Tlie News aedOos JUS VZlTJlfl Pair eei eaelst 4l if aae-ttud, Bv-iy erver ea year no. Seed rvsewej arc ers eofore essiraiioe eree to avoid wmIu aiagle eear VOL Otill. NO37. v . TWENTY-EIGHT PACES TODAY RALEIGH. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 6. J92I. TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRICE SEVEN CENTS " 1 BISON FAVORS FEDERAL AID FOR STATE EDUCATION 4 1 i - "Other Side" Belna Heard t . From After Bombardment By The Opposition - STATE'S RIGHTS COMES UP AGAIN IN CONGRESS Opponents of Cabinet Member Tnr Zdnefition claim zoo Much Centralisation of Pow. er In Federal Government Already; Third District Oon. frestman Explains Meuurt I Li Wl f 1 80- era! I - U m f (m UNIVERSITY PROFS TRY TO SOLVE KNOTTY PROBLEM otH biu. Fe. s. Th Strange Caee ef Mary Nevllle'e Shoos" hi the Mkjeet ef Ik Utsst imih la payckelecy offered by University rnfmn fear. Mary Neville, colored a mm, had her haeae beraed titi Fetter. Fleld here fee? daye Mary s-eved aat fear farattare ailJl elaeoUh aa4 then stopped U HI bar brew. It wee tkea dloeev. ered that 'she had aaly her left shoe. Ska dashsd lata the boralag baJUIag, feead tka right akaa, aad thea well, tkaa Mary taak at tka left akaaa aad placed It beelde tka right akaa la tka aaraar, aad raak4 aat barefeoted. Tka laaiaa qelchly Itched their way ta tka aaraar where tka akaaa were, kat wlthla Mary Neville's kraaat waa aaly peace. Ska had deao kar dety. MANY SERVICEMEN NAMED FOR PLACES Tka News aad Observer Bursas, XM,-District Natieval Baak Building. By JOB l BAKER. (By Special Leased Wire.) . Waehlngtoa, fab. 1,-The "owar .is." I. kit. 'heard from 01 tas BsUU-Towee bill, aader which aFed ami Department of .aueauoa rai. b created wlU it kaad Mmber of - a a. I a tuwDuri. ...... I B Mm -- r-artArol Rurtotnnl ir-Tw aa 2z',r'?Tzv sends Lisnji Tfiree nimri f foW-aiAJtrnfrtria- ergurir rj tkey wa atawa ina ow, -kfora Com raaa. Wkaa ward got around ar tka Buta amonf tkota who fa tka bill, tkry raw Jtetlra and art bow blB( hand from. Senator! and tm bara of the lower Houta are pttlnc aaarea of aieaaafea irfiaf tbaat to np- pert the NIL teta'a Klrkta Va Asala, that kat Mca TEN MILLION FOR NITRATE PROJECT VOTEDJHENATE Appropriation Provided To Continue Construction of Dam and Power Site REPUBLICANS INVEIGH . AGAINST THE MEASURE Minority Leader Underwood and Senator Heflin Urge Continuation Tor Economic Beaaons; Means Sarin of Seren Million Tons of Coal -AnnnaDy, It Is Declared Washington, Feb. 8. Tke Senate lata today adopted aa amendment to the undry eirll appropriatloa bill appro priatlnf 110)0000 for eontlnninr eon traction of the dam and power aite at Maatla. Shoali, Ala. The vote wna M to 17. Action by the Senate oa the amoad eat, whlek rerlomly had been tf- laster General Burleson r1 I Ul II CD II UU la a t . 3niu IB jcnaiv i BeniHinr biboot, ana inroor, COOLIOCB HOT COMING TO ADDRKSS LKGISLATVBI B B.EGKITS TO AXNOUNCI la a aaamaaieaU . addriam U tka Oaaaral Aaeeihly Maatk Caretlaa (Tie rroaUemUCIeet Cairla CoalUta mpt regret tkat ke waald ka nek la la aect tka Lawtelatlra la rltatiea to dallear aa addreaa kera arlBf.kla Tlalt la tka Stata. Mr. CaaUdta hi Baaaalaf eaeae Uate la UaerlUa, n rM ef the ainnklnallty. Oartnf kla atay, ba wttl eleUvar kat me addreea, tkat being la AakevUla. He will reataia la Aakvrille akaat It daya, retaralng ta Waaklagtaei iftar tka ratddla ef Ua anealh, aad fraai tkera ta Maaaackaaetta, re taraiag far kla laaagaral March 4th. The larltatlea to Mr. CaaUdge, aa. tended Ikraagh a Jalat reaelaUaa, left Ua date ta ka Banned at kla aleaearo. AftflKVILLK rOOTS BILU AaharlUe, Pek. Ilt kecaaia kaswa kera today tkat tka eieeaeee accaatoad by Ua Tlalt here ef Vlce-Prealdeat-Elect CeWla Ceolldge ara being aald aat af Ua city traaaary. It waa S rat aaderatoad kera Uat l Ueagk ke' kad keea lavltad kera by tke city, the Grave Park Inn. where ke aad kla wife ara gweeta, weald fire eatertalaraeat free. Tala, hew ever, la aat the eaaa. It la Werned. EreryUlag la la reedlaeae far Ua paktle receatlaa Tharaday alght. Tka ehlef objeeUoa kl Wiaeoniia, both Brpablicane, ttrenn- ooaly oppoaed the propoaal, -chargiag