Tine News- and Observer THE WLKTULK. iMmtlif eioadlBoaa Mendty 'ud. ? rei u4r algnt no change ssiTalBrc WATCaiAm M ft . i4 NMVkl tire hater eapiratln la order to ai4 bwiu slaglewety VOLCXni.NO. 38. EIGHT PACES TODAY RALEIGH. N. C. MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7. 1921. EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRICE: FIVE CENTS r:- r- eiG BUSINESS IS MAKING DEMANDS FOR QUICK ACTION Republican Leaders Bush To ward High Protection Rates In Consequence WILL NOT WAIT UPON . COURSE OF LEGISLATION Jfew sates Win Be rut Xato Meet By Joint Resolution To Oonr Period Necessary To Make Operative Schedule To Bo Contained la Tord- aey Bill SCHOONER AGROUND OFF SHOALS AT CAPE LOOKOUT Grew of light Men Oa Itraad- td Vessel Landed Safely By Coast Oaard Station New ud Observer Bureau, 03 District Nttloatl Baak Bldg. V By JOE L. BAIM (By Special ImmI Wire) Waahiagtoa, Feb. . Not eoateat'to wait the ordinary eourme of leglala tioa ia order that It may have tho Underwood tariff la ratee superseded by high protective rates, "big butiaeas" is makiag demaads oa BepublleaB lead n in Cmmvremm that thev Dot what it Halteres, Feb. 6 The foursaeeted arhooaer Gee. K. W. Trail rout from Jarksoaville, Da, to Baltimore, aa etrtaded today oa Cap Lookout koala. Her itn eetistated at aia, had booa . leaded by tkt Cout IJmN Capo statloa fro Cap Lookout aad reports receivtd kor oald there "was tor tbia aa even ehstet of stvlaf tk veuel." Tb wrecking steamer "Beeeue" left kor aarly today aad a expected to reach tk diMbltd vessel ia timo to drag bor off tb ahealt at high water. Tko erbooaer kaa a cargo of pillag Ur koai port ia WUmlagtea, Del Norfolk. Va Fob. . Captal Ben aott aad tight ntabin of tho crew of tb fonr matted ochooaor George W. Trultt, Jr., agrouad off Cap Lookout, wr leaded at 10 o clock tbla moralag rby life-savers from Statloa No. 190. Tb Coast Guard Cutter Bemlaol baa (oa to ker asiistaaee and it ii not ex pected thr will b any diffieulty la floating bar. GERMAN PREMIERS I 0 MAKE PROPOSA L REQUEST WHITE TO MAKE COMMUNITY CALL MEETING OF FULLCOMMITTEE Forty-Nine of 106 Members of Democratic National Com mittee SionMessage CHAIRMAN PRAISED FOR HIS SPLENDID RECORD Spokesmen For Sifnera of Tele gram Say They Bar "Clear Majority" of National Com. mittee Aa Supporters; Want Forces of Progress Organ. iied For Coptinned Fight GENERA ASSEMBLY L GETS 001 TO REAL NOT THE SHERIFF IRK; SIXTH WEEK RESPONSIBLE ANO Waabingtoa, Fob. 6. Forty nine of tho 104 members of tb Democrat if National committee toaigbt requested Chairman Oorg Wbit to Issue a tall for a matting of th full member hip of tk National committee March 1 at St. Louie or aom ether rcatral ly located city. Tb requeat or tbe committee trie embodied ia a telegram neat to Chair Arkansas. Governor's. Proposa For Stopping Lynching Not Considered Sound CONSERVATIVE LEADERS GIVE THEIR OPINION Wilson Banker Believes Better Way To Check Spread of Lynch Law Would Bo To Penalise Entire Connty By Making Commissioners Pay Substantial Sum of Money What eaa be dona to prevcBt tbe pread of lynch law! Tbia subject 1 receiving terloiua eon ideratioa by the thoughtful people of the entire South. The Governor of Ar kaaaaa la a aieaug to th legUlafure of that State recommeaded th pat aago of a law making a lynching in ay county caut for remoral of Abe Educational Legislation -Will Get Started This Week 00UGHT0N-C0NN0R BILL OUT OF COMMITTEE SOON May Come, To Vote la House Before End of Week; Wei far aad Salary BlUs In House Tomorrow and State Wide Tick Eradication In Both Houses Wednesday rr t Bit nut I a 1 1 Bi .iuai KlUOL CHABLQTTE WOMAN BUNS DOWN CHILD. KILLING IT Charlotte, Feb. a Driving bar ealemoMI oa ber wsy to Iba A lei. tader Children Horn, a charitable IMItBllea, I teach a Heads? Scba tie. Mm. A. T. Sammey, wife of a promlaoat Charlotte hanker, today raa tewi and killed a four year aid child. David Snyder, aoa of Mr. nd Mr., lean Aaxder.