The News amid Olbs ,7 TI1E UUTI1EM taeetllcd Weather la Bast Wednesday. ' Thereda fair, ahananf & re1 4J ma WATCH LALZL ea peer paper. .n ranswal v. days h.fore alatratisa erver la rer la i4 ataxia espy 40. TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 9, 1921. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRlCEi FIVE CENTS START DIE FOR HINT FUND FOR ST. MARY District of Columbia Commit tee Gives Dinner. at the Army and Navy Club RALEIGH WOMAN JOINS DEMOCRATIC SIGNERS Kit Mary Owen Graham Lends Influence To Etri Meeting of National Committee GaU. ed In 8k Louis; Kothlnj Bar. ioua, Declares National Com. mitteeman McLean Tha New and Observer Burma, 603 District Nstioaal Bank Bldg., BT JOB L. BAKER. (By Special Leased Wire) Waahingtoa, Feb. 8. Tha drive for a ' $300,000 endowment fuad for St Mary's - ' school at Baleigh wif epeaed tonight with a diaaar given at tha Army and Nsvy Club J tha JIUtrkt af Columbia rx-p.snrff wL . . ?, - -- ...--., ja iws yimy tv 1 ip tvi v m . . ,,,,. w... ama fferrnflrn fffor TX-rf Failed Revealed By Shipping Board Four Defective Bolts. Taken From Machinery of Transport Mount Vernon. Tell Story Of Effort Made To Send American SoldiersTo Watery Grave But The Break Down Never Came. New York, Feb. S.-(Br tha Associated frees.) A Utrau war plat that failed aa revealed here today. Foer defee- tit bolt. Ukaa froai tha maehlsery of tha traasport Moaat Veraoa, told the tala. The war dissevered hy the gmeeriag (orcee af Comaandr R. V. Ustewood, director of tha ahlppiaf board'a division of construction aad re pairs, aad placed oa exhibition at ki offlra. Hera ia tha story. After tha Mount Vernoa formerly tha Kronprinsessea Cecile, tha famona ''fold ihip" that raced la to Bar Harbor ia tha early dtri of tha war had baea aeiaed ai a troop ahlp, bar Geraiaa crew cut two-thirds of tha way through tha four aim inch bolt, that eoaaeeted tha engines with the aia crank-shaft. Tha skillfully -made cuts remained hidden by the Suing of tha engines, ai were oaly discovered recently whea tha engines were taken apart. It is to be presumed that ia re rials American detention ramps thrra were trained Certain engineers who waited eagerly for reports which did not came of "something happening", to tha con verted troop ship. For it is believed that the bolts were left barely holding with the hope that the rraft would Just creep out loto tha U boat lanes and then fall prey to the andersra craft whea a suddea straia oa the enginea came with aa erder for full speed ahead. But tha break down never earns. Lock or. toughness of steel permitted tha liner to make a duaea round trips through submarine infested seas carrying on each voyage from ifliX) to 4,1100 man. Just to round things out, she encircled the globe to bring troops homo from Buasia. The Mount Vernon had several nsr row escapee. Once she wss torpedoed and 33 of her erew killed, but made her way to a Freaek port. PREMIER DEFENDS COALITION RULE I GREA BRITAIN Lloyd George Declares Politi cal Unity More Important Than His Fortunes DESCRIBES WORLD AS REELING UNDER BLOW Coalitionists Have Given Ire. land Greater Measure of Home Rule Than Either Gladstone or Asqnith, He Says; Cordemns Irish For Refusal To Aocept Offer SALARY INCREASE Give Hens More Light and, Get ia the slogan apparently adopted by A Alfred I. Harding, of Washington, Bev. 1 wr W UT - -4 fit T . aad Misa Emilia MyaMs Me Vea, presi- Stale College poultry pleat, according want of Sweat Briar College, an shrmnt i, r. B. F. Kupp who has just com- of 8t Mary' school, aad ita former lady peted experiment with artifleiai principal. Secretary Daniels also made iht sxUnding ovaf a period of one i ha addrcwa. year. 1 Mr. William' O. Bivers. wife of the t av. . ki. k.. k commandant at Fort Myer, ,opaed tha T.B tk M-- ,-00Bt tttdrtuB aiaaer program by a and IdeatleaJ ear and attention. One Carv BL