It meant aa additional drnln oa the Treatary "la largo hunki, wbem th Treatary waa la no. condition to etand It Mr. Smoot contended the whole program ahould ba dropped, the prop- It waa worth and ui n. u. Le miLiiunu el WILSON'S VETO OF ARMY REDUCTION . BILL OVER-RIDDEN House Hurries To Pass Meas ure After President Sent In Veto Message MANY DEMOCRATS JOIN IN VOTING FOR BILL Action Expected In Senate Zarly Next Week With Fros. peots farorable Over-Kiting Veto, Only Sixteen Oon. fressmen Vote Tor Snstain. inf The President Washington, Feb. 6. The joint reea lotion directing tha ttopping af enlist raeata antll the regular army ii re dated to 17500, men wit pawed to night by the Hooae ever Prettdent Wil en's veto. The veto wat oer-rlddea by a vote of 171 to 18. one member voting present. Tha President's veto mesenge wit not FIFTEEN MILLION MAY DIE FROM STARVATION Washlagtea, Pek. a. Tke fnmlae altaallea la Chlai has reached each ertala Uat H.eM.tOt neeale may die aaleaa Immediate hela m girt. aecnrdlag to lafermellea received today by tka Bute Department. , Another famiae eaally aerera may arlaa att fall aaleaa faad la made available to the Chlaaee farmers wha ara ahyslcellr aaakle to aadertahe the Spring plewlag, atatemeat kuaed by the depart meal aald. Tha Cklnata ara doalg aU la their ewer to relieve the etlaatlea the statement added, and It la estimated that tS.eet.tot will ke ebtalaed for relief by narchargea Imposed aa the railway, telegraphic aad postal service. Red Creea faaee asneaal. lag ta tt.eOt M wtll help ts.aea peraaaa 1M days, It wna atated. SENATE PASSES STATE STOCK LAW The Newt and Observer Burets, 003 District National Bank Bldg., BT JOB L. BAKER. (By Speelal Leased Wirs Washington, Feb. 6V Complying with the reqoest eontained la a reaolutloa i. .1 a u w. Oanaio ftv ftonntor wi.k.. PlnrM. Poatmnater General I Otty told for what . merlnat the bill la that It si aa- Lrtmn' aent to the Senite today a I the incident made a "closed book." other atop toward eentraliaatiom f " I Ust of ex-ierrica men appointed to pott-1 Vr. Lenroot contended that ehnnged k..iv t tha federal aovernment, I .rf.Ki- u- tha President and whose I j . t . 1 -i i ovnuiuune, vyvcu t . i kWi. or wnrse, m. ; tppointmeat kat n oeea ooanrmeo vj ninmt re,umptioB of work 0, -right of tat . Jaa - w I""" the Senate. A. - .. A. . . aalvtt. Thl ahlof fair ojf BoaUora mam- g, thoiuind appoiatmentt P ' H ' th w"truo- Un of Congreea about tha bill la that to ptmastarahipa mide by Preeident Uoa materials should bo reduced farther if thlt atep la -takea tha next will ba Haoa tinea December ara still held a price before work waa renewed and for the Federal government o mnev i h .. (Unata for political reaaoat. I nrrued that a Upta of two yeart might Bite tka text-book! that akall ba ated g,,,,. Fletcher and others will make I bring prleci to a point where it would in the publlt aeboola. It taa be imag-1 d.termined tight to get the former bo profitable to reconsider the program. . . .. .. . . i . J 1 -. ill 4b I . . . 1 ... i . . . T 1 a 1 , IBM mat tnia eoaiu I servioa men ippointca oonnnnea, oven i minority ueaaer unuerwooa I Injustice to tot noma in .no num .i u .. 0nert 0 by tha boards. senator mma, Doth or Aiaonma, argea t - aelMttna; a tcbool history, for lattsaoe.i . . , foliowL.. tonan eonUnuaUou of the project for eeono f - A Federal text-book aommiaaioa matt , .nnni.f.j ir, North Cam- mia reasons. Tha former declared it 1 adopt a hiatory niU ta Ua South ta u p)0,tm,tterthipi, Morehead Citr, wat a watte of tint to "rehaA all of what It aontalBod about tha War be- A. MorrUs Lauriaburt, Alax L. tha ducuation" about tha plant aad - tweca Ua Btatoa. HoPfortfrt McKonxla, Jr. CratweU, A. N. Alex- P but aontended that oPPOb M. thta ta bomtwina trouble. Itlipro-I1 ' ' Vl n tr.u. I enU of the ameadment were willing U Urn ided against thii in UU bUU avtrtha- vfT n.n .Tao .dad a list of J tha million of dollart already in- legislation at they may deem proper Matthews, of Bertie Draws Resolution Charging Road VVith Breach of Faith At preliminary to a bill whlek ka hat drawn providing for the dissolution of