Tli News and Observeit THE VTA Til EM fair Bad wIn TmAii Wadaeeday fair. VATCIIUCLL t your MM'. Sand rsaewal five date before eipiraliaa ta order ve,d missing eiafleeopy , . . , VOL CXI1I. NO. 46. TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15. 1921. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS a-t- SENIOR SENATOR SUPPORTS SMITH TOWNER MEASURE RALEIGH WOMEN WILL 'MAKE THEIR OWN HATS Leadinf Women of City flock To Millinery Class Organ, ised By Woman's Club Senator Simmons Second Mem ber of Tar Heel Delegation Favoring the Bill PROVIDES FEDERAL AID FOR EDUCATION IN U. S. Representative Brlnsoa, First To Endorse Measure, Gets Letters of Approval From Prominent Educators; Flurry Orer Democratio Reorfani- sation Has Subsided New Bad Observer Bureau, 60S District Natl. Bank Bldg. Br JOE U BAKER (By Spatial Leased Wire) Wasbiagtoa, Feb. 14.flenstor Sis Wions has torn out la support of th Emitk-Towner eduratioa bill, whiefc would apropriate annually 10O10O0,0r0 lor federal aid la education aad would create federal departmeat of ed. cation, wkoa head would b member of tke cabinet. Tka kill waa dietnaaed to enpoaing tka kill.. While Senator Sim- weaa did aot come rta for tlje'blll la what One aald at that time, it la taaraed that ka kai since aald privately that ke favored tka measure, aad la tka eeeead member of tka North Carolina delegattoa to to decide. The firet waaj Bepreecntejive Briason, of tka Third district, who recently vara tka News ad Obreever'a eorrcvpeadent a treat strongly favoring the bill. Si are ka faro out that interview, Mr. Briason kaa had a anmber of letten fro at prominent educators ia North Carolina endorsing hie positloa aad x- reeeinf tka kopo that tka bill will be fi sally enacted. KotabJe among tna en doraement be kaa received lnUeae let tera were tkoaa of E. C. Brooke, State Superintendent of Publie Instruction, aad Dr. 1 A. Williams, a member of the faculty of the State University. B1U Gaining Strew rtk. It ia apparent that tka bill ie gaining atren(th, area in the aeetioa whera it would meet Wkea ampertlre member of Ike millinery tins aoUbllahed kjr the Raleigh Weasaa'e Oak assembled for the fire Hate yesterday the aambece aaad aeeeaaary tka crea tive ef I we c leasee 1 teed of eae aad roe rtealag af tke re latrallea keeka agalaat f anker applicants. Tke fact that BUI.Ifh weceea are keaeetly aaateae te reduce tke east ef their mllllaory. aad have faith la their ewa ability to anake their owe bate waa deatenetrated at the latitat BMetlaf f th aaa ergsa laed aader the aaspleei ef the basse ocoaemkc department ef the CJab. It had heea anticipated hy the ertaalaere ef kke claaa that eeewtklaf like tweaty weeaea might ke preaoat, hat If waa the aetaal ceaat ef those w be completely Hik ed the ream where the meeting waa kelaf held aad overflowed late the hall, away etaadlaf three fh the eatlre aaeetlaf la their latereat la the sakjact. Maay ef the leadlag weeaea of Raleigh were present, aad thee, eagkly lalereeted. Se many ppll. catieaa for adaileeiea to the claaa hare heea received Ikat the heme ceaemlc aertat kaa had te form Iwe claaa ea laatead ef the eae originally lateaded, aad kaa heea fereed te eleae the rvgletratlea keeka te fartker spsliceala. the, Raw laaaa which ea Meadaya aad the ether ea Wed. aeedaya. Tke c earns will emkraee the making ef hat frames ef all aorta aad aeereariate aad taetefal trimming. NAVY APPROPRIATION BILL SENATE OPPOSES ANY TO ITS MEMBERS Tables Measure Proposing Gift of New Consolidated Statutes HOUSE VOTES FOR REPORT ON REDUCTION VALUES Representative Connor and' Veal Offer Xesolution CalLI inf for Investif ation of Fhy aioal Condition of Confeder ate Soldiers' Home; Short Term Notes Validated The Seaata latt night eounded what ii regarded by letdera ia that body ae a deathkaelltotbe bill granting a bonui of S'JUOto member! of. the Ueneral A aembly, whirk la aaid to be farored by aground robin" bearing the eigna turea ef a majority of tke Uouee mem bership, aad ia alto aald to bavebtea dee la red eonatitotional by mem be re of the Supreme court and the Attorney OeneraJ. Opportunity to trit the aenti meat ot the Senate on another hill, already paieed by the Uouee,. git UKrRBCKDENTED HONOR rAID TO SECRETARY DANIELS. (By Bteelal Leaeed Wire.) wtoehlagtea, re a. 14, Aa aaaee. eedeated eemplimeal wee paid See retarr ef tke Nary Baalela tonight whoa he waa