- ....... ....... - Mrv hnewy, --who ha no l. drea, baa beea cMplcBa la the eammaalty for ber love of children and hoc vorfc In behalf f orpbana aad needy Hill onea. She oaffered a eollaaa felUvIng tho accident aad her eeadltUa taaJghi ia rtpmrt. d aeriova. Ber era I pkynlclaaa ar In attendance. Tk accldeat waa pronounced an-aeoldabla. With iU calender full of epecial ordera filing definite periodt for the eonalderatloa of pending mattera, th Oeaeral Aaeembly, eattringtodajr upon th tilth week of ite eeuloa will add momentum to legiilative machinery, aad tk ead of tk week will likely Dad material additioni to th ConeoUdated Hututee. k While It la unlikely that either I U'Ltt. . J t A . V . lk.LHT.lUt. I I I In ma Of rm 1 1H n m IHiBal rurniB 1 1, Him ml inr I I BtFAlltkBl IB la T n el anBBi in II ITT fl mm I WILSON DECLINES : REJUEST OF LABOR ON WAGE PROPOSAL- CHAMBER TO FIGH T FEDERAL CONTRO L National Business Organization Against Coal and Packer Regulation Waihington, Feb. Enactment of the pending billa for Federal regula WirNoHnrnt gate Conten tions of Executives Nor Sub mit Them To Congress BELIEVES QUESTIONS BE SETTLED BY USUAL MEANS Expresses Confldea' That -Such Matters Be Loft Safely To Railroad Labor Board and Interstate Commerce Commission, Two Bodies En trusted With Decision Washington, Feb. S.-Freiidrat Wil on today refuted tb requeat of Bail road labor I'nioa repreteatatirte that he investigate railroad tzeeatlea'a clalmt before the railroad labor board that the carriert muat adjuat wag t face baakruptey. He alto declined to submit tho matter to Congress. ine 'resident set forth hi poeitiea i the appeala mad to him ia tola. " gram addressed jointly lo two of tk railway lahor unions and to tha Aaeo- Bouse Ways and Means committee the other day by Colonel John P. Wood, president f the American Wool Mann fnetiren' Association, and subsequent developments showed that the Bepublv can loader, who will bo la complete control of both branches of tb next Congress, ar considering step to put high tariff rates immediately Into et feet, without awaiting tha enactment 'of the new Pordney bill, which will be - introduced in th bouse aomstim In April. Hearings preliminary to tbe writing of tbia bill bar now been tinder way for more than a month, but it will be some two weeks after the extra riioa is convened before this bill will be ready to. be reported to th Bouse, and of course there will be gat ions To London Berlin, Tab. 6.-th Premiers of tb several federated states of tho German nation were ia eetaion with th Berlin cabinet her until late this evening qrr tb reparations questions, the meeting being followed by tb announcement that complete unanimity prevailed among all tho participants ia tb con ference. Tb speech of Foreign Mini ster Bimont ia th Beiehstag had been given onqualified endorsement by th representative of Bavaria, Baden, Wuerttemburg, Saxony and th other states, it waa stated. Tha conference was presided over by 'V Chancellor Fehrenbaeh. Dr. Bimone several weeks delay in its Snal adoption. I spok at length and was followed by Two plans are being1 considered by other members of tb cabinet after th majority party leader to meet the which the visiting premier wore heard. situation, aad both of them contemplate th debate continuing until T o'eloek. noting new and higher rates into opera Th invitation extended by tb en tioa by joint resolution pf th two I tent for Germany to send repreeeaU- Houses. On is to put through 'mrly fives oa March 1 to th London confer- in tb extra session a joint resolution leace on reparation is eoaatruod her linking the rates of th old Payne-1 ., indleatin-that th allies exnoet Ger AUlrien bill operative during the weeks, manv to aubmlt eoanter nroDoaale and and maybe months, it wig require to that th negotiation at Brussels by th snake operative th rntdf which will b Bn financial and economic af- eontalned in tho ne Fordney ' bill. f,i tra therefor superfluous for tha I M eiucr is xnnx aa soon as me new i yma j- Fordney bill reaches tb House, put I t... . n...m Uuatrw. ahin. thbs rate In effect by Joint rwliitta -..- andaance hava beea arrlTina i Tessa. Th. meeting of tie full National committee should b " held, tb signer of th telegram declared, "in order that th forces of progress may be or ganixed for continued constructive, patriotic action in the succeeding four years and for righteous and richly earned victory ia 1824." Th 49 committeemen congratulated Chairman Whit oa hia work in tha re cent campaign and added that they too "beg to wish for Mr. Whit many year of happiness and added useful ness upon tbv retirement which he aa Hy th sheriff that is to blame, they poltt out. and a way mnat "b found to penalis th entire community for permitting such outbreaks rather