Browa. wife of Major Browa, w . , npua I m rvl tUHIWieWVnxs wa. " w of Columbia, who presided and intro duced the speakers. Mrs. Bivers is chairman of tha endowment fund com mittee for tha division intruding tha District of Columbia, Virginia, Mary land and Pennsylvania. Plan af Campalga. Under the plan adopted for the ea: trie light from sundown nntil about 9:30 p. or long enough to givs tha bans Hfteea hoar of light la whkh to work. The other pea. was mot lighted, the hens being kept under natural con ditions. Tha flock giro Sfteea hoars of light, (fay Mid artifleiai laid 147 eggs paiga each alumna will be responsible per hsn. Tha other flock averaged for raiinr K.-eu for ma enaowmem during November, December, January and February, the era ion whea eggs are scares and hlgav Daring this per 14 eisiyr per- cent of the flock under light laid regularly, while omy 1 tea per cent of the flock under natural conditions produced While the results of Dr. Ksupp's experiments will be hailed with joy by. poultry tailors and millions of eoasumers may rise up to call him blessed, the jokesmiths will no doubt teara about the explosion of their most imeient joke with considerable die- may. Since the day Adam ate the apple, a favorite yarn oa the minstrel stage haa been about. the farmer, who fooled his Bene into laying twice a day by keeping a light burning in his hen bouse at night. llcemen, .out aoldiere-aot U open fight- eeaxitte, whiek bad fives the lag, but hiding in homes, walkimg M L,, nranr approval, S f" HOUSE-VOTES TO allow SENATE COMMITTEE not Eru-b-! " - PART PAYMENT TO ROADS AGAINST CAPITAL' SHIPS Mrs. William G. McAdoe is ehalrmaa . . f the National Committee ia charge of Action of Prsvions Day Rescind- Concludes From Testimony of V a - - -4. BT 0P- After J Expert. It Would Be Un f the Postmaster General, both at- Extended Debate I wise To Have Seoess tended Bt. Mary ecaool, out were pre- reatea worn """" .' Washington, Tib. Brought ip .Waahlngto-, Feb. S.-The Seaie aa- r.L 'd.T:. . k nn. , Uwt NH KiTia H privfleged aUtas, I val eommitUe haa eoneruded from test! .jMaL-w-- ' Ja WlaaJotrMtkerUtnf partial Mnl-Pt J itfug ml? fk tt W ihT ordered to be held March IB. The ex- I vr aminatioa will take tlaee at Oastonia. The bill was defeated yesterday whea I lessons of the world war. irk. tj.i ....t...kin vrrriM a I iu I Ia response t Senator Borah's resolu- M H 4JWi"w " " W a v mr Aa van aa aaTaT awwBaifnmiaivaa w aaawap, i , - ..... aalarr of SljOOO. . -vt-i. tMa . , .v.. - I tlo.of Jaquiry as to the advumbilitr - Fred W. KlttHilhi WeOppotntad U J-fc.; mrZ io 'led ti. 'Ziu.n. T the flLto tha DoatmaatershiD at BockweU, Bowan afc7I-i u .k.. .v. . a .v.. I Pr . toaeluaions to the Senate, postmaster at t-dmonds. ea for debM, ,nd ameadment M .,inn .,..i ,,.- rroaa ciaa iciearatew. 1 Thara was nlentr of debata, bnt onlv l r"-.-,-r.-. . rVJ- . . . ..i. . . TlriiniralaBa kttesia were enieriainea i a . .... I - . . . . . . : 1 " v .v. i session, but so far as could ba learned j tonigni oy luei muui , I the government agaiaat ever paymeat, h. . diri,ioIt ot ,,,, least aa expressed in the vote east. Ac tion was taken soon after members joi ' Trees Club poet of the American Lgion, adorned. Chairmaa Each of the interstate com VLLttJXZS-lZSEZ rSSi. Lh ttohv ,T-.;.rV7pp.Trorto op "T?,. 1 I-, nseaaara aaia wa erucu tt . Pravioua to that tha joaepnu. -.-"7 H. "'F f W mitt hd heard Baeretarr DnieU CrJ.lC.u: BiTlCl-ls fe Jf ttj interstate com- Admir w a 8im !!ddl nSrPrZe U the War.2 "5 '"",lwio t60" f00?S dent of the Naval War College, at New- !!.I?htl,;Trea. elut Thnd d" T.f? Ald port, E. I, aad Bradley A. Fiske, r J&&Jtt2tt. k E3 7or;Vaide"p.Tatio.r iVSr-r"" ' . .v. The House naval committee eontinued ' mn! VTr..- Jalas Slraara. Dy 'n T "L T its" study- ol the disarmament v.ak a i im a iptti iw.rn LID n.llu.w I . . 