ealertalaed at a din ner at the Wlllard Hotel hy meat, hero of the Natal At aire Committee ef the Meaee, Otheea who were la. riled te he geeato of Ike committee were Ike A aetata at Reeretary, tarclea 1 Weed eery, a I the kereee chlefa. Tke atajeeltjt at tka akemhera ef the committee, of cearae, are Repahll. aa, aad the ealertalameat ef a retiring cabinet heed ky a commit tee ef teegreea of which the majority are membera ef eaeiher political party la wltheat preceeeat. Party liaaa were threat aalde la the eipreaataaa ef pralae and rem ateadatlea by reeamlllee BMmhera fee the ecklereeaeale ef Secretary Dealela' elgkt yeere ef naral ad mlalal ration. RepreaeatatlTO Britten, of llllaela, raaklag Ropekllcaa member of the re aa ailt tee, declared that of all the meeakera ef tke Ml-getag cabinet. Secretary Dealela alcie weald Uare oflce with hie "Sag dying at top meat" deeplte the "avalanche ef crltkiam" he aad weathered at per. leaa of hie admlaaatratlea. Repre. eeatatlva . radgetl, ef Teamen a. Demecralic member, declared the record ef the nary a admlaietratiea daring the war waa eae ef "apatleaa parity. OHIO CONGRESSMAN IMPEACHES LANOIS ON ELOOR OF HOUSE Charges That Acceptance of Baseball Job At $42,000 a Year Is a Crime SENATOR DIAL ALSO WILL FILE COMPLAINT Ohio Representative Sweeps Aside Opinion of Attorney General Palmer That Judge Landis Ia Within the Law; . Matter Is Referred To Ju diciary Committee for Action L.:mUjr. attaari-W will meet weekly, eae I -A;,nm ,h. pnn,litai.j Rt,i..ii. I With tka Toieo of Senator Swaia the oaly one rained la direct defenaa of the meaiark, the Mil tid on the table by aa otci whelming rote. Two houre of - pulitieal log-rolling, I with tke remaining 40 minutea deTotel to the lntroductioa of nearly thirty PASFS THF I flWFR HflllSF M1'11 tha paaeagc of a meaeure d Vote Down Amendment Pre. Tenting Expenditure of Money . Waahingtonrfeb. 14. The naral ap propriation bill, carrying approalmately 393,000,000, wne pasacd todny by the 'Houae after it bad deeiairely voted dowa aa amendment which would kava prevented tka expenditure of any part of -the 190,000.000 provided for battle- ahipa eonatruction until aa international diaarmamena conference ' ahall have been called by the Freiident. Tka with rtroagw oppoeiUon, the South. 4t, ofated byj SepreoanUtive Tha Rnath U the atatea riahta toeUoa of pa, i.. mnA t l.u haan .rrued I feated 114 to 30. i .. . . rJli.i ' danartmeat . weuldl TU-Houae alee Yefuaa4 U. eut the V he I aaotUp iutevereaee with,. , tfc Moaat JihaUwpold avaBabU for 1 rlghti of tha atatea. Senator. Simmona w avy- duuowc pror . doe aot believe ta'e'Smlth-Towner bUIf during the eoAtnt' Bleal year te S0r ' trctpaanra a pea the righto ef tka BUM. I)rin tka Senate debate, ha aaid on ; ibia subject.; - , , 7, fit aeemi to ma that tt ia one of tha Brat biila of thia character that waa (Jrawa by eomeone who waa a atatea to puniah peraoua who tura in fnice are alar me, eoaatituted the open ing of tke legiilative week in the Houae. Tha final reading Of tha re'iolutioa validating tke action of the State Treaaurer ia borrowing money at 6 1-4 per cent Interest waa made tha occa sion of debate for tka first hour of tha eeaaion, and with that off ita hanh attention waa tuned to a resolution calling for a report of all property valuatioa reductions made by the Stato Tax Commission. Both matters were passed, after the debate had vanrn itaclf out, aad tha Treaaurer ia able to wire his agents in New York that the notes authorised by him have been validated, and the Tax Commission, if the Senate concurs ia tha Hones action, must furnish reoort ef reductions ftvea lne the fpeolal eeaalanL ' " " ' , . t None of the ollli la th Houae were of wide import, owe than taa reae lutloa offered jointly by Representa tives Conner and Neal calling for aa iaveatigation of tha eonditiona eaiat- 000.00. aa propoeed by Bepreeeatatlra Dickinson, Bepubliean, Iowa, aad by a rot of tH2 to S defeated a (notion .by Bepresentatlvc BUatoa, Demoerat, Uf ,t th HolB, for Confederate Sol- aeaae. tv nnruun me nut tor inc Ji,a. Taa raanlutlna Wna not on lta porpoae of cutting tha appropriatioa I inm.Jiat. km,,, and will coma no rirhts man. because it ao careruiiy ana tor conatraetioa work te az.wu.oou and I. tha ftanata this meralna. bo minutely and ia such great detail of eliminating a aeetioa which preveata Aa soon as tka bill for free eooiea of guards tha rignta of atatea ana men w toe use ot stop-watcnes la nary yards tka consolidated statutes waa read avoid anything likeeentralliation. 