for county school by .. th eounty boards of eommiioBers aad - ln violation of the limitation eft tat ' rates fixed in the revaluation act and upon objection, presented their petition for cloture or limitation of de bate. : V Senator .Pomerene, Democrat, Ohio, objected to the proposal for a vote Feb ruary 15, after an address in which he denonnced the bill as "'taxing about everything that goes on the breakfast table of tha working man.' Th cloture petition, presented-, by Senator Penrose of Pennsylvania, ia charge of tha bill, bore aamea of thirty foar Bepubliean Senator and will be voted on at 1 o'eloek Wednesday. It require a two-third vote for adoption and its defeat wa conceded tonight by both Bepubliean and Democrat. Ia presenting th cloture plan th first tint an attempt ha beea mad to invone it nise th Senate controversy over the Versailles treaty Senator Pea- rose said he had exhausted every rea sonable effort to get aa agreement for voting. H did not indicate what would b don with th bill in event of de feat ef cloture, but Senators MeCumber of North Dakota and Borak of Idaho, Republicans, ssrved aotie that they would attempt to hold the bill before the Senate aad make every effort to get -a vot before the seseioB ead. Tb notice of these two beaaters srer re garded as likely to ekangc plana for lay lag aaide tbe bill ia event of failure ef sJotur. It wa said that instead ef sidetracking th bill formally it prob ably would be laid aside ""temporarily" from day to day to give eoaalderatlon to the aession "a appropriation billa. Pri vet predictions were general, however, that there was little prospect of enact ment of th measure. COLBY REFUSES TO JOIN JOHNSON IN GHOST DANCE California Senator Bequests "SectetaTjr To-Mak"xSblio Japanese Treaty the limitation by mor tbaa tea thou sand dollara each, .and the amount of thm j.a i.v.a l.vf.jf 4.. i.Wti la Washington, Jan. 81. BeBator Joha- eacB of tack anti,,! above the tea . aon. of CaUIorni. asxea oeereisry nr .nt nrhr.rt.jw k th. HnlmHna Colby today to make pubUt the no- jact, ia as follow t rotiatlon between the United State -. r.m. ieHi. c.k.. end Japaa on the Californ a land quea- 15a7g. Cleveland, 813,351 : Craves, tioa and Mr. Colby replied that if $17,515. Cumberland, g2S58S Durham, Senator Johnson expects t do a ghost $6ifi08 rr.,,kiiB 1916 j - Hali- dance oa this subject h's got to do it Ut 440,385: Harnett, 8H,2oO! without m aa a partner. ... Johnston, WllDj Martin, 823,712; Senator Johnson, in a formal state- - x, .' .,.',.. ment reiterated bia declaration aa em- KoBptoPJ a21,831; Pitt,' 8238.' b?d.ed,,n W 1UT'? XSSShL Bobeaoa, ai0i54i Boekiagh.nL, Mm what Bo lead S. Morris. Uaited Btete Ba, 'a,7fiu, B,k.r..j amax. bMdor to Japaa, and Baron Shid SlTtMSSri that Federal District ' Jadge ' Keaeaaw Movataia -Undiu, of Cbleago. was la- eligible to conduct th trial aad ahould I tioa of streagtheniag the saval aad air k... ij k. .i .. .. defiinae of th Weat eoast Th om- v u.. uuvj u mm .jw v. ! -JJ. . .11 T.fc K-i- 1 i.-""""" existing eatobliabmeBte aad after per- .rTh?1 SS P7te', tonal tospeetioaa, .aa.lm.Bsry report em. "UT t7 ed is few of reatiag four aiw asili- Wail Juatieo MeKsaaa was reading r"lA.. 17.77. the majority opinion of the, court, aa- Boaaeement came from the White House that President Wilson had overruled a The moat ianportaat reeemmeadation Congress Declared To r Con." vey Wrong Impression Waabiagtoa, Jan. 11. The attitude f Southern .Governors toward csolu ticaa passed by tbe Southera TarM As- ' iM,rf at ita receat Atlanta meeting Was for th eeUbliahmeat ef a aaval argiag enactment of th emergency fleet base at Alameda, ea Baa Frame be I .'ff bill eaueed considerable diacaa- uled a I- . . ... 