. .: . J WATUlLAtXL mm fa .. Bm4 teaatwel lx The News amd Observer TUK 4 777 Pair Tharaday eel Friday, eat mesh wkmmt la tampar. Mm rs Mm seemia ead VOL CX1II.N0. 34. TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 3. 1921. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS MEASURE TO SENATE HOLDS UP HOUSE -FIX MEMBERSHIP Prof. Huntington Has Devised Scheme To Knock South Out of Congressmen DELAY ATTRIBUTED TO PICKERINGS WITH HIM .Representative Brinson Thinks Republicans .May Delay Be. apportionment Bill, If They Can, Until They Oet Over twhelminf Majority In Both Houses Th News sad Observer Bureau, 60S District Nstiossl Buk Building. By JOB L. BAKER. Washington, Fsb. t. Th Bhh f Bepresentative roapportioameat bill, passed by the House torn twe wwki f o aad aow la tha Scute, la la daager, r titi -wiirh ftira haw beea eownl ftVtoMi-S otmttWr- --' Tha bill haa beea ia taa Seaate for at least two weeks. It could have been Ti. n uhi in iwn minnin in iniT LO.Tfn at m oraca 01 voagraas Zr. Poteat Sounds Clarion Call For Prohibition Enforcement Federal Prohibition Commiaaioner John F. Kramer Citea North Carolina Aa One of Statea That Need Special Attention; "Blind Tigera Muat TSo, Law" Enforcement Advocates Declare In Convention At Greenaboro. 0 radar, bare, Taa. tttum afore' aat advaeetet from vtr North Caro lina aad aura from Waehlagtoa, D. C, at h.re today far tw day' eeesioa. "Blind tiger aiast " go, waa th.lt battla .ry. Bod br.w and blocked ruaaer war daaeaaead la aa Baeer lala league go. Taa lallial aaailoa waa bald at 10 o'clock tkla moralag. Tba addrac of welcome aa delivered by Bev, J. Clyda Taraer, pastor af tha Baptist thurch, where tb law aad order repre sentatives aiet. Following Jadge N. I Eura, af Oreeaeboro, Dr. W. L. Poteat. of Wake forest, aad Jadae Trailer Glass, af AahcTllle, (poke. e Tea Macfe Crime Abroad Dr. Poteat ia hi ipeecb declared that "the tlm 1 rip whea the law aiaat aot be aeed la a mild maaaer. Too much crime la abroad. Wa have already waited too. loaf, law eaforee meat, ia my eatimation, la ia high ac cord with relirious principle aad aay the larwr hhtmH oatod." " ttaVrrwW',d8l; deapl and eliminate whisky. It li th next generation wa mutt a. Wbn publi eentimeat eryttalixe agaiaat thia anderbaad method, aad ail method far that matter, of liquor traffic, thea vil will be eliminated," be tated. Government Ta Tihta fa The government It going to put forth additional effort ia th aear fa ture la tbi matter and It 1 believed that th matter will aooa be coped with aad put aader control." "Tou.muet remember." he polated oat, "national prohibitloa law have only beea la effect for a comparatively abort tint." Commiaeioner Kramer appeared eptlmiitic. Be believe that tha mat ter af liquor traffic although prob lem, especially la Southern 8tatee at lha preaent time, will gradually be olvd and put almost completely out of business, s H arged atrkt enforcement af lew. Re pointed out the poeeibillty of men ia authority being too lenient with law violator. Thls, it wa said, wa. a great hindrance o proeea of elimina - H 'admitted That- N 8Kb 'TaTotrnv nVtfwi ' " MrnonfTrrfi: T6 nVtrth hom brew, he reallied, had beea mad aad aold ia this Bute, which he tald. BITTER ATTACK OH BY REPUBLICANS CHICAGO BANKER Charles G. Dawes. Prominently Mentioned For Harding Cab inet, Attacks Critics STRONG CONDEMNATION OF POLITICAL CHICANERY rocmer Chief of Supply Pro. enrement Tot American Army In Tranoe Hand Old Guard Some Sledf e Hammer Blows; Makes Air Thick With Streak of Oatha SENATE DEFEATS SALARY INCREASE T BY.SLIH MARGIN but ehil em defcrriar to lac Judgment of the other! . ... . .kit-i... k- win i. w ... v- tB tnlth tBd b mtd fre.- uui caaom, oooervea irom . T.ry -w. mut ot wti. . - k a,,Ur. raning of Congre-, th Sonata auld Uw mnit ,Wthem from tha paa without alteration a Houaa bill re-1 ..... 