the Atlantis Coast Una Railroad aad tha forfeiture of it charter, Bepreeen tatiu 1. H. Matthew, ef Bertie, will introUuee Monday sight a raaolutioaof Investigation. Tha reaolutloa provides: "SeetloB L That the Committee Judiciary No. Two, of thia Hosie, thill investigate, aacertala and report tohia Housa whether Ua AtanUe Coast Una Ball road Company la violatioa of solemn ' covenant and agreement with Ua State of North Carolina, kat at tempted to remove caueee ef action b rough against it ia the Stat eourti to tha fadaral oourt; aad ia event tka aald committee thaJl to find, they'lhajl take tuck steps is recommeading auab Tick Eradication 'Measure Set For Special Order Ik. ..f .u w... . .. , . Representative Vfoadell, of Wyoming, I State wide ttock law by tha averwhelm tht Bepublieaa leader, aald the message lag vote of 9 to 6. The flute wide presented bo argumenta that ksd not already baea before Ua body and that further fltaeusiloa wat necessary. He LITTLE BASIS FOR COAIPLAiNTS ABOUT STATE SANATORIUM American Legion Investigating Committee Reports' To Gen eral Assembly "EXTREMELY LIBERAL APPROPRIATION" NEED Went With "Trepidation" Am To What Mifht Be Found at Bottom of Complaint, Lodged Af ainst Administrn, tion; Come A way With We a For Better State Support Going with "trepidatita" aboot tka laak of investigating the State Sana torium for Tuberculosis, fanning to lad "men ef emacimted form and no ray af hope pictured ia their facet," tha spec- Lai Committee ef the Americaa Lesion fonnd something else entirely, and its report transmitted to th General As sembly yesterday raggrs nothing but "extreme libernllty ia making tfppre- wosxptataw- toogrt nith tha Amerr- - OB aTto merUW tot., agtt. tka bill "rtU who aUgnt otnerwue xavor " -amlsdoa tirescribed that tha aoldlerl ?T "" , .SrZZ wis, Bxrly all th. ,br l ZidtU eigW J uTr.l,,SrL deelared, j a of eoai ir. w;wthiB, .sjssaL c.r;..l-whj: . ts the eonntry sack year by producing water power tn- BeprinUthr. BriB, of tha Third tion; James Wnwright wai cancelled Expresses, Doubt, lorU Carolina dittriet, wat k.d for a by tk. ,m torTk. mm T u tatement of hit potitioa relativ. to w,' "jtoi! t-i u wZi. i Camnsnv and ta enforea the aaree- meats ao mnda by It vrltk the Bute of NorU Carollaa. . - --.- - " Sta. t, Tkat laid eommiUeo ia thorite! to toad for persona dad papers and aomDsl aneaaaJMS of witnesece) Buklng tha Jnvattlgatiom Snder this resolutioB. -Tka raaolatloa It prseeded . by lengthy- prenmbla which reel tat Uat Ua ict of the im authorising Us WU- ,7.. to'U.0 7Z inerwHhi .PP.iUdJB.di..wh.r. Tharlow Bait prR0Sp DirnMlSES AID : . l .v.w .. n.r. l was aamea. a xoui, am v - . " . . T "7 ttESZTM Th. .rT-. other eandidato Uaa , Balk quaim.d, rn.iM.. -Flth-n.-r kit snrriUa. snawa . . -- . -.--.- r-v rr.-,.... I aci -.. ..v naingtoB Aad Wsldoa RaUroad Coxa- pany to staaolidato. with other com paniet eontained ft proviaioa, Uat thf eosrta of Us State thoaM re tala juris diction over aauaea of actio arialat is Ult.fitato. Tka act further reeltet that thia pro vitioa was aba eoatalned ia tha aat of 1899, tuthorixing the compaar to thugs its urns to Uat of Us Atlantis Coast Legislation Through This Session North - .,';: .. .-M- .t I nctinr oottmaater. 13-- TTl.tio. h.-1 disclosed is Mr. BurletoB'a report. eauta hit lift hat bs devoted to W. W. Wearer, of Durham, repre- Washington, Feb, B.-Aa Americas school work. Until ha earns to Cos- Mating, tha Pratt Publithert Baying Lag-ion delegation wat told by Senator crett hs was for sevsnteea years super. Corporation, wat dot to appear bsfqre Penrose of Pennsylvania, Senate in- intoadc-tstU Crae4unty seliopl-. ttt House i wayrf and maaiia committee nance committee ehilrman, todjyUat .. . u.a ts k.j -u tt Mil at its tariff hearing today, but gave kit ka would favor increases in rederal :and would givs bis support to It, time ts W. Ji Papt; of Witerbury, luxation if necessary to provide f 07 Uj jj-, Bailroad. Vr. BrinaoB Midi "yea, I bava (aaUl Voau- wao tpoaa -or inat cotporsuoo, proposeo. casa winna xor -sr The preamble rseaOl a similar at- Urixad Biyself with tha provktioas af urging Uat prist ptper bs kept oa tbs Hs expressed doubt, however, whether tr-pt u effeet ju-ointloB mads at the tha sdfieationil biU, knows as the free list. A umber of publiihere at I the legislatios could ba put ttrough oo-.,,! imembly of 1915, and aaserts fimith-Towaer bill, and am ia thorough well aa print paper makers, weraba- I ...