tbaa a single individual. Heriot Clarkson, of Charlotte, who is a former solicitor and for many years a leader in law enforcement, believes th National Guard should be thorough ly orgs nixed and available for being called out oa tb ahortaat aotict. Penalla Kntlr Community. CoL J. T. Bruton, Wilson banker, would peaalix th entire community and mak th connty commissioner Bounced, shortly after November fad, responsible for tb raising of aa ap his private interest would mak it necessary for him to seek." Spokesmea bar for signers of th telegram said they counted among their number a ''dear majority" of th National committee adding that six members of th executive committee supported th move although they did not alga th telegram, and that sight National committeemen with whom they were nnabl to get la touch had in dicated support of th movement. They declared, that those who signed th tela- gram included committeemen who tup. ported Jam M. Cox, William O. Me- Adoa, Attorney General Palmar and Ambassador pari at th Baa rraaelaeo onvanuoa. ' ' ' ' Copy Of th Tetagraaa. proeiable sum" to b raised within on year. J. Allan Taylor, prominent Wilming ton butinaat man, favors a. thorough investigation by th county commis sioners aad a provision for tha removal of th sheriff on th ground of con spiracy in th event it is found he has beta negligent ia th discharge of hia efneial duties. A. J. MeKinnoa, of Maxton. would hav th State offer a substantial re ward for aoaeieUoa of any persoa for ,ob Tiolenee and would give th ex treme penalty to every person convicted. The view of thee fonr men, wk ay fairly be said to represent eoa- aajvaUve thought - among leader nf week will ice disposition made of The' Welfare measure, tick eradication, State wid stock law, 'and the bill to in crease th salaries of statutory State officers. All of these matters hav been set for definite action during th week. Lanneh tWktoel LaglaUtien. Tbia week will tee th educational legislation proposed for this session of th General Assembly definitely launched. Skeletonised, th program laeludea: 1. Public school revenue law to pro vide rands for th public school. X. Provision for teacher training and the tupervitloa of teacher training. ). Provision for securing funds for building school houses 4. A revisioa of Us Bute's test-book law to make preparation for the adop tion of texts for the elementary Schools some time next year, ainee all eon tracts sxpirs in Juns, 19S4, LxfZ'lT"'" 0mmun,1etion kp'tK Vli e States, iosebfi H"'Tfrter firetTdTenf of f' the brganizatlon, in announcing to night tbe opening of the tight, declar ed Quit the coal and packer billa would "substitute government for private con trol of two of the great basic Industrie of the country." President Defrees also aanonaeed that the Chamber would line up ite fourteen 'hundred member ergaoixa tion and more tbua fifteen thousand firms, corporations and individual as a meant of making its fight effective oa National basis. He said copies of a brief prepared by th Chamber to ''point out th dangers contained, in the two bill." would be eent to mem ber of Congress tomorrow together with a personal letter "asking careful onelderatlon of argument advanced age&aat tha measures." The brief call attention to the provision ia the lire J rZl T.w" wa n P?- " 'or voluntary regtetration poMd by th State Edueatiw Co-mi- p..,, aBll tda, t7. ,ffMt of MVtl Against a total of S4J41M0 for 1B20-19S1. Dr. E. O. Brooks. Rorxria teadent of Public Instruction, ha ree- ommended, and the Budget -Commie sloa concurred ia the reeomntendation that $5,17000 win be aeedsd for th year 1981 aad U2S. Th bodget summary for the depart- n amoant pending enactment nf tk bill by Cen- Bwli. JuriB the pMt few dajrs it , The toWrram as Mde Mbiie here br "P11 . ffi ia t. meat far WtO-lOSl and tk f n-s snd ite approval by Preeidcai wia u,, )r0T,rt,t'sUff y,t"n (i'ueTa" Lev. foUowaT ,p0,M?,tt fro " mi lfZt follows, AUTding. . - , aeonomle xortt who under th dt Cencrni Kevlaioa fn rrcteruw. .,i. . TT.i.e ijmtin tterwmann. vne ur us oilier u i uuo. .v. ,l.l.t of .. . are aa. In the r,eantim, th way. gaged in the drafUnf -ftf the German . . . . V. .