4W ..j lating anlely to rcpreecatatioa in- th Uoaar. May Bo Nigger Id Wood Pile. But the bill hain't beea reported oat from the .Senate cen.ui committee, aad wha it due com out it ia likely to kava aom amendmeata. At leaet Sen ator Butherland. chairman of tha cen- atu committee, ha aaid that ha wishe to offer aoma amendmeata before the tna coming generation our mountain ta th e, and when arreat d aad convicted make a tuipeaded judgment or pardon by any maa im- poHibla." Llqaer Groat BvU af Time Federal Prohibition Commiaionr Jno. T. Kramer, of Waahlngtoa, D. C, delivered tha chief addxeae. "The liquor traffi ia 'on af th greateat evil of mankind," ha da- bin k naeaed bv U Senate. What cured. theaa amendment are, Senator Suther- "la certain weetiona of the country land haa not let it be known, but mem- it 'Im true, liquor traffic ia etljl carted bora of the Home who sponsored th r- on aecratly to a airly largo axtent apportionment bill fear tljrre may be a l.ui in the North, wher formerly rhis- "aipger in the wood pile. ' Key entrs of enormous purport, war The bill provides that the membership lieeased and permitted, th traffia hat of th Bouse for tb next decade (hall beea r.-retlcally abolnLed and coadl- be 405, a now. A hard but futile fight Hon wonderfully improved.". waa mad ia th Bouse to increase U Fader Prohibition Commias oreH representation t Kramer thea -Mplaiacd . that ptoblie While tha bill waa before th Hon, HBtinaBt kad mrmmt dml ta da arlth Chairman Siegel proposed to deUy a tt watter of extermlnHing the il - vot to have another meeting af th committee to hear a Prof. Edward B. Huntington af tha nglnering school at Harvard Vaiveraity, who eroposad that aaw pla for th basis -of prenU tioa be adopted. Instead of tha preaeat plan, cnowa . aa in majority iraeuoa plan, jun M rroxeeaor iiuaungiea plan- waa waa not disclosed, for tb Boasa waa impatient for a vote aad put th bill through without giving ta Committees Are Named Th following committee were ap pointed by th presiding ' officer, Dr. Poteat : Nomination, B. H. Anderson, Mocks ville; A. M. Scales, Greensboro; Mrs. W. A. Newell, Statesvllle; Mies Amor tta Bledsoe, Baleigh; Bev. T. F. Me Culloch, Greensboro; D. L. Jpnes, Bope Kills ; Mrs. A. A. Clcgg, Guilford Col lege t W. A. Thomas, Rosms-n; E. E. Richardson. Leaksvllle; Bev. B. B. Lanier, Greensboro. Beaolutloaa, W. T. Shaw, Weldon; Judge J. F. Glenn, Aaheville; C. B. Mebaae, Newton; D. MT Clarke. Green ville; Bev. W. E. Cotton, Bed Springs; B. O. Galley, Baleigh ; F. B. McKianie, Louisburg; B. Ta' Huffman, Morganton; Bev. A. D. Wileox, Durham; Bev. J. Clyda Turner, Greensboro; Sheriff Dudley, Greenville: N. W. Brown. Billaboro; Mis Bozi D. Whit. Gull- ford College; Mr. T. A. Goodno, Greenaboro; Mr. N. Buekner, Ash vilify ; Bev. Bobert E. Hunt, Wilke bor; BeV. Amos Clary. Marshall; Bev. A. J. Maaly, Bosmaa. Washington, Fb. . DecUring he wa not in politic and waa not gniag in, Charle O. Dawee, of Chieaajo, far mer chief of aupply procurement for th American army in Fraae. bitter ly attacked today what he charged were, political ai tempt to disc rod It the JxrAtarrTer sJhf ?rc 9&r?S?- th' 'w'lr-.-' ' - " . ' "Tta thi'eoure f a fi houresamlna- tioa by a Bouse war investigating com mittee, Mr. Dayrea struck with (leda- id, to detract from the glory of th ' great achievement . by . picking flawa and parading trival fault three thousand miles away. At time th tar wa thick with a streak of oaths for which the witness frankly con f eased he had neither apology nor excuse. Not Gotag Ia Cabinet late in the iuf he reiterated aa oarlier off baad atatemeat aa to hi own part 1 politic which waa accepted to meaa that he. would not become a member of Mr. Bardtng's eobinet, a position with which hi name baa bea linked. Even before hi view on thi Bill For Relief of State Officers Will Come Up For Reconsid eration Today PROPONENTS EXPECT MEASURE TO PASS Hoaae Haa Another Day of Ar. fnment On Medical Prao. tloes Act; McSwain Pata In Another Road Bill and Brown Proposea Sweeping Redaction In Valuation New Head of State Fair Addresses Legislature The Beaat yeeterday after strea aeua debate voted dowa the bill carry ing increased , salaries for heeds of de partments aad judges, by a vote af 21 to 0. Senator Taylor, who aa chair maa of the Committee on Salaries and Feas, was ia chargs of th bill changed hi vot from ay to -ao and lodged a mloa to rccontlder which will be Aa WW ':MF". Us tDtS.f: dene" that the Shkte will reconsider its aetioa and pass the hill, stating that a aumber of Senators who were .tot present jesterdar ard expeeted to , . ' . T . T MBB. CKORGB W. VANDEBBILT. any imiex. Train load of good roads enthosl ats from Murphy to Mantebfrom New MRS VANDERBILT APPEARS BEFORE STATE JSSE1LY: Delivers Brief Address at Joint Session of House and Senate COMPLETELY CAPTIVATES ,s STATE LEGISLATORS Attendi Meeting- of lie entire Committee of K. 0. AfricuL toral Society After Addreaa and Is Formally Inducted . Into Office As President 1021 State Pair ROAD BILLS GET HEARINGS TODAY Mass Meeting This Morning To CfvQrdinata PLjdi For . if U,ef the rowd thai- M 'WfT.T T-.T- TOT. r., ,. fcli-ftl W.CSUIS .i-r . A d 1 r""' Raleigh wanted much mora to hear Mrs. George W. Vanderbilt thaa it haa desired to hear any recent guberna torial message to tha General Assem bly, or the utterances of sundry other dignitaries who havs addreaaed that die tlnguiahed body of lawmakers la meat 'je--iaHUavii, And having heard her. both Balslrh and th General Aasembly wer more pvorooadiy pleased thaa any r scant he Mil any event, th propositto ereaao the salaries of th. judges seems sur ef favorable consideration at the hands of tha Senste. The entire m aority strength wua cast against the measure yesterday but three of the Republican Senators, Bamsey, Baynor aad Byrd. atated that they would vnt for the bill if it affected judge only Senators Burgwyn, McCoin aad Brass Seld expreeeed similar views. Th debate yesterday waa confined almost entirely to friends of tha meaa nre, Senatora Taylor, Varser and Long, af Alamance, author of the measure speaking at length ia its behalf. Ben expected tola, , . . ... ra-orouadiy pieaaed thaa any nion 10 in-1 v." w.u B.u.ij.t ii(Biirus jaaassa Inem, ?SSrl r-- " Msw.asaiamsaaissi.aaim:' - .p , '. i V SENATE DEBATE ON ' fV:.--' ,.n.u.oD.mitte aehajica hv i fur- Congress j Discusses Disarma-j Cloture Motion Voted Down ington was sever heard. .- - rrafeaa- Bcfer Caasmltt. But it seems that ha professor it bow busy with the Senat committee, a just what this plaa for basis of repr- ment But Goes. Ahead With: a at . . . . i at I " . Large Appropriations and Republicans Also Unable To Fix Day For-Vote Washington, Feb. hVCoagr " dW-1 Washington, Fb. . 1. Shoving aside - ... .... . . . . .. ...... . sentation ia may be disclosed when th euasea aistrmament today, dui wtntiaii pending jegisution, . including a hill MmM an there But this much is I .KmA with emtiMaratina af larm an.! dnum Am annranrlitlnii Villi h n.. , known of It, that if it .hoold-bs , ub- .n tot jj,, grmy d aavy aad U voted today to sontinu. onldr- i'f,'"!! Ci,tL Kt'll Jl. Th " " faorbI MPrt rom rtttm edLlorLtttreMntplanKorth ' Llltar-LrrL ''i.d.0' ".e.k 2 tee dommllU. a. Propoition. and Carolina woula ios on memoer. lr- . , - - ' 7, , I ' f- taiw rmimna v ... nr;.,,,, sd naased ita second read Z7... " i.t i . -i i.ii.' v . Prdnt-Uct Harding ea th nation' I vim. Tha b war n..l lt. f k-.nu Knrl.nd . did not sell ita aun- ari'"e Ma JPT.'". .TTr" aubjeet wer expressed, Mr. Dswew tor Dual, aad Bumgarner wer th sharply denounced th present system emr 0Bel to maka formal apeeehea or conducting trie federal government against the measure, but a number aa avll of a hundred years atanding, 0f Senators took occasion to explala ha declared, with whieh iaveatlgntora their votes, stating that thy wsr might better asTord to deal Inatead of I bound by tha wishes of their eonstita trying to scoop up water already over tnts. tha dam. I Tha recorded vote follow Mr. Daw waa called by Democratic Ay Brown, Burgwia, of New Han member of th committee to rebut aver, Carpenter, DeLaacy, Erwia, Gal testimony relating to wat aad x