1 X .1 ..II I .LI. . i m. - n i ico, ueciarvu iuc wuuiu ua ?. w eomaimeewoinan, y . i operato on S sans basis, free from ea the us or xnoao jouuua , n-T: . Unglemeata with the government. grepnie aemana npoa " u-.;i. tv,t ha m!1 a maetinf of the na- tional committee for March 1, ,et Lonia or some other central city, that the committee may be reorgnaiaed. ; Following the original telegram with th mamaa of fortV-nlnO Of the 106 HARDING BIDS FAREWELL TO HIS VACATION SHIP Daytoaa, Fld4 Feb. 8. After a day's outing "in Seabreexe and Daytoaa, members of the committee appended, I President-Elect Harding returned -to ...... o..lrma White Sunday, I his stranded house beat Victoria in - -- ; . . .. . .. l ... i facaaonTuie, x x alx additional names were teiegrapneu -oaqu ..".."" houses were partUlly wrecked la South war correspondent, who said Urea Britain would not enter a race with the United States for sea tn premacy. England, he said, did not have the money and. he added, most Eagiishmea do not regard an American navy as menace, , DYNAMITE NEGRO HOUSE IN SOUTH JACKSONVILLE JacksontUls, Fla, Feb. P. Two .negro PASSES IN HOUSE AFTER LON&OEBATE Survives Bitter Attack At Hands of Representative - . Cowles and Others GRANT TACKS ON RIDER, TO GIVE MEMBERS $250 House Promptly Overwhelms It By a Tote of 90 to 23, and Entire Measure Passes With. ont Amendment By 6 6 to 4 6 ; Action Is Again Deferred On Welfare Substitute Deaf to the forebodings of members mho cried hard times, dodging very IiOndon, Feb. S. (By the Associated Press. "We are engaged In a terrible task," said Premier Lloyd George ia a apeech today to the Welsh National Liberal rounrtl, in which ia lmpaaaioaad words he defended the coalition govern ment and pleaded ardently for a eoa- ttaHoa -of-poHtfesrt afcHy", " "ST M ..... I L..k - lj .I...J. a.. I mi inai ue need ror unity aad passed, Xh. n-. r,i, tha l wisa io uuo every-1 u ,,. . tha .iCmoratl- Commission, the . Coamieslowore - of effectively tha bludgronlngs of parti saa politics, and jumping over a deep dug political pit carefully oace4cd aader a reeraingiy harmless amend ment, tha hill to increase the salaries of atatulorr State oAeere. - Awrene rwasw yesTWtrey-oy-a tois or oo 10 ao. RULES AGAINST SHIPPING LIQUOR THROUGH AMERICA Weahlngtea, Feb. Sv-Traaaahla. meat of laloxtcallag lleaora for beverage psrsms from one foreign eoaatry to aaathar through the United Btateo la prohibited by the NettealprehlUUan art, atd "lag te aa eplaloa of Acting AU taraey General Nebeker, made pub lic today. The evlalea was la reply to ea laeslry of the Treaaary deparU moat aa to 'whether tha prohlhltlsa laws start tha piwvwleaa of the caatesaa lawa, which aoeaUt aU aaerchaadloa arriving at say pert aad destined far a foralga eoaatry to be ewajveyed thrMgh this eoaatry wHnoat payment of dntlee. The Natlaaal prohibition act," Mr. Nebeker declared, 'appllee to all the territory of the United States that la not etherwlae ex cepted frwea Ita operatlaa aad ex. tends to all aatera within tha Urri torial llmlta, iaaladlng a atartae Uagae from the aaere) wlthla these water the maaefaetere, sale, traaa. portatloa, psaatssloa, etc, la prohibited." REGRET APOLOGY MADE TO GERMANY REVALUATION ACT SUSTAINS SECOND FARMERS' ATTACK . Four-Hour Barrage of Resolu tions and Speeches Be fore Committee:--r., WANT 50 P. C. REDUCTION OF VALUES IN COUNTRY Biff est Delegation Before Lef. islative Committee in Recent Tears Crowds Senate Cham, ber; Bailey Deolares North Carolina Amonf Poorest States In the Union "It's Fsbraary and pruning time," summarised Jamas H. Poa whea he Va4 done with speaking oa behalf of the legions of the Farmers Uaioa aoma to Baleigh yesterday afteraooa to demand a flat reduction of property vsluea la the State at the hands f the Oeaeral Assembly;... aad preeentiag - thair -oa Bergdoll Incident and exclaimed : body-co. Id. because tt worries me! it , -"7 