-"V Mnch of tha nrea which will contain probably the highest rates the country has ever set up. It Will be pretended that it is to acebm plish a general revision of the tariff - lair, though it is hard to see how any general revision can bo accomplished until the world gets back to something akin to "normaky." Even some of the Republican protectionists 'are admitting now t1mVKia'intVuUiSlirna time is not wise, because conditions that prevail now may not obtain eix months, or a year or two year hence, and rates that may be regarded as fair now may be totally unfair s year hence. Even as staunch a proteetioj 1st aa Bepresentative' Nicholas Long comment ia re gard to tbe situation warns the gov ernment against pinning it laitn oa tne possibility that the attitude of the na Washington government will eupply Germany with moral backing. These commentator nrge the government to present Germany's eat strictly oa Ha own merit. "We the aderaigaed member ef the Democratic National committee, proud ef the history end traditions f ear party, especially of its matchless ' record of achievement tinder th leadership of our great President Wood row Wilson, and aware ef the solemn responsibility devolving upon oar parry to fight con stantly for the principles which have ever been ite glory, to be always mlli taatly en guard aa the champion- of the right ef all the people, respectfully nrge you to call a meeting of the Dem- BUSINESS PICKS . UP aad Observer, are preeeated for the consideration of the readers ef this pcpori . Let State Offer steward. Replying to year letter of January Slit will say that I do not think the State eaa be too harsh la -lie punish men. for lynehmg provided the traniab- meat ia properly placed, but I would not advocate a law to puaiah nay man or officer without being convicted of wrong or. neglect of duty. Therefore, it seem to me thai a better remedy tbaa the law suggested by the Governor of Arkansae eaa be found. The sug- 1. For teacher' salaries, 1M0 II, 4,- 000,0001 1SZ1-S2. M ,600,000. 1 For teacher training, 1030 21, 124,- 500; lUSl-Si, A01,2QO. 8. For vocational education a ski im provement in high school Instruction, 192011, $81,000; 1821 22, $200,000. 4. Stat Board ef Examiners, 1930 21, the prevmioa weald be to fere reri tratloB and later giv th government awatrol ef tbe operation of the indus try: Scftrrlng- to the coal bill, the brief otnta out that the Preaideat under rertaia supposed eoaUngeneie" It em powered to fix price and omnUuioae anl to deal in coal, control th produc tion, movement and dittribntioa ef coal. To this control aad to the method by which it ia to be gained,'' continued the brief, "we file oar protect. The war inevitably led to vast lucre in rederal jurisdiction end control not only of the freedom of business but ef the freedom of the individual eiti- xent. Thia was readily assented to oa rreeident that all qoettions dealing with railroad labor ad management might be left anfeiy t- th twe bodice enjruvted nnder tbe transport tion act with such matters the rail. road' labor board aad the interstate commerce commission. H according ly informed the labor aad carrier rep resentatives that he Wis submitting ' copies of telegrams received from them ,' to these twp bodies aa "the only action. , deemed aeeesaasv." Thb President telegram read as follows: "X hsv carefully eonsiderad the . oral telegrams addressed to me dealing with the labor questions and railroad " managemeat now under consideration' by tbe railroad labor board ia Chicago. - Cttea TrBBsportatlon Art. "The transportation act annm Feb. 8, 1920, te a greater cxteat than any previoue legislation place all que. tioBt dealing with finance aad rail road management and accessary rate under the jurisdiction of the interstate ' commerce commission hence all que- iuna involving ma expense of opera tion, tke necessities of tha railroad and the amount of money necessary t secure th successful operation thereof, arc now under the jurisdiction ef the commission. At the eame time tha act place, all Questions of disDubs between carriers and their employee nd smb- orainate ofllciala under the inriadletliw of the railroad labor beard, maw altlt,e- in Chicago. This board is uniMud of three member soaatltutlag the labor group representing the employees and subordinate officials of tha carrier! ; thre members cpnatitutiBr th man- agemeat group, repreeeoting the car riers; and three members constituting tbe public, group, representing the public So far aa I am advised the- the part of all, and by none more board may be relied oa to rive careful 000; 1921 92. 