-A . i 1, u. .tma and rjnrtoa- ' I fore Us sommittes. Boeaust of the " -or nmnbit tha old Blair bill whieh I short time alloted aaeh. many of them Was in Congress a great giaay year I merged Ueir time to allow one repre age aad wtt advocated by praetically I senUtlve to mors fully present his sr- au aoutoors saueaiionai dwiim sou i iubiqdu all or the . ' sunoorted by practically ' 6oatharm Congressmen. It waa not drawn as scientifically aad its benefits ' to the South if it had beea .acted JLinta law vwuld hivs . been small at compared with the Bmith-Ttwner bill. "Sectios ont of tbs Smith-Towner ' fclU STeates A DesartmeBt of Education, tha 'Sxreative head of which aluUl bs member oT tha Cabinet known at the Secretary of Edueatioa. - Nearly tvery X overnment in Us world has thus dig Billed education sad established a da- vtartment for ita administration. it wonld saam Uat thtt lreat-B ' pnblie, which rest abtoluttly opos Ua aoon. will oftne people, wouio long ago aava. - .. .. . - . - s . -jt . v t gives mis dignity ana atMrcuvu iuu w ' nortanes to a thing which to wittily affec t fend- --84 ftt sat government. Thlt bill spproprlatet one hundred million dollart in order as it states to vseosragt the tUtes is th promotion and support of sdueatioiit 4r . Ts incresae Baiansa. "Oat half of this amount It to bs used in public, elementary and secondary schools to assist is The print paper men argued a tariff of ' Cincinnati, National commander, and of 115 a ton oa imports, while the pub lishers representatives argued Uat print Dhper. ba kept oa Ua free Uat. In tha brief, Uo aewt print makers auggeited that a provision might be written into Us law giving Us Presi dent authority to suspend tht tariff ia so far aa Canadian Imports ara concern ed, if occasion should arise where he Uooght imports ahould bs encouraged. speak at s big educational rally uader the auspices of ths Southern Methodist church st Biehmona tomorrow altar- ouring ine present session 01 umgresa. tt t whU . wu MBdUg. Ut onnaior x-enroe ana nuwi sk"- iLa,k It. aMmts '.-. Dor. epuDiican, norm uaxoia, wno nas . i n. . charge of the bonus bill, wers later- ,,, bro--ht U "f " : a the Btate aourts oa eanse of actios aenutives, in.cjpom "'"" in- U Uis SUe." The preamble eontaias tha aaargt Uat despite all these circumstances Ua railroad has "deliberately and con temptuoualy repudiated ita solemn cove nants and agreements witk tht aovsr- eiga Stats of North Carolina by seek ing to rsmovs to-Us Federal courts ac tions instituted against it by eitisens of Ut Stats of NorU Carolina aad as serting Uat it ia not subject to Us laws of Us State sr Us jurisdiction of its courts. The reeolutioa will bs offered is the hardly abls to meet its requirements! kjP that Us ' railroad wiU again rapit- Gilbert W, Bettman, of Cincinnati, chairman of Ut legion t legislative com mittee. The executive committee of the legion will meet hers Monday ts dis cuss the aituation. - : The opinion Uat Americans favor "adequate and satisfactory provision for soldiers, their widows -and .relatives,' was expressed by 8enator Pearoae to Ua legioa representatives. "I further told Ua committee, said Secretary of tha Navy Danlela wW BeMtot PIlr0WS .t tha sonntry waa in a very bad financial aituation aad BOTH PARTICIPANTS IN mTcycuERiayxD Fitzgerald, Ga Feb. -JohB A. Ms Call, banker, farmer sad eottoa buyer, who figured ia yesterday's duel with 8iJkBryesr In. ths. Bank of Boehello, died hers early today. Fryer wu killed intUntly. The trouble it laid - to nave boon and that revenae sndoobtedly would fall off to a very marked degree in Us next Steal year.' 