1 1 and araansna. v I in the SenaU, Senator Varser wanted to out that thought in the I The measure, aa it aoea to 'the Ban- 4a M aaat and daeLued Eeaator a (Senator JLing; mina wub a i te, however,' earriea aa amendment view of auggesting that tha particular I offered by Bepresentative Oliver, Dem aneaaure did not aeem to come la tha oerat. Alabama, that na nurt of tha category ofbUla which ha has hereto; o,000,BOO carried for new craft shall fere deaouneed aa interfering with the 0n sbiM on whicn eoutruatioa Tifht f atatea." r J I has hot aUrted or for which contracts lempelacry Featarea. - I .- not beea let. Chairman Keller of Senator Simmone also strongly p-T th anh enmrnittaa that fnmj w. htii provaa we compuuory aoenuua - Nurrced Ur this limiUtien, anying tt turea of tha bill, discussing which, he W0M tae, that work eo?ld aot be -I am heartily ia favor of the pna- , lix fleet aabmKrine, that ha for one eould not support each a moaaure aa it was ia effect an in crease in eunipcrtsation and that each member of the General Assembly knew when he became a candidate the amount of salary attached to the office and that he -did aot regard any Increase. direct or indirect, aa-coasUtutionat or Justifiable. Senator Harteell declared that the General ' Assembly baa aot a bad pre cedent back ia 1777 when it voted each member a copy ef the colonial Statutes and 5K SF-sSS SS'-S aa tha benefit of thia fund unless It provides for compulsory edueatioa will . ... . . . . . . . . , ,k. be calculated to eoeree the atatea of the TJaiea that are lagsiagr behind ia that respect to adopt compulsory education, la tha interest aot only of that atate, but of every flat aad avery secion of " lh-aUte.' : . .. .. Despite the growing sentiment- for thia bill, no hope ia bow held out that It can be passed at thia session oi un (reaa, because ef the few days ot; the eeeaioa remaining ana 01 me umi ailu of bnaineaa, ahead of it. But the bill will be reintroduced early ia the - ezt Coagreaa aad a determined effort asade to gat it enacted into law ia time to! give 5t atatea the beaellt of, thia - ftrderaraiO- uy jvss. - , Brii'i NamiaaUeaia Bepreaeatative Brijrttn," today aomt h.tH four vounr Tarv Beela as eaadi dates for the'Aanapolia h'aral Aeade- any. They are: Harry tiounai ss ' ' Henry G. Epstein, of Ooldaboro, Robert "Id ward Cook, of New Bora, aad E. H . Grady, of Kenly. rirat alteraatea for -' theaa fear priaeipalav named are: Cul- lea Blaekmaa Batch, of Mount Olivet - Barlow Chapia, ef , Beaufort,; . Robert . C. May, at Trenton, aad fi. 4. uavia, ai .- . Beaufort. '. I - ; Tka Civil Berviee Commiaaioa- , beea officially adiriaed ef vacaaeiee U . the poatmaatership at Ahoakie and De , Sita, The former ia.a preaidentkl aad the Utter a fourth etasa affiea. Notice ' ef examinations ta fill thee aeaaeie trill be givea ahortly. aVading filling the vacancy at aooaaie, aruv i. yu looikbv kaa beea appelated acting vontntaster. His eommiaiioa dates back . aa. January tfi. ' - Three foartk elaaa poatmaatera ta Kerth Carolina war named today. They nr.. ; - . .. ' ' ' ' HiwWea, Ckarokee eoaaty, Joka B. Dearer, te aaceead Jnmaa JL Miller,. re- igaed. ' ortoa, Jaeksoa ewaaty, B. Lawrence XeOulrc, to succeed Colia McGoira, re ajgned. . . Peteeaai, Iforthamptoa eoaaty, Cor aeliaa Beale, ta sneeeed Grady B. Par ker, mirwed. - - v, . - Pemecratle Flarry Dies r:j '. Tke flarry created fay the demand made upon Chairman George White that he call a meeting af the fall Dem ocratic aatioaal committee a boat March let at St. Lsaia or-noma ether central ."J ta take steps toward reorgaaisatioa iCoat'aacd mm rage Two) far as ita main features' were con cerned, waa approved by the Houae practically aa it waa reported by the appropriations committee. Seduction of the enlisted personnel of the marine corps from approximately 27,000 to 30,000 men waa agreed to today without comment, aa was the decrease .to, the enlisted strength of the navy from 143,000 to 100W0 mea. , ' CONGRESSIONAL CONTEST . OPENS AT STATESVILLE ?K.d Bickett Chief -Counsel For Dougrhton,; and Brit( for BUtesville, Feb. 14 The Doughtoi- Campbell Congraaalonal ' eoatest, - m which Dr. Djc Campbell is after Cob greaamaa B. ti Doughton's seat, opened thia