Ttoe News Midi Observer TJIE WEATIIEX North Cars aa Bala Sato. ay da steady and oeUar. VATCllLALZL VOL CX1II. NO. 36. TEN PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5. 1921. TEN PAGES TODAY PRICE: FIVE CENTS 1 COAST GUARD LEFT WITHOUT MONEY TO r , " CONGRESS ACCEPTS OFFER OF EMBASSY v : , OPERATECuTTERS Treasury Department Forced . To Keep Two Vessels Tied Up Without Crews HUNABLE TO SEND SHIP TO NEW BERN JUST NOW Instead of Providing Tor In. created Appropriations, Re. publicans Preparing To Cut Down Money; No Chance For FamOco To Be Restored; Condition of National Banks "15 1- Th Newt aad Observer Bumi, 603 Dittriet National Baak Bldg. By JOB L. BAKER. (By Special Leased Wire.)- . K Washington. Feb.,4. Representative Brinaoa went to the Treasury depart nent today, where he W CommsnderBeynolds, "of tie Coast jT ' ' ' . . . " . . . A . . . i -.- A t -ft , IDa was .witnarawn iwjb wwi u. v. -entered' the World War for eerviee ia patrol work alongthe Atlantic. Mr. Briaaoa waa told by Commander Reynolds that it ia not poaaible to re turn tha Tamliro" to North Carolina waters for the reaaoa that there la bo money available with jthieh to hire t crew to nia the cutter. The policy of Congress la making appropriations for the Coaat Guard Bervke ia ao niggardly that the "Yum lleo" and the "Apache," a totter for merly used ia the Baltimore district, are tied op for lack of erewa. The appropriatioa for tha eatire Coast Guard service waa tot by Congress to $6,000,000 and the present Congress, ia appropriatinc for 1922, threatens now to make further draatie cuts. Under the bill for 1022 bow before Congn 1900.000 has been cut out of the ap propria! ion for the light hoose aervie and anieas tha Senate eaa be induced to restore this sum, many lighthouses along the Atlantic coast will have to be darkened. Niggardly Policy of Congress. Tha the Dolicy of Congress la dealing with these serricee ia niggardly .j aw ait ' i -.m s .v.7" i ni i -I i it t. 1 1 :a i i i i aa ir'hiiii ..!lffi; WILSON REPLIES TODAY TO REQUEST OF LABOUMONS Answer of President To Rail road Brotherhoods Will Be - Made Public Today SPENDS GREATER PART OF DAY J)RAFTING REPLY Nature of Hepij Not Indicated But Expected To Follow Recommendations Hade By Secretary Payne ; Labor Leaderi Challenged State merit of Penn. B. R. Official GOVERNOR'S ATTACK ON KU KLUX KIAN Finding Washington, 1'eb. 4. President Wil son will reply tomorrow to the recently communicated request of seven large Railroad labor unions that he inreiti gate railroad eiecutirea' claims before the railroad labor board in Chicago that the railroads must readjust wages or face bankruptcy. . ...... The rroaident, it ..was .said, at the Is Assured By Some of State's Wisest Men That Negroes Are Disturbed HAS NO FAULT TO FIND WITH ORDER'S MEMBERSHIP Morrison Jso Expresses High Approral of Secret Prater. nal Orders; Wants No Se cret Law Enforcement; Papers Editorially Champion Governor's Position ENTIRE GREEK CABINET THROWS UP THE SPONGE Athena, Ft. 4 Tat Creak eaal. el fecsaed November It last hi Frontier Rasllls, realgaed late U alghL Thla actlea waa resell ef the eeatreversy aelweea Ike Pre aaler aad Miabte t War Ceaaarla aa ta which eae s:il4 head the Creek drlegatlea which will atlead the Near Baa eaafereaee te be held la Leaden late thla ateath. E OROE AHEAD WITH The announcement of Governor Cam rroa Morrison 'a opposition to the ope ratinna of the Ku KIui Klan ia North Carolina yesterday brought consider able support to h!i 'position. While a number, of the Bta'te's lead ing newspapers a re standing lx-hind the Governor and while citizens of TARIFF MEASURE Prospects For Bill To Continue Under Consideration Un til Final Vote SENATE STANDS BY COMMITTEES- . ON THREE ISSUES FOUR AMENDMENTS BY REPUBLICANS ApOPTED Senator Simmons Speakrs Vig orously Against Tariff On Long Staple Cotton; Senator Harrison Forces Record Vote On Forty-Cent Tariff Vote On rorty-Cent Tariff Attempts To Override Commit tees Beaten After Long Discussion HARDEST f1gHTC0MES OVER PENSION MEASURE House Divides Session Into Talking, Passlnf Par Clear, ance Bill, Reviving Veteri nary Practices Act and Kill ing Effort To Take Beating Measure From Committee Three attempts to override commit tacs wero made in ths Senate yesterday, and although one o them was aaae tinned by the chairmen of the commit-' tee, the rVnnte Voted them all down and the -day was recorded ss one ef negntion. most prolflnrfd. diaciaslna, , , aad,.; "4V V!rt-.