150,000. 7. Supervision of school building and elerk of loan fund, S1920-Z1, 912,000- 1991-29, $12 am. fit a J Iia a- . m uii- ... -am.tik.t.AlrVAl llll 4l.i S - tv I ' 7 . . - . . I O. AUaUlUl-VfAVUr VI DUUIItJ COW. in kAditnN vAnuLinA .::::"rT'ZrZ7" w::ru i" e" " . wo, imn who. oerati National committee to be held Tuesday, March 1, at 8U Louis or ether tim that T .nuM mah. 1. th.t centrally located point, in order that j treB, penalties be given to every per New Bern. Feb. 6.-rIt was announced last night by official of the Federal boat line that a tteamer would arive hava thlt nnrnlnff from northern sort worm nat tamiuea tnat 1 1 nat oeeome wit, - wrw tor Oil city and that aa- convinced a permanent general revision othe, ghip, probably the TJlster would is not feasible now. Nevertheless, Chairman Fordney, of the ways and Biraas committee, insists that sueh re vision is feasible, and will be done. That the Republican party, ia the en actment of a higbj tariff . law at this --tune, .. will not have the . full support .ef the manufacturing interest ef the sail Tuesday for Baltimore with freight from here. The line ia earying a large amount of freight from here to the north and at spring draw nearer ship ment era becoming heavier aad larger ia number. Beginning Tuesday the) Atlantic Coast line railroad will place freight service country is beeriing plainly apparent- betereea here and Wilmington back upon ttepreecntatives ox at leatt two large the daily schedule, doing away with the aanufacturing interests have appealed to the committee not to raise tke present rates, the automobile and silk manufacturing interests. In the ease of the former, the appeal was nuanl maiia-Thenilk. manufacturers are di vided, come seeking raises and other urging that the Uaderwold rates eon' tiwne -if, indeed, they ahpuld not be Naturally the automobile mannfactur tra do not want n high tariff against im ported ears, for the reeeen that Ann - ica axportt milliont ef dollar worth tf automobiles causally, but imports -a very few. Last year autompblle ex " ' port amounted to afouad 200XX),000. . Only a fsw car of foreign mate were brought in. The automobile 'maker f,nr th.it if prohibitive -tariff against , th few high-priced rrene and Brit - iiJi cart that ar imported d.' set up, England, aad Fraae will retaiUte aad ' , . urn what promise to be part of tne country s moat proniaoie roreiga traae, - - Fear WetaMatory Itofja. Tn silk manufaetnrert fear retalia tory steps by Japan, If a prohibitive tariff agtinat ailk importations tt - adooted. While virtually all of Amcr- ica's raw tilk 'comes from Japan that empire farniahe three-fourths the world ' supply of raw ailk ef Anjsriea ' ailk Mneamntion. 94 pet cent ie mnanfao- - tared at hem. Tk importations from Japan, are ef eilke that are not mtnu faetared here, hence do not compete - with tho American silks. Maanfaetnrara fear that ft tha TJaited rgatot mt rwohibitiv tariff against the importa i tioa ef maaaraerarea mx rroa Japan the aatteT wiU relatiats with tan oa raw ailk cxpaat to the Catted Butt that will divert tkat eemmeerty to Xng tend, . rrtac,. Belgium.1 Germany jmd ether oantrie tkat treat her fairly ia - tariff a To ear off Japan ailk tt- ' port to'th United Stater wwald mean the ekattitg Jewa f b American mill, which hut year turned cwt . rXfiOCfiOO ef silki. Ctinadn and Argentina ar als tkreai- (Cew tinned On Page Two). trl-weekly curtailment, dn to tho pick ing aa on shipments. The Dill-Kmemer- Truitt Mills resumed operations and to gether with increased ahipmentt from lumber mills especially, bueineet ia much heavier than ia recent months, and give evidence of an increase, officials of tha road, taid last night. TWO ARE WOUNDED for continued ejmstrnctivs, patriotic action in the succeeding four years and for a righteous and richly earned vic tory in uk. We congratulate our chairman aad hit astoeiatet upoa their valiant aad patriotic efforts tn the recant paign nnder the leadership of that splsndid Democrat, Gov. Jamee M. Cox, of Ohio, gad beg to with for Mr. White many years ef happinese and added usefulness upon th retirement whieh he announced, ehortly after November 2, hi private interests will make it necessary for him to seek," - Those signing the telegram included: Charles Williams, Traaeesee, and