'At the asms time I eoneedea that it ,wai Jhe rduty'i!pfrf Us government to pfovtde ths-ve venus- frHia pnrpoM and wtra it necessary Uat aa added tax hs levied, x would ravor Ueaa taxes st Uis short session but it waa obvious that Uis it Impossible" GOVERNOR OF FEDERAL RESERVE IS OPTIMISTICI to paying teachers'! caused , Over Ua settlement of aa in- salaries, extending school terns, es-1 surnncs elalm for sottoa Uat Fryar pecislly ia rural shools, sxteaaton of I stored ia MeCall's warehouse in the school libraries. . Thia money is ap-1 Owensboro section, whlehrwst destroy- Bortioned to ths states, ont half la the led by firs s short Tims ago. Tbs ia- proportion to wkkk ths nambar of suraacs eompaniM wisidtt h.v. sd-l , BJf , Mnm 1 thildren ot teaooi aga . 1 Justed we claim iM acuu. , Vu7 fore Us Lawyers' Club hers today. 10 Vi Z: i 1 ii i ... . IV J - raiBinUxad Us danger of a businsM eoi- Nsw York. Ftb. 6. Discussing credit I expansions arising from Ua participa tion of tha United Btatoa in Us war, W. P. G. Harding, governor of Us Fed- ulate in 1915,' aad that it will make mors binding agreements. One of the alleged violatioas which prompted ths suit it Us actios of Mixell vs. Bailroad, which is bow pssd i ii- th :luprama-C(qrt . a Carolina on aa appeal from Judge C. C. Lyon's ruling refusing to grant aa or der of removal to Ue Federal court. Th suit was instituted by the law firm of Winstoa and Matthews, which it composed of Judge Francis D. Winstoa and Bepreseatativs Matthews in th sum of $1000,000 for alleged injuries received by s young lady aa a result from hiring to debark from a passen ger train, in Us dark, with oat a stop and without ue tsslstanes of a porter. tick, eradication bill, to which violent opposition has been expressed by East- era Senitors, was set as a special order for Wednesday, the dsy on which it will be considered In the House. The sol quMtloa raised on the stock law bill was Uat of exemption of cer tain localities. Senator Swain, of Tyrrell, fonght valiantly for aa amend ment excepting Alligator and Gum Neck townships ia hi owa county sad Dare aad Hyde counties. Senator Swain had almost a complete monopoly oa tk discussion, although Beaatora Naih aad Wlnborne replied briefly, by stating tbst tht principle ef local self govern ment wu not" at stake and that to pass Carolina j Walling, 1 ths bill with amendments excepting Certain localities would rurnlsa no re. lief to localities adjacent to those exempted. Senator Nuh stated it was bis iatentloa to speak only two or three minutes, but was subjected to a cross examination . which consumed about fiteea minutes. 1 Senator Brown and Hargett also voted against tha bill, stating they did M la deferens ts ths wishes of their DISCUSSED IN CONGRESS "'rs!!;!.1"- .?ittbr?! I til expressed Us regret thlt ths amend-! ment failed, but voted for the bill. t Lsmbetk Bill Piscsaasd Th Lambeth bill to prohibit officers administering oaths to reqair sny per bob to kit the Bible or book thereof pteatd' its second reading, but was blooaed on th third reading by objec uoa or Senator mia. Tha only speech on Ue bill s second ssksd for aa immediate vote. A motion to adjoura, offered by Rep resentative Wlngo, Democrat, Arkansas, wm voted down overwhelmingly. All of ths sixteen members voting to sustain tha President in Ue final vote wers Democrats. They were: Bee, Texas, Blind, Virginia; Campbell, rennayrvaniai cieary, New York; Coady, Maryland! Eagan, New Jersey: Fisher, Tennessee ; Igoe, Missouri; Ms Andrews, Illinois; Minshan, Naw Jer sey ; Fell, New York; Baker, California; Bima, Tennessee; Tagus, Musaehnserts ; weaver, Worth Utah. Lee, Democrat, Georgia, voted present. The voting to override the veto in cluded 92 Demoerata. I, Actio i expected to be takta oa th veto early aext week la th Senate where it was said prospects were favor able for over-riding Ue President, HORRORS OF GAS WARFARE! Bom Votes To Appropriate KiQlojt and Half Dollars For Chemical Work !,:iir., 4 . ' - rVashiagto Feb. . horror f git warfare were pletarsd today la the Eons by memh't opposed to an ap- pronrtati. af tlfiO0,m for th. mdT-g-;M . PPon.ntTf thTiii; si warfare serviee ef Ue army. A I Senator Gallert who recited a poem, amendment by BepreMntative Mont- gu Democrat of Virginia, to cut the ount to 11,000,000. however.' was voted