1 ,u. i ,k. a.... ..j.- v v. recommendation of tka Deoartmeat ef "V. . . '7.7" ri , TTT """'.l" i,;,. ,1... t.. .i p , v I Ulaaa osxaouaaawa reurvxaa; niiw '5U,U Juuee that .the sentence of ugeae v. ( . . . . ... uTV, ..J I fUaator BaadalL Dnrntvat., Tnl.i.n. Debs, previously affirmed by th Su preme Court, be commuted to expir but coastraetioa aad repair work, aad J 8eaator Baadall, Democrat, Louisiana, haeama tha srineinal ooeratUac and I The atatioaery of the aasoeiatioa, wbjcb is was said earned tae uas 01 ri!T -.X'.!LT. " V.'"' .nnr.1 haaa of tk Wea eoaat ':ll.L.""Mr .iT Jx Otaar raeommeadatioas call foe a. I practical iy all tka Southera Ooveraor. via tioa base is th Paget Soaad recioa vice preaideats, wa read by Senator sa liaa arWH vsbbtbb bbh ub 1 . .M . . . . . 1 , n a ta. k 1, v. . w . . raderal crisoa ia Atlanta. Ga aa a twfte b wealed at Bans roinr, wssaiag-1 ascvamuwr, cpwoucan, n,ni jvaaoia, itVf li. .."r.-T I tea. aad set to exceed 8U500.OOO Ua oupporter of tt Ferdaey tariff bill. Ohio, oa practically the earn eharwea J retention of Kdia Book, Wasaiag- This bremght rreta twaater aobtaeea, w;BtrgwVl.J otafeSSS! . -r.lop-s..t is Dcet. ArUaaaa, a. rUUm.nt tkat Those eo-defesdaata are Adolph Ger-(eI argeaey. mm mm vperatug asauea "w -w nu,', mwww uaa tw-ua ionll secretary ef tha Socialist l0T " atr eran, aeatroyer er tae eouiacra uoveraera wer p reseat mar. aatinnM aaarafar a k. ILul.ll. narty. a mat... . -..;.. wiiK.. Isad ubmariaest establiabmeat ef a I at tk ceaveaties er bad a ay kaewi- Urase, editor of the' Young Boeialist I uDmanae paav bos . , eon more xaaa 1 cage ex tb lesoraneas wane Beaaier Magasiaa, - whose ' parents were Ger. I tiflOOfm at Baa Pedro, lee Aage-1 Simmoaa, Demerrat, t!rth Csrsliaa, - maasr i. Louis EDidabl aid lie la fit. I lnrk-B4 3mtk!-ml a Jietcrltnrted waa eartain th roratios aid job a Taexsr, writer aad leetarer, aa-aa sir .i n v 11 tass bbj up was iao wiuana ex hi yov Uveef tk United State, aad tlaimtag I tsaraey, -sear Baa Wage. ,.AttMatmt hit Btato. : - Tk. .t. :l-ZII.Trl .wUTWO CTnj)tin ktiLLto wwr Iclbvelawd ATTORKIT IXDICTKD Cjrl Vkk.a I ' W.,"r"k.; I tCHOOL BCS It Bit Bt tR P ' - WCKABC tT, BB1BIRT4 sired SI eoatiaaiag to ait ia ta ease I tmore, atd.iaa. x Twe ckUdreal Oselaa, o, Jaa. si-fiameei r. after eouaiel for the defease bad filed w,r kiU4 wiwal iHoofy injmrd I Rembrwadt, Cleveland attorney, was la- properly dravn, sffidartt vf Trrrmdtcw iM aaask e-iigauy Jr a. t Cjctmr try-nrr rea ri grand jury jat Six membara r tka rt ,..l.H-r aight wkCB a traia ea the Aasanelia today ea a charge of efferlBg a S4W Chief Justice White, held that be did. I abort lis railroad struck a bus filled bribe to Prohibit iea Cemmiaaioser rred Three other members. Jastieee Dmv.l school childrea Bear Shipley, Mo Ceaata, ia soa aetioa with liquor ahip Phtaey aad McReyaolda, held that he I oa the read betwees Baltimore aad meats from Ltxiagtea, Ky. Th bribe id aot sad filed opinion sharply dis-1 aaaiagtoa. Bom er tae lajura were m allewc4 ta have Beea mads aa veosi aeaticg it oa that f tb augoriiaa . lMa to the Camp Mead koepiUl, leflee last Ms? amuasaaoor xo a, an . 