7LZZZT'1rbiI M-p that the 111a ma aomatii-M with dmd. I . - - ; . . I American covernment saw St -If meons could tell . that the " " . " apologise to the Berlin government for danger is past, someone with authority "f ,rom $3-S0? f "f Pf.r JT' the attempt of Americans to-capture someone with vision, someone whose ""T1-V ' . " Gr"' C. Bergdoll, wealthy American word we eonld teke, I should be so glad T'Tu - """ draft evader, was expressed ia a reso Amorioon I oninn FYnwrfivP) I BMBf- ommntees ot toe House aa rjwavww"w'v'"''" - f""',, , - -r - n i. i I union and its sookssmaa eamrjaJnaa that I would siga my resignation to morrow. A world reeling under the moat ter rible blow ever dealt, waa the way ha! described the situation of today; gigantic eveata were ia the making, aad old factional lights among the various parties should not be resurrected, until ine pern wna over. Ss.000 to S3,ooo with a Oat expenae ae- luUoB ,doptea today by the executive count of S1.J50 per year. The mearare eommtttee of the American legion in waa started la toe rjenate oy Benator se(sioa here. Long, of AlamMiee, waa killed, then I he resolution offered by Thomas resuscitated aad sent to the House I w. Miller of Delaware, and ordered where it paaaed unamended. I seat to membera of Congress, approved Maaopollxed Saaaiaa. I the propoaCd Congreaaional iavestiga Otherwise, the House had no material tioa of the circumstances surrounding aeeomDlishmente written ia its jour-1 Berxdoll s escape from custody. Tha nramlar's sDcach waa In answer I nal yeaterdav. The Welfare bill went Efforts to pat the legion oa record as to recent vigorous attacks against the over again, even after Kepre tentative opposing the aon Parjjasn League were eoalitioa and the breaking away of aome WUliamaoa had declined to make his j made by members from Oklahoma and nt tha imnnrtant analitinniata who hava wk aa lneal aalf tonnniat and I Other States Where the league If active, decided that the time haa come to waated the bill to go back to commit- aner eonsiaeraoio ueoaw vaxiou. staad for their owa parties. tee for hearing. Bs ia the chief op- reeolutiona were voted dowa ana Allnrilnv bi Im iaJ )i mmiA tha M1I. I ... i..l., tVm . ,K. I laDIOO. lao commmee WW. mA fMiii miu l. i.i ... i i . ...k,u. unanimously to uphold r. w. uaioraita m...r. Af nU than .ith.. flu.. .,...a ,k. .. n. . National commander, in his staad ad stone or Aaquith had proposed. reminded that he was there aad made I,U'B" . BUte a'01?, i. "But," he added, 'they say they , gpfc, aad thas jogged, hi. mesa- Nebraik and Oklahoma , that .jthe -o.t t.k. i. Tk.v ri.ti.v.V. lri.i L.: "?r Legion itself should take ao active republiTs ai Irish army. .. Iriah navy. 17, .fKtn. - Jl- T Vh. P- the Ugu. a. an erganL ti... ... it ..a ar tv j.4 .. I . ' I aatloa. ; "."-CrZ . we. im oni ti one. n,n.... with .nt to tha - gr" " ---WW-- it, we are told, they will kill our po-1 Ai an. 4 th, Uriee aad fees Boa-Partisa league question which be- JS5,i: Tn... tLVZZr.T 4rt "'" " spprovJ. saTpost, forsTpport from the Na teepeetable tenant farmers t awagger- mtatiTa-Wrialrt aeoeared aa nrormn-1 .7fT-T-t.7.... 1. . a-i ..! .1.. TiiVlL. ?H.r7Jl- - tt hhl -a irrt Z7flf Oth.r ." Jfar ap- LWnWte: 1J ?. T ttEF from Vester. th.r era about to mnrdsr aa thonah M Trtl boaqueta to sundry speakers Southwestern posts sad all were shown mey are apont to muraer, as uougn fc t,a-.. . ( i,m .... .. k 1..-. v. ...... , -" - -- . - I k UT, VWm ,1 TC. M.V they were innocent men. ' .Are ws .krf .vi.. I pleasing to the cause, doing no little br the commander. w. a :.v.... ....-- ,v. .... 1 lowara smooioinr sui nanv 1 earners t nneaxers nrffins; toe ecion to go on ."...--y'i-w-l-iuii-.. " ant v .v. 'a i .v. T... A,.A pie we are aeading theroT (Cries of I " -w r r; VTj 575 1 t XT. T r Tk ... 