morning at U e'eloek la tha eoart houaa 4er, - jMi,vvt ' Ex-Govaraor T. W. BUkett, aa ehiof eauaael for .Mr.. Dovghtoa, la aaaisted by W. G. Turner, JL, C Caldwell, Long Journey and Lewis Lewie, local attorneys. Dr. Campbell's chief eoua seL J. i. Brilt, ia- aewiated by A. . HoHoa and Z?. P. Dulia. . . - v A anmber ef witnaaaea were exam ined ' today,' but nothing developed of aay eoasequenee beariag oa the regu larity ef Ue eleetioa ia Iredell eoaaty. -Tha urestigatioa ia expected to last for aeveral daya. subsequent legislaturea every time new code was published, up to and in eluding the present volume compiled in ISIS. However, the Senator rrom Cabarrta considered it high time to dis continue the euatom and announced his intention to vote against the bill. Sonatora MeColn and-Carlton expreated similar views, both clearly having in mind the much discussed bonus bill though bo direct allueioa was made to that measure. Senator timer ijong wanted to kflow if tha Senator from Vance did not receive a copy of the statutes at a member of the 1919 Gen eral Aeaembly. "I did, but I did aot vote for it then; win act vote for it bow agaiast the principle," replied the Senator, - Senator1 Swaia thea rent forward aa amendment providing no member should receive the book naieaa a requested H. The amendment waa countered by others. Senator VeCoin vropoaing that the act should kpply .onir to the senator f rem Ty rail aad Senator Grima anggeating that all members aot re questing the book ehould be givea S20 ialiea thereof. . tbo ocnaie caea imia ue om ana all amendments oa the table npon the netioa af Senator Taylor. Impertaat BUle raaead.' .The Senate last Bight paaaed tke medical practice act . aa it came from tha Houae, a conference between the pkyticiaaa aad . the osteopaths kaving reesjted in ' an amicable arraagemeat. Tka bill as paaaed provides that the states el the osteopath shall be a a Changed, "la order to obviate the aeeessity ef reUraing taa bill to- the stease, tae eommiUee aay Fublie Health withdrew its amendment clarifying the etatus . af -' tke ' ekiro praetors. Tht Chief of Police Tew, of Golds boro, and Others Swear Futrelle Led Men ..WiUon, feh. 14. Polka Chief Tew, of Goldaboro, was the atar witneaa for the State ia the ease of H. B. Futrello tha first of four Wayne county men te go oa trial ia Wilson County Superior Court on the charge or being members of a mob that stormed the Goldaboro jail last December in aa unsuccessful effort to get possession of five negroes held there ia connection with the mur der of Herman Jones, a grocer. Tew testified that Futrelle waa the leader of the mob that formed arouad the eourthouaa and when warned ta desist from the effort, the police chli mid, the defendant jflaecd aa auto- ma Ua pistol against the officers stem ach aad eommaaded him to stand aaide while the crowd paaaed. The polio chief waa also a witneaa to' the shooting Into '.the courthouse, he testified, by Futrelle aad aaid ethers also ahofc f Fatrcll vaa wounded by a pistol bullet fired front the Inside of the courthouse by vohiatary guards oa duty there ' . Prominent Goldaboro eitlxen want oa the etand hia afternoon aad swore positively that beyoad m doubt Futrelle waa tha leader of the n ob aad swore the men ia the mob to get the priaoaei at all baxarda. They aaid that soma of the mob wore masks, ' ' Futrelle with C. H. Lanrrtoa, C. H. Thompson aad Davia lngton waa la dieted on ehargea of attempting to break into the eourthouaa ahortly after the diaorder at tha courthouse and tha were moved here by order of Judge Dcvin. When court took a recess tonight the State rested ia the eaae against Futrelle and the defendant will have hie inning tomorrow. Aa Boon aj it is finished the eases against the other three mea will be takea up ia order. GEORGE CATHEY KILLED IN HOTEL IN ASHEVILLE Notorious Buncombe .County Character Shot Dead By House Detective DERAIL THREE PULLMANS ESlSSfii'. . BUT NOBODY- IS INJURED V.m. W t.. teguu. . i I uon sougai oy actei Beepers. The bill Petersburg. Ta. Feb. 14-Three rear! provide that aa' pereo shall occupy Pallmaa eara ea train No. 81, erne of la aax.ia a hotel witkoai irat regiater the fastest train aa the Atlantic Coast! ing la hi or her true name aad girt g Line Railroad from, new I era te Ha-iaja c aer lawrui addreea. n amend- vaah: aad kaowa aa tha "HTana Spa-1 ateat waa adopted making it lawful