-.rck4. .caara--vM'4tt-" zzzssm The Houae of Bcpresentativea has accepted Mr. J. P. Morgans house at Princess Oate ia Londoa, which ha ha-offered to the United States for use, as the Aaaeriraa embassy. mi mm .LICENSES JO 61 Results of Monday's Examina tion Before Court Are Announced Btxty-oae ef the 75 applicants for law license who faced tha Supreme Court eaaminatlon Monday were suc cessful, according to the announeeaaeat of tha court yesterday. The only womaa who took the exami nation, Mrs. Florence C. Martin, Ashe ville. waa atnonv those who are now ia proven by the fact that tha report I qualified to practice law In the State, of the Coaat Ouard eerriee ahowa that The Bonrema Court will aasemble the cutters aarfd during one year I Tuesday moraine te bear appla from COUNCIL OF STATE SETS LACY'S REPORT State Treasurer Convinced That 6 14 Per Cent Best Rate On Paper The Coaaeil of State yesterday re ceived the report of State Treasurer B. B. Lacy, who went to New York at tha instance of the council and there perfected arrangements for the sale of four and a half million dollars of North Carolina one-year notes at six aad a quarter per cent. State Treasurer lAcy explained ths not indicated but was understood to have been based on recommendations submitted by Secretary of the Inferior I'ayne, who still acts as direetos general of the railroad admin istraticn. The reply, it was suggested at the White House, would take up points raised in both of the telegrams sent to the President this week by the railroad workers through II. M. Jewell, Presi dent of the Knilwny Employees Mepsrt ment of the American Federation of Labor. The railroad nniona in their first message, received at the White House Tuesday asked the President to investigate tha statement before tha railroad labor board by W. W. Atcr bury, vice president of the Pennaylvania lines, thst the earners must be allowed to re adjust wagea or face the danger of bankruptcy, and if the statement were found to be true, to place tha mat ter befere Congress and ask immediate ration. It is said to be mane up Urge ly of a good etasa of eitixenship. The thing that aroused tha Governor was ths use of the Ku Klux Klan aa a name with the implied meaning attributed to the old order, and the further fact that the Governor is convinced that no order is justified in undertaking law enforce ment in the Htate by secret means. Governor Morrison yesterday stated definitely that he had never received an invitation to join the Ku Klux Klan, aa at present constituted ia North Carolina, and stated, just as definitely that he would not entertain such aa invitation. On the other hand, he pro fessed a very high esteem for secret order of a fraternal nature. The law enforcement idea caused ths Goveraor to balk. The Governor haa already ' been assured by "some of the State's wisest' enactment of remedial legislation. The second telegram f romf the Lnions, ,::.. that tha nnersti... t th. Ku received yesterday, waa in nature of a Klul K(aB ia Xorth Carolina ia fraught ------- , -77 - I uijiicujiT involved in me iraussciiOB. ;,!y,Ml!f-Vt WW'inrerett aould be aroused in inert will alTlTor the Urst Urne. He Wf Urm ,d it Jooked ,or , "rki to other ifie, eBWM u . TOOOOO in property, while the nuns-1 u. Firet District.