Urt, Griffin, Hamilton, Hariaell, Long, travaganee and particularly with ref- of Alamaaee. Long, of Halifax. McCul ranee to liquidation of American ae-1 loch, Meadenhall, Nash, Oaten, Sams, count ia f ranco ana sals or surpiu I Vsrser, Walker aad Woodson iw. stock to th French govarament. I Noes Bins. Brsssteld. Burgwyn, Aaawriag charge that food aad lotk-1 KorOaantoa. Bvrd. Carlton. Can, Do tag enppUeav anight have braagbt more I war Daalap, Hargett, Jones, of Edge- tnaa ta wawi paia y -tnm, t tim,, Joae. of Mokes, Jtaaipa, imm Mr. Dawes turned aharply noon ea aflitk UeCalau PaMoa Bavaer. Bhaia hla UquestioaeT. Bepreasatatlv Blaad, I hart: Btabba. Taylor aad Williams . Rapablicaa, ef ladiaaa, aad ahouUd: I ; k;0 Toting Kinslaad, MeGoagan, Ma nila it raws Argamaws. i Outlaw, Bobiaaoa, acott ana u m jun h wn vi sow 1 gtraiB T, ment that forced Great Britain to hold Paired Cameroa (for) -with. Win oa to ltt atock aad attempt to drlv!,,, (glnt) 8. a hard bargain. Tha (tuff i there to-1 Welfare) Bill TJ Today. day, rotting. Ton eaaaot aiscuss aa I otBcr impending storm waa parte, queatloa 100 milea away. J,;Mt4 by tha temporary kbsencs of iners is ao i. ry mu "u 1 geaator Burgwya ef Northamptoa. Taa when you wer not there te know cob- I a .... kiii tk airaiaht ant aboll- ditions. England lost bllUoaa of dol- Lj0B of th, offle, 0f Superintendent of '' r """ , v I Publi Welfara ia Northampton county gi.U would b e-t to aJna. whil. Var- BOOb WUwllU rVKmB u nviHtni muw vwuw t - m . ... andtr th orewnt plant Bhoda I.laad .V.""?? '"1 z "'"r. 0- -nH l ... and ao would Now ww tna iiouw tpflay oeoai bin. Th gate were opened wide forlbeeaae England did aot sell ita aup- a flood of oratory when a prtltlmt forlP1'" " w f011 th us lag. Senator DeLaaey roe to spesk li :.. XT. V-.W .1 .M Im I P ui niuiwi uuinun.u . bill that b had been informed by Mr. . ...k: u..,.,;.. T4.. Bardiag at a recent conference at SOB th census eommitte, aaid today f oratory when a petition for IP1'8 w" f010' . . . h, opposiUoa to tha bill but wheu re ef cloture ia tha Urtff debate ' Mr. Daw. anid aa a matter af faetl Jg tha absence of th Scatter it an M tt. .1 niit.t.rin. I h thought FrBBC WB Charged tOOl.'"" " " . ... , ,..! hlmlf fna NorthamDton contented himself with ' objecting to tha third reading of wa voted down 8 to 83. mustsrins-farl h thought Franca wa charged less thaa th Bdeetsary two-third ma-1 mu.n' iority. . - -Her yoa eoma bow aaa enarge, a - r-,- Burawva UUr bad i tha tubjact, BepraaeBUUva Bria- S.""1" " TZ,. "7" " IB a tessloa marked by poUtieal "that wa houll aot have sola snad. a DeUl order, to b of .North CaroliSa, a member of fSj.SliSr J75SS,32?- STSl? I i--V eTb.t- omalaVA ? a fcSJ I a-atw- The War Dop.rtm.at ordered ZUltr t-Tmol ecBsu committea, aaid today: nliar. c,.17?'900, fo? haatod tixeehes. Attempt, war made aal. Tho augar wont : into a lump " ' presaas ana nuo jeruiaaoa proviains: i . . ... int with tha ink. Erarrthinw waa eee- " --' The rrnsua commiuea smv very "in7r "3 by eaei sid to lead tha other into pit- -." J""-- -- o.;. -IMta . -.brtltut to a eonsideaauo. w. m.ner o -"'-"-' falU. Bepubl ea leader, aought to - " ? .f- "AZZ .ImiUr bill applying to Bobeeoa ooaaty, avoid elntnra. hut tha Demoarata ahal. ' n -r - .....j v. n.n.rt. Senator Varser atated that th Depart r""i!" .-T:. UOjOOO an aanually. mauta pro and con. aeciae to xo low n .""T: ..7 I lenged that it be brought in and thea "r . H " T.T. . ..i . f Charities aad Publi Welf.r. it ovr ther to help. W cleaned na ao ooje. f ,.4 ..in v.. anahlaa the Couatv Commmioners, upon pending claim that data back to the applieatlo froaa th propr authorltie Bevolutionary War. It waa a pig Job, to aoaaa out puoiw - land w are proud ef It Ia finding establish tb ome. . aaiahliahad ' avatam or anDortiOB I meat aad ao recommended to Congress. 