1. Iat. K .. w . Ma I , O. IU, UL'CUIUI PHMS, BW I bU, IHUSI, W-IV U1UJM - . aad our poUtieal opponeaU oa home BepresentaUvee Murphy and were using the league to cloak seUous i. v. k... vm.. k.. Cow'ea. activities. OpponenU aonteaded that the Gladstoaian home rale. Wright Champtoa. BI1L sucn acuoa wouia 00 oons.u.raa j "There ia an Issue about setting ap No sooner was Mr. Wright through mr farmers and other memberg of an independent, country by oar very with speaking than Mr. Cowle. w the league, who themselves 1 were loyal, gatee-by the places where nbcnW rMtft'n 'tkrmw:tU ppo,T i T- sd to lurk and sink our ahlpa and Mr. Murphy anumod that the member the eoi Ml J"i .nAmnvr nar . Mmmerca and tha lifa fnuBLWllka wirkiw far tha mlo. of the nation.' There Is aa issue as to ority party ia the Houte, and on these whether the polieemea and soldiers who grounds attacked him with some -bit- are there npholding the honor of oorlterness, for Injecting partisan polities flag are to be shot down by men who I into a diaeusaioa that waa not eaten lurk in houses. issue." that the legion should " not oppose the league's status as- a political pxry. Announcement was made at today's meeting that efforts would be made to have the Knights of Columbus remove I know of .0 other tuily political. Mr. Murphy JSaSSTZ Mr. Cowles that tha Hons was ia the hands of the majority and if the Ba the Legion of $3flOOf)00 for construe tion 0 a war memorial In Washington. AMI I 'I I jaM, a aaaipvU dUUIn lAHUUHA .UUCI I I publicans waated to draw the party -h. .SmmittM l..t iaht voted to re VOTES FOR A TARIFF P1."' ' " aw.- Cowlea de- fuM the offer unless made aneondi ,- I "ini rviwHioaii .u k na wm ij-aiuil I vipnally. Charleston. 8. C Feb. S-At a called " s.Prwawa naaupoini. this iuiu.j. . .jlu." - 1. .. n a.iHiram .t - .a ut km-rmw arrocnaea 1 mo vbcbuob id u w wu i . . , 1 - toTeallT " -. ? - " . .... lAZL There wa. no lea. of Jifw Will BelV J. .Mf aW however. had . j mlracnlou. , alias uranaan ju.uma . 1 r: 1.1 eacapo rrom geatn. ai -ma wnoie-rear sptw xnrt tha hrha of his house waa demolished. Ap- her e to the Bst of those aaklng P etot parently twe stick. Tof dynamite were tM, tte -e.ti. W:3n-2:--t-.wa2 nndef the hones, aa there were the s-lnaW -2;:,: BHitly nehow. Joeatod . In date mnerted it beiha held .actio. "of SbnU Jacksonville of tha party HderSv . waaniogw" . - , A t ta tha Via-1 wr placarded wita aaonymous notices -that he ha. altornativa, th. g Laming .etmpant. to wate th. havlnf been auda bj mora than a ""-i mTT Harding', ex- Poetically all negroes uWHr of the eorvmitteo membora. It n!.?i CV.. i! ti. heeded tha warning aad it was stated is not believed by these leaders, how- ot te p0iat IsabeL Texas. " that BU recently moved aver, that the eaJl will be lesaed prior 52- h3 taah hadl bkeM hous a. a earetaker. Scores io lae mrmL "X" I kU vaeatioa there, mlttea wwen cnarrman wnwo of poliei affioer. aad deputies are still at the rae of the explosion endeavor ing to ma down those guilty of the crime. GEDDES TO TAKE LEAD IN DISARMAMENT. MEET , ealUd to be held Febraar ;IMltUi FOUR KILLED AT GRADE tS l..rZ . CROSSING IN VIRGINIA to meet whatovwr ainatioa preeenta, It- . . '-. --.T ."-. ' or If to the exeratiia committee.- ' Petersburg, Ta. Feb. S. Four people Ke aWitoea Schism , .1 war instantly killed early tW. .mora V.eNvtuWAl Uitt V 11 - It Jk J ..ii.alaa an ' Waalt. 