- At that time Jndgs 1 iimu,tT lBTolvea la th, tranaactlon. oar ax uvea vj vo w. veesela ranaot be eetianaced. Tha to tal coat or tat opeTaiioa or nts yim JSZ .A Zm U P" ' wu the smallest figure onnna xna ssuna yw - """ "'f I V, "T " . , ".,r"" J, " I st which the paper could be placed. 000,000. , "uc" lurmT w,u" After aevsral days of negotiations, ths Thaao drartle eat. ta aPpriaOoB. . . .nIII,AIltjl t note, were placed at six aad a quarter Xor necessary aepanmenis wa i " . --- i pr cent. ef tha government can Da tracea to ,T-""v: " - iu k T Thia figure, in the opinion of the wiiii an., or- Istte Treasurer and Joseph G. Brown, iyiuvis V s ftllV Wslatb Ual lUUUHM tha door at the Bepablieaa "steering committee' of tha Hoose, which ia rut- ting every appropriation to the bone, regardless of whether it ia seeded or if meritorious. TTatil thia .policy is eTusagad, aA Congress become nor liberal ia mak ing appropriation for bareana thst "' ouaht to ba properly provided for, Mr. Brinson tee bo chance for tha "Pam lico'' to be restored to duty. Ia the meantime, aha may "dry rot" at tha Baltimore wharf where aha ia tied p. JuAfre Tatea Webb and daughter, alia Elizabeth, were here today from Shelby. They war oa their way to Philadelphia, where Misa Webb is to consult an eya specialist. Condition of Banks. - The Treasury department, through the office of tha Comptroller of the Currency, made public today a state ment of the condition of the National banks of the country a of th date of tha last call, which was a of th close of business November 15th. Th report showed th total resources ef the National banks ea that data te save been $23,081,913,000. Th capital atoek waa 119930,000 aad auxplus 1,01822.000. Total deposits were 16, tvn.702,p00. All of these . Items show a alight deereese as compared with the condition on the data of. a report for December 31, 1919. For North Carolina, th report shows a total, or , 67 Kstionai pants, i new paid in capital stocks waa tUaOJXW. fuviaea proms wero ajrsjvuv aaa heir total demand deposits 06,043.000. i Their total liabilities were 1633,- -t-tNWr- . Th total capital atoeka of tha Na--' tioaal banks of th thirteen states classed sva Southern which included ' West Virginia aad Texas, waa S212,S71r , 000. Their aurplua amouated to $137,- T39J0QQ. Their demand depoatta were 1 Ull,43.0OO, aad their tint deposits a51,!71,000. United SUtea deposit ia baaka ia thee states were $11,087,. 000. Their total liabilities were $2.. 912343.000. Among these tljirteea gouthera s. North Carolina stood foarth. Texas , naked first is th amoaat of capital stock, depoeita, liabilities, etc., ,Tir- . giaiai seeead aad Kastaeky third. . CONDUCTING EXHAUSTIVE INQUIRY INTO LIVING COST - Ajhorilla, Teb. A eaaaaaittas of - eleven representative basiaesf mea ef jUhenil at Daay new eeadweting th meet sweeping aad exaaustivo pre jato the coat ef living in Asheville, which haa ever bees held her. Thia - plaa grow oat ths saeeting ef cos tractor who are xaeiatiag that tha saioa ' labor men wf the ity- tcduca their wage - acala at least SS ft seat. .Tha aaioa sea la the faeeef thai desaaad have ties sad have called ssothr maetiag to . reaffirm taatr pisiaeaa actum. Th eosasiitte ef besiaew men will report to a eetasaitt) of eitiseaa aa Febraary , tl aa their ladings aad their report as feeing eagerly awaited. Robert MeCants Andrews, Darhanu Thomas Whitmell Allen, Baleigh. Juliaa Addison Bland, Raleigh. John Robert Burgess, Columbus. Jay Sirens, Aqnadale. Walter Jamea Bone, Rocky Mount. John Duneaa Berry, Raleigh. Clifford Bennett Buie, Bladeaboro. Dwight Brantley, Spring Hope. Lsey McDonald Butler, Fayetteville. Frank Ertel Carlyle, Ijumberton. Walter Lee Campbell, Norwood. Leo Carr, Teachey. . Rufua Boy Carter, Holly Springs. Guy Thomas, Carswell, Wak Forest. Wad Hampton Dickens, Enfield. . Enoa Tyler Edwards, Polkton. William Boy Felts, Mount Airy. Jaeob Joseph Fyne, Jtaleigh. Charles Meriwether Fortune, Aahe Tilla. James Spencer Fulghum, Bsleigb. Jan Ernest Frazier-.