1 . v.?."" promptly. Minority member thea .ought Th eaamitt waa nnaniusou ea jni. TJT'-'" I a unanimout eontent agreement fixing Thia avstem ia what U knowa aa th ef p..e , ant aad knpreparednosa. I . u ,. ...., . ... Uri- . tun iiiub wwiyvgajiA UW vrvatyiaa major fraction syatem, aad ha always b.en beea followed ia dsterminlng th approval of a world disarmament eaa im wa Benresenfatrvel ch Statriri frnee and wss acroaipaaied-lir a entitled to after each decennial cnu. have oa of their owb ranka eater ob- Woald Revalatloais Mathad, Tader th apportionment bill passed by th House, North Carolina gains aa additipaal member, rroietaor nojiiiBg declaration- t) -t unUi all - tha world powr had agreed on a dlsarmameat policy it would bahwi aad Ba ss fs" for the TJBitod State to disco- tlnu carrying out ita army. and navy I fault and hunting responsibility you I .Th Seaita alo ped a aiotioa y- Jeetion. -Aa-i-Bw stands, th emergency I V", :"; " , ' ' I . .. i..it.tiom to aUi t.ri k.. n,..n. ..e all """" mV " btuiBM xeept during th orBgK eaough. thauk God, to of the TJaited Statea Good Boad At houra of sessions from 12 to e eraekv I'' .",. " ' ... i.iA HihT As- Ther. w.r. hl.t. throw, out, how.v.r Bu T- wl, w. tto. te be held i G"r....bore that the end wa aot yet and that u mmnd numtioned Mr. Dawes I i..;i i,v a fci-. reaolutloa intro- Mt."- - 7 I .eliW uT . ......4 . , .,ir,n H. i. mw I Hons received from the appropriation I ----. i mat aaa material. I other legislatares bow ta aessiosi ai- " . . . t Urn K.e..l.(A.a a aaakak laa aa las as ma.aaW I Wr-a) wv-w V w.a. " itntl A nilfBlP ', Whff. Mat VI SJ1VA. W aaaJa I 131. a.. t.a. iPakBBBB. I T " T W W - I.:."" ;,w" .7. ;r. r,, hi. it. proTUioa tor eoBtlaulBg work, oa "ErZJL o--..: "IWW " L . V I 1"7 Jasarlwan-hta a.. J Ll. .m..m I llae. CPOWIIVUI CDIUIV V. , .v. t.a n-MmA I r and ether araft. At the asms time. I. . . ., t i. r.Miiaa ea ita nvaaant uhiuib ana i w. -.-. provide iaereaae for eeveral ef taa iiitthe. broke' Into. the tariff dabate to I h4 oa which thy claiaa will aavf'th farmer ef the country from bankruptcy. a Id asTaral iwading and sent to th had to win th war. It waa a maa' tr... - Job." W wontd hav phiff lo M - . fat aVft. a a1Vaa.a aahIiI Laais Kaaltaajl I . " At S TT Walt lor aocep u mm mmwmy cwiu mm-m vaiivu I a...,. -aal.rdlt Waa. U aouaa . :n .V. ... a I ' , ., . w. v-.i.... Rtnt.a Bis rjlan haa not I oppose Baator JSoraa reaolutloa, te I . . ... . . u. r.r. u.. - ,,,vrT, . ... . t k.it ,k. .vi. .i. ...k. imw,ii",jv .v- i ... am ae more aahaaea It teaman to D lair ana u -r- 7 iZiTJt T .---; Bk that all Joia Ib agreemeat to rote her. fof En-iaad thaa for I of the Hon. did art attach , enough while experto ,dMdd : oa the biU Fbraary 15. HU motloa wa. gu said Mr. Dawes, Jum tt if " LCilJd t?tl. wwl''!? Ttte;elrt!,re tra. tried a.d K1ClrT-X m?U S t Ilea haaraed from th world war. CAROLINA WINS SECOND STRAIGHT GAME ON TRIP Lexiagloa, Va. Feb. Iv Waihlagtoa it failed. - Senator Simmons, Democrat of North Carolina, countered th Be pub lic a move with a propoaitioa te veto oa February 18 aad Mr. Pearoee tried artinerr to the front." Quito a lot. of the questioning related to Great Britaia. I am a mora ashamed to ataad ap th Uaited ping from faakioaable ia Amerieaa politic to attack Eagiaad. I aat aot ia politic and 1 am not going to be. Aad I, ttaak God, that ia a crisis like we had there were ae thai Fraaklia county b di- .UaJ lata a diatrieU for tha nomina tion ef County Commlaaioaers ao a to prevent th eleettonr or auw um Commissioner from the asm township. New Bllm'lntrsMtoeed. Ssaator Kanipc, BepubUcaa. of Me Dow.ll, ysetsrday introduced a bUl pro vidiag for fro test book for all public school, children up to and Including thoae ef the eeventa graa. ana aea ..wiui, m-m.-f-um ....... - - - -. ai pvopio. u owm www v v-" i w- .w. raroiina fharmaeeunoBi aad Lea University dropped Ha first I by th President Heaator wiuiams, Mnt -f M, troop-. ' Of eoaree, Persh-1 Y"! coaaideratiOB. - I aat hopeful that th Senate om mittee will shortly report th Hons lull, aad pass tt as w seat it ever. ? It is the custom te pass the reapportioa meat bill through the BenaU just a it it passed by ,th Hon, as it only af- ircti ill Btnnnui ut . un k..Li n n..tn. iii u.... k Dmamtar HUnaiDiiL ismnr. it- i.. s.. jmj. w l. k.j l .... .l. .h. chtefjr thjjtte e do., to Mv. the Allied H.e.