Sam nel B. Amidon, Kansas, vice chairman of the National committee: Mrs. J, 923,000; 1921-22, 25,000. k nHU-M . u . i . - i i i . . . . , - . . i . - n - - n u.ina i t.ws : roauiir uina me Dnsinesa interests, inland infiut .a-.i. ,i 1920 21. .OOO; 1921-22, 95000. Uj,w 0f the national emergency. We Questions within it. Ju,i.di,tu,. T- M 1. V ... A lOWLVT M1 I V I . . I - -w ,u'w5 oiivo, nowever, we are voicing not seek to influence either of thau hAW only the business, but also the popular upon . anything which has beea placed hv ih; r si i wiinw ineir junsaietioa oy congrea the quickest possible liquidation of I would h iwiu An.. - this overhead control ao repugnant to I objeotion. ' American institutions." , "It wouM ...;c..t. kind and that the State offer a reward for eonvietioa of nay case of mob violent. - V" - A. J. McKINNON. Maxton, N. C. Strengthen Natleaal Gaard. Tonr letter in regard to my opinion of asking that a law be made making lynching in any county cause for re moval of the sheriff of that county, to hand. . If nnder oar constitution such a law could b passed I am in favor of it I am thoroughly in sympathy with th Idea that there mutt be more ttrlet enforcement of the law in regard to lynching, whieh it a blot oa our civili sation. - -- . ... - I am ia thorough accord with the law D. MeNael. Alabama: Samuel B. Hieke. I enforcement utterances of our Gov- . . ' . . . I t t n 9. Adult illiteracy, 1920 21, 95,000: OVVA LEGISLATORS V0TP iviin, eo,uw. 10. Chief ' elerk, stenographer end office expentu (1919 19), 1920-21, 913,- 188; 1921-22, 921,000. Totals, 1920-21, 441M; 1921-22, 9347000. Take Over Normal Scheela. Asking that the budget for teacher training bo almost trebled. Dr. Brooks expresses the belief that the Appala me, therefore, to take any action which, would Interfere with the orderly NOW BY ELECTRICITY "I? "f f?te"ui:m-'! -mwH vi ua me niAriBU lioor DCMrai n . i . " Basalt of Ballot On Any Meas are Ascertained Almost.. Instantly By Clerk Louisiana! O. G. Johnson, Mississippi; Mrs. Biehard L Manning, 8. C; Mrs. F. L Melntire, Georgia; Mrs. J. E. Friend, Louisiana f Henrietta Mitchell, Mississippi, and John Gary. vana, a C. IN FAMIU-41UARREL Mffl6M01AOI imamnu ur run lui ernor in hie inaugural address. I be lieve that a call should bt mtdt to tht met of our State to reorganise, the Na- tioa Guard in every section of the State. When I Wat solicitor I had a great many threats of lynching and I took no chances, but had the Guard called ont at one.- In one eta, a mat was tried for Jjtlifa with aQatlingJ Dunn. Feb. 9, As tha reenlt of a fam ily quarrel, Joseph Jemigaa ia suffer-1 Ormond Beach, Fla, Fsb. S-The ing from serions knife wounds ia thai houseboat Victoria bringing Preaident back and arm aad.B. H. Jtralgnn, hit elect Harding back to St. Angnttine . i. -..t k- .ah , kMn at A I mania. liii;. I Ia reference to the criticism that the He got a' fair trial aad it brought peace to the connty. I understand, from what I eaa see Dee Moines, Feb. A. Bepresentativet in the low legislature vote their ehiaa Training School, the Cnllowhee I opinions on roll call now with their Normal School, the three negro normal I finger. No longer docs the clerk call schools, and the ;: Cherokee Normal I the roll anxl tbe member vote with bit School be placed under the control of I lungs. " r the Department of Education, becom-1 - One result of ths change it a saving ing a part of the public school tyltem, f of fifteen minutes to half an honr in aad real normal schools as thty were taking a roll call vote, iateaded. He will ask tkat th present Wkea a question it put to a vote board of examiners be abolisbed and every representative may vote at the that a department of tb certification asms time. It ia difficult for anv to of teaehcrt be established. wait and tec what tome one cite wil) For the purpose of building school do aad Ut bit vote follow. houses, Dr. Brooke proposes a five mil-j Since the tetsion two years ago tn lion dollar bond issue to be available electrical., voting device hat - beta ia aa a loan fund to tht eoanties at a I stalled ia th houie, and already hat rate not to exceed five per cent aad been used, Oa each member' desk it to be repaid in twenty annual install-1 a little device to wbiek he carries a H and -all the matters mentioned la your telegram are within th jurisdiction ef one