-AaheboTO. -, Charles Howard Grady, Kenly. Martin Luther Cordon, Nashville." William Carl Goodson, Mount Olive. Lloyd Eldon Griffin, Edenton. William Edward Hennessee, Salisbury. Jasper Benjamin Hicks, Henderson. William Durham Harris, Banford. Edison .Thurston Hicks, Henderson. Avslon Evaa Halt Winston-Salem. David Wesley Isear, Wilson. Gill Wyley Klutz, Maiden. -Clement Manly Llewelyn, Dobaon. Merrill Cerdell Iisk. Mount Gilead. Edgar Warren MeCullers, Clayton. almaare UweaV Moses, Spring; Mop. Johs -ArthBr JJarreagiiiitfelleldt i John Albert Pritehett, Bawlings, ,Ta. Edward Knox Proctor, Lumbertos. Jamea Carlton Pitt man, Cates. Thomas Ora PasgbvIMllibors.;; . William Gladstone Pittman, .Gate. Shaw McDade Pruette, Charlotte. Hughe Jenninga Rhodes, New Bern. uurer uray nana, uarner. Henry Leonids Stevens, Jr., Warsaw. William Brantley Womble, Cary.. Richard Clyde Watkias, Raleigh. David Henry Willis, Ses Level. William Bayard "Telverton, Goldiboro, Claytos Carlisle Cunalngtiam, Ra leigh. . Robert La Whitmlre, Henderson ville. Mrs. Floreaee Colleea Martin, Aahs- 'riila.' ; - ; i Hubert Clareae - Jarvia, Aahevills. . Thomas Atkiaaoa Jones, Jr, Aahe- rillo. s ' ' Erasst IfeArthar Carrie, FsyetterilU. , Ernest CaJvia Cheek, Darhana. - . Victor Stanley Btarbaek, front Flor ida, lieeased nndar comity act of UhX, Bank, of Raleigh, who aceompaaied him, was the best to be secured under the circumstances. Treasurer Lacy waa convinced that under the eondi tion of tho market, and since the money hdL to,.be.aTailble ' before March 1, tne state waa justified in paying the excess over six per cent for a brief period, rather than to see the credit of th State impaired. The opinioa of the Council of Stat was not harmonious, at first. Bat the opposition td endorsement, on th showing that the Treasurer had gone to New York at the instance of the coun cil and had secured the money at the host term possible, acqiiiesccd in the opinion that the council should stand by the transaction and ask the Legis lature to perfect the machinery under which tho money is borrowed. MILLION-DOLLAR HOTEL I FIRE AT GEORGIA RESORT raihionable Hoitelry Destroyed By JEarly Morning Blase at Augusta reply to a telegram sent to the Presi dent by Thomas Dewitt Cuyler, chair man of the Association of Kan way ex ecutivea, who charged that the first tele gram sent br the Unions waa "Plumb Plan Legnue Propaganda." Thi charge the unions denied in their message and declared there waa no economic justifi cation for wag readjustment. . Secretary Payee relumed tha tele grams with his reeommeadatioa to the White House today. GERMANS CONTINUE TO PROTEST AGAINST TERMS with gravest danger to the continued peseeable relation between tha races. The negroes of the State, the Governor haa been informed, are seriously dis turbed by tne aew organisation. Greensboro News With Governor Speaking editorially, the Greeasboro News this morning will say Th BBaOancemeat of a secret eiery that it purpose ia to enforce the law is tantamoaat to aa assertion that th' administration of Cameron Morri son is about such as . administration aa that of William W. Holdea. Of course. the goveraor is wrathful. Moreover, if ha permits any extra legal orgaaization . . - w,i- a.w w mreriere wiia me exeeotioa or tno feet 01 Separation! WOUld I rggent of hia oath. Carrying out the -with the Fordney emergency tariff bill" today aad befor the aesalon ended fourhmendments hsd been adopted. VotM ea the amend ments, where a record was made, showed supporters of the bill to have a ma jority ranging from 10 to 1.1. Aa the situation stood ionight It ap. peered that the bill would be for the moat part actually as well as tech nically under consideration until a final vote is reached. Senator Penrose, Re publican, of Prnnsylvnnia, in charge of the bill, declared that it had good