- oJuVlrito.d.t of Pubiu Irtr era members atortaJa i that th bill u, eor beiag to i The object te "any aataioua oaa4 ea Th. Ua. ef oetioaiag shifted eon- .wii th. .amber of text- ' if, . . , ,. i nee uipiaia niaaa, sssisr. . . I wmt b.ii, jwi iisnittu nw nsnasi ssaa vhij. t. tha wublia schools ex rona the aw CoBgrwaa, aad there taa it aay M u,, (ad f &, lnt uit th mot I ICehlgBa, Bailed for roaaid.ratioB ef the Ue armistiea waa aigaed. Then dipto. JS?,, That sa eimito of th telling what taat voagr-aa wui oa. " I stood 1 to 10 with the North Car-1 poatoffiee appropriatioa bUI aad ther I ajata war ataHoad. 1 1 ZZ. jn t filed with th Budget iii nave a very ": liaiaaa aa the loaa ead of the More. I were aemand ror a wot ea tae m i -no diplomaoe ytm r ap Hob, Vat with th Seaato ta the frame MB wiU piah tea experieaee ta warl-.:.- w,BBt,i nrxirt and that a nffl of miad it had worked itaelf iate- th I tim- aaid Mr. Dawee, rwaa a tettst Lntma ahaU be set apart, for to aottea west owa M urrnaDM aaieai. gaiiar. cwrt waa au right aat the I Bnrnaa. There followed ea hoar ef debate aa-1 root ef them wsr atur fail area. Ill n. .g af tha Carttoa bUle 1 t aaaal la th Seaata. Senators cUshedl waa all do to the appoiatmeat ef so-1 Uajaaa th coat ml Hceasee for phar ia thair affarta tb abtaia raaotTtitioB. I eiatr asea eiak tea fallow. Why. w I i. .. ka atad swaalrcd , wewaenr aaa naraaty aM. I ataar waatoa to make taetr . poanios i eouida ret aaywaar. we aaa bwrn I ... t. .cam. ta sravid for WaahUctaa. Fsb. LThe recount ef I dear both with rafarea to the bill I MeFaddaa -ever there and he did ia I Hk.eac,ata aad la ehaaare the r. I 1 I. .U. V.k r.MllH Ml. k.t1. I .L. :.kl. u.....! .1 I . .l. D I . L Jt-m-m k. tW. Jlnlu... . .. IJ.H I . . . . . . . 11 . ' 1 1 .1 .a i.ii ... W. .k.l .v v vii -a f.lie 1. la. 1. .k ..,k. I II .TT. . it t . ttmm l aw J t "i -avplirna mSt..viu wi nil i .au, "J-t"' 1 .k Dili, art UU J npeeija appre.a. I ssaaxv .njCUaU roaBmaMj. au aaa-iBnaa a Dinav BIiaCK sua annra ua aif. vawv, ww nauua am soa I hW Surfa taa Mat. 'Jfnara OI fBavrmBCT Comsaiaaiea. Ur. AlaaBiag appaarea te tor -Newberry. aMhia. with a l aaaaU all who favwred lb ! BBOtaer eaa Tosawrrew, laairati i ..a tha Rtata Board of Bealth. am araiaat tt appeal af the isuHelavalit ef OJ4 eve Hastry FV- -- J-m 1 Jahaaam eaaaaa elssy that af exam taa- f a.Ja Bad Eavalaatlaa. " roads of Jiar'h Carolina is si ua xaiar-i I w w.ims iuesj wsmia iwvauiw mowmi larwe aeara. i Jmi Bill . ana jtevaiBBtaoa - .Ut ratea beatad. wpwrware H, Ma hj-MML r-J 6j?tf3;fm- AT Ta, rif -PV-- state travel ia arth ijareuaa, wpt-i v. , a-, ' "J"."" ""rwa, "v "T" " - " urT.mi t i B toe Hoas yetraay earing u.e eriei genera. eeaiion this morning at 11 o'clock to align their argumeats for presentation to tha Joint eessloa of ths House and Senste roads committees whsn they meet at I o'clock thi. afternoon to consider th four road bills pending before th General Assembly. Word reachee the elty of chartered Pullmans from many sections of the State bearing heavy passenger lists of peopl intent upon backing up the Gov ernor aad the Good Boads Association in their fight for a State system of hard surfaced roads. Chsrlotts is send ing a two-car delegation, Marion sa other, Aaheville another, Wilmington another, and many hundred dr coming Individually. Thi morning th plan for present ing the matter before the committee this afternoon will be co-ordinated and placed ia shspe for concrete submission with a minimum of time. All four of the bill wilt be considered, their con tent studied, and an effort made te attaia a degree of harmony that will lessen the discussion this afternoon. The general publi I invited to th meeting.; ., T ' j Thi after o 1 the two eommitteo will lt Jointly to consider which of the four bill will he given favorable report to the Gaeral AMmbly. indications ar that th hearing will atraet