or the other of those bodies: aad I in their action I think wt stay repose enure eonnaenee. "In view of the foregoing, it does nob seem w lie to comply with your tuggee tion that th matter be submitted t the Conrret -, and the only action deem ed necessary ia to submit copiee ef th ! telegram! received from rbi iii fmm th representatives of .the railroad executives to the interstate eommere commission, and to the railroad labr board, fpr such action aa thee bodiec may deem win in the premiaot; this wiUbe done." - My. ttxtt were levied H the variout eoua- ties of th Stat to tht amouat of 9900,000 ia excess of tht ten' per' eent Dacn ana arm tu.a, jz. raigs, Mi-iieei xxnramg sou m ch. jtwsjwsune -------. - . . father, b Udly cut through th Uft fro hU vmitlo. emlee, mad. np b,st in th. pr of th. 8teth wrist. Ths wounds, it ia admitted, were inflicted by Lonnie Jack to a. aoa-ia- law of B. H. Jeralgan.i in Jaekton't home eeveral miles east of Dunn late last night. B. XL Jtmignn it on of tb wealth- iett farmert and business men f this I section. Be ewnt a large plantation time today aa oka neared th end of her trip. When eke stopped for tke night tho was twenty tnilee south ef Ormoud and about a 'day tailing; from kor deetinatioa. Pleas of the party- were vaeertain tonight,. bnt it H possible tomorrow i ran may be interrupted to permit ear Dnnn and also awna aad onarate gnme of -golf ber r at Dtytoaa. a Urn varan hare. , I II such a stop tt mad th Premdeat- . . 1 . . m. vi . v a. IiMtta Jaekaoa la raekanad eaa af wui . proowuiy mm -mea Augustine ' uatil Taeaday. Th enly atop mad ' today waa at Titutvilla, where Senator Walter Edge, of New Jersey, Joined th houseboat party at a guest of hit eolarajrue, Beaater Jeeepk Frelinghuyaen, . ewner ' mt th vtetena. . .. . . .- . tk beat farmer ef th community. He ia a eon ef G. I W. Jackson, f Dnnn, owner ef oae ef ths largest and beet farms aontiga to Dnnn.- .A ALABAMA JCBT TJNABLX TO AGBXB ON LTNCHING CASE. Hamilton. Ala, Ttb. S-The jury in th trial of Sergeant Robert J. Lane tor waa ordered to bed toaight at 9:20 uons to oentinn its deliberatioaa te- rrw. Th inry tt that honr -had been lacked cantor 29 aoara. The fore man reported jbet before retiriag that I adl the negr with a blow .that erashed ATTACKKD BT NBC BO MAN KILLS BUM WITH BVCGT SHAFT Thorn arville. Gs, Feb.' a After his threat had Bee flatted few a aegre. W. J. HarreU, yeiag whit man last night ptrtec np a Broken bogy ana ft ana kUl a agieemeat wnc in tight. The Jury he-h4 the- bat heed. The near wat identified at 1 Lee B. -Bttr, 5. A Coroner t jury ex frS9 o'eleek - iae night - The trial ntnrtod 1 ertttd HarreU. - Th mst Monday and wt en ef the hardest I win recover. fought legal battle inr tho history of Alabama criminal precede re. - I - Sewtk Caiwilna Jdg Itt. Lancaster aad the thtr indicted Chester. S. C Feb. Sy Gewrne W. tnardame nre member ef Compear I Gag, an associate Jawtiee af the South M, ef TntsaletBa, wh wore stationed I Carolina Supreme eoart aad for many at Townley, Walker connty, a tk date I year a well known ' circuit judge, it ex ta lynching. , . , , ; -enutaoy Ul at km heme here ernor it calling for reorganisation of tht National Guard throughout the State for the' eaforeemeat ef law and for protection In ease of threatened lynching. I believe that with kit courage better conditions will prevail tn the State in regard to enforcement X law against lynching. HEBMOT CLABKSON. Charlotte. N. C. 1 Make Commissioners Btspsatthla. I tm in receipt of your letter of the Slit alt-- reference -to the Brooks call attention to tkt fact that tht Constitution it -mandatory en the point that aufiUitnt taxes be levied to provide a tlx months' school term aad tb touaty , commissioners are made liable for default in this. In addi tioa. he maintain that the 9900,000 it only a seven per cent increase and as such was hardly more than a mis mar ginnl protection against failure to col lect aatieipated tasee. It hat not ytt been determined whether the eatir school tods will be ...it,Hn af tha Governor of Arknanaa! I presented to the General Asstmbly for th.t tha Iwialaton anaet a law mak. I snnetmtnt at this !. It it now ing rynehing canto lor removal f th being studied very eerefully. Countjr theriff of the county, and asking my land city tuperiatendenta wm be kept eoiaion of Ue wisdom and justice ef