1EK NattolS nil. ii miT ofr. whV, A-ckU-J emmittoeman for North Carolina and a Korfolk and Western paaaenger IgW Si JSJSS 2 Wah! . aWtar tha Wtrr. eo-mitto. train rtrack a. .utom.bU. i. which J3,& ftSr. torl - ' . " r r rerward proposals lor world confer- Kew. aad Otmerver mereadent. aeid eujat at tha -echiw. - dUamame.t. according v ro- that ha did thatthere waa nay . The dead are. Ira Cole. S KUe p,bluke4 u tt, r.,, erioa. differewee preaeatiag ltaelf. Cole, 17 f aad Mr. aad Mrs. Hodget Mra. . . ; eertsinly a one that iadicatod aay split Jeakiaa, all of whim llv near Crewe, jj j, faUni that this was one af sae parry awa seu-i --- Taetr ooaies were oaoiy mauiatea oy the moat importsat qaestions ths 'am be adaiti The oaly -differe-oo ia I the impact, aad the msehlae wa to-1 baaaador dieeoaaed wkh the prime mia- optaioa ai. eng saeaarars w ua commit-1 tally wrecked. A fasight traU wast I krtar. Im that haa Sen diaeloaed as ret. air. I k..J . . k. -i. .V. ' -- 1 - MeXeaa thraks, -la ana as to the Urns I . and -kiia attamrftinr ta cross 1 FIAJfCB JtlCWVia ACCKPTAHCB 1 ' when tha eommlttea ahjiU Jaarn-tol e track after 'the fraicht train had! OF INVITATION BT CZBhUKI. .k. .AM . I . ' . . . I V.W a . : . a, wvia, iTiiaui, paassa. taey ware etracc oy ua a-i -- day. received Germany, reply accepting tha Invitation to the London conference. The lavitatioa was aeeepted ea tha is- .1 . isssionsi eampa-gn. xsoae who are 1 santar train, i - V rgiag that the CMaUttee he called te YZ. m vet eat ar. abemt Match let held that! lewth Carolina Beaaa Citadel 1 fiaiaatio for the next eampaiga I Colambia, 8. C, Feb. aV The Val-1 denrtsading that aay propoaali the Oer ' ehoaid hia miacidrnt with the ia-1 varsity of fJoath Carolina baaket ball I auiws desire to make will be heard. , oowuar af tha Harding administration, team defeated tha Citadel, tha alii-1 French efflciala interpret this to mean 1 tary .eoi-ore or Bowta uaroiiaa, n a 1 in. . nwaay uuaniu to eomaiar- . ' CeatUatd On ra Twe) I wars ef U-t 13 her. tonight. jMpt-tU. . ' - . .- : . ; meeting here today of the -executive t 703 w.nt aay Republican I TOQ BUST WITH-UTHtR eommitiee 01 toe Agricuuunit ooeie-y 1 -trj.i.mwt, of South Carolina reputed to ba thelMeBee, miaerity member from oldest agricultaral organisation in the Mitchell. United States, a resolution was adopted "The Geatleman from Mitchell is asking the Senators from this Stat, to from a higher altitude than the Mem rot, in favor of the emergency tariff ber from Wilkee aad haa a dearer bill ' or any ether legislatioa which vision," Mr. Murphy replied. "We, wel would afford protection to Amerieaa noma his vote." farm products St th. preaeat The rice The debate rocked alone-, with a and peannt industries In this State desen member, rising to offer their wan. ampuasiaea at w I new. until Bennett of An son arose THINGS TO HANG NEGRO ' Baton Bouge, Leu, reb. . Boeanae he was too. busy with ''criminal isd civil matters," T. A. Grant, sheriff of Ouch ita parish failed to hang Lonnle Eaton, negro of Onehita convicted of murder and sentenced to be hanged Febrnry 4. The information that the sheriff had being especially hard-hit by Japanese ta ear that he waa awalaat t aad that '""f -- Eon came to compeuwow. uaouiciai J cowica had ,enred the nnftr argument f"t , "7 ,j .7 to the meettor alsd. ktated that many .avanced in the whole diaeusaioa Hal' iheriff,.who eal4 that he carloads of turnips and Mbbage .n j rv.w .i.. ,1,. I had been .0 busy on February, the M V. ?..?! .SS dl?: w tf '" " -" ""'-- ""'" I where aanonncemant waa aaada la '"" aoluma that the sUarles of constitu tional officers had been rained and In another column th. fact that the prison dition of the markets. ONE KILLED IN WRECK ON SEABOARD RAILROAD hoard had reduced the wage ef prirea 11. labor. Savannah, Oa, Feb. 8. One man kill-1 , Bennett In F I wae to- be hsngsd eompIeteIy capd hi. mlad." Th. sheriff now appeal, to th.' gov ernor to know just what to do with the negro, and the governor has put the problem ap to - Attorney General -4 and eleven persotts Injured whea t ""Mir. Bennett found occasion to enlarge I Coeo ueninu 01 ueorgw m vara raw into somewaat a poa poiiuca, aad deeured crDlf III net tfITCC ill 11 I utnmrtii ub--unit.d isiuk. . a vrrn m 1 nuriAu ssrrrritii t - Mil emu Lunuun mcciipju ' Berlin. Feb. IV Dr. Walter Si. mona, the foreign mi a later, today handed : to the French Charge eTAffalrea