a record breaking crowd, both of spectators and of speakers, who will present th jssu of a Btate system ' of roads before th committee, This hearing jvill alio b public REDUCTION OF ONE CENT A GALLON FOR GASOLINE pHaue nray be taken aa tha measure ox ayiiivcisnow.' rvnen sn cam they w)lomed her with aa outgiving of wsl eemlng sound, and whsn shs had spoksa arid when she -went away tha echo of spplsuss etill followed her. ' But few time la th history .dt the State has a woman been asked te ad dress ths General Assembly, aad Ben ha pieaaed them more, aoae haa beea more gracious ia bsr manner, snot pleasing ia her speech, or more alto gether tb sort of a womaa that wis ths liking of both man and womfn f . high degree and low. Certainly ae womaa could aak for mors thga th . throng gave her yesterday, aad few mes could ask for so much. Expectancy pervaded tha atnt sphere ef the Capitol even before the, General Assembly convened at 11 o'eleek. Th galleries wer well filled before that ' hour, and th crowd had begun to ttiekle into the lobbies of fh Hall of Representatives. When the hour Of Mrs. VtnderbiH'i coming had ttruck, thsr was hardly paeag,way for hsr down ths aisle way to th Speaker's stand, aad when ah had com th crowd that waited ottsld surged , dowa th aisle after her, Jamming even, agaiaat the ' desk fropi whlsh she took. It waa almoat with diabalisf that they aaw at wha ah aera In. - The throng -wa xooetiag a maturer womaa, aot thi sraiiaa who looked vt more thaa grown-rip, who walked with eueh grace ful arneas of herself. Not until fh had mounted th dais and had token her aeit between Governor Morrisoa and Oin. Julian 8. Csrr did it quit -make Bp ita miad that it' wa indesd shs. Gederal Carr Makes Preaeatattoa. General Carr arose to make tha pre- aentation. Th audience heard him with' ZmftloTea Of Standard Oil Gonw abstraoaloa, devoting most of itt atv . . - .S.M . I isnuaiH iu . m. i u li ii j v. wr.a. i .iiuci- ptVD jaccept asusuuvu v. On Half of Bonus New Tork. Feb. I. The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey today an nounced a reduction of o cent a gal lon in the price of gaaolin and kero sene In New Jersey. Maryland, Vir ginia. Njrth Carolina and Louisiana. Th wholesale price of gasoline la Jersey City and Baltimore waa also re duced from 28 Mi to 27 Cent a gallon and kerosene from 18ft to 17ft cents a gallon. New Tork. Feb. !, Employe at til of th refineries of the Standard Oil auw a I liWHtWMU! vi i aa tut ki avvisB va auw CompaBy of Nsw Jerary hav toIub- p,., Batch,d pWrUt t 1b four bilt. Back of it may hare been eotn- mmg ua cunosiiy, out mil inieroas wa. lost ia.. the tioer admiratioa which. aha eommamded. Beautiful to see, gad with Iter natural charm, enhanced by a contaminate simplicity and grace, the throng lost itself unrestrainedly, For tb womaa than war th elothtt ths wore to b examined. Her again simplicity t a degree unexpected. A browa uit, mad of th homeepua fash ioned at her eatate at Biltmor. trim med With a collar of rich browa fur. Vestment, of gold and whit allk, aad a corded turban and a black veil cov ering bor face closely. Of Jewels, very few. A wrist watch of platinum, and diamond, with th bracelet of many tarily accepted a reduction of, one-htlf I rtriBf M eye-glat hala ef-malt-of thlr cost of living bonus effective .n,., ,Bd ,fj Kt 1b piBtillumt February IS, It waa announced here . . . . Htll ..... day at tha general offieet of the com- freBt Bmrthyit and a yUow fTh-raduioa.