informed i ta aetorminiuoa in xaia -li - taw. ' : . . i T think aueb a ttrmntiva maoawM.1 The road bill ia scheduled to reach witkoat qualifying safeguards, entirely I the fiobr of th Heme on it return indefenetblex Tho custody of the jail I irom aemminec on ring ue uay noa i in th jailer; ma ay sheriffs d notlneeday, and possibly a veto, by Friday live at tke count seats mob attack ot Satsrdar. The JUveaae aid nu oabr nnder favorable eonditioaa. andlehinery act ia still ia the formative the sheriff is not infallible either ia stage before the Joint Finance com nntacipctteg altaek or effecting ova-J mittee. end will not bo ready for eon- apj-rr -i ii. -i iiaertnoa oeiore ui ocginBug i nn A law snaking- tk sheriff subject to 1 week. . tnvtttigntien by thr county eommia-l fTatcttar am. "" ienere, iavetigtioa mandatory oa the I Temertow morning la th nous tte commmtionert, with, penalty f removal I Wtlfurt . bUl aad th talari biU a re by tht ommmtioart on th ground of act for special ordera, and on Wtdnee eas0irav. srroea carelesaneee or aaw. I air mormina . the State-wide tkk rdiec, weald probably g a long way I eraditatioa bill cease np with t favor to car th rynehing viL TJnder tejeh I able report from th Agriculture, com- twoxey art alike.' "Kere are three small lights to show him how ht it voting. When the question it put the legislator inserts tht key, ttd then manipulate! the device. What be doet it not only recorded for. bit own. I veto tomorrow, for tho fifth week f benefit by the light on his desk, bnt I its hesrin. into the demtid of tho WILSON'S MESSAGE NOT TBT , BECBIVEDw IN CHICAGO -Chicago, Ills., Feb. '.President' Wilson's telegram to repreteatatifet of ' tha -Bailwty Labor Union and tellway eieeutires htd not been received to nht;lnd"iieitheT' iWpTnJdom ment 'on tho press copies tf it other than that they might "have eometalnt; ' -to tty tomorrow." Tbe rtilwty i&bor board will reeon- ' show on a board above the speak tn' head. The members nil art named en the board. Opposite th nam are three lights and a alot If hit vote Is "ay" a red light shows, aad a "T" ap pear if tht slot. A blue light shows and the Utter "N" "for n negative vote. Te merely be recorded pretest aad ait voting a white light ia used. Within twenty seconds after the voting it completed a photograph of the complete record on the board. taken automatically, ia delivered to the desk' ef the clerk. Ia the meantime, however, the total bnt been flashed en the' ' tpesker's aad clerks' decks, so the result can be Aaaouneed Imme diately. Tha photograph it the ststc's record. . The machine ia controlled by the clerk, wke unlocks it aad sets it wkea tho .vote it called for.- Aa aeon at com pleted he again locks the machine ,.- PRISONER DECIDES NOT 0 CONTINUE FASTIM roadt that the national agrcemeat between the roads and th employe be abrogated. The labor aide wilt start Itt "rebutttl with E. T. Grable. president of the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way employe and Hail road Shop- laborer scheduled ta present the first testimony. B. M. Jewell, president ef the Bailway ant ployes' department of the America Federation of Labor and ether labor leaden also are expected to pretest rebuttal tettimoay designed to show why th national tgreenaeatt should b kept intact- a veteran ef th world war, wh it in jail here on a charge f stealing aa automobile), recently ; decided to fe oa Mm. Harding la Waehlagioaw Waabingtoa, Feb: . Mr. Warren G. Harding, .wife ef the President-elect. returned to Washington tonight from her shopping tear in New Tern. Mrs. Harding, wke waa aeeompaaied by Mrs. Harry New, wife of tko Indian 6e Ba tor, and Mrs. Edward B. McLean, ef Washington, plane te rata ale hero thre r-ftwr Tbryt be-fore-Jul a ing- Mrr Hard- -inr at St. Aagnstiaa, Fin.. - - (CmnHaail aa Fago Twel (Ctsrtttmol Oa rege,Tw- Two Hort la CaJlmtaa ' Macon, Ga-, Feb a Cajriaeer W. C Pierceall aid firemta T. W. Tana, ef a kanger strike. He went to -bed and! this city, were aerioesly injured today taste aix nay t, bat decided t eat when nctthbewnd (rrgia Bonthren en th tevsath day. He daee net teem I and Florida frieght train ant bed iat v-'ave anfftred any ill eoaoequeaeetl a loeeanetivo that wee ewitehlng in th hit self Imposed xnat. ( rartn at ashbara Csnag a tehee fo t - - - - . 4

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