for eiaL , were derailed at 1 tti thia after-1 a false nana te be need oa tka register boob about six mile Berth ef taia atty.l provided the proprietor be ia formed Beyoad a alight shaking an, a eae of the I privately af tka trn name af tke pa'y passeager were injured. .. . .. . I registeriac ... The eanse of the accident B ankaewa. I Aaotaer mearara paaaed last alrkt Tha train waa ea tha dewa -grade, at wa Houae bill of iika teaar aaa Walthal, a email tewa betweca raters-1 Senate bill prarioaaly paaaed, delaiag burg aad Biehmcnd, wkea. tke tkre J the crime ef burglary hy cxpioaivrs rear Pullmaaa jumped the track. Quick I end fixing a pwaiahateat tkerefor af wors . on us van - ax ue eaunaeer I aytt .laaa taaa ZS u, aaana tka a ao stopped tha train withia alx loagtha. I years. After aa hoar's delay, tha traia pre- Kegra Refarxuary par Bare. eeeded wikout the Urea derailed ear,! FUaator Tariae Ut a!kt l.taaaWad the paaaeBgera mt which, transferred tel ' otker aoaclioa, - , " ' : JtCeat'aaed Ob Faga Twel Asheville, Feb. 14. George Cathey, one of the most notorious characters ia Buncombe eoaaty, waa ahot and almost instantly killed here tonight nt 10 o'clock in the lobby of the Langren Hotel by the houae detective, J. V. Bel ley, who it under guard pending the coroner a Inquest. (lather is said to have registered at noon aad to have beea drinking. The occupant of taa room next to hi com plained te tb elerk that Cathey, was creating a disturbance and Cathey was ordered out Tha detective says he went to Gathy ia the lobby aad asked him to. leave quiely. Ha claims that Cathey reached for hia gun aad tha (hooting started; Each fired three time, aad des pite tha fact that thirty or mora guests were ia the lobby at tha time ao eae was hurt aad only one ahot took affect in Cathey, thia bullet catering hia body over the right Jung: . Cathey la connected with maay af the best families it tke eoaaty although he kaa led a checkered career. H nerved the Brjaaiaa-Amerieaav war Several year ago h was shot ahd seriously hwonaded by tk chief . af police of Waynes ville. Be aa beea arrested aa aumeroua oeeaaiona ea whiskey eharges. at oaa time being caught with a solid carload af whiskey aad beer at hi roai bona at Sky land, aaa bare, fi skipped a tkre thouaaad dollar bead aad was later pardoned. During tha great war h worked ea a troop aalp betweea New York aad, France aad wkea hie ship was soak by a submarine i aaid te have curaed tb Germaa U-boat captala who reaeaad taoaa. ' - ; FEDERAL TROOPS REMAIN IN WEST VIRGINIA TOWN 'Waahlagtoa, Feb. 14-Order war lasted by tk War Depart eat late to day ta -atop . prwperaUoM for witk- drawal of Federal troerp freat Wast Tirwinia coal fields. Baaata Satkerutad, af that Bute, eanomaoed after kaving pewaeated ta the depart ment a request ta4 tha troep be re- aiaed there daring tha peweeat trial ef aaia worker aad ether at Williamaea. Beaatar Butherlaad aaid h weald eoa- fer witk Secretary Baker and . ether War Department sf&cisJa , tomorrow,' wkea a final deciaioa aa ta withdrawal e flke troops wenld be deeiisd ea. . I Washington. Feb. 14. On charges of high erimeP and misdemeanors, Federal Judge Keheeaw Mountain Landis of Chicago naa impearhed la the House of Representatives today by Bepresenta tive Welty, Democrat of Ohio, because of hia acceptance of the office of su preme arbitrator of baaeball while still serving oa the bench. In tsking tkis step the Ohio member CENTER OP rOPl'LATlON STIl.L CONTIM'ES TO MOVE WEST. Wsahlagtea, Feb. 14. Tke "coaler ef pepolatloa" aa diecleeed hy tke lM eeaaaa te located la Ike ealremc saetkeaetvrn corner ef Owea caaaly, ladlaaa II Bailee aeetkaaat af tke town af greater, iaa eeaaas karesa aaaaaaced today. Darlag Ike teat decade, Ike ccater af pepolatloa reatlaaed te move waatwsrd, advancing t.l mllas (a tkal direction a aaat eae-arth af k mile aortk from rllaamlagtoa. lad, where tl waa lacated by the eeaaaa of III. The keraasj attrikaled the west, ward saevemeat la the Uat decade "prlaclpally la the lacreaae of mere than 1. ao, SO B papalatiea of Ue Stale ef California.",, GOVERNOR WOU LD EM PRESENT SIGN UP DRIVE STARTS IN VANCE Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association Start Cam paign For Marketing HendecsoB, Feb. 14. Tka signup rampaiga for the Tobacco Growers' Co operative Marketing Association of Virginia, North and South Carolina was Haunehed