down nearly a to 1 aad the amount serried ia the arm appropriatloa re mained nnthaagsd. Declaring that Ue ase ef ras "d- atroyi the lest vestige of eiviliaed war fare" Mr. Montague - said the . entire world waa horrified" when Ue German began to nt gss, but that aatiens whieh deplored ita ase most wer now con ducting experiments to make it still ors deadly aad frightful. Representative Sisson.' Democrat of Mississippi, favoring the 11,500,000, de elared he thought Ue ' United States should make war so frightful that aa -Some Little Bug Will Get Ton Some Day," , which consumed about flfteea minutef and gave in detail the fate awaiting anyone partaking of all known varietiea ef food. The poem wm m ap preciated by the Senate that it wm ordered spread upon the journal and H teemed m if Ut bill which had Dro ve ksd eloquent and heated debate at previous sessions wat about to alip throuah without controversy, However. Ue fireworke txplodcd en the Uird reading. Senator Burgwya of Northampton, saw in Ue bill only an other "new fangled notion'' and stated that the act of kissing ths Book it re garded by Ue average colored man at Ue significant feature of aa oath. Sen ator Dunlap wanted some provision fi"? J"i?? WflM Y0t h,Tin in the bill for acknowledgment uhui dm, ni argea msi this country keep a step ahead of others ia invention! for warfare for ita own security. Tf we ever get into another war." de elared Mr. Sisson, 1 want the United States toldisrt to kill ta many of tht snsmy as quickly as possible with the smallest possible loss of life to them-selves." "How about dam-dam bullets!" hs wm asked. "I don't see muck differesss between shooting a maa wiU poisonous bullets and Killing aim wiU ones not poisoned, was Mr. Siseoa's reply. .-- MRS. HARDING PARTIAL TO ONE PIECE DRESSES of Ue oath. Other Senators seemed about to submit remarks when Ue ob jection to further eonsideratioa auto matically cnt off debate. Senator Varser's statement Uat 'the 'possum hunter it a friend of mine" found general concurrence end on lotion of Senator Samt Ue Senite tabled the Kinclahd bill which trans fsrt jurisdiction over Ue offense of cutting trees on ths land ot aaother from justices of ths peace to Ue Su perior court. Among the new bills introduced yes terday wm the proposed Game law bill, sponsored by Senator Blue. The bill provide for a Game Warden, with such deputies aad clerkt as may be needed, to be appointed by a Gam Commission of three members, to bs HTW ;- "fin r-tfwiTi'a . repa--ey jsaMrfiefessHS?. appeietM - l-r Qr a&i-&, at ' eencla it that tores OonseiTatire Oar. ments To Bo Worn OLD HICKORY VETERANS 1 PLAN TO VISIT EUROPE Greenville. B. C Feb. hV Announce-, Sohool ment Uat Ue Old Hickory (SOthJ ot- laoM er financial crisis. . "1 say tkts ta ail eandor, air. uara- Asksvills. Feb. SV Aaaoaaeemeat k Ing esserted. We are aow looking for-1 made here tonight Uat Walter ward to a year of aoaitraetive develop-J meat. I waat to My-tkat Utrinsieally there it a eomparison today with eon- dltions a year ago, whsfi Usrs wu an- Ue United States end on kalf U U eloMd." rroportioa which- the number ef publlt school teachers employed ia Ue state bear to Ue total number employed ia the United Btatoa. i "The conditions to partleipatloa la this fuad are easy sad ear Bute already omDlies with them, ta wits term of six months atteeadaae lawt Engli . ... , " i , -; I . . i ti s . -I.l. icreau. suiami m mo r"-. I." " T-.,,.. I r'"'-r.v T f ' vi " 7. . l ine a aew level aad approaching a -ua. nuiar w, " M,d lad Mae basis. Ws have a I eoaaiao-a m - -j - . v,tti h-nkina- aitn-tian. We have faad will oaM to a talhiMjrd M wk. that 0 mmkmn thd?-g.?1oW. UtV" TJ ZSZZTZL -IlTJ; LT" v"J r ZTZZZZrl-' wderstanding ef eeaditioaa.