the fallewtBg neto a a. Mwnciag the German government', aceaptance of tha lavitatioa to take part la the approaching eeafrr ca In Leaden oa reparattoael "With reference to the eenverw the French . am. lev aad tha German ferelgn Ceissan gwremment ccepta the In vital ton eeareyed to by the amhaasador aad win an March 1 aead aUed delegatea to Leeidon, prerldod wegotiattoBa are "t baaed oa prep mess which the Car aaaa gwros assent leesrvsa to ltaelf tha right to lay. before the eea. the rear eoaeh of a Seaboard Air Line I that ha waa a Democrat. Srat beeanaa passenger train at the crossing of the he waa white. Hia aaeond and third two zoads two miles west of Savannah reaaoa. went nnstated. MeBee was aa,J,---Wiiaiae floor to take tha fcoue, aad to call flagman on. the Seaboard tram. Hialamm tha wknla a,i ihI,i. ta home wa. at Darllngtoa, a C. ' Quit rlin Muraer and d a whits The tainTed-hhaw been taken W man'.wk aad take a white maa's pay 8arf!a"?nit1 ,f ,tat bjr rU' So' it. He d eeU red that every Dem- "ieU1 f '?"0WV, I, ' ", ocrat aad every Be public a la his B. PeUow, H; L Padgett, CM. Cooler, ,-. uti E. L Bennett. J. J. Minu, C. F. Batler. k-. "ItI ., a. a.k... A tT Crt. M 0 TTl T JT . I : j? 7irl7..iT n. . -r. Wright eallad for U. I -1 -. a. - ' - aai !., .l . .,. Tka ... . tk.i- !-, Im 1 1""" .-V " w .7 :r." - anaware, being basy writing an amead- iow-.atthl.tima.. ; d b.t ,w tt. eonitoey hfr. SAYS MCADOO WILL TAKE l.wh.. 'l.rl:wV.:?i OVER MEXICAN RAILROADS t ...t b, iioug .very bw ar tha Oeaeral Assswtbly aad m prin- EI Paso, Tex, Feb. eV Former Boero-1 dpal elerks aa appropriation of $290 tary el Ue Treaaary wuuam U. Me- to defray tteir axpeaaoa u at- Adoe- is ia Mexico for tha purpoew af I tendaaee a pen tha regnlar sissioa. takiac charge of tha iworgaaimtion and I similar raoolatioa had bee offered leeonatraction af tha national railways I earlier in the, day by Mr. McSwaia, ef Mexico, accord lag to aa aaaoaaeo-1 aad had gene to the Boaee Expeaditnree meat today by Lis Antonio Cempaa-1 eommittoe. Mr. Uraat took the suae, who repreeented the Mexlcas axin-l ta kraaJto-hi am end meat. later of eommaaieatibae at the eoaven-1 that 5f expenae money eoaid ba rated Soorl ' Bi-thera Flay la Toaraaaaaa. Cleveland, O Fen. . Fraaei. aad Edgar Appleby, ef New Tork, brothers, mt tths trsr Of today, gamea in the Katioal Asaatoar 1SJ Ulk line bo ttom af the Confederated Mexican Chan. I a judge, tha Cos era! Aaeembly had the 1 1 tarda , toamameat being held - here. ber. af Commerce, . wuca yesterday I msa right to grr etker BLat -meers 1 rraM winniar oy a cere si iw is eloeed its aeeaioaa here. - I expenae aeeoaata, aad ha wa of the t3. Fraaeia had an average af T-13-41 opinion that tha Legislator waa getting and high raas ef sz, 4 aad 40. dgar Barrett WeaeVQ DUa. Boetoa. Feb. S Barrett WeadelL pro feasor emerita ar Karvard Vaiwora- te be a -rich maa's dab." Peaght Taken Fleec. Bcpraa.atotiv Dsaghton had taken I I average waa S4-41, with high iwaa af SO. SS. aad 17. Baca Card af the Beeeea. hr. wkara ha had taarht Eaarliah lit-r-1 .. ... a.k... .. k .k.l - Biccsat tare for IT years, died at hia horn. - j Three Bpeeial Eveata. 500 in faryta. hue today wa ti year, ti , (CaaHsasd 0v Faf FivaJ Piaahvn tc4y -i1'. pohma campaigned before the two committee for nearly. four hours, demanding a flaV reduction,.. or property outside of towns of Isae thin tJitiO population, aad immsdiate relief from what they termed the Vm "" travagant, unjust, oppressive aad ruia ous" practiee of th Bevaluatioa Act, while the valuations attached to per. aonal property are to stand as tfc.y- J" are. Under the leadership ef Dr. . U,- -Tsmpieton, President B. W. H. Stoae and Dr. H. Q. Alexander, and atUaded by Collector Bailey aad hi law partner, -. Jsmes H. Pou, mors farmer, assembled in I the hall of the Benate th.a war there, even on that hot afteraooa