here today with a meeting of farmers Uitt overflowed tka courthouse. The first man to sign the growers' ron- -,' VT' Tl)nWv- townslin. althfibeh Uw maklnr--oth' arwirtaftcr- a crime reither misdemeanor or felony. The opiaioa was rendered recently by the Attorney Oeneral oa the writtea request of Mr. Welty, who had questioned the Judge right to hold both positions. Before proceeding to the floor of the House, where his eharges were read, Mr. Welty refused a request hy Senator Dial, Democrat, South Carolina, to in dude ia Ua geaaral indictment state msttte attributed to Judge Landie ia refusing to send to jail a young Ottawa, Hie- bank elerk because of the belief that officials of tha hank were respon sible for the clerk's speculation by fail are to pay bim a living wage. Dial To File Complaint, Senator Dial, oa receiving the Ohio Representative refusal, announced he would file eomplnint agaiast Judge Lan dis with the Department of Justiee and late ia the day attacked the Chicago jurist oa the floor ef the Senate, de scribing htm as a "freak and a "crank. Tke South Carolina Senator characterised Jadge Landis' statement Uat tha Ottawa bank elerk'a employers ware ia a moaaure reapoaaible tor the youth' theft of gMpoo a ''the moat Bolshevik doctrine I "ver heard, aad added, that If tb action takea by tb judge la 'paroling Ue elerk amounted te eaeearagemrnt ef each, act aa those of Ua elerk, "it id striking at the foundation of oar government." No Coaameat In Hoaae. There waa Bo comment ia the House whea Mr. Welty concluded the reading of a formal lndletmsnt of Judge Lan dis. On his ewa motion, as is custo mary ia such proceedings, the indict ment, waa . referred to the judiciary committee, without debate. Lea than n third of U membera present voted, and a number af scattering voice wore lifted in oppoeitioB. Nobody aaked for a rising vote. Representative Sher wood, Democrat of Ohio, aitting 1 the front row, eiappea Bis nanas out oiner wise there waa bo indication as to how U House felt. The BCXt SteD Will b by Mr. Welty, I makin a fv mtllianair.. iinn who will appear, possibly this week, be-1 and thrnue-h en-nnerativa markntina- fore the judiciary ewnmittee, witk ueh I distribute this same money among U wiineaaea aa no neee ni so can, u aupu-1 growers themselves. Dr. J. T. JoyaeV, presideht of the State association, had fin If bed his explana tion of the plana ef the Reenciatiott and tke eon tract wkich binds the growers to market their tohareo through the association for a perloA of five years. Asserting that sometrnng was wrouj in the pre aerit system of marketing tobacco, Dr. Joyner went on to explain bow eack individual grower sells In small qnantrtiea on to rat market, witkout adequate marketing informa tion as to supply and demand or prices on other markets, without standsrdira tion of grades or eta' il.ced prices for different grades. Tb grower sells o buyers thoroughly organised, expert judges of tobace skilled and experi enced in buying, wbo aro supplied daily with marketing i formatioa and wkoae buainess iateresta and duty to tbeir employers, either as speculators or manufacturers, ia to eliminate compel! tlon at far as posaible by eombinatloa or otherwise, to deprea price and buy aa cheaply i posaible. The grower knows how to produce, he know little or nothing about mar keting," aaid Dr. Joyner. "He largely at the mercy of ergaalsad buy- era wk knew all about marketing. - U he mils aa fee geaeraJIy mart beeaas or financial pressure, b must ecu at u buyer' priee. Tk remedy offered for this condi tion tinder whieh tb grower have suf fered for years I a co-operative ma' xsiinr aaaociauoa formed of growers only, for grower and without aay out slders ia it Such aa organization is provided for la the contract which the grower are now signing up, and whicn waa thoroughly explained at Ue meet lag today, Vane county, on of the 4rst In the Mate to thoroughly organize the. State tobacco association, has township com mitteee organized and expects to com plete the eigning up of more than 00 per cent of Ue tobacco grower with in the next two weeks, la Ua worda of Dr. Joyner, they . are ready to "quit PRISON OF STATE Proposes Abandonment of the Scheme To Convert Prison Into State Hospital FARM, HE SAYS, OFFERS NO ADEQUATE PROTECTION Would Retain Site Recently Purchased By State Tor Use Purely For Parminf Actiri. ties By Prisoners; Provide Otherwise Por Hospital, Ad. rises Governor Morrison Mcmliera of the council of State aad other - State officers yesterday eoa- f erred Kith Governor Cameron Morrison , relatirt to his proposal to ahaadna Ut projected removal of the State Prlaoa system to the ewly acquired ait ea the Csry road and Ue conversion of tht present Stat prison into a Stat Ho, pltnl for the Insane. Ttahed a, ire4cnt nakca kc-aliad-ali fy hia ehargea. Th eommitee will then decide wheUcr to go ahead with the eaae. It baa the power to d lam las the charges, aad ao report to the House, aad adoptioa of such a report would exonerate Judge Lnadi of the ehargea preferred by Mr. Welty, WILLIAM F. McCOMBS ILL AND NOT EXPECTED TO LIVE. New Vork. Feb. 14. William F. Mc Combs, former ehairmaa of the Dem ocratic National committee, ia critically ill ana expected to di at any time, his pnysieisns announced today. He has been suffer'ng with heart disease for many week at Ue horn of hi sister ACK DEMPSEY TO TOUR EUROPE NEXT MONTH Hearrweifht Champion To Sail former Davidson president Hamilton. bio. Feb. 14. Andrew Dousa Hepburn, D. D., aged 91, former president Of Davidson College, N. C, aiea at uxrora today, na wa former ly president of Miami University, aad reputed to be aa authority on En nan literature. Prom New York Por Eng. toad About March 1 Boston, Feb. 14. Jack Dempsey, world' heavyweight champion, will make a European tour next month. He will co to England aad Franc for x- hlbilon bout that will xtead over six week. Present plan provide only for hia meeting sparring partners, who win accompany him, as he eaa take part ia no contest before hi bout with Carpen- tier, "Which, baa- been act for July H at New York. , Jack Kearatr-Tjonipaey manager. mad this announcement during a viait har today. He aald be was in touch with Europaaa promoter and dates for the ehamoioa appearance were as- cured. SENSATIONAL DECLINE IN TURPENTINE MARKET Turpentine At Savannah Sells At 6 0 Gents; Bosin- Also, Declines In Price I on a election of interest- tothe State, Other Governors have frequently eoa- - ferred with the council of State, but "! tt ia bflieved that . Governor Morriaoa ia th first to call the entire- admlnia- - trative ataff ia for counsel. Mora Una this, th Governor yesterday aaaouaeed that he would continue to do this on mutters which are of supreme general -State interest. . . Prcpacsd Plan. Tha Governor' proposal to repeal legislation which authorised the con version of th present State prison late a plant for the State Hospital and Ua removal of the prison to the Csry- road site met with general approval. Gov- ' ernor Morriaoa Inter in the afternooa conferred with Dr. Albert Anderson relative to the proposal. Although neither eared to state th result ot tha interview, it !a understood Ut Dr. Anderson -la chiefly interested In more room and If hs ie convinced teat ade quate facilities may be obtained else where h is net wedded to the State prison property. The Governor la convinced Uat th ssfsty ef prisoner could aot bo mala talSed aader th system proposed at - t Us) nsw lit and beliave Uat atany priaonera, brought bar for asfs-keep- . ' lag, would be eubject 4 attack by mob without adequate arrangement -for their safety on U farm. Weald Be Bipcnatv. In addition to this, k believes tkat to make the But prison building, a it 1 new arranged, auitabl for ho pital purposes would require muck more in tb way of expenditure than the purchase of land aad the erection af suitable buildings Bearer the State Hos pital property. Legislation proposed contemplates th repeal of law paaaed for th conversion of tha Stat prison property to the Htate Hospital, the re tention of the State penitentiary a a priaoa by t'ue fState' and the ua of th farm acquired ea the Cary road whea the Halifax eounty. property wa told, . as a farm to be stockaded and worked by ths prisoners, and adequate provlsloa for expansion at the State Hospital. DAUGHERTY AND HAYS TO CALL ON HARDING President-elect To Discnss Ad. - ministration Policies With Two Adrisers ; oavannan, ua., ret. 14. What ap peared to be a sensational decline oc curred todsy in ths turpsntin market. Dentpeey klmself wired him from Salt Th last previous sales reported wer Ldkc City today, ke (aid, tkt ha waa " oa XHovmter 20, line when Ue ready to start training nt once with quotation ha remained nominally ua the idea of sailing ia two weeks. Beam changed at VZ 1-Se. Today there were aaid Ue Bailing would be from New I iree aaiee maaa at oo cent. The drop Terk about March L 'I did aot create much of a ensu;on in K earns said he waa retttraing to New I the trade for Ue reason Uat ainee rh tomorrow to clear bd Questions re-1 November 20 tiere have beea unofficial rardina U forfeite and arrangement I iraae at a aeeiiaiag oasis ox price, .... I A A At 1 t for Ue Carpentier bout. v' iransaeiioas aaviog oven mane UaaatlmaL-he-waa lookiag ever tb I at about tk 00 cent basis quoted offl field here wiU a view to arranging for I eially today. a bant here aext eummer betweea Demp-1 Tha high point of tk turpentine mar. ccy aad Jess Wlllard er Frank Mara a. I ket for all record waa reached early la . . 1 . : .a .... i i ... - i . . ... I aprii u iaa yvar, whvb mm prn win Bali Lake City. Utah. Feb. 14-Jaek ta, B5 . Uinrm that tlma tha Harkat inmpeey wui gv "'-"a i no receded with considers btc trregu- Hot Springs near here tomorrow mora- terj,7, falling below Uc doUar mark lag, aeeerding to a tatmeat ad byj HlL Hithrto, bolder - bar re Ue BMaagemaat af Ue springs followfj, mAkt Kk concessions lag a nrereac, viu w om (till Uiak tk deflaUoa aa is was bbju . - gea muek too fir. ia freH-7 - I Ia tk meantime, the reaia market. WclUag Becia Tralalag ' I WBfc! "old waU above S20 per 880 pounds m.-... r.h Waiiine. tha for aiu graaea a year or a ago, e- CiicVgo iightweSght, aoeompaamd by wKh turpraUB. Catil early U rirv.h..ey. . Pneifi eeeat 13- quotatiaB wee at $11 Dowader. left her tonight for Hot Springs. Art., t traia a week ia' pre fer all grades. The last reported tale ef roata war ea Kevember It, aad slBC Uea tha" quota tio as kav re mained aosBlaally aackaBged. Da- offleial-tradiag ka beea doae at Brack lower figures, aad U quoted prices for roai B Br expected toot tt 'follow tb Flat Race for ia Bwi-1 example act by tarpeatiaa. There naratiea for kia elght-rouad ehampiea akla eoatest wita xteany aaroaara in St. Lea is Ftbruary 25. Wclliag will fiaisk kia trainUg ia St. Lea. Aaauat 'HI" wart Cap.- Piaekarat, luaitriew, 1:43.1 k owe ver, aa qaotad abaaga la reaia ta- rravdv, lay St. Augustine, Fbk, Feb. 14. Final problem relating to th persona! aad initial polieiee of th coming adminhv. trntioa will be reviewed in great do- . tail by President-elect Harding during the next two day ia conference with the two men most directly in charge f th political machinery which brought about kls election. , Will H. Hays, of Indiana, ehairmaa of the Republican National Committee, nd understood to be in line for Ue Postmaster Generalship, came to St. , Augustine '. night. aad will remain ua- i ' til Wednesday. He saw . Mr. -Hardiag 1 during the evening and -they are -ex- peeted to spend several hours together . tomorrow. - ' Harry MJ Daughe.ty" of Ohio, kead -- of the i Harding pre-eon;vetlc' camr paign, and generally regarded as the . next Attorney General,. 1 to reck her Wednesday for like season -of aoasnlta tioa with the President-eleet. It is with these two Uat Mr. Harding talks : most in regard ta th patronage of hi 4 r sdministrstion and th. cavratioae with Uem thia week are expected te relate to many prospective appolaV mcnt from Ue cabinet down. It ia also likely that .ek question ;" ' as Ua inaugural addrasa aad plans for. tha special aessioa of Congress will be 1 considered. Ia describing th purpose . of the visit of hi two manager, Mr. Hardiag aaid he would talk witk Uem " bout ."general buslreee for, the fjeed of Ue order." Today Ue President-elect diapoesd " of a miaeellaBciu batch of appoiat- mente aad found time to do eonaidcr- . cble work oa eorrespoBdeaca. Oa af . kls companions - ia kia afteraooa golf gam wa Charles G. Dawes, af Chi cago, whom he hat beea urged te ap- , point aa Secretary of th Treasury . RIGID QUARANTINE PUT: ' ON FOR PORT OF BOSTON : BosUb. Feb. I-Qaarantiaa meaa- are were placed apoa Ui pert lata today. Vessels arriving at Ui port ' whieh cannot show a bill Of health ear- . tifying Uat aU passengers have beea deloueed at U European pert at em- . bcrkatien must be deloused here aad Is whose passage kas occupied leaa Uaa 12 daya most be held ia Boston quarantine to eecaplet a 11-day fuaraa- ' tiae from Ue time ef delousing. Ship dalousad at thia port Ban be k.d her. for U days, . .

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