- sw wiim mw i i isaanmv mtv w winiw n inteatioa aC making Us toar. HILDEBRAND RETURNS TO FIRST LOVE ONCE MORE treatarr from ear levying any additional taxes. r aBrotiiiea uai - fortieth ef U aa haadred milliaa dol- . - I II J 4W. II WW vj-. - '- iastraetioa ef flHteratea. - i "Oa af Ue aad diseloearto f th sxamjMtiaa ef the IOOwe men nader Ua draft wm that nearly eas Uird, (Caw tinned aa Faga Twal r3irw3rrx: Greenville. . C. Fib. 8e Bhaxaa. half back ef Farmaa University feet ball teaxa for foar years aad eoasid sred Us bee football playet ia Ue atata Ua swat sssaea. was today offered by Coagresamaa Sam J, Kiekoll aad accepted aa appoints eat to Ue United Btatoa naval aeadony. Hildebraad, , formerly preaideat ' ef Ue Greensboro Daily New aad former owner ef tka Ashevllle ttaaette-Newe and High Poiat Enterprise, kaa keagkt Hams utorest la taa Ash. Times and tonight became prest- and editor af Ue SeaabUeaa daily which wUl be seatinaed a aaeh. SUFFRAGE MEMORIALS TO BE UNVEILED FEBRUARY 15 Washington, Feb. S. The eaffrag aaasvnW Aataeay. Elisabeth Cady Steatea aad Lacretia Matt, pUassea ta- Ua weaaeaw 'move ment iwaehed the Capitol today for Ba la, were found guilty by a Jury ta Fed-1 veiling ia the rate-da aa Febraary 14 oral district eewrt aero today. JU-raa j Thirty -U Katiaaal wemea'a argaat- and Lena were sent need to SS -ears I nstieaa gavw it es a tnbete ts their eaek ia a Federal pemiteatiary aad era-1 Waders ia tk teag fight for saffrag. toaea aa SerivneT Waa wttkkald at re-1 Jaaa Aaaase, ef CkJsage, will armada gaeat af Ua government. , 'at Ue aavexlmg ' Pssto-ce Bakketa ha, Trxas,- Feb. S-Afoart---r Bowaa. Bea Isxaa and W. 8. Berivaer, chartrd with- robbing the - Jaeksoa Btree aoetal aab statiea heae-Jaaaary Nsw-Tork,-Feb; fv Genenl daserip- tions af U elothss for spring tims wear at Ue Whit House which Mrs. Warren G. Harding selected thia week Naw Tork emanated from ker hotel suite today. Th wlf of th President let, although viewing daily a pageant f elaborate variety, has ehosea only s eonservativs namber of garments die tiaetivS bat simpl. Sh bought only a few ef the many evening gowns offered by New Tork designer, aad ia ker choice ef day time garb showed a preference for eat piece dresses with hat and wrapt to match rather Uaa coat suits. Dirk blue wm her meet popular color, while gray aad green predominated ia a lesser aamber ef frock aad dresses. For moraiag wear tht picked a gray foulard dree. - ' Commenting a ths shopping setivi ties af Ue fsturs "first lady," htr com panion, Mrs. Harry 8. New, told report- ore today that Mrs. -larding nit seiecico aaly Uom clothes esseatiai to her poai- tiea aad had aoucht ae jeweie sere. Is l assist shopping for six dy has ratified Mrs. Bsraiagae a iitue, saa ska was reDorted m very Kri, at tkeagk ahe kept srversJ final ippeiat meats wiU tailors today. - Barton Baat-a Aa Ge-sraer. F. i- Ftb. 6 Trasria Bur ton Harrisaa, goaaraM-geaeral af the PhUippi-ea today aalagvapaed his rsaigaattea to rrsetaeat wuaoa, wna tkat at M osipts aattaa a. administration are to tie paid from re' eeipts for licensee. County lisenses are fixed at 11 a year, State license at $3, and no-rssldent license at $15. The bill also codifies all tbs gams laws in th Stat and fixes Ue open season on various kiadt ef gam. It it further provided that U Aububoa Society of North Carolina shall be dissolved upon the ratification of ths act. Senator Brass-eld yesterday intro duced a bill making it unlnwful for any person to occupy any room of a hotel, without registering' undsr his or ker true name. - - P0UTICS CAUSE OF HER REMOVAL, SHE CLAIMS ' Atheville, Fsb. 5. In a formal state ment issued here today. Miss Kttherias Bellies, eupeaded yesterday by Post master Owen Gudger, after serving 14 yean ss stamp clerk at ke local post- offloe ea charges ef sllegsd Irregulari ties, denies tty charges ef shortage and intimates Uat she was "removed for political reasons.1 - ASHITILLB TJN10 LKADCKJ TO CONDUCT EL C U PROBB Asheville, Feb. 5 Union labor leaders here will contact theli ess ImaiU prminea 10 lnvesiigxiie, rnnr.iu, sanitary conditions,! poor food, bad treatment oa Ue payt ef officials of the hospital were born out "only, ia a 1 minor wiy," according to the report,., which covers manjr typewritten pages.' Ths worst thing ehsrrved by the com mittee wss poor dishwashing, aad the using of two uasuitable buildings for dormitories. - Ths submtssiea of the report to the General Assembly comes nearly a month after this flurry over a proposed Investigation at the