-nulaln ten per cent of their wage. General Carr wa brief, and th CHAIRMAN WHITE CALLS crowd gave it undivided attentioB to Mrs. Vaaderbilt It wa her first MEETING OF COMMITTEE fc JrJtS crcmDiea. cat atan t enow mocn sdoiu Wwr t V.TL O ! Haawu VLTIaUai nHaiRgtOHa X CU. UVVIW Tt UlVOa I . , . , ehairmaa of the Democratic National TP""!??! '....v"" idea that a ' womaa' speech ought to be like a skirt "'long enough to cover the subject,' but short enough to at tract attention." Witt bat a half miauto to play ia the second period only tw points separated th teams, bat tare baskets la eaeeee tioa eliached the game for the vieitora. Tkaliae-apt' jority, aad the danger that aa attempt i reduce Southern rspreseatatioa will be made at that time may be revived, it ia feared." ' .' " Maaaiac ia Waahlngtoa. r ' Attorney Geacral Jam B. htaaalmg. of North Carolina, was here today to appear before the Interstate Commerce " . . ... .w try aamissioa it jac Rrtr ttts ,eaeir BeprtweeUiig th Stat Corporation ssaat eleettoBa eommitte, lft Setva- j laaached a bitter attack ea aloturs aad ai aassiied aU vis favors It, , ... i . .t I ratnuUi" latsria. kaaTTWeiarht wrest-1 ia af Chieaa-w. will a by th. State eosamisaioB. Similar eases I Uag ehampiea. was matched today tel roaad a-dsciaia beat Fabrwary H faetored by U good Pesiag ef ttelj Hmm lt-im 4dreeeed Itself to the ara BWadiBg from aoase ef the ether atean reaes, an jaroraaaa, mw-m ni BaaoBcwei teoay. are pending froaa a tw ma ef three fan match retire-1 kaocked eat Wsllimg ia a beat la New the tjouege or iianestoa ia a game tweet to aa elghV - OreeavUI, B. C, reb. I-U gme I -f tatduetiea ef bUI before t Febrwary 14, It fatorM ay t goeti paMtag ef tt. Hmm lr,i. addressed Itself te the Leo.erd reeewtly loeal lye, Jraaaa aalveraity worn ever Laa,; f the medical practiee eommitte, today appointed ea execu tive committee of the National' -com- raUles, and eailad .MJlmmJmJSM. lanoa l.Dnarr tt lur m. vaiiwa, v. i . . , . , . , - LTl,, .. "awaa rr"i ajaBiiy ODiaiaing in .utic. am i ... . a.io.hu hu, .. .la... -rmml.A k. Mnm.lul na af tha nartv S I ---- -- -r r m - I ber pleasantry. ' The mea yelled out- The ."eeutiv. eommitte. it compoaed Of lixteea member, as follower- W. T,i J"V?'.Yr" . a , - n a o i I irrui.. aj r, t aaueruui tim naiunt mi i ii n r.j t.j:.. . ir.. I th throng iitea ner. en aaa to wait Mis Julia u. Laadera, Indiana; Mrs. I , .i,. , ,. .... . " ... C.mbr.U Cantrill, K.ntueky , Mr. Jul eoBtinu,. .'v, r' V t,'" "Thia 1 a day wh.a womaa hav aolly. Miehigaa: J. Brde Krem.r, I . .... ... ... .... v. .... m . .. v. at M..W M. V..b , I " " U.l..., ...11... ...w-., .... . I i Bjj(Ja xrt. ttera rM f.LJ7aa. ua. ear , a,. A,d eK 0B. of n .,U(t AtfiMt. auvauni, uiuowna ark wn i ......IhllU;.. .1... .l,k k. I" "Z.'JT'.X ' ?-,:Tr ."V r. . eommuBity, Stat and country at the tor unir uiam Tirainia, aaa aiaaua i v.. .kit. U M.T. Jtf.rfW r..liaa . .7 -a " , I ..... a. B.r knma. aad fnlloarlna' tha hlgk-miaded txamples ef the mea who founded ear govarameat aad ar rs- sponsibl for it soeeess, aad th cces of it iaatitatioaa. 80, gwatl. auta, I at e.e aasam a res possibility la thanking yea, ia the same ef my fellow-sisters for what you have aoae, for ia conferring thia diatiaetioa apea me. rea aav iac laded them. "I wsat yea to kaow that I pereoa- ally have the iaterett ef North Car. line very deeply at heart 1 tut I am siaesrely interested ia all that eoaeerat it welfare, aad that I hav the Btmeat faith ia th Integrity tad yodgmeat wf - Hr people ead fed that the fatare his tory ef oar Tar Heel Stat will apheld BaTOadarawaBe-vjramoB'r w paet record. I wast at as ear State lead all ether ia citisaahtB aad broad sBiadedaaea ssd ta fsel that we have. eae aad all, doae ear bit to make it WANTS CONGBESS TO LOOK , IN LAND1S' BIG SALABT . WaahlBgtoa. Feb. 1-Coagteaslsa. el lavaatigatlaa to datortalae whether Jadae Laadts la permitted aader law to eeatlaae ae Federal Jadge ef the Northers lUlaele district while act. lag ae "arMtratoe ef organised haes ball" at aa aaaoal salary ef $414e te pre ess d la a taaadettoa latredae. est today hy Kaassssalstlva Watty, ,Trittsrrttfhlii , , The Hesase Jadktary weald be aatberiaed by the reaale tloti to eaadect the in airy aad te dtaermless whether any acttaq hheatd be tahea by Cesurrasa, The aaeaamra msatlsasd thaa.Jadge Laadla weald receive a com hi nod salary ef IJ, a year from his datlee aa Jadge aad hsasksU BrbMrator. - CeBUaad Oa Page FetuJ larlT. Xtwk, I ex BoaaeiBtui a ara svavigai. ml te Ma . jCsallaasd aa Faaw Fe (Csmttaasd Oa Fag Ttmr) j