6tanly, $1665; Stokes, 8H,78j Surry, .'SealSs i . .kl.k I. I "an, nnjH. ,w,w: effect repealed the California alien land w"" ... .,,..,... law." PoinUnrf to Secretary Colby-a re- Some machinery for equalixatioa of i .i. cutat.-. th.t tha Call, asseaamenta locally, aad for bringing fornia Senator waa jroeeedlBg oa aa onBty aaaeasment throughout th eironeous ssumptloB, Senator Johnson 8t,t" tommoa talu. li. the aim" asked tkat the report of Ambassador of all members of the General Aa- Morris on the aegotiationa be made sembiy who discussed ths matter ye, public, asserting that "the people of the terday, and during tho two hours, very, country are entitled to know what that nearly every member of the committee report contains."- -bad something tosay Jsbont it, Some. ,- . Secretary Colby, who replied infor- sdvocated the recall of the Board of maliy today to tlie Cafifornia Senator, J Assessors 'ahl' others" Tadvoeated asserted that "there is ao isdirectios I County Commissioners as the proper or oonascalment here (at the State Do-1 ka...1 hnt ivttk :k tk. St.. t. parmcat), and ao eeretiyenes.'' The Commission to supervise the whole to Secretary intimated that the aegotia I th aant t Vrat at Tl ssAiiaif saaa aiKn1jl Wm mm. ".r0?14 U.fd poWU JIT f sessed aHke. deSri M sTT PTr' -I.! Twe-jdledawi For Tweedtedea. . '. subieet. Ifr. Colby said, waa one "that I . . - .. cannot U Mttled Is a covert guaaer.- "7"uwi " "????Z mi. vannuy vm. jyuraaai ucif LUf Bins severe critics of the tax system. Mr. II.Mn. kn.k, Jik.t .1HU AT WILMINGTON YARDS toe high ia hU eounty,' considend a - I the basis of present buaiaees eoa- Wilmiagtoa, Jaa,. SI. Araid thai ditlons, bat eould it see where aay STEEL TANKER LAUNCHED TBRIK PBUfCIPAL OFFICRRS BEU rOR TBI GRAND -JURT shrieks of aumerous whistles aad the j body was going to be helped if they eheeriag of uor than a thousaad spes- redneed the appratssl aad raised th tatora, the giant steel tanker Baa Urn- rat( of texaUoa. It would be mp berto. buiK at the George A. Fuller I -i-- tm.ii. ,ii. a Company Carolina shipyard for the thought. ' ,- - Eagls Oil Transport Company, ef ci0Bel Camerea found wide diserep- - London, England, wai sueeeMfBlly anejn ta tt, taxing ef bis properties.' muaebed at Ue local eteel akipyard r B.yj.-i. u, .a- Saturday aTternooa. ku BOiaiB (. Oranra eeuaty. he raid aot lee thsa be did aader the old sys tem ef taxatioev He wanted something . .aa .KjM,, It uh m ... 1.. tk.S M.ljl Charlotte." Jaa.' 81. Three priaeipal I u. n.r.i.i. rl. k.. offleera aad two director of th Wixard kera was valued at filOO.000, .wkiek Automobile Compaay, af Cbarlotte, fc tboiight wa .tirly too much. -keld for invest igaUoa by a rederali, , . u.a-, n ... oTr'afteT . VJcb in.1 " ' Thersdiy, V. charge W aaamUaey sad ,eif7 "- V fraod ia tb mte ef tte mails, filed by fif 1crMlrtoFiTm-towa- Diitriet Attoraey ft J. Drham; ship to-to-ntsbiifc, and from eouaty to Tka a aaaa h.M all af whom 0Bty. Sott BSBJ of SpDral fo r- Inrompily laruishsd-tba-x ar T. W. Edwards, Br, president ef I aseeesera, pernapa ut reeaiiiag or u the compaay i kis ooa. F. W. Bdwarda,! Boards to reviejv Ueir owa work is Jr secretary aad treasarer j B. L. Wal-1 maay eoaatiea, would sere tk desired tors, vice-president aad geaeral asaa-1 pnrpee. t : agr; T. A. atfEwaa, merhaairal ea-i JLrpreseaUtrv Boa, ef Moore, and giaeer aad director, aad H. O, iwe, l , . dixeetot, - ..-.". . .(Ceatlaaea am Page Tkree) ..