institution early la the present session. It waa intimated by a number 'of members that ths Le glos's report would be mide the basis a eweertag investigation. But ia stead of gofng to the committee aa Proposition sad Grievances, it went to ths Committee on Appropriation. More moaey was the aaly thiag asked for. Resort Bead la Hawse. The entire report was read at Ue morning aeesioa of the Houss, and wat the ealy;Uing ef Interest to oome ap during the brief Saturday moraiag tea-: sioa. A few bills were introduced, ell of them local la character and a few -more passed, also local. Representative Crisn) addsd a little at interest to th essioa in hit adever to have the Houae override aa adverse committee vwpart aa a-msasar af felt for th re- ' lief cf a fish inapsetor. It failed axis- v erably, and th Heats adjourned to meet tomorrow alght at s'elosck. ' The Sanatorium report wu trans mitted by Cala X. Borgsss, Depart meat Adjutant of th Legioa. He had it from Ue dspartmsat sommaadsr, wh la turn had reeslvsd it from Ue com mittee named at the Btate meeting af Ue Legion last September. Th per- sonnsl of th committee was Dr. CP. BoIIst, Wilmington; Dan 8. Holienga,- Natlonsl Field BepveMatative ef Ue Legioa, aad B. S. McNeill, aa attorney of rayettovtlle. . Ths iavettigatioa wm made Friday, Jmuary T the Ure member of U committee going without notice to Ue - institution where they interviewed the complainants personally, aad after wards mad a complete taspeetioa ef Ue building and premlaea. Complaint about flies, bedbug aad mosquitoes wm "probably justified ia warm weath er," ths report declared. Many broken panes of glass were observed, and Ue window and door screenings wer found defective. r " " Disk Waaklag JPeer. The Mverest indictment ef the maa- icemeat ef Ue institution la found ia the state of the dlshse ased ' ea Ua tables. - "We eaw tagar ia.eapa, grsase and dried eggs oa elates aad forks which htd been washed,' the report, says, "due to defective system of handling Uom utensils." The report recommends a plan ef dishwashing. The complaint regarding Ue food may have beea partly justified ea a ' few occasions, whea supplies vers de layed la traasit,' Us rspwrt eeatiaaeer and also whea there is inefficient hem , ia the kitchen.' But from S' esreful study of th msnus extending ever a period of a year, and from samples fur- nr.,- fstlos into Us eeet of Hvlag following us coatroverry Which 1 ea bare ce- tweea eoatractor aad eaioa tabor relatisa to wsga. red uc'. lens. Coatree tore claim failure to accept red actio a ef tS per ecat ia wagrt I holding ap a ilHea dollar ia buildiag aad labor says bvtag eeete bava act daeed m hewer wagse eaa be food. JgjILa --saad jQmHty nd .rarlery, , and furnished ia shundance.' Warer wsa fonnd to be excellent. The eompYaint regarding dog and goats disturbing patients has been, remedied as these animals have beea far removed from quarters, th report proceeds. The complaint against th attituds of staff members toward pa tients is sustained only In a minor wty. Dr. McCain is held ia affectionate es teem, Ue younger Dr. MeBrayer seem ed to lack professional sympathy. Th ' Superintendent, Dr. L. B. MeBrayer, waa "on on or two eeetoiena, rather eurt ia his repliee to ex-service msa la making com plaints. Bslldlae Over Crowded. Overcrowding of buildings appears ta ths com mh tee to be Ue chief treabl -t ths Sanatorium, aad U reeommea- -dacioa is mode Uat Ue "Shack and "Snow HUT be eboKahed, aad Ue mala : building completed immediately. If ; bo better buildings are available thaa . th tw recommended for deetrwetion. the committee suggests that Us Bureaa ef War Bisk Insorsncs remove ex-aer. : vice mea to some-ether instiratiea antll better eaartere sr svailabla. Other baildinge ara declared to ba modern aad adequate, except U kitekea is -vavbee" Th report eoaclades: . Toa eommfttee eaterecT Ue porta le efLUis iastitntioa wiU trspldatioa, peetiag to fiad msa af emaelstsd fern aad with "aa ray ef her pictured ia. their fseee; hat tka rot ling maa aoea dispelled by Ue ensiling ee (CsaMsaii Oa Faga Fva4

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