last August whoa they flrst appealed to th General Assembly for ' th. repeal af , th. Bevaluatioa Act. Crowd Overflow Gallery. ' .. The erowd awamped th. lobbies, filled the aisle, crowded ap around the pre siding officers' desk, the space back ft it, and then there were mora than. enough left over to pack the gallon to their utmost capacity. They w.r.. snthuslaati ia their commendation ef their speaker and applauded them lustily a poa tha Jeast inducement. -Dr. Tsmpieton was their chief spokacmsa aad director, having a paper ia hi. head, with th. name, ef speakers writ tea thereon. Thsy rook, oa his ealU , There word delegation her. from , more than mom of counties, and all of tkem wift, speaker along to pre eat their demand for something ia th nature ef relief. Aad In addition to thee wr Mr. Ballsy and Mr. Pon aad - Dr. Alexander. Franklin eouaty had a blj delegition aad wanted to auks several speeche. O. W. Foard, of Loqisburg, aa elderly eitixen, advaneed dowa the aisle with a bundle of papers v under hi arm aad bga th geaeral indictment of the Bevnluatloa Act Th roll of papers he had with him were eoplea of bi returns for property that h own. ia Franklin eouaty, a vast-sereage of tt dirid4 np U IracU . of innumerable By actual ont thsrs were 103 different piece of prop- . erty, totaling, he "reckoned," eight ar ten thousand aores of land. Some of it he didn't know h had nntil the aa essors found it for him. He hasn't seen it yet. The vahie. ran all tha way from 183 to 88,380, with a total ' of S482.O40. He was stUl toUlag hi. woe. whea Dr. Templeton rapped the end of his flv minute period. - Then followed a number of brief in dictments from a half doxen counties and Dr. Alexander read the resolution passed at th morning session of tha union in the courthouse where thsy mad ready for the afternoon offensive, aad a brief homily of encouragement ' from Col. J. 8. Cuningham, -- who- Wa. hastening away to take an afternoon , train. It wa then the turn of Mr. Pon, aad he took the floor to continue th : denunciation of the present tax rtm....i Pruning Time Soya roe. Mr. Pou called' the present valuation "bras band and doable auetloaeer valuations, and h wanted Me tan - book to tell th truth. 1 believe ia . what Governor Jiiekett said about them, -but two yeara ago they told only half the truth, and now they are tewng (. fnu, timea tha truth. The harden ef taxes is crashing; the life' eat f eur ' : farmer.' He discussed the general . situation at aom., length. Greatly ea eooraged, Dr, Templetoa wa mboldr - aned to nut aueetioa. - "Don't yea think we ought to pat eight hundred million dollar worth af corpora tioa stock eh th. book t" h r . wanted to know. ..'. "Net that would be doable taxation," Mr. Poa replied. '"tt weald be the am a taking the deed yoa hare f ot a piece of taad and taxing , that aloaj with a tax aa your property. The doctor looked lik. h. expected something else by way ef aa answer, aad he waa avideatly diaeomtted. "Well, I differ wiU yoa about that, bat ' I Just thought Td ask you," he said. "Wall. I differ witk yoa about it, aad I Just thought I'd aaewar yoa." replied Mr. Poa with aoma aapertty. Tha molv titud. chortled. Cat Vain as Doable aUteT, Followed a rapid tre ef qaestlosi directed a tha speaker. Bargwya af Northampton asked th tueetiea that hajctpaated to almost . everybody who submitted to ejnertioaa "If yoa eat taxation la twa, hew are yon foiaf to get around. . doununf we ratef " It waa here uax mr. rea pat la hit hbearraaon aoou naug praaUg time. He waated enrtailment. He deseribed a trip through tte . court aad ladinc It eeagastea wua neia Ce holder. The general wJeet ef sppraioooas aad the eartailmsat af axpeaditarea got mixed P with the proeeediaga, with Mr. Pee Irmly aatreaehed - la t middle af the stag. Th tainf CaUaa4 Ca Fr T

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