prospects of paaaaga next week. I'nder the program th early part of the sessions will probably be devoted to consideration of appropriation bills, but later the tariff measure will be debated, aa it was today, to the exclusion of all else. Import Daty Wheat. The committee amendment to estab lish an import duty of 40 cents a bushel federate vett.a. mni th.Lr miAnm. without tha bill being passed anoa br the Appropriations Committee. Senator Galiert moved to withdraw . from the committee his bill removing th property qualifications from vet erans and abolishing the requirement that widow must have married prior to 1875. The Senator announced at ths -time ef the motion that it was hia pur pose to offer a substitute which doable the pension in each class appropriated -two years ago, changes the property -qualification to $9.0(10 and make eligible all widows of veterans wb ar over 83 years of sge. Benstor McCain, of Vance, ehalnnaa a at.- A 51 n . a the oppoeitlon to the motion, stating that hit committee had stood ready at all times to hear the Senator on his bill -and would giv him a hearing when he wished it. .Senator Galiert, Cameron, Burgwya . os wheat waa twice adopted today. It of Northamptoa and Long of Alamanco waa nrsi usea up Wlin only nine Ben- retorted that they eared nothing far stors ia the chamber and accepted with- hearings, "craved actloa." Senator Gal out a dissenting vote. Then Senator lert thought the whole matter ef pen- U : T . . . , ... . - . nwruon, urinwr, si Aiiasis.ipni, one i sions asa Decs eumeiently argued Of of the bitterest oppoaents of the meas ure, discovered what had happened and forced a call for a quorum. He aaid he waa under fh impreasioa tha Senate aajll waa considering s minor Indian bill. for the committee, while Senator Cam. eron advocated the "Alabama plan", of appropriating for the veteran first audi distributing th other appropriation i afterwards. Senator Elmer Long la opposing the Be Financial Bondage Berlin. Feb. 3. Dr. Srnest Seholtt minister of ' economics, summing up to. day whst h declared would b the ob- vlous .eff acta f the ... reparations pro; poaala formulated by th Allies at the I wanted ; aad if their members attempt recent meeting of the Supreme Council to assume ths power and authority that in x-aris, saia tne proposals were una- me people nave delegated ta tb rovers mount to the financial bondage of Ger-1 ment, it ia tha plain duty of the gov. law is his business. The State haa given him authority aad officera to sup port that authority; aad it expect him To brook bo interference ia th per- loramnce or hi duty. ' Soeret societies to support the law are not needed in -this State,- and not WANT POWER TO FORCE APPRAISAL OF PROPERTY ' Asheville. Feb. 4. Oa refusal of th Asharille iower and Light Co. to sUo aa expert sngiaaar to sppraise th prop. evty, as deaignated by ths city, Mayer Gallatin -Robert has wired th Stat Corporation Ceatmissioa .for authority to fore th company to allow the a giaeer teappraise ths property Psad- aag tho receipt ef 'thia srdsr as far ther steps trill b takes Is ths fight th city ia waging against th request of ta fewer aad Light Company to be allowed to increase their street car ara treat six to eight seats. Augusta, Ga., Feb. 4. Th Boa Air, large winter resort hotel in tha South was destroyed by fir hers early this morning. The flames' originated in the dining room and ar attributed to some Ther were 260 nests in the Hotel. No ana was injured though fiiaay jfuefis lost much of their personal- belongings. Two men, Frank A. Lawrence, of New York and AL T. wing, of Ht. Johnsbnry, Ter moot, who" were ill in th hotel, were removed to th University hospital, and statements tonight said they were none th worse physically Tor their expert nee. Guest tonight hsd found aeeommodu tioai at nearby wiater hotel and at home of reeideat oa The Hill, th su barb ia. which th hotel was located. whil other left . this afternoon for their home or for other winter resorts. The toss is estimated . at. $1,000,000, with Insurance covering $530,000. There ia ths tacit understanding -that recon struetion will be- begun at ones, though ther was n formal decision to thi fact by th stockholders tonight. The hotel waa fram struct ur and whil it Darned rapidly, th guests left it ia aa orderly maaaer and. ther waa a re atarkabls abtsne ef hysteria. Th owasr compaay 1 capitalised at $300,000 ssd th atoek Is held la As gssts." - - EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS FELT IN ' MOBJLB COLLEGE LABORATORY "" aT.hlha. Ala, Feb. 4-Th graph -at Spring H1U college thia morning at 1:1s 'else: roglsterod s - feiriy asrers eartheaaJievJSBOBt f 1ss-fer aeathef this place, ao. ewraiag to rataef C. Rahlauaa, th director ta charg. Father Bahlaaaa aaysvthat tha mack toe ladicstod that the shock was rloas to Vera Crsa sr Msdes CMy. Th ahock tested tl many. Ha asserted tney wouia result In reduction in food ration with a resultant revival of the era of under nourishment and an inevitable re crudescence of war-time diseases and death.' "After our securities were taken from us and our overseas possessions se questered,'' he said, "our sol means of paying for our foreign purchases were foreign money earned with our ex ports. During the present tlseal year we were forced to import almost one- half our grain from overseas. If we now are called on to pay sucn sums at part of the indemnity tribute we will toon be bereft of all opportunity to buy wheal and raw producta abroad. "Our inability , to buy raw product will paralyze our industrial activities ernment to come down on them with a heavy hand." Citizen Against Ka Klaa Th Asheville Citizen thia morning will say editorially: "Uovernor Morri son speaks the sentiment, we believe, of the majority of the State thought ful people in opposing the organiaatioa of the Ka Klux Klan ia North Carolina Tha Governor take th sound position tnat an organization dedicated to pre. serration of law and order should work ODCnlr Instead of aeeretlv. that law .H forcement ia a function of government and thjt nntil government breaks down, as it did in reconstruction days, there is no plsc in th Bute's life for secret societies that would compel obedience to law by secret influences. After th quorum sail ssd an hour of bill being held back nntil the closing , deaoitory debate. Senator McCumber, day of tha aeatioa stated i T know Bepablieaa, ef North Dakota, asked for whst will happen to it If it ia kept la reoossidsratioa of tho wheat amend- th Appropriation Committee." The moat aad it again waa agreed ta by a statemeat caused four members ef tha tots of 8$ to 8. i committee Senator Hartaall. Meadea. Tha amendment, also from the com- hall, MeKiaa sad Carpenter to place mittee, exempting from a tariff duty J themselves on record a favoring the in tha manufacture of $1,300,000 appropriation. Senator MeCoin responded to every rice to be used in ths manufacture of canned goods, likewise was adopted. The committee amendment fixing duties of two cents a pound on fresh and frozen meat and of 23 per cent ad valorem on prepared or preserved meats, and exempting from import dutie nil livestock imported exclusively for breeding purpose also were ap proved. Uaderwood Attacks BIIL Consideration of tho duty, on meats brought from Senator Underwood, of Alabama, Democratic loader, aa attach onslaught and twice retorted to attri tions of "personal privilege" ia order to have hia ssy. He took exception, to what ha stated was th aafair at taeka mad upon him by newspaper a ho, he stated, "hav heralded from th mountains to ths eea that th chair man aad member of th Appropriate Committee are imbeciles and lunaliea"' because they have said they want the State to live within itt Income." ' He stated that he had been authorized . n , i .... .. .. .. all these thing would tend to produce sn era of internal chaos. and produce unemployment. Obvious, Secret order hav don murk for the uijirvvcmcnt nail umr miau ine Kcviguucai vi iiiicjjiTCm 111 uia- eiplined opinion, but in civic affairs hey have co-operated openly .with the established institutions of government instead of setting themselves "up ss tr&assi srigisslJarisdiFrJss. ;-- The THREE MEN IMPRISONEI ON CHARGE OF HOMICIDE tatta 'SiagiirCaBr Cifeel men who are held herj on charges of killing Luther Merrill on Busbee Mountain, will be given a preliminary hearing before Magistrate Creaaman on- February- 12V They deny any. connection with the crime. Merrill rattier said that a be aama aaa reverse tneir metbod o: teaching Americaaism: they are at tempting, te trsde oa s name that be. longt to another generation ; they seek io emulate as example that is not adapted to condition of today." Kl'ssidV Slagels, which was destroyed. Bear their home. nuiirvi.. ...... FIGHT ON OPEN SHOP Norfolk. Va.. Feb. 4, With a eapitttl- ixation of from $5,000 to $SOflO0, the Americtwi Engineeriag Corporation re ceived its charter today aad will sae- eeed th Crescent Iron Work. Ine., as th medium for labor s experiment ia combatting tha open ehop. W. J. Field er will head tha saw concern, which will bs backed by th tatemational A- sociatioa of Maehiauta. . S. LAWN TEN NT ASSOCIATION WILL BOLD ANNUAL MEET INC. New York. Feb. 4. Th sanaal meet ing of the United State Laws Teanie Association to b held her tomorrow carries mors than usual interest as to tha day aad place for th Davit cap iateraationai matc&ei for las' ceaing summer will bo aeeioso. -- Aaatralasia, th British; Isles snd Bpsia have sU notified the America a assoeiatios f th aaaHing ehalleages'aad ft 1 expected that additioaal challenge will bring the total a umber of eempetiBf astioas glss tea. - --BUIUm Beats Fsransa- " " Greenville. & C, Feb. v Rollhas Oaf- leg defeated Farmaa L'arveraity ia a ams of basket bag hr today, 24 to OA. OF 'NTER-ALLIED DEBTS British Chancellor of Xxcheq. ner Says Proposals Unac ceptable To America Birmingham, Kng Feb. C By th Associated Press. Th British govera meat formally proposed a eaneellatioa of all inter -allied debts, bat the pro posal were anaeeeptable to the Ameri cas government, aaid' 31 Aastea Cham ber laia, chaaeellor of the Exchequer ia speech to hi constituent her today. "To make them again," Chamberlaia continued, "would bo, I think, beaeath eur dignity aad weald reader as liable to a mhteoaeeptioB of oar motive." -Is makiag them," he added, "tr sought ao nsuoaaj adrantege for ear selves, W proposed s ssiatios is which. ,w should have foregone claim larger Uaa a ay remitted te aa, aad we proposed it boesasa wo believed it weaUd b to ths ta tercet -of good - relatioas on what he described aa the iniquities by Governor Morrison to tate'what tho cuiei execuuv is IB tnorougn SCtorol with th policy of the eomraitte. Sea ator MeCoin explained that tha policy; applied only to appropriation for ear rent expense. He stated that h waa la favor of the issuance of bonds fog permanent improvements, but that ha objected to the so-called $18,000,000 program because it seemed to be as extravagant program and that h ob- ox tea proposea legisiatloa. lie aa- ulted the Republican position, in quiring whether Republican Senator had "absolutely forgotten that the gov ernment had need for revenue'' and whether the present bill eould be ac cepted as aa indication of their inten tion to build a tariff wall about the country during the extra session. The Fordney bill, Mr. Underwood aa erted, eould bo eonatrued as none other I Jeeted to dormitories being built at th than a consumption tax. He accused supporters of the bilT of leing willing to legislate money from the consumers into the pockets of speculators, aad quoted figures from a summary of tariff iaformatioa, compiled by the Beeubli- can House Ways aad Means Committee to thow that imports so much com plained of "exist paly la air." LANDIS UPSETS ANOTHER TRADITION IN BASEBALL ,M i , W hats I a . a Chicago. Uhw Feb. 4Federal Jude. ""'7. -"',JU",- ."". Undis, comniissioner of bai.b.ll, upset th. Republican streneth llni-i - J? mMt-soKsTjt.-with W-emmtttssial a th bill stayed in the committee by a vote of 27 to 18. Senator Galiert then offered his proposed substitute as aa in dependent measure and it waa sent to ue eommiueev university at a cost Of $4,000 room and $J,000 a student. Galleries Crowded For Debate. Th debate had attracted a large gal. lery and waa followed with great ia' tereet by scores of ladies, including members of the Johnston Pettigrew chapter of Daughtsra of the Coafedtr- -aey aad State officers ef th orgaaiaa. tioB. Th presence of th larg aa. dienes had ths usual effect on th de- bate, which ran along for mor thaa, aa hour. waea ao appointed tsslia at. U Connor. a young Chicago attorney, as his secre tary. O Connor will begin his duties tomorrow. The., new. secretary, who is ysari eld, has had ao previous experience in baseball, other thaa beinr aa ardent faa aad amateur player and hi elec tion wa a complete surprise to follow. era of the game, who hsd expected that maa would be ehosea from within tha ranks. The appoiatmcnt of O'Connor, how ever, was ia line with Judge Lsndis avowed iatention of going outside the game for bis secretary whom it explained will be the "eye and ears" f th baseball eommissioaer. . "Every body is baseball cried they wanted Sew deal' aad it leokt as if Laadis ill giv it to them, said a prominent major league official tonight. amsmg ye'ipli, 19 TMtiBTafra f as- Uoaal areatt aad th rostoratioa of te tF8etiOaHl' '4wwJrl "Oar groat iatoraatioasJ debt is das to th 1j ligations w ssdortook oa be half oar ear sjlhr. If w had had only to consider wo aaoald hav been practically free of cxteraal 4M at ths nrsfat time, GERMANY REFUSES TO SEND - EXPERTS TO ALLIED MEETIN6 BorUa, Feb. -It was cmlly stated today that Car ma ay haa do cttaod to attend the anted laaactal oaafeswaes wf experts te ho held la Brass lis nest Mead ay. - Tate grew ad tahoa $ 4h4 Ciraiaajr swajalsM Svm Macsal exsfrls te tvmaia at -. Mea has CMy, rh. I,- Coaatoerahte pre party daaasga was dswe by sa ssrtaqaaks Ttaiwdoy Blgtit H dta trrcta swassrtag at sat th asthmas se. Tehssurtepe acwerdfag to papoc adTtees ' sacssTsd hon alght, i It I boltevwd ths Hvws wweo last ta ths ragtott ahahoa. To ttediM P-a . Senator Burgwyu introduced a blU re. -dueing the property txempUon from J $300 to $25 and asked that the rules b suspended aad the measure placed on its tecond reading. The motion was seeoad. ed by Senator Varser, chairman of ths -Finance committee, who ststed that th committee would welcome aa preaaioa of opinioa oa the part of ths . Senate. However, the motion failed to eommaad th aeeessarr two thirds ma. Jority aad th bill was sent to th com- ' ' mnteo without being acted upon. ' : . j a oca ftekata A boat Jarara. Committee actions received it first an- ' preval of U day 4a tha aetioa sa th " bill to reduce th cause of ehalleag of tali Juror for prvios servics from - tw years to sa year. Th bill was re ported BalavoraMy by th Committee ea Judieiary No. 2, bat with a mlaoritr report signed by Senator Leag, ef Ala- ' mane, author of th atsasar, aad two other Senators. Th mlaority report was voted down. . after a heated aad lengthy debet Joia ed ia by a early all sf th lawyers aad quits i number of ta laymsaall of U latter eppodnr th meaaara. What Sea- ' BtorHJrUnB denominaf ed "a " Uwymt"" sqaahhle" reoWveA itself la a qaestioa aa te whether ths ; spoeies kaowa, a " cowrt hewae loafers hsd- httsm sa- - tiacC Seaatsrs LogrrWodssa- Tay lor sad Swaia stated that ths breed is ; ' thug sf ths post ta their coauttss